How to make fucking proportions. Horseradish - classic recipes for the winter

Feature of the Russian national cuisine one can note a great variety of hot spices, one of which - horseradish - is very popular. This wonderful seasoning sauce, horseradish with tomatoes and garlic, goes well with various dishes and is easy to prepare.

Everything modern recipes preparations are based on the base: ripe tomatoes, horseradish root, garlic, salt and sugar. The amount of vegetables can be different, depending on the desired end result. It should only be remembered that tomatoes should make up more than half of the total weight of the products. The amount of garlic and horseradish per 1 kilogram of tomatoes can vary from 100 to 500 grams.

Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic - food preparation and seasoning basic recipe

Horseradish appetizer with tomatoes and garlic is prepared very quickly and simply, and no special equipment is required. In order to prepare a snack, you will need the usual things that are in any kitchen: a meat grinder, both manual and electric (you can use a food processor instead); glass containers of small volume and lids, both screw and regular ones can be used.

When cooking, you must follow the general recommendations - sterilize the jars and boil the lids.

Banks are sterilized different ways: steamed or boiled. Then they are dried, and adjika is laid out using sterilized appliances.

Many cooking options make it possible to add apples, plums, carrots and other components to adjika from horseradish and tomatoes with garlic. But general principles the preparations are the same everywhere.

So, the classic recipe is based on ripe red tomatoes, ripe garlic, horseradish roots and salt. In this case, there are two main methods of preparation. First: all vegetables are chopped in a meat grinder or with a food processor. It is necessary to mix them and arrange them in glass containers. Store this seasoning in a cold place and no more than 3 months. The second method differs only in that all crushed products are boiled or pasteurized in a water bath for 40 minutes.

Tomatoes can be taken not only red, but also yellow. If apples or plums are added to horseradish, then they usually take unsweetened varieties. It will be better if the apples are green and slightly sour. The same can be said about plums. It is believed that to prepare high-quality horseradish seasoning with tomatoes and garlic, horseradish should be dug only in the second half of autumn or in early spring before the first thunderstorm. Such roots are the most useful, since by this time they are gaining the desired strongest taste.

Recipe 1: Classic Horseradish with Tomatoes and Garlic


A kilogram of ripe thick-walled tomatoes;

60 grams of horseradish roots;

1-2 large garlic heads;

3 teaspoons of salt;

1 teaspoon of sugar.

Cooking method

First of all, let's prepare everything you need. Wash and dry tomatoes. Horseradish roots are thoroughly cleaned and washed in running water. We divide the garlic into slices and clean.

We pass tomatoes through a meat grinder, then garlic (it can be skipped in a garlic maker). Now scroll through the horseradish roots.

We mix all the crushed components and add sugar and salt to the mixture, mix everything again. We shift the appetizer into dry glass containers, close and put it away for a permanent storage place - in the refrigerator. This snack will keep for up to a month.

Recipe 2: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic based on vegetable oil


200 grams of peeled horseradish roots;

2 kilograms of red and well-ripened tomatoes;

200 grams of garlic;

1 tablespoon of sugar and salt (coarse-grained);

3 tablespoons of table vinegar;

half a glass of sunflower oil.

Cooking method

Horseradish roots are well cleaned and washed. We fill cold water and leave for one hour to soak.

After an hour, we skip the horseradish into a meat grinder and mix with mashed garlic, let it brew.

At this time, wash the tomatoes and rub them through a meat grinder, preferably 2 times in a row. Add salt, sugar and mix. We shift all this into a saucepan and put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and cook for about half an hour.

Then pour vinegar and vegetable oil into the boiling mixture. After 10 minutes, put the garlic mixed with horseradish into this mixture.

Mix everything together thoroughly and remove from heat.

A cooked appetizer of horseradish, tomatoes and garlic is poured into small sterilized jars.

It remains to roll up the lids and put in storage. Such crap is stored longer, and vegetable oil does not allow it to sour and prevents mold.

Recipe 3: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic with plums


300 grams of peeled horseradish roots;

1 kilogram of ripe red tomatoes;

200 grams of garlic;

200 grams of sour plums;

1 tablespoon of sugar and salt;

100 grams of table vinegar.

Cooking method

The process of preparing horseradish with tomatoes and garlic with the addition of plums does not take much time: all prepared products are washed and dried.

We skip tomatoes, garlic, plums and horseradish roots in a meat grinder. We mix everything, salt, sugar and pour vinegar.

Arrange in jars and store in a cool, dark place for up to 6 months.

The mixture can be boiled, then it can be stored longer. The appetizer will perfectly complement any dish with a spicy taste with a slight sourness and a pleasant plum aroma.

