How to adjust the hinges of a plastic door. Adjustment of the entrance plastic door

One of the nuances of caring for plastic doors is their adjustment. In our article, we will get acquainted with the need for such procedures for balcony and entrance doors, learn how horizontal and vertical adjustment is carried out, change the pressing force of the door leaf, and pay special attention to replacing gaskets.

When is adjustment needed?

Modern plastic entrance groups, as well as balcony doors made of similar materials, differ from similar products in their durable coating and high-quality fitting of individual parts. Thanks to these properties, the described structures can serve their owner for decades without the need for repair work.

In some cases, the user may have a problem with adjusting the balcony door. This is especially scary for the owner of the house when the product has a warranty period. despite the fact that many call the master, you can do the adjustment of the plastic door yourself.

Before carrying out the main work, it is necessary to find a malfunction in the design of the frame or canvas and eliminate it by tightening special threaded connections. In most cases, a new door to the balcony does not need additional regulation. This is due to the fact that the products received from the warehouses are made of wear-resistant materials, their main parts are fitted very carefully.

Despite this, situations arise when a plastic entrance or balcony door needs immediate adjustment. If this is not done on time, then the owner of the house will have to completely replace the entire structure, and these are additional unforeseen expenses. According to experts, the regulation process should be carried out at most once a year.

With more frequent repairs, the product can quickly become unusable. This is due to the wear of seals, microlifts, as well as adjusting screws or a plastic frame.

The need to regulate balcony doors arises in the following situations:

  • Sagging of the balcony sash, when the canvas begins to rest against the threshold. As a result of friction of the parts, not only the sash is worn out, but also the threshold itself. Repair work should be carried out at the first sign of sagging.
  • The lock does not latch well or the canvas is pressed tightly. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the pressure of plastic doors. To do this, you need to adjust their location in the frame structure.
  • A gap is formed at the junction of the frame and the canvas, through which cold air enters the apartment. In this situation, the sash is adjusted using microlifts that are installed in the hinges. Loose pressing of the canvas to the frame reduces energy efficiency plastic windows or entrance groups.
  • The doors cannot be closed. The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be the occurrence of distortions, which usually lead to deformation and breakage of the loops, destruction of the sealant structure, or other problems. In this regard, before carrying out repair work, it is necessary to determine the location of the breakdown.

The need to adjust the input groups arises when the seal is lost. If there is a draft in the room, then gaps have appeared between the frame and the door leaf, which must be eliminated urgently. In some cases, to determine the breakdown, it is enough to draw a pencil along the frame, after which you can see the mismatches in the parallelism of the lines. The presence of distortions or free gaps can be determined in another way. It is necessary to put a sheet of paper between the canvas and the frame and slam the door. Now try to draw out the leaf. If this element comes out problematic (with some effort), then there are no problems with the doors, if it is free, then the landlord must adjust the door pressure on his own.

Horizontal adjustment

Adjusting plastic doors is not a difficult process, but it requires attention to detail. Before starting the main work, you need to prepare the following tool:

  • a set of hex keys;
  • construction roulette;
  • screwdrivers (flat and Phillips);
  • plastic gasket;
  • manufacturer's instructions for adjusting door structures.

For work on adjusting the door leaf in a horizontal plane, special screws are usually used that rotate in the required direction with a hexagon. These elements are usually found under the holes above the top and bottom hinges.

To adjust the correct position of the product, it is necessary to slightly open the canvas and get to the screws. By turning the fasteners in the desired direction (for or counterclockwise), the correct position of the door is achieved.

If the screws are rotated clockwise, then the surface of the product will slowly move towards the canopy, in the second case - away from it. With a similar method, you can eliminate the gap or displacement of elements up to 2 millimeters. Different intensity of regulation of the upper and lower canopy allows you to adjust the required vertical deflection of the web. In some models of doors, the canopies are disguised. To get to them, press the tongue on the end of the product and set the handle to the ventilation function. After correct adjustment, the door should close and open correctly.

Vertical adjustment

The need for vertical adjustment arises when the sash is on the threshold or if there are dents on the upper or lower seal. A special screw is used to adjust the loops. The rotation of this element in the required direction leads to the rise or fall of the door, which will allow you to make a normal gap.

Before starting the main work, remove the plug from the screw for regulation. Typically, such an element is located on the lower loop, its working part is along the axis. The rotation of the screw occurs using a hexagon. To lift the blade up, turn the screw clockwise; to move down, the adjuster is rotated in the opposite direction.

