Egg-orange diet: description, menu for every day for different periods, results. Orange egg diet Diet oranges and eggs for 4 days

Only a month is left before a trip to the sea, a birthday or another significant event, and you need to radically change your figure? Reduce the volume of the hips, buttocks and get rid of the bulging belly? In this case, an easy weight loss technique will come to the rescue - a four-week egg-orange diet. The main components of the diet, as the name implies, are eggs and oranges. This diet is quite simple, but this does not affect its effectiveness. It is designed so that a person does not feel hungry, therefore, does not dream of an early violation of the prescribed diet. Namely, this is the main key to a slim figure.

Why the egg-orange diet is effective

The egg-orange diet is based on combining two products that are useful for the human body - an egg and an orange. To understand the principle of its action, it is necessary to study in more detail its main components.

The egg is an amazing and completely natural product. And it is amazing with its rich composition. In addition to easily digestible protein, it contains vital components that construct new tissues in the body. These include amino acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins, choline, biotin, enzymes, bioflavonoids and many others.

Also, the egg has another very significant plus - low calorie content, which means that it is dietary product. Despite this, eggs are perfectly satiating, as they are absorbed by 97–98%! As a result, metabolic processes are accelerated and overall well-being improves.

Oranges are no less useful. They, like eggs, include bioflavonoids, macro- and microelements, vitamins. They also contain limonoids, fiber and folic acid.

The benefits of an orange for weight loss are in many ways similar to those of the second main component of the diet: this fruit contains a small amount of calories, does not burden the digestive system, and dulls hunger due to dietary fiber that swells in the intestines. Scientific research proved that regular consumption of oranges prevents obesity. The red Sicilian orange is considered the most effective for getting rid of extra pounds.

Given all of the above, you can be 100% sure that the egg-orange tandem will help to cope with the imperfections of the figure.


Allergy to eggs and citrus fruits - far from a rare thing. Therefore, people who are especially sensitive to these products will be forced to abandon this method of losing weight. Such a diet is not suitable for those who have high cholesterol and the level of acidity of the stomach, who suffer from chronic diseases. And this diet should not be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

In the absence of contraindications, you can safely begin to fight extra centimeters without fear for your health, since in most cases the egg-orange diet is well tolerated by people different ages. However, experts advise using this method of losing weight a maximum of once a year, not more often.

Diet Features

To achieve high performance from this diet, you will need to strictly follow the prescribed rules.

  • On an egg-orange diet, it is necessary to monitor the drinking regimen. For the day you need to drink the daily norm. Calculating it is very simple: women should multiply the weight by 31, and men by 35. For example, a woman whose weight is 50 kilograms should drink 1,550 liters. On days of intense training, the norm increases slightly - from 0.5 to 1 liter. This is important because water helps to remove impurities from the body, which has a positive effect on the figure. For convenience, you can drink one glass of water every 1-2 hours. In addition to water, on this diet it is allowed to drink milk, green tea and coffee without sugar.
  • Salt should be completely excluded from the diet at the time of the diet. The same goes for oils and fats. Drinking alcohol should also be avoided, as it is high in calories and increases appetite.
  • Lean beef and white meat chicken should be used for cooking.
  • Vegetables and meat must be cooked in water or steamed. You can also bake food without oil. As for seasonings and spices, their use is allowed, and even in the required quantities.
  • Since weight loss on an egg-orange diet is not only due to calorie cuts, but also from chemical reactions that occur when the main components are combined, the exclusion of one of the products is undesirable. The maximum that can be done is to replace the orange with a grapefruit.
  • In case of hunger, it is allowed to have a bite of carrots, cucumber or lettuce, but only after 2 hours after the last meal.
  • On the egg-orange diet, it is also important to follow the diet prescribed on the menu. That is, you cannot swap breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • And last but not least important rule, lies in the fact that the eggs must be soft-boiled. And you need to eat them whole, with the yolk.

Menu of the four-week egg-orange diet

As already clear, eating on an egg-orange diet consists of three meals. Breakfast is always the same. It includes 2 boiled eggs And? orange. Therefore, only lunch and dinner will be described in the menu.

You should also pay attention to one nuance: products that do not have the exact amount of consumption are indicated, you need to eat not as much as you like, but until you feel full.

Week #1

1st day:

  • We have lunch with one of the fruits.
  • We have dinner with vegetable salad with boiled meat.

2nd day:

  • We have low-fat cheese and toast with tomatoes for lunch.
  • We have dinner with lean boiled fish with vegetable salad and an orange.

3rd day:

  • We dine on white meat of chicken without skin with boiled vegetables and an orange.
  • We have dinner with two eggs with a portion of salad and toast.

4th day:

  • We dine with any kind of fruit at our discretion.
  • We have dinner with boiled beef meat with lettuce.

5th day:

  • We have two eggs and boiled vegetables for lunch.
  • We have dinner with boiled fish, of course low-fat varieties, leaf lettuce and orange.

6th day:

  • We dine with fruits of the same kind.
  • Dinner stew with lettuce and boiled vegetables.

Day 7:

  • We dine with skinless poultry meat, tomatoes and an orange.
  • We have dinner with boiled vegetables.

Week #2

8th day:

  • We have lunch with boiled meat and lettuce.
  • We have dinner with a couple of eggs, a vegetable salad and an orange.

9th day:

  • We have stew with cucumber for lunch.
  • We have dinner with citrus fruit and two eggs.

10th day:

  • We have lunch with boiled fish with vegetable salad and orange.
  • We have dinner with two eggs and leaf lettuce.

11th day:

  • We have lunch with low-fat cottage cheese with two eggs and boiled vegetables.
  • We have a couple of eggs for dinner.

12th day:

  • We have lunch with boiled low-fat fish.
  • We have a couple of eggs for dinner.

13th day:

  • We have lunch with skinless boiled chicken, tomato and citrus fruit.
  • We have dinner with a fruit salad consisting of melon, peach, apple and orange.

14th day:

  • We have lunch with boiled or stewed meat, boiled vegetables, orange and tomato.
  • We have dinner with products identical to lunch.

Week #3

15th day:

  • You can eat any fruit all day except bananas, figs, grapes, mangoes and dates.

16th day:

17th day:

  • We have lunch with fruits or boiled vegetables.
  • We have vegetable salad for dinner.

18th day:

  • We dine with boiled fish.
  • We have dinner with cabbage salad with boiled vegetables.

19th day:

  • We have stewed or boiled chicken for lunch.
  • We have dinner with boiled chicken meat with boiled vegetables.

20th and 21st day: fruits of the same kind during the day.

Week #4

22nd day:

  • We dine no more than 400 grams of boiled chicken meat and three tomatoes.
  • We have dinner with four cucumbers, toast, boiled fish and an orange.