Recipe 4: Horseradish with tomatoes, garlic and pepper


300 grams of horseradish;

2 kilograms of red tomatoes;

1 kilogram of red sweet pepper;

300 grams of red hot pepper;

300 grams of garlic;

1 glass of salt;

1 glass of table vinegar.

Cooking method

Wash and dry vegetables. Pepper, both bitter and sweet, we clean the seeds, clean the garlic and divide it into slices, clean the horseradish from the skin. First, scroll through the tomatoes in a meat grinder. Further, we do the same with garlic, pepper and horseradish.

All prepared products are thoroughly mixed with each other.

Add vinegar and salt to the prepared mixture, mix everything again. We leave to infuse for a short time.

Drain the excess liquid that appears on top, and pour the rest of the mass into sterilized small containers.

You can close it with ordinary nylon lids. Store the prepared appetizer of horseradish, tomatoes and garlic with pepper in the refrigerator, preferably on the bottom shelf.

Recipe 5: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic with apples


5 small horseradish rhizomes;

3 medium sized garlic cloves;

2 kilograms of tomatoes;

1 kilogram of apples;

1 small spoon of vinegar essence;

salt, sugar, ground hot pepper and other seasonings to taste.

Cooking method

As in other cases of cooking horseradish with tomatoes and garlic, all vegetables are thoroughly washed and dried.

Apples are better to take green, slightly sour in taste. Tomatoes, garlic and horseradish roots are passed through a meat grinder. Rub the peeled apples into a fine grater. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

In the resulting mixture, add the remaining components, namely, salt, sugar, ground pepper and vinegar.

Mix everything again and put on low heat. After boiling, cook the mass for 5 minutes and leave to cool.

After the appetizer is completely cold, pour it into pre-prepared dishes. We roll up the lids and put them in a permanent storage place, preferably in the twilight.

Recipe 6: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic - Vyatka horseradish


1 kilogram of ripe fleshy tomatoes;

1 fairly large horseradish root;

100 grams of garlic (you can use dried garlic);

salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking method

Vyatka horseradish, horseradish with tomatoes and garlic, made from the listed products, got its name by the name of the place where the appetizer got its distribution.

The recipe resembles the classic version, since only the main ingredients for horseradish are used in cooking, without any additives.

Washed and dried tomatoes are crushed with a meat grinder.

If fresh garlic cloves are taken during the cooking process, then be sure to chop them in any way, if dry, simply add the powder to the rolled tomatoes.

The horseradish root is crushed last. All components are mixed, salt, sugar are added and the mixture is laid out in glass containers.

Recipe 7: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic "Thistle"


1 kilogram of hot pepper;

1 kilogram of garlic;

1 kilogram of tomatoes;

1 large horseradish root;

1 glass of apple cider vinegar;

salt to taste.

Cooking method

Washed, dried and peeled vegetables are passed through a meat grinder twice. Horseradish is crushed last.

Mix everything and add vinegar and salt. Now leave the seasoning for 12 hours. During this time, excess liquid will separate, which must be carefully drained from the total mass.

The remaining mixture should be quite thick. We put it in small jars and close the lids. "Thistle", cooked correctly, is stored for up to one and a half years, preferably in a dark and cool place, such as a cellar.

The appetizer turns out to be very spicy and is added to the main dish very carefully.

Recipe 8: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic "Spark"


2 kilograms of ripe tomatoes;

half a kilo of horseradish;

120 grams of garlic;

half a kilo bell pepper;

half a kilo of green apples;

half a kilo of carrots;

100 grams of hot ground pepper;

250 grams sunflower oil;

50 grams of parsley and dill;

2 tablespoons of diluted vinegar;

salt to taste.

Cooking method

First of all, we prepare the vegetables. We wash tomatoes, wash and clean peppers, carrots, horseradish root, garlic, apples.

Grind all prepared vegetables in a meat grinder, mix thoroughly and put on a slow fire.

We cook for an hour. Now add vegetable oil, bitter pepper, salt and vinegar. We cook for another hour.

In conclusion, we put finely chopped greens in the resulting seasoning. Turn off the heat and immediately put the mixture in sterilized jars of small volume, close the lids and turn over.

After the seasoning has cooled, we remove it in a cool place for storage.

Recipe 9: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic "Tomato sauce"


1 kilogram of well-ripened tomatoes;

2-3 strong horseradish rhizomes;

80 grams of scrolled garlic mass;

Salt to taste and desire

Cooking method

In the process of cooking, we take red ripe tomatoes and scroll them into a meat grinder. You can, of course, use brown or yellow tomatoes, but it is advisable to take red ones.

My horseradish rhizome, peel them from the skin and also skip into the meat grinder. We clean the garlic from the husk and press into the garlic.

