Etymology of Ukrainian words. The history of the origin of the Ukrainian language

How it was created Ukrainian language- artificially and for political reasons. “The truth is never sweet,” Iryna Farion recently noted, presenting her next book about the Ukrainian language on the First Channel of the National Radio of Ukraine. And in some ways, and in this it is difficult to disagree with the now widely known deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. The truth for Ukrainian "nationally conscious" figures will always be bitter. They are too far apart from her. However, the truth needs to be known. Including the truth about the Ukrainian language. For Galicia, this is especially important. After all, Mikhail Sergeevich Grushevsky recognized this.

“Work on the language, as well as work on the cultural development of Ukrainians in general, was carried out mainly on Galician soil,” he wrote.

It is worth dwelling on this work, begun in the second half of the 19th century. Galicia was then part of the Austrian Empire. Accordingly, Russia for the Galicians was a foreign country. But, despite this circumstance, the Russian literary language in the region was not considered a foreign language. Galician Rusyns perceived it as an all-Russian, common cultural language for all parts of historical Russia, and therefore for Galician Russia.

When at the congress of Galician-Russian scientists, held in 1848 in Lvov, a decision was made on the need to cleanse folk speech from polonisms, this was seen as a gradual approximation of Galician dialects to the norms of the Russian literary language. “Let the Russians start from the head, and we start from the feet, then sooner or later we will meet each other and come together in the heart,” Antony Petrushevich, a prominent Galician historian, said at the congress. Scholars and writers worked in the Russian literary language in Galicia, newspapers and magazines were published, and books were published.

All this did not please the Austrian authorities. Not without reason, they feared that cultural rapprochement with a neighboring state would entail a political rapprochement and, in the end, the Russian provinces of the empire (Galicia, Bukovina, Transcarpathia) would openly declare their desire to reunite with Russia.

And then they came up with the roots of "mova"

From Vienna, Galician-Russian cultural ties were hindered in every possible way. They tried to influence the Galicians with persuasion, threats, and bribery. When it did not work, they switched to more vigorous measures. “The Ruthenians (as the official authorities in Austria called the Galician Rusyns - Auth.) did not, unfortunately, do anything to properly isolate their language from Great Russian, so the government has to take the initiative in this regard,” said the governor of Franz- Joseph in Galicia Agenor Goluhovsky.

At first, the authorities simply wanted to ban the use of the Cyrillic alphabet in the region and introduce the Latin alphabet into the Galician-Russian alphabet. But the indignation of the Ruthenians with such an intention turned out to be so great that the government backed down.

The fight against the Russian language was carried out more subtly. Vienna attended to the creation of the movement of "young rutens". They were called young not because of their age, but because of the rejection of the "old" views. If the "old" Rusyns (rutens) considered Great Russians and Little Russians to be a single nation, then the "young" insisted on the existence of an independent Ruthenian nation (or Little Russian - the term "Ukrainian" was put into use later). Well, an independent nation should, of course, have an independent literary language. The task of writing such a language was set before the "young rutens".

Ukrainians began to grow along with the language

They did it, however, with difficulty. Although the authorities provided the movement with all possible support, it did not have influence among the people. The "young rutens" were viewed as traitors, unscrupulous servants of the government. In addition, the movement consisted of people, as a rule, insignificant in intellectual terms. The fact that such figures would be able to create and spread a new literary language in society was out of the question.

The Poles came to the rescue, whose influence in Galicia was dominant at that time. Being ardent Russophobes, representatives of the Polish movement saw a direct benefit for themselves in the split of the Russian nation. That is why they took an active part in the "linguistic" attempts of the "young rutens". “All Polish officials, professors, teachers, even priests began to deal primarily with philology, not Masurian or Polish, no, but exclusively ours, Russian, in order to create a new Russian-Polish language with the assistance of Russian traitors,” recalled a major public figure of Galicia and Transcarpathia Adolf Dobriansky.

Thanks to the Poles, things went faster. The Cyrillic alphabet was retained, but "reformed" to make it different from the one adopted in Russian. They took as a basis the so-called “kulishivka”, once invented by the Russian Ukrainophile Panteleimon Kulish, all with the same goal - to dissociate the Little Russians from the Great Russians. The letters "y", "e", "b" were removed from the alphabet, but "є" and "ї" missing in Russian grammar were included.

In order for the Ruthenian population to accept the changes, the “reformed” alphabet was introduced by order into schools. The need for innovation was motivated by the fact that for the subjects of the Austrian emperor "it is both better and safer not to use the very spelling that is customary in Russia."

Interestingly, the inventor of the “kulishivka” himself, who by that time had departed from the Ukrainophile movement, opposed such innovations. “I swear,” he wrote to the “young ruten” Omelyan Partitsky, “that if the Poles print my spelling to commemorate our discord with Great Russia If our phonetic spelling is presented not as helping the people to enlightenment, but as a banner of our Russian discord, then I, writing in my own way, in Ukrainian, will print in etymological old-world orthography. That is, we live at home, we talk and sing songs differently, and if it comes to something, then we will not allow anyone to separate ourselves. A dashing fate separated us for a long time, and we advanced towards Russian unity on a bloody road, and now Lyad's attempts to separate us are useless.

But the Poles allowed themselves to ignore Kulish's opinion. They just needed Russian discord. After spelling, it was the turn of vocabulary. From literature and dictionaries, they tried to expel as many words as possible used in the Russian literary language. The resulting voids were filled with borrowings from Polish, German, other languages, or simply made-up words.

“Most of the words, turns and forms from the former Austro-Ruthenian period turned out to be “Moscow” and had to give way to new words, supposedly less harmful,” one of the “transformers”, who later repented, told about the language “reform”. - "Direction" - that's the Moscow word, can no longer be used - they said "young", and they now put the word "directly". “Modern” is also a Moscow word and gives way to the word “modern”, “exclusively” is replaced by the word “exclusive”, “enlightenment” - by the word “enlightenment”, “society” - by the word “comradeship” or “suspension” ... ".

The zeal with which they "reformed" the Rusyn speech aroused the astonishment of philologists. And not only locals. “The Galician Ukrainians do not want to take into account that none of the Little Russians has the right to the ancient verbal heritage, which Kyiv and Moscow equally claim, to frivolously leave and replace with polonisms or simply invented words,” wrote Alexander Brikner, professor of Slavic studies at the University of Berlin ( Pole by nationality). - I can't understand why in Galicia a few years ago the word "master" was anathematized and the word "kind" was used instead. “Dobrodiy” is a remnant of patriarchal-slavish relations, and we can’t stand it even in favor.”

However, the reasons for "innovation" had, of course, to be sought not in philology, but in politics. "In a new way" began to rewrite school textbooks. In vain the conferences of folk teachers, held in August and September 1896 in Przemyshlyany and Glinyany, noted that now the textbooks have become incomprehensible. And incomprehensible not only for students, but also for students. In vain did the teachers complain that, under the prevailing conditions, "it is necessary to publish an explanatory dictionary for teachers."

The government remained unwavering. Disgruntled teachers were fired from schools. Ruthenian officials who pointed out the absurdity of the changes were removed from their posts. Writers and journalists who stubbornly adhere to the "pre-reform" spelling and vocabulary were declared "Muscovites" and subjected to persecution. “Our language goes to the Polish sieve,” noted the prominent Galician writer and public figure, priest John Naumovich. “Healthy grain is separated like Muscovite, and the siftings are left to us by grace.”

In this regard, it is interesting to compare various editions writings of Ivan Franko. Many words from the writer’s works published in 1870-1880, for example, “look”, “air”, “army”, “yesterday” and others, were replaced with “look”, “potrya”, “vіysko” in later reprints "vchora", etc. Changes were made both by Franko himself, who joined the Ukrainian movement, and by his "assistants" from among the "nationally conscious" editors.

In total, in 43 works that came out during the author's lifetime in two or more editions, experts counted more than 10 thousand (!) Changes. Moreover, after the death of the writer, “editing” of the texts continued. As, however, as well as "corrections" of texts of works of other authors. Thus, an independent literature was created in an independent language, later called Ukrainian.

But this language was not accepted by the people. The works published in Ukrainian experienced an acute shortage of readers. “Ten-fifteen years pass until the book of Franco, Kotsiubinsky, Kobylyanska will sell 1,500 copies,” Mikhail Grushevsky, who was then living in Galicia, complained in 1911. Meanwhile, the books of Russian writers (especially Gogol's "Taras Bulba") quickly dispersed in the Galician villages in huge circulation for that era.

