What is terrible AIDS. HIV: a "terrible threat" or a controlled disease? Reach out to people with HIV

Do you think that HIV and AIDS have the same definition and are no different? You are deeply mistaken - the huge difference between these diseases is sometimes estimated at 12-15 years of life. We offer to find out what is the difference between HIV and AIDS, to consider their properties and stages.

If HIV is a virus that provokes a deficiency of immunity, then AIDS is a syndrome that leads to an infection. Simply put, the first is the beginning of the second.

Usually HIV turns into AIDS 10-12 years after infection. If a person can fully live with an immunodeficiency virus (with the exception of powerful stages of exacerbation), then with an acquired syndrome, his life is constantly in danger.

What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? The syndrome is the last stage of a viral infection, in which any disease that is completely harmless to a healthy person can be fatal.

Remember, HIV and AIDS are not the same thing. The differences between them are not only in definitions, but also in properties, signs of manifestation, stages of development.

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus that weakens the immune system and provokes the development of opportunistic diseases. Once in the body, HIV is embedded in target cells - T-lymphocytes and CD 4 .

It differs from AIDS in that it develops before it and literally “leads” the body to this disease.

Attention! HIV is a “slow” virus because its first symptoms may appear several years after infection. About 50% of infected people are unaware of the infection for about 10 years.

Considering the difference between HIV and AIDS, it is important to note that the diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is made several years after infection, when serious diseases appear in the body.

The mode of transmission of infection is unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner, "blood to blood" and from an HIV-positive mother to her child. The disease is not transmitted by airborne droplets.

Properties of HIV

The immunodeficiency virus consists of an RNA molecule with embedded genetic information. Being an inanimate organism, it cannot spread on its own, therefore it “attacks” human cells and exists inside them.

Some properties of HIV:

  • Outside the body, it dies after 24 hours;
  • Not transmitted to animals;
  • Cannot exist at temperatures above 60°C.

In a nutshell, HIV is a molecule and AIDS is a syndrome. It is a complex of serious diseases against the background of reduced immunity, unable to fight diseases.

When does HIV turn into AIDS? After the virus "attacks" the lymphocytes and weakens the immune system, it will continue to move through the blood to find other cells to multiply. The body will not have time to develop new lymphocytes, and then their level will decrease. When 200 or less cells remain per 1 mm of blood, the attending physician will make a diagnosis - "AIDS".

What is HIV infection?

HIV disease is not the same as AIDS. It is important that several months and even years may pass before the first symptoms appear in an infected person. By weakening the immune system and suppressing the vital activity of the body, the virus strengthens and multiplies.

What is more terrible for a person - HIV or AIDS? The answer to this question is no. Both diseases are dangerous for the body, but if the spread of the virus can be stopped, then there is no therapy for AIDS at the moment.

Considering the ways of transmission, it is important to note the most common - sexually in 60-65% of cases.

HIV symptoms

How and when the immunodeficiency virus will manifest itself in the body depends on concomitant diseases, the general condition of the patient's body, and its individual characteristics.

The first symptoms (similar to those of influenza and SARS):

  • enlarged lymph nodes
  • decrease in performance
  • allergic reactions,
  • skin peeling,
  • fast fatiguability,
  • loss of appetite,
  • heat.

Symptoms indicating immunodeficiency in later stages:

  • frequent fever,
  • neurological disorders,
  • chronic diseases,
  • deterioration in memory function,
  • drastic weight loss
  • viral diseases,
  • fungal and bacterial infections.

The initial symptoms are "wave-like" in nature - they can disappear on their own without treatment and return again after 2-3 weeks. The less healthy cells remain in the body, the more characteristic other symptoms appear. Getting tested for HIV is the only way to detect infection.

Stages of development of HIV infection

The stage of HIV depends on the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The sooner the virus is detected, the more effective subsequent antiretroviral therapy will be.

There are several stages of HIV:

  1. Incubation period. It begins after infection, is asymptomatic or coincides with the symptoms of the flu. It is impossible to determine the presence of infection in the body, this period can reach several months.
  2. Seroconversion. The production of the first antibodies in the body, which makes it possible to detect HIV at this stage of development. The immune system tries to eliminate the virus, which is accompanied by a frequent increase in body temperature.
  3. Asymptomatic period. HIV gradually destroys the cells, the number of T-lymphocytes decreases over the course of 5-15 years, while the lymph nodes increase. It is important to control the level of lymphocytes in order to start timely treatment.
  4. The last stage of HIV. AIDS occurs, the body loses the ability to resist any disease.


