What is the list of complex carbohydrates. What are the best complex carbohydrates for weight loss? Characteristics of complex carbohydrates

For the normal functioning of the body, it needs energy, which comes with food. About half of your energy needs come from foods high in carbohydrates. Those who are trying to lose weight should constantly monitor the intake and expenditure of calories.

What are carbohydrates for?

Carbohydrates burn a lot faster than proteins and fats. These elements are necessary to maintain immune system. Carbohydrates are included in the structure of cells and are involved in the regulation of metabolism and the synthesis of nucleic acids that transmit hereditary information.

The blood of an adult contains about 6g. glucose. This reserve is enough to provide the body with energy for 15 minutes. To maintain the concentration of glucose in the blood, the body independently produces the hormones glucagon and insulin:

  1. Glucagon raises blood glucose levels.
  2. Insulin reduces this level by converting glucose into glycogen or fat, which is essential after a meal.

The body uses glycogen stores that accumulate in the muscles and liver. These accumulations are quite enough to provide the body with energy for 10-15 hours.

When the concentration of glucose drops significantly, a person begins to experience a feeling of hunger.

Carbohydrates differ among themselves in the degree of complexity of the molecule. Therefore, carbohydrates can be arranged in order of decreasing complexity as follows:

  • polysaccharides,
  • disaccharides,
  • monosaccharides.
  1. to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body;
  2. for intestinal peristalsis;
  3. to stimulate beneficial microflora;
  4. to bind cholesterol.

Important! A person who is losing weight should not eat foods containing complex carbohydrates in the afternoon.

Table of slow and short carbohydrates

Name type of carbohydrate What products are found in
simple sugars
Glucose Monosaccharide Grape, grape juice, honey
Fructose (fruit sugar) Monosaccharide Apples, citrus fruits, peaches, watermelon, dried fruits, juices, compotes, jams, honey
Sucrose (food sugar) disaccharide Sugar, confectionery flour products, juices, compotes, jams
Lactose (milk sugar) disaccharide Cream, milk, kefir
Maltose (malt sugar) disaccharide Beer, kvass
Starch Polysaccharide Flour products (bread, pasta), cereals, potatoes
Glycogen (animal starch) Polysaccharide Energy reserve of the body, found in the liver and muscles
Cellulose Polysaccharide Buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, wheat and rye bran, wholemeal bread, fruits, vegetables
Table of carbohydrates depending on the complexity of the molecule

Glucose is absorbed the fastest. inferior to glucose in absorption rate. Maltose and lactose are absorbed relatively quickly under the action of enzymes and gastric juice. Foods that contain complex carbohydrates (starch) break down into simple sugars only in the small intestine.

This process is long, as it is slowed down by fiber, which prevents the absorption of slow carbohydrates.

With a diet rich in slow carbohydrates, the body stores glycogen (animal starch) in the muscles and liver. With excessive intake of sugars and full-fledged accumulations of glycogen, slow carbohydrates begin to transform into fat.

Simple and complex carbohydrates, weight loss food lists

Simple and slow, short carbohydrates enter the body in large quantities from legumes and grains. This diet is rich in vitamins, minerals and vegetable protein.

A huge amount of useful elements is contained in the shell and germ of cereals. This is why carefully processed grains are devoid of benefits.

Legumes contain a lot of protein, but they are only 70% digestible. In addition, legumes block the action of certain digestive enzymes, which sometimes harms digestion and can adversely affect the walls of the small intestine.

All kinds of cereals and whole grain products containing bran have the greatest nutritional value.

Despite the fact that rice is well digested in the stomach, the product contains little fiber, minerals and vitamins. Significantly more fiber in pearl barley and millet. Oatmeal is high in calories and rich in zinc, magnesium, and potassium. Buckwheat contains a lot of iron. However, it is worth recalling that it is useful, so it should always be considered separately.

It is quite difficult to achieve overeating with foods containing simple and slow carbohydrates, since under normal conditions these elements do not increase body fat. And the opinion that body weight is growing due to the fact that a person consumes simple and slow carbohydrates is wrong.

They are simply absorbed faster than fats and proteins, as a result of which the body has a reduced need for the oxidation of fats, which form deposits.

Food table for weight loss

Simple and slow carbohydrates are found in flour, sweet foods, cereals, dairy products, berries, fruit juices and fruits. To achieve weight loss per day, it is enough to consume no more than 50-60 grams. products from this list.