23rd day:

  • We dine no more than 200 grams of stew and three tomatoes.
  • We have dinner with four cucumbers and toast, an apple or an orange.

24th day:

  • We have lunch with a tablespoon of fat-free cottage cheese or cheese and a small amount of boiled vegetables.
  • We have dinner with two cucumbers, two tomatoes, toast and citrus fruit.

25th day:

  • We have lunch with boiled or stewed poultry meat.
  • We have dinner with a cucumber, three tomatoes and an orange.

26th day:

  • We have two eggs with lettuce for lunch.
  • We have dinner with an orange and three tomatoes.

27th day:

  • We have lunch with boiled breasts (2 pcs.), 150 grams of curdled milk or cheese.
  • We have dinner with two cucumbers, two tomatoes and citrus.

28th day:

  • We have lunch with a tablespoon of fat-free cottage cheese, 200 grams of boiled fish.
  • We have dinner with boiled vegetables with two cucumbers and two tomatoes, an orange.


People who have tried the egg-orange diet, in most cases, achieve amazing results. Some lose more than 10 kg of excess weight in 4 weeks of such a diet - and this is not the limit! Moreover, many argue that the weight does not return for a long period of time.

If you want to increase the effectiveness of the diet, then include regular physical exercise. In this case, you will always remain slim and attractive.

Egg-orange diet helps to achieve significant results in the shortest possible time. A nutrition plan can be developed for any period of time, based on your own preferences and on the result you want to achieve.

Calling 3 days a diet is somehow wrong. These are rather fasting days that help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. However, the fact remains, because even in 3 days women manage to lose 2-3 kg. A little, of course, but it will still be possible to correct the figure.

This is very popular in the post-holiday season, when during the period of overeating there is a need to get rid of excess weight. The essence of the diet is very simple. It is worth buying more eggs and oranges. You can diversify citrus fruits and buy grapefruits, tangerines, clementines, etc.

Don't forget about water. At least 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day. The diet for all days is the same.

Morning. Hard boiled egg + orange.

Dinner. Orange + a couple of boiled eggs.

Evening. Oranges 2-3 pieces + kefir 200 ml.

In general, there are no restrictions on the number of oranges, but you still won’t be able to eat a lot of them. One citrus eaten allows you to feel full for four hours.

Egg-orange diet for 5 days

In five days, it is possible to lose weight by 3-4 kg, while applying a minimum of effort.

In the morning. Bread + orange + green tea.

For lunch. Boiled egg + kefir + orange + bread.

For evening. Tomato + egg (2 pcs.) + bread.

In the morning. Citrus + green tea + bread.

For lunch. Kefir + orange + eggs.

For evening. Boiled beef + tomato + orange.

In the morning. Tea + orange.

For lunch. Yogurt + orange + egg.

For evening. Braised beef + yogurt + orange.

In the morning. Orange + coffee.

For lunch. Cottage cheese (1%) + tomato + cucumber.

For evening. Beef + apple + tomato.

In the morning. Orange + bread + coffee.

For lunch. Diet fish boiled + kefir + tomato.

For evening. Eggs + tomato.

Egg-orange diet for a week

Breakfast is the same every day. It consists of an orange, a mug of unsweetened tea and a piece of bread.

For lunch. Yogurt + boiled egg + bread + orange.

For evening. Tomato + eggs.

For lunch. Kefir + orange + egg.

For evening. Beef + tomato + bread + yogurt + orange.

For lunch. Yogurt + bread + orange + egg.

For evening. Braised beef + bread + yogurt + orange.

For lunch. Cottage cheese + bread + tomato.

For evening. Beef + tomato + bread + apple.

For lunch. Boiled beef + tomato + lettuce.

For evening. Tomato + orange + eggs.

In the remaining two days, it is allowed to eat in the usual way, but the use of harmful foods such as sweets, flour, fried foods, etc. is not allowed.

Egg-orange diet for 2 weeks

A two-week egg-orange diet is no different from a weekly one. The same foods are eaten, but in a larger interval. So that the diet does not quickly become boring, you can alternate lunch and dinner, that is, change their places. But don't forget one condition. Breakfast always remains the same, no matter how tired you are. If you want to lose 6-8 kg, you will have to be patient.

In principle, the egg-orange diet is much similar in effectiveness. Sweet, fatty, salty, fried and other foods are excluded from the diet. harmful products. Everything is natural and tasty. If you approach the diet with understanding proper nutrition, then two weeks will fly by completely, and the result will pleasantly please.

Egg-orange diet for 4 weeks

For breakfast of any diet day, half a citrus is eaten (it can be grapefruit, orange, etc.). As for the rest of the day, for your convenience, we have placed the allowed products on the table, having previously distributed them according to the time of admission. The third week differs from the rest in that on certain days it is allowed to eat one thing. For example, only vegetables or fruits are consumed during the day.


first week


second week


third week


fourth week

chicken breast

cooked meat

First day

only fruits.

Second day

only fresh vegetables.

Third day

boiled vegetables.

Fourth day

boiled fish and vegetables.

Fifth day

only boiled meat



dietary meat

Rye bread


boiled vegetables

fresh tomatoes

fresh cucumbers


dietary meat

Egg-orange diet - reviews

Reviews, as with any diet, are radically different. Some are delighted, others, on the contrary, complain that they infringed on themselves in vain in the diet. But everyone agrees on one thing, the body cleans itself very well during the diet period. Kilograms go away, it’s just that everyone has a different amount. At the end of the nutrition program, one feels significant lightness, the complexion improves, work is getting better. gastrointestinal tract etc.

As a rule, sitting on any diet, there is a decrease in brain activity, so it is especially difficult for people who are at work. However, the orange diet works in the exact opposite direction. Citrus fruits contribute to increased mental activity, so even a long period of weight loss does not greatly affect the work process.

The egg-orange diet is a special diet that is based on the correct and competent ratio of eating eggs and citrus fruits. In this case, oranges. Features of the diet

The effectiveness of the diet is due to the low content of carbohydrates in the daily diet. Furthermore complete absence salt has a beneficial effect on the removal of excess water from the body of a person who is losing weight.

Nutritionists promise that every second person who loses weight in this way loses up to 15 kilograms in four weeks. The researchers argue that in this case, the basis of weight loss are the chemical reactions that occur in the body due to a special combination of selected products.

The egg-orange diet is based on two main products - a chicken egg and an orange.

The latter can be replaced with grapefruit with incredible success. In this case, there are variant names for this diet: egg-citrus diet or egg-grapefruit.

When using this method of losing weight for more than one week, nutritionists recommend eating some types of non-starchy vegetables. Recommendations and principles of nutrition in this case are given below.

The benefits of eggs

Chicken egg is a unique and completely natural product. It has a rich composition useful substances. By eating just one piece, you will enrich the body with protein, which this product contains 14% of the daily requirement. It also contains important amino acids that help build new body tissues.

