Installation of a sewer pipe in the sewer. Proper installation of a fan sewer in a private house

At independent device sewer system in an individual house, not all owners are well aware of how to properly install it. The sewerage system is an integral part modern houses. One of the essential elements of such a system for its proper functioning is a sewer pipe. Many owners of private households do not fully understand its purpose and proper application when constructing a sewer system.

What it is

fan pipe- this is a part of the pipeline of the sewer system, connecting it directly to the atmosphere and excluding the emptying of the water seals of plumbing fixtures from a possible vacuum when draining the waste water.

In turn, a specially curved sewer pipe at the outlet of a plumbing fixture is called a water seal. It, naturally, is partially filled with water, which acts as a water plug to prevent unpleasant air from entering the sewer pipes directly into the room. For example: the water seal at the toilet is made in the body, and a special product is screwed to the sink - a siphon.

Important! If there is no fan pipeline in the sewerage system, then at the moment a certain amount of water is drained, water plugs may disappear at nearby hydraulic seals and then not very pleasant sewer odors will freely seep into the living quarters through empty pipes.

The fan pipe is also called the ventilation of the sewer system. Its presence in the sewer allows you to solve two important problems at the same time:

  • During ventilation, harmful gases are removed from the sewage system;
  • Pipeline ventilation maintains atmospheric pressure in all sewerage elements, preventing air rarefaction from occurring when large volumes of water are drained at the same time.

Hence the conclusion: a fan pipe is an important attribute in the construction of a sewerage system in residential buildings.


The presence of fan risers in sewer system multi-apartment residential buildings is mandatory and regulated by current state documents and building codes. As a rule, sewer ventilation risers are made straight, due to the fact that the processes occurring there are gravity-flowing, and not forced, and it is necessary to minimize the number of outlets and various constrictions for the most free passage of air flows.

Sewer systems in individual houses do not have such volumes of wastewater as in multi-apartment residential buildings, therefore, the requirements for the installation of fan risers are less complex and allow significant deviations for the sake of practicality and minimization of construction costs.

The fan pipe is basically the upper continuation of the sewer riser, so it must end with an outlet to the roof of the building. A standard deflector must be mounted at the end of the pipe, so that the distance from the surface of the roof ridge is 30 centimeters higher. It is not recommended to draw sewer ventilation to the facade of the building.

Important! Do not install the outlet of the sewer riser in the attic of the building or near windows and near balconies.

For the installation of a fan riser, pipelines made of any materials can be used. So, plastic, cast-iron or steel pipes must meet only one condition - be corrosion-resistant, since many aggressive substances will be present in the sewer gases.


There are no special requirements for calculating the diameter of the fan pipes, so for multi-apartment residential buildings it should be equal to the diameter of the sewer riser itself. But for individual construction, it is allowed to use pipes with half the diameter compared to the main riser, so only air will pass through the fan part of the pipeline, and it has several times less density than the drained water in the lower part of the sewer network.

A 50 mm fan pipe is well suited for sewerage of an individual private house

Basically, during the construction of an individual residential building to calculate a separate sewer branch, which includes a sink with a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, a drain tank with a hole of 70 mm, a main pipe from the toilet bowl of 100 mm and a common riser, also 100 mm, use a fan pipe with a diameter of only 50 mm. Practice shows that this diameter is quite enough to maintain constant pressure and ensure constant ventilation of the sewer system.

Do I need a fan pipe in a two-story house

Guided by building codes, it is allowed to exclude from the execution scheme during the construction of the sewerage system of the fan pipeline in individual houses. This conclusion is based on the fact that in small households large volumes of drained water cannot be formed at the same time.

The installation of a sewer pipe for a sewer network in low-rise construction will not always be superfluous, therefore it is recommended that at the stage of construction of a new building, sewerage be carried out according to the traditional scheme with all functional elements. Although there are a number of clear criteria under which the installation of a fan pipeline is necessary condition for the proper functioning of the sewage system, namely:

  • There are two residential compartments in the house, each having its own sewage system, which is combined into a common network;
  • The house has more than two floors, equipped with common risers;
  • There is a horizontal sewer distribution with connected three or more plumbing fixtures;
  • The presence in the house of sewer risers made of pipes with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • The presence of a pool or similar structure that allows large simultaneous discharges of water into the sewer system;
  • In the presence of individual sewer septic tanks located on the site directly next to the house.