Products Calorie content (kcal per 100 g) Carbohydrate content in 100 g
Rice 372 87,5
Cornflakes 368 85
plain flour 350 80
Raw oats, nuts, dried fruits 368 65
White bread 233 50
Wholemeal bread 216 42,5
Rice boiled 123 30
Wheat bran 206 27,5
Macaroni boiled 117 25
cream cake 440 67,5
shortbread cookies 504 65
Sweet pastries 527 55
Biscuit dry 301 55
Eclairs 376 37,5
Milk ice cream 167 25
Milk and dairy products
Kefir fruit 52 17,5
Whole milk powder without sugar 158 12,5
Kefir 52 5
Meat and meat products
Fried beef sausage 265 15
Fried pork sausage 318 12,5
liver sausage 310 5
Fish and seafood
fried shrimp 316 30
Cod fried in oil 199 7,5
Flounder fried in breadcrumbs 228 7,5
Perch cooked in the oven 196 5
Potatoes fried in vegetable oil 253 37,5
raw green pepper 15 20
boiled potatoes 80 17,5
Sweet corn kernels 76 15
Boiled beets 44 10
boiled beans 48 7,5
boiled carrots 19 5
dried raisins 246 65
Dried currant 243 62,5
Dried dates 248 62,5
Prunes 161 40
fresh bananas 79 20
Grape 61 15
cherry fresh 47 12,5
fresh apples 37 10
fresh peaches 37 10
fresh green figs 41 10
Pears 41 10
fresh apricots 28 7,5
fresh oranges 35 7,5
fresh tangerines 34 7,5
Blackcurrant compote without sugar 24 5
grapefruit fresh 22 5
Honey melons 21 5
Raspberry fresh 25 5
Fresh strawberries 26 5
chestnuts 170 37,5
Soft walnut oil 623 12,5
Hazelnuts 380 7,5
dried coconut 604 7,5
Roasted salted peanuts 570 7,5
Almond 565 5
walnuts 525 5
Sugar and jam
white sugar 394 105
Honey 288 77,5
Jam 261 70
Marmalade 261 70
lollipops 327 87,5
Iris 430 70
milk chocolate 529 60
Soft drinks
liquid chocolate 366 77,5
cocoa powder 312 12,5
Coca Cola 39 10
Lemonade 21 5
Alcoholic drinks
Alcohol 70% 222 35
Vermouth dry 118 25
Red wine 68 20
Dry white wine 66 20
Beer 32 10
Sauces and marinades
marinade sweet 134 35
Ketchup tomato 98 25
Mayonnaise 311 15
Chicken noodle soup 20 5

Harm of a large amount of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates in large quantities:

  1. Deplete the insulin machine.
  2. They disrupt the digestion and absorption of food.
  3. Provoke mineral and vitamin deficiencies
  4. Lead to malfunction of internal organs.

Carbohydrate digestion products are able to suppress the development of bacteria necessary for the body. For example, yeast, which is used in baking white bread, competes with the intestinal microflora.

Harm to products from yeast dough noticed for a long time, so many peoples try to bake bread from unleavened dough.

Proper nutrition is the foundation of good health.

A varied diet is necessary to restore the body, maintain protective forces. It is a common misconception that carbohydrates are the main cause of weight problems.

However, statistics show the disappointing consequences associated with the rejection of carbohydrates, the specific features of which doctors strongly recommend studying before compiling an individual diet.

An essential component of a healthy lifestyle is complex carbohydrates. A list of products (table) for weight loss is necessary for compiling an individual menu.

Complex carbohydrates are represented by a variety of monosaccharides that are absorbed gradually. This allows the body to extract energy from food. long time.

Types of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are classified as follows: simple and complex. The comparison will allow you to make an informed choice in favor of difficult ones to maintain an excellent figure without compromising health.

"Good" and "bad" carbohydrates in terms of weight loss

Simple carbohydrates are easily digested, but at the same time the level of glucose in the blood rises rapidly. After eating foods containing them, a feeling of hunger quickly arises. Insulin has a destructive effect on blood vessels.

Frequent or excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates in large quantities negatively affects the well-being, which will inevitably lead to the development of chronic diseases.

It is better to eat complex carbohydrates. A list of products (table) for weight loss will help create original dishes. Slowly absorbed, energize the body for a long time.

The main advantage is high the nutritional value with low sugar content.

After eating for a long period, there is no feeling of hunger - this is important for the emotional state: nervous breakdowns, irritability, and depression are excluded. Complex carbohydrates have been assigned the status of useful ones, the safety has been confirmed by studies.

Groups of complex carbohydrates

Experts focus on the types of fast carbohydrates that should be present on the menu of representatives of various age categories.

These essential carbohydrates include:

  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • glycogen.

Fiber is a favorite of healthy lifestyle fans, as it stimulates the digestive organs, but is not digested by the body. Effective in preventing heart disease, diabetes, cancer. Fiber cleanses the body of toxins, is indispensable for maintaining normal cholesterol levels.

Starch is a unique substance: with a low calorie content, the energy value is quite high. The benefits of eating starch is that there are no restrictions: while enjoying your favorite dish, you do not risk gaining extra pounds.

A list of products for weight loss is used in order to make changes to the menu, if necessary, bring the weight back to normal, increase efficiency. Products are distributed according to their usefulness.

The feeling of satiety occurs instantly after eating starch, which has positive influence on the body. Products containing starch are prescribed as a prophylaxis oncological diseases, to strengthen the immune system, to lower blood sugar.

Starch instantly dissolves in hot water, therefore it is a mandatory component of the menu professional athletes: helps to withstand significant stress, maintain a normal emotional state.

Glycogen saturates the body with glucose, prevents its decrease. This type of complex carbohydrates ambulance, prevention of lowering glucose levels due to excessive physical exertion. Glycogen is indispensable in the conditions of the rapid pace of life, it helps to combine career, sports, personal life.

A list of products (table) for weight loss is used in order to make changes to the menu, if necessary, bring the weight back to normal, increase efficiency. Complex carbohydrates are a source of energy.

