Literacy lesson letter k. Summary of a literacy lesson on the topic "Sounds and, letters" K, k "

Target: repeat the studied vowels and consonants sounds and letters, consolidate knowledge about the features of vowels and consonants, teach how to distinguish the sounds [k] and [k ’] from words, introduce the letters “K, k”, learn to read syllables and words with studied letters.

During the classes.

1. Organizing time.

Greeting guests.

Invented by someone simply and wisely
Greet when meeting:
- Good morning?
- Good morning to the sun and birds.
- Good morning to friendly faces.
And everyone becomes kind, trusting.
Good morning lasts until evening.

2. Repetition of the past.

but)- What is our speech?
- What is the speech like?
How is spoken language different from written language?
- What are the proposals?
What are words divided into?
What do we hear and say?
-What are the sounds?
How do we represent sounds in writing?

b) - And what do we have on the typesetting canvas? Letters or sounds?

BUT about at And H s

What letter is missing? Why?

c) The game "Polubukovka".
(on the typesetting canvas of the card with halves letters A, o, y, I, N)

3. Isolation of sounds [k] and [k '] from words thread And threads.

Drawing diagrams on a magnetic board. Compare sounds, give a description.

4. Exercise in hearing sounds.
- I'll give you words. If there are sounds [k] and [k’] in them, then you need to clap your hands.
In what part of the word did you hear the sound? (beginning, middle, end)

Bunny, clover, aster, plantain, fish, cuckoo.

5. Game "Zoo"

- Here are how many words that start with "k" I can name:
pan, coffee pot, box, bed,
cow, apartment, painting, carpet,
pantry, gate, chest of drawers, corridor.
Oh, that's enough! And the letter can get tired!
But what can you name on "k"?

-Name words for animals. (An illustration of a zoo is shown )
(Chicken, cat, cow, goat, horse, kangaroo, wild boar, canary, whale, grasshopper.)

6. Physical education.

Raise your shoulders
Jump, grasshoppers,
Jump jump, jump jump.
They sat down and ate grass.
Silence was heard.
Hush, hush, high
Jump on your toes easily.

7. Work on the ambiguity of the word "key".

- What do I have in my hands? (big key shown)
What sound does the word key begin with?
What other keys are there?(Illustrations on a magnetic board)

There are many different keys:
The key is a spring among the stones,
Clef - treble, curled,
And a normal door key.

8. Game "Shop".

There is a cardboard door on the board, open the door with the key. The door opens, and behind it is an illustration of a shop counter and a seller.
- And where are we with you? What are they doing in the store?
You and I can also buy products, but only those in which there is a “k” sound.
- What products will we buy? (Children call: kefir, milk, sausage, sausages, sausages, coffee, cocoa, cake, chocolate, toffee, sweets, etc.)
(We treat guests with sweets.)

9. Preparation for work with the textbook.

- I thought that you and I would find ourselves behind the door in a fairy tale.
- What are the characters of fairy tales whose names begin with the sound [k]. (Little Red Riding Hood, Carlson, Kolobok, goat, Puss in Boots)
- And now we turn on our tape recorder with a musical treble clef.
- Listen to the excerpt, from which fairy tale is it? ("Puss in Boots")

10. Conversation on the picture of the textbook.

Open the "Russian alphabet".
- Who did the cat meet? (mowers)
-What do they have in their hands? (Work on the polysemy of the word "braids" + illustrations)
- Mowers have very hard work.

What sound does the word "braid" begin with? ([to ])
- Hard or soft sound?

11. Acquaintance with the letters "K, k".

- What letter denotes the sounds [k] and [k ']?
-What does the letter look like?
(On a straight stick
On the right is a tick.
It still sits there
The letter "K" looks at us.)

- Look in the textbook. Why are there two?
- When do we use capital letters?

12. Compilation of reading syllables with the letter K.

There is a visual aid on the board - islands with studied vowels and a boat with the beech "K".
The ship sails to the islands, it turns out a syllable. Children are reading.
What vowel is missing here? ( s )
- Why do you think? (If the children do not answer, then the teacher speaks.)
- In Russian, there are no syllables starting with the letter “k” with “y”.

13. Composing and reading words.


14. Physical education.

spin around
Straighten up.
Sit down, sit down.
Walk, walk.
Stand on the toe, on the heel,
Jump on a squat
Take a deep breath now
Sit quietly, rest.
Put everything in order
And read, friends, start.

