Shower from improvised means. How to make a shower cabin for a summer residence with your own hands? We equip the sewer system

An outdoor shower is one of the most significant buildings on a suburban area. How to equip a shower in the country with your own hands, having built a reliable and durable structure with a minimum of financial investment? Guided by the advice of the master, you can easily cope with the task.

In the hot months, the presence of a summer shower is one of the conditions for a comfortable stay in a suburban area. The shower gives you the opportunity to freshen up after a hard day, removing the accumulated fatigue and energizing for new things.

Summer shower of a simple layout at their summer cottage

There is nothing complicated in building a shower in the country with your own hands. You just need to sketch a drawing and decide on the size of the future structure, prepare necessary materials and take some free time.

Outdoor shower design

There are many options for arranging a summer shower. This can be a simple construction from wooden frame with a small tank on the roof and a curtain to keep out the wind and prying eyes. Or a full-fledged cabin with strong walls and a roof that can withstand a heavy barrel filled with water.

Summer shower design options

But anyway Summer shower should be comfortable and spacious. Thinking over the dimensions of the future shower stall, keep in mind that it is necessary to provide a place protected from water splashes for storing bath accessories and hanging clothes. This will require from 40 to 60 cm of floor space.
According to the experience of the masters who have already built a shower in the country with their own hands, for a comfortable adoption of water procedures, there is a sufficient room with a size of 160x100 cm or 190x140 cm and a height of 2.5-5 meters.

Tip: A small drawing or a simple drawing will help you correctly calculate the required amount of building materials, preventing unnecessary costs.

Site selection

The design of the summer shower assumes that the water will be heated from solar heat. Therefore, it is better to allocate a well-lit area for the installation of a shower cabin, where the sun's rays will actively warm up the water tank throughout the daylight hours.

The best place to build a shower is a sunny place.

When choosing a place, it is worth considering the convenience of water supply, ensuring, if possible, automatic filling of the tank.
It would be wise to take care in advance about the flow of water by placing the structure on a natural elevation, or by making a small embankment for this so that after washing it enters the septic tank or sump.

Foundation preparation

When building a lightweight frame structure, laying the foundation is not at all necessary, but when building a stationary summer shower, this stage of work cannot be bypassed.
To carry out the work you will need:

  • Roulette and level;
  • Pegs and lace;
  • Bayonet shovel;
  • garden drill;
  • Pieces of roofing material;
  • Metal grid;
  • Crushed stone and sand;
  • cement mortar.

Preparing the base for the summer shower

The dimensions of the foundation depend on the building materials from which the building will be built. For the construction of a shower of cinder block or brick for the arrangement of a slab foundation, it will be necessary to dig a pit about 15 cm deep.
The work is carried out in several stages. Having decided on the place for arranging the summer shower, they prepare the site:

  1. With the help of a tape measure, pegs and a cord, a site of the required size is marked out.
  2. In the designated area, a layer of turf is removed with a depth of 15 cm.
  3. Level the base of the pit.
  4. The bottom of the pit is lined with a "cushion" of sand and poured with mortar, creating a flat surface.

Tip: If you plan to use a wooden or metal carcass, before pouring the base, it is necessary to prepare a place for racks by installing sticks of the desired diameter vertically wrapped with roofing material.

Foundation laying

When performing a floor screed, it is better to use a level and guides, because only a horizontal surface can become a reliable basis for the entire structure. At this stage of construction, it is also worth taking care of arranging the drain, in parallel with the concrete tie, by completing a gutter reinforced with a metal mesh.

The foundation for the construction of a capital summer shower

Using a columnar or pile foundation for a frame summer shower, you do not have to dig a pit. It is enough to make holes about 1 meter deep using a garden drill at the place of installation of the support pillars.
It is necessary to insert metal racks into them, the height of which is 1.2 m, and D = 90 mm, so that the racks rise above the ground by 20 cm. cement mortar, diluted with crushed stone and sand in a ratio of 1: 5: 3 and wait until it acquires the necessary strength.

Important: To prolong the service life metal poles, the ends buried in the ground must be pre-treated with used engine oil.

Drain arrangement

A septic tank for a summer shower is best placed not under the shower cabin, but at a short distance from it. This will prevent it from being flooded with large volumes of water, thereby preventing the destruction of the foundation and soil.

For its arrangement, they dig a hole about 2 meters deep, decorating the walls with brick or cinder block masonry. Some craftsmen use car tires for this purpose, laying them on top of each other in the form of a well. A chute is brought to the finished septic tank to drain the water and covered with a shield knocked down from wooden boards.

