Group building games. Psychological games at a corporate party

What to do in the company? For those who still think about their spiritual and physical health, and want to spend time with benefit and fun, without feeling drunk in the morning, there is a great way out - games. But not card games, and not dominoes. Today we will talk about popular, useful and insanely addictive psychological games for students. They are designed both for a company of ten people and for a small group of five to six people.

During the game, you not only discover more and more new qualities in your friends - classmates, but also learn a lot about yourself that you didn’t even suspect before!

What are the games? Absolutely different. On intuition, logic as a card game "Mafia". On non-verbal intelligence as . On the development of entrepreneurial qualities as a business game "Book Factory". Let's start with the most unpredictable games - the imagination. With the help of them, you will learn about the very depths of your own and someone else's subconscious.

The Dixit Imagination Game

The rules of the game are simple, but you will need some equipment - special cards. In general, there is a real game, it is called Dixit (Dixit), but not everyone can afford to buy it. Therefore, you can create some of its elements yourself. The bottom line is this: players are dealt six cards. They depict various pictures - almost surreal. For example - a lopsided anchor in the middle of the desert. What associations come to mind? They need to be formulated in one phrase - and voice it to the rest. Players choose a suitable card from their set according to the description and lay it out on the table. The secret is that the description should be multifaceted, and the one whose card was not guessed right away wins. But, the important element is that if no one was able to identify your card at all, you lose points. Due to this balance, Dixit has become wildly popular among psychological games for students. By the way, the cards themselves, or rather pictures, can be found and printed from the Internet at home.

The next type of games is on sensations and feelings. We often complain that Internet communication and Email deprived us of personal contact. And now, now there is a chance to find out if you have lost the ability to convey feelings and sensations without using animated emoticons.

Game for sensations and feelings "Relay race of feelings"

For example, for a game called "Relay Race of Feelings", you will also need preparation - cards. But, here everything is already simpler and without anchors. In total, it will be necessary to write on 6-10 cards (depending on the number of participants) the name of the feelings. For example: "distrust", "adoration", "charity", "love", etc. Players sit in a circle and close their eyes, and the one that sits on the edge pulls out the first card. He conveys the feeling written on the dropped card to the neighbor. But, of course, he does this not with words, but with various movements, for example: stroking, or vice versa, moving away, patting, and so on. The player must guess what kind of feeling is being conveyed to him and, having comprehended and identified it, passes it on to the next one. And so in a circle. When the last participant gets a “feeling”, everyone opens their eyes and voices their feelings in reverse order. And here we can already discuss the cause of the distortions that have arisen.

Trust game "Blind"

The next game for students is for trust, called "Blind". Can you trust your friends? Now let's check it out. One leader is chosen and one, so to speak, victim, namely, the blind man. Excitement and extreme will be added if you play this game somewhere in a public place - in a park or just in nature. The blind is blindfolded, because he should not see anything, and the leader chooses a guide from the team. The task of the guide is to lead the Blind by the hand. To warn, loudly and clearly, where to step over puddles, bypass pits and ditches, is his direct duty. The most important thing in this game is the feeling of complete trust between the players. Any kind of cruel jokes, mockery, interruptions and teasing are unacceptable - do not forget that a person does not see anything, and can suffer greatly if he stumbles, for example, on a tree or a lamppost. The task of the Blind at this time is not only to listen carefully to the guide, but also to surrender to his feelings - to tune in to a clear perception of his own senses. Only when we are blindfolded do we really begin to feel the tickle of the breeze on our cheeks and the crunch of branches under our feet. The psychological task of this game is, firstly, to turn a person to his sensual consciousness, and secondly, to show an example of responsibility for another person.

Game for students "Gift"

So, if you already trust your friend, how about learning more about him? To do this, there is a game for students "Gift". From the whole company, one player is selected, who, for example, has a birthday soon, or Angel Day, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you need to give him a gift. But not a simple banal figurine, but something that you would associate with this person. In turn, everyone offers their options, explaining the choice. And the "birthday boy" is closely watching who would give him a truly sincere gift, and who knows him better than others. General options such as “photo frame because he has a camera” or “pen because he is a student” should be avoided - points are deducted for such answers. And you can come up with a scale for accruing them yourself, depending on the theme of the party or just according to your mood. For inspiration, points can be awarded in bananas, staplers, or ice cubes. All that is enough for imagination.

The goal of this game is to rally the team, if only simply by the fact that all these people, even if there are fifteen of them, but even if they are five, know something about one person, and not just his name or surname, but hobbies, hobbies. Well, if they don’t know, then you need to draw the appropriate conclusions and pay more attention to personal communication.

Creative game "Interesting poems"

And finally, the most creative of all the games "Interesting Poems". The essence of the game is very simple - the first player aloud composes any poetic line. Size is not important, but rhyme and meaning are the main condition. The topic can be absolutely anything. Though "We walked with my brother on the moon." The second player quickly, he is given about thirty seconds to think, comes up with a continuation - it must be in rhyme and the stanza should also fit in meaning. And off we go. Of course, at first you will get completely absurd poems, but then - perhaps the whole company will compose a great work! The main thing is speed. Because only then, as with a blitz survey, will you cook exactly what you mean, without guile. In addition to usefulness, this game is incredibly fun, and it has only one minus - from laughter, then your cheeks hurt very much.

So, as you can see, it is possible to spend a fun evening with student friends without drunken gatherings, which only harm health with the help of interesting psychological games for students. There are plenty of ways to diversify bored parties with cards and TV. In one evening, you can discover so many new things about your classmates that it will become much more pleasant and interesting to communicate with them, you will begin to understand them better, and the percentage conflict situations will go to the minimum. After all, there is nothing more important than a healthy atmosphere in your social circle and within yourself!