15. Work with the textbook.

Now we will find out what the names of some mowers from the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" were called if we read the text in the "ABC":
- Who mows?
- Anton mows.
And Nikita mows.
Mow, scythe!

16. Reading tongue twisters.

A goat walks with a scythe, and a goat walks with a scythe.

17. Work on the picture.

A goat carries heads of cabbage,
And the goat is a big cauldron.
So breakfast will be delicious.
For goats from cabbage.

18. Reading the text by well-read children.

Grandma bought Katya beautiful aquarium with fishes. Every day, Katya feeds the fish with bread crumbs. How happily the fish grab their food!

- Underline the letter K in the text.

19. The result of the lesson.

- We have worked hard today. Let's read the proverbs.
(Reading proverbs about labor in the ABC) .

- What letter did we meet today?
What two sounds does it represent?
- What are they? (consonants, voiced)

Literacy lesson

Educational program "School of Russia".

Theme of the lesson: "Consonant sounds [k] and [k"], letters K, k"

The purpose of the lesson: To introduce students to the letter K and the sounds that this letter stands for.

Lesson objectives:


To form a clear image of the letter K in students;

Continue word building.


Develop speech, phonetic hearing;

Develop observation, the ability to evaluate their work and the work of the team;

Develop attention, logical and variable thinking, memory;

To develop the monologue speech of students.


Cultivate a culture of communication, a positive attitude towards reading.


    computer, interactive board;

    textbook "ABC" grade 1;

    letter cards, pictures of houses;

    ribbon of letters.

During the classes

1.Inclusion in learning activities.

Look at the tape of letters. Name the letters that we have already met in literacy lessons.

a, o, y, s, i, n, s

The game "The letter got lost."

7 people will come to the board, everyone will receive cards with letters. There are two houses on the board - blue and red.

Lived - there were letters. (Letters are introduced). The weather was fine and all the letters went for a walk. But suddenly the sun hid, dripped

rain and letters ran into the houses. (children put the letter in the right house)

Let's check if they found their house correctly?

Name the letters that live in the red house. What are they - vowels or consonants? Why?

What letters live in the blue house? Why?

2. Setting goals and determining the topic of the lesson.

Listen to the poem:

The cat saved up a penny

Bought a goat for a cat.

Name the sound that is most often heard in the poem. ([ to])

Is it a vowel or a consonant?

Guess what the lesson will be about.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Acquaintance with the sounds [k] and [k"].

That's right, today we will talk about the consonant sound [k].

Now let's learn a little more about this sound.

Listen to the riddle:

He doesn't sleep at all at night.

The house guards from mice,

Drinking milk from a bowl

Well, of course it is ... (cat).

Interactive board (electronic application) - the image of a cat.

Cat - What sound [to] - hard or soft? Why?

Sound-letter analysis of the word cat.

Now listen to another riddle:

Like a fish, like no -

Hello to the fountains.

On the waves all day lies

Miracle - yudo - fish ... .. (whale).

Interactive whiteboard (electronic application) - an image of a whale.

Whale - What sound [ to ] - hard or soft? Why?

Sound-letter analysis of the word whale.

Summarize. What is the sound [to]?

(The sound [to] is a consonant, it can be hard and soft, and also deaf).

2) Work in groups.

Task of the first row: name the words where the sound [k "] is at the beginning. (whale, cedar, brick, pussy, curling)

Task of the II series: name the words where the sound [k] is at the beginning. (cat, porridge, book, comet, chicken, com)

Task of the III row: name the words where the sound [k] is at the end. (current, kettle, backpack, juice, shoe)

4. Physical education minute.

Pinocchio stretched,

Once bent over

Two bent over.

Raised his hands to the sides,

Apparently the key has not been found.

To get us the key

You need to get on your toes.

5. Continued work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Acquaintance with the letters K, k.

Consonant sounds [k] and [k"] are indicated by the letter K. (Interactive whiteboard (electronic application) - display of the letter).

On a straight stick

On the right is a tick.

And so it sits to this day,

The letter K is looking at us.

Interactive board (electronic application).

