Innovative technologies used for conducting classes. Analysis of innovative pedagogical technologies


The only way leading to knowledge is activity.”

Bernard Show.

In the January Address of the Head of State to the people “New Decade - New Economic Rise - New Opportunities for Kazakhstan” it is noted: “By 2015, the National Innovation System should be fully functional, and by 2020 it should already give results in the form of developments, patents and ready-made technologies, implemented in the country. Therefore, the introduction of modern information technologies that meet international educational standards, as well as the provision of all necessary conditions for the fruitful work of teachers, lecturers, masters of industrial training, are strategic priorities in the field of education. After all, information technology helps teachers to bring the educational process to a qualitative level. new level.

Today, many teachers use modern technologies and innovative teaching methods to achieve learning outcomes. These methods include active and interactive forms used in teaching. Active ones provide for an active position of the student in relation to the teacher and to those who receive education with him. During lessons with their use, textbooks, notebooks, a computer are used, that is, individual tools used for teaching. Thanks to interactive methods, there is an effective assimilation of knowledge in cooperation with other students. These methods belong to collective forms of learning, during which a group of students work on the material being studied, while each of them is responsible for the work done.

The word "innovation" (from the Latin "innove") appeared in the middle of the 17th century and means the entry of a new into a certain area, implantation into it and the generation of a number of changes in this area. Innovation is, on the one hand, the process of innovation, implementation, implementation, and on the other hand, it is the activity of growing innovation into a certain social practice, and not a subject at all.Innovation in exact translation from Latin does not mean “new”, but “into the new”.The concept of "innovation" means innovation, novelty, change; innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of something new. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student.

The emergence of new information technologies associated with the development of computer facilities and telecommunications networks made it possible to create a qualitatively new information and educational environment as the basis for the development and improvement of the education system.

Ways of innovative learning - modular training, problem-based learning, distance learning, research methodical training, project method, social partnership, etc.

Interactive methods contribute to the qualitative assimilation of new material. They belong to:

Creative exercises;

Group tasks;

Educational, role-playing, business games, imitation;


Lessons-meetings with creative people and specialists;

Classes aimed at creative development

lessons-performances, making films, publishing newspapers;

Use of video materials, the Internet, visualization;

Solving complex issues and problems using the methods of "decision tree", "brainstorming".

The main goal of innovative educational technologies is to prepare a person for life in a constantly changing world.The purpose of innovation is a qualitative change in the student's personality in comparison with the traditional system.

Therefore, innovative teaching methods contribute to the development of cognitive interest among students, they teach to systematize and generalize the material being studied, to discuss and debate. Comprehending and processing the acquired knowledge, students acquire the skills to apply them in practice, gain communication experience. Undoubtedly, innovative teaching methods have advantages over traditional ones, because they contribute to the development of the child, teach him independence in cognition and decision-making.

The main task of TVE at the present stage is the training of specialists who are able to respond non-standard, flexibly and in a timely manner to changes that are taking place in the world. Therefore, in order to prepare students for professional activities in the future, innovative teaching methods are used in TVE. These methods include problem-based learning, which involves the formation of skills for solving problematic problems that do not have a clear answer, independent work on the material and the development of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Also, innovative teaching methods provide for interactive learning. It is aimed at active and deep assimilation of the studied material, development of the ability to solve complex problems. Interactive activities include simulation and role-playing games, discussions, simulation situations. One of the modern methods is learning through cooperation. It is used to work with social partners, as well as in small groups. This method aims to effectively master the educational material, develop the ability to perceive different points of view, the ability to cooperate and resolve conflicts in the process of teamwork. The innovative teaching methods used at the present stage in TVE also provide for a method whose priority is moral values. It contributes to the formation of individual moral attitudes based on professional ethics, the development of critical thinking, the ability to represent and defend one's own opinion. Innovative methods have made it possible to change the role of the teacher, who is not only a carrier of knowledge, but also a mentor who initiates the creative search for students.

In this regard, the education system should aim at the formation of a new type of specialist who would be able to independently obtain, process, analyze the necessary information and effectively use it at the right time. This can be achieved with the transition to multi-level training of specialists highest qualification(bachelor - master - doctor).

Today there is no such teacher who would not think about the questions: “How to make the lesson interesting, bright? How do you get students excited about your subject? How to create a situation of success in the classroom for each student? What modern teacher does not dream that students in his lesson would work voluntarily, creatively; mastered the subject at the maximum for each level of success?

And this is no coincidence. The new organization of society, the new attitude to life, make new demands on the school. Today, the main goal of education is not only the accumulation by the student of a certain amount of knowledge, skills, abilities, but also the preparation of the student as an independent subject of educational activity. At the heart of modern education is the activity of both the teacher and, no less important, the student. It is precisely this goal - the upbringing of a creative, active personality who knows how to learn, improve independently, and the main tasks of modern education are subordinated.

An innovative approach to learning allows you to organize the learning process in such a way that the lesson is both fun and beneficial for the student, without turning into just fun or a game. And, perhaps, it is at such a lesson, as Cicero said, that “the eyes of the listener will light up against the eyes of the speaker.”

Innovative technologies:



    problem learning technology

    differentiated learning technology

    technology of teaching and research activities in the classroom

Educational innovative technologies:

    health-saving technologies

    group activity technology

    CTD technology (collective creative work).

The relevance of innovative learning is as follows:

Compliance with the concept of humanization of education;

Use of student-centered learning;

Search for conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of the student;

Compliance with the socio-cultural needs of modern society

independent creative activity.

The main goals of innovative learning are:

Development of intellectual, communicative, linguistic and

creative abilities of students;

Formation of personal qualities of students;

The development of skills that affect the educational and cognitive

activity and transition to the level of productive creativity;

Development of different types of thinking;

Formation of high-quality knowledge, skills and abilities.

These goals also define the tasks of innovative learning:

Optimization of the educational process;

Creating an atmosphere of cooperation between the student and the teacher;

Development of long-term positive motivation for learning;

Inclusion of students in creative activities;

Careful selection of material and methods of its presentation.

Innovative learning is based on the following technologies:

Developmental education;

Problem learning;

Development of critical thinking;

A differentiated approach to learning;

Creating a situation of success in the classroom.

The main principles of innovative learning are:

Creativity (orientation to creativity);

Assimilation of knowledge in the system;

Non-traditional forms of lessons;

The use of visibility.

And now I want to move from the general methodological principles of innovative learning to methods.

When using innovative technologies in teaching the Russian language and literature, the following methods are successfully applied:

Associative series;

Reference abstract;

Brain attack;

Group discussion;


Key terms;

Video films;

Didactic game;

Linguistic maps;

Text research;

Work with tests;

Non-traditional forms homework etc.


Let's start our analysis by fixing a number of peculiar myths of "innovation" or simply misunderstandings. The first misunderstanding is that innovation and innovation (innovation) are one and the same; the second is that innovation and production, the creation of innovations (innovations) are also one and the same, then this is TRIZ (the theory of rationalization and inventions). The third misunderstanding is related to linguistic naturalism: since innovation is a verbal noun, it must be monosubjective.

In fact, innovation (in-new) appears in Latin somewhere in the middle of the 17th century and means the entry of a new into a certain sphere, implantation into it and the generation of a whole series of changes in this sphere. So, innovation is, on the one hand, a process of innovation, implementation, implementation, and on the other hand, it is an activity to grow innovation into a certain social practice, and not at all an object.

Innovative activity in its most complete development involves a system of interrelated types of work, the totality of which ensures the emergence of real innovations. Namely:

● research activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge about how something can be (“discovery”), and about how something can be done (“invention”);

● project activities aimed at developing special, instrumental and technological knowledge about how, on the basis of scientific knowledge, under given conditions, it is necessary to act in order to get what can or should be (“innovative project”);

● educational activities aimed at the professional development of subjects of a certain practice, at the formation of each person's personal knowledge (experience) about what and how they should do in order for an innovative project to be embodied in practice (“implementation”).

What is "innovative education" today? - This is an education that is capable of self-development and that creates conditions for the full development of all its participants; hence the main thesis; innovative education is developing and developing education.

What is "innovative educational technology"? It is a complex of three interrelated components:

  1. Modern content, which is transmitted to students, involves not so much the development of subject knowledge, but the development competencies, adequate to modern business practice. This content should be well structured and presented in the form of multimedia educational materials that are transmitted using modern means of communication.
  2. Modern teaching methods are active methods of developing competencies based on the interaction of students and their involvement in the learning process, and not just on passive perception of the material.
  3. A modern learning infrastructure that includes information, technological, organizational and communication components that allow you to effectively use the benefits of distance learning.

At the moment, a variety of pedagogical innovations are used in school education. It depends, first of all, on the traditions and status of the institution. Nevertheless, the following most characteristic innovative technologies can be distinguished.

1. Information and communication technologies (ICT) in subject education The introduction of ICT into the content of the educational process implies the integration of various subject areas with informatics, which leads to the informatization of students' consciousness and their understanding of informatization processes in modern society (in its professional aspect). It is essential to realize the emerging trend in the process of school informatization: from the development of initial information about computer science by schoolchildren to the use of computer software in the study of general subjects, and then to the saturation of the structure and content of education with elements of computer science, the implementation of a radical restructuring of the entire educational process based on the use of information technologies. As a result, new information technologies appear in the school methodological system, and school graduates are prepared to master new information technologies in their future work. This direction is implemented through the inclusion in the curriculum of new subjects aimed at studying informatics and ICT. Application experience has shown: a) the information environment of an open school, which includes various forms of distance education, significantly increases the motivation of students to study subject disciplines, especially with the use of project method; b) the informatization of education is attractive to the student in that the psychological stress of school communication is removed by moving from the subjective relationship "teacher-student" to the most objective relationship "student-computer-teacher", the efficiency of student work increases, the share of creative work increases, the opportunity in obtaining additional education in a subject within the walls of the school, and in the future, a purposeful choice of a university, a prestigious job is realized;

c) the informatization of teaching is attractive to the teacher in that it allows to increase the productivity of his work, increases the general information culture of the teacher.

At present, it is possible to speak quite definitely about several types of design.

First of all, this psychological and pedagogical design developing educational processes within a certain age interval, creating conditions for a person to become a true subject of his own life and activity: in particular, learning - as mastering common ways activities; formation - as the development of perfect forms of culture; education - as the development of the norms of the hostel in different types of community of people.

Next is socio-pedagogical design educational institutions and developing educational environments adequate to certain types of educational processes; and most importantly - adequate to the traditions, way of life and development prospects of a particular region of Russia.

And finally, actually pedagogical design- as the construction of developing educational practice, educational programs and technologies, methods and means of pedagogical activity.

It is here that the special task of design and research activities arises to ensure the transition from traditional education (traditional schools, traditional management systems, traditional education and upbringing) to innovative education that implements the general principle of human development.

So, in developmental psychology, it is necessary to design age standards (as a certain set of individual abilities of a child in a specific age interval) and development criteria at different stages of ontogenesis.

In development pedagogy, this is the design of developing educational programs that are adequate to age norms, translated into the language of educational technologies, i.e. through WHAT? And How? this development will take place.

In educational practice, this is the design of child-adult communities in their cultural and activity specificity, that is, the design of such an educational space where this development can be carried out.

In other words, the design of a system of developing and developing education is possible if simultaneously carried out: a psychological study of age-normative models of personality development, pedagogical design of educational programs and technologies for implementing these models, co-organization of all participants in the educational process, design of conditions for achieving new educational goals and means of solving problems development.

There are probably already hundreds of examples of project work that is being carried out in modern domestic education. Let's name just a few types of such work:

● at the level of an individual teacher - this is the design of educational programs, including educational, educational, pedagogical subprograms;

● at the level of the head of the educational structure - this is the design of the type of education provided by the system of specific educational programs;

● at the level of management in education - this is the design of programs for the development of educational structures of various types, the set of which is adequate to the available contingent of children, pupils, students;

● at the level of policy in education - this is the design of the educational system as a socio-cultural infrastructure of a particular region or country as a whole.

2. Personally-oriented technologies in teaching the subject

Person-Centered Technologies put the personality of the child at the center of the entire school educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potentials. The personality of the child in this technology is not only the subject, but also the subject priority; she is goal educational system, and not a means to some abstract end. It manifests itself in the development by students of individual educational programs in accordance with their capabilities and needs.

3. Information - analytical support of the educational process and management

the quality of schoolchildren's education

The use of such innovative technology as the information-analytical method of managing the quality of education allows you to objectively, impartially track the development over time of each child individually, class, parallel, school as a whole. With some modification, it can become an indispensable tool in the preparation of class-generalizing control, studying the state of teaching any subject of the curriculum, studying the system of work of a single teacher.

4 . Monitoring of intellectual development

Analysis and diagnostics of the quality of education of each student by testing and plotting progress dynamics.