In any case, when, during a one-time discharge of water, a situation may arise in which the cross section of the sewer pipe will be completely filled and it will be possible to create a vacuum in the above water seals, then the installation of a vent pipe becomes a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the sewer system at home.

If the residential building is equipped with a small number of plumbing fixtures and mostly with a small diameter sewer pipes, then the use of a fan pipe is not necessary, since it will not have a significant impact on the operation of the entire sewage system, but will only require the cost of extra funds.

Tip: In case of one-story construction, the installation of fan pipes is not advisable.

How to check

When buying an existing country house or a cottage, you can easily check and make sure that there is a fan pipe in the sewer system. So, if you abruptly flush the water from the toilet, then as a result of this, it should not disappear from the above-located hydraulic locks of plumbing fixtures. But the characteristic appearance of squelching sounds in the siphons of sinks and the bathroom leads to the conclusion that not everything is in order with the sewage system in the house and this can lead to the appearance of unpleasant odors in the rooms in the future.

To check for the presence of a vent pipe in the sewerage system of the house, you need to flush the toilet


The requirements for the installation technology of fan pipelines are the same as for other sewer pipes. So you can list the basic conditions for installation:

  • Sections of pipelines laid horizontally must have minimum slope at 0.02% towards sewer stacks;
  • Several sewer risers can be combined with one fan pipe;
  • It is possible to change the direction of the fan pipeline after the last water seal and only above the level along the riser;
  • When combining three or more pipelines, it is necessary to connect with angles of 45 and 135 degrees, respectively;
  • With an operated roof or a habitable attic, the installation of a fan deflector is carried out at a height of 30 cm closer to the roof ridge;
  • The exit of the fan pipe is allowed no closer than four meters horizontally from balconies or attic windows.

Installation diagram with roof outlet

Important! Any combination of pipelines of fan pipes, ventilation systems and chimneys is strictly prohibited.

Do I need to insulate and soundproof

Insulation of fan pipelines passing through residential premises, as well as sewer pipes, is not required at all. But in an unheated attic, it is worth making at least minimal thermal insulation of pipes, so that when severe frosts ice did not freeze inside, since water vapor is much lighter than air, and they will tend to rise through the pipe, where they will freeze on cold walls.

Noise insulation of the fan pipe must be carried out only in the case of its open passage through the living quarters. If this cannot be avoided, then the insulation work is quite simple and is carried out in the same way as for all sewer pipelines equally easily. The only thing that complicates the process is the variety of acoustic processes in pipes directly dependent on the materials from which the pipelines are made.

So, the soundproofing properties of cast iron pipes are much better than those of their plastic counterparts. This is due primarily to the properties of the granular structure of cast iron and the greater wall thickness, therefore, such pipes, as a rule, do not require additional noise insulation.

The sound processes that take place in plastic pipes can be divided into four main components:

  • Impact character, when water and feces in the fall repeatedly hit the walls of the riser;
  • Atmospheric character - this is the penetration of wind noise and precipitation through the outer part of the pipeline;
  • Resonant nature from the presence of extraneous noise in the pipes, due to the interaction of the sewer pipeline with the building structures;
  • Vibrating nature, arising in the presence of contact with any operating equipment.

The main part of the work on soundproofing should be carried out at the design stage of a residential building, so that all sewer risers do not pass through residential premises and are installed exclusively in special boxes or sewer shafts, which themselves are shielding devices and prevent the spread of noise.

If, nevertheless, the fan pipeline is located in a residential area in open form, then its sound insulation can be easily made by wrapping the pipe with strips of inexpensively foamed polyethylene in two or three layers.

Vacuum valve or fan pipe

A vacuum valve is a special device that performs the same main function as a fan pipe, namely, it prevents the occurrence of vacuum in the sewer system, thereby eliminating the emptying of water seals in plumbing fixtures and makes it impossible for unpleasant odors to enter from the sewer.

