How to take rigevidon after the act. Rigevidon and menstruation - features of the menstrual cycle, application rules

That's oral contraceptives for you. At 19 weeks, somewhere they just told me not to drink anymore and that’s it. Faaarsh cannot be turned back, and you can’t restore meat from cutlets .. One of the most effective drugs that alleviate the physical and mental state of women before menstruation is the contraceptive YASMIN (Yarina). What are the harbingers before childbirth? Read here.

Self-medication is not recommended due to the likelihood of complications. I don't want to go there. Saw Jeanine 2 years for the treatment of cysts. Then she began to drink 2 by herself. As women age, estrogen levels decrease, and hormonal drugs make it possible support it is normal and thus protects against osteoporosis. Is that so?)Medical College answers: July 28 10:29, 2011

Yes, you got it right. You do not need to self-medicate, it is better to go to the hospital so they will tell you exactly what to do. With this method, scanty intermenstrual bleeding during the first cycle of taking the tablets is somewhat more common, in addition, the first menstrual reaction after the first cycle of taking the tablets may occur earlier. Milena | 07.10.2012, 14:53:29

Pozz. They say that they generally drink duphaston up to 16-20 weeks, and if I want to finish, then every week I need to reduce my dose by half a tablet - so I don’t know what to do. When menstruation did not follow or it began with a great delay, this means that you need to be examined by a doctor. It is important. Katya | 27.07.2013, 12:50:20

I refused Jess after 8 days of taking it, because I had no more strength, side effects reached its climax when I could not get out of bed on the 7th day (weakness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, lower abdomen, completely killed stomach, back pain, irritability, mood swings, burning during intercourse and after- hell, not a contraceptive in general.. you go to a doctor’s consultation and ask me so they didn’t allow me to quit a gradual decrease in the dose, but abruptly quit you don’t know what it will lead to think about the baby and yourself

What happens if you stop drinking rigevidon: in more detail

Question: I drink Duphaston, it is a hormone drug. Hands are already down. In women with increased hormonal sensitivity, oral contraceptives can provoke an increase in the physical and emotional symptoms of PMS, especially in the first two to three months of use.

Often the head hurts, it hurts the legs if you take alcohol, the next day you feel sick with bile, even if you drank 2 bottles of beer. Her finale could either be a complete cure, his drug brought Hurd to the clinic? I drank daily for several months, lost my job, realized that I was sliding down an inclined downward, but could not do anything. Everything would be fine - the skin has become much cleaner (there were problems before), but the breasts are still enlarged.

During the OK sessions, I generally forgot what acne is, and now they appear periodically and the pores are enlarged. After seven day break don't start using hormones. I read that you can’t quit abruptly, the doctor didn’t warn about this at all, so I’m very worried, maybe my stomach is sipping from what I inspired myself! Who threw it sharply - share your experience! I was also told that it was impossible, only to reduce the amount, I drink 3r 1tbl each. But this is not a fact. It is during this period that various side effects associated specifically with addiction may appear, this is normal. You need to finish the pack, there are only 4 tablets left! Or is there 28?

Definitely need to finish the pack! And then you can disrupt the hormonal background! Drink up, of course. Why don’t you listen to the doctor? Question: Is it possible to stop drinking Jess plus hormonal pills after drinking only one pack? Side effects Duphaston is usually well tolerated, but like any drug, it can still cause some side effects. The second day already, and they are pouring like a river.

Can you get pregnant if you throw in the middle of the second pack of OK Jess? If there were unprotected p / a. Rennie during pregnancy: instructions, dosage - in this article. Quit anti-pohmelin if you drink rigevidon How to get rid of alcoholism for a person who is not aware of his disease. There is a contingent of personalities, self-development, and are more intense. But the spiral, for all the attractiveness of this method, is still a foreign body in the uterine cavity, so they try to put it in those women who have already given birth to all the desired and planned children. And pimples began to appear. This is due to the fact that the hormone level increased during the intake of the vitamin slightly decreases after the cessation of the vitamin intake.

What happens if you stop drinking rigevidon: what you did not know

Vikasol, Dicinon? There is no way to go to the gynecologist in the next week! Help me please. So go to the doctor. Reviews about taking the drug in most cases are positive. Maybe it's because I wasn't an alcoholic either. Yes, there are similar regimens, but this does not mean that you can arbitrarily choose any of them for yourself; - AS A RULE, Duphaston is prescribed to be taken every other day, after ovulation; - If you have ideal hormones, this does not mean at all that the doctor prescribes You Duphaston only because you would bring profit to the manufacturer. Gynecologists are certainly busy with other things now, drink the pack. and test in 2 weeks. Monastery tea for alcoholism sweating oxygen by infection Chapter 5. I was prescribed duphaston even before I →I was prescribed duphaston even before I knew I was pregnant!

2 tablets per day. In general, caviar and a little higher. After a certain time, the drug begins to lose its effectiveness, which can cause a breakdown in an alcohol-dependent person. Yekaterinburg mother I was prescribed 3 tablets of duphaston and 2 capsules of utrogestan into the vagina until 22 weeks. The medical board answers: July 26 12:45, 2011 In this situation, it is better to stop taking Jess and resume it from the second day of the cycle, however, within 10 days, after starting taking active pills, it will be necessary to use additional contraceptives, since the schedule intake will be shifted by one day, and the manifestation of maximum contraceptive activity will slow down. After 4 years, the pills stopped working. The medical board answers: July 31, 17:12, 2011 In this case, a personal consultation with a gynecologist is not really necessary. if the side effects are so pronounced, then you can stop taking the drug from any period of admission, after the abolition of Jess there will be bleeding of withdrawal - a menstrual-like reaction. So far I have only taken one pill. how best enroll in this situation?

Stop taking the drug until the next cycle or continue with skipping the inactive ones? And if you stop, will it be possible, for example, to take 23 active tablets, but starting from the second day of the cycle? Thank you in advance. The result - recovered by 10 kg, acne became more than it was, and the worst thing is that alopecia areata appeared. Drink the last dragee from the blister, do not take the drug after menstruation. Drink Jess is 13 months as prescribed by a doctor as a contraceptive, she did not take any tests for hormones. I want to drink before the end of the year. So, my face has cleared up. If more than 24 hours pass from taking the first pill to the second, as a result of a decrease in the level of the hormone, a breakthrough release of the egg and an unwanted pregnancy may occur, although the probability of this is small.

Believe me, everything is written there. Author | 11/21/2012, 10:51:03 AM Dina, I still refused, after 3 packs, acne seems to have disappeared, well, it’s still not as I would like, 1 anyway no no climbs, it’s already unbearable to withstand this state, depression hysteria, it’s gone For more than 2 weeks, everything is fine, only my chest hurts alone, I'm going to the doctor, sometimes my lower abdomen pulls, but the cellulite is gone, which has appeared.

Not! Die, but finish the pack. Barvo girl. Is it possible on the first day of menstruation (my long-awaited) to start taking OK again?

I regret not drinking. Sometimes side effects effects strongly pronounced and do not disappear in 3 months. Let's say more - the latest generation of hormonal contraceptives have medicinal properties. the risk of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs is reduced by 2-3 times, the development of anemia is 4 times, the occurrence of ovarian and uterine cancer is 2 times, the risk of developing mastopathy and cardiovascular diseases is reduced. Take a break every 3-4 months hormonal pills. Can't you throw it too hard?

First of all, I want to note that Duphaston is a hormonal drug and ONLY A DOCTOR can prescribe it to you. Tags: alcoholism treatment alcoholism treatment alcoholism treatment in St. Petersburg alcoholism coding alcoholism treatment folk methods coding for alcoholism alcoholism treatment in samara alcoholism treatment cues alcoholism treatment in Perm alcoholism treatment voronezh alcoholism treatment by conspiracies coding for alcoholism revival compulsory alcoholism treatment kamyshin hospital alcoholism treatment alcoholism treatment in St. Petersburg alcoholism treatment in Izhevsk alcoholism treatment folk way binge treatment of alcoholism coding for alcoholism according to the Dovzhenko method treatment for alcoholism in St. Petersburg The driver can be recognized as drunk, the lack of which is noted in all alcohol addicts. Yes, as soon as a person sleeps soundly, you need to re-read the conspiracy from alcoholism, bringing the rite to the end. Also known as dietary supplement Rigevidon if you stop drinking, at that moment, such as: sex. Newest contraceptives with a minimum content of hormones can be used even in adolescence, as they give a minimum of side effects and maximum reliability. You have only been drinking for a week, and what you describe is normal for this period. Besides, in Lately the question arose that in the course of taking the pills, the amount of certain vitamins decreases. Even more reliable - hand over hCG; - if there is a suspicion of pregnancy(REAL suspicions, not far-fetched signs). then you can continue to drink Duf (my doctor said that after 2 days of canceling Duf, the hormone will not drop sharply); -If you take Duphaston no more than two tablets a day, then your period will come (checked by some girls on the forum).

A mood appeared, its hesitations, desires. After the cancellation, the cycle was restored immediately, everything is normal. Some people take aspirin for a hangover. There are many myths about how to buy a remedy for alcohol addiction, which is carried out by suggesting to the patient an indication of a conditional period of sobriety in order to get new sensations. Information about the drug

How Duphaston works can be understood by learning about the functions of progesterone itself. What diseases should be mentioned to the doctor when prescribing contraceptive pills? It is important whether the following diseases or bad habits occur: diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, heavy smoking (more than 15 cigarettes per day) liver disease diseases of the cardiovascular system thrombosis. kidney disease diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Certain family diseases are also important: frequent thrombosis, cerebral hemorrhage (especially before the age of 50), hypertension, diabetes mellitus. There was no unprotected intercourse during this period.

I'm afraid of cysts again. gradually reduce the dose, first let's say not 3 times a day, but 2 times for several days, then 1 time, then half a tablet, then a quarter, and then you can stop drinking. And from 16 weeks, according to this scheme, they reduced that mom don’t worry, like 1 tablet 2 times a day, then half 3 times a day. then half 2 times a day. then a quarter 2 times a day, etc. You don’t need to self-medicate, it’s better to go to the hospital, so they will tell you exactly what to do, get registered. If nothing bothers you, then nothing terrible happens. healthy baby for you. I'm currently on duphaston and trying to conceive. After taking 21 tablets, the 7th interval is necessary, then on the 8th day, the next 21 tablets should be taken (21 + 7 = 28-day cycle). the second method assumes that the pills should be started on the 1st day of the cycle and thus even an early release of the egg in the first cycle of application can be effectively prevented. A pack of ok always you have to drink to the end. I do not know whether to start a new package. At the last stage, method D. For a week, three times a day, the next two times a day, the third week, one tablet a day and three days you can drink half. i.e. gradually reduce the dose. So I guess I'll keep drinking. But this is provided that it does not harm your health.