Foods containing starch:

  • pasta;
  • cereals;
  • bread;
  • cereals;
  • potato;
  • beans.

Starch - best option for the menu of people with problems of the digestive organs: discomfort in the abdomen will not affect the usual way of life.

Rich in fiber:

For safe weight loss, consume complex carbohydrates, especially fiber. Use seasonal weight loss products from a list or table.

Complex carbs for perfect shapes

Hunger is a common cause of nervous disorders: the desire for physical perfection can cause depression. Exhausting diets are not compatible with the lifestyle of an active person.

Without energy sources it is impossible to cope with loads: physical, mental. The fight against extra pounds involves the parallel observance of an individual diet and sports.

It is almost impossible to exercise while feeling hungry. To achieve the goal - beautiful figure- it is necessary to achieve harmony of soul and body.

Complex carbohydrates stimulate metabolic processes.

Complex carbohydrates are needed daily, to calculate the norm of which a list of products (table) for weight loss has been compiled. It is important to prevent the abuse of your favorite (but not healthy) dishes.

Quantity necessary products depends on lifestyle and age.

Carbohydrates stimulate the liver, so they are traditionally recommended to be eaten in the morning - to provide the body with energy for the whole day.

It is calculated by a simple formula: carbohydrates - N g multiplied by body weight (kg).

N according to the formula is:

  • 4 g X 1 kg to keep fit, feel great;
  • 5 g X 1 kg is the optimal amount for female athletes;
  • 2.5 -3 g X 1 kg - the norm for the period of active struggle with excess weight;
  • 5.5 g X 1 kg is the norm for a pregnant woman.

"Faithful companions" - negative consequences will be:

  • drowsiness;
  • fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • trembling in the hands.

Sweating, dull hair, brittle nails will inevitably lead to disappointment of the fair sex, who decided to transform.

Carbohydrates stimulate the liver Therefore, they are traditionally recommended to be eaten in the morning - to provide the body with energy for the whole day.

At the same time, nutritionists focus on the nutritional characteristics of people who lead an active lifestyle, accompanied by physical and mental stress in the evening (work, sports).

Owls "need nutrition that corresponds to their lifestyle, which means that carbohydrates" at night "within reasonable limits will not do harm.

"Owls" need food that matches their lifestyle, which means that carbohydrates "for the night" within reasonable limits will not do harm.

IN winter period the importance of slow carbohydrates increases. The body needs protection from low temperatures.

The composition of carbohydrates includes a special hormone - serotonin, which helps to warm up, being, at the same time, effective tool against depression.

Choice of sources of slow carbohydrates

For weight loss, you need a list of products (table): it is important to know how much complex carbohydrates can be consumed (age, lifestyle are taken into account).

Care should be taken with bakery products, preference should be given to products made from wholemeal flour (the less processing the ingredients go through, the better).

Most affordable option food - porridge:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • barley.

The glycemic index of the above dishes is ideal for an athlete's diet - the effectiveness of consumption has been tested by several generations. In parallel, it is recommended to consume legumes providing the body with sufficient fiber.

Complex carbohydrates are the only way to restore energy that does not lead to the formation of fatty compounds.

Product list (individual table) for proper nutrition will allow you to forget about the constant feeling of hunger, extra pounds.

The most affordable and healthy food option is cereals.

Carbohydrates are essential for good nutrition, regular use has a positive effect on all organs, while a deficiency of these substances leads to a decrease in activity, a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Glycemic index of foods:

  1. Apricots - 20;
  2. Quince - 35;
  3. Oranges - 35;
  4. Corn - 35;
  5. Sesame - 35;
  6. Dried apricots - 30;
  7. Yeast - 35;
  8. Figs - 35;
  9. White cabbage - 10;
  10. Beets - 30;
  11. Celery root - 35;
  12. Onion - 10;
  13. Flaxseed - 35;
  14. Poppy - 35;
  15. Tomato sauce without sugar - 35;
  16. beans - 35;
  17. Prunes - 25;
  18. Dark chocolate - 20;
  19. Chocolate bar without sugar - 35;
  20. Milk - 32;
  21. Carrots - 35.

When compiling the menu, do not make a common mistake: healthy, does not mean you can eat in unlimited quantities. A sense of proportion is the basis of weight loss.

Caution should be taken when eating foods containing fiber: legumes can cause increased gas formation, abdominal pain - do not exceed the rate corresponding to your weight.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet from the first day, start exercising.

Complex carbohydrates ensure the normal functioning of the central nervous system. The brain needs glucose: dietary restrictions negatively affect mental abilities. Absent-mindedness, weak memory are signs of malnutrition of people of intellectual labor.

When compiling the menu, be guided not only by the table, but consider personal tastes: food should be enjoyable. Carbohydrates are found in various foods, so making a menu to your liking is not difficult.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet start exercising from day one.

The advantage of losing weight with the help of complex carbohydrates lies in the “convenience” of the diet: healthy meals are consumed at work and on a business trip, because the difficulties with acquiring and preparing are excluded.

Before starting the fight against extra pounds required to undergo a comprehensive examination, discuss the proposed menu with your doctor. Carbohydrate diet is tolerated painlessly, does not affect performance.