For individual houses the vacuum valve is an alternative and a complete replacement for the fan pipe. It is much simpler to install and easily cuts into any existing sewer pipeline, while it does not require a complex outlet to the outside and is much cheaper in terms of capital costs when buying and installing.

Important! Do not confuse the two different types valves for sewerage - this is a vacuum valve and a check valve. They differ both in execution and in the functional purpose that they perform in the sewerage system.

The vacuum valve is designed as a fully automatic device that starts to work at the slightest occurrence of vacuum in the sewer pipe when the water is drained. The sensitive element of the valve is made in the form of a special membrane made of rubber or silicone.

It works due to the difference in pressure inside and outside the pipe, opening when a vacuum occurs when water is drained, thereby ensuring the flow of missing air into the sewer network. Under the action of internal forces, the membrane immediately returns to its place with full pressure equalization, preventing the penetration of air from the sewer pipe.

The only disadvantages of a vacuum valve are:

  • The occurrence (gluing) of the membrane to the installation site (socket) with a very long inactivity,
  • Deformation of the shape of the membrane over time due to the drying of low-quality rubber or from prolonged and frequent operation.

Both of these shortcomings of the vacuum valve are not so critical and can easily compensate for the inexpensive cost of buying a new device and the ease of reinstalling it.

How to arrange a sewer network in your home, everyone decides for himself. After all, there is no unequivocal answer to the question: a vacuum valve or a fan pipe, or simply you should not complicate the sewerage scheme with unnecessary elements. Here you are advised by this article, common sense, technical calculation and your life experience.

Not everyone knows why the sewer system needs access to the roof. In fact, the fan riser is an important part of this system and with insufficient attention to its installation, the result can be unpleasant. The article discusses in detail what a sewer riser is in a private house without access to the roof or brought out through the roof (which is done more often) and why it is needed. Having understood this issue, it will be possible to choose the most high-quality and reliable option for installation.


What it is

When they build private house, it is necessary to bring various communications to it. One of them is sewerage. At first glance, you might think that it is enough for her to equip only a sewer drain. Actually this is not enough.

In order to explain the purpose of the fan riser, you need to remember how the toilet is drained in more detail. After the sewage merges, a certain amount of water then gets there. Part of it remains in the toilet. It is actually a water seal, the role of which, in particular, is to prevent the unpleasant smell from drains from entering the living quarters. It is important to understand that this protective layer water is inside the toilet bowl.

If several such plumbing fixtures are installed in the house, then in each of them, which is not currently in use, there is such a water seal.

When a drain occurs in one of the toilet bowls, then for a short period of time immediately after the outflow of sewage and drained water, the pressure here decreases. Since all the others are connected to this pipe, the water seals are broken in them and an unpleasant smell penetrates into the premises.


It is important to note that this situation exists not only in relation to toilets, but to all drains that are connected to the sewer. For example, we can talk about a water seal in the bathroom or in the sink, if they are connected in this way.

This situation could have been avoided if the pipe had an additional outlet through which air could freely enter it. In this case, low pressure at the drain point would not arise and the water seals would not be broken anywhere.

Odors from the sewer could also come out through a similar pipe. A fan riser is a pipe that performs the indicated functions, which is connected to the sewer system of the house and brought out of it.

How necessary. In fact, the system under consideration is actively used in apartment buildings. In the sewer system, the flow from the apartments goes into a vertical pipe.


Its lower end is connected to the drain system, and the upper end is brought to the roof and actually performs the function of a fan riser.

Technical requirements

There is no regulation for the outlet pipe that defines the diameter. Usually, for this purpose, a pipe similar to a sewer is used in apartment buildings.

Suppose, in a private house, a pipe with a diameter of 5 cm is used for draining from a sink, a hole drain tank is 7 cm, the pipe from the toilet is 10 cm. In this case, a roof drain pipe with a diameter of 10 cm can be used for the fan riser.

Practice confirms that such a pipe is sufficient to ensure constant pressure in the drainage system and to carry out ventilation in it. If we are talking about a one-story private house in which only one toilet is installed, then here you can do without installing a fan riser.


This is due to the fact that the drain in this case will not be able to create a sufficiently strong decrease in pressure so that unpleasant consequences can be felt.