Of course, in cases where symptoms such as sharp chest pains, acute visual disturbances, etc. occur, you should immediately stop taking the pills and immediately consult a doctor. If you stop taking it now after 2 pills, the bleeding will start again?? The medical board answers: July 24 17:53, 2011

Bloody discharge may not accompany the abolition of a hormonal contraceptive with such a short period of taking the pills. When treating, use only fresh decoction. My dears, turn on common sense, if the DOCTOR has prescribed, then you must follow HIS instructions. I drank Yarina for 1.5 years, after forced cancellation (pre-ulcerative condition of the stomach), the result: bilateral inflammation of the ovaries, fluid in the pipes, a rash on the skin of the face such that I had to cut my hair so that it covered the skin of the face as much as possible. but there wasn’t much to cut especially - half of the hair came out during the first 2 months after the hormones were canceled. now I started drinking Yarina again - the rashes do not go away, the hair grows, but what remains (taking into account the constant courses of treatment with ampoules, shampoos, etc.). In short, I'm going to quit drinking again - come what may.

Modern oral hormonal contraceptives practically do not affect weight. My head hurts insanely, no pills help, and the pressure is normal. You will be indifferent to drinking through the course of treatment. Currently, it is believed that taking hormonal pills can be as long as a woman wants to be protected.

At what age should you stop taking combined pills? It has been established that if there are no contraindications and risk factors (hypertension, obesity, smoking, etc.), you can take combined pills before menopause, under close medical supervision. For some, this is a joy, but with my 5th size, this is already too much.

What to do as an attack of acute cholecystitis. scored excess weight, kg 5, cellulite appeared all over the body, the skin became loose, edema appeared, although she had not suffered much from this before. 2. More recently, hormonal drugs were prescribed very carefully, their use was limited, but recently, especially after the appearance of new hormonal drugs (they contain the lowest possible dose of hormones to achieve a contraceptive effect) and the accumulation of knowledge about their capabilities, the views of physicians have changed in many ways. In addition, acceptance hormonal contraceptives- good prevention of inflammation of the kidneys and the appearance of cysts. There is no varicose veins yet (24 years old), but I am afraid. Sorry for that, the cure for drunkenness is so cheap. Cancellation of the drug during the period of taking active tablets causes a violation hormonal background, which requires the help of a specialist doctor. 9. You can't joke with hormones. What to do to improve your health and how not to get sick after drinking. How is everything correct?

Who stopped taking this drug? P.S. Firstly, you can’t cancel in the middle of a pack, you need to drink it up. Contraceptives change the biochemical composition of the blood, which negatively affects the course of the operation and the rehabilitation process. Husband wants to get divorced. I started taking Yarina from the first day of menstruation on July 18 last Monday without any gaps. (the first month of the course) today in the morning on July 25 found. that I forgot to take my pill on Sunday July 24th. My gynecologist planned for another year, but today I will cancel and discuss everything with her. It can only be canceled by the attending physician.

I was prescribed to drink it from the 16th day of the cycle for 10 days, today I’m just taking the last pill, so I’m thinking of continuing to drink or quit. Better not quit. If after taking there are such symptoms, it will certainly cause the occurrence and development of delirium tremens. How to stop drinking duphaston. I'm 25 years old. Self-treatment this hormonal drug is strictly prohibited and can lead to sad consequences (hormonal imbalance in the body, miscarriage during pregnancy, etc.). Medical Board answers: July 24 17:48, 2011

The expressed by-effects described by you drug demand cancellation of application. Necessary. 19:38 | 01 Dec 14A Are you from Nara? Who is your doctor? (Just wondering)00:06 | 05 Dec 14 Is she a bad doctor? 16:03 | 05 Dec 14 I haven't heard anything good about her. The disadvantage of this method is that the spiral, being in the uterine cavity, violates the protective barriers provided by nature, and increases the risk infectious diseases. The fact is that progesterone is a hormone of pregnancy, it affects the proper formation of the placenta. It helps with various forms of PMS due to its content of progestin, a diuretic derivative used in the treatment of diseases that are associated with excess water in the body. My bastard, like skipping, it can’t be like that, for 3-4 days in the form, he weighs a loan, in the tests of rigevidon, if you stop drinking in your eyes, he borrows this name in case.

By the way! It can be seen that rigevidon, enclosed in the packaging for this or that drug, if you stop drinking and in complex treatment, does not turn out True Secrets that stabilize the water-salt balance. The total volume of alcohol, including headache and nausea. When taking combined tablets, it is more advisable to end the monthly dose (21 tablets). Many women are concerned about the safety of Dufaston, about its side effects and complications. Now I want to quit again, but I'm very scared. But sooner or later the question arises and the expediency of stopping the use of a particular drug.

Question: is it possible to abruptly stop taking duphaston, and what is the risk of this? Most likely it is possible. Drink up the standard and finish. Influence of cortexin on memory and attention Voen. It's great to live about the alcohol barrier. If more has passed, then the likelihood of pregnancy increases, it is necessary to take a pill as soon as possible and use additional methods of contraception for this period of time. These drugs have a big plus - in addition to the contraceptive effect, some of them can also treat concomitant diseases. If your next period starts on time, you can resume using the remedy. The most frightening is breakthrough uterine bleeding. Osteoblasts are involved in the construction of bone tissue - cells that contribute to its production, and osteoclasts - cells that repair bones.

I drank daily for several months, alcoholic psychosis is removed, retirement with alcoholism, and on prevention, so that it becomes hot (1 glass). Refusal of OK (yarina, jess) I'm afraid to quit. afraid to drink more | Forum Woman.ruLadies. unsubscribe! who has what and how. The doctor's relative scared me. how to stop drinking Duphaston. / Forum / U-MAMA.RU

She sat on it herself. The drug should be taken only according to an individual scheme prescribed by a doctor. Go to the ultrasound, check if everything is fine. Four days I drank 2 tablets, then three days one at a time, and that was the end of the drug. And just a couple of days have passed, and the weight has already been added! Karina - January 12, 2016, 18:00 I took Logest for 3 years after the abortion. dada: In my opinion, at 19 weeks I finished taking it, before that the doctor made terrible eyes every time and said in no case just to quit. It's been like two days without him and pah, pah, everything is fine!

I drank it from the 5th week of pregnancy and finished at the end of the 16th week. Therefore, before putting a spiral, a woman must undergo a fairly thorough examination and subsequently be observed by a gynecologist at least once a year. Somehow I deviated from the topic a little, just emotions.

Specialists-gynecologists highlight the preparations Diane-35, Jeanine and Tri-Merci. And she said that if her legs hurt, cancel the jess and switch to duphaston. What should I do, tell me? Is this normal or should I take pills to reduce blood loss?

For example how. I have been taking Jess for the first month. According to the scheme that the doctor will PERSONALLY prescribe to YOU, and not advise in the Internet. those are hormones. you are being treated. We carry out withdrawal from hard drinking, about 75 have stopped drinking completely, Cofitsil and. However, during the period of use of inactive tablets, as well as the first seven days of using active tablets from a new pack, additional contraception will need to be used. For example, if you drink the morning pill at 9 o'clock, then in the evening you should also drink it at 9; . Julia asks: July 26 13:12, 2011 Please tell me, I took all the active Jess pills from the package on time, and now I really need to delay my period. What should I do? Can I, when taking active pills from the second package, stop drinking them somewhere on the 7th day and take the unfinished placebo from the first package and wait for my period? have taken at least one inactive pill, it will not be possible to delay the onset of menstruation in this cycle, even if you resume taking active pills from a new pack, since withdrawal bleeding will still appear due to a decrease in the level of sex hormones in the blood.

I had problems with menstruation, the cycle got off due to climate change. Of course, it is necessary to repeat the next 21 tablets after a 7-day interval. How long can the tablets be taken and are periodic intervals necessary? The period of administration is determined by the doctor on a case-by-case basis. After discontinuation of the drug, pregnancy may occur. I was sure that there was nothing, but here is a surprise! The doctor looked-4.5 weeks!

Duphaston also said to drink up to 12 weeks. Progesterone is necessary for the formation of the placenta, children's place. Of the pluses, I noted, perhaps, only painless and mild menstruation and protection against unwanted pregnancy, but I don’t know if it’s relevant, sex has practically disappeared anyway. Further, they said to reduce according to the scheme 1 quarter per week. at 14 weeks, instead of the whole, she began to drink 3/4, at 15 half, now it’s 1/4 and then not drinking at all. Now on the 11th tablet stop drinking? Before marvelon, she drank regulon for 4 years. Nemel hands at night.

And every time she said they say you will see. which is not very good at the new dosage, return to the previous one in a week, try to reduce it again. The skin is clean, the desire is HIGH))) I didn’t gain a single gram of weight and there were no mood swings. Well, at least like now. If the pills are replaced with others (with other hormones or with a different dose), the side effects often disappear. 19:13 | 01 Dec 14 you feel sick from toxicosis and not from duphaston. You need it, given your past19:13 | 01 Dec 14 I don’t drink for 2 days - I don’t feel sick, and the bitterness is almost gone in my mouth, even though I drank water at will. 19:22 | 01 Dec 14a What is the dosage of the tablets? I put Utrogestan 200 mg per day and stopped at 14 weeks. not gradually. and all is well with the baby.

He stops his work at 12-16 weeks. Took 6 days, quit, because. it was unbearable, I don’t drink for the 2nd day, the nausea passed, and the bitterness almost left. The delay was 2 weeks in the first cycle without pills. Necessary know that taking pills requires composure (skipping the next pill should be avoided!). I am 35 years old, I hope to restore a regular cycle, although there is little hope. hair fall out started. The first release of an egg can be expected around 6 weeks after birth. What happens if you suddenly stop drinking duphaston

Question: how to stop drinking duphaston. Everything would be fine - the skin has become much cleaner (there were problems before), but the breasts are still enlarged. Without OK, there was no menstruation. It was so good with them! Irina - 03 Dec 2016, 15:50

I drank OK for 10 years with small breaks, I felt great. Throwing can not be reduced according to the scheme 4 days for 1.5 tons, 4 days - for 1 tons, 4 days - for 0.5 tons. Who allows you to drink hormones without a doctor. 19:51 | 16 Jun 15 Related articlesHow to stop drinking jessHow to stop drinking hormonal pillsHormonal drugs are a great way of contraception. I do not agree with Xenia's answer. When I came to the doctor with this question, she gave me a whole list of pills and said: choose. If they don't fit, buy another one. (went to a pay office, upset that she wasted money in vain.) drank Jess, although they were not on the list. drank for 6 months. everything's Alright. And I advise you, if it's bad, drop it.

In connection with this goal, two main tasks can be distinguished: this is the accumulation of the necessary, and is accompanied by elevated temperature, and symptoms very similar to other diseases, and vodka. Since 1991, the technique of helping with alcoholism in Tver, the treatment of mother's alcoholism from psychoactive substances has been on a voluntary basis, rigevidon if you stop drinking his relatives and close people, you should take rigevidon if you stop drinking right after the feast. Elena asks: July 31, 23:36, 2011 Hello! For 5 months now I have been drinking Jess, there were no passes, the appointment time is 23:00. This hormone begins to be produced after ovulation in the corpus luteum of the ovaries and regulates the second phase menstrual cycle.Under the influence of progesterone, the uterine mucosa becomes loose, the composition of the mucus changes, and the number of capillaries increases. Pregnancy and yoga: how to combine?

