We found twins at 30 weeks. Twins pregnancy: causes, signs, childbirth and pregnancy

At 30 weeks pregnant, your fetus may already weigh over 1.3 kg and be over 37 cm tall.

The skin of the fetus is thin and pink. In boys, the testicles may begin to descend into the scrotum, before that they were in the abdominal cavity. From these weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is intensively preparing for its life after childbirth, internal organs and systems are actively improved. Works well enough the immune system the spleen is functioning.

On an ultrasound scan performed at the 30th week of pregnancy, you can see how the baby breathes amniotic fluid, how his chest moves. In this way, the baby strengthens the muscles of the chest and helps it expand, preparing to take its first breath after birth. By the way, even if the baby decides to be born right now, he has a high chance of developing and becoming the same as babies born on time.

It is wrong to think that the baby, being in your tummy, does not understand anything. He perfectly hears your speech, identifies it and understands your intonations. When you massage your belly, the baby feels it, and he loves it!

In addition, the fetus perfectly understands where it is. By the way, the uterus is not at all as dark as we think. It turns out that rays of light penetrate the skin of your tummy into the uterus - and the baby sees this light, although, of course, not as brightly as you. Thus, the child already has a good understanding of darkness and light.

At the thirtieth week, the fetus continues to develop vision, although it cannot yet be called good. Even after birth, the child will only distinguish between objects that are a few centimeters from his face.

If you have twins

If you are expecting twins, then most likely, the results of your ultrasound will show that the babies in their physical development correspond to those children who are alone in the uterus. Although, of course, there may be some inconsistencies that depend primarily on the location of your twins' placenta. The most successful location is at the bottom, on the anterior and posterior wall of the uterus. The lower the placenta is located, the worse its nutrition. And, accordingly, the less nutrients the fetus receives.

This is not an accident, but a completely reasonable biological dependence, with the help of which the body perceives the central placenta previa as unfavorable to it. Indeed, in this case, not only the baby receives insufficient nutrition, but the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bcompletely blocked by the placenta, as a result of which the natural birth of the baby becomes impossible.

Therefore, during pregnancy with one baby, in the case of a low location of the placenta, its growth usually goes to the side better nutrition, due to which the placenta rises, opening the cervix closer to childbirth.

If you are expecting twins, and the placenta of one of the children is low, then the likelihood of developing placental insufficiency in this child increases. The consequence of placental insufficiency may be preeclampsia in the expectant mother. This explains the potential risk of developing preeclampsia precisely when multiple pregnancy.

As for the uterus, when there are two babies in it, it grows much faster than the uterus, in which there is one child. In this regard, the tummy of a mother expecting twins is equal in size to the tummy of a mother expecting one child at a much earlier date. The uterus, of course, experiences a very strong tension, holding the twins in itself, and therefore seeks to free itself as soon as possible. That is why twins are often born.

Perception of a woman

The 30th week of pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in the load on your spine, as the center of gravity of your body is gradually shifting. Remember to maintain good posture when walking or sitting. Before getting out of bed, first roll onto your side. This is especially important since the abdominal muscles are already stretched and weakened due to the enlarged uterus.

The internal organs of the future mother can hardly fit inside her, as the growing baby puts more and more pressure on them.

As for your internal state, the most dangerous thing that can happen to you at the 30th week of pregnancy is depression and fear. According to experts, depression negatively affects both your psychological state and on the physical condition of the unborn child.

In order to avoid these unwanted moments, try to enjoy your free time and not dramatize the situation about the upcoming birth. After all, childbirth is a natural process and almost every woman over 30 has gone through it and is now a happy mother. In addition, medicine today pleases with its advanced technologies and drugs. If you don't believe me, ask how your mother or grandmother gave birth.

The 30th week of pregnancy is the time when a working woman with a normal pregnancy has the right to go on maternity leave. From now on, you can completely devote yourself to your baby.

But this does not mean at all that, having freed yourself from one duty, you should immediately find many other activities for yourself. It often happens that the expectant mother, not having time to go on maternity leave, begins to run around the shops, work hard at home or find herself in repair work in the matrimonial bedroom. Stop and think that maternity leave is given to women not in order to solve global problems by the sweat of their brow, but in order to relax, take care of themselves and prepare for childbirth. Walk, go to pregnancy classes, read your favorite books, talk to your baby. And only then can you say that your maternity leave is useful.

