Sandwiches with sprats on the holiday table - simple and delicious recipes. Sandwiches with sprats - a festive and everyday dish

You cook sandwiches with sprats exclusively for classic recipe? We will expand your culinary knowledge and teach you how to cook this appetizer with cheese, egg, fresh tomatoes and bell peppers.

If you think that sprat sandwiches are a relic of our Soviet past, then you are deeply mistaken. In fact, even now it is simple and tasty dish can be a festive table decoration.

  • Indeed, before our mothers and grandmothers were slightly limited in the choice of products and supplemented sprats, in last resort, pickled cucumbers own production and greenery
  • Modern housewives can use for cooking everyday and festive dishes quite a lot of different products. For this reason, even banal sandwiches can be transformed into food with a rather spicy taste and aroma.

How to cook delicious sandwiches with sprats?

  • It seemed that it could be easier than making sandwiches with sprats. But sometimes you come to visit, try the culinary masterpiece of the hostess, and instead of the expected taste from childhood, you feel something incomprehensible and almost tasteless in your mouth.
  • Most of the time it's about the fish. If the owners were greedy and bought cheap canned food, then it is likely that due to the use of not quite high-quality vegetable oil, the sprats will be tasteless and rancid. Therefore, going to the store for this snack component, immediately pass by the shelves with cheap products.
  • But, even when buying more expensive canned food, be sure to carefully look at what is written on their etiquette. If the product was made according to all technological standards, then it cannot contain anything other than sprats, top quality vegetable oil and a set of spices
  • Also, be very careful with the choice of butter. This component must also be of the highest quality. In no case do not replace it with cheap margarine as it is not only not tasty, but also not healthy.
  • If someone in your family does not eat very fatty butter, then you can try replacing it with a quality spread, spreadable processed cheese or caviar butter.

Sandwiches with sprats on fried black bread

Sprats on toasted black bread

Black bread goes very well with herbs, pickled onions and pickles. Therefore, if you plan to cook an appetizer with this type of bakery product, then do not add fresh vegetables or cheese.


  • Sprats-1 bank
  • Black bread-1 loaf
  • Garlic-2 cloves
  • Pickled cucumbers -3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil-200 ml
  • Mayonnaise-150
  • bunch of greenery


  1. Put a frying pan on the stove, pour oil into it and heat it well
  2. Cut the bread into neat triangles and fry it in hot oil
  3. When the bread slices are lightly browned, place them on paper towels and wait for the excess oil to drain.
  4. Next, rub each toast with garlic and transfer to a large dish.
  5. Then spread each slice of bread with a thin layer of mayonnaise, put a slice of cucumber and sprats on it
  6. Garnish with chopped parsley before serving

Sandwiches with sprats on a fried loaf

Snack from a long loaf and sprat

If you like white bread varieties, then cook this delicious dish on a loaf. To make this appetizer as tasty as possible, try frying croutons in a mixture of vegetable and butter.

Required Ingredients:

  • Baton or baguette-1 pc.
  • Sprats-1 bank
  • Bulgarian pepper-1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil-200 ml
  • Butter-70g
  • A couple sprigs of dill


  1. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add vegetable oil to it and fry the loaf until golden brown
  2. Use paper towels to remove excess oil and leave the loaf to cool.
  3. Chop the dill, add it to the spreadable cheese and mix thoroughly
  4. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut it into thin strips
  5. Spread cheese and dill paste on fried bread and arrange sprats and bell peppers beautifully on it all.

Sandwiches with sprats and fresh cucumber

Sandwiches with sprats and fresh cucumber

In summer, when you can find a lot of delicious fresh vegetables on store shelves, you can use fresh ones instead of pickled cucumbers. They will slightly change the taste of the finished snack, make it more tender, light and crispy.

Snack Ingredients:

  • Borodino bread-1 loaf
  • Small sprats - 1 can
  • Garlic-1 clove
  • Mayonnaise-170 g
  • Fresh cucumber-3 pcs.
  • Dill and parsley
  • half a lemon
  1. Cut the bread into thin slices and toast it in the toaster
  2. Their mayonnaise, garlic and herbs make a spicy sauce
  3. Peel the cucumbers, cut them into strips and sprinkle with lemon juice
  4. Spread the mayonnaise sauce on the toast and let it soak in a little.
  5. Put sprats and cucumbers on bread, and from the remaining sauce make a neat net on them

Sandwiches with sprats and lemon

Lemon makes the snack more interesting

Many housewives use lemon as a base for marinades or use it as a fragrant filling for baked fish. But this slightly sour fruit is no less tasty and fresh.

