Cheats Skyrim codes for Daedric artifacts. What is the code in Skyrim for master keys Cheat for endless master keys in skyrim

Everyone who starts playing the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, having not tried other parts from this series, are wondering how to open chests, doors and other locks without having a key with you.

The answer is very simple, you just need to use a master key. In order to open, for example, a chest, you need to position it at a certain angle (rotating it in a circle) so that the mechanism inside works and simply turn the lock with an ordinary wand, dagger or other thing (usually the character selects the item automatically) all that remains is to pick up the good that is inside. But the fact is that the castles are divided into classes: beginner, student, adept, expert, master. And accordingly, each class has its own difficulty in hacking. Opening them, many keys simply break, and then the question is where to find the master keys. It's not difficult because they are scattered everywhere: in chests, on shelves, in dead creatures, in merchants' shops.

And if you need to open the lock urgently, but there is not one of them in stock? Then you can use the cheat player.additem 0000000A **number without quotes** or player.additem a **number without quotes**, you can not write the leading zeros in order to save time. 0000000A is the id of the lockpick, if you enter the id of another item instead, you can get it. The maximum number can be 9999 pieces, this is enough to complete the entire game from start to finish. Surely no one wants to write cheats for a long time or look for them, wasting their precious time. Where can I get an eternal lockpick? It turns out that there is one in Skyrim. It can be obtained by completing tasks for the Thieves Guild, namely those given to you by Mercer, Brynjolf and Karliah.

They all go along storyline. You will have to unravel the mystery of the death of one of the three nightingales named Gall, find evidence of the betrayal of Mercer Frey, the leader of the thieves guild, and then deal with him and, in the end, become a nightingale yourself. After completing the quest Reborn Triad(where you need to kill Mercer, who has become extremely strong) the character will be given an eternal variety, which must be taken to Twilight tomb and finish the quest, but you don't have to carry it. If you really need to complete it, then you can give the super version. But do not be upset, because in addition to the eternal one, the game also has an unbreakable endless master key. But to get it, you first have to become a super hacker and invest a large number of points in the hacking constellation, but the result is worth the time spent. Plus, being the best hacker in Skyrim doesn't hurt anyone.

How to use a bone pick in Skyrim? Yes, you can use this kind as well. Having received it, it immediately becomes the main one automatically, and the usual ones are no longer useful. This type of hack saves a lot of time and besides, all locks are easy to open, since the bone master key does not break. But if the player gives it away, throws it away, or goes to jail (where he has only one ordinary one left), it is better to upgrade the hacking abilities and get an unbreakable variety.

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The Daedric Artifact IDs below must be used in the cheat code as follows:

player.additem [amount] (without brackets).

Example: player.additem 000240D2 1 - get 1 dagger "Mehrunes' Razor"


000240D2 - "Mehrunes Razor" (dagger) - Chance to kill the enemy when dealing damage.

000233E3 - "Mace of Molag Bal" (mace) - Subtracts 25 damage. stamina and magic. Fills a soul gem if an enemy dies within 3 seconds.

0004E4EE - "Shine of Dawn" (sword) - +10 units. damage. When killing undead, there is a chance of a fiery explosion that drives away or destroys nearby undead.

000EA29C - "Ebony Blade" ( two-handed sword) - The target does not perceive a weapon attack as an attack.

0001C4E6 - "Ax of Sorrow" (two-handed ax) - Subtracts 20 points. the enemy's reserve of forces.

0002ACD2 - "Volendrang" (two-handed hammer) - Subtracts 50 units. reserve of strength.

0002AC6F - "Wabbajack" (staff) - Random effect on each use.

0001CB36 - Sanguine Rose (staff) - Summons a Dremora for 60 seconds.

00035066 - Skull of Corruption (staff) - +20 pts. damage. Dreams gathered from sleeping humans increase damage to 50.


0002AC61 - "Skin of the Savior" (light armor) - + 50% resistance to poisons and + 15% magic.

00052794 - "Ebony Mail" (heavy armor) - You move more quietly, and enemies who get too close take 5 points of poison damage per second.

