Conspiracy for the future. How to see a prophetic dream: rituals and conspiracies to help you know the future

Prophetic dreams predict the future for us, good or bad, as lucky. But only not everyone is able to see them, and someone, having seen, cannot remember or interpret. In order to dream about your future, you can use a conspiracy.

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream to the Mother of God

The plot is read before going to bed, going to bed, you need to quietly say it to yourself: I'm going to another world, I'm going for knowledge. The Mother of God will lead me along the paths of heaven, so that I know all the unknown events, so that the future becomes a reality, and life is pleasant.

A conspiracy to predict a prophetic dream for a guy to read before going to bed

In the evening, lay a tablecloth on a table near the bed, put a glass of water and a candle on it, read the plot before going to bed: Christmas candle, wedding ring, show my husband, show his image. Whoever dreams in a dream will become a husband.

Plot on a prophetic dream to read on Friday, Tuesday

To carry out the ritual, you need holy water, it is poured into a glass and drunk before going to bed, saying to yourself: Pure water, holy water, help the servant of God (name) see a prophetic dream so that she dreams of everything that will come true and happen, so that she remembers everything to know. My word is law, as I said, so be it.

How to see a prophetic dream in the near future conspiracy

To see a prophetic dream about the near future, you need to perform a small ritual. In the evening, take a relaxing bath, fumigate the room with sleep grass and go to bed alone. Falling asleep, say to yourself: Let me dream about what should come true.

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream to read I go to bed

A conspiracy that allows you to see the near future: I, the servant of God (name), lie down to sleep on the Zion Mountains - three angels in their heads: one hears, the other sees, and the third will tell me everything. Amen.

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream for baptism to read at home

You can use such a simple ritual for baptism: write your wishes on 12 pieces of paper and put them under your pillow, those that you dream about will definitely come true this year.

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream to dream of the one who caused damage

Before going to bed, a conspiracy is read: Lord, forgive me, forgive the sins of your servant. Leave only love in me, who spoils my blood, imagine. Amen.

The answer to the question in a dream conspiracy

For this conspiracy, you need to use water. Pour it into a glass and put it near the bed, going to bed, say these words: Pure water, holy water, help the servant of God (name) see a prophetic dream, so that she dreams of everything that will come true and happen, so that she remembers everything to know. My word is law, as I said, so be it. Amen!

A conspiracy to sleep to dream of a loved one proven ways

In other worlds I descend, I sail to the dear one. Let him see me in a dream, do not forget in a bright day. Amen.

During sleep, a person sees dreams that can be pleasant, exciting, or, conversely, terrible. It is impossible to completely control this process. There is a special technique that can help anyone who wants to establish contact with their subconscious. She will tell you what to do to have a dream with a certain plot.

Sleep to order

Dreams are the remnants of emotions that a person experiences during the day. The subconscious is trying to tell a person a way out of certain situations and give answers to many questions. So, let's try to figure out what to do so that the dream is the way it should be.

  1. Learn to remember all your dreams. To do this, you need to write them down daily. Dreams are dreamed by absolutely all people, but many simply do not remember them. The use of meditation and relaxation will help a person learn to manage all his dreams.
  2. Before going to bed, you need to mentally formulate a question that you want to get an answer to. You can also imagine a person you really want to see.
  3. Concentrate on getting the answer you need. It is in the gap between deep sleep and the waking state that you can see what you want and get many answers.

Learning how to manage your dreams is impossible in one day. This takes practice and time. By learning to communicate with your subconscious, a person will be able to get the desired result.

Prophetic dream

A large number of people dream of looking into the future and finding out what awaits them. Prophetic dreams are able to provide the necessary information and knowledge. In order to see them, you must first prepare.

Particular attention should be paid to the state of the moon. To have a prophetic dream, she must be in the last stage of growth. Without this condition, it is impossible to get the desired result.

Before going to bed, a warm bath is necessarily taken, in which lavender and rosemary oil is added. It is also necessary to tie a knot on an ordinary thick rope, but do not tighten it to the end. They put it under the pillow. If you have a good dream, the knot is tightened, and the bad one is unraveled.

Bay leaves are placed under the legs of the bed before going to bed, and a mirror is placed under the pillow. At the same time, you need to say: “I want to have a true and prophetic dream. As darkness and light are reflected in this mirror, so my future will be reflected in it. In a dream, you should dream of a mirror in which you can see the future.

Erotic dreams

Quite often people have erotic dreams. They may not have anything to do with real life. It turns out that erotic dreams help relieve stress and strong tension that accumulates in the body during the day.

Each person in a dream can independently choose a partner and a place of action. With the help of constant training, you can order yourself a certain dream with a sexual bias.

When preparing, you need to stop drinking alcohol and coffee, and try to drink more water. Dinner should be light. The room should maintain the optimum temperature and observe absolute silence. It is better to sleep on your back, and your head should be low enough.

In order to have an erotic dream, you need to close your eyes and imagine a piquant situation. It is necessary to imagine all the gestures and movements in the smallest detail. In this state, it is worth being at least 10 minutes. Initially, the person may fall asleep very quickly. It is important to learn how to prolong the state of being between sleep and wakefulness. In this case, a person can enjoy the whole night.

If divination does not bring required results, and you need to find out about the future, you can try using a conspiracy for a prophetic dream. As a rule, those who use it are warned about what will happen in the future and can prevent trouble.

In the article:

Conspiracies for a prophetic dream - what you need to know about them

Not everyone has the skills to predict the future. But if you use a special conspiracy for a prophetic dream, you can find out what awaits you. There are rules that cannot be neglected during magical work on a prophetic dream, otherwise everything that you do will be in vain.

