Switches what distance from the floor. Installation of sockets and switches according to European standards

Today, the height at which sockets and switches are installed does not have a clear regulation. The same applies to their number per room. As a result, quite often you come across rooms where they are placed in an archaic order and often in hard-to-reach places. Within the framework of this material, we will try to figure out how to properly install sockets and switches so that they are always available.

Standards for the installation of sockets and switches

As mentioned earlier, there are no regulations or rules for the installation of sockets and switches. Eurostandard is nothing more than convention, since only safety and ease of use are important here. This is confirmed by the Code of Rules for the Design of Residential and Public Buildings (SP 31-110-2003), the last edition of which was published in 2003, and the Electrical Installation Rules, which were prepared taking into account all IEC standards, therefore the wiring should be carried out on the basis of these recommendations. From the first follow the installation rules:

  • switches should be located on the side of the door handle at a height of 1 m from the floor;
  • the distance from the floor to the outlet should also be 100 cm, while its location does not matter.

Excerpts from Electrical Installation Regulations

  • switches should be placed similarly to the instructions from the previous document, i.e. near the door handle at a distance of 1 m from the floor;
  • the switch can also be located under the ceiling, if there is a connecting cord that falls to the recommended level;
  • in the kitchen, all power points should be at a distance of at least half a meter from the gas pipeline and high enough from the floor;
  • in bathrooms, electrical units should be installed at a distance of 60 cm from plumbing equipment and the same distance from the floor.

Euro sockets significantly differ from our products... The diameter of the pins and the distance between them in such an outlet are somewhat larger. The current strength is also greater: euro - 10-16A, and in domestic it is twice less - 6-10A. Therefore, the first is much more profitable, since several devices can be connected to it.

Installation of electrical components in the house

So that you understand - there are two ways to locate sockets and switches in the house. This is the so-called. European standard and good old, familiar to many, Soviet standards. Let's take a look at each in detail.

According to the European standard, the sockets must be located at a distance of 30 cm from the floor, and switches - 90 cm. But in reality, as such, standardization has never existed, and this concept came into our life along with European-style repairs. Accordingly, it has a positive and negative side:

  • the socket is not "conspicuous" and does not interfere with anything, and the switch is located at the level of the lowered hand (90 cm from the floor) and it can be turned on without even looking and without applying any effort - this is a plus;
  • in order to insert the plug into the outlet, you will need to bend over, and so that the switch can be clicked, it should not be obstructed by anything - this is a minus.

As for Soviet standards, the opinion about them in Lately divided. Some consider them more convenient, others not, but recently the number of the latter has begun to grow. Recall that then the installation of the socket at a height of 90 cm was adopted, and the switches were at the level of a human head, i.e. 160 cm. As in the previous case, there are pros and cons:

  • the socket is much more convenient to use, since you do not need to bend over to it, and the switch is located at eye level and does not interfere with the placement of furniture - this is a plus;
  • constantly hanging power cords from appliances and the need to raise your hand to turn on the light and find the toggle switch with your eyes are a minus.

We have already said above that the installation height of sockets and switches according to the "Soviet" standard, in terms of convenience, has long been recognized by many as questionable. The notorious European standard began to be given more preference. Take, for example, the same sockets, or, more precisely, a block of them. It will not be as conspicuous as a bunch of outlets with "tees" and cords.

The same applies to switches that are located at the entrance to the room, at the level of a lowered human hand, at a height of 90 cm from the floor... Thus, it can be quickly found when entering the dark room... And in rooms with a greater length, it makes sense to install two pass-through switches at different ends.

Switches and sockets that do not have protection against leakage currents "to the ground" (RCDs, difavtomats) are not recommended to be installed in toilets and bathrooms. The same applies to the socket for washing machine.

How do I install them?

Before proceeding with the installation of an outlet or switch, you should circle their outline on the wall. If it is concrete, then the hole is made with a perforator with a diamond crown. The socket box can be made both round and square. Special installation boxes are inserted into the prepared holes. Plaster of paris is used to fix them, plaster or gypsum glue... The box is fastened with sliding paws or screws, and then a plastic case is put on it.