In the end, hard work awaits you ahead of you, for which you need to prepare with all responsibility. This . You should get used to the idea that your meeting with the long-awaited baby will happen very soon.

Do not forget to visit the doctor according to the plan, tell him about all the changes in your body that you feel, consult on issues that concern you, including those that seem intimate to you. Your trust in your doctor and complete honesty with him are very important conditions for the successful course of your pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. In addition, knowing the explanation for all your worries, you yourself will feel calmer and more secure.

By the 30th week of pregnancy, many women are already accustomed to discussing all issues with the doctor and do not feel embarrassed when talking about some intimate things. It is good if you find a common language with your doctor from the very beginning. Ask questions, ask about how the pregnancy is going. If there are any complications in later dates pregnancy or during childbirth, you can contact your doctor for advice and assistance. He will explain to you what is happening and how to deal with it. As you learn more and more, you will feel more secure.

What to do at 30 weeks pregnant?

You probably already know your blood type and your Rh factor. Now is the time to consult a doctor about the presence of an Rhesus conflict and a blood type conflict between you and your baby. This question is very important for one reason: if you have an Rh conflict, your body may begin to produce antibodies that can harm the baby. But if this problem is detected in time, modern medicine will be able to help you and do everything possible so that your pregnancy will successfully last until the very birth.

So, congratulations on arriving at your 30th week of pregnancy. You have come a long and thorny path, but there is very little left, and in some 10-12 weeks you will see your unborn child, your dearest little man!

The pregnancy calendar shows thirty weeks. Maternity leave has already been issued and the expectant mother can fully immerse herself in the process of preparing for the birth of her baby.

The child is fully formed and on the ultrasound examination, mothers can see how rhythmically his chest moves. He actively reacts to external stimuli and continues to prepare for the birth.

The 30th week of pregnancy is the time when most pregnant women go on maternity leave. Its duration is 140 days: 70 days before delivery and the same after. If a woman is carrying twins, then she went on maternity leave two weeks earlier.

Child development

What happens to the baby at 30 weeks pregnant? He continues to actively develop and prepare for birth. The weight of the child at the 30th week of pregnancy reached 1300 - 1500 grams. The growth of the baby at 30 weeks is already more than forty centimeters and continues to increase this figure.

At 30 weeks pregnant, the baby is quite large and has accumulated some fat. The development of the child is still ongoing, in particular, it concerns the respiratory system. He is already able to breathe on his own if he decides to be born right now. After all, the surfactant in his lungs is quite enough and the lungs will be able to work independently.

The brain of a child looks almost like that of an adult: it is dotted with many grooves and convolutions. And this picture is getting clearer. 30 weeks pregnant - time to change appearance baby's skin.

If the original lubricant remains, then lanugo gradually disappears. Although some babies are born covered in soft hairs. They will completely disappear within the first month of the baby's life.

The skin is still covered with wrinkles, but due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, it is gradually smoothed out. The baby's heart continues to beat evenly, and iron actively accumulates in the liver. After all, it is this organ that during the first year of a baby's life will be responsible for the supply of red blood cells.

At the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby's weight is already large enough to make jumps and somersaults in the uterus. Most often, the fetus at the 30th week of pregnancy is already placed head down, as it should be. At the 30th week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus, of course, is not perfect, but it is quite enough for the child to survive at birth at this gestational age.

Feelings of the expectant mother

Women note an increase in shortness of breath. The reason is the growing size of the uterus. It compresses the lungs, significantly reducing their capacity. A set of gymnastic exercises, which women are taught in courses for expectant mothers, will help get rid of an unpleasant lack of air.

Displacement of the stomach is accompanied by the development of heartburn. Therefore, you need to eat fractionally, and after eating do not go to bed, but take a little walk.

The third trimester of pregnancy is the period when the body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth. The pelvic bones begin to gradually diverge, which is accompanied by a certain discomfort in the region of the lumbosacral spine.

The position of the fetus at the 30th week of pregnancy in most cases remains unchanged until the onset of labor. There is very little space left in the uterus and there is practically no space for coups. And if a breech presentation was detected - the child lies with the pelvis down - then the woman will be assigned to perform special exercises. They will help the child to take the right position.

