Effective running for burning fat. How to run to burn fat? Fat Burning Running Technique

Many people think about running only when they allow themselves to relax in terms of food. That is, the main motivator is a piece of cake eaten or a few glasses of wine, and so on. Sometimes they prepare for such holidays in advance: they run before the planned feast. But will it be effective? We invite you to familiarize yourself with useful information about running and burning fat.

In order for the fat burning process to start in the body, maybe you should start with a morning workout on an empty stomach? Perhaps you should choose a gentle jog that will allow you to stay in the right "zone"? And if you want to lose weight, then intense sprinting is ideal solution? In this article, we will consider the answers to these questions.

The human body has the ability to oxidize and burn fat. The latter is used instead of carbohydrates as fuel. This process is aerobic - the decomposition of fat occurs under the influence of oxygen. Simply put, fat is burned in large quantities during vigorous activity (running,), as a result of which the body is saturated with oxygen.

When does fat burning occur?

In the bulk, stored fat is burned during low-intensity physical activity. The better the shape, the more fat is involved in the digestive process. The duration of physical activity also plays a role: the longer it is, the more fat is oxidized.

Burning fat while running

Ideally, the fat burning process takes place, as a rule, at a pace that is comfortable for a person. According to experts, if a person can calmly maintain a theoretically chosen pace for eight hours without straining, then it is optimal.

In addition, the body benefits from running not only during the workout, but also after it, since it continues to burn fat for another two to three hours after the run. For weight loss, it is also recommended not to eat during this period, it is better to limit yourself to fluid intake and, perhaps, a small amount of protein.

Jogging on an empty stomach

If the shape and state of health allow you to run at a slow pace before breakfast, which speeds up metabolism and promotes fat burning, you must follow the rules:

  • Morning jogging should be done on an empty stomach. The maximum running time is 40 minutes.
  • The limiting oxygen consumption is approximately 50-60%. To determine the optimal training intensity, a lactate test is used.

Intense workout

Which option will be better and more effective: a long slow run or intense sprints? Slow running is the best way to burn fat, but the load on the muscles during high-intensity activities even with breaks is greater. When the heart rate rises to the anaerobic zone, the body begins to use carbohydrate reserves and burns more calories due to increased muscle work even after training.

During high-intensity anaerobic training, the percentage of fat that is involved in metabolism is lower. But with intense exercise, the amount of calories consumed increases. In addition, the body needs more energy to recover, which leads to more fat being burned.

It begs the conclusion: the optimal solution is to combine slow running in the aerobic zone (this is a pace where you can calmly talk during a workout without feeling uncomfortable) and intense short runs with breaks. The latter is recommended to be carried out no more than once a week.

There is one more important nuance, on which the productivity of fat burning depends - the quality of nutrition and sleep. The fact is that this process lasts around the clock, without stopping for a minute, and especially during sound sleep. Therefore, it is important to ensure proper nutrition and prevent sleep deprivation.

In conclusion, it is worth paying attention to the following question: Is it okay to drink coffee or tea before a run? or an espresso is even recommended before a workout in the morning. Why? The fact is that thanks to caffeine, the metabolic process starts in the body. Therefore, you should not refuse such pleasure, because it will improve your mood, and jogging will give you a charge of vivacity.

Running for weight loss is an extremely popular form of exercise. After all, you can conduct classes not only in the gym, exposing, but also in the nearest park, outside the city or making circles around the perimeter of your own nine-story building.

Running does not require additional equipment, special skills and training; with rare exceptions, everyone can do it.

If you are determined to lose weight through running, you should know a few simple rules. By following them, your workouts will become more effective, and those extra pounds will go away, if not instantly, then quickly enough.

Please note that the advice is given specifically to those who, and not to prepare, for example, for the annual marathon. So, what is the correct running for burning fat.

Running against fat: three rules for effective training

It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out that the longer your workout, the more calories you burn. This, of course, is true, but the human body is a much more complex system, so it’s worth forgetting algebra lessons for a while and moving on to physiology.

Rule one: run long

Long workouts increase dramatically, allowing the body to burn fat even after the end of the session. It has been experimentally proven that a long run, more than 90 minutes, can affect your metabolism in such a way that fat will be burned in an "automatic" mode for another week.

If you are not capable of an hour and a half "marathon", increase the duration of your classes from 30 to 45 minutes - your metabolism will double; and, doing 60 minutes, you will "accelerate" the metabolism five times.