Installation in plasterboard wall is somewhat different, and the necessary tools are also different. V drywall sheets all holes are made in advance where the cables will need to be routed. To fix the sockets and switches, special paws are used, which must hold them on the sheet.

As for the installation with open wiring, such cases are extremely rare and basically they are fixed in this way only temporarily (for example, during repairs), since the wires affect the interior. Agree that it is much more pleasant to look at beautiful wall where everything is neat and aesthetically pleasing.

If you want to carry out the wiring and connect the sockets with a switch yourself without the involvement of third-party help, then you should adhere to the above tips and a number of rules that will allow you to perform all work without problems and, most importantly, safely:

Summing up

So what have we learned today? Perhaps the most important thing will be the fact that clear standards or GOSTs regarding the placement of outlets, switches and wiring, but there are a number of recommendations that must be followed, primarily for safety reasons. But the number of devices with switches should also be such that the operation of household and lighting devices is as convenient as possible, which should be taken into account when drawing up a project.

If you build new house or doing major repairs in the apartment, you will definitely encounter problems with the electrical part. It is best not to redo the existing household electrical network, but to re-install the wiring, having thought over to the smallest detail the location of the switching devices. In this case, quite natural questions will arise - what should be the height of the sockets from the floor, where are the switches installed?

Basic options

There is no such thing as officially accepted standards. There are only recommendations and requirements on how to install sockets and switches regarding communications (gas, water, heating pipes). For the rest, the main thing is that the operation of electrical equipment is comfortable and safe.

Whether you are going to install the switching devices yourself or seek the help of a professional electrician, keep in mind that there are two most common options for how high they can be mounted from the floor:

  • installation of sockets and switches according to the so-called "European standard";
  • "Soviet" installation system.

All these concepts are conditional, in fact, European standards and Soviet systems do not exist, it is just that it is more convenient to distinguish and determine what the height of the sockets and switches should be.

The first option became widespread relatively recently, when it became fashionable in the post-Soviet space to conduct renovation work in homes and offices and call it "renovation".

There are no differences between repairs in Europe, America or Russia, they can be either good and of high quality, or not very good.

But it so happened that good and high-quality repairs were associated with punctual and neat Europeans and received the prefix "euro". And the one that was not very much identified with everything Soviet and earned the appropriate name.

The "Euro" version assumes that the height of the socket from the floors is 0.3 m, and that of the switch - 0.9 m. According to Soviet standards, the switch was mounted at the level of the shoulders and head of an average person (1.6-1.7 m), and the sockets - 0.9-1 m from the floors.

Option for placing sockets for TV on video:

This is not to say which of these two options is preferable, everything here is purely individual. In the "euro" version, to control the lighting, there is no need to raise your hand up to turn on the switch, it is at the comfortable level of a lowered human palm. In addition, such a switching device can turn on and off a child.

The location of the switch at a distance of 1.6-1.7 m is beneficial when it is necessary to install some kind of furniture (cabinet, bookcase, refrigerator) under it.

The "Euro" socket, located almost at the very floor, is dangerous for a small child who has just learned to crawl and is interested in everything that caught his eye. In this case, of course, it is preferable to mount the sockets according to the Soviet version at the level of 1 m from the floor.

But as for the sockets, which are constantly connected to some kind of equipment, such as a TV, computer or music center, here it is better to mount them as close to the floor as possible so that the wires do not stretch through the entire wall and do not spoil appearance rooms.

General requirements and rules

Electricians have a basic regulatory document - Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Some "experts" neglect this document, but then the quality of the wiring installation rests on their conscience.

click to enlarge

The rules are created in order to be guided by them, therefore, we will give you basic recommendations on what distance from the floor to the outlet or switch is necessary in different rooms:

  • In utility rooms or utility rooms, the height of the mounted sockets from the floor is within 0.8-1 m. It can be increased to 1.5 m if the wires are supplied from above.
  • It is very important that the distance from the switching devices to the gas pipes is more than 0.5 m.
  • In residential and office rooms, the height of the sockets from the floor should be such that it is comfortable to connect electrical appliances to them. It all depends on how the interior of the rooms is decorated, as well as on their functional purpose, but it is not recommended to mount sockets higher than 1 m from the floors.