5 . Educational technologies as the leading mechanism for the formation of a modern student

It is an essential factor in today's learning environment. It is implemented in the form of involving students in additional forms of personality development: participation in cultural events on national traditions, theater, centers for children's creativity, etc.

6. Didactic technologies as a condition for the development of the educational process of educational institutions

Here, both already known and proven techniques, as well as new ones, can be implemented. These are independent work with the help of a textbook, a game, design and defense of projects, learning with the help of audiovisual technical means, the "consultant" system, group, differentiated teaching methods - the "small group" system, etc. Usually, various combinations of these techniques are used in practice. .

7. Psychological and pedagogical support for the introduction of innovative technologies

in the educational process of the school

A scientific and pedagogical substantiation of the use of certain innovations is supposed. Their analysis at methodological councils, seminars, consultations with leading experts in this field.

Thus, the experience of the modern Russian school has the widest arsenal of application of pedagogical innovations in the learning process. The effectiveness of their application depends on the established traditions in a general education institution, the ability of the teaching staff to perceive these innovations, and the material and technical base of the institution.

New educational standards are introduced new direction of appraisal activity - Evaluation of personal achievements. It has to do with the implementation humanistic paradigm education and person-centered approach to learning. It becomes important for society to objectify the personal achievements of each subject of the educational process: student, teacher, family. The introduction of the assessment of personal achievements ensures the development of the following personality components: motivation for self-development, the formation of positive guidelines in the structure of the self-concept, the development of self-esteem, volitional regulation, and responsibility.

Therefore, in the standards, the final grade of the student includes and accumulated assessment characterizing the dynamics of individual educational achievements throughout the years of schooling.

The optimal way to organize a cumulative assessment system is portfolio . This is the way fixing, accumulating and evaluating work, a student's results, indicating his efforts, progress and achievements in various areas over a certain period of time. In other words, it is a form of fixation of self-expression and self-realization. The portfolio provides a transfer of "pedagogical emphasis" from assessment to self-assessment, from what a person does not know and cannot do to what he knows and can do. A significant characteristic of the portfolio is its integrativity, including quantitative and qualitative assessments, involving the cooperation of the student, teachers and parents in the course of its creation, and the continuity of the assessment replenishment.

Technology portfolio implements the following functions in the educational process:

● diagnostic (changes and growth (dynamics) of indicators for a certain period of time are recorded);

● goal setting (supports educational goals formulated by the standard);

● motivational (encourages students, teachers and parents to interact and achieve positive results);

● developing (ensures the continuity of the process of development, training and education from class to class);

should still be added:

● training (creates conditions for the formation of the foundations of qualimetric competence);

● corrective (stimulates development within the limits conventionally set by the standard and society).

For the student portfolio is the organizer of his educational activities, for the teacher - a means of feedback and a tool for evaluation activities.

Several portfolio types . The following are the most popular:

● portfolio of achievements

● portfolio - report

● portfolio - self-assessment

● portfolio - planning my work

(any of them has all the characteristics, but when planning it is recommended to choose one leading one)

Choice Portfolio type depends on the purpose of its creation.

Distinctive feature portfolio is its student-centered nature:

● the student, together with the teacher, determines or refines the purpose of creating a portfolio;

● student collects material;

● results assessment is based on self-assessment and mutual assessment

An important characteristic portfolio technology is its reflexivity. Reflection is the main mechanism and method of self-certification and self-report. Reflection- the process of cognition based on self-observation of one's inner world. / Ananiev B.G. Man as an object of knowledge. - L. - 1969./ "a psychological mirror of oneself".

In addition to general educational skills to collect and analyze information, structure and present it, the portfolio allows you to reach the development of intellectual skills of a higher order - metacognitive skills.

Student gotta learn :

● select and evaluate information

● define exactly the goals he would like to achieve

● plan your activities

● give evaluation and self-assessment

● track your own mistakes and fix them

In this context, we consider the portfolio as one of the methods most relevant to the tasks of the technology for the development of critical thinking. It is he who combines the capabilities of the most important strategy of technology for the development of critical thinking and the modern method of assessment and makes it possible to diagnose the formation of the main goals - the ability to self-educate.

The best way to get acquainted with portfolio technology is its practical implementation.

A fundamental distinction must be made between the concepts "innovation" And "innovation". The basis for such a distinction should be the specific forms, content and scale of transformational activity. So, if the activity is short-term, does not have a holistic and systemic character, sets as its task the renewal (change) of only individual elements of a certain system, then we are dealing with an innovation. If an activity is carried out on the basis of a certain conceptual approach, and its consequence is the development of a given system or its fundamental transformation, we are dealing with innovation. It is possible to introduce a number of more specific criteria for distinguishing between these two concepts.

Additional differences in the conceptual apparatus of innovation activity can be realized if we build a diagram of the full cycle of the emergence and implementation of any innovation in a particular social practice:

● source of innovation (science, politics, production, economics, etc.);

● innovative proposal (innovation, invention, discovery, rationalization);

● activity (technology) for the implementation of innovation (training, implementation, translation);

● innovation process (forms and methods of rooting innovation in practice);

● new type or new form of social practice.

We present just one example deploying a full cycle of innovative transformations- from the history of national education:

● source of innovation - the level of development of pedagogical and developmental psychology in the USSR in the 50s;

● innovative proposal - the scientific team of Elkonin-Davydov proves the possibility of forming the foundations of theoretical thinking in younger students;

● technology of implementation - fundamentally new curricula in the main subjects in primary school are being developed;

● innovation process - the opening of laboratories and experimental schools in different regions of the country to form educational activities in primary school age;

● a new form of practice - the "system of developmental education" as a new type of educational practice.

In conclusion, let us ask ourselves - does Russian education have prospects for transition to the mode of innovative development and self-development? And if so, under what conditions is this possible? Let us note three types of such conditions in three spheres of providing innovative education.

In science, these prospects are associated with more ambitious than today, the bases for the implementation of the main directions of design and research activities; First of all, these are the humanitarian and anthropological foundations for the formation and development of a person in the space of education. Only in this case meaningful methodology for designing and researching innovative education is possible; a general theory of the development of individual subjectivity and child-adult communities in educational processes; technology for the implementation and examination of multi-scale innovative educational projects.

In the system of vocational education and professional development:

● this is a consistent introduction to the content of the education culture of designing innovative educational practices;

● this is the formation of psychological literacy, more broadly - the psychological culture of pedagogical work;

● it is mastering the norms and culture of managing the development of education, the activities of professional teaching staff.

In the field of educational policy:

● this is a responsible state and public support for scientific projects and programs related to the design of innovative developing and developing education in Russia.

Classification of innovative technology PORTFOLIO

1. In relation to the structural elements of educational systems

● in control, in the evaluation of results

2. In relation to the personal formation of subjects of education

● in the development of certain abilities of students and teachers,

● in the development of their knowledge, skills, ways of working, competencies

3. By area of ​​pedagogical application

● in the educational process

4. By types of interaction between participants in the pedagogical process

● in collective learning (personally oriented)

In individual, frontal, group form

● in family education

5. By functionality

● innovations-products (pedagogical tools, projects, technologies, etc.)

6. By methods of implementation

● systematic

7. By the scale of distribution

● internationally

● at school

● at the federal level

8. Highlighting the sign of scale (volume) of innovation

● systemic, covering the entire school or the entire university as an educational system

9. By socio-pedagogical significance

● in educational institutions of any type

10. On the basis of innovative potential

● combinatorial

● innovations

11. In relation to his predecessor

● substitute

● opening

Innovative potential of an educational institution

is determined in the analysis of an educational institution according to the following positions:

  1. The focus of innovation on changing the educational needs addressed to the educational institution, social order

● Aimed at changing the goals, content, organization technology, approaches to assessing the educational results of students

● Integration of teaching, learning and assessment; combining quantitative and qualitative assessment of the student's abilities through the analysis of various products of educational and cognitive activity

● Solving important pedagogical tasks:

Create an emotionally comfortable educational environment

Maintain high learning motivation of students

Encourage their activity and independence

Expand opportunities for learning and self-learning

To develop the skills of reflective and evaluative activity of students

To form the ability to learn - set goals, plan and organize your own learning activities

Develop communication skills and abilities

Inform students and their parents about the various options for choosing an educational route

  1. Orientation of innovation to solving the problems of an educational institution

● Changing the way of learning, searching for new forms of organizing the learning process, changing the requirements for performance, and in general - for the quality of education

● Form of continuous assessment in the process of continuing education

● Teacher's portfolio - as an alternative form of assessing his professionalism and performance during the examination for compliance with the declared qualification category

● Active involvement of parents in the process of learning and learning of the child (more adequate assessment of both the strengths and weaknesses of their child and more active cooperation with the school)

  1. Resource opportunities of an educational institution

● Systematic work to improve the qualifications of teachers

● Experience in creating an electronic portfolio

● Network computer equipment of classrooms (3 computer classes, personal computers in the classrooms of subject teachers, administrative network)

● Methodological support of the course

Work folder

Official portfolio forms (supplement to the 9th grade certificate)

Diagnostic materials

Tables and diagrams for maintaining the "Working Folder"

Reminders and instructions for students

Examples of activities with students

  1. The relationship of innovation with the achievements and competitive advantages of an educational institution for the period preceding the current innovation cycle of development

● A promising form of presenting the individual orientation of the educational achievements of a particular student, meeting the objectives of pre-profile training and, in the future, profile training

● Optimization of mechanisms for the formation of 10 profile classes

  1. assessment of the innovative environment in an educational institution, the innovative potential of the team, potential points of growth

● The educational institution has long been looking for ways of authentic (individualized) assessment, focused not only on the assessment process, but also on self-assessment

(used in practice-oriented education and provides for the assessment of the formation of skills and abilities of students in the conditions of placing them in a situation as close as possible to real life)

● Many methodological findings have been accumulated, pedagogical technologies have already been developed to get rid of intrusive labels such as “weak C” or “strong good”

  1. initial forecast of the perception of possible innovations in the community of an educational institution, possible resistance to change

● Implementation requires new organizational and cognitive skills both from the teacher and the student

● Teaching time problem: Takes more time to implement than the traditional grading system

● A real assessment of the possibilities and readiness of students, teachers, parents in providing materials to fix the dynamics of their individual progress

Shifting pedagogical focus from assessment to self-assessment

Students have poorly developed achievement motivation, there are difficulties in goal-setting, independent planning and organization of their own educational activities, the ability to systematize and analyze their own collected material and experience

Unpreparedness of parents to realize the importance and significance of a portfolio as a document confirming the level of knowledge of students and to make the right choice of a further education profile

For all positions, the article provides an analysis of a specific educational institution (Gymnasium No. 116 of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg)


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Essence and varieties of innovative educational technologies

Definition 1

Innovative educational technology is a methodology for organizing educational activities that involves the use of some new or qualitative improvement of existing methods and means to increase the efficiency of the educational process and create conditions for educational activities that best meet current trends in the socio-economic development of society.

Innovative activity in education involves complex activities focused on the emergence of innovations in the educational sphere. These innovations can be methods and techniques for organizing the educational process, resources used in the process of education and training, scientific theories and concepts.

Innovations develop through the use of research activities aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge, some kind of discovery, invention. In addition, the emergence of innovations can be the result of design work, during which instrumental and technological knowledge is developed, reflecting the possibility of implementing practical actions, based on existing scientific theories and concepts. Thus, innovative projects are created, which subsequently lead to the emergence of new technologies.

Innovations also develop in the process of educational activities. In the learning process, the development of theoretical and practical knowledge of students takes place, which can then be applied in various areas of practical life associated with the creation of innovations.

Innovative educational technologies are based on three main components:

  1. Modern, well-built content, the foundation of which is competencies in professional activities that meet the current realities of entrepreneurial activity. the content includes a variety of multimedia materials transmitted through modern means of communication.
  2. Application of modern, innovative methods in teaching. Such methods should be focused on developing the competencies of the future professional, involving students in active learning and practical activities, and showing initiative in the process of learning. Passive assimilation of curricula is excluded.
  3. Availability of modern infrastructure in the educational process. It should be based on information, technological, organizational and communication components that help to apply new forms and methods of education, in particular distance learning.

Innovative technologies in education are used on the basis of the application of certain approaches in teaching i.e. principles that include requirements and targets that are the foundation for the development of new technologies.

All innovations in the pedagogical sphere are based on their clear compliance with the current stage of the socio-economic development of society. At present, they should be focused on the development of students' independence, the formation of their abilities for self-learning and self-development, conscious, and not mechanical assimilation of curricula.