How to adjust the door pressure

The front door clamping force must be adjusted only after such a problem has been identified. This can be checked using a flat piece of paper from a notebook, it is applied to the frame and the door is closed. If the leaf is freely pulled out of the slot or with little effort, then it is necessary to adjust the loops. To localize an existing problem said works carried out around the perimeter of the frame.

While pressing the sash to the frame, it is also necessary to determine and evaluate possible distortions interlocking structural elements. To do this, close the door and carefully outline its contours with a mechanical pencil. After opening the canvas, the size of the gap of the contour relative to the frame is estimated.

In most cases, the leaf pressure is adjusted using a trunnion located at the end of the door. This element must be rotated with extreme care, as a small movement causes a significant clamping force, which can lead to the destruction of the seal structure. In the case when the trunnion is installed perpendicular to the profile, the clamping force will be set to the maximum, when installed in parallel - to the minimum. If the tuning part has reached the extreme maximum position, and it was not possible to provide the necessary clearance, the landlord should seek help from specialists.

Some sources have information on how to adjust the pressure in a different way. The fact is that in some models of plastic doors in the end part of the leaf there are two or three eccentric screws, the rotation of which leads to a change in the clamping force. On each of these products there is a special mark for determining the density of the clamp. To weaken the clamping force, the screw is turned with a mark to the frame, to strengthen it - towards the room.

Difficulties mainly arise in the presence of three eccentrics (in the upper, lower and central parts of the structure). In this case, you need to act experimentally, deflecting the eccentrics at the same angle. After each of these adjustments, the result is checked. High-quality clamping can be ensured only near the handle attachment, so in other places (upper and lower parts of the door) it may be necessary to adjust the hinges.

Replacing rubber seals

Seals installed on PVC door structures protect the apartment from street noise and drafts. Over time (especially in the absence of a closer), these products may flatten or crack, and in these cases they need to be replaced. Immediately, we note that the rubber bands can be changed independently without the use of a special tool.

At the initial stage of work, you need to go to a hardware store and purchase a heater. It is made in the form of a rubber band of a certain shape. In this case, it is necessary to purchase a product specifically for doors (there are seals for sashes and frames of a plastic window).

First you need to remove the old seal, it is simply touched with a sharp object and pulled out of the groove. Now they clean the recess from dust and dirt, insert one of the ends of the gum and completely sink it into the groove. In a similar way, we go around the entire perimeter until the material is completely laid. Next, we trim the gum and check the tightness of opening and closing the door.

Plastic doors have established themselves as a reliable mechanism with a long service life. However, already during the first years of use, most owners are looking for information on how to adjust plastic doors - entrance or balcony. Finding defects in structural elements boxes and canvases precedes the start of adjustment and repair work. Most problems can be corrected by tightening individual threaded connections.

Under some circumstances, a PVC product requires urgent adjustment. If this is not done immediately, it can be expected that the structure will soon become unusable and will have to be dismantled. Experts recommend servicing annually, more frequent repair work lead to rapid wear of the product. This is due to the wear of the plastic frame, seals, adjustment screws and microlifts.

To detect deficiencies and adjust the correct position, you should consider characteristics, indicating problems with this design:

  1. The door began to rest against the threshold - a sign of sagging canvas. At the same time, along with the sash, the threshold itself wears out. Repairs should be carried out as soon as minor changes appear.
  2. The lock does not always snap into place, and it is not easy to achieve a snug fit of the sash to the frame. This indicates the need to adjust the pressure.
  3. A gap appears through which heat loss occurs due to leaky docking of the door leaf and frame. In such a situation, the sash microlifts, which are located in the hinges, are subject to adjustment.
  4. Door closing is incomplete. Such a violation is caused by distortions, which causes the destruction of the seal, the formation of kinks and deformation changes in the door hinges. The problem is signaled by its displacement, noticeable upon close examination.

The main condition for proper repair and adjustment is to accurately determine the location of the malfunction.

Define the problem

The sagging of the frame can be judged after such a simple test: the closed sash should be circled around the contour with a marker. Deviations of the outlines from the horizontal and vertical - a signal to start adjustment. If the doors open tightly and there is a draft from them, this is a reason to start an urgent repair or adjustment.

Another informative test is carried out as follows: when closing the door, insert a sheet of paper. If the sheet can be pulled out with some effort, then there is no need to adjust the plastic door. Free stretching of the sheet indicates a lack of tight fit in this area.