It is possible to install the sockets on special skirting boards made of non-combustible materials.

  • The installation height of the switches varies from 0.8 to 1.7 m. It is recommended to mount them on the walls on the side where the door handles are located. If the lighting fixtures are controlled by cords, then it is allowed to put switches for them under the ceiling.

  • In rooms where children are constantly present, the height of the installed sockets and switches is regulated by a figure of at least 1.8 m from the floor level. A very important condition: all sockets in child care facilities must have automatic protection, which, after pulling out the plug, will close the socket.
  • Installation of sockets in bathrooms and shower rooms of baths, saunas and laundries is prohibited. They may only be installed in apartment bathrooms and hotel rooms. But they must have RCD protection (residual current device), and also be located in zone 3 (below, the division of bathrooms into zones will be considered). The sockets in the bathrooms must be installed at least 0.6 m to the doors of the shower stall.

Recently, the installation of floor-standing models of sockets has been widely used, power is supplied to them in special skirting boards (cable channels). They are very good in terms of design (they are practically invisible), but care must be taken when wet cleaning the premises so that no water gets into them.

There are rooms in our residential buildings that deserve a separate discussion about the installation of sockets in them. This is a kitchen stuffed with a huge variety of different household appliances, and a bathroom, which is a dangerous place due to dampness, of increased importance. Let's talk a little more about these premises.


The main condition for the electrical element installed in the kitchen is that it should not be closer than 0.6 m to the water pipes and sink. The same applies to gas pipes and stoves, it is necessary to maintain a distance between them and sockets (switches) of at least 0.5 m.

About the design of sockets in the kitchen in the video:

In general, with electrical kitchen wiring, the situation is most difficult. Firstly, there are many communications - heating, water supply, sewerage, gas. Secondly, household appliances that require a separate power supply in the kitchen is much more than in any other premises (washing machine, water heater, hob, electric oven). In this case, it is necessary to mount the sockets in such a way that there is always open access to them.

In kitchens, the installation of these switching devices is best done at three levels from the floor:

  • The first level (or lower) is 0.15-0.20 m.At this level, sockets are mounted for electrical appliances requiring constant or long-term connection to the network (washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator, electric stove, waste grinder).
  • The second level (or middle) is 1.0-1.2 m.At this height, switches are made for lighting elements and sockets for household kitchen appliances (microwave oven, tester, blender, combine, electric kettle, bread machine, coffee machine, multicooker, etc.). P.). Choose a more precise distance yourself depending on the configuration of the furniture in the kitchen.

To make it easy to turn on the plugs of household appliances, place the sockets slightly higher than the table top.

  • The third level (or upper) is 2.0-2.5 m. An exhaust fan, additional lighting for work areas, and a TV are connected to sockets located at this height. Neither the switching devices themselves, nor the cords going to them, will spoil the kitchen interior, because they are almost invisible behind the furniture (hanging cabinets).

It is allowed to place sockets under the worktop or inside kitchen cabinets. To do this, special holes must be made in the walls of the furniture. This will help save a little space without disturbing the overall look.

The minimum distance from the floor to the outlet must be at least 0.1 m, otherwise water may get into it during wet cleaning (mopping).


This room is conventionally divided into several zones:

  • Zone 0 (the inside of the bath itself or the shower tray).
  • Zone 1 (outer vertical surface of the bathroom).
  • Zone 2 (this is, in fact, zone 1, increased by 0.6 m).
  • Zone 3 (the rest of the bathroom).

The sockets can only be installed in zone 3. Even if you really want to mount them near the mirror so that it is convenient to use a hairdryer, electric shaver or hair clipper, this is absolutely impossible (if the mirror is not in zone 3). In addition, the sockets must be IP44 protected, due to the constant high humidity in the bathroom.