The video will introduce you to products containing carbohydrates and their functions for the body.

In this video, a man will tell about various types carbohydrates found in our diet.

From this video you can find out all necessary information about carbohydrates.


What are the benefits of complex carbohydrates. Why should you include them in your diet? Where they are contained, examples of products.

Many novice athletes who take their first steps (sometimes still unconsciously) get confused in choosing the right products nutrition. As a rule, emphasis is placed on protein, and complex carbohydrates remain “overboard” in the diet or are taken in a small amount. As a result, the set goals cannot be achieved, and the body suffers from a lack of energy.

To avoid such problems, food should contain not only proteins. It must contain long carbohydrates. What is it? What products contain this element?

Essence, types and role of carbohydrates

The human body is a complex system that works according to its own rules and needs proper nutrition. Few people know that fats and proteins that enter the stomach are not able to be processed without the right amount carbohydrates, which are of two types:

  • Slow (complex, long) - characterized by a low glycemic index. As a rule, this parameter does not exceed 40.
  • Fast- a more common (but at the same time harmful) type, in which the glycemic index is quite high (more than 70). If the goal is to lose weight, then such foods are primarily excluded from food.

Complex carbohydrates are substances that are distinguished not only by a small GKI, but also by slow digestion in the stomach. They provide the necessary amount of energy, so important for the daily work of our body. That is why nutritionists recommend having a list of the right foods on hand and remembering to include them in your diet (preferably in the morning).

Foods with complex carbohydrates provide a gradual increase in blood sugar levels. As a result, a person receives excellent performance, he is active, full of energy and strength. If you focus on simple elements, then there is a sharp jump in sugar levels, which can be dangerous for the body.

What are they?

Let's look at what complex carbohydrates are and what elements they are represented at the molecular level. Here it is worth highlighting the following chains of monosaccharide molecules that underlie:

  • Starch- an element that is formed from long chains of glucose molecules. Such a substance is in a "pure" or processed form (maltodextrin and glucose). The peculiarity is the presence of short polymers in the base, which quickly dissolve in the liquid and enter the blood plasma without delay. Due to this, starch is quickly digested and eliminates problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
    So, if you know where complex carbohydrates are contained and properly form a diet, then the chance to achieve results in sports is higher. Otherwise, the risk of obesity or diabetes is high. Products containing starch - cereals, pasta (as well as products belonging to this category), beans, potatoes and others.
  • Cellulose- an element useful for the body, which is found in sufficient quantities in nuts, grains, beans, fruits and vegetables. Essentially, it is a dietary fiber that is not digested in the stomach due to its resistance to digestive enzymes. Fiber intake reliably protects the body from diabetes, heart problems, and even a malignant tumor of the colon. In addition, its presence in the diet helps to reduce bad cholesterol and remove bile acids from the body.
    Total fibers fall into two categories. The first includes those substances that dissolve in water, and the second - those that belong to the category of insoluble. Each type of fiber has its own effect on the body. Fibers that cannot dissolve in a liquid accelerate the removal of harmful elements, slow down the hydrolysis of starch, and stop the process of glucose absorption. The second category (soluble fiber) reduces the speed of the digestive tract, reduces cholesterol levels. This is why complex carbohydrates play a key role in weight loss.
  • Glycogen. As soon as a person has eaten, the blood is saturated with glucose, and the excess of this substance is converted into glycogen. As soon as there is a deficiency of glucose, the stored glycogen is broken down to maintain its level at a sufficiently high level. Its accumulation occurs in muscle cells and liver. The average stock of the body is 110-120 grams. When engaging in active sports, a decrease in energy occurs precisely because of the lack of glycogen. That is why it is recommended to take slow carbohydrates 1.5-2 hours before the start of classes.

List of foods with slow carbohydrates

To properly form a diet, it is important to know what refers to complex carbohydrates. It is also worth noting that the intake of products with their content is relevant in the morning and lunch hours. The reason is that food rich in polysaccharides is better absorbed in the first part of the day.

So, the list of products:

  • Legumes. The peculiarity of these substances is the rapid digestibility by the body, the presence of vitamins, microelements and protein of plant origin in the composition. Legumes improve the functioning of the stomach, normalize metabolic processes, help strengthen blood vessels and the immune system. In addition, their representatives contain isoflavones, which exclude the development of breast cancer. Here you can highlight foods such as chickpeas (48.6 grams of carbohydrates), lentils (46.3 grams) and soy.
  • cereals. Nutritionists say that long carbohydrates should be part of the diet. In particular, the most useful are cereals, which are high in calories, but at the same time have a small amount of fat. In addition, they contain such essential vitamins and minerals. Separately, it is worth highlighting that such carbohydrates are suitable for weight loss. The list of products is as follows - rice (77 g), millet (69 g), buckwheat (65 g), oats (65.4 g).
  • Whole wheat bread- Low in calories and high in fiber. These are whole grain bread (57.1 g), oatmeal bread (52 g), whole grain bread (44.15 g).
  • Berries, vegetables and fruits- foods that have a low glycemic index. They contain minerals, pectins, vitamins, fruit acids. Their reception is more useful in raw form. The following foods are richest in carbohydrates - pomegranate (11.3 g), watermelon (9.2 g), cherry (11 g), onion (9,6).

