What time is 3 weeks pregnant. Third week of pregnancy signs and sensations

When is the 3rd obstetric week, you can safely say - you are pregnant. The 1st week of the embryonic period starts from this moment. It is at this time that you experience the main event - fertilization. Right now, a lot of important questions are being decided - what gender the baby will have, what color of eyes, hair he will get. Other characteristics are also formed at this stage - a specific set of chromosomes is responsible for this.

How many weeks is 1 trimester?

When determining the gestational age, there is another incomprehensible aspect that you need to learn more about. We have already learned that the duration of pregnancy is forty weeks. In this case, the number 40 cannot be divided by 3 without a remainder. That is, the duration of each trimester may vary.

Some literature says that the 1st trimester ends after the 12th week, others say that after the 13th - there are many such examples. Don't be fooled by this information. main feature, with which you will understand that the trimester is over - the moment when in the morning vomiting and nausea will stop tormenting you.

What happens at 3 weeks pregnant?

This period is decisive, since the planned conception passes to the real one and is the most favorable for fertilization, if this did not happen a little earlier. In fact, ovulation should occur after a maximum of two weeks. At this time, the active development of the embryo begins, and the egg rapidly wants to get into the uterine cavity and take root there, attaching to the wall. Also, the fertilized cell during this period begins to divide, so after that, mommy may have more than one child, but several. Such a pregnancy requires special monitoring by doctors. And for parents, this can be not only double, but also triple happiness.

The first signs of pregnancy

Particularly pronounced changes are not observed, only symptoms similar to menstruation appear. For this reason, pregnancy is often confused with approaching menstrual days. But still, there may be a slight malaise, dizziness, slight drowsiness, swelling of the chest, and even slight pain in this area. Some women during this period may already know what toxicosis is. There is rapid fatigue, increased sensitivity to odors. Not in all cases, but there may be an increased appetite, and food preferences may completely change. You should not rely on test results during this period, as pregnancy will reveal a delay in menstruation. The second strip on the test may not appear due to the small amount of hCG hormone.

How can you detect the first signs of your pregnancy? When the spermatozoon in the fallopian tube fertilizes the egg, it moves into the uterus, then it is introduced into its inner wall. It is possible that at this stage you will have minor bleeding.

This usually happens around the time you should be having your period. Probably, the discharge will have a dark brown tint and there will be very little of it. It also happens that the discharge has a mucous consistency and is light red. This can be called the main symptom that you are pregnant.

Accept congratulations! It should be noted that this is not observed in every woman, but can be called quite normal.

Feelings at 3 weeks pregnant

All signs of an "interesting situation", which were previously expressed rather weakly, become more pronounced at the 3rd week of pregnancy. Each functional system the female body (including the hormonal one) is actively rebuilt, everything begins to “work” for the new position of the woman. Thus, there is no need to be surprised that the behavior of expectant mothers is changing - sometimes drastically.

Women often become especially susceptible to various trifles. Even what she would not have even noticed before, at this stage, can cause an acute reaction: irritability, tearfulness, or, on the contrary, irascibility, melancholy are observed.

Don't be surprised if now your favorite delicacies will only cause disgust, and those that you never liked will be the most desirable.

Signs of early toxicosis at this time may also appear: both mild nausea and severe vomiting. Urination is usually increased, although there are also exceptions - not all women have these symptoms. Some expectant mothers do not feel any serious changes at all, they lead their usual way of life.

Nutrition in pregnant women is different from the usual, since the daily intake of kilocalories per day is 2200, and the usual rate is 3000 kcal per day. But this does not mean that in the literal sense you need to eat for two, so that later there would be no problems with gestation and the birth itself. It is necessary to eat in small portions, but often (5-6 times a day). If you still want to eat between meals, then you can eat a little vegetables, fruits (not very sweet), nuts or dried fruits. It will be good if fish, cottage cheese, broccoli, kefir predominate in the daily diet. It is necessary to slowly give up strong drinks: tea or coffee. But if you have been drinking strong coffee before, you don’t need to sharply limit yourself in this so as not to harm your health. To begin with, reduce consumption to a minimum, and then refuse completely.

You must completely give up alcohol and smoking. On our website you can read more about, and also watch the video.

