Folk remedies against tuberculosis. Treatment of tuberculosis in non-traditional ways

Many experienced doctors claim that the treatment of tuberculosis folk remediesgood way conquer the disease. The only thing to remember is that home remedies should only be used in combination with prescribed drugs. Alternative medicine offers many time-tested recipes, but before starting the complex treatment of tuberculosis, it is recommended to coordinate all actions with the doctor, this will achieve the maximum effect and cope with the disease in a short time.

Tuberculosis - symptoms and alternative treatment

The causative agent of the disease is Koch's wand. Not every person is able to overcome the bacillus - with weakened body defenses, malnutrition, constant contact with the carrier of the disease, the bacillus activates its destructive effect. As a result, irreversible processes begin that lead to the destruction of the whole organism.

Symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults and children are practically the same. The main signs of the development of the disease:

  • lack of appetite;
  • apathy, lethargy;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • weight loss, lack of growth (especially in children);
  • causeless temperature jumps;
  • sleep disturbances, prolonged insomnia;
  • increased sweating (observed at night);
  • persistent colds;
  • a violent cough that accompanies every cold or viral illness, with expectoration, blood clots are released.

Even after determining the first signs and symptoms, it is not recommended to start treatment on your own. The first thing to do is to go to a phthisiatrician who will conduct a full examination and prescribe medical preparations. In addition to the main treatment, you can use herbal decoctions, tinctures, but even the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of tuberculosis must be agreed with a specialist. If for any reason the doctor has forbidden the use of home remedies, it is better not to engage in experiments - this can adversely affect health and cause a number of complications.

Treatment of tuberculosis - recipes of traditional medicine

Regardless of which home remedies are used against the disease, it is recommended to follow a few rules. The main requirement is the first days of tuberculosis treatment at home with folk remedies to carefully monitor the general condition of the body.

If side effects occur, stop taking the home remedy immediately. It is recommended to go back to the doctor, pick up another prescription.

Another rule is to read the recommendations of alternative medicine before curing tuberculosis with folk remedies. Experimenting with recipes, using additional components that are not contained in the recipe, exceeding dosages or intake quantities are also prohibited.

Those who treat pulmonary tuberculosis will have to tune in to a long course - even a combination of herbal decoctions and powerful pharmaceutical preparations is not capable of a miracle. Only following the recommendations of doctors, taking medications correctly, using additional methods will achieve positive results.

Medvedka home remedy

Medvedka is a pest that is well known to every summer resident. The insect lives in the ground (on the beds, near water bodies), feeds on the roots of plants. In alternative medicine, remedies made on the basis of a bear are considered the most effective against Koch's wand. Leukocytes, which abound in the blood of an insect, easily corrode the upper shell of the bacillus. Before treating pulmonary tuberculosis with a folk remedy based on a bear, it is recommended to dry insects - concentration useful substances rises significantly.


  1. Using a mortar, grind a few bears into a fine powder (35-40 grams of powder will be needed to prepare homemade medicine).
  2. In a water bath, warm the bee honey a little (if the product is candied, make sure that the sugar grains completely melt).
  3. Mix the powder of the bear, honey (take the components in equal amounts).

Use three times a day. Dosage for one dose - 20 gr. mixtures. If you start treatment in the early stages of the development of tuberculosis, the use of medicines is not required - this remedy has everything to destroy Koch's wand.

Infusion of onion, garlic

When carrying out treatment with folk remedies, it is also recommended to resort to an infusion prepared from spicy vegetables - onions, garlic. The infusion prepared on their basis effectively stops the development of the disease and even destroys the stick.


  1. With a sharp knife, chop one medium onion, three cloves of garlic.
  2. Pour vegetable gruel with cool water (220 ml).
  3. Leave to infuse for a day.

Strain, drink before the morning meal in one go. Immediately put to prepare a fresh remedy for the next day. It is not recommended to reuse the gruel - each time take fresh vegetables.

Badger fat

The use of badger fat for tuberculosis is another effective way quickly stop a rapidly developing disease. The product of animal origin is rich in elements that can destroy the destructive bacillus.

The simplest treatment option offered by alternative medicine is the intake of fat in its pure form. Every morning it is recommended to use 15 gr. product on an empty stomach.

Fat has an unpleasant taste and smell, so it is quite difficult to consume it. If there are problems with the intake, add additional components - honey, milk.


  1. Boil milk (250 ml).
  2. Remove from the stove, wait a few minutes, add bee honey (20 gr.), Fat (25 gr.).
  3. Stir until the components are completely dissolved.

Drink liquid in the morning. The course of admission is a month. If necessary, take a break, continue treatment.

dog fat

The use of dog fat for tuberculosis is another way to increase the effectiveness of the main treatment. It is believed that this product of animal origin is rich in substances that destroy the shell of the tubercle bacillus. The only warning is that you should not use only this remedy in treatment, the results will please you only with a complex effect, in combination with medicines.

Take dog fat three times a day. The recommended dosage for adults is 25 gr. in one go. It is not recommended to exceed the amount of the product - this will not affect the effectiveness of the treatment. Before use, heat the fat a little, it is allowed to drink a small amount of warm water.

Fish fat

Fat extracted from fish is a source of vitamin D, which is necessary in the fight against the disease. To find out if tuberculosis is amenable to the effects of a fish product, studies have been conducted that have shown that in combination with pharmaceutical preparations, recovery occurs faster, the general condition improves, and the affected tissues are restored.

home remedy with aloe

In alternative medicine, aloe is used against many diseases, including tuberculosis. On the basis of the plant, decoctions are prepared that increase the body's defenses, restore lung tissue affected by the disease.