000D2846 - "Mask of Clavicus Vile" (heavy helmet) - +10 to eloquence. Magicka recovery rate +5%. Favorable prices +20%.

00045F96 - "Spell Breaker" (shield) - After blocking, absorbs up to 50 damage. spell damage.


0002C37B - "Ring of Namira" - +50 units. reserve of strength. Consuming corpses increases your health and regeneration rate.

0002AC60 - "Ring of Hircine" - Additional transformation for rewolves.

0001A332 - "Ogma Infinum" (book) - After reading, you can get +5 to the following skills (only 1 of 3 lines is randomly selected):

Blacksmithing, Blocking, Marksmanship, One-Handed Weapons, Two-Handed Weapons, Heavy Armor;

Lockpicking, Light Armor, Stealth, Pickpocketing, Speech, Alchemy;

Illusion, Sorcery, Destruction, Restoration, Enchantment, Change.

00063B27 - Azura's Star - Infinite Soul Gem.

00063B29 - "Black Star" - Soul Stone.

0003A070 - "Skeleton Key" - Infinite master key. A bug was found in earlier versions of the game. If the version of Skyrim is lower than, then in order to use the Skeleton Key, you must have at least 1 regular lockpick in your inventory. After the first failed attempt opening the lock, all ordinary master keys disappear, but after that, in order to open a lock, ordinary master keys are not needed. IN latest version game this bug is fixed. (added FANTOM).

The Elder Scrolls. How many emotions and associations this name of one of the most popular series evokes role playing of all time from Bethesda Softworks. Huge game worlds with a unique atmosphere, endless possibilities of action, many races from which you can choose and create your own character by customizing his appearance, an unusual pumping system that has many branches of perks and skills... all this and much more is provided to us by a series of games The Elder Scrolls.

IN Skyrim all this has become even more. To pump all the skills, see all the spells and talents, weapons, locations and a bunch of everything else that the developers stuffed into Skyrim, it will take a lot of time. For the most curious players who want to take a look at almost everything in the game, we have prepared a selection of codes for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. How to use them is up to you, but we strongly do not recommend using them for passing.
Remove squares when entering cheat codes in Skyrim as follows: go to the folder with the game (SkyrimDataInterface), find the fontconfig.txt file and replace the line "map "$ConsoleFont" = "Arial" Normal" with "map "$ConsoleFont" = "FuturaTCYLigCon" Normal", save the changes .

If the file is not saved or offers to save a copy of the file, you need to do the following: in the properties of the fontconfig.txt file, uncheck "Read only", click "Apply", then make changes to the file again, save it and check the box back.

to install English language in the game console, go to C: Documents and SettingsUser My Documents My Games Skyrim, open the Skyrim.ini file and find the line:


After it, add the command:


If after these steps the language in the Skyrim console remains the same or you cannot find the Skyrim.ini file, then delete the line sConsole=ENGLISH (if added) and set the default English language to operating system: Start -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options. The "Languages" tab, the "Details" button and in the drop-down menu select English, which, after these steps, will always be the default when the system boots.

To open the console, press the ~ (tilde) key and enter the following cheat codes:

Basic codes (cheats) for Skyrim

Immortality in Skyrim

Walk through walls

Open the whole world map
tmm 1

Kill all friends/enemies in line of sight

Learn all spells, dragon calls and talents

Quick exit from the game

To level up

Free flight mode

Steal without consequences

Disable/enable artificial intelligence

Game time management Skyrim(if you change the value from 0 to 10000, then the daily cycle games will take place in a few seconds)
set timescale to 0

Change gender (face does not change)

Launch character editor

Invisibility (can be disabled by changing the value from 1 to 0)
player.setav invisibility 1

Increase maximum carry weight
player.modav carryweight X

Change movement speed
player.setav speedmult X

Change the growth of your character (value 1 - 100%, 2 - 200% and so on)
player.setscale X

Jump height (default 100%)
setgs fJumpHeightMin 100

Set the maximum number of life units (instead of X we write the desired number)
player.setav Health X