The cause of the shift of the canvas is temperature changes and deformations. Therefore, the sash touches the frame in the middle. The wear of the seal is the reason for the violation of the tightness of the doors, which is the reason for the regular renewal of the material. Replacing the seal should always precede adjustment.

Poor handle function and blade misalignment indicate the need for adjustment or repair. Common problems with a plastic door are as follows:

  • loosening of hinge fasteners;
  • the sealing material does not fit snugly against the canvas or frame;
  • the sash sags due to its weight.

A careful study of the condition of the sealant should be carried out before starting work. Depressions are the result of pressure in this area of ​​the sagging sash. A complete replacement of the seal is carried out with its strong deformation.

What tools are required

To adjust the entrance plastic door, it is better to choose the following set of tools:

  1. pliers;
  2. special plastic gaskets (set);
  3. screwdrivers with tips in the form of a cross and a minus;
  4. a set of hex keys in the shape of the letter G (2.5-5 mm).


You should check the compliance of your actions with the recommendations contained in the manual at all stages of work. When adjusting the entrance plastic doors yourself according to the instructions, you must strictly follow the specified sequence. When installing, it is desirable to control the horizontal and vertical position of the sash using the building level.

Execution rules

  • Prepare all the necessary equipment in advance.
  • Remove decorative caps.
  • Turn the key in a clockwise direction, unless otherwise indicated on the screw.
  • Work is carried out in a horizontal plane.
  • When replacing or repairing the seal, the adjustment is carried out in the vertical direction.

Adjustment of plastic doors does not require professionalism, it can be performed by anyone who has carefully studied the instructions.

Horizontal setting

Adjustment of the plastic front door is required when the canvas sags. At a door that is difficult to adjust, it is required to loosen all horizontal fasteners and start the adjustment again, tightening all the fasteners evenly in turn. The change in the position of the canvas serves as a guide. Work is carried out with the sash open in the following sequence:

  1. Unscrew the screws of the upper hinges.
  2. Close the sash and remove the lining from the hinges that cover the adjusting screws.
  3. Debugging is carried out in a horizontal position, it begins with the adjustment of the longest fastener.
  4. If there is a misalignment, long screws are tightened in loops from above and in the center. In the upper loop, the screw is tightened more strongly.


If there is friction of the sash near the threshold or there is a dent on the seals, then a vertical adjustment is required. It is carried out by adjusting the screw located vertically in the loop.

To start the adjustment, you should take a 5 mm hexagon, insert into the screw hole and rotate. If the door needs to be raised, then the rotation is carried out clockwise, if lowered, then against.

Press force adjustment

In case of insufficient fit of the sash to the frame, it is necessary to carry out adjustment using a screw located inside the door. Sometimes, to correct a defect, it is enough to tighten the screws located in the lower or upper hinges more strongly. With this setting, the loops are loosened or tightened. The result is evaluated experimentally when closing. If the seal is badly worn, it needs to be replaced. Using a screwdriver, the old seal is removed, and its replacement is installed. Then the adjustment is repeated.

Handle setting

A frequent complaint of the owners is a broken door handle, and the appearance of drafts is a direct consequence of the malfunction of this part of the door block. The most common failures are:

  • Loose handles. The pad installed at the junction of the frame with the handle is turned perpendicularly, gaining access to the screws. The defect is corrected by tightening the existing screws with a screwdriver.
  • Incomplete or tight turning of the handle occurs when the canvas is displaced. After bringing the door to its normal position, the handle will function well. If, after adjustment, the condition has not improved, the handle must be replaced.
  • If the locking mechanism of the lock fails, the repair comes down to replacing its broken part or buying a lock.

Sag adjustment

The entrance plastic door can sag over time, depressurize and let cold air into the room. Malfunctions are indicated by its displacement relative to the frame, due to gravity. Sagging adjustment is carried out as follows:

  1. With a 3 mm hex wrench, the screws are unscrewed from the two loops on top. During this, the sash must be open.
  2. After closing the sash, you need to remove the lining from the adjustment screws. This provides access to the longest screw, which has a horizontal arrangement.
  3. It needs to be unscrewed in loops in the middle and on top. Stronger tightening is carried out in the upper loop.
  4. To ensure uniform movement of the door leaf, you can do this: loosen or tighten the screws in all hinges.

Correction when touching the edge in the middle part

In this case the main task- adjust by moving the canvas as close to the hinges as possible. To do this, the sash is taken away first in the lower loop, and then in the upper one. It is enough to adjust the plastic front door once a season. In most cases, there is no need to repeat the procedure.

