Is it possible to get pregnant. Does natural pregnancy happen after IVF

Now more and more spouses cannot have children due to the infertility of a man or woman. But there is a method that allows you to find real pleasure in life and solve your problem of infertility through a fairly new reproductive method - eco. What is this method? And what is the percentage of pregnancy with IVF? Let's try to understand a little about these issues. So, IVF (in vitro fertilization) is one of the leading programs in reproductive medicine, carried out outside the body with the further development of pregnancy in the female body under the control of reproductologists, allowing them to achieve the main goal of life. Until recently, even in the minds of people it was not that fertilization can occur outside the body of a woman. Nowadays, the technique of carrying out this technology is widely used in medicine to enable spouses to become happy parents. The technique itself consists of several stages. The fertilization protocol always begins with the stimulation of ovulation to obtain more eggs, in contrast to the natural cycle, which increases the likelihood of selecting genetically complete eggs. Further, under the control of ultrasound, the follicular fluid is taken with the washing of the eggs and placing them in a special chamber for fertilization in a laboratory with growing them for three to five days. Further, the best zygotes are subject to transplantation into the uterine cavity and maintenance hormone therapy is carried out until a diagnosis is established: pregnancy has occurred or not. Is there a chance of pregnancy with IVF?

IVF success rate to get pregnant

Eco. The probability of pregnancy decreases with age, since the ovarian reserve of each woman decreases, and also with age, each woman collects a number of pathologies in which it is impossible to get pregnant on her own, and IVF is a contraindication. According to statistics, if a woman's age is less than 28 years, then up to 83% of cases have a positive result, 30-35 years old - only 60% have a favorable outcome, if a woman is under 40 years old, then the probability decreases to 30%, but women over 40 years old significantly reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant, which is up to 25%.

Is IVF possible without ovaries?

Percentage of pregnancy after IVF

Eco The first time success rate of the program is only 40% of cases, with each attempt increasing the chance of in vitro fertilization and 8 out of 10 women always get pregnant after the fourth attempt. These are the results of international studies, but among them there were cases with a positive result after the 10th attempt. And if menstruation began during IVF pregnancy, then perhaps the next attempt will be successful.

Let's try to look a little at the factors that increase the likelihood of a successful eco. Among them should be highlighted:

  1. The age of the woman. A little higher, we discussed how the probability of pregnancy changes with increasing age. But it should also be remembered that IV protocols are not recommended for women after 42 years of age, since the chances of a favorable outcome are very low and there is a threat to the woman's health, up to a threat to life.
  2. Concomitant diagnosis. It is known that with tubal infertility, the chances of pregnancy are much higher than if a woman has, for example, anomalies in the development of the uterus.
  3. Proper preparation for IVF is of great importance, while a thorough examination, treatment of extragenital and gynecological pathologies significantly increase the IVF chances of pregnancy.

  4. Sperm quality. If there are problems with the male factor, then it is necessary to conduct a sampling in advance to increase the likelihood of fertilization of the egg.
  5. The diet, physical activity and emotional upheavals directly depend on the onset of pregnancy, since good dream, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and good emotions increase the chance of successful fertilization and achieving a good pregnancy outcome.

Eco. The probability of having a child after a successful conception is not always favorable, since there may be cases of miscarriage during IVF, since the age of women entering the protocol exceeds 40 years with the presence of concomitant pathology, which is already a risk of miscarriage, as well as the introduction of hormonal drugs , according to the protocols, weaken the protective properties of the embryo. Therefore, in order to avoid such negative consequences, it is necessary to carry out pre-implantation preparation of embryos with selection of genetically healthy ones and use hormonal treatment after embryo replanting. .

The low probability of pregnancy with IVF increases the birth of a healthy child, in contrast to the expectation of an independent pregnancy. So it's not worth it long time wait for the onset of pregnancy, the spouses should contact the reproductive center for diagnosis and determine the chances of pregnancy. What is cryo with eco?

eco method

IVF method with a guarantee: the chances of getting pregnant with infertility on their own are almost absent, while many couples have already been able to achieve the main pleasure in life - the birth of a child. If a couple live sexually regularly for a year without using any means of protection against unwanted pregnancy and they cannot conceive a child, then we should talk about infertility. What is its genesis should be understood by fertility doctors and determine the chances of pregnancy on their own or with the help of in vitro fertilization. The percentage of pregnancy during IVF in infertile couples averages up to 50%, since all of the above factors should be taken into account, which lead to a decrease in the likelihood of artificial fertilization.

