Hamlet Stratievskaya. Portrait of a Woman - Hamlet

The HAMLET is an exquisite thin woman with a noble face and a sublime, noble look. The royal posture is noteworthy - a straight back and a proudly planted head. At the same time, it is light, graceful, elegant and can remain so until the very gray hairs. It seems that this celestial cannot help but be slightly arrogant and arrogant, and perhaps somewhere deep down she is. But she smiles! And she is so captivatingly simple with others that it is perceived as a favor shown to you by a high person. And who will resist?

The HAMLET is dressed elegantly and stylishly. If she works in a decent place, she tends to office style. She gladly dresses up in elegant business suits, choosing suitable ties for them, mobile phones matching color and other "business" accessories.

The HAMLET seems self-sufficient and irresistible with her amazing ability to be in a wonderful, high spirits in public. She will never laugh like crazy, bursting into loud laughter at the wrong moment. She is, in fact, well educated, restrained, intelligent. The manifestation of her feelings is always under control, and her emotions are so beautiful that next to her it is impossible not to succumb to her good mood. The HAMLET involuntarily leads, as soon as a person falls into the field of her attraction. But if she is not in the spirit - woe to everyone, woe! But let's not focus on that.

Children, housekeeping, cleaning, washing and cooking are completely uninteresting to her. Truly, she was created in order to shine, attract attention and ... have fun. She is interested in the world because it is full of people, and people are very attracted to her, because she has an incredible, magnetic ability to attract them to her. Actually, only one thing is required of them - to admire, adore, love! After all, she is so beautiful, so sweet, so charming - can anyone really remain indifferent? And if there are such, then all her unsurpassed artistry will be used against them, which is able to convince anyone! Well, almost anyone!

And just imagine: this ephemeral, unearthly, flying creature can, without a twinge of conscience, be late for dates (as well as for work, business meetings and meetings). And not because they are not able to calculate the time! But simply the HAMLET always knows that she can easily get out of any awkward situation with the help of her charm. In addition, she has an extraordinary ability to speak, so she can say anything. And she speaks beautifully, quickly, inspiringly and convincingly. And at the same time, such enthusiasm and such sincerity are written on her face, which few people can leave indifferent. In general, you will believe everything that she will say in her defense!

In addition, she has a spirit of easy hooliganism, so she allows herself sometimes not to be a "good girl". So, Princess Diana, when she was not yet a princess, but was just a pretty young girl, once walked around London with her friends. And because they wanted to have a little fun, they took and ruined someone's car parked on the street, filling it with spray glue (a huge amount of glue from many spray cans) inside and out - just like that, out of mischief. Of course, this is not typical. And yet, girls of this type love different pranks, although - of course - everyone comes up with something of their own.

At school, many girls of this type are inquisitive and diligent students. They could all be like that if the teachers didn’t interest them only as people, if they didn’t follow with intense attention the personal lives of their classmates, if they didn’t plunge head over heels into all school novels, and at home they wouldn’t hang all the time on phone. After all, if you figure it out - when do they learn? Such life boils around, such passions boil! You can't miss it! Build eyes and smile to get your five or four, and live a full life further! However, even among the HAMLETs there are excellent students.

As for sports, the HAMLET's favorite sport is ... theater. It all starts with a theater group at school, and then it may well continue with admission to a theater university. They also love to sing and dance, in a word, to perform on stage, because they have a storm of emotions in their souls. Well, maybe storms do not happen every day, but there is no doubt about the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bexperiences.

Beautiful and deep emotionality is the basis of the charm of the HAMLET, and, relying on her irresistibility, she can meet anyone and anywhere. It's a lot of fun to be with her. Firstly, there is no nasty assertiveness in her, but only sweet, courteous manners. And secondly, she is artistic, and it is pleasant to chat and laugh with her, because she does it nicely and naturally. She herself loves all this enthusiasm and laughter that hover over good company. But remember what she likes serious men with outstretched shoulders. It is with such a partner that she can feel like behind a stone wall. And her job is to cheer him up at the right time. Because if you dump everything on your husband household together with the children in addition, then you need to give him something in return!