However, in some cases, fan risers on the roof are necessary:

    If the house has at least two apartments with fully equipped sewerage systems, provided that they connected to a common net.

    A sewer outlet to the roof for ventilation of the riser is required in a house where there is more than two floors.

    If equipped horizontal sewerage provided it is connected three or more number of plumbing fixtures.


It is also necessary to provide:

    Although usually risers sewers have diameter 10 cm, however, sometimes there are situations when pipe diameter 5 cm. Then the outlet of the vent pipe to the roof is compulsory.

    If the house has swimming pool, discharging water into sewer system, the use of the considered construction is also necessary. This is due to the fact that in such a situation it is possible to reset a large number water.

    Fan riser, access to the roof is needed in cases where stock happening in private septic tanks located Near home.

    If the house one-story, but bathroom And toilet are located at different levels, and the runoff occurs in one pipe.

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When installing the riser, it is important to pay attention to some points:

    No need underestimate diameter outlet pipe. If it is too narrow, then its thickness may not be enough for quality work. Pipe diameter 100 mm is most suitable for this purpose.

    Horizontal part of the sewer system should not be located on same level. In this case, there is a risk of water or air traffic jams. It is recommended that the pipe be installed with a weak bias. It is generally considered sufficient to use a slope of two centimeters per meter of length for this.

    Sometimes when installing the system do riser outlet not on the roof, but on attic. do it categorically Not recommended. From exposure to the outgoing air layer thermal insulation roofs may become damp. Another consequence could be decay rafters.

    When installing a pipe on a roof, it is sometimes installed on its hole deflector. He will protect from hits rainfall and random debris. Additionally, its influence in windy weather will be expressed in increased thrust. But there is another opinion. It is believed that this or another additional device installed above the pipe opening contributes to the formation condensate, which in winter frosty weather will lead to icing pipes from the inside. As a result, it will be partially clogged and may cease to perform their functions.


When carrying out installation, you need to consider:

    The pipe of the fan riser is not recommended shift away from vertical sewer runoff. If for some reason this is difficult to do, then transitional connection is best done with corrugated pipes.

    It is believed that height pipes above the roof should be 50 cm. Roof outlet is recommended to be located on distance at least 4 meters from balconies or windows.

    The reliability of the system will be higher if you install back valve. It's set in where it happens stock into a common sewer. Its action is that drains from the apartment or house outside pass free, and in reverse direction gases And liquids do not penetrate at all.

Video description

A video with a detailed story about what a fan pipe is, how it works, how to make it, how to prevent sewer smells and avoid mistakes:

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Is it necessary to bring to the roof

Sometimes in apartment buildings, residents of the upper floor independently dismantle the riser pipe leading up.


The motivation for such a decision is insufficient knowledge of the principles of sewerage operation and the idea of ​​a fan riser as something superfluous and unnecessary. Shortly thereafter, a persistent smell from the sewer pipe appears on the upper floors.

It is possible to improve the situation. In this case, there is no need to install fan pipes on the roof. It is enough to attach a special valve to it. It will not release air to the outside, but when a zone is formed low pressure let in air, which will prevent the violation of water seals.

Such a riser does not need to be brought to the roof. The valve must be installed at the top of the sewer pipe system. Although this is convenient (there is no need to equip a pipe passing through the roof), but such a device does not have high reliability.

Vacuum valve for installation at the top of sewer pipes Source

For the installation of a fan riser, it is worth paying attention to the following:

    When removing the pipe to the roof, you need close the hole with a grate. This is necessary for protection from birds.

    Sometimes during the operation of this system it is heard quiet unpleasant noise. To get rid of it, you need to wrap pipe soundproof coated.

    It's not always possible withdraw on the roof fan pipe from each sewer system. In this case, you can provide for one pipe per several risers.


Installation of a fan riser

For this, plastic or cast iron pipes. There are several options for their laying. It can be straight, oblique or with a horizontal section. The first of these options is considered the most effective, but it can not be implemented in all cases. Less suitable is the location of the fan pipe at an angle.

Fan riser laying options, pipe material and outlets vary Source

If it is not possible to carry out the installation by the previous methods, then you will have to use the installation, where a horizontal section of the pipe will be used. It is laid within the attic from the point where it will be possible to install a vertical pipe.