Eco statistics - what is it?

Since the IV procedure is carried out in several stages, the probability of getting pregnant with IV increases with the passage of each of them. With ovarian hyperstimulation, a woman's ovaries grow up to 10 eggs, while normally their number does not exceed two, which also increases the chances of IVF.

If pregnancy did not occur on the first attempt, then you should not give up, since the likelihood of getting pregnant after IVF increases with each attempt. And if several attempts were unsuccessful, then the doctor will recommend you a break and then change the protocol with the drugs and their dosage and you will certainly become happy parents and you will succeed.

The success of eco, according to statistics, after failure for the first time, increases with the second and third trials, while it is generally accepted that these are the most effective chances. This is primarily due to the analysis of failures, accounting for errors and adjusting the treatment program.

Eco. The chances of success - how to increase them without harming the body of the expectant mother. For this, there are protocoled standards, according to which the interval between fertilization attempts must be at least 2 months in order to find the cause of failure and to restore the body's strength. if the reason is the poor quality of the eggs, then it is necessary to resort to surrogate motherhood or donor sperm, if the quality of the spermatozoa is poor.

Eco. The percentage of success also depends on the intake of vitamins, in particular vitamin D, in fish oil and chicken eggs, as well as the intake of zinc contained in oysters, meat and chicken fillet.

In order to increase the percentage of pregnancy after IVF, some recommendations should be followed: immediately after the embryo transfer, one should lie with a raised pelvic end until the morning, then observe complete physical and sexual rest, it is forbidden to visit saunas, baths and hot baths, play sports and should observe protein diet with sufficient fluid intake.

And yet, it should be remembered that in modern reproduction, in vitro fertilization is the most common method of treating infertility throughout the world, when the probability of natural fertilization is zero. Today, almost 7% of all couples who could not conceive a child on their own have fully experienced this joy of motherhood and fatherhood, and only 0.3% of all couples ended in vain. Most often this is due to severe comorbidity, the detection of cancer.

Recently, the chance of getting pregnant with IVF has increased, since not all couples can afford this expensive procedure, but those who have a compulsory medical insurance policy and Russian citizenship, after confirming the diagnosis and preparing a number of documents, pre-apply on the website of infertile couples in Russia, registering on our website increases the chances of pregnancy as a result of free IVF.

Many married couples, after diagnosing infertility, decide on in vitro fertilization, as a result of which a long-awaited baby is born. After the birth of a child conceived with the help of IVF, in some of these families, later there is natural pregnancy.

According to statistics, about 15% of women after a successful IVF procedure 6-14 months after the birth of their first child, were able to get pregnant again naturally, without any medical stimulation.

Reasons for natural conception

Many may have doubts about the correctness of the previously diagnosed "infertility". But the fact is that artificial insemination contributes to the restoration of female reproductive function. As a result, it becomes possible to conceive a child on their own.

Natural pregnancy can occur as a result of prolonged hormonal stimulation of the ovaries before IVF. Such stimulation significantly increases the ability of the egg to naturally fertilize.

Also, in the process of preparing for IVF, the process of ovulation normalizes, the cycle becomes regular, which means that the possibility of getting pregnant increases.

But there are other factors that contribute to natural conception:

  1. The physiological readiness of the body for pregnancy and bearing a child increases - after the birth of a baby, many cells in the body are actively renewed. The work of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system as a whole is stimulated (in the absence of any pathologies).
  2. Ignoring any contraceptives - experts recommend completely abandoning them.
  3. Lack of emotional stress - many women cannot get pregnant for this very reason. But after the appearance of the first baby, the work of their reproductive system is getting better, due to the fact that the stress and pressure factor disappears ().
  4. Lifestyle changes after the birth of the first child are nutrition, daily routine, physical activity;
  5. General improvement in health.

Natural pregnancy after IVF

Many clients of IVF clinics ask if it is possible to get pregnant after the procedure on their own (after a successful and unsuccessful procedure)? Yes, you can with a probability of 5%. Chances increase due to successful treatment in preparation for IVF.