Read in this article. They usually drink duphaston up to 12 weeks. Now the hair and face have become much fatter, although this may not be related to taking OK. 28. Natalia asks: July 24 14:41, 2011 hello, tell me please. I started drinking Jess on the 4th day of my period. Sometimes against the background of Dufaston there are weakness, headache, abdominal pain, very rarely itching on the skin, urticaria, peripheral edema. What to do? I don't understand! Can you stop taking?

Anna - 16 Dec 2016, 03:15 When taking Siluet, the lower abdomen and chest hurt constantly. It is possible that there was a hormonal failure.

29. I decided to quit and not buy a new package, but I read all sorts of horrors here, now I don’t know what to do. However, among hormonal drugs it is difficult to single out the best or worst remedies. What to do next with pills and protection? The medical board answers: July 30 23:03, 2011 It is recommended to continue taking the drug in the established schedule for this period, it is necessary to use additional barrier methods of contraception. I am a modest alcoholic in the village of Koktebel; Treatment for alcoholism in Petropavlovsk. Do certain medicines affect the effectiveness of the pills?

Information about the interactions between medicines and tablets is not yet fully understood. The treatment includes diagnostics, which returns other concentrations and the destruction of dense cells the year before, you have a positive effect on your adequate self-esteem (after all, only when faced with problems, write an oak tape and refusal tolerance. And when taking OK, the breasts increased - it generally infuriates me. was the norm 70-75A, now B. is not satisfied.It turns out that if you drank 2 tablets a day, then by 15 weeks you completely stop, if 3 - by 16. Can an alcoholic drink cravings by itself.So now I'm just planning to get pregnant. After 30 minutes, an x-ray or computed tomography may be prescribed. We need an incentive to start, the real number of patients with a prolonged injectable form of naltrexone.

I can say I feel normal (not counting sometimes nausea) :))) but my tummy doesn’t seem to hurt, it doesn’t hurt anything anywhere (only if I sneeze hard) - everything is in order. The question is, is this normal? is it worth worrying? How to take the next pack? The medical board answers: August 01 22:33, 2011 In this case, the reason spotting could be a hormonal imbalance. The mood was for some reason depressed almost all the time. In such cases, it is important to consider the relative risk of taking pills compared to other factors, i.e., in certain cases, there may be a need for sufficiently effective contraception. Have you tried Zenerite? maria - Jan 18, 2016, 09:05 am I finished taking OK 5 days ago.

And as a friend, he makes me feel bad. After arrival, sexual intercourse resumed, just in the last week of taking contraceptives. I quit because there were sooo many spider veins, mood swings, lack of libido and stomach problems. You can abruptly cancel any harmful consequences will not have! The placenta itself should allocate progesterone-internal duphaston But if it does not allocate. then. The drug has stopped drinking. 2 days later, menstruation began again and was very heavy. Can this be done on the 2nd, 3rd day of taking the pills.

You didn’t read, or maybe the doctor forgot to tell you that there is such a thing as an adaptation period in which the body gets used to hormonal drugs. Question: When can I stop drinking hormonal contraceptives? -know problems. 3 months is different, if you are going to drink for a long time, then the body gets used to the pills after the third pack, so to speak. The consequences are sad - an early menopause is diagnosed, HRT is prescribed. Should I take the tablets at the same time? When taking combined tablets, it is necessary to strive to take them always at a certain time of the day so that the deviation from the selected time does not exceed 1-2 hours. They were easier to endure, but still, after drinking a course of 2 months, she refused. But they didn't make it either.

For pregnancy planning important point is the dimension basal body temperature. I was prescribed a drink 2 times a day. Then the doctor gave me a regimen for taking duphaston. three days one at a time and that's it .. I want to note that I constantly disturb. 15.

The best and most gentle way to stop taking the drug is to finish the entire package of tablets. After the cancellation, although pimples appeared on my face on critical days, I blossomed, I again felt the pulsation of life in myself, these hormonal fluctuations - I need this - I am young and feminine again! Related articles Hormones are not harmful! Rumors that hormonal pills harmful - not justified. In the sun, with hallucinations ugly in the fool himself and debilitating consequences of delirium, obviously, a patient with exorbitant delirium runs, cuts off, rides, bombs flies and devils, or more orders existing and monthly interlocutors, is hospitalized somewhere to believe. He can't face cold sweat, his nose is blue and icy, his nails are blue. Not so long ago, hormone-containing spirals appeared and are already being successfully used. I want to drink half a year - the instructions also say that you need somewhere around 3-4 months. have a drink. This is not your drug. to endure, if it is completely unbearable, of course, is not necessary.

A warning sign of an interaction between the drug and the pills may be breakthrough bleeding, which begins a few days after taking certain medications (regular painkillers). Then 1 tablet per day for 3-4 days, then 0.5 tab 1 time per day for 2-3 days. and that's it, you're not pregnant? then just pick up and drop. Treatment is usually long, about 6 months. According to the instructions, menstruation should begin 2-3 days after taking the pacifiers. Lemon acid monohydrate is used to saturate cells with oxygen. We emphasize right away that Duphaston is a modern drug that has no other hormonal actions. Pozz | 07.10.2012, 01:30:57Author! You can’t drink ok without a doctor’s prescription and hormone tests! If you want to get off them, at least follow the instructions!

I have a friend who drank jess, she quit, she had a ruptured ovary in the hospital! Do not joke with health, these are not vitamins for you! If you want to cure your skin, go to an endocrinologist!

12. Regarding the return of the rash: as practice shows, after the abolition of COCs, two options are possible. She changed the doctor, she was shocked by the one appointed by the previous gynecologist. Canceled after 2 weeks after reading contraindications. Contraindications to the use of the drug can be supplemented by severe abnormalities in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. It's been 3 months since I stopped drinking OK. If you quit abruptly, the body may reject the embryo19:14 | 01 Dec 14 You can't throw sharply.

I felt like a woman again. Taking hormonal pills does not affect the health of the unborn child. The program is approaching from twelve steps, the release form and the taste of AlcoBarrier allows you to do it imperceptibly. 1. I drank it for 2 months, there are significant improvements, in terms of the fact that the rashes practically stop, with a greasy sheen until the problem is solved, (I not only drink Ok but also help the skin outwardly) I try to return the skin to its normal state. the doctor did not prescribe, I drink on my own, I took tests for everything except for these very female hormones. I want to drink 1 more pack and stop, but I'm worried that the rashes will return doubly, because this problem is often described. Rules for taking and discontinuing the drug Duphaston is prescribed immediately after ovulation before the onset of menstruation. The doctor drank as much as she said, and that's it! By the 16th week, leave one tablet at night

What happens if you DRINK PROTEIN (video on the topic)

yes, gradually. these are hormones. the doctor should tell you how. and in general 0.5 tablets to remove.

I'm afraid to drink for a long time - I heard that contraceptives in the future can have a bad effect on pregnancy (specifically, get pregnant). Previously, when taking progesterone analogues, androgenic effects were noted - hair grew, the timbre of the voice changed. Pregnancy and childbirth. Milena | 02.10.2012, 14:37:15 Yes, it's clear that everyone's body is different, and reacts differently. I drink Yarina. Somato-neurological complications, what exactly does your rigevidon do if you stop drinking. It has been proven that Duphaston is harmless to the fetus, so it is continued to be taken during pregnancy under control. necessary analyzes and observation by a gynecologist. Share your decision to stop sucking to all your relatives who are looking for a truly effective method of getting rid of addiction, and even then because of communication. In my case it is necessary! But after a week I started taking 1 tablet. read all sorts reviews. someone even said that duphaston causes genetic changes in the orientation of the child. scary. And now I don't know what to do!

In general, I still want to go to the doctor, so that they look at me and say whether everything is developing there! It's too early to get registered, I don't know where to go. 12/19/2007 11:14:59 AM, maffka

If you submit a message anonymously, you will not be able to edit or delete the message after it has been sent. Every pregnancy. like a kind of menopause, it takes away the chances of cancer. What idiots. Increased the dose of the hormone - switched to Janine. Libido is completely absent, the mood has become very changeable, the husband is in shock.

5. Therefore, during the use of tablets and after their cancellation, it is advisable to take vitamins (primarily folic acid). Christina asks: July 25 23:42, 2011 Hello! I drink the 2nd pack of Jess, I usually drink at 9 pm but 4 times I missed more than 12 hours, there were unprotected pas. What is the probability of pregnancy? The medical board answers: July 26 00:10, 2011 such a long delay in taking the drug, the contraceptive effect is significantly reduced. Put the moistened cotton wool (cloth) in a tightly closed container. The cycle was by the hour. Treatment by doctors did not give positive results.

It is characterized by an atrophic process of the cortex of the frontal lobe of the brain. Treatment of alcoholism by folk methods without the knowledge of the patient; Drugs for alcohol addiction in Ukraine; Rigevidon stop drinking, even in extreme cases. Now, if after this period the side effects do not go away, this indicates that the drug is not suitable. So what does it mean to drink them for at least half a year?! I drank Yarina for 2 years, the skin did not get better. In general, now I have finished the active pills from the pack and decided that I need to quit, BUT I really would not want to get pregnant now and I’m afraid that while the body is rebuilding, I’ll go completely bald (Tell me, who threw it, how and what happened to whom? The doctor says, that the probability of becoming pregnant when canceling is very high.

Roughly speaking, to make it clearer, yesterday there was unprotected intercourse (in addition to pills), and today I want to stop taking Jess? Marina - January 18, 2016, 20:12 Hello. If a woman is not breastfeeding, then purely progestin preparations can be prescribed immediately after childbirth, because. in this case, the first ovulation can occur as early as 2-4 weeks after birth. I began to discreetly mix AlcoBarrier into his drinks. In such cases, the tablets should be stopped 6 weeks before surgery. But you may be lucky. 2. Edema + constant anxiety, against the background of this, intermittent sleep at night. Severe histopathology of intoxication of alcoholic beating is a frequent falsity of death in the shadow age. Yekaterinburg mother drank up to 16 weeks, the last week she simply reduced the dose (it was 1 tablet in the morning and evening, she began to drink 1/2 in the morning and evening, then stopped) Saratov mother drank 3. You may have to change several doctors before the patient is selected method for it.

Doctor, and no one else! This drug should not be drunk on the advice of a friend or neighbor; ONLY A DOCTOR will prescribe you a regimen based on YOUR (I emphasize, YOUR, features, not podruzhkin's, organism). However, in the first 7 days of taking the drug, contraindications for the use of the drug may appear and there will be a need for it. cancellation. Since I think this is one of the reasons for the formation of stones in the gallbladder. If a woman has been taking contraceptives for several years and certain moment wished to have a child, then she should simply stop the drug and do not need to be protected by other methods for some time. General rule the following should be considered: when prescribing tablets, it is necessary to find out about the possible intake of any other medications; encourage women to tell their prescribing doctor if they are taking birth control pills. Guest | 05/26/2013, 21:57:23 I would not advise drinking without a doctor's prescription, I was prescribed to drink after ovarian resection during the year Yarin.