The egg is rich in trace elements: phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, potassium, vitamins A, D, E, K and group B, as well as choline and biotin.

This product strengthens immune system. It has a beneficial effect on hair, nails and skin, and also has an effect even on mood.

Egg-orange diet menu

Thanks to this diet, all those who are losing weight can easily get rid of extra pounds. The menu is not high-calorie, as is often the case in various mono-diets. Weight loss occurs due to chemical processes.
All foods in the diet are simple and inexpensive. You don't have to bother with cooking.


One name says it all. Some manage to last a whole week, but best option for a strict egg-orange diet is designed for 3 days.

Half an hour after you wake up, be sure to have breakfast. What - an orange or an egg - you choose. Then every 2 hours it is necessary to alternate; 4 squirrels and one whole fruit.

There is Alternative option, where instead of four egg whites, it is allowed to use one whole egg.

From drinks, give preference to those that do not contain sugar or dyes.

Video: The benefits of oranges

4 weeks

An important rule: you can’t skip breakfast, eat half an orange or grapefruit and two boiled eggs.

1st day Half an orange or grapefruit and two boiled eggs. Oranges in any quantity. Lean boiled meat.
2nd day Boiled chicken meat. Two boiled eggs, vegetable salad, toast, orange.
3rd day A slice of fat-free cheese, tomato, toast. Boiled white meat.
4th day Several citrus fruits. Boiled meat, vegetable salad.
5th day Two eggs, boiled vegetables. Boiled fish, orange.
6th day oranges. Boiled meat with salad
7th day Boiled chicken meat without skin, vegetables, orange. Boiled vegetables.

For the second week, an identical menu is organized.

The third week is arranged like this:

The fourth week is characterized by the menu of the first week of dietary nutrition.

Within 28 days you can cook food different ways: boil, steam, grill, bake, and maybe even invent your own new recipe. However, remember that the main enemy for weight loss is frying in any oil.

7 days

For a week, the diet is composed in this way.

1st day Muesli, one boiled egg, two toasts, orange juice, tea or coffee without sugar. Vegetable salad without dressing, one boiled egg, orange and toast. 300 ml fat-free kefir.
2nd day One egg, two toasts, orange or orange juice. 100 grams of boiled white meat, vegetable salad with olive oil, slice of bread, glass of orange juice. 300 ml low-fat kefir.
3rd day Egg, toast, orange. 150 grams of white meat, 2 slices of bread, orange juice. Kefir with a fat content of 1%.
4th day Tea / coffee without sugar and additives, 100 grams of cottage cheese, two boiled eggs, orange juice, toast. 150 grams chicken meat, steamed vegetables, slice of bread, orange. Kefir.
5th day Tea / coffee, orange juice, cottage cheese, egg. 100 grams of beef or chicken, toast, orange. Fat-free kefir or cottage cheese.
6th day Two boiled eggs, two toast or slices of bread, orange juice. 150 grams of fish, lettuce, orange, toast. Kefir or whey.
7th day Orange juice.

The main rule: no purchased juices.

They have a high sugar content. Drink exclusively freshly squeezed juice before direct use. If this is not possible, then it is better to just eat the whole fruit.

2 weeks

Eat an orange or drink orange juice every day for breakfast.

1st day Orange or juice from it. Two eggs, a tomato, a cup of green tea. A couple of eggs, an orange and a vinaigrette without dressing.
2nd day Two eggs, an orange. 100 grams of white meat, vegetable salad.
3rd day Two eggs, spinach and herbal tea. Two eggs, coleslaw, low-fat cottage cheese and an orange.
4th day Boiled fish, vinaigrette and orange juice.
5th day Two eggs, spinach and a cup of coffee or tea. Boiled fish, vinaigrette, fresh coleslaw and orange juice.
6th day Fruit salad (but without bananas). Beefsteak and salad.
7th day Orange, chicken and tomato. Chicken, vegetable salad, a cup of coffee.

The menu of the second week is fully consistent with the first.

This diet allows you to lose up to 7 kilograms.

European variant

The European version of this common and already quite popular diet is similar to previous diets, but includes the use of other products. The most common are two types: for two weeks and for three. Thanks to the first, 7-8 kg go away, the second - 10-12.

On the first day, breakfast consists of an orange, green tea and crackers, second breakfast is low-fat kefir and crackers, for lunch you can have an orange and an egg, afternoon tea = second breakfast, dinner - two tomatoes, two boiled eggs, a leaf of green salad.
The second and third days are exactly the same, but instead of eggs, 100 grams of white meat is allowed. Fourth and fifth days - no eggs and meat, only fat-free cottage cheese. The sixth day is a fish day, and the seventh is identical to the first.

This menu is repeated for 2-3 weeks, depending on the desired results.

What can you drink

The norm for an egg-orange diet is 1.5-2 liters of water. Also 200-300 ml of freshly squeezed orange or any other citrus juice.

Tea and coffee are allowed, but without sugar, milk or other additives.


This and any other diet does not provide for the use of alcoholic beverages. Firstly, they are very high in calories, and secondly, they cause an increase in appetite.

The only possible exception is a glass of dry red wine for lunch. It is better to impose a taboo on all other drinks during a diet.

Video: How to choose the right eggs

Physical exercise

Any training will help to achieve the desired result. Diet alone is not enough to get the body of your dreams. If you do not have the opportunity or time to go to the gym or pool, then you can replace it with jogging or morning exercises.

Start doing intense exercises for all muscle groups for 15-20 minutes a day, and after 2 weeks you will be surprised at the result.

Walk more often, especially on stairs, forget about elevators and escalators. Think of an active hobby that will help keep your muscles in good shape, and you away from the refrigerator.


The Egg-Orange Diet Is Incredible effective method get rid of extra pounds. In just a week, you can say goodbye to 6-7 kilograms. Reviews of doctors and those who resort to it are very diverse, mostly positive. Losing weight say that there is no feeling of hunger with this technique, which is very important for any diet.

More hungry, but effective weight loss - on citrus juices. For a week of such a diet, it takes up to 10 kg. Experts call for attentiveness and reasonableness, because because of citrus fruits, acidity in the body greatly increases, and allergenicity also manifests itself.

If you notice changes in the body: rash, itching, stomach pain, stop losing weight immediately and, after consulting your doctor, try another way to get rid of extra pounds.

Your feedback

Egg-orange diet helps to achieve significant results in the shortest possible time. A nutrition plan can be developed for any period of time, based on your own preferences and on the result you want to achieve.

Egg-orange diet for 3 days

Calling 3 days a diet is somehow wrong. These are rather fasting days that help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. However, the fact remains, because even in 3 days women manage to lose 2-3 kg. A little, of course, but it will still be possible to correct the figure.