Set the maximum number of magic units (instead of X we write the desired number)
player.setav Magicka X

Set the maximum number of stamina units (instead of X we write the desired number)
player.setav Stamina X

Increase weapon damage (instead of X, write the desired number)
player.setav attackdamagemult X

Increase the attack speed of the weapon in the left hand (instead of X we write the desired number)
player.setav leftweaponspeedmult X

Increase weapon attack speed right hand(instead of X we write the desired number)
player.setav weaponspeedmult X

Load the weapon in the left hand (instead of X we write the desired number of charges)
player.setav LeftitemCharge X

Load the weapon in the right hand (instead of X we write the desired number of charges)
player.setav RightitemCharge X

Code for gold (instead of X we write the desired number of coins)
player.additem 0000000F X

Code for master keys (instead of X we write the desired number of master keys)
player.additem 0000000A X

Summon Spectral Horse (works even indoors)
player.placeatme 0010BF90

Cancel the bounty on your head
player.setcrimegold 0

Code for the Lycanthropy skill - turning into a werewolf (appears in the "Talents" section)
player.addspell 00092C48

Cure Vampirism (only works once)
setstage 000EAFD5 10

Teleport to the specified object (instead of the X ID of the object to teleport to)
player.moveto X

Move to test location
coc qasmoke

Exit test location (move to Riverwood)
coc riverwood

Remove all items from inventory

Codes (cheats) for Skyrim for selected objects

To activate the codes listed below, you need to come close to the front of the animal, character or the desired object and, having opened the console, click on it with the mouse. After that, the inscription "" (object_ID) should appear in the console. Now you can enter the following codes:

Stop combat with the specified friendly character (before entering this command, activate the player.setcrimegold 0 code)

Kill the selected character or animal

Resurrect the selected character or animal
resurrect 1

Wipe the memory of the selected NPC

Open the inventory of the selected character (you can exchange items)
openactorcontainer 1

Clear the inventory of the selected character

View the contents of the selected object's inventory

Copy and paste all items from the inventory of the selected NPC into your inventory
duplicateallitems player

Equip the selected character in the default outfit
reset inventory

Make the selected item a property

Open any lock

Hide the specified object

Show an object that was hidden with the disable cheat

Cheats (cheats) for strengthening skills in Skyrim

The following codes are designed to enhance any skills. If, for example, you have a one-handed weapon skill of 15 and enter the code OneHandedPowerMod 100, then your one-handed sword skill will increase by 100%. To cancel the change, enter the required code with a value of 0.

Increase skill with one-handed weapons

Increase two-handed weapon proficiency

Increase bow skill

Upgrade your shield skill

Increase the skill of wielding a blacksmith's hammer

Increase the ability to use heavy armor

Increase the ability to use light armor

Increase Pickpocketing Skill

Increase the skill of picking locks with a master key

Increase stealth skill

Upgrade Alchemy Skill

Improve your speaking skill

Upgrade your spell skill

Upgrade Destruction Skill

Upgrade your Illusion skill

Upgrade recovery skill

Upgrade Enchanting Skill

If you know of any other cheat code for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, then write about it through the form to the author of the article.

How to enter codes (cheats) on consoles?

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is one of the most popular role playing games. It has very strong sales, with most of them coming from game consoles - Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, PS 4 and, more recently, Nintendo Switch.

Thus, a significant number of players are wondering: how to enter the above cheat codes in the console version of the game? How to open the console on the game console to enter the codes?

Despite the huge number of such and similar requests, not a single console Skyrim versions there is no way to enter codes. The reason is extremely banal: in these versions of the game there is simply no function to open the console. And if there is nowhere to enter cheats, then you won’t be able to use them.

Here you need to make one remark, because such a practice of refusing cheat codes is not so common. For example, in Grand Theft Auto 5 and many other Rockstar Games games cheats are activated by special combinations of gamepad button presses. Alas, there is no such thing in TES 5: Skyrim.