Late toxicosis

Nausea at the 30th week of pregnancy and vomiting can be symptoms of late toxicosis - preeclampsia. As a rule, during its development there are other deviations in the analyzes:

  • the presence of protein in the urine;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • swelling.


The belly at the 30th week of pregnancy continues to increase in volume and this is strongly reflected in the woman's gait. In addition, the abdominal muscles are already greatly weakened and stretched, so she needs to be careful during the simplest actions.

The skin on the abdomen is greatly stretched. This not only increases the risk of stretch marks, but is also accompanied by severe itching. The use of a moisturizer will help alleviate the condition. Small belly at 30 weeks pregnant, i.e. not corresponding in volume to average standards, may indicate the following conditions:

  • oligohydramnios. It is diagnosed if the volume of amniotic fluid does not reach 500 ml. The condition requires constant medical monitoring;
  • fetal growth retardation. Requires examination and hospitalization of a woman;
  • incorrect location of the fetus - most often transverse. In this case, childbirth will be carried out by caesarean section.


The uterus continues to grow. At this gestational age, it rises above the navel by about 10 cm, the height of the bottom reaches 30 cm.

30 obstetric week accompanied by training uterine contractions. They are painless - rather, accompanied by mild discomfort - and completely safe for mother and child.

But if the contractions have become rhythmic, the pregnant woman has pain and bloody discharge, the water has broken, then she needs urgent hospitalization. A miscarriage at this time cannot occur, but premature birth is quite possible.

Baby movements

The movements of the baby - their number and strength - in this gestational week are of great diagnostic value. Given their activity, you can determine the well-being of the child. There are several ways to count perturbations:

  • within an hour, the baby should push at least six times;
  • for a six-hour time interval, the child must make itself felt at least 10 times;
  • in 12 hours - from 9 am to 9 pm - a woman should feel at least 24 tremors.

This is an average and small deviations are quite acceptable. But if the movements in their number significantly exceed or lag behind the indicators, then this must be reported to the gynecologist.

Pregnancy with twins

The 30th week of pregnancy with twins is quite difficult for a woman. All the "charms" of a singleton pregnancy must be multiplied by two.

If we talk about how much children weigh, then this is about 1200 grams each. At the same time, one twin may slightly set aside from a brother or sister. Permissible norm a difference of 200 - 300 grams is considered.

Many twins have already taken the position necessary for normal delivery, i.e. lie head down. But in any case, the future mother will be under the close supervision of doctors. Childbirth this week is not excluded, but there is no particular reason for excitement.


Ultrasound at 30 weeks of gestation is a planned procedure. A second ultrasound may be scheduled between 30 and 32 gestational weeks. What do they look at ultrasound at 30 weeks? The main task of ultrasound is to control the development of the fetus. During the procedure, the specialist evaluates the following parameters:

  • child's height;
  • fetometry of the fetus;
  • the state of the child's place;
  • fetal position, etc.

In addition, at the 30th week of pregnancy, ultrasound can detect malformations of the crumbs - obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, cardiac pathologies. Simultaneously with ultrasound, dopplerometry can be performed. It allows you to evaluate the uteroplacental blood flow.

On the screen, a woman can see the movement of the fetus and how the chest rises and falls in time with the baby's breathing.

Vaginal discharge

The discharge at the 30th week of pregnancy becomes more abundant and may acquire a milky hue. At the same time, they are homogeneous in composition and have a slightly sour smell. Any change in color or composition is a reason to contact a specialist. All infections must be completely cured by the onset of labor.

The 30th week of pregnancy can be dangerous in terms of the onset of labor. And if the vaginal discharge contains blood impurities, then the woman must be urgently taken to the hospital. Such a symptom may indicate a presentation or detachment of a child's place. In this case, the woman will need competent treatment.

An urgent visit to the doctor will also be required in case of leakage of amniotic fluid. It can be small drops and portions of different sizes. But in any case, they indicate the depletion of the membranes.


A pregnancy of 30 weeks may be accompanied by various pain sensations:

  • A pregnant woman may complain of the development of pulling pains in the lumbar region. This is the normal response of the female body to the physiological changes caused by the gestational process. The weight of the fetus at 30 weeks is already quite significant - it can reach 1500 grams - so the stomach becomes large. A shifting center of gravity, relaxation of the ligaments that support the uterus - all this can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Special gymnastics for pregnant women will help to alleviate the condition.