Such a diet is very popular in the post-holiday season, when during the period of overeating there is a need to get rid of excess weight. The essence of the diet is very simple. It is worth buying more eggs and oranges. You can diversify citrus fruits and buy grapefruits, tangerines, clementines, etc.

Don't forget about water. At least 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day. The diet for all days is the same.

Morning. Hard boiled egg + orange.

Dinner. Orange + a couple of boiled eggs.

Evening. Oranges 2-3 pieces + kefir 200 ml.

In general, there are no restrictions on the number of oranges, but you still won’t be able to eat a lot of them. One citrus eaten allows you to feel full for four hours.

Egg-orange diet for 5 days

In five days, it is possible to lose weight by 3-4 kg, while applying a minimum of effort.

In the morning. Bread + orange + green tea.

For lunch. Boiled egg + kefir + orange + bread.

For evening. Tomato + egg (2 pcs.) + bread.

In the morning. Citrus + green tea + bread.

For lunch. Kefir + orange + eggs.

For evening. Boiled beef + tomato + orange.

In the morning. Tea + orange.

For lunch. Yogurt + orange + egg.

For evening. Braised beef + yogurt + orange.

In the morning. Orange + coffee.

For lunch. Cottage cheese (1%) + tomato + cucumber.

For evening. Beef + apple + tomato.

In the morning. Orange + bread + coffee.

For lunch. Diet fish boiled + kefir + tomato.

For evening. Eggs + tomato.

Egg-orange diet for a week

Breakfast is the same every day. It consists of an orange, a mug of unsweetened tea and a piece of bread.

For lunch. Yogurt + boiled egg + bread + orange.

For evening. Tomato + eggs.

For lunch. Kefir + orange + egg.

For evening. Beef + tomato + bread + yogurt + orange.

For lunch. Yogurt + bread + orange + egg.

For evening. Braised beef + bread + yogurt + orange.

For lunch. Cottage cheese + bread + tomato.

For evening. Beef + tomato + bread + apple.

For lunch. Boiled beef + tomato + lettuce.

For evening. Tomato + orange + eggs.

In the remaining two days, it is allowed to eat in the usual way, but the use of harmful foods such as sweets, flour, fried foods, etc. is not allowed.

Egg-orange diet for 2 weeks

A two-week egg-orange diet is no different from a weekly one. The same foods are eaten, but in a larger interval. So that the diet does not quickly become boring, you can alternate lunch and dinner, that is, change their places. But don't forget one condition. Breakfast always remains the same, no matter how tired you are. If you want to lose 6-8 kg, you will have to be patient.

In principle, the egg-orange diet is much simpler than others that are similar in effectiveness. Sweet, fatty, salty, fried and other harmful foods are excluded from the diet. Everything is natural and tasty. If you approach the diet with an understanding of proper nutrition, then two weeks will fly by completely unnoticed, and the result will pleasantly please.

Egg-orange diet for 4 weeks

For breakfast of any diet day, half a citrus is eaten (it can be grapefruit, orange, etc.). As for the rest of the day, for your convenience, we have placed the allowed products on the table, having previously distributed them according to the time of admission. The third week differs from the rest in that on certain days it is allowed to eat one thing. For example, only vegetables or fruits are consumed during the day.


first week


second week


third week


fourth week

chicken breast

cooked meat

First day

only fruits.

Second day

only fresh vegetables.

Third day

boiled vegetables.

Fourth day

boiled fish and vegetables.

Fifth day

only boiled meat



dietary meat

Rye bread


boiled vegetables

fresh tomatoes

fresh cucumbers


dietary meat

Egg-orange diet - reviews

Reviews, as with any diet, are radically different. Some are delighted, others, on the contrary, complain that they infringed on themselves in vain in the diet. But everyone agrees on one thing, the body cleans itself very well during the diet period. Kilograms go away, it’s just that everyone has a different amount. At the end of the nutrition program, one feels significant lightness, the complexion improves, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves, etc.

As a rule, sitting on any diet, there is a decrease in brain activity, so it is especially difficult for people who are at work. However, the orange diet works in the exact opposite direction. Citrus fruits contribute to increased mental activity, so even a long period of weight loss does not greatly affect the work process.

The egg-orange diet is a tasty and at the same time unsafe weight loss for allergy sufferers, which gives amazing results. According to the reviews of losing weight, in 4 weeks you can lose up to 18 kilograms of weight. The result of losing weight depends on the characteristics of the body and the initial weight.

See also: Minus 10 kg on grapefruits and eggs

  • Way out of the diet on oranges and eggs
  • Contraindications to the egg-orange diet
  • The opinion of nutritionists about the diet on oranges and eggs

Diet rules for oranges and eggs

Egg-orange diet - protein. Eggs are pure protein and fat. Due to the unique composition, eggs give a feeling of satiety on long time. Oranges supplement the diet with vitamins, essential macro- and microelements, improve metabolism. In addition, this type of citrus reduces the level of bad cholesterol, which is necessary if there are eggs in the diet menu.

The rules of the diet on eggs and oranges, designed for 4 weeks:

  • observe the drinking regimen: you should drink at least 2 liters of clean, non-carbonated water per day;
  • you can drink unsweetened green tea. Coffee, alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks are prohibited;
  • in vegetable salads you need to add arugula and leaf lettuce;
  • it is recommended to take multivitamins, since the body receives less on a rather meager menu essential vitamins, micro and macro elements;
  • dinner - no later than 19:00;
  • physical activity is recommended to be limited to light exercise once a day and walks in the fresh air;
  • You need to follow a diet no more than once a year.

Diet menu on oranges and eggs

Breakfast for the first two weeks consists of two eggs and half an orange (photo:

According to the reviews of losing weight, the most effective option is an egg-orange diet, designed for 4 weeks.

The diet menu for the first two weeks consists mainly of protein foods. At the end of the first week, it must be repeated again. The menu features 2 possible options lunches and dinners.

First day menu:

  • breakfast: 2 eggs, hard-boiled or soft-boiled, half an orange;
  • lunch: one kind of any of the fruits until a feeling of satiety. Or 150 g boiled chicken breast and 150 g of salad with any vegetables and herbs;
  • dinner: 150 g boiled or baked chicken breast. Or 2 eggs (soft-boiled or hard-boiled), grapefruit, 200 g of salad from any vegetables with herbs.

Second day menu:

  • lunch: 150 g of boiled chicken breast and 200 g of salad with any vegetables and herbs;
  • dinner: 2 eggs (soft or hard boiled), grapefruit, 200 g salad from any vegetable with herbs, one toast.

Menu of the third day:

  • breakfast: 2 eggs (soft or hard boiled), half an orange;
  • lunch: toast, one large tomato, low-fat lightly salted cheese until full. Or 150 g of boiled or steamed chicken, 200 g of cucumber and green salad;
  • dinner: 150 g boiled or baked chicken breast. Or 2 hard boiled eggs, grapefruit.