2) Reading syllables with the letter k along the "chain".

interactive whiteboard

3) Reading words

horses mows Nikita

cinema spit Anton

Why are the words in the last column capitalized? (names, patronymics, surnames of people are capitalized)

Find a polysemantic word among the printed words. (scythe)

What does a plural word mean? What is the meaning of the word - braid?

(a polysemantic word is a word that has many meanings; a braid is a girl's hairstyle, a braid is a tool that cuts grass)

4) Work on the textbook.

Textbook "ABC" p.49.

Who is in the picture? What are the boys doing? How are they dressed? Why do you need to wear a panama on your head in summer? What can happen to a boy who has no headdress?

Why in summer time in the villages they mow the grass, dry it, put it in haystacks and shocks? (mop - a small rounded haystack)

Reading a story.

Ask each other questions about the story.

Rereading the story.

6. Summing up the lesson.

From what new letter met?

What sound does it mean?

What do you remember in the lesson?

The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter K, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing, the basics of an elementary graphic skill.

  • to introduce the preschooler to the letter K, the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach to write the capital letter K in the cells;
  • to form an interest in learning with poems and riddles.

The hen teaches the chicks to talk.

Ko-ko-ko, - says the hen.
- Ko-ko-ko, - the chickens repeat.

The smallest chick says:

“Not like that,” Mom corrects him.
- "Ku-ku-ku" says the cuckoo, and you say "ko-ko-ko."

How do chickens "talk"? And how do cuckoos "speak"?

KO - what is the first sound here?
KU - what is the first sound here?

Name what is shown in the pictures below:


  • What is the first sound in the word CHICKEN?
  • What is the first sound in the word cat?

When we pronounce the sound [k], the back of the tongue taps deep in the mouth against the palate, and the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth. Say K and try to feel it. When we pronounce the sound [k], the back of the tongue hits the palate and prevents the air from leaving the mouth freely.

  1. Vowel or consonant sound [k]?
  2. Is this sound voiced or dull?
  3. Why?

Activity: Letter K for preschoolers

Consider the letter K. We sewed the letter K in the air and once in the notebook carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where a child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a spelling pattern at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points that the child will connect with lines, or write the letters in their entirety, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy at this stage of training should not be required.

Continue the phrase

lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship!
Whoever swam towards,
It will swallow everyone ... (crocodile).

Who will color our album?
Well, of course ... (pencil).

The kitten did not want to bathe.
He ran away from ... (trough).

"I hit the green!" -
Bitterly crying ... (crocodile).

The goldfinch sings all day
In a window cage.
The third year went to him,
And he is afraid of ... (cats).

I grow up amazingly
Tall, slim, beautiful.
Hiding in bright gloves
Golden cobs.
May I not be sweeter than a watermelon,
But richer.
I ... (corn).

What's the creak, what's the crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch,
If I ... (cabbage).

Round, crumbly, white,
She came to the table from the fields.
You salt it a little.
After all, the truth is delicious ... (potatoes)?

Rushing like a bullet, I'm ahead
Only the ice creaks
Let the lights flicker!
Who is carrying me? ... (Skates.)

This animal lives only at home.
Everyone is familiar with this animal.
He has a mustache like knitting needles.
He sings a murmuring song
Only the mouse is afraid of him...
It's a cat).

Vanyatka in me at night
Before that, he will doze off sweetly,
That you don't want to get up.
What kind of thing am I? … (Bed)

Tale of the letter K

How to cook compote

A cat, a goat, a chicken, a cow and a rabbit lived in the same yard. One day a cat came out into the yard and shouted:

Listen everyone! I read in an old book how to cook compote!
- Well, how do you cook it?
- Bring everyone all the most delicious, the rest - for me.

The whole company went to look for all the most delicious, and meanwhile the cat lit a fire and hung a cauldron of water over it. The goat came first and brought a cabbage stalk.
Then a hen came and brought five grains of corn. The cow brought watermelon peels, the rabbit brought clover, and the cat himself took out a piece of sausage from his pocket. When the water boiled, the cat threw the stalk, rinds, corn, clover and sausage into the cauldron and closed the lid.

After a while he rang the bell:

Ready! Eat for health.

Friends tried, they spit:

Compote is called! Eat yourself!
- Why did it taste so bad? the cat thought darkly.

Riddles for children with the letter K

At sea, in rivers and lakes
I swim, agile, fast.
Among the warships
Known for its ease.