AIDS is an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome that manifests itself in the form of one or more opportunistic diseases. Being a severe form of HIV, it can lead to the complete destruction of the immune system.

The result is a fatal outcome, which can occur even as a result of a common cold. The average life expectancy for a person diagnosed with AIDS is 6 months to 2 years.

The difference between AIDS and HIV is that the infection the immune system can fight viruses, fungi and bacteria. With acquired syndrome, the function of the immune response is lost.

HIV will turn after some time (10-12 years) into AIDS if left untreated. Properly formulated antiretroviral therapy will increase the duration and quality of life of an infected person.

What is AIDS?

AIDS is the terminal stage of the development of HIV infection. The acquired syndrome gradually destroys the human body, leading to dangerous diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer, neuropsychological disorders, etc.).

How is HIV different from AIDS?

  • the virus that causes AIDS;
  • it is important to support the immune system and suppress the development of the virus;
  • you can live for decades, remaining a carrier of the virus


  • the last stage of HIV infection;
  • treatment for all concomitant diseases is required;
  • quickly leads to death.

How is AIDS transmitted and how is it treated?

Any infection and AIDS are not compatible. Transmission occurs in the same ways - unprotected sexual contact, through infected blood or from mother to child.

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for AIDS. To prolong life, it is important for patients to:

  • Avoid contact with homeless animals;
  • Do not communicate with people who have the flu, colds and other diseases transmitted by airborne droplets;
  • To refuse from bad habits;
  • Adhere to a balanced diet;
  • Fulfill physical exercise and much more.

This therapy is aimed at preventing infection with diseases, because any of them can lead to death.

Timely detection and treatment of HIV infection will prevent the onset of AIDS. Remember, your health is in your hands!