Role-playing game

Role-playing game - Acting out or performing a certain role. As a procedure, it is widely used in psychological training, psychotherapy, education and other fields.

The procedure of group psychological training. Participants play the game as if they are "thoughtholics" and want to be cured of it. Formation of behavior modification and correction skills based on the analysis of roles played and group analysis of behavior. Development of skills and abilities to smooth out conflicts. Developing effective self-presentation skills. The procedure of group psychological training. A role-playing game is played, during which one of the players is prompted "angel" and "devil". Development of communication skills and abilities. The procedure of group psychological training. The role-playing situation of a conversation with an extortionist is being played out. Role-playing game for group psychological training, aimed at developing communicative competence. The procedure of group psychological training is intended for the development of communicative competence. Consolidation of the experience gained in the training. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants act out the scene of a journalistic interview. Development of social thinking. Manipulation work. Practicing simple managerial functions. The procedure of group psychological training. "Janitor" tries to convince young man do not litter. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants act out a role-playing game, portraying partners who did not share responsibilities among themselves. The procedure of group psychological training. The “reader” came to the library and asked what book he would like to read. The procedure of group psychological training. The acquaintance of a guy and a girl (men and women) is modeled. Investigation of interaction parameters in conditions of rigid role dictate. The procedure of group psychological training. A scene is played out: a “bad client” comes to an “employee” of some organization. Rehearsal of situations of promotion and dismissal. The procedure of group psychological training. Guys learn to get acquainted with girls, for this they are helped by "friends-tellers". The procedure of group psychological training. Participants act out the last meeting with some fairly close, significant person. Development of mechanisms for managing communication processes in complex social systems. The procedure of group psychological training. The role-playing game involves "teacher" and "student" - the situation of the exam. The procedure of group psychological training. A role-playing game is played, during which one of the players appears as a tired, lost traveler who asks to spend the night, and the second as a cautious and harmful person who finds a hundred excuses. The procedure of group psychological training. The role-playing game gradually becomes more difficult, encouraging participants to adapt on the fly. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants come up with and implement "advertising videos". The procedure of group psychological training. Participants together act out a fairy tale: one of them is a storyteller, the other is the main character, the rest are secondary. The procedure of group psychological training. "Superstar" gets a job. Providing an opportunity to explore the situation of "seduction" in a playful way. Participation in the discussion allows the teenager to develop a reasoned position and refusal skills. Practicing simple managerial functions. The procedure of group psychological training. A scene is played out in which the "passenger" is in conflict with the "taxi driver". The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are divided into pairs and act out one or another scene from family life in which there should be conflict and intrigue. The procedure of group psychological training. Members role play quarrel, observers for some reason suddenly all stand up for only one, exposing the second to obstruction. The procedure of group psychological training. The participants act out a scene in a restaurant in which the waiter hints that they should leave a bigger tip. Develop emotional balance with a real drum. Development of communication skills and abilities.

Psychological games are an effective tool for introspection and psychotherapy - both in individual work and in group work.

Each participant of the psychological game gets a unique experience of interacting with others, the opportunity to look at himself from the outside, to get answers to life's questions.

For psychologists, psychological games are, first of all, an interesting and effective tool for work that can be successfully applied in individual counseling, when working with a couple, and also in group work.

We present to your attention the new psychological games developed by the trainers of the Institute of Psychotherapy "I". You can learn how to work with the game, as well as purchase the game, within the framework of working with games.


“Flower of Life” is a psychological game that allows participants to analyze the current life situation, track their life strategies, aspirations, work with the Shadow side of their personality, and get answers to vital questions of interest.

The game "Individuation" is based on the idea of ​​personality construction according to C. G. Jung.

The game invites the participants to make a journey in studying themselves and their properties, behavior styles, and peculiarities of perception of reality. This happens during the journey of various characters on the playing field.

The game gives you the opportunity to think about what is now puzzling, hindering and helping, what is important and what is secondary. The journey, which is accompanied by the leader of the game, allows the participant to get to know their already known sides, as well as to find out what is hidden in the unknown part of the Self: in the zone of the Shadow, Anima and Animus.

Technically, the game is an algorithm for moving the participants' cards across the playing field, which turns into an exciting path of personal transformations and changes, with the involvement of external and internal resources.

For this game, a special deck of associative cards "Individuation" was developed, the symbols of which carry a deep meaning, allowing you to transform the inner picture of the world and the image of yourself.

Game tools: playing field, a deck of cards "Individuation", dice, additional "resources". The optimal number of participants in the game is 6 people.

Training to work with the game "LIFE FLOWER"

Learning how to play the game will provide an opportunity to conduct it deeply and systematically with different categories of clients and training groups. During work, there may be different variants games - from the analysis of behavioral strategies, to the mission and meaning of life!

The playing field and everything that happens on it is a model, a map of the realization of the “I”, the acquisition of selfhood, which continues throughout life and is a process of integrating opposing, opposing intrapersonal forces and tendencies.

What will happen in the game?
2 hours of play and participants will be able to get a deep cut of their own LIFE.
To see and analyze what qualities need careful attention
What exactly is the significance of certain qualities and personality traits for the player
Understand what are the strengths and weaknesses self
Try to weigh and integrate incompatible and unacceptable traits
the game can help transform the inner picture of the world and the image of oneself.