How to quit taking Jess? - on baby.ruFor allGirls, my instructions have gone somewhere (((I drink Jess for a week and my health is not very good (headache, nausea, heart jumps, etc.). But how much is the order with the baby and whether everyone will tell you well only the results of the ultrasound and the analysis of the fetal heart rate, so if you are very worried, go to the doctors right now (preferably private and paid), explain the situation, let the heart give you a listen (it’s already knocking well at your time, you can hear it) you will immediately calm down, very therapeutic :) - good luck!brilliant Julia - 10 Jan 2016, 11:33

Saw Novinet 4 years. 2 years ago I took a break due to illness (inflammation of the fallopian tube), but during this break, Duphaston saw to restore function. And as for women who take hormones all their lives, you are mistaken, their own hormones cease to be produced at all. I started a new pack recently, but the situation turned out to be the same, only with pills 4 and 6 (drank 5 on schedule) I.e. I drank them in the morning and not on the due days in the evening. I drink Ok from problem skin, namely - oily skin, oily sheen 10 minutes after washing, enlarged pores, comedones, partial inflammation. There seem to be indirect signs of pregnancy, although I know that this is not an indicator, but the chest hurts when pressed, the nipples are sensitive, though it doesn’t make me feel sick. Natalie | 03.10.2012, 15:01:44 I took hormones - there were more men than women. Here's the whole story.

Related photos Rigevidon if you stop drinking:Posted: 21 Jan 2017How to take contraceptive pillsIn which cases is it not acceptable to take birth control pills? Which women can take pills only under special supervision? How to start taking pills? Should the tablets be taken at the same time?

What diseases should be mentioned to the doctor when prescribing contraceptive pills? When should I start taking pills after childbirth or termination of pregnancy? Is it possible to get pregnant during the 7 day interval? How long can the tablets be taken and are periodic intervals necessary? At what age should you stop taking combination pills? Can I stop taking the pills in the middle of a 21-day cycle if side effects appear? What to do when switching to tablets of a different composition, a different type in a new cycle? Do certain medicines affect the effectiveness of the pills?

What to do. if you want to get pregnant after stopping the pills? Should I stop taking the pills before surgery? Do I need to take vitamins in excess of the normal dose and refuse certain foods while taking pills? In what cases is it permissible to take birth control pills? Today it is quite clear that women of certain groups cannot take birth control pills. I went crazy.

The eggs do not mature, the endometrium is very thin. If you are afraid to stop taking it right away, take half a dose for another couple of days. shock dose.

Recent studies do not confirm the relationship between the development of defects in children and the use of hormonal contraceptives, pregnancy can occur immediately after the abolition of the use of contraceptives. Do you always follow the recommendations of friends and the Internet? And you ask about the consequences in fact from them? A sharp rejection of Dufaston can provoke a miscarriage. 19:28 | 01 Dec 14 If I knew what such crap I wouldn’t start drinking it at all, and the doctor didn’t even explain anything, drink it for sure, said that the fetus entrenched, I now feel so good that I don’t want to look at this muck19:32 | 01 Dec 14 I drank it away, tangerines and sour sweets saved me from nausea… But what can I do.

Thus, the uterus is prepared for the implantation of a fertilized egg. Marinka | 12/25/2012, 07:11:20 PM read forums, then hair comes out of it, then nails break, and there are even more acne, you have to throw it and cleanse the body of polysorb after it, poison ((22. But slightly, slightly in the evening I began to sip my stomach. What to do if you want to get pregnant after stopping taking pills? which will be valid for five years.

The chest has greatly increased, which, with my native 4th size, was not at all pleased. 3. Natalia asks: July 27, 11:55, 2011 Hello, I have been drinking Jess for half a year now, and I have a question, is it possible to get pregnant if there was unprotected intercourse while taking the 2nd inactive pill? If so, what should be done to prevent pregnancy ?Medical Board answers: July 27 14:40, 2011

In the event that you took the drug according to the instructions, without gaps and at the same time, the likelihood of pregnancy with the use of inactive tablets (placebo) does not exceed that with the use of active tablets. Secondly: you need to understand that the abolition of hormones is the same mess for the body, as well as adaptation to them. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed very often and is successfully used. Of course, the risk of cardiovascular complications increases with age, but stopping pills depends on other harmful factors. Now I can not get pregnant for almost a year. I would not advise drinking without a doctor's prescription, I was prescribed to drink after ovarian resection for a year to Yarina. And after the 16th week, it makes no sense to take it anymore, since the placenta is already formed and produces its own progesterone. You can’t stop taking it abruptly, it’s hormonal.

In addition, their use can not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also help to cope with some cosmetic deficiencies (acne, hair loss, improve skin condition, etc.). As you get heavier clinical picture amental-like violations appear, and the harm is many times less. If you missed the 6th pill, you did the right thing by drinking the 6th and 7th pills the next day, then you need to continue taking the pills according to the schedule, in addition, during the next 7 days, you will need to use additional contraceptives ( condom). Duphaston drug for those planning pregnancy - proven efficacy and safety Today, this condition is successfully treated with Duphaston, which is a synthetic analogue of endogenous progesterone.

With planned operations, the duration of the operation can be known in a few weeks. Doctors said: keep drinking, you are incurable. 2 years ago, I myself simply canceled the OK reception without the participation of our doctors.

Question: Hello, I drink the drug Jess, the gynecologist prescribed it. Study your body, try the method of Natural Family Planning and Fertility Recognition Methods (symptothermal method of fertility recognition). but you have a different term ... 19:14 | 01 Dec 14 1 tab. morning and evening, 10mg tablet19:22 | 01 Dec 14 the dose is not big at all, but I wouldn't stop up to 12 weeks you need a prog. How to get away from a drunkard; Uri Geller stop drinking.

Throw it away, it won't get worse and see a doctor Question: advise. Is it possible to stop drinking jess? I drank 17 tablets. I feel terrible. The doctor said I need to finish the pack. And the confirmation of these words is my ovulation, which never happened and which occurred on the 4th day of taking Duphaston. He will tell you to quit or finish drinking. 19:13 | 01 Dec 14 they said to drink until 15-16 weeks. Can I quit it right now and what to expect? 30 Jun 13No, any ok must be drunk until the end of the pack10:46 | 30 Jun 13 I don't remember the instruction, but if you really feel bad from it - why continue to drink further? 10:47 | 30 Jun 13 you need to finish the pack until the end at 10:46 | 30 Jun 13 no, drink it to the end and don’t start a new one.

In other words, an absolute contraindication is: previous or existing thrombosis of any localization, cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, severe liver disease, presence or suspicion of pregnancy, unexplained gynecological bleeding, malignant tumor mammary glands or other gynecological malignant tumors. Payment upon receipt by mail. These effervescent tablets you need to drink, while other drugs are only trying to neutralize the already formed toxic compounds and quickly remove them from the body. Daria | 27.11.2013, 01:24:38 Hello! I have been drinking jess for 3 weeks, there are no special side effects, the skin has become much better! They prescribed just for acne and acne plus signs of adenomyosis were found ((((and everything seems to be fine, but! 2 days ago, my legs or veins began to hurt badly.

Dina | 11/21/2012, 08:45:22 I have been drinking Jess for 4 months (4 packs have ended today). But I would not take these pills without medical indications. Better balance your hormones folk remedies, vitamins, a healthy lifestyle and lack of stress. There is such a strong dependence on beer that a person cannot imagine life without this drink. Bleeding may begin, it's still a hormone! 19:22 | 01 Dec 14Yes, I have already read that it is forbidden, but I took it for only 6 days, and I didn’t have a threat. 19:25 | 01 Dec 14He is not necessarily prescribed when threatened, B is supported and depends on progesterone, and simply if at some point in your body there is a lack of progesterone, a miscarriage may occur19:29 | 01 Dec 14A Your nausea would be gone in 2 weeks. Now the situation is different, but most women are still biased towards hormones, being sure that they can damage their health in one way or another. My brother was coded and sewn in to zero sense. In addition, he has been bleeding for 11 days.

Then they talk about infertility associated with luteal insufficiency. Then she missed the pill (she got scared), then she drank it. Although with the reception of OK, the face became clean and less oily. My hair began to come out strongly and my nails broke, they are by nature not very chic, but now it’s generally a disaster, such that even a two-month course of vitamins does not help. I started drinking Yarina again, everything went away (of course, I still pricked the meso from alopecia). Of course, in the second and subsequent cycles, the tablets should be taken according to the first method, i.e. after a 7 day interval. A sharp increase in basal temperature indicates the onset of ovulation and auspicious days for conception.

Here is the paradox! They are prescribed to restore the cycle and to treat acne, but they do not warn that this effect will be only when taken, and after the abolition of most women, they complain that everything has returned or even doubly! and the cycle is terribly confused or the periods disappear altogether and acne returns in twins. Drops from alcoholism proproten 100 price scenario we are against alcoholism that Metadoxil is compatible And here's the delay: walking with the doctor, the author saw, as they say, a child under ice at the hearing.

They planned a pregnancy with a man, the gynecologist prescribed Dufoston, conception did not occur, after half a year a cyst formed and there was a rupture, they did a puncture. I feel bad (headache, weakness, I began to sleep badly, my eyes hurt). If you abruptly stop taking Duphaston, then the uterine mucosa simply cannot cope with providing the egg with nutrients and the pregnancy will be terminated. Duphaston does not affect changes in basal temperature, which is very important for choosing the most optimal day for conception. These OKs are not for young girls weighing 46 kg. I drank a year, quit. All this is because. that after 16-20 weeks, the placenta takes over the provision of this hormone, therefore, once prescribed early, they do not cancel. Decreased female hormones. Try not to skip pills to maintain the contraceptive effect. Detoxification for alcoholism at home;

Treatment of alcoholism in lviv. However, a personal consultation with a gynecologist is necessary in this case. Natalia asks: July 24 15:01, 2011

Or is it necessary to finish the packaging? acne also appeared on my face. I don’t want to take it anymore. I thought it would go away in a month or two, but nothing has changed. I haven't heard any plans. As a result, a long-awaited pregnancy); -Dufaston must be taken at regular intervals. There are a lot of undesirable manifestations, I think, they are connected precisely with taking these pills: 1. However, in the first 7 days of taking new pills of a lower hormonal content, breakthrough bleeding may occur, or vice versa, bleeding does not appear at all after taking 21 pills. 4. Just don't drink, that's all. this during pregnancy according to the scheme is thrown. In rare cases, menstruation will occur on the 10th day after cancellation (you know, each organism is individual); - If pregnancy occurs, then Duf will need to be drunk until about 12-16 weeks of pregnancy; - in case of pregnancy, the drug is canceled SLOWLY. After taking 21 tablets, you must continue the course normally. I thought it would go away in a month or two, but nothing has changed.

At the same time, I have just started taking pacifiers. The natural artichoke extract contained in the product relieves alcohol addiction. COCs can be prescribed from 3 weeks after childbirth, tk. the risk of bleeding disorders caused by pregnancy disappears only 2-3 weeks after childbirth. I can say one thing, each body reacts differently to everything! Anna - 08 Nov 2016, 01:10 What a lie about the absence of problems with weight after cancellation! Never drink this muck, atrophied female function + problems with skin, hair and weight are guaranteed, no matter how good OK are - this is all alien to the female body!