And another great moment. When the First World War broke out, an Austrian military publishing house published a special phrasebook in Vienna. It was intended for soldiers mobilized into the army from various parts of Austria-Hungary, so that military personnel of different nationalities could communicate with each other. The phrasebook was compiled in six languages: German, Hungarian, Czech, Polish, Croatian and Russian. “The Ukrainian language was missed. This is wrong,” lamented the “nationally conscious” newspaper Dilo. Meanwhile, everything was logical. The Austrian authorities were well aware that the Ukrainian language was created artificially and was not widespread among the people.

It was possible to plant this language on the territory of Western Ukraine (and even then not immediately) only after the massacre of the indigenous population committed in Galicia, Bukovina and Transcarpathia by the Austro-Hungarians in 1914-1917. That massacre changed a lot in the region. In Central and Eastern Ukraine, the Ukrainian language spread even later, but already in a different period of history...

Alexander Karevin

3. Eight centuries of the land of Kievan Rus of Ukraine - were RUSSIAN!:
- in 1655, B. Khmelnitsky, through the ambassador S. Lyubovitsky, answered the Polish king that “he has already become the master of all Russia and will not give it to anyone”;
- in 1656, the envoys of Poland convinced the Prince of Semigorod that when B. Khmelnitsky became a monarch, "he would have power over all Russian lands and an army of 100,000";
- in the Treaty of Gadyach in 1658, "Bogdanov's heritage" was called the "Grand Duchy of Russia";
- "Ukrainian" lands of Kievan Rus from 1654 to 1917. called "Little Russia" (it was correct, since the basis of the definition was the size of the territory, which, against the background of Russia, looked like a "patch on ...?"), And its population was called "Little Russians". Their individual representatives considered themselves, in comparison with the "Great Russians" - humiliated!
The history of the concept of "Ukraine" and its language.
According to the Andrusovo truce (according to the results of the war of 1654-1667), the Right Bank, except for Kyiv, went to Poland as its outskirts. At the local level, it began to be called the "Little Russian Ukraine". Over time, the first part of the definition was “wiped out” and “Ukraine” remained, which corresponded to a long tradition. If we compare the maps of land redistribution, from the creation of Kievan Rus, then Ukraines were called interstate wastelands, as well as outskirts that were not of interest to their owners (See M. Lomonosov, "Russian Ukraine"). The classic standard of "Ukraine" was the DESERT (!??) on the fertile lands between the Dnieper and the Bug, created in accordance with the Treaty of "Eternal Peace" (1681) between Russia, Poland and Turkey. (Like today, its fate is decided by the US, the EU, Russia).
In the newly annexed lands, Poland resumed the process of Polonization of the population that spoke the root language. In 1772, during the first division of Poland: the Dnieper region - went to Russia, and Galicia and Transcarpathia - to Austria, which for the lower strata of the population creates one-year schools with instruction in the root language and 3-4 year-old schools in German. Educational establishments Jesuits and Basilians (Polish Uniates) are being replaced by secular gymnasiums with the German language of instruction. Lviv University, in 1784, opened a theological faculty with a root language of instruction.
By the end of the 18th century, Polish influence in Galicia began to increase. In 1809, the theological faculty mentioned above was closed (in 1825, all gymnasiums were transferred to the Polish language of instruction). Theologians stood up to defend the root language of the people. Metropolitan M. Levitsky addressed the government of Austria with a treatise. As a result (and, above all, as a counterbalance to the Polonization process), it was allowed to create various creative associations for the protection of the root language with the right to publish. At first, these organizations were Russophiles, and then, with the influx of "young forces", they became Russophobes.

Reference 1. Russophobia is a consequence of Poland's longstanding policy of instilling hatred towards its eternal enemy - Muscovy (Russia). For more than 400 years, this policy in Galicia has been pursued by the Uniate Church, which arose in 1596 as a result of the betrayal of Orthodoxy.
The core of Russophobes was the "Russian Troytsa": M. Shashkevich, I. Vagilevich and Y. Golovatsky (surnames are not all Rusyn!?). Having published the collection “Mermaid of the Dniester”, in the spirit: “In fact, there is no unity. There are Russian people who live in Little Russia, and there are Muscovites (or “Muscovites”) who have nothing to do with Russians!” - they were the founders of a new language ("Newspeak") However, their efforts did not bring success, since in public opinion then Russophilism still dominated. The circulation of the collection was seized and destroyed.
After the revolution of 1848, the real power in Galicia actually ended up in the hands of the Poles. Russophobes “cave in front of them”, which increased their influence, and Russophilism began to decline. (According to the Constitution of Austria adopted in 1861, Galicia received autonomy and the Sejm of 150 deputies. In the same year there were 49 representatives of Russophiles in it, in 1877 - 14, in 1883 - 11!). The accelerated introduction of "newspeak" began. Societies are being created on the Russophobic ideology: in 1861. - "Russian Conversation"; in 1868 - "Enlightenment"; in 1871 - named after Shevchenko. The teacher of the Lviv gymnasium P. Sventsitsky is trying to apply the Latin alphabet to Russian, and for the FIRST TIME he calls the lands of the Dnieper and Galicia, a non-existent state - UKRAINE!
In 1899, the right-wing National Democratic (headed by K. Levitsky) and the left-wing Social Democratic (N. Ganevich) parties were created, with one strategic goal - the creation of a free, independent Ukraine.
One might get the impression that Newspeak is a child of Galicia. But this is far from true! Its creators were Galician Russophobes zombified by the Uniates and “offended Little Russians”. At the expense of the latter: the monthly "Pravda" is published in Lvov; a printing house was created for the Shevchenko Society (for 7,000 guilders, E. Miloradovich, born Skoropadskaya); A. Konitsky - bequeathed to the movement all his wealth; the process was financially supported by Semirenki, Chikalenko and other representatives of the Little Russians. In the West, under pseudonyms, M. Vovchok, I. Nechuy-Levitsky, P. Kulish and other writers published and gave money. Shevchenko and Dragomanov had an enormous influence on the process of creating Newspeak. In the 1930s, Shevchenko published a pamphlet - "A Primer of the South Russian Language", in which he writes poetry (although prose and a personal diary are in Russian). There is no doubt that "newspeak" arose under their common efforts in the first half of the 19th century, in some 15-25 years (among other peoples, this process went on for many centuries).
The further fate of the early Ukrainian language developed differently: in Russia, its development was held back by the autocracy, and in Austria it received carte blanche (a clean slate). In 1912, K. Levitsky (deputy of the Austrian parliament, organizer of ZUND) reported to the Minister of War that many immigrants from Galicia consider themselves Russians, therefore: “What are the prospects for the success of the war, if in the army, among officers, there are so many enemies - Russians” !? Thus began the "genocide of the Russian-speaking population." Their villages are brought into the "red zone", and then disappear from the face of the Earth. The first filtration concentration camps for the selection of Ukrainians are being created. The Russians, on the other hand, were destined for a different fate. Only in Talerhof, more than three thousand of them were exterminated. Moreover, all the “dirty deeds” were done by the hands of the “Mazepins”, as the traitors of the root language were then called (this experience of the Austrian, after 30 years, was widely used by the Nazis). In addition, the so-called "Russian trials" began throughout Austria. To get on trial, it was enough to have postcards with views of Russia, or to receive Russian-language mail. The principle prevailed in the courts: “Whoever uses the Russian language cannot be a good Austrian. Only a Ukrainian can be a good Austrian!” (from the speech of the lawyer F. Vanier, at the first Vienna “Russian trial”). And it was carried out: “A Russian is a traitor. All of them should be destroyed without shuddering. Only Ukrainians can be friends of Austria. It is impossible to correct a Russian without the use of terror!” (from the circular of Major General Riml, military commander of Lvov).
Thus, the idea of ​​"newspeak" arose in the minds of those interested, introduced by Galician Russophobes and "humiliated Little Russians". The fruits of their labors - went to those whom Seneca points out: "The one who benefits from it did it!". (Just as the ideas of revolutions arise in the minds of thinkers, are carried out by enthusiasts, and scoundrels and rogues use their fruits).