Rule two: run fast

How intense are your workouts? Do you run on a track in the gym, in a park or stadium in the fresh air? Uphill or flat terrain?

From these parameters greatly depends on how quickly your body will burn fat.

The most effective exercises are:

  • running with obstacles;
  • sprint - when in a short distance you give your all;
  • interval training.

Steeplechase and sprinting are great outdoor workouts, while interval training is best done on the indoor track.

Their meaning is to alternate the speed of your run: extremely high pace - rest - again at pace, and so on several times. For example, after a five-minute warm-up at a speed of 5-7 km / h, you can run 2-3 minutes very quickly (speed 13-15 km / h), after allowing yourself 2-3 minutes of rest (speed 6-8 km / h) and again 2-3 minutes at a pace. In total, it is recommended to do from 4 to 7 sets.

Such a running program for burning fat significantly improves metabolism: after its completion, the body continues to actively get rid of all that is superfluous.

Even if you are used to just running, be sure to spend once a week - in the gym or in the fresh air. So you will get the intended result much faster and, moreover, develop endurance, which will be useful to you in everyday life.

Rule three: run often

How often do you go for a run? Two to three sessions per week are optimal for keeping fit, but not for quick fat loss, especially if you are exercising. long time and your body is used to certain loads.

How to get him to get rid of the excess? You should do this: gradually increase the number of workouts, for example, by one every 7-10 days. If you are now running 2 times a week, start running 3 and so on.

In combination with the previous one (do not forget that you should make one workout a week intense), this rule will help you lose weight in the most reasonable time.

Running to burn fat: individual programs

Now it's time to move from words to running: you can choose one of the proposed training programs and start exercising at any convenient time.

  • Program 1: Interval Running for Fat Burning - Start your workout at an easy pace, gradually increasing the speed. When it becomes difficult for you to talk, just try to say a couple of sentences out loud, fix the indicator. It is convenient to do this on a treadmill when the scoreboards are directly in front of you. Let's say your speed was 10 km / h - it is this pace that will form the basis of further classes. You need to complete 3 running sets of 15 minutes, with a break of 2 minutes after each. 1 set - running at a speed of 10 km / h (or how much did you get?)
  • Program 2: This workout is suitable for those who can set aside at least one hour for a class. First, warm up well, then go for a run for half an hour. Then rest for 20 minutes, but not just sitting on the bench, but more actively: for example, and then again go for a 30-minute run. Why exactly? Because the first part of the workout removes fats into the bloodstream, and during the second part they are actively burned.
  • Program 3: and again interval training - first warm up well, prepare your muscles for intense running. It can be any tempo exercise or brisk walking uphill. After that, do the first set: run 30 seconds on your top speed, then rest for a minute and repeat the intense set. Do at least 8 repetitions. Together with a warm-up, such a workout takes no more than 20 minutes, but in terms of efficiency it is equal to a 45-minute run.

Don't stop - RUN!

If you are a beginner, start small: run at any pace 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes, with a break between classes of at least 24 hours. This will help you develop stamina and discipline: for burning fat, it is very important that the exercises are regular.

Running elements or running cannot be boring!

Running is the most popular type of cardio workout, but regular jogging without a technique sometimes does not help. In addition, different running techniques are adapted for different purposes, for example, athletes run to strengthen the calf muscles or prepare for a marathon, and people who lose weight run to lose weight. Consider the right running for burning fat.

Proper running to burn fat

Remember a number of rules that will help you say goodbye to fat:

  1. Prepare your body. It is imperative to eat two hours before class, during this period the food will have time to digest, and you will recharge your batteries and avoid hunger fainting. Food should be easily digestible complex carbohydrates: cereals, bran, whole grain pasta. It is better not to lean on water, one glass will be enough.
  2. Classes are more favorable to carry out in the morning and in the evening. In the morning you wake up the body, and in the evening you give it the opportunity to speed up the metabolism, thereby forcing it to burn intensely the fat layer. Before running, do a warm-up, you can stretch to warm up the muscles. Without a warm-up, you can earn injuries such as broken capillaries, sprains, and others.
  3. Long run. Long, exhausting runs help speed up your metabolism. In addition, a person continues to lose weight even after the end of training for 40 minutes-1 hour, if he does not eat anything. You need to run for an hour and a half. If initially it is difficult for you to train with such an interval, then reduce the time to an hour for the first week, gradually increase the time to 90 minutes. Follow your well-being.
  4. It is better for losing weight to run fast, intensively. The faster you run, the faster you disperse fat in problem areas.
  5. Alternate types of running! The body tends to remember the repetitive load and adapt to it. After several jogging sessions, addiction occurs and the body begins to save resources. In addition, jogging is considered ineffective in terms of burning kilograms, but if it is alternated with other types, it will be useful.