  1. Finely chop the leaf of the plant with a sharp knife.
  2. Place the vegetable gruel in a cooking container, mix aloe with honey (230 ml), water (110 ml).
  3. Send the container to a small fire, after boiling, boil for an hour and a half, avoiding noisy seething.

After cooling, strain the liquid using three layers of gauze. Pour into a clean glass container and store in the refrigerator. Take a decoction of aloe three times a day. Use the product in 20 ml. The duration of the course is two months.

Another strengthening drink is tea with the addition of lime blossom. Regular use of the drug allows you to increase the immune forces of the body, stop the spread of the disease, restore damaged areas of the respiratory organs.


  1. Brew with boiling water (300 ml) a mixture of birch buds, lime blossom (20 g each), leave for half an hour.
  2. Heat a mixture of honey (200 gr.), Aloe gruel (50 gr.) in a water bath.
  3. Strain the prepared broth, mix with honey mass.

Take the prepared remedy twice a day - after waking up, before going to bed. For one dose, 30 grams is enough. mixtures.

Propolis oil

In the fight against tuberculosis, alternative medicine also recommends the use of propolis-based oil, in which substances that destroy the bacillus are concentrated. The only condition for treatment is the absence of a negative reaction to bee products, which are considered powerful allergens.


  1. Melt high-quality butter (1 kg), do not bring to a boil. If possible, use home product, which in terms of the number of useful qualities is several times higher than purchased oil.
  2. Finely chop propolis (400 gr.).
  3. Mix both masses, simmer in a water bath for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. Infuse for an hour, strain using a metal mesh, gauze cloth.

Use propolis oil three times a day, after each meal. For reception enough 25 gr. means, do not exceed the dosage. Treatment should be carried out for three months, after a break (3-4 weeks), continue using home remedies until complete recovery. In this way, even severe forms of the disease are treated, but only with the permission of the doctor.

Herbal decoctions, infusions

The powerful effect of herbs on tuberculosis has long been recognized by official medicine, often doctors recommend using herbal decoctions in combination with pharmaceutical preparations. At the same time, do not take home medicines - it is better to combine methods of different compositions.


The best remedy on a plant basis against tuberculosis, a decoction of knotweed is considered. It is recommended to use dry vegetable raw materials.


  1. Grind with your hands dry knotweed grass (25 gr.).
  2. Pour the herbal powder with water (240 ml).
  3. Put in a water bath.
  4. Simmer for 10 minutes under the lid after boiling.

Insist after removing from the water bath for three hours. Filter, cool completely, send to a cold place for storage. Consume at least three times a day. The recommended serving of home remedy for one dose is 25 ml.

Birch buds

It is not necessary to use only herbs - an infusion of birch buds is no less effective against the disease than herbal decoctions. To prepare homemade medicine, you need 30 gr. tree buds to be harvested in early spring before the leaves open. Pour vegetable raw materials with alcohol or homemade pervach (400 ml). Insist in a dark place. The tincture is considered ready when the liquid acquires a rich brown hue.

Before each meal, drink 20 ml of liquid. If alcohol-containing products are prohibited, it is recommended to dilute the infusion with a small amount of water - this will not affect the effectiveness of the treatment.

Medvedka infusion

If there are no contraindications to the use of alcohol-containing products, it is recommended to prepare a tincture from the bear. This remedy, according to alternative medicine, is the most effective in the early stages of the disease.


  1. Chop a dry bear (100 gr. Insects).
  2. Pour homemade pervach, high-quality vodka (600 ml).
  3. Infuse for two weeks in a dark place.
  4. Strain, pour into a bottle that closes tightly.

For storage, a refrigerator or a cold cellar is suitable. Take daily, three times a day, 20 ml. It is better to drink the tincture before meals and after walking - exposure to fresh air contributes to the treatment.


Tuberculosis of the lungs in Lately took on the character of an epidemic. You can get infected with it by simply standing next to the carrier of the disease, because the pathogenic bacillus is transmitted by airborne droplets. Sometimes infection occurs in early childhood, while the tuberculosis bacillus is suppressed by the immune system, and the first symptoms of the disease appear when the body's defense systems fail.

The lungs are not the only target of TB. Through the bloodstream, it spreads to the lymph nodes, bone tissue, cartilage of the joints and other internal organs. Without constant supervision by a doctor and medication, death is inevitable, and the therapy that has been started must always be carried out to the end. If you stop taking medications without finishing it, the causative agent of tuberculosis will develop immunity to medications and go into the chronic stage.


If the tubercle bacillus enters the body with a strong immune system, the first symptoms of the disease may appear many years later. In children, the symptoms look like this:

  • Unnatural thinness.
  • Lagging behind peers.
  • Unreasonable temperature fluctuations.
  • Reluctance to eat.

In adults, the signs of this disease look a little different. Often a person can attribute these symptoms to a cold, fatigue at work, or an unhealthy lifestyle.

Tuberculosis can be suspected if at least one of the following signs is present:

  • Loss of energy that does not go away even after rest.
  • Shortness of breath on the slightest exertion.
  • Wandering pains in chest.
  • Weight loss.
  • Cough that does not stop for more than 3 weeks.

If at least one of the above points is observed, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.

How not to get sick?

The first measures to prevent tuberculosis are taken immediately after the birth of a child. Vaccination is carried out on the 4th day after the baby is born, then you need to take another course after entering school. If vaccinations are missed, the guarantee of health will be a strong immune system. You can pick up a tuberculosis bacillus in a public place, so you need to wash your hands thoroughly immediately after coming home.