Innovative technologies in the educational sphere are constantly developing and their range is expanding. The following main groups of technologies can be distinguished:

  1. Information and communication technologies or ICT in the field of subject education. The use of these technologies is associated with the development of the information society and the active introduction of information tools in all spheres of life. Such technologies are aimed at informatization of students' consciousness. The educational programs include new subjects that are focused on the study of computer science, information processes and ICT. The teaching process is also actively informatized to help improve the information culture of the teaching staff and students;
  2. Person-oriented technologies. These technologies are aimed at placing the individual in a priority position in education and upbringing. The entire educational process is focused specifically on the development of the personality, taking into account its individuality and features of development.
  3. Information and analytical supply of the educational process. The use of this group of technologies is focused on the study of the development of each student, class, parallel, educational institution, their adequate assessment;
  4. Monitoring of intellectual development. Technologies are based on the use of graphs, a testing system, new assessment methods that allow you to track the dynamics of the development of individual students and the quality of education in general;
  5. Educational technologies. The learning process cannot be divorced from education. Therefore, new methods are being introduced to develop a personality, its main qualities;
  6. Didactic technologies. They are the main factor in the development of an educational institution. Such technologies are based on a set of techniques and tools, including the use of traditional and innovative technologies: independent work with educational literature, the use of audiovisual, multimedia tools, differentiated teaching methods.

Figure 1. Innovative educational technologies. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

Basic technologies of student-centered learning

These technologies put the personality of the child at the head of the educational process. His individual qualities are taken into account, and the teacher directs his skills to the organization of education, according to the specific needs of the student.

Among the technologies of personality-oriented learning, the following can be distinguished:

  • Technology of multi-level education. According to this technology, it is supposed to build the educational process depending on the ability to assimilate the material by each student, i.e. each student is given time to master the program, which is required for him and corresponds to his capabilities. So, the basic core of the curriculum is productively assimilated.
  • The technology of collective mutual learning. This technology involves the grouping of students into groups consisting of at least two people who have psychological compatibility. They may have different levels of intellectual development, but they complete tasks by helping each other and, thereby, developing each other. This forms logical thinking, a sense of responsibility, adequate self-esteem, helps to emancipate students.
  • collaboration technology. This technology involves the association of students in small teams and training in them. Learning should take place jointly, with awareness of each other's successes and failures. Education is built on the basis of setting a single goal and objectives, the obligatory responsibility of each student and ensuring equal conditions for the effective assimilation of cognitive information.

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The purpose of the course work is to identify the features of innovative education technologies.

Objectives of the course work:

Determining the features of innovative learning technologies based on a theoretical analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature;

Identification of the main reasons for the use of innovative technologies;

Defining the features of student-centered learning technology;

Identification of the criteria for the effectiveness of the lesson in the system of student-centered learning.

The object of the research is innovative learning technologies.

The subject of the research is a student-oriented learning technology.

The research hypothesis is that the use of innovative learning technologies in the general pedagogical process will increase its effectiveness, as well as the level of development of the students' personality.

The methodological basis of the study was the provisions of activity (Yu.V. Gromyko, N.N. Leontiev, G.P. Shchedrovitsky and others), systemic (O.S. Anisimov, A.P. Belyaeva, N.V. Kuzmina, V. .V. Yudin and others), personality-oriented (M.V. Klarin, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others) approach, about the patterns of child development (L.S. Vygotsky).

Research methods are the study and analysis of the current state of the problem in theory and practice according to literary sources.

The concept of "change" becomes in many ways synonymous with the word "innovation". During this period, strategic approaches to modern innovations in teaching and learning begin to take shape. In 1962, the work of Everett Rogers "The Diffusion of Innovations" was published, which withstood multiple reprints and was analyzed by scientists around the world. And today, his model of the diffusion of innovations is used as the basis for conducting research at various levels.

In the 1990s, many works devoted to the problem of innovative education appeared. The causes of this problem are described in sufficient detail by V. E. Shukshunov and his co-authors. One of them is that “the system of “supportive education” that has developed in the past no longer contributes to the requirements of the emerging post-industrial civilization”

Novelty is always concrete-historical in nature. Born at a specific time, progressively solving the problems of a certain stage, an innovation can quickly become the property of many, the norm, generally accepted mass practice, or outlive, become obsolete, and become a brake on development at a later time. Therefore, the teacher needs to constantly monitor innovations in education and carry out innovative activities. The main functions of the teacher's innovative activity include progressive (so-called defect-free) changes in the pedagogical process and its components: a change in goals (for example, the new goal is the development of a student's individuality), a change in the content of education (new education standards), new teaching aids (computer learning ), new ideas of education (Yu.P. Azarov, D. Bayard, B. Spock), new methods and techniques of education (V.F. Shatalov), development (V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankov), education junior schoolchildren (Sh.A. Amonashvili), etc.

The introduction of modern technologies depends on the readiness of the subjects of the educational process (primarily teachers) for innovation, the formation of innovative pedagogical thinking, and the restructuring of the mentality of the participants in the training.

In all pedagogical guidelines, the importance of two principles is emphasized: taking into account the age characteristics of pupils and the implementation of education based on an individual approach. Psychological and pedagogical studies of the last decades have shown that it is not so much the educator's knowledge of the age and individual characteristics that is of paramount importance, but the consideration of the personal characteristics and capabilities of the pupils. The personal approach underlying the construction of the content of education is understood as a reliance on personal qualities. The latter express characteristics that are very important for upbringing - the orientation of the personality, its value orientations, life plans, established attitudes, the dominant motives of activity and behavior. Neither age taken separately, nor individual personality traits (character, temperament, will, etc.), considered in isolation from the named leading qualities, provide sufficient grounds for a high-quality personality-oriented educational result. Value orientations, life plans, personality orientation, of course, are associated with age and individual characteristics. But only the priority of the main personal characteristics leads to the correct accounting of these qualities.

innovative learning personal

1. The concept of innovative learning technologies

1.1 General concept of innovative education technologies

The word "innovation" comes from the Latin inovatis (in - in, novus - new) and in translation means "update, novelty, change". Pedagogical innovation is a change aimed at improving the development, education and learning of students.

Innovation is change within a system. Therefore, in the pedagogical interpretation, innovation is the introduction of something new, change, improvement and improvement of the existing pedagogical system.

Pedagogical innovative technology is the integrity of scientifically based and rationally selected content and organizational forms that create conditions for motivating, stimulating and enhancing the educational and cognitive activity of students. In pedagogical technology, each element and stage of the educational process is conditioned, aimed at an objectively diagnosable result.

At the present stage of development of society, the need to introduce innovative technologies into the educational process based on new achievements in economics, pedagogy and psychology is sharply increasing.

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, the position has been established that the development of the individual in the learning process depends on both external and internal conditions. The external ones are:

§ pedagogical skills of the teacher;

§ rational construction of training programs;

§ a set of optimal teaching methods.

However, external conditions are always refracted through the individual characteristics of the individual, her relationships with other people, which constitute the internal conditions of learning. The latter are psychological factors that are determined by the personality of the student himself: the level of mental development, attitudes towards learning, features of self-organization, and other individual characteristics.

The formation of a system of one's own views and tastes, the definition of standards and assessments, attitudes towards people, etc., largely depend on psychological factors. Consequently, one and the same technology cannot be a recipe for all cases of pedagogical activity. These factors make it necessary to look for new educational technologies.

The concept of innovative technology includes a number of criteria and principles, the implementation of which ensures the effectiveness of learning outcomes.

1.2 The essence and content of the concept of innovative technology

Pedagogical technology is a complex, integrated process that includes people, ideas, means and ways of organizing activities for problem analysis and planning, providing, evaluating and managing problem solving, covering all aspects of learning. Such an understanding of modern pedagogical technology determines the direction of theoretical and practical searches for educational technologies.

1.2.1 Principles for the development of innovative technologies

The results of ongoing research in the field of pedagogical technologies show that their prospects are associated with the development of three models of pedagogical technologies: semantic, structural and parametric. At the same time, under the model of pedagogical technology, we mean purposefully developed and in general terms reproducible components of the student learning process, which lead to an increase in the efficiency of the functioning of an integral pedagogical system. Modeling involves the definition of the goal of education (why and for what?), the selection and construction of the content of education (what?), the organization of the educational process (how?), methods and methods (using what?), the interaction of teachers and students (who?).

When creating a semantic model of student learning technology, the subject of study is limited to the framework of pedagogical reality: what is the content of education, forms of organization of the educational process, results and their evaluation system. However, under certain conditions of the equipment of the pedagogical process, depending on the level of pedagogical skills of teachers, the readiness of students to perceive and process educational information, the essence of the main technological acts changes. In this regard, in semantic modeling, changes and admissible possibilities of replicating author's technologies in specific conditions of the pedagogical process are investigated.

The concretization of the semantic model depends entirely on the purpose for which it is being developed. On this basis, several areas of detailing the general semantic model of pedagogical technology can be distinguished:

The model can serve to form a fundamentally new technology of education, which involves the formation of innovative, scientific and pedagogical thinking;

The model can act as a means of determining the norms, principles of innovative activity in pedagogy;

The model can be used in methodical work on servicing innovators - specialists in the design, programming and organization of innovative learning technologies;

The model can serve as a means of teaching innovative pedagogical activity.

The creation of a structural model of innovative learning technologies includes the identification of the most important characteristics, the totality of which allows us to evaluate the place and role of a particular technology among other possible ones, to compare the advantages and disadvantages of its options.

The methods for highlighting the structure of innovative learning technology are: a description of a separate pedagogical innovation, taken as a unique phenomenon, comparative analysis obtained data and statistical generalization. Based on such a step-by-step analysis, it is possible to single out the structure of the model of innovative technology as the following sequence of steps:

1) awareness of the problem, identification of a contradiction based on fixing the discrepancy between what is and what should be;

2) decision-making process (setting goals, creating a theoretical model, searching for alternatives and choosing solutions, building a normative model);

3) creation and first development of the project (experiment, finalization of the normative model to the project, verification of the project at the level of pedagogical technology, preparation of the project for use);

4) development (development of forms for using the project, basic methods for replicating the project);

5) use (distribution of innovation among users, long-term use, modification of innovations).

The stage of designing innovative technology involves taking into account the stress in the pedagogical system. The search for parameters that arise in the pedagogical environment of situational structures as a reaction to innovation is the primary task of scientific activity in the field of creating innovative learning technologies.

During the examination, specialists noted a high level of prospects for the development of structural learning technologies.

Therefore, the creation of innovative technology is a very complex and responsible process. How carefully it is worked out and comprehended depends on how effective the technology will be in the process of use, and how effective the entire pedagogical system will be. Currently, there are three models of pedagogical technologies: semantic, structural and parametric. After the pedagogical technology has passed all these stages, it receives the right to be introduced into the pedagogical process. But since a large number of pedagogical technologies are being developed, it is necessary to classify them for a better orientation of the teacher in them.

1.2.2 Classification of innovative technologies

The classification of innovative technologies can be based on certain criteria on the basis of which it will be carried out. The first criterion can be considered the method of the emergence of an innovative process, the second - the breadth and depth of innovative activities, and the third - the basis on which innovations appear.

Depending on the method of implementation of innovations, they can be divided into:

a) systematic, planned, preconceived;

b) spontaneous, spontaneous, random.

Depending on the breadth and depth of innovative activities, we can talk about:

a) mass, large, global, strategic, systematic, radical, fundamental, essential, deep, etc.;

b) partial, small, small, etc.

Depending on the basis on which innovations appear and arise, there are:

a) pedagogical technologies based on the humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations. These are technologies with a procedural orientation, the priority of personal relations with an individual approach, non-rigid democratic management and a bright humanistic orientation of the content.

These include personality-oriented technology, cooperation pedagogy, humane-personal technology (Sh.A. Amonashvili), the system of teaching literature as a subject that forms a person (E.N. Ilyina), etc.;

b) pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activities. Examples: game technologies, problem-based learning, learning technology using abstracts of reference signals V.F. Shatalova, communicative learning E.I. Passova and others;

c) pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of the organization and management of the learning process. Examples: programmed learning, differentiated learning technologies (V.V. Firsov, N.P. Guzik), learning individualization technologies (A.S. Granitskaya, Inge Unt, V.D. Shadrikov), promising anticipatory learning using support schemes in commented management (S.N. Lysenkova), group and collective methods of learning (I.D. Pervin, V.K. Dyachenko), computer (information) technologies, etc.;

d) pedagogical technologies based on methodological improvement and didactic reconstruction of educational material: enlargement of didactic units (UDE) P.M. Erdniev, technology "Dialogue of cultures" V.S. Bibler and S.Yu. Kurganov, the system "Ecology and Dialectics" L.V. Tarasova, the technology for implementing the theory of the stage-by-stage formation of mental actions by M.B. Volovich and others;

e) natural, used methods of folk pedagogy, based on the natural processes of child development: training according to L.N. Tolstoy, literacy education according to A. Kushnir, M. Montessori technology, etc.;

f) alternative methods: Waldorf pedagogy by R. Steiner, technology of free labor by S. Frenet, technology of probabilistic education by A.M. Lobka and others.

To reproduce this or that pedagogical technology, it is very important to have its most complete description.