Fetus at 3 weeks: what happens to him

The embryo is still too small and is only a small group of cells that carry important genetic information. The fruit is formed at a fairly rapid pace. Our baby already has the size of a hollow ball with a diameter of 0.2 mm, and the number of cells has increased to 250. The baby is in a small sac with amniotic fluid.

Ultrasound at 3 weeks

With this device, you can observe where the embryo is located - in the uterus or in the tube, as well as assess the structure of the endometrium of the uterus. At this time, it is possible to prevent cystic drift - the absence of an embryo in the uterine cavity, but the presence of a large number of bubbles, which is constantly increasing. The embryo itself is not yet visible, but is defined as a small white dot.

The uterus during this period is located in the small pelvis, changes and growth in significant sizes does not occur. But in the inner layer of the uterus, a thickening can be noted.

HCG in the third week of pregnancy

Thanks to hCG, the body of the fetus is protected from everything that can prevent it from developing properly. This is chorionic gonadotropin, which produces a substance called chorion. After some time, this substance becomes the placenta. HCG helps the mother's genitals to change to support the new born life. It helps to produce hormones that have a positive effect on the uterus and ovaries of a pregnant woman, and also participates in the adaptation of the uterus for the proper development of the child.

What can be the selection?

They may not be at all during this period, or they appear, but rather insignificant. Their color can be different, from pink or slightly yellowish to dark brown. Due to the successful implantation of a fertilized egg, the discharge may appear bloody.

Brown discharge occurs when the fertilized cell is fixed in the endometrium of the uterus. This is normal and disappears in a short time. But they can also appear when there are bacterial infections, or a missed pregnancy. In any case, a doctor's consultation and examination is necessary.

How to terminate a pregnancy at 3 weeks?

Still possible in the third week medical interruption pregnancy, but there is already a higher chance of failure. If you took the pills prescribed by the doctor, but bleeding did not occur, or according to the results of the ultrasound, it became clear that the fetus is still in the uterine cavity, then you need to resort to a surgical method.

At this time, a vacuum abortion is usually used, during which an instrument is inserted into the uterine cavity to create a vacuum. This leads to the rejection of the fetal egg and its extraction.

The third week of obstetric pregnancy coincides with the first week of embryonic. At this stage, a woman can already notice the first changes in her body, but neither a test, nor a gynecologist, or even a modern high-resolution ultrasound scanner can reliably confirm the success of conception or the presence of a fetus in the uterus.

What happens at 3 weeks pregnant?

At the beginning of the third week, the most important event takes place - the conception of a child. This occurs as a result of the fusion of male and female germ cells to form a zygote. But this process is different for every woman. It can occur both on the 12-14th day of the menstrual cycle, and in an earlier or later period.

Fertilization can occur both immediately after sexual contact, and a couple of days after it. This is possible due to the fact that spermatozoa retain their activity for 3-7 days, unlike the egg, which, after its release from the ovaries, is only capable of conception for 12-24 hours.

When the follicle ruptures, the egg, together with the internal fluid, is poured into the abdominal cavity in the direction of the fallopian tubes, which attract it with their villi. In the cavity of the tubes, it meets with spermatozoa. After the penetration of one of them, its shell becomes impenetrable to the rest. From this moment, the active process of cell division begins.

Changes in the body of a woman in the third week of pregnancy

It starts hormonal changes in the body of a woman, the hormone hCG, which begins to be synthesized by the shell of the embryo only a week after fertilization and implantation in the uterine wall. This hormone signals the organs, systems and tissues about the onset of pregnancy. From that moment on, under the influence of the restructuring of the hormonal system, the woman's menstruation disappears.

But due to individual characteristics some women may have bloody issues in the first month of pregnancy, as well as during subsequent ones. They are not menstruation, but may signal placental abruption or other serious problems.

Signs of pregnancy in the third week

Starting from the third week, a restructuring of the hormonal system begins in the woman's body, which, first of all, is aimed at preserving the life of the embryo. But, despite this, not every woman is able to feel the onset of pregnancy during this period. Only the most sensitive can reveal any subjective signs.


  • Increased or loss of appetite;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Dizziness;
  • Changing taste habits and preferences;
  • Aversion to certain smells (especially perfumes);
  • Slight pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Increased sensitivity of the nipples;
  • Irritability and other symptoms from the nervous system.