If a dent or other damage is noticeable on the upper seals, it is recommended to replace the seal, especially when the heating season is close.

To prevent problems, it makes sense to install an opening limiter, which removes part of the load and prevents the door from impact contact with the slopes of the opening. This measure will avoid breakage of locking mechanisms and handles. The installation of a microlift is especially important in the presence of double-glazed windows and prevents sagging. Microlifts perceive a share of the load, being an additional support.

The main and almost the only problem that a plastic door can force you to face is adjusting the hinges. As a rule, high-quality modern plastic structures, with proper operation, do not require any more hassle. But regulation also causes difficulties for many people.

During the installation of a new plastic door, installers must immediately adjust it in place, and for some time its operation is not satisfactory. But under the influence of its own weight, the structure can sag and stop closing well.

How to adjust the products in this case or when other malfunctions occur? How to avoid some problems? Finally, how do you know when an adjustment is needed? We will try to answer these questions.

First of all, I would like to advise you to purchase products only in well-established companies and not save on quality. During installation, it is advisable to control the installation process to make sure that the initial adjustment of the plastic door has been carried out.

What to look for when accepting work

The good work of products and their durability depend both on the quality of the materials and fittings from which it is made, and on correct installation and adjustments.

When accepting work from installers, pay attention to the following points:

Before the installers arrive, watch the video - adjusting the plastic doors - to get an idea of ​​what they are required to do.

How to understand that the door is time to adjust

Tight closing and strong drafts (see) are already obvious problems that cannot be overlooked and are more difficult to fix than if problems are detected at an earlier stage. Exists simple ways allowing timely attention to the need for adjustment.

To determine if the pressure on the box has loosened, take a sheet of paper and clamp it between the box and the frame, closing the door tightly. Then pull the paper towards you and pull it out, fixing the effort with which you did it. Do this around the perimeter.

If the sheet in any area is pulled out with the same effort, everything is in order. If somewhere it happens too easily, it means that in this place the tightness of the fit is insufficient.

If the door began to sag, you can find out about this by circling the closed sash around the perimeter with a simple pencil. The drawn lines should run parallel to the corresponding edges of the box. If they deviate from parallel, it's time to decide how to adjust.

Adjustment Instruction

Once you find that the door needs to be adjusted, try not to postpone this matter indefinitely, otherwise it may require expensive repairs (see). A depressed seal, a displaced sash, a tight turn of the handle are already clear signals that it is time to take action.

How plastic doors are adjusted is the instruction below.

Horizontal adjustment

Most often, it is required to eliminate the sagging that occurs due to the own gravity of the door:

Vertical adjustment

Sometimes it is necessary to evenly raise or lower the entire door. To understand how to adjust the plastic door vertically with your own hands, you need to find an adjusting screw in the lower end of the hinge, directed along the axis of the hinge.

For reference. On the entrance plastic doors, the adjusting screw can be closed with a plug that needs to be removed. When setting up a balcony door with your own hands, you need to do the same.

Adjustment requires a 5mm hex key. Turning it clockwise will raise the door, counter-clockwise lower it.

Pressure adjustment

It should be changed regularly when the season changes - weaken for the summer and strengthen for the winter. This is done very simply, using the same tool - a hexagon.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such a matter as adjusting plastic doors - the video on our website will help you understand this in more detail.

If you have more serious problems than those described here, call the master at home - he will fix everything quickly and efficiently. It is also necessary to call a specialist during the entire period of warranty service.

Plastic doors are an excellent replacement for wooden ones, they have many advantages and protect against drafts, dust and noise. Despite the obvious advantages, plastic doors are so heavy that over time they begin to sag, do not close, etc. If the warranty period has passed, then you can handle the situation yourself. Follow the instructions and adjustment will not cause problems.

When is it necessary to adjust the plastic door?

In some situations, adjustment must be made without delay:

  1. the door clings to the threshold or door frame;
  2. you have to make an effort to open it;
  3. the handle either does not turn well or is too loose;
  4. it lets air through even when closed.

Any of the four signs is critical and indicates that the door has been unadjusted for a long time. In this case, it may be necessary to carry out replacement parts or other additional work. However, you can avoid problems if you check the condition of the door in a timely manner and adjust it.

First, take a piece of paper. Put it on the frame open door and slam it shut. After that, pull the sheet towards you, pay attention to how much effort is required to pull the sheet out. If the paper is easily pulled out, then the door leaf is not pressed very tightly against the frame. Do the procedure several times, applying the sheet to different places. If the adjustment was made correctly, you will apply the same force, no matter where the sheet is.