Recognize the deficiency of these useful substances in the body simply - it is characterized by a decrease muscle mass, impaired water balance, exhaustion, problems with the brain, irritability, depression. On the other hand, excess is also dangerous, which can lead to increased body weight, difficulty concentrating, tremors in the limbs, or high glucose levels.

To avoid the problems mentioned above, the diet should be in abundance - fats, proteins and, of course, complex carbohydrates.

Still think that to build a quality body shape, you need to avoid carbohydrates? Very in vain, because in reality the situation is quite different. Complex carbohydrates are able to provide the body with important trace elements, and the energy obtained from them will be stored for the whole day. Let's figure it out!

Providing the body with energy, maintaining a good mood and well-being, filling the muscles with glycogen - it's all about carbohydrates, without which a full-fledged human activity is simply impossible. We will pay special attention to complex carbohydrates, you will understand why they are also called slow, long, long and even heavy. In practice, this macronutrient in dietetics is subjected to a large amount of research, which gives rise to diets different type: with a low or high carbohydrate content, as well as their complete exclusion, protein-carbohydrate alternation, etc.

In this article, we will tell you all about complex carbohydrates, those slow ones, such as:

  • their types, features and importance for the body:
  • what source is most relevant on the diet and what refers to long carbohydrates from everyday products;
  • what is the risk of a deficiency or excess of a nutrient;
  • consider a list of products containing complex carbohydrates and give some examples of healthy recipes.

Simple and complex (fast and slow) carbohydrates

In accordance with the chemical structure, the types of carbohydrates are simple (mono- and disaccharides) and complex (polysaccharides). The energy value 1 gram is equal to 4 kilocalories.

IN Lately for momentary saturation, people use products containing simple carbohydrates - this is high in calories, but very tasty. Therefore, preference is given to fast and refined carbohydrates. It causes big interest among scientists who actively study human performance in accordance with the food consumed.

First you need to figure out what simple and what complex carbohydrates are in order to come to the right conclusion.

Simple (fast) carbohydrates

By chemical composition Simple carbohydrates are divided into two types.

Types of complex carbohydrates

Polysaccharides or long carbohydrates are large chains of compounds that can provide much more energy when broken down than simple ones. A complex carbohydrate is digested slowly and for a long time, without sudden spikes in insulin. After taking them, a person remains full for a long time, full of strength and vigor.

Fiber, starch and glycogen are complex carbohydrates. Each of them is an important component for building a harmonious diet, and ideally it should be a combination of all three types. Let's take a closer look at the features of each.

Starch- is considered unique and the most valuable, about 80% are healthy carbohydrates from starchy foods. Compared with simple connections the product has longer chains consisting of glucose molecules. Similar polysaccharides are found in foods such as cereals, pasta and baked goods, rice and cereals, green beans and potatoes. There are also processed forms - these are short polymers of glucose and maltodextrin. They are perfectly soluble in water, which contributes to instantaneous entry into the bloodstream after ingestion.

This product has another big plus - the absence of a side effect in the form of bloating. Complex compounds are recognized as the best sources for energy, so every athlete should add them to their menu.

Cellulose– this substance is usually very neglected by many people. It is abundant in fruits and vegetables, legumes and grains, and nuts. In its structure, it is not a starchy polysaccharide, but in the common people it is dietary fiber.

Has a number of features:

  • there is no possibility of digestion of fiber due to its resistance to digestive enzymes;
  • reduces the risk of oncological pathologies of the colon, diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lowers indicators of "bad" cholesterol;
  • promotes the excretion of bile acids.

Fibers are either soluble or insoluble. Agree, not many people know which carbohydrates are insoluble in water and in general what it is for. In the meantime, there are a number of benefits for athletes:

  1. The insoluble group improves the digestion process by slowing down the hydrolysis of starch, and also helps to remove decay products and slows down the absorption of glucose.
  2. A group of soluble fibers slows down digestive activity and lowers cholesterol levels. Like insoluble fiber, it slows down the absorption of glucose.

Glycogen - the chain contains several glucose molecules. Immediately after eating, glucose enters the bloodstream, the excess of which is stored in the form of glycogen. For example, during physical activity glucose levels fall, the body begins to break down glycogen with the help of enzymes, returning glucose levels to normal. Even during the training process, all organs in sufficient quantities can produce energy.

The main storage sites for glycogen are muscles and the liver. The total amount varies in the range of 300-400 g. In the process of building the body, glycogen from muscle fibers is extremely important.

Under the influence of physical activity, fatigue occurs due to the depletion of stored glycogen. In this regard, one and a half to two hours before the start of a workout, you need to eat foods high in carbohydrates in order to replenish glycogen stores.

The table shows concrete examples each of the types of long connections.

How does carbohydrate metabolism work?

Foods that contain complex carbohydrates gastrointestinal tract able to break down into simple compounds, namely: glucose, after which it is absorbed into the blood. A hormone (insulin) is synthesized that converts the product into glycogen. The process continues until the level of glucose in the blood stabilizes.

Glycogen stores are located in muscle fibers and liver cells. During training, the reserves in the muscles are depleted, and the reserves in the liver are aimed at maintaining the required level of glucose in the blood. The normal range is 80 to 120 mg/dl.