We quickly mix all the components, salt, pepper, as you please and, without boiling, lay out in a clean sterilized dry glassware.

  • For processing horseradish and other components of the snack, it is better to use a manual type meat grinder. Moreover, horseradish is scrolled after all the other necessary ingredients.
  • Most housewives, when preparing horseradish with tomatoes and garlic, use plastic bags, putting them on the neck of the meat grinder and its grate.
  • Horseradish will stop being so spicy if you soak it in cold water 2 hours before cooking.
  • In order to cook horseradish with tomatoes and garlic correctly, you need to use horseradish dug up no earlier than mid-autumn. As part of spicy snack or adjika, horseradish retains its useful qualities only for 3-4 weeks. Therefore, it is better to prepare for the future the horseradish roots themselves and make an appetizer as they are eaten.
  • You can also cook horseradish from dried horseradish roots. They are dried as follows: the roots are cleaned of coarse skins, passed into a meat grinder and dried at a low temperature in the oven. After drying, they are ground in a coffee grinder and stored in glassware.
  • The most common way to cook horseradish with tomatoes and garlic is the classic one. But, showing imagination, you can come up with new recipes and get a completely unique taste of this dish.

Those who like to tickle their receptors with hot seasoning are usually crazy about spicy horseradish snacks.

And although it literally “pulls the throat” when cleaning, cooking and eating it, it is still quite useful in the fight against microbes, colds and gastrointestinal infections.

This plant is not inferior in its properties to ginger and is excellent at helping to cleanse the blood, remove mucus, reduce sugar, stimulate the kidneys and improve appetite by acting on the stomach and intestines. Surprisingly, it contains much more vitamin C than lemon!

However, it should be remembered that in blanks it retains its most useful essential oils and active substances for only a couple of weeks, and then its sharpness and usefulness decreases.

Nevertheless, table horseradish is prepared for long-term winter storage with all sorts of additions in the form of "horseradish", "gorloder", adjika, and so on.

There are a great many recipes for this spicy snack, both with and without cooking, with sterilization and conventional storage. The essence of the entire cooking process comes down to grinding and mixing the ingredients, followed by their storage in closed jars or bottles in a cool place.

The combination of sharpness of the burning root with tomatoes is practically classic version preparation of "gorloder". Why is it called that? Try to cook and you will immediately understand everything. For greater effect, garlic and hot peppers are also added to the composition.

Some housewives are afraid that without sterilization and cooking, such a finished product can quickly ferment or become moldy, so they try to prevent air from reaching the workpiece and pour sunflower oil on top to create a thin film that creates a “vacuum effect”.

We will need:

  • Ripe tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Horseradish root, garlic cloves - 0.4 kg each.
  • Chili pepper (hot) - 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 10 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • 9% vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.


1. Rinse ripe tomatoes well, dry and peel the stalks. Then carefully cut them into pieces that will be convenient to twist in a meat grinder.

Horseradish roots also need to be thoroughly cleaned, washed and cut into small oblong pieces. Garlic cloves must be freed from the husk.

2. Now you can safely install the meat grinder and start twisting the conveniently chopped pieces of tomatoes and roots.

It is advisable to use a hand tool for chopping, as further twisting of tough rhizomes can clog cutting knife and the electric meat grinder may fail.

3. To avoid burning on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, it is best to set aside the dishes with twisted tomatoes for now, and put a plastic bag on the spout of the meat grinder and tie it tighter, into which twist the hard roots and fragrant garlic cloves.

Then carefully untie and pour the contents of the package into the tomato mass.

4. To add even more spiciness, cut only the stalks from the washed chili pods and twist them together with the seeds into a bowl with the previous ingredients.

Although, if you are afraid of great bitterness, then the seeds can be cleaned.

5. To achieve a fixation of the taste, it remains to pour salt with sugar and add vinegar. Mix everything well and pour into pre-sterilized jars.

6. Try to pour the “gorloder” in such a way that it is possible to pour a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil on top to create a protective airtight film.

7. It remains only to tighten the sterile caps and put spicy dish for storage in a cold place.

Such a sharp workpiece is usually perfectly stored in the refrigerator, or a cold basement.

Classic horseradish recipe

The classic favorite of many consists of only four main ingredients: tomatoes, salt and garlic with horseradish. If you plan to store for a long time, then add another 1 tablet of acetylsalicylic acid per 1 liter of the finished mixture.

If you plan to eat everything pretty quickly, then you do not need to add tablets. Moreover, you can use slightly unripe tomatoes, but a prerequisite should be the content of at least a third of ripe tomatoes in order to preserve the taste and color of a classic snack.