The exit of the fan pipe to the roof is carried out in one of the following ways:

    It can be done in the form roof pipes.

    Sometimes it is done through beveled wall roofs.

    Sometimes it happens that the outlet is located inside the attic premises.

The last option is of lower quality. At the same time, moisture escapes through the pipe, which can lead to condensation and rotting of the roof. In addition, odors inherent in sewerage spread through the pipe. When it is located on the roof, such impact is minimized.

The second option is considered vulnerable to icing.


In the attic, you can equip an exit from the riser only if you install a special valve there, which can only let air in, but not out.

Video description

The story of the fan riser for ventilation of the septic tank, see the following video:


The use of fan risers is mandatory, except in a one-story single-family private house. If this is not taken care of, unpleasant odors will constantly appear in the apartment. A properly selected system for installing a fan riser will finally solve this problem.

Before talking about fan pipes, you need to find out if a fan pipe is needed in a private house. The purpose of the fan pipes is easy to explain - they are needed to connect the sewer to the atmosphere, which ensures ventilation of the system. In addition, the drain pipe equalizes the pressure in the sewer pipeline, so the resulting rarefaction does not lead to the emptying of the siphons.

The need to install fan pipes directly depends on the volume of simultaneous discharge into the sewer - if it is large enough, then the pipe is definitely needed. However, this point will be discussed further. In this article, we will talk about why a fan pipe is needed in the sewerage of a private house.

Fan pipe functions

Air is always present in any sewer pipeline, but when drained, it begins to escape into the atmosphere and draws water from the water seals. The absence of a water seal always causes a characteristic sewer smell to enter the room.

A fan pipe in a private house simultaneously serves three purposes:

  • Gas withdrawal from the pipes of the sewer system;
  • Maintaining the required pressure in the pipes, which allows you to simultaneously drain a large number of drains without the risk of introducing an unpleasant odor into the house;
  • Forms the necessary vacuum in the sewer.

Install the exhaust pipe without fail required if the following conditions are met:

  • The diameter of the sewer riser is less than 50 mm;
  • Each floor has a separate bathroom connected to a single sewer system;
  • Water from the connected pool is drained into the sewer;
  • Right next to the building there is an autonomous sewer system (for example, a cleaning septic tank).

Installation of sewer pipes

When installing a fan pipe in a private house, you need to ensure that the following rules are observed:

  • The diameter of the fan pipe must always match the dimensions of the riser;
  • The fan pipe and ventilation from sewer pipes are brought to the roof so that it is located at the maximum distance from windows and balconies;
  • It is best to place the fan pipe at a distance of 30-50 cm from the ridge - as practice shows, this height is enough for the normal removal of air from the system;
  • Fan pipes are installed to compensate for one-time drains, so their value must be known exactly before the system is put into operation;
  • For the bathroom, a 110 mm riser is used, so the pipe diameter cannot be less than 110 mm;
  • Bathroom drains typically use 50mm pipes and the drain pipe should have the same capacity.

Fan pipe installation rules

When arranging a system with a vent pipe connection, the following rules must be observed:

  • When choosing material for a fan pipe, you need to ensure that the diameter of the selected pipes matches the diameter of the riser;
  • The upper edge of the vent pipe should be at a point where the released air will most quickly mix with the atmosphere (for example, an attic space is not suitable for this);
  • The first segments of the sewer system must be located in the heated part of the room;
  • The last section of the pipeline is installed where there is no heating - the movement of polluted air masses is provided due to temperature changes and pressure changes.

There is one more point that should be considered separately, since it is not directly related to the fan pipes, but is directly related to the work of the sewer. When installing various plumbing fixtures, the following situation arises - the volume of siphons does not correspond to the characteristics of plumbing.

All this leads to a simple result: in small siphons, the water dries out too quickly, and nothing prevents the smell from getting into the room, and draining from large siphons is impractical, and the fan pipes will most likely simply not be able to compensate for it.