I have guys
Two silver horses
I go to both at the same time.
What kind of horses do I have?

Eyes, mustache, tail,
And it washes cleaner.

Oh don't touch me
I'll burn without fire.

Evil as a wolf
It burns like mustard!
What a wonder?
Same …

Quick jump, warm fluff,
Red eye.

Made a hole, dug a hole,
The sun is shining and he doesn't know.

Low and prickly.
Sweet and smelly
Pick berries -
Take your whole hand.

These miracle bricks
I received as a gift.
What I put together, I break.
I start all over.

A violinist lives in the meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

Under New Year he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man,
But every day he lost weight
And finally completely disappeared.

The river is flowing - we are lying.
Ice on the river - we run.

Up-down, up-down.
Do you want to ride
Sit on us.

Itself motley, eats green, gives white.

The child is wrapped in a hundred diapers.

magic wand
I have friends.
With this wand
I can build:
Tower, house and plane
And a big boat!

There are seas - you can’t swim,
There are roads - you can not go,
The land is there - you can not plow.
What's this?
(Geographic map)

On a deer, on a horse
It's good for me to ride!
Not on the tundra, not on the meadow -
I'm going in a miracle circle.
I jump, I fly
I am delighted to laugh!

colorful sisters
Were bored without water.
Uncle, long and thin,
Carries water with a beard.
And sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke.
(Brush and paints)

House on a straw
One hundred kids in it.

Not a beast, not a bird
Sock like a knitting needle
Flying - screaming
Sits down - is silent.

The ship sails in the yellow sea.
He goes, cuts the wave,
Grain is flowing from the pipe.

Seal firmly with glue
And they sent it to me right away.
I won't pity him.
I'll get it and put it up.
(The envelope)

Proverbs and sayings with the letter K

The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.
As it comes around, so it will respond.
No matter how you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.
What is the master, such is the work.
A drop is small, but drop by drop is the sea.
The root of the doctrine is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
Who would have known the woodpecker if he had not knocked his nose.
Toys for a cat, tears for a mouse.
A bird is red with a feather, a man with a mind.
Where the needle goes, there goes the thread.
The end is the crown.

Funny poems about the letter K for children

The cat saved up a penny
Bought a goat for a cat
And the goat - cabbage,
Crispy heads.
The goat will be strong
The cat will give milk.
(V. Lunin)

- Cat-cat, go to the blackboard,
Tell me about the spikelet!
- Spikelet, my friends,
He's skinny like me!
(G. Vieru)

We bought a cat
For the holiday boots.
Combed her mustache
Sewed new shorts.
But how do you put them on?
The tail has nowhere to go.
(P. Voronko)

Cuckoo for the first time
Entered first grade.
“Ku-ku, ku… two, three, four!”
- They taught oral counting.
Very hard science
Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
But now it's easy
Dokukuyut at least up to a hundred.
(A. Pudval)

There is one funny bird in the forest
All day long he sings: “Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
Can never learn
Sing like a rooster: "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
(R. Farhadi)

- Cuckoo on a bitch!
You will hear "coo-coo".
(A. Barto)

The cuckoo is chirping:
- Ku-ku!
- Ku-ku!
I wrote the song myself!
And this song is simple:
- Ku-ku!
Swinging softly
In the forest on a bitch.
(L. Nikolaenko)

The porridge ripened in the meadow.
Cow Masha eats porridge.
Masha likes lunch:
Nothing tastes better!
(A. Shibaev)

Over paper over sheet
Waving brush tail.
And not just waving,
And smears paper.
Paint in different colors.
Wow, what a beauty!
(V. Berestov)

A whale spends its whole life in the water,
Although he is not a fish.
He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea,
For which he - thanks:
It would be crowded on dry land
From such a huge carcass!
(B. Zakhoder)

There are many different keys:
The key is a spring among the stones,
Treble clef, curled,
And a normal door key.
(D. Lukic)

Silly boat
Huddles in the harbor.
Can't swim
Didn't want to study.
He is a brave boat
Storm is not afraid
Only knows little -
Didn't want to study.
He's in the Caribbean
Might get lost
Because as a child
Didn't want to study.
(V. Viktorov. Translation from Cuban folk poetry)

The cat caught mice and rats
Rabbit leaf cabbage gnawed.
(S. Marshak)

Hoof - lope,
Hoof - knock,
The goat went with a scythe to the meadow.
He mows down the pink porridge,
He will cook porridge for his kids.
(G. Satir)

Lesson summary:

  1. The pronunciation of new words increases the vocabulary of a preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cellular exercises develop fine motor skills hands
  3. Riddles develop in children ingenuity, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems affect not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn several lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain, and the overall learning ability increases.