Indeed, this ephemeral creature not only tries to minimize the care of household, not only avoids burdening himself domestic problems, but even treats his health without any attention. She may forget to eat, she may not notice that she is sick, she may not get enough sleep for a long time and bring herself to a nervous breakdown. It is clear that childbirth, children's health and many other issues also do not fall into her field of vision.

From life: On May 1, 1956, the HAMLET, 40 years old in demolition, went for a walk along Novy Arbat with her husband and, by chance, ended up near the maternity hospital. Grauerman, decided to come in and find out why she has been leaking some kind of water for 3 weeks. Hearing this, the staff was horrified: "Your water has broken! Give birth immediately! How can you! The child will go dry! Hurry!" Hearing this, the lady was surprised. “Are there any other waters there?”, she said thoughtfully, although it was her second child.

When the girl was born, she had swelling of the head, swelling of the face, and she did not open her eyes for 3 weeks. Through the window of the ward, the HAMLET said to her husband: "I will grieve you. We have a blind child." "Well, nothing," he consoled her. "And blind children can be talented. Remember Homer!" Fortunately, after 3 weeks it became clear that the child was sighted.

Soon after the girl came to her senses a little, the young mother decided to take her to the dacha. She was assigned a service car for this and was given an officer to help. She gathered the child without noticing that she had put on her hat on one side, then dressed herself, did her hair and made up. She got into the car beautiful and cheerful, in a great mood. The weather was great, we drove with a breeze. All the way, mother joked, laughed and flirted with the officer, not paying attention to the fact that from the open window the child was blown in the ear.

Two days later, a neighbor, the ENT doctor Agroskin, famous throughout Moscow, came to her. He said: "Your girl screams and cries for a long time. She has otitis." "Yes, I see, restless child," answered the HAMLET. "You have to do this and that, otherwise she will go deaf." And at the end he added: "You are such a nice lady, I won't take any money from you."

But with the HAMLET at home it's fun. As soon as she returns from work, it's like a light bulb goes on for the family. Well, unless she had an attack of bad mood, because representatives of this type also have a tendency to dramatize everything that happens around them.

However, all these abilities find a wonderful application in the theater or theater studio (in the library, in kindergarten, at school, at the institute, in the house of culture). It is there that these extraordinary women most often work, because they really know how to play emotions and can even teach the most capable of it. They are so devoted to the idea of ​​the theater that they sincerely know how to captivate others with this work, unite everyone with one idea, inspire, instill confidence that together they are doing a work of great importance.

Among other professions where HAMLETs find themselves good use, you can call the profession of a teacher or teacher, in general, any occupation where they can be in sight, and not in the background, ignite and inspire, and also benefit people. Do not forget that at the same time they themselves certainly need the love of others and their sincere recognition.

[Mentor]Ethico - intuitive extrovert(EIE/ENFJ/Hamlet).
Young's basis: extrovert, ethic, intuit, rational.
Square signs: aristocrat, subjectivist, resolute.
Dyad features: stubborn, careless, evolutionary.
Individual signs: negativist, questimist, speaker, strategist, constructivist.
Temperament: linearly assertive.
life strategy: striving for the ideal.
Mission: educational.
career guidance: communicator.
Stimulus for activity: uniqueness.
Communication style: passionate (exchange of emotions).
The creative challenge factor: conservatism.
Life position: whatever happens, everything should be filled with feeling, passion, creativity, energy, love or desire.

Characteristic manifestations of the type:
Actor. A man of tragedy and comedy. Hamlets tend to disturb everyone around. Often act on emotions, on impulses. Appreciate the moment of emotional upsurge.
Eccentric and assertive. They know how to quickly heat up the situation. They love to be dramatic.
If the situation allows them to act, then they look stubborn and inflexible "flints", uncompromising, ready for any deprivation, self-restraint, etc. If others decide to do something opposite to their intentions, then the removal of the brain is guaranteed! To any decisive, impeccable action in terms of self-giving, they respond with nervousness or psychosis: depending on what at the moment is more suitable for the current situation.
These are real masters of creating or provoking anxiety, then feeding on the energy of excitement and again broadcasting it to the surrounding space. Kind of elemental magicians. A second ago there was nothing, and suddenly, a whirlwind, a tornado, appeared. They are the stronger, the stronger or more unstable the surrounding space. With just intonations, they are able to inflame or defuse the situation.
They are afraid of manifestations of unmotivated closeness and warmth in communication. If for no reason at all you decide to show your concern, start behaving as if you have known him for a hundred years, if you wave your arms and try to break the intimate boundary of space, touch him "on purpose and informally", then Hamlet is right on your eyes, will cease to be flexible and tolerant.
He tries to look like an independent and self-sufficient person, although for self-confidence he really needs periodic encouragement and attention from friends and relatives. He can easily get upset and disappointed in himself if something does not work out for him, but it is not difficult for him to rehabilitate himself and regain faith in himself. It is worth achieving the desired, and things will get better, as the mood is gaining momentum again.
Despite the fact that you strive to try everything in life, he is exactly the type of person who eventually settles down, leads his inner world in order, will get a family, but will not die out, as is typical for many after that.