We will need:

  • Tomatoes - 5 kg.
  • Horseradish, garlic - 0.450 kg each.
  • Salt - 8 tbsp. l. (depending on its saltiness and taste).


1. Cut the washed tomatoes into quarters. If you use large varieties of tomatoes, then try to cut into pieces that can easily pass into the meat grinder.

2. If you like "gorloder" like a sauce, then it is best to get rid of the skin and seeds by grinding the vegetable to a puree state in a juicer.

Otherwise, you can do with a conventional meat grinder.

3. Garlic and roots must be peeled and peeled.

After cleaning, it is advisable to immediately start grinding, otherwise these components may begin to darken and the kitchen will quickly become saturated with their aroma.

4. Twist the peeled rhizomes.

This should be done as quickly as possible, otherwise its essential oils will begin to affect your mucous membranes and what is called “wash your eyes with tears and run out of your nose.”

5. Do the same with garlic.

6. Mix all the ingredients and add salt. It is advisable to immediately taste it, because its lack can provoke the fermentation process.

7. It remains only to place the finished spicy yummy in jars and put it in the refrigerator. It is advisable to eat it within 1-2 months.

The most delicious seasoning for any hot dish is ready and you can enjoy its taste as much as you want!

Horseradish tomato appetizer for the winter without cooking (without garlic)

Another great recipe for "raw horseradish", only without garlic, which many do not like because of the smell that persists for several hours after eating.

For 1 kilogram of tomato, only a spoonful of salt and 100 grams of roots are required.

True, you need to store such a workpiece only in the refrigerator.

We will need:

  • Tomatoes - 3 kg.
  • Horseradish - 0.3 kg.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.


1. Washed tomatoes, depending on their size, chop into convenient halves or quarters and peel the stalks.

2. So that the sharp roots are not so caustic, cleaned faster and easier, they should be soaked for at least an hour in cold water. Then quickly peel off the skin and rinse.

3. Twist the tomatoes together with the rhizome, salt and mix until smooth.

4. It remains only to pour the finished mixture into dry, clean jars, cork with lids and send it to the refrigerator for storage.

It is advisable to eat such a seasoning within a month.

Recipe for a spicy snack for long-term storage with cooking

For those who are still worried about the safety of spicy seasoning long time, or does not have the ability to store it in the refrigerator, a recipe with a boiling process for an hour is ideal.

Such a blank can be safely stored in the cellar. She fits great meat dishes and retains the sharpness and richness of the aroma for a long time. In fact, she is. But because of the high content of "burning" roots in it, it is still considered crap.

We will need:

    • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg.
    • Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kg
    • Hot pepper 0.3 kg
    • Horseradish - 0.25 kg
    • Garlic cloves - 0.15 kg.
    • 6% vinegar - 1 cup.
    • Sunflower oil - ½ cup.
    • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
    • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.


1. Grind well-peeled and washed roots in a meat grinder. It is best to twist them into a bag so that all the zeal for canning does not disappear due to a sharp pungent smell that makes you want to cry.

2. Do the same with peeled garlic cloves.

3. Release the washed hot pepper from the stalks and, together with the seeds, twist to the previous ingredients. If you are afraid of excessive sharpness, then the seeds can be removed.

4. Cut the washed and dried tomatoes into pieces and chop in the same way as the previous components of our workpiece.

5. Bulgarian pepper is better to choose red or orange, so that it does not lighten the color of the snack, and grind with a meat grinder.

In this case, it is better to get rid of both the stalk and the seed box. If you like seeds, then the box can not be removed.

6. Put all the chopped vegetables in one container and mix well with each other until a homogeneous consistency.

7. Pour in the oil and vinegar, add sugar and salt and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally, and then boil for an hour.

During this time, the excess liquid will evaporate and the snack will become thicker.

8. While the aromatic vegetable mixture is being cooked, it is advisable to fill them with a still boiling cooked snack. Close with tight screw caps or roll up. After cooling, send to a cool place.

Eat with pleasure!

Spicy horseradish appetizer of tomatoes for 1 kg for harvesting for the winter

If you are not a fan of very hot preparations, but still want to prepare a small amount of spicy seasoning for the winter, for example, for manti, then the amount of “gorloder” per 1 kg of tomatoes is quite suitable for you.

In this case, the entire calculation of the ingredients will be minimal.

We will need:

  • Ripe tomatoes - 1 kg.
  • Horseradish root, garlic - 0.1 kg each.
  • Sugar, salt - 1 tsp each.


1. To begin with, rinse well and clean all ingredients that require cleaning. Tomatoes can be additionally cut into pieces, so that it is more convenient to chop them further.

2. So that you do not have to clean the meat grinder for a long time and it does not absorb the too pungent smell of roots, put a plastic bag on its spout and tie it.