For whom will the game be resource?
For those who "run in circles" in the implementation of plans, relationships, the search for meanings
For those who believe that they "do not know themselves", feel insecure and anxious
For those who want to know themselves - "the other"
For everyone who wants to look into themselves and "analyze"

What important things can psychologists learn?
meet to practical implementation Jungian paradigm of personality structure
master certain methods of consulting clients
use the game in individual consultations
enjoy being in a group

After passing game learning"Flower of Life" You will receive a certificate of the leading coach for this game.


"Family Trolling" is a magical game adventure dedicated to the difficult topic of defending your boundaries, your choices and life path. It is also a game about meeting obstacles, how we react to them and what strategies we choose to overcome them.

The structure of the game involves the participant's journey through a fantasy world inhabited by different characters (good and not so good), with whom you need to meet and negotiate. On this path, you can meet obstacles, resources, and most importantly, develop the skills to defend your borders!

The Family Trolling game can be effectively used as a tool for introspection and self-knowledge. In addition, "Family Trolling" is an excellent tool for professional psychologists, allowing them to carry out both diagnostic and therapeutic work for participants in the group process.


The Doctor Who game is a psychological tool that, in the form of a game, allows participants to become aware of their behavioral strategies, track their behavior in an achievement situation, and analyze the features of their own coping strategies.

The game is quite multifunctional, can be used as a gaming platform.

Game tools: playing field, special associative cards "Doctor Who", a dice.


The psychological game “Ideal” will be of interest to everyone who wants to have an exciting, useful and fun time, to figure out why we sometimes do not understand each other, what ideal features we want to see in our partner and how much they differ from the real state of affairs.

For specialists, this kit can help in the process of consultation of both a single client and families, couples, children and parents. Also, the game can be used in group psychological work - for trainings, seminars, master classes!

Game tools: 174 characteristic cards, a table with the characteristics of "ideals", a table with codes and "bonuses", additional cards "property replacement".


The game can be used to work with children of preschool and school age, suitable for playing with teenagers and in parent-child counseling.

By participating in the game, participants will be able to analyze their own life strategies, their ability to interact with others, their own adaptability skills and ways of social contacts.

"Xenobiology" is an interesting journey in which participants will be able to get to know and understand themselves better, as well as track their ways of interacting with others.

The game "Xenobiology" combines a projective method and a rational approach in working with a group or in individual work. The game is a segmented playing field on which various "characters" move, indicated by certain associative cards.

The game involves a special playing deck of associative-metaphorical cards "Xenobiology", depicting non-existent animals, as well as symbols and artifacts. With their help, you can invent stories, study the features of the client's self-presentation, explore and change behavioral stereotypes.


"Family Movement Rules" is a metaphorical game tool for conducting psychological consultations with couples - spouses, children and parents, friends, colleagues or relatives.

Not always during a conflict, we can express in words everything we feel, and sometimes we get completely confused in our own words and actions, not being able to “hear” our partner. This can be compared to the meeting of two cars on the road, which can not pass in any way: the drivers of each of the cars cannot hear what they are talking about in the cabin of the other car. Only external signals and movements remain noticeable. It is the same in life: we only hear a speech spoken aloud or observe the actions of another person, but we do not know what is happening inside him at that moment. In addition, we cannot fully explain to another what is happening inside ourselves at such moments, which only aggravates the situation.

This tool allows couples (married, friends, colleagues or relatives) to analyze their internal states during the conflict, to “hear” and understand each other, and also to develop an agreement on what mutual actions should be in dealing with a similar situation in the future.


This game involves working with some personal problem or internal question, the answer to which can be obtained during the game. The algorithm of game actions implies the ability to consider the problem from different perspectives, expand the range of its understanding and find new approaches for solving it.

The rules of this game involve moving the participant to different positions of the field, where certain questions and meta-positions are indicated, helping to take a fresh look at the stated problem or the question asked.


A new psychological game by Katerina Milyutina “Kotovasia” is a story about cats, cats and cats that move along the branches of a tall tree. The main task is to get to the desired branch. However, on the way of fluffy travelers every now and then come across harmful crows, and a completely unfriendly dog ​​is waiting below. While coping with difficulties, participants can see their strategies for coping with obstacles, analyze the influence of the environment on their progress, and evaluate the effectiveness of their methods of achieving the goal.

“Kotovasia” is an interesting and exciting game that allows participants to gain important experience related to the topic of achievement, interaction with others, overcoming obstacles.


The Ages of Life game is a journey along a bright and interesting path, the stages of which relate to certain periods of our real life. While playing, participants will be able to summarize their life stages, analyze current events, dream and plan for the future.

Participants will also be able to work on their “personal life history”and look from the outside at your own strategies and ways of interacting with others.

The game "Ages of Life" can be successfully used with adult participants, as well as with children and adolescents (the rules of the game are easily modified for the age category of participants).

Game tools: playing field, plasticine, dice. The optimal number of participants in the game is 6 people.


Goodbye Looping Psychological Game is a board game for mini-groups or individual work with a client, which was created to teach participants self-help techniques. Also, the game can be used as a mini-diagnosis and introduction to therapy, or in the final sessions to discuss the results of therapy.

During the game, you can walk along the streets of the city of Zatsiklovka: drive along the flat OCD Avenue, turn into Panic Descent, drive into the Depressive Dead End, find yourself on PTSD Square, get stuck in Drunken Back Streets, eat on General Obzhiralov Avenue, look into Alarm Lane and Phobic Glade. During such a walk, the client focuses on his feelings and thoughts, together with the therapist determines the focus of attention and learns self-help techniques.