Option for arranging a drain for a summer shower

It is better to arrange the walls of the gutter for water drainage with a waterproof material: roofing material, hydrostekloizol or ordinary PVC film. It is placed under a slope so that the drain is directed towards the drainage tank.
A metal or enamel tray is installed in the shower stall itself, which can be purchased at any specialized store without much hassle. From it, water will flow directly into the gutter.

Tip: You can partially solve the issue of soil drainage by planting moisture-loving perennials near the shower stall, such as a bathing suit, buzulnik, hazel grouse, iris, loosestrife.

Frame erection

A summer shower made of beams or boards is one of the most popular options for a building that is needed in the household. For the construction of the structure, it is better to use conifers, the main advantage of which is:

  • high density;
  • moisture resistance;
  • High resin content;
  • Ability to withstand heavy loads.

Beam shower frame

For the construction of the frame, bars of 100x100 mm are used. First, the lower frame is assembled, fixing it by bolting to the support posts or screw piles. When mounting, it is better to use long bolts with full coincidence of the axes.

Having installed vertically wooden supports, perform the upper trim. To give the structure additional stability, the side frames are fixed with spacers.
Planed coniferous wood is excellent as a sheathing. She has a presentable appearance and harmoniously blends into the surrounding landscape.

Important: To extend the life of wood, it is desirable to treat it with an antiseptic and water-repellent composition, or simply coat it with 1-2 layers of varnish for outdoor use.

Building the walls of a wooden summer shower

Special seals will help to ensure a snug fit of the door. The door to the booth also needs to be painted or proliferated.
For interior decoration booths can be used plastic panels, oilcloth or linoleum. Photo from interesting options designs can be viewed online.

Barrel installation

When choosing a barrel of the required volume, they are usually guided by the formula that up to 40 liters of water is enough for one person. To equip a summer shower for a family of three or four, it is enough to install a 200-liter barrel. If you choose between a plastic and metal container, then it is worth noting that plastic is lighter in weight, but metal (painted in dark color) heats up faster.

Different schemes for supplying water with natural heating

A little trick: To ensure faster heating of water, the outer surface of the roof under the barrel can be lined with reflective material such as galvanizing or foil.
The container is laid on the roof and fixed with straps. It remains only to choose the desired scheme for supplying water to the cabin:

  • cut two holes for filling with water and connecting a faucet with a diffuser, fill the container and enjoy water treatments.
  • the pedal scheme is similar to the first one, but water is supplied using a pedal and not a valve, as in the first case.

The second option is more complex, but at the same time very economical. water enters the shower dosed and at the right time, which is very convenient. Both options with natural water heating. It is also possible to connect electric water heating. The presence of an electric heater in a barrel entails the rejection of a barrel made of simple plastic (it is better to use metal) and the inclusion of another container for supplying cold water in the circuit.

Scheme for arranging a tank for a summer shower

Cold water will save a lot of electricity, because washing only with heated water is not very practical and convenient, because there is no way to adjust the temperature of the water supply. You will also need a mixer or some kind of circuit with two taps and the need for electricity supply. Although electricity is desirable anyway, it is necessary to light the shower.

Building a shower in the country: video

Naturally heated shower: video

Summer shower in the country: photo

It is hot and stuffy in summer, so the most valuable source that will help give you strength and restore vigor is water.An outdoor shower can be arranged independently, and there are several options for arranging an outdoor shower, which differ in design, principle of operation and, of course, installation costs.

The advantages of a summer shower are that it does not require any costs. So, in the simplest shower, the water is heated by the sun. If you are on the wave of “unity with nature”, then the water in your summer shower must certainly be rain. Although, if there is a drought,you will need a device with which you will get your own water for the shower.

Making an outdoor shower

So, the most common way to equip a site with a summer shower is as follows.

A cabin is constructed separately from wood or plastic panels on a metal case, or maybe from brick. A water tank is installed on the roof of the cabin. Accordingly, as we said above, water can flow into the tank naturally and also heat up (rain and heat from the sun), or it can be pumped using a separate hose from the general water supply system at home.A watering can is carried out from the tank into the shower cabin. If you want the used water to leave the site, then during the construction phase of the cabin you will have to lay a drain through which the water will leave. To do this, it is just enough to build a floor at a slight slope or make a drain grate in it in the center. The outflow of water is simply necessary if the shower is used more than twice a day. If you rarely use an outdoor shower, then the outflow of water can be attributed to the natural process of absorption of moisture by the earth. The approximate cost of such a summer shower will be from two to six thousand rubles.