The structure of the description of pedagogical technology may include:

identification of this pedagogical technology in accordance with the accepted systematization (classification system);

the name of the technology, reflecting the main qualities, the fundamental idea, the essence of the applied training system, and finally, the main direction of the modernization of the educational process;

3) conceptual part (brief description guiding ideas, hypotheses, principles of technology that contribute to the understanding, interpretation of its construction and functioning):

target settings;

main ideas and principles (the main development factor used, the scientific concept of assimilation);

the position of the child in the educational process;

4) listing the content of education:

orientation to personal structures;

volume and nature of the content of education;

didactic structure of the curriculum, material, programs, form of presentation;

5) procedural description:

Features, application of methods and means of training;

Motivational characteristic;

Organizational forms of the educational process;

Management of the educational process (diagnostics, planning, regulations, projection);

6) software and methodological support:

curricula and programs;

educational and methodical grants;

didactic materials;

visual and technical teaching aids;

diagnostic toolkit.

The description structure is also necessary in order to analyze its differences from traditional or already existing technologies.

1.3 Conditions for the transition to new learning technologies

Traditional pedagogical science developed in an authoritarian society based on a certain system of social values. In new circumstances, the old pedagogical theory is not always suitable.

In order to move to more advanced teaching technologies, it will take time, psychological restructuring of both teachers, students, and parents. The requirement to adapt (adapt, make more convenient) the process of education and upbringing has its roots in the 14th century, when Ya.A. Kamensky proclaimed the principle of conformity to nature as one of the basic principles of education.

The conceptual basis of the new (innovative) pedagogy is the assertion that a person is a self-developing system, because everything that a person acquires from the outside, he passes through his consciousness and his soul. The need to move to a qualitatively new level of organization of the pedagogical process is also determined by the fact that at present, 70-80% of all information the student receives not from the teacher and not at school, but on the street, from parents and observations of the surrounding life (including mass media).

The value orientations of the teacher should also change. When starting work in a new system of education, the teacher must imagine that he is not just children who need to be educated, but bright, unique individuals whom he is obliged to deeply respect, appreciate, who still have little knowledge, little social experience, but they have an extraordinary advantage. before him - youth and thirst for knowledge. The main task of the teacher is to help the student gain and master the experience of the older generation, to enrich and develop them. Difficulties or more serious problems in the educational process cannot be grounds for belittling the student's personality, showing disrespect for it. Pedagogical assistance, support and assistance to each student is the main function of a professional teacher.

The student's involvement in the educational process with an adaptive learning system is considered as the resulting goal. Accordingly, an adapted educational process should be built in such a way that it is convenient for students of different age groups, taking into account the typological and individual characteristics of schoolchildren.

The principle of humanistic pedagogy: there should be two subjects of the same process that act together, in parallel and in common, which are partners, form an alliance of the more experienced with the less experienced, but with the advantage of youth and receptivity. And none of them should stand above the other: they should cooperate in the learning process.

1.3.1 Main ways of reforming the traditional education system

The implementation of a student-centered approach to learning involves three main areas of reforming the traditional system: content, organizational and procedural.

1. New in the content of education.

Within the framework of the first direction of reform - substantive - the education system should structurally consist of several interrelated components, providing for:

the introduction of two standards of education: the standard of compulsory (general education) training, which each student must achieve, and the standard of additional (advanced) training, which an interested capable student can choose for himself; to assess learning outcomes, it is advisable to use thematic tests designed for a particular standard;

creating conditions for the early identification of potentially gifted children and the development of their abilities;

development of the natural inclinations of all students in the subjects of aesthetics, visual arts, music, rhythm, singing, communication;

care for the social and moral development of students, accelerating their adaptation in society by creating special training programs and "playing" various life situations in extracurricular activities.

Particular attention should be paid to the realization of the opportunities of potentially gifted and talented students. The search for appropriate forms of development for such students is the most important scientific and practical task of education.

2. Organizational changes in the educational process.

One of the most important tasks is to solve the issue of the optimal duration of a training session, a school day, a school week.

For example, it is obvious that it is impossible to educate all children aged 6 to 17 in a single regime without compromising their health. When solving this problem, the principle of avoiding overload should be laid down, providing for a reduction in the time for compulsory educational work, primarily due to the strict selection of the content and volume of material, as well as the introduction of integrative courses, and in high school - due to the choice of disciplines by students in accordance with the profile their intended professional activities.

Particular attention of the heads of educational authorities is focused on the search for adaptive options for teaching elementary school children. This is connected with the emergence of completely new types of educational institutions for children aged 6-11, such as a school-complex, in the structure of which Kindergarten and elementary school. The main goal of such educational institutions is not only to ensure a smooth and natural transition of the child to school, but also to make the most of the preschool period for the development of children, to ensure continuity between preschool institutions and the school.

In many giant schools, the issue of territorial separation of primary classes from the general structure of the school and their placement in separate rooms with special equipment, rooms for games and recreation for children is being resolved, which makes it possible to provide children of primary school age with the most convenient mode of work throughout the working day.

In elementary school children, the adaptation process is built along the line "kindergarten - school", in teenage classes it should be built with maximum regard for the age characteristics of students from 11 to 14 years old, and in the senior classes, at the final stage of education, the student must adapt to learning in professional secondary and higher educational institutions.

3. Procedural transformations in educational activities.

Currently, all the innovations introduced at the school relate mainly to changes in the content of academic disciplines, private forms and teaching methods that do not go beyond the usual technologies.

Changes in the procedural block of the pedagogical system, ensuring its reorientation from external indicators to personality development, should provide for a significant transformation of the educational process through the use of more advanced teaching technologies, providing for other conditions for organizing the educational process, ensuring the most complete satisfaction of the cognitive needs of schoolchildren, comprehensive consideration of their interests aptitudes, abilities.

The implementation of new conceptual foundations will require solving a number of problems inherited by the educational system, among which the main ones are:

* reorientation of teachers from educational and disciplinary to personal model of interaction with students;

* preparation of teachers for the consistent exclusion of coercion in teaching, the inclusion of internal activators of activity.

The task is to change learning so that the majority of students learn at the level of increasing cognitive interests, and only in relation to a minority of them, measures of motivation would be required.

At the psychological level, the exclusion of strict external requirements is achieved by ensuring freedom in the choice of means, forms and methods of teaching both on the part of the teacher and on the part of children, as well as by creating an atmosphere of trust, cooperation, mutual assistance by changing the evaluation activities of the teacher and students, and also supervising the activities of educational institutions of higher organizations.

The solution of the main tasks associated with procedural internal changes in the educational process involves the following:

active inclusion of the student himself in the search educational and cognitive activity, organized on the basis of internal motivation;

organization of joint activities, partnerships between teachers and students, the inclusion of students in pedagogically appropriate educational relations in the process of educational activities;

ensuring dialogic communication not only between the teacher and students, but also between students in the process of obtaining new knowledge.

All these transformations are embedded in the technologies of developing education. Subject to the appropriate preparation of the teacher, a quick transition to this mode of work is possible only with children in the first grades who have no experience of interaction in the educational process. Teachers working with all other age groups of schoolchildren will need a certain period for the adaptation of children, extensive explanatory work with parents.

Annex A. Comparative table of pedagogical systems that use and do not use innovative technologies.

1.3.2 Top reasons for using innovative technologies

Among the main incentives for the emergence and practical use of new psychological and pedagogical technologies, the following can be distinguished:

the need for a deeper consideration and use of the psychophysiological characteristics of trainees;

awareness of the urgent need to replace the ineffective verbal method of transferring knowledge with a system-activity approach;

the possibility of designing the educational process, organizational forms of interaction between the teacher and the student, providing guaranteed learning outcomes;

the need to reduce the negative consequences of the work of an unqualified teacher.

The idea of ​​pedagogical technology as the practical implementation of a pre-designed educational process implies, firstly, its use by specialists with high theoretical training and rich practical experience, and secondly, the free choice of technologies in accordance with the goals, capabilities and conditions of interrelated activities. teacher and student.

At the same time, there are a number of obstacles on the way to the implementation of innovative copyright projects:

The conservatism of the pedagogical system, largely due to the fact that pedagogical workers lack an effective information service that ensures the adaptation of scientific achievements to the conditions of a mass school;

Development systems primary education do not always ensure its docking with the subsequent stages of the child's school life.

In recent years, a new field of knowledge, pedagogical innovation, has become increasingly important. This is a field of science that studies new technologies, school development processes, and new educational practices.

Pedagogical innovative technology is the integrity of scientifically based and rationally selected content and organizational forms that create conditions for motivating, stimulating and enhancing the educational and cognitive activity of students.

The diagnostics of the effectiveness of innovative technologies includes the evaluation of the following group of objects: a) the readiness of subjects of education (teachers and students) for innovations, which is checked by a set of psychological tests; b) adaptability of innovative education technologies, tested and passed valeological examination; c) humanistic orientation to ensure the right of the individual to education and all-round development; d) the novelty of the content of education as an object of a holistic pedagogical process, its block-modular compliance with state standards of education; e) variability and non-standard nature of the procedural side, methods and forms of the educational and cognitive process, organization of an effective dialogue of cultures in a multicultural and multiethnic educational environment; f) availability of modern technical means as attributes of innovative technologies; g) monitoring the results of the educational process using a set of diagnostic tools; h) efficiency (individual and social), measured, in particular, by reducing the time of training, mastering the program and the formation of skills, abilities and qualities that cannot be developed by other methods of training.

The use of innovative technologies in the formation of concepts among students allows us to take into account not only the characteristics of the material, but also the individual characteristics of students. The concept goes from the perception of objects to the idea of ​​them, and then to their complex designation in concepts.

Cognitive processes unfolding in the course of learning activities are almost always accompanied by emotional experiences. Therefore, when learning, it is necessary to create only positive emotions. This is explained by the fact that emotional states and feelings have a regulatory influence on the processes of perception, memory, thinking, imagination, personal manifestations (interest, needs, motives). Positive emotions reinforce and emotionally color the most successful and effective actions.

One of the most challenging tasks solved by innovative technologies is the formation of a system of self-regulation in students, necessary for the implementation of educational activities. Its significance lies in bringing the student's capabilities into line with the requirements of educational activity, that is, the student must be aware of his tasks as a subject of educational activity. It consists of such components as awareness of the purpose of the activity, models of significant conditions, action programs, evaluation of results and correction. The student, first of all, must realize and accept the purpose of the educational activity, that is, understand what the teacher requires of him. Further, in accordance with the understood goal, the student thinks through the sequence of actions and evaluates the conditions for achieving this goal. The result of these actions is a subjective model on the basis of which the student draws up a program of actions, means and methods for its implementation. In the process of performing educational activities, the student must be able to adapt to each other<модель условий>And<программу действий>. To evaluate the results of their activities, students must have data on how successful they are.

Thus, the use of innovative technologies contributes to the development of memory, thinking, imagination, scientific concepts, self-regulation among students, increases interest in the learning process, that is, the problems of modern education are solved.

2 Student-centered learning technology

2.1 The essence of student-centered technology

At present, the model of student-centered education is becoming more and more relevant. It belongs to the model of innovative, developing type.

A personality-oriented approach involves looking at the student as a person - the harmony of body, soul and spirit. The leader is not just learning, i.e., the transfer of knowledge, skills, but education, i.e., the formation of the individual as a whole based on the integration of learning, upbringing, and development processes. The main result is the development of universal cultural and historical abilities of the individual, and above all, mental, communicative and creative.

The construction of personality-oriented technology is based on the following starting points:

1) the priority of individuality, self-worth, originality of the child, as an active carrier of subjective experience, which develops long before the influence of specially organized teaching at school (the student does not become, but initially is the subject of cognition);

2) education is the unity of two interrelated components: teaching and learning;

3) the design of the educational process should provide for the possibility of reproducing the teaching as an individual activity to transform the socially significant standards of assimilation set in training;

4) when designing and implementing the educational process, special work is needed to identify the experience of each student, his socialization, control over the emerging methods of educational work, cooperation between the student and the teacher, aimed at exchanging the various content of experience; special organization of collectively distributed activities between all participants in the educational process;

5) in the educational process there is a “meeting” of the socio-historical experience given by the training and the subjective experience of the student, realized by him in the teaching;

6) the interaction of two types of experience should go through their constant coordination, the use of everything that has been accumulated by the student as a subject of knowledge in his own life;

7) the development of the student as a person goes not only through mastering normative activities, but also through constant enrichment, the transformation of subjective experience as an important source of one's own development;

8) the main result of the study should be the formation of cognitive abilities based on the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills.

Thus, student-centered technology makes it possible to organize an effective educational process in which subject-subject relations are carried out and which is aimed at the comprehensive development of the personality of each student.

2.2 Principles and patterns of student-centered learning technology

The main principle of developing a student-centered learning system is the recognition of the student's individuality, the creation of the necessary and sufficient conditions for his development.