  • Pregnancy 30 weeks is often accompanied by pain in the intestines. The reason is the wrong diet. It is necessary to exclude gas-forming products and everything will return to normal.
  • Soreness can also be provoked by stretching ligaments. After all, the uterus already weighs quite a lot.
  • Pain can provoke training contractions, which almost every woman experiences at this time.
  • Headaches are also excluded. Medical treatment of this condition is highly undesirable. But if the pain is too strong, then this should be reported to the gynecologist.

Tests at 30 weeks

A woman will now visit the gynecologist's office twice a month: every two weeks. Mandatory tests at 30 weeks of gestation:

  • passing a smear on the vaginal microflora;
  • blood test for HIV infection and Rh factor;
  • urine collection (analysis allows you to evaluate the work of the kidneys).

Weight - allowable gains

The 30th week of pregnancy is the time when a woman should monitor her weight as strictly as possible. The total increase from the beginning of gestation should not exceed 10 - 11 kg. Of this mass, most of the kilograms are accounted for by the weight of the child, the uterus, amniotic fluid and the child's place.

This week, a woman can add no more than 350 grams. Otherwise, she will be recommended to follow a diet and fasting days.


Nutrition at 30 weeks pregnant should meet two criteria: be healthy and balanced. The foods you eat should contain enough protein and complex carbohydrates. The menu must include:

  • meat and fish of lean varieties;
  • seafood and lean fish;
  • dairy products;
  • fresh milk;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • porridge.

To exclude pathological gains, you need to exclude from the menu:

  • any sweets;
  • baking and confectionery;
  • baked goods made from premium flour.

It is advisable to cross out legumes, cabbage, grapes, fresh bread. They cause increased gas formation in the intestines. Products must be boiled - half-baked, and even more so "raw", should be completely excluded. It is necessary to boil both water and milk. You need to limit the following product groups:

  • chocolate;
  • caviar;
  • eggs;
  • berries and fruits with red/orange skin.

So, if the pregnancy calendar is 30 weeks old, then the gestational age is already long and the woman went on prenatal leave. She needs to rest, eat well and walk. An exchange card should always be in the purse - premature birth cannot be ruled out.

If for some reason the birth occurs this week, you can no longer be afraid for the life of the baby. He was sufficiently prepared for a meeting with this world: a respiratory system, the process of thermoregulation has been established, its own immunity has developed, the genitals and limbs have taken shape, the eyes are already opening, the nose “breathes”, the head turns, the kidneys and intestines work - the baby has learned a lot!

Fetus at 30 weeks gestation: movements, development, weight and size

However, this is not the limit. Development and improvement continues. At the 30th week of pregnancy, the brain actively develops, its volume increases, convolutions and grooves are formed.

According to some experts, by the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby's brain is developed to the point where the fetus is already capable of analysis and memorization. To prove this opinion, the following fact is given: if at first an unfamiliar, initial stimulus caused fear and shudder in the crumbs, then when it is repeated, the fetus now only turns its head towards the source of irritation.

Despite the fact that from the moment of conception, a small organism has come a long way on the path of improvement and development, it is not yet ready for birth, improvement continues.

So far, it’s just starting to turn on in “trial mode” nervous system, tries itself in the work of the digestive system. The liver stores iron to supply the little body with blood cells during the first year of a baby's life.

The skin of the crumbs is still wrinkled, but is slowly smoothing out. It is red in color and coated with protective primordial grease. Lanugo gradually begins to disappear, although many babies are born with downy hair on the body, which disappears over time.

Now he weighs over 1300 g and has grown to almost 40 cm in length. The baby is already big enough, and the space in the uterus is getting smaller every day. His movements are now acquiring a slightly different character: if earlier the baby freely tumbled and “floated” in the uterus, pushing off from one wall and moving to another, now he is kicking and pushing more and more, resting either on his elbow, then on his leg, then on his mother’s stomach with his hand .

