The Witcher 3 need to collect all the herbs. Increase FPS on weak hardware! Alchemy is really important

You will receive this task during the passage of the quest. Vesemir's plan failed, and Uma was never freed from the curse, it is for this reason that Yennefer will be forced to resort to her plan and try the first stage of turning into a witcher on the "freak". Uma will be on the old table, for the ritual that Vesemir decided to save. The sorceress will ask Geralt to prepare the elixir necessary for the ritual. You will receive the recipe: herbal extracts.

You will need to collect the necessary ingredients to make the elixir, which you can find on a nearby table. Feel free to take everything that is there, as you will need each ingredient in the future.

In order to prepare Elixir Herbal Extracts, you need to go to the "Alchemy" menu and select "Tasks" here you will find the potion that the sorceress needs to perform the ritual.

Having reported to Yennefer about readiness, she will begin the ritual, Eskel will incise Uma's veins in order to put tubes with potions there. Geralt, having laid out the bottles with elixirs on stands, will have to turn on the supply of each potion in turn. The sequence of fluids is not important, with each new supply, the mind will experience unbearable pain.

Yennefer will cast a soothing spell on the freak, and he, in turn, will vomit on her.

The witchers will have to clean up around the sorceress, and at the same time wash her herself.

Yennefer is forced to constantly be near Uma, keeping him calm, so it is not surprising that over time she will simply begin to fall asleep. You will have to tell Yen a story so that she does not fall asleep.

Geralt will not have time to finish his story, as drugs will begin to act on Uma. She will begin to cast a spell that should remove the curse, and will also ask Geralt to bring a phylactorium. Mind will not stand it and will lose consciousness.

Yennefer, fearful of what Ciri may have lost, will start beating furiously on Uma's chest, hoping to make the freak's heart beat. Vesemir will hear Uma's voice trying to continue the spell.

Taking the hint, the sorceress will pick up the spoken words and be able to enclose the curse in a phylactory.

On the table, instead of Uma, there will be an elf - Avallac "x. He will tell you that Ciri is hidden on the Isle of Mists and will give the witcher a white light that will help him find this island on Skellige.

It is too dangerous to bring Ciri to Kaer Morhen, but Vesemir is ready to help in the battle, which, in his opinion, will take place within the walls of the castle. You will be asked to gather allies for the battle in Kaer Morhen. Assignments: "Brothers in Arms. Skellige", "Brothers in Arms. Novigrad", "Brothers in Arms. Velen", "Brothers in Arms. Nilfgaard".

Actually, it is clear that for such a game Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you need a fairly top-end hardware to get a more or less pleasant picture and play the game with complete pleasure... But not everyone has the opportunity to play on such hardware, so I have collected methods, which allow you to significantly increase FPS on weak hardware and laptops.

1. Reducing the resolution.
- to begin with, in the settings, switch absolutely all the sliders to off and minimum. In this way, you will achieve minimal graphic effects and load your video system.
- then set the resolution to 1024x768.
- since on almost all laptops the screen ratio is 16:9, then the optimal resolution for a comfortable game will be 1024X576.
- open the file C:\Users\...\Documents\ The Witcher 3\user.settings with notepad or notepad c++.
- find lines with your resolution (at the beginning of the file)

VSync=false Resolution=\"1366x768\" FullScreenMode=1
And replace with

VSync=false Resolution=\"1366x576\" FullScreenMode=1
As a result, you will get just such a picture on a laptop, while the FPS will increase by at least 5-7.

2. Removal of grass and bushes.
This method is very effective, on different FPS systems it takes off just significantly! About 7-10.
- Just delete the files from the \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\shaders\speedtree\shaders_directx11 folder (back them up beforehand):

Quote (Files to delete)


Bushes with ingredients.

After this action, all grass and all herb bushes will completely disappear from the game. The end result will be bare land. Grass bushes will be displayed on the map and can be picked up by pointing at the ground. But you yourself understand that this is not in any gate does not climb. Therefore, I advise you to remove only the grass, and leave the bushes. Believe me, with this choice, you will get a very adequate and acceptable picture with an increase in FPS by 5-7.