Student-centered technology involves maximum reliance on the subjective experience of each student, its analysis, comparison, selection of the optimal (from the standpoint of scientific knowledge) content of this experience; translation into a system of concepts, i.e., a kind of “cultivation” of subjective experience. The reasoning of students is considered not only from the position of "right-wrong", but also from the point of view of originality, originality, individual approach, i.e. a different view of the problem under discussion.

Designing work on the use of the student's subjective experience in the educational process involves the development of didactic material that provides:

1) identification of the individual selectivity of the student to the type, type, form of material;

2) providing the student with the freedom to choose this material when acquiring knowledge;

3) detection various ways study of educational material, constant use of them in solving various cognitive problems.

Student-centered technology should provide an analysis and evaluation of the procedural side of the student's work, along with the result.

In the technology of student-centered learning, the following principles operate that contribute to its effective implementation:

1) the principle of algorithmization;

2) the principle of structuring;

3) the principle of activation;

4) the principle of creativity;

5) the principle of activity orientation.

The principle of algorithmization. The principle of algorithmization is:

Formation of content based on categorical settings in the context of a multi-level modular complex;

Definition of the main components of the content;

Construction of meaningful components according to the logic of subject-object relations;

Implementation of the content, taking into account the dynamics of the student's development.

In the principle of algorithmization, the main didactic factors organizing the entire content of the educational process are the principles of scientific, systematic and consistent. The two basic rules of Ya. A. Kamensky - from simple to complex, from close to far - work effectively in student-centered learning.

The principle of structuring. Determines the invariant structure, procedural conditions for the development of the student in the learning process. This principle works, based on the content settings defined by the principle of programming, in order to create an atmosphere of live communication as an activity.

The activation principle is such a pedagogical unit that defines the technology of student-centered learning as a process that contributes to the development of personality creativity.

The principle of creativity. This is such a pedagogical unit that defines the technology under consideration as a mechanism that creates conditions for the creative activity of the subject of student-centered learning. Two categories - "creativity" and "activity" - are presented as fundamental for consideration in the context of the principle of creative activity, from the standpoint of the content of technology, subject-object relations, the dynamics of self-development of the creative activity of its subject.

The principle of the activity orientation of the technology of student-centered learning. This is such a pedagogical unit that defines technology as a process applied to practice.

Practice from the standpoint of student-centered learning is considered as a stage of self-promotion in creative activity. Moreover, the practical stage of self-movement completes the formation of a qualitative certainty of the relationship. The subject of learning strives for the practical implementation of his life plans. It is impossible to complete the movement of a certain quality of the subject without raising it to the level of practical implementation.

Patterns of student-centered learning technology:

1. The pattern of goal-setting dynamics, which is understood as a mechanism for anticipatory reflection of a qualitatively defined process of educating the spirituality of the team and the individual.

2. Regularity of the epistemological movement.

The essence of the regularity lies in the algorithm for mastering culture, which is a movement from contemplation mediated by understanding ascending then to action, which is an idea of ​​the necessary attitude to the world of culture (image - analysis - action).

3. The regularity of the correspondence of the methods of technology to the stages of self-movement of the spiritual consciousness of the subject of training.

The essence of the regularity lies in the fact that any stage of the self-movement of the subject corresponds to its own method of technology, which contributes to the actualization of a certain spiritual state.

4. The regularity of the dynamics of funds in accordance with the modular triad (image - analysis - action).

The essence of the regularity lies in the fact that teaching aids act in an obligatory trinity (word, action, creativity), dominating at each stage of the module by one of the means.

5. The regularity of the movement of the educational process towards creative action.

The essence of the pattern lies in the fact that any procedural act of the modular technology of a multilevel complex will not be completed if it has not reached an effective situation - a dialogue in which experience is born. Experience is the substratum of action. Thus, the technology assumes a chain of patterns that embody the mechanism for implementing the principles of technology.

2.3 Methods and forms of effective implementation of student-centered learning

When using the technology of student-centered learning, it is important to correctly select teaching methods and adequate forms of their implementation. The method in this case is an invariant structure, with the help of which the interpenetration of the goals and means of technology is carried out.

Based on this definition, four main methods can be distinguished, which must be understood as universal technological constructs that perform their tasks at all levels of student-centered learning technology: the method of creating an image, the method of personification (method of the symbolic center), the search method, the event method.

As a result, we present a system of technology methods in the context of four factors:

1. Organization of content and means with the help of invariant structures of methods.

2. The movement of subject-object relations (teacher-student).

3. Internal self-movement of the subject of personality-oriented technology.

4. Internal self-movement of the main manifestations of the subject of technology.

The technology of student-centered learning assumes six personally significant multi-level complexes, i.e. its main forms.

1. Personally significant complex of motivation.

2. Personally significant complex of creating the image of the relationship "profession personality".

3. Personally significant complex of personalized modeling.

4. Personally significant complex of semantic modeling.

5. Personally significant complex of practical modeling.

6. Personally significant complex of real relationships (practice).

2.4 Internal classification of student-centered learning technology

The following classification of student-centered learning technology is distinguished:

Full assimilation of knowledge

Multi-level education

Collective "mutual learning"

Modular learning

These pedagogical technologies make it possible to adapt the educational process to the individual characteristics of students, different levels of complexity of the content of education.

2.4.1 Technology of full assimilation of knowledge

As a working hypothesis, the authors of the technology accepted the assumption that the student's abilities are determined not under average, but optimally selected conditions for a given child, which requires an adaptive learning system that allows all students to fully assimilate the program material.

J. Carroll drew attention to the fact that in the traditional educational process, the conditions for learning are always fixed (study time is the same for everyone, the way information is presented, etc.). The only thing that remains unfixed is the learning outcome. Carroll proposed to make the learning outcome a constant parameter, and the learning conditions - variables that are adjusted to the achievement of a given result by each student.

This approach was supported and developed by B. Bloom, who proposed the ability of the student to determine the pace of learning not under average, but under conditions optimally selected for this student. B. Bloom studied the abilities of students in a situation where time for studying the material is not limited. He identified the following categories of trainees:

Incapacitated, who are not able to achieve a predetermined level of knowledge and skills, even with a large expenditure of study time;

Talented (about 5%), who are often able to do what everyone else cannot handle;

Students who make up the majority (about 90%), whose ability to master knowledge and skills depends on the cost of study time.

These data formed the basis for the assumption that with the correct organization of training, especially when the rigid time frame is removed, about 95% of students will be able to fully master the entire content of the training course. If the learning conditions are the same for everyone, then the majority achieves only "average" results.

Implementing this approach, J. Block and L. Anderson developed a teaching methodology based on the complete assimilation of knowledge. The starting point of the methodology is the general setting that the teacher working on this system should imbue: all students are able to fully assimilate the necessary educational material with the rational organization of the educational process.

Next, the teacher has to determine what the full assimilation consists of and what results should be achieved by everyone. The exact definition of the criterion for complete assimilation for the entire course is the most important moment in the work on this system.

This standard is set in a unified form with the help of a hierarchy of pedagogical goals developed for the mental (cognitive), sensory (affective) and psychomotor spheres. Categories of goals are formulated through specific actions and operations that the student must perform in order to confirm the achievement of the standard. Categories of goals of cognitive activity:

Knowledge: the student memorizes and reproduces a specific educational unit (term, fact, concept, principle, procedure) - “remembered, reproduced, learned”;

Understanding: the student transforms educational material from one form of expression to another (interprets, explains, summarizes, predicts the further development of phenomena, events) - "explained, illustrated, interpreted, translated from one language to another";

Application: the student demonstrates the application of the studied material in specific conditions and in a new situation (according to the model in a similar or changed situation);

Analysis: the student isolates parts of the whole, reveals the relationship between them, realizes the principles of building the whole - “singled out the parts from the whole”;

Synthesis: the student shows the ability to combine elements to obtain a whole that has novelty (writes a creative essay, proposes an experiment plan, problem solving) - "formed a new whole";

Evaluation: the student evaluates the value of the educational material for this specific purpose - "determined the value and significance of the object of study."

The presented taxonomy of B. Bloom's goals has become widespread abroad. It is used in textbooks and teaching aids as a scale for measuring learning outcomes.

To implement this technology, a significant reorganization of the traditional class-lesson system is required, which sets the same study time, content, working conditions for all students, but has ambiguous results. Such a system was adapted to the conditions of the class-lesson system, having received the name "Technology of multi-level education".

2.4.2 Multi-level learning technology

The theoretical substantiation of this technology is based on the pedagogical paradigm, according to which the differences between the majority of students in terms of learning ability are reduced primarily to the time required for the student to master the educational material.

If each student is given time corresponding to his personal abilities and capabilities, then it is possible to ensure guaranteed assimilation of the basic core of the school curriculum (J. Carroll, B. Bloom, Z.I. Kalmykova, etc.).

A school with level differentiation functions by dividing student flows into mobile and relatively homogeneous groups, each of which masters program material in various educational areas at the following levels: 1 - minimum (state standard), 2 - basic, 3 - variable (creative).

The following were chosen as the main principles of pedagogical technology:

1) universal talent - there are no mediocre people, but there are those who are not busy with their own business;

2) mutual superiority - if someone does something worse than others, then something must turn out better; it is something to look for;

3) the inevitability of change - no judgment about a person can be considered final.

In the future, this technology was called "the technology of learning the basis without laggards." The choice of the child's individual characteristics that are significant in learning to track the effectiveness of the technology is carried out based on the category of "personality structure", which reflects in a generalized form all aspects of the personality.

In the system of multi-level education, the personality structure proposed by K.K. Platonov. This structure includes the following subsystems:

1) individual typological features, manifested in temperament, character, abilities, etc.;

psychological characteristics: thinking, imagination, memory, attention, will, feelings, emotions, etc.;

experience, including knowledge, skills, habits;

the orientation of the personality, expressing its needs, motives, interests, emotional and value experience.

Based on the chosen concept, a system of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personality development in training was formed, taking into account the following elements:


cognitive interest;

general educational skills and abilities;

fund of effective knowledge (by levels);




The organizational model of the school includes three options for differentiating learning:

1) recruiting classes of a homogeneous composition from the initial stage of schooling based on the diagnosis of the dynamic characteristics of the individual and the level of mastery of general educational skills;

intra-class differentiation in the middle level, carried out by selecting groups for separate education at different levels (basic and optional) in mathematics and the Russian language (enrollment in groups is carried out on a voluntary basis according to the levels of cognitive interest of students); in the presence of sustainable interest, homogeneous groups become classes with in-depth study of individual subjects;

specialized education in elementary school and senior classes, organized on the basis of psychodidactic diagnostics, expert assessment, recommendations from teachers and parents, self-determination of schoolchildren.

This approach attracts pedagogical teams in which the idea of ​​introducing a new learning technology with a guaranteed result of mastering basic knowledge by all students and at the same time with opportunities for each student to realize their inclinations and abilities at an advanced level has matured.

2.4.3 Technology of collective mutual learning

Popular student-centered learning technologies include the technology of collective mutual learning A.G. Rivin and his students. Methods A.G. Rivin have various names: “organized dialogue”, “associative dialogue”, “collective mutual learning”, “collective way of learning (CSE)”, “work of students in pairs of shifts”.

"Working in pairs of shifts" according to certain rules allows you to fruitfully develop students' independence and communication skills.

The following are the main benefits of CSR:

As a result of regularly repeated exercises, the skills of logical thinking and understanding are improved;

In the process of speech, mental activity skills develop, memory work is activated, previous experience and knowledge are mobilized and updated;

everyone feels relaxed, works at an individual pace;

increased responsibility not only for their own success, but also for the results of collective work;

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Federal Agency for Education FGOU VPO

"Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University"

Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Educational Technologies

Course work

By discipline: "Pedagogical technologies"

Topic: "Innovative pedagogical technologies

Completed by: 3rd year student of FTiD

Groups PO-33

Eremin Alexey Konstantinovich

Checked by: Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of PiIOT

Ponkratenko Galina Fedorovna



1.1 Pedagogical innovation

1.2.3 Computer technology

2. Chapter: Practical approaches to the problem of innovative pedagogical technologies

2.2 Innovative pedagogical technologies at the legislative level


Bibliographic list


Development is an integral part of any human activity. Accumulating experience, improving methods, methods of action, expanding their mental capabilities, a person thereby constantly develops.

The same process is applicable to any human activity, including pedagogical. At different stages of its development, society presented more and more new standards, requirements for the labor force. This necessitated the development of the education system.

One of the means of such development is innovative technologies, i.e. these are fundamentally new ways, methods of interaction between teachers and students, ensuring the effective achievement of the result of pedagogical activity.

The problem of innovative technologies has been and continues to be dealt with by a large number of talented scientists and teachers. Among them, V.I. Andreev, I.P. Podlasy, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences K.K. Kolin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.V. Shapkin, V.D. Simonenko, V.A. Slastyonin and others. All of them have made an invaluable contribution to the development of innovation processes in Russia.

The object of study of this course work is the process of development of education as an integral pedagogical system, and the subject of study is innovative pedagogical technologies, as an integral part of the object of study.

