What can be cooked from wheat flakes. Wheat flakes: benefits and harms, recipes

Thin tortillas for breakfast? It's simple! I propose to cook these today. They can be served simply by greasing with butter or wrapped in them with any filling. And most importantly, they can be made for the future. Lavash lovers will love it.


  • Millet flakes - 2 stack.
  • Water - 2 stacks.
  • Milk - 1/2 cup
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Flour (+ for dusting) - 3.5 stack.
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.


Fry the resulting cakes on each side for about a minute over medium heat. You can throw them directly into the pan with a run, so to speak, roll them with one hand, and use the other at the stove, they cook so quickly. You can fry them in a dry frying pan and then grease them with butter, or you can grease the pan each time with vegetable oil (although one side of the cake will remain a little in the flour). The cakes rise a little when frying, sometimes even swell. We stack them on top of each other so that they do not dry out.

These cookies are perfect for breakfast. They can be served hot, lubricated with just butter, or wrapped in them with any filling. I made it with sweet and sour caramelized apples, with meat filling, just with jam. Or you can use them instead of bread.
The dough for tortillas can be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag for 2-3 days. Ready-made cakes are also perfectly stored for several days in a bag.
When hot, they are very similar to pancakes, and when cooled, they resemble pita bread.

Help yourself! Bon Appetit!

Wheat porridge is a valuable product for children and diet food. At modern housewives wheat flakes that do not require cooking are especially popular, it is enough to pour them with milk or water, and you will get a nutritious wheat porridge.
In order to prepare 1 serving of wheat porridge, you need:

  • bring 200 ml of water to a boil in a saucepan,
  • add 100 ml Myllyn Paras Wheat Flakes
  • mix thoroughly and cook for 5 minutes
  • add 1 tsp. sugar and ½ tsp. salt
  • after turning off the stove, simmer for a couple of minutes under the lid. The porridge is ready!

To make the porridge dry and crumbly, you can cook in the oven instead of the stove. Please note that the handles and lid of the pot do not contain plastic parts.

Wheat porridge for children

Sometimes it's so hard to convince a child to eat healthy porridge. To do this, you need to know some tricks and tricks and approach the cooking process and serving creatively. Porridge for a child can be boiled in a double boiler to make the product healthy and easily digestible. Instead of water, use milk, as porridge with milk is healthier, more nutritious and more aromatic.
You can already add oil to such a dish. And you can serve wheat porridge with jam, fruit, fried mushrooms and even meat or liver.
Porridge for children is the main food used as the first complementary food.
Thanks to its homogeneous consistency, it is ideal for children who have not yet had their teeth pulled out.
Wheat porridge contains a large amount of minerals such as zinc, beta-carotene, iron, phosphorus.
As well as vitamins B and E, which strengthen and improve the skin, nails and hair.
Babies up to 6-7 months are allowed to eat only dairy-free cereals.
Wheat porridge contains a large amount of fiber, which rids the body of toxins and harmful substances.
Wheat porridge lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthens blood vessels and has a positive effect on the mental activity of the body.

This porridge can be eaten as an independent dish, or used as a side dish.

September 16, 2018

Millet is an incredibly useful cereal crop that has the richest chemical composition. Today, few people use millet in its original form for cooking various dishes. Many people liked millet flakes, the benefits and harms of which we discuss in today's article.

Chemical composition

It's no secret that millet groats are not only a source of fiber, but also a number of vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements. Millet groats require special skill in cooking. But flakes that are made from millet are much easier to cook.

On a note! Millet groats and flakes are not made from wheat, as many mistakenly think, but from millet.

Today, manufacturers offer various types of cereals. The first is enough to pour hot liquid and leave for a few minutes. The latter are necessarily subjected to heat treatment, however, the duration of their cooking is much less than the classic millet groats.

No chemicals are used in the millet flakes production process. Millet is cleaned and then steamed. With the help of special aggregates, cereals are rolled into thin flakes, which we are used to seeing on store shelves.