Participants will be able to explore the city in detail and learn NOT to OVERLOOK on its streets!


The game "Ecumene" is a symbolic journey through the seas and oceans.

Traveling through the expanses of the sea, everyone will be able to make their choice: earthly material goods, a professional career, personal comfort and coziness, peace and tranquility, or, if possible, spiritual improvement and movement to higher powers. You can see how your life strategies work and adjust new skills in the game.

Playing "Ecumene", you can study your own life strategies, realize the reasons for certain features of building relationships with others, get information about the current life situation and possible ways of further movement and development.

"Ecumene" is an opportunity to plunge into the space of Greek mythology, discover your own recipe for success, try to achieve it in the gaming platform in order to bring it to life later!


“Education+” is a psychological game for parents, teachers and psychologists. The game is a set of situation cards and reaction cards that allow participants to work with different models their behavior in a situation of family difficulties and disputes related to the process of education.

The game allows participants to analyze their own educational style, find out its strengths and weaknesses, see what results it can lead to, answer the question of what is important and what is secondary in the upbringing and development of the child.

During the game, the participants will have the opportunity to “grow up” their child, look at the result, get feedback and help from the leader. The game helps to raise questions about the features of raising a child - how we imagine it and what is really happening, and also allows us to form a new approach to this issue.


In the name "Polar Star" both words have meaning. The image of a star can be used as a symbol of success and achievement, and therefore one of the game options is aimed at strengthening the client's self-esteem through awareness of their successes and achievements. In another version, the emphasis is on polarity, and the psychological meaning of the game in this case is in the evaluation and comparison of polar, opposite options for solving some issue.

The main request that you can work with in the game "North Star": "There is such a solution, but there is another. I don't know what to do can not decide, which and options to choose from.” Another request is also possible: “I see only such an option, there is no other. The one I see is impossible, there are no other options. Is the situation hopeless? That is, a person does not see alternatives, but needs to find them.

The image of the road is associated in our minds with activity, movement, process. At the heart of the game platform "Road to ..." is a metaphor for achieving the goal, moving towards the desired result. The essence of the gameplay is that, moving along one of the roads drawn on the field (each of which has its own characteristics), the client opens different cards with images and words, and these cards become for him a metaphor for one or another section of his path to the goal. Games can be played both individually and in group formats.


The psychological game "Kommunalka" is a metaphor for a common space inhabited by residents with different characters, needs and desires. Participants of the game will be able to work out the topic of relationships with other people, look at their strategies of behavior in terms of communication and the overall distribution of resources, analyze them and, possibly, even change them to more effective ones.

In addition, the game "Kommunalka" allows you to work out the belief "What will people say? ..." and analyze its impact on your own life strategies. Each of the participants "lives" on one of the floors of the "Kommunalka": someone can climb under the roof, and someone has to move to the trash can in the yard. In the game, you can analyze the causes and prospects of such movements, as well as draw a parallel with real life, considering new possible strategies for your behavior.

A psychological tool dressed in a fabulous metaphor, where each character says one or another phrase. The secret of the tool is that the first half of the statements are replicas, exclamations and questions that are most typical for clients who work with a psychologist. Whereas the second part of the statements are typical answers, remarks and comments of a psychologist. By arranging dialogues between the characters (using the rules prescribed in the training manual), participants can play the role of a therapist and a client, try different strategies for the interaction of a psychologist and a client in therapy, see how the “defenses” work and evaluate the degree of effectiveness of a particular “therapeutic session”. Bright images of fairy tale characters will add colors and pleasant emotions to this already interesting and fascinating process.


The gaming platform was created by Vladislav Knyazev as a universal tool, on the basis of which you can perform a wide range of exercises to stabilize interhemispheric interaction, to develop optical-spatial representations, programming functions and regulation of activity.

The set includes:

  • a playing field of 16 numbered squares in four colors;
  • a set of cards with images of various hand positions.

The training manual presents several options for games and exercises with Neurotwister - you can use them, or you can create your own modifications based on them. There are a lot of ways to use the gaming platform and it depends on the tasks you set.

Dear visitors of the site of psychological assistance, today you will find out what it really is psychological games in the life of adults.

Immediately note that these are not those psychological games, or in general games that delight children in the sandbox and adults in entertainment and pastime. These are socio-psychological, role-playing, mostly unconscious by the players themselves, often destructive, dramatic, and sometimes even tragic games that adults play - often all their lives.

Psychological games that adults play almost all their lives

Pro Games People Play wrote, back in the last century, in his psychoanalytic bestseller of the same name, the famous Canadian-American psychotherapist and scientist, the founder of transactional analysis and psychotherapy, Eric Berne.
(see the analysis of the psychological game in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" or "Cinderella")

essence psychological games played by adults therein that the gaming, often dishonest and hidden process of communication and interpersonal interactions brings some, sometimes unconscious, social, emotional, psychological, and even biological benefits (a kind of “winning”) to the participants in the game.

In other words, game relationships (psychological games in relationships) satisfy many innate human needs. Namely: psychological, emotional, biological and social.

Of course, man, like any other highly developed animal, could satisfy his natural, natural needs in a normal, honest, direct and natural way, without resorting to psychological games, various tricks and deceptions.

But man is a social being, and most of the laws of nature belittle and trample on society: the norms and rules of morality and ethics, ethics and public opinion, ways of survival, creating stereotypes of thinking and behavior.

Psychological games are taught in childhood

Pay attention to a very small child - he is natural, natural, real. He does not need psychological games yet ... he satisfies all his needs directly, simply and spontaneously ... just as nature intended.