Self-conception can occur if a woman, before IVF, has been diagnosed with the following diseases and disorders:

  • with poor patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • with hormonal imbalance;
  • there is a psychological factor;
  • with a decrease in the viability of the egg.

Medical stimulation before the IVF procedure can help overcome these problems, and a successful pregnancy after IVF allows you to activate many body functions and increase the overall tone for the next, natural pregnancy.

Factors that will not allow you to conceive a child on your own after IVF:

  1. Absence of fallopian tubes or ovaries - with a similar pathology, the embryo is implanted directly into the uterus.
  2. When the cause of childlessness lies in the partner - if a man is diagnosed with azoospermia, then in this case, specialists use a biopsy to extract spermatozoa from the seminal fluid, then fertilize the egg and then implant it in the woman.
  3. Hypoplasia of the uterus - is divided into 3 degrees, depending on the degree, pregnancy and the IVF procedure itself are planned.
  4. Complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes - in vitro fertilization is the only way to have a baby, the embryo is placed directly into the uterus.
  5. Underdevelopment of the reproductive system as a whole - requires careful diagnosis, identification of causes. Then drug treatment is carried out, and only then an algorithm for the IVF procedure is developed.

Failed IVF

The IVF procedure does not bring the desired result in 70% of cases, despite the individual approach to the patient and the high control of doctors at every stage of childbearing.

The embryo may die a few days after transplantation, and frozen pregnancy syndrome may also appear (when the body stops the development of the fetus at any time).

If this happens, then analyzes are taken to determine the cause of the failure, negative factors are excluded, and a treatment algorithm is developed in parallel. The next IVF attempt is delayed by 2-4 months.

It happens that at this very moment, about 5% of women became pregnant naturally.

This is due to physiological reasons, as well as a positive effect after drug therapy (hormonal stimulation, treatment of chronic diseases, maintaining a proper lifestyle).

Scheme of preparing a woman for IVF

In addition, the psychological attitude also plays a big role; after a failure with IVF, it is recommended not to dwell on the problem, but rather relax and let it go.

You should change your lifestyle, diet, physical activity, but before that, consult a doctor to choose best option based on the individual characteristics of your body.

Thus, the chances of a natural pregnancy increase significantly, even after unsuccessful IVF.

How to recover after a failed IVF attempt?

If after IVF a long-awaited pregnancy does not occur, then there is a fear of a second procedure (the possibility of failure). In this case, you should do the rehabilitation of your physical and moral health.

From proper preparation about 70% success depends on the next attempt.

  • kidneys;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • gastrointestinal tract.

Against the background of stress, their work deteriorates significantly, which negatively affects future pregnancy.

Psychological factor:

  • conduct a course of relaxing gymnastics;
  • it is recommended to visit a psychologist;
  • do something that brings pleasure (reading, needlework, singing, planting flowers, etc.)

Only after a full recovery, the chances of success increase many times over.

Natural pregnancy after IVF is not uncommon. The most favorable are considered from 2 to 10 months after an unsuccessful attempt at artificial insemination, in the absence of serious pathologies. To do this, you just need to relax, actively engage in yourself, your family and not get depressed.

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In vitro fertilization is the most effective way infertility treatment. For many couples, this is the only chance to become parents. However, not every protocol ends in pregnancy. As a rule, two out of three women are doomed to failure. In this situation, it is important not to lose heart, not to go into depression and not stop trying. In addition, it often happens that after a failure with IVF, a couple was able to conceive a baby on their own.

There is great hope placed on each protocol. After all, this procedure requires considerable monetary and moral investments. Each couple expects that this time everything will work out. Two weeks of waiting for the cherished two strips on the test pass slowly and in great excitement. And what a blow it is to fail. For many, the sensations are comparable to falling into a bottomless abyss.

It is important not to lose hope and keep trying. As you know, it is possible to make another protocol only at least six months later. All this time you need to engage in the rehabilitation of moral and physical strength.

In addition, there are often violations in the background of stress, hormone therapy and a large number of drugs. You should not drink heavily diuretics, but it is also impossible to reduce the amount of fluid consumed. It is better to limit yourself to natural remedies.