Before we discuss the chemical composition of millet flakes, I would like to pay special attention to their nutritional value. It will be similar to millet groats. In its raw form, millet flakes cannot be called a low-calorie product, because they the energy value reaches 343 kilocalories. But in finished form, especially if the flakes are cooked on a water basis, the calorie content decreases and barely reaches 100 kilocalories.

Of course, most of it falls on carbohydrates, which are popularly called slow. A serving of millet flakes keeps you full for a long time. Also, millet flakes are a source of energy. There are few fats in such a cereal crop, but there is a place for vegetable protein. In 100 g of millet flakes, a little more than 11 g is protein.

Component composition:

  • a nicotinic acid;
  • fluorine;
  • beta carotene;
  • omega - 3 and 6;
  • starch;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin A;
  • calcium;
  • B vitamins;
  • sugar;
  • cellulose;
  • sodium;
  • ferrum;
  • tocopherol;
  • nickel;
  • alimentary fiber.

Agree, the chemical composition of millet flakes is truly unique and diverse.

On a note! Scientists have concluded that one serving of millet flakes satisfies daily requirement the male body in the gland by 100%. But a woman, eating the same portion of a cereal crop, can make up for the lack of iron by only 44%.

Useful properties of any product are primarily associated with its chemical composition. You have already seen how useful millet is in composition. Flakes made from this cereal crop are in no way inferior to their progenitor. A lot depends on how it's prepared.

Beneficial features:

  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • strengthening of bone tissue;
  • promoting the growth of muscle tissue;
  • lowering bad cholesterol levels;
  • improvement of intestinal peristalsis;
  • normalization of the intestines;
  • excretion of heavy metal compounds from the body;
  • strengthening the circulatory system;
  • improving the work of the nervous system;
  • general strengthening effect on the body;
  • helping to strengthen hair and nail plates.

Millet flakes contain antioxidant substances that have cleansing properties. Unfavorable environmental situation, the impact of negative external factors, crazy rhythm of life, lack of vitamins - all this affects human health and life expectancy.

Even the breakfast hastily, prepared from millet flakes, helps to restore the body and remove accumulated harmful compounds, toxins, metals and slags from it. In this regard, the condition of the hair, nail plates improves, and the healthy color of the skin is restored.

As practice shows, profile doctors often introduce millet flakes into the diet of their patients suffering from various ailments of the digestive tract. But millet flakes are useful not only for the coordinated work of the digestive organs.

Such a product can be included in the diet of people with diagnosed diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder.

Millet flakes are extremely useful in the presence of excess body weight. Obesity is simply the scourge of our century. All snacks on the go, convenience foods and fast food, lack of physical activity respond with extra pounds, which can sometimes be very difficult to get rid of.

Regular consumption of millet flakes in food helps to improve metabolism. And if also diet food combine with physical activity then you can sculpt the figure of your dreams.

Millet flakes are also useful for the heart. Regular consumption of this cereal product helps to strengthen the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure levels.

It is advised to introduce such cereals into the menu of people of various age categories. But when choosing a cereal, pay close attention to the expiration date. If you buy expired flakes, then after heat treatment they will acquire a bitter aftertaste and, accordingly, will not bring any benefit.

Briefly about contraindications

Despite such a well-deserved list of useful properties, there are certain contraindications to the use of millet flakes. Like any other cereal, millet contains gluten, which, unfortunately, is not accepted by every organism. With individual gluten intolerance, millet flakes will have to be excluded from the diet.

In other cases, in particular, when diagnosing gastric ulcer or gastritis, eating cereal flakes must be agreed with the attending specialist.

Any nutritionist will tell you that, having started the fight against extra pounds, you can’t do without healthy and complete breakfasts. One of the most useful products recommended by experts are wheat flakes. This product has a lot of advantages and significant advantages. It has several cooking options, goes well with many fruits, nuts, berries, dried fruits and dairy products.

Today we would like to talk on two main topics: "Wheat flakes - benefits and harms" and how to cook these very flakes so that it is not only healthy, but also tasty.