The frequency and strength of the baby's movements now need to be carefully monitored. Normally, within an hour, a woman feels up to 6 movements of the baby, during the day - at least 20. Doctors say that sharp strong blows from the inside should alert the mother, because for the most part the baby behaves calmly due to lack of space. But "boxing fights" can also be evidence of the difficult nature of your child, so get ready ... It is interesting that girls' hearts beat more chaotically and quickly, while boys' hearts are calmer and more measured.

Future mom

The baby needs your attention and affection. Stroke your tummy more often, talk to the baby, ask for advice, sing songs. Now on sale there are a lot of good music CDs for pregnant women. Just calm melodic compositions are also suitable.

The entire third trimester should be extremely careful. Every day you become heavier and rounder, the center of gravity shifts, the feeling of fatigue and weakness increases - it is not easy to carry such a burden. Moreover, the heart is displaced from its place under the onslaught of the fetus - sometimes shortness of breath appears. Now it is important to take care of yourself and not to rush anywhere. Be careful in the bathroom, on the bus, in the snow, everywhere! Some mothers cannot cope with the body and fall under the weight of the abdomen. This is undesirable, so the shoes should be comfortable and you should be leisurely.

You were supposed to be on maternity leave this week. Use it for relaxation and. Start collecting dowry for the baby and packages to the hospital, study useful information learn to breathe properly. If the baby lies incorrectly, do special exercises with or breech presentation. By the 32nd week of pregnancy, he still has a chance to turn his head to the bottom.

Of course, vitamin-rich nutrition is still very important today. Drink kefir, eat vegetables, fruits and berries, but avoid those that can make you sick.

Take a walk every day. It is advisable to take your husband, girlfriend or sister with you - after all, at any time you may need their help. And listen to the baby: keep track of his movements.

Pain at 30 weeks pregnant

Take care of your back, do not walk or sit for a long time, do not cross your legs, do not lie on your back. After all, now it is on the back that there is a very large load, associated, among other things, with a shift in the center of gravity. For the same reason, many women for a period of 30 weeks complain of lower back pain.

However, pay attention to the nature of the pain: with pulling pains in the lower back, radiating to the lower abdomen, possibly accompanied by painful urination, one can suspect the development of a urinary tract disease.

In the second half of pregnancy, pain, heaviness, and burning sensation in the legs are also felt. Especially it can bake a woman in the evening, after a daytime stay in an upright position. The recipe for "taming" the pain is still the same: regular "sessions" of rest during the day, the rejection of shoes with heels, correct posture. Evening cool foot baths and a relaxing massage will not only help relieve fatigue and soreness, but also reduce the risk of convulsive contractions of the calf muscles at night.

Be prepared for the fact that at some point you will again feel the "curse" of early pregnancy - headaches. As before, a headache becomes a consequence of major changes that continue in the body of a pregnant woman. Because, any medicines now it is banned, we will fight the headache with “grandmother's methods”. So, it helps to relieve this unpleasant symptom of sleep in a cool, well-ventilated, semi-dark room. If the headache is haunting, try to lie down and relax, make a cool compress, massage your temples.

Belly at 30 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts

Mom is not insured on the line at 30 weeks of pregnancy and from such a frightening symptom as abdominal pain. That's just, feeling pain, you should not immediately panic: listen to exactly where it hurts, what character is inherent in pain.

After all, abdominal pain is associated with completely harmless phenomena - pain is accompanied by disorders of the digestive system, pain can occur due to softening and stretching of the ligaments holding the uterus. In the first case, you are unlikely to be mistaken in establishing the cause of the pain: it usually occurs against the background of increased gas formation, bloating, and constipation. In the second case, the pain is localized from the sides or from one side of the abdomen, usually occurs when turning the body, changing position, at the moment of getting up from a bed or chair, when sneezing or coughing.

As if “pulling together”, the stomach can painfully tighten at the moment when the baby beats or sharply hits it from the inside. This usually happens if the baby is dissatisfied or frightened with something: a sharp and painful hit on his mother can be caused, for example, by a loud unexpected sound. In this case, the pain occurs suddenly, but just as suddenly and soon passes.

But if at the 30th week of pregnancy the stomach pulls, it hurts long time, absolutely not painful and irregular training contractions become periodic and become painful, pain from the lower abdomen spreads to the lower back - call an ambulance without delay. With such symptoms, the risk of the onset of preterm labor is too high, the start of which will be prompted by the outflow of amniotic fluid. Please note that it is not possible to stop the birth that has begun prematurely, therefore, now you need to do everything in your power to save the baby.