An even simpler option is an outdoor shower that works on the principle of a pump. This option is the most economical and convenient. Such a summer showereasy to carry, which is especially beneficial for summer residents. So, a shower that works on the principle of a pump is also called a car shower. Its entire structure is simple. It consists of a pump, two hoses and a watering can. One end of the hose is lowered into any container with water, be it a bucket, a canister, etc. The pump in such designs is foot-operated, so you will have both hands free to wash yourself wholeheartedly. At the end of the other hose is a watering can or a simple water dispenser through which water flows. Actually, this is the whole summer shower, which you can also build yourself. And if you have an automatic pump, then,perhaps such a shower will be even more profitable than a summer shower cabin. The cost of a finished summer shower of this type with a foot pump costs about 500-700 rubles. The model with automatic "drive" is equivalent toprice range from $40 to $120.

If we consider that an outdoor shower is not a full-fledged shower, but a means with which you can freshen up, wash off the main dirt, then from this point of view there are many more options for arranging a “pseudo shower”. But they are all built according to the same principle, in which the source of water is above your head.

Summer shower - photo

It is recommended to put a garden shower on a personal plot in the following cases:

  • the country house has no engineering networks. The lack of plumbing greatly complicates the arrangement of a stationary shower in the room;
  • the garden house is used only for short-term recreation in the summer. If you build a shower cabin in such a room, then there are big problems with preparing for its negative temperatures. It is necessary to completely remove water from the system, prevent freezing of pipelines, etc.;
  • in order to save energy. Water for a garden shower can only be heated by sunlight. If there is a desire to expand the functionality of the shower stall, then you can also connect electric heating, but use it only in adverse weather;
  • financial resources do not allow the construction of expensive capital bathrooms.

The presence of a garden shower significantly increases the comfort of relaxing in a suburban area, you can wash in it after working on the beds, etc. It is impossible to list everything in one article possible options arranging a garden shower, each owner can make his own changes depending on preferences, skills, terrain characteristics of the site and financial capabilities.

In order to make it easier for inexperienced builders to choose the best option for a garden shower, here is a table of the most commonly used designs with brief description their characteristics.

Design element nameTechnical description
frameIt can be made from wooden bars or rolled metal. The dimensions of the bars are approximately 50 × 50 mm, for the manufacture of side stops, slats with a size of at least 20 × 30 mm are used. It is better to make a metal frame from pipes of a square or rectangular profile with a size of at least 20 × 20 mm.
Sheathing of external surfacesAll lining options are suitable, including natural ones. Profiled metal sheets, cellular or monolithic polycarbonate are widely used. The cheapest options are plastic wrap or thick fabric.
Water drainageSome options may have special septic tanks, and most do not require storage. Several tens of liters of water are quite successfully absorbed into the soil, especially if it belongs to sandy or sandy loamy species in its composition.
Water tanksBoth metal and plastic containers are used. The best option– buy shower containers in specialized stores. The minimum volume of the container is 100 liters, the outer surfaces must be painted black.
Water heatingSunlight or combined with the use of electric heaters. A specific choice is recommended to be made taking into account the climatic zone of residence and the time of using the shower.

garden shower

The construction of the shower consists of several stages, their observance allows you to avoid many troubles.

Stages of building a garden shower

The following conditions for placing a garden shower will increase the comfort of its use, reduce the amount of construction work and increase the time of use. These conditions are considered universal and must be taken into account in the construction of any construction option.

  1. Location. The shower should be located in a well-lit area. garden plot, highly desirable on a hill. If the land is sandy or sandy, then this arrangement will allow you to do without a septic tank or a dirty water reservoir.
  2. The distance between the shower and the residential building should be minimal. It can be adjacent to outbuildings, a garage, etc. The main thing is that after water procedures there is a place for shelter, which will eliminate the possibility of hypothermia in adverse weather.
  3. Methods for filling water containers. In all cases, the distance from the water sources to the shower should be small.

After the issues with the location of the structure have been resolved, it is necessary to determine the size and type of construction, materials of manufacture. As we mentioned above, the choice is huge and depends only on the owner of the site.

You can not build a frame, but place a shower head on one of the walls of existing buildings, having previously taken special measures to protect it from moisture. There are options for placing the shower rail in an open space (vertical support, tree branch, etc.).

The original solution - the water tank is installed on the ground, and the supply is provided using a special device, the so-called "toptun". It looks like a rubber mat with built-in water supply pumps. They alternately need to be pressed with your feet, the water is sucked from the tank and under pressure is fed into the shower head. Both exercise and shower at the same time. Great option, can be installed anywhere suburban area. To equip such a garden shower, you do not need any building skills, materials, or time.