Three periods are clearly visible in the formation of the Ukrainian language. The first, or early - until 1917; the second - Soviet in 1920-91. (very active - until 1936) and the third - post-Soviet, reactionary. "Svіdomі" Galician Democrats (the abbreviation sounds!) brought the process of language creation to the point of absurdity. They "clean out" not only Russian, but also foreign words (used in Russia), replacing them with Polish, English and terrible "newspeak"! Generally speaking, the people are being implanted with the “diaspora” dialect with its melody, which causes only indignation and disgust. As a result: "maemo, sho maemo". Of the 10 thousand most common words: 6 thousand - have Polish roots; 800–900 - Sanskrit; more than a thousand (in total) - Polovian, Tatar, German and other peoples. The remainder - significantly less than 2 thousand words of Ukrainian origin, littered with modern "Newspeak"!
There are no difficulties in understanding the visible part of the genesis of the Ukrainian language. There is only one obstacle here - the unwillingness of the population to comprehend the essence of the ongoing processes. For the same reason, the driving forces behind the process of formation of the state of Ukraine (and its current tragedy!) remain a mystery behind seven seals.

The history of the birth of the "State of Ukraine" in strokes
First. In 1914, Parvus, with the money of Austria-Hungary, from the dregs of various peoples, primarily Caucasians, created the "Union of Struggle for the Liberation of Ukraine" - a non-existent state. Same, March 6, 1915. presents to the Reich Chancellor of Germany Bethmann-Gelwig a plan for a separatist movement in the outskirts of Russia, for which he receives two million marks.
Reference 2: Parvus, an active, legalized Zionist, being a media tycoon of Russia, on the eve of the war provoked a financial collapse, to get out of which the tsarist government got into debt (on the security of the black soil of the South) to France, subjugating its foreign policy interests of the Rothschild financial empire. If it had been otherwise, there would have been no war, since the cousins, the Emperors of Russia and Germany, signed an agreement twice that they would never fight each other!?? Through him, Zionism financed the activities of the Social Democrats not only in Germany and Austria, but throughout Europe, tying them to their chariot. Transportation of Lenin in a sealed wagon through Germany is the work of his hands!
Second. Trotsky, during the conclusion of the Brest Peace, lays the foundation for the "independence" of Ukraine. Here is how it was. The German General Hoffmann attracts a delegation of the illegitimate UNR to Brest-Litovsk. Kuhlmann (German Foreign Minister, presiding on 01/10/1918.) asked Trotsky: "Do he and his delegation intend to continue to be the only representatives of Russia here?" Trotsky agreed with the participation of the UNR delegation as a separate state. This was the first act of recognition of independence Ukraine at the international level. Therefore, Hoffmann in 1919, the newspaper "Dailg Mail", said: "In reality, Ukraine is the work of my hands, and not at all the fruit of the conscious will of the Russian people. I created Ukraine in order to be able to make peace, at least to the happiness of Russia.”
When a delegation of real power arrived on January 30, the Germans announced that there was already a representative of Ukraine, but they did not recognize others. Under the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Germany (and its satellites) forced the Soviets to abandon Ukraine and the Baltics. On February 9, 1918, the illegitimate Government of Ukraine concludes the Treaty (the first international one) with Germany. According to its terms, the UNR, for power on German bayonets (!), agreed to the occupation and pledged to supply Germany and Austria-Hungary by July 31, 1918: a million tons of grain, 400 million eggs, 50 thousand tons of meat in live weight, sugar, flax, hemp, ore, etc.
So Judas Trotsky gave the most fertile lands of Russia to desecration!

Reference 3: Trotsky, friend and colleague of Parvus, son of the richest landowner of Novorossia, active organizer of unrest in Russia in 1905–1907. He was exiled to Siberia, from where he fled to Europe. During the years of the Balkan Wars, he was a correspondent for the German newspapers Neue Zeit and Forverst. In European social democracy, he was considered a German spy. So he had to go to the States, where he immediately became a US citizen (as his own person)!!?
After the February Revolution, he leaves for Russia. In Halifax (Canada) he is arrested as a German spy, from where he is released only at the request of Wilson and Kerensky. The purpose of his arrival in Russia: “We must TURN IT INTO A DESERT, inhabited by white Negroes, to whom we will give such tyranny as the most terrible despots of the East never dreamed of. The only difference is that tyranny will not be from the right, but from the left, and not white, but red. In the literal sense of the word, it is red, because we will shed such streams of blood that will shudder and turn pale before all the human losses of capitalist wars ... If we win the revolution, crush Russia, then on its funeral ruins we will strengthen the power of Zionism and become such a force before which the whole world kneel down (under me). We will show what real power is… In the meantime, our young men… delightfully… know how to hate everything Russian! With what pleasure they destroy the Russian intelligentsia - officers, engineers, teachers, priests, generals, agronomists, academicians, writers! (A. Simanovich. "Memoirs", Paris, 1922).
The third. The Soviets survived the Civil War. The vector of the country's development has radically changed, but its policy towards the independence of Ukraine. (an institute of the scientific Ukrainian language is being created in Kyiv. Its knowledge becomes mandatory for party and Soviet workers) - remains the same. Here the question should arise: “Why does the policy of hostile states continue!?”. The casket opens easily. The fact is that in October 1917 two political forces came to power, each of which pursued its own goal: the Bolshevik-Marxists - in the name of the emancipation of labor; and the Zionist Bolsheviks as a factor in Pike's plan to seize world domination.
Reference 4. In Petrograd, the revolution was led by: 16 Russians and 371 Jews (1 to 23), 265 of them, together with Trotsky, arrived from the States with $ 20 million from J. Schiff. As a result, in 1918 the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks consisted of: 41 Jews (out of 62), 5 Russians and 16 other national minorities. Of the 36 members of the Cheka: 2 Russians, 8 Latvians, one Pole, one German and one Armenian, and the rest - Jews! Council of People's Commissars: 3 Russians (Lenin, Chicherin and Lunacharsky), 1 Ukrainian (Krylenko), 1 Georgian (Stalin), 1 Armenian (Mikoyan), and the rest are Jews (16 out of 22). Of the 556 highest posts of the state, 457 were occupied by Jews, or 82.19%. (It was the same: in the Central Committee of the Social Democrats - 11 members, all Jews; in the Central Committee of the Socialist Revolutionaries - 14 out of 15, etc.). Inspired by the victory in Russia, the Zionists no longer hide their goals: “The world revolution ... is and will be our Jewish cause and in our Jewish hands. This revolution will strengthen our dominance over other peoples!” (gaz. "Peppl Juif", 02/8/1919, Paris)