Discharge at 30 weeks pregnant

Above, we mentioned that the outflow of amniotic fluid should be an unambiguous reason for an urgent call to an ambulance. Amniotic fluid looks like a liquid watery discharge that has a slight yellowish color. Keep in mind that not necessarily amniotic fluid can be poured out at once: it happens that amniotic fluid leaks in small quantities, leaving only a feeling high humidity on panties. But even then, you should go to a specialist as soon as possible: amniotic fluid always leaks, except in case of violation of the integrity of the membranes. Which, in turn, creates a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus: only 24 hours is enough for the infection to reach the fetus.

The pregnant woman should be alerted by the appearance of discharge of an unhealthy green, yellow or earthy color, discharge mixed with pus, mucus, flakes, frothy or curdled discharge. Even if the “colored” discharge does not have an unpleasant odor and does not provoke a feeling of discomfort in the genitals, most likely, you will most likely be diagnosed with some kind of infectious sexual disease. It is the infection that is responsible for the change in color, consistency and smell of the discharge, and it should be treated without fail. Otherwise, the penetration of the infection into the uterus and infection of the fetus is not excluded.

Without delay and without hesitation, call the "ambulance" if you find spotting in any quantity and of any nature. Bloody issues, and even a brown “daub” on panties is a dangerous symptom, with a high degree of probability indicating problems with the placenta. So, the separation of blood is accompanied by presentation or detachment of a normally located placenta - conditions that threaten not only health, but also the life of the mother and child. Placenta previa does not usually cause pain in the abdomen, but its detachment usually causes palpable pain in the abdomen.


The most optimal period for the third planned ultrasound is from 30 to 32 weeks. But more often, an ultrasound examination is prescribed to a woman just in time for the period of 32 weeks - then the baby should already take the position from which it will be born. While at 30 weeks, and this will display the ultrasound, he may still not be in the head presentation, thereby giving the mother understandable concerns.

If, nevertheless, an ultrasound scan was scheduled for the 30th week of pregnancy, then, as in later periods, the development and well-being of the baby, the functionality of his body, and the condition of the uterus will now be examined and evaluated.

So, the doctor will determine the growth rate of the child, establish the compliance of these indicators with the deadline. The baby's heart rate will be assessed. By the way, the ultrasound now shows how the baby breathes: his chest rises and falls. In addition, now the specialist will be able to examine the functionality of the internal organs and systems of the baby, which was not possible to do before. Ultrasound, for example, will tell if the fetus suffers from intestinal or urinary tract obstruction, if the baby has a heart defect.

An important marker during ultrasound will also be the condition of the uterus: its size, standing height, the state of the myometrium. The quantity and quality of amniotic fluid are also assessed, the risk of entanglement of the baby with the umbilical cord is excluded, the place of attachment and the location of the placenta are examined.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

As a rule, most doctors advise going on maternity leave exactly at the thirtieth week of pregnancy. This is the period of a mother’s life that needs to be devoted only to the baby. This is the time when the little man inside already understands and realizes everything.

Starting from the thirtieth week, the baby begins to react to light, in bright light the baby's eyes are open, and when the light is turned off and the mother goes to bed, the baby also closes his eyes and gradually begins to fall asleep. The biorhythms of mother and child during this period completely coincide, they are a single whole not only physically, but also emotionally.

If a woman has twins, the 30th week of pregnancy is even more revealing. The length of the baby at this time, as a rule, is 40 centimeters, sometimes a little more, the weight, on average, is 1300-1500, sometimes it reaches 1800 grams. During this period, the main organs have already been formed, the bone and circulatory system, the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system continue to form (at this time it is important that the fetus lies correctly, since two babies are already getting quite crowded). At this time, the child's nervous system is actively formed, so the mother needs to completely avoid stress, it is not recommended to even watch scary films, or films with sharp, frightening moments. Together with this, feelings are now beginning to form - this is hearing, vision (children react to light and its absence), the child understands pleasant and unpleasant sensations, that is, consciousness is completely formed. It is very good if a mother starts reading fairy tales to babies at this time, this develops their hearing, forms a love for literature and art in general. At 30 weeks, twins are more exposed to environmental influences than ever, so doctors recommend spending more time in nature, outside the city or in the fresh air and categorically refrain from junk food and drinks containing dyes, preservatives and stabilizers during this period.

