How to fill the sink from the smell of detergent. Getting rid of the smell from the sink: the most effective means

First, identify the causes of the problem:

  1. Siphon blockage. The curved part of the pipe often ceases to function due to elementary clogging with food residues, hairs, and greasy deposits. Particles settle in the siphon itself, on the surfaces of the pipes from the inside, forming a layer of deposits impenetrable to water. As they decompose, they give off a heavy, rotting odor that spreads from the siphon through the sink into the kitchen.
  2. Incorrect siphon installation. There is nothing complicated about connecting plumbing fixtures, but often the cause of bad indoor air is errors in pipe connections.
  3. The siphon does not cope with the functions, the tightness is broken, air and unpleasant odors penetrate into the kitchen.
  4. Air entering the sewers. The appearance of an air lock in the pipes will be “reported” by gurgling sounds, as well as a slow drain of water.
  5. Sagging corrugation. even right installed pipes stretch during use. Arise various problems: drains accumulate in the sagging area, a water seal is not formed.
  6. Defects in pipes, corrugations, siphons. They arise due to mechanical influences on the system, as well as due to the loss of elasticity by the corrugation.
  7. Problems with sealing the corrugations and the riser. All connections must be joined using sealing rubber rings, adapters, adjusted in diameter. In case of violation of the installation, the smell will penetrate from the pipes into the premises.

The problem of smell often arises if the faucets and sinks have not been used for a long time. There are no blockages in the siphon, but there is also no necessary protection from air and water odors. There must be water inside the device that creates a water seal. In the absence of water, there are sharp smells of sewage, rotting deposits.

How dangerous is the smell

Disgustingly smelling air is a big nuisance for households. In addition to discomfort, it is dangerous due to toxicity. Heavy fragrance ingredients:

  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • ammonia;
  • methane.

The first two substances smell sharply and unpleasantly, methane practically does not smell. The presence of these elements in the air negatively affects the state of the respiratory system, affects nervous system.

A person constantly feels discomfort, a feeling of anxiety, fear. Methane causes nervous breakdowns, sometimes fainting.

How to remove the smell from the sink folk remedies

The problem should be resolved immediately. Henchmen will help simple means Their main advantage is safety and the absence of toxins.

Lemon acid

An assistant in many matters in the kitchen is citric acid. To flush the pipe, you will need 2-3 liters of boiling water and a pack of funds.

  1. The powder from the pack is carefully poured into the drain hole of the sink.
  2. Pour boiling water inside slowly.
  3. After a while, the pipe is shed with clean water.


Perfectly helps with blockages in the pipe ordinary baking soda. Procedure:

  1. Pour soda down the drain.
  2. Wait about 20-30 minutes.
  3. poured hot water.
  4. Then the manipulations are repeated again.

If washing twice with soda does not help, choose a more effective option - soda and salt.

soda and salt

To begin with, a combined composition is prepared by mixing soda and salt in equal proportions. All other steps are the same:

  1. Pour the mixture down the drain.
  2. Wait half an hour.
  3. Pour boiling water, waiting for the result.

soda and vinegar

An "explosive" mixture for flushing pipes under the sink is prepared using soda and ordinary table vinegar.

  1. Pour a little soda into the siphon through the drain (2-3 tablespoons).
  2. Next, a glass of bite is poured after.
  3. Close the drain with a stopper.
  4. Withstand 10-15 minutes for the passage of the reaction.
  5. Washed out the sink hot water.

mustard powder

A similar method with mustard powder.

  1. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of the product into the drain.
  2. Wait 20-30 minutes.
  3. Spill the pipe with boiling water.

Fixing the problem with a plunger

An indispensable thing in the household is a simple plumbing fixture plunger. It is advisable to have several plungers: for the toilet, sink, bathroom. The rubber cap of the device is applied to the drain of the sink, pressed with a handle. Turn on the water and then press the cap vigorously several times. Suction up and down streams of water pump the pipe, removing possible blockages.

It is convenient to use a plunger if there is no desire to disassemble the corrugations. Even women can easily cope with such a device. If the plunger does not help, special cables are used.