Main quality:
bright energy and fast reaction. Hamlet's life must be filled with experiences, relationships must be deep, feelings must be intense. The motto "I feel, therefore I am" explains their penchant for dramatization.

Main motivation:
Express yourself. It is important for Hamlet to stand out from the crowd, to be different from everyone else.
On the other hand, the desire to prove one's worth and being chosen is also not the last of the motives.

Middle Dream:
So that everyone understands without words how to take care and when it is necessary to provide assistance. To have the perfect wardrobe with clothes. To have all the necessary medicines. So that no one encroaches on his place in the life of another person and in society.

Primary ability:
Dive into the spotlight. Excite the imagination, motivate the masses. Implement ideology. Engage in propaganda and agitation.
By nature - ideologists and revolutionaries.

Growth vector:
Growth through working with information: writing, mentoring, advocacy.
Work with the masses: oratory, organization of collective discussions.
Artistry, a penchant for artistic self-expression. Work in the theater.

Implementation vector:
Emotionality: What looks like emotional storms to others is a normal inspired state for him.
Passion: with emotions, he easily embraces everyone around him at the moment, changing their emotional states at will and whims.
Moral cleanliness: squeamish, does not forgive changes.
Reliability: very conservative in his views and habits.
Great speaker: restless himself, captures and makes others worry.
Sympathetic: if you are taken to help, then you can safely rely on him.

Positive tendencies:

Make decisions quickly.
State your thoughts very clearly.
Stop any rush
Show hardness
Act Directly and Consistently
Define the problem and focus on it.

Subtly feel the mood of other people.
Change mood.
Express your feelings beautifully: from sublime intonations to subtle irony.
Emotionally captivate, lead.
Correctly distribute actions in time.
Look to the future and clearly see the desired image

Positive trend:

The purpose of personal growth is the evolution of a particular mindset, the development and application of mental abilities.
He needs clarity and harmony of the logical system of being. Rules, instructions, frameworks often play the role of that same firm hand that allows you to structure your life and not break into emotional frenzy that threatens with madness.
An obstacle to the development of intelligence can be both unmotivated demonstrativeness and unwillingness (inability) to delve into the essence on their own.
Personal development directly depends on the level of communication skills. Harmonize themselves through verbal self-expression.

The ability to focus on the essentials. Highlighting priority interests, sacrificing the rest for their sake

Weak sides:
prone to fanaticism
ambition (pride)
Emotional instability

Negative qualities:
Do not allow others to participate in the decision-making process until it becomes clear that these decisions may be appropriate.
They speak straight; others may perceive this as an attack on them.
Sometimes they start to act without finding out how ready other people are.
Rush to make decisions; at the same time, they do not have sufficient information, including the factor of impact on people.

Negative trend:
When he feels the importance of his every choice and action and is responsible for them, when he realizes that the quality of life of other people depends on his decision, then strong principles awaken in him, including the ability to intuitively learn, to control someone else's will.
If he does not realize this, then his qualities, his energy, begins to work against him, creating in him an outstanding laziness. In this capacity, he relies on a position like: "If necessary, I can easily, otherwise why try?" and a general, but very sincere egocentric orientation with a subconscious feeling: "Of course, the whole world should try for me, but for whom else?"
With an egocentric attitude of the individual, the purpose of which is only to actively demonstrate his talents, under such circumstances, the main motivation turns him into a neat, but completely ruthless vampire in areas related to the consumption of any emotions.