Reference 5. Today, Judaizing "democrats" fool the people with the thesis that through Lenin, the revolution in Russia was financed by Kaiser's Germany. There were financial flows from Germany, but from the hands of the German Zionists, who used the name of Lenin to discredit him and screen for themselves. Parvus, personally claimed that he offered Lenin mediation between the German General Staff and the Russian revolution. But Lenin rejected it, and in the article “At the last line”, published on November 20, 1915 in the newspaper “Social Democrat”, he made public this fact and gave him an impartial assessment.
Reference 6. For more than two millennia, the desire of the “God-chosen nation” for world domination was of a religious nature, without going beyond Judaism. (Read the "Old Testament" - the shadow of the Torah, and take an interest in the content of the Talmud). Since the 19th century, with the development of capitalism and the dominance of the "golden calf", these dreams began to come true. In 1871 A. Pike. developed a plan to seize world domination on the basis of THREE WORLD WARS. In the first one, to destroy the autocratic Empires in Europe (1914-1917 - completed), in the second - to seize the untold riches of Russia, destroying it as a geopolitical player (1917-1991 - completed). During the third - to destroy Orthodoxy and Islam (from 1917 to the present).
By the first congress of the Zionists (1896, Basel) developed the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" - a tactical program of action. For the USSR, it was supplemented three times with the "Catechisms of a Jew in the USSR" (Internet). The further history of mankind goes in full accordance with them!
I believe that a person who does not know these programs of the Zionists does not have the moral right to even intervene in conversations on historical and political topics, because "While people involved in social sciences, will not study Jewry, until then they will cook nothing but cat stew. (E. Drumont, French writer) For especially lazy inhabitants, I present their cornerstones:
their goals, in each case, they achieve by proxy,
remaining on the sidelines as arbitrators;
when two people fight, the Jew always wins;
- on all questions of history - "goyim should know only our interpretation" ("goyim" - all other peoples of the world);
NB (important to know!). The southern lands of Kievan Rus for 109 years (1240–1349) are under Tatar-Mongol yoke, and then become part of the Principality of Lithuania, in fact - under Poland (excluding the period of the Hetmanate). For over six centuries, the population has retained its root language! Question: what kind of force forced to betray the language of their ancestors in the 19th century? According to Voltaire, "If stars are lit in the sky, then someone needs it!" (This is how the Balkan Slavs were torn apart. Today, from the inside (!), the countries of Africa and the Middle East are being torn apart, and their enslavement is presented as a struggle for "democracy").
Further. The founders of "Newspeak" called themselves Russians, and Russians - Muscovites (by territory, not by language). Hence, in the new name there should be a part " motherboard»- Russia! But she's not there! To the question: Why? - answers anecdote. A Galician is returning from work, and his son has cut down all the birches in the yard. Father: why did you do it? The son - a Muscovite was walking, looked at our yard, and said: "Purely Russian landscape"! The name "Ukraine" (from the Polish stigma "Ukraine") is a consequence of the stupidity of genetic Russophobes, and "offended Little Russians." Think about it: the outskirts of the city are the worst, least prestigious part of it; the outskirts of the garden are a place for garbage and weeds. As for me, it would be better if they called us “Khokhls” then, and the country “Khokhland”! The following fact led me to this conclusion. During the first census of the "independent Ukraine", dozens of people in Nikopol instead of - "Ukrainian", recorded - "Khokhol"!!!
("Khokhol" for: Russian - at first, a nickname for Little Russians wearing a crest on their heads (later - it became a household name for everyone); Polovtsy - a knight, a hero; Tatar - a man of the Sun!). Therefore, it is not surprising that about 40% of young Crimeans are embarrassed to call themselves Ukrainians! ("RG" 16.08.12.).
1. According to the laws of Nature - first the territory is budded, and then, over many centuries, the formation of a new language takes place. In Ukraine, everything is the opposite - backwards: in the 19th century - the Ukrainian language, and in the 20th - the state. And today, everything is turned upside down, and only tumbleweed (weeds driven by multidirectional winds) can serve as a symbol of the country!
2. For thousands of years, the root language of our ancestors was close to the current Russian! "Ukrainian language" is a reflection of Poland's realized hatred of Russia! (Today it is the patronage of Ukraine in the EU!).
3. All speakers of Ukrainian are conscious or unconscious traitors (up to the 8th generation in retrospect) of the language of their ancestors, which they have spoken for millennia. In fact, this is a separation of the people from their roots!
4. The Ukrainian language is a detail of the Zionists' comprehensive plan to seize world domination. Today, "Samostiyna, Nezalezhna" Ukraine is a product of the victory of Zionism in World War II according to Pike. Under their leadership, it was achieved through the combined efforts of the "CC and ZK". The Bogdans, the Mazepas, the Petliuras, the Ukrainian People's Republic, the Banderites (all this is a historical "dead thing") - they have absolutely nothing to do with this "victory". The so-called "svіdom_ democrats" - is it a visible, "street tent", a screen for hiding, for the time being, the true creators of "independent Ukraine"!?
Relatively independent Ukraine was only a part of the USSR since 1922, as the most developed part of the overall organism. Today it is a protectorate of the United States (Zionist colony No. 1 from the end of the 19th century), as a self-destructive reservation. Blooming Ukraine under the USSR has been turned into a real "Ukraine" of the civilization of the 21st century, and the flight into the abyss continues!
5. Furious defenders of the Ukrainian language are conscious (scoundrels) or unconscious (ignorant inhabitants) - servants of Zionism, carrying out their plans to turn Ukraine into a desert in the name of a new Khazaria. They are enemies of the people, diligently carrying out the Zionists' instructions to prevent the unification of the three Slavic peoples into a single, powerful state. Victory in the Second World War according to Pike, THEY, "for this" - will not give up! This is not why the USSR was destroyed!
August 17, 2012, email. address: v. [email protected] ru tel. 068 281 17 05
Disagreeing with these conclusions, instead of indignation and gnashing of teeth:
1. Refute the above historical facts and arguments.
2. Theoretically prove the possibility of a single policy regarding the independence of Ukraine, opposite social systems.
3. Why was the policy of "independent Ukraine" ruled by the same persons (of Jewish origin) - before and after 1917?
4. Explain the reason for the emergence (for 15–25 years, in violation of the laws of Nature), the Ukrainian language, at the historical point when Zionism began to realize its global interests, and not earlier, or later!
And finally, the last one. So that readers do not have the opinion that this opus was written by order, I declare that it is caused by an internal need (according to the principle - “Plato is my friend, and truth is a greater friend!” (A. Sachs) in enlightening absolutely ignorant inhabitants. And it arose , because for me (who was born between Kiev and Poltava in a Ukrainian family and graduated from school with the Ukrainian language of instruction), speaking the Kiev-Poltava dialect (the foundation of the literary Ukrainian language) for more than 20 years, it became impossible not only to speak "modern Ukrainian", but even hear it!
I will not argue that this article presents the ultimate truth. Honest misconceptions are quite possible, but only in details.
V. Ridge, retired

1. Maksimovich, prof. Kiev and St. Petersburg Imperial Universities - proved that the Ukrainian language is equal to Russian, and historically it is almost the most archaic Slavic language, because it retained the largest number of arch.linguists. features, except for the nasal vowels ą, ę.
2. Kostomarov, also a laureate of the Imperial Ross. awards, added to this that the Ukrainian language, although it belongs to the Eastern Slavic group, is a separate philologist. taxon.
3. Kulish - an official in the service of Emperor Alexander 3.
4. Drahomanov, Associate Professor, Historian of Kiev Imperial University.

All of them were not nationalists, they all advocated friendship with Russia and federalist relations with the Russian fraternal people. At the same time, this is what they said about the language.

If we take more Ukrainian-centric authors, then this is both Franko and Grushevsky, but the main whale in this matter was Sherekh-Shevelev. It is important for you that the theory of the peculiarity and archaism of the Ukrainian language arose in the circle of historians and philologists of the 1st half of the 19th century. in the Russian Empire, who really studied the authentic Ukrainian dialect of the 19th century. Their critics, for the most part, did not deal specifically with Ukrainian studies.
And these are Tishchenko's ideas, let's say. historian-philologist:

Several "initial" centuries of Slavic linguistic history were left without any written fixation by the Slavs themselves. Nevertheless, the scientific study of the Slavic languages ​​provides grounds for determining the possible "initial" historical state from which the modern Slavic languages ​​further developed.

The Slavic languages ​​belong to the central group of "satems" of the Indo-European languages, from which it separated at the beginning of our era. A relatively common language of the Slavs presumably existed by the 7th century, when, as a result of dialect fragmentation and migrations, modern separate Slavic languages ​​​​began to form.

However, there is every reason to argue about the falsity of the theory of an initially single Slavic proto-language. It cannot be reconciled with the etymologically obtained picture of the reconstructed Slavic vocabulary. That is, there was no solidity of the Proto-Slavic language. Proto-Slavonic was “a living language with all the attributes of the complexity of a living language, which means that there was also a dialect dol. The Proto-Slavic language also does not have a territorially limited "ancestral home". That is, the Proto-Slavic language was formed "not in one place." Along with the Slavic, there were always non-Slavic ethnic elements.

In addition, the theory of "original Balto-Slavic linguistic affinity" is subject to doubt. Particularly vulnerable is the well-known theory of the origin of the Slavic language from the Baltic, which encounters resistance from linguistic material (it is impossible, for example, to derive the very archaic Slavic vowel duty sequences from the innovative Baltic sequences).

The Balts are not the eternal inhabitants of the Upper Dnieper. Thus, Balto-Thracian contacts were discovered and investigated without the participation of the Slavs. Other evidence of the proximity of the ancient Balts and Thracians has also been found.

On the other hand, etymological studies bring to the fore the Central European relations of the Slavs with the ancient Italics, and the Balts remain aloof for a long time.

Only by the migration of the Balts and Slavs to the current territories does their rapprochement and later neighborhood become noticeable. Balto-Slavic language relations begin for the Proto-Slavic languages ​​as an already established speech type with processes that are different from the Baltic ones.

At the same time, Slavic-Celtic contacts, the study of their trace and localization could contribute to the processing of a compromise between such fundamentally different concepts as the Polish autochthonic theory of the Slavic ancestral home on the Vistula and Oder and the version of the Danubian ancestral home of the Slavs. Now the question of Celtic-Slavic relations is little studied, in the solution of which A. Trubachev saw the prospect of a compromise between his theories of the ethnogenesis of the Slavs.