Rope use

Plumbing stores offer a wide range of different cables for cleaning pipes. Their length varies from 3-5 meters and more, while the cables are equipped with special handles for rotation, brushes or a spiral hook.

For the cleaning:

  1. Remove the siphon corrugation.
  2. Carefully insert the cable into the pipe.
  3. They begin to push the device into the riser by turning the handle. The cable is screwed into the pipe, passing along its entire length.
  4. Having screwed up to a blockage, they begin to move the cable in different directions. As an option - pushing the deposits further, hooking them.
  5. Repeat the manipulation 2-3 times until the pipe is completely clean.
  6. Connect the corrugation, turn on the water and rinse the pipe.

The cable after use is washed from deposits and dirt, lubricated with oil. Stacked in a bay and stored in a dry place.

Siphon disassembly

The analysis of the plumbing unit will help remove dirt and grease from the siphon. Corrugated tubes are considered self-cleaning, flask siphons need regular cleaning.

  1. A basin or bucket is placed under the sink and siphon.
  2. Carefully unscrew the flask from the pipe, clean, rinse. To remove greasy deposits inside, dishwashing gel is added to the water.
  3. Connect the flask back without losing the spacer rings in the connections.
  4. Pass water through the sink faucet, flushing the pipes.

Elimination of depressurization of joints

In case of violations of the sealing of the system, it will be necessary to use a fum-tape or special plumbing compounds. Types of sealants:

  1. Compositions based on polyurethane. Differ in a sharp specific smell. It is required to use personal protective equipment when working.
  2. Acrylic. Durable sealants resistant to drops temperature regime. "Cons": low elasticity, which leads to depressurization of the seams. Compositions of low and high moisture resistance are produced.
  3. Silicone sealants. They do not shrink, are convenient and practical to use on all types of surfaces. The "minus" of silicone compounds is the high cost.
  4. Combined sealants (silicone and acrylic). Plumbers use such compounds for sealing joints, as well as for gluing various materials.

Popular brands:

  • CeresitCS7 (gives elastic seams);
  • Tytan Power Flex;
  • CIKIFIX (high adhesion to various surfaces);
  • Moment Germent (suitable for wide seams);
  • S 4000 (sealant with high mold resistance).

When working, the surfaces are first degreased (with alcohol, acetone). Next, the composition is applied with a spatula, leveled, excluding gaps.

Use of chemicals

It is necessary to use chemical compositions to eliminate odor and clean the pipe carefully.

  • before buying and using, carefully read the instructions;
  • take into account the specifics of the composition (alkaline removes fat deposits, acids act on blockages from hair, thread, soap).

They produce funds in the form of gels, powder, liquid. Each case has its own application.

On a note!

Gels are considered the most economical. A small amount of the drug is enough to eliminate pollution and solve the problem of a clean pipe.

In the list of the most popular drugs:

  • Mole;
  • Domestos;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Tiret Turbo.

Mole is an effective drug - a liquid or powder that is affordable and perfectly copes with all blockages in the system. Disadvantages: pungent odor, suitable for working with metal pipes.

Quickly removes blockages and removes rotting odors from the sink Tiret Turbo. In the series, compositions of various concentrations are produced:

  • for complex blockages (red bottle);
  • antibacterial (blue bottle);
  • for prevention (green bottle).

Sanoks gel is popular. Clean drain, safe for pipes made of any material. With blockage, it helps weakly, but is indispensable for preventive flushing of water supply and sewage systems.

Chirton, Bagi Potkhan, Selena granules do a good job with organic traffic jams. The first two drugs are based on caustic soda, which begins to work quickly when interacting with water. The disadvantage of the compositions: high cost.

Of the budget options, the granular preparation Selenium is popular, which gives a quick effect and does not have a pungent odor when applied.

Prevention of unpleasant odors from the sink

When solving the problem of a strong smell in the sink drain, do not forget about prevention. It is easier and cheaper to prevent a problem than to call plumbers and promptly clean the pipe.