  1. Socket for connection washing machine can be set between 0.3 and 1.0 m.
  2. Additionally, in order to connect small household electrical appliances, sockets are installed at a height of 1.1-1.2 m.
  3. To connect the boiler, it is better to mount the switching device at a height of 1.7-1.8 m.

In bathrooms, it is prohibited to install sockets lower than 0.15 m from the floor. This is due to the familiar situation when you forgot to turn on the water tap or household appliances broke down, resulting in a flood.

Water ingress into the switching devices is unacceptable!

Clearly about the location of sockets and switches in the video:

Switches are usually located outside bathrooms.

As you can see, there are no strict rules for outlet placement. There is only useful tips, recommendations and individual requirements. Be sure to take them into account when planning the installation sites for switching devices.

Apartment renovation

First of all, I would like to emphasize that in Russian construction there are no documents that strictly indicate the total number and position of sockets and switches in country house or a city apartment.

There is only one regulation regarding this problem - this is SP 31-110-2003 - it states that it is better to place switches near the door from the edge where the handle is located, the approximate distance from the floor is up to one meter, and sockets - on almost any site at the same height. In addition, PUE, describe the safety conditions that must be adhered to during installation work.

For example, the switches are advised to be placed on the wall surface from the edge of the door where the handle is located, at a height of up to one hundred centimeters, it is also not forbidden to mount them near the ceiling surface with a remote toggle switch in the form of a long cord, the smallest distance from parts of electronic devices, sockets and switches to gas pipes must be at least fifty centimeters.

In apartment rooms of bathrooms and toilets, as well as in hotels, it is allowed to install outlets in zone 3, connected to the mains through special protected equipment or isolation transformers, taking into account the differential current of less than 30 mA. All switches and sockets must be installed at least sixty centimeters from the shower door.

At the moment, it has become popular - the "euro version", where the height of the sockets from the floor is equal to thirty centimeters, and the height of the switches, respectively, is ninety centimeters. However, in theory, there is no given "euro standard" regulating the installation height of sockets and switches, this concept entered our life together with the widespread term "European-quality repair", displacing the previous "Soviet standard", according to which the sockets were mounted at an interval of ninety centimeters from the floor , and the switches were located at about shoulder height.

Both of these "standards" have their own advantages and disadvantages, for example, the "Soviet" installation method, many ordinary people still call the switches the most convenient. Since the switch, located in a prominent place, does not interfere with placing pieces of furniture nearby that will not cover it, and what is more important, this method works better for protecting children.

However, the "Euro standard" can be attributed to the most ergonomic option, since it allows you to control the luminous flux without raising your hands at all. It is more comfortable to connect to plug sockets installed ninety centimeters from the floor according to the "Soviet standard" electrical devices, since there is no need to bend low, but if the device does not need to be disconnected from the mains often and it is always in the same area, it will be more convenient to locate the outlet at the bottom, which allows you to hide the power cables from prying eyes.

Rules with which you can correctly select the installation height of switches and sockets, as well as their location

- first of all, you need to figure out what and where the furniture will be located, as well as electrical household appliances in the room, for clarity, it is optimal to draw a plan diagram in correct proportions, on which to designate all pieces of furniture and electrical equipment that must be connected to the electrical network.

- Then indicate all the sockets (electrical, television, telephone and computer), it is advisable to make a small margin.

- Sockets for devices that do not change their location (TV, system unit, etc.) should preferably be installed so that they have constant access, but at the same time, it is better if they hide behind this technique.

- Sockets for intermittent use, installed in open areas of wall structures, should be optimally positioned at a uniform height - thirty centimeters from the floor surface, their number must be selected taking into account that a household vacuum cleaner can reach any room.

height of sockets and switches from the floor

- Sockets located above the computer desk, chest of drawers, bedside tables, etc. optimally set at a height of 10-18 cm from the furniture surface.

- In order to correctly select the installation height of the switch, first you need to determine in which direction the opening will be carried out door leaf in this room and install the switch on the other side door frame where the handle is. At a height of about 75-95 cm from the floor, depending on how tall you are, that is, this distance is determined in practice.