If the child wants to eat, he asks (for example, cries, and calms down when he receives food).
If the baby wants to communicate with his mother, he shows it with his whole appearance.
If he is scared, hurt or sad, then you will easily notice this too ...
If he is happy and happy, he smiles and rejoices...

But as the child develops, educates and socializes, he learns the rules of behavior in society, and at the same time psychological games. Most of these rules are unwritten, so the child is taught, mostly non-verbally (without words) and unconsciously, by the parents themselves.

The child simply "stupidly" (not realizing) copies from his parents and absorbs all these rules of behavior and survival in society. He learns not to be himself, he learns to wear a social mask and play psychological games.

Then, already in adulthood, this unnaturalness in relationships, these unconscious psychological games learned in childhood in human relationships, will cause a lot of problems for a person. Starting from intrapersonal conflicts, misunderstanding of oneself and internal psychological problems(neuroses, phobias…), and ending with problems in interpersonal relationships(in a family, in a team, in business…).

Of course, it’s different for everyone - who is “lucky” with their parents and caregivers; who has a programmed life scenario, just on the basis of family psychological games.

A typical family psychological role-playing game, according to the Karpman triangle, is described in the article problems in people's relationships.

Why do people play psychological games?

As mentioned above, people play psychological games to obtain benefits (relatively speaking, “winning”), i.e. to satisfy their needs, which they have forgotten how to satisfy in a natural way.

Psychological benefits from the game:
Everyone has a need for psychological safety and security. With the help of psychological games (similar to psychological defense), a person tries to avoid stressful situations and maintain their mental stability.

However, such games tend to lead to the opposite.

Emotional benefits from games:
Every person needs an emotional exchange. And if his child was taught to exchange emotions through games, then he can become an emotional (energy) vampire. This will suck out of you, if you are in the game, all the emotional energy, bringing you to depression, neurosis or psychosis.

Biological benefit from the game:
People need bodily contacts to survive: hugs, caresses, kisses ... strokes ... if a person does not know how to exchange them naturally, then he resorts to games. And in terms of the game, such contacts can also be negative, for example, beatings ... kicks, etc. What is subconsciously, in some people, for example, hidden or explicit masochists, is perceived as satisfaction of the need for bodily contact.

From here you can see people who, as it were, are asking for kicks (even verbal ones), for example, wives who subconsciously choose a tyrant husband who will beat and humiliate her. In fact, it is an unconscious game.

Social benefit from games:
A person needs to fully occupy his time, structure it, otherwise, he will either go crazy or die of boredom (literally).
Also, people are social animals, and they need communication with their own kind.

Destructive psychological games

Most of the unconscious or partially conscious psychological games in relationships and interactions between people are destructive for all participants.

Eric Berne and his followers describe many games played by adults. All of them are divided into categories. Briefly about them ...

Games with yourself
For example, when a person inflates himself ... he promises himself something (quit smoking, start new life from Monday, etc.), but does not comply, coming up with a bunch of excuses for himself ...

Family and marriage games
For example, when a wife plays the Victim, enduring the beatings and bullying of her husband, and then switches to the Persecutor, making the Victim out of her husband - she turns him over to the police ...

Or, for example, when a mother plays the Savior, lacing up the child’s shoes until high school, while making him a helpless victim, and after a while the child switches from the Victim to the Persecutor, and terrorizes the mother, for example, extorting her pension for alcohol or drugs ...

Sex games
One of the popular sex games is described in the example above (“Temptation” or “Dynamo”)…

Party Games
This is mostly gossip and condemnation of third parties, as well as the most popular game “Why don’t you ... Yes, but ...”, where one player kind of asks for advice and help ... others at this time try and give them ... but in the end he rejects everything , often leading to a dead end conversation ...

Games for life
For example, playing an alcoholic with codependency (complicity) of family members.

Or playing a permanent debtor who takes loans and cannot repay them in any way ...

underworld games
For example, theft, swindle and fraud...

Games in the therapist's office
For example, when a client at a psychotherapist's appointment, having read Wikipedia and presenting himself as omniscient, is subconsciously set up not to get help. At the same time, he sabotages the work of a psychologist in every possible way, for example, by playing "psychotherapist".

When he really, as he wanted, does not receive help, he can say: “I told you that he would not help me ...” ...

Constructive psychological games
Constructive games can become only with their understanding and awareness. Some of the destructive games listed above can be converted into constructive ones, and after that you can completely stop playing and start natural relationships, this is especially necessary when interacting with loved ones.

Constructive games also include healing, developing and educational psychological games for adults and children.…..

// Personnel service. - 2008. - No. 12.

Whatever you interpret Voltaire - or Descartes,
The world is a deck of cards for me
Life is a bank: rock mosque, I play
And I apply the rules of the game to people.
M.Yu. Lermontov

One of the tasks of a corporate party is to change the ordinary monotonous office environment for a bright and unusual holiday feeling. Why is such a "change of scenery" necessary? Because monotony in work and in relationships leads to a decrease in efficiency. Communication in a relaxed atmosphere gives employees the opportunity to get to know each other better. Having talked heart to heart, colleagues may be pleasantly surprised that interesting people work with them in the same team (“It’s amazing, but Marina is not at all as boring as she seems: she is witty and erudite”), better understand their opponents and - for a while or forever - declare a truce with them. Another task of holding corporate parties can be to establish connections with new partners, the right people. Among other things, corporate parties allow employees and management to strengthen their authority and the authority of the company, improve. It is at such events that the best are awarded, and the guilty are forgiven for minor mistakes.