At risk are:

  • People under the age of 30, later the risk of infection decreases.
  • People of uncertain social status.
  • Medical workers.
  • Diabetics, smokers and those who are prescribed various hormones.
  • Relatives of people with tuberculosis.

If a person does not belong to any of these categories, this does not mean that he cannot become infected. In any case, it is necessary to observe the elementary rules of hygiene and at the first sign of illness, immediately consult a doctor.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine recipes can alleviate the course of the disease and promote a speedy recovery. When taking them, you should not stop using prescribed medications, and their compatibility with natural remedies should be clarified with your doctor. A speedy recovery is facilitated by the rejection of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, as well as the avoidance of hypothermia. The diet also needs to be changed, it is recommended to use the following products:

  • boiled cow's milk, it can be drunk in unlimited quantities.
  • In summer there is a large amount of grapes.
  • Start taking fish oil.
  • Enter the menu as much as possible white cabbage.

Under these conditions and all the prescriptions of the doctor, you can permanently get rid of the disease. Folk recipes for pulmonary tuberculosis will become the remedy that minimizes the negative effects of chemical drugs and increases the body's resistance to the disease.


There are some folk recipes based on garlic, which are good for tuberculosis. The strong bactericidal properties of garlic destroy the pathogenic bacillus, but garlic remedies need to be treated for a long time and without interruption. In addition, every day you need to eat 3-4 cloves of garlic. Here is one of the popular recipes:

  1. 2 large teeth are crushed in garlic and 250 ml of boiled water is poured.
  2. The mixture is aged for 24 hours, after which it must be drunk.
  3. It is best to drink the remedy in the morning, before meals. The course of treatment is 90 days.

There is another recipe that came from China. To use it, you need to apply a lot of willpower, because garlic does not have a pleasant taste, but you need to eat it a lot. The Chinese method looks like this:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. crushed garlic should be eaten at a time, immediately before meals.
  2. The next day, slightly increase the amount of garlic eaten. This should be done for one and a half months, as a result, a person should eat 120 grams of garlic at a time.
  3. Over the next month and a half, you need to start reducing the dose of garlic. By the end of the course, it should be all the same 2 tbsp. l., from which treatment was started.

The next traditional medicine has a milder taste, but its effect is enhanced by horseradish and honey. These components are known for their bactericidal properties, and complement garlic well.

To prepare the medicine, you need to take:

  • 400 gr horseradish root.
  • 400 gr garlic.
  • 5 kg of natural honey without sugar content.

Garlic and horseradish should be ground to a mushy state, mixed with butter and honey. Transfer everything to a saucepan, put in a water bath and hold on it for ten minutes, the mixture must be constantly stirred. You need to use the remedy for 50 grams before each meal.

Iceland moss

Traditional medicine recommends using Icelandic moss for pulmonary tuberculosis. This plant contains a natural antibiotic called usnic acid and also has the ability to stimulate appetite. You can buy such moss in a pharmacy or in specialized markets. For treatment, decoction and tincture are used. To prepare the tincture, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of alcohol with a strength of 60%.
  • 50 gr dry moss.

All this must be mixed into glass containers and put in a dark cold place for 7 days. For the treatment of the lungs, you should drink 20 drops in half a glass of water, three times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

A decoction of Icelandic moss will also be effective. Unlike tincture, it will need to be prepared every day. To prepare a decoction, you should take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. moss.
  • 2 glasses of water.

Boil the moss in water using an enamel pan. After boiling, it must be kept for 10 minutes on low heat, covering the pan with a lid. After cooling, filter the product through gauze, pour into a clean bowl and leave at room temperature. This recipe will help the lungs if you drink the entire broth throughout the day, in equal parts before meals. This must be done within 30 days. Honey can be added to the decoction if desired.


The popular aloe plant, also called agave, is very effective in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Means from it are well combined with medicines of traditional medicine, effectively increase the resistance of the body to the disease and destroy the Koch wand. There are several recipes based on aloe, one of them is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 1 large agave leaf.
  • 300 ml uncandied honey.
  • 100 ml cold water.

The leaf should be washed, cut off its needles, and finely crumbled. Put it in a saucepan, add honey and water there. Boil the product, reduce the heat to a minimum and hold on it for two hours, the lid must be closed. Next, the medicine must be cooled, filtered, poured into a clean, dry jar and stored in the cold. Use 1 tbsp. l. before each meal, the course of treatment is 60 days.

Traditional medicine offers good recipe against pulmonary tuberculosis based on aloe and molasses. For it you need to take the following components:

  • 400 gr of yellow molasses.
  • a piece of rosin
  • 200 gr of aloe leaves.

Aloe should be cut into strips, rosin crushed, and mixed with honey in a heat-resistant clay pot. Set the oven to the lowest possible temperature and put a pot of product in it overnight. In the morning, a mass similar to honey should be transferred to a clean, dry dish and put in the refrigerator. This medicine will support the condition of the lungs and destroy the disease-causing bacillus if taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day. One serving is enough for a course of treatment.

Tuberculosis can also be treated with a mixture of various ingredients, which is based on mummy and aloe. For her, you need to take the following products:

  • 100 gr natural propolis.
  • 5 liters of honey.
  • 50 gr mummy.
  • 50 gr of pine resin.
  • 100 ml freshly squeezed aloe juice.
  • 1 kg of butter.

Mix all this, put on low heat, and warm for a quarter of an hour. Next, the product must be transferred to a clean bowl and put in a dark place for 7 days. Take medication for 1 tbsp. l. three times a day for 3 months.