Don't forget to have breakfast

According to experts, breakfast is one meal that should never be skipped, especially if you are on a diet. To energize for the whole day, to give cheerfulness and good mood, to give strength for future daily achievements - this is the task of your breakfast.

Cereals, consisting of cereals, are the key to the cheerfulness and satiety that breakfast will give you. Eating wheat flakes and cereals in the morning is good for the body, quick cooking, saving time, and it's simply delicious.

Wheat flakes can be steamed with boiling water. They can be filled with cold milk, low-fat kefir or sweet yogurt. By adding honey and some nuts to them, you will get a storehouse of useful trace elements and vitamins hidden in one plate.

Benefits of wheat flakes

Let's talk about why wheat flakes are so useful for our body, reviews of which are extremely positive and even laudatory. Are they worthy of this approval? Certainly yes.

Firstly, they are very useful for the intestines, because they contain a large percentage of fiber. By consuming wheat flakes every morning, you will forever forget about such an urgent problem of any losing weight person as constipation. No nausea, heaviness in the stomach, pain, flatulence, etc.

Secondly, the cereal contains a fairly decent list of elements from the periodic table: zinc and copper, magnesium and phosphorus, calcium and zinc, potassium and magnesium, iron and many others. Not to mention vitamins: A, B1, D, E, B2, B3, B12.

Thirdly, doctors always include wheat flakes in the diet of diabetics and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. They are able to save us from such an enemy as cholesterol. Especially useful for the heart and blood vessels are wheat germ flakes, which contain a huge amount of fiber.

They say that the wheat flakes you eat for breakfast are the key to prolonging youthful skin, improving the condition of hair and nails.

Cereal cereals are just great help in the fight against colds and inflammatory diseases. Betaine, which is part of wheat flakes, helps our body to cope with various types infections, slows down inflammation, promotes faster recovery and wound healing.

Cancer Prevention

According to studies, people who eat wheat flakes with milk, yogurt, kefir or honey every day for breakfast significantly reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors. For example, mammologists say that women who want to avoid breast cancer simply need to consume 25-30 grams of wheat flakes once a day.

Due to the fact that wheat flakes remove various toxins and harmful substances from our body, people who eat them have a reduced risk of developing colon cancer.

Let's talk about the dangers of wheat flakes

To be honest, this type of food will not cause any harm to your body. The only exception can be only those people who suffer from a chronic allergic reaction to wheat. Also, there will be no harm if you do not add a lot of sugar flakes, dried fruits and nuts in large quantities.

How to cook

We want to say right away that it is better to cook any cereal for breakfast by cooking. Experts say that cereals that you just need to lazily steam with boiling water and wait a couple of minutes for readiness do not bring much benefit to the body. In addition, such cereals, as a rule, contain a large number of various additives “unnecessary” for our body: dyes, preservatives, thickeners, flavors, etc.

On the shelves of stores, try to take such wheat flakes, the recipes for which are based on cooking. We take a small saucepan and pour water into it (you can milk). Add salt or sugar as desired and to taste. We put on fire. We put wheat or any other cereal flakes in a ratio of 1: 2 and cook, after reading the cooking tips on the package. Typically, the cooking time is fifteen to twenty minutes. After a while, you can put the porridge on plates, add honey, nuts or fruits. Only in this case, only with such a recipe, the porridge will turn out not only healthy, but also rich, fragrant and incredibly tasty.

Don't be afraid to experiment

By the way, any cereal goes well not only with sweet ingredients, but also with vegetables. It is very easy to lose weight on cereals. But many are afraid that they will quickly get tired of this product. This will not happen if you change the ingredients added to wheat flakes, combine various useful components, and get an exceptionally tasty and healthy dish as a result. Do not be afraid to experiment in the field of cooking. Cook pancakes and pancakes from cereals, bake Weight loss will be quick, tasty and satisfying if wheat flakes and cereal cereals appear on your table. Bon Appetit!