Why in a dream swim in the water. Why dream of swimming in clear water

Dreams are a sphere that has been of interest to mankind for many centuries. It is believed that the pictures flashing in the brain of sleeping people are a reflection of their current emotional state and even allow predicting events that have not yet occurred. So, why dream that you are swimming? What can such a vision that came during a night's rest warn about?

Why dream that you are swimming: general information

There are so many dream books these days that the interpretations they offer may seem contradictory and confusing. In reality, the meaning of this or that picture, dreamed up at night, is made up of details. Why dream that you are swimming? This can be regarded as a hint of readiness for action, a warning about upcoming changes.

Will the events that he encounters or has already begun to encounter positive or negative, how will they affect his life? It depends on the factors discussed below.

bathing place

Why dream that you swim in the source? Such a picture emerges in dreams extremely rarely, has positive value. Most likely, a person is waiting for the fulfillment of an old dream. People who are being treated for a serious illness can expect a quick recovery. Also, swimming in a river and a pond promises joy and well-being, provided that the water is not polluted.

An interesting dream in which the lake appears. A person swimming in a clear lake should prepare for marriage, the birth of a child. Worse, if it is worth assuming an imminent loss, parting with someone important. Fortunately, the problem will quickly resolve.

Why dream of swimming in the sea? The changes that such a vision promises can be good or bad, depending on whether the sleeper enjoyed bathing or vice versa. Fateful events are predicted by people swimming in the ocean. You need to prepare for an incident that will turn your whole life upside down, to meet it fully armed.

Swimming pool, bath

Naturally, not only rivers, seas, lakes and so on appear in dreams. For example, why dream of swimming in a pool, your own or someone else's? This may indicate that one of the areas of a person’s life needs his increased attention. It is possible that the subconscious involves other people in night vision. It is very likely that they will be participants in the upcoming events and will play a significant role in them. In any case, it is worth taking a closer look at such “fellow travelers” in order to unravel their intentions in advance.

It is clear why you dream of swimming in the pool, but if we are talking about a bath? The omen often hints at developing diseases affecting the genital area. It is great if after such a bath a person uses a shower. Sleep promises future pleasures, most likely of a physical nature.

bathing time

The time of day at which the sleeping person finds himself in his nightly dreams also plays a role. If events occur during the day, this does not affect the interpretation of the vision. But why dream that you swim at night? The picture seen opens the veil of the future, the sleeping person so far only anticipates future events thanks to his intuition.

Also, night swimming can be dedicated to what has already happened, but what the dreamer has yet to find out. Such a picture is capable of talking about the guesses that torment its participant.

What are the waves talking about?

Of course, floundering in a dream in the pool, it is difficult to see the waves. A different situation develops with the sea or ocean, such reservoirs are not always calm. What can expect a person who in a dream completely surrenders to the will of the waves? Most likely, in the real world, he will also submit to events beyond his control. It’s great if the sleeping person is carried to the shore at the same time, the incidents will turn out to be positive. Another thing is to become a victim of waves that carry you to the open sea. In this case, you should prepare for the worst, try to prevent possible troubles or minimize the damage caused by them.

Why dream of swimming in the sea if the hero rides the waves, enjoying the process? These dreams promise joyful emotions provoked by happy events: financial profit, good luck in love.

Should I be worried if the waves cover the swimmer with his head? Soon a person will be under the power of negative emotions, it is possible that he is already on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The best solution in such a situation - go on vacation and temporarily change your place of residence.

What was the water

It matters not only whether the sleeping hero plunges into the ocean or his own bath. Why dream of swimming in icy water? Such dreams speak of insensitivity, which covers in connection with a severe emotional shock. Also, an emotional impasse is indicated by swimming in an ice hole. The person was under the power of negative feelings, from which he can not get rid of.

Why dream of swimming in clean water? Its transparency almost always gives the vision a positive color. A different situation develops with a muddy dirty reservoir. Even if the owner of the dream does not feel disgusted by immersion in such water, the picture does not predict anything good for him.


Dreams do not obey, so their heroes are able to end up in the water without first getting rid of their clothes. Such a vision hints at upcoming conflicts, it is possible that you will have to sort things out with the closest people.

The subconscious can also throw up such a picture as bathing in the nude. Why dream of swimming in clear water completely naked? There is nothing to fear, night dreams promise health and pleasure. Immerse yourself in a dream in a dirty pond naked - soon get sick or get injured. It is bad if the sleeper suffers from his own nudity, experiences awkwardness. In real life, shame awaits him, and pangs of conscience are also likely.

Is there a company

It is far from always that a person swimming in a dream does this alone. It's great if a child makes him company, it promises financial well-being, idyll in a romantic relationship. Unfamiliar children in night dreams, who swim with the sleeping hero - a hint of cardinal changes in life. Such events may be new business projects, moving.

People who swim with snakes and crocodiles in a dream should prepare for the worst. It is possible that they are surrounded by dangerous enemies, preparing to strike a crushing blow. If dolphins become the “companions” of the hero, the vision, on the contrary, promises monetary profit, the beginning of a profitable project. To be surrounded by a large number of fish is to implement a plan that has long been developed.

The mood of the owner of sleep is a factor that is of decisive importance. If swimming is fun, there is nothing to worry about. If bathing is accompanied negative emotions- vice versa.

> > > Why dream of swimming in water in a dream

Why dream of swimming in the water

Here you can figure out why dream of swimming in water in a dream and understand how to use the information received.

You can relax, because what you dream of swimming in water most often translates positive events and situations into reality. But not everything is so smooth if you decide to swim in a dirty swampy area. Such an action hints at a complex illness or a long period of recovery. In addition, a person materializes nearby, the main goal of which is to destroy your reputation. This will not be just gossip, but a real accusation of fraud. Can't prove anything, but nervous system you won't restore.

It is unusual if you decide to dive right in your clothes, because this is a signal for an upcoming illness. In other versions, the plot is beneficial to the sleeper. It will be extremely positive to rejoice at the process itself, because it will make you richer materially. Positive shifts in career growth will also begin. If you have been single for a long time, then you will soon go on a date.

Idiomatic dream book

“Swim like a fish in water” - navigate the situation well; "swim" - pleasure; “swim against the current” - enter into conflict with others, internal disagreements; “floats by itself into hands” - easy success; "small swim" - the inability to make a significant; “go with the flow” - agree with others or lack of will, laziness.