Vinegar - natural remedy for disinfection, showing a good effect in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Even a light 6% vinegar will neutralize the pathogen in a matter of minutes. At the same time, natural vinegar does not harm human health, and recipes based on it are very simple and affordable. One of them is prepared on the basis of such products:

  • 100 gr horseradish root.
  • 1 st. l. natural honey.
  • 2 tbsp. l. 9% fruit vinegar.

All this must be mixed, and eat 1 teaspoon before each meal. For the treatment of the lungs, 14 days of admission will be enough. Keep the product refrigerated.

Folk recipes with vinegar are good for pulmonary tuberculosis, accompanied by bouts of coughing. To do this, you need to do this:

  1. In half a liter of boiling water, pour 4 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and breathe over it for a quarter of an hour.

If you do this before going to bed, you can eliminate nighttime coughing fits.


For the treatment of lungs from tuberculosis, you can use a decoction of dill. It normalizes digestion, the disorders of which are provoked by Koch's wand. As a result, the body's defenses increase, and it begins to destroy the pathogen on its own. The decoction is prepared every evening so that in the morning you can start taking it. This is done in this way:

  1. At the pan you need to pour 2 cups of water, put 1.5 tbsp. l. dill seed.
  2. Boil the product and hold it on low heat for about five minutes.
  3. Remove the pot from heat and leave overnight.

The next day, the broth is filtered, divided into five equal parts, and drunk throughout the day. To achieve a lasting result, the decoction should be taken daily for six months, the obvious relief will come a month after the start of treatment.

egg mixture

With open stages of tuberculosis, a mixture based on ordinary chicken eggs will be effective. For its preparation, eggs do not even need to be broken, they will give the substances necessary for treatment with a whole shell. To prepare the medicine you need to take:

  • 10 clean washed chicken eggs.
  • 20 medium sized lemons
  • 5 liters of cognac.
  • 200 ml fresh aloe juice.
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa.
  • 2 liters of natural honey.

Put the eggs in a glass or enamel container, put the crushed lemons on top. Keep it all for two days. Put the remaining ingredients of the mixture into another saucepan, heat them without bringing to a boil, and add to the eggs. Keep the product for 14 days in the dark at room temperature. After that, filter the mixture, after removing the eggs from it, put it in the refrigerator for storage. Use 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before each meal.


Knotweed is an inexpensive but effective remedy for tuberculosis. The silicic acid compounds it contains help the lungs fight disease, and it also reduces inflammation and reduces pain. To prepare the remedy you need to take:

  • 1 st. l. knotweed.
  • 1 glass of water.

Knotweed is poured with water, brought to a boil and boiled for five minutes. Next, you should withstand it for about two hours, filter and drink 1 tbsp. l. four times a day.

Badger fat

Badger fat will only be effective if you purchase a natural product without additives. Therefore, you should not buy it from your hands, unscrupulous traders often dilute it with cheaper and useless fats. To prepare the remedy you need to take:

  • 100 ml of honey.
  • 100 ml badger fat.
  • 100 gr walnut kernels.

Nuts need to be crushed and mixed with the rest of the components that must first be melted. The resulting medicine should be consumed six times a day, and it should not be swallowed, but absorbed.

Video: Treatment of tuberculosis with folk remedies

Propolis oil

Propolis has the ability to destroy pathogens and leave useful ones. Propolis balls can be purchased in the same places as honey. To prepare the medicine you need to take:

  • 1 kg of high-quality butter.
  • 150 gr propolis.

Crush the propolis balls as small as possible. Put the oil in a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat, put propolis in the melted butter, stir thoroughly. Filter the warm mixture through sterile cheesecloth and store in the refrigerator. Eat two teaspoons three times a day, no later than an hour and a half before meals. This must be done until complete recovery.

  • Anti-tuberculosis drugs according to the recipes of traditional healers
  • Interesting recipes for traditional medicine

Doctors advise treating tuberculosis with folk remedies in combination with therapy with traditional medicines. This speeds up the healing process, increases the overall immunity of the patient's body, and helps him successfully resist the infection.

How to cure tuberculosis with folk remedies and is it possible to do this?

Without the use of specific drugs, the disease can only be drowned out, but under any favorable conditions it will aggravate again. Although there are precedents when the focal form of the disease in the initial stage receded before folk remedies for tuberculosis.

The meeting with the bacillus that causes tuberculosis occurs in early childhood. It is almost impossible to protect yourself from its penetration into the body.

The introduction usually goes unnoticed by the child. In the body, antibodies to the disease begin to rapidly develop, in the future, the awakening of the infection is possible only with a sharp drop in immunity or with a change in social conditions. When you constantly have to contact with the sick, the living conditions are unfavorable - constant unsanitary conditions, high humidity air, inadequate nutrition - the bacterium is activated.

Alternative methods of treating tuberculosis are not only the reception of remedies made according to the recipes of traditional healers. This is the creation of conditions for a healthy lifestyle, the saturation of the body with useful substances - iron and magnesium, without which its normal functioning is impossible.

But folk remedies for tuberculosis are not a panacea, although they can stop the signs of the disease at its early stage. However, the disease is not going anywhere. Koch's wand can only be destroyed with special antibiotics.

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Popular recipes of traditional medicine against tuberculosis

Treatment of tuberculosis at home is most often carried out by the following improvised means:

  • animal fat;
  • herbal preparations;
  • medical therapy;
  • larvae of some insects.

The most commonly used for the treatment of disease is canine visceral fat, it is easy to obtain. For tuberculosis, it is taken 30 minutes before meals daily. It has an antibacterial effect, accelerates tissue regeneration, and kills the tubercle bacillus.