The fact is that skyrim codes- these are not really cheats from the point of view of the developers themselves. The console in the game is used primarily as a means of debugging the game. With it, you can do almost everything: change graphics settings, create characters, edit any objects, disable and enable scripts, as well as many other technical elements of the game.

Those codes that are given in this article are just a drop in the ocean. console commands The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. In fact, there are many, many more. True, most of them do not bring any benefit to the game character, so we did not bring them here.

A similar situation with special teams was in Half life 2. In the PC version of the game, the user had access to the console. With its help, you could twirl the game as you like, make a lot of changes.

And yes, some commands could be considered conditional "cheats" (get all the weapons, fly through walls, and so on), because they really helped in the passage of difficult moments. However, in the console versions of Half-Life 2, there was no console, as well as access to all this rich functionality.

The Skyrim game is full of lost treasure chests, locked doors in draugr tombs, defenseless houses bursting with silver utensils, alchemical safes stuffed to the brim with septims. But in order to open all this, you need not only dexterous fingers and the skill of breaking, but also at least a dozen master keys. And where to get them in the same tomb is a big question. Especially when the Draugrs are coming at you in droves.

And if at all you need to urgently escape from prison, while the guards turned their backs?! There is only one way out: find out the code in Skyrim for master keys!

Why do you need additional lockpicks?

The game provides enough opportunities to purchase what you need without using codes for Skyrim-5 for master keys. You can buy them from the Khajiit or at the Sundries. Also, sometimes master keys are sold by shopkeepers, and ordinary citizens always carry them with them. If you have a high level of pickpocketing, then you can collect fifty picks in one city, just by going through the pockets of unsuspecting citizens.

But there are situations when master keys are simply vital. For instance:

  • You ended up in prison, and you only have one master key left. they rarely make them below the Adept level, so if you haven't leveled Hacking before, your character will have to cuckoo on the bunk and lose skills. But if you still got out, then opening chests with confiscated items (usually not lower than the Master) will obviously require more than one pair of picks. This is where the code in Skyrim for master keys comes to the rescue.

  • You are deep in the dungeon (the same Black Limit), in or in someone's tomb. Having met the Expert's lock, you, inspired by the presence of at least twenty master keys, proceed to the autopsy. After pumping over a dozen levels of Hacking, you realize that the master keys have suddenly run out. It takes a long time to go back, the draugrs do not hide the master keys in the urns, and the chest brazenly shines and beckons with its contents. What to do? Enter code!
  • You are in the city. The townspeople are impolite to you. And you have a well pumped Stealth. What are you going to do? Of course, if you take out the whole city to the skin, you will please Tonilla.

Code in "Skyrim" for master keys

To obtain additional master keys, you must perform the following steps:

  • Open by pressing tilde (~).
  • Enter the code in "Skyrim" for master keys: player.additem - subject code number.
  • The lockpick code is 000000A.
  • Example: player.additem 000000A 575 will add 575 lockpicks.
  • After entering the code, you must press enter and close the window with a tilde (~).

Does the lockpick code go against the ENT?

In general, any code that adds something to the character using the console is not fair and in the sense of LOR spoils Skyrim quite a lot. The cheat code for master keys is no exception. For a more complete immersion in the atmosphere of an ancient Nordic country that keeps its terrible secrets, it is better, of course, not to use such codes. But you can always install the necessary modifications that will improve the gameplay and more fully immerse the player in the atmosphere.

One of these modifications, which practically does not affect the main game code and does not conflict with other mods, is the ability to create master keys in the forge. Conflicts are excluded due to the insignificance of this mod, so you can safely install it.

For a dozen lock picks, you may need an iron or a forge and some skill in blacksmithing. More precise details depend on which modification you have installed. Also, these mods often come bundled with others, so carefully check what and how you install. It may happen that one modification of the game is superimposed on another that performs the same function, and the result of this superposition will be unknown.

Conquer the peaks of the snow-capped mountains of Skyrim, explore the tombs of the draugrs and do not kill Paarthurnax, brave warriors! And, of course, download the hacking skill - this will save you more than a dozen master keys.