The purpose of the course work is to identify the types, difficulties, methods of introducing innovative technologies, as well as their specificity in the Russian Federation.

1. Chapter: Theoretical approaches to the problem of innovative pedagogical technologies

1.1 Pedagogical innovation

1.1.1 Essence, classification and directions of pedagogical innovations

The scientific innovations that drive progress cover all areas of human knowledge. There are socio-economic, organizational and managerial, technical and technological innovations. One of the varieties of social innovations are pedagogical innovations.

Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in the field of pedagogy, a purposeful progressive change that introduces stable elements (innovations) into the educational environment that improve the characteristics of both its individual components and the educational system itself as a whole.

Pedagogical innovations can be carried out both at the expense of the educational system's own resources (intensive development path), and by attracting additional capacities (investments) - new funds, equipment, technologies, capital investments, etc. (extensive development path).

The combination of intensive and extensive ways of development of pedagogical systems allows the implementation of the so-called "integrated innovations", which are built at the junction of diverse, multi-level pedagogical subsystems and their components. Integrated innovations do not usually appear as far-fetched, purely "external" activities, but are conscious transformations that come from deep needs and knowledge of the system. By reinforcing the "bottlenecks" with the latest technologies, it is possible to increase the overall efficiency of the pedagogical system.

The main directions and objects of innovative transformations in pedagogy are:

Development of concepts and strategies for the development of education and educational institutions;

Updating the content of education; change and development of new technologies of training and education;

Improving the management of educational institutions and the education system as a whole;

Improving the training of teaching staff and improving their qualifications;

Designing new models of the educational process;

Ensuring the psychological, environmental safety of students, the development of health-saving teaching technologies;

Ensuring the success of education and upbringing, monitoring the educational process and the development of students;

Development of textbooks and teaching aids of a new generation, etc.

Innovation can take place at various levels. The highest level includes innovations that affect the entire pedagogical system.

Progressive innovations arise on a scientific basis and help move practice forward. A fundamentally new and important direction has emerged in pedagogical science - the theory of innovations and innovative processes. Reforms in education are a system of innovations aimed at fundamentally transforming and improving the functioning, development and self-development of educational institutions and their management system.

1.1.2 Technologies and conditions for the implementation of innovative processes

Pedagogical innovations are carried out according to a certain algorithm. P.I. Pidkasty identifies ten stages in the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations:

1. Development of a criterion apparatus and meters of the state of the pedagogical system to be reformed. At this stage, you need to identify the need for innovation.

2. A comprehensive check and assessment of the quality of the pedagogical system to determine the need for its reform using special tools.

All components of the pedagogical system should be subject to examination. As a result, it should be precisely established what needs to be reformed as obsolete, inefficient, irrational.

3. Search for samples of pedagogical solutions that are proactive and can be used to model innovations. Based on the analysis of the bank of advanced pedagogical technologies, it is necessary to find material from which new pedagogical constructions can be created.

4. A comprehensive analysis of scientific developments containing a creative solution to current pedagogical problems (information from the Internet may be useful).

5. Designing an innovative model of the pedagogical system as a whole or its individual parts. An innovation project is created with specific specified properties that differ from traditional options.

6. Performing reform integration. At this stage, it is necessary to personalize tasks, determine those responsible, means of solving problems, and establish forms of control.

7. Elaboration of the practical implementation of the well-known law of labor change. Before introducing an innovation into practice, it is necessary to accurately calculate its practical significance and effectiveness.

8. Building an algorithm for introducing innovations into practice. In pedagogy, similar generalized algorithms have been developed. They include such actions as analysis of practice to search for areas to be updated or replaced, modeling innovation based on the analysis of experience and scientific data, developing an experiment program, monitoring its results, introducing the necessary adjustments, and final control.

9. Introduction to the professional vocabulary of new concepts or rethinking of the old professional vocabulary. When developing terminology for its implementation in practice, they are guided by the principles of dialectical logic, reflection theory, etc.

10. Protection of pedagogical innovation from pseudo-innovators. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of expediency and justification of innovations. History shows that sometimes great efforts, material resources, social and intellectual forces are expended on unnecessary and even harmful transformations. The damage from this can be irreparable, so false pedagogical innovation should not be allowed. As pseudo-innovations that only imitate innovative activity, the following examples can be given: formal change of signboards of educational institutions; presenting the renovated old as fundamentally new; turning into an absolute and copying the creative method of any innovative teacher without its creative processing, etc.

However, there are real barriers to innovation processes. IN AND. Andreev identifies the following of them:

The conservatism of a certain part of the teachers (the conservatism of the administration of educational institutions and educational bodies is especially dangerous);

Blindly following the tradition of the type: "We are doing well anyway";

Lack of the necessary teaching staff and financial resources to support and stimulate pedagogical innovations, especially for experimental teachers;

Unfavorable socio-psychological conditions of a particular educational institution, etc.

When organizing innovation activities, it should be remembered that:

In pedagogy, according to K.D. Ushinsky, it is not experience (technology) that is transmitted, but a thought derived from experience;

"alien" experience the teacher must "pass through himself" (through his psyche, established views, methods of activity, etc.) and develop his own method, which is most appropriate for the level of his personal and professional development;

Innovative ideas must be clear, convincing and adequate to the real educational needs of a person and society, they must be transformed into specific goals, objectives and technologies;

Innovation should take over the minds and means of all (or most) members of the teaching staff;

Innovative activity should be morally and financially stimulated, legal support of innovative activity is necessary;

In pedagogical activity, not only the results are important, but also the ways, means, methods of achieving them.

Despite the obvious need for innovations in pedagogy, nevertheless, there are a number of reasons preventing their introduction into the educational process, which undoubtedly hinders the development of pedagogy to a certain extent.

1.1.3 Innovative educational institutions

According to I.P. Podlasy, an educational institution is innovative if the educational process is based on the principle of environmental conservation, the pedagogical system evolves in a humanistic direction, the organization of the educational process does not lead to overload of students and teachers, improved results of the educational process are achieved through the use of undisclosed and previously unused system capabilities, the productivity of the educational process is not only a direct consequence of the introduction of expensive tools and media systems.

These criteria make it possible to realistically determine the degree of innovation of any educational institution, regardless of its name. Features of an innovative educational institution can be identified in comparison with traditional institutions (Table 1).

This incomplete comparison shows that the fundamental principles of the activity of an innovative educational institution are humanization, democratization, individualization and differentiation.

Table 1 Comparative characteristics traditional and innovative educational institutions

Compared parameters of the pedagogical process

Educational institutions



Transfer of knowledge, skills and accompanying education, development of social experience

Promoting self-realization and self-affirmation of personality


To the needs of society and production

On the needs and possibilities of the individual


Ideologically transformed

Scientific, objective

Scattered objects with weakly expressed interdisciplinary connections

Humanized and personality-oriented cultural values

Leading methods and forms

Information and reproductive

Creative, active, individually differentiated

The relationship between teachers and learners



The role of the teacher

Source and control of knowledge

assistant consultant

Main results

Level of training and socialization

The level of personal and professional development, self-actualization and self-realization

1.2 Modern innovative technologies in pedagogy

Under the conditions of educational reforms, innovation activities aimed at introducing various pedagogical innovations have acquired particular importance in vocational education. They covered all aspects of the didactic process: the forms of its organization, the content and technologies of education, educational and cognitive activities.

Innovative learning technologies include: interactive learning technologies, project-based learning technology and computer technology.

1.2.1 Interactive learning technologies

In the psychological theory of learning, interactive learning is learning based on the psychology of human relationships. Interactive learning technologies are considered as ways of mastering knowledge, developing skills and abilities in the process of relationships and interactions between the teacher and the student as subjects of educational activity. Their essence lies in the fact that they are based not only on the processes of perception, memory, attention, but, above all, on creative, productive thinking, behavior, and communication. At the same time, the learning process is organized in such a way that students learn to communicate, interact with each other and other people, learn to think critically, solve complex problems based on the analysis of production situations, situational professional tasks and relevant information.

In interactive learning technologies, the roles of the educator (instead of the role of an informer - the role of a manager) and trainees (instead of the object of influence - the subject of interaction), as well as the role of information (information is not a goal, but a means for mastering actions and operations) change significantly.

All interactive learning technologies are divided into non-imitation and simulation. The classification is based on the sign of reconstruction (imitation) of the context of professional activity, its model representation in education.

Non-imitation technologies do not involve building models of the phenomenon or activity being studied. Simulation technologies are based on simulation or simulation-game modeling, i.e., reproduction under learning conditions with one or another measure of the adequacy of the processes occurring in a real system.

Let's consider some forms and methods of interactive learning technologies.

A problem lecture involves the formulation of a problem, a problem situation and their subsequent resolution. In a problematic lecture, the contradictions of real life are modeled through their expression in theoretical concepts. The main goal of such a lecture is the acquisition of knowledge by students with their direct and effective participation. Among the problems modeled can be scientific, social, professional, related to the specific content of the educational material. The statement of the problem encourages students to active mental activity, to an attempt to independently answer the question posed, arouses interest in the material presented, and activates the attention of students.

The seminar-dispute involves a collective discussion of a problem in order to establish ways for its reliable solution. The seminar-dispute is held in the form of dialogical communication of its participants. It involves high mental activity, instills the ability to debate, discuss the problem, defend one's views and beliefs, concisely and clearly express thoughts. The functions of the actors in the seminar-debate may be different.

Educational discussion is one of the methods of problem-based learning. It is used in the analysis of problem situations when it is necessary to give a simple and unambiguous answer to a question, while alternative answers are assumed. In order to involve all those present in the discussion, it is advisable to use the method of cooperative learning (learning cooperation). This methodology is based on mutual learning when students work together in small groups. The basic idea of ​​learning collaboration is simple: students combine their intellectual efforts and energy in order to complete a common task or achieve a common goal (for example, to find solutions to a problem).

The technology of work of the educational group in educational cooperation can be as follows:

Formulation of the problem;

Formation of small groups (microgroups of 5-7 people), distribution of roles in them, explanations of the teacher about the expected participation in the discussion;

Discussion of the problem in microgroups;

Presentation of the results of the discussion in front of the entire study group;

Continuation of the discussion and summing up.

"Brainstorming" aims to collect as many ideas as possible, free students from the inertia of thinking, activate creative thinking, overcome the usual train of thought when solving the problem. "Brainstorming" allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of generating new ideas in the study group.

The basic principles and rules of this method are the absolute prohibition of criticism of the ideas proposed by the participants, as well as the encouragement of all kinds of remarks and even jokes.

The didactic game is an important pedagogical tool for activating the learning process in a vocational school. During the didactic game, the student must perform actions similar to those that may take place in his professional activity. As a result, the accumulation, actualization and transformation of knowledge into skills and abilities, the accumulation of personal experience and its development take place. The didactic game technology consists of three stages.

Involvement in a didactic game, game development of professional activity on its model contributes to the systemic, holistic development of the profession.

An internship with the performance of an official role is an active method of learning, in which the "model" is the sphere of professional activity, reality itself, and imitation mainly affects the performance of the role (position). The main condition of the internship is the performance under the supervision of a training master (teacher) of certain actions in real production conditions.

Simulation training involves the development of certain professional skills and abilities to work with various technical means and devices. The situation, the atmosphere of professional activity is imitated, and the technical means itself (simulators, devices, etc.) acts as a "model".

Game design is a practical exercise during which engineering, design, technological, social and other types of projects are developed in a game environment that recreates reality as much as possible. This method is characterized by a high degree of combination of individual and joint work of trainees. Creation of a common project for the group requires, on the one hand, from each knowledge of the technology of the design process, and on the other hand, the ability to enter into communication and maintain interpersonal relationships in order to resolve professional issues.

1.2.2 Project based learning technologies

Game design can turn into real design if it results in a solution to a specific practical problem, and the process itself is transferred to the conditions of an existing enterprise or to training and production workshops. For example, work commissioned by enterprises, work in student design bureaus, the manufacture of goods and services related to the field of professional activity of students. The technology of project-based learning is considered as a flexible model for organizing the educational process in a professional school, focused on the creative self-realization of the student's personality through the development of his intellectual and physical capabilities, volitional qualities and creative abilities in the process of creating new goods and services. The result of the project activity is educational creative projects, the implementation of which is carried out in three stages.

The educational creative project consists of an explanatory note and the product (service) itself.

The explanatory note should reflect:

Selection and substantiation of the project topic, historical background on the project problem, generation and development of ideas, construction of basic reflection schemes;

Description of the stages of object construction;

The choice of material for the object, design analysis;

Technological sequence of product manufacturing, graphic materials;

Selection of tools, equipment and organization of the workplace;

Occupational health and safety in the performance of work;

Economic and environmental justification of the project and its advertising;

Use of literature;

Application (sketches, diagrams, technological documentation).

The designed product is subject to such requirements as manufacturability, economy, environmental friendliness, safety, ergonomics, aesthetics, etc.