Almost everyone takes it right before bed. This means that you will have to refrain from nightly reading and watching TV, snacking in the middle of the night, sex, and anything that can distract you. Wash and take a shower, change clothes - all this should be done only before you cast a spell on a prophetic dream. Talking to someone, chatting on the Internet, making phone calls and answering them is impossible until the morning.

You must sleep and wake up alone. If you share your bed with your spouse, try to find a reason to leave for one night in another room. You should also be alone in the room. Make sure no one wakes you up or disturbs you. Turn off your phone and alarms beforehand. It is best to choose a day off so that you can wake up naturally without the alarm going off.

Your attitude is very important, as with any practice of magic, a lot depends on it. Going to bed after reading the plot, you should be set to see in a dream what you want to know. Try to get rid of all extraneous thoughts and distractions. Think only about what you want to know in a dream, but try not to imagine specific situations.

The phase of the moon also matters. If this is not specified in the descriptions of the plot, then choose the last days of the growing moon, just before the full moon. The full moon is also good.

The use of incense will be a fat plus of the ritual. Their aromas will help you tune in to prophetic dreams. Dry sleep-grass and aloe stalks are suitable. If this is too difficult for you, aroma sticks and essential oils of patchouli, eucalyptus, sandalwood and some others are usually suitable.

This evening, the shower can be replaced by a relaxing bath at a pleasant temperature for you. Essential oils, such as lavender or peppermint, can be added to the water. Wiccan magicians advise inhaling the steam coming from the water infusion of the following plants: laurel, cinnamon, wormwood, nutmeg and a rose. Disposes to prophetic dreams also special witch tea. It consists of two parts cinnamon, two parts yarrow and three parts rose petals.

Most often, prophetic dreams are like reality, but some people see dreams about the future encrypted by the subconscious. Many, before falling asleep, note a feeling of anxiety and extraneous presence. Do not pay attention to him and let him disturb your sleep.

What to do if the prophetic dream turned out to be scary?

To partially avert trouble, say before you get out of bed:

Where there is darkness, there is a dream. Amen.

Or get up on your right foot and say:

All the troubles in dreams, go to the enemies. Amen.

In order for a bad prophetic dream not to come true, this is not enough. More ambitious measures need to be taken, and you know better what they should be. There are many, for example, which you can easily find on our website.

And if the dream you saw turned out to be good, say other words. Before getting out of bed, say:

Good sleep in my hand. Amen.

Or get out of bed on your left foot and say:

What he saw in his dreams, he took for himself. Amen.

You can't tell prophetic dreams to anyone. Especially if you dreamed of something good, otherwise it will not come true.

Spell to sleep when falling asleep

It is important to be able to pronounce this conspiracy at a time when you are already sailing away to sleep, but without waking up at the same time. You can pronounce it in a whisper, and to yourself, five times:

Let me quickly dream, what should come true. I wish so!

Well, if immediately after reading this simple conspiracy you fall asleep.

A small mirror is required to cast this spell. round shape. It should not have any drawings, inscriptions or other decor. The presence of a frame is also undesirable, but it is not difficult to remove it. The mirror must be clean, it is better to wipe it right before you read the plot. Well, if it is a new mirror, but this condition is not mandatory.

Place a mirror under your pillow, lie down on it and say:

As darkness and light are reflected in this mirror, so my future one will appear in it.

Most often, people who have used such a spell dream of a mirror, and in the mirror they see a reflection of what they wanted to know about. In the morning, the mirror must be hidden. Do not tell anyone about it and do not give it to someone other than you. The mirror should only be used for foresight.

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream on a candle

You can use this method to see a prophetic dream only three times for the whole year, on strictly defined days - on, on the night of the Old New Year and on. It is impossible to read this plot on other days and more than three times a year.

For this magical work on a prophetic dream, you need a candle, absolutely any. Before going to bed, light it and say a conspiracy three times. Its text is read lingeringly, like an invocation:

Abu, Lah, Yessa. I call you, I call you, I attract a prophetic dream to me. Take the flame of the candle to yourself, give me a true dream in exchange. The last smoke from the flame will enter my mind, predict my fate. The one who loves and who loved will show, he will tell about haters and dashing people. About whom I can escape from and about whom I myself will destroy will tell.

Word " Amen You can’t speak, you can’t be baptized either. The candle should be extinguished, best of all with your fingers or a special cap. After that, immediately go to bed, before going to bed, completely remove clothes and jewelry.

Prayer for sleep for two candles

This plot cannot be used more than once a month. Time - from Thursday to Friday, around 22:00-23:00 hours.

In order to read a dream plot in which you will see the whole truth, you need two identical church candles. They should be twisted into one so that one wick is on top and the second is on the bottom. With your left hand, hold the received "double" candle in the middle and read:

Mother of God, I pray you, yes Jesus Christ.
Let my desire become clear.
May the grace of the Lord come to me.
Through my dream, but in my memory.
Let the angel of dreams tell me about the future.
For the morning, for tomorrow, for the day after tomorrow. (report about the time in which you want to predict the events). Key. Castle. Language. Amen.

After you say the last word of this conspiracy, immediately extinguish the candle. Place it at the head of your bed or on a nightstand next to your bed. Then go to bed immediately. You must fall asleep before midnight.

Take all that remains of the twisted candles to the church within three days. There is a special tray for candle ends, and place it there. It is advisable to do this immediately in the morning.