Fourth day menu:

  • breakfast: 2 eggs (soft or hard boiled), half an orange;
  • lunch: one kind of any of the fruits until a feeling of satiety. Or 200 g of any boiled vegetable, 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner: 150 g of boiled chicken without skin, 200 g of salad from any vegetables. Or 2 eggs (soft or hard boiled).

Menu of the fifth day:

  • breakfast: 2 eggs (soft or hard boiled), half an orange;
  • lunch: 2 hard-boiled eggs, boil or steam one of the types of vegetables, eat until you feel full;
  • dinner: 150 g of boiled or baked fish (hake, pollock, bream, pike, flounder, perch), 150 g of any vegetable salad, orange.

Menu of the sixth day:

  • breakfast: 2 eggs (soft or hard boiled), half an orange;
  • lunch: one kind of any of the fruits until a feeling of satiety. Or 150 g of boiled meat, 3 large tomatoes and grapefruit;
  • dinner: 150 g of boiled chicken without skin, 200 g of salad from any vegetables.

Menu of the seventh day:

  • breakfast: 2 eggs (soft or hard boiled), half an orange;
  • lunch: 150 g boiled chicken breast, 200 g steamed vegetables, orange;
  • dinner: repeat lunch menu.

The main rule for compiling the menu: there should be one meal of meat or fish dish. It is strictly forbidden to make two "meat" options or combine "meat" and "fish" options. When choosing a "meat" option for lunch, a vegetable (egg) menu is recommended for dinner. And if dinner is meat, then lunch should be vegetable (egg).

Third week diet:

  • day 1: fruit until you feel full (banana, figs, grapes, mangoes are excluded);
  • day 2: boiled, steamed or fresh vegetables until full (no potatoes);
  • day 3: fruits and vegetables, eat until you feel full. The recommendations are the same as for Monday and Tuesday;
  • day 4: boiled fish until full, white cabbage salad 200 g per meal. There should be at least four times a day;
  • day 5: 150 - 200 g of boiled or steamed meat (chicken, beef, rabbit meat) and 200 g of salad from any vegetables. At least three to four meals a day;
  • 6th and 7th days: one type of fruit for each day. You need to eat until you feel full at least 4 times a day.

Diet for the fourth week

The fourth week of the diet is final. According to the recommendations of the authors of this type of weight loss, the last week is the way out of the diet.

Menu of the week:

  • On the first day, you should distribute 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers, a quarter of a chicken (cook the meat without skin), a jar of canned tuna in oil (can be replaced with 200 g of any baked fish), one toast and an orange.
  • On the second day distribute: 4 large cucumbers and 3 tomatoes, 200 g of boiled chicken, one toast and an orange.
  • On the third day, distribute 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes, a tablespoon of cottage cheese, 400 g of any boiled vegetables, one toast and an orange.
  • On the fourth day, half boiled chicken without skin, one large cucumber and 3 tomatoes, an orange and toast.
  • On the fifth day, distribute 3 tomatoes, 2 soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of salad from any vegetables, an orange.
  • On the sixth day distribute 400 g chicken fillet, 125 g of cottage cheese, an orange, 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes, toast and a glass of curdled milk or fat-free kefir.
  • On the seventh day, distribute 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes, 400 g of boiled vegetables, 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, toast, a can of canned tuna without oil or 200 g of boiled fish.

The egg-orange diet is a very unusual, but, judging by the reviews, an effective combination. There are several options for such a diet, some of which are short-term, while others are designed for a long course. It is believed that eggs and oranges trigger a special chemical reaction, which enhances metabolic processes and accelerates weight loss.

Diet "3 eggs, 3 oranges"

The most strict diet on eggs and oranges can last no more than 3-5 days. It is recommended to use it in cases where you need to lose weight before an important event - for example, before a corporate holiday. It does not contribute to the breakdown of fats, and weight will decrease due to cleansing the intestines and removing excess fluid.

The menu is very simple: for every day you are given three eggs and three oranges. It is recommended to eat them in six doses, alternating foods. Half an hour before a meal, you need to drink a glass of water. In total, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. However, if you do not like this scheme or do not fit because of work, you can eat three times a day, eating 1 egg and 1 orange for each meal.

Egg-orange diet

A long-term diet that guarantees not only weight loss, but also the preservation of results, lasts three weeks and gives an excellent effect. The rules are simple:

  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • in addition to water, you can unlimitedly drink tea, coffee without sugar and milk;
  • cook vegetables only in water (not in broth);
  • exclude all types of oils and fats;
  • between meals (not earlier than two hours after the last one) you can have a snack with fresh cucumber, carrots or lettuce leaves.

It is worth noting that at the slightest departure from the menu, you completely knock down the entire diet - and you need to start all over again. Exercise two to three times a week will help you improve your results.

In this case, the menu will be simple. In the first week, only eggs and oranges are allowed, and in the second and third weeks, eggs and any fruits and vegetables are allowed. Adhering to such a blurry diet is quite difficult, so we will try to detail it.

So, sample menu per day for the first week:

  • on an empty stomach - a glass of water;
  • breakfast - two eggs and half an orange (if not large, then whole);
  • second breakfast - an orange and a glass of water;
  • lunch - two eggs and an orange;
  • afternoon snack - an orange and a glass of water;
  • dinner - two eggs and an orange;
  • an hour before bedtime - an orange and a glass of water.

In addition to the water that is indicated in the diet, you need to drink at least 3-4 more glasses. It is advisable to drink a glass 30 minutes before the next meal.

In the second and third weeks, the menu expands significantly - now you can add raw fruits and vegetables. Let's consider several options:

  1. Option one:
    • on an empty stomach- glass of water;
    • breakfast- two eggs and an orange;
    • lunch- an Apple;
    • dinner- two eggs and a vegetable salad;
    • afternoon tea- Orange;
    • dinner- two eggs and leafy vegetables.
  2. Option two:
    • on an empty stomach- glass of water;
    • breakfast- scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs and vegetable salad;
    • lunch- a couple of oranges;
    • dinner- cutlet of grated eggs and a couple of tomatoes;
    • afternoon tea- fruit salad with lemon juice;
    • dinner- two eggs and fresh cabbage salad.
  3. Option three:
    • on an empty stomach- glass of water;
    • breakfast- a couple of eggs sea ​​kale and tea;
    • lunch- grapefruit;
    • dinner- a salad of leafy vegetables and eggs;
    • afternoon tea- a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and any fruit;
    • dinner- salad of cucumbers, herbs and eggs.

In three weeks on such a menu, you will significantly lose weight, but if you abruptly return to your previous diet, then the kilograms will return. Try to eliminate fatty, fried and sweet foods from the diet, focus on vegetables and fruits - this will allow you to maintain the results.

Egg-orange diet helps to achieve significant results in the shortest possible time. A nutrition plan can be developed for any period of time, based on your own preferences and on the result you want to achieve.