Therefore, combine 3 types of running: jogging, aerobic (running, in which the muscles are not yet warmed up, until sweat is released, its duration is from 5 to 15 minutes), anaerobic (running to failure). To make jogging effective, make your steps slapping and shuffling against the surface of the floor, while the heel should hit the floor hard.

  1. Running with obstacles. What type is the most efficient? It is this one, and this The best way add variety to your classes. The more uneven the surface area, the more energy you expend, hence the more calories you burn. This does not mean that you need to run over solid bumps, which can be harmful to your health. You can alternate running uphill and on flat terrain.
  2. Season. Suitable for a beginner, no doubt, will be summer. In winter, autumn, spring, there is a high probability of taking cold air in your mouth and catching a cold. That is why beginners start running in the warm season. Please note that if classes are held in summer time, then it’s better not to run in the exhausting heat, wait until the evening when the fever subsides or do it in the morning.
  3. Favorable hours for running. It is better to conduct classes in the intervals from 7:00 - 11:00; from 16:00 - 19:00.

Technique and Precautions:

  1. If you feel a strong tingling in your left side, slow down but don't stop.
  2. While running, try to bend your arms at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, make forward and backward movements, as if pushing off.
  3. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes, sneakers are preferred. To correct problem areas on the abdomen, you can put on a warming belt for weight loss.
  4. Try not to run along the roads where vehicles travel, as a result of exhaust gases, you clog your body even more.

Fat Burning Running Program

Having finished with the rules, let's move on to examples of possible training. Here are a few options for classes, and you choose which one you like best:

Option 1

Warm up the muscles so that the legs, arms, body, feet, neck are involved. Do forward, backward, sideways bends, do 10 jumps in one place and so on.

Start training, its essence is to gradually increase the speed. Starting at a slow pace, your approximate speed should be 7-9 km / h, it depends on the level of fitness. So run for 15 minutes, then rest for 5 minutes.

Continue practicing by increasing your speed from 9 km/h to 12 km/h. After 15 minutes, rest again and do the finishing run, increasing the speed even more.

If you feel that you are used to the load, try running with dumbbells in your hands to burden the workout.

Option 2

Warm up well. Now run up the hill, go down the hill at a quick pace (during this time you will rest), repeat several times. The duration of the workout should be at least 45 minutes.

Option 3

After warming up, run 400 meters at an easy pace. Do stretching exercises for five minutes. Then do an interval run for a distance of 1-2 km: run 200 meters with a reinforced fast run, then 200 meters with a jog, so alternate running until you run 1-2 km. Relax by stretching for 5 minutes.

You can gradually increase the distance as you feel better.

Proper running will help you achieve long-awaited results in burning fat.

Running technique (video)

From the proposed video, you can learn more about how to warm up before and after a run, how to properly place your foot in motion and how to push off the surface.

Don't expect results right after a few runs. Be patient, eat right, and make running a habit. Only comprehensive measures will help you find the forms you are striving for.

Fat is an indispensable component of any healthy living organism. Of course, our body needs it, but what to do if the amount of body fat begins to clearly exceed the norm? It's so hard to get rid of excess weight! Meanwhile, there is a simple way for this, accessible to very many - this is a special run for burning fat. Why special? Yes, because to achieve different goals you need to run in different ways. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

How to run to lose weight?

1. In order for body fat to begin to be intensively consumed during running workouts, it is best to schedule them in the early morning hours. The fact is that during sleep, glycogen stores in the liver and muscles decrease significantly, which means that the body will simply be forced to draw energy from the precious fat reserves that it diligently put aside day after day. Glycogen is such an energy reserve in the cells of our body.

2. Running to burn fat should be long enough. It's great if you can run for about an hour. From which, for about 20 minutes, the body will intensively feed on glycogen and only at the end of this time will switch to fat. Before running, be sure to do a light warm-up. Athletes and doctors agree that it helps the body finally wake up and protects the ligaments from sprains and injuries.

3. No need to think that the higher the speed of the races, the more intense the weight loss will go. This is not true. The pace should be moderate. Jogging is just what you need. People say that with it there is no shortness of breath, oxygen enters the tissues in sufficient quantities. This is the right run for burning fat. If you move too fast and suffocate, the smart body will switch to eating easily digestible proteins that are in the muscles, and the fat burning process will slow down.