Prophetic dream spell on Saturday

Such a spell is read only on Saturday. Before you go to bed, prepare a piece of bread and sprinkle it with salt. There are no special requirements for these products, except that the bread must be fresh, suitable for use. Read the spell for bread and salt:

Sunday with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and you, Saturday, no friends, here's bread and salt for you, and give me a clear dream.

Put bread and salt at the head of your bed, and then immediately go to bed.

Plot on a prophetic dream on evening water

For this plot, you need spring water, which you collected at the evening dawn. water from natural source often replaced by mineral water without gas, but here it does not fit - it is impossible to know at what time it was dialed. Water needs a small bowl, saucepan or plate.

As soon as you bring this water home, read these words above it:

I invite the dawn of the evening devil,
True and secret words I ask him.
Not everyone knows those words, but who will hear them,
He recognizes prophetic dreams.
When I fall asleep, I will find answers to my questions.

Wash your face with water, dry yourself with a clean towel (it doesn't have to be new). After that, immediately go to bed and try to fall asleep as soon as possible. Too often this conspiracy should not be read.

A conspiracy to sleep to see the cure for the disease

If you have been sick for a long time, and the medicines prescribed by doctors do not help, you can try to find out in a dream what kind of medicine you need. Do it on the day of veneration Saint Nicholas.

You should go to bed inside the church fence. There are many ways to do this. Many churches are not guarded at night, you may be able to find just one. It also makes sense to pretend that your lock is broken, and spending the night near the church is still safer than in the park on a bench.

Rituals and conspiracies for a prophetic dream are one of the most reliable ways to see your future. You will be able to get the information you need to know to make the right decision.

Rituals require their own magic items

No magical action will work effectively and safely if you do not follow certain rules and requirements. Each plot has its own requirements; sometimes mental strength training is required, and sometimes magic items will need to be used.

You must strictly adhere to the following rules in order to find out the whole truth about the coming future in your dreams:

  1. The conspiracy must be carried out in complete solitude.
  2. A conspiracy is carried out only for a period of several days of the growing moon.
  3. In no case do not make any guesses about the rite. Your head should be clear and your thoughts pure.
  4. If you have a moment of stress or you are worried about something, then the ceremony should not be performed. It is better to postpone the conspiracy for a knowledgeable night, or relieve stress by taking a fragrant bath.

A simple rite for a prophetic dream

The main thing is to choose the right day

This dream spell will not require you to study any nuances and is very simple to perform. You just need to choose the right day, guided by the above rules and before going to bed say the following words:

To dream me what is destined to come true. So I want, so be it!

These words must be repeated five times, after which you can not say a word until the moment of awakening.

If, upon waking up, you realize that you saw a prophetic dream, it is necessary, without getting out of bed, to blow into the fist of your right hand with the words:

I saw what I wanted!

Rite using a mirror

For the ceremony, you will need a small oval mirror. It is best that it be a brand new mirror that has never been used. If there is no such mirror, then it is necessary to carefully wipe the mirror that you are going to use during the ceremony with alcohol.

Before going to bed, you need to hide the mirror under the pillow and say the following words:

As everything is displayed in a mirror, both light and darkness, so in the dream of the servant of God (name) her future will be displayed. May it be so. Amen

That same night, you should dream of a mirror in which you can see your future. After the ceremony, the mirror must be hidden from prying eyes. You can’t tell anyone about the ceremony, otherwise the future may change.

It must be remembered that this rite should not be abused, the frequent use of magic can lead to interference from external magical forces.

Very powerful prayer

When using this prayer, you will definitely attract a prophetic dream to yourself, which will show the whole future and help you find out the whole truth during sleep.

The prayer itself must be said at the moment when you are already falling asleep. Words need to be learned in advance. If, in the light of any reasons, this is impossible, then it is necessary to rewrite the prayer on a sheet of clean paper without blots and errors. If additional lighting is required, then use the flame of a church candle.

Carefully and without blots, you can rewrite the plot on a clean slate

I, the servant of God (name), hurried to the beam of light as best I could, as I heard a ringing from the heavenly bells for mass. That mass was served by the Lord God himself, with his angels and archangels. In one hand the Lord held a small rod, and in the other hand the keys to the gates of heaven. So let the heavenly gates be opened, and the door of hell be closed forever. The sacred child goes to the mother, Mother Mary the Mother of God. The child asks from whom the light comes bright, the light of God. The Mother of God answers him, that from her son, who was crucified on a tree, from the fact that he was nailed with an iron nail, that he was stabbed right into the merciful heart. Let me see, the servant of God (name), through a dream, a blue cross, a red cross, on which the Lord God is crucified. Amen

How I, a teacher from Saratov, married an American rich man

I am 30 years old, I have a little daughter. It would seem, how can I, a simple teacher, marry a millionaire? However, this story is able to inspire faith even in those who are already desperate. Hope she inspires you.

My story begins with a failed marriage. I married for love at the age of 19, and for almost 10 years I lived with an absolute loser. At first he seemed nice and good, but after the birth of the child, he took to drink and turned into an alcoholic, lowering my meager salary for vodka.

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream can be a powerful weapon. For those who do not know: in the astral plane there is all the information about what has already happened and will still be destined to happen. There is a lot of talk about this these days. Unfortunately, if they give methods of how to get to this magical "storehouse of information", then most of them are completely unacceptable for an ordinary person. All meditations and other techniques require such concentration and such time costs that there will be no time left to live.