Such a diet is very popular in the post-holiday season, when during the period of overeating there is a need to get rid of excess weight. The essence of the diet is very simple. It is worth buying more eggs and oranges. You can diversify citrus fruits and buy grapefruits, tangerines, clementines, etc.

Don't forget about water. At least 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day. The diet for all days is the same.

Morning. Hard boiled egg + orange.

Dinner. Orange + a couple of boiled eggs.

Evening. Oranges 2-3 pieces + kefir 200 ml.

In general, there are no restrictions on the number of oranges, but you still won’t be able to eat a lot of them. One citrus eaten allows you to feel full for four hours.

Egg-orange diet for 5 days

In five days, it is possible to lose weight by 3-4 kg, while applying a minimum of effort.

In the morning. Bread + orange + green tea.

For lunch. Boiled egg + kefir + orange + bread.

For evening. Tomato + egg (2 pcs.) + bread.

In the morning. Citrus + green tea + bread.

For lunch. Kefir + orange + eggs.

For evening. Boiled beef + tomato + orange.

In the morning. Tea + orange.

For lunch. Yogurt + orange + egg.

For evening. Braised beef + yogurt + orange.

In the morning. Orange + coffee.

For lunch. Cottage cheese (1%) + tomato + cucumber.

For evening. Beef + apple + tomato.

In the morning. Orange + bread + coffee.

For lunch. Diet fish boiled + kefir + tomato.

For evening. Eggs + tomato.

Egg-orange diet for a week

Breakfast is the same every day. It consists of an orange, a mug of unsweetened tea and a piece of bread.

For lunch. Yogurt + boiled egg + bread + orange.

For evening. Tomato + eggs.

For lunch. Kefir + orange + egg.

For evening. Beef + tomato + bread + yogurt + orange.

For lunch. Yogurt + bread + orange + egg.

For evening. Braised beef + bread + yogurt + orange.

For lunch. Cottage cheese + bread + tomato.

For evening. Beef + tomato + bread + apple.

For lunch. Boiled beef + tomato + lettuce.

For evening. Tomato + orange + eggs.

In the remaining two days, it is allowed to eat in the usual way, but the use of harmful foods such as sweets, flour, fried foods, etc. is not allowed.

Egg-orange diet for 2 weeks

A two-week egg-orange diet is no different from a weekly one. The same foods are eaten, but in a larger interval. So that the diet does not quickly become boring, you can alternate lunch and dinner, that is, change their places. But don't forget one condition. Breakfast always remains the same, no matter how tired you are. If you want to lose 6-8 kg, you will have to be patient.

In principle, the egg-orange diet is much simpler than others that are similar in effectiveness. Sweet, fatty, salty, fried and other harmful foods are excluded from the diet. Everything is natural and tasty. If you approach the diet with an understanding of proper nutrition, then two weeks will fly by completely unnoticed, and the result will pleasantly please.

Egg-orange diet for 4 weeks

For breakfast of any diet day, half a citrus is eaten (it can be grapefruit, orange, etc.). As for the rest of the day, for your convenience, we have placed the allowed products on the table, having previously distributed them according to the time of admission. The third week differs from the rest in that on certain days it is allowed to eat one thing. For example, only vegetables or fruits are consumed during the day.


first week


second week


third week


fourth week

chicken breast

cooked meat

First day

only fruits.

Second day

only fresh vegetables.

Third day

boiled vegetables.

Fourth day

boiled fish and vegetables.

Fifth day

only boiled meat



dietary meat

Rye bread


boiled vegetables

fresh tomatoes

fresh cucumbers


dietary meat

Egg-orange diet - reviews

Reviews, as with any diet, are radically different. Some are delighted, others, on the contrary, complain that they infringed on themselves in vain in the diet. But everyone agrees on one thing, the body cleans itself very well during the diet period. Kilograms go away, it’s just that everyone has a different amount. At the end of the nutrition program, one feels significant lightness, the complexion improves, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves, etc.

As a rule, sitting on any diet, there is a decrease in brain activity, so it is especially difficult for people who are at work. However, the orange diet works in the exact opposite direction. Citrus fruits contribute to increased mental activity, so even a long period of weight loss does not greatly affect the work process.

Many girls chasing beautiful figure they go on a variety of diets, trying to find their lifesaver for excess weight, someone is suitable for mono-nutrition for weight loss, someone for health reasons should not limit themselves to certain products. If you've tried different variants, but you haven’t found your effective menu yet, try… eggs and oranges. new trend this year - egg-orange diet. Eating according to this system, you will receive the right vitamins and proteins.

Basic Principles and Benefits of the Orange and Egg Diet

The diet is so effective because the dishes contain a small amount of carbohydrates, and the absence of salt leads to the release of the body from unnecessary fluid. A chicken egg contains 14 percent of the daily protein requirement. Orange is rich in vitamin C, which contributes to the preservation of a youthful appearance. This fruit contains fiber fibers that affect digestion and metabolism, giving a feeling of satiety. The combination of the properties of both products (fiber + protein enzymes) helps to cleanse, rid the intestines of toxins.

Diet options and recipes for weight loss

The diet itself is simple, as its name suggests. It will require only oranges, eggs and willpower. In long versions, you will need meat with fish and vegetables. The calorie content of dishes is minimal. Following the regime, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of green tea per day or mineral water. What are the options for an egg-orange diet?

Rigid for 3-5 days

Duration - 3-5 days, during which you can get rid of 2 kg of weight. Follow this schedule: for breakfast, eat a boiled egg and fruit, for lunch - two eggs and one orange fruit, and in the evening - 2 oranges with a glass of kefir. Some varieties of the chosen food system imply a variable intake of citrus fruits and eggs. Eat up to 6 oranges and boiled eggs per day.

Express diet for 7 days

The 7 day diet is for rapid decline weight when an important event is coming up or a vacation is approaching. The difference will be the same number of oranges and eggs that you need to consume per day. Those and others should be eaten in six pieces. You can eat them in any order during the day, including two at a time. It is important to remember that mixing such products is not recommended.

Gentle for 2 weeks

This option is suitable for those who do not need to rush, who can afford to observe the regimen calmly for 2 weeks. A sparing diet is designed for meals 3 times a day. For the first week, you can eat (for each meal) a couple of oranges and 1-2 eggs. Diversity in the diet appears when the 2nd week comes. The menu includes fruits and vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, bananas, grapes.