Scroll through the roots first, and then, removing and tying the bag with the contents and setting it aside, proceed to grind the other components.

3. It is best to alternate the tomatoes with garlic cloves so that they can push through the stuck small fibers of the roots with them and the meat grinder is completely clean.

Tomatoes will partially cope with unwanted odor residues inside the meat grinder.

4. Gently pour chopped horseradish from the bag into the garlic tomato mixture.

5. After seasoning with bulk ingredients, mix well until smooth.

6. Pouring the finished mixture into sterilized jars, close them and send to a cold place. You can eat in a day, but if necessary, you can save until spring.

The preparation turns out to be tasty and desirable on the table at least for lunch, at least for dinner.

The recipe for a horseradish snack without tomatoes for long-term storage

Did you know that classic horseradish can be cooked without tomatoes? Indeed, it is possible! Favorite vegetable can be replaced with juicy beets. It will turn out even more spicy and original snack.

Although this option is quite possible to find in the store, nevertheless, home-made preparation will be much more economical. In addition, you yourself can adjust the amount of one or another ingredient to get the “same” taste that you like so much.

We will need:

  • Beets - 1 kg.
  • Horseradish - 0.5 kg.
  • 9% vinegar - 175 ml.
  • Sugar - 0.1 kg.
  • Salt - 30 gr.


1. In order not to waste time, you first need to soak the roots in slightly warm water for 20 minutes.

While the skin of the rhizome softens, rinse and peel the beets. Cut it into rounds about a centimeter thick. Peel lightly soaked roots with a vegetable peeler, constantly dipping it in cold water so as not to sting the eyes.

2. Put a bag on the spout of the meat grinder and twist the horseradish into it. It is desirable that the mesh be smaller so that the root crop is better chopped and harmonizes well with its red comrade.

3. Grind the beet rounds in the same way.

Then remove the bag from the device, wrap the neck and shake the contents slightly so that it mixes and is not too caustic.

4. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan and add vinegar with sugar and salt. Thanks to granulated sugar, the beets will give juice, and salt and vinegar will add the necessary piquancy and act as preservatives for long-term storage.

You can cook without vinegar, but then the workpiece will look more like beetroot salad without a pleasant sour, slightly spicy aftertaste.

5. Mix everything well until smooth, pressing lightly with a spoon to make the mixture juicier.

6. Arrange in pre-sterilized jars. You can store in the refrigerator for a couple of months.

Of course, enjoy eating!

Video on how to cook horseradish appetizer with tomatoes and peppers

And in this recipe, all the ingredients are not twisted in a meat grinder, but rubbed on a grater. And it is believed that this is the most correct way to cook your favorite workpiece.

Of course, to know this for sure, you just need to take it and cook it in different ways.

And here is a good presentation. Horseradish is served with slices of fresh black bread fried on a small amount. The taste is simply amazing. And the smell ... But what to tell, you yourself know everything.

Having prepared a worthless preparation for the winter, you will no longer have to rack your brains about how to spice up your favorite meat dish. Especially if there is no time to prepare a special sauce, or if you want to diversify your menu with a pleasant and healthy spice.

You can cook "gorloder" even from the latest, slightly unripe tomatoes, which usually have to be harvested at the end of the summer season due to the fact that the cold begins.

And if you have a horseradish root in your cellar in a box of sand, then you can cook an appetizing and very bright appetizer even from purchased tomatoes in winter period than indescribably surprise your household.

And may you not be afraid of any colds in the frosty season!

Bon Appetit!

Horseradish appetizer or horseradish is a great addition to the main course, endless variations of this sauce are called as soon as they are called: spark, gorloder, Siberian adjika, horseradish, cobra. A minimum of products, ease of preparation made a horseradish snack popular. The basis of the dish is horseradish roots, due to their ability to kill bacteria, the sauce does not need to be cooked. This does not prevent it from being stored for a long time, while maintaining a fresh aroma.

Among other advantages of a horseradish snack, one can note its benefits from the point of view of medicine. The content of vitamin C in horseradish roots is 5 times higher than citrus fruits, therefore, in winter time horseradish will be an excellent prophylactic against colds and acute respiratory infections. In addition, the roots contain mustard oil, which increases appetite. A horseradish snack in moderation is good for everyone, the only restriction for people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

If desired, horseradish roots in each recipe can be replaced with ready-made table horseradish. You need to add it very carefully until you get the desired spiciness from the snack.

How to cook a horseradish snack - 15 varieties

The rich aroma of horseradish will not leave indifferent thrill-seekers!


  • Sugar
  • table vinegar


Grind horseradish in a meat grinder or in a blender, and then pour boiling water over it. Wait, drain the water and add sugar, salt and vinegar to taste. Mix, transfer to jars and store in a cold place.