Badger fat also has the same properties. But it tastes so unpleasant that if you drink it in a melted form, then after a couple of applications it causes an emetic effect even in the most persistent patients.

The medicine is made from it as follows.

Additional Ingredients:

  • aloe gruel - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tsp;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp.

You need to take a little less than 2 tbsp. melted badger fat, mix with the above ingredients until smooth and take 2 times a day.

It is permissible to use not only badger and dog fat, but also pork, bear, goose.

It is believed that if dog meat is included in the menu, the disease can be cured faster. It's a delusion. Dogs are not specially grown for meat, it does not have a sufficient amount of fatty layers, which have a beneficial effect on accelerating the therapeutic process. The muscle tissue itself does not have such useful properties as dog fat in case of tuberculosis, dog meat is just a protein product.

In the treatment of tuberculosis with herbs, the following plant materials are most often used:

  • plantain;
  • knotweed;
  • lungwort;
  • Birch buds.

Healing tinctures are prepared according to the general algorithm.

  1. 15-20 g of dry chopped grass is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Insist 15 minutes in a water bath.
  3. Wrap and continue to insist in a dark place.

Drink tinctures before meals - they have a tonic and antibacterial effect. Knotweed has another useful property - it strengthens the lung tissue due to the content of silicic acid in it.

Treatment of tuberculosis with propolis is carried out even in a tuberculosis hospital. The benefits of using this remedy have been proven by official medicine.

Propolis diluted with butter or badger fat works most effectively. Proportions for the preparation of the medicine: 15% propolis, 85% fatty matter.

The components are melted, mixed until smooth, cooled. Take 15 g in solid form one hour before meals.

For those patients who cannot consume fat due to dysfunction of the digestive organs, treatment of tuberculosis with badger fat and oil with propolis is contraindicated. They need to make an alcohol tincture on propolis.

How to make it? 100 g of the remedy is finely chopped. Pour 400 ml of alcohol, shake for 20 minutes and put in a dark place for several hours. Used in the same way as a fatty agent.

Accelerates the healing process with a remedy made up of honey, aloe and cocoa powder. Melted cocoa butter, aloe gruel, honey are mixed in equal amounts and taken at home in the morning and evening - on an empty stomach and at bedtime.

There are other remedies for tuberculosis that are considered very effective:

  1. Wax moth larvae. A handful of larvae collected from old honeycombs, insist on vodka for 3 weeks, and then take 20-40 drops on an empty stomach at bedtime.
  2. Crushed bear. About five adults are ground, mixed with honey and taken 25 minutes before meals.

From the body of these insects, a special enzyme, ferase, was isolated. It inhibits the activity of Koch's stick, splitting its waxy shell.

Folk remedies made from insects should be supplemented with the use of vitamin preparations. Comprehensive treatment accelerates the effectiveness of the impact.

In Russia, tuberculosis has become infamous as "consumption", from the word "waste". And indeed, a person with tuberculosis languishes before our eyes: he loses weight, turns pale, loses his appetite and suffers from bouts of coughing. The culprit of everything is a special mycobacterium, Koch's wand, which got its name from the name of the discoverer. Modern medicine has powerful antibiotics in its arsenal, but so far people have not been able to completely eradicate tuberculosis. Why?

Global climate change, as well as mutations of the pathogen itself, allow tuberculosis to survive, despite the efforts of doctors, and threaten human health. It used to be that Koch's wand could be picked up only in places not so remote, but practice shows that getting infected with tuberculosis is as easy as shelling pears. Today we will not discuss classical drug therapy, but will devote our conversation to folk and alternative methods of treatment. Of course, qualified medical care is vital for pulmonary tuberculosis, but with the help of safe and time-tested remedies, you can significantly speed up recovery and improve the patient's well-being.

Pine pollen for tuberculosis

In any large public institution (at a railway station, school, supermarket), the content of bacteria in the ambient air does not fall below five thousand per 1 cubic meter, and more often exceeds three hundred thousand. This is the answer to the question why the seasonal cold grows to epidemic proportions every year. Tuberculosis is also transmitted by airborne droplets, and although this pathogen is less common, the danger is still there.

For comparison, the air of a pine forest contains only about three hundred bacteria per 1 cubic meter! We can say that the atmosphere there is almost sterile, and also healing for health. Thank you for this you need to say phytoncides, natural antibiotics exuded by pines. BUT essential oils, contained in pine resin, oxidize in fresh air and fill it with pure ozone. That is why walks in a pine forest have been included by healers in the treatment program for pulmonary tuberculosis since ancient times.

If you live far from nature, and do not have the opportunity to regularly breathe in the air of a pine forest, do not worry - you can collect and prepare pine pollen to treat tuberculosis at home all year round. In this unique natural material all healing power pine trees, and the recipes for preparing medicines based on pollen are very simple and accessible to everyone.