But the Higher Forces have already given a person a mechanism for communicating with the astral. It is given to everyone from birth. Some do not suspect it, others know but do not understand how to use it. It's about prophetic dreams. Often, people only take advantage of "random" glimpses in this direction. That is, they learn to decipher those dreams that come by chance, unscheduled, so to speak.

But nothing prevents you from receiving information from the magical astral dimension every day, if you want. This is not only extremely interesting, but also useful. And why not use the ability received from birth? Somehow it turns out irrationally (well, this is, of course, a joke). But seriously, you can ask your Higher Self about anything. Believe me, it can answer literally immediately, like an ordinary interlocutor. Only the understanding of these answers, as they say, "twenty years of study is necessary." Not everyone is able to decipher the "signs of fate." And to ask the subconscious mind to show you in a dream the answers to important (and not so) questions, anyone can. Deciphering them is pretty easy. IN last resort if you can’t do it yourself, you can buy a dream book.

In this article

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream

“I, the Lord’s servant (name), hurry to the light, run. The ringing of bells sounds in me, the heavens are calling to the Lord's Mass. I'll open my soul, I'll let the angel's call in. Let (name) open the doors of Paradise to me, leave the gates of Hell closed. Mother Mother of God, like a child, will take my hand. In the Lord the gates will hold and push. Secrets will tell me not melting. What lies ahead for me. Lord, a bright light will enter the soul. Illuminate what is to come. Mother Mother of God, will tell that her child was crucified on the cross. Whoever sees it, the path will be open to him. Let that Holy Cross enter my dream, so that the Angel's wing will be guarded, what I see will come true! Amen!"

A conspiracy to have a prophetic dream

When you settle down comfortably in bed, you are about to go to sleep, so say the following spell. Only after that it is impossible not to communicate with anyone, not to get up. For family people, it is recommended to engage in such divination when they are already sleeping. And the words for a prophetic dream read like this:

“I’m going to another world, I’m going for knowledge. Let the Angel lead me along the roads of heaven, so that I know all the unknown events. For the future to become a reality, neither trouble nor grief was enough. To know what fate judges, wait, not bad from her, but good. Amen!"

A conspiracy on how to see a prophetic dream

If you have a very specific question to your subconscious or Higher Forces (which is one and the same), then it is recommended to perform such a ceremony. Buy yourself a special mirror. It should be round and attractive (in your understanding). For people hot, with an ardent temperament, a red mirror is recommended. The same glass is suitable for those who are interested in matters of the heart. "Business" questions must be asked to a mirror, decorated in a simple style. Let its outer surface be of a calm tone, not particularly bright.

Many girls like the "chic" finish, with rhinestones or gold. So choose such a magic mirror. The criterion is this: it should make you feel good, so that you want to take it in your hands. It is necessary to store such an attribute of "conversation with the subconscious" separately. It is advisable not to show it to anyone on purpose. Make sure that someone else's eye does not look into the reflective surface. Otherwise, you will attract their thoughts and events into your dreams. Do you need it?

On the other hand, if you want to know what a person (for example) is thinking about, then on the contrary, let him look in the mirror, as if by chance. After that, make a prophetic dream. This way you get extremely accurate images. It remains only to guess correctly.

Before going to bed, look into your magic mirror and say this:

“I am going to other worlds. I wish the future to open, it appeared to me in a dream. Mirrors are a bright beam, clear my horizons from the turmoil of the clouds. Let the future appear clearly, without hiding. I'm going to sleep, I see the road! Amen!"

Place a mirror under your pillow, reflective side up.

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream to find out who caused damage

Say before bed

“Lord, forgive me, forgive the sins of Your servant (name)! There is no evil in me, only love. Who spoiled my blood? Who dragged fate into the black swamp? Who was lurking around like a rat? Who caused black damage? My angel, make it open in a dream! Amen!"

Conspiracy of 77 brahmins for a prophetic dream

“Venus, I am God’s servant (name), I conjure with the names of the Angels of sleep, the witches of the third legion. Anael, Angel of the sixth day, I conjure you too. The seal of King Solomon that he did not bow to anyone. I turn to King David for advice, he gave wise answers to everyone. I call out the angels by name: Adonai, Eye, Hey, Asim, Im, Sadai, so that my spell is confirmed. All the stars in the universe and the imperishable planet itself. All the forces in the world that created it.

I conjure the angels of the second legion. I call the Creator to witness. I conjure the earth, its trees and herbs, high mountains and lavas. I conjure the ashes of the ancestors, the names of those who have died and who were born, those who have not yet been born. I conjure with the milk of mothers, hell with torments, women in childbirth with suffering and aspirations. Solomon's keys with strength, the figure of the six-winged Cherub.

Let a true dream be dreamed, let that which is not seen on earth be revealed. May true insights come. Let all imperishable spirits rise before my eyes, they open, they help to look into the future. Lord, bless my spell! By the power of an angel they put me on in the night! Give me strength to cope with visions! Amen!"

Almost everyone is engaged in deciphering and analyzing dreams from time to time. Fascinating and informative, you will agree. It's not just information out of nowhere. A dream is a kind of conversation between the subconscious and a manifest personality. It contains so many things that it takes your breath away when you finally begin to understand the intricacies of wandering around the country of Morpheus.

One is bad. As a rule, a person cannot initiate this intimate conversation. We have to wait until the subconscious deigns to send another message. And this, you see, is tiring. Especially when you have a lot of questions accumulated, there is something to talk about. And also topics. Until you learn how to induce dreams yourself, you cannot set the direction of the conversation. You have to go on about the one who is on the other side.