If you put a thin lemon slice on a sandwich, then it will not only not spoil its taste, but will also add fresh citrus notes and a pleasant, almost imperceptible sourness to it.


  • Baguette-1 pc.
  • Sprats-15 pcs.
  • 1 lemon
  • Vegetable oil-100 ml
  • Garlic-2 cloves
  1. Cut the baguette into pieces 1-1.5 cm
  2. Fry them on one side in vegetable oil
  3. Rub the toasted side with garlic and let the croutons cool completely.
  4. Scald the lemon with boiling water and cool it quickly
  5. Cut it into the thinnest half rings.
  6. Make a grid of mayonnaise on toasted bread and place sprat pieces in the center
  7. Fill the empty gaps of the sandwich with lemon slices

Hot sandwiches with sprats in the oven, recipe

Sprat appetizer cooked in the oven

Sprats are among those products that remain equally tasty both cold and hot. Therefore, if it turned out that you went to the country, and there was nothing else in the refrigerator except hard cheese and sprats, then do not be discouraged and prepare hearty and nutritious hot sandwiches for your family.

And if you manage to supplement such an appetizer with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, then you will get an almost complete lunch, which in terms of calories is no different from rich soup or borscht.

Products for hot appetizers:

  • Bread (black or white)
  • Solid cheese-250 g
  • Sprats-1 bank
  • Moyonnaise-100 g
  • green onion feathers
  • Oil-20 ml


  1. Turn on the oven, set the timer to 180 degrees and let it heat up
  2. Cut the bread into slices of the size you need and place them on a greased baking sheet.
  3. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on the bread, and put sprats on top of it
  4. Grate cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle sandwiches on it
  5. Put the tray in the oven and wait 10-15 minutes
  6. When the cheese is melted, you can safely take out the appetizer and put it on a large plate.
  7. Wait until the fragrant dish cools down a bit and sprinkle it with chopped green onions

Sandwiches with sprats and tomato, photo

Spicy appetizer with tomatoes and sprats

We all know that tomatoes go very well with butter. Therefore, it will be better if you use it to prepare this dish.

Another feature of this recipe is that the bread in this case is not fried or baked. All you need to do is buy all the ingredients and prepare a spicy sprat appetizer for your guests in just 5 minutes.


  • Butter-200 g
  • Garlic-1 clove
  • A mixture of peppers to taste
  • Sprats-12 pcs.
  • Tomatoes-4 pcs.
  • White bread


  1. In softened butter, add garlic, a mixture of peppers and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Cut the bread into small pieces and brush it with garlic butter
  3. Wash the tomatoes under running water, dry and cut into thin circles
  4. Cover the whole piece of bread with tomatoes, and put sprats on top of them
  5. Garnish with chopped parsley and cilantro if desired.

Sandwiches with sprats and garlic

Spicy garlic sandwiches with sprats

Such sandwiches will appeal to people who like to eat very spicy food. In this case, in addition to garlic, to prepare snacks, they also use fresh pepper Chile.


  • Sprats-1 bank
  • Black bread-1 loaf
  • Garlic-3 cloves
  • Pasty processed cheese-300 g
  • Chili pepper - 1 pod
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g


  1. Peel the garlic from the peel, chop it with a knife and add to the mayonnaise
  2. Mix thoroughly and spread the mass on slices of bread.
  3. Send them to the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees
  4. Wash, chop the chili and add it to the melted cheese
  5. Remove the baked bread from the oven, let it cool, spread with cheese mass, and put sprats on top of it

Sandwiches with sprats and eggs

Delicate appetizer of sprats and eggs

If before you used sprat sandwiches exclusively as an inexpensive snack for alcoholic drinks, then be sure to try cooking them according to the recipe below.

Eggs and cucumbers make this dish so tender and juicy that even your children will eat it with great pleasure.


  • Eggs-3 pcs.
  • White bread-1 loaf
  • Sprats-10 pcs.
  • Caviar oil-100 g
  • Cucumbers-100 g


  1. Hard boil the eggs, cool them completely and cut them into a fairly thick circle.
  2. Bread cut into slices and dry in a toaster
  3. While the bread is cooling, wash and slice the cucumbers.
  4. Spread caviar butter on toast, put cucumbers on it first, and then fish
  5. Let the components make friends a little and serve the dish to the table

Sandwiches on the festive table with sprats

Festive sandwiches with red caviar

On almost every holiday table you can see sandwiches with sprats. They can be made into small canapés or even resemble hamburgers. But unlike everyday life, for the holidays it is best to supplement such an appetizer with foods that you do not eat every laziness.