Conclusion of ventilation pipes to the roof

The sewer system is used to divert wastewater outside the building. In order for the sewage system to fully function, it must be equipped with ventilation - and for this, risers with fan pipes are installed. Important point: outdoor sewerage pipes must not be equipped with various exhaust devices, like deflectors or weathervanes.

If there are several risers in the building, it will be much easier to combine them into one system and bring them out through one ventilation duct ending in a fan pipe. The design provides for the sequential installation of a skew tee, a 45-degree elbow, another elbow and a straight tee. Well, then the ventilation pipe is brought to the roof, where it belongs.

There are a few simple rules for bringing the fan pipe to the roof:

  1. The fan pipe is installed about half a meter above the roof ridge - but this is only relevant for unused roofs. On the roof, where there is a summer terrace or garden, the fan pipe will have to be raised three meters above the roof level.
  2. A sewer system that includes more than one riser is usually combined through a single ventilation pipe.
  3. When calculating the place for the outlet of the fan pipe to the atmosphere, it is necessary to select it in such a way that the distance from the nearest windows is at least 4 m.
  4. It is highly undesirable to bring the fan pipeline under the roof eaves - the structure is very likely to be damaged by precipitation. See also: "".

Installation of a check valve in a private house

In order for the fan pipeline to function efficiently, it must be additionally equipped with a check valve, which allows solving a number of problems:

  • Compensation for errors made during the installation of the sewer in determining the slope of the pipeline, due to which the wastewater discharged into the system can return to plumbing fixtures;
  • Prevention of entry into the sewer pipeline of various foreign objects, rodents and other animals.

The operation of the check valve is reduced to the following points:

  • Wastewater discharged from plumbing fixtures easily enters the system through the automatically opening valve cover;
  • The rest of the time, when wastewater is not discharged into the system, the valve is closed;
  • An increase in pressure in the pipeline or its clogging will not cause effluents to enter the room - into reverse side valve does not open.

The non-return valve can be mounted on the external and on the internal part of the sewer system. Before installing the valve in the system, you must first clean and degrease the pipes so that the element fits well into place.

When the preparation is completed, the valve is launched into the system with the right side, and its petals are bent towards the plumbing fixtures. When preparing pipes for valve installation, do not use different kinds lubricants - the structure must be dried at the time of installation.


A fan pipe in a private house allows you to solve a number of problems associated with the operation of the sewer system. Installation of a fan pipe and a non-return valve is not particularly difficult, and if the sewer was equipped with your own hands, then these elements can be installed independently.

The vent pipe is an element that connects the sewer to the atmosphere. It is used to prevent the occurrence of rarefaction above the falling sewage. As a result, you can see how the water leaves the toilets, as well as sinks with a squelching sound. If the building has one floor, plastic or cast iron pipes are not used when installing sewer systems for the reason that the one-time volume of wastewater is not so large.

Pipe diameters

A toilet pipe is used when a certain moment a one-time drain completely covers the pipe section. If we are talking about a private house, this maximum possible value is reached at the moment when the water leaves the bath or toilet. In the latter case, a pipe with a diameter of 110 millimeters is always used, since the diameter of the hole for lowering the drain tank is 70 millimeters and does not exceed 110 millimeters. Thus, the flow of water from the toilet is not able to block the riser with a diameter of 110 millimeters. The sewer that goes to the bathroom, as a rule, has a diameter of 50 millimeters. This element goes into the riser. The diameter of the latter is 110 millimeters. One-time drains of other devices are so small that they do not significantly affect the situation. If the house has several bathrooms, and they are used at the same time, then the picture can change significantly, while the dimensions of the gas risers will be different.

The need to use a drain pipe

The vent pipe for the toilet bowl acts as an indispensable element of ventilation in some cases. This applies to homes that have more than two residential levels, each of which has water supply and sewerage. This is also true for buildings in which sewer risers have a diameter of 50 millimeters.

Individual cases

This element is used when the house has a swimming pool or other equipment that releases significant one-time drains into the sewer system. The last case is expressed in autonomous sewers located directly next to the house. After the master has determined for himself what a fan pipe is, when installing it, you must follow some rules.