Prevention rules:

  1. Regularly clean drains and pipes in the kitchen, spilling them with special compounds.
  2. Keep plumbing clean.
  3. Use special grates and nets in the sink to retain food debris.
  4. When leaving home for a long time, pour a little into the sink sunflower oil to prevent evaporation of water and drying out of the corrugation bends.
  5. Use high-quality removable siphons in systems.
  6. Periodically disassemble the siphons and clean the flasks, corrugations.


There are many ways to rid your apartment of bad smell from the kitchen sink. After identifying the cause, chemicals are used to eliminate folk recipes formulations. In the future, do not forget about the prevention and maintenance of pipes, sinks clean.

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Even the most clean and tidy hostess is not immune from the appearance of an unpleasant smell from the sink. There may be several reasons for this trouble, respectively, there are also different ways to remove an unpleasant odor.

Below we will consider in detail how to get rid of this problem in each individual case.

Causes of odor

To decide what to do about the smell from the sink in the kitchen, you first need to determine the cause of its occurrence.

To do this, you need to examine the following elements of a plumbing fixture:

  • Siphon;
  • The space between the sink and the wall.

In some cases, the source of an unpleasant odor is a wet washcloth that has fallen between the wall and the sink, or a floor rag left under the sink. If you are convinced that the cause of this trouble is evaporation from the drain hole, you can begin to eliminate it.

Siphon problems


In most cases, the kitchen sink smells as a result of the accumulation of debris in the siphon. The fact is that during the operation of this plumbing fixture, fat, hair, particles of human skin, food debris, etc. settle on the walls of the siphon and drain pipe. All this sediment begins to rot over time.

This problem can only be solved by disassembling and cleaning the siphon.

If the design is bottle type, this operation is performed as follows:

  • First of all, you need to unscrew the bottom cover of the siphon and pull out all the accumulated debris with your own hands.
  • After that, the cover must be replaced.
  • Then the drain system must be washed with boiling water or hot water, pouring several pots of boiling water into the sink. You can add a small amount to water detergent for dishes.

If a flexible corrugated pipe is used as a siphon, then it must be disconnected from the sewer and sink, and then washed well.

Sometimes it is very difficult to dismantle the siphon, for example, if an old cast-iron elbow is installed under the sink. In this case, the use of chemicals for will help solve the problem.

These drugs include:

  • Tiret;
  • Mole;
  • Mr Muscle, etc.

Note! The sewer cleaner must be suitable for the type of pipes for which it will be used. Otherwise, the system may be damaged.

The price of these drugs is about the same, as well as the effectiveness, so you can use any of them. To do this, the agent must be poured into the siphon through the drain hole and leave the sink in this form for several hours. After that, the drain must be washed with boiling water, as in the previous case.

Lack of water seal

The main purpose of siphons is to provide a water seal. The water lock prevents the penetration of fumes from the sewer into the apartment through the drain hole of plumbing fixtures. Therefore, it is quite possible that in the kitchen from the sink it smells of sewage due to the lack of this very water seal.

Most often, the absence of a water seal is associated with improper installation of the siphon. Depending on the type of its design, the problem is solved in different ways:

Often there is no water seal due to its vacuum breakdown. In this case, gurgling is periodically heard from the plumbing fixture.

There are two ways to fix this malfunction of the sewer system:

  • Clean the vent pipe that provides ventilation to the sewer system. In multi-storey buildings, this operation should be carried out by specialists. In your home, you can clean the ventilation yourself.
  • If cleaning the ventilation did not correct the situation, or fan pipe is generally absent, then a vacuum valve must be installed near the plumbing fixture, which normalizes the pressure in sewer system and thereby prevent the breakdown of the water lock.

Depressurization of the drain system

If there is an unpleasant smell under the sink in the kitchen, then the problem lies in the depressurization of the pipe joints or the appearance of a crack in them. To find a problematic place, you need to open the water and carefully examine all pipes and joints.

If a gap appears at the junction of the pipes, then the leak can be eliminated by replacing the seal or using silicone sealant. If a crack appears in a pipe, then it must be replaced.

Advice! Before removing the malfunction, you need to make sure that the leak is present in only one place. It is quite possible that problem areas there are several.

It must be said that in the event of a drain leak, waste water can be absorbed into flooring, resulting in the smell remains even after the problem is eliminated. Therefore, in order to completely get rid of it, it may be necessary to replace the flooring.

Here, perhaps, is the entire instruction for ridding the sink of an unpleasant odor.


The appearance of an unpleasant smell in plumbing fixtures, including the kitchen sink, is a fairly common problem. However, as we found out, there are not so many reasons for this phenomenon, and in most cases, every home craftsman can eliminate them.

For more information on this topic, see the video in this article.

The main purpose of the kitchen is cooking. Therefore, it is important to keep this room clean, to observe household hygiene. The appearance of unwanted aromas adversely affects the well-being of family members. The only way out is to eliminate the smell from the sink in the kitchen. Then a good mood will appear, and the quality of food will improve.

Water does not pass - blockage in the siphon

When housewives wash dishes, quite often microscopic pieces of food, tea brewing, settle in the sink, which then fall into the pipe.

Sometimes they linger in the siphon. This device connects the sewer system and the sink. At the same time, it is a kind of barrier that blocks the entry of unwanted odors into the room, preventing clogging of the pipeline.

If you do not take timely measures to prevent pollution, then the waste gradually accumulates and rots. That's when the terrible smell comes from the sink in the kitchen. There are also ways to deal with it.

  • Use a plunger. This is a simple device that anyone can use. The water should completely cover the bowl nozzle. With vigorous up and down movements, try to pull out the stuck debris. With slight contamination, the liquid will quickly go down the drain.
  • Clean your device. It is best if a bottle-type siphon is installed in the kitchen. It has a rigid construction and unscrews from below. There must always be water inside its body. This so-called water seal blocks bad smells from the pipe. Disconnect the siphon from the system and remove all dirt from it. When connecting, maintain the correct slope, follow the diameter of the pipes.

Chemistry and home products - to help plumbing

Apply cleaning products. If the blockage has been formed for a long time and is firmly held, then there are commercially available substances that dissolve food residues, wool, etc. The instructions for the drug clearly describe what to do and for what period of time to pour or pour. Depends on type and consistency chemical composition(gel, powder, liquid). In any form, such products can remove the smell. After the procedure, it is recommended to spill a large amount of liquid, preferably hot.

Getting rid of minor fat deposits is much easier than "fighting" with a compressed cork. Almost always have salt and baking soda on hand. You should make a saturated saline or soda solution and pour one of them into the drain hole. Do not use the sink for half an hour.

More complex blockages need to be acted upon citric acid. It can be filled up or, combined with water, poured into the hole.

It is even more effective to mix soda with vinegar essence. Such a mixture can not only cope with unwanted odors, but also eliminate the smell. Then you need to tightly cover the drain to protect yourself from harmful fumes. And the final touch is to skip hot water. She will take away everything else.

Plumbing cable - a simple and effective tool

There are situations when a plug forms somewhere in the pipe. Then you can not do without a plumbing cable. It calmly passes through all the bends of the sewer system. It has a comfortable handle that makes it easy to rotate. A small brush or hook located at the end of the cable collects all the dirt. When the end of the tool reaches the blockage, then you need to try to push it forward. Then the cable is put in order: washed, wiped, put away for storage.

If, after the measures taken, it still smells like sewage, then you need to examine how the drain system works. Perhaps cracks appeared on the pipe or the joints were depressurized. The second reason can be eliminated on your own by applying sealant to the affected areas. The replacement of pipes is carried out by specialized organizations, having previously carried out a diagnosis.

On a note. So that staying in the kitchen does not become uncomfortable, it is advisable to have a pipe cleaner, a plunger, and a plumbing cable available.

Do not forget that a manual plunger creates a vacuum that is not able to spread its action beyond the siphon.

Preventive measures really work

In order to prevent an unpleasant odor, simple rules must be followed in the kitchen.

  • Purchase an additional mesh for the drain hole.
  • Clean dishes from food residues, crumbs before putting them in the sink.
  • Use home remedies (salt, vinegar, etc.) to prevent blockages 1-2 times a week.
  • Make it a preventative procedure to clean drain pipes with chemicals 3-4 times a year.
  • Get a mask or respirator, gloves, apron. These items will protect against exposure to harmful fumes.
  • Make sure there are no leaks under the sink. If any are found, then in most cases the problem is with the seals. Then it will immediately become clear why it stinks. The scent comes from the sewer. Then the rubber gaskets should be replaced.
  • Clean the siphon periodically.

The presence of unpleasant odors in the kitchen from the sink causes a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible. If all methods and methods have been tried, and the sharp smell does not go away, then it remains only to rely on a qualified plumber.

No matter how clean the hostess of the house is, and no matter how carefully she monitors the cleanliness of the kitchen sink, over time, the problem of the disgusting sewer smell will still appear. What to do and how to deal with it? There are two ways out of the situation: eliminate the unpleasant odor yourself or resort to the help of a specialist.

Causes of odor

Sometimes the reason can be very simple, and the first thing every housewife resorts to when she stinks from the sink in the kitchen is to unwind and clean the siphon. The fact is that over time, fat and dirt in the siphon accumulate, stick to the walls of the pipe, and the processes of decay begin. This is what causes the sewer smell. But these are not all possible problems.

So, let's try to understand the main causes of bad sewer smell from your sink, in addition to the above. First of all, you need to understand the device and functionality of the pipes running directly under the sink.

We all know what a siphon is. So in each siphon there should be a water seal or a so-called water lock. After each drain of water, a certain amount of liquid is retained in the S-shaped part of the siphon. Water here plays the role of a kind of cork that traps odors from the sewer and does not allow them to spread through the kitchen.

Regardless of which siphon you have installed, corrugated or flask (also called a bottle siphon), the principle of operation of both is absolutely the same - there should always be water there, as a barrier to smell. Violation of this principle leads to the appearance of the corresponding “aroma”, which will become a veil in your kitchen. So why does water stop lingering in the siphon?

And how to eliminate the disgusting smell?

  1. Often, instead of a siphon, they put a corrugated pipe, which tends to stretch and sag over time. Even if the installation of the corrugated pipe and its S-shaped bend were made correctly, it will still lose its shape. In order to avoid this and delay the replacement of pipes for a long time, it is necessary to fix the corrugation with the help of special devices. They should be purchased along with the pipe. Another way: fix the pipe with a special insulating tape.
  2. The siphon was incorrectly installed. Often, difficulties arise precisely with flask siphons. If the plastic pipe does not reach the water in the siphon flask, then an unpleasant odor is guaranteed, because sewer stench will seep over the water lock. You can correct this misunderstanding by adjusting the position of the nozzle. It should be immersed in water by 2-3 cm, but it must not touch the bottom of the flask.
  3. Also, a disgusting smell appears if the kitchen sink has not been used for a long time. If you were absent from home for a long time, and upon returning you noticed that it smells from the sink in the kitchen, then most likely the problem is the evaporated water from the siphon. In order to prevent this, you should pour a little sunflower oil down the drain before leaving. The oil forms a thin film on the water, which will delay the rapid evaporation of the water. Well, if you still forgot to do this or did not know about this option, then you just need to drain more water. After a while, the disgusting smell will disappear.
  4. Probably one of the most common problems with a kitchen sink is fixing or even installing it yourself. If the corrugated pipe was installed by a non-specialist, then it is likely that an "economical method" of installation was used. In this case, the water seal may be incorrectly formed, after which the water either rises back into the sink, or it does not linger and goes into the sewer. There are also cases of stretching the corrugation and "sticking" it directly into the riser. Trust me, you shouldn't do this.

Other Causes of Bad Smell from the Kitchen Sink

Sometimes the problem may lie not only in the siphon or its improper installation.