Then, to check the skew of the web, take a regular pencil. Stand on the side opposite the door opening side. Close it and outline around the perimeter, the edge door frame serve as a ruler. Open the door and see what line you get. If the line is parallel to the edges of the door leaf, no adjustment is required. If the line is shifted, then there is a skew and it's time to carry the tools.

And finally, open the door a little and leave it like that. If there is no wind, and she herself tries to either open or slam shut, then adjustment is required.

Prepare all the tools in advance

Make sure you have these tools., how:

How to adjust a plastic door

Adjustment can be made in three directions:

  1. horizontal (adjustable gap at the bottom or over the entire height);
  2. vertical (relative to the door frame):
  3. frontal (adjustable density in relation to the sealing elements).

Horizontal direction

The adjusting screw, which is located under the decorative trim, is responsible for the movement to the right and left. If, when you close the door, it catches on the frame, either in the middle or across the entire height, then turn the screws clockwise on all three hinges. One or two turns should be enough. If the far edge touches the threshold, then only tighten the screws in the middle and top hinges and the adjustment is complete.

Vertical direction

The vertical adjustment screw is responsible for shifting down or up. If the door has moved down, then turning the screw counterclockwise is required, if up, then clockwise. Such an adjustment is necessary if the lower edge touches the threshold, or when dents are visible on the seals. Use a 5mm Allen key to turn the screws. You will also need a Phillips screwdriver to move the main striker plate.

Front direction

Pressing density adjustment occurs after you have determined what model do you have:

  1. sometimes there are three eccentrics on the vertical end that need to be rotated. They are located on the opposite side of the loops;
  2. sometimes there is a trunnion on the fittings, which is turned with pliers. To achieve maximum pressure, direct it perpendicular to the plane door block. Conversely, for minimal pressure, direct it in parallel;
  3. sometimes the clamping density is adjusted by shifting the striker. These doors have a hex head screw under the bar.

Change the shape

Sometimes adjusting the door doesn't help. Most likely, either the hinges are too old, or the door has changed shape and become a parallelogram instead of a rectangle. In such a case try to change its shape back especially since the process is quite simple. Pry it off with a knife and remove the glazing beads. Remember or mark their position in order to return the glazing beads to their place later. Having pressed the double-glazed window, install additional plastic gaskets around the entire perimeter. Then the frame will pull up a little and change shape. Put the staples back in place. Tap them with a rubber mallet.

So, now the adjustment will not be a problem and you will be able to independently adjust the plastic door. To not do it all the time take a few simple steps:

  1. Install the opening limiter. We usually do not notice that we open the door so much that it rests on the slope. Mechanisms are subjected to so much stress that they stop working correctly. In this case door leaf is the lever that causes the imbalance. To prevent this phenomenon, a limiter was invented.
  2. Think about installing a microlift. Even when the structure is closed, it hangs on hinges and sooner or later sags under its own weight. At such a moment, she needs support, for this there is a microlift. It looks like a roller on which the door rests, thereby unloading the canopies. Most often, at the ordering stage, you can ask suppliers to install this mechanism, but if you didn’t, then it’s okay: the microlift is also installed on already made doors.

The video shows how is the adjustment plastic door. You will see how the master performs the procedures described above, and you will adjust it yourself without any problems.

For the winter, you need to not only insulate windows and walls, but also think about doors, whether they are entrance doors or even just balcony doors. The article contains instructions on how to identify problems with a plastic structure without a wizard and independently perform the necessary adjustment.

The main problems of the balcony door and their causes

As soon as specialists install a plastic door, they immediately regulate it. To make sure that the masters did their job in good faith, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The door frame is tightly pressed against the box in all places.
  2. The door opens effortlessly and also closes. If it creaks, it means that the work was done poorly.
  3. The design is not vertically offset. You can check this using the building level.
  4. The door doesn't sag. A simple test will help you check this. Taking a pencil, circle the closed canvas over the entire area, and then compare the resulting lines with the frame. If they are parallel, the adjustment work was carried out qualitatively.
  5. If the door, half open, remains motionless, it means that it is adjusted correctly.

Attention! Make sure that during this test there is no draft in the room, from which even a well-functioning door will close by itself.