The technology of project-based learning contributes to the creation of pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative abilities and personality traits of the student, which he needs for creative activity, regardless of the future specific profession.

1.2.3 Computer technology

Computer learning technologies are the processes of collecting, processing, storing and transmitting information to a student through a computer. To date, the most widespread are such technological areas in which the computer is:

A means for providing educational material to students in order to transfer knowledge;

Means of information support of educational processes as an additional source of information;

A tool for determining the level of knowledge and monitoring the assimilation of educational material;

A universal simulator for acquiring skills in the practical application of knowledge;

A tool for conducting educational experiments and business games on the subject of study;

One of the most important elements in the future professional activity of the student.

At the present stage, many professional educational institutions develop and use both separate software products for educational purposes and automated training systems (ATS) in various academic disciplines. AES includes a set of educational and methodological materials (demonstration, theoretical, practical, control), computer programs that manage the learning process.

With the advent of the Windows operating system, new opportunities have opened up in the field of vocational training. First of all, it is the availability of interactive communication in the so-called interactive programs. In addition, the widespread use of graphics (drawings, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, maps, photographs) has become feasible. The use of graphic illustrations in educational computer systems allows you to transfer information to the student at a new level and improve its understanding.

The increased performance of personal computers has made it possible to use multimedia technologies quite widely. Modern vocational training is already difficult to imagine without these technologies, which allow expanding the scope of computers in the educational process.

New opportunities in the system of vocational education are opened by hypertext technology. Hypertext (from the English hypertext - "supertext"), or a hypertext system, is a collection of various information that can be located not only in different files, but also on different computers. The main feature of hypertext is the ability to follow the so-called hyperlinks, which are presented either in the form of specially formed text or a specific graphic image. There can be several hyperlinks on the computer screen at the same time, and each of them defines its own "travel" route.

A modern hypertext learning system is distinguished by a convenient learning environment in which it is easy to find the information you need, return to the material already covered, etc.

Automated learning systems built on the basis of hypertext technology provide better learning not only due to the visibility of the information presented. The use of dynamic, i.e. changing, hypertext makes it possible to diagnose the student, and then automatically select one of the possible levels of study of the same topic. Hypertext learning systems present information in such a way that the student himself, following graphic or text links, can use various schemes for working with the material.

The use of computer technologies in the system of vocational education contributes to the implementation of the following pedagogical goals:

Development of the student's personality, preparation for independent productive professional activity;

Implementation of the social order, due to the needs of modern society;

Intensification of the educational process in a professional school.

Innovative learning technologies that reflect the essence of the future profession, form the professional qualities of a specialist, are a kind of testing ground where students can work out their professional skills in conditions close to real.

2. Chapter: practical approaches to the problem of innovative pedagogical technologies

2.1 Innovative trends in vocational education

2.1.1 World experience in vocational education innovation

International experience convinces us that the quality of personnel training has been, is and will be a priority in the field of vocational education. Based on the analysis of the Soviet vocational school and modern Russia, it should be noted that this issue has always been given great attention both by educational authorities at all levels, and by the vocational education institutions themselves. Unfortunately, the result was not always what we would like to have.

In the Soviet period, the technology of "finishing" the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of future workers and specialists worked directly at state enterprises. In the new market conditions, this technology no longer works, the owners of small and large enterprises do not need unqualified personnel and are not going to be patrons of their education. This is one of the main contradictions of the present time.

This state of affairs is pushing the heads of educational institutions to search for new technologies to improve the efficiency of training. There are many interesting and, most importantly, practice-oriented developments at the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the authors of which are professors I.P. Smirnov, A.T. Glazunov, Academician E.V. Tkachenko and others. The paradox is that in Russian regions they know about it by hearsay and they dismiss any new, including approved, developments as if they were annoying flies, while complaining about the lack of necessary recommendations. The reasons are obvious: unwillingness to plunge into this problem; lack of specialists in innovative pedagogical technologies; lack of necessary conditions conducive to their implementation.

The long-term cooperation of the Professional Lyceum No. 12 of Stary Oskol of the Belgorod Region with vocational schools in Germany, and in particular the city of Salzgitter, confirms the importance and relevance of constant and close attention to the quality of vocational training.

The differences between the Russian and German vocational education systems are as follows:

Professional education Germany is based, as you know, on a dual system, which implies not only the interest of the vocational school and the enterprise - the customer of personnel, but also the responsibility for compliance with the standard of education, the availability of highly qualified teaching staff, the highest professional level of industrial training masters working at enterprises, the availability of modern educational and material and technical base and, finally, independent commissions, taking exams both at the certification stage and at the final qualification exams;

Democratization of the educational process in German vocational schools, penetrating all its participants: from the student to the leadership. Awareness by students of the need to acquire knowledge for the purpose of their further application in practice, as well as the fact that the success of their professional activities, and hence well-being, a place in society, depends on the level of their qualifications;

Quality for the Germans is first of all a moral category that forms a sense of pride in oneself, one's work, one's country.

Along with the above, it should be noted a new direction in the vocational school in Germany. This is not just a slogan or an appeal, but a whole system of measures that provides for high efficiency in the use of budgetary funds and material resources in achieving the final result. In such conditions, any proposed project or innovation is subject to a thorough examination by the council of the vocational school, employers and organizations participating in its financing. With a positive conclusion, the project receives approval, a grant for its implementation and financial incentives for its developers.

In fairness, it should be recognized that there are quite a few creative teams in domestic vocational education institutions. An example is the professional lyceums of Tatarstan, Belgorod, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk regions, Krasnodar and Khabarovsk regions. However, the general state of the quality of personnel training in the system of vocational education remains at a rather low level. The main and well-known reasons for this are: low wages of vocational school workers, hence their low qualifications, lack of motivation to use new pedagogical technologies; negative influence on the quality of vocational training, the abolition of the institute of basic enterprises, which were the guarantors of vocational schools. The same problem gives rise to the uncertainty of graduates in the future. I note that the experience of countries with developed economies shows that the well-being of owners directly depends on the well-being of young people who are in demand on the labor market.

Due to the existing objective reasons (the collapse of the USSR, low wages of educational workers, outdated equipment), the introduction of innovations into the educational system of the Russian Federation is difficult. While the Western education system is subject to change much more. However, in our country there are institutions in which the pedagogical process takes place using innovative technologies. In many ways, this is the merit of enthusiastic teachers.

2.1.2 Innovations in vocational education in Russia

The changing role of education in society has determined most of the innovation processes. From passive, routinized, taking place in traditional social institutions, education becomes active. The educational potential of both social institutions and personal ones is being updated.

Previously, the unconditional guideline of education in Russia was the formation of knowledge, skills, and abilities that ensure readiness for life, understood as the ability of an individual to adapt to society. Now education is increasingly focused on the creation of such technologies and ways of influencing the individual, which provide a balance between social and individual needs and which, by launching the mechanism of self-development, prepare the individual for the realization of his own individuality and changes in society.

Social transformations in our country brought to the fore the problem of modeling in the educational sphere. Russia's exit from the crisis, substantiation of the strategy for the development of education, determination of short-term and long-term programs require innovative actions and broad modern thinking. Modeling occupies a special place here as a high-tech method of scientific analysis and foresight.

Modeling is a specific multifunctional technology, but its main task is to reproduce, based on the similarity with the existing one, another replacing object (model). Its goals, on the one hand, are to reflect the state of the problem at the moment, to identify the most acute contradictions, and on the other hand, to determine the development trend and those factors whose influence can correct undesirable development; revitalization of the activities of state, public and other organizations in search of an optimal solution to problems.

We distinguish two groups of requirements that the model must meet:

Be simple, more convenient; give new information; contribute to the improvement of the object itself;

Contribute to the improvement of the characteristics of the object, rationalization of the ways of its construction, management or knowledge.

Therefore, when drawing up a model development algorithm, on the one hand, strict focus must be observed, linking its parameters with the expected results, and on the other hand, sufficient "freedom" of the model must be ensured so that it is capable of transformation depending on specific conditions and circumstances. could be alternative, have the largest number of options in stock.

Significant changes are taking place in the system of primary vocational education. So on March 25 in Kemerovo an extended meeting of the Academic Council of the Kuzbass Regional Institute for the Development of Vocational Education was held with the participation of directors of primary vocational education institutions of the Kemerovo region. It heard reports from the Director of the IRPO I. P. Smirnov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. Tkachenko "On the new principles of organizing NGOs"

The meeting participants noted the relevance of the proposed new principles for the organization of primary vocational education. This is due to the fact that the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period up to 2010 formulates the task of advancing the development of primary and secondary vocational education, which is new in its formulation. This implies the formation of an open education system, its interaction with the outside world, primarily with the labor markets and educational services.

Today, more intensive scientific research is required on the ways of transition to a state-public model of vocational education management, redistribution of a number of functions in favor of employers, their inclusion in the formation of the content of state vocational education standards, curricula and programs. The system of primary vocational education needs to be freed from social isolation, given an open character and the ability for self-development based on new organization principles focused on the labor market and social partnership.

The discussion of new ways to modernize NGOs in the city of Kemerovo is one of the stages of a public initiative to implement the slogan of "advanced development of NGOs" declared by the Government of the Russian Federation, but "hanging in the air." This initiative was put forward on December 26, 2003 at a joint meeting of the Association "Rosproftech", the Academy of Vocational Education and the Russian Club of Directors.

2.2 Innovative pedagogical technologies at the legislative

Since the adoption of the Federal Law "On the Approval of the Federal Program for the Development of Education", significant changes have taken place in the Russian education system and its financial support. The implementation of numerous medium and long-term large-scale experiments has begun to work out elements of the modernization of education at its various levels. In 2001-2003, the Government of Russia approved a number of federal target programs in the field of education, which are being implemented in parallel with the Federal Program for the Development of Education. The amount of their funding is approaching the amount of funding for this program, and for such a program as the "Development of a unified educational information environment", it noticeably exceeds it.

The current stage of development of Russian education is characterized by an ever-increasing integration into the global educational space. In 2000, Russia, like most countries that are members of the United Nations, signed the Dakar Accords to implement the Education for All program. In 2003, Russia became one of the European countries participating in the Bologna process. Therefore, in order to develop the Federal Program for the Development of Education for the new period, it was necessary to clarify the purpose, status and structure of the program from the standpoint of their more decrepit regulation.

It should be noted that a number of issues were resolved when Federal Law No. 122 was issued in August 2004, which introduced amendments to the Law "On Education". In particular, provisions on the competitive procedure for the development of the Federal Program for the Development of Education and its legislative approval were excluded, and in terms of status it was equated to other targeted federal programs.

The result of the hard work of the team created by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, with active participation Rosobrazovanie, a large group of scientists and practitioners became drafts of the Concept of the Federal Program for the Development of Education and the program itself, integrated with the Federal Target Program "Development of a Unified Educational Information Environment". Thus, the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education is a logical continuation of these combined programs, a document that largely determines the financial fate of Russian education in the coming years.

By the minutes of the meeting of the Government of Russia dated August 11, 2005, the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education was included in the list of federal target programs for 2006. Taking into account the comments received from the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, and other ministries and departments, the text of the program has been finalized and submitted for consideration by the Government of Russia, and its activities are closely interconnected with the Priority Directions for Reforming the Educational System of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Education and Science A.A. Fursenko in his speeches has repeatedly emphasized that we are faced with the task of forming not a fundamentally new system of education, but its fundamentally new opportunities. Therefore, the Priority Directions for the Development of the Educational System of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government, are a specification of the main provisions of the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the period up to 2010, taking into account modern conditions.

The federal targeted program has been developed taking into account the priority areas for the development of the industry, so the implementation of its activities will become the basis for the effective implementation of the state educational policy of Russia at the present stage.

The principal differences between the new program and the program of 1992 are, first of all, in the approaches to its formation and implementation. The most important among them are the focus on achieving measurable results, assessed on the basis of socio-economic indicators, and supporting "growth points" (so-called development programs and projects); the all-Russian and system-wide significance of the problems being solved and the proposed changes; selection of projects in terms of their compliance with modern educational and information technologies and world quality criteria: active involvement of civil society institutions in the formation and implementation of activities. For the first time, an integrated approach to the implementation of projects has also been applied, including scientific and methodological support, testing and dissemination of the results obtained, legal, personnel and logistics support, and the introduction of information and communication technologies.

The federal target program for the development of education for 2006-2010 is a set of measures interconnected in terms of resources and timing, covering changes in the structure, content and technologies of education, the management system, organizational and legal forms of subjects of educational activity and financial and economic mechanisms. It is noteworthy that in the new program, considerable attention is expected to be paid to projects related to solving urgent problems of the modern school: updating the content and technologies of education, improving the quality of educational services, introducing new models of remuneration for teachers and regulatory budget financing, introducing new state standards based on a competency-based approach , specialized education in high school, models of public administration in educational institutions, the creation of an all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education, the development of the infrastructure of a single information educational space.