- The position of the switches is strongly tied to the type of room, so, for example, in narrow corridor or on a flight of stairs, usually they are mounted at the start and finish, in the bedroom or living room, it is optimal to install switches near the entrance to the room, as well as at sleeping place, to control the lighting while lying down.

Select the height of the switches according to the same rules, taking into account from what position they will be used more often, in other words, if it is at the exit from the room, then we take a height of 75-95 cm, taking into account your height, and if near the bed, then the switch must be placed high enough to reach easily with an outstretched hand.

- In those areas where you do not yet know how furniture or electrical devices will be arranged, we recommend installing sockets at a height of thirty centimeters, and switches ninety centimeters from the floor surface, most often this is the most the best option heights of switches and sockets.

Applying these simple recommendations in practice, common sense and not forgetting about elementary safety, you are able to find the best location and height of sockets and switches in your apartment. Do not forget the simple rule - it is better to calculate and determine everything well in advance than to redo everything again later.

They strive to organize electrical wiring so that it is safe and convenient to use.

To do this, you must decide what is optimal height off the floor as well.

Regulatory documents covering power supply organization issues, such as PUE-7 ("Electrical Installation Rules") and others, do not contain general requirements regarding height and switches.

Therefore, in most cases, the purpose of these parameters is left to the discretion of the owner of the object. V special cases the following rules apply.

Clause 7.1.50 PUE-7:

  • sockets, switches and electrical installations are located at least 0.5 m from the gas pipeline;
  • allowed under the ceiling, if there is a dedicated switch for the comfort control level;
  • in the bathroom and and switches are installed at a distance of at least 60 cm from the floor, plumbing fixtures and water supply.

The set of rules for the design of residential and public buildings SP 31-110-2003, section "Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings, paragraph 14.33":

  • in apartments and dormitories, it is recommended to install switches on the side of the door handles at a height of 1 m;
  • it is recommended to install switches in public buildings general lighting at a height of up to 1.5 m;
  • it is recommended to install the sockets at a height of 1 m;
  • in rooms for children: schools and kindergartens, sockets and switches are installed at a height of 1.8 m (paragraph 14.35);
  • at trade and catering establishments, the sockets are installed at a height of 1.3 m.

GOST R 50571.11-96 (IEC 364-7-701-84) "Electrical installations of buildings", part 7 "Requirements for special electrical installations", section 701 "Bathrooms and showers". The document deals with the installation of electrical outlets and switches in the specified premises. These requirements are taken into account when laying electrical wiring in any premises with high humidity.

Installation height of sockets and switches in accordance with GOST and PUE

SP 76.13330.2016 (SNiP 3.05.06-85) "Electrical devices":

  • in public buildings and premises, sockets are mounted for reasons of ease of connection, preferably at a height of no more than 1 m;
  • in rooms for children, sockets and switches are also prescribed by this document to be installed at a height of 1.8 m (paragraph 6.9.16);
  • the minimum permissible distance between the socket / switch and the heating cables is 200 mm (paragraph 6.13.21).

In the general case, when the electrification object is not mentioned in the above documents, the practice of installing electrical installation equipment at a height has developed in the USSR:

  • switches: shoulder or head level, that is, 1.6 - 1.7 m from the floor;
  • sockets: 0.9 - 1 m.

In everyday life, this method of installation is called the "Soviet standard".

The word "standard" does not mean a normative document, but an established tradition.

Since the 90s when performing major overhauls v existing houses and during the construction of new ones, sockets and switches began to be massively installed following the example of Western European countries:

  • switches: 0.9 m from the floor;
  • sockets: 0.3 m from the floor.

This method of installation is called "European standard". Like "European-style renovation", it is conditional. Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to talk about the absolute superiority of the European standard over the Soviet one. Each has its own strengths. According to the European standard, the switches are installed at a height of 0.9 m.

Location at a height of 0.9 m is convenient for the following reasons:

  • no need to raise your hand to turn on the light;
  • children can easily reach the switch.