It must be emphasized that the atmosphere at the corporate party should be relaxed. Under no circumstances should a person be forced to attend corporate party whatever it was about. You should not threaten with the deprivation of the bonus or resentment of the leadership - otherwise, the person will be forced to come to the holiday to the detriment of his personal or family interests and hold a grudge.

Corporate parties should not be too frequent. Of course, in a small team (6-10 people) it is possible to celebrate the birthdays of each of the employees. However, in corporations with more than 100 employees, this is quite difficult, and most importantly, it is not necessary. An annual corporate meeting of the New Year is quite enough for a large company. In such companies, it is better to arrange small parties for departments.

Corporate parties can be of several types. The presentation is usually devoted to the opening of a new branch, the development of a new type of product, demonstration production capacity new equipment. It is necessary to attract the interest of potential customers, advertise a new brand and increase its recognition. At the same time, its goal is not to establish intra-corporate relations. As a rule, such holidays pass without a special entertainment program. The mood of the audience is set by the host of the event, the selection of which must be taken very seriously. The second version of the presentation is the presentation of a shopping center, store. This presentation is aimed at potential buyers whose interest needs to be attracted. For this purpose, an entertainment program is needed, including contests, prize draws and all kinds of quizzes. To organize a presentation, it is best to contact the experts. They will help you choose entertainment, choose a host who can maintain the mood appropriate for the occasion.

Camping is one of the most better ways raise the team spirit in the team. Usually such events are held in the warm season. It can be both short trips to barbecue, and joint trips to a boarding house or holiday home for the weekend. As a rule, in such a relaxing environment, people feel calm, they no longer have time to sort things out.

Banquet is the most traditional way of holding corporate events. It is held, as a rule, in restaurants or banquet halls. Traditionally, at a banquet, employees eat, drink, listen to a report on the work done and what remains to be done, drink more and go home. You can diversify the banquet with the help of an entertainment program, funny quizzes, prizes, employee incentives.

Home holidays are held directly at the enterprise. Families of employees are invited to attend. You can organize a short tour of the production or office and move on to entertainment. It is best to separate the program for children and adults (although in certain moments they may overlap). Such events raise the prestige of the enterprise in the eyes of not only employees, but also their relatives.

So, one of the elements of a corporate holiday is entertainment. As a rule, these are games that cheer up, ignite employees with a sense of excitement, and raise team spirit. However, the set of corporate games is small. Other than the traditional darts, sculpture competition and newspaper dance, little comes to mind.

Meanwhile, according to A.S. Makarenko, “a good game” is like a “good job”.

Their similarities are as follows:

In every "good game", as in "good work", there is first of all an effort: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual;
- “good game”, just like “ good job”, brings joy - creativity, victory, quality;
- in a "good game", as in a "good job", there is the same great responsibility.

We offer to expand the range of entertainment at a corporate party through psychological games. This allows you to "kill two birds with one stone": on the one hand, psychological games amuse and entertain, on the other hand, they develop and, as they say, provide "information for thought." For a corporate party, communicative games and games for the development of creative abilities are most suitable.
Communicative games create a festive mood, contribute to the development of communicative competence, mutual understanding between participants and group cohesion.

You can start with dating. Even if you work together for a long time, this is not a guarantee that you know each other well - not professionally, but purely human.

Introduction-introduction allows you to get to know your colleagues better.
Each participant offers his business card. It can be a song, a poem, an aphorism, a motto, a drawing, a story about yourself, etc.

As an acquaintance option, the game "Name - a character trait" can be used. Each of the participants calls his name and the character trait that he has expressed - with the letter of the name. For example, Olga is an optimist.

This beautiful exercise can serve as a setting for some important event. Before its implementation, we can talk about magic, which always has a place in our lives, but for this it is important to be sensitive and attentive. The magic rain that will now spill can be heard if there is complete silence and attention.

All participants stand in a circle. The facilitator walks inside the circle, and when he looks into the eyes of each participant, he begins to repeat his movements until the facilitator again approaches him, looks into his eyes and changes his movement. The leader walks in a circle and, looking in turn into the eyes of the participants, on the 1st circle - rubs his palm against his palm, on the 2nd - snaps his fingers, on the 3rd - claps his hands on his knees, on the 4th - taps his palms on knees and stamps his feet, on the 5th he claps his hands on his knees, on the 6th he snaps his fingers, on the 7th he rubs his palm against his palm, on the 8th he simply lowers his hands.

So the rain stops and subsides. The purpose of this exercise is relaxation, mood in a lyrical way. We can say that the rain that has just passed has inspired calmness and reflection.

Wind is blowing…
It is known that there can be different weather in a group: sunny joy, thunderstorm tension, foggy inoperability, cool inattention. But it can also be very windy. The forecasts in this case are good, because the wind that blows on the participants in this exercise contributes to the development of the territory, allows you to take a closer look at each other and even learn a lot new information.
Participants sit in a circle on chairs (there should be no empty chairs). The driver stands in the center and says: “The wind blows on those who ...” and names some external sign that the participants have, for example, on those in black shoes.

Participants in black shoes change places among themselves (it is impossible to change places with neighbors).

The task of the driver is to take an empty seat.
One of the participants who did not have time to take a place becomes the driver.
Some employees find it difficult to relieve themselves of emotional stress and leave thoughts of work even at a party. The following games will help them and their colleagues to relax.

pig race
Before the start of the game, the host announces that a new Olympic sport has been opened, which is rapidly gaining the sympathy of the participants. And now each of those present can try themselves in it. So, we got to the competition in a new Olympic sport - pig racing. In order to win, we need to pass the grunt around the circle as quickly as possible. First, let's practice grunting.