When a drain pipe is installed, regardless of the material on which it is based, the diameter must be greater than or equivalent to the diameter of the riser, and the presence of a narrowing on which the pipe is installed is unacceptable. This element for the toilet should end in the area from where the unpleasant odor can be removed into the atmosphere, most often it is about 50 centimeters from the roof ridge.

Installation of fan pipes

A sewer pipe for sewerage is usually made using pipes of the appropriate diameter. They are represented by a continuation of the risers and end with an entry into a channel designed for sewer ventilation. In some cases, these elements are displayed horizontally through the wall. This is true in cases where the ventilation ducts are not enough in the house. A sewer pipe for sewerage allows you to solve the problem of foreign smell in the bathroom, as well as the problem of the normal functioning of the sewerage system and good ventilation. This may be due to the insufficient dimensions of the siphons of sanitary appliances, as well as the fact that they form an unnecessarily small water seal. If the drain or fixture of the shower cabin has not been used for several days, this may cause the water seal to dry out and sewer air to enter. At the same time, the installation of a fan pipe solves the issue of the need for air exhaustion, as well as ventilation of the sewer. When air rises into the atmosphere through the riser, a slight vacuum occurs, which prevents air from entering the bathroom, from which it can exit into the atmosphere. According to the norms, the installation of the pipe must be carried out in a warm room, which helps in solving this issue and insulating the pipe. If the fan pipe freezes, then the fumes are not dispelled as efficiently. This leads to the fact that during 1 year of operation it is covered with plaque. In order to prevent the return of sewage to the house from the sewer, the fan pipe must be equipped with a check valve. It has a cover and is installed in the outlet pipe after the toilet is installed.

Initially, when replacing pipes, it is necessary to dismantle the sewer system by removing cast iron products, as well as replacing them with plastic ones. These works are carried out by disconnecting the riser and further connecting the elements. If you are installing a fan pipe in a private house, then before dismantling it is necessary to consult a specialist whether this work to replace sewer elements from cast iron to plastic will cause a decrease in standard strength. The fan element must be installed from the lower stiffness point, which is located in the main riser. If we are talking about a private house, the installation should start from the foundation. When working with supporting structures, it is necessary to make holes and mount the pipe, fixing it with special clamps, which can be purchased at the store. After the plumbing is in its final place, a fan outlet should be brought to the toilet.

Features of the installation

If you are replacing a fan pipe, then when using a flexible element, the master may experience some difficulties when connecting to steel pipes. In this case, the sealing rings must be lubricated in advance. liquid soap, which makes it easier for the element to occur. It is most preferable to use silicone for these manipulations, which will allow sealing the joints and does not require the application of a large amount of effort. When installing the pipe, it is necessary to use only steel clamps, which guarantee the reliability of the entire structure, as well as eliminate deviations from the marking line that occur during assembly. The stud on the steel clamp has a screw structure, which guarantees precise adjustment of the connected elements. The fan pipe in the house must be soundproofed, for which you can use mounting foam or mineral plate. The first option is easier to use, but it will not allow you to install the structure back if necessary, which does not act as a critical moment for a simple system.

Replacing a vent pipe

The fan pipe, the diameter of which was mentioned above, may suggest the need for repairs. In this case, the parameters of the pipe on which the installation is carried out must be greater or equal. The end of the element must be positioned in such a way as to ensure the removal of an unpleasant odor with the help of wind. The pipe must be laid first in a warm room, and then in a cold zone, since the temperature difference will create the necessary pressure drops that are necessary for the normal functioning of the system. The vacuum pipe can be repaired by attaching to one riser, while vacuum valves, which are rubber seals with springs, can be installed on the remaining risers. A functioning system will create a vacuum in the valve, eventually it will open, sucking air into itself. After the pressure is equalized, the valve will be closed and thereby prevent the release of an unpleasant odor.


Before starting work, the master must know what the fan pipe is for, as well as how it is installed. It is important not only to install this element, but also to replace the existing cast-iron pipes with plastic ones, which have more impressive smoothness from the inside, excluding deposits of sewage on the inner surface. After all, this can lead to blockages, which is very undesirable and will require the need for additional cleaning, which sometimes must be carried out with the help of specialists and for a fee. That is why it is important to use modern materials.