They cannot be required or expected to:
Unwavering optimism;
Fast concrete returns in business;
Sober, objective, without an emotional view of things;
Ability to accurately analyze situations;
Democracy and ease of communication.

Contacts and connections:
Critical or picky communication style. The intriguer is a provocateur. He likes to play a joke, play, give free rein to his poisonous tongue.
Trolling the environment is a kind of filter, as a result of which only those connections remain that are definitely viable or useful.

In relations with others, he constantly requires confirmation of his status, proof of loyalty and reliability, utmost tact and patience for his originality. He himself is often very intrusive, eloquent, proud and very touchy. Jealous of rivals, true, and even more so, imaginary.
Most often, relationships are built with people from a different age group, or with peers who have confirmed their maturity, independence and self-sufficiency.
He is drawn to reliable, if not bright, but stable and solid personalities.
For all his emotionality, he does not tend to scatter feelings, but concentrates on one object of addiction.

Defense mechanisms:
The ban on mediocrity: ordinary life for him is meaningless.
Tendency to idealize: he dreams of better world about ideal relationships.
Need for self-expression: He often lacks recognition of his deep individuality.

Behavior in emergency situations:
When the situation gets out of control, Hamlet becomes very sharp and impetuous. Decisions are made so quickly that they sometimes outstrip the process of awareness and reflection. The wedge-wedge style is practiced. Problems are encountered with an open visor, and with the same visor they are created.

Main difficulties:
Hamlet is prone to depressive states, accompanied by a loss of self-confidence. When closing on oneself, immersion is formed in one's inner world, in one's feelings, there is a tendency to act according to internal impulses, ignoring real circumstances. This leads to duality in the evaluation of people and phenomena. It begins to sincerely seem to him that his vision of the situation is finally true, and it is almost impossible to convince him of this. He begins to err about people and things, being sure that he alone sees everything correctly. As a result, depression, doubts, fear of being abandoned arise.

Portrait gallery:

Hamlet, the character of the tragedy by William Shakespeare, Octavian August, Nero, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Adolf Hitler, Leon Trotsky, Dolores Ibarruri, Fidel Castro, Rafael Santi, Mikalojus Chiurlionis, Ivan Pavlov, Sergei Vavilov, Jerome K. Jerome, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Jean Mare , Laurence Olivier, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Pavel Kadochnikov, Sergei Bondarchuk, Antonina Shuranova, Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Square signs:

beta quadra; cheerful, decisive, aristocrat.

Dyad signs:

rational (shizotim), stubborn, careless, individualist.

Individual signs:

extrovert, speaker, questim, negativist, intuitive, ethicist, strategist, constructive.

The first function is the level of personality organization, or the principle of existence. Zone of Confidence. "Good"

object ethics - External relations. The relationship of people to each other and the relationship of people to me. Emotions of other people

Hamlet's zone of confidence is foreign relations. People of this type are well oriented in relationships; as a rule, they do not have problems in this area. Stability of external relations in general, and with other people in particular. If someone tries to change the existing relationship, then this can cause difficult emotions, up to aggression. Hamlet belongs to the quadra of aristocrats, and in his life he has much less trusting relationships than, for example, Hugo. This is usually a very small number of people "of my circle." Try to deprive Hamlet of the opportunity to be on stage - in the broadest sense of the word - not only as an actor, but also as a teacher or leader. Deprive him of situations where he can be with people, situations where they look at him. Then everything will collapse: both the creative function and the first function. "If there is no relationship, then I am not needed, I am not." Relationships must be mandatory, it doesn’t matter if they are good or bad, the main thing is that they should be. Subordinates, bosses, friends, enemies, customers, business partners and spectators, spectators, spectators. Any situation where there is at least some kind of relationship confirms my stay in this world.

Minus the first function. Ignore zone. Minus values. "Badly"

subjective ethics - My attitude towards people. I love someone or something - I don't like it, I like it - I don't like it. My emotions

minus-values, "bad". One's own attitude does not play a very significant role in Hamlet's life; the attitude of other people towards him is more important. There is, of course, both, but in each specific situation, it is external relations that come to the fore. At the same time, "my attitude towards people" is somewhere in the depths, often hidden even from oneself. External relations are necessary, and my attitude does not concern anyone but me. My state - yes, my feeling - yes, it is, I can tell about it. Hamlet can easily play, imagine it, but at the same time, his own attitude is, as it were, not taken into account. And so everything is clear, it should follow from everything that my attitude is like this. However, it is difficult for Hamlet to express his own attitude, unlike, for example, Napoleon or Huxley, who, due to their creative function, easily do this. It is much easier for Hamlet to play a role.