“Shallow to swim” - small plans, deeds, achievements.

Italian dream book

Swimming is an image of positive action related to free development and positive eroticism.

You can swim only in water, and water is a symbol of female genitalia and desires for sexual interaction.

A person who sees himself as an excellent swimmer reflects his belief in sexual attractiveness and competence.

If a person sees that he is swimming towards something or someone, this reflects his desire to achieve a specific goal. In addition, it may be an expression of sexual desire towards this person.

If a person swims away from someone or something, this manifests his desire to avoid an uncomfortable, more comfortable situation or to escape from life's realities in general. Sometimes this reflects a desire to "take away" (remove the other person's sexual victories), or a feeling that people demand too much from him and that he is unable to meet their expectations. It is important to answer the questions: who is swimming? why? what is the relationship between the characters? what are the actions of others? what objects appear more often?

Small Velesov dream book

Swimming - joy, success in business, profit / for worse, you will be drunk, a long road, misfortune is in a hurry, anxiety; swim ashore - the end of work; swim in troubled waters - you will receive unpleasant news on the way; in the rapids - danger, illness; swim with someone together - separation from him.

The latest dream book

Swimming in clean water - to health, the fulfillment of the most ambitious plans; in dirty - to the disease; seething - there will be many seductive projects.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Swimming - positive eroticism, desire for sexual relations.

A great swimmer - faith in your sexual attractiveness.

Swimming towards something is the desire to achieve a goal.

Drowning - immersion in the unconscious.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why dream of Swimming?

Swim crawl - to well-being. if you are sick - to recovery.

Russian dream book

Swim next to your loved one - joyful events will be associated with him, a wedding is possible; sail with great difficulty - great disappointment, loss of confidence; sail confidently - success and joy.

dream interpreter

Swimming in the sea, river, pond or lake is a sign of pleasure, joy and voluptuousness.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Swimming?

Swimming in dreams - portends success, if at the same time you do not experience discomfort.

If, while swimming, you dive under water, you will be disappointed.

For a young woman to see that she is swimming with a good swimmer friend means that she will be loved for her charm, and her friends will look through her little love sins through her fingers.

Swim underwater - predicts struggle and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Swimming - a quiet life, a successful career; in muddy water - obstacles; in clean water - life without worries.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Swim - soon you have a lot of very important things to do.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Swimming is a successful completion of business, joy, material wealth and satisfaction.

To sail in a boat or a small boat - in order to satisfy all your desires, you need to work very well and hard and earn big money.

Sailing on a large, beautiful ship or steamer - expect a big inheritance or big profits.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Happy to swim in the clean, clear water- portends your spiritual uplift.
After such a dream, you can expect your deeds to please you.

At the same time, if swimming is difficult for you, such a dream is a sign of your inner insecurity and doubt. Such dreams usually suggest that you are taking on cases in which you do not have experience and sufficient knowledge.

Seeing a skilled swimmer in a dream is a sign that you can succeed in some of your undertakings if you manage to pull yourself together and direct your energy towards achieving a particular goal.

Sailing on a ship or boat - portends you to participate in some business.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Swim in calm, clear water - to the calm course of life and health; in stormy, muddy water - to illness and nervous shocks; drowning - to the danger of injury and the threat to life; swimming in a storm - to the need to show strength of character.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Swimming is a joy.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Swimming in a dream?

Swim in clear water - life without worries; in muddy water - obstacles; drowning - misfortune; in raging water - you will be even more active; to see floating - your aspirations will be fulfilled; in running water - a difficult path in life.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Swimming in a dream?

Sailing on some kind of ship on a river or lake - a dream portends that you will experience annoyance and shame for the stinginess of your admirer, sailing on the sea - you will soon achieve a prominent position in society and will endow others with benefits.

If you are sailing on a small boat in calm clear water - this is a promise of a bright, unclouded feeling that will leave a mark on your soul for life.

A dream in which your voyage is interrupted by an impending storm is a harbinger of a thunderstorm thickening in a family atmosphere and ready to rain tears at any moment.

Sailing on a large ocean liner, making a pleasant journey - to the troubles that may arise due to your thoughtless and careless statements about your colleagues. If in a dream you went on a voyage around the world, it means that in reality you will be completely satisfied with the results of your work and the progress of affairs in general.

To dream of people floating and sunbathing on the beach - in reality you will be deceived in your expectations happy love, for you will be abandoned by a friend who will betray you, seduced by another, more attractive person.

The dream in which you swim in the pool portends that your soul will rush between two loved ones, not knowing which one to give your heart to.

If you dream that you are swimming naked, unable to go ashore because of the men who appeared there, you will find yourself in a difficult situation when you have to make an unambiguous choice between your aspirations and duty towards loved ones.

Seeing men swimming naked - portends unfortunate grief, which, in essence, should not be paid serious attention.

If in a dream you are scuba diving, then in reality you will lose hope of realizing your plan when the goal is already very close and achievable.

Dream Interpretation of the Past

Swimming is a positive image, speaks of free development, satisfied creative and sexual needs. A person who sees himself as a good swimmer believes in his sex appeal.

If you see that you are confidently swimming towards someone or something - most likely, in reality you are successfully achieving your goals.

If you are sailing away from someone or something, you are trying to avoid an unpleasant situation.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Swim in a dream book?

Swim, swim with someone - to separation, alienation from this person.

Swim - the course of everyday affairs, relationships (depending on the nature of the movement and place).

Swimming with someone together - to separation from this person.

Dream Interpretation of Signs

Swim in the sea - the fulfillment of desires.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Swimming in the water - this may mean that you have not yet separated yourself from the mother's essence and mother's psyche. Having already become quite an adult, you still continue to hold on to "mother's skirt."

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Swim - success in business, income; lovers swim together - to unforeseen separation.

Medieval dream book

Swimming - portends difficulties.

Swimming in the river is a joy.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Swim in a dream book?

According to the dream book, swimming - you can easily achieve everything that you have planned.

In the pool - you will find yourself in a difficult dilemma, choosing one of the two applicants.

To be in the water absolutely without clothes - you will find yourself in a very difficult position when you need to act decisively, not allowing even a shadow of doubt.

Swim in a dream on a boat or boat - in order to get what you want, you will have to make extra effort.