A vent pipe is a sewer component, without which it is impossible to equip a bathroom. It is designed to communicate the sewer riser with the atmosphere, prevents the formation of wastewater and the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the bathroom.

The toilet drain pipe installed in the toilet prevents underpressure in the sewer system and ensures uninterrupted operation of water locks. In our material, we will understand what kind of fan pipes are, and also talk about the rules for their installation.

Fan pipes are classified according to the structural material used in the manufacture of products.

The classification divides the fan pipes into 2 types:

  • metal;
  • plastic.

The metal (cast iron) version can be installed in a sewer system made of a similar material. Plastic products can be installed in both plastic and cast iron pipelines.

When installing a plastic element, a flexible sewer pipe, a monolithic elbow or a compact adapter is obtained. Cast iron products do not have flexibility and do not differ in a variety of shapes.

What is a fan pipe used for?

According to the building codes in force today, the process of constructing a sewerage system one-story house can be performed without a fan pipe. This is due to the small number of one-time drains.

If the building consists of two or more floors or the housing is equipped with several bathrooms, then a fan pipe is required to ensure stable pressure in the sewer system. This element connects the riser to the atmosphere, maintaining a stable atmospheric pressure even in the event of a volumetric release of water from the toilet tank, which provokes a vacuum in the outlet line.

According to accepted building codes, in a one-story building with one bathroom, there is a minimum amount of drains, so installing a vent pipe in the bathroom is optional.

If several toilet rooms are equipped in the living room, then the situation changes dramatically and a vent pipe installed on the toilet is a vital necessity.

This rule applies in the following cases:

  • the house has 2 or more levels, which are equipped with a sewer system and water supply;
  • cross-sectional diameter of the sewer riser - 50 mm;
  • inside the building there is a swimming pool or water equipment, which lowers a significant amount of wastewater into the sewer;
  • The septic tank is located close to the house, which can cause a rather unpleasant odor.

In the above cases, vacuum without a vent pipe can lead to the rapid emptying of the siphons under the toilet or sink, which will ensure direct contact of the "atmosphere" of the septic tank with the microclimate of the room.

Thus, the installation of a fan product in the sewer system ensures a stable pressure in the outlet pipeline and preserves the integrity of the water drains in the siphons under special drain holes that cut off the unpleasant aroma of septic tanks from the home microclimate.

The construction of a sewerage and ventilation system with fan pipes is rational in the following cases:

  • when installing a sewer riser in a private house with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • if the house has two or more floors, each of which has bathrooms;
  • a private house is equipped with plumbing equipment, for example, a pool that generates powerful water flows;
  • an autonomous sewerage system is located next to the residential building.

Toilets with direct (vertical) outlet to the floor are mounted using special spare parts. The sewer interchange is usually located under the floors, and the pipes do not require walls and partitions.

Plumbing installation with horizontal outlet

Connecting toilet models with a direct (horizontal to the floor) outlet is relevant for the conditions in our country. This is due to the fact that the bathroom is tied to a specific wall of the toilet room due to the specific layout of the sewer pipes in typical houses Russia.

Since the release in these models is directed backwards, it is located in the back of the product. The outlet pipe is attached to the pipe using a sealing cuff.

During installation, special attention should be paid to fixing the plumbing equipment to the floor of the bathroom. The legs of the bowl of sanitary ware with a horizontal outlet have specially made holes designed to securely fix the toilet bowl to the floor.

Connecting plumbing fixtures with direct outlet ends with an installation process during which screws and dowels are used. Fastening must be carried out carefully, since in the case of a strong “pulling out” of the screw, the integrity of the surface of the sanitary ware can be damaged.

Installation of plumbing equipment with an oblique outlet

The process of installing and connecting plumbing equipment with an oblique outlet is carried out in stages:

  1. Before connecting plumbing to the sewer system, the outlet of the device with grooves located inside should be lubricated with a mixture of red lead and drying oil (or sealant).
  2. From above it is necessary to carefully wind the resin strand. The tip of the 0.5 cm long process must remain free, since the ends of the strand can fall into the hole and cause clogging.
  3. The wrapped resin strand is lubricated with red lead.

Then the toilet bowl is installed, during which the outlet process is fixed in the socket of the sewer pipe.