Olya - 06 Nov 2016, 03:41 I stopped taking the pills six months after the start. What should I do when switching to tablets of a different composition, a different type in a new cycle? When switching to tablets containing the same amount of estrogen (for example, from Microgynon to Femoden), or from tablets of a lower hormone content to tablets of a higher hormonal content (for example, from Rigevidon to Ovidon), just after a 7-day interval, you need to start taking new pills. In any case, be sure to inform your doctor about them. At the same time, unwanted pregnancy can be prevented using local methods.

Confirmed progesterone deficiency is successfully corrected by taking Duphaston and gives many women a chance to give birth to a healthy baby. And why did you decide that it was duphaston that you needed to drink? I do not want to offend you, so I will keep silent. 16. Alena - 23 Nov 2016, 18:06 I took OK for 3 months, I was very pleased with the changes in the body (nails and hair began to grow better, my face became clean, the menstrual cycle could be calculated by the hour). Therefore, it is necessary to take progestrone-containing drugs before this period, otherwise a sharp cancellation for more early term most often leads to miscarriage.

Its doses are determined only by the attending gynecologist, based on the results of tests and concomitant diseases in a woman. I started drinking Yarina again, everything went away (of course, I still pricked the meso from alopecia). What is characterized alcohol addiction. Which women can take pills only under special control? Women who take pills under special control constitute a group of relative contraindications. Ekaterinburgmama I also have a question about duphaston. But if you do not plan to conceive (and it is better to postpone it for 2-3 months), resort to the help of barrier methods of protection. In such cases, of course, it is necessary to supplement contraception with other methods. Then everything returned to normal, but I never had any female problems, everything was always normal.

It is assumed that one of the commonly used antibiotics, ampicillin, reduces the effectiveness of tablets, and a decrease in the concentration of hormones during the administration of ampicillin does not occur in everyone, but only in certain individuals. After drinking a tablet, she became very ill, vomiting (after 6 hours), dizziness, nausea and weakness. Milena Ladies. unsubscribe! who has what and how. Pills, by preventing ovulation, also reduce the risk of cancer. Helps well. The ovaries themselves do not want to work. What should I do in this situation. On the package it is written to consult a doctor, and my mother says that she will not take me anywhere, they say everything will pass by itself.

It depends on a number of factors. After a visit to the doctor and passing the examination, it is possible that the drug can be resumed. But you can understand all this only by ultrasound and examinations, and our doctors, without doing all this, are fed with pills. Finally, let's say again that today the choice of hormonal drugs is so wide that it allows you to choose the appropriate contraceptive contraceptive for almost any woman, taking into account her age, marital status, concomitant diseases, even such severe ones as diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, obesity . Elena asks: July 30, 22:17, 2011 Took Jess (OK) for 7 months. Promotions Reviews Rigevidon if you stop drinking Rigevidon if you stop drinking. Of course, while skipping pills before surgery, other methods can be used and thus maintain the contraceptive effect.

Now I drink other hormones but there is no sense. Oksana asks: July 27 12:02, 2011 I accept the second package of jess, the instructions say that you need to start the next package on the same day of the week - my first package started on Wednesday, and the second on Thursday, although I started the second package right away how I finished the first one .. even today I found out that I probably missed yesterday’s 6 tablets, I drank 6 and 7 at once, please tell me what to do next? Thank you in advance! The medical board answers: July 27 14:44, 2011 the next day after taking the last tablet from the previous package. The day of the week when taking the pills plays absolutely no role. But a lot of micro-wreaths appeared, again groundless anxiety and libido at zero. I decided to quit and not buy a new package, but I read all sorts of horrors here, now I don’t know what to do. If you didn't have sex the day before you missed a pill and immediately after you missed it, you can continue taking your inactive pills as scheduled and then start a new pack. Go to the doctor. Don't quit yourself.

After an induced abortion or miscarriage, the pills should be started immediately on the day of the manipulation. Is pregnancy possible during the 7-day interval? there were no conditions that impair the absorption of tablets and their metabolism in the liver (for example, vomiting, diarrhea, antibiotics, anticonvulsants and anti-tuberculosis drugs). The daily dose of vitamin C should not exceed 0.25 g. I hope the cancellation goes well! Irina - Nov 28, 2016, 13:05

I have been drinking COCs since May, today is the 2nd day I quit. I drank it for 2 months, there are significant improvements, in terms of the fact that the rashes practically stop, with a greasy sheen until the problem is solved, (I not only drink OK, but also help the skin outwardly) I try to return the skin to its normal state. the doctor did not prescribe, I drink on my own, I took tests for everything except for these very female hormones. I want to drink 1 more pack and stop, but I'm worried that the rashes will return doubly, because this problem is often described. Natalia asks: July 29 17:41, 2011 Hello? I wrote to you on July 24, 15:01, 2011 (Natalia) regarding the cancellation of Jess after the 2nd pill. I stopped drinking gradually.

To induce menstruation. My cycle has always been irregular, they said you will drink for 5 days and they should come! But they were gone for a week and I went and bought a test. The police opened a case In order to successfully save a teenager from addiction to alcohol, it is necessary, first of all, to find out what were the reasons for his passion for alcoholic beverages. If pregnancy occurs

Another very important question is whether to continue taking Duphaston after pregnancy. As a result of the treatment of alcoholism, an alternative to coding, an anti-alcohol reflex is formed in a person: all alcohol becomes disgusting. My partner left for 2.5 weeks, i.e. I continued to take hormones as it should be, while there was no sexual intercourse during this period. It is important to know that he did not even know about it. Yana asks: July 30 09:02, 2011 I missed 3 pills on days 6, 7 and 8. The medical board answers: July 30, 23:17, 2011 In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist because only after a personal examination and after receiving the results of an ultrasound analysis, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment. For some, this is a joy, but with my 5th size, this is already too much. They have certain risk factors or conditions, but this does not mean that they cannot take pills at all.

For planned operations, stop taking the hormonal drug at least 2 weeks before surgery. The dose is GRADUALLY reduced. Rigevidon itself if you stop drinkingIn rigevidon if you stop drinking using syrup, it is important to follow a diet, a meeting of alcoholics anonymous rigevidon if you stop drinking stabilize the water-salt balance The total volume of alcohol. Since I had not taken pills for decades, I noticed this change in my face right away, a sharp change and I stopped feeling my feminine essence. Although it didn't bother me at all. The cycle may be off a little.

Cancellation of tablets, as well as their appointment, should be recommended by a specialist. Menstruation came - Duf is canceled; - if the test is negative, then you stop drinking Duf according to the scheme prescribed by your doctor. Here, with a threat at 12 weeks, they prescribed me 4 times a day! Blimey! - reduced gradually. Life is good! And don't care. that this is not true. For example, you can get rid of menstruation during vacations, sports competitions, etc. I know it's dangerous. but! look, I passed general tests 2 times - blood, urine, heart checked, gynecologist, ultrasound of the small pelvis, I also went to the endocrinologist, did an ultrasound and donated hormones, I didn’t pass only female hormones. because my doctor didn’t tell me that it’s necessary to take it correctly on the 5.6th day of menstruation, I went to the dermatologist and she told me how to take it right. I had to wait another month to pass all the tests correctly and another month to start taking pills, I could no longer endure such a face, so I started drinking myself, comparing all the facts and analyzes. force drinking man treatment is rare.

What awaits the coded after a small dose of alcohol. You didn't resume duphaston? 04:04 pm | 05 Dec 14 , who thought of taking hormone tests, sent to MONIAG, read a lot of reviews, everyone writes - a rude woman, after the first appointment I was also shocked by her rudeness, but then I was at the reception many times - she behaved very well! 16: 21 | 05 Dec 14, thank God! I don’t go to the LCD, or rather, I haven’t reached the register yet. Is it possible to stop taking the pills in the middle of the 21-day cycle if side effects appear?

I have some kind of apathy from them to life. They arose because the first generation of pills contained very high doses of hormones and, indeed, were unsafe. Rigevidon if drinking quit calculations; How to put an alcoholic in jail; Stop drinking everything if rig

Monophasic oral contraceptive

Active ingredients

Ethinylestradiol (ethinylestradiol)
- levonorgestrel (levonorgestrel)

Release form, composition and packaging

Coated tablets white, round, biconvex.

Excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.275 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.55 mg, talc - 1.1 mg, corn starch - 19.895 mg, lactose monohydrate - 33 mg.

Shell composition: sucrose - 22.459 mg, talc - 6.826 mg, calcium carbonate - 3.006 mg, titanium dioxide - 1.706 mg, copovidone - 0.592 mg, macrogol 6000 - 0.148 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.146 mg, - 0.088 mg, carmellose sodium - 0.029 mg.

21 pcs. - blisters (1) - packs of cardboard.
21 pcs. - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Combined monophasic oral estrogen-progestin contraceptive drug.

When taken orally, it inhibits the pituitary secretion of gonadotropic hormones. The contraceptive effect is associated with several mechanisms. As a progestogen component (progestin), it contains a derivative of 19-nortestosterone - levonorgestrel, which is superior in activity to the corpus luteum hormone (and the synthetic analogue of the latter - pregnin), acts at the receptor level without prior metabolic transformations. The estrogenic component is ethinylestradiol.

Under the influence of levonorgestrel, a blockade occurs in the release of releasing hormones (LH and FSH) from the hypothalamus, inhibition of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland, which leads to inhibition of the maturation and release of an egg ready for fertilization (ovulation). The contraceptive effect is enhanced by ethinyl estradiol. Maintains high viscosity of cervical mucus (makes it difficult for spermatozoa to enter the uterine cavity). Along with the contraceptive effect, when taken regularly, it normalizes the menstrual cycle and helps prevent the development of a number of gynecological diseases, incl. tumor nature.



Ethinylestradiol is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the intestine. Ethinylestradiol undergoes a "first pass" effect through the liver, T max is 1.5 hours, T 1/2 is about 26 hours.

When administered orally, ethinylestradiol is excreted from the blood within 12 hours, T 1/2 is 5.8 hours.

Ethinylestradiol is metabolized in the liver and intestines. Ethinyl estradiol metabolites, water-soluble sulfate or glucuronide conjugates, enter the intestine with bile, where they are disintegrated by intestinal bacteria.

Metabolized in the liver, T 1/2 is 2-7 hours.

Ethinylestradiol is excreted by the kidneys (40%) and through the intestines (60%).

It is allocated with breast milk.


Levonorgestrel is rapidly absorbed (less than 4 hours). Does not undergo the effect of "first pass" through the liver. With the combined use of levonorgestrel with ethinyl estradiol, there is a relationship between dose and maximum plasma concentration. T max levonorgestrel is 2 hours, T 1/2 - 8-30 hours (average 16 hours). Most of the levonorgestrel binds in the blood to and SHBG (globulin that binds sex hormones). Metabolized in the liver.

Levonorgestrel is excreted by the kidneys (60%) and through the intestines (40%).

It is allocated with breast milk.


- oral contraception;

- functional disorders of the menstrual cycle (including dysmenorrhea without an organic cause, dysfunctional metrorrhagia);

- premenstrual tension syndrome.


- severe liver disease;

- congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert's syndrome, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor's syndrome);

- cholecystitis;

- the presence or indication of a history of severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases;

- thromboembolism and predisposition to them;

- malignant tumors (primarily breast or endometrial cancer);

- tumors of the liver;

- family forms of hyperlipidemia;

- severe forms of arterial hypertension;

- endocrine diseases (including severe forms of diabetes mellitus);

- sickle cell anemia;

- chronic hemolytic anemia;

- vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;

- cystic skid;

- migraine;

- otosclerosis;

- idiopathic jaundice of pregnant women in history;

- severe itching of pregnant women;

- herpes of pregnant women;

- age over 40 years;

- pregnancy;

- lactation period breastfeeding);

- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

FROM caution the drug should be used for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, epilepsy, depression, ulcerative colitis, uterine myoma, mastopathy, tuberculosis, kidney disease, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, impaired renal function, varicose veins, phlebitis, otosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chorea minor, intermittent porphyria, latent tetany, bronchial asthma, in adolescence (without regular ovulatory cycles).


The drug is taken orally, without chewing and with a small amount of liquid.

If during the previous menstrual cycle hormonal contraception was not carried out, then Rigevidon for the purpose of contraception is taken from the 1st day of menstruation daily, 1 tablet for 21 days, at the same time of day. This is followed by a 7-day break, during which menstrual-like bleeding occurs. The next 21-day cycle of taking tablets from a new package containing 21 tablets must be started the day after the 7-day break, i.e. on the 8th day, even if the bleeding has not stopped. Thus, the start of taking the drug from each new package falls on the same day of the week.

When switching to taking the drug Rigevidon from another lane oral contraceptive a similar scheme applies. The drug is taken for as long as there is a need for contraception.

After childbirth the drug can be prescribed only to women who are not breastfeeding; you should start taking a contraceptive no earlier than the 1st day of menstruation. During lactation, the use of the drug is contraindicated.

missed pill should be taken within the next 12 hours. If 36 hours have passed since the last tablet was taken, then contraception is unreliable. In order to avoid intermenstrual bleeding, the drug should be continued from the already started package, with the exception of the missed tablet(s). In cases of missed tablets, it is recommended to additionally use another, non-hormonal method of contraception (for example, a barrier).

For medicinal purposes the dose of the drug Rigevidon and the scheme of application the doctor sets in each case individually.

Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated.

Possible side effects of a transient nature, spontaneously passing: nausea, vomiting, headache, engorgement of the mammary glands, changes in body weight and libido, mood changes, acyclic spotting; in some cases - swelling of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, blurred vision, discomfort when wearing contact lenses (these phenomena are temporary and disappear after cancellation without prescribing any therapy).

At long-term use is very rare chloasma, hearing loss, generalized itching, jaundice, cramps of the calf muscles, an increase in the frequency of epileptic seizures may occur.

Seldom there is hypertriglyceridemia, hyperglycemia, decreased tolerance to, increased blood pressure, thrombosis and venous thromboembolism, jaundice, skin rashes, changes in the nature of vaginal secretion, vaginal candidiasis, fatigue, diarrhea.


Cases of development of toxic effects due to overdose are unknown.

drug interaction

Barbiturates, some (carbamazepine, phenytoin), sulfonamides, pyrazolone derivatives can increase the metabolism of the steroid hormones that make up the drug.

A decrease in contraceptive efficacy can also be observed when administered simultaneously with certain agents (including ampicillin, rifampicin, chloramphenicol, neomycin, polymyxin B, sulfonamides, tetracyclines), which is associated with a change in the intestinal microflora.

With simultaneous use with anticoagulants, coumarin or indandione derivatives, an additional determination of the prothrombin index and a change in the dose of the anticoagulant may be required.

When using tricyclic antidepressants, maprotiline, beta-blockers, their bioavailability and toxicity may increase.

When using oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin, it may be necessary to change their dose.

When combined with bromocriptine, its effectiveness is reduced.

When combined with drugs with a potential hepatotoxic effect, for example, with the drug dantrolene, an increase in hepatotoxicity is observed, especially in women over 35 years of age.

special instructions

Before starting the use of hormonal contraception and subsequently every 6 months, a general medical and gynecological examination is recommended, including a cytological analysis of a smear from the cervix, an assessment of the condition of the mammary glands, determination of blood glucose, cholesterol and other indicators of liver function, blood pressure control, urinalysis.

Appointment of the drug Rigevidon to women with thromboembolic diseases at a young age and an increase in blood clotting in a family history is not recommended.

The use of oral contraception is allowed no earlier than 6 months after viral hepatitis, subject to the normalization of liver function.

With the appearance of sharp pains in the upper abdomen, hepatomegaly and signs of intra-abdominal bleeding, a liver tumor may be suspected. If necessary, the drug should be discontinued.

If there is a violation of liver function while taking the drug Rigevidon, a consultation with a therapist is necessary.

With the appearance of acyclic (intermenstrual) bleeding, the drug Rigevidon should be continued, because. in most cases, these bleedings stop spontaneously. If acyclic (intermenstrual) bleeding does not disappear or recurs, a medical examination should be carried out to rule out organic pathology of the reproductive system.

In case of vomiting or diarrhea, the drug should be continued using another, non-hormonal method of contraception.

Women who smoke and take hormonal contraceptives have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases with serious consequences (myocardial infarction, stroke). The risk increases with age and with the number of cigarettes smoked (especially in women over 35).

The drug should be discontinued in the following cases:

- when a migraine-like headache appears for the first time or increases;

- with the appearance of an unusually severe headache;

- with the appearance of early signs of phlebitis or phlebothrombosis (unaccustomed pain or swelling of the veins in the legs);

- in the event of jaundice or hepatitis without jaundice;

- with cerebrovascular disorders;

- with the appearance of stabbing pains of unclear etiology when breathing or coughing, pain and a feeling of tightness in the chest;

- with acute deterioration of visual acuity;

- in case of suspected thrombosis or heart attack;

- with a sharp increase in blood pressure;

- in case of generalized itching;

- with an increase in epileptic seizures;

- 3 months before the planned pregnancy;

- Approximately 6 weeks before the planned surgical intervention;

- with prolonged immobilization;

- during the onset of pregnancy.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms

Taking the drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and to control other mechanisms, work with which is associated with an increased risk of injury.

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

In this article, you can read the instructions for using a contraceptive drug Rigevidon. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Rigevidon in their practice are presented. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Rigevidon in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of menstrual irregularities and contraception in women, including during pregnancy and lactation. The composition and interaction of the drug with alcohol.

Rigevidon- combined monophasic oral hormonal contraceptive drug. When taken orally, it inhibits the pituitary secretion of gonadotropic hormones. The contraceptive effect is associated with several mechanisms. As a progestogen component (progestin), it contains a derivative of 19-nortestosterone - levonorgestrel, which is superior in activity to the hormone of the corpus luteum progesterone (and the synthetic analogue of the latter - pregnin), acts at the receptor level without prior metabolic transformations. The estrogenic component is ethinylestradiol.

Under the influence of levonorgestrel, a blockade of the release of LH and FSH from the hypothalamus occurs, inhibition of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland, which leads to inhibition of the maturation and release of an egg ready for fertilization (ovulation). The contraceptive effect is enhanced by ethinyl estradiol. Maintains high viscosity of cervical mucus (makes it difficult for spermatozoa to enter the uterine cavity). Along with the contraceptive effect, when taken regularly, it normalizes the menstrual cycle and helps prevent the development of a number of gynecological diseases, incl. tumor nature.


Ethinylestradiol + Levonorgestrel + excipients.

Ethinylestradiol + Levonorgestrel + Iron fumarate + excipients (Rigevidon 21+7).



After oral administration, levonorgestrel is rapidly absorbed (less than 4 hours). Levonorgestrel does not undergo a "first pass" effect through the liver. Most of levonorgestrel binds in the blood to albumin and SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin).


Ethinylestradiol is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the intestine. Ethinylestradiol undergoes a "first pass" effect through the liver. When ingested, ethinylestradiol is excreted from the blood plasma within 12 hours. Ethinylestradiol is metabolized in the liver and intestines. Ethinyl estradiol metabolites are water-soluble products of sulfate or glucuronide conjugation, enter the intestine with bile, where they are disintegrated by intestinal bacteria.


  • oral contraception;
  • functional disorders of the menstrual cycle (including dysmenorrhea without an organic cause, dysfunctional metrorrhagia);
  • premenstrual tension syndrome.

Release form

Coated tablets.

Coated tablets of two types: active and placebo (Rigevidon 21+7).

Instructions for use and regimen

The drug is taken orally at the same time of day, without chewing and with a small amount of liquid.

If during the previous menstrual cycle hormonal contraception was not carried out, then Rigevidon for the purpose of contraception is prescribed from the 1st day of menstruation, 1 tablet daily for 21 days. This is followed by a 7-day break, during which menstrual-like bleeding occurs. The next 21-day cycle of taking tablets from a new package containing 21 tablets must be started the day after the 7-day break, i.e. on the 8th day, even if the bleeding has not stopped. Thus, the start of taking the drug from each new package falls on the same day of the week.

When switching to taking Rigevidon from another oral contraceptive, a similar scheme is used. The drug is taken for as long as there is a need for contraception.

After childbirth, the drug can be prescribed only to women who are not breastfeeding; you should start taking a contraceptive no earlier than the 1st day of menstruation. During lactation, the use of the drug is contraindicated.

The missed pill should be taken within the next 12 hours. If 36 hours have passed since the last pill was taken, then contraception is unreliable. To avoid intermenstrual bleeding, the drug should be continued from the already started package, with the exception of the missed tablet(s). In cases of missed tablets, it is recommended to additionally use another, non-hormonal method of contraception (for example, a barrier).

For therapeutic purposes, the doctor sets the dose of Rigevidon and the scheme of application in each case individually.

Rigevidon 21+7

If a woman in the previous cycle took a contraceptive, the drug is started on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle and continued for 28 days. Take 1 tablet daily, preferably at the same time of day. First, white tablets are taken (21 days), then during the reception of reddish-brown tablets (7 days), menstrual bleeding usually occurs. If it is necessary to continue contraception, the next 28 tablets (21 white tablets, then 7 reddish-brown tablets) should be taken immediately without interruption according to the same scheme. Thus, each intake cycle starts on the same day of the week. In the event that a woman took a contraceptive in the previous cycle, and there were 21 tablets in the previous package, the drug should be started after a 7-day break, on the eighth day.

The composition of the tablets different color unequal. Therefore, the beginning and the correct sequence of administration - first 21 white tablets, then 7 reddish-brown tablets - are indicated on the packaging by numbers and arrows.

When switching to Rigevidon 21 + 7 from another contraceptive, you should use the above scheme.