MOU "Sidorov secondary school"

Summary of a literacy lesson in grade 1

elementary teacher

MOU "Sidorovskaya secondary school"

Sounds [k], [k] and the letter K, k / Synopsis of a literacy lesson in grade 1. - Sidorovo, 2011. - 25 p.

This manual is addressed to primary school teachers. It provides an outline of a literacy lesson. The methodology of working with schoolchildren in this lesson is aimed not only at the assimilation of program material by children, but also at the intensive development of the most important intellectual qualities (attention, memory, logical thinking, oral speech, etc.). The manual contains all the necessary didactic material for a successful lesson. This method of conducting a lesson can be used in classes with different levels of training of students working according to existing programs and textbooks.


"The independence of the head of the students is the only solid foundation of any fruitful teaching."

Once the famous physicist Albert Einstein was asked: “How are discoveries made?” Einstein replied: “But everyone knows that this is impossible. He makes a discovery." Of course it was a joke. But, probably, Einstein put a deep meaning into it. After all, in order to “not know” you need to know! It is necessary to “doubt”, not to take on faith everything that was taught. And then a person appears who is not stopped by the inertia of habitual ideas. So he makes a discovery.

At present, the importance of education is very high. Humanity has left behind the age of industry and entered the age of information. But is it capable modern system education to give the child knowledge that meets the requirements economic world? The accomplishment of this task is very difficult, since the amount of information in any industry doubles every year, and in some areas, such as medicine, economics, biology, triples. It is very difficult and almost impossible for a highly qualified teacher and a modern textbook to keep up with the flow of the latest information.

It is no longer enough to know a subject well, get a degree, find a secure job, and take the occasional coursework. The rules have changed: in the age of information, it is very important that a school graduate be ready to retrain, change and adapt to new conditions of life in a timely manner.

Accordingly, the priorities in education have also changed, in the new conditions the personality of the student, his ability to self-determination and self-realization comes to the fore.

The situation that has developed in Russian education sets the task of changing the paradigm of education - from formative to developing. The transition to a new paradigm of education cannot be implemented without a clear and distinct answer to the question: "How to teach?".

The lesson of the 21st century is a creative process of a teacher and a student. My task, as a teacher, is to build such an educational space in which the student is given cognitive independence and the higher the degree of cognitive activity, the more intensively the student's abilities develop. After all, even Socrates said that you can learn to play the flute only by playing yourself. In the same way, the cognitive, activity abilities of students are formed only when children do not passively acquire new knowledge, but are included in independent educational and cognitive activity.

Preparing such a lesson is a laborious process. I must organize my activities in such a way as not to disturb my positive practical experience, inscribing existing knowledge about what is good for children, what helps the child become successful and happy in the future. And also the lesson should include the knowledge available in pedagogy and psychology about the general patterns of effective development of children.

The sequence of steps of the developing lesson (lesson plan):

1. Self-determination for activity (organizational moment).

2. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in activities.

3. Statement of the learning task.

4. Building a project to get out of the difficulty.

5. Primary consolidation in external speech.

6. Independent work.

7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

8. Reflection of activity (the result of the lesson).

The teacher, who has taken the installation on the development of cognitive processes in students, must observe the following conditions:

1. Clearly imagine what he should develop within each specific school course, when studying a particular topic.

2. Know the age and individual characteristics of students; master diagnostic skills.

3. To know how, by what means one or another quality can be developed. The student should be included in the search for such means (with a hint and under the supervision of the teacher).

4. Include development exercises in the goal of any work in the lesson.

5. To control not only knowledge, skills, but also the level of development of cognitive processes.

This manual presents a 1st grade literacy lesson developed within the framework of the traditional Primary Years curriculum (1-4). But students, performing specially selected tasks, master the educational material more deeply and at the same time develop memory, attention, and thinking. They themselves formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson, determine the types and content of educational activities at its individual stages, accept Active participation in learning material.