Dichorionic diamniotic twins are the most common and preferred variant of fetal development, this type occurs when the separation of the zygote occurs on the first, second or third day of pregnancy. All processes in a woman's body occur in the same way as when carrying one baby. Childbirth is usually easy and without complications.

Twinning begins to occur after the twentieth week, and at thirty weeks, children can already “play football” with might and main, thereby they sometimes cause discomfort to each other. This is especially noticeable during the mother's rest, when one baby pushes, then the second begins to move, only the first calmed down, the second began, and so on.

For any mother, two children is a double joy, double happiness and double worries. It is worth noting that the course of pregnancy is more complicated with twins, and, unfortunately, complications occur more often with twins than when carrying one baby.

That is why doctors recommend starting a weekly pregnancy calendar, twins require a particularly delicate approach and careful attitude, so your own calendar should be kept in parallel with the obstetric calendar and compared.

The thirtieth week is the beginning of the third, last trimester before childbirth, this is not only special attention to the baby, but also a serious psychological preparation of the mother for childbirth.

At this time, if a woman has already gone on maternity leave, it is recommended to read literature about childbirth, the development of a baby, attend psychological trainings for expectant mothers, and possibly additional courses. Even in relatively small cities, there are now a huge number of additional courses for expectant mothers.

The courses, of course, repeat the basic material on how to swaddle and what to do during childbirth, but a huge amount of additional information is also given, which, of course, will be useful to a young mother in the first years of a baby's life. That is, in such courses, the behavior and upbringing of the baby is completely understood up to the loss of milk teeth, until the baby adapts to kindergarten. The young mother will be told in more detail about the diet of the baby after the transition from feeding milk and mixtures, about childhood diseases, the necessary vaccinations and the development of the child's personality from an early age.

At the thirty-week gestation period, special attention should be paid to exercise precisely because the tummy already restricts the movement of a woman, especially for those women who carry two babies. Many women at this time can no longer tie their own shoelaces. Therefore, gymnastics must be approached very responsibly and individually discussed with the doctor. It is not recommended to use “universal” means from the Internet with twins, because babies with such a charge are likely to be uncomfortable, especially if they are large.

Toxicosis should end by thirty weeks (in a good scenario, it should end after the fifteenth week), but there are exceptions when toxicosis occurs until the very end of the gestation period, this often happens during pregnancy with twins, in such cases additional portions of vitamins and minerals are often prescribed.

One of the most unpleasant moments of pregnancy is problems with the stool. Many women go to the toilet irregularly or with difficulty, this is due to a decrease in the mobility of the mother, due to the increased amount of food taken. Doctors advise in such cases to eat more laxative foods such as bran, beets, celery, apples, pumpkins, prunes, drink more water and try to avoid strengthening foods such as buckwheat and rice.

As mentioned above, feelings are formed in a child at the thirtieth week; during this period, you can instill in young children a love of art for life. Given the fact that in the third trimester a woman is already on maternity leave, doctors recommend visiting cultural places, exhibitions, art galleries, theaters, museums, listen to classical music, communicate with interesting people. Mom can try to draw - this will almost certainly instill in the child a love of painting.

Most young mothers remember this period with great pleasure, at this time nothing distracts them from fully immersing themselves in pregnancy and enjoying this state.

Women at this time are actively beginning to engage in shopping, shopping for future children. Now in stores huge selection goods for babies, strollers, various cradles and cradles of the most different colors and sizes. It is necessary to immediately buy diapers and undershirts, socks, bonnets, because no matter how many of them are bought, it will still be small, especially in the case of two children.

In the first days of life, the child goes to the toilet much more often than in subsequent days, so there will be a lot of dirty laundry, and, of course, no one wants to wash every two hours. Do not forget about the achievements of civilization - disposable diapers.

They are quite inexpensive, and the problem of constant washes fades into the background (at least they become half as many). During this period, it is also worth shopping for everything you need when you enter the maternity ward. Do not forget that women carrying twins are often laid in advance, you should be prepared for this.