Second function. Creative. Functioning level. Risk zone. "Necessary"

subjective intuition - the integrity of the internal situation. Inner harmony. State, mood, sense of time

people of this type are artists. Creative function - manipulation of the integrity of the internal situation. A person can enter into one image, into another, into a third, for him this is a way of cognition, his creative function. Everyone subconsciously seeks for himself a profession that would best satisfy the needs of his type. When I worked at the theater institute, I became interested in what types of MI prevail among future actors. It turned out that two types - Maxim and Hamlet - make up about 40% of all students. The creative function of Hamlet - the ability to enter into the image and live in this image - is a professionally important quality for an actor.

In clinical psychology, this type is called hysterical. On stage, a controlled tantrum looks very good. The woman is hysterical, but at the same time she falls exactly into a chair, straightens her blouse. The integrity of the internal situation for Hamlet is a holistic image of himself. And since this is a place of creativity, a person can easily enter the image, live in it for the required time, get out of it, and then move to another state. If Don Quixote says: "I understand," then Hamlet says: "I moved in." He definitely needs to get into character, and it's easy for him. What for another type may turn out to be transcendent is quite normal in Hamlet's behavior, within the framework of this type, within the limits of that creative function, that psychological space in which he usually lives.

Among the representatives of this type there were many fiery tribunes who could go on stage and talk for hours, for example, Fidel Castro, Dolores Ibarruri, Adolf Hitler, Leon Trotsky. Of contemporary politicians, perhaps only V. Zhirinovsky clearly represents this type. Great actor! These are his controlled tantrums! He does it quite consciously, for him the podium is the same stage. The main thing is to have spectators. The person himself quickly calms down, and everyone around continues to shake for a long time.

There are not many actors who have the ability to embody different types, switch to another image. For the majority, this is practically inaccessible, but Hamlet easily reincarnates, he can be Balzac, and Napoleon, and both - this is what is called a role-playing bouquet. Many good actors belong to this type: Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Sergei Bondarchuk, Jean Marais. By the way, an attentive director quite often chooses an actor corresponding to the type of character, unless, of course, the character has at least some type, because sometimes such a play comes across that it is impossible to determine the type of character. Then it is just a dead scheme, an image that does not correspond to any reality at all.

Minus-second function. Zone of standards, standards, stereotypes of behavior. "No need"

object intuition - the integrity of the external situation. Sequence of events from start to finish, series of events, schedule. Potential Opportunities. Behavior program, way of life, rhythm of life. Scenario of any action, score

There must be a routine, a way, a script. The gun must fire in the fifth act. The husband must come home from work on time, and on Sunday the whole family must go out of town. Hamlet accepts routine and does not show much creativity in this matter. He follows the routine, although without much enthusiasm. Sometimes people of this type live according to a schedule that they are not at all enthusiastic about, but it is difficult for them to go beyond the norms accepted in society. Being involved in a certain regime, they continue to follow it even with a significant change in external circumstances.

Third function. The principle of self-esteem. The place of least resistance. "Problems"

object sensorics - form, action, movement, deed, appearance, gestures and facial expressions. Will. My skill, power, influence, money, image

As a rule, Hamlet dresses somewhat extravagantly, pretentiously, you can always notice this feature of his appearance. These are people who love bright colors, eye-catching details. They always have their own individual style of clothing. "How I look" and "what I can do" - these are the principles of their self-assessment in the third function. This is in a sense a simplification of the situation: here I must have exact knowledge. Each representative of this type has some set of his skills (remember, Prince Hamlet himself was the best swordsman in the Danish kingdom). If this set includes, say, "the ability to make repairs", then everything is fine, no problem, and Hamlet will show that he can do it better than anyone, because here he receives a serious plus-reinforcement. If this particular skill is not included in the zone of his self-esteem, then additional energy expenditures, possibly super-efforts, will be required.