Classic for 4 weeks

This nutrition system is designed for those who are overweight. It will take patience to endure the test of willpower. The detailed diet menu is divided into weeks, the 3rd one stands apart. First two weeks, fourth:

  • Breakfast. Half an orange, a couple of eggs (boil).
  • Dinner. On the first day - oranges, the second - boiled chicken, the third - cheese, toast, tomato, the fourth - a couple of citrus fruits, the fifth - 2 eggs, vegetables (boiled), the sixth - oranges, the seventh - chicken meat (boiled), citrus, vegetables.
  • Dinner. The first day is lean meat, the second is a couple of eggs, vegetable salad, an orange, the third is white meat, the fourth is meat, vegetable salad, the fifth is fish (boiled) with orange, the sixth is meat with salad, the seventh is vegetables (boiled) .

Third week:

  • first day - fruit;
  • the second - vegetables (boiled);
  • the third - vegetables, citruses;
  • the fourth - vegetables, fish (boiled);
  • fifth - meat (white), vegetables;
  • the sixth and seventh are oranges.

Nutritionists say that the presence of citrus fruits on the menu will prevent the body from being faced with a lack of trace elements and vitamins, which can lead to protein diet. A feature of this way of eating is that it causes the natural production of carnitine, due to which excess weight is destroyed. Fitness trainers emphasize that the diet does not imply any exercise due to the fact that it does not contain complex carbohydrates.

Video about the benefits of eggs and oranges for weight loss

How many kilograms can you get rid of by sitting on an orange diet for 3 weeks? In the video below are detailed instructions, in what quantities and when to use the main ingredients, photos are also shown showing positive results. You will also learn where the legs grow from world day eggs, and which eggs are healthier by watching a video by nutritionist Olga Perevalova.

Feedback on the results of weight loss

Maria, 32 years old

I was on this diet for only a week, I needed to lose weight before going to Thailand. Having dropped 3 kilograms, I am satisfied, although I expected more. The only drawback is that I overate, I can’t see eggs anymore. Now you will have to save yourself from hanging folds already in the fitness room. I lost weight, but the diet will not give me elasticity and muscle tone, alas.

Svetlana, 35 years old

I noticed that I have fat. I got married 2 months ago, but I didn't want my husband to think I was fat. I should have lost at least 5 kilos. I sat down on a sparing one, which lasts 2 weeks. I didn't have the willpower for more. I achieved my goal, the diet works, although heartburn began from oranges in the end. I have gastritis, but I did not take it into account. Be careful.

Vera, 40 years old

I switched to this diet with ease delicious eggs. I decided to try something new, because I could not lose weight in any way. I have a lot of weight, I went on a diet for 4 weeks, lost 10 kg. For me, this is a significant breakthrough. I’ll sign up for swimming to strengthen my muscles, otherwise my skin hangs in folds. I advise this nutrition system to those who are very full, but a few kilos are also removed with the help of sports.

The egg-orange diet is a tasty and at the same time unsafe weight loss for allergy sufferers, which gives amazing results. According to the reviews of losing weight, in 4 weeks you can lose up to 18 kilograms of weight. The result of losing weight depends on the characteristics of the body and the initial weight.

Orange is a storehouse of vitamins, including vitamin C, due to which it exhibits powerful antioxidant and anti-stress properties. The rather low calorie content of the fruit makes it very effective tool for weight loss and overall health. Diet on oranges helps to "throw off too much" without feeling hungry and excessive stress.


The benefits of the orange diet for weight loss

Orange has a lot of advantages that help fight excess weight. One of these advantages is its relatively low calorie content. 100 g of the product contains only 70-90 kcal, while it contains no fat at all. Despite the content of carbohydrates in its composition, they are not processed into fat, after eating it we do not want to eat for about 2-4 hours (depending on the amount of fruit eaten). This makes this citrus an effective product for snacking, and in general for weight loss.

Another useful quality of oranges is the presence of a large amount of vitamin C in them, one medium fruit contains daily rate for our body. Vitamin stimulates the cleansing of the body from harmful substances and metabolic products, fights free radicals, preventing early aging and the development of serious diseases, including preventing metabolic disorders. In addition, citrus is perfectly absorbed, so that the digestive organs are not loaded, they can be called a metabolism catalyst, because they activate metabolic processes in the body.

Dietary fiber (or cellulose) of an orange has a positive effect on digestion and helps to cleanse the intestines, besides, thanks to them, a feeling of satiety is created in our stomach (when they swell), as a result of which our body does not feel the need for food for a long time.

It is useful to include oranges in your diet for all those who are losing weight, since, in addition to all of the above, they are good antidepressants.

During the orange diet, potassium and sodium contained in the fruit keep the body in good shape and control the level of pressure. The presence folic acid It has a positive effect on the condition of a woman's skin, which is also necessary during a diet.

Freshly squeezed juice from orange pulp helps to reduce the secretion of bile and prevents the development of constipation, due to the presence of pectin, it prevents the processes of decay in the intestines. Another undoubted advantage of this citrus for weight loss is the content of organic acids in it, which stimulate the burning of accumulated fat.

Video: Orange in Malysheva's program "Live great!"

The diet involves the use of an orange as the main product for weight loss, but without special restrictions on the use of other products. There are quite a few options for the orange diet, consider the most popular ones.

Orange diet for 5 days, menu

Sitting on an orange diet, you can lose up to three kilograms per week. On this option, you can lose weight for three weeks. And stick to the menu for five days, and on weekends you can afford your favorite foods that have not been used during the week (except for sweets). But everything should be wise, no need to eat up and cross out weekly weight loss results.

Breakfast: one diet loaf, one orange, a cup of unsweetened tea, you can have coffee.
Dinner: boiled soft-boiled egg, 200 g of kefir or natural unsweetened yogurt, slices of one citrus fruit, one loaf.
Dinner: one loaf, 2 fresh tomatoes, 2 hard boiled eggs.

Dinner: diet bread, medium orange, 200 g of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt, boiled egg.
Dinner: 150 g of boiled or baked lean beef with one fresh tomato, 200 g of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt without dyes, orange, bread.

Breakfast: one loaf, a large orange, a cup of unsweetened tea, you can have coffee.
Dinner: diet bread, orange pulp of one fruit, 400 g of natural yogurt, boiled egg.
Dinner: 150 g of steak, one orange, 200 g of natural yogurt, bread.

Breakfast: one loaf, orange slices of one fruit, a cup of unsweetened tea, you can coffee.
Dinner: 150 g fat-free cottage cheese, fresh cucumber, fresh tomato, diet bread.
Dinner: 150 g boiled lean beef or veal, green apple, two tomatoes, toast.

Breakfast: one diet loaf, a large orange, a cup of unsweetened tea, you can have coffee.
Dinner: 200 g steamed fish fillet, 200 g low-fat kefir, two tomatoes, two lettuce leaves.
Dinner: boiled soft-boiled egg, four lettuce leaves, two tomatoes.

Orange diet for 7 days, menu

This option helps to get rid of up to six kilograms of excess weight.

Dinner: a bunch of greens, a tomato, a slice of black bread, 250 ml of kefir.
Dinner: tomato, 250 ml of kefir, orange pulp of one fruit.