For example, until now, the formation of a unified educational space throughout Russia has been dealt with by federal development and education programs (the content of education, the development of educational methods and technologies) and a unified educational information environment (computerization of educational institutions). As a result of the integration of these programs in the coming years, these areas will be implemented in a unified way: primarily by filling educational Internet resources and providing online access to them for students and teachers.

An increase in the state's contribution should be accompanied by an increase in the efficiency of the use of funds by the education system itself and the elimination of non-targeted spending.

An important strategic feature of the new program will be the actual renunciation of targeted allocation of funds to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that the regions themselves will have to determine the best, promising educational institutions that can follow the path of innovative development. They will participate in the competition, the winners of which will be provided with a state order for the development of educational infrastructure, the purchase of equipment, internships for students abroad and other purposes. Thus, the winners will be megaprojects that will allow to get a system product at the end. In addition, it is planned to provide educational institutions with the possibility of independent economic activity through autonomization in order to obtain additional sources of income. And educational institutions that do not meet the necessary requirements for the level of education may be deprived of funding altogether.

The federal targeted program also involves the implementation of such an important project for the country's education system as the introduction of normative per capita funding for educational institutions.

The program consists of a system of activities in accordance with the main tasks grouped into four major blocks according to the main areas of activity. The peculiarity of such a block structure is that if there are not enough funds for any event, it will be excluded, and funds will not be reallocated between other events.

As conceived by the developers, which included specialists from the Federal Agency for Education, the main task of the program is the systemic transformation of the Russian school as a whole (both general education and higher education) in order to significantly increase the efficiency of using budget funds and create a unified educational information environment.

In accordance with the Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education, its strategic goal is to provide conditions for meeting the needs of citizens, society and the labor market in quality education by creating new institutional and public mechanisms for regulating the educational sphere, updating its structure and content, developing the fundamental nature and practical orientation of educational programs, to form a system of continuous education. To achieve the strategic goal, it is necessary to solve a set of specific tasks in the following specific areas: improving the content and technologies of education; development of a system for ensuring the quality of educational services; improving management efficiency in the education system; improvement of economic mechanisms in the field of education.

The main result of the implementation of the program should be ensuring equalization of access to quality education through the introduction of educational programs for children of senior preschool age, the introduction of profile education in high school, the introduction of a system for assessing the quality of education, and the creation of a system of continuous professional education. Among the expected results, one should especially mention the accelerated development of a number of leading universities, designed to become centers for the integration of science and education, exemplary training of highly professional personnel.

The implementation of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education is divided into three stages: the first stage (2006-2007) provides for the development of development models in certain areas, their testing, as well as the deployment of large-scale transformations and experiments; the second stage (2008-2009) is designed for the implementation of activities that ensure the creation of conditions for the implementation of effective models developed at the first stage; the third stage (2010) - implementation and dissemination of the results obtained in the previous stages.

To assess the effectiveness of solving the problems of the program, a system of indicators and indicators has been developed that characterize the progress of its implementation and the impact of program activities on the state of the education system. The most significant of them, reflecting strategic priorities, are the development of human capital and the training of professional human resources of the required level of qualification; promoting the strengthening of civil society institutions, improving the quality of life of the population.

During the implementation of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education, it is planned to: develop and introduce fundamentally new standards of education in more than 60% of educational areas; by 1.3 times in comparison with 2005 to increase the number of vocational education programs that have received international recognition, which will allow Russia to enter the international labor market; by 1.5 times compared to 2005 to increase the proportion of students studying using information technology; to raise the rating of Russia in international surveys of the quality of education to the average for OECD countries, etc.

In addition to federal budget funds, funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be attracted to finance the activities of the program, and funds from extrabudgetary sources will be focused on the implementation of joint projects within the framework of federal and regional programs for the development of education.

For the implementation of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education in 2006-2010, funds were allocated in the amount of 61.952 billion rubles (in prices of the corresponding years), including from the federal budget - 45.335 billion rubles, from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 12.502 billion rubles, from extrabudgetary sources - 4.116 billion rubles.

The state customer-coordinator of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education is the Ministry of Education and Science, and the state customers are the Federal Education and Science Agency.

2.3 Innovative pedagogical activity in the capital

In the Message of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin Federal Assembly, documents of the State Council dated March 24, 2006, it is clearly stated that the future of our country is determined not by raw materials and natural resources, but by intellectual potential, the level of development of science, and high technologies.

To do this, education in Russia must move into a special innovative mode of development, in which it is possible to preserve the best traditions of our national education and at the same time take into account global trends in the development of educational systems, correlate our education with world norms and standards.

The fundamental principles of education are accessibility, transparency, quality, continuity and constant renewal, and competitiveness.

The most important step on this path is the priority national project "Education", which sets strategic goals for the innovative development of education.

The materials of the report at the State Council say: "... pedagogical universities (already a very weak link in the domestic higher education) are extremely inefficient both professionally and in terms of the use of public budget funds. Meanwhile, this situation is quite suitable for pedagogical universities in terms of their corporate interests, which preserves their excess numbers, prevents them from getting rid of non-core types of educational activities and concentrating on the main tasks of training a teacher of the new time, in demand by modern society and all levels of Russian education. schools."

And the capital shows an example in this. It is in the universities of the Moscow Department of Education that a new content of teacher education is being formed, without waiting for the introduction of a new generation of state standards for teacher education:

Significant increase in the share of psychological and pedagogical, philosophical and cultural and ecological and hygienic cycles;

Aiming at practice-oriented learning - the development of innovative forms, methods; technologies of educational, educational, organizational, design, psychological and advisory activities and communications;

The introduction of simultaneous training of each future teacher of a general education school, both in the main subject, and additionally (optionally) one or two;

Inclusion in the training of an elementary school teacher of specializations in various areas of musical, artistic, theatrical, technical, applied and folk art;

Preparation of teaching staff for fluency in computers, the use of information and telecommunication technologies, knowledge bases in the educational process;

One-year compulsory teaching practice (internship), which includes writing and defending a qualifying work based on understanding the experience of one's own teaching activities in the context of broad educational practice, as well as passing state exams;

Creation of a system of basic educational institutions at pedagogical universities as innovative and resource-methodological centers for the development of education in accordance with the needs of the regions, as well as for organizing effective forms of teaching practice and internships.

Pedagogical universities of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow operate in an innovative mode. Directly the innovation field of the Moscow City Pedagogical University is provided by the following blocks.

1. Logistics block:

Modern equipment (more than 1200 computers, a local fiber optic network, 41 computer classes, 22 multimedia classes), various service departments, modern laboratories for classes;

Educational and laboratory areas (18 educational buildings, training center "Istra");

Fundamental scientific library (650 thousand items, electronic catalogue, Russian and international book exchange, single library card system).

2. Block of scientific and pedagogical staff:

Professional qualification of scientific and pedagogical personnel, professional knowledge of modern pedagogical information technologies (more than 70% of teachers with academic degrees and titles, internships, advanced training);

Continuity and preparation of the scientific and pedagogical shift (postgraduate studies, doctoral studies in 35 scientific specialties, dissertation councils, the Russian Teachers Support Fund, competitions "Teacher of the Year" in the nomination "Pedagogical debut", "Leader of education");

Moral and material incentives (various bonuses, additional payments from VFU, awards, diplomas, certificates, thanks).

3. Educational block:

The structure and content of specialist training (training in 35 specialties and 48 areas; continuous pedagogical practice; elective author's courses and programs, elective courses);

Quality control of specialist training (certification and accreditation, University Education Quality Center; University Scientific and Educational District).

4. Research block:

Information and analytical work (participation in government funds, commissions, competitions; monitoring service; Days of Science, conferences, round tables), expertise.

At the interuniversity scientific and practical conference organized by the Department of Education of the city of Moscow on the basis of the Moscow State Pedagogical University last summer, the most important issue for the development of education in the Russian Federation about innovative areas in pedagogical activity was raised:

First Deputy Head of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, Doctor of Economics, Professor V.I. Lisov noted the validity and importance of higher education in the innovative development of the vocational education system of the capital, its special role in the implementation of the priority national project "Education", in creating the basic prerequisites for a breakthrough in innovative development and strengthening the competitiveness of the educational system. They have a powerful scientific, methodological and educational potential, actively participate in the implementation of a set of measures that ensure the full-scale inclusion of Russian higher education in the Bologna process; in improving the quality and strengthening the practice-oriented nature of vocational education that meets the current and future needs of the region; in the development of university complexes.

Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Moscow and Moscow Region Universities, Rector of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.V. Ryabov introduced the audience to the system and mechanisms of innovative and experimental activities that have developed at the university, emphasizing that only high-quality education at all levels can become a resource for the sustainable development of society, its competitiveness in the world market.

Rector of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V.V. Rubtsov noted that the increase in education lies not only in the training of specialists, but also in how it affects the social culture of society. The university has become the leading organization in the development of the service of practical psychology of education, which currently employs about 3 thousand psychologists. About 46 centers for psychological, medical and social support of the younger generation have been created, i.e. practice begins to determine the specifics of the work of specialists.

Rector of the Moscow Institute of Open Education, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education A.L. Semenov touched upon the topic of innovative pedagogy and information technology in additional professional education, specifying that the implementation of informatization ideas brings the educational system in line with the needs of the information society, providing it with ample opportunities for development.

Rector of the Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.G. Kutuzov expressed the opinion that the standards of pedagogical education are not aligned with the standards of general education, all of them, almost without exception, are focused on the teacher's ability to prepare students only for socialization and nothing more. Therefore, it is necessary to combine efforts to create an interuniversity group that will be able to develop fundamentally new standards and test them on its own base.

Rector of the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor T.I. Kostina touched upon the problem of creating a new system of interaction between educational institutions and all subjects of the labor market, as well as regional governments, aimed at maximizing the coordination and realization of the interests of all participants in this process by organizing a permanent dialogue on a mutually beneficial and equal basis, emphasizing that in the new socio-economic conditions, universities are doomed to be innovative.

Director of the Research Institute for the Development of Vocational Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education I.P. Smirnov briefed the audience on the tasks of modernizing secondary pedagogical education in the capital, proposing to calculate the economic efficiency of using the city budget for it. As the functions of training teachers of preschool and primary education are transferred to pedagogical universities, the mission of secondary pedagogical education can be reduced to training specialists for the sector of additional education. The inevitable future reduction in the training of secondary vocational teachers will make it possible to retrain a number of teacher training colleges into educational institutions of an economic profile with the organization of training in professions that do not require large financial costs (social worker, sign language interpreter, assistant secretary, clerk, logistics, etc.), freeing the economic colleges of the city from these functions. On the basis of one of them, it would be possible to implement the concept of a social college specializing in the education of disabled people.

In conclusion, the conference participants summarized that innovation is not a tribute to fashion, but an engine for the modernization of education, a point of growth. The Higher School of the capital makes a significant contribution to solving various problems, not only in education, but also in the whole social sphere of the city.

It is quite obvious that Moscow and the Moscow region have the greatest opportunities for integrating innovations into the pedagogical process. This is due to many factors, such as: proximity to Europe, a significant concentration of financial resources, in addition, the overwhelming majority of the outstanding minds of the Russian Federation live in the capital.

All these factors determine the significance of the Moscow region for our country. Moscow is a kind of "locomotive" of education in the Russian Federation.


Pedagogy, like any other science, is subject to numerous changes and development. This is primarily due to the fact that society has more and more new requirements for specialists. Scientific and technological progress helps pedagogy to find more efficient, effective ways to transform an ordinary person into a socially significant person.

The result of constant development, improvement of pedagogy methods has become innovative technologies, i.e. technologies, thanks to which the integrative process of new ideas in education takes place.

However, the introduction of such technologies is associated with a number of difficulties (financial resources, conservatism of some officials in the educational sphere, insufficient development of technologies). In addition, despite the obvious need for innovation, it should still be implemented with caution. Otherwise, careless innovation activity can lead to a crisis in the educational system.

And yet it is important to understand that pedagogical innovations are an integral part of the development of pedagogy and they are necessary to improve the education system.

Bibliographic list

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Vocational Education No. 4 2004: Periodical / N.I. Kostyuk - New principles of organization of primary vocational education - P.30.

Vocational Education No. 1 2006: Periodical / V.G. Kazakov - New time - new technologies of professional training - P.12.

Vocational Education No. 4 2006: Periodical / G.A. Balykhin - Federal Target Program for the Development of Education: Innovative Solutions for the Future - P.14-15.

Vocational Education No. 7 2006: Periodical / V.D. Larina - Model of innovative activity of a vocational education institution - С.5.

Vocational Education No. 9 2006: Periodical / E.Yu. Melnikova - Higher education of the capital - an innovative mode of development - P. 12.

Vocational Education No. 1 2006: Periodical / V.V. Ryabov - Innovative and experimental activities of Moscow State Pedagogical University in the system of Moscow education - P.12-13.