The sockets are placed at a distance of 0.3 m from the floor. The wire of the connected device does not block the space against the wall, but lies almost entirely on the floor. The Soviet standard provides for the installation of switches at a height of 1.6-1.7 m.

The advantages of installing switches at a height of 1.6-1.7 m:

  • it is possible to install a piece of furniture under the switch;
  • the device is in the field of view, which is especially important in the presence of backlight;
  • accidental pressing is excluded.

Differences between Soviet and European standards for installing switches

The sockets are mounted 0.9-1 meters from the floor. Advantages:

  1. it is convenient if the device does not work all the time and it often has to be connected and disconnected. In the case of an outlet installed according to the European standard, this would require bending down each time;
  2. this arrangement is less dangerous for young children.

These rules are general. But some areas of houses and apartments have their own laws.

In a kitchen environment

There are PUE-7 requirements that are relevant for this room.

When installing electric points, the minimum distance should be:

  • from switches and sockets to the gas pipeline: 0.5 m;
  • to sink and water supply: 0.6 m.

With this, the requirements of regulatory documents in relation to the kitchen are exhausted. But there are other rules dictated by life experience and common sense.

The kitchen is divided vertically into three zones, this is due to two factors:

  1. there is a lot of furniture blocking access to the bottom of the walls;
  2. many electrical appliances have been installed: for ease of use, they need to be smashed.

These vertical zones are:

  • bottom: 10-15 cm above the floor. Here they install sockets for constantly working appliances - a refrigerator, an electric stove, dishwasher... With this connection, the risk of getting caught on the wire is minimal, since it is almost entirely on the floor;
  • medium: 1-1.3 m above the floor... Install light switches and sockets for appliances on the tables - blender, coffee maker, toaster, electric meat grinder, etc. The specified height is conditional. It depends on the height of tables and work surfaces: sockets and switches should be slightly higher;
  • top: 2.0-2.5 m above the floor... Sockets for illumination are installed here working area, air conditioner, hoods, etc. This arrangement is convenient for two reasons: you can use models with a short wire, and the sockets are hidden by furniture and therefore do not spoil the interior.

Recessed socket blocks mounted in a worktop or cabinet are very convenient. The unit plugs into a wall outlet (in the lower area) and works like a multi-outlet extension cord. When unnecessary, it slides under a worktop or into a cabinet, so that only an elegant cover remains on the surface.


When designing electrical wiring in the bathroom, due to high humidity- safety should always be a priority:

  1. switches are located outside - in the hallway or corridor;
  2. due to the risk of a water supply failure and flooding, the sockets are placed at a distance of at least 60 cm from the floor, water pipes and plumbing fixtures.

For a washing machine, it is allowed to make an exception - install the outlet slightly lower. The rest is guided by personal preferences and ease of use.

  1. to connect a washing machine and a water heater, especially a running water heater, it is better to specially install sockets next to these devices, powered by separate lines directly from switchboard. main reason- significant power of such consumers: when connected to an ordinary outlet that is part of the group, they can affect the operation of other devices. At the same time, the connection becomes as convenient as possible: without the need to attach to an existing outlet, the device can be placed in any suitable place;
  2. for connecting various devices, it is considered optimal to install sockets for an exhaust hood and a boiler - 1.5 m, for a hair dryer, an electric shaver - 1 m.

Installation height of sockets and switches in the bathroom

For safety reasons, when installing wiring in the bathroom, it is recommended to follow the rules:

  • low-voltage lighting is used, for example, operating from a voltage of 12 or 24 V;
  • sockets and devices are powered through a separator with a transformation ratio equal to unity: upon contact with live parts, the force of an electric shock will be much weaker than as a result of touching a normal phase;
  • sockets with dust and moisture protection class IP44 and higher are installed (equipped with covers).

In the bedroom

In the bedroom, it is customary to install combined appliances (switch plus socket) on both sides of the bed, at such a height that it is convenient to use them by the resting user. Usually it is 60–70 cm.