In the event of a shortage of nutrients, glycogen from the liver is re-converted to glucose and enters the blood - all this is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body.

What happens when there is an excess of carbohydrates

If complex carbohydrates enter the body in excess, this contributes to an increase in insulin production, no matter what foods are consumed. An overload of the pancreas leads to the depletion of its cells, which, if there is a tendency, can cause diabetes. A completely unpleasant bonus to everything will be the deposition of fat with an excessive concentration of glycogen.

In the case when complex carbohydrates are consumed in excessive amounts and are poorly chewed, fermentation processes are triggered in the intestines. This is not only bloating and discomfort during training, but also poisoning the body with toxins from the intestines. In medicine, this is called fermentative dyspepsia.

What happens when there is a lack of carbohydrates

If, when compiling your diet, you severely cut carbohydrates for a long time, this can lead to irreversible metabolic disorders. The body will not receive important energy from food, so it begins to use glycogen from the liver, which provokes a violation of its activity.

When there are no dietary sources of carbohydrates, the process of splitting proteins is turned on to obtain the necessary energy. As a result, the destruction of muscle mass begins, which has been built so long and diligently in gym. It should be noted that the process also applies to the heart muscle as well. All these factors make a long and exhausting low-carbohydrate diet extremely detrimental to a person.

A low level of glucose in the blood provokes an exacerbation of hunger, and a prolonged lack leads to weakness and lack of energy, nausea and sweating, headaches and systematic dizziness, tremors and tachycardia. This is called hypoglycemia, which is exacerbated by insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome).

Clinical picture

Excessive consumption or deficiency of carbohydrates can be harmful to health. To maintain a normal metabolism, you need to include in your diet from 60% of a macronutrient daily.

What Doctors Say About Weight Loss

Nutritionists and trainers very often in practice come across the stereotype that in order to lose weight it is necessary either to critically reduce the amount of carbohydrates, or to abandon them altogether. The root of evil is the lack of information and a large number of false facts that can be read in popular communities. Such actions will not only weaken the immune system, but also seriously undermine the state of health.

Experts also believe that in the process of losing excess weight slow carbohydrates improve peristalsis and intestinal microflora. The component is also indispensable during a set of muscle mass. Recipes for each goal can be found at the end of the article.

Where complex (slow) carbohydrates are found - a list of products

We have already figured out what long carbohydrates are, and now let's talk about which foods contain them the most.

The key rule of proper nutrition says that it is better to consume slow carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and this is due to the most successful time for their assimilation. However, if the workout is planned for the evening, then there is nothing critical in eating foods that contain these macronutrients for dinner. In the case when the main goal is weight loss, it is best to give preference to fiber, which quickly saturates and is not absorbed by the body. At the stage of gaining muscle mass, it is better to switch to ingredients rich in starch and glycogen, but you should not forget about protein foods either.

To make it easier for you to choose complex carbohydrates to achieve your goals, we have provided a table with the most popular ingredients in descending order of the number of macronutrients.

Product groups


The amount of carbohydrates per 100 g

Whole grains

corn grits

Brown rice

Whole grain bread and pasta

durum pasta

wheat bread

Rye bread


green beans


Milk products

yogurt 1.5%

milk 2.5%

cottage cheese 1.8%

Fruits and berries








As you have already seen, complex carbohydrates are synthesized in various ingredients, and the list of generalized products below reveals their main characteristics.

Vegetables and fruits- an indispensable and key component of a healthy diet for any person, regardless of the specifics of training. Vegetables and fruits contain complex compounds. To obtain the maximum amount of useful substances, it is recommended to eat them raw, because any method of heat treatment suppresses their number.

Kashi- No wonder they say that this is the food of champions. If they are prepared on the basis of whole grain cereals related to complex compounds, then this the best way for daily nutrition. It is recommended to refuse products that have undergone numerous processing, because. they have a high glycemic index and negatively affect the process of losing weight. Displays the glycemic index, the level of blood glucose response to a food.

Milk products- contains lactose, which classifies these products as simple carbohydrates. But this does not mean that this source should be abandoned, because low-fat products still contain slow chains and are rich in calcium and phosphorus.

Legumes and grains is another great source of energy. You can significantly increase your intake of a desired macronutrient by replacing processed cereals with legumes. By replacing wheat bread with a whole grain product, you can significantly increase your fiber intake.

Freshly squeezed juices A liquid form of a complex type of carbohydrate from fruits and vegetables, eaten in the form of drinks.

The benefits of complex carbohydrates

Excessive content of a macronutrient in the diet can adversely affect the health and fitness of an athlete, but its role is extremely important in the life of the body:

  • the main source of energy - carbohydrate provides fuel for a full-fledged productive workout. daily requirement calculated on an individual basis;
  • after the reserves of glucose and glycogen are depleted, due to the slow chains of the macronutrient, the consumption of protein as an energy source is not included. This phenomenon is called glycogenesis and occurs when blood glucose levels are low. Accompanied by the release of glucagon;
  • prevents the process of catabolism and muscle atrophy, which leads to the loss of muscle mass as a result of the process of glucogenesis;
  • another huge plus from eating healthy carbohydrates is that they can improve brain function and support central nervous system in normal condition. Glycogen does not accumulate in the brain, therefore, on a low-carbohydrate diet, athletes often experience a decrease in mental activity, especially concentration of attention;
  • Full meals with enough carbohydrates prevent hypoglycemia, the symptoms of which are: hunger, loss of energy, migraine and dizziness. In order not to experience such sensations during training, it is important to make sure that your diet is in accordance with the norms.