The language carries the history of its origin and formation in its own sound, grammatical and vocabulary material. In their "Grammatik der ruthenischen (ukrainischen) Sprache" (1913), T. Gartner and S. Smal-Stotsky were the first to question the "scientific" division of the Slavic languages ​​into three groups. The fact that the Ukrainian language appeared directly from the Proto-Slavic, and the idea of ​​the Orthodox Slavic language (the same for Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians) is devoid of soil, became obvious to them after detailed scientific research.

In the XIX century, and now scientists and theories, not deformed by ideological prejudices, state the unique originality of the Ukrainian language among the surrounding Slavic ones. This originality is ultimately determined geographically and lies in the obvious connecting, transitional features of the Ukrainian language between the structures of both geographically northern and southern, and Western and Eastern Slavic languages.
According to 32 features out of 40, the Ukrainian language differs from Russian. Moreover, these features of the Ukrainian language do not just distinguish its phonetics from Russian: most of them simultaneously connect it with the rest of the Slavic languages.
Of the 82 specific features of the language, only Ukrainian has 34; exclusive Ukrainian - Belarusian 4, Ukrainian - Russian - no analogies, common features in Ukrainian with other languages: Upper Lusatian and Belarusian 29 each, Lower Lusatian 27, Polabian 19, Slovenian 18, Russian 11.
It is significant that the rest of the Slavic languages ​​(half: 7 out of 14) have 20-21 common features with Ukrainian in the south and 22-23 common features in the west, quite clearly shows the true historical ties of the Ukrainian language and its real place in the circle of Slavic languages .

Where is the basis for the existence of a single "East Slavic Slavic" group of languages ​​​​between Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian - it is not clear.

Having studied the history of various Slavic languages, the linguist H. Schuster did not find any grounds for distinguishing traditional historical "stops" after Proto-Slavic (in particular, there was neither "Pro-Western Slavic" nor "Proto-East Slavic"). At the same time, the scientist recognized the existence of three dialect complexes. We are talking about such dialect complexes:
1) PROTOSLOVAK (Serbo-Croatian and Slovenian)
2) PRALEKHITSKY (Polish-Pomeranian and Proto-Bulgarian)
3) SERBOLUZHAN, which in ancient times joins the central and southeastern parts of the Late Proto-Slavic language (the predecessors of Ukrainian, Czech and Upper Lusatian).
The Proto-Slavic language proper existed until the 3rd century BC. AD Then came the period of the Late Proto-Slavic language and the beginning of the early era of the existence of early Slavic languages ​​(IV-V centuries / X-XI centuries). The first witness of the existence of the Proto-Ukrainian language was the Upper Lusatian language. (It should be emphasized that the old flag of the Upper Lusatian Slavs was also blue and yellow).

Pliny (79) and Ptolemy (170) mention the Serbs near Meotida and the Circassians-Zikhs. It turns out that the ancestors of the Ukrainians and Serboluzhichs coexisted 1800 years ago on Azov and during the Great Migration of Peoples they traveled a long way from there to the west to Serbia and the Luzhychyna, retaining linguistic features common with the language of the ancient neighbors - the Proto-Ukrainian.
The second witness to the existence of the Proto-Ukrainian language is the Polabian language. The Polabian language, otherwise the speech of the Drevyans in Laba, belonged to the Lechit (Northern Slavic) group of Slavic languages ​​(along with Kashubian, Obodrite, etc.). Located in the extreme west of the Slavic world, it was until the middle of the XVIII century. in Germany on the left bank of the Laba (Elbe) in the vicinity of Lüneburg, Lyukhov and Syuten.
The researchers missed a rare opportunity, ignoring the similar to the ethnonym of the Ukrainian name of the Polabian tribe wkrzanie. Why is it so similar to the name "Vkraina"? J. Egli was the first to notice the similarity between Ukraine and Ukermark. O. Strizhak also recalls this etymology: the name Ukraine is "of the same root as the toponym Uckermark - the land of the Polabian ukrov."
The antiquity of the Ukrainian language is also proved by its common elements with the group of Celtic languages ​​(Irish, Scottish and Mann). Researchers also note the role of the bearers of the Milograd culture in the formation of the Drevlyans and the remains of the Celtic toponymy from Polissya to the Carpathians. The historian Braichevsky, in his book on the origin of Russia, writes that the Drevlyans were preceded by a population with Celtic connections. The involvement of the Celts in the Ukrainian language was also defended by O. Shakhmatov, who analyzed some Slavic-Celtic vocabulary pairs.
Thus, none of the various methods of concrete scientific analysis manages to detect any separate, special Slavic language of the languages ​​of the three peoples of the “heirs of the Kievan state” of the 10th-13th centuries. In their history, this state was only a general stage: “In this regard, the common formula seems unsuccessful: “Old Russian nationality is the common ancestor of three peoples - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.”

We consider it more correct to say that Russia was a common period (or stage) in the historical development of the three East Slavic peoples. For scholars, this would be enough to close the issue of the "single language of Kievan Rus" and get down to meaningful things. The fact that these conversations go further indicates their non-scientific purpose. Meanwhile, the illusion of the "Old Russian language" is already massively scattered through thousands of books, articles, dozens of etymological dictionaries. This does not stop it from being an ideology disguised as science.
The Ukrainian language reflects the formation of Ukrainians as an ethnic group that took shape in the 6th-16th centuries. due to the integration of the descendants of three Slavic tribes - Polyans, Drevlyans, Sivertsy with the participation of groups of the steppe population - Iranian-speaking (V. Petrov, A. Strizhak) and Turkic-speaking (O. Pritsak) - and was the bearer of three local dialects of the historical continuation of the Proto-Slavic speech (Polyanskaya, Drevlyanskaya , Siveryanskaya), which only later received the name "Ukrainian language".

Ukrainian did not inherit the linguistic features of such Slavic tribes as the Radimichi, Krivichi, Vyatichi or Novgorod Slovenes: the language continuation of their dialects is the modern Belarusian and Russian languages. The real, "living" Ukrainian language has never been "Old Russian", has never been "general Russian", has never been identical with Russian, was not an ancestor or descendant, or an offshoot of the Russian language. He got up and appeared from the Proto-Slavic, forming from the VI to the XVI century. On the basis of objective facts, it becomes obvious that the Ukrainian language is the same linguistic relative of Russian as Serbian or Czech.

(Philosophy of the Ukrainian language)

for fun

The Ukrainian language was created in 1794 on the basis of some features of the South Russian dialects that still exist in the Rostov and Voronezh regions and, at the same time, are absolutely mutually intelligible with the Russian language that exists in Central Russia. It was created by a deliberate distortion of common Slavic phonetics, in which instead of the common Slavic "o" and "ѣ" they began to use the sound "i", "hv" instead of "f" for a comic effect, as well as by clogging the language with non-Orthodox borrowings and deliberately invented neologisms.

In the first case, this was expressed in the fact that, for example, a horse, which sounds like a horse in Serbian, Bulgarian, and even in Lusatian, became known as kin in Ukrainian. The cat began to be called kit, and so that the cat was not confused with the whale, the whale began to be pronounced as kyt.

According to the second principle the stool became a pissal, the runny nose became undead, and the umbrella became a rose. Later, Soviet Ukrainian philologists replaced the rosehip with a parasol (from the French parasol), the Russian name was returned to the stool, since the stool did not sound very decent, and the runny nose remained undead. But during the years of independence, common Slavic and international words began to be replaced with artificially created, stylized as common lexemes. As a result, the midwife became a nub-cutter, the elevator became a pedestal, the mirror became a chandelier, the percentage became a hundred, and the gearbox became a screen of a perepihuntsiv.

As for the declension and conjugation systems, the latter were simply borrowed from the Church Slavonic language, which until the middle of the 18th century served as a common literary language for all Orthodox Slavs and even among the Vlachs, who later renamed themselves Romanian.

Initially, the scope of the future language was limited to everyday satirical works that ridiculed the illiterate chatter of marginal social strata.

Inventor of the Little Russian dialect Ivan Petrovich Kotlyarevsky

The first to synthesize the so-called Little Russian language, was a Poltava nobleman Ivan Kotlyarevsky. In 1794, for the sake of humor, Kotlyarevsky created a kind of padonkaff language, in which he wrote a playful transcription of " Aeneid» the greatest ancient Roman poet Publius Virgil Maron.

“Aeneid” by Kotlyarevsky in those days was perceived as macaronic poetry - a kind of comic poems created according to the principle formulated by the then Franco-Latin proverb “ Qui nescit motos, forgere debet eos"- who does not know the words, must create them. This is how the words of the Little Russian dialect were created.