If you really want to surprise your friends, then cook them a dish that, in addition to sprats, also contains caviar and olives.


  • Olives-10 pcs.
  • Bread-1 loaf
  • Sprats-1 bank
  • Red caviar-10 0 g
  • Cheese sauce-250 g


  1. Cut the bread into thin slices and dry it in the oven
  2. Drain the marinade from the olives, let them drain a little, cut into thin circles
  3. Spread slices of bread cheese sauce and put sprats on it
  4. Decorate one side of the appetizer with red caviar, and the other side with chopped olives.
  5. Put the dish in the refrigerator for an hour, and then serve it to guests

How to decorate sandwiches with sprats?

Decoration of a bee from olives and olives

How to make an everyday dish festive? Of course, decorate it in an original way. This can be done with the help of ordinary products. If you know how to properly cut and lay them out, then even an appetizer of bread and sprat will look like a royal dish.


  • Chickens. Boil carrots and quail eggs. Cool the testicles, peel and cut off the wider side for stability. Make a chicken comb out of a carrot and insert it into the slit made in the top of the egg
  • Bees. Cut the olives into thin slices, and alternating them, fold the body of the bee. From the feathers of the onion, make legs and antennae and carefully slide them under the olives. The overestimating chord of this composition will be wings made from the thinnest cucumber slices.
  • Spiders. Take an olive and cut it in half. Put one half on a sandwich, and cut the other half as small as possible. From this blank, make the legs of an insect, and if you wish, paint its back with your favorite white sauce

Calorie sandwiches with sprats

Quite a lot of people with great pleasure eat sandwiches with sprats without even thinking that they can do much harm to their figure. Due to the fact that rather fatty fish is used for their preparation, mayonnaise sauce and butter already contain 200 calories in 100 grams of the finished product.

And if you will cook them with the addition of solid or processed cheese, then their calorie content will increase by another 20-30 units. Therefore, even if you really like such an appetizer, try to cook it not very often. And even on these rare days, don't allow yourself to eat more than two sandwiches.

Video: Sandwiches with sprats. Simple and delicious


sandwiches with sprats


15 minutes

270 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Sandwiches with sprats are one of those snacks that will equally decorate and festive table and daily meals. In the event of an unexpected arrival of guests, just one jar of canned food will help prepare a wonderful treat. Of all the recipes I have tried, I have identified two that are distinguished by the perfect combination of flavors of products, as well as ease of preparation and availability.

Sandwiches with sprats and fresh cucumber

Necessary equipment: stove, frying pan, knife, small bowl, grater with small cells, fork or spatula, teaspoon, large dish.

List of Ingredients

Choosing products

Before buying, you can visually verify the quality of sprats if they are packed in a glass jar or in a metal jar with a transparent lid. An ordinary jar needs to be inspected so that it does not have dents or damage. In addition, you need to read the information on the label:

  • High-quality canned food does not contain preservatives, only fish (sprat or herring), refined oil and salt.
  • By the date of production, you can determine when the fish was caught. Preference should be given to the winter months: summer fish is usually bitter.

It is better to use bread that is not too soft, without a crispy crust, so that it is easily cut and does not crumble.

Step by step cooking

  1. We clean the hard-boiled egg and cut into 8-10 circles. Cut the cucumber into oval slices. We open a jar of sprats.

  2. We put the pan on the fire, pour a little sunflower oil.

  3. Put thinly sliced ​​bread slices into hot oil and fry until golden brown on one side.

  4. Put 50-70 g of mayonnaise in a small bowl, grate 1-2 cloves of garlic into it, mix thoroughly.

  5. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise-garlic base with a teaspoon on the toasted side of the bread slice.

  6. We spread 1-2 fish, an egg circle and a cucumber plate.

  7. We complete the composition with a sprig of dill. Sandwiches with sprats, eggs and garlic are ready, you can serve them on the festive table.

Video recipe for making sandwiches with sprats and cucumber

In this video, you will see how appetizing sandwiches with sprats on fried bread look and you will be able to appreciate the simplicity and genius of this classic recipe.

sandwiches with sprats

sandwiches on hastily. How to quickly and easily cook delicious and satisfying sandwiches with sprats.
All my recipes:


  • Such sandwiches with sprats can be prepared with black bread and pickled cucumber can be used instead of fresh.
  • Mayonnaise will successfully replace butter, and a clove of garlic can be rubbed on the fried side of the toast.