On a comfortable cruise ship - in the near future it will be possible to get rich at lightning speed, with little or no effort.

You are under water - be prepared for grief.

Swimming in a dream - to the implementation of plans, the fulfillment of desires. Everything you have planned will be able to be realized in reality, good luck will accompany you in any business.

Where did you swim in your dream? What was the water like when you swam in it in a dream? When you swam in a dream, was there someone else next to you? What happened to you in your dream? Were you dressed in a dream when you were swimming? How did you swim in your dream?

Where did you swim in your dream?

Swim in the ocean Swim in the river Swim in the sea Swim in the pool

Swim in a pond in a dream

Why dream of swimming in a pond? When communicating with the opposite sex, you will experience awkwardness, embarrassment and confusion. Try to gain courage and determination, otherwise you will fail in love affairs.

What was the water like when you swam in it in a dream?

Swim in ice water Swim in dirty water Swim in muddy water Swim in clear water Swim in clear water

Why dream of swimming in blue water

Why dream of swimming in blue water? The dream indicates anxiety. You should try to worry less. Most of the fears are unfounded. Otherwise, it can reach a nervous breakdown, take care of your health.

Swim in warm water in a dream

I dreamed about how you swim in warm water - you will soon be able to take a break. There will be an opportunity to change activities, take a breath. If you want to take a vacation, now is the time. You can relax and enjoy.

Swim in cold water in a dream

Dream Interpretation Felomena considers swimming in cold water like an impending danger. You may be involved in a dark business. It is better to refuse assistance to dubious people - save your nerves and money.

When you swam in a dream, was there someone else next to you?

Swim with fish Swim with dolphins

Swim with sharks in a dream

The dream of swimming with sharks is a warning. One of the enemies after a long wait is preparing to attack. If you spend most of your time with your beloved, then someone will try to destroy your idyll, weaving intrigues behind your back.

I dreamed that I swam with whales

We swam in a dream with whales - in reality, you will need to make an important decision almost without hesitation. Rely on hunches if you do not have time to make a choice rationally.

She dreams that she swam with a killer whale

Why dream of swimming with a killer whale? The dream is auspicious in all respects. Fall in love, enjoy the harmony at home, earn extra money. Ride a killer whale - worry in vain.

Swim with seals in a dream

I dreamed about how you swim with seals - in reality you want more. Perhaps your yearning for a better life hastily, and first you need to keep what you have.

Swim with a man in a dream

Swimming with a man in a dream book means experiencing serious disappointment. But later it turns out that it is not worth your worries, and it is better to put it out of your head.

What happened to you in your dream?

learned to swim

Were you dressed in a dream when you were swimming?

Swim in clothes in a dream

A dream about swimming in clothes portends a dangerous situation that you can fall into. It will be caused by their own mistakes, made due to ridiculous coincidences.

Dreaming that they swam naked

Swimming naked in a dream is an indication of the dreamer's strong will, as well as following moral principles. Your conscience is clear and at peace. Dive naked - in reality you will find yourself drawn into an adventurous enterprise, you should be careful.

How did you swim in your dream?

To swim under the water

Dreaming that they swam at night

I dreamed of swimming at night - your future seems unclear. In the near future, something will happen that a narrow circle of people, including you, will know about.

I dreamed that I was swimming on my back

Dream Interpretation of Felomena interprets backstroke as an alarming sign. In the near future, you will lose your authority. For bosses, a vision is a harbinger of a move to a less prestigious position.

Why dream of swimming on the waves

She dreams that you are sailing on the waves - very soon you will be able to take control of your enemies. Perhaps soon they will see you as a role model.

Dive in a dream

The dream in which you dive suggests that the current tasks can be solved in a creative way. Dive into clean water - the idea will not be entirely legal, but safe. Dive into the dirty one - this idea will not end well.

Swim fast in a dream

Swimming fast in a dream is a positive sign. Thanks to the efforts made, as well as your skills and abilities, it will be possible to achieve your plans. It turned out to swim to the shore - an important enterprise will reach the completion stage.

Dreams are often called the mirror of the soul, a reflection of our worries and experiences. In a dream, the subconscious sends us different signs, which are sometimes just a set of abstract symbols, and sometimes make us think about what awaits us in the near future.

Dream interpretation has been practiced since antiquity. Particular attention was paid to dreams in which elements were present that could bring destruction (for example, a hurricane that destroys houses, or a flood that washes away crops). Shamans made predictions about future crops or diseases based on dreams. Water has always occupied an important place in people's lives, so it is not surprising that there are a great many interpretations of dreams with water. As in other cases, you need to consider the dream of each individual person who saw water in his dream. After all, some are afraid of the water element, while others feel calm and free with it. Someone gladly plunges into the river in a dream, and for someone, one kind of water inspires horror.

Most people want to know why they dream of swimming in the water in their dreams. Water, in most dream books, is a symbol of purity and renewal, therefore swimming in clean clear water means success in new endeavors, joy and carelessness.

Turbid water is associated with trouble and disease. In Tsvetkov's dream book, swimming in troubled water means disappointment in some business or person. The great seer Vanga believed that water washes away all sins and cleanses the human soul.

Therefore, swimming in water in a dream means striving for renewal, rebirth in reality. It is also worth paying attention to the body of water in which a person who sees water in a dream bathes. If he bathes in the sea, then for a man this is the quick success of his wife, and for a girl, such a dream predicts a successful marriage. Swimming in the water poured into the pool means getting rid of the ailments and anxiety that haunt a person in reality. Swimming in the river may mean that soon you will have a misunderstanding with your superiors. You just need to insist on your opinion and show your best side. Minor changes in life and personal relationships portend swimming in the lake. If a person takes a bath in a dream, then this promises minor troubles.

The temperature of the water in which a person bathes in a dream also matters in the interpretation of dreams.

Cold water is a harbinger of violent emotions. However, they will not last long. Also, some dream books interpret swimming in ice water as a symbol of an early victory over enemies and ill-wishers. Bathing in water that has a pleasant temperature means a calm life and a warm relationship with your lover.

For girls dreaming of a child, swimming in the water in a dream is a very good sign. Soon all dreams will come true. For sick people, such dreams promise hope for a speedy recovery. The main thing is that the water is clean and does not cause fear. The mood with which a person enters the water is very important. How calmer man immersed in water, the more comfortable he feels. Such dreams mean that in real life this person is pleasant to talk to, friends and colleagues love and appreciate him.