The inventor of the "Siberian language" Yaroslav Anatolyevich Zolotarev

The creation of artificial languages, as practice has shown, is available not only to philologists. So, in 2005, a Tomsk entrepreneur created the so-called Siberian language, “who is an idiot from the time of Velikovo Novgorod and has come down to our days in the dialects of the Siberian people”.

In this pseudo-language, on October 1, 2006, a whole Wikipedia section was even created, numbering more than five thousand pages and deleted on November 5, 2007. In terms of content, the project was a mouthpiece for politically active anti-fans of "This Country". As a result, every second SibWiki article was a non-illusory masterpiece of Russophobic trolling. For example: “After the Bolshevik coup, the Bolsheviks made out Central Siberia, and then completely pushed Siberia to Russia”. All this was accompanied by poems by the first poet of the Siberian dialect Zolotarev with speaking names "Moskal bastard" And "Moskalski you..dki". Using the rights of the administrator, Zolotarev rolled back any edits as written “in a foreign language.

If this activity had not been covered up in the bud, then already now we would have had a movement of Siberian separatists, suggesting to Siberians that they are a separate people, that Muscovites should not be fed (Non-Siberian Russians were called that in this language), but oil should be traded independently and gas, for which it is necessary to establish an independent Siberian state under the patronage of America.

"Ukrov" was invented by Tadeusz Chatsky

The idea of ​​creating a separate national language on the basis of the language invented by Kotlyarevsky was first picked up by the Poles - the former owners of the Ukrainian lands: Already a year after the appearance of Kotlyarevsky's Aeneid Jan Potocki urged to call the lands of Volynsh and Podolia, which recently became part of Russia, the word "Ukraine", and the people inhabiting them, not to be called Russians, but Ukrainians. Another Pole, Count Tadeusz Chatsky, deprived of estates after the second partition of Poland, in his essay "O nazwiku Ukrajnj i poczatku kozakow" became the inventor of the term Ukr". It was Chatsky who produced him from some unknown horde of “ancient ukrov”, who allegedly emerged from behind the Volga in the 7th century.

At the same time, the Polish intelligentsia began to attempt to codify the language invented by Kotlyarevsky. So, in 1818 in St. Petersburg Alexey Pavlovsky"Grammar of the Little Russian dialect" was published, but in Ukraine itself this book was received with hostility. Pavlovsky was scolded for the introduction of Polish words, they were called Lyakh, and in "Additions to the Grammar of the Little Russian dialect", published in 1822, he specifically wrote: "I swear to you that I am your fellow countryman". The main innovation of Pavlovsky was that he proposed to write "i" instead of "ѣ" in order to aggravate the differences between the South Russian and Central Russian dialects that had begun to blur.

But the biggest step in the propaganda of the so-called Ukrainian language was a major hoax associated with the artificially created image of Taras Shevchenko, who, being illiterate, actually did not write anything, and all his works were the fruit of mystifying labor at first. Evgenia Grebenki, and then Panteleimon Kulish.

The Austrian authorities considered the Russian population of Galicia as a natural counterbalance to the Poles. However, at the same time, they were afraid that the Russians would sooner or later want to join Russia. Therefore, the idea of ​​Ukrainianness was the most convenient for them - an artificially created people could be opposed to both the Poles and the Russians.

The first who began to introduce the newly invented dialect into the minds of the Galicians was the Greek Catholic canon Ivan Mogilnitsky. Together with Metropolitan Levitsky, in 1816, with the support of the Austrian government, Mogilnitsky set about creating primary schools with the "local language" in Eastern Galicia. True, Mogilnitsky slyly called the “local language” promoted by him Russian.

Assistance from the Austrian government to Mogilnitsky, the main theorist of Ukrainianism Grushevsky, which also existed on Austrian grants, justified it as follows:

"The Austrian government, in view of the deep enslavement of the Ukrainian population by the Polish gentry, sought ways to raise the latter in social and cultural terms."

Distinctive feature Galician-Russian revival is his complete loyalty and extreme servility towards the government, and the first work in the "local language" was a poem Markian Shashkevich in honor of Emperor Franz, on the occasion of his name day.

December 8, 1868 in Lvov under the auspices of the Austrian authorities was created All-Ukrainian partnership "Prosvita" named after Taras Shevchenko.

To get an idea of ​​what the real Little Russian dialect was like in the 19th century, you can read an excerpt from the then Ukrainian text:

“Reading the harmonious text of the Word, it is not difficult to notice its poetic size; for this I tried not only to correct the text of the same in the internal part, but also in the external form, if possible, restore the original poetic warehouse of the Word.

Jews went further ukrov

The society set out to promote the Ukrainian language among the Russian population of Chervona Rus. In 1886 a member of the society Evgeny Zhelekhovsky invented Ukrainian writing without "b", "e" and "ѣ". In 1922, this Zhelihovka script became the basis for the Ukrainian alphabet of Radyan.

Through the efforts of society in the Russian gymnasiums of Lvov and Przemysl, teaching was transferred to the Ukrainian language invented by Kotlyaresky for the sake of humor, and the students of these gymnasiums began to instill the ideas of Ukrainian identity. The graduates of these gymnasiums began to train teachers of public schools, who brought Ukrainianism to the masses. The result was not long in coming - before the collapse of Austria-Hungary, it was possible to grow several generations of the Ukrovochny population.

This process took place before the eyes of the Galician Jews, and the experience of Austria-Hungary was successfully used by them: a similar process of artificial introduction of an artificial language was carried out by the Zionists in Palestine. There, the bulk of the population was forced to speak Hebrew, a language invented by Luzhkov's Jew. Lazar Perelman(better known as Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, Heb. אֱלִיעֶזֶר בֶּן־יְהוּדָה).

In 1885, Hebrew was recognized as the only language for teaching certain subjects at the Jerusalem Bible and Work School. In 1904, the Hilfsverein founded the Mutual Assistance Association of German Jews. Jerusalem's first teacher's seminary for teachers of Hebrew. Hebrewization of names and surnames was widely practiced. All Moses became Moses, Solomons became Shlomo. Hebrew was not just heavily promoted. Propaganda was reinforced by the fact that from 1923 to 1936, the so-called Gdut Meginei Khasafa (גדוד מגיני השפה) language defense units darted through British-mandated Palestine, who beat the faces of everyone who spoke not in Hebrew, but in Yiddish. Particularly stubborn muzzles were beaten to death. In Hebrew, borrowing words is not allowed. Not even a computer קאמפיוטער , but מחשב , the umbrella is not שירעם (from the German der Schirm), and מטריה but the midwife אַבסטאַטרישאַן , but מְיַלֶדֶת - almost like a Ukrainian navel cutter.

7 facts about the Ukrainian language that Ukrainians consider indisputable

(taken from the Ukrainian site

1. The oldest mention of the Ukrainian language dates back to 858. Slavic enlightener Konstantin (Kirill) Philosopher, describing his stay in the Crimean city of Khersones (Korsun) during a journey from Byzantium to the Khazars, notes that: "Chlovka yelling with a Russian conversation". And for the first time the Ukrainian language was equated to the level of the literary language at the end of the 18th century after the release in 1798 of the first edition of the Aeneid, the author of which is Ivan Kotlyarevsky. It is he who is considered the founder of the new Ukrainian literary language.

2. The oldest grammar in Ukraine called "Grammar of the good-verbal Hellenic-Slovenian language" was published by the Stavropegian printing house of the Lvov brotherhood in 1651.

3. In the 2nd half of the XIX century. the letters s, b, e, b have been dropped from the civil alphabet in Ukraine; letters and i were fixed by different sounds.

4. The Byzantine traveler and historian Priscus of Panius in 448, while in the camp of the Hun leader Attila, wrote down the words “honey” and “strava” on the territory of modern Ukraine, this is a mention of the very first Ukrainian words.

5. Foundation modern system spelling became spelling, applied by B. Grinchenko in the "Dictionary of Ukrainian language" in 1907 - 1909.

6. The “most Ukrainian” letter, that is, not used in the alphabets of other peoples, is “g”. This breaking sound different ways denoted in the Ukrainian letter at least from the 14th century, and from 1619 the letter g leads the pedigree in the Ukrainian alphabet, which, as a variety of the Greek "gamma", was first introduced in his "Gramatsі" by M. Smotrytsky.

7. “The most passive”, that is, the least used letter of the Ukrainian alphabet, is “f”.

“Language padonkaff” or “who does not know words must create them”

As you can see, the Ukrainians themselves admit that the current “Ridna Mova” was invented at the end of the 18th century. Ivan Kotlyarevsky, but they are silent about its playful creation by deliberately distorting common Slavic phonetics and clogging the language with heterodox borrowings and deliberately invented neologisms like pissal.