Hot sandwiches with sprats, cheese and tomatoes

  • Calories per 100 g- 290 kcal.
  • Cooking time– 20-25 min.
  • Necessary equipment: cutting board, oven, knife, wire rack, baking sheet, foil or baking paper, towel, large flat dish.

List of Ingredients

Step by step cooking

  1. Cut the banana into slices of medium thickness. If there is a toaster, dry the bread slices in it, if not, put them on a wire rack and send them to the oven.

    In an oven with a grill, the grate must be set as high as possible and the Grill mode must be turned on. Watching through the open door, turn the slices over in time reverse side as soon as they acquire a golden hue. A conventional oven must first be preheated, the grate should be placed in the lower cells closer to the fire source and the bread should be dried for 3-4 minutes at a temperature of 180 °.

  2. Rub the finished toast on both sides with 2-3 cloves of garlic.

  3. Line a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper. We put prepared garlic toast on it.

  4. Washed and towel-dried 3 tomatoes cut into circles or halves of circles. We line the surface of the toast with tomato blanks.

  5. Cut into thin slices 150 g of hard cheese according to the number of prepared toasts and spread on the tomatoes.

  6. We open a jar of sprats and distribute them in 1-2 pieces, depending on the size of the fish and the number of servings of the snack.

  7. We apply an openwork mesh of mayonnaise on the sprats. At this point, skill and artistic taste will be needed, since mayonnaise is both a flavoring component and decoration of the dish.

  8. We send the collected sandwiches to the oven preheated to 180 ° for 5-7 minutes. As soon as the cheese is melted, we take the baking sheet out of the oven and put the appetizer on the dish.

  9. Grind 4-5 sprigs of dill and sprinkle the finished dish. We put the dish on the table and enjoy a hot snack.

Video recipe for making sandwiches with sprats, cheese and tomatoes

In this short video you can see the whole simple process of preparing this delicious and beautiful dish.

Sandwiches with sprats, cheese and garlic - very popular, enough savory snack suitable for the holiday table. The products match perfectly. Bread any will do- wheat, rye, mixed flour. You can make croutons or dry in the oven until lightly crunchy. You can make small bite-sized sandwiches or full ones.


  • sprats in oil - a couple of pieces per sandwich
  • 2-3 slices of bread
  • 70 g hard cheese
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 3-4 sprigs of parsley
  • 2-3 cucumber slices
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 2 pinches ground black pepper


1. Bread can be taken fresh or yesterday, from any flour. Cut several slices of the same thickness. You can use bread for toast.

2. Measure in a bowl right amount mayonnaise. Finely chop the garlic with a knife or pass through a special press. Chop fresh greens, put together with garlic to mayonnaise.

3. Grate the cheese on a coarse or fine grater, transfer to a bowl, add ground black pepper, a little salt.

4. Mix all products until a more or less homogeneous spicy cheese mass is obtained.

5. Spread slices of bread with cheese mass.

Sprats are time-tested, delicious preserves made from small fish that are pre-smoked and then preserved in oil. In the Soviet Union, not a single festive table could do without sprats. They are popular even today.

They can be served directly at the bank, or you can search delicious recipes how to make sandwiches with sprats and other ingredients such as tomatoes, cucumbers, eggs, cheese and even kiwi. Everything that is in the refrigerator in every home.

Cooking sandwiches with sprats will not take you much time, and guests will be very pleased with such a simple and tasty snack. We offer several recipes with photos.

Fresh cucumber is placed on toasted bread smeared with mayonnaise, then long slices of cucumber and parsley are placed. In the version with pickled cucumbers, you can add boiled egg circles and red onion rings. The egg can be replaced with a slice of potato boiled in their skins.

Spread the baguette slices with mayonnaise, cover with a circle of tomato, put sprats and parsley leaves.

3. How to cook sandwiches with sprats on black bread. Lubricate the dried pieces of black bread with butter or mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated garlic if desired, put cucumber slices and sprats. Garnish with green onion feathers.

sandwiches with sprats on black bread

Spread a mixture of grated eggs and mayonnaise (possible with garlic, cheese) on sandwiches and decorate with sprats and herbs. Or spread egg slices, sprats, pickled cucumbers and olives on bread.

5. How to make sandwiches with sprats and cheese. For these sandwiches, cheese can be ordinary Russian, cottage cheese or melted. Spread it on bread, put a piece of cucumber, tomato or apple, sprats and sprinkle with green onions.