We thought about this not yesterday and not today. Thousands of years ago, people tried to understand what dreams are. They noticed and formulated the rules for their decoding. Who realized that it is also possible to lead them is unknown. However, prophetic dream spells are now being practiced. And wonderful information comes that can change lives, help in making decisions and much more.

In fact, a prophetic dream spell is a common thing. From adolescence, girls pass on “secret words” to each other, after which the future husband will definitely appear in night vision. But, this is the simplest thing that can be requested from the subconscious. There are many other options for using the wonderful time of daily travel through a magical land. Let's take a look at them.

In this article

Prophetic dream spell: some rules

First, a few general rules. All of them are simple and understandable. A prophetic dream should not be called in an upset or excited state. Rather, of course, try it. You can simply draw aggressive forces into your visions. And the horrors are not the worst thing that will happen after that. Dreams are not a figment of the imagination, as scientists try to convince us. No. During a night's rest, a person really gets into other worlds. They are different. There, just like in real life, there are all sorts of events. Including there is a possibility of falling into enemy networks. Which, you see, few people want.

Therefore, try to order dreams only when you are calm. And the worst thing is to cast a spell on a prophetic dream while intoxicated. This is quite a risky experiment. Some demon will surely come to your hidden worlds and settle there. Getting rid of it will be difficult. This essence will spoil life, like. But not every magician can see it. Therefore, it is recommended to approach the practice seriously and meaningfully. Again, being careful can't hurt.

A prophetic dream spell should be cast before you lie down in bed. This is done standing or sitting. And after that you can no longer talk to anyone, watch TV or answer calls. In general, only sleep remains. Relax, nothing will work.

Prophetic dream spell from Thursday to Friday

On this night, according to grandmothers and witches, only prophetic dreams come. But not every time and not all. To be among the lucky ones, you should pronounce the formula and fall asleep. How this is done is described above. And the words are:

“From Thursday afternoon - Friday night, turn into the world of magic. I wake up in it, when I wake up, I look back, I turn to the night. Tell me, witch, (describe your problem)! As the stars rise, so the fairies will come! Amen!"

If you don’t have a specific question, then ask: “what awaits me?”. And one more small nuance. You should go to bed on Thursday, that is, before midnight. This is important for any prophetic vision. At midnight, a person should already be in the country of Morpheus. Otherwise, he ends up in another world where the subconscious cannot communicate with him. A prophetic dream will not work.

A spell on the prophetic dream of the brahmins

This formula is also pronounced before going to bed. Don't talk to anyone. And read the words clearly (you can from a piece of paper). They are:

“I call the angels of sleep, I conjure them to talk. Adonai, Hey, Yim, Hey, Sadai, Venus! I conjure you with higher powers! David and Solomon with a wise seal. Bring me accurate pictures, not spoiled by hell and hell. May the visions come true. The angels of the Legion of the Third will leave all false thoughts to a strange prophet that troubles the eye. I conjure with the Holy Bible, I call true dreams! Amen!"

You know, the Brahmin spell is usually used only when there is a serious specific problem to be solved. She is not spoken. It is believed that angels already see what you should be warned about, from what. But, if you use the spell for no reason, then you will lose contact with the angels. They will consider you a mischievous person and stop responding to the call. This should be taken into account if you want to regularly receive reliable information in a dream.

Full moon dream spell

When the queen of the sky is in full bloom, the whole planet rushes to meet her. This is a special time. It is filled with the magic of creation. On this night, you should only think positive dreams. That is, the question must be formulated in such a way that there is no aggression in it. If the problem is related to enemies or competition, then ask how you should be, what to do, and the like. Aggressive thoughts are dissonant with the energy of the night. That is, the probability of obtaining reliable data is reduced.

Speak like this:

“The lunar face, the stellar cry, the mirror world invited me. Show me the reality truthfully, open everything not falsely. Let the clues fly, open my mind. Show me, moon, (ask a question). I acknowledge your kingdom. I give you my faith! Amen!"

So say.

People have long attributed to dreams magical meaning, because most often a dream is interpreted by the speech of our subconscious, i.e. in a dream we see something that clearly worries us in certain moment life, what we live, what our thoughts are doing, and also what our future has in store for us. If one day a person had a dream, and after a while it became a reality, then such a dream is boldly called prophetic.

Dream reflection of reality

To see a prophetic dream, you can read a conspiracy to a prophetic dream and ask a question, the answer to which the subconscious mind must give not only by a direct reflection of reality in a dream, but also by other signs or symbols that will have to be unraveled or interpreted from a dream book.

When can you make a prophetic dream

right time

Sometimes in life there are situations when you want to look a little into the future in order to find out what will happen and how you need to behave now. Not all people decide to fortune-tell for this or that situation, but quite often they resort to interpreting their dreams as clues to further actions. To find out the answers to your questions from sleep, you need to prepare your room and yourself for such a meaningful dream.

To do this, you need to set yourself up positively for the perception of a prophetic dream, spend the evening in peace, without unnecessary stress, in peace and preferably on your own. Shortly before bedtime, you should take a warm bath with the addition of essential oils of fir, rosemary, lavender or mint. Shortly before bedtime, you can drink a glass of warm milk. Before going to bed, the room must be fumigated with the smoke of dried aloe or sleep grass. It is advisable to lay a new bed and you need to sleep on your own, so that no one interferes with the subconscious mind to manifest itself through sleep.