Restoration of moral strength

In addition to health problems, many women and men experience a breakdown, mood changes, depression and apathy. Under no circumstances should they be allowed to develop. You need to understand that IVF is just a chance, but not a 100% solution to the problem. There is no need to fall into despair. It is extremely important to start doing something, find a new hobby, put your appearance in order.

To avoid gaining due to stress and depression excess weight, which can then become a problem on the second attempt, you should go in for sports. Any physical activity is suitable - from morning walks in the park to working out in the gym. The main thing is to have fun.

In many cities, at least on the Internet, there are a huge number of thematic communities of women who have undergone IVF. Here everyone can find support, help in solving various problems and friends in general.

During the recovery period, you can do work, reading, breeding plants and animals, charity.

Learn more about embryo transfer in this video:

Family relationships

Trying to have children is not an easy test for any couple. There is no need to start blaming each other, shifting the blame, or even closing in on yourself. During this period, it is worth, on the contrary, to spend as much time as possible with each other and support in every possible way.

This good period to start arranging romantic dates, walks under the moon, you can go on a honeymoon again.

It often happens that when people relax and get distracted from problems, they manage to conceive a child on their own. Sometimes the cause of infertility is precisely the emotional stopper.

Are there any chances of becoming parents on my own in the next cycle?

Even an unsuccessful attempt at in vitro fertilization is not a missed last chance. Infertility is not yet a sentence. Data latest research scientists from France and Great Britain show that the chances of conceiving a child naturally after an unsuccessful protocol increase.

Already literally in the next cycle, the couple has a chance to become pregnant on their own. Moreover, studies have shown that people were able to conceive even two or more years after the termination of the protocol, and in cases where the process was not completed.

It turns out that a woman after the IVF protocol, in case of failure, has a chance to become a mother without the participation of technology. Couples should not lose hope and stop trying. Nevertheless, doctors recommend taking a break of two to three months to restore the body's resources.

Support and mutual understanding are important success factors

Is it possible to get pregnant after a successful artificial conception

There are frequent cases of pregnancy in families where there is already one child born through IVF. It happens that after many attempts at protocols, conception finally occurs, and a baby is born. After that, the reproductive system of the body returns to normal. Most likely, in this case, the natural process of pregnancy and childbirth stimulates the restoration of their abilities.

Often couples after the diagnosis of "infertility" ignore contraceptives. V as a result, almost 20% of them may well become parents for the second and even third time. The fact is that about 15% of people have incomprehensible causes of infertility that are not associated with any health abnormalities. It is in such cases that the likelihood of natural conception is high.

Reasons why conception can occur on its own

Seeing doctors and performing in vitro fertilization increases a couple's chances of having a natural pregnancy. This can be explained by the following factors:

  • Long-term hormonal support. During the entire protocol, a woman's body is powerfully affected by drugs that stimulate various processes. The same thing happens as during natural ovulation, but much more intense.

Follicles stimulated during IVF
  • The readiness of the body for pregnancy. The entire IVF protocol is the preparation for conceiving and bearing a child. Even if it fails, it still remains ready.
  • Improvement in health status. Before the IVF procedure, a woman and a man are fully examined. If problems are identified, they are treated appropriately. So to some extent the obstacle to natural conception can be removed.
  • Lifestyle change. Being in the protocol, the couple changes the diet, the daily routine. A woman begins to expose herself to less stress and anxiety. If the reason lay in a hormonal imbalance, then the chances increase, its fertile function is activated.
  • emotional component. On the one hand, a serious attitude towards pregnancy forms certain impulses in the body. On the other hand, even in case of failure, when the couple begins rehabilitation and lets go of the situation, the tension goes away and the attitude towards the process of conception as a job, a miracle can happen. Some emotional barrier is removed. This is typical for couples with an unclear etiology of infertility.

In the European medical center EMC passed the round table "Pregnancy after IVF: facts and myths". Yulia Voznesenskaya, head of the Clinic for Reproductive and Prenatal Medicine, spoke about artificial insemination and pregnancy after IVF. Read the answers to the most relevant and interesting questions that were discussed at the event in this material.

What is the difference between natural pregnancy and pregnancy after IVF?

The difference between a pregnancy resulting from IVF and a natural pregnancy is only in the method of conception and special supportive therapy. During in vitro fertilization, an embryo is transferred into the uterine cavity. In order for it to implant, the doctor prescribes hormone therapy. After its cancellation, the management of IVF pregnancy is no different from the management normal pregnancy. That is why so many women who become pregnant through IVF and receive the results of the first screening begin to be observed by a doctor at their place of residence.