Now let's start the game. The competition is held on time. "Ork" is passed from one participant to another by turning the head. Try to get a record.

A group of 30 people can usually do it in two seconds. It looks like a single long "grunt" - a wave. This outwardly simple and frivolous exercise well increases the emotional level, promotes group cohesion and sets up participants for interaction.

All participants are given letters. The host commands: “Pay alphabetically!”. Then some phrase is given, for example, a proverb or a line from a poem, and it is “printed” in this way: everyone slaps his letter, his punctuation mark. Everyone pauses. This game helps to establish a relationship with partners.

My darling
Participants are asked to "review" the contents of their bags and pockets and find any object that they like, about which they could say: "My charm" (as Gollum, a character in Tolkien's books, said about the Ring of Omnipotence). For several minutes, participants reflect on the questions: What do I like about this subject? What does it symbolize for me, why do I carry it with me? Why might others like this item?

Then each of the participants in turn gets the floor in order to make a public presentation of “their charm” (1-2 minutes each), in which the answers to these questions would be presented. The form of the presentation can be different - an oral story, a small pantomime, etc. The exercise promotes self-disclosure, overcoming shyness and the development of communicative competence.

Each participant receives a sheet of paper and writes on it the answer to the presenter's question, after which he folds the sheet so that the answer is not visible, and passes it on to his right neighbor. He answers the next question of the presenter in writing, folds the sheet again, passes it on, etc. When the questions are over, the last participant unfolds the sheet in his hands and reads the answers written on it aloud, like a coherent text.

Sample list of questions.
With whom?
What did you do?
How did it happen?
What do you remember?
And what happened in the end?

Outwardly, the game resembles a joke, but the resulting texts sometimes turn out to be very unexpected and make you think about the problems that are significant for the participants.

Guessing game + broken phone
The host thinks of some object and whispers its name to the first participant. This participant (and all subsequent ones) must tell about this subject to the rest of the chain in a whisper, not naming it, but describing its properties, areas of application. The listener can ask clarifying questions. The last participant in turn names the conceived object. You can complicate the game by introducing a time limit and an element of competition.

The cryptic name of this game stands for "Karate Killed the Bull with One Punch". The game is very similar to "Broken Phone", but it requires precise fixation of what is understood on paper. Both children and adults like it very much, because it allows them to come to serious and important conclusions from the ease and excitement of participation.

Several participants (usually 7-8 people) go out the door, one of them remains in the room. To the remaining participant, the leader says the phrase: “The karateka Killed the Bull with One Punch.” One participant enters, and the first one explains this phrase to him without the help of words, he writes it down on paper as he understood it, without voicing it. Then he shows the next one what he himself understood (written down on paper), etc. At the end of the exercise, all phrases are read in the reverse order of their writing. This exercise helps to develop the participants' creativity and non-verbal communication skills.

The presenter receives the role Approximate roles: the winner of the beauty contest; famous wit, merry fellow and talker; a very serious, laconic type who does not know how to laugh and joke; academic lady who made important discovery; mask man, without emotions; a sharp, direct person who does not hide his dissatisfaction with the world; invariably affable person, pleased with the whole world and with himself. Everyone else acts as meticulous journalists who interview him at a press conference. Participants in the game should ask the host tricky questions, and he should try to adequately answer them. Time is limited. After the end of the game, it is interesting to find out from the host which question caused the greatest difficulty in answering and why.

newspaper dragging
Participants are divided into pairs (it is desirable that the partners are approximately equal in physical capabilities), receive a newspaper and roll a tube out of it. Then they stand on one leg at a distance of about a meter from each other, bending the other and holding it with one hand. With their free hand, they take the tube from the newspaper and begin to pull it, trying to unbalance each other, but dosing the effort in such a way that the newspaper does not tear.

The exercise illustrates the scenario in which interpersonal conflicts develop: partners “pull” each other, but at the same time they cannot use force and are forced to act gently, relying more on cunning, otherwise it threatens to break the relationship.

A very good game for physical activity, but before playing it, you need to assess the degree of physical readiness for this game of the participants. This is an old German game. Laurencia is a girl's name.
All participants stand in a circle and repeat the following words after the leader:

Laurencia, where are you?
Laurencia, wait!
Well, when are we going to dance with you?
So when is Monday finally coming?
And we will dance with you?

Then next time Tuesday is added, then Wednesday and so on all days of the week. For each day of the week and in the name of the participants squat. The pace of the game is constantly increasing.

The participants of the game are 9 people, all other observers who should not communicate with the participants. In the center of the room, 9 chairs are placed in a circle. The facilitator invites the participants and invites them to sit on chairs in the center of the audience. All others (observers) are located at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the main participants.

At the first stage, a label with a picture of a flower and the name of the role in the organization (director, sales manager, psychologist, personnel officer, technician, etc.) is glued to the forehead of each of the main participants with adhesive tape. All participants will see social roles each other, but no one will know their own role, since, according to the condition of the game, one cannot pronounce their names aloud. All participants, by asking indirect questions and giving indirect hints, should help each other to determine their role as soon as possible. The name is considered guessed if the participant himself correctly names his role. At the second stage, participants must make three compositions of flowers: sit next to three people and make a justification for combining these three social roles into a composition.

pum pum
Leading: Now we will play the game "Pum-pum". “Pum-pum” is a characteristic that some participants have and some don't. It must be objective. In order to confirm the presence or absence of this characteristic, it is not necessary to know each other well.

For example, I can think of a simple "poom - pum" - shoe laces. Any person who accidentally enters the room will confirm that someone has shoelaces, and someone does not. The same “objective” will be the “pum - pum”, which I will now guess, but, of course, it will not be laces.

Ask me open questions. I will give honest answers. From my answers, you can guess what kind of poom-poom. Your questions might be: “What is this poom-poom for? How does it manifest itself in humans? Etc." You can’t ask just one question: “What is “poom-poom”?” The game contributes to a better understanding of the partner, teaches you to ask open questions.

Games for the development of creative abilities are aimed at the development and activation of creativity - a system of creative abilities. The purpose of these exercises is to teach a person to act productively in new and uncertain situations, relying on their creative potential, to navigate in rapidly changing circumstances, to make adequate decisions in rapidly changing circumstances, to make adequate decisions when information is incomplete.

Moderator: We all know well what advertising is. Every day we see commercials on TV screens and we have an idea of ​​how different ways of presenting a particular product can be. Since we are all consumers of advertised goods, it is not an exaggeration to consider us advertising specialists.

Imagine that we are here to create our own commercial for some product. Our task is to present this product publicly in such a way as to emphasize its best sides, to interest them. Everything - as in the usual activities of the advertising service.

One small nuance - the object of our advertising will be specific people sitting here. Each of you will draw out a card on which the name of one of those present is written. It may turn out that you will get a card with your own name. Nothing wrong! So you have to advertise yourself. There will be one more condition in our advertising: you must not give the name of the person you are advertising. Moreover, you are invited to present a person in the form of a product or service. Think about who your protege could be if he had not managed to be born in human form. Maybe a refrigerator? Or country house? Then what is this refrigerator? And what is this Vacation home?
Name the category of the population for which your advertisement will be calculated. Of course, the most important and true advantages of the advertised object should be reflected in the commercial.

The duration of each commercial is no more than one minute. After that, the group must guess which of its members was represented in this advertisement. If necessary, you can use any items as entourage and ask other players to help you.

Make it more useful
Participants are invited to consider what things would be more useful if they were:
increase decrease);
raise (lower);
make it more expensive (cheaper);
change their geometric shape;
make it edible (inedible).

The exercise is performed in teams of 4-5 people for 10-12 minutes. After that, representatives from each of the subgroups voice their options. In addition to training the ability to generate ideas, the exercise helps to unite the group, to identify leaders.

Original use
This game involves inventing as many different, fundamentally feasible ways to use ordinary objects in an original way, for example:
paper sheets or old newspapers;
sports hoops, dumbbells;
car tires;
bottle caps;
torn tights;
burnt out light bulbs;
plastic bottles;
aluminum cans for drinks.

The task is performed in teams of 4-5 people for 10 minutes. The game is most visually and fun if it is possible to give the participants the items in question and ask them not only to name, but also to show the proposed ways of using them. The team that proposes and shows the most wins. original ways use of items.

volatile market
Collective game for 10-15 people. These are her conditions. There are a number of certain resources. The task of everyone is to sell their resources at a high price, to buy other people's (necessary) ones cheaply. Every five to ten minutes, the leader changes the resource cost rates (plus or minus, changes can be large or small). In addition, the players themselves can change or maintain the current course (it should cost a lot, but competent use should bring dividends, especially if not one player, but a coalition, is spending money). The game should have implicit coalitions - groups of people whose goals do not contradict each other.

What to do, if...
Participants are offered difficult situations related to their work, from which they need to find an original way out. The participant who, in the opinion of the audience, will give the most resourceful answer, receives a bonus point.

Situation examples:
What to do if you lose your employees' wages or public money at the casino?
What to do if you are accidentally locked in the office late at night?
What to do if your dog ate an important report that you have to present to the director in the morning?
What to do if you are stuck in an elevator with the CEO of your firm?

Secret line
One of the participants conceives a line from a famous song or poem, consisting of 6-7 words. Participants can ask the person who guessed the line 10 questions. In 6 or 7 answers (depending on how many words are in the line) he should include one word from this line.
Words cannot be changed by cases, tenses, numbers. Prepositions are included with the next word. The answers appear in any order.

Add verses
Add two lines:

Once upon a time, a weirdo
Headed through the attic...

My friend Valery Petrov
Never bitten by mosquitoes...

The fly is drowning in sweetness,
In the bank on the window ....
Japanese haiku
It is proposed to complete the ending in three lines (haiku) of a Japanese poet.

Willow bowed and sleeping
And it seems to me
Nightingale on a branch
This is her soul.

Flowers withered...
Seeds are falling, falling
Like tears

Our life is a dewdrop
Let only a drop of dew
Our life and yet

According to J. Huizinga, the game decorates life, complements it, as a result of which it is vital for every person, regardless of his age and social status. It is necessary for the individual as a biological function, it is necessary for society because of the human meaning contained in it, because of its expressive value, because of the social and spiritual ties it establishes. The game is on the border with the serious: itself turns into a serious, turning the serious into a game. She decorates the holiday and at the same time enters it as component. Modern game allows you to go beyond the usual course of things, gives a person the opportunity to create. The game makes it possible to escape from the depths of one's feelings, to turn away from oneself, stuffed with work and everyday worries, to other people, to feel oneness with them. And where there is unity and cohesion, there are no destructive conflicts, no manipulations and intrigues. In a word, no - "wars" and strife in the organization, yes - a constructive game that promotes personal growth and expands horizons.