Since the hormone hCG begins to be synthesized by the membrane of the embryo only after implantation, which occurs at the end of the third week, the test during this period will not give a result. It is recommended to do it only after the delay. Another option is to take a test in the laboratory, which can accurately confirm or deny the presence of pregnancy.

Feelings of a woman

Women usually do not notice any changes in their bodies in the third week of pregnancy. However, after fertilization, as a result of the production of progesterone, they may experience symptoms such as fatigue, drowsiness, apathy, mood swings, and depression. But they can be easily attributed to premenstrual syndrome.

Some women may experience mild pain in the lower abdomen at this time, which appears at the time of implantation.

They are similar to those that usually occur before menstruation. Pain is the result of the release by the embryo of a special substance that corrodes the epithelium. So he prepares himself a place for the future "replanting". Usually the implantation process lasts 40 hours, so pain can be felt for 1-2 days.

Discharge from the genital tract at 3 weeks

There is usually no discharge during this week of pregnancy. However, as a result of weakening immune system with hormonal changes in the body, thick white discharge with a characteristic sour smell and flakes may appear - thrush.

Another type is the small spotting that accompanies implantation bleeding. They can be very scarce in the form of a small smear or a drop of blood, or more abundant, which is associated with the individual characteristics of the female body.

Ultrasound at 3 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound examination in the third week has a low informative value. Since the embryo is even smaller than a millimeter, it is very difficult to visualize it in the uterine cavity or fallopian tubes, even with today's innovative high-resolution sensors. But an ultrasound scan allows the doctor to assess the condition of the endometrium, which is of great importance for increasing the success of fertilization. However, if specific symptoms are present, ultrasound may be required to confirm or rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

fetus in the third week

The third week is the period of the beginning of the division of the fertilized egg and the very first week of the life of the unborn fetus. After the fusion of the male and female germ cells, a zygote is formed, which continues its slow movement along the fallopian tubes, without fixing on their walls. At this moment, all genetic information is also bookmarked - gender, eye and hair color, etc.

During its progress, which can take from 3 to 5 days, there is a continuous division of cells. On the third day, the embryo already consists of more than 30 cells, and a week later - of 250. The nutrition of the embryo occurs due to its own energy reserves and protein synthesized by the glands of the fallopian tubes.

After entering the uterine cavity, it plunges into the endometrium and is fixed on the wall. This process is called implantation. Nutrition at this stage already occurs at the expense of the mother's blood. After implantation into the wall of the uterus, the placenta begins to actively develop and form. During this period, from the cells formed as a result of the division of the zygote, the formation occurs:

  • amniotic fluid;
  • three layers of tissues - the rudiments of future organs.

Possible problems

The third week of pregnancy is the most critical for the proper development and formation of the embryo, since any external and internal factors can affect the process of cell division.

This, in turn, may affect the development of the organs and systems of the unborn child.

Since the embryo consists of male and female cells, the body of a pregnant woman perceives it as a foreign body. To do this, nature has come up with a special mechanism for suppressing the female immune system. However, under the influence of some negative external factors (alcohol and smoking), a woman may experience a miscarriage.

To prevent possible problems and complications, it is necessary:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • minimize contact with patients.

One more possible problem that some women experience is an ectopic pregnancy. It can be triggered by various factors, the most common of which is obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In this case, the embryo is fixed inside the pipe, which leads to rupture. The main symptom of such a pregnancy is severe pain and profuse bleeding.

What to pay attention to?

Since the third week of pregnancy is the beginning of the life of the embryo, a woman should be especially attentive to her state of health, proper lifestyle and her well-being.

  • in the first weeks of the intended pregnancy, physical activity should be reduced, as they may affect the success of implantation. Subsequently, physical activity should not exceed 60-70% of the usual level;
  • in preparation for pregnancy, it is worth abandoning excessive drinking and smoking, as well as taking potent drugs. They can cause defects in the embryo, which subsequently will not be able to gain a foothold on the wall of the uterus;
  • it is necessary to limit nervous experiences, stressful situations and emotional stress;
  • nutrition future mother must be balanced. The diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits, plenty of protein (lean meat, fish, or chicken), and plenty of water. It is advisable to exclude junk food, soda and bakery products. To prevent pathologies of the neural tube of the fetus, it is desirable to add to the diet foods high in folic acid(for example, avocado).