The composition and beneficial properties of pine pollen

Pine pollen is inherently a sex cell, so it is not surprising that nature has laid a whole baggage of nutrients and useful substances into it:

    More than a dozen vitamins, including choline (250 mg / 100 g). This substance accelerates the processes of cell regeneration, protects the liver, improves blood quality - what could be more important in tuberculosis? Loading doses of vitamins will support the health of the patient and help him cope with a severe chronic illness;

    Valuable micro and macro elements: phosphorus (220 mg/100 g), magnesium (110 mg/100 g), calcium (80 mg/100 g). No other natural product can boast such a rich and balanced mineral composition. Useful elements in pine pollen are in proportions that are optimal for their thorough assimilation;

    Amino acids, primarily nucleic acids (48 mg / 100 g), which are indispensable in the treatment of protracted bacterial infections. Clinical tests have shown that after two months of regular use of pine pollen, the composition of the blood of tuberculosis patients improves significantly: the level of red blood cells rises by a third, and by 15%, and all this is due to nucleic acids;

    Carbohydrates, polysaccharides and fiber make pine pollen a highly nutritious product and help support the patient's body, weakened by a long illness. For tuberculosis, it is recommended to consume 300-500 g of carbohydrates per day in order to provide the brain, heart and lungs with full energy. And pine pollen is the concentrated natural energy;

    Biologically active substances - enzymes, enzymes, flavonoids, phytoncides - help fight tuberculosis, strengthen, enhance the effect of medications and act as an effective addition to the main therapy.

It's time to think about collecting pine pollen if apple trees have already bloomed in the garden. It is the middle of May middle lane Russia - optimal time for the collection and preparation of this most valuable raw material. It is better to visit the pine forest several times with an interval of a couple of days, so as not to miss the moment of flowering. Ready-to-pick buds resemble small ears of corn, covered in bright yellow fragrant pollen. Correctly they are called "anthers".

If you manage to collect at least one full bucket of anthers, you can consider that you have provided yourself with two liters of pine pollen. When you bring the “prey” home, cover the floor with clean paper and lay out the anthers in one layer. Choose a place dry, warm, without drafts. After a few days, the pollen will crumble, then it can be carefully collected, sifted and stored in a glass or wooden container with a lid.

Tuberculosis treatment with garlic

Garlic treatment is an effective remedy against tuberculosis, albeit a long-term one. The fact is that the juice and aqueous extract of garlic have a pronounced antibacterial effect on tubercle bacilli, stop their growth and development. The diet of tuberculosis patients must contain garlic. It is recommended to eat it 1-2 cloves every 2 hours.

Here are some recipes using garlic:

    The easy way. Every morning, peel 2 cloves of garlic, finely chop them and add a glass of water. This garlic infusion is infused for a day. In the morning, the infusion is drunk, and new 2 cloves of garlic are again cleaned and cut and filled with water. So continue for 2-3 months.

    Chinese traditional medicine in the treatment of tuberculosis, it is recommended to include garlic in very large quantities in the patient's diet. In 1 day you need to use 30 g of garlic (2 tablespoons). And gradually, within 1.5 months, increase the dose of flesh to 90-120 g (about half a glass of garlic). Having reached this maximum dosage, you need to start gradually reducing the dosage, over the next 1.5 months, the dose of garlic is gradually reduced to the initial 30 g per day.

    Recipe with honey and horseradish. Thoroughly mix 400 g of horseradish and garlic, pounded into gruel, 1 kg of butter and 5 kg of honey, insist in a boiling water bath for 5-10 minutes, stirring the contents occasionally. Take with pulmonary tuberculosis 50 g before meals.

Proven effective remedy

Over a dozen useful minerals.

Treatment of tuberculosis with badger and bear fat

For the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, it is important to find high-quality badger or bear fat. In pharmacies, it is often sold diluted or with the addition of impurities. This is due to the rarity and high cost of raw materials. It is best to buy fat directly from hunters, fresh. But before that, make sure that carcass samples of the slaughtered animal have been submitted for analysis, as required by the rules.

Bear and badger fat is taken in pure form or mixed with honey, 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening, and at night they rub the chest and back of a tuberculosis patient. The course of treatment can last as long as you like, because badger and bear fat have no contraindications.

Wax moth from tuberculosis

From the point of view of any beekeeper, the wax moth is a pest that settles in weak bee colonies. She lays eggs there, from which caterpillars are then born, ruining the hive. But this nocturnal moth from the moth family is not as terrible a creature as it might seem. Only its larvae are able to feed on wax - no one else produces the necessary digestive enzymes. And even in the days of ancient Egypt, people managed to establish that wax moth larvae can prolong youth. Japanese doctors agree with Egyptian healers - they are also familiar with the unique properties of this insect.

The famous Russian doctor and scientist I.I. Mechnikov tried for a long time to invent a reliable vaccine against tuberculosis. In 1899, he drew attention to the wax moth and thought: what if the unique wax-digesting enzymes could destroy the cell wall of mycobacterium tuberculosis? After all, these substances are very similar - wax molecules are just as strong and resistant to chemical attack as Koch's sticks. Experiments have shown that cerrase and lipase - those very special enzymes - successfully penetrate the cell membrane of tuberculosis mycobacteria and destroy them.

Research on the wax moth after Mechnikov's death was continued by his students, I.S. Zolotarev and S.I. Metalnikov. Doctors approached the issue in a different direction - they studied the immunity of the wax moth, and were surprised to find that its larvae are 100% resistant to tuberculosis, plague, and cholera.

More modern scientific research dates back to the middle of the twentieth century. It was then that the doctor and microbiologist S.A. Mukhin came up with the creation of the first dosage form based on wax moth larvae. The scientist himself fell ill with tuberculosis in his youth, therefore he treated the search for a cure as saving his own life, and did not shy away from either bold theories or folk methods.

Mukhin studied the effect of wax moth extract on patients with tuberculosis and myocardial infarction for 30 years, and during this time he achieved good results: the drug contributed to scarring of the heart tissue and the healing of tuberculous caverns. In modern medicine, wax moth extract has not lost its relevance, although treatment is hampered by the rarity of the material and the insufficiently well-developed infrastructure for its production.