Non-developing, or biochemical pregnancy after IVF - what to do?

Pregnancy, spontaneously interrupted within two embryonic weeks, is called non-developing or biochemical. This is a separate topic around which the bulk of fables revolve. At the same time, the couple's examination plan is clearly defined in the world of evidence-based medicine. V without fail it includes: karyotype of both spouses, semen analysis, hormonal screening of both spouses, screening for antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), examination of the state of the uterine cavity. In addition to medical research, lifestyle adjustments are necessary: ​​overweight, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages should be stopped. If the circumference of the abdomen in a woman exceeds 80 cm, and in a man 93 cm, the quality of germ cells is significantly reduced - under no circumstances will it be possible to achieve high pregnancy rates in IVF programs.

Genetic polymorphisms of the hemostasis system - the reason for the failure of IVF programs?

There is no evidence-based study that would support the view that the presence of polymorphisms is the cause of IVF program failure, implantation pathology, biochemical pregnancies, or loss of pregnancies in the first trimester. Carrying a polymorphism for the Leiden mutation and the 2nd factor shows a connection with the pathology of pregnancy in the second trimester and requires appropriate therapy.

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD/NPT) - what is the point?

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis provides full information about transferable embryos, but, unfortunately, does not increase the likelihood of pregnancy in any way. Non-invasive prenatal test for early dates of pregnancy (NPT), in turn, allows diagnosing not only karyotype pathology, but also imprinting diseases that are “not visible” either during amniocentesis or chorionic biopsy. If, for one reason or another, the issue of determining the genetic health of embryos arises, GEMC specialists select the most appropriate diagnostic method for each couple.

What threatens antiphospholipid syndrome?

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disease in which the body produces antibodies to phospholipids, components of cell walls. As a result of this process, blood clots (thrombosis) appear in the arteries and veins. During pregnancy, there is a high risk of their formation in the placenta, which can lead to a delay in the development of the fetus, and in some cases to its death.

APS is a very serious rare disease, and it has clear diagnostic and clinical criteria that allow the doctor to diagnose or deny its presence. Unfortunately, on the territory of our country, a pathological practice of overdiagnosis of this condition has developed, when the patient receives the stigma "Acquired thrombophilia", along with it, unreasonable treatment, the prognosis of the onset and gestation of pregnancy. As part of round table Julia Voznesenskaya told in detail who really needs to take an analysis for the search for APS, and how it should be interpreted.

What is isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI)?

The cervix is ​​a very strong muscle that holds the baby for 40 weeks in the uterus. In some cases, this strength is not enough and one has to resort to medical manipulations - the imposition of a prophylactic cerclage (suturing the uterus). Neither the IVF program in the patient's history, nor the presence of multiple pregnancies are indications for this procedure.

Risk factors for the development of CCI are:

    loss of pregnancy in the 2nd trimester in the anamnesis of the patient,

    cervical trauma (LEEP, cervical biopsy, abortion, trachelectomy),

    anomalies in the development of the uterus,

    polycystic ovaries,

    ascending infections of the lower genital tract.

The need for cerclage is determined not only and not so much by the data of ultrasound measurement of the length of the cervix, as by the patient's history.

Childbirth after IVF: caesarean section or independently?

If there are no medical contraindications for the mother or child, then they pass naturally, if there are obstetric risks, then a caesarean section is done. To date, the IVF program is not an indication for caesarean section. Patients of the Clinic of Reproductive and Prenatal Medicine give birth to their babies on the basis of knowledge of the principles of classical obstetrics, which means that a correctly and timely IVF program will not complicate the obstetric history in any way - in 1-2 years their uterus will be ready to repeat this feat, give a new life!

If you have questions about the IVF procedure and pregnancy after IVF, you can leave them in the appropriate section. Our experts will be happy to answer!

The desire to become pregnant on your own after an unsuccessful IVF is absolutely natural. And these are not empty fantasies. Some women (there is data on 20-25%), who were not helped by assisted reproductive technologies, managed to conceive naturally.