As a leader, Hamlet, as a rule, adheres to a rigid authoritarian style, emphasizing the social hierarchy of relations. In the event of a conflict, he is not inclined to flexibility and compromise. Hamlet is seriously engaged in the image of the enterprise, and the image created is often significantly ahead of the real state of affairs. The business must be solid and must bring a good income. This is one of the few types who know how to make good money on the image. An essential point for Hamlet is the possibility of manipulating material means.

Minus third function. Problem Solving Zone

subjective sensory - my inner sensations: taste, tactile, sexual. Feeling, state of health. Pleasant - not pleasant

If I can’t do something, I need to deal with my health so that I can do it. You need to train, exercise, strengthen your body. Hamlet pays serious attention to his health when problems arise. And there are two problems: either I can’t do something, or my form does not correspond to my idea of ​​\u200b\u200bI am good. However, Hamlet resorts not only to exercise. I know Hamlets who, trying to put their health in order, use a lot of drugs, just an incredible amount. This, of course, is optional, but it is possible as one of the options.

Fourth function. Suggestive. The principle of place evaluation. Motives. "Want"

subjective logic - my own logic, my understanding, explanation, description, concept, theory. Hierarchy of ideas about what is closer, what is further, what is higher, what is lower. My picture of the world, my worldview. My education, i.e. the system of my images, my school

"Hamlet" - Ethical-intuitive extrovert

1. Program function (strong) - "Ethics of emotions"
2. Creative function (strong) - "Intuition of time"
3. Role function (weak) - "Business logic"
4. Pain function (weak) - "Sensory sensations"
5. Suggested function (weak) - "Structural logic"
6. Activation function (weak) - "Volitional sensory"
7. Supervisory function (strong) - "Ethics of relations"
8. Demonstrative function (strong) - "Intuition of possibilities"

Pain function (4th, weak) - "Sensory sensations"

4th function, weak - "painful", the place of the smallest
resistance, according to pain function a person
sensitive to information
and needs tactful help.

The main problem of Hamlet is his constant feeling of internal physical discomfort. As if something constantly annoys or torments him.

Sometimes this manifests itself in the habit of grimacing painfully or blinking frequently (you involuntarily think that bright lights or loud music irritate him); sometimes - in the habit of talking in a quiet or painfully choked voice, as if he had just cried, or is about to do so, and he already has a "lump in his throat"; sometimes - in the habit of speaking in a loud, harsh voice, constantly "on elevated intonations."

Hamlet is indeed sometimes irritated by both harsh light and loud music - any object, any phenomenon can be a source of discomfort for him. Sometimes he seems to be trying to drown out this unpleasant state in himself.

Hamlet often has a need for sharp taste (and not only taste) sensations. He likes spicy, spicy seasonings with a smell that sharply stimulates the appetite. The monotony of Hamlet's taste sensations often irritates - one wants something exquisite, unusual. He is interested in trying some new dish, to find out what it is made of. Sometimes he himself likes to experiment in the field of cooking - and he does it very boldly, but, I must say, not always successfully. Sometimes he tries to combine something that is in principle incompatible with taste, and sometimes he prefers exaggerated taste sensations - for him this is "just what you need."

It happens that he does not pay attention to the quality of the products and can easily cut rotten vegetables into a salad, not to mention the fact that Hamlet, out of absent-mindedness, can generally forget what he is cooking and from what, what he has already put in the cauldron and what else is not .

Some of the representatives of this type like not so much to cook as to "play cook" (especially men). Women-Hamlets are also often bored with this occupation, and they treat it as if they were bored with household duties, and sometimes even with some kind of irritation, as if this work presents special difficulties for them. (As already mentioned, the forced need to do only housework often adversely affects their character: "My husband sent me to my mother-in-law for the summer (mother-in-law - Hamlet), and on the very first day she told me:" You will eat separately. I will not cook for you. You won't like my food anyway!" At first I was offended, and then I noticed that she really cooks badly and maybe she is shy about it and thus tries to hide it ... Then, she also liked to load me with homework , as if she was punishing me with this! Well, for me this is a usual thing ... But at the end of the summer she still found something to pin me up with: "Why, - she says, - did you bring a sketchbook with paints here? You are for everything time didn’t draw anything!" - It was felt that she was looking for a quarrel, but I didn’t need it, and I tried not to give her a reason, and this annoyed her even more.")