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The third week of pregnancy is the very beginning of an important and long period in a woman's life. Often at this time, the expectant mother does not even suspect that something was born inside her. new life, but her body is already undergoing great changes. How does the child develop, and what does the pregnant woman feel at 3 weeks of pregnancy?

Fetal development

Before telling what happens at week 3 of the gestational age, it is necessary to clarify from which day the onset of pregnancy will be counted. In gynecology, the gestational age is determined based on the date of the start of the last menstruation. But there is also an embryonic period when the immediate moment of conception is taken into account, which usually falls on the day of ovulation. 3 obstetric week of pregnancy - the time when fertilization occurs. The fertilized egg during this period barely reaches the wall of the uterus and is implanted in it. There are no noticeable symptoms of conception at this time, and large internal changes still ahead. Therefore, today we will consider what happens to the fetus at the 3rd week of pregnancy from conception.

Many expectant mothers are interested in what the developing fetus looks like at this time. Strictly speaking, the future baby is not yet a fetus, but it has also left the embryonic form. At 3 weeks after conception, the embryo begins to be called an embryo.

He, of course, does not yet look like a real person at all, but the rudiments of internal organs are already beginning to form in him - the larynx, trachea, liver, thyroid and pancreas, heart, and brain. At the same time, germ cells are produced in the crumbs, of which for more late term sex-determining organs will “grow up”.

It is known about the development of the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy, that it already has a primary spine and small processes, which in the future will turn into arms and legs, it even begins to develop facial features.

The size of the embryo at 3 weeks after conception is approximately 1.5 mm. Now the unborn child is only the size of a grain of rice, but he continues to develop rapidly. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the baby doubles in size approximately every 7 days.

Among other things, in the third week of pregnancy, the active formation of the placenta takes place, and from now on the baby will be inextricably linked with his mother. main function children's place at this time - to provide the necessary nutrition and growth of the embryo, but the placenta does not yet have protective properties, since its development has not yet been completed. This is one of the reasons why, under the influence of external factors, a miscarriage can occur at the very beginning of pregnancy.

Mom's well-being

3 weeks after conception - the period at which a woman usually finds out that she is pregnant: the delay at this time is about a week. The absence of menstruation makes her take a test, which for a period of 3 weeks can already show reliable results, because the amount of a specific pregnancy hormone in a woman's body has reached a fairly high level.

But you must also keep in mind that if the test is done at the very beginning of the third week after conception, then it may well give a false negative result. Therefore, with a continuing delay, it is recommended to repeat the study after 2-3 days.

Even before the test showed 2 strips, a woman may begin to feel the first symptoms of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy at week 3 may be as follows:

  • nausea, intolerance to tastes and smells;
  • weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • abrupt change of mood, tearfulness, irritability;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased sensitivity of the breast;
  • digestive disorders.

These symptoms do not always appear in pregnant women or are taken by expectant mothers for manifestations premenstrual syndrome. However, in some women at the 3rd week of pregnancy, the sensations can be very distinct - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Subjective symptoms that occur 2-3 weeks after conception are not taken into account by gynecologists. At this stage, for the doctor, there are two main signs that a woman is pregnant - a delay in menstruation and an increase in the uterus. If a woman also reports that the test showed a positive result, then there is no doubt about the successful conception.

Despite the active growth of the uterus, the new position of the woman is completely invisible to others, because the stomach at the 3rd week of pregnancy after conception remains the same as before. It will start rounding up much later. Nevertheless, the expectant mother herself, having taken the test, soon begins to notice that she has characteristic sensations in the lower abdomen and in the lower back - weak pulling pains. This is how the body reacts to the growth of the uterus and the hormones produced during pregnancy. At the same time, severe sharp pains in the abdomen are a possible sign of an incipient miscarriage, and if this symptom occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Research at 3 weeks from conception

The gestation period of three weeks is the very moment when a woman barely finds out that she is expecting a baby. She still does not fully believe in this, doubts and worries whether everything is in order, therefore, she seeks to get to the doctor in the near future and undergo the necessary studies.