Modern ukrophilologists are also silent about the fact that Kotlyarevsky's Aeneid in the 18th century was perceived precisely as macaronic poetry - a kind of comic poetry. Now it is presented as an epic work of the Little Russians.

No one even stutters about why the letter “f” has become the least used in Ukrainian Newspeak. After all, Kotlyarevsky in the newly invented Little Russian language replaced the sound “f” with “hv” solely for comic effect.

Eh, Ivan Petrovich knew what crap he had invented ... However, he was horrified during his lifetime when he found out what his linguistic tricks had led to. The innocent joke of the Poltava nobleman became a terrible daydream.

Ukraine is preparing to switch to the Latin alphabet

Sergiy Mironovich Kvit

The Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, a member of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc and a member of the right-wing Ukrainian nationalist organization "Trident" named after S. Bandera, said in one of his private conversations that Ukraine would soon switch to Latin script. According to the minister, such a decision will lead to significant budget savings due to the fact that it will not be necessary to change the interfaces of computers, mobile phones, smartphones and other equipment will not have to be modified for Cyrillic.

Also, the introduction of the Latin alphabet in Ukraine will greatly simplify the stay of foreign tourists in the country and make it more comfortable, and, therefore, will contribute to the influx of tourists from Northern Europe.

I must say that the project of switching to the Latin alphabet was proposed even under Yanukovych. The author of the bill was then a deputy with the characteristic surname Latynin.

cyrillic | Latin alphabet | pronunciation

a A a A [a]
b B b B [b]
in V v V [v]/[w]
g G gh Gh [γ]
ґ Ґ g G [g]
d D d D [d]
e E e E [e]
Є je Je / [‘e]
Zh Zh Zh [z]
z Z z Z [z]
and Y y Y [y]
i І i I [i]
ї Ї ji Ji
j J J [j]
k K k K [k]
l l l l [l]
m M m M [m]
n N n N [n]
o o o o [o]
p P p P [p]
R R r R [r]
c C s S [s]
t T t T [t]
u U u [u]
f f f F [f]
х Х kh Kh [x]
c c c c
h ch ch
sh sh sh [∫]

However, then this project was blocked by the communists. Now, when the Communists were simply expelled from the Rada, no one will prevent the nationalists from abandoning everything national in favor of the “universal”. nevertheless, preparations for such a transition had been implicitly going on all previous years. So, on January 27, 2010, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued Decree No. 55, in which it streamlined the rules for transliterating the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin, approving the transliteration table, and the corresponding guest was adopted on July 11, 1996. The official system of Ukrainian transliteration is based on political rather than scientific principles and is too closely tied to English spelling. The motivation for such a close connection is provided by the arguments that, firstly, if English language in the modern globalized world is international, then all transliterations must be strictly subject to the rules of English spelling.

The Galician nationalists, still fed by the Austro-Hungarian General Staff, tried to write in Latin in Ukrainian. However, even the creator of the Ukrainian Latin alphabet, the so-called "abetsadlo", Iosif Lozinsky later revised his position and completely broke with the Ukrainophile movement. In 1859, the Czech Slavist Josef Irechek proposed his own version of the Ukrainian Latin alphabet, based on the Czech alphabet.

Overall rating of the material: 4.8


Khokhol, kike, katsap, moskal and others In Ukraine or in Ukraine. Issue resolved a long time ago All letters of the alphabet in one phrase - pangram

The Ukrainian language was created in 1794 on the basis of some features of the South Russian dialects that still exist in the Rostov and Voronezh regions and, at the same time, are absolutely mutually intelligible with the Russian language that exists in Central Russia. It was created by a deliberate distortion of common Slavic phonetics, in which instead of the common Slavic "o" and "ѣ" they began to use the sound "i", "hv" instead of "f" for a comic effect, as well as by clogging the language with non-Orthodox borrowings and deliberately invented neologisms.

In the first case, this was expressed in the fact that, for example, a horse, which sounds like a horse in Serbian, Bulgarian, and even in Lusatian, became known as kin in Ukrainian. The cat began to be called kit, and so that the cat was not confused with the whale, the whale began to be pronounced as kyt.

According to the second principle the stool became a pissal, the runny nose became undead, and the umbrella became a rose. Later, Soviet Ukrainian philologists replaced the rosehip with a parasol (from the French parasol), the Russian name was returned to the stool, since the stool did not sound very decent, and the runny nose remained undead. But during the years of independence, common Slavic and international words began to be replaced with artificially created, stylized as common lexemes. As a result, the midwife became a nub-cutter, the elevator became a pedestal, the mirror became a chandelier, the percentage became a hundred, and the gearbox became a screen of a perepihuntsiv.

As for the declension and conjugation systems, the latter were simply borrowed from the Church Slavonic language, which until the middle of the 18th century served as a common literary language for all Orthodox Slavs and even among the Vlachs, who later renamed themselves Romanian.

Initially, the scope of the future language was limited to everyday satirical works that ridiculed the illiterate chatter of marginal social strata.

Inventor of the Little Russian dialect Ivan Petrovich Kotlyarevsky

The first to synthesize the so-called Little Russian language, was a Poltava nobleman Ivan Kotlyarevsky. In 1794, for the sake of humor, Kotlyarevsky created a kind of padonkaff language, in which he wrote a playful transcription of " Aeneid» the greatest ancient Roman poet Publius Virgil Maron.

“Aeneid” by Kotlyarevsky in those days was perceived as macaronic poetry - a kind of comic poems created according to the principle formulated by the then Franco-Latin proverb “ Qui nescit motos, forgere debet eos"- who does not know the words, must create them. This is how the words of the Little Russian dialect were created.

The inventor of the "Siberian language" Yaroslav Anatolyevich Zolotarev

The creation of artificial languages, as practice has shown, is available not only to philologists. So, in 2005, a Tomsk businessman Yaroslav Zolotarev created the so-called Siberian language, “who is an idiot from the time of Velikovo Novgorod and has come down to our days in the dialects of the Siberian people”.

In this pseudo-language, on October 1, 2006, a whole Wikipedia section was even created, numbering more than five thousand pages and deleted on November 5, 2007. In terms of content, the project was a mouthpiece for politically active anti-fans of "This Country". As a result, every second SibWiki article was a non-illusory masterpiece of Russophobic trolling. For example: “After the Bolshevik coup, the Bolsheviks made out Central Siberia, and then completely pushed Siberia to Russia”. All this was accompanied by poems by the first poet of the Siberian dialect Zolotarev with speaking names "Moskal bastard" And "Moskalski you..dki". Using the rights of the administrator, Zolotarev rolled back any edits as written “in a foreign language.

If this activity had not been covered up in the bud, then already now we would have had a movement of Siberian separatists, suggesting to Siberians that they are a separate people, that Muscovites should not be fed (Non-Siberian Russians were called that in this language), but oil should be traded independently and gas, for which it is necessary to establish an independent Siberian state under the patronage of America.

"Ukrov" was invented by Tadeusz Chatsky

The idea of ​​creating a separate national language on the basis of the language invented by Kotlyarevsky was first picked up by the Poles - the former owners of the Ukrainian lands: Already a year after the appearance of Kotlyarevsky's Aeneid Jan Potocki urged to call the lands of Volynsh and Podolia, which recently became part of Russia, the word "Ukraine", and the people inhabiting them, not to be called Russians, but Ukrainians. Another Pole, Count Tadeusz Chatsky, deprived of estates after the second partition of Poland, in his essay "O nazwiku Ukrajnj i poczatku kozakow" became the inventor of the term Ukr". It was Chatsky who produced him from some unknown horde of “ancient ukrov”, who allegedly emerged from behind the Volga in the 7th century.

At the same time, the Polish intelligentsia began to attempt to codify the language invented by Kotlyarevsky. So, in 1818 in St. Petersburg Alexey Pavlovsky"Grammar of the Little Russian dialect" was published, but in Ukraine itself this book was received with hostility. Pavlovsky was scolded for the introduction of Polish words, they were called Lyakh, and in "Additions to the Grammar of the Little Russian dialect", published in 1822, he specifically wrote: "I swear to you that I am your fellow countryman". The main innovation of Pavlovsky was that he proposed to write "i" instead of "ѣ" in order to aggravate the differences between the South Russian and Central Russian dialects that had begun to blur.