Over time, the structure wears out, and then you need to do an additional correction. Most often it is required in such cases:

  1. Part of the lower shutter touches the threshold - a sign that the door sagged under its own weight. The bulk falls on the double-glazed window, so if it is double, then the hinges become weaker, and the sash moves.
  2. The door handle wobbles. This problem is the easiest to fix. Turn the plug at the base of the handle and tighten the screws with a screwdriver.
  3. The sash touches the frame in the center - this indicates that its side part has been displaced. This sometimes happens due to frequent temperature changes. Doors that lead to an unglazed balcony are especially affected by weather conditions.
  4. Loose door latch.

Advice. If the door requires additional adjustment, contact the company that installed the door. Do the work yourself only if the warranty period for the plastic structure has expired.

How to Diagnose Poor Clamping Density

The following signs indicate that adjustment is needed:

  • The canvas is not pressed very well against the frame. It feels like air is escaping from under the seal.
  • The door closes quite tight, you need to make more effort than usual.

Attention! If this defect is not eliminated, then in winter drafts will walk around the apartment.

The following experiment will help determine the need for regulation:

  1. Take a paper sheet.
  2. Place it between the frame and the door frame.
  3. Close the door tightly.
  4. Pull the sheet over the edge, remembering how easy it is for you.
  5. Repeat the procedure on all sections of the structure.
If every time you had to apply approximately the same effort, then everything is in order. If somewhere it was more difficult to pull out the paper, but somewhere it was easier, start adjusting.

Advice. For self-adjustment of the plastic door mechanism, stock up on several types of screwdrivers, keys of different diameters with 6 edges, pliers and a set of gaskets.

Pressure adjustment instructions

  1. Adjust the tightness of the door by rotating special parts - eccentrics with a key and pliers. They are located at the end of the canvas, usually in 3 places: at the top, in the center and at the bottom. You can see how these parts of the mechanism look in the video or photo.
  2. Rotate each eccentric a little, checking how much the pressure has changed. So you pick best option and adjust the density, but only in the area of ​​​​the door handle.
  3. To ensure complete tightness of the plastic structure, make adjustments on the hinge side as well. To do this, turn every third adjusting screw both at the top and at the bottom. It is convenient to use a hex key for this purpose.

Advice. Engage in pressure adjustment twice a year, doing this in the summer and in the winter. When it's cold outside, make the fit tighter, and loosen it in warm weather. Leaving the “winter” setting for the summer is not recommended, since both the seal and the door block mechanism wear out much faster.

Adjusting the door if it sags

To eliminate this defect, you can not remove the door leaf from the hinges:

  1. Having opened the doors, on the upper canopy, find a screw that opens with a hex key or a special one - an “asterisk” (depending on the model of the plastic structure itself).
  2. Turn the screw a couple of turns to the right.
  3. If the sash still touches the threshold, remove the protective cap from the bottom hinge.
  4. Locate the adjusting screw and also turn a couple of times to the right.

If the door hits the frame in the middle, do the following:

  1. Use a wrench to turn the lower adjustment screw on the side inside. 2-3 turns are enough. So you move the sash to the hinge.
  2. If the door does not close well, repeat the procedure, but already on the upper canopy.

Horizontal adjustment. Step by step description

Sometimes it becomes necessary to adjust the position of the door, for example, move it slightly to the right or left. For this:

  1. Open the door and unscrew the screws from the upper canopies. Use a 6-point screwdriver.
  2. After closing the door, remove the lining, behind which are hidden screws for debugging the mechanism.
  3. Twist them: stronger in the upper loop, slightly weaker in the lower loop. So you do not allow the structure to skew.
  4. If you need to evenly move the door to the canopies or, conversely, away from them, remove the trim from the bottom hinge.
  5. Tighten it and slightly loosen all the screws that are located horizontally in the canopies.

Attention! By turning the screws clockwise, you will move the door to the hinges, by turning it counterclockwise, you will slightly move the leaf in the opposite direction. Thus, it is possible to correct the movement of the structure within 2 mm.

Vertical adjustment. briefing

If the door needs to be slightly lowered or raised, make a vertical debugging of the mechanism.

  1. Locate the adjustment screw at the bottom end of the canopy. It is located along the axis of the loop. Sometimes the screw is hidden by a plug that needs to be removed.
  2. Turn the adjusting screw to the right to raise the door and to the left to lower it. A hex screwdriver is again suitable for this, and a lift height variation of up to 2 mm is also possible.

Advice. To reduce the need to adjust the door so often, install an opening limiter and a micro-lift on it, which supports the canvas when it is closed and does not allow sagging.

Balcony door adjustment: video