6. Delicious sandwiches with sprats and garlic. Make white bread toast. Crush the garlic cloves and rub them on the bread. Lay the sprats and decorate with herbs.

7. How to cook sandwiches with sprats and lemon. Lubricate the slices of bread with mayonnaise, put a basil leaf on half of the sandwich, lemon and a sprig of parsley on it. Put sprats on the second half. Decorate green peas. You can decorate with red caviar instead of peas in a festive version.

8. Snack sandwiches with sprats and kiwi. Dry the baguette slices or fry them. Grate the garlic and mix with mayonnaise to taste. Spread bread, put slices of kiwi and sprats on it.

9. How sandwiches with sprats and butter are made. Take slices of black or white bread. You can fry them in oil, dry them in a toaster or oven. Spread with a layer of butter. You can add a little finely chopped herbs or paprika to the oil. Next, place sprats on each slice. This is the easiest option, try diversifying it with thinly sliced ​​​​cucumber or tomato.

And in the city of Mamonovo, Kaliningrad region, where a huge fish cannery is located, a monument to sprats was opened in 2008.

There are a huge variety of ways to cook sandwiches with sprats. In the arsenal of every good housewife there is a recipe that will surely surprise any guest. Interestingly, sprats are in harmony with many products that, at first glance, seem to be completely incompatible. In fact, it turns out that the taste of canned fish familiar from childhood can be interestingly "beaten" by adding sweet, spicy and spicy ingredients to the usual sandwich.

The classic recipe for sandwiches with sprats on brown bread

It is best to start studying the recipe for preparing a traditional cold appetizer for the festive table in the form of sandwiches with sprats from the classic version.

Sandwiches with sprats and cucumbers

Sandwiches for the festive table should be different from those that everyone is used to eating every day. There are many ways to diversify ordinary sandwiches, you can always replace rye bread with a loaf or a French baguette, fry bread slices in a pan or bake them in the oven, experiment with the ingredients for a snack so that it acquires a non-trivial and interesting flavor, as well as beautifully and elegantly decorate dish. An appetizer for the holiday in the form of sandwiches with sprats and cucumbers turns out to be very tasty, besides, it is prepared quickly and simply.

Recipe for sandwiches with sprats and fresh cucumbers

In this recipe for sandwiches with sprats, classic version To prepare this appetizer, simple cucumbers are added to give the dish a “summer touch”. Fresh cucumbers can be cut in any way: crumble into cubes or arrange in circles, turn into straws, or even just cut in half. It remains only to put the fish on sandwiches, and you can serve the dish to the table!

Recipe for sandwiches with sprats and pickled cucumbers

By replacing fresh cucumbers with pickled ones in the recipe for making sandwiches with sprats, you can get spicy and delicious snack to the holiday table. It will be great if you add a few more products to the list of ingredients to make the dish really informal. And if you soak sandwiches with an interesting garlic-mayonnaise sauce, ideally combined with pickles, you get a savory snack that cannot leave guests indifferent.

To make sandwiches with sprats and pickles, you will need:

- 300 gr. fresh cucumbers;
- loaf or French baguette;
- 100 gr. mayonnaise;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- vegetable oil - for lubricating the surface of the pan;
- greens for decoration - to taste:
- half a lemon

Step-by-step recipe for making sandwiches with sprats and fresh cucumbers:
1. Cut a loaf or baguette into slices 1.5 cm thick.
2. Put the slices of bread on a frying pan heated and greased with a small amount of vegetable oil, frying them on both sides until light golden.

3. Crush the garlic with a press or use the flat side of a knife blade.
4. We rub the fried bread slices with garlic "gruel" for aroma.
5. Lubricate the garlic slices of bread with mayonnaise.

6. Cut the cucumbers into thin slices. Put them on bread.
7. Cover a layer of cucumbers with lemon slices.
8. Put sprats on sandwiches - 1 fish for each bread slice.

9. We decorate the finished snack with herbs.

Such sandwiches with sprats and pickles, soaked in garlic-mayonnaise sauce, are sure to be snapped up by guests from the festive table!