The gynecologist will surely assure the expectant mother that it is too early to conduct any examinations, but she can still send her to be tested for hCG. HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone produced during pregnancy. By the level of this substance in a woman's body, one can reliably judge whether the conception was successful.

In addition, according to the results of this study, the gynecologist can determine whether the embryo is developing successfully. The fact is that there are norms for hCG indicators for each week of pregnancy, which helps doctors notice obstetric pathologies in time - for example, the threat of miscarriage, frozen or ectopic pregnancy. However, a low level of hCG is not yet the basis for confirming the diagnosis.

To confirm or refute their assumptions, the gynecologist may prescribe a woman to undergo an ultrasound diagnosis.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to do an ultrasound at such an early date. Indeed, without certain indications, doctors do not advise undergoing ultrasound at the 3rd week of pregnancy: it has not yet been reliably determined how such manipulations can affect the state of the embryo. Some mothers who lost their baby in the first weeks even associate the miscarriage with ultrasound, especially if the study was carried out transvaginally. But sometimes the use of ultrasound diagnostics is the only method that helps to identify pathology in the early period of bearing a child. Often, the results of an ultrasound scan allow you to save a pregnancy at week 3, if a threat of miscarriage was detected during the examination.

Ultrasound can be performed at this stage of pregnancy both transvaginally (when the sensor is inserted into the vagina) and transabdominally (the sensor touches only the surface of the abdomen). The first type of diagnostics does not require preparation, but a transabdominal examination for early dates you need to pass on a full bladder.

Pregnancy 3 weeks is the very period when a woman needs to start taking care of the successful course of her pregnancy, if she has not prepared for this before. From now on, she will have to think not only about herself, but also about her baby.

The development of the baby, not only in her womb, but also after birth, largely depends on the lifestyle of the expectant mother already in the first weeks of pregnancy.

So, what should you pay attention to during this period? There are several important and useful tips, which should be followed at 3 weeks after conception:

  1. As already mentioned, the emerging placenta does not yet fulfill its functions at 100%, which means that the embryo is now especially vulnerable to exposure harmful substances of any kind. That is why 3 weeks from conception is the time to give up addictions - drinking alcohol, smoking, and even more so - drug use.
  2. For the same reason, any medication should be discontinued. If these are vital drugs, you need to get an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible and jointly decide on the appointment of another medication or on the possibility of combining therapy and pregnancy. Treatment of any diseases during this period should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. Pregnant women in the early stages are often susceptible to infection with respiratory infections, so prevention should be carried out to avoid taking medications.
  3. At this stage, it is already very important to go to healthy eating, since the embryo begins to receive all the nutrients at the 3rd week of its life in the womb from the mother. Healthy food for pregnant women is primarily a varied and vitamin-rich diet, which includes fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, meat, fish and cereals. It is possible and necessary to reinforce the daily menu by taking special vitamin complexes for pregnant.
  4. For some, the third week of pregnancy is marked by the onset of toxicosis. There is no universal remedy for getting rid of this symptom: fractional nutrition helps someone, water with lemon helps someone, and someone invents their own recipes for nausea. Remember that this condition will not last forever, and look for your own remedy that will help alleviate the manifestations of toxicosis.
  5. At week 3, you can already go to the doctor to confirm the fact of pregnancy. But some pregnant women prefer to appear at the gynecologist for the first time only closer to 7-8 weeks in order to immediately register, and this is also quite acceptable.
  6. Protect yourself from stress, unnecessary worries and hard physical labor - all this can provoke a premature termination of pregnancy.

One of the most important tips that gynecologists give to expectant mothers is to learn to listen to yourself. If you definitely want to sleep - lie down to rest, if you want to eat - do not deny yourself this. Sometimes there is an irresistible craving to cry - well, and this is quite natural for a woman who is at the very beginning of a long journey, at the end of which she will meet her beloved baby. There are still many important changes ahead, but for now, the tiny embryo is just beginning to grow and develop. How successful its development will be depends largely on the mother herself, and she should not forget about this even in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 21 minutes


And then came the 3 week expectation of the baby. It is during this period that the fertilization of the egg occurs. This is a very important period, because it is now that the development of the fetus and the migration of the egg begins, which will soon join the uterus.