1 - Slow carbs are less likely to cause blood sugar spikes

Bad carbohydrates can significantly increase blood sugar levels, forcing the pancreas to produce a large dose of insulin. This not only returns the feeling of hunger, but also provokes to eat another portion of sweet food. Complex types of carbohydrates take much longer to digest than simple carbohydrates, allowing you to maintain stable blood sugar levels, providing you with a boost of energy throughout the day and during the training process.

2 - Complex carbohydrates may reduce the risk of some chronic diseases

For a healthy and nutritious diet, it is important to consume foods containing complex carbohydrates, which will not only significantly reduce the risk of gaining excess weight, but will also help prevent the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies. All sources of slow carbohydrates are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants and plant compounds - this complex provides excellent prevention of various diseases.

It should be noted that many studies confirm a positive relationship between low level"bad" cholesterol and blood sugar with a diet that includes fiber from whole foods.

3 - Long Carbs Promote a Healthy Digestive System

The human gut contains a huge variety of "good" bacteria - these are microbiota. They promote healthy digestion, better absorption of minerals, neutralize inflammatory processes in the intestines, and also fight constipation. All foods with complex carbohydrates are high in soluble fiber, which promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, nourishing them. The bacteria, in turn, produce fatty acid with a short chain, which is extremely beneficial for the digestive system. If you feed them with the right macronutrients, you can forget about cravings for overeating, which is very important on a diet.

4 - Long Carbs Can Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a response of the human body to internal stimuli. The protracted nature contributes to the development of chronic forms of diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension and diabetes, metabolic syndrome and even cancer.

Sweet products and refined flour provoke inflammation, and complex types carbohydrates help counter its occurrence. Fiber, which is found in whole grains, fruits, and legumes, has anti-inflammatory effects.

How to start eating more complex carbohydrates

In order for healthy carbohydrates to bring the most positive results both in the training process and for overall health, you may need to adjust your eating habits and choose foods that contain slow carbohydrates. For example, buy pasta and bread from whole wheat, and not from higher grades. Opt for vegetable snacks over greasy chips. Replace polished white rice with other sources of complex carbohydrates - legumes or unprocessed cereals.

Recipes with slow carbohydrates

Now you have basic information about long carbohydrates, you know how they are useful and you can optimize your nutrition plan according to the needs of your body. Try to include in the menu as many complex and healthy carbohydrates as possible and minimize maltose. We hope that these recipes will help make your diet more varied.

Breakfast: millet porridge with pumpkin

Recipe number 1.


  • millet groats - 100 g;
  • pumpkin - 100 g;
  • honey - 5 g;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:
1. Rinse the millet and pour it with boiling water in a ratio of 1:1, close the lid and leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse again.
2. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and add to the millet, salt.
3. Transfer the mixture to a baking dish or pot, pour water up to the level of millet.
4. Send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
5. Drizzle with honey before serving. Optionally, you can put a small cube of butter on top.

Salad "Vitamin"

Recipe #2


  • cabbage - 150 g;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • beets - 100 g;
  • sesame - 1 tsp;
  • pomegranate or balsamic sauce - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:
1. Grate all vegetables fresh on a coarse grater.
2. Season with sauce, mix and sprinkle with sesame seeds. It is recommended to use immediately after preparation, because. cabbage after a while begins to secrete juice in large quantities.

Rice with seafood

Recipe #3


  • brown rice - 150 g;
  • frozen sea cocktail - 150 g;
  • onion - 50 g;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Cooking method:
1. Rinse the rice, defrost the sea cocktail.
2. Finely chop the onion into half rings.
3. Mix all the ingredients and pour evenly into the baking dish, adding spices and salt to taste. Pour in water so that it covers all the ingredients, but they do not float.
4. Send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Keep an eye on cooking, you may need to add a little water. Soy sauce and fresh herbs are a great addition to rice.

String beans baked with egg

Recipe #4


  • green beans - 300 g;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • onion - 70 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:
1. Chop the onion into cubes, cut the carrot into thin sticks.
2. Fry the onion until transparent, add onion and beans to it. Simmer covered until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. At the very end, add salt and spices to taste.
3. Cut the onion into small cubes.
4. Put into a baking dish vegetable stew, and evenly distribute the cheese on top and gently break the eggs on top without violating their integrity.
5. Send to the oven for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees. In this case, it is not required to warm it up in advance, because. because of this egg yolks a whitish film is formed.

For dessert: pumpkin pie

Recipe number 5


  • pumpkin sweet varieties - 500 g;
  • whole grain corn flour - 60 g;
  • milk 1.5% - 70 ml;
  • thick yogurt without additives 1.5 - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • zest of one orange.