Location of sockets and switches in the bedroom

If there are pedestals by the bed, the wiring points are mounted just above them. A low outlet for a vacuum cleaner (up to 30 cm) in a place from which the wire can easily reach anywhere in the room is also desirable.

Other premises

The rest of the rooms are general rules, except for a few special cases:

  1. TV socket: at a height of 140 cm;
  2. above writing desk: 90 cm (with a standard worktop height of 75 cm);
  3. for computer desk: at a height of up to 30 cm, a socket block with several outlets;
  4. in large rooms and long corridors, two rocker switches are installed - at one and the other end. Such switches, on the one hand, have two contacts - they connect the devices to each other, on the other, one at a time. The first switch is connected with a single pole to the phase, the other to the luminaire. The user can, entering the corridor, turn on the light with the first rocker switch and then turn off the second at the end of the room.

In rooms where small children live, it is recommended to install sockets with plugs in the lower zone (up to 30 cm).

Related Videos

About the installation height of sockets and switches from the floor in the video:

The issue of choosing the height and location of the sockets and switches should be approached with great care, because in the event of an error, the transfer will be very expensive. It is useful to draw a plan in advance in order to reliably assess the convenience of the adopted placement. In the kitchen and in the bathroom, it is important not to forget about other communications, so that the minimum distances mentioned in this material are maintained between them and the sockets.

The location of power points, the height of the sockets and switches is a serious issue that requires planning, drawing up diagrams, calculating their number for each room.

If you approach the installation with preliminary planning, then you will not have to unwind the extension cable, stumble over the carrier and connect everything there, thereby overloading the outlet or even the network.

Our material will help you determine the optimal number of electrical fittings and the rules for their location. We will also tell you about all the intricacies of placing and installing electrical outlets in an apartment or house.

It is estimated that each person uses approximately six different electrical appliances per day. And the number is constantly growing. New devices and gadgets appear, without which one can hardly imagine life.

Appliances fill our homes, and the number of outlets remains the same. Cases when a person runs in panic around the house or office, looking for a free connector for charging a smartphone, are more and more common. What is the bottom line? You have to turn off the printer or something else.

It is not difficult to avoid such situations, you just need to know how to correctly position the connectors. Then it will be as comfortable to use them as possible.

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We must not forget that products may be subject to even greater danger. Since the bathroom is at risk of flooding, it is completely unsafe to fix products below 150 mm from the floor. If water gets into the outlet, the threat to life is simply colossal.

The reasons for this can be various situations, from a leakage of a tap or pipe, to a breakdown of household appliances or forgetfulness of the owners.

# 3. The specifics of the installation in the living room

Home theater or simple, or better two. The first is for the TV receiver itself, and the second is for the satellite receiver. The height level should be determined based on the location of the TV itself. It can stand on a pedestal, be built into the wall or fit into a special cell of the furniture wall.

The power cable must not hang down or be under tension. It should be completely hidden behind the screen.

#4. Location rules in the kitchen

Every year, more and more intelligent technology is being developed to ensure human comfort and time consumption. Naturally, the amount of equipment, and therefore in some places, is simply off scale. V mandatory it is necessary to provide for the connection of an exhaust hood, possibly a washing machine, a dishwasher, an electric stove.

But the main thing is a refrigerator, microwave oven or multicooker, sometimes both. Mixer, juicer, food processor, toaster, blender, coffee maker and TV - the list is probably endless.

The installation height determines the comfortable living conditions in the house, its safety, improvement and beauty.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The subtleties of installing sockets and switches in the kitchen are demonstrated in the video:

Where to harmoniously arrange switches and sockets:

Suitable height for mounting sockets and switches:

Before you get started, remember that electricity is not a toy. It requires a perfect approach to business. It is advisable to entrust the installation of sockets and equipment in the kitchen, bathroom and corridor to a professional electrician who has specialized approvals for performing electrical work.

Do you have questions on the topic of the article or do you have any recommendations on the calculation and installation of electrical outlets in the room? Please leave your suggestions in the comments below the article.