If you want something new, cook Siberian adjika. It is no worse than Caucasian and any other, thanks to ripe tomatoes, the taste of horseradish is slightly smoothed out.


  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Sugar


Skinning tomatoes is very easy to do. First, a cross-shaped incision is made on each tomato, and then they are scalded with boiling water. The skin comes off with no problem. Twist the tomatoes in a meat grinder along with garlic and horseradish (last). Stir, and then add sugar and salt and mix again.

A rich, spicy taste with a slight hint of sourness is exactly what will make your fish incredibly tasty.


  • Lemon
  • Sugar


Squeeze the juice from one lemon into a separate bowl. Now it's time to do horseradish, clean the roots, chop convenient way. Pour in boiling water to make a thick paste. Then add salt, sugar and lemon juice to taste. Stir, transfer to jars and hide in the refrigerator.

An appetizer prepared according to this recipe differs from the standard recipe in that, in addition to all products, it includes Bell pepper. The result is a snack of a thicker consistency, with a delicate aroma. fresh vegetables. It goes well with pasta, dumplings, meat and fish dishes.


  • Tomatoes
  • Bell pepper
  • Garlic
  • Sugar
  • Red ground pepper
  • Sunflower oil


Twist the tomatoes and sweet peppers in a meat grinder, if desired, you can use a blender for this. At the very end, chop the garlic and horseradish roots. Add sugar, salt, a little ground pepper, and sunflower oil to taste. You can also add vinegar at the very end to keep the appetizer longer. Mix and arrange in jars.

If you think that plums can only be useful for compote, try adding them to a horseradish appetizer. The result will exceed your expectations!


  • Tomatoes
  • plums
  • Garlic
  • Sugar


Chop the tomatoes, peel the plums and twist them too. Lastly, twist the horseradish in a meat grinder, add salt and sugar. Mix, send to banks. Store the snack in a cold place.

When the turn comes to twist the horseradish into a meat grinder, be careful and use the following advice. So that your eyes do not bake and water, put the bag on the meat grinder and fix it in such a way that the twisted mass falls immediately into the bag.

Incredibly hot chili, pungent aroma of horseradish - how can you deny yourself a thrill?


  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Chilli
  • Sugar


Grind tomatoes, garlic and horseradish. Peel the pepper, cut into thin strips and mix with the rest of the products. At the end, add sugar, salt and the snack is ready.

Despite the fact that the twisted tomatoes in this recipe will have to be boiled, the finished sauce will come out spicy and fragrant. All due to the fact that there are fragrant spices in a horseradish appetizer with the addition of dry mustard, they will give a piquant flavor to the appetizer.


  • Tomatoes
  • Dry mustard
  • Cinnamon
  • Carnation
  • Sugar
  • Vinegar


Chop the tomatoes and boil for an hour. Add seasonings, dry mustard, chopped horseradish. Add sugar, vinegar, salt to taste. Stir and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes while stirring. Arrange in sterilized jars, roll up and put in the cellar.

Another version of the horseradish snack, in which apples were added to the standard set of products. You can take sweet or sour varieties of apples, then the taste of the finished seasoning will be different.


  • Tomatoes
  • Apples
  • Garlic
  • Sugar


Tomatoes, apples, and then garlic are crushed. To do this, you can use a meat grinder or food processor. At the very end, I grind the roots of horseradish to a homogeneous mass and send them to the rest of the products. Add salt and sugar. It remains to mix and the snack is ready.

If you want the appetizer to keep its taste as long as possible, you need to use the following recipe. The peculiarity of this recipe is that the tomatoes are first baked in the oven before twisting.


  • Tomatoes
  • Lemon juice
  • Vinegar


First you need to bake ripe tomatoes. To do this, a baking sheet is covered, and halves of tomatoes are laid out on it with slices up. The baking sheet is sent to the oven and baked for 10 minutes. After they have cooled, grind in a blender. Then the horseradish is chopped, the rest of the products are added. They are laid out in clean jars, sterilized for 5 minutes, and then rolled up with lids.

In addition to ripe tomatoes, you can take green or brown tomatoes, of which autumn is full. Such a culinary experiment will not spoil the taste of the finished dish.


  • green tomatoes
  • dill greens
  • Spicy pepper
  • Garlic
  • Sugar


Pass all ingredients through a meat grinder. Mix them in a bowl and add sugar and salt. Arrange in clean and dry jars. Ready meals can be stored in the refrigerator.

For convenience, it is better to use 0.5 liter jars to open a jar in winter and eat it quickly.

