What to do if you are planning a pregnancy. Pregnancy planning: where to start? How to start planning a pregnancy for a future father

If you want to give birth to a healthy child, then pregnancy planning is a must. Planned preparation for pregnancy will help to conceive correctly, endure safely, give birth easily and raise your children well. It allows not only to reduce the number of factors that negatively affect these processes, but also to increase and strengthen the favorable ones.

Where to start planning pregnancy

More and more modern couples today come to the understanding that only pregnancy planning can significantly increase the chance of conception and the birth of a healthy baby. The quality of his whole and your future life may depend on this important step. However, far from everyone knows where to start planning pregnancy. And this step is quite simple and obvious - an appeal to a reproductive specialist or a gynecologist. After a conversation with the couple and clarification of a number of important questions, the specialist will refer potential parents to the necessary examinations.

Pregnancy planning includes a complete examination of a man and a woman, passing all the tests, treating chronic diseases, changing some habits and establishing new ones. Rejection of bad habits, balanced healthy diet, taking vitamins and psychological preparation when planning a pregnancy - all this will help protect the expectant mother and baby from unwanted potential problems.

Perhaps planning a pregnancy specifically in your case will force you to undergo more than one procedure unknown to you by this time. Let this not scare you: any activities carried out at the stage of planning and conceiving a child are necessary for a successful outcome. And you can always draw the missing information or the experience of other planning couples from the pages of our site.

Pregnancy planning calendar

Moreover, especially for women planning a pregnancy, it is proposed to use an electronic service - a pregnancy planning calendar. This online calendar will help you correctly determine the date of ovulation, plan conception for a certain period and immediately calculate the expected date of birth of the unborn child. The pregnancy planning calendar allows you to plan even the approximate birthday or zodiac sign under which your baby will be born.

The calendar is built on the individual characteristics of your menstrual cycle and shows the truthful data for you personally. But we must not forget that a huge number of factors that can lead to a change in these dates affect ovulation, and the process of conception, and gestation, and the date of birth of a baby. However, the likelihood of such a method is still quite high.

Over time, married couples think about the child. They approach this issue responsibly, trying to think through and plan everything. Due to inexperience, not everyone succeeds. Therefore, I will tell you how to start planning a pregnancy for a woman and a man.

Pregnancy planning helps detect health risks early future mother and a newborn baby. It is not always possible for a married couple to conceive a child without prior preparation, but, having carefully worked out the issue, they manage to achieve the goal.

medical examination

  • See a therapist first . Discuss chronic diseases with the doctor, determine the methods of treatment. Take a urine and blood test, diagnose the body for infections that contribute to the development of hepatitis "B", herpes and rubella.
  • Determine the Rh factor and blood group . This is important, since a different Rh factor is the reason for the incompatibility of young parents. If a child inherits the father's Rh, there may be an Rh conflict between the baby and the mother.
  • Visit an optometrist and check the condition of the retina . The results of the study will show whether the child can be born naturally.
  • Dentist. If you are concerned about toothache, eliminate before pregnancy. Consult a dentist in advance and fix problems with your teeth. If you leave it unattended, at the most inopportune moment they will remind you of themselves.
  • Endocrinologist's office . Get an ultrasound, check the level of thyroid hormones, TSH, T3. It is possible that in order to conceive a baby, you will have to undergo hormonal therapy, since improper functioning of the endocrine system will interfere with the bearing of a child.
  • Doctors advise the couple to visit a geneticist . The doctor will detect chromosomal abnormalities. Often they are present in people who at first glance seem healthy. It is better to undergo the procedure for all parents whose age has crossed the mark of 35 years.
  • Urologist and gynecologist . Both partners should visit a urologist and gynecologist to ensure the health of the reproductive organs. During the examination, the doctor will examine the genitals, detect defects, determine the absence or presence of sexually transmitted diseases, and prescribe treatment.

To obtain the result of a medical examination is not enough. Planning pregnancy at home includes revising the lifestyle of a man and a woman, making a number of adjustments to the daily diet.

Video tips

So that the baby does not develop pathologies, parents should start by giving up bad habits. A woman should stop taking birth control and switch to vitamins.

Vitamins and diet

Focus on Vitamin E and folic acid, the lack of which adversely affects the development of the fetus. Remember, folic acid is found in large quantities in beef, buckwheat, green vegetables, seeds, cabbage and cheeses. Vitamin E is present in vegetable oil, spinach and broccoli.

Don't Forget Vitamin C which neutralizes toxins and strengthens the immune system. Natural sources of the vitamin are citrus fruits, rose hips, Bell pepper and blackcurrant.

Women need iodine to prevent painful deviations thyroid gland and normal development of the child. An important element is found in many foods, but the largest amount is concentrated in fish and sea ​​kale.

Many women take the listed vitamins in the form of tablets. This approach is not prohibited, but with caution. An overabundance of vitamins will worsen well-being during pregnancy. Doctors recommend betting on a balanced and proper nutrition.

It will not hurt the expectant mother to work on the press, pumping up muscles. As a result, it is easier to endure and give birth to a child. Permanent physical exercise increase endurance.


There are women who have little progesterone in their bodies. Lack of female hormone leads to miscarriages. If the tests confirm the shortage, the doctor will prescribe drugs that stimulate pregnancy.

  1. Utrozhestan. Represents natural progesterone given to women who have had miscarriages. It is also recommended for women whose body has an excess of testosterone, a male hormone that prevents pregnancy.
  2. Duphaston. synthetic progesterone. Helps increase hormone levels in the body.

I hope the knowledge gained will be useful. Avoid stress. Sometimes physical or mental tension can prevent conception. To achieve the goal, relax and forget about the problems for a moment.

Video instructions

Adhering to the above tips, a child will appear in the family in the coming year.

How to start planning a pregnancy for a future father

Doctors say that the health of the baby depends on the state of the body of both partners. But not all men take these words seriously. Therefore, if you are planning a pregnancy, dad should also participate in the preparation.

This is not about conception, but about preparation for it, which should begin in advance. There is nothing difficult in this. Work on yourself a little, rethink your approach to life and change some points.

  • The future father is advised to start planning for pregnancy by giving up bad habits, including alcohol and tobacco products. It does not hurt to give up even drinking beer.
  • Alcohol toxins and nicotine have a bad effect on the quality of the seed. Remember, it takes at least three months to completely update the seminal fluid. Therefore, it is necessary to start the fight against bad habits as early as possible.
  • Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Take vitamins along with folic acid. Vitamin "E" prevents the formation of low-quality spermatozoa in male sperm, characterized by the wrong number of chromosomes, and vitamin "C" accelerates the renewal of the seed and has a positive effect on the mobility and vital activity of spermatozoa.
  • When planning a pregnancy, beware colds, refuse to take antibiotics and potent medications, forget about coffee for a while.
  • A guy preparing for fatherhood is advised to take several measures that will improve the quality of the seed and contribute to the successful conception of a child. Avoid intense physical activity, carrying a mobile phone in the front pockets of your pants, overheating of the scrotum, tight underwear and seated image life.
  • To achieve the effect, take vitamin complexes, eat natural products, refuse semi-finished products and preservatives, strengthen immunity. Help make it water procedures, moderate exercise and sunburn.
  • Get rid of chronic diseases, which are the focus of a life-threatening infection for a child. Otherwise, no one will guarantee that the fetus will develop normally.

At first glance, it will seem that what is written is complete nonsense. You can do without it, but a man who aspires to become a caring dad will listen to advice.

In conclusion, I will talk about planning pregnancy after the birth of a child. As practice shows, some couples after the birth of the first child immediately begin to think about the second. Against their will, they wait, because it is not known how much time must pass after childbirth for the female body to prepare for bearing.

According to doctors, reproductive ability returns after the first menstruation. If the mother is not breastfeeding, this moment will come a quarter after the happy date. At the same time, physiologists do not recommend rushing. It is better to have a child in a few years. This time is enough for the female body to recover, replenish the supply useful substances and rested. Pregnancy heavily burdens the internal organs, the immune and nervous systems.

What tests should be taken by future parents, how to eat and what to do to conceive a healthy baby?

Conscious parents try to plan the conception of a child in advance so that the baby grows and develops in the most healthy environment, which will also contribute to his recovery. But where to start preparing for pregnancy? We will talk about this below.

Gynecologist Anna Sych tells: “Pregnancy planning for modern spouses can be divided into 3 stages: tests, bypassing doctors and changing the lifestyle of future parents”.


To begin with, a woman needs to visit her attending gynecologist . The doctor will do colposcopy , will take colpo-cytology (smear) from the urethra, cervical canal, vagina and rectum to exclude infectious processes, and also manually feels the condition of the uterus and ovaries. If necessary, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs may also be recommended.

What tests will need to pass the expectant mother :

  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • a blood test to determine the group and Rh factor for both parents. If there is a Rh conflict, it will also be necessary to take a blood test for antibodies;
  • blood test and smears for sexual infections - PCR (gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, candidiasis);
  • blood sugar test;
  • coagulogram (blood test for clotting);
  • blood test for hormones: thyroid gland (T3, T4, TSH), estradiol, prolactin, progesterone, testosterone;
  • a blood test for antibodies to rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, as well as HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.

If rubella antibodies are not detected, the gynecologist may suggest a vaccination. but then it will be necessary to wait with conception for another 3 months after vaccination in order for antibodies to form.

It is worth saying that problems with conception can be affected elevated level testosterone or prolactin, and low progesterone can lead to problems maintaining a pregnancy for early dates Therefore, these analyzes are very important.

Which doctors still need to visit a woman:

The medical examination of the expectant mother does not end only with tests, it is also necessary to pass inspection narrow specialist doctors :

  • a dentist (this is of paramount importance, since it is desirable to cure all carious and other dental problems before pregnancy);
  • an ophthalmologist, especially if there are already problems with vision at this time;
  • ENT to understand if there are infections in the nasopharynx;
  • cardiologist, and also, possibly, make a cardiogram;
  • gastroenterologist who can talk about possible features gastrointestinal tract, because, for example, problems with the liver significantly aggravate toxicosis;
  • a urologist (as well as an ultrasound scan) to understand the condition of the kidneys;
  • endocrinologist;
  • a mammologist (and an ultrasound scan) to understand whether the mammary glands are ready for future lactation;
  • an allergist and a nutritionist - to consult on nutrition during pregnancy.

If the family had problems with pregnancy or hereditary diseases, it is also worth visiting a geneticist and, if necessary, undergoing additional tests with your husband.

It is important to remember that during the period of bearing a baby, the entire maternal body will go and it is desirable to make sure that various systems organs are ready for this and they do not need prior treatment or fortification.

If you decide that you are quite ready to become the parents of a little man, then it's time to think about how to prepare for the conception of a child. Of course, quite often this process happens by itself, but it is advisable to pre-carry out a variety of activities to be sure that your future son or daughter will be born healthy and strong. We'll talk about how to prepare for today.

Consult your doctor

Every woman who wants to become a mother is recommended to undergo a medical examination before conception. It is best to do this 3-6 months before the expected pregnancy. First you need to visit a therapist (he will determine the general state of your health), a dentist (since many infections can enter the body through caries-affected teeth) and, of course, a gynecologist.

How to plan a pregnancy: understand your menstrual cycle

When you consulted with a therapist and gynecologist, cured your teeth, passed everything necessary tests, you can think directly about the conception of a baby. If you are not in a hurry, then once again puzzled by this question does not make sense. However, if you want the long-awaited moment to come as soon as possible, then you can try to calculate the conception in advance, or rather, the most suitable time for this.

Determine ovulation

According to experts, conception can occur on any day of the cycle, but the highest probability occurs at the time of ovulation. A woman can easily determine her signs on her own. They consist in an increase in mucous secretions from the genital tract and the appearance of unilateral paroxysmal pain in the ovarian region. If sexual intercourse at this time is unprotected, then you are more likely to be able to become pregnant.

However, not all representatives of the weaker sex can independently track the moment of ovulation. If you are one of them or want to be as sure as possible, then you can purchase special tests sold in pharmacies. It is necessary to use them starting from the 9th day from the beginning of the last menstruation, until you get a positive result.

How to prepare for the conception of a child, based on the duration of the menstrual cycle? Most women use this method. So, if your cycle lasts 28 days, then ovulation in most cases occurs on day 14. However, in order not to be mistaken, it is desirable to slightly expand this time range. It may be more difficult to calculate conception if you have been taking oral contraceptives(tablets). The fact is that after their cancellation, the duration of the cycle may change, and it will be more problematic for a woman to determine the day of ovulation. Therefore, before trying to get pregnant, it makes sense to wait a couple of months and watch your body.

Is there a position that promotes conception?

When wondering how to plan a pregnancy, you should not be misled by various myths in this regard. Despite the fact that today you can often hear that one or another position used by partners during intimacy, helps to get pregnant faster, all this is nothing more than idle speculation. There is not a single scientifically proven confirmation of the correctness of such a judgment. After all, the cervix is ​​​​always in a state that does not block the passage of seminal fluid. The only thing that can be recommended in this case is to choose such positions so that the sperm stays in the vagina as long as possible (for example, when a woman lies on her back).

Lie down for a while after sexual intercourse

You, most likely, have heard the recommendation more than once that in order to conceive, you need to lie down for about a quarter of an hour after sex on your back, lifting your legs up. Of course, it is not necessary to lift your legs at all. But you can relax, lying on your back, for several minutes and not immediately take a shower. This position will allow seminal fluid to reach the cervix more quickly.

Shouldn't be too zealous

Many, when considering how to plan a pregnancy, become confident that the more often they have sex during ovulation, the higher the chances of conception will be. In fact this is not true. Indeed, in some representatives of the strong half of humanity, the amount of sperm decreases in the case of frequent repetition of ejaculation. Therefore, if you prefer to have sex often enough, then it makes sense for a man to take seminal fluid for analysis, which will allow you to find out if its quality and quantity decrease after frequent intercourse.

Take vitamins

Surely this item was mentioned at the consultation by your gynecologist or therapist. After all, everyone knows that the human body needs a whole complex of various vitamins and trace elements. In particular, this applies to a woman who is carrying a child. Therefore, doctors recommend that women planning a pregnancy, as well as their husbands and partners, take perinatal vitamins before conception, containing folic acid. This element reduces the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus, which include, for example, congenital spinal hernia.

Avoid stress

Since the constant expectation of the moment of pregnancy is also a kind of stress, any extraneous factors can only aggravate it. And this, in turn, can affect, for example, a shift in the time of ovulation. Also, stress can cause a variety of fears and sexual disorders.

Healthy lifestyle

When considering the question of how to prepare for the conception of a child, pay increased attention to physical exercises. However, everything should be in moderation. After all, increased physical activity can generally lead to

Proper nutrition

If you are used to exhausting your body with strict diets from time to time, then it is highly undesirable to do this while preparing for pregnancy. However, if you are obese or, on the contrary, underweight, you should bring your condition back to normal, and only then make attempts to conceive a child.

Quit smoking

Of course, it is desirable to part with this bad habit not only for women planning a pregnancy. However, if you smoke and want to conceive a child, then getting rid of tobacco dependence will significantly increase your chances of becoming a mother. This is due to the fact that smoking negatively affects the reproductive system of the female body, affecting hormone levels and ovulation.


Many women who are planning a pregnancy are wondering how much not to drink before conception. Experts say that alcohol intake in large doses should be stopped a few months before the first attempts. However, drinking alcohol in moderation is perfectly acceptable. For example, drinking a glass of wine after dinner will not have a negative impact on your reproductive function, but, on the contrary, will help to relax and reduce stress levels.

How can a man prepare for conception?

It should not be assumed that the onset of pregnancy and proper development The fetus is entirely dependent on the woman. Therefore, the future dad also needs to be careful about his health, at least for the time of planning the conception, getting rid of bad habits, eating well and going through all the necessary tests and studies that the doctor will prescribe for you.

When planning a pregnancy, the first thing to think about is nutrition. It is worth thinking about what you eat and in what quantities. Most importantly, food should be healthy. Refuse fatty foods, sweet, flour and preservatives. Better of course find a middle ground. In no case, do not go on any diet! After all, when planning a pregnancy, the body needs a lot of energy for the birth of a new life. And where will she come from if mom absorbs one kefir, or eats only salad ?!

At some point, I tried to compare the planned and unexpected pregnancy, but it turned out to be very long, and rather chaotic. I came to the conclusion that there is no point in comparing such situations, since an accident is an accident, and if you even think about the child in the farthest thoughts, then you are already planning.

True, I can’t leave the idea of ​​​​writing about this, because there are a lot of prejudices and stereotypes on this subject, and there are positive and negative sides in both situations. As a result, I propose to sort out the planned, deliberate and balanced pregnancy for the time being, because it is this approach that is considered to be the only correct one, although it is far from ideal and, like everything in life, has the other side of the coin. As a result, many women are worried and nervous because they didn’t plan something in advance, but most often they are simply embarrassed or embarrassed by the question: “Did you plan a pregnancy?”

Where to start planning pregnancy

The body of a woman needs vitamins, now there are a large number of them in pharmacies. But it is better to start taking them at the time of pregnancy planning. Of course, continue to drink them both during pregnancy and at the time of breastfeeding. If in doubt when choosing a vitamin, consult your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Be sure to visit the dentist. Even if you are afraid of them and do not like them, think about the health of the unborn baby. The main thing is that there are no carious teeth and infections in the oral cavity. Moreover, visiting this doctor causes stress for many, so it is better to transfer it before pregnancy, and not during it.

Communicate more time with your other half. Enjoy every moment, be attentive to each other and gentle. After all, upon the appearance of a baby, all free time will be spent on him. And the appeared minutes of hunting will take a nap.

How to properly plan your pregnancy

We imagine that the couple finally decided on a child. All visible and invisible problems have gone by the wayside - now the main thing in life is the conception of a baby. Expectant mom and dad are happy to run around the clinics, take tests, diligently follow all the instructions of the doctors, so that by the time of conception their health approaches the ideal norm. Suppose that future parents, of course, do not experience much joy from all this, but the goal is clear and for the sake of it they go to all this. Further, in the direction of a healthy lifestyle, the foundations of life themselves change: bad habits are minimized, and physical development comes to the fore, healthy eating and even this a rare thing Now it's like fresh air. To enhance the effect, some go to the sea to the sun, others to the village, and someone just relaxes on vacation at home.

It turns out perfect option. Future parents have done everything possible to provide the best springboard for the unborn baby in terms of health. Not to mention the theoretical awareness of mom and dad, because with this approach, parents most often read a lot long before pregnancy, communicate with specialists and accomplished parents, determining for themselves various fads in their future life with a child. For example, many future parents select the season of conception, undesirable signs of the zodiac are found out, and someone chooses a name for a boy or girl in advance, and some tune in to the specific gender of the child, trying to achieve what they want by all known and accessible methods. There are an infinite number of similar causes for concern that you can begin to address even before pregnancy, but is it worth it?

The health and emotional state of parents are the most important components during pregnancy planning (but are they ever unimportant in life?). If you have the opportunity to talk to doctors before conception, then do it, even if your desire is at zero. It will take a little time, and the pleasure may not be the most pleasant, but it is worth it. Further, when everything is decided with health, then emotions should be quite positive. After all, the most important thing is already there, but in reality it turns out everything is not so simple.

There are thoughts that since everything is fine with health, then something more can be done, or rather, you can continue to plan further. As a result, all the problems that future parents think about are positive only until a certain line in planning has been passed. I would love to hear your point of view on this matter, but, in my opinion, such plans rarely become a reality, and subsequent disappointments are very difficult to overcome. The fact is that only in an exceptional case everything goes according to the planned scenario: the day of conception, the physical and emotional state of the mother during the pregnancy itself, the process of childbirth and new life with a child, not to mention the gender of the baby. Of course, coincidences are very common and they are sincerely happy, but not everyone is ready for disappointment.

We plan the gender of the child

The most surprising example for me is always the desire of future parents of the first child or even couples who are still planning to have a boy, not a girl, and vice versa. At first, I tried to argue, then I tried to understand and even convinced myself that this is a temporary phenomenon, and after the birth of the baby, everything will change, and they will love the child regardless of gender. What was my disappointment when in some cases this did not happen. Perhaps the parents tried and understood their mistake, but they were already so accustomed to their plans that it became very difficult to accept reality. A fairly common situation, when they dreamed of a boy, and an ultrasound showed a girl, should not be a tragedy. And just how far the line has been crossed in planning depends on how quickly it will be possible to understand and correct the situation - after all, this is our inner world and not just rearranging the furniture in the apartment.

I looked at this example very superficially, because situations are very different and most often they accumulate, turning into a lump that is very difficult to unravel. If we take into account that during pregnancy all feelings are aggravated in a woman, then each point that goes beyond the limits will be perceived and overcome more and more difficult. The situation when the sex of the child is more important for you than the child itself seems to me a very serious problem, the solution of which will be better advised by a specialist, while some other moments in planning can bring a lot of pleasure.

To be completely understood, I want to clarify that I am not against planning at all. On the contrary, I am all for it, but only when it comes to planning related to your real opportunities and not based on selfishness or some kind of prejudice. For example, you decide to choose a name for your child in advance, but do not yet know the gender. Try to define both feminine and male name. It is also worth thinking about the fact that it is desirable to talk with a baby during pregnancy and I don’t think that you would be pleased if Petenka addressed you if you are a girl. There is always a way out - after all, you can say “sun” or “baby” until you know the gender for sure. All you have to do is think about it to find suitable option both for you and for your child.

Schedule your conception day

A slightly different situation is when you have a desire to plan the day of conception, the season and, accordingly, the zodiac sign or even the year. Of course, you can do it and enjoy it if everything goes according to plan, but I would strongly advise not to deny all other options. All seasons, days, signs, years are good in their own way: they all have both advantages and disadvantages. But if not everything turned out as you wished, it will be impossible to cope with disappointment in one second.

There are many examples, and, for sure, in some of them you will recognize yourself, because no matter how hard we try, it is impossible not to plan at all, especially if there is such an opportunity. The main thing is not to get hung up on these things and understand that everything can change in an instant and in most cases nature will make the choice for you. It turns out that there is only one piece of advice - enjoy planning and be ready to accept reality with a smile, because the child already deserves sincere love even in plans, regardless of all these fads, simply because it is a child!

  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially the ones you love. Must be added to daily diet fish dishes, cottage cheese and lean meat.
  • If there are bad habits, then the pregnant woman needs to quit smoking! Daddy, this also applies. Think about the impact of nicotine on the body and health of the unborn child.
  • Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol. But pregnant women and those planning to drink some wine can. The main thing is that your man does not abuse alcohol at the time of planning. Wine increases blood pressure and dilates blood vessels.
  • get busy exercise and better outdoors. Especially during the bearing of the baby, this will contribute to excellent well-being. Go to fitness centers in the evenings, in your free time, and do gymnastics at home in the morning.
  • Enjoy every moment. Enjoy autumn leaf fall in autumn, sparkling snowflakes in winter, grass blossoms in spring and a warm breeze in summer. Find with your eyes everything beautiful, beautiful and bright. Look at everything positively, with a smile. Instill in yourself only positive emotions.
Be sure to visit the dentist. Even if you are afraid of them and do not like them, think about the health of the unborn baby. The main thing is that there are no carious teeth and infections in the oral cavity. Moreover, visiting this doctor causes stress for many, so it is better to transfer it before pregnancy, and not during it. Communicate more time with your other half. Enjoy every moment, be attentive to each other and gentle. After all, upon the appearance of a baby, all free time will be spent on him. And the appeared minutes of hunting will take a nap. So enjoy life by planning a new life.

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Lara Mom 06.07 13:07

I don't even know how to react! I just imagined how you exclude “alcohol and smoking” from your life for a couple of months, and it became creepy! Suppose negative habits are present, but then it’s not worth excluding them for a couple of months ... Or you should think about it very seriously when making any decision. There is some opinion that quitting smoking during pregnancy is also a risk, but I do not undertake to speculate more deeply on this matter, since I have never smoked and cannot stand this smell, like my husband. The main thing is that any bad habit leaves its negative mark.

And why exclude late gatherings??

sony s 11.02 15:10

Now it is customary in society to plan a family, even special medical centers exist for this. But in my opinion, planning a child is a mutual desire of a man and a woman to give birth and raise this child. After all, none of us would be happy to know that he was born against the wishes of at least one of the parents. And of course, it is better to take care of your health in advance, pass all the necessary tests and, if necessary, get vaccinated. But regarding the desire of parents to acquire a boy born under the sign “lion” on their name days (for example), I dare to say that this is just a whim on their part. What does it give and is it possible to interfere in such things? The child also has a soul. As my grandmother used to say, "Man proposes, God disposes."
If you decide to exclude any products and cigarettes from your life, this is good idea. Of course, to cleanse the body of the harmful effects of nicotine, if I'm not mistaken, you need at least 3 years. And few people manage to plan with such a perspective))) But this situation reminds me of the behavior of believers during fasting. Thus, through the test, you declare the seriousness and awareness of your decision to have a child. That you deserve this miracle.

svetlana drozdova 21.08 12:34

I completely agree that life makes its own adjustments without asking our opinion, but planning should not be completely denied. This is already becoming another extreme, which can also be associated with looping. Therefore, it is desirable, I think, to plan with knowledge of the measure. After all, if you find out the state of your health, then this will be a kind of fact, and no matter what fate has in store for you, you have already prepared something, or rather, even minimized possible risks (as doctors like to say).