Where to run?

Of course, the ideal option is sports activities in the fresh air, somewhere in a park or forest. But residents of large cities can not always afford such a luxury. You can just run along the city streets, in the morning there are very few people on them. True, in winter time year there will be difficulties with ice or too frosty weather.

Now many people buy treadmills in sports stores and train at home. On various forums and pages of portals dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and sports, you can find a lot of laudatory reviews about this method of losing weight. So you can also buy a similar simulator and do it for your own pleasure in any bad weather, and even practice running in the evenings after work. The latter is especially suitable for the so-called "owls" who hate to get up early. In the end, you can buy a subscription to a sports club and work out on a treadmill there, under the supervision of a qualified trainer.

How much weight can you lose by running?

It is impossible to say exactly how many kilograms and in what time running for weight loss will help you burn. Reviews say all people get different results. Many factors influence the rate of fat burning: age, metabolic rate, health status, dietary habits, etc.

But if you run regularly for a sufficiently long time - at least two, three months - then pleasant results will not be long in coming. Already in the first weeks of training, the metabolism will noticeably gain momentum, health will improve, and activity will increase. All this will help you lose weight faster.

Is there any special diet needed?

Judging by the reviews of people who practice running training, in order for fat to burn during exercise, strict diets are not required. You can eat different products, but within reason. All you need to follow is the usual rules healthy eating. Eat less starchy, sweet and fatty foods and enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits.

With active sports, a sufficient amount of high-grade animal protein must be supplied to the body. So you can eat lean meat and fish with a clear conscience. Dairy products are also desirable to include in the daily menu.

If you want weight loss to go faster, you can not eat after six or seven in the evening. But there is one caveat: the famous nutritionist Kovalkov advises eating boiled protein of two eggs before going to bed - this protects the body from loss muscle mass. It is better to listen to the opinion of a specialist.

A special topic is the drinking regimen. Lack of fluid can slow down metabolism, and vice versa. You need to drink about 1.5-2 liters pure water in a day.

Clothing for classes

Running to burn fat causes an intense rush of blood to the cells of the body; after 10-20 minutes of training, as a rule, the running person becomes hot, so dressing too warmly even on the street is not recommended. Clothing should be comfortable, comfortable and not synthetic. The body must breathe during exercise.

Never wear shorts, pants or belts with a so-called "sauna effect". Reviews of doctors about such supplements are extremely negative. It's like wrapping yourself in cellophane and starting to move intensely. The load on the heart is exorbitant! Particular attention should be paid to shoes. Special running shoes - the most the best way. They protect the ankle from stretching and absorb the impact of the feet on the ground well.

Judging by the reviews, this type of training helps burn fat much more intensely than classic jogging, but it is recommended only for young and healthy people- during interval running, the cardiovascular system is subjected to a very strong load!

You probably can't wait to find out what this thing is - interval running? This is a change from fast movement to maximum effort and rest, consisting of slow running and walking. For example: 100 meters you walk at a calm, measured pace, then you switch to jogging, and then a 100-meter sprint with maximum calculation follows. And so on in a circle throughout the workout.

Lesson time - no more than 30 minutes. Experts say that during this time a huge amount of calories will be spent, and fatigue will be the same as after passing a marathon distance. Such a run for burning fat is also good because the process of splitting body fat continues for 6 hours after the end of the workout.

Fat is an indispensable component of any organism. It is in the body of every person, but its excessive amount adversely affects health. Aesthetics also suffer: fat folds look ugly, forcing people to abandon their favorite outfits. And if men are more or less calm about this, then women critically examine their figure in front of the mirror and sigh, “That's it, I'm going on a diet tomorrow ...”

But just changing the diet is not enough here. Need to supplement diet exercise, which will make the body "warm up", breaking down unnecessary body fat. One of the most effective ways to burn fat is running.

In childhood, each of us played tag, Cossack robbers and other outdoor games. What can I say, even the usual running around the yard was a great pleasure. With age, people run less and less for no reason, except perhaps when they are already playing with their children or being afraid to miss the bus or train. But such a run cannot be called fat-splitting. To burn calories, running must be systematic, measured, thoughtful. Regular exercise will help not only get rid of unnecessary deposits, but also always be in good shape.

Running clothes and shoes

Anyone can go in for athletics, because running does not require any sports equipment and special uniforms. The main thing is that the clothes do not hinder movement and absorb moisture well. Synthetics are not suitable for running, it is better to stay on cotton fabrics.