Breakfast: orange slices of one fruit, a cup of unsweetened tea.
Dinner: a bunch of greens, a boiled egg, a tomato, a slice of black bread, 250 ml of kefir.
Dinner: tomato, 250 ml of kefir, a small orange, boiled egg.

Breakfast: one orange, a cup of unsweetened tea.
Dinner: 100 g of boiled non-fat beef, tomato, 250 ml of kefir, orange slices of one fruit, boiled egg.

Breakfast: orange pulp of one fruit, a cup of unsweetened tea.
Dinner: a bunch of greens, 100 g of boiled lean beef, tomato, a slice of black bread, 250 ml of kefir.
Dinner: 100 g of boiled non-fat beef, tomato, 250 ml of kefir, a small orange, boiled egg.

Friday and Saturday- during the day there is only fat-free cottage cheese (400 g).

Sunday- eat steamed or boiled fish all day, portions are not large.

From the liquid you can drink without restrictions pure water without gas and green tea without sugar (the more the better).

Orange diet for 14 days, menu

Breakfast of each day of the diet will consist of one medium orange and two boiled eggs.

1 day.
Dinner: 200 g of fruit of your choice, but always with an orange (except banana).
Dinner: 200 g of boiled meat of low-fat varieties.

Day 2
Dinner: 200 g boiled chicken fillet.
Dinner: a serving of vegetable salad (except for starchy ones (beets, potatoes, etc.)), cracker, medium orange.

Day 3
Dinner: toast, two fresh tomatoes, 150 g low-fat hard cheese.
Dinner: 200 g of boiled lean meat.

Day 4
Dinner: 200 g of any fruit of one kind.
Dinner: 200 g boiled lean beef.

Day 5
Dinner: two boiled eggs, boiled or baked vegetables.
Dinner: 200 g boiled lean meat.

Day 6
Dinner: any fruit.
Dinner: portion of lean meat and grilled vegetables.

Day 7
Dinner: a small piece of boiled chicken fillet, boiled vegetables, a small portion of tomato salad, a large orange.
Dinner: boiled vegetables (except starchy types), one orange.

Day 8
Dinner: boiled meat, 200 g
Dinner: two hard-boiled eggs, lettuce, one orange.

Day 9
Dinner: any meat in baked form, 200 g.
Dinner: two boiled eggs and lettuce, one orange.

Day 10
Dinner: a piece of boiled chicken breast, a portion of cucumber salad.
Dinner: two boiled eggs and an orange.

Day 11
Dinner: two boiled eggs, 70 g low-fat hard cheese, boiled vegetables.
Dinner: two boiled eggs, orange.

Day 12
Dinner: 200 g of boiled or steam fish.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs.

Day 13
Dinner: 200 g boiled lean meat, orange.
Dinner: a portion of salad from any fruit.

Day 14
Dinner: salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, boiled vegetables, a piece of grilled chicken fillet and an orange.
Dinner: fruit salad (we exclude bananas, grapes, dates).

Egg-orange diet for 5 days, menu

1 day.
Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. muesli, a cup of unsweetened tea (coffee), a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, a boiled egg, a slice of black bread.
Dinner: a portion of salad from any vegetables with lemon juice, boiled egg, a slice of black bread or diet bread, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
Dinner: a glass of fat-free kefir.

Day 2
Breakfast: a boiled egg, a cup of green tea without sugar, a cracker or a slice of bread, a glass of freshly squeezed juice or a whole orange.
Dinner: 100 g lean beef, steamed or baked, vegetable salad with lemon juice, a slice of bread and a glass of orange juice.
Dinner: a glass of fat-free kefir.

Day 3
Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened tea, a hard-boiled egg, a slice of bread, freshly squeezed orange juice (a glass).
Dinner: 150 g of boiled meat, a portion of salad from any vegetables, a small cracker, orange pulp of one fruit.
Dinner: fat-free kefir (glass).

Day 4
Breakfast: two boiled chicken eggs, a cup of tea without sugar, 150 g of fat-free cottage cheese, a slice of black bread and a glass of orange juice.
Dinner: 150 g of boiled chicken or veal, a portion of vegetable salad, a slice of bread, two small oranges (you can replace 200 ml of juice).
Dinner: a glass of fat-free kefir.

Day 5
Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened coffee, two boiled eggs, a slice of black bread, an orange or a glass of juice from it.
Dinner: boiled or steamed fish (150 g), a serving of vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice, a slice of bread, orange pulp of two small fruits, or a glass of juice.
Dinner: a glass of fat-free kefir.

Throughout the diet throughout the day, also remember to drink enough pure water without gas.

Rigid apple-orange diet for seven days, menu

This diet option allows you to get rid of up to four kilograms of weight. During the week, you need to eat according to the following scheme:

Lunch: a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice or two whole fruits, one apple.
Dinner: a salad of orange slices and an apple, natural yogurt, a slice of bread are suitable as a dressing.
Afternoon snack: 2 apples or orange slices of one large piece of fruit
Dinner: three apples, a slice of black bread, 80 g of hard cheese, a cup of green tea without sugar.

During the day, also try to drink more water so that the body is actively cleansed.

Kefir-orange diet for five days, menu

Breakfast: 200 ml fat-free yogurt, a medium-sized orange, a cup of green tea without sugar.
Lunch: 200 ml of kefir.
Dinner: 200 g boiled (steamed or baked) fish or low-fat meat, 200 ml low-fat kefir, orange pulp of two medium-sized fruits.
Afternoon snack: orange slices of one fruit, 200 ml of fat-free kefir.
Dinner: 200 ml fat-free kefir and again citrus slices.

So you should eat for five days. During the day, you can drink clean water without gas and green tea without sugar in any quantity. For a week of diet, excess weight loss can reach up to four kilograms, it all depends on the initial weight.

Orange diet for three weeks, menu

A diet on oranges in this version allows you to get rid of up to 10 kilograms of excess weight. Everything is very simple, every week you should eat according to the following menu:

Week 1.
During the day, you should consume: 1 kg of oranges, 2 boiled eggs, 2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water (and so on for seven days).

2 weeks.
The same kilogram of citrus fruits is given per day, buckwheat porridge on water and without salt in any quantities, 2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water (and so for seven days).

3 weeks.
During the day, also eat a kilogram of oranges, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, any and in any quantity (boiled).

With the right approach, you will consistently lose three kilograms of weight per week. This version of the orange diet is only absolutely suitable. healthy people, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting it. And of course, this applies to any of the presented diets, if you are allergic to citrus fruits, the orange diet is contraindicated for you.

There is also an orange juice diet, when you do not consume anything other than juice and pure water. Such a diet can be implemented exclusively in the form of a fasting day and only after consulting a doctor.

Video: Three-week menu.

Orange diet contraindications

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcers.
  • Allergy to citrus fruits.
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type.