Cooking method:
1. Cut the pumpkin into medium pieces, add water and cook for about 30-40 minutes until the product is soft. Readiness can be checked with a knife. Condemn and puree with an immersion blender or any other convenient method.
2. Add beaten eggs, milk and yogurt to the pumpkin. Thoroughly mix / beat with a blender.
3. Before making the zest, we recommend that you pour boiling water over the orange peel to get rid of the chemicals. Grate on a coarse grater without touching the white skin.
4. Add the zest to the mixture and gradually stir in the flour, beat thoroughly until the lumps are eliminated. The consistency will be quite liquid - this is normal. Pour everything into silicone mold or in a baking dish, which will need to be greased with a drop of oil.
5. Send to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Readiness is determined by a toothpick.
6. It is better to serve the pie cooled down. On top, if desired, you can pour honey or thick yogurt without additives. If during the preparation process was used sweet variety pumpkin, then the addition of sweeteners is not required. If not, then a few dissolved sweetener tablets or sugar are added to the dough.

Carbohydrates are an important material that is used both in the formation of the body and for the nutrition of all systems.

Carbohydrates are divided into two groups:

  • disaccharides or simple carbohydrates;
  • polysaccharides or complex slow carbohydrates.

For adherents of a healthy lifestyle and for those who want to have a slim figure, the second group should be preferred.

It is useful when compiling a weekly diet to include polysaccharides in the menu. To do this, you need to know what refers to complex carbohydrates.

Complex and simple carbohydrates: what's the difference?

Polysaccharides, when involved in the process of digestion, have an advantage over disaccharides. For a more detailed study of the topic, it is worth understanding what is the difference between slow carbohydrates and fast ones.

    1. simple carbohydrates. The glycemic index of such substances is high, because there is an increased amount of:
      • fructose;
      • sucrose;
      • lactose;
      • glucose.

      That is, a large content of substances simultaneously enters the body, which in a short period of time are converted into sugar. And a difficult situation arises when you need to neutralize this excess, otherwise functional failures may occur. And, following the path of least resistance, the body converts excess sugar into extra pounds, storing it in reserve in the form of fat cells. But since the processing of such food occurred quickly, a feeling of hunger appears in a short period of time, and the person again consumes food, usually containing fast carbohydrates. Because the settings internal system already knocked down and such food seems familiar and also it meets the need for early saturation.

  1. Complex carbohydrates. These substances are prescribed by molecules made up of long chains, and therefore the digestive tract system has to spend more time and effort to get the sugar it needs. In this case, there is no oversaturation and the nutrients are evenly distributed, providing energy for 5-6 hours.

Both complex and simple carbohydrates should be present in the human diet, but their ratio must be considered. Because disaccharides need to be included in the menu at the rate of 10%, but polysaccharides by 90%. But in order to understand which foods are complex carbohydrates, you need to familiarize yourself with the table. Because the erroneous attribution of certain food groups to slow carbohydrates upsets the balance in the digestive system.

Table: List of products and their content of complex carbohydrates

In order for the body to work smoothly and have enough nutritional energy for the whole day, in order to avoid the thoughtless consumption of fast sugars, it is worth knowing the personal standards for the consumption of carbohydrates in grams.

  • sedentary work and lack of physical activity - 3 - 4 gr.;
  • mobile lifestyle - 4 - 5 gr.;
  • professional sports and especially heavy loads involve the use of up to 8 grams.

Below are complex carbohydrates in the form of a list of products and a table, for easier information retrieval.

Fruits and berries

In addition to supplying energy, such delicacies saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

NameAmount of carbohydrates in 100 grams of the product
Lemon, sea buckthorn3
Strawberry, cherry plum, grapefruit, strawberry6
Mandarin, orange, apricot8
Cherries, plums, sweet cherries, peaches, apples, plums10
Pineapple, persimmon12

Vegetables and greens

It is from plant foods that fiber and pectin come from, so it is important to monitor the amount of vegetables in the diet. But it is also important that such food be both raw and cooked.

Cereals, dairy products

  1. Dairy products.

Despite the fact that milk and derivatives are fast carbohydrates, it is necessary to include them in the daily menu in order to consume calcium and vitamins.

It is important to note that the dairy products listed in the tables are natural products without any artificial additives and not made from reconstituted milk. This group usually includes farm dairy products.

  1. Cereals.

Unpolished and not thermally processed cereals should be present in the diet every day, because they are a source of a large amount of substances necessary for good digestion.

Legumes and grains

The drinks

Most fruit juices contain a lot of essential polysaccharides.

The benefits of complex carbohydrates for weight loss

In addition to the fact that such substances supply a person with the necessary and, importantly, useful energy, they also bring such benefits as:

  1. Regulation of insulin levels, that is, do not allow sharp jumps in blood sugar.
  2. Reduction, according to statistics and studies, of the occurrence of such chronic diseases as:
    • cardiovascular;
    • liver disease;
    • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Supervising the development of tumors, both malignant and benign.

Dietician's advice:

  • complex carbohydrates should preferably be consumed in small portions and at the same time;
  • you need to gradually reduce the consumption of sugar and industrial baked goods, saturated with fast sugars and trans fats;
  • consume fiber and pectin;
  • in addition to juices and herbal decoctions, consume water in the amount of 30 grams per 1 kg of body weight, so that polysaccharides have the opportunity to more progressively cleanse the body.