Is it possible to achieve that the child becomes smarter, more capable, more gifted? Of course, if you engage in the development of mental abilities as regularly as you train in the development of strength, endurance and other similar qualities. If a child constantly trains his mind, solves difficult problems, acts actively, independently finds the right solutions in non-standard situations, the result will definitely be.

Experience in this area has shown that students:

Learning increases, attention, perception, memory improve; children can "see", "hear", reason;

The ability to transfer the acquired mental skills to unfamiliar material develops;

The initial foundations of mental culture are being formed: students acquire knowledge on their own, feel the need for learning activities; children are self-organized, calm, self-confident.

As you know, there are no disabled children, you just need to help the child develop his abilities, make the learning process exciting and interesting.

And finally, let me give you some advice. You should not treat students' incorrect answers to certain questions as an occasion to doubt the "good quality" or "inferiority" of certain abilities of students.

In no case!

They are talented! Everything! The famous French writer Jean Jacques Rousseau also spoke about this.

So, consider the wrong answer as an occasion to analyze the way to solve a problem, the causes of the wrong answer and search for a different, right way to solve the problem.

Good luck!

Summary of a literacy lesson in grade 1

on the topic “Sounds [k], [k] and the letter K, k”.

Lesson type : learning new material.

Equipment : tape of letters, images of animals, reading cards, cards with the names of Kesha and Vasya, Goretsky alphabet textbook. Grade 1 - M.: Enlightenment.

The purpose of the lesson.

Perception and initial awareness of new material.

Lesson objectives:

Educational : introduce new letters and sounds, learn to read with learned letters, observe the role of form change for the accuracy of expressing thoughts and the connection of words in a sentence, teaches you to characterize sounds, recognize letters.

Developing: develop speech, attention, thinking, memory, phonemic hearing.

Educational: educate interest in reading, instill a love for animals.


1. Organizational moment

a) mobilization stage

The teacher attaches 4 toys to the board (bunny, frog, cow, hedgehog) (see Appendix 1).

T: Name the attached toys in chorus in the order in which they are located, and try to remember them.

Now close your eyes. The teacher rearranges the two toys, asks them to open their eyes and answer questions.

Tell me, in what order did the toys originally stand and in what order are they after the rearrangement?

What toys have changed their places?

b) work with a tape of letters

2. Formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Pictures on the board: wild boar, kangaroo, cat, whale (see Appendix 2).

U. Name the objects shown in the pictures.

U. Divide the spoken words into two groups and formulate the topic of the lesson.

E. The words CAT, BOAR can be attributed to the first group, because they begin with the sound K. The words KANGAROO, WHALE can be attributed to the second group, because they begin with the sound [K]. So the topic of today's lesson is “Sounds [K], [K] and the letter that denotes them.

U. Based on the topic, formulate the purpose of our lesson. Use the phrases written on the board for this.

Meet to …..

E. The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with the sounds [k], [k] and the letter that denotes them, learn to distinguish the sounds [k], [k] and the letter that denotes them from other sounds and letters; learn to read with a new letter.

3. Introducing new sounds

U. One of the animals wants to come to our class today and take part in our work. This is a domestic animal whose name has one syllable and three sounds. Think who it is.

D. This is a CAT, because it is a domestic animal, in the name of which one syllable and three sounds.

U. name the first sound in this word.

D. This is the sound [K].

U. Say the first sound in this word in chorus. (Children pronounce the sound [K] several times)

U. Tell me, what is this sound?

E. This sound is consonant, because when it is pronounced, the air flow does not pass through the throat freely, meeting an obstacle. This sound is deaf, because when it is pronounced, we hear noise. This sound is hard because we pronounce it firmly. It is followed by the sound [O].

U. Our cat has one problem. He likes two nicknames, but he does not know which one to choose. What nickname will suit him today in the lesson: KESH or VASYA?

D. The nickname KESHA will suit him today, because this word has our new sound.

U. What is that sound?

D. This is the sound [K].

U. Say this sound in chorus and characterize it.

D. The sound [k] is consonant, because when it is pronounced, the flow does not pass through the throat freely, meeting an obstacle. This sound is deaf, because when it is pronounced, we hear noise. This sound is soft because we pronounce it softly.

U. Make a conclusion on the first part of our lesson.

D. Today we got acquainted with the sound [K]. He is consonant, deaf, firm. We got acquainted with the sound [K]. He is consonant, deaf, soft.

4. Physical education

U. During the physical education session, we will find out the places where our KESHA likes to visit. Can you tell me how we can identify them?

D. we can identify them by the presence of sounds k and k in the name of these places.

U. If you hear a word with a sound [k] or [k], then raise your hands up and pull yourself up like Kesha. If there are no sounds [k] and [k] in the word, then lean forward, lowering your hands down.

Roof, lake, bench, pool, armchair, stream, stove, snowdrift, rug, plane.

5. Acquaintance with the letter K

U. Kotik really wants to see the letter with which his name begins. Find it at the checkout and show it to the cat. (Children show the letter K.)

Stand up and draw the letter K.

In which square shall we place the letter K on the ribbon of letters?

E. We will put the letter K in the blue box because it is a consonant.

U. Kotik says that he remembered the letter K well, but he has not yet learned to read. How do we start learning to read?

D. It is better to start by reading syllables.

6. Reading syllables and words with a new letter

Words on the board:






(See Appendix 3).

U. Kotik really liked this exercise, but he was a little hungry. Think about what you can treat him today?

Written on the board are the words:





D. He can be treated with those products in the name of which there is our new letter.

U. Read the names of products that have the letter K. (Children read.)

U. Change the words that do not contain the letter K, so that the products they name are useful in the lesson today.

D. Not soup, but soup.

Not a fish, but a fish.

The homeland of cats is Africa. They love warmth. Cats are useful animals. They have a good effect on people's health (see Annex 4).

U. Who is this text about?

E. This text is about cats.

U. How many words in it with the letter K?

D. It has three words with the letter K.

U. Who will read the text aloud to our cat? (Pupils read aloud if they wish.)

How do you understand the last two sentences? (Children think.)

How should you treat cats?

U. In front of you is a card - a riddle. By connecting the letters in alphabetical order, you will see the hero of today's lesson (children can do this task based on the alphabet). Pay attention to whether among these letters there is a letter that we studied today, circle it with a pencil (see Appendix 5).

What color will you circle? Why?

U. And now let's listen to Anya. She will tell us about which cat the ancient Indians worshipped. (The student prepared a message in advance)

Let's talk about the jaguar. Many centuries ago in Peru, Central America and Mexico, this cat was worshiped as a god. The ancient Inca artists created stone idols - gods in the form of half-humans - half-jaguars. The jaguar is the largest, most powerful and fearsome member of the cat family. The name "jaguar" comes from ancient Indian languages ​​and means "a killer who copes with the victim in one leap." It reaches a length of more than 2 meters, and weighs from 110 - 180 kilograms. The jaguar swims superbly, climbs trees beautifully and pursues the victim with equal success, both in the water and on the tree.

7. Work with the textbook on p. 53

1) Reading the dialogue. (Consolidating knowledge about dialogue)

Let's put the emphasis on the words. (Children do the task.)

Please note: MOWS (human) - MOWS (hare).

What scythe is discussed in the dialogue?

2) Puzzles - p. 54: Braids are wasps, boughs are juice.

8. Lesson summary

U. What sounds and letter did we meet today?

D. Today we got acquainted with the sounds [K], [K] and the letter K.

U. Describe the sounds [K] and [K].

U. Tell me, what pet, except for the cat Kesha, could come to our lesson today. Justify your answer.

D. A dog could come to our lesson. This word has the sound [k]. This is a pet.

U. What would you call her?

D. For example, Tuzik. This word has the sound [to]

U. Remember the beginning of the lesson, in the name of which animals the studied sounds are found?

D. The sound [K] is found in the name of animals frog, cow.

U. What of the new material was easy to remember, and what caused difficulty?

Literacy education is a very important initial period of mastering the Russian language by younger students. The success of further educational work in this direction largely depends on the depth of the acquired knowledge and strength formed at this stage, skills and abilities.

This lesson starts with mobilizing phase. In order to ensure a high level of student involvement in learning activities and the development of his most important intellectual qualities at the very beginning of the lesson. This exercise is aimed at the development of visual - effective thinking and at the same time at the development of attention, memory, observation, and also improves the student's speech capabilities. Exercises of this kind are designed for 2-3 minutes of daily use. Gradually, the teacher can increase the number of toys and permutations.

At the second, important stage of the lesson, students formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson. I do not give the topic in finished form, but I organize the communicative activity of students to study the situation that has arisen. Then, on the basis of deep and active speech and thought activity, they could independently, with varying degrees of accuracy, anticipate and formulate the topic intended for study. Thus, students have internal installation and self-setting to achieve the goal, which ensures readiness for the assimilation of knowledge. The predetermination by schoolchildren of the content of their activity activates attention, thinking, memory and, accordingly, develops them. Initially, I carry out the formulation of the goal of the lesson collectively using key words (to get acquainted with ..., learn to distinguish ..., etc.) that signify the beginning of these phrases. Gradually, it is necessary to move on to self-formulation of the goal. This gives the first grader to master the practical ability to build inferences.

Next stage introducing students to new material(the concepts of “speech, word, syllable” and acquaintance with new sounds) occurs with the help of a partially search method. Its basis is speech action. In the first grade I organize collective activities in the form of an introductory dialogue. In the process of speech-thinking actions, schoolchildren learn to compare, contrast, find common ground, reason logically, reasonably express their thoughts. From the first days of training, active work has been carried out to enrich the vocabulary of students. In the process of conversation - reasoning, students independently formulate certain concepts, highlighting the generic affiliation and essential features of the subject. This approach not only contributes to the successful replenishment of vocabulary, but also stimulates the development of logical thinking. I combine reading syllables, words with a new letter with the implementation of various intellectual operations. So, reading syllables grouped according to some criteria, reading words that are close in meaning, reading words with a change in lexical coloring allows not only to form a reading skill, but to make the reading process interesting.

While reading texts, I use techniques aimed at developing distribution, attention span, memory and designed to improve reading technique, increase the level of reading comprehension (reading words with missing letters; reading sentences with missing words, reading sentences with double repetition of a certain group of words, reading text with the simultaneous counting of some words, etc.) all this makes working with the text more interesting for children and more effective than using traditional teaching methods. You will find one type of exercise in this lesson.

Physical education minute is carried out with a didactic task on the topic of the lesson, in line with its storyline, with little mental load. Thus, an organized and conducted physical education session does not break, but, on the contrary, connects the structural parts of the lesson. The content of physical education can be entrusted to children. This will provide the necessary relaxation, relieve tension, without distracting from the topic of the lesson.

On the consolidation stage and independent work it is necessary to remember about the organization of the situation of success, which contributes to the inclusion of students in further cognitive activity. When reading a dialogue, it is necessary to achieve a clear, orthoepic correct syllable-by-syllable reading, as this is the basis of literate writing. It is also necessary to pay attention to weak positions of vowels. If you consider it necessary, you can give the concept of a test word.

At the last stage (reflections) I organize activities for self-assessment of students, we also find out the degree of compliance with the set goal and the results of the activity. Such inclusion of a child in educational activities creates conditions not only for the formation of his readiness for self-development, but also for the formation of a stable system of knowledge and a system of values ​​(self-education).

Thus, it is possible to develop cognitive abilities not only on abstract material (torn off from the school curriculum), but also on specific educational material.

Attachment 1

Appendix 2

Annex 3

Appendix 4

Motherland ... neck - Afri ... a. They love warmth. Kosh ... and - useful animals. They are good for people's health.

Appendix 5

Appendix 6


1. Bakulina development of younger schoolchildren in literacy classes. - M .: Vlados, 2002.

2. Vinokurov's abilities of children. - 1 cl. – M.: Rosmen, 2002.

3. Laylo of the alphabet and the development of perception. M.: Bustard, 2002.

4. Lilo literacy and development of thinking. M.: Bustard, 2002.

5. Shchadrikov processes and abilities in learning. M., 1990.

6. I go to class at primary school: Reading: A book for the teacher. - M .: "First of September", 2000.

1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………...3

2. Synopsis of a lesson in teaching literacy in grade 1 on the topic “Sounds [to], [to] ………7

4. Application……………………………………………………………………....17

5. Literature………………………………………………………………………..24

Sounds [k], [k] and the letter K, k

Summary of a literacy lesson in grade 1

Novokuznetsk district

from. Sidorovo

st. School, 12

MOU "Sidorovskaya secondary school".