You can order prophetic dreams only in the last days of the growing moon. At the same time, sleep should be full - at least 8-9 hours and it is necessary to fall asleep long before midnight, since it is during this period of the day that the human subconscious most often shows a possible unknown present or future. If some important dream was seen in another period of the lunar month, then it is necessary to look at its veracity by lunar calendar, because even the most obvious dreams according to the lunar calendar can be nothing more than just a reflection of a person’s thoughts and not be true.

The easiest way to speak to your subconscious is to pray for the night and, already going to bed, read the conspiracy to sleep:

“Let me dream what should come true. Amen".

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream on a mirror

We use a mirror

This is the most common way to induce a dream in which the future will be reflected. For this ceremony, you will need a round mirror, preferably a new one, the old one must be wiped with alcohol. Put the mirror under the pillow and sentence:

“Darkness is reflected in this mirror, light is reflected in it, even if my future is reflected in the mirror and I dream in a dream.”

A prophetic dream will only be if the future is reflected in a dream in a mirror. After that, the mirror itself must be hidden so that no one can find it.

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream for the near future

We look to the future

“I go to bed on the Siena mountains, three angels stand in my heads, one sees, the other hears, and the third will tell me the whole truth - what I will buy and what I will find, maybe I will accept a gift, let it come true, but if I lose in a dream , sell or give away, then let such a dream dissolve.

If a person suffers from insomnia due to various circumstances, then you can simply pray for the night, and after prayer, say a conspiracy from insomnia already in bed:

“I sanctify myself with holy words, good dream I invite you to come, lull me to sleep, wrap me in peace.

After that, you need to cross yourself and go to bed.

A conspiracy or ritual for a prophetic dream is a great opportunity to find out your future. A prophetic dream can give a person the information that he simply needs to make the right decision. Having whispered a conspiracy to a prophetic dream, and falling asleep, you can see an important date or people participating in an important event. Sometimes prophetic dreams come on their own, but that's a rarity these days. But just wanting to see it is not enough. There are many magical practices that allow a person to learn to see prophetic dreams, some of them involve training for the body and spirit, and in others you need to use magical rituals for a single dream induction.

It is possible to perform rituals to call a prophetic dream only in the last few days of the growing moon period.

Ritual for a prophetic dream

In order to see your future or discover any hidden events, you need to perform a special magical rite. Before the ritual, take a relaxing bath, add a few drops of peppermint, rosemary and lavender oil to the water. While you are basking in warm water, the room in which you will sleep should be fumigated with dry sleep grass or a dried aloe stalk. The most important element of the rite is that in order to call a prophetic dream all evening and all night, while you sleep, you must be completely alone. When you go to bed, try to relax as much as possible, clear your thoughts of everything extraneous and think only about what you want to know. Distract from all guesses, you don’t need to try to guess the answer to the right question, otherwise you may not get a prophetic dream, but a projection of your own speculation.

When you feel that you are starting to fall asleep, whisper the words of the conspiracy five times:

“Let me dream what will come true. I so want!”.

A simple ritual with a mirror

Shortly before going to bed, put a small mirror under your pillow and say the words:

“Just as everything is displayed in a mirror, both light and darkness, so in the dream of the servant of God (name) her future will be displayed. May it be so. Amen".

That same night, you should dream of a mirror that reflects your future, or the answer to a question that interests you. If you get an answer, then when you wake up in the morning, hide the used mirror in a secluded place and store it there. In no case do not tell anyone about the ceremony, otherwise the future may change.

Conspiracy before sleep

This strong and effective conspiracy should be read shortly before bedtime. Conspiracy words:

“I, the servant of God (name), hurried into the light beam as best I could, as I heard a ringing from the heavenly bells for mass. That mass was served by the Lord God himself, with his angels and archangels.
In one hand the Lord held a small rod, and in the other hand the keys to the gates of heaven. So let the heavenly gates open, and let it shut forever, let the door of hell close forever.
The sacred child goes to the mother, Mother Mary the Mother of God. The child asks from whom the light comes bright, the light of God.
The Mother of God answers him, that from her son, who was crucified on a tree, from the fact that he was nailed with an iron nail, that he was stabbed right into the merciful heart.
Let me see, the servant of God (name), through a dream, a blue cross, a red cross, on which the Lord God is crucified. Amen".

To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can light incense before going to bed, for example, sandalwood or patchouli.

Conspiracy of the 77 Druids

This is an effective rite that must be performed right before bedtime. Sit on the edge of the bed and read the words of the plot:

“I conjure, servant of God (name), you, Venus, with the names of the angels of sleep, the names of the third legion. I conjure you, Great Angel Anael, representing the day of the sixth creation of the world. I conjure with the sacred seal of King Solomon and King David. I conjure holy, powerful, Divine angels with the names: Adonai, them, Ey, Asim, Hey and Sadai. I conjure with the star of Saturn, with the names of all the stars of heaven, with all their powers and light, with all their mighty power. With all the names of the angels of the second legion, the name of the Creator, the names of all who are with our Savior in mercy. I conjure the earth, on which all trees and herbs grow. I conjure the earth, in which lies the ashes of the forefathers of all the people of Adam and Eve. I conjure the names of all who were, and who will only be. I conjure all the mother's milk of mothers, all the torments of hell and the most terrible torments of childbirth. By the power of the keys of Solomon, by the name of the throne of the six-winged creatures. May my dream this night be true and completely accurate, as true are all the words in the holy book of the Bible that the Father God gave us. May my future and my destiny be displayed in a dream, may Archiristratus Morpheus himself send me a dream. In the mirror of your consciousness. I am God's creation, slave (name). God of Israel, God of Moses, Eternal God, bless my words, bless the dream of your servant (name). May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the words of the spell, you can’t talk to anyone until the morning, and also get out of bed, eat, drink, read. After the conspiracy, you must immediately go to bed and sleep, otherwise the rite will lose its power. Also, don't tell anyone what you see tonight for the next three years.