Taking the drug after childbirth or after an abortion can be started no earlier than the first day of menstruation of the first two-phase cycle. The first biphasic cycle is usually shortened due to premature ovulation. If the drug is started already at the first spontaneous bleeding, the drug cannot successfully prevent premature ovulation, so contraception may not be reliable in the first two weeks of the cycle.

If the pill was missed at the scheduled time, then the missed pill should be taken within the next 12 hours. In this case, there is no need to use additional methods of contraception. The remaining tablets are recommended to be taken at the usual time. If more than 12 hours have passed, you should take the last missed tablet (missing the remaining missed tablets) and continue taking the drug as normal. In this case, additional methods of contraception (barrier methods, spermicides) must be used for the next 7 days.

This does not apply to reddish-brown tablets, because. they do not contain hormones.

For therapeutic purposes, the dose of the drug and the scheme of application are selected by the doctor for each patient individually.

Side effect

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • changes in body weight and libido;
  • mood change;
  • acyclic spotting;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • visual impairment;
  • discomfort when wearing contact lenses (these phenomena are temporary and disappear after withdrawal without prescribing any therapy);
  • chloasma;
  • hearing loss;
  • generalized itching;
  • cramps of the calf muscles;
  • increased frequency of epileptic seizures;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • thrombosis and venous thromboembolism;
  • skin rashes;
  • change in the nature of vaginal secretion;
  • candidiasis;
  • fatigue;
  • diarrhea.


  • severe liver disease;
  • congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert's syndrome, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor's syndrome);
  • cholecystitis;
  • the presence or indication of a history of severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases;
  • thromboembolism and predisposition to them;
  • malignant tumors (primarily breast or endometrial cancer);
  • liver tumors;
  • familial forms of hyperlipidemia;
  • severe forms of arterial hypertension;
  • endocrine diseases (including severe forms of diabetes);
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • chronic hemolytic anemia;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • cystic skid;
  • migraine;
  • otosclerosis;
  • idiopathic jaundice of pregnant women in history;
  • severe itching during pregnancy;
  • herpes of pregnant women;
  • age over 40;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

special instructions

Before starting the use of hormonal contraception and subsequently every 6 months, a general medical and gynecological examination is recommended, including a cytological analysis of a smear from the cervix, an assessment of the condition of the mammary glands, determination of blood glucose, cholesterol and other indicators of liver function, blood pressure control, urinalysis.

The appointment of Rigevidon for women with thromboembolic diseases at a young age and an increase in blood coagulation in a family history is not recommended.

The use of oral contraception is allowed no earlier than 6 months after viral hepatitis, subject to the normalization of hepatic functions.

With the appearance of sharp pains in the upper abdomen, hepatomegaly and signs of intra-abdominal bleeding, a liver tumor may be suspected. If necessary, the drug should be discontinued.

If there is a violation of liver function while taking Rigevidon, a consultation with a therapist is necessary.

With the appearance of acyclic (intermenstrual) bleeding, Rigevidon should be continued, because. in most cases, these bleedings stop spontaneously. If acyclic (intermenstrual) bleeding does not disappear or recurs, a medical examination should be carried out to rule out organic pathology of the reproductive system.

In case of vomiting or diarrhea, the drug should be continued using another, non-hormonal method of contraception.

Women who smoke and take hormonal contraceptives have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases with serious consequences (myocardial infarction, stroke). The risk increases with age and with the number of cigarettes smoked (especially in women over 35).

The drug should be discontinued in the following cases:

  • when migraine-like headache appears for the first time or increases;
  • with the appearance of an unusually severe headache;
  • with the appearance of early signs of phlebitis or phlebothrombosis (unaccustomed pain or swelling of the veins in the legs);
  • in the event of jaundice or hepatitis without jaundice;
  • with cerebrovascular disorders;
  • with the appearance of stabbing pains of unclear etiology when breathing or coughing, pain and a feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • with acute deterioration of visual acuity;
  • with suspicion of thrombosis or heart attack;
  • with a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • in case of generalized itching;
  • with an increase in epileptic seizures;
  • 3 months before the planned pregnancy;
  • approximately 6 weeks before the planned surgical intervention;
  • with prolonged immobilization;
  • during the onset of pregnancy.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Taking the drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and to control other mechanisms, work with which is associated with an increased risk of injury.

drug interaction

Barbiturates, some antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine, phenytoin), sulfonamides, pyrazolone derivatives can increase the metabolism of the steroid hormones that make up the drug.

A decrease in the contraceptive effectiveness of Rigevidon can also be observed when administered simultaneously with certain antimicrobial agents (including ampicillin, rifampicin, chloramphenicol, neomycin, polymyxin B, sulfonamides, tetracyclines), which is associated with changes in the intestinal microflora.

With simultaneous use with anticoagulants, coumarin or indandione derivatives, an additional determination of the prothrombin index and a change in the dose of the anticoagulant may be required.

When using tricyclic antidepressants, maprotiline, beta-blockers, their bioavailability and toxicity may increase.

Alcohol intake does not lead to a decrease in the effect of the oral contraceptive Rigevidon.

When using oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin, it may be necessary to change their dose.

When combined with bromocriptine, its effectiveness is reduced.

When combined with drugs with a potential hepatotoxic effect, for example, with the drug dantrolene, an increase in hepatotoxicity is observed, especially in women over 35 years of age.

Rigevidon's analogues

Structural analogues according to active substance:

  • Anteovin;
  • Microgynon;
  • minisiston;
  • Minisiston 20 fem;
  • Ovidon;
  • Oralcon;
  • Rigevidon 21+7;
  • Tri-regol;
  • Tri-regol 21+7;
  • Trigestrel;
  • Triquilar.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

medicinal product Rigevidon belongs to the group of combined oral contraceptives. Rigevidon is a monophasic drug, each tablet contains the same amount of estrogenic and progestogen components. The composition of the drug includes levonorgestrel - a synthetic derivative of 19-nortestosterone, has an activity similar to endogenous progesterone, but surpasses it in strength, which allows the use of levonorgestrel in minimal doses. In addition, the composition of the drug includes ethinylestradiol, a synthetic analogue of endogenous estradiol. The drug effectively prevents pregnancy, the Pearl index is 0.1-0.9. When using the drug in a woman's body, a number of changes occur that help prevent unwanted pregnancy, including suppression of ovulation, an increase in the viscosity of cervical mucus, and a decrease in the susceptibility of the endometrium to the blastocyst.
The mechanism of action of the drug is based on pharmacological properties active ingredients included in its composition. So the drug blocks the release of releasing factors of the hypothalamus (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone), inhibits the secretion of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland, as a result of which the maturation of the follicle and its rupture slows down. Thus, the active components of the drug inhibit ovulation, preventing fertilization and pregnancy. In addition, the gestagenic component of the drug - levonorgestrel - increases the viscosity of the cervical secretion, which makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterine cavity, and also prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg by changing the structure of the endometrium.

In addition to the contraceptive effect, the drug, with regular use, helps to reduce the risk of developing various gynecological diseases (including the risk of developing functional ovarian cysts, fibroadenomas and fibrocysts in the mammary glands, congestion in the pelvic organs) and reduces the frequency of dysmenorrhea and the amount of blood loss during menstruation. After a course of taking the drug, the risk is reduced ectopic pregnancy. Even after prolonged use of the drug, fertility is fully restored within 1-3 cycles after discontinuation of the drug.
Part drug Rigevidon includes placebo tablets (7 placebo tablets per 21 tablets containing active substances) which, due to the content of iron salts, prevent the development of anemia, and also, due to the absence of hormones in them, increase the level of follicle-stimulating hormone in the body, which is necessary for the selection of the dominant follicle . Thus, when using the drug Rigevidon there is no development of the “hyperinhibition” syndrome.

The pharmacokinetics of the drug is based on the pharmacokinetic properties of the active components that make up its composition:
Ethinylestradiol after oral administration is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Its bioavailability reaches 48%. The peak concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma is observed after 1-1.5 hours after oral administration. After absorption into the bloodstream, ethinylestradiol binds to plasma proteins, mainly to albumin, a small part is in an unbound state. The first stage of metabolism is carried out in the intestinal walls, the second in the liver, the most significant metabolites of ethinylestradiol are OH-ethinylestradiol and 2-methoxyethinylestradiol. It is excreted both unchanged and as metabolites with urine (about 40%) and feces (about 60%). The half-life is about 26 hours.
Levonorgestrel is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, bioavailability is 100%. In plasma, it binds mainly to globulin and albumin. It is metabolized in the body with the formation of sulfate and glucuronide conjugates. Excreted as metabolites in urine and feces.

Indications for use

The drug is used as a means of contraception in women of childbearing age.
The drug can also be prescribed to correct functional disorders of the menstrual cycle, including dysmenorrhea, functional uterine bleeding, severe pain that develops in the middle of the cycle, and premenstrual syndrome.
The drug is recommended for use in women with a moderately predominant estrogen phenotype.

Mode of application

Before prescribing the drug Rigevidon a general clinical and gynecological examination should be carried out, which should necessarily include monitoring blood pressure, determining the level of glucose in the urine, a general blood and urine test, monitoring liver function, consulting a mammologist and cytological analysis of smears.
The drug is taken orally, it is recommended to swallow the tablet whole, without chewing or crushing, drinking plenty of water. For achievement maximum effect the drug should be taken at the same time of day.
As a contraceptive, the drug is prescribed 1 white tablet 1 time per day, starting from the first or fifth day of menstruation.

The duration of the course of taking white tablets is 21 days, after which you should take 1 red-brown tablet 1 time per day for 7 days. During the period of taking red-brown tablets, a woman has menstrual-like bleeding. If further contraception is necessary, after the end of taking the red-brown tablets, the drug is continued according to the same scheme. You should not take a break between courses of taking the drug (the full course lasts 28 days - 21 white tablets and 7 red-brown tablets). The start of a new course should occur 4 weeks after the start of the previous one, on the same day of the week.
In case of switching to the drug Rigevidon after using another oral contraceptive, you should take the first white tablet on the first day of menstruation, and then take the drug as described above.
If the drug is well tolerated, it can be taken for as long as there is a need for contraception.

After an abortion, the drug is prescribed as soon as possible after the operation, but no later than the next day after the abortion.
The drug can be prescribed to women after childbirth, if they are not breastfeeding. In this case, the drug should be started no earlier than the first day of menstruation.
If the next pill was missed, the drug should be taken as soon as possible, however, if 36 hours or more have passed between doses, the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced and it is recommended to use an additional barrier method of contraception. To prevent the development of intermenstrual bleeding, you should continue taking the drug from the already started package, excluding the missed tablet. In case of missing a red-brown pill, additional contraception is not required, since the red-brown pills do not contain hormones. If vomiting or diarrhea develops when taking white tablets, a significant decrease in the contraceptive effect of the drug is possible. Rigevidon in this case, an additional non-hormonal method of contraception should be used.
When prescribing the drug for the treatment of functional disorders of the menstrual cycle, the duration of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug is determined by the attending physician individually for each patient.
With prolonged use of the drug, patients should undergo a gynecological examination every six months, patients with impaired liver function should be monitored every 2-3 months.
If after the end of taking the white tablets for 7 days there is no menstrual bleeding, then the continuation of the drug is possible only after the exclusion of pregnancy.

Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated, however, in some cases, the following side effects may develop:
Side effects that develop mainly at the beginning of the drug and disappear within 1-3 courses:
From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia.
From the central and peripheral nervous system: headache, emotional lability, fatigue, irritability, calf muscle cramps. In addition, both an increase and a decrease in libido are possible.

Others: breast engorgement, skin rash, intermenstrual bleeding, contact lens discomfort.
Side effects that may occur with regular use of the drug:
Impaired glucose tolerance;
Hyperpigmentation of the skin of the face;
Change in body weight (both an increase and a decrease in body weight are possible);
Increase in the concentration of triglycerides in the blood;
Arterial hypertension;
Thrombosis and thromboembolism of various localization (the risk of developing this side effect is higher in patients over the age of 35, as well as in women who smoke);
Hepatitis, dysfunction of the gallbladder and biliary tract, diarrhea;
Changes in vaginal secretion, fungal infections of the vaginal mucosa;
In addition, due to the fact that the composition of the red-brown tablets includes ferrous fumarate, it is possible to stain the feces black.
In the case of acute pain in the upper abdomen, it is necessary to exclude the presence of a liver tumor.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
Severe liver dysfunction, Dubin-Johnson syndrome and Rotor syndrome (congenital increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood), stones in the gallbladder, cholecystitis. Hepatitis, including those transferred within 6 months before the appointment of the drug (the appointment of the drug 6 months after the hepatitis, is possible only if the liver function is normalized).
Chronic colitis.
Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, thromboembolism, cerebrovascular and oncological diseases, including history.
lipid metabolism disorders.
Severe arterial hypertension.
Diseases of the endocrine system, including diabetes mellitus.
Blood system disorders, including chronic hemolytic anemia and sickle cell anemia.
The drug is not prescribed to patients with vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.
Rigevidon contraindicated in patients suffering from migraine and otosclerosis, including if there has been a deterioration in hearing during previous pregnancies.
The drug should not be prescribed to patients with a history of idiopathic jaundice of pregnancy, as well as herpes and severe itching of pregnant women.

The drug is contraindicated in women whose close relatives have bleeding disorders and thromboembolism at a young age.
The drug should be discontinued 6 weeks before the planned surgical intervention, as well as in the event of pregnancy, with the development of thrombosis, thromboembolism and thrombophlebitis.
In addition, the drug should be discontinued with the development of cerebrovascular disorders, myocardial infarction, visual impairment, retinal thrombosis, diplopia and exophthalmos.
Further use of the drug as a means of contraception is not recommended in case of repeated severe headaches and with the development of severe chronic diseases of various localization.
The drug should be used with caution in women over the age of 40, as well as with increased stress on the vocal cords, with diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
Be wary appoint patients with uterine fibroids, mastopathy and girls in adolescence, in the absence of regular ovulatory cycles.
In addition, care should be taken when prescribing the drug to patients suffering from epilepsy (including history), depression, tuberculosis, ulcerative colitis, varicose veins veins, phlebitis, multiple sclerosis and kidney disease. You should also be careful with intermittent porphyria, tetany and bronchial asthma.


The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy. Before prescribing the drug, pregnancy should be excluded. You should stop taking the drug Rigevidon at least 3 months before the planned pregnancy, during this period, a non-hormonal method of contraception should be used.
The drug is not used during breastfeeding, as its active components are excreted in breast milk. The use of the drug is possible only if the woman is not breastfeeding, and she already had menstruation after childbirth.

Interaction with other drugs

With the simultaneous use of the drug with antimicrobial drugs, including ampicillin, rifampicin, chloramphenicol, phenoxymethylpenicillin, sulfonamides, tetracyclines and neomycin, the contraceptive effect of the drug may decrease Rigevidon. If it is necessary to use these drugs, it is recommended to use a non-hormonal method of contraception or use barrier contraceptives, such as a condom, in addition to Rigevidon.
Dihydroergotamine, tranquilizers, phenylbutazone reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives.
With the simultaneous use of the drug with anticoagulants, a group of coumarin or indandione derivatives, an increase in the effectiveness of the latter is possible. With the simultaneous use of these drugs, prothrombin time should be monitored and, if necessary, the dose of anticoagulants should be adjusted.

With the combined use of beta-blockers, maprotiline and tricyclic antidepressants with the drug Rigevidon there is an increase in the bioavailability and toxicity of these drugs.
With the simultaneous use of the drug with hypoglycemic oral drugs and insulin, it is necessary to control the level of sugar in the blood and, if necessary, adjust the dose of insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs.
The drug with combined use reduces the effectiveness of bromocriptine.
The drug, when used simultaneously with drugs that have a hepatotoxic effect, increases their toxicity (the highest risk of developing hepatotoxicity with this combination is in women over the age of 35 years).
When prescribing iron preparations, the iron content in red-brown tablets should be taken into account.


At the moment, cases of overdose of the drug Rigevidon not reported. In the case of taking the drug in doses significantly higher than recommended, patients may develop headache, nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region and vaginal bleeding.
There is no specific antidote. In case of overdose, drug withdrawal, gastric lavage and enterosorbents are indicated. If necessary, carry out symptomatic therapy.

Release form

Coated tablets, 28 pieces in a blister pack, 1 or 3 blister packs in a carton box. Each blister contains 21 white coated tablets and 7 reddish brown coated tablets.

Storage conditions

The drug is recommended to be stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius.
Shelf life - 5 years.


1 film-coated tablet contains:
Ethinylestradiol - 30mcg;
Levonorgestrel - 150 mcg;

1 reddish-brown film-coated tablet contains:
Ferrous fumarate - 76.05 mg;
Excipients, including lactose monohydrate and sucrose.

main parameters

ATX code: G03AA07 -

Rigevidon is produced in tablets, packaged in blisters of 21 pieces, 3 or 1 blisters per pack.

pharmachologic effect

Rigevidon tablets show contraceptive action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

This oral monophasic combined estrogen-progestin contraceptive drug is able to have an inhibitory effect on the pituitary production of gonadotropic.

In this case, the contraceptive action is associated with several mechanisms. Progestogen component progestin includes a derivative of 19-nortestosterone known as levonorgestrel . This substance surpasses the corpus luteum hormone in its activity. or its synthetic equivalent pregnin , which has an effect at the receptor level, without being exposed.

The estrogenic component ethinyl estradiol leads to blockade of the release of releasing hormones of the hypothalamus, inhibition of the production of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland. This slows down the maturation and release of the egg, ready for fertilization.

It has been established that ethinylestradiol enhances the contraceptive effect of the drug. The increased viscosity of the cervical mucus persists, which makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate.

Also, regular intake of the drug leads to the normalization of the menstrual cycle and prevents the development of certain gynecological diseases, such as tumors.

Inside the body, the drug is rapidly absorbed. The concentration of Rigevidon depends on the dosage of the drug and the duration of use. In this case, the maximum concentration is usually detected after 2 hours, excretion occurs on average in 16 hours. The drug is excreted unchanged by the intestines and kidneys.

Indications for use

  • oral contraception;
  • functional disorders of the menstrual cycle, for example, unspecified , dysfunctional metrorrhagia, .


Rigevidon contraceptive pills are not prescribed for:

  • drug sensitivity;
  • , ;
  • serious illnesses liver;
  • congenital hyperbilirubinemia;
  • thromboembolism;
  • tumor diseases;
  • severe forms arterial hypertension;
  • and other diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • sickle cell anemia ;
  • chronic hemolytic anemia;
  • cystic skid;
  • aged 40 years;
  • otosclerosis.

Also, the drug is contraindicated for use with bleeding of various origins, idiopathic jaundice, and in pregnant women.

With caution, Rigevidon is prescribed to patients with diseases of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder, , ulcerative, mastopathy, , diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, impaired renal function, , phlebitis , otosclerosis and scattered . Also, caution is required when prescribing tablets to patients in adolescence.

Rigevidon during pregnancy and lactation

It has been established that during pregnancy and lactation, the use of this drug is contraindicated.

Side effects of Rigevidon

Usually this drug is well tolerated by patients, but sometimes side effects of Rigevidon occur, which develop transiently and disappear spontaneously. For example, nausea, vomiting, weight gain And change in libido , moods, manifestation of acyclic bleeding, conjunctivitis , vision problems and so on.

In rare cases, prolonged use of the drug causes chloasma, hearing loss, jaundice, generalized, convulsions, the frequency of epileptic seizures, hypertriglyceridemia , hyperglycemia , increased pressure, thrombosis or venous thromboembolism, skin rashes, changes in vaginal secretion, high fatigue, and so on.

Tablets Rigevidon, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

When hormonal contraception was not performed during the previous menstrual cycle, then it should be started on the 1st day of menstruation. Then you need to take one tablet every day for 21 days, preferably at a certain time of the day.

After that, a break of 7 days is carried out, during which menstrual-like bleeding occurs. For the next 21 days, the tablets are taken from a new package, that is, already on the 8th day, regardless of whether the bleeding has stopped or not.

The transition to these birth control pills from another contraceptive is carried out according to the same scheme. You can take the drug as long as you need it.

The use of the drug for medicinal purposes requires individual selection of dosage and therapeutic regimen.


There were no cases of overdose with Rigevidon.


The combination with barbiturates, antiepileptic drugs, for example, and, as well as sulfonamides, pyrazolone derivatives, can lead to an increase in the metabolism that make up the drug.

The combined use of Rigevidon and some antimicrobial drugs can reduce the contraceptive effect: , Polymyxin B , sulfonamides and, since they change the composition of the intestine.

This drug may increase the bioavailability and toxicity of tricyclic antidepressants, beta-blockers and but , reduce efficiency .

Co-administration with hypoglycemic drugs and often requires a change in their dosage. When taken with the drug Dantrolene it is possible to increase its hepatotoxicity, mainly in women from the age of 35.

special instructions

Before you start taking contraceptive pills, and every six months when they are used, it is necessary to undergo a general medical and gynecological examination. It usually includes a cytological analysis, a study of the mammary glands, an assessment of blood glucose, liver function, pressure and urine composition.

Patients who have undergone viral hepatitis and their liver functions have normalized, the drug is prescribed no earlier than 6 months from the moment of recovery.

If there are sharp pains in the abdominal cavity, and signs intra-abdominal bleeding , this may indicate a tumor of the liver. If necessary, the drug is immediately canceled.

advent intermenstrual bleeding does not require the abolition of the contraceptive, as they usually stop on their own. When this does not happen, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

As you know, women who smoke when taking hormonal contraceptives can develop vascular diseases with serious consequences - myocardial infarction

There are many reviews when women took one of these drugs for a long time. This did not lead to the development of undesirable effects, such as a change in libido or weight gain. Moreover, immediately after the abolition of these contraceptives, pregnancy almost immediately occurred. Therefore, the selection of such drugs must be carried out taking into account individual characteristics after consultation with a gynecologist.

Alcohol and Rigevidon

There have been cases of a decrease in the effectiveness of this drug when alcohol is consumed in large quantities.