In addition to tomatoes, you can bake apples for snacks, you will get an incredibly tasty horseradish hail from Germany. It is called very beautifully - apfelkren, i.e. apple crap.


  • Sweet and sour apples
  • Lemon juice
  • Sugar


Carefully remove the skin from the baked apples and grind them to a puree state. They grind the hell out. It remains to add salt, lemon juice, sugar to the water and you can try.

The following seasoning is ideal for meat dishes, it will require a minimum of products.


  • Beet
  • Vinegar


Rinse and clean horseradish and beets. Grate them on a fine grater. Mix, add a little water and salt to taste.

Quite a bit of kefir is added to this snack to get a white uniform color. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.


  • An Apple
  • Kefir
  • Sugar
  • Vinegar
  • Sugar


Peel and grate the apple. Grind the peeled and washed horseradish in a meat grinder, mix everything and add sugar, 2 tbsp. yogurt, a little vinegar and a little water. Mix everything and put into jars.

This appetizer goes well with both meat and other dishes. Requires heat treatment, but can be stored longer.


  • Tomatoes
  • Bell pepper
  • Apples
  • Carrot
  • Garlic
  • Chilli
  • Sugar
  • Vegetable oil


Twist the tomatoes in a meat grinder, pour into a saucepan and put on fire. Meanwhile, chop the rest of the vegetables, apples and horseradish. Tomato juice boil for 10 minutes, then add the rest of the products and cook the mass for 10 minutes. Arrange in clean and dry jars. You can store the finished snack in the refrigerator or cellar.


Appetizer horseradish cranberry honey

In addition to horseradish, cranberries and honey are added to this appetizer. Cranberries give it a slight touch of sourness, in addition, cranberries and honey are natural preservatives. A snack in a cold place, thanks to this, can be stored all winter.

Horseradish - a delicious spicy seasoning or sauce made from tomatoes, horseradish, garlic and salt. What could be easier? BUT! You also need to be able to cook it deliciously. For you step by step recipe with photos and videos!

horseradish recipe

We will not cook Khrenovina seasoning, everything will remain fresh, moderately spicy and very tasty. We store in the refrigerator.

We clean horseradish and garlic, weigh and wash them.

My tomatoes, cut them into halves or smaller.

Be sure to remove the place of the stalk. You can also remove the skin from the tomatoes, but I did not. So my sauce will be a little thicker, and they don’t interfere after a meat grinder.

We also pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder. We mix everything.

We introduce salt and sugar, depending on how much tomato you used (according to the recipe for 1 kg of tomatoes - 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar each). Stir and let stand to dissolve sugar and salt.

In the meantime, wash the jars of soda and scald them over boiling water. Wash the lids and boil for at least 5 minutes.

We put the “crap” in prepared jars, not forgetting to leave it at home for a sample!))

We store in the refrigerator or in a cool place, for example, in the cellar. Bon Appetit!

Video recipe "Hrenovina for the winter without cooking"

Dedicated to all thrill seekers

Horseradish - this seasoning is called "Gorloder", "Hrenoder", seasoning "Spark", Russian adjika, "Khrenovina", "Cobra", seasoning "Vyrviglaz", "Thistle", "Horseradish appetizer", "Crap", but in general it is just table crap. Is that the options for additives do not count. For those who cannot imagine life without thrills in the culinary sense, Culinary Eden has prepared a selection of hot horseradish recipes. Preparing horseradish is simple: chop all the ingredients, mix, arrange in jars and refrigerate. This is For those who want to spin a spicy little thing for the winter, there are recipes with boiling and sterilization. By the way, it is believed that you need to dig the horseradish root in those months in the name of which there is the letter "p", that is, September, October, November. At other times, it does not have that sharpness and unique mustard smell.

But first, a few words about the benefits of burning "weed". This is an excellent antimicrobial agent that protects against colds, gastrointestinal infections and other infections. Horseradish cleanses the blood, lowers sugar levels, simulates the work of the kidneys, improves appetite, stimulates the activity of the stomach and intestines. Horseradish allows you to cope with excess mucus, is used as an expectorant. Horseradish contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits! But all these utilities are useful for a maximum of 2-3 weeks after the horseradish is cooked. The longer the spicy seasoning is stored, the less it contains all the vitamins, essential oils and other biologically active substances. So, if you have the opportunity to store the roots of horseradish "alive", buried in the basement in the sand - keep it! And cook horseradish as needed. The owners of city apartments have to prepare horseradish for future use and in large quantities, but here, as they say, nothing can be done.

A few words about safety. In order not to sob over the meat grinder, advanced users came up with a simple and effective remedy: put on the neck of the meat grinder and tightly tie a plastic bag, and tie the same bag on a ring with a lattice. But sometimes this does not help, and the housewives operate in respirators and even gas masks. It is best to grind horseradish in a manual meat grinder, and lastly, after all the other ingredients.