How to recover mentally and physically after unsuccessful IVF

Initially, after a failed reproductive procedure, it is vital to take care of yourself. Replenish strength, put in order the emotional state. Until this happens, you should not even think about independent pregnancy. Even if the desire comes true, the exhausted body is unable to bear the baby, which will further shake your faith in yourself. So take care of your body first.

Recovery will begin with an examination. The patient should visit a gynecologist and take tests that will help determine the cause of the failure. Often it is at this stage that the true cause of infertility is discovered. After a significant dose of hormonal agents and stimulation of superovulation, the patient may experience a violation menstrual cycle. It will take from one month to six months to restore it. The state of the digestive tract should not be overlooked, because due to the intake of a large number of drugs, the work of the stomach and intestines is disrupted. This, in turn, will start the process of reducing immunity.

Simultaneously with the restoration of health after a failed protocol, it is necessary to normalize the emotional state. The news of failure can undermine the morale of both spouses, but you can’t give up. A second IVF attempt will be allowed to be done no earlier than six months later. For this period, you need to take a break: take care of yourself, relax and, if possible, change the situation or go on vacation.

In order not to get depressed and not get hooked on sweets that lead to excess weight, you can go in for sports. Physical exercise relax the body and distract from negative thoughts.

Even if you have never consulted a psychologist or psychotherapist, now is the right time to start. The specialist will help you understand yourself, your emotions and properly survive them. You will definitely find the strength to live on and continue to fight for future children.

Despite the fact that the attempt to get pregnant failed, you can not blame the partner. On the contrary, failure should rally the couple in order to work together to cope with the circumstances that have arisen.

Can I get pregnant after IVF on my own?

As shows world practice, the probability of natural pregnancy after the use of auxiliary reproductive technologies increases. The only exceptions are those women who are physically unable to conceive a child without the help of modern medicine. This group includes patients:

  • with premature ovarian failure or during menopause, when a donor cell was used for the procedure;
  • with complete obstruction or absence of the fallopian tubes, since the spermatozoa will not be able to reach their goal due to the obstruction;
  • with immunological infertility, when antisperm antibodies are produced in a woman's body.

For other partners, independent pregnancy after unsuccessful IVF is not excluded. Statistics show that the incidence of spontaneous pregnancy reaches 24% in couples who have experienced a failed protocol. Numerous situations are also known when it was possible to get pregnant naturally by spouses who were just waiting in line for the protocol. At the same time, they were previously diagnosed with "unspecified infertility".

There are also chances of getting pregnant for those women for whom IVF ended with the birth of a baby. According to medical observation, more than 10% of couples have conceived a child on their own over the next 10 years.

“Independent pregnancy is really possible,” confirms our consultant, geneticist, gynecologist-reproductologist. - But only if one of the main indications for IVF is the endocrine factor (hormonal disorders - most often the lack of adequate maturation of oocytes) and endometriosis, and not the lack of patency of the fallopian tubes. Then, in the next cycle after IVF, spontaneous pregnancy is possible. Loading with gonadotropins can normalize cycles up to 3-6 months.

The main reasons for natural pregnancy after IVF

Natural pregnancy after IVF is often unexpected for couples. Partners let go of the current situation and simply live a normal life, when suddenly, unexpectedly, a woman has a delay, and pregnancy is confirmed. There are several theories as to why conception occurs after IVF.

  • The use of hormonal agents in a shock dose. During the protocol, the woman is forced to take drugs, with the help of which reproductologists regulate the processes in the ovaries and uterus. The body seems to be learning, and if before there was no ovulation, now it begins to occur regularly.
  • Set your body up for pregnancy. During the protocol and before it, the patient tunes in to pregnancy, because she hopes for a successful outcome. Even if the protocol gave a negative result, the body still remains tuned. It happens that the patient herself became pregnant a month before the start of IVF.
  • Changes made. Preparing for the protocol, the couple changes their lifestyle: they lead proper nutrition, physical activity, and give up bad habits. All this has a positive effect on fertility.

For couples who conceived naturally after unsuccessful IVF, emotional attitude played an important role. There is a concept of "psychological infertility". It would seem that both partners are healthy, but pregnancy does not occur. All because a woman and a man are fixated on their goal. When they realize that there is no chance and they will have to wait at least another six months, the emotional barrier disappears on its own, and the desired pregnancy occurs.