But the biggest step in the propaganda of the so-called Ukrainian language was a major hoax associated with the artificially created image of Taras Shevchenko, who, being illiterate, actually did not write anything, and all his works were the fruit of mystifying labor at first. Evgenia Grebenki, and then Panteleimon Kulish.

The Austrian authorities considered the Russian population of Galicia as a natural counterbalance to the Poles. However, at the same time, they were afraid that the Russians would sooner or later want to join Russia. Therefore, the idea of ​​Ukrainianness was the most convenient for them - an artificially created people could be opposed to both the Poles and the Russians.

The first who began to introduce the newly invented dialect into the minds of the Galicians was the Greek Catholic canon Ivan Mogilnitsky. Together with Metropolitan Levitsky, in 1816, with the support of the Austrian government, Mogilnitsky set about creating elementary schools with a "local language" in Eastern Galicia. True, Mogilnitsky slyly called the “local language” promoted by him Russian.

Assistance from the Austrian government to Mogilnitsky, the main theorist of Ukrainianism Grushevsky, which also existed on Austrian grants, justified it as follows:

"The Austrian government, in view of the deep enslavement of the Ukrainian population by the Polish gentry, sought ways to raise the latter in social and cultural terms."

A distinctive feature of the Galician-Russian revival is its complete loyalty and extreme servility towards the government, and the first work in the "local language" was a poem Markian Shashkevich in honor of Emperor Franz, on the occasion of his name day.

December 8, 1868 in Lvov under the auspices of the Austrian authorities was created All-Ukrainian partnership "Prosvita" named after Taras Shevchenko.

To get an idea of ​​what the real Little Russian dialect was like in the 19th century, you can read an excerpt from the then Ukrainian text:

“Reading the harmonious text of the Word, it is not difficult to notice its poetic size; for this I tried not only to correct the text of the same in the internal part, but also in the external form, if possible, restore the original poetic warehouse of the Word.

Jews went further ukrov

The society set out to promote the Ukrainian language among the Russian population of Chervona Rus. In 1886 a member of the society Evgeny Zhelekhovsky invented Ukrainian writing without "b", "e" and "ѣ". In 1922, this Zhelihovka script became the basis for the Ukrainian alphabet of Radyan.

Through the efforts of society in the Russian gymnasiums of Lvov and Przemysl, teaching was transferred to the Ukrainian language invented by Kotlyaresky for the sake of humor, and the students of these gymnasiums began to instill the ideas of Ukrainian identity. The graduates of these gymnasiums began to train teachers of public schools, who brought Ukrainianism to the masses. The result was not long in coming - before the collapse of Austria-Hungary, it was possible to grow several generations of the Ukrovochny population.

This process took place before the eyes of the Galician Jews, and the experience of Austria-Hungary was successfully used by them: a similar process of artificial introduction of an artificial language was carried out by the Zionists in Palestine. There, the bulk of the population was forced to speak Hebrew, a language invented by Luzhkov's Jew. Lazar Perelman(better known as Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, Heb. אֱלִיעֶזֶר בֶּן־יְהוּדָה).

In 1885, Hebrew was recognized as the only language for teaching certain subjects at the Jerusalem Bible and Work School. In 1904, the Hilfsverein founded the Mutual Assistance Association of German Jews. Jerusalem's first teacher's seminary for teachers of Hebrew. Hebrewization of names and surnames was widely practiced. All Moses became Moses, Solomons became Shlomo. Hebrew was not just heavily promoted. Propaganda was reinforced by the fact that from 1923 to 1936, the so-called Gdut Meginei Khasafa (גדוד מגיני השפה) language defense units darted through British-mandated Palestine, who beat the faces of everyone who spoke not in Hebrew, but in Yiddish. Particularly stubborn muzzles were beaten to death. In Hebrew, borrowing words is not allowed. Not even a computer קאמפיוטער , but מחשב , the umbrella is not שירעם (from the German der Schirm), and מטריה but the midwife אַבסטאַטרישאַן , but מְיַלֶדֶת - almost like a Ukrainian navel cutter.

7 facts about the Ukrainian language that Ukrainians consider indisputable

(taken from the Ukrainian site

1. The oldest mention of the Ukrainian language dates back to 858. Slavic enlightener Konstantin (Kirill) Philosopher, describing his stay in the Crimean city of Khersones (Korsun) during a journey from Byzantium to the Khazars, notes that: "Chlovka yelling with a Russian conversation". And for the first time the Ukrainian language was equated to the level of the literary language at the end of the 18th century after the release in 1798 of the first edition of the Aeneid, the author of which is Ivan Kotlyarevsky. It is he who is considered the founder of the new Ukrainian literary language.

2. The oldest grammar in Ukraine called "Grammar of the good-verbal Hellenic-Slovenian language" was published by the Stavropegian printing house of the Lvov brotherhood in 1651.

3. In the 2nd half of the XIX century. the letters s, b, e, b have been dropped from the civil alphabet in Ukraine; letters and i were fixed by different sounds.

4. The Byzantine traveler and historian Priscus of Panius in 448, while in the camp of the Hun leader Attila, wrote down the words “honey” and “strava” on the territory of modern Ukraine, this is a mention of the very first Ukrainian words.

5. Spelling became the basis of the modern spelling system, applied by B. Grinchenko in the Dictionary of Ukrainian Language in 1907-1909.

6. The “most Ukrainian” letter, that is, not used in the alphabets of other peoples, is “g”. This breakthrough sound has been denoted in Ukrainian writing in various ways since at least the 14th century, and from 1619 the letter r in the Ukrainian alphabet traces its genealogy, which was first introduced as a variety of the Greek “gamma” in his Grammar by M. Smotrytsky.

7. “The most passive”, that is, the least used letter of the Ukrainian alphabet, is “f”.

"Language padonkaff" or "who does not know the words must create them"

As you can see, the Ukrainians themselves admit that the current "Ridna Mova" was invented at the end of the 18th century Ivan Kotlyarevsky, but they are silent about its playful creation by deliberately distorting common Slavic phonetics and clogging the language with heterodox borrowings and deliberately invented neologisms like pissal.

Modern ukrophilologists are also silent about the fact that Kotlyarevsky's Aeneid in the 18th century was perceived precisely as macaronic poetry - a kind of comic poetry. Now it is presented as an epic work of the Little Russians.

No one even stutters about why the letter “f” has become the least used in Ukrainian Newspeak. After all, Kotlyarevsky in the newly invented Little Russian language replaced the sound “f” with “hv” solely for comic effect.

Eh, Ivan Petrovich knew what crap he had invented ... However, even during his lifetime he was horrified when he found out what his linguistic tricks had led to. The innocent joke of the Poltava nobleman became a terrible daydream.

Ukraine is preparing to switch to the Latin alphabet

Sergiy Mironovich Kvit
Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Sergey Kvit, a member of the Petro Poroshenko bloc and a member of the right-wing Ukrainian nationalist organization "Trident" named after S. Bandera, said in one of his private conversations that Ukraine would soon switch to Latin script. According to the minister, such a decision will lead to significant budget savings due to the fact that the interfaces of computers, mobile phones, smartphones and other equipment will not have to be modified to Cyrillic.

Also, the introduction of the Latin alphabet in Ukraine will greatly simplify the stay of foreign tourists in the country and make it more comfortable, and, therefore, will contribute to the influx of tourists from Northern Europe.

I must say that the project of switching to the Latin alphabet was proposed even under Yanukovych. The author of the bill was then a deputy with the characteristic surname Latynin. However, then this project was blocked by the communists. Now, when the Communists were simply expelled from the Rada, no one will prevent the nationalists from abandoning everything national in favor of the “universal”. nevertheless, preparations for such a transition had been implicitly going on all previous years. So, on January 27, 2010, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued Decree No. 55, in which it streamlined the rules for transliterating the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin, approving the transliteration table, and the corresponding guest was adopted on July 11, 1996. The official system of Ukrainian transliteration is based on political rather than scientific principles and is too closely tied to English spelling. The motivation for such a close link is the arguments that, firstly, if the English language in the modern globalized world is international, then all transliterations must be strictly subject to the rules of English spelling.

The Galician nationalists, still fed by the Austro-Hungarian General Staff, tried to write in Latin in Ukrainian. However, even the creator of the Ukrainian Latin alphabet, the so-called "abetsadlo", Iosif Lozinsky later revised his position and completely broke with the Ukrainophile movement. In 1859, the Czech Slavist Josef Irechek proposed his own version of the Ukrainian Latin alphabet, based on the Czech alphabet.