During this period, the division of the egg occurs, respectively - this week you may have twins or even triplets. But the same period is dangerous because the egg can not be implanted in the uterus, and eventually occurs.

What does 3 weeks mean?

It is worth understanding what is meant by the term "3 weeks".

3rd obstetric week This is the third week from the last menstruation. Those. this is the third week since the first day of the last period.

3rd week from conception- it .

3rd week from delay- it .

Signs of pregnancy in the 3rd week

You probably don't even know you're pregnant yet. Although this is the most common period at which a woman finds out about her position. Signs of an interesting situation at this time are not yet expressed.

Embryo at 3 weeks

You may not notice any changes at all, or you may write them off as typical signs of PMS. These symptoms are typical, both for the first month of expecting a baby, and for premenstrual syndrome:

  • breast swelling;
  • Drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • Irritability;
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • Lack or increased appetite;
  • Dizziness.

What happens in a woman's body in the 3rd week?

As you know, between the 12th and 16th day menstrual cycle the woman is ovulating. This is the most favorable time for conception. However, fertilization can occur both before and after it.

However, the body of each expectant mother is individual. Some women still do not have any signs at week 3, while the other may begin early toxicosis.

In any case, it does not make sense to buy, home analysis will not give an unambiguous answer to such an important question. If you have any doubts, then you should visit a gynecologist.

Reviews on the forums

It is very important at this time to quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol and medicines. Now you have to become a "good mom" and take care of yourself in a double degree.

Naturally, it is necessary to notify the doctor if during this period you took medications that are prohibited for pregnant women.

In addition, it is very important to take care of your physical condition during this period. If you visited the gym before pregnancy, then you should reconsider the load and slightly reduce it. If you have not visited, then it's time to take care of yourself. Just remember that now your position is not the time to set records.

Reviews from the forums:

I don't have any symptoms. Only the test "streaked". Checked several times! On Monday I will go to the consultation, I want to confirm my assumptions.


I've been walking for the third day now. It feels like I've caught the flu. Head spinning, nausea, no appetite, sleep too. I don’t know if this is pregnancy, but if so, then I’m 3 weeks old.


Every girl is different! For example, the signs appeared very early for me, for about 3 weeks. There was an exorbitant appetite, she often began to run to the toilet and her chest became very engorged. A few weeks later, I found out that I was indeed pregnant.


I had nagging pains in my lower abdomen. The gynecologist prescribed special medicines and vitamins. It seems like these sensations are the norm, but in my case it is a threat of miscarriage.


I don't have any symptoms. Before the expected monthly week, but the usual symptoms of PMS are also absent. Maybe I'm pregnant?

Fetal development in the 3rd week

In spite of external signs or their absence, a new life is born in your body.

  • At the 3rd week, the baby is determined with the floor but you won't find out about it anytime soon. When the embryo enters the uterus and attaches to its wall, it begins to develop rapidly.
  • During this period, the hormones of your unborn baby inform your body of their presence. Your hormones, and in particular estrogen and progesterone, start active work. They prepare favorable conditions for the stay and development of your baby.
  • It was during this period the placenta begins to form, which will protect and nourish your child for the entire period, until childbirth.
  • Your "baby" does not yet look like a person at all, yet this is only a set of cells, 0.150 mm in size. But very soon, when it takes its place in your body, it will begin to grow and form at a tremendous speed.
  • After the embryo is implanted in the uterus begins to experience together. From now on, everything you do, drink or eat, take medicine or exercise, even your addictions, you share.

Photos and videos about the 3rd week

Photo of the embryo at the 3rd week of pregnancy

Ultrasound at 3 weeks

Photo of the fetus at the 3rd week

Video: What happens in the 3rd week?

At this time, many gynecologists advise:

  • Refrain from excessive physical activity, which can cause menstruation, and, accordingly, abortion;
  • Control your emotions and avoid stressful situations;
  • Review your diet and eliminate junk food and drinks from it;
  • Give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • Refuse to take medications that are contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • Start taking folic acid and vitamin E;
  • Start moderate exercise;
  • To formalize the relationship with the future dad, while your position is still unknown to anyone and you can wear any dress.

The most detailed weekly pregnancy calendar

And what did you feel or feel in the 3rd week? Share with us your experience!