Like any magical effect, a prophetic dream conspiracy requires certain conditions to be met when used. There are three key requirements:

The date is the last few days of the waxing moon (before the full phase). This time is considered the most favorable, as it allows not only to spy on your future, but also to find a solution to existing problems at the moment.

Complete privacy, peace and quiet. The situation should be as calm as possible, any contact with other people at night should be reduced to zero. It is best to turn off all means of communication, and carry out the ritual before the day off, so that you can wake up on your own, and not at the wake of an alarm clock. In bed, you also need to sleep all alone. Before the ceremony, it is recommended to take a warm bath with essential oils(mint, lavender, rosemary), and in the room where you will sleep, hang herbs whose smell you like.

Head cleared of extraneous thoughts. Before using the plot, try to let go of all disturbing thoughts, distract yourself from the hustle and bustle, relax as much as possible and do not think about the upcoming ceremony.

The correct inner attitude before using a conspiracy for a prophetic dream is a guarantee of the effectiveness of the rite. To make the ritual as useful as possible, be sure to follow the above rules. One more important point- you need to go to bed before midnight (preferably 1-2 hours before it). If you're used to going to bed much later, adjust your routine first.

Friday prayer for a prophetic dream

Prayer is pronounced strictly from Thursday to Friday, between 22-23 hours. You can read it only once a month.
Buy 2 thin candles in the church in advance. On the day of the ritual, weave them together so that the wicks are at two opposite ends. Take the resulting double candle with your left hand, light both wicks and speak:

“Mother of God, I pray to you and Jesus Christ. Let my desire become clear. May the grace of God come to me - through a dream and into my memory. Let the angel of dreams tell me about the future - in the morning, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, on (name the day whose events you want to predict in a dream). Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

After reading the prayer, immediately extinguish the candle and place it at your headboard, or on bedside table. Go to bed right away. Try to fall asleep before midnight.
Take the remains of the candles to the church and leave in a special tray for cinders. This must be done within 3 days after the ritual.

A conspiracy to sleep to see the cure for the disease

If you have been sick for a long time, and the medicines prescribed by doctors do not help, you can try to find out in a dream what kind of medicine you need. They do it on the day of veneration of St. Nicholas.
You should go to bed inside the church fence. There are many ways to do this. Many churches are not guarded at night, you may be able to find just one. It also makes sense to pretend that your lock is broken, and spending the night near the church is still safer than in the park on a bench.
When you go to bed, say this conspiracy:

"The servant of God (your name) goes to bed on the mountains of Zion.
Under the cover of the church, a saint, but with three angels in his head.
The first will hear everything, the second will see everything, the third will tell me everything.
Nicholas the Wonderworker will show them the whole truth.

You will definitely see in a dream a remedy for expelling your illness.
In general, prophetic dream conspiracies should be handled with care. Not every person is ready to see and accept their future, and, moreover, to change it. But if you have already gathered your strength, then hardly anything can prevent you from turning the black streak of your life back.

Each element will require decryption. Depending on what exactly you wanted to know (who wishes evil or how the exams will go), signs will be present. For example, the forest is a foreign side; boat - life; planes - dreams will not come true;

If you need to know the importance of an event, then when you fall asleep you will see the numbers. It’s much more difficult with them, since it’s difficult to understand what exactly they mean (month, day or year);

There is no need to hope that you will actually remember the face of your future spouse. It can only be a vague outline;

If the spirits believe that it is better for you not to know about what was asked, then there will be no obvious result. You can even remember minor elements, but the essence will be hidden from you. Unable to fully decipher.

A person does not always need to know his future, so it is necessary to pronounce the words of the conspiracy very carefully. After all, you can anger the spirits. It is not advisable to ask the same question over and over again. It will only piss them off. What you need to remember when reading texts for a prophetic dream:

Think over your question. It should not be hard to understand;

Each word must be pronounced clearly and confidently;

You must consciously perceive what you see and put everything on the shelves. After awakening, do not be indignant and slander fate. After all, you yourself wanted to know it;

After waking up, be sure to verbally thank the spirits for the fact that they did not refuse you and showed the future;

You can tell it only after three days. And it's better not to tell at all;

Conspiracies are pronounced on the night of Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

There is one more nuance for reading the plot: do not read on the full moon and church holidays. Because you can't see the future.

Conspiracies if you need to dream of a loved one

You can make a man fall in love with you different ways including magical ones. There is a conspiracy to dream of a beloved man. As a result of this conspiracy, he will think about you all the next day. His soul will be full of feelings about you and in the end he will just come to the girl right on the threshold.
Your chosen one will begin to think about you more often if you use a conspiracy to dream of a loved one.
With your head on the pillow, you need to clearly imagine the chosen one, as if he is next to you: you touch him, kiss him, caress him. May he be very happy with you. Whisper three times:

“I will dream of you, my dear (name of the chosen one) today, tomorrow and always.”

It is believed that dreams reflect our subconscious desires. Sometimes a dream is enough for one person to remember another or pay attention to him. Although this is not a love spell, but if the dream was accompanied by pleasant sensations, the person will involuntarily begin to seek meetings with the object from the dream. Not without reason, the heroes of fairy tales went to look for their beauties after the girl appeared in dreams!