If in a dream a person is ready to swim in the water for a long time without going ashore, this means that he is very tired and thus his brain sends him signals that it is time to stop and just give yourself a break.

Maybe it's time to take a vacation and swim in the real sea. If bathing gives a person unpleasant sensations, then he needs to wake up with an unloved occupation, free himself from depressing work that does not bring pleasure.

It turns out that in almost all dream interpreters, swimming in water in a dream means changes in the real life of the person who had this dream. What these changes will be depends largely on the mood of the person, on his desire to change his life.

Why dream of Swimming, dream book of Swimming to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why dream of Swimming in a dream?

Seeing Swimming in a dream means - Swimming is good luck in business. Swimming in calm water is a serene joy, a comfortable existence. Sailing on a small boat - your desires exceed your capabilities. Making a sea voyage is an inheritance, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What is swimming for in a dream:

According to the dream book Swim to see what it means - Swim - Swim in calm waters - to improve things. Stormy water and wind - you have a lot of problems. Drowning is a serious obstacle

Go with the flow - follow your own feelings, come to terms with circumstances. Swim against the current - manage circumstances, boldly overcome obstacles. Swim in clear water - life without worries. Swim in muddy water - obstacles. Swim in raging water - you will be even more active. Watch floating - your intentions will come true

Autumn dream book

Swim - Swim in a dream very far - to carelessness on your part.

Summer dream book

Why dream of Swimming:

Swim (swim). - To swim in a dream along the river and swim so far that there will be doubts whether there will be enough strength to swim to the shore - to self-doubt.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Swim:

Swim - swim in a dream so far that you feel insecure that you can go back - to a hectic period in your life when there will be a lot of risk without need.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Seeing in a dream If you dreamed that you were swimming, then good earnings and good luck await you.

If two people who love each other swam together, then they will soon suddenly part.

See also: what is the dream of water, what is the dream of the pool, what is the dream of the Black Sea.

Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev

If you dream of Swimming, what is it for:

Seeing in a dream If you dreamed of swimming, then you will soon have a new sexual partner.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream of Swimming, what is it for?

To see in a dream If you dreamed that you were sailing on a ship, then you will be upset because of the greed of your lover.

If in a dream you sailed the sea, then you will soon climb the career ladder.

If in a dream you sailed on a small boat, then you will soon fall in love with it.

Dream interpretation of G. Rasputin

Why dream of Swimming in a dream book:

Swim in a dream with dolphins - persistently go towards your goal. Swimming in a dream along the river is a sign that you will prevent the implementation of evil plans against your relatives. Swim in the river - in your family life there will come a time of disagreement and misunderstanding.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Why dream of Swimming in a dream book?

Seeing in a dream Swimming in the sea - indicates that soon a bunch of all kinds of things will fall on you, which will simply not be possible to figure out alone. Swimming in the sea - a dream means that you are poorly versed in the business in which you are going to take part. Be careful!

Dream Interpretation of Peter I

See Swim in a dream:

Swim - a dream in which you go on a sea voyage portends you to receive an inheritance. If, while swimming, you observe some kind of accident on the water, it means that in real life you can expect a deception in love. The dream promises you serene joy and protection from poverty if you swim in a dream in a pool of clear water.

If you are sailing on a fragile boat, then your needs will exceed your capabilities and will not be satisfied. Swimming or going with the flow in a dream means following your own feelings in reality, not putting up with circumstances. Swimming against the current means that you will be able to control circumstances, boldly overcome obstacles. A strong wind while swimming in a dream indicates that you have many problems in life. Swimming with a loved one dreams of improving things.

Swimming in a dream portends you good luck in business. A life without worries awaits you if in a dream you swim in clear water. Swimming in muddy water in a dream means that obstacles await you in reality. Unhappiness actually awaits you if you are drowning in a dream. Swimming in raging water promises you a stormy activity. If in a dream you see people floating, it means that soon your aspirations will come true. A difficult path in life is ahead of you if in a dream you swim in running water.

Dream Interpretation "swim in clear water" in a dream

Why dream of "swimming in clear water." Dream interpretation

The dream in which you swam in clear water promises you a life without problems and worries. Your life will flow moderately and happily. The most grandiose plans of those conceived will be able to come true. To do this, you need to make an effort, but they will not be excessive. Also, a dream promises health and material well-being. If in a dream you felt that swimming gives you pleasure, then in reality you will find a surge of energy and spiritual uplift. This dream is a harbinger of vitality and success in business. But if it’s difficult for you to swim, then in reality you will be tormented by doubts and insecurity. You should not take on cases in which you have little experience.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about “swimming in clear water” dream about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to swim in clear water in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of swimming

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Swim

Swim in a dream. The meaning of the dream of swimming in a dream has an interpretation only for women and girls - if you dream that you are swimming, then this dream promises you household chores related to receiving guests.

If a girl or a woman swims in a river and she is suddenly bitten by a fish, then this dream predicts big troubles at work associated with a lack of money or other valuable things ..

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about swimming are for, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to swim in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Dream Interpretation Swim in the water

Why dream of swimming in water in a dream

If you swim in clear water in a dream, then your life will proceed without problems and worries in the near future, but if in muddy water, then, most likely, obstacles and obstacles await you.

In the event that your swimming in a dream is not entirely successful and you begin to drown, this means that misfortune will actually befall you. Seeing floating people in a dream is a good sign, your aspirations and wishes will come true. If you are scuba diving in a dream, then in the near future you will have to fight for your own interests.

When the water in which you swim in a dream is stormy, with big waves, then such a dream most likely portends a difficult life full of difficulties.

swim the river

Dream Interpretation Swim in the river dreamed of why in a dream Swim the river? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Swimming in a river by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Dream Interpretation - River

(See interpretation: water)

A clean, quietly flowing river with clear water in a dream portends joy, satisfaction with the course of one's life. The noise of the river in a dream portends some kind of scandal, quarrel or evil. Sometimes such a dream warns of danger.