Wax Moth Tincture Recipe

A special alcohol tincture is prepared from wax moth larvae, since no other processing methods guarantee the preservation of its biological properties. It is absolutely impossible to heat a wax moth. And not all larvae are suitable for preparing medicine. You need to choose those that are younger, because they have more healing substances. If you decide to try this method of treating tuberculosis, it is best to enlist the support of an experienced beekeeper or biologist.

Immediately after collecting the wax moth larvae, they are placed in a clean container of thick dark glass and poured with medical alcohol at the rate of 1 to 10, or 4 ml of alcohol per 1 larva. The container is tightly sealed and the medicine is infused for 10 days in a cool place, away from sunlight. Then the infusion is filtered and squeezed through sterile gauze. It is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three years.

Tuberculosis is treated with wax moth extract as follows: 15-20 drops are dripped into a quarter glass of water or other non-hot liquid, mixed and drunk three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The extract can also be used as a prophylactic, then it is taken once a day. The course is not limited in time. side effects treatment does not. The medicine can be given even to children at the rate of 3 drops per 10 kg of body weight.

Dill to help with tuberculosis

Dill seeds are an affordable folk remedy that can be used not only for sleep and digestive disorders, but also for the treatment of tuberculosis. Dill seed contains many useful components:

    Vitamins A, B and C;

    Calcium, manganese, selenium, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, sodium, phosphorus;

    Palmitic, linolenic and oleic vegetable acids;

    Flavonoids, carotenoids and other nitrogenous compounds.

Before you start treating tuberculosis with dill, you should thoroughly stock up on raw materials. Buy a dozen packets of dill seeds at once so that you don’t have to run to the store or pharmacy often to get it. The course will be long, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Treatment of tuberculosis with dill

The infusion is prepared in the evening in such a way as to use it all the next day. Get a small enameled saucepan for these purposes. Pour a heaping tablespoon of dill seeds into it, pour half a liter of clean cold water, boil and simmer with the lid closed for 5 minutes. Leave the saucepan overnight on the windowsill so that the dill broth is well infused.

In the morning, strain the medicine through sterile gauze, pour into a glass jar and drink half a glass in 5 doses throughout the day, no matter before meals or after. Treatment of tuberculosis is recommended to continue for at least six months until all symptoms disappear. Within a month, coughing attacks will become much less frequent, appetite and sleep will improve, and a feeling of comfort in the lungs and intestines will appear. Dill infusion can be given even to young children and very elderly patients, it has no contraindications and does not cause side effects.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

There are several effective methods of treating tuberculosis with folk remedies. All these methods are easy to apply at home. But it is important to know that folk methods are not recommended to be used as the main therapy and they can only be used after consulting a doctor and with his permission.

Wax moth or bee moth is a pest insect that feeds on bee products. If a moth has been in the honeycombs, the bees stop pouring honey, and the uterus stops laying eggs. But this pest is an indispensable ingredient in the fight against tubercle bacillus. The moth destroys the infection and heals the cavities.

In proportions of 1 to 4, pour the larvae bee moth forty proof vodka. Leave to infuse in a dark, cool room for twenty days. After the expiration date, strain through a cotton filter or cheesecloth. In the severe stage of the disease, use fifty drops twice, in the morning and at bedtime. If the disease is not severe, take twenty drops 2 times a day, while always drinking boiled water. Such therapy will be more effective if it is performed in combination with other methods.

pine pollen

Pines produce a natural antibiotic - phytoncide. That is why it is believed that the air in the pine forest has a healing effect. Walking through a pine forest is useful for both a child and an adult. Pine pollen contains the following beneficial qualities:

  1. A large number of essential vitamins that help in the fight against tuberculosis. Including choline, which contributes to the rapid recovery of cells, protects the liver and improves blood in the vessels. A group of vitamins helps both in the prevention of the disease and in the fight against tuberculosis bacteria;
  2. Essential macro- and microelements, such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. Moreover, all elements are contained in the proportions that are necessary in the treatment of tuberculosis and the assimilation of the infected by the body;
  3. Useful amino acids, including nucleic. They are indispensable for infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis of the larynx. It has been scientifically proven that thanks to nucleic acids in children and adults, after a couple of months it improves the composition of the circulatory system;
  4. With pulmonary and other forms of tuberculosis, the patient's body is depleted. Pine pollen consists of a huge amount of nutrients that help restore the strength of a weakened body;
  5. Active biological components: enzymes, enzymes, flavonoids, phytoncides. These elements help in the fight against tubercle bacillus, strengthen the immune system, increase the productivity of the drugs used. In other words, they are an important component in the complex treatment of the disease.

Folk recipes for the treatment of tuberculosis with pine pollen:

  • Mix in a glass vessel 150 grams of linden honey and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pollen Use the resulting mixture three times a day before meals, 1 dessert spoon. The course of therapy is two months. After that, you need to take a break for two weeks. The drug must be stored in a refrigerator;
  • If the patient has allergic reactions to bee products, pollen can be taken in its pure form. For a beneficial effect on the body, the required dose is three teaspoons per day. It should be consumed on an empty stomach thirty minutes before meals, one teaspoon three times a day. The drug must be washed down with 200 milliliters of clean boiled water. The reception period is about two months;
  • Also, for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, tincture from this remedy is perfect. The preparation method is as follows: take five tablespoons of the ingredient and pour 250 milliliters of vodka. The resulting must be insisted in a dry room for two weeks. Take one tablespoon thirty minutes before meals three times a day. The duration of admission is a couple of months. If you do not have an allergic reaction to honey, you can add it to the tincture in the amount of two to three tablespoons;
  • An excellent tool in the fight against pulmonary forms of tuberculosis (consumption) is tea from this ingredient. It helps to remove cough, can facilitate expectoration and strengthen the immune system. To ease the course of pulmonary tuberculosis folk remedies with pollen, take 2 tablespoons of the main ingredient, two tablespoons of lime blossom, medicinal chamomile and marshmallow root. Brew all this in a teapot with a volume of 0.5 liters. The resulting need to pour 100 milliliters and add boiling water to a full glass. Drink tea three times a day before eating. It is an excellent remedy for pulmonary tuberculosis in adults and children.

badger fat

Effective treatment with folk remedies includes badger fat. Reviews of this technique are mostly positive. Animal fat contains a whole baggage of useful substances:

  • A huge amount of vitamins;
  • Amino acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6);
  • Macro and microelements (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc.).