Recipe for sandwiches with sprats and fresh cucumbers and tomatoes

Every caring hostess always has her own "secret" recipe for a festive snack, which she proudly presents to guests at festive feasts. There are many options for making sandwiches with sprats. We recommend to please your guests with even more fragrant sandwiches with the addition of fresh tomatoes. To prepare such an appetizer, you can use both ordinary tomatoes and small cherry tomatoes. But a truly unusual taste of the dish is always given by a special sauce, which is smeared with bread slices. For an additional “delicacy” of a festive snack, we recommend that you add processed cheese grated with an egg to the sandwich spread. And in order for slices of bread to acquire a pleasant spicy aftertaste, they should be seasoned with paprika.
So, to prepare a festive snack with an unusual sauce, you will need:
- canned sprats - 1 bank;
- bread - rye goes better with paprika;
- paprika;
- melted cream cheese;
- 100 gr. fatty mayonnaise;
- 1 large chicken egg;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- half fresh cucumber;
- 1 large tomato or 3 pcs. cherry tomatoes;
- some fresh herbs - parsley and dill;
- spices and seasonings to taste.

How to cook sandwiches with sprats, cucumbers and tomatoes with an unusual sauce - a step by step recipe:

1. Hard-boiled eggs must be grated in a deep bowl - for this you can use a regular kitchen grater or blender.
2. Finely chop the garlic.
3. Next, mix the egg mass with chopped herbs and garlic gruel. Salt and pepper the resulting mixture.

4. The cured cheese must also be grated to a state of fine chips and added to the prepared mass of eggs, herbs and garlic. Mix until smooth. The sauce is ready!
5. Lubricate the slices of bread with our sauce and put the prepared ingredients on top - circles of fresh cucumber, tomatoes and fish.

6. You can season sandwiches with a pinch of coriander or dry garlic, adding a lemon wedge as well.

Recipe for hot sandwiches with sprats

An unusual solution for serving snacks in the form of sandwiches with sprats to the festive table will be a dish cooked not in its classic “cold version”, but baked in the oven. Such sandwiches will be a welcome treat for all guests. Hot sandwiches with sprats are much more aromatic, causing a huge appetite.

To make hot sandwiches with sprats, you will need:
- canned sprats - 1 bank;
- bread;
(in this recipe, you can use any kind of bread - white, rye, "gray", Borodino and even the so-called "savital" with the addition of seeds and dried fruits)
- 100 gr. mayonnaise;
- 1 large chicken egg;
- 1 fresh tomato;
- ½ tsp dry garlic;
- 100 gr. cheese;
(it is better to take hard cheeses - for example, parmesan)
- ground black pepper and salt - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for making hot sandwiches with sprats:
1. Cut the bread into small slices so that one fish fits on each piece - this way the sandwiches will look neater and more refined. It is not necessary to use fresh bread - it will still have to be “dry” in the oven.
2. Lubricate each bread slice with mayonnaise, crushed with dry garlic and black pepper.
3. Cut the hard-boiled egg into “slices” or large cubes.
4. Cut the tomatoes into thin circles, put them on a sandwich next to the egg slices.

5. Spread the sprats on slices of bread - 1 fish for each piece, after placing the sandwiches on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

6. Rub the cheese on a fine grater.
7. Before sending the sandwiches to the oven, put the cheese chips on the bread - this is how the top melted layer of cheese “seals” the sandwich so that all the ingredients do not “leak” out.

8. The oven must be pre-heated to 180 °C.
9. Baking time for sandwiches is about 7-10 minutes. You need to navigate by the state of the cheese "cap", which should "thaw".

10. Having decorated hot sandwiches with dill, parsley and lemon slices, the dish can be safely presented to guests.

Recipe for sandwiches with sprats and lemon wedges

The combination of such products as sprats and lemon in sandwiches is truly unusual way surprise your guests at the festive table. The “highlight” of such an appetizer will be an interesting aftertaste of sour and refreshing citrus notes in a familiar dish.

To prepare sandwiches with sprats and lemon, you need to add a couple of nuances to the classic recipe for preparing a traditional festive cold appetizer: put a leaf of basil and a circle of lemon on slices of black bread smeared with mayonnaise, and cover the sandwich with sprats on top and garnish with a sprig of fresh parsley.

In special cases, for example, in new year's eve, it will also be relevant to decorate sandwiches with sprats and lemon with red caviar.

Recipe for unusual "garlic" sandwiches with sprats

The recipe for classic sandwiches with sprats, smeared with garlic cloves or “garlic” mayonnaise, can be interestingly “beaten” by adding unusual notes to them. Combining, for example, apples, kiwi or avocado with sprats and garlic will be incredibly interesting and will definitely surprise your guests. Decorating the dish with herbs, you can additionally use olives, which will perfectly harmonize in taste, both with sprats and with other ingredients.