In this article, we will dwell on two more complex, but also more comfortable options. For the construction of these structures, construction material and some time and experience. Frame materials - wood or profiled steel. Standard sizes structures 100 × 100 cm around the perimeter and 220 cm high. Do not reduce, it will be inconvenient to wash. If you want to make a separate place in the shower for changing clothes and storing bath accessories, then you can increase the perimeter of the structure.

Step-by-step instructions for building a shower with a wooden frame

Step 1. Mark out the concrete base slab. To simplify the drainage of water, it is recommended to leave a recess in the middle of the shower for the natural absorption of moisture. Remove from the ground fertile layer, pour a sand cushion 10–15 cm thick, tamp and level the site.

Step 2 Prepare formwork. You need to make two square boxes. One with a square side of approximately 100 × 100 cm, the second internal with a square side of approximately 60 × 60 cm. The height of the formwork is at least 10 cm, use boards about 20 mm thick and 10–15 cm high for manufacturing. If you are afraid that the boards will bend under load concrete, then reinforce the formwork around the perimeter with wooden or metal pegs. Check the corners with a square, the formwork can be assembled on ordinary nails.

Step 3 Install the formwork on the prepared site, check its position. The small box should be exactly in the center of the big one.

Step 4 Prepare concrete for pouring. For manufacturing, you will need cement, sand and gravel in a ratio of 1: 2: 3. The accuracy of the proportions does not matter much, the strength is quite enough for small loads. Fill the formwork with concrete, using a flat rail, level the upper surface horizontally. Allow approximately 10 days for the mortar to set.

Step 5 Dismantle the formwork and start making the frame. It will require bars with a size of 50 × 50 mm or more, the amount of material is easy to calculate. It is necessary to add the length of four vertical racks to the sum of the two perimeters.

Step 6 Make a base for the uprights. You can connect the bars in half a tree, a jumper should be made in the middle of the base, it will serve as an additional emphasis for the wooden shower grate. Make sure that all corners are straight, you can connect the bars with nails or self-tapping screws. The base bars (frames) should lie approximately in the middle of the concrete slab, the specific dimensions do not matter.

Important. Be sure to saturate the base several times effective antiseptic. It is not necessary to lay waterproofing between the frame and concrete, it will only harm. The fact is that water gets on top of the insulation, it cannot soak into the concrete. Consequently, wooden structures long time contact with water.

Step 7 Saw off the vertical racks to size, you need 4 pieces. Cutting better by hand electric saw if not, then you can use an ordinary hacksaw.

Step 8 Start installing vertical racks. For fixing it is better to use galvanized metal corners. They greatly simplify and facilitate the work and guarantee the proper stability of the structure. It is impossible to install vertical racks on your own, involve an assistant. Temporarily fasten the racks with any pieces of boards, in the future they will be replaced by real stops. Constantly check the verticality of the racks, use the level.

Step 9. Make a second square out of the bars, the dimensions are identical to the first, a water tank will be installed on it. If the container has a large volume, then you will have to additionally install several jumpers, the distance between them depends on the size of the container.

Step 10 Using the corners, secure the top square to the uprights. Check all frame elements with a level, correct errors if necessary. You can put wooden wedges at the joints, this will not affect the strength and stability of the structure.

Step 11 Remove the temporary spacers one by one and install the permanent ones. Use the same bars as for making the frame. The length of the spacers should be equal to the distance between the vertical posts, cut the ends at an angle of 90 °. For fixing, use the same galvanized metal corners. Struts - the most critical node of the frame, take all measures to ensure maximum strength.

Step 12 The frame is ready - start trimming the side surfaces. Any material for sheathing is used. To enter, you can make doors or use a retractable curtain. If the sheathing is solid, then windows should be provided under the ceiling. Leave ordinary holes, you can close them with glass or film. Sheathing cuts at external corners are recommended to be repaired with even edged boards.

Step 13 Install a container of water on the roof of the frame.

Practical advice. If you plan to take a shower in rainy weather, then the roof should be covered with a piece of metal profile, and a hole should be made under the exit of the shower head.

Step 14 Color wooden surfaces durable exterior paint.

You can install electric heaters in the tank to heat water, but you must definitely follow the rules of the PUE.

Step-by-step instructions for building a shower with a metal frame

To make the frame, you will need a metal profile pipe, a grinder, a welding machine, a tape measure and a level.

After manufacturing, metal surfaces are recommended to be protected from corrosive processes with exterior paint. The amount of metal is determined based on the dimensions of the frame, as we described above. It is better to use a purchased water tank; the length and width of the structure are adjusted according to its dimensions.

Step 1. Draw a sketch of the frame, indicating the length of each element. Take your time, carefully consider ways to strengthen the vertical racks. To reinforce loaded nodes, you can use pieces of sheet metal with a thickness of at least 1 mm. Prepare squares or triangles with a side of 10–15 cm from it. Make sure that the angle is straight and the cuts are even.

Step 2. Cut off the workpiece with a grinder. It is necessary to cut in compliance with all safety regulations, the grinder is a very traumatic tool. If you have many identical parts, it is recommended that you first accurately measure and cut off one, and then use it as a template. This improves the accuracy of the elements.

Important. Make sure the cutting disc rotates in the correct direction. At correct installation sparks should fly off towards the master, but for some it is inconvenient to work this way and they change the direction of rotation. This is very dangerous, during the bite, the angle grinder is thrown at the worker, which can cause serious injuries. It is impossible to hold the tool with your hands, the ejection force is too high.

Step 3 Start welding the frame. In order for the weld to be strong, withstand the welding conditions. The electrode thickness and current values ​​depend on the profile parameters. For the frame, it is enough that the pipes have a wall 1-2 mm thick, such rolled products have the required physical strength and will fully withstand the load of the water tank. For welding, we recommend using an electrode Ø 2 mm, make sure that the slag is evenly blown off the surface of the molten metal and the seam is continuous.

How to weld the structure correctly?

  1. Prepare smooth workplace, the dimensions should be such that the largest elements fit freely.
  2. Place two parts to be welded on the work table, check their position under the square. As we already mentioned, the angle should be right, and the parts should lie in the same plane.
  3. Tack the parts on one side, the length of the tack is not more than a centimeter, let the metal cool down. During cooling, the knot will lead to the side, the correct position will be violated.
  4. Trim the corners with a hammer, turn the parts over to the wrong side. Check the dimensions and spatial position again.
  5. Carefully weld the parts on the other side, now you can make a seam along the entire length.
  6. Turn the knot over again and make a full weld on the tack. Simultaneously weld metal pipes on all sides.
  7. Remove slag from the weld surface and check the quality of the weld. If there are large shells, then apply a second seam.
  8. Remove sharp metal streaks with a grinder.

Thus, you can independently prepare two side planes of the frame, it remains to connect them into a single structure. It is very difficult to do this alone, it is better to call an assistant. One will hold the elements, and the second will weld them. It is necessary to constantly check the corners, do not rush. Practice shows that the alteration of an incorrectly welded frame always takes much more time than a careful check of the dimensions and spatial position during the preparation of structural elements.

Vertical racks and a tank platform are best made from a rectangular or square pipe, with the same size with a round they have greatly best performance physical strength in bending and compression. As jumpers, except for sheets in the corners, you can use any wire rod, square or fittings. Pieces left profile pipe long enough - use them.

Step 4 At the bottom, weld a platform for the boards of the crate. Dimensions do not matter, it is intended only for emphasis. The lattice can be made non-separable or assembled from individual elements. For manufacturing, take smooth lumber, the thickness of the boards or slats must withstand the weight of those being washed. If you have thin materials, then make some jumpers for them.

Step 5 Set the frame to the location of the shower. It can be a concrete platform or ordinary temporary stops made of stone. The second option is preferable for several reasons. Firstly, there is no need to engage in earthwork and concrete work. Secondly, at any time, if necessary, the shower can be moved to another place.

Metal frame - old wire mesh

If at the bottom of the vertical racks weld legs with support pads made of sheet steel. The dimensions of the platforms are approximately 20 × 20 cm, this is enough to guarantee the stability of the structure. Such a platform makes the shower more mobile when moving, installation requires only a little leveling of the ground under the support platforms, this work takes several minutes.

Practical advice. A lot of people are concerned about water drainage. If your cabin is located near the entrance of the house, and there are sidewalk paths everywhere on the plot, then it is recommended to make a dirty water storage tank. If the shower is located behind the buildings, then you can not waste time and effort on the construction of branches. For hygiene procedures, 10-15 liters of water is enough for one person, such a small amount will be absorbed into the ground without any problems. For complete peace of mind, you can dig a hole under the shower for 2-3 car tires, water will accumulate in it. After the frame is transferred, the tires are removed, and the pit is covered with earth.

Step 6 Level the cabin, make sure that the racks are strictly vertical, and the platform for the container is horizontal.

Step 7 clean the surface metal structure from rust, oily stains and dirt, check the stability of the frame with your hands. Everything is in order - you can start painting. Choose the color of the paint as you wish, the main thing is that it is suitable for painting metal surfaces and for outdoor use. Do not be too lazy to do coloring very high quality, use brushes, carefully rub the paint into the frame. If one layer is not enough for uniform coverage, then you will have to repeat.

Metal frame coated with a primer

Step 8 Install a water container on the top platform, attach a shower head. If desired, you can make an additional outlet for collecting warm water for various household purposes.

Water supply through a tee with faucets on the layers

If there are no doors in the cabin, and only a polyethylene curtain is hung, then the wind can blow it inside the cabin. This creates some inconvenience while taking a shower. You can fix the situation in several ways:

  1. Attach to the curtain in several places of binding. Two about the middle of the height is enough.
  2. Hang any "pendants" next to the plastic curtain. The main selection criterion is weight. The heavier they are, the better they will hold the curtain.

If there is a desire to increase the comfort of taking a shower, then it is better to attach a door. For its manufacture, you can use both lumber and rolled metal. The design of the doors is elementary, they are hung on the side vertical supports.

During the manufacture of the frame, think about this moment too, it will take a little material and time, and the convenience of using the shower will increase significantly. In the compartment, you also need to install wooden leg rails.

Silicone mat to keep feet from slipping on wet boards

If children will use the shower, be sure to install a shower head with a flexible hose for them. Position the tap for switching the water supply at such a height that children can reach it without problems on their own.

Video - Garden shower options

Hot weather is a rarity in most of our country. On cold days, it is simply not possible to heat the water in the tank to the desired temperature. There are not many people who want to take an ice shower.

By country shower, most people mean simple design with a barrel on the roof. Such a shower has the following disadvantages:

  • water in the container blooms very quickly;
  • there are constant problems with filling the barrel;
  • it is impossible to maintain the desired water temperature.

To realize the idea, you need to familiarize yourself with the advice of craftsmen. A country shower will allow the family to comfortably take water procedures.

Mobile shower works according to the following principle. Any container is installed next to the device. It can be a bucket or a bowl. Warm water is poured into it. After that, the end of the hose is lowered into the container.

The device that pumps water into the shower looks like a rug. A hose with a watering can is connected to one end of the pump. Thus, you can get a stream of water that will flow while trampling on the rug. This option is convenient because the mobile shower can be used not only in the country. The device is useful for people who want to maintain hygiene during a hike. Even in such Spartan conditions, you can wash yourself. The advantage of such a shower is the ability to adjust the temperature of the water.

How to make a summer shower in the country with your own hands - for construction robust design carefully select photos and sizes.

When building a stationary shower, the owner needs to decide where to take the water. If the site already has a semblance of a drain pit, then you can divert water directly there. But it's not the most the best solution, as many people use bacteria to process wastewater. An increase in humidity will have a negative effect on the rate of purification of the contaminated liquid.

In the process of building a shower room, it is best to make a separate drain hole. To strengthen the bottom of the pit, you can use broken bricks.

The hardest thing to strengthen a hole dug in sandy soil. Its walls will be eroded by sewage during operation. Therefore, it is necessary to sheathe the walls of the sandy recess with boards.

The owner can save money when building a shower at the expense of materials. For the erection of the soul, there is no need to erect. In the construction of the foundation, foundation blocks are most often used. They are set according to the level and the shower is raised 20 cm above ground level.

This height is enough so that the treated wood does not rot. When building a base, it is not necessary to use wood. You can weld a metal case, and put it on paving slabs. If desired, you can strengthen the base by pouring it with concrete.

There are no specific standards regarding the framework. The shower cabin, as a rule, consists of several parts. In one compartment you can arrange a dressing room. In another room there is a water heater. Firewood can be used as fuel.

A room for storing inventory can be attached to the shower. If you are planning a lighter structure, then you can use the following option - instead of a door, hang a curtain. This will facilitate the construction and reduce the cost of construction. Be sure to consider the height of the people who will go to the shower. Optimal Height should be 2.2 meters. The width of the structure must be at least 0.9 meters. In the manufacture of the frame, you can use not only metal, but also wood.

For the manufacture of a metal frame, it is desirable to use corners with a thickness of at least 4 millimeters. The width of the shelf depends on the load. The frame will hold the water tank. What if you plan to supply a 100 liter plastic container?

In this case, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for sheathing the shower cubicle on both sides with a special clapboard. This material is considered the most practical. It has an attractive appearance and is able to withstand a humid environment for a long time. But for this it is necessary to process the lining with a special solution.

To make a metal frame, you can use scraps metal pipes. The wall thickness of the pipe must be at least 3 mm. Otherwise, the design of the shower may not withstand the load.

You can strengthen the frame with a crate. To do this, weld additional corners to the structure. Without welding machine can be fixed with screws.

To build a shower in the country with your own hands, you need to calculate the volume of the tank. For a family of 4, you will have to put a barrel with a volume of 100 liters. For the manufacture of a wooden frame, you can buy a bar. The fastening of the bars is carried out according to the tenon-groove system.

Do-it-yourself summer shower for a summer residence can be built without the use of expensive materials.

The film is considered the cheapest material for shower wall cladding. The disadvantage of this option is that the service life is too short. Will have to buy in a year new film. Therefore, summer residents prefer more reliable materials that can last several seasons.

It is better to give preference to fabrics with impregnation. This material is used for the manufacture of awnings and tents. When buying lumber, keep in mind that fresh lining cannot be used. The reason is that any lumber undergoes shrinkage.

During the drying process, the material loses its shape and former dimensions. This affects the quality of lumber. On its surface, various defects may appear that reduce strength. Warping and cracks are the most common flaws that have negative influence on wooden structures. In a structure built from fresh lumber, gaps may appear in a year. Do-it-yourself shower in the country, drawings, dimensions, photos are of interest to many users who wish to warn themselves against these shortcomings.

For sheathing, you can use the profiled sheet left after the construction of the fence.

Polycarbonate - transparent material that will brighten up any shower room. Do not allow cracks to appear, as dust and moisture will get into them. This is a favorable environment for the reproduction of algae. Gradually, the walls of the polycarbonate will be completely covered with greenish vegetation.

When building a shower, a ventilation system must be provided. Constant moisture can cause wood to rot. A fungus appears on the walls, destroying the structure.

Any container is suitable as a shower tank. It can be a metal or plastic barrel. However, plastic barrels heat water worse. For middle lane this can be critical, as the water needs to be heated.

Ice water is unlikely to please the owner country house. Though plastic containers are cheaper than metal ones. But this is the only advantage of such barrels. It is best to install metal containers. Not only are they easier to install. The owners do not have to think about how to fix metal barrel. In such a container, water will heat up much faster. The process of heating water can be accelerated by painting the container black. The disadvantage of this option is the appearance of rust.

People are wondering how to make a shower in the country with their own hands and how to choose the right water tank, when studying a photo of a building, you can decide on the right choice structures and water tanks.

Sometimes a septic tank is installed directly under the shower. In this case, the boards are laid with a gap of 3 mm. Water will flow down and fall directly into the drain hole. In sandy soil, water will not stagnate.

But for clay soil this type of septic system will not work. To organize a normal drain, you need to dig a hole in another place. A pallet for building a septic tank can be bought at the store. The finished pallet must be selected based on the size of the future building. It is necessary to install bars around the entire perimeter, otherwise it will hang out.

The foundation can be laid out of bricks. At the bottom of the building you need to lay a layer of gravel 15 centimeters thick. After that, a drain pipe is installed. After the concrete hardens, you can continue the construction of the shower.

Most summer residents have a desire to swim in the soul after excavation. The procedure has a positive effect on human health. Of course, you can buy a shower ready-made. But this will increase construction costs.

It is cheaper to make a shower on your own, without the help of specialists. The water must flow at a certain slope. Don't forget to waterproof your shower. Via waterproofing film unpleasant odors can be prevented. To do this, you need to lay a special grid. The recommended depth of the drain pit is 2 m.

To save heat, it is necessary to install a polycarbonate roof on top of the tank. It will create a greenhouse effect. A mandatory element of the tank is a sensor that informs the user about the water level. In the absence of water, they can burn out. Therefore, this parameter must be constantly monitored. To equip the floor in the shower, it is necessary to install a drain pipe.

What if there is no running water in the house? To fill the tank you have to carry water in buckets. This is way too labor intensive. Before building a shower, think about the water supply. If you have running water, you can fill the tank quickly enough. Just open the faucet and wait until the container is filled to a certain level.

Advanced home owners have come up with a scheme that automates this process. This can be done using the float system. It is imperative to provide for the installation of a system that is designed to drain excess water. According to the law of physics, the warmest water is on top. Therefore, water intake is carried out from above. At the bottom of the tank, you can install a hose for draining water into the sewer.