3. Decreased graphics quality.
You can also change the render configuration files. Reduce texture sizes, disable effects completely. As a result, you will get simply terrifying picture quality with an FPS increase of 1-3 maximum. But the quality will be so vomitous that you won't even want to read the dialogues. Therefore, in this article, I do not give such tricks and consider them perverted.

4. Solution for mobile video cards of the Kepler family.
As you probably noticed, the released patches increase the performance on top-end video cards, and significantly underestimate the performance on low-price cards. So on patch 1.01 I got 32 FPS, on patch 1.05 it was already 24, all other things being equal (GT645M).
Personally, the removal of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64\APEX_ClothingGPU_x64.dll helped me (make a backup in advance)
This is a settings library for the graphics processor of the video card, if you remove it, the processor will use its own settings that come with the drivers (so update the drivers).
The growth outside the city is a significant +8, but in fights and Novigrad at the level of 20-22.

P.S. Write your solutions in the comments and I will add them to the article.


(Part #1)

- one of those games that, after two or three days of passing, you realize that you did everything wrong from the very beginning, and that in the end you have a lot of missed opportunities and screwed up quests behind you. As a result, the game often starts over. But the main problem is that during the entire passage such cases, although they decrease, do not disappear completely. Therefore, the realization that you need to replay may come after passing half of the game. This is especially true for those who began their acquaintance with the adventures of Geralt only from the last third part. So, let's begin.

The crossbow is ineffective.

Get into close combat right away. The crossbow in the game is not a very effective thing, and no one wants to buy bolts for it. Therefore, it is hardly necessary to swing a crossbow branch.

Don't be afraid of the level difference.

Marks like “Level 5 is desirable to complete this quest” is a very conditional thing. And if at the minimum difficulty you can easily cope with an enemy that has a difference of 5-7 levels, then at the maximum difficulty big problems can arise even with those quests whose level you have already passed. The same goes for heroes. At the very beginning of the game, in the location of the White Garden, you will begin to meet the Signs of Power. Some of them will be guarded by ghosts. On the normal level the difficulties of such a ghost can be eliminated without any problems, despite the fact that it was marked with a red icon, indicating its "Extreme difficulty".

Signs of Strength are a source of skill points.

By the way, a little about the Signs of Power. This is quite obvious, but many do not understand, or do not understand the first time, but these signs can not only be charged, but also get 1 skill point. Come up and not just press, but hold down "E" for a few seconds, after which you will receive a temporary bonus for using a magic sign, and also in the Skills section you will be able to distribute the received score.

Alchemy is really important.

Local fields are plentiful and fertile. They grow a lot of interesting things. The Witcher 3 is not a game where alchemy and herbalism are for girls and players who don't want to fight. Let's face it - a lot of action role-playing games, starting with The Elder Scrolls and dragon age made herbalism a third-rate skill, including the glorious Skyrim and Inquisition. Here the situation is not at all the same. Herbs must be collected. It is hardly worth running through the fields and tearing out all the bushes on the vine, but passing by interesting plants is completely contraindicated. In less than a few hours, you will begin to encounter cases where, without the right herb, you cannot brew the right potion, and without the potion, the quest will be spoiled or the quest will not be taken. Therefore, collect and cook.

Make bombs and blow up lairs.

Speaking of potions. Make bombs out of herbs and use them to blow up monster lairs. Don't leave lairs untouched just because you lacked some simple ingredient that grows on every second bump. Destroy the lair - people will return home, and you may receive new quests.

Don't waste money on pouches early in the game.

Do not immediately buy pouches for the horse. You will have nothing to put in them, and after, when there are already a lot of items, you can buy better quality pouches along with the rest of the equipment for your Roach.

Playing disinterested can be profitable.

Always asking for money to do a job is bad. Never asking is also bad. Remember that you are playing as the Witcher - a creature devoid of special moral prejudices, so if you often refuse to do "dirty", immoral work, you will lose not just some quest, but entire quest chains. But if you constantly demand money from everyone, you will not be able to make friends. In some cases, when you refuse money, you will be forcibly given gifts that are more valuable than what you could take with money.

Be prepared for foul language.

The official Russian localization is full of swear words, so to avoid unpleasant surprises, play with headphones. If you decide to give this game to someone, also remember this.

Complete every side quest you can.

Do not chase after the main storyline. Secondary tasks in the third Witcher are no worse, and sometimes even more interesting. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a rare game that you want to play through to the end, so try to get the most out of it by stretching it out like a good book. Therefore, be sure to approach the bulletin boards and pick up quest announcements. Be sure to visit the locations marked with question marks. Open the journal more often and complete secondary tasks. Pay the main attention not to those that are marked "Many places", but to ordinary one-time quests.

Reading is power.

Don't be lazy to read. As soon as they found out new information about a theoretical enemy, open the bestiary and read. The main thing that interests you is the way to kill the monster. The better to apply it to achieve the greatest effect.

Mutagens are useful.

Sell ​​extra mutagens. Accumulating a large number of them is a useless exercise.

Pick and place mutagens in such a way that they interact with magical signs. Rearrange mutagens and Signs so that their colors match. Then the Signs will receive a bonus.

Not all axes can be oiled.

For some reason, oil is not applied to some axes. Maybe they'll fix it, but keep it in mind.

Pay attention to the weight of the weapon.

When choosing a weapon, be sure to look at its weight, the number marked with a weight, because in addition to the damage indicator, you should also be interested in the weight of the weapon. If the #2 weapon does slightly more damage than the #1 weapon, but is also much heavier, it makes sense to use the lighter #1 weapon.

Use the fire element correctly.

Set fire to the barrels that are marked with the Igni icon. Exploding barrels are the alpha and omega of video games. A few drowners are great at flying to pieces if they are lured to such a barrel during the battle and hit by Igni. In general, fire is an almost universal remedy that affects almost all animals.

If one of your enemies is on fire, do not hit him with your sword. It often happens that your blows will put out the fire. Maybe a bug, maybe a feature.

Don't turn into a Lost and Found.

There is no way to store things in the game, so in order not to turn into a walking Lost and Found, sell everything that you think you will not need. Feel free to part even with relic equipment. Before a difficult and promising journey, take a few minutes to run to the nearest seller where you need to empty your shoulder bag. But remember that sellers run out of money, so in some cases, in order to sell well, you need to run around a lot of merchants.

Do not buy food and potions from merchants.

Unscrupulous merchants charge exorbitant prices for potions and food, so try to master the production of potions that replenish health on your own.

Feel free to change signs.

Change of Sign (default Tab) puts the fight on such a slightly dynamic pause. Therefore, if you have Igni in your asset, but you need to hit, for example, with Aard, or put Yrden, do not be shy and change the Sign right during the battle.

Learn to fall from heights.

The Witcher is not afraid of heights, so he falls and breaks at the slightest unsuccessful step if he steps over the edge of the abyss. Unlike Roach's horse, which sees a cliff and will not go into it, Geralt will constantly fall down. This will be especially annoying during battles, where an awkward roll or step will force you to reload from the last save. Therefore, to moderate the ardor of the Witcher, adjust the speed of his movement with the left Ctrl key. In one mode, he will run fast and very fast, and in the other, Geralt will walk with a normal walking step, which is much easier to control, because Geralt does not stop immediately on the run, but runs another meter or two by inertia, which often gets in the way.

Change tactics.

Choose different tactics in battles with people. With an ordinary person, you need to use the tactics of quick strikes. In battles against halberdiers and warriors with shields, you need to use the tactics of strong blows. Shields are often very difficult to break through. Fiery Igni does not pass through shields, so Aard is here to help you. Brought out of balance - hit. Hit a couple of times - wait for Aard to recover, and repeat everything again.

Archers and crossbowmen are often invulnerable when reloading. Bug or feature - not clear.

Collect Alkagest.

There is no hurry in the game, therefore, if no one is chasing you, and your health is low, find a safe place and meditate. Half a day is easily enough to restore all, or almost all, health. For meditation, you will need the witcher's potion Alkagest. Don't sell it. If time is running out (I want it faster!), then heal with potions and food. Raw meat and liver of wolves, by the way, also raises health, albeit badly.

Oils are not always effective.

Using oils is not as good a thing as it might seem. The problem is that they only last a few seconds, so on hard difficulty, with a serious boss, you will need a whole crate of bottles.

Stay tuned for new drawings.

Hunt blueprints. Among the drawings of weapons and equipment, there are very impressive things that cannot be bought from any merchant. Therefore, once received good drawing, drop everything and start scouring the districts in search of ingredients, because it is better to gradually improve the hero by turning to blacksmiths with blueprints than to find yourself at one fine moment in a situation where the quality of your current equipment is not enough to overcome a certain enemy.

Aard and Igni are the main signs of your arsenal.

The main signs at the beginning of the game are Aard and Igni. Put a few skill points into them. After, when more powerful, magical enemies trample on you, the Yrden sign will also find its use. Protective Quen is a very peculiar, not very popular sign. Instead, it is better to use Axium, which affects the brain (if it exists, of course). Don't ignore this sign. If at the very beginning he can neutralize the enemy for just a few seconds, then as he pumps, the duration of the sign will increase. But, nevertheless, it’s better not to spray, because you still won’t be able to pump everything, and instead pay attention to Aard and Igni.

This concludes the first part of the guide. In the second part, we will talk about some combat tricks, talk about the most effective leveling of the character, and also tell you how to get through (not ruin) a few problematic, buggy quests like how to open a cage with a merchant, etc.

The best RPG of the year beckons with its huge open world full of various content, but, unfortunately, has your computer been living without an upgrade for a long time? The optimization of The Witcher 3 will save you. We will show you how to set up the game and PC in order to maintain a balance between beauty and performance. Or turn off all sorts of functions to run the third part of Geralt's adventures even on a very ancient computer.

In-Game Settings

Let's start with the possibilities for optimizing the graphical component of the game that the developers have provided us with. Optimizing The witcher 3 Wild Hunt starts by launching the game itself and visiting the settings menu. If your hardware cannot be called the weakest, then first of all you should pay attention to 4 parameters that you will find in the sections “General” and “Post-processing”.
  • Antialiasing - this parameter eats well the resources of both the processor and the video card. You should not be afraid of angular characters and other objects, since you definitely won’t notice a sharp difference. Feel free to lower this setting or disable it altogether.
  • Shadow quality - of course, shadows put a lot of pressure on the video card, so it's better to turn off this item right away or at least reduce it to a minimum.
  • Visibility range of plants - in open spaces, this parameter will greatly reduce productivity, but there is practically no sense from it. The beauty of the game is clearly not in the trees on the horizon.
  • NVIDIA HairWorks - in modern games it is customary to make even hair realistic, but if The Witcher 3 lags, then we are required to turn off this particular effect first. Without HairWorks FPS will increase noticeably. Perhaps by turning off hair post-processing, you can play at higher settings than you intended.
To compare the graphics, we offer 2 screenshots: on the first, these parameters are set to the maximum, on the second - to the minimum.
Resolution and texture quality
Another important parameter is "Resolution", but we recommend that you do not touch it, because when you change the picture will look distorted, and the pixels will become noticeable. But the lowered resolution improves the FPS well. The available minimum is 1024 by 768, but you can set it lower in the User.settings settings file, which is located at: C:\Users\UserName\Documents\The Witcher 3\User

C:\Users\Username\Documents\The Witcher 3\User

It opens with a notepad, and you need to change the line “Resolution =”.

Texture quality should be set in accordance with the amount of memory on your video card. The exact scheme is unknown, but we offer our recommendations:

  • 512 MB - Minimum
  • 1 GB - Medium
  • 1.5-2 GB - High
  • More than 2 GB - Beyond
The rest of the menu items do not put such a strong pressure on the hardware of your computer. If the setting of the above parameters did not help, try lowering the rest of the settings menu items.

Editing game files

If the optimization of The Witcher 3 through the in-game settings has not been successful, then you need to edit the game files, which will allow you to lower the graphics settings below the minimum.
In the game "The Witcher 3" we are surrounded by dense vegetation almost all the time. By disabling the grass, you can achieve a performance boost, and the game is good without bulky grass. This cannot be done in the standard settings, so you will have to delete some files.

We go to the folder with the installed game and go to the folder bin\shaders\speedtree\shaders_directx11. Here you need to delete 4 files, after saving them somewhere just in case.

  • Grass_vs.fx11obj
  • Grass_shadowcast_vs.fx11obj
  • Grass_shadowcast_ps.fx11obj
  • Grass_ps.fx11obj
The game will now look like this:

Don't worry, plants with alchemy ingredients won't disappear anywhere.

Witcher optimization - clothes physics
We continue our work on optimization by disabling clothing physics, which also cannot be done in the game settings. The realistic reaction of clothes to the weather and to Geralt's movements, of course, looks very impressive, especially in battle. But, unfortunately, to increase the FPS, you have to turn it off.

In the folder with the installed game, we go along the bin / x64 path and find the APEX_ClothingGPU_x64.dll file. Again, just in case, we make a copy of it, and then delete it. That's all, the physics of clothing is no more.

Fog, blur and other effects
You can increase FPS by disabling some options in the settings files that are responsible for some graphic effects.

Again we go to the folder with the installed game, go to \bin\config\base, and there we open the rendering.ini file with a notepad. Some of these settings can be turned off not only if you're trying to keep everything to a minimum, but also if The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt lags on medium or high settings. Below are the points where the value needs to be changed from True to False:

  • AllowFog - fog
  • AllowBloom - bloom (blur)
  • AllowAntialias - smoothing various effects (the same fog)
  • AllowMSAA - another type of anti-aliasing
  • AllowVignette - vignette (imitation of an optical effect that darkens the corners)
  • AllowChromaticAbberation - chromatic aberration (another blur)
Textures and shadows
You can remove lags in Witcher 3 in another way - by lowering the texture resolution lower than the game settings allow.

Again we go to the \bin\config\base folder and open the same rendering.ini file. To reduce the texture quality, change the following two parameters:

  • MaxTextureSize
  • MaxAtlasTextureSize
By default, in both cases, the number is 2048. Change to 1024/512/256. We try to reduce and check the result.

The lags will disappear in the Witcher, perhaps after changing two more lines in the same file, which are responsible for resolving shadow textures:

  • MaxCubeShadowSize
  • MaxSpotShadowSize
Both parameters are set to 512, but we can reduce them by 2 times - up to 256.

For clarity, we again attach two screenshots - before and after these edits.

Standard Optimization Techniques

Surely, you have already done everything that we are going to talk about now, but just in case, we remind you of the standard ways to optimize the performance of your system.

Remember to update your video card drivers regularly. The quality of its work directly depends on their relevance, because with each update, productivity increases.

You can download drivers for video cards on the official websites of their manufacturers:

Also, don't forget to update the Witcher itself. Some players complain that The Witcher lags even more on some versions, in particular 1.03 and 1.04, but these patches are long outdated. The latest updates have fixed all optimization errors, so feel free to update.

Cleaning the registry and defragmenting the hard drive can also help. For the first process, use the programs CCleaner, RegCleaner or their analogues, and for the second, the standard Windows utility is also suitable ( right click mouse over disk, properties, service).

We are sure that The Witcher 3 lags will no longer bother you if you carefully read this guide, clearly followed the recommendations and correctly applied all the knowledge gained from it. Enjoy an amazing RPG that doesn't come out that often these days. And if you have already started playing, then pay attention to our guide on finding blueprints for .

To find ergot seeds in The Witcher 3, you need to try a little, because they are not as common as we would like. Despite the fact that in theory the plant is very widespread.

You can buy sporinia seeds from Keira Metz, and there is vegetation suitable for us not far from her house, feel free to pick.

In addition, such seeds can be found in Velen from herbalists or from the Soothsayer.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Location of herbs in each region /

Flowers and herbs| Monster Ingredients | Skins of animals | Ingots and ore

Each of the regions in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has its own unique weather conditions, which means there are herbs and monsters. Herbs are needed to make various potions, bombs and oils. We bring to your attention an approximate list of locations and herbs that are found there.

Remember that almost any herb can be bought from a regular herbalist, so instead of looking for the right herb on your own, it's better to go to the merchants.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Alchemy: elixirs, bombs, decoctions, oils, substances, ingredients /

General| Elixirs | Oils | bombs | Decoctions | Substances | Alcohol | Location

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt offers a wide range of alchemy items that you can create yourself, from bombs that give you an explosive advantage in combat, to elixirs that help you survive the fight for much longer. Want to improve damage on a specific monster? Please have a wide range of oils for lubricating swords at your disposal. You will need Alchemy even if you are not on the path of the Alchemist, but are playing on a high difficulty level.

To prepare an alchemy item, you need to match exactly the ingredients that are listed in the alchemy menu. For example, to create the Swallow's Potion elixir, you need to find Krasnolyudsky alcohol, five copies of the Swallow's grass plant and Drowner's Brain. When you get all three ingredients, go to the elixir creation menu and press the "E" key, after which three jars of the potion will be added to your inventory. To prepare the main Alkagest alcohol tincture, you will need an Empty Bottle, Balissa Fruit, Cherry Liquor for Alcohol and Nilfgaard Lemon Tincture.

From now on, you no longer need to look for the ingredients listed above and brew this potion, it will be restored automatically instead of with all other elixirs in the presence of any alcohol tincture. The same goes for bombs and oils.

Alchemy items in The Witcher 3 are divided into ordinary, improved and excellent. The first ones are quite easy to make, for the second ones you need to have a regular version already made, and for excellent ones, in addition to new ingredients, you will also need a substance (a total of seven ingredients at the last level).

With the new level of the alchemical item, its power increases, it can be both the duration of the action and the strength of the action. In addition, in each subsequent version of the item, an extra copy of the elixir, oil or bomb appears.

Making excellent (master) elixirs is especially difficult, because to make them you need to stock up on a large number of white seagulls, which is not enough to make once. From it, you need to prepare a lot of substances. The location of the desired merchants is noted in the appropriate section.

Ballista - Witcher Wiki - Wikia

Ballista- Quest in Chapter 1 in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings.

Walkthrough Edit

Our satellite notices that the commandant has a ballista, and it is aimed at the harbor. Thanks to her, all ships entering and leaving Flotsam are under the control of Loredo. If we do not want to depend on the favors of Loredo in the future, it is worth putting the gun out of action in advance. However, the ballista is under guard, so we should somehow divert the attention of the guard. There's nothing better for this beautiful woman... Therefore, we need the help of the courtesan Margarita, who is standing at the mansion. Depending on what we tell her, she will help us for a small fee or in exchange for a favor. In the latter case, we will have to teach a lesson to two impudent guards, Myron and Alphonse. These two are nearby, and we need to defeat them in a hand fight. Whichever way we choose (to pick up or provide a service), Margarita will take the guard away to demonstrate her art to him. We'll have plenty of time to deal with the ballista. In addition, we can postpone this task until later and go to a meeting with the commandant first, but why waste time in vain? Having broken the ballista, we go to Loredo.

Climbing the stairs, we find ourselves at the entrance to the house. The path is blocked by a guard who says that Loredo is busy - he has a meeting with the sorceress Sheala. Roche suggests waiting downstairs. We can try to look around, but all the passages are either closed or guarded, so we go down to Roche.

Vernon says he can distract the guard guarding the mansion's backyard while we sneak in and see what's going on in the backyard. At this moment, if we have not yet killed the monster blocking the entrance to the harbor (Keyran's task), a merchant will contact us. If we agree to listen to him, he will tell you that part of a unique trap lies in the backyard of the mansion. It can be used when hunting kayran. According to the merchant, sooner or later we will have to fight this monster. Finding a piece of the trap is a good reason to take advantage of Roche's offer and look into the backyard.

While Vernon distracts the guard, we go down the stairs and find ourselves on the corner of the Loredo residence. Here you need to hide behind the stone on the right as quickly as possible. Then you have to wait until the guard turns his back on us so that we can stun him. Next, we are trying not to make noise (and this is not an easy task, because we can stumble on a nearby bucket), we must sneak up on the guard around the corner and stun him. So we get to the backyard. Once under the windows of the house, we can overhear the commandant's conversation with the sorceress. When it ends, we return to Roche and go to a meeting with Loredo - now is the time to talk to him.

If the guards catch us in the backyard, we will still end up at Loredo's, but we won't find out what he was talking about with the sorceress. We'll just be led past her as she leaves the commandant's room. Loredo will ask what the witcher, accused of killing Foltest, is doing in "his" city. No matter what we answer, in the end Loredo will give us a task: to deal with Iorveth and his squad. He will offer to seek help from Zoltan, since he is connected with the Scoia'tael. If the dwarf is still forbidden from leaving the city, Loredo will promise to release him in exchange for one more favor: we must kill the kayran, the monster that blocked the harbor. We can, of course, accept Loredo's offer or reject it if we don't want to deal with city officials. After the conversation, you can do side quests, go hunting for the kayranm (task "Keiran"), and if the monster has already been killed, focus on finding Iorveth (task "Killers of Kings").

Rating+5 Elixirs, potions, bombs and oils in The Witcher 3 allow you to enhance Geralt's abilities to gain superiority over opponents. All of them are made according to different recipes. Each recipe contains a list of required ingredients. These can be herbs, powders, oils, spirits and mutagens, which are independently extracted from monsters, collected during adventures in various parts of the world, or bought for decent money from merchants and herbalists in cities, villages and settlements. The rarer the ingredient, the more expensive its cost. Recipes are scattered all over the world and appear in chests randomly. The number of the same type of elixirs, bombs and oils is strictly limited: regular recipes allow you to cook only three pieces of the selected item, improved- four, excellent- five; with the improvement, the strength of the effects produced also increases. Stocks of used good are replenished automatically when meditating, even if some minor ingredients from the recipe are missing. The main thing is the presence in the inventory of the base: for potions - alcohol, alcohol or tincture, for oils - dog, wolf or bear fat. Full list available for crafting recipes is on the "Alchemy" tab (key). To prepare, just select a recipe, check the availability of the desired ingredients and press the button. Take potions is possible only when they are placed in special cells for food and drink in the inventory. It is allowed to use two elixirs at the same time (keys and). With each elixir taken, the intoxication of Geralt's body increases. In case of an overdose, poisoning begins, leading to a permanent loss of health points. Elixir "White Honey", rest or one-hour meditation helps to completely get rid of the harmful effects and superimposed effects. To strengthen immunity and increase the overdose threshold, skills from the Potions and Herbal Trials branches on the Character Skills tab (keyboard) can be used.

Locations of herbalists and ingredient vendors in Velen, Novigrad, Oxenfurt and Skellige in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

  1. fortune teller: in a cabin in the thicket of the forest northwest of the village of Bolshiye Twigs in the western part of Velen. Not far from the cave with a blueprint for the masterful steel sword of the Bear School.
  2. Herbalist: in a refugee camp near the road southwest of the village of Svorki in central Velen.
  3. Herbalist: next to road sign fast travel in Olena's Grove in the south of Velen.
  4. Keira Metz: in a house at a crossroads northeast of the village of Podlesye in the western part of Velen. Will remain in place until the end of the "Mouse Tower" quest.
  5. Herbalist: In the Herbalist's Hut in the fields northeast of Oxenfurt.
  6. Priest of the Eternal Flame: to the street next to the road sign "Electors' Palace" in the northern part of Novigrad.
  7. Merchant: By the stalls in the market, opposite the bridge over the river, southwest of the Market on Hierarch Square in the central part of Novigrad.
  8. Herbalist: at the market stall in the Market on Hierarch Square in the central part of Novigrad.
  9. Gremist: on a bench near the doors of the dugout under the Gedineith Oak in the eastern part of the main island of Ard Skellig. Starts trading after completing three minor errands in the "Exercise in Higher Alchemy" quest.
  10. Herbalist: at the house opposite the Tavern Ruins on the south coast of the main island of Ard Skellig, not far from the place where the common steel sword Bear School. Appears after the destruction of the siren's nest.
  11. Yona: in a house in the village of Rannveig in the western part of the main island of Ard Skellig. It remains to live in the village, if in the task "Niting" you agree to help return her lover, who has gone to another.
  12. Herbalist: in a house at the foot of a cliff in Porto near Kaer Trolde on the northwest coast of the main island of Ard Skellig.
  13. Herbalist: In a market stall near the Place of Power in the Druid Camp on the east coast of the main island of Ard Skellig.
  14. Priestess: in the temple of Freya in the northern part of the island of Hindarsfjall, east of the main island of Ard Skellig.
  15. Herbalist: In a trading post northwest of the Hierarchs' Gate in southern Novigrad.

The main goods from the herbalist and ingredient merchants in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are:

Note: the numbers from the table correspond to the names from the list above, that is, the number one means the Witch, the number nine - the druid Gremist from Ard Skellig...