The smooth surface of the river, reflecting the surrounding nature, portends future changes, peace and a happy, prosperous life. See also what is reflected in the water by name. If in your dream the reflection in the water differs from what should be reflected there, then great disappointments, failures and deception of loved ones await you. The failures predicted by this dream can adversely affect your future. Seeing a bloody river in a dream is a sign of great misfortune, a serious illness. Falling into it in a dream is a harbinger of a serious illness or death. A milk river in a dream portends great joy, profit, wealth and pleasure. If you dream that the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surroundings, then a great shock awaits you and you will need all your patience to cope with the shock. Such a dream can also mean a big scandal, which can be bad for your future. The dream in which you saw that the river was taking you away with its course means that you should control your feelings and not try to vent evil on friends or loved ones, as this can lead to a break in some kind of relationship. Such a dream also portends danger, illness or prolonged trial. It is better to dream that you were able to get out of the river, since in this case the dream predicts that you will be able to avoid danger and safely complete the work you have begun. Looking at the river from a high bank in a dream means that soon you will have a road. The longer the river is, the longer your road will be. If you dream that the river blocked your path, then you need to prepare to overcome great difficulties, without which your business will fail. Crossing a river in a dream means the fulfillment of a secret desire or the achievement of a big goal. Such a dream often portends a big profit. If in a dream someone helps you swim across the river, then a happy chance awaits you. Such a dream may portend a win or unexpected money. Wading a river in a dream is a sign of overcoming obstacles. If you dream that a calm river with clean and clear water flows in your house, then soon a rich guest will visit your house, who can become your patron and help you arrange your destiny. If in a dream the river spoils furniture or harms your belongings, then you should be wary of scandals or quarrels in the house, as this will disrupt the calm course of your life and cause a long strife between your family members.

Jumping into a river in a dream means that you hope to improve your affairs soon. See interpretation: flood, sink, swim.

Dream Interpretation - River

To see a large, full-flowing, smoothly flowing river - to a long, happy, calm life. Sailing in a boat along the course of a large river - luck will accompany you in everything, you will not have to make any efforts: you will achieve all your desired goals, and all things will be done by themselves. Swimming in shallow water, at the risk of being stranded - to lack of money, financial losses.

Imagine that you are getting out of shallow water into big water and continue on your way.

If you have to swim across a river, that means you have to take difficult decision to sacrifice something more to achieve your goal. If you dream that you are fording a river, the dream portends changes in your personal life. For singles, such a dream can mean marriage. To see that you are being transported to the other side of the river - in reality your friends will solve all the problems for you. Swim against the current - on the way to the goal you will have to overcome obstacles, but everything will end well.

The smooth and calm surface of the river - to improve well-being. Stormy, but clear waters of a mountain river - to joyful events that will affect not only you personally, but will be related to your entire environment. A dry river is a stagnation in business. Seeing separate puddles at the bottom of a dry river in which small fish are splashing - your business is unlikely to bring you big profits, most likely you will have to be content with little.

If you see a dried up river, imagine that it started to rain and the river quickly filled with water.

If the river overflows and blocks your path, you will have a difficult life choice. If in a dream you successfully crossed the river, this means that in any situation you will behave correctly.

If you dreamed of a river flooding, imagine that you are crossing it in a boat and continue on your way.

Muddy River - to big rumors, mostly false, in which, however, there will be some truth. If you can distinguish truth from lies, the information received can help you in an important matter.

Imagine that the turbulent waters calm down, the turbidity settles and you see a clean, quiet river.

Dream Interpretation - River

If a person falls into a river and water enters his mouth, he will become an important person.
If he drowns in the river and yet emerges, then he will become rich in reality.
If he plunges into the river in clothes, in reality he will firmly stand on his feet.
If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will render him help and service.
If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.
Sailing in stormy waters - to a lawsuit.
Wash in the river for loss.
Crossing the river is in trouble.
Leaving the river in a dream is good news.
Building a dam on the river is a harbinger of difficult times.
Catching a turtle in a river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - the fulfillment of heart desires.
If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house.
To dive into the river means that sorrows will not touch him.
If he comes to the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Dream Interpretation - River

The river in a dream is the direction of the unconscious activity of the soul; main focus of your life.

Waiting for something on the river bank is important news,

To swim across it is the fulfillment of intentions.

Shoal in the river - difficulties, interference / lack of energy.

To draw from the river is a work that exceeds your strength.

A canal that takes water from a river is a good idea.

To overcome it - difficulties.

A river that carries a lot of rubbish, trees - you have to build life anew.

A river with a narrow channel, or in a deep dark gorge, or a small stream among many stones - tightness life circumstances; feel your insignificance; humiliating position.

To see a wide, powerful stream in front of you - freedom, independence / consciousness of the significance of your personality and your affairs.

The river bank suddenly turns into an embankment - the fulfillment of desires.

A river in the middle of a rocky desert - a meager and closed life awaits.

A river among fields and forests - in front of you is a quiet and contemplative period of life.

The river of environments and villages and cities is a disorderly and noisy life in society.

Drink from the river - draw strength from your own determination.

Dream Interpretation - River

drinking water from a stormy river in a dream is not good. Such a dream portends trials and difficulties, for the Quran says: "Allah will test you by the river, and whoever drinks from it will not be among my warriors, and whoever drinks from it will remain with me, and a few sips from the palm will be asked" .(Sura Bakra, 249). And a calm river in a dream means an uninterrupted inheritance from Allah, the devotion of loved ones and a calm, measured life. Whoever sees himself entering the river, while experiencing fear, fear, care and sorrow will befall him. And if he sees himself in a dream bathing in a river or in a river, without feeling fear and anxiety, then he will be freed from his worries, and joy and health will overtake him. If he is in debt, he will be freed from them. If a threat and fear hung over him, then they will bypass him. And if he is in prison, he will be released. If he sees that he has crossed the river, he will be freed from worries, fear, sorrow and sadness, but if at the bottom of this river there is either dirt, or muddy water, or if the river is stormy, then this dream means that family ties will be interrupted and he will lose trust in a loved one and make friends with another person, or death will befall this loved one and the one who sees the dream will be left alone.

Dream Interpretation - River

Calm, smoothly flowing water in the river, beautiful green banks symbolize the prosperous course of your life and success, regardless of whether you are watching the river from the shore, sailing along it yourself or on some ship, boat or raft.

Cross the river - successfully complete the job.

To moor to the shore is to experience happiness, not overshadowed by anything.

Cross the river, throw yourself out of stormy water ashore - overcome difficulties, obstacles in life.

Dirty, turbulent water in the river, rapids, obstacles in navigation, overflow of the river - all this indicates difficulties, failures, troubles.