And now - the recipes! Since the principle of preparing any kind of horseradish, whether it be horseradish, gorloder, light or horseradish, is the same, we will limit ourselves to listing necessary products and their quantity.

horseradish snack

4 large horseradish roots,
5 kg of tomatoes,
1 large head of garlic,
1 tbsp salt.

3 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg horseradish
1 kg of garlic
salt, sugar to taste.


1 kg of tomatoes,
300 g garlic
300 g horseradish
1 tbsp salt,
1 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp 9% vinegar.

horseradish garlic

1 kg horseradish
1 kg of garlic
10 tbsp salt,
20 tablespoons Sahara.

Vyatka horseradish

1 kg of tomatoes,
1 large horseradish root
100 g garlic
sugar, salt.

Horseradish with plums

1 kg of tomatoes,
100 g horseradish
100 g plums,
1 head of garlic
salt, sugar to taste.

Horseradish "Table"

1.5 kg horseradish root,
1 tbsp salt,
3 tablespoons Sahara
1 lemon.

Grind the horseradish roots in a meat grinder, add salt and sugar, pour boiling water over it, stirring quickly, until the consistency of a thick slurry. Divide the resulting mixture into clean jars, drop a few drops into each lemon juice, close with lids. Before use, you can mix with sour cream.


1 kg hot pepper
1 kg of garlic
1 kg of tomatoes,
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 large horseradish root

Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, horseradish root last. Mix with vinegar and leave for 12 hours. Arrange in clean jars, cork (do not roll up). Keep cold.

Horseradish snack with carrots

2 kg of tomatoes,
100 g horseradish root,
100 g garlic
600 g carrots
1 pod of hot pepper,
8-10 drops of 70% vinegar,
salt to taste.

Gorloder with sweet pepper
3 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg sweet pepper
2-3 hot peppers
1 cup garlic
salt, sugar, ground black pepper to taste.

10 sweet peppers,
20 pods of hot pepper,
4 horseradish roots,
2 bunches of parsley
2 bunches of dill,
200 g garlic
2 kg tomatoes,
4 tbsp sugar,
4 tbsp salt,
1 st. vinegar.

Table horseradish with beets in a quick way: mix grated horseradish with grated raw beets. This mixture does not keep for a long time.

Or one more quick recipe: average horseradish root and 2 apples turn through a meat grinder, season with sour cream and honey or vegetable oil with apple cider vinegar.

Crap in a hurry

1 kg of tomatoes,
300 g horseradish root,
200-300 g of garlic,
salt, ground black pepper to taste,
sour cream 35% fat.

Cut the tomatoes crosswise, blanch in boiling water, pour over with ice water, remove the skin. Pass the garlic and horseradish through a meat grinder, mix all the ingredients, add salt, ground pepper. To the resulting mass, add a little sour cream of high fat content and mix well.

Pickled horseradish

1 kg horseradish root,
200 ml 3% vinegar,
15 g salt.

Grind horseradish in a meat grinder, mix with salt and vinegar, heat in an enamel bowl. Put in jars, sterilize: half-liter - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes. Roll up.

Adjika "Spark"

2.5 kg of tomatoes,
500 g sweet pepper,
500 g sweet and sour apples,
500 g carrots
120 g garlic
75-100 g hot pepper,
50 g parsley,
50 g green dill,
250 g vegetable oil,
2 tbsp 9% vinegar,
ground black pepper.

Peel apples from seeds, and turn all ingredients, except greens, through a meat grinder. Add vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and ground black pepper to the resulting mass and put it on a slow fire. Boil for about 2 hours. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped greens. Arrange in sterilized jars, roll up.

Horseradish boiled

3 kg of tomatoes,
100 g garlic
200 g horseradish root,
400 g sweet pepper,
2 tbsp Sahara,
3 tbsp salt,
ground black pepper to taste.

Turn the tomatoes through a meat grinder and put to cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. In the meantime, mince the horseradish root, garlic and sweet pepper, add to the tomato mass and cook for another 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add sugar, salt and ground pepper, arrange in sterilized jars, roll up.

Horseradish marinated with beets

1 kg horseradish root,
1 kg of beets.
4 glasses of water
2 cups 3% vinegar
40 g salt
40 g sugar.

Boil the beets for an hour, peel and cut into thin slices. Chop the horseradish root. Put in jars, alternating with horseradish, layers. Pour marinade, put on sterilization: half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes. Roll up.

As you can see, there are not so many options. And what can you think of when preparing a killer sharp horseradish or adjika? Burning horseradish in winter will help you bypass all colds. Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina