What door to install in the bathroom. Doors for the bathroom and toilet: which is better to choose? PVC bathroom door block

Any living space should be warm. To maintain the required temperature, the room needs to be heated. To heat the room rationally, you will need thermal insulation from mineral wool.

What is mineral wool?

The definition of mineral wool is enshrined in GOST 31913-2011. According to him, mineral wool is a class of fibrous materials that are obtained from metal slags and molten rocks.

In fact, the term mineral wool means not one material, but four:

  • glass fiber;
  • slag;
  • stone wool;
  • basalt wool.

All four types have a similar composition of mineral wool, but differ in fiber length and thickness. Differences in structure determine the properties of the material. You need to understand what kind of mineral wool you need, because the scope depends on its main parameters, different types mineral wools have different thermal conductivity, moisture resistance, resistance to mechanical stress, and so on.

Mineral wool insulation was used in Soviet times as a reliable, high-quality and safe insulation material.

The composition of mineral wool (What mineral wool consists of):

  • Mineral wool is based on various rocks. Gabbro-basalt and carbonate rocks are a by-product of metal production. They are used as raw materials for the production of glass wool fibers. Rocks make up 90% of mineral wool. The remaining 10% are various additives.
  • For a dense bundle of fibers, various binders are used. For these purposes, phenol-based resins and bentonite clay are used.
  • From above the material is covered with a thin layer of paper. Usually it is kraft paper with polyethylene or aluminum.

We have listed the main components of mineral wool (about 99% of all mineral wool products consist of them). To find out in more detail what kind of mineral wool is in front of you: its composition is indicated on the packaging.

Mineral wool: varieties

Next, we will tell you what mineral wool is: everything exists four types of wool - glass wool, slag wool, stone and basalt wool. The last two types have excellent characteristics. The use of the first two types can only be justified by the modest budget of the project.

glass wool

This is the most common mineral wool insulation. The thickness of the fiber of this type of cotton wool is 5-15 micrometers, and the length is up to 5 centimeters. Such characteristics make cotton wool strong and elastic. Care must be taken when working with this material. If the fiber is damaged, glass threads can hurt a person painfully. You also need to be careful not to inhale damaged fibers, as fiber particles can get into your lungs. For this reason, builders use special clothing when working with this type of mineral wool - a respirator, goggles, gloves and a special protective suit.

Glass wool technical parameters:

slag wool

The fiber thickness of this type of cotton wool is 4-12 micrometers, and the length is 1.6 centimeters. This material (like glass wool) has a lot of fatal flaws that prevent its use as a heater. It has residual acidity. Because of this, such a material will easily interact with various metal surfaces, oxidizing them. This material easily absorbs moisture. Therefore, it cannot be used for cladding rooms, plastic and metal pipes. It is very prickly, which causes a lot of inconvenience during installation.

Technical parameters of slag wool:

stone wool

What mineral wool of this type is made of: from gabbro and diabase, the fiber thickness of this type of wool is 5-12 micrometers, and the length is 1.6 centimeters. This material in its properties resembles slag wool. However, this material does not prick, which will be a big plus during installation. Stone wool does not absorb water well. Therefore, it can be used for heating lining of rooms.

Technical Parameters of Rock Wool:

Basalt wool

This type of material is also made from gabbro and diabase. Does not contain blast-furnace slags and various additional substances - dolomite, limestone and others. Basalt wool is usually wound into rolls. Mineral wool insulation does not deteriorate during winding. Due to its properties, the material can be used as a heater. This material is very difficult to ignite. If you bring it to the fire, the fibers will only melt, but the material itself will not burn.

Technical parameters of Basalt wool:

Mineral wool: types

Mineral wool is usually sold in the form of solid slabs and mats. The use of mineral wool - lining of walls, ceilings and roofs. Mineral wool allows you to work with non-standard surfaces. Types of wool for insulation differ in density, in accordance with this difference, several brands are distinguished. There is mineral wool of light brands, the density of which is up to 75 kilograms, but its scope is small.

Mineral wool brand P-75

Main characteristics:

  • The density of the material is 75 kg per cubic meter. m.
  • This soft mineral wool is used for warming horizontal surfaces with a small load. An example of this type of surface is attics.
  • This material is often wrapped around central heating, gas and oil pipes to retain heat.

Mineral wool brand P-125

Main characteristics:

  • The density of the material is 125 kg per cubic meter. m.
  • Used for insulation of ceilings, floors, interior walls and partitions.
  • The material has good sound insulation.

Mineral wool brand PZh-175

Main characteristics:

  • The density of the material is 175 kg per cubic meter. m.
  • Used for thermal insulation of reinforced concrete and metal walls and overlays.

Mineral wool brand PZh-200

Main characteristics:

  • The density of the material is 200 kg per cubic meter. m.
  • The material is very dense and has high rigidity.
  • Thanks to special additives, it has a high fire resistance.
  • This building mineral wool is usually used for thermal insulation of reinforced concrete and metal walls and ceilings.

What are the main benefits of mineral wool?

This material is respected ordinary people and experienced builders. And this is no coincidence:

  • High fire resistance. In the production of some types of cotton wool, only non-combustible melts of silicate rocks are used. This provides the material with a high degree of fire resistance. Such wool does not burn under the influence of high temperatures, and also does not deform. For this reason, rooms where various flammable substances are stored are sheathed with mineral wool.
  • Chemical resistance. Vata does not enter well into chemical reactions with different chemicals, which allows it to be used for covering laboratories, various workshops, as well as school chemistry classes.
  • resistance to biological stimuli. Neither fungi nor various harmful insects and rodents like mineral wool.
  • Slight shrinkage. Many materials shrink over time, losing their original volume. This is especially critical for various butt structures, when a decrease in the size of one of the blocks can lead to a leak in the room. Mineral wool is devoid of this drawback.
  • Extremely low hygroscopicity of some varieties of mineral wool. Rigid mineral wool absorbs up to 0.5% liquid. For this reason, the material does not accumulate water.
  • High vapor permeability. Cotton wool well passes various water vapors. This allows you to quickly remove unpleasant odors from the room. Condensate will not settle on such cotton wool.
  • High soundproofing properties. Such wool can be sheathed in rooms not only for the purpose of insulation, but also to protect the room from extraneous noise.
  • Environmental friendliness. The material is safe for humans and does not cause any allergic reactions.
  • Ease of installation. We made mineral wool specifically to facilitate the insulation of rooms. Even an amateur builder can install this material.
  • Durability. The service life is about 70 years, so you do not have to change the coating several years after installation.

What are the main disadvantages of mineral wool?

However, not everything is so smooth. Mineral wool has the following disadvantages:

  • If the fibers are damaged, glass wool fragments can hurt a person painfully. Often the damaged fibers are very small. Inhalation of damaged fibers may damage the lungs and airways. This shortcoming is solved very simply - buy a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a respirator.
  • Mineral wool often contains formaldehyde resin.. Under prolonged exposure to high temperatures, it can oxidize to phenol, which is a poison. Therefore, when installing in not very safe conditions, experienced builders recommend wearing protective clothing and a gas mask.

Also remember that such types of mineral wool as stone and basalt, devoid of these shortcomings.

Mineral wool: scope

Mineral wool is used as building material. It is also used for insulation of walls, pipes and various designs. Sometimes mineral wool is used to create sound insulation, but only basal wool has good noise-reducing properties.

Construction materials: mineral wool

In construction, mineral wool finds its application mainly as a heater. With its help, a special wall cladding is created, which does not let cold air into the room, but retains warm air. Walls are usually sheathed with inside, but sometimes some varieties of wat are also used for flashing walls from the outside. Cotton wool is also insulated with gas-carrying pipes on the streets and in the entrances of houses.

Mineral wool insulation: slabs

Exists different kinds mineral wool for insulation, however, you need to give your preference to mineral wool boards. And that's why:

  • Plates are easy and convenient to cut.
  • Plates are easy to transport and do not require special care.
  • Tiles can be placed on uneven surface to hide the imperfections of load-bearing walls.

How to safely install mineral wool?

When installing mineral wool, the following rules must be observed:

  • Put on a protective suit, a respirator, special goggles and gloves.
  • When working with the material, cover it with a PVC film that allows steam to pass through.
  • Give preference to materials from a reliable manufacturer.
  • To create a mineral wool insulation - plates to help you.
  • Remember that formaldehyde resin does not oxidize at room temperature.
  • If you work at high temperatures environment, give preference to basalt wool, which does not release phenol during oxidation.

How to choose a good mineral wool?

When choosing a mineral wool, use the following tips from experienced builders:

  • Give preference to European wool. The reason for this choice is simple - there is a fairly strict certification system in the European Union, under which mineral wool manufacturers cannot release their product to the market without preliminary tests. Yes, German quality is not a myth, but just a simple consequence of pragmatic European laws. Examples of European wool manufacturers are URSA, Rockwool, PAROC, ISOVER and others.
  • If you need mineral wool - plates will help you. You can buy cotton wool in rolls, but it is more difficult to transport it.
  • It doesn't really matter when the mineral wool was made, as it usually has a shelf life of at least 50 years.
  • The price of cotton wool directly depends on its density. The explanation is simple - it is much more difficult to make a denser material than a less dense one, which greatly affects the final cost of the product.
  • Give your preference to stone and basalt wool. Glass wool and slag wool, although they are very cheap, have a lot of disadvantages. This is both low thermal insulation and low noise insulation. During installation, many problems can arise due to damage to the fibers of the material. If a fiber fragment gets on the skin, it will hurt and itch.
  • If mineral wool is too expensive, using a used one will solve your problem.
  • Great importance has fiber direction. It is not recommended to use material with a horizontal arrangement of fibers (and such material is quite rare). The vertical arrangement of the fibers improves the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the product. If the fibers in the wool are arranged randomly, then it will withstand high loads.
  • Be sure to check on the box with the print material that confirms GOST. Also ask the seller what the mineral wool you want to buy is made of.
  • Don't trust sellers. Suppose you need a plate 5 centimeters thick. Approach the seller and say that you need a 5 cm thick slab. When the seller brings the slab, demand to open the box to personally verify that the slab matches your order. If the seller tries to dissuade you, do not listen to him, you should know better.
  • To find out what mineral wool is made of, pay attention to the composition indicated on the package.

When installing mineral wool, use the following tips from experienced builders:

  1. For simple isolation flat roof lay mineral plates in two layers. The point is that in winter period the roof freezes the hardest, it will need additional protection.
  2. For soundproofing wooden structures use cotton wool with granules.
  3. To create heat-insulating "wet" type insulation, use lamellar mineral wool.
  4. If you are making a roof with a water outlet, buy a slab with a variable section.
  5. Use a pencil when marking the tiles. This will make cutting and measuring much easier.

How to properly transport mineral wool?

Rolls are formed from mats, and plates are assembled into packs of several pieces (their number in one package depends on the thickness of the material). The average pack of slabs has an area of ​​0.35 square meters, and the weight of such a package ranges from 10 to 70 kilograms. More accurate data is usually stored in the seller's catalog.

Use a hacksaw to cut the mineral wool into fragments. Before cutting, make a mark on the material with a pencil. It is advisable to cut cotton wool in rolls before wrapping. It is desirable to cut the plates separately.

For the transport of glass wool and slag wool, use closed-type vehicles so that various precipitations do not soak the material. Store such material in a dry place. Stone and basalt wool do not need such careful maintenance, as they do not absorb moisture well. During transportation, cotton wool slightly decreases in volume, since it is in a compressed state. Mineral wool is quite easy to damage, so walking on it is not recommended. Lay the cotton wool in the slabs one on top of the other, but so that the total height does not exceed two meters.

Conclusions about mineral wool as a heater.

Mineral wool is suitable for warming the premises. Mineral wool is a special material that complies with GOST 31913-2011. Mineral wool is made from molten rocks with the addition of slag. There are four main types of materials - glass wool, slag wool, stone wool and basalt wool. The first two types are cheap, but they get wet easily and have poor soundproofing properties. The last two types hold heat well and do not let noise through.

Mineral wool: application.

When installing mineral wool, it is advisable to wear a protective suit, goggles, gloves and a gas mask. The explanation is that damaged fibers can easily injure. Also, dust particles with fragments of mineral fibers should not be inhaled into light particles. One of the main parameters of the plates is its density. A very dense plate will withstand heavy loads, but it will cost you a pretty penny. And vice versa - if the density of the plate is low, it will not cost you much. Light mineral wool is practically not used, because it does not withstand heavy loads. The use of mineral wool depends on the task that you face.

The use of mineral wool has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of all types of plates include ease of installation, resistance to chemical and biological influences, environmental friendliness and good vapor-permeable performance. Fire resistance, good heat and sound insulating properties are also true for stone and basalt wool. The disadvantages of the plates include the presence of prickly fibers and formaldehyde resins in their composition. The former can hurt a person painfully, and formaldehyde resins can oxidize to the toxic substance phenol. However, stone and basalt varieties are practically devoid of these shortcomings.

When choosing cotton wool, give preference to European manufacturers, since the European Union has a serious certification system. Do not skimp on cotton wool - buy reliable and expensive cotton wool. When choosing, also pay attention to the direction of the mineral fibers. If you need a dense material - choose a plate with a chaotic arrangement of fibers, if you need a material with high heat and sound insulating properties - give preference to a vertical arrangement of fibers. Before buying, be sure to check the product for the presence of a seal confirming GOST. During the purchase, check the technical parameters of the material manually and do not trust the sellers.

Cotton wool is sold in two types - in the form of plates and in the form of mats. Mats are wound into rolls; plates are placed in special boxes. If you bought glass wool or slag wool, transport them in closed cars to avoid accidental precipitation on them. Before cutting, mark with a pencil directly on the surface of the material. You need to cut the material with a hacksaw.

Mineral wool belongs to the category of universal heaters. Due to the sheer number of its benefits, it has unlimited uses. There are several varieties of this material. We will talk about their features and the advantages of mineral wool as a heater further.

Mineral wool: origin and manufacturing features

Mineral wool is a material intended for thermal insulation, which consists of thin, glassy fibers intertwined with each other. They are made in the process of pulverization of a certain kind of slag, stones or basalt. The quality and density of mineral wool depends on the length and diameter of the fibers. The production process of mineral wool is based primarily on the production of minimal fibers, which are interconnected using a binder.

In order to better understand the properties of mineral wool, one should carefully study the process of its origin. The production of mineral wool is conditionally divided into the following stages:

1. Determination of the type of raw material and its preparation for melting.

At this stage, the composition of mineral wool is determined, in which a certain proportionality of the ingredients is observed. It has a name - a mixture. Most often, this composition contains two, maximum three components. Each of the manufacturers of mineral wool has its own proportions of ingredients in this composition. It is on the proportionality and type of mineral wool ingredients that its further versatility, resistance to moisture, temperature changes and compression depend. In addition, the product must have high thermal insulation properties. The quality of mineral wool is determined primarily by its fiber, its size and chemical constituents. Before mixing the ingredients, they undergo a grinding and drying procedure. Already in the dosing chamber, they are selected according to the specified proportions.

2. The procedure for melting the components.

After all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed together, they are melted at a temperature of about one and a half thousand degrees Celsius. This stage is the main part of the mineral wool production process. It is the temperature in the oven that determines the consistency of the resulting mixture and the length of the fibers of the finished product.

Most often, for heating such a furnace, fuel is used in the form natural gas, it is with its help that it is possible to achieve such high temperature.

3. Making fibers of the material.

The molten mass having a certain viscosity is in the area of ​​fiber formation. For these purposes, special devices have been developed in the form of multi-roll centrifuges and fiber distributors. The composition falls on the roll, which rotates at a very high speed. As a result, fibers are formed, to which are also added different kind additives and water-repellent mixtures. Then the fibers are in the chamber of their cooling and form a homogeneous web.

On a special kind of machine, the fabric undergoes special processing for orienting the fibers. Due to this, mineral wool is characterized by almost zero shrinkage.

4. Polymerization procedure.

The canvas is in the heat treatment chamber, where it solidifies. All binders are endowed with certain physical properties, it is this process that further affects the quality of the finished product.

5. Form definition.

Mineral wool is available both in the form of slabs and in rolls. At this stage, it is cut and packed according to size.

6. Packing.

The last, final stage involves packaging finished material and send it for sale.

Characteristics of mineral wool: advantages and disadvantages of insulation

First, let's get acquainted with the advantages of mineral wool:

1. Good thermal insulation performance.

Due to the fact that the fibers of the thermal insulation material have a special fineness, it is a versatile and very good thermal insulation material. If we compare the indicators of its thermal conductivity with other alternative heaters, then mineral wool will certainly win.

2. Fire safety.

Mineral wool is used in any areas whose temperature does not exceed 1000 degrees. Until this temperature is reached, mineral wool is not able to melt. Therefore, it is an excellent option for insulating walls, floors, ceilings and interfloor ceilings. Using mineral wool, to some extent, it is possible to prevent a fire, since it is not capable of spreading fire.

3. Resistance to chemical compounds.

This property also expands the scope of mineral wool. Its composition is absolutely resistant to all kinds of chemical influences.

4. Biological stability.

This advantage is primarily due to the fact that mineral wool is not eaten by rodents such as rats or mice, unlike polystyrene. And, therefore, throughout the entire period of its operation, it remains unchanged both in form and in composition. In addition, due to its good moisture resistance, mineral wool is resistant to fungus and mold, which is especially important for ensuring a healthy atmosphere and indoor microclimate.

5. Excellent sound insulator.

The chaotic arrangement of mineral wool fibers allows you to use it not only as a heater, but also for soundproofing rooms. Mineral wool is used even for installation on doors, as it is not able to let extraneous sounds into the room.

6. Ability to cope with static loads.

Due to its good density, mineral wool perfectly withstands static loads, therefore it is used for insulating floors, ceilings and other critical elements. Even after 40 years of its operation, mineral wool does not shrink. And the duration of its operation depends on the tendency of the insulation to deformation. Since, shrinkage leads to the appearance of cold bridges and to an increase in heat loss.

7. Vapor performance.

Due to the fact that mineral wool allows air to pass through, a healthy atmosphere is maintained in the room and natural air exchange occurs.

8. Environmental safety.

The composition of mineral wool contains a binder based on formaldehyde resins, however, during the manufacture of insulation, this resin becomes absolutely harmless, and during further operation does not emit harmful substances.

9. Long term use.

The service life of mineral wool is more than 45 years. Since this material is practically not shrinkable, it tolerates well high humidity, sudden changes in temperature and atmospheric phenomena, it is able to maintain its characteristics throughout the entire period of its use.

In addition, mineral wool is an excellent insulation for facades, as it has a high tear strength. This material is easy to process and install.

Despite this, mineral wool has several disadvantages, among which should be highlighted:

  • mineral wool is able to function normally as a heater, only in combination with additional materials vapor barrier and waterproofing character;
  • when working with mineral wool, it is necessary to use protective gloves, a mask and goggles, as there is a risk of getting the smallest fibers on the skin and irritating it;
  • it is not recommended to allow constant contact of mineral wool with moisture.

Scope of mineral wool for insulation

Due to its versatility and a large number of positive characteristics, mineral wool has a wide range of applications, namely:

  • in the process of thermal insulation of ventilated facades;
  • in the arrangement of three-layer masonry;
  • insulation of walls, ceilings, floors, floors;
  • production of roofing pies in the process of arranging a high-quality roof;
  • as a heat-insulating material for roofing;
  • with external wall insulation;
  • in the process of manufacturing products from reinforced concrete;
  • for thermal insulation of communication systems: pipelines, gas pipelines, etc.;
  • in most building structures;
  • when warming balconies and attics, as well as loggias.

Types of mineral wool and their characteristics

In relation to the characteristics of the production of mineral wool, it can be of three types:

  • based on fiberglass;
  • based on slag;
  • stone mineral wool.

Each of the materials has individual characteristics, in particular, the length and arrangement of the fibers, different resistance to deformation, moisture, loads, etc.

Mineral wool based on fiberglass or glass wool has fibers whose thickness is not more than 14 microns and a length of up to five centimeters. This material is characterized by the highest strength and elasticity. Please note that it requires the use of special protective equipment during operation, as small glass particles can get on the skin and cause irritation.

Glass wool has a good coefficient of thermal conductivity, it is able to withstand temperatures up to 450 degrees of heat and 50 degrees of cold.

The second option is the use of slag wool. For the manufacture of this insulation, blast-furnace slag is used, the fibers of which do not exceed twelve microns in thickness, and not more than one and a half millimeters in length.

The slag is unstable to acidic environments, so it has limited use on metal surfaces. In addition, this insulation has a high hygroscopic ability, so it cannot be used in the process of insulating facades and other external structures. The cost of slag wool is an order of magnitude lower than, for example, glass wool. Due to its fragility, it is not used for the insulation of pipelines and communication systems.

Slag wool is able to withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees Celsius, when exposed to a higher temperature, it loses its thermal insulation properties. In addition, it has a high hygroscopicity, which significantly limits its scope. The biggest advantage of this insulation is its lower cost compared to alternatives.

Stone or basalt mineral wool - differs in the same small fibers as slag wool. However, this material does not tend to cause irritation or allergies. In addition, it has high thermal insulation performance, the most the best option Stone wool is a material based on basalt rocks. This material can withstand temperatures up to a thousand degrees of heat and up to two hundred degrees of frost, without changing the thermal insulation characteristics.

Basalt stone wool is sold both in rolls and in slabs. It is very easy to use, not prone to deformation, not prone to burning. This version of mineral wool is the most the best choice for use as a heater.

Heat-insulating mineral wool: features of choice

In order to buy mineral wool, it is enough to contact any hardware store or supermarket. For mineral wool, the price is determined primarily by its type, the cheapest is slag wool, glass wool is a little more expensive, and the most expensive option is basalt stone wool.

The thickness of mineral wool is different, its choice depends on the type of coating on which the insulation will be installed.

In addition, in relation to the size of mineral wool, various types of slabs and rolls are also distinguished. Each of the manufacturers has its own dimensional grid of finished products.

Stone wool is divided into the following subspecies:

  • granular - manufactured by a special compressor unit, relevant for places where the installation of conventional insulation is not possible;
  • in the form of slabs coated with bitumen - great option for laying roofing finishing materials;
  • in the form of lamellar plates - it is distinguished by the presence of fibers that are not arranged in a chaotic, but in a perpendicular manner, has good elasticity and flexibility, is suitable for thermal insulation of pipelines.

We offer you to get acquainted with the main manufacturers of mineral wool:

1. Rockwool mineral wool - the material has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, excellent air permeability, does not absorb moisture, and is non-combustible. In addition, the mineral wool of this manufacturer is resistant to mold, insects and rodents, environmentally friendly and has good soundproofing characteristics. Among the huge range of products, it is possible to choose exactly the type of mineral wool that suits the individual characteristics of the area requiring insulation.

2. Mineral wool "Izover" - is made in the form of plates, rolls or mats, has two forms: rigid and semi-rigid. The material is used in the process of insulating roofs, interfloor ceilings, floors, facade parts of a building or walls. The material retains air by 99%, therefore, during operation, its thermal conductivity qualities only increase.

3. Mineral wool Ursa - this insulation is based on fiberglass or quartz glass. The material is good fire safety, it is practically non-flammable, in addition, the mineral wool of this manufacturer is environmentally friendly.

Before buying mineral wool, you should also study the recommendations for choosing it, which are presented below:

1. Pay attention to the place and storage conditions of the material. All products must be stored in the packaging in which they were packed at the factory.

2. If mineral wool is sold in boxes, contact with moisture or damp environments should be minimized.

3. Even for a little money, you should not buy wet cotton wool, because after drying it loses its properties.

4. Identify several manufacturers for yourself, read reviews about them, and then make a purchase decision.

5. Precalculate right amount cotton wool, in relation to the area of ​​​​the insulated area.

Mineral wool video:

The attempts of many residents of houses to improve the comfort of living in winter time motivated the installation of efficient heating systems. But a stable temperature in these cases borders on increased energy costs. And the whole house solves two problems at the same time - and maintaining a stable temperature regime and minimizing heating costs. At the same time, a good indicator of sound insulation is also achieved.

Specifications of mineral wool

Mineral wool is known for having one of the most effective thermal conductivity indicators. If we compare it with similar parameters of other heaters, then mineral wool is on the same level in terms of efficiency as polystyrene and significantly outperforms many other heaters.

  • The coefficient of thermal conductivity of mineral wool for its different variants ranges from 0.036-0.042 W / (m * K). This parameter is affected by the density of the insulation
  • The density of mineral wool is set by the manufacturer depending on its functional purpose and form of release. Standard indicators are 100,150,200 kg/m3. The higher the density, the more efficient the material's ability to retain heat.
  • Another important characteristic of mineral wool is its ability to withstand the influence of biological forms. With sufficient convection, mineral wool is not the best place for the development of fungal forms and molds.
  • The property of mineral wool regarding hygroscopicity also plays a role in its functionality. Moisture does not accumulate on its fibers and freely penetrates through them. This circumstance gives reason not to be afraid about the displacement of the dew point into the thickness of the insulated surface. In addition, relative hygroscopicity allows the material to be used for ventilated facades.

Important! Although mineral wool fibers do not absorb moisture into themselves, they are able to retain it in the structure of the material between the fibers. Therefore, it is recommended to use this material only when insulating the outer part of the building or inside the wall structure.

  • An important positive property of mineral wool is its resistance to high temperatures. The ignition of the material is practically excluded, since the phenol-formaldehyde resins included in its composition do not have a tendency to burn. Even at the risk of fire, mineral wool fibers do not light up, but only melt slightly, while maintaining temperatures up to 800 degrees
  • Regarding the heat capacity and the ability to retain heat, the fact that mineral wool can withstand a temperature drop to -160 degrees without consequences is evidence.

However, when insulating with mineral wool any structural surfaces of a building, it must be borne in mind that mineral wool undergoes deformation over time, forming cold bridges. However, such manifestations can be expected after 8-10 years of operation.

Another disadvantage of mineral wool is that its fibers are accessible to rodents. And although they are not interested in the material as food, they can arrange their nests in the thickness of the insulation.

Mineral wool is used for warming not only private houses, but also apartments, as well as its individual parts. If you live on the first floor and know, then you can insulate it from the outside with mineral wool.

For the inner walls of the balcony, foam is more often used. Read about which is better (foam or mineral wool). The article provides a detailed comparison of these two materials.

What types of mineral wool are produced today

The production of this insulation is based on the use of mineral components that have identical properties. The structure of each type of mineral wool is a chaotic interlacing of fibers, which contributes to the adhesive strength and insulating properties.

The most common types of mineral wool today are:

  • stone wool
  • glass wool
  • slag wool

Despite the general parameters, these categories of mineral wool have some features.

glass wool

This category of mineral wool is produced by melting several components:

  • sand
  • Limestone
  • Dolomite

As a result, a material with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.038-0.040 W/m*K is achieved. In this case, the resulting length of the fibers reaches 0.5 cm, and their thickness is 12 microns.

Glass wool is one of the first materials in this category. It has all the inherent advantages, but has one significant drawback.

Glass wool in the structure of the fibers contains the smallest particles of glass, which very often injure workers during the insulation process, so the main requirement when working with mineral wool is to take precautions.

Otherwise, this material is suitable for insulating floors, walls, roof structures.

slag wool

The characteristics of this type of mineral wool are somewhat more modest. The reason for this is its active ingredients. Slag is made from blast-furnace waste. Waste slags go through the same processing steps as in the glass wool production process. In this case, fibers up to 15-16 mm long and 5 to 8 microns in diameter are formed.

  • Slag wool components contain high residual acidity, which can react with metal components and cause corrosion.
  • The thermal conductivity of slag wool is slightly higher and is 0.048-7-0.052 W / (m * K). The fire resistance parameters are also less attractive - slag wool is able to withstand temperatures up to 400 degrees, after which it begins to deform

stone wool

In recent years, this material has become the most popular among analogues. Stone wool is made from basalt rocks. , or rather, its thermal conductivity is the most effective - from 0.032 to 0.038 W / (m * K).

It has stone wool and sufficient density, which increases the period of its operation up to ten years. It is less prone to deformation and does not pose an environmental hazard. Temperature resistance is also high - it can withstand up to 900 degrees.

When choosing mineral wool for insulation, you need to take into account the conditions of its operation and location. Insulation in the form of mats will last longer and provide a greater level of heat capacity.

It is necessary to pay attention to the density and thickness of mineral wool. The price of mineral wool is often justified by its technological characteristics, but this is not a decisive feature in the choice of material.

When buying, you need to pay more attention to the indicators of thermal conductivity and vapor barrier.

And then it will be possible to confidently stay for many years in a comfortable environment with a stable temperature in any frost outside the windows.

Video about the characteristics of mineral wool

Characteristics of Rockwool stone wool. Benefits of stone wool

How glass wool is made. The process of manufacturing fiberglass thermal insulation in production is shown.

Foreword. In an effort to live in warmth and comfort, everyone first of all tries to protect the house from the cold and extraneous noise from the street. People have always sought protection from the heat of summer and the cold of winter. If mineral wool insulation is used as thermal insulation, then you can save yourself from frost in winter and from scorching heat in summer. In this article, we will review the main specifications mineral wool.

Mineral wool, the technical characteristics of which, we will consider today, has several varieties and world-famous manufacturers, each of the types has advantages and disadvantages. Next, consider what thermal insulation materials can be considered mineral wool, so that when buying thermal insulation, make right choice in accordance with the requirements.

The main types of mineral wool

According to GOST 52953-2008, three materials are classified as mineral wool: slag fiber, glass fiber, and stone wool. All materials have a different structure - the length and thickness of the fiber, differ from each other in terms of resistance to stress, thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and the ability to withstand an open flame. Let's talk in detail about each type of mineral wool and list their characteristics.

Glass wool. Specifications

Glass wool consists of fibers with a length of 15 to 50 mm and a fiber thickness of 5 to 15 microns. Glass wool is resilient and durable, but you should work with the material carefully, because. fragile glass threads can dig into the skin, get into the eyes or accidentally inhale into the lungs, injuring the mucous membranes. When working with insulation, wear a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a respirator.

The main characteristics of fiberglass mineral wool:

Thermal conductivity coefficient - from 0.03 to 0.052 watts per meter per Kelvin.
The permissible heating temperature is up to 450 degrees Celsius.
Hygroscopicity - medium.

Slag. Specifications

The insulation is made from blast-furnace slag, the slag fibers have a length of 16 millimeters and a thickness of 4 to 12 microns. Slags have residual acidity and can attack metal surfaces in a humid environment. Slag wool absorbs moisture well, therefore it is unsuitable for thermal insulation of the steam room, the facade of the house, and insulation water pipes. In addition, the material is quite fragile.

The main characteristics of mineral wool from slag:

Thermal conductivity coefficient - from 0.46 to 0.48 watts per meter per Kelvin.
The permissible heating temperature is up to 300 degrees Celsius.
Hygroscopicity is high.

Technical characteristics of mineral wool. table

Stone wool. Specifications

Stone wool fibers are about the size of slag wool. But the insulation has a significant advantage - it does not prick. Work with stone wool more convenient and much safer than with fiberglass or slag material. This is the most popular type of mineral wool today, and if they say “mineral wool technical characteristics”, then we are talking, as a rule, about stone wool.

The main characteristics of mineral wool from rocks:

Thermal conductivity coefficient - from 0.077 to 0.12 watts per meter per Kelvin.
The permissible heating temperature is up to 600 degrees Celsius.
Hygroscopicity - medium.

Mineral wool grades

Manufacturers offer mineral wool in the form of plates, rolls and mats. The material successfully insulates the roof of the house, ceilings and attic floors, internal walls and partitions. There are no difficulties in using the material. The density of basalt wool can be different, there are several brands of it in accordance with this parameter. Let's look at each brand next.

Mineral wool P-75

The density is 75 kilograms per cubic meter. The insulation is suitable for insulating horizontal planes that are not subjected to heavy loads - attics and some types of roofs. This brand of basalt mineral wool is also used for wrapping pipes of heating plants, gas and oil pipes. Mineral wool of lower density is used where there are no loads.

Mineral wool P-125

The density is 125 kilograms per cubic meter. The insulation has good soundproofing properties, suitable for floor and ceiling insulation, thermal insulation of walls inside. Can be applied as internal insulation walls in houses made of brick, foam block or aerated concrete. Using this material, you can not only qualitatively insulate the facade for siding, but also get excellent sound insulation.

Mineral wool PZh-175, PZh-200

The density is 175 and 200 kilograms per cubic meter. The insulation is not only dense, but also has increased rigidity, which is what the abbreviation means. It is used for thermal insulation of ceilings and walls made of reinforced concrete or sheet metal. Brand of basalt wool PZH-200 can be used as additional protection living quarters from fire.

Mineral wool is produced today excellent quality, such well-known manufacturers as "URSA", "

Find out in which direction the mineral wool fibers are located. If the fibers are arranged vertically, then the insulation will better save heat, if the fibers are arranged randomly, then the material becomes more durable, withstanding considerable loads.

Slag wool and glass wool are distinguished by low prices, but think before you buy them. These materials do not differ in improved thermal insulation, and there are enough problems during installation - if glass wool gets on the skin or mucous membrane, then the affected area will itch for a long time.