A flooded river means a manifestation of your bad character traits that will prevent you from acting.

A dry river bed - to poverty or other misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - River

Warns of a fleeting life, symbolizes sexual and vital energy.

A transparent, clean river reflects the purity of inner thoughts, an understanding of the patterns of life.

Muddy, dirty streams indicate the insolubility of some problems.

If a person moves with the flow, then in life he leaves the struggle.

On the contrary, moving against the current suggests that he has the strength and determination to fight life's circumstances.

The fast flow characterizes the energy, mobility, emotional looseness of the dreamer.

If you see a still river, then you have to restrain your feelings.

And a very alarming sign - a dry river.

It symbolizes a lack of sexuality and vitality.

Crossing a river is a sign of impending change, sometimes feelings associated with death.

The river symbolizes the sexual and vital energy of a person, the direction of life.

The stream is a symbol of a free, uncomplicated period of life.

Transparent, calm river - freedom, independence.

Muddy, dirty streams - you will have quarrels, problems.

Shoal in the river - lack of energy, a difficult period in life, sexual problems.

Crossing the river is a drastic change, sometimes a harbinger of death.

River Symbolizes the dreamer's life as a whole.

Its flows are the circumstances that carry us through life.

How we cope with these currents, go with the flow or fight it, depends on the success of our lives.

Dream Interpretation - River

River - Time. Smooth, slender - a calm time, a leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy time, fateful events. Swim in the river, swim - to be in tune with the times, so it is to live in accordance with the Law of Cosmos, Being. See "swim", "swim". To enter the river - a new period of life begins. Bathe someone in the river - be a mentor, leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing, high water - "troubled" time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water got you too, then you will be hurt, and possibly "washed away" by the events of the "troubled" time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry bed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Why dream of swimming in the pool? This occupation in a dream gave me pleasure, but in life I am not very good. I swim well



Miller's Dream Book:: Pool

If a young lady swims in a pool in a dream, this is good dream: her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend and strengthen her position in society.
Freud's dream book:: Pool

If you dreamed about how you swam in the pool, then in the near future you will plunge into a love feeling with your head and completely forget about your duties and affairs. It will seem to you that you have never experienced a stronger feeling in your life. However, sobering up will come very quickly, literally after you enter into an intimate relationship with this person. Something about him will disappoint you. An empty pool represents the emptiness that reigns in your soul after breaking up with a partner. Your whole life was concentrated in it alone - and now you simply do not know what to do with yourself so as not to constantly think about your loss. Since this happened, is it not better to think about yourself and understand that you deserve better. After all, the cause of the gap was your immense adoration of the object of your passion.
Velesov dream book: pool

Swimming in the pool - strengthening the position in society, if someone else is swimming in the pool, then making reliable friends
Dream Interpretation Longo:: Pool

Swimming in a pool in a dream - for an early and important meeting for you, be prepared for it. Maybe there will be a meeting with one of the old acquaintances, to whom you were not indifferent before. If you swam in the pool in a dream as well as you know how to do it in reality, then in the near future you will be made an offer that seems very profitable, and you will gladly accept it. In fact, you need to call on all your insight: you must find out exactly whether this offer is credible. It is possible that they want to deceive you - do not fall for the bait! Seeing one of your loved ones swimming in the pool is a time of great change in your life that will capture you so much that after this turbulent period is over, you will feel like a different person. These changes affect all areas of life - from family relationships to work and professional activity. If in a dream you really liked swimming in the pool and you did it with great pleasure, it means that in reality you were too captured by everyday worries, you are unable to leave the daily hustle and bustle and at least relax a little. Be careful, otherwise you will overwork yourself. If you didn’t like being in the pool for one reason or another (the water was cold, just a bad mood, etc.), the dream indicates that you will have to part with a close friend for a while. This may be due to his trip to another city on vacation or a business trip. Although you will both miss each other, the separation will pass quickly and almost imperceptibly. Jumping in a pool from a tower - you are on the verge of some very important, global decision regarding your whole future life. This decision will entail strong changes that will affect, first of all, your future.

Svetlana Kalzhanova

overcoming fears and obstacles on the way!!


If a young lady swims in a pool in a dream, this is a good dream: her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend and strengthen her position in society.

If you dreamed about how you swam in the pool, then in the near future you will plunge into a love feeling with your head and completely forget about your duties and affairs. It will seem to you that you have never experienced a stronger feeling in your life. However, sobering up will come very quickly, literally after you enter into an intimate relationship with this person. Something about him will disappoint you.

An empty pool represents the emptiness that reigns in your soul after breaking up with a partner. Your whole life was concentrated in it alone - and now you simply do not know what to do with yourself so as not to constantly think about your loss. Since this happened, is it not better to think about yourself and understand that you deserve better. After all, the cause of the gap was your immense adoration of the object of your passion.


success in business; income.

Evgesha Kex

For a young woman, a dream in which she swims in a pool means that thanks to her charm, she will succeed in life and make real friends.


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swim with worms

Dream Interpretation Swim with worms dreamed of why in a dream Swim with worms? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Swimming with worms by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Sailing on a ship on a river or lake - a dream portends that you will experience annoyance and shame for the stinginess of your admirer, sailing on the sea - you will soon achieve a prominent position in society and will endow others with benefits.

If you are sailing on a small boat in calm clear water, this is a promise of a bright, unclouded feeling that will leave a mark on your soul for life.

A dream in which your voyage is interrupted by an impending storm is a harbinger of a thunderstorm that thickens in a family atmosphere and is ready to rain tears at any moment.

Sailing on a large ocean liner, making a pleasant journey, is a sign of trouble that may arise due to your thoughtless and careless statements about your colleagues. If in a dream you went on a voyage around the world, it means that in reality you will be completely satisfied with the results of your work and the progress of things in general.

To dream of people swimming and sunbathing on the beach - in reality you will be deceived in your expectations of happy love, for you will be abandoned by a friend who will betray you, seduced by another, more attractive person.

The dream in which you swim in the pool portends that your soul will rush between two loved ones, not knowing which one to give your heart to.

If you dream that you are swimming naked, unable to go ashore because of the men who appeared there, then in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation when you have to make an unambiguous choice between your aspirations and duty towards loved ones.

Seeing men swimming naked portends unfortunate grief, which, in essence, should not be paid serious attention. If in a dream you are scuba diving, then in reality you will lose hope of realizing your plan when the goal is already very close and achievable.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Swimming in a dream is a sign of anxiety or danger associated with receiving money or benefits. Crossing some kind of body of water in a dream and successfully completing the swim means that you will achieve what you want. If in a dream you come back halfway, then in life your business will end with the fact that, having started it, for some reason you will not be able to complete it. Sometimes such a dream portends an accident or even death to the one who swam. Swimming naked in clear water in a dream is a sign of pleasure, pleasure, pleasant meetings. If you dream that you are swimming in a dream with your lover, then soon you will have to leave due to circumstances that are beyond your control. Swimming in running water in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business and empty chores. If the water foams or rises in a dream, then serious trials await you. See interpretation: water, sea, lake, boat, etc.

Dream Interpretation - Swim (swim)

"swim like a fish in water" is good at navigating the situation.

"to swim" (pleasure). "Swim against the current" come into conflict with others, internal disagreements. "It floats on its own" is an easy success. "Small swim" inability to make a significant. "Go with the flow" agreement with others or lack of will, laziness.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Joy, success in business, profit // for worse, you will be drunk, a long road, misfortune is in a hurry, anxiety; swim ashore - the end of work; swim in troubled waters - you will receive unpleasant news on the road; in the rapids - danger, illness; swim with someone together - separation from him.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Swimming in clean water - to health, the fulfillment of the most ambitious plans.

In the dirty - to the disease.

In the seething - there will be many seductive projects.

Swim crawl - to well-being if you are sick.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Dream Interpretation - Swim

swim in calm water - nothing will overshadow your joy; sail on a fragile boat - your plans do not match your capabilities; sea ​​navigation - inheritance; an accident in the water - a meeting with an insincere person who, pretending to be friendly, will try to use you for selfish interests; swimming or bathing gives you pleasure - success; You suddenly start to sink - you will be visited by a feeling of dissatisfaction; for a girl - to swim with an athlete friend - soon someone will fall in love with you for your easy disposition, and friends will look through your fingers at your coquetry; swim under water - anxiety. See also Water, Sea, Land, Ocean, Raft.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Success in business, income;
lovers swim together - to unforeseen separation.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Swimming is a quiet life, a successful career.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

"small float" small plans, deeds, achievements.

Many people had to swim or swim in the water in a dream, and some of us visit such dreams with enviable regularity. How to interpret the image you see and what can it mean for the dreamer?

A modern dream book claims that swimming in clean and clear water is an auspicious symbol, portending that a person will have good luck in business and good health.

However, there are other interpretations, and in order to correctly decipher the dream, it is necessary to analyze all its details.

I dreamed of swimming in the water, what is it for

According to the dream book swim in a dream- a good sign if the reservoir was clean and calm, but be sure to pay attention to important nuances:

  • swim alone- worries and troubles await you;
  • confidently cross the pond- to joy and success;
  • difficult to overcome the water column s - to near disappointment;
  • splash in the pool- you will have to make a difficult choice between two people, it is also possible that new ones are waiting for you love relationship, but the ending will not be very pleasant;
  • sail on a ship in a dream- for changes, for unmarried people, this dream promises marriage, and for married people it promises happiness in family life;
  • ride in a boat with another person- in reality, your interests will coincide, but if the boat just goes with the flow, without any effort on your part, it means that you are absorbed by laziness and unwillingness to take the initiative.

In a dream, swim in clear water

According to the dream book, such a dream is an absolutely positive sign. But the dreamer should still pay attention to important details:

  • slowly swim across the transparent surface a quiet reservoir - joy, serene feelings and complete satisfaction with the current situation await you;
  • with pleasure splash in warm water and feel comfortable at the same time - you will receive a worthy reward for your work;
  • see a blue mirror and dive into it - perhaps you will go on a trip soon, or just have a good time on your vacation;
  • dive into cold clear water- for a pregnant woman, such a dream portends a successful birth and a strong healthy baby;
  • dream book swim in the pool with clean water to see yourself naked in a pond to a woman - you feel nervous tension which will soon pass.

Swim in a dream in troubled waters, what is it for

According to the dream book swim in muddy waters e - disturbing dream. Listen to your own feelings and draw the right conclusions:

  • to you dream of swimming in muddy water, dive to the very bottom and feel fear at the same time - you may be experiencing panic attacks in reality, so it is best to consult a doctor immediately;
  • splash in dirty and muddy water- you are afraid that you will be caught in a lie, it is also possible that you have undeservedly offended another person and are now worried about this;
  • to you i dreamed that you were trying to quickly swim across a dirty pond- you may have some health problems;
  • splash in the pond with the fish- new acquaintances and interesting events are waiting for you.

To swim under water, why is it a dream

If a person dreams of swimming underwater, which means that he is worried about the difficult and tense situation that has developed in reality. The dreamer is trying to hide, to get away from problems, but this is impossible to do - he will have to answer for his actions. Just get together and mobilize all your strength to overcome difficulties.

Dream diving with friends- for a man, such a dream portends conflicts at work.

Fall through the ice on the river and go to the bottom- it will be very difficult to achieve what you want, an insurmountable obstacle constantly arises on your way.

A woman has a dream in which she dives, portends a difficult relationship with a husband or loved one.

Swim in clean clear water

  • If you happened to swim in clean water in a dream which means that you will be successful in all your endeavors. You will reach the desired goal and realize all your ideas. If at the moment there are any health problems, they will soon pass. Joyful changes await you, your life will improve and be filled with pleasant events.
  • woman such a dream promises a strong relationship, in addition, it is a signal that she is completely ready to have a baby.
  • Swim in a river that is clear in a dream- to good changes.

Why dream of swimming in dirty and cold water

If you dream of swimming in a dirty pond- to the probable separation from a loved one. Conflicts with work colleagues or relatives are also possible. Unforeseen problems may arise, the dreamer is advised to pay attention to his health and visit a doctor.

If you dreamed of swimming in cold water, or to be in an icy dirty hole - to emotional experiences and anguish.

Swim in the sea and the river in a dream what is it for

You dream of swimming in a dream in the sea? This suggests that you are currently experiencing difficult moments. Such a dream portends stressful situations and mental anguish, as well as problems in communicating with loved ones.

Dreamed of swimming in the ocean? This is a big change, which will not necessarily be pleasant.