Of course, you can use the energy of the sun. In this case, you do not have to spend money on electricity. However, this method has a significant drawback. With the help of the sun it is difficult to warm up a large amount of liquid. In addition, this method can not be implemented in all climatic zones.

In this case, you can use heating using devices that use electricity. The heaters can heat the water to the desired temperature. A person who decides to take a shower sets himself temperature regime.

In order for the warmest water to enter the watering can, it is necessary to attach a piece of foam to the hose. Therefore, water is taken from above. To speed up the heating of water, you can make a coil.

A shower can be built at the farthest end of the site, near the fence. On sandy soil, water will not linger in the sump. Due to the rapid absorption of water, rotting can be avoided wooden materials which are used as sheathing materials.

When building a shower near the fence, the owner gets an advantage. In this case, it is enough to install 3 pillars. So that the pillars do not stagger, it is necessary to dig holes 78 cm deep, fill everything with rubble, tamp and pour concrete.

After leveling the floor, wood processing begins. You can buy aspen boards and impregnate them protective layer. Then the lumber is processed with a grinder.

When installing shelves, consider the weight of the barrel. It must withstand a load of at least 100 kg. Corners will rust during operation. To increase the service life of the metal frame, paint with a special paint that can be applied directly to rust.

To install polycarbonate, you can use self-tapping screws. Violation of technology can lead to cracking of polycarbonate sheets in sunny weather.

Therefore, people prefer a summer shower equipped with a heating system. To get comfortable and practical design great attention must be paid to the construction site. A draft after a shower can lead to a cold. With the help of heating elements, you can heat water to a certain temperature even in cold weather.

  1. Between the design of the soul and drain pit distance must be at least 5 meters.
  2. You can proceed to earthworks only after calculating the volume of the drain pit. One person accounts for 0.5 cubic meters.
  3. When laying pipes, observe a slope of 3 to 5 degrees.

The simplest design of the drain pit is considered to be the shape of a cube. But this option has a significant drawback. The walls of such a pit lose their strength.

It is best to use a cylindrical drain pit. In this case, the load is distributed evenly and the probability of failure is reduced. In order to increase the life of the shower structure, it is necessary to use bio-based products. Many bacteria are able to process waste. Water will quickly soak into the ground.

The advantage of a plastic tank is that the water does not bloom in them, the joints do not rust, and the properties of the water do not change.

Electric heaters can be supplied with my own hands. However, it is best to purchase a ready-made tank equipped with a built-in heater. In this case, the system controls all parameters automatically. The unit has a control panel and switches itself off in case of emergencies.

In the shower high humidity. Therefore, during construction, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. Instead of an iron pallet, it is desirable to use plastic ladders. They provide good air circulation and prevent water stagnation.

Nothing relaxes so much after a hard day's work in the country as a summer shower. Water not only calms, but also refreshes, distracts from unpleasant thoughts and relieves stress. But what to do if there is no shower on the site? If there is no desire to splash in a trough or basin, you need to take care of comfort in field conditions and design a refreshing summer shower for your favorite dacha with your own hands, using finished photos and drawings.

How to build a summer shower with your own hands

Summer shower occupies one of the first places among all summer cottages. Sometimes this is not just a way to wash up after a day of cultivating the land has come to an end, but also the only way to cool off in the heat.

First you need to choose a place to install a shower facility. To do this, you should study your site for secluded places.

On the other hand, this place should not be far from the main building, so that you do not have to freeze on the way to a warm house if you decide to take a shower on a cool day.

Advice! If a solar heated tank is foreseen, make sure nothing is obscuring the water tank.

After you have found a suitable place, choose the optimal dimensions for your cabin. Please note that a person needs a room of at least 1 m 2 for ease of movement. If a dressing room is planned for changing clothes and storing dry things while bathing, the building is increased by another 60-70 cm. The height of the shower cabin is approximately 2.5 m. So, the estimated dimensions of the shower for giving are 170x100x250 cm.

If the structure is supposed to be wooden, then the next stage of construction will be the construction of a frame from wooden beam or metal corner.

Next are the walls. Please note that for better ventilation, the walls should recede from the ceiling and the pallet by at least 20-30 cm. The walls are built mainly from the materials that remained during the construction of the main summer cottage.

Water supply in the country shower

When installing a shower for a summer residence with your own hands, it is imperative to provide for the supply and discharge of water in advance. The drain system is laid at the stage of foundation construction, and the supply of clean water is organized during the installation of the tank.