In general, the arrangement of everyday life for Hamlet is not the most attractive occupation. Remembering what you need to buy for the house, for the family, is always an unnecessary and painful stress for him. (The artist-Hamlet sent her son to the bakery to buy fresh bread to “refresh” the drawing. The son brought two rolls: one to erase the drawing, the other to eat. And it was precisely this circumstance that first surprised her very much, and then made her laugh: “Vaska - then my economic peasant is growing!")

The organization of life for Hamlet is always an extra headache with more than modest results. Sometimes many necessary things are missing in his house, and sometimes there are some obvious absurdities in the interior: "I was struck in her room by the fact that above the bed - that's how people usually hang a rug - she hung a stone slab with A rather large slab, about one and a half meters by a meter in size ... I don’t know what it was kept on there, but I was always surprised how it is possible to sleep under such a slab, how is it not afraid?

It is in everyday life that Hamlet sometimes lacks thrills and he tries to get them where and with what he can. This is one of the reasons why he himself can create domestic difficulties for himself or complicate his domestic relationships, contrary to any common sense. It happens that he lacks emotional tension and he can arrange his life in such a way that the interior of his room already sets the mood he needs. For example, he can drape the walls with black cloth or hang them with political posters, flags or pennants, portraits of his idols and leaders; paint the room with some of his own art, in a word, do whatever he pleases, so long as a pleasant mood is created.

Of course, the situation is best when the organization of Hamlet's life is handled by his dual Maxim. Economical, hard-working, endowed by nature with excellent aesthetic taste, neat, able to restore and maintain order, Maxim, if desired, is able to create for Hamlet exactly the conditions that he can only dream of (up to "coffee in bed", especially if the relationship and the situation are they have it). The Maxim woman is generally an impeccable hostess: both economical and thrifty, and writes down every item of expenditure.

In addition, Maxim, who is oriented towards Hamlet's ethical principles, is not afraid of his emotional swings; moreover, he feels very well in this mode. Therefore, he always finds a way to offer his dual the corresponding aesthetic criteria, which, on the one hand, do not contradict his principles, and on the other hand, direct his feelings in a harmonious direction.

If Hamlet manifests himself as a "director of strong feelings", then Maxim is an artist of thrills. In the Hamlet-Maxim pair, there is a constant emotional-sensory interchange (an interchange of "carrot and stick"): just as the emotional field of Hamlet is constantly changing from positive to negative, so the pleasant, relaxing sensations created by Maxim are constantly replaced by sharp, exciting ones. It is by complementing each other in the emotional and sensory plane that Hamlet and Maxim create for themselves the optimal psychological regime, the optimal harmony of sensations. (Tr, what is optimal and harmonious for this pair, a representative of a psychologically incompatible type may consider it too sharp, "peculiar" and therefore unacceptable for himself, but this, of course, is already his problem)

Many sensory sensations are perceived emotionally or intuitively by Hamlet: “My teacher (Hamlet) had her own theory of teaching painting - the main load was on imagination and memory. We had to remember the color, and in the drawing we only mark the color spot with a contour line of the corresponding tone. as a result, the drawing was covered with a network of some multi-colored contours, which it was easy to get confused in. This technique did not work out for me - the sharpness and freshness of the momentary perception of color were lost ... Often she liked to say: "Take this color more saturated, so that it he is silent as if dead..."

No matter how painfully susceptible Hamlet is to external discomfort, over time he begins to understand that the source of his constant irritation is in himself - in the constant feeling of personal disorder, more precisely, "unsettled" or "restless". Hamlet is very acutely aware of his loneliness. Sometimes, especially in his youth, he tends to play the role of a kind of "sad demon", misunderstood and lonely.

Sad thoughts about loneliness lead to reflections on the "transience of being", which especially often visit him during a period of poor health. It is enough to draw Hamlet's attention to his unhealthy appearance, as he immediately begins to worry about the state of his health, reflect on the approaching old age and how human life inevitably ends, which leads him to an even sadder mood. When something really seriously threatens Hamlet's health, the life of his household turns into a complete nightmare: "Long before I went to the hospital, my mother began to mentally prepare me:" Look, when I die, so that you know: here we have semolina is stored, sugar is here ... Look, when I die, so that you do not forget to pay the rent. "The operation was successful, but I still did not understand why she needed to set us up for the worst."