See yourself in clothes in the middle of the ocean- this may mean your confusion in front of life's adversities.

Swim in the pool in a dream- success in work, profit. If you dream of water in a dream for a woman to swim in it with a guy and experience pleasant emotions - to a love relationship.

Woman bathe in the river with a child- troubles and big changes in personal life.

Swim in the muddy and dirty river, see yourself in the dirt- expect losses and conflict situations. Some chronic diseases may appear.

Why did you dream of Swimming (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

While the images small reservoirs associated with prosperity and success, the sea or ocean symbolizes inviolability. It is natural that the interpretation will accept what dreams of swimming somewhere are linked to the characteristics of the reservoir and the actions of the dreamer.

  • In a dream, swimming in a beautiful pool, you dived and splashed with pleasure - this is to moral satisfaction and financial well-being.
  • Swimming and confidently staying on the surface is a sign of a successful completion of the case, and your behavior and the state of the water will indicate the nuances.
  • In a dream, swim in the company of a lover? Such a plot usually portends a breakup.
  • If you swim in dreams calm sea, which means that an old dream will soon come true.
  • High waves or a storm while swimming are an omen of trouble.
  • The dreamed image of a cozy boat is interpreted as a coincidence of interests, and a large ship is interpreted as global changes, marriage or cohabitation.
  • Why dream of calmly swimming in a calm and clear sea - good luck awaits you in any endeavors.
  • Swim in the warm sea - you will make a good profit.
  • Why dream of swimming in a muddy and dirty sea - they will begin to envy you, gossip will go about you.

Why dreamed that they swam (Psychiatric dream book)

According to the interpretation of psychoanalytic sources, dreams of swimming are most often a positive symbol, although its emotional load often depends on the dreamer's behavior. Bathing is also important. For example, a swimming pool is a limited reservoir, which means it symbolizes the lack of freedom: splashing in it, you seem to choose between two strong emotions, torn from fear of making a mistake and, in the end, never come to a result.

  • To dream that you were swimming in some clear waters? This is the personification of spiritual purity and mental well-being. Such a plot can be regarded as evidence of the successful self-improvement of the sleeping person.
  • A single swim in a dream reflects the dreamer's dissatisfaction with everyday life and routine: if you move confidently among the waves, you will achieve success, and if you are drawn to the bottom, you will be disappointed.

Why dream of Swimming (Romantic dream book)

Seeing swimming, according to the interpretations of love dream books, is a two-sided sign, in which, just like in a coin, there are many different (and sometimes contradictory) symbols.

  • Plots with swimming in the river symbolize some kind of unjustified devotion, when the dreamer completely surrenders to feelings for a single person, who hardly deserves it.
  • See swim in azure waters when the sea is calm and warm - a good omen: the future family life will be serene, not subject to external circumstances.
  • When a man feels like a swimmer, he confidently moves towards the goal, easily conquers his soulmate.
  • Why dream of having fun swimming in the company of a swimmer friend for a girl - in reality, love will meet.
  • In a dream, swim in a beautiful pool? Such a plot promises a relationship with a rich and noble person.

We analyze the vision in which the Swimming dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist A. Meneghetti)

An image of positive action related to free development and positive eroticism. You can swim only in water, and water is a symbol of female genitalia and desires for sexual interaction. A person who sees himself as an excellent swimmer reflects his belief in sex appeal and competence. And so, why dream of swimming, the dream book gives such interpretations.

  • If a person sees that he is swimming towards something or a person, according to the dream book, this reflects his desire to achieve a specific goal. In addition, it is an expression of sexual desire in relation to this person.
  • If a person swims away from someone or something, this manifests his desire to avoid an uncomfortable, more comfortable situation or to escape from life's realities in general. Sometimes this reflects a desire to remove (remove the other person's sexual victories), or a feeling that people demand too much from him and that he is unable to meet their expectations. It is important to answer the questions: who is swimming? why? what is the relationship between the characters? what are the actions of others? what objects appear more often?

Swim - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • Dreaming of swimming in a dream - to success in business; drowning is a serious obstacle.
  • Sailing on a boat - to a long road.
  • I dreamed of swimming in troubled waters - unpleasant news on the road.
  • Swim in a dream with someone in a race - to separation.
  • Why dream of swimming on land - success will come to you with great difficulty.
  • Swimming competitions are dreaming - a large influx of intense work.

Why dream of Swimming in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Swimming in a dream in calm water is a serene joy and protection from poverty.
  • Dreaming of sailing on a small boat - desires will surpass possibilities.
  • I dreamed of drowning, while swimming - a serious obstacle.
  • Go with the flow - surrender to feelings, emotions; swim against the current - manage circumstances yourself.
  • Dreaming of scuba diving - control over emotional reactions in response to situations that arise in reality.

What does the dream image mean (according to the British dream book)

In general, swimming and dreams about it represent your life, personal circumstances and the ability to cope with them. However, the meaning of the dream depends in part on whether you can actually swim and on the circumstances in which you swam in the dream. Have you been in a swimming pool or at the mercy of nature in the sea or river? Did you feel good in the water or did you have to fight the waves and the current?

If in reality you know how to swim, but in a dream you couldn’t, then you are trying to cope with problems, are you floundering trying to stay afloat, or do you feel that you are being carried along with the flow? Even if in reality you don’t know how to swim, but in a dream you were an excellent swimmer, it means that you control your life, even if the waters around are stormy and unsafe.

If you are swimming underwater, then you are trying to dive into your own feelings and soul. If you are experiencing difficulties - you cannot get to the surface, you do not have enough air - do you really feel that you are drowning, that you are being swallowed up by circumstances and responsibilities? What can you do to solve this problem? See also Swimming pool; Sea, ; other water areas - NATURE.

The meaning of the dream about Bathing (Creative dream book)

Why dream of swimming according to the dream book? Freud believed that swimming in a dream is associated with sexuality, but even more so it is associated with an unconscious need for freedom. In general, we open up to energies far beyond our conscious Being, then ascend beyond our desire. We are in a state of complete relaxation and let events just carry us along.

Since we cannot control our direction, we cannot decide anything. We may need to think more carefully about our actions and relationships with others. Swim against the wind - create difficulties for yourself. If we are sailing with the wind, then we use everything in our power. Being out of the body, a sense of spiritual freedom.