The idea of ​​running can come at any time of the year, which means you need to think about equipment for every season.

Consider the features of clothing for running in different seasons and weather conditions:

As far as shoes are concerned, perfect option- sneakers. Not sneakers, but sneakers with thick soles. In winter, they must be insulated; in the summer, you can get by with lighter ones. Do not forget about socks - this is a must for hygiene. For warm weather, you can wear nylon footprints.

Running to burn fat

As simple as running is, there are some features that will help make your workouts as productive as possible.

  • It is better to start running in the morning. When the body has just woken up, it is ready for various kinds of loads. In addition, a morning jog will help you to be in good shape all day.
  • Studies have found that fat begins to be burned only after 20 minutes of running, so you should run for at least 30-50 minutes to achieve good results.
  • Alternating running with other breathing exercises diversifies the usual workout. After running a couple of kilometers at an easy pace, you can stop and do a few squats, swing your legs and arms, turn your torso. Then start running again. Manipulation of the body will help "disperse" the fat and break it down faster.
  • To burn fat, running must be intense, so it would be good to find a route with uphill climbs. Descents are no less useful: there is a load on the calf muscles, which can also have excess fat OK.
  • Regularity is the key to accelerating the achievement of results. The body gets used to daily stress and over time it begins to “prepare” for the upcoming run. Soon it will be possible to allocate less time for running, because it will be easier for the body to break down excess fat.

If you limit the intake of carbohydrates in the body, fat during training will be burned more efficiently. Running requires energy, and for the first few minutes it comes from carbohydrates. The less these substances are in the body, the faster the fats will begin to break down.

How many calories are burned while running

Women have learned to count calories for a long time. Each food intake increases the number of calories in the body, and any physical activity, on the contrary, leads to their burning. On almost all products you can find the corresponding inscription, such as "250 kcal per 100 g." Therefore, many people want to know how many calories are spent while running in order to know whether it is possible to eat another chocolate bar.

To accurately calculate your calorie burn while running, you need to know your weight, body fat percentage, and take into account the time of the workout. Have a very fat people the process of burning fat will be more difficult and longer than that of a person of an average weight category. It is also believed that men burn calories faster than women.

The table shows the average data showing the number of calories burned while running per hour.

Moderate running plus vigorous walking burns 250 cal/hour in women weighing over 60 kg.

Moderate running plus vigorous walking burns 320 cal/hour in men weighing over 80 kg.

Moderate non-stop running burns 600 cal/hour in women weighing over 60 kg.

Moderate running plus vigorous walking burns 840 cal/hour in men weighing over 80 kg.

Women weighing less than 60 and men weighing less than 80 kg burn an average of 400-450 calories per hour of running with walking and 800 to 1000 calories when running non-stop.

The benefits of running for the figure

Sometimes you can see how a slender girl or guy without visible figure flaws actively runs every day. Why are they doing that? To maintain health!

Running not only burns fat, but also has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Regular athletics are:

  • Keeping the body in good shape.
  • Constant synthesis of new cells as a result of the decay of old ones.
  • Activation of the circulatory system and, as a result, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to all body systems.
  • Improved performance due to gas exchange through the skin and lungs.
  • Excellent health and good mood.

But how does running affect the figure? Does the process of burning fat only occur during athletics? Recall that the most tired during intense running - of course, the legs. The calf muscles are noticeably strengthened after a month of regular training, and beautiful athletic legs are decorations not only for women, but also for men.

The second is the press. Unbeknownst to the runner, the abdominal muscles often contract when running, because breathing is often carried out precisely with the help of abdominals. In addition, athletics burns excess fat from the tummy, behind which the desired “cubes” are often hidden.

How is running useful for the figure, in addition to “polishing” the legs and the press? Active hand movements help keep the pectoral muscles in good shape. In addition, athletes are unfamiliar with such a problem as sagging skin on their hands. A taut, slender figure with clearly defined boundaries of the shoulder, abdomen (for girls, respectively, the waist) and hips - this is a typical result after several months of active jogging.

Athletics is one of the oldest sports that has not lost its relevance and popularity today. Running is truly unique - you can achieve impressive results with almost no discomfort during exercise.

The main thing is to ensure that jogging is a pleasure, then you can maintain health and an excellent figure for many years.

And no fat will be terrible, and you won’t have to read the labels in search of the calorie content of the product. Running fans who have been running for more than three years claim that their title - "Queen of Sports" - Athletics deservedly received.