It often seems to Hamlet that those around him do not take care of him enough, they do not care enough about him. Moreover, such claims are not necessarily made to the closest people. Hamlets love it when not only relatives visit them during their illness, but also neighbors, friends, colleagues or students: “Are you too lazy to visit your teacher? Or are you waiting for me to die?!"

Salvation from this spleen comes with the appearance in his life of a loved one, naturally endowed with optimism, good spirits, clarity of mind, strong will, devotion, responsiveness and friendliness, i.e. precisely those qualities that his dual Maxim has in abundance, capable of sensitively capturing sensations of physical and mental discomfort, able to fulfill and prevent all the desires of his partner.

* Stratievskaya "How to make sure that we do not part", SME, 1997

So, today we are talking about the Mentors of all socion - Hamlets. We know a lot about Hamlets, ideas about them are formed and understandable. But it turns out that we know “what” it is, but we do not know “why, from where”. Yes, and ideas about "what" this kind of fruit is such a Hamlet is most often very narrow, incomplete. So let's expand and deepen)

Ethical-intuitive extrovert. Hamlets, although they look different, have several common features that can be perceived. Firstly, this is the clothes themselves, what Hamlet wears can be described as “theoretically it should look beautiful, but in fact it’s not a damn thing.” Secondly, you can always notice Hamlet by the emotional movements of the hands, always in time with the words and intonations (unlike Geks and Esei, whose hands live their own lives). And most of all, Hamlet is noticeable by what is not visible, but felt - the emotional background, not necessarily strong, but almost continuous, constant.

If you dig deeper, you can characterize Mentor as the most honest of all egoists. Hamlet is sure that he is the center of this fucking Universe, even more - for Hamlet it is "by default". But at the same time, Hamlet is sincerely convinced that this is not selfishness, but necessity, because Hamlet sees global and all-encompassing interests in his personal interests and convictions. And he perceives the realization of these interests as a kind of restoration of what, in theory, should be. Therefore, Hamlet is not a simple egoist, but on the one hand very active, and on the other hand very honest: by applying an incredible amount of steadfastness and logic, you can show Hamlet the difference between his interests and common interests, and thus shake his egoism, even make him repent.

An interesting feature of the Hamlets is that they can be clearly divided into two groups, and these are groups that are not related to subtypes, in both groups there are Mentors with both enhanced ethics and enhanced intuition.

The male Hamlets stand somewhat apart. The point here, of course, is not in socionics, but in society's rooted ideas about gender roles. For the Hamlet-guy, permanent complexes are a common thing, they give rise to many problems, make one gravitate towards officialdom in appearance and behavior much more. The strength of internal contradictions leads to the fact that Hamlet-guys are able to realize themselves incredibly strongly in creativity and creative work in general, although it is a philosophical question whether they themselves become happier from this.

A little about pain. We know that Hamlets have this White Sensory. I note that the manifestations of pain in Hamlets are specific because of ... the basic one. For example, the logician Jack, with the same pain, often simply scores on sensory questions, but Hamlet cannot remain indifferent. Therefore, Hamlets often wear too bright (or, on the contrary, desperately black) clothes, eat food with combinations of opposite tastes, etc.

Almost all of the above is manifested in Hamlets and intimacy. Hamlets rush to extremes from sexism to frigidity. Hamlets are sincerely selfish in their feelings, including sexual ones. And most importantly, EIE is a victim, and even with painful BS. Victimization is not masochism, it's just that Hamlet doesn't know what he wants in bed, but he doesn't admit it, including to himself. Therefore, in fact, the dual of Hamlets Maxim Gorky is absolutely polite and calm and at the same time absolutely unshakable, which becomes a support for Hamlet, including in intimate matters.

Hamlet is a delicate matter. Almost like the East) And at the same time often contradictory and even strange. Remember - no matter how contradictory the words, actions, features of the Mentors may seem to you, all these are manifestations of the same initial premises, only in different forms.

Artyom Okhotnikov — Group: About Huxley and for Huxley!