A conspiracy to dream of a girlfriend

For this plot, you will need a bunch of fresh straw smoking sticks or just a piece of paper twisted into a tight tube. The plot is carried out at night before going to bed at an open window. One straw from the bundle is placed under the pillow, and the bundle is burned with the window open, the ashes are thrown out the window. It is necessary to clearly keep the image of your beloved in front of you, looking straight into her eyes.
At the same time, the words are sentenced:

“Go, smoke, go, ashes, to the slave (name), as the haze swirled strongly in the wind, so I dreamed in a dream, my dear, let the ashes swirl in the wind, and my dear, in a dream, strain on me. Amen".

Repeat the plot three times and then go to bed

A conspiracy to dream of a future wife

Guys need to speak a dream on Monday. Only for them, the words of conspiracies are not enough. To look into the future, you need to collect a whole set.
First, buy a handkerchief on Sunday. It should "designate" your choice. If you like simple girls, then the usual one will do. If you are striving to catch the "firebird", then choose a scarf that is appropriate, expensive and beautiful.
Secondly, you will have to put a broom next to the bed, put a rolling pin (another kitchen item).
Thirdly, on the day of the ceremony, do not eat meat and other heavy foods. It won't let you see into the future.
The plot should read like this:

“On Monday I put a broom, I put a handkerchief right in the head of the coil. May the queen of heaven drive away unnecessary brides from me. Let him show that one, my happy wife! Let him tell you where to go to discover his love! Amen!"

It is also impossible to communicate with anyone after the conspiracy. Silently wait for the dream to pull you into its unknown depths.

A conspiracy to dream of a future husband

The easiest way to make a dream is in the place where you spend the night for the first time. Girls often go to visit each other, then go to resorts. So don't forget to say on the first night:

“Groom, enter my dreams, on a new bed, so that the demons do not sing!”

It just doesn't work that often. The thing is that on an unfamiliar bed and sleep is intermittent and disturbing, nervous system can't relax.
There is a ceremony that can be done at home. On Tuesday (after the full moon), just before going to bed, you need to say the following words aloud:

“Wednesday, Wednesday, through all the cities, through villages and villages, lead me. Stop at your husband's house. Show the beloved, given by God, that he will take me without a dowry!

Just fall asleep immediately, without talking to anyone, without watching TV.
The dream may be direct. That is, you will see a specific person. It could be a friend or a complete stranger. But it happens when some kind of rubbish is dreamed at all. It needs to be unraveled. For example, it may not be the future spouse himself who is dreaming, but his house. If your fate lives in another city, then you may see something that will indicate this area. For example, the Statue of Liberty will clearly tell you that you need to keep an eye on foreigners.

    Hi all. Actually, I'm not an adherent of this, especially to guess on the cards. And then I got really interested, just a prophetic dream. I’d rather watch prophetic dreams than just some kind of nonsense as always) So I tried it. I dreamed of moving. This was not in the plans, but what if. And today I found out that in connection with the disbandment of our department, I have to move. So now I'm packing my things and I'm surprised that the plot worked. So maybe you should try it too.

    A long time ago, at Christmas time, my grandmother said that in the mirror you can guess not only on the betrothed-mummers, but also on a conspiracy to make a prophetic dream. Somehow I forgot all this, but recently I decided to try it, anyway, my husband is on a business trip.)) I saw the car, I didn’t remember the brand, but I clearly realized that it was expensive. And a week ago, my husband arrived by car, said that in connection with the increase, he now has a company car, just like that, solid) Now I really believed in conspiracies.

    We are going with the girls for a bachelorette party, we were looking for entertainment, not only comedies, wine and fruits, but also something mysterious, mystical, interesting. And I think I found it! I think it's definitely worth a try. But there is a question: if about 7 girls in one place make the same conspiracy, nothing bad will happen? And do we really get it right?

    Sometimes it is very interesting to know your future, what awaits us ahead. If there are doubts or fears, you can overcome them in this way, see the answer to your question, which has been tormenting us for a long time. An interesting article, interesting ways to see a prophetic dream and quite simple to perform. I will definitely try with a mirror, I think it is an effective method. I have already tested the plot for a prophetic dream before going to bed, and you know it works. I advise those who have unresolved issues or those who just want to know their future, because it's interesting. Our future is our thoughts and we can see all of them through a dream.

    Fortune telling on cards or some other fortune telling does not give you what you want to know about your future? Not everyone will be able to predict their future using traditional fortune-telling, but there is a way to find out your future without going to fortune-tellers and psychics - a conspiracy for a prophetic dream. Having completed this type of conspiracy, you will be able to find out the very next morning what worries your subconscious, predict the future and prevent trouble.
    It's real strong conspiracy. I did it and I dreamed in color pictures at night how I would meet my love, let's check how true it is.

    Seeing the future is the highest gift, and in my humble opinion ordinary people you don't have to dream about it. God gives such power only to a few, and dooming them to suffering, these people differ from us in that they are connected with the other world and know in advance about their fate and even about the fate of all mankind. You should not try to look far without having such a purpose, you yourself will regret it later. Believe in yourself and in your strengths, good luck to everyone!

    For me, divination and conspiracies have always been child's play, which was taught by older girls in summer camps at school. Yes, I rarely have dreams. But I was so interested in testing the effect of this conspiracy on myself that I opened this site and started looking for something that I would like! Today I will try)))

    Thanks a lot for the informative article. For a long time I have been trying with all my might and methods to see a prophetic dream, but so far it has not worked out. And you have painted everything in great detail and it is clear that now I think I will succeed. I really hope to see my future husband in a dream !!