A disgusting smell can also appear due to the following reasons:

  • Cracking or other mechanical damage to the drain pipe can also cause odor. Water seeping through, soaks the walls and floor, which eventually begin to grow mold.
  • Airing the riser. If the riser is very clogged, then when water passes through it, characteristic overtones are heard, after which a sewer stench appears. In this case, you will have to contact the Housing Office, because you can’t do it with your own hands.
  • There was no seal between the sewer and the drain. In this case, you need to go through the sealant again along the joint. It is best to choose a silicone sealant.

The bathroom is a place that is traditionally associated with cleanliness, it is there that we clean our body from the dust of a big city, and our head from unpleasant thoughts and worries. However, sometimes a repulsive, fetid smell of sewerage can spread throughout this room.

The first reaction of the hostess, who realized that the smell of flowers inside the bathroom, was to wash everything that was possible with a strong detergent. However, if this measure saves, it is temporary, and sometimes does not bring any result at all. In this article, we will show you how to remove the smell from the sink so that it never comes back.

What causes sink odor?

The unpleasant smell from the sink is a serious problem that not only violates sanitary and hygienic standards, but also annoys any hostess. There are many reasons.

Through which sewer "aromas" can break out and fill the room with a stench. Most often, an unpleasant smell in the bathroom is caused by:

Important! If the cause of the bad odor is high humidity premises, then the forced ventilation system will help to remove it. Fresh air will dry the room and also draw out sewer odors.

Sewer problems

The bathroom has a lot of plumbing fixtures: bath, washbasin or sink, toilet, washing machine. All these devices are connected not only to the water supply, but also to the sewerage system.

If, during installation, the sewerage is connected to the plumbing equipment with technical errors and flaws, an unpleasant smell may arise from the sink in the bathroom. Most often, the following problems of the sewer system are diagnosed:

Note! Any defect in the installation of the sewer system in the bathroom, whether it is an incorrectly selected diameter of the pipe section, poor sealing of the joints, or an incorrectly set slope, is fraught with an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is important that the pipes are laid by an experienced craftsman who will take into account all these nuances.

How does a water seal work?

Each plumbing fixture that is used in the bathroom and connected to the sewer has a siphon. A siphon is a special device that does not allow foreign aromas to penetrate from sewer pipe into the room. It is made of brass, plastic or other material.

There are models of siphons with a water seal, a membrane seal and a dry seal. Thanks to the special curved shape with one elbow, this device creates a water plug inside, which does not let air from the sewer pipe into the sink or bathtub. Siphons perform the following functions:

  1. They remove unpleasant odors that can enter the room from the sewer pipe. As long as the plumbing fixture is in use, and the water in the water seal does not dry out, air from there cannot penetrate up the pipe.
  2. Protects against sewer blockages. They filter out large debris that enters the drain of a sink or bathtub. All large impurities enter the siphon sump, after which it can be removed from there.
  3. Sewage is directed by gravity into the sewer. The shape of the siphon is such that through the drain, wastewater easily flows into the sewer without stagnation at the bottom of the sink or bathtub.

Please note that the water seal only works until the water dries up in it. Therefore, when no one uses a plumbing fixture for a long time or there is no water supply for a long time, the liquid in the siphon dries up, which can cause a sewer smell in the bathroom.

If the reason that the bathroom smells is the drying of the water seal, then the easiest way to deal with this problem is to fill the siphon with water and ventilate the room well.

How to deal with the problem?

Many housewives are wondering how to eliminate the smell from the sink in the bathroom, how to get rid of the persistent smell of the sewer, if a sponge with detergent no longer helps.

If the bathroom is cleaned regularly and thoroughly, but the amber is still present, then the matter is most likely in the sewer system, so we will deal with it. To overcome the smell from the sink, follow the following instructions:

Remember! We clean the bathroom quite often, because keeping it clean is not easy. However, we often forget that the pipes and siphon need to be cleaned periodically so that no unpleasant odors bother you. In addition, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures: you can not throw cleaning, garbage, grease into the sink, you need to clean the siphon sump and change the corrugation in time.

Video instruction