Head. AIDS center physician
I have been diagnosing HIV infection for 20 years and have come to the conclusion that AIDS is not much different from a flu shot or diphtheria.
Real scientists and reasonable people SIGN THE PETITION AGAINST HIV/AIDS SCAM!
The fight against AIDS, called the "plague of the 20th century", and now the 21st century, has been going on all over the world for 30 years. Moreover, all this struggle is completely meaningless, since the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does not exist in nature. A deliberately false diagnosis of HIV infection is made to absolutely healthy people, and only on the basis of unreliable testing. And as a means of preventing and treating imaginary HIV-infected people, such drugs are used that lead to disability and even death. Any person who is being tested for a non-existent HIV virus can become a victim of this global deception. To put an end to this swindle and genocide, HIV testing must be stopped immediately, as well as the use of poisonous antiretroviral therapy must be banned.
Committee Chairman State Duma Russian Federation for Health Protection, Kalashnikov S.V.:
We demand an end to the genocide carried out under the guise of fighting the false AIDS epidemic!
Dear Sergey Vyacheslavovich!
We, the undersigned, appeal to you, as the Chairman of the Health Protection Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, with a request to consider our legitimate demands for the observance of our rights given to us by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and to take measures to stop the genocide of the population of our Motherland, disguised as non-existent AIDS epidemic.
The whole theory of HIV / AIDS is based on studies conducted in 1983-1984, as a result of which new retroviruses HTLV-III (human T-lymphotropic virus of the third type) and LAV (lymphoadenopathy associated virus) were discovered, subsequently artificially combined and renamed in HIV (HIV), which has been cited without evidence as the cause of Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In turn, the abbreviation AIDS (AIDS) was introduced by scientists at an international conference in July 1982 as a term that defines the immunodeficiency states of the human body.
In 1987, the WHO Global AIDS Program was established, under which dishonest scientists, officials and businessmen launched a large-scale advertising campaign through the media for a newly invented AIDS epidemic, called the "Plague of the 20th century." Having frightened the population of the whole world with an epidemic of a new deadly disease threatening the extinction of all mankind, an interested circle of people, under the guise of this fake struggle, began to make huge financial profits by starting to poison people with the poisonous drug "AZT" (Zidovudine), invented in 1961 by Professor Richard Belz ( Richard Beltz) to fight oncological diseases, but not approved for use due to high toxicity. Subsequently, the scheme of poisoning people allegedly infected with HIV was supplemented with new types chemicals and called ARV therapy. But, oddly enough, the concept of immunodeficiency has been known to scientists for a very long time, and it has been proven that immunodeficiency occurs in the human body as a result of various factors, such as external environment, as well as internal factors of the body, including under the influence of chemically active substances, and in particular from ARV therapy. ARV drugs are cellular poison and have a huge number of side effects!
To date, according to Harvard University, more than $500 billion has been spent on the fight against AIDS in the world, but not a single life has been saved as a result of all the anti-AIDS programs combined, which took so much money to implement. No vaccine or effective drug has been created, no independent research has been and is not being conducted to confirm the HIV / AIDS theory, and all research that refutes this
theory are called pseudoscientific, and scientists who prove the absurdity of the HIV/AIDS theory are persecuted and discriminated against.
It is no longer a secret to anyone that the law of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 1995 No. 38 - FZ "On the prevention of the spread in the Russian Federation of a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection)", which unleashed the hands of the AIDS industry in our country, was
adopted under pressure and under the dictation of the World Health Organization using the financial pressure of credit institutions, during the formation of the new Russia.
What do we have in reality today through the eyes of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Across our country, against the backdrop of huge budget funds allocated under federal and regional programs for the modernization of medicine, clinics, hospitals and maternity hospitals continue to close! There is a catastrophic shortage of qualified doctors and medical personnel, and the treatment of seriously ill people has to raise money, as they say, from the whole world! Scientific medical research is no longer independent, as it is carried out on grants from the pharmacological industry! Laboratories conducting research often do not have the necessary reagents, not to mention non-compliance with the requirements for premises and laboratory equipment approved by SanPiN. Permits issued for the use of drugs manufactured abroad are not based on the principle of checking their effect on the human body, but on the principle of "recommended by WHO"!
At the same time, we see how renovated AIDS centers are being opened, getting premises, and sometimes entire buildings with new modern renovation and full household equipment, and at least 700,000,000 (seven hundred million) rubles will be spent annually on the “fight” against the invented AIDS epidemic (according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2013 No. 2555-R)! How can one regard such a situation when the funds of taxpayers of the Russian Federation are not used to solve real problems and provide the population with quality medical care, but to fight a fictitious epidemic? It turns out that we are being destroyed, and we are still paying for our destruction?
Many Constitutional rights and federal laws regarding patients are violated with impunity by the employees of AIDS centers! Pregnant women, in violation of the principle of voluntary testing for HIV infection, as well as the right to refuse medical intervention, are forcibly tested with test systems, the result of which does not confirm the presence or absence of HIV infection. And then, without conducting epidemiological investigations, or investigations based on slander, and without any clinical signs of disease, a diagnosis of HIV infection is made, and highly toxic antiretroviral therapy is forcibly prescribed, including for prevention purposes.
Under the most severe psychological pressure from the staff of AIDS centers, people are forced to take ARV drugs for life, even if there are no clinical indications established by medical regulations. The diagnosed HIV infection and the horrendous criminal acts of the AIDS center employees destroy families, drive people to suicide, pregnant women are forced to have abortions or abandon newborns.
It has become more profitable for hospital doctors to make a fatal diagnosis of HIV infection, rather than diagnose and treat real diseases. Experiments on the use of chemical preparations of ARV therapy, carried out by the staff of AIDS centers in the treatment regimens for people who fell ill with real, undiagnosed diseases, are striking in their cruelty, and AIDSologists cynically call the deterioration in the well-being of patients "Immunity Restoration Syndrome"!
As a result, patients are dying from antiretroviral drugs used to "treat" AIDS right in intensive care units. And if relatives of the dead try to find out the truth about the causes of death through law enforcement agencies, AIDS center employees destroy documents, falsify facts in medical records, including corrupt schemes for bribing employees law enforcement cases are being closed to investigate the real causes of death. People who defend their rights legally are intimidated by the employees of AIDS centers, threatened with physical violence,
destroy their social life by divulging medical secrets, and if intimidation fails, they try to buy their silence in various ways.
The influence of the AIDS industry on the health care of the Russian Federation leads to its systematic destruction and, as a result, undermines the health of the nation. The propaganda of the AIDS epidemic invented on the basis of falsified statistics and the persecution of people with life-long highly toxic antiretroviral therapy, bought by the state from foreign pharmaceutical corporations at the expense of Russian taxpayers, is already destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens. Approximately 3,000 patients in AIDS centers taking this therapy die every year, and all these deaths are attributed to AIDS, substantiating the false official statistics of a non-existent epidemic. So according to " Federal Service on Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare” in 2010, 2,787 Russians who took antiretroviral drugs died
drugs, while according to the "Federal AIDS Center" 2336 people died from imaginary AIDS in 2010. That is, it turns out that all those who died from AIDS died from ARV therapy!
Financing of advertising campaigns from the federal budget for the creation and placement of information and explanatory materials on television, radio stations, Internet resources, outdoor advertising as part of an information and explanatory campaign among the population of the Russian Federation in order to prevent and prevent the spread of HIV infection in the Russian Federation can be directly called not informing, but an undisguised advertising campaign.
Corruption of the younger generation by public AIDS service organizations financed, among other things, by Western funds, leads to the degradation of our society.
All of the above is confirmed by a huge number of tragedies and horrific personal stories of citizens of our country who faced the AIDS industry system, examples of which we attach to this petition.
Based on all of the above, within the framework of the current legislation, we require:
1. Repeal, invalidate the law of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 1995 No. 38 - FZ "On the prevention of the spread in the Russian Federation of a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection)" due to the absence of an infectious AIDS epidemic based on the coined term HIV and the illegality of its application within the framework of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
2. Initiate creation independent commission to study the facts that refute the viral nature of Immunodeficiency, and to recognize the inconsistency of the theory of the AIDS epidemic.
3. Prohibit the use of chemical preparations of ARV therapy in treatment regimens for sick people and their use as a preventive measure due to their detrimental effect on the human body.
4. Prohibit testing for HIV infection with existing test systems due to the unreliability of their results, remove from the dispensary register all patients who were previously registered for HIV infection, and recommend them a comprehensive examination of their health status in polyclinics and other medical institutions RF.
5. Stop the activities of AIDS centers that have usurped the functions of punitive organs, forcing the population, including healthy ones, to violent poisoning with highly toxic drugs, the work of which does not lead to the preservation of people's health, but to the destruction of families and threatens the well-being of the whole society as a whole.
6. Prohibit any propaganda against the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the media

IN modern world with sufficiently developed medicine, there are diseases that cannot be cured. The most common disease that has claimed a large number of lives is HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Only in Russia about 800 thousand people are carriers of this infection. Among the infected people there are men, women and children. This virus is scary for everyone, but it is most dangerous for women, since they have a higher risk of infection and they can pass the infection to the child.

Symptoms of HIV in women appear with some differences.

Therefore, at the first doubts about your health, you should immediately consult a doctor and take tests.

Is it possible to get HIV in a household way?

The more dangerous the disease, the more frightening a person is from the thought that he can become infected with it. HIV is transmitted by contact between the mucous membranes of a healthy and sick person (sperm, blood, cervical mucus). This virus does not spread through the home.

Another common question is whether HIV is transmitted through kissing. Doctors give a negative answer. The probability of contracting an infection in this situation, in the absence of both partners in the oral cavity and on the tongue of wounds, is zero.

Groups at risk of contracting the virus

The following populations are at high risk of HIV infection:

  • drug addicts who inject drugs (through a syringe needle) by;
  • women and men during unprotected sexual contact, as well as those who practice oral and anal sex;
  • children whose mothers are HIV positive;
  • doctors who, according to their specialization, are in contact with infected people or tissues (diagnostic laboratory assistants, gynecologists, obstetricians, surgeons);
  • people in need of a blood transfusion;
  • people leading an immoral lifestyle.

In most cases, HIV is transmitted through a needle among drug addicts and sexually through unsafe sex.

Symptoms of a virus

A woman is at greater risk of acquiring HIV. Therefore, you should always monitor your health and not do rash acts.

If a circumstance has occurred, as a result of which there is doubt about your HIV status, you should take a blood test (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detects the presence of antibodies to the virus). But by nature, HIV does not appear in the early days. In most people, antibodies appear 3 months after infection, in others - after 6 months. Therefore, 100% result will be only in six months.

Before the expiration of this period, it is worth paying attention to well-being. Symptoms can be detected after a few weeks, and you can not feel any deviations from the norm for 10 years. The first symptoms appear as:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • excessive sweating at night;
  • lethargy, drowsiness and fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • severe depression for no reason;
  • availability constantly elevated temperature body.

Without undergoing specific therapy to combat the virus, the infection will progress, the immune system will weaken and health will deteriorate. Symptoms of a complication of the disease may appear, such as:

  • vaginal infections;
  • the presence of anomalies in the analysis of the smear;
  • the appearance of herpes, warts, ulcers on the labia majora;
  • red spots on the body;
  • white spots on the oral mucosa.

Even if a woman has these symptoms, they do not confirm the presence of the virus. Such painful manifestations may be signs of other infections (ARVI). Therefore, do not panic.

In the six-month period from the date of the suspected infection or the onset of symptoms, sexual and other contact in which you can transmit the infection to a healthy person should be avoided, you should not be a donor, and it is advisable to delay the pregnancy.

Life after infection

If the preliminary and confirmatory tests revealed that you have HIV infection, then you should not go to extreme measures. Modern medicine makes it possible to live with such a diagnosis and have the same rights as healthy people, but undergoing treatment.

A woman who does not have children must understand all the responsibility. Having HIV does not prevent you from having a child. And HIV patients give birth to healthy children, and, in addition, scientists are looking for a way to cure HIV in newborns.

A woman is prescribed antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy. They reduce the viral load to such a level that when normal pregnancy and uncomplicated childbirth, the child is born healthy. Women are forbidden to give birth on their own, since the highest percentage of infection of children is during childbirth. I'm being held C-section. Also, mothers should not breastfeed their children for the same reason.

A person with such a diagnosis needs to properly communicate with healthy people. You can't put others in danger. If a woman decides to become pregnant naturally, then she is obliged to inform her partner about her situation. Otherwise, it is a crime in Russia, it is criminally punishable (Article 122 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The road from HIV to AIDS

All HIV-infected people should be seen by doctors and treated to fight the virus. If the disease is detected in a timely manner and measures are taken to treat it, then such a person can live for decades.

If left untreated, HIV develops into acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This is the last stage of the disease. Against the backdrop of AIDS, other infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, meningitis, herpes. Any infection (even a cold) in AIDS patients leads to serious consequences, as their immune system is not able to cope with bacteria and viruses. AIDS can be fatal; there are more than 100,000 such cases in Russia.

HIV is one of the most dangerous diseases of the 21st century. No cure has yet been found for it. Therapy only slows down and stops the development of infection. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself and your health.

Avoid contact with drug addicts, try to lead an intimate life only with permanent and trusted partners, sex should be protected. Don't be shy about asking your partner to get tested for HIV or AIDS. Do not commit rash acts, which you will later regret for the rest of your life. Your health is in your hands. Take care of yourself.

30 years ago, the Earth acquired a new misfortune: there was information about a strange disease, accompanied by damage to the immune system. In the beginning, the disease only occurred in certain specific groups of people, which led to its being called the Four G's disease: "gays" (men who prefer other men), visitors from Haiti, hemophiliacs, and heroin addicts were the first carriers and the first victims.

Despite the intervening years and constant research around the world, AIDS virus remains a mystery and does not reveal all of its secrets. And, like everything mysterious and incomprehensible, it gives impetus to myth-making. People conjecture what they know little about, especially under the influence of fear for their lives. This fear often makes it difficult to objectively assess the real risk and take the right steps. Awareness - the best remedy against irrational fear and panic.

10 myths and misconceptions about HIV and AIDS

1. The first misconception concerns terms HIV and AIDS. These are not synonyms. HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus, an infection that can be transmitted. AIDS - clinical manifestation this infection in the terminal stage, the actual disease. People get HIV, get AIDS, but the former does not necessarily lead to the latter. You can be a carrier of HIV and not have AIDS.

2. Another misconception relates to the prevalence of the disease. Many Russians are sure that HIV and AIDS are rare diseases, common “out there”, in Africa, the USA, and in general in distant countries. Yes, and only gays, drug addicts and prostitutes get sick of this. This is not entirely true. There are about 35 million people in the world who are carriers of the infection, of which about a million live in Russia. The data refer to registered carriers of the infection, and no one knows how many, including themselves, in reality. If a person does not know about the presence of a virus in his body, he does not take security measures, and, possibly, becomes an unwitting spreader of the infection.

3. Misconceptions about the ways of transmission of infection are very strong. Uninformed people believe that the virus can be caught through everyday contact with the carrier - when using some things, when shaking hands, kissing, being in the same room, through insect bites.

In fact, the infection is not so terrible and ubiquitous. HIV is transmitted with blood, vaginal secretions, semen and human milk. No cases of transmission of the virus with saliva or tears have been recorded. There is no evidence of transmission from needle sticks in the seats of vehicles or movie theaters, as many horror stories report.

The infection can be transmitted with donated blood, bone marrow and organs, but all biomaterials have been carefully checked for a long time, so this method of infection is unlikely.

4. Many believe that HIV positive mother will definitely give birth to a sick child. This is not true. Even without special treatment, infection of the fetus occurs only in 20-30% of cases. Under the condition of constant, throughout the entire period of pregnancy, taking special medications, the risk is reduced even more. True, from breastfeeding mother will have to refuse.

5. Myths about AIDS treatment are manifold. Someone believes that infection will certainly lead to a quick and painful death, which nothing can push back. Others are sure that cure for AIDS already found, and nothing terrible threatens. Both of these statements are not true. HIV is indeed incurable, like many other diseases - diabetes, hypertension, gout or psoriasis. But the development of the disease can be stopped or significantly slowed down. Many carriers of the infection live a normal, full life for years, taking antiretroviral drugs and observing some restrictions in everyday life.

6. Many misconceptions have developed long ago, when the death rate from AIDS was very high, and drugs were just beginning to be developed. It was then that the belief arose that AIDS drugs should be taken very often, without shifting the time of admission and without skipping. They also say that side effects from taking AIDS drugs are almost worse than the disease itself.

Truth: Antiretroviral drugs do require regular intake, but a slight deviation from the recommended schedule is not critical. It is undesirable to frequently skip the medication, as this will lead to the formation of resistance in the virus and make the treatment ineffective. Concerning side effects, then they can actually appear. But in the drugs of the latest generations, these unpleasant effects are less common and not so strong.

7. Another myth concerns sexual safety precautions. The authors of this misconception were incompetent people who once said somewhere that the ultra-small size of viral particles allows them to pass through microscopic pores in the material of condoms. This is complete nonsense. If the condom is not torn and has not slipped, the likelihood of transmitting the infection is extremely small. According to statistics, the use of condoms protects against transmission of infection in 99% of cases.

8. There is another sad misconception regarding HIV infection: if you have sex with only one partner, then you can not worry and not be tested for HIV. Unfortunately, this is not the case, since the partner may have contacts with others, which is modestly silent about. And his other partners, in turn, can also have a very diverse sex life. Insofar as HIV infection may not manifest itself for a long time, the virus is able to get through a chain of unprotected contacts even to those who are faithful to a single partner. Everyone needs to donate blood for analysis from time to time.

9. There are many misconceptions about HIV testing. This is due to the fact that sometimes testing gives a positive result, which is not confirmed by re-analysis. In fact, a positive reaction to antibodies to HIV during the initial analysis may appear even after chickenpox or herpes, these are the features of the technique. Retesting is performed in order to clarify the results of the first analysis. If the re-analysis gave a positive answer, then there is no doubt that there is an infection.

10. There are several strange beliefs associated with HIV infection among the people. For example, some are convinced that sexual intercourse with a virgin partner can cure AIDS. This is a terrible delusion that can lead to infection of an innocent person. In this way, the disease cannot be cured.

But in another belief there is a certain amount of truth. This applies to circumcision, which is practiced by some peoples. Indeed, after this procedure, the risk of contracting the virus is somewhat reduced, both for the man himself and for his partner. However, it is impossible to reliably protect yourself from infection in this way.

In the modern world, with sufficiently developed medicine, there are diseases that cannot be cured. The most common disease that has claimed a large number of lives is HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Only in Russia about 800 thousand people are carriers of this infection. Among the infected people there are men, women and children. This virus is scary for everyone, but it is most dangerous for women, since they have a higher risk of infection and they can pass the infection to the child.

Symptoms of HIV in women appear with some differences.

Therefore, at the first doubts about your health, you should immediately consult a doctor and take tests.

Is it possible to get HIV in a household way?

The more dangerous the disease, the more frightening a person is from the thought that he can become infected with it. HIV is transmitted by contact between the mucous membranes of a healthy and sick person (sperm, blood, cervical mucus). This virus does not spread through the home.

Another common question is whether HIV is transmitted through kissing. Doctors give a negative answer. The probability of contracting an infection in this situation, in the absence of both partners in the oral cavity and on the tongue of wounds, is zero.

Groups at risk of contracting the virus

The following populations are at high risk of HIV infection:
  • drug addicts who inject drugs (through a syringe needle) by;
  • women and men during unprotected sexual contact, as well as those who practice oral and anal sex;
  • children whose mothers are HIV positive;
  • doctors who, according to their specialization, are in contact with infected people or tissues (diagnostic laboratory assistants, gynecologists, obstetricians, surgeons);
  • people in need of a blood transfusion;
  • people leading an immoral lifestyle.
In most cases, HIV is transmitted through a needle among drug addicts and sexually through unsafe sex.

Symptoms of a virus

A woman is at greater risk of acquiring HIV. Therefore, you should always monitor your health and not do rash acts.

If a circumstance has occurred, as a result of which there is doubt about your HIV status, you should take a blood test (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detects the presence of antibodies to the virus). But by nature, HIV does not appear in the early days. In most people, antibodies appear 3 months after infection, in others - after 6 months. Therefore, 100% result will be only in six months.

Before the expiration of this period, it is worth paying attention to well-being. Symptoms can be detected after a few weeks, and you can not feel any deviations from the norm for 10 years. The first symptoms appear as:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • excessive sweating at night;
  • lethargy, drowsiness and fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • severe depression for no reason;
  • the presence of a constantly elevated body temperature.
Without undergoing specific therapy to combat the virus, the infection will progress, the immune system will weaken and health will deteriorate. Symptoms of a complication of the disease may appear, such as:
  • vaginal infections;
  • the presence of anomalies in the analysis of the smear;
  • the appearance of herpes, warts, ulcers on the labia majora;
  • red spots on the body;
  • white spots on the oral mucosa.
Even if a woman has these symptoms, they do not confirm the presence of the virus. Such painful manifestations may be signs of other infections (ARVI). Therefore, do not panic.

In the six-month period from the date of the suspected infection or the onset of symptoms, sexual and other contact in which you can transmit the infection to a healthy person should be avoided, you should not be a donor, and it is advisable to delay the pregnancy.

Life after infection

If the preliminary and confirmatory tests revealed that you have HIV infection, then you should not go to extreme measures. Modern medicine makes it possible to live with such a diagnosis and have the same rights as healthy people, but undergoing treatment.

A woman who does not have children must understand all the responsibility. Having HIV does not prevent you from having a child. And HIV patients give birth to healthy children, and, in addition, scientists are looking for a way to cure HIV in newborns.

A woman is prescribed antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy. They reduce the viral load to such a level that with normal pregnancy and uncomplicated childbirth, the baby is born healthy. Women are forbidden to give birth on their own, since the highest percentage of infection of children is during childbirth. They are having a caesarean section. Also, mothers should not breastfeed their children for the same reason.

A person with such a diagnosis needs to properly communicate with healthy people. You can't put others in danger. If a woman decides to become pregnant naturally, then she is obliged to inform her partner about her situation. Otherwise, it is a crime in Russia, it is criminally punishable (Article 122 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The road from HIV to AIDS

All HIV-infected people should be seen by doctors and treated to fight the virus. If the disease is detected in a timely manner and measures are taken to treat it, then such a person can live for decades.

If left untreated, HIV develops into acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This is the last stage of the disease. Against the background of AIDS, other infectious diseases develop, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, meningitis, herpes. Any infection (even a cold) in AIDS patients leads to serious consequences, as their immune system is not able to cope with bacteria and viruses. AIDS can be fatal; there are more than 100,000 such cases in Russia.

HIV is one of the most dangerous diseases of the 21st century. No cure has yet been found for it. Therapy only slows down and stops the development of infection. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself and your health.

Avoid contact with drug addicts, try to lead an intimate life only with permanent and trusted partners, sex should be protected. Don't be shy about asking your partner to get tested for HIV or AIDS. Do not commit rash acts, which you will later regret for the rest of your life. Your health is in your hands. Take care of yourself.