Badger fat improves the composition of the circulatory system, allows cells to recover more intensively, and helps the healing of foci (which is important for pulmonary tuberculosis). Even in ancient times, with the help of animal fat, many diseases were cured. It was used to cure the patient of a prolonged cough.

When you use such a folk remedy as badger fat, you need to choose only a quality product. In the pharmacy chain and in online stores, fat is usually sold with various impurities. This is because the pure product costs a lot of money. As a rule, the most effective means in the fight against serious diseases - not at all cheap. A practical solution would be to purchase fat directly from hunters. But the bodies of animals must pass the necessary checks.

Badger fat is consumed in its pure form, or with the addition of a beekeeping product. It must be taken twice a day, one tablespoon in the morning and evening with meals. Before going to bed, they can rub the dorsal region and chest. This is a good prevention of tuberculosis and an indispensable tool in its treatment.

Herbal preparations

There are also a large number of herbs that have proven effective in the treatment of tuberculosis. Next, we will tell you how to cook them properly.

Herbal collection No. 1

Take the following herbal tea:

  1. Birch leaves, lungwort and dioecious nettle, thirty grams each;
  2. Marsh wild rosemary and Siberian princess ten grams each;
  3. Yarrow - twenty gr;
  4. An ordinary cuff and rose hips forty grams each.

The prescription is simple:

  • mix thoroughly and crush the collection;
  • 1 tablespoon of the collection and pour 200 milliliters of water, put on fire, boil for 10 minutes, in a closed container;
  • after that, put to cool for about an hour and strain;
  • consume throughout the day.

Herbal collection №2

Tuberculosis is treated with the following herbs:

  1. St. John's wort - ten grams;
  2. Sporysh - ten grams;
  3. Sage - fifteen grams;
  4. Elecampane - twenty grams;
  5. Inflorescence - yarrow ten grams;
  6. Icelandic moss - twenty grams.

This herbal collection has a good effect on the lungs. Traditional medicine claims that healing from lung diseases comes as soon as possible.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of herbs and pour 500 milliliters of boiling water over it.
  • Let it brew in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, and then set to cool for an hour.
  • Don't forget to strain.
  • The collection must be consumed 2/3 cup three times a day.

Folk remedies using these herbs are an effective method for tuberculosis.

Herbal collection No. 3

The following herbs are needed for tuberculosis:

  1. Marshmallow root - two tablespoons;
  2. Fruits of anise, flowering of self-seed poppy, mullein and mallow, four tablespoons each.

Chop the collection thoroughly and mix. Pour 500 milliliters of water and boil over low heat for about five minutes. Be sure to strain. Take one tablespoon three times daily before meals.

Herbal preparations are great recipes treatment against various diseases, including tuberculosis.

A decoction of oats in milk

Pour the oats into the bowl standard size so that the container is about 2/3 full. Pour milk over it so that a couple of centimeters remain from the top of the pan. Close the lid tightly and place in the oven. It is necessary to add milk until the oats are boiled. The resulting slurry is consumed three times a day for fifty grams.

Boil one kilogram of butter. After that, remove the dishes from the fire, report 150 grams of crushed propolis. Mix all ingredients vigorously until smooth. After that, while the resulting is still warm, strain through one layer of gauze into a saucepan with a lid. Remove to refrigerator. Take two teaspoons a day three times a day one and a half hours before meals. This recipe is included in folk remedies for pulmonary tuberculosis. The duration of the course is from four to twelve months. depending on the severity of the disease.

Garlic and lemon

Pass five cloves of garlic and the same number of lemons through a meat grinder. Add 0.5 liters of honey (clover or lime). Let it brew in a dark, dry place for a week. Take one dessert spoon three times a day on an empty stomach. The duration of admission is two months.


Bulbs and onion leaves contain a huge concentration of phytoncides. They prevent the growth and development of pathogenic microbes that cause tuberculosis. Onions improve appetite, the digestive system.

Mix onion juice and honey in a ratio of 1 to 1. Use the resulting mixture one teaspoon three to four times a day.

Onion has contraindications: it can not be used in violation of the kidneys, liver, acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular pathologies.


With a tubercle bacillus, walks, work in the fresh air are necessary, it is very useful to walk through a coniferous forest. Smoking, alcoholic beverages are contraindicated, narcotic substances. Need to go to healthy eating. Eat more greens, vegetables, fruits and lean meats.

Remember, in no case should you self-medicate. Self-treatment of tuberculosis with folk remedies can aggravate the course of the disease. Before using any methods, be sure to consult a qualified specialist (phthisiatrician).

Folk remedies are effective only in combination with traditional methods. Professional medical care for tuberculosis is necessary in any case. Alternative methods of treatment at home can only be effective in combination with drug therapy, exercise therapy and physiotherapy.