How to adjust the pumping station water pressure regulator. Setting the pressure in a pumping station with a hydraulic accumulator

Reading 6 min.

Immediately after the purchase, setting the pressure switch of the pumping station is not required - the necessary manipulations have already been carried out at the factory. The values ​​of these settings range from 1.3-1.9 bar on, and 2.6-3.1 bar to turn off.

But due to many reasons, it is often necessary to re-adjust the pressure switch. Below we will analyze all the main points, after which you will know how to adjust the water pressure switch, why it does not work, does not turn off, etc.

How is the pump relay arranged and how to set it up?

Before you adjust the pressure switch, you should understand its design features and the principle of operation.

The liquid level switch is a metal-based device, in the lower part of which there is a membrane cover with a special fastener that can be quickly removed. On the top of the water flow switch there are several contacts and a pair of regulators.

From above, all these elements are covered with a lid. The latter is attached to one of the regulators. This whole design is quick-detachable - the device can be disassembled using an ordinary wrench.

Manufacturers offer different relays in shape, size, arrangement of working elements, slight differences in design features details. Often these devices are supplemented with fuses from "idle operation".

How does it work?

The relay of the pumping station works on the principle based on the pressure of the liquid coming from the pump - the membrane moves the piston, activating the contacts located on the iron base with two hinges.

These contacts can close and open (depending on the position) - this provides automatic switching on / off of the equipment. The second regulator, at the same time, stabilizes the piston pressure.

The electrician of the device (responsible for turning the pump on / off) “listens” to the spring hinge. As soon as the pressure switch RM (or pressure switch RDM5) rises above the hinge, the regulators snap.

So, one regulator (large) turns on pumping equipment, and the second, smaller one, is responsible for deactivation due to pressure drops in the device.

How to adjust yourself?

If for any reason the initial setting of the pressure switch does not suit you, then it's time to connect your hands with experience and set up the water level switch with your own hands. Setting up a pumping station relay with your own hands is a fairly simple procedure. We only need a box wrench and a screwdriver.

Do-it-yourself pumping station adjustment sequence:

  1. Power off the device.
  2. Remove the device panel.
  3. Set the required pressure.
  4. Assemble the adjusted unit.

Remember! Under the lid there are two regulators - large and small. The first works with pressure to activate the pump, the second is responsible for the pressure difference and shutting down the system.

Adjustment of the pressure switch of the Pumping Station (video)

Raise/lower system pressure

It's simple - to raise or lower the pressure in the accumulator, you need to loosen or tighten the nut on the large regulator. This setting of the accumulator pressure switch is the fastest and easiest.

Attention! Setting up the relay of the pumping station with your own hands should be carried out strictly with the equipment turned off. De-energize the system before starting!

Next, turn on the configured device and look at the pressure gauge for setting the lower pressure limit. We also check the shutdown pressure. If the new indicators of the air pressure switch for the compressor satisfy you, then the tuning process can be considered complete.

Important subtleties when setting up

Any for a pump requires timely detection of a malfunction and compliance with the operating “correct” temperature. Repair of the pressure switch of the pumping station is an extreme measure, and it is justified only at a very high cost of a new part.

Therefore, it is very important to be able to adjust the equipment yourself, in which it is imperative to take into account important subtleties:

  • when adjusting the relay, you cannot set the upper pressure that exceeds the limit for this model by 75% - this is guaranteed to lead to a malfunction. The only way out in this situation is to replace the component;
  • before increasing the pressure, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the operating parameters of your device - to see if the pump can withstand it. If you specify a pressure much less than in the device passport, then a breakdown is also guaranteed, because the relay is now constantly activated;
  • your pump must be adjusted carefully - do not tighten the bolts all the way, otherwise the relay will work constantly.

The main malfunctions of the pumping station and how to deal with them?

It happens that the pressure switch does not turn off the pump, a leak has formed in the hydraulic accumulator of the pumping station, the equipment constantly clicks, does not turn on the pump, etc.

Of course, it is easier to throw out a faulty water pump and put a new one in its place. But, not everyone can afford such returbations, therefore, let's look at the main breakdowns of pumping systems, and deal with their elimination.

The pump has stopped working: the first thing to do

If the water pump is turned on, but does not show "signs of life" - check the voltage in the mains. Try disconnecting and reconnecting the power cable. It's trite, but many are faced with just such a problem.

Is there still tension? Then check the reliability of all electrical connections.

Does the pump turn on for the first time since purchase? Check if the connections are correct. Nothing happened? Then the reason may lie in the breakdown of the wheel or relay. Your actions are as follows:

  • power off the device;
  • try turning the motor shaft with your hands;
  • if it does not spin, the problem is in the starting capacitor;
  • the way out is to replace it. You will need a soldering iron, a similar capacitor and skillful hands.

Air pump does not pump water

In what situations does this happen:

  • air has entered the housing of some elements. Check the tightness of all containers, turn off the device, and using a special valve (you need to unscrew it), let the excess air escape;
  • a similar problem occurs when the water level is low. Check the water level at the water intake point, and the compliance of the pump installation with the recommendations in the passport;
  • the problem may lie in the breakdown or clogging of the ejector nozzle. Clean the valve.

Equipment does not turn off

Is the pump equipped with a hydraulic accumulator and does not turn off? The pressure switch might not work properly. Usually the reason lies in incorrectly set pressure or low water pressure, due to air entering the sealed parts of the device.

The constant operation of the pump may be due to clogging of the fiver - due to too hard water. The way out is to remove and clean the relay, install a special filter to “soften” the water.

If the pump worked and then stopped abruptly, the problem may be hiding in the motor overheating. It is necessary to disconnect the device from the mains, find the cause of overheating and eliminate it. Here you will need experience or the help of a master.

It is necessary to connect all elements of the pumping station very carefully. If you have any problems, then immediately contact the masters!

Do not forget that the water flow with your own hands was done correctly, and never let you down, you need considerable experience, tools and the “right” hands.

A pumping station is a unit that supplies water to houses or cottages offline. Despite the fact that such units are rather complicated, their principle of operation is quite simple - the pump sucks water from the source and pumps it into a specially designed reservoir. The tank has a sensor that monitors the liquid level. If the level decreases, the sensor gives a signal and the station turns on. Otherwise, the pumping station must shut down.

How to choose a pumping station?

picking up best option unit, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • In the accumulator, the volume must meet the stated requirements.
  • The material from which the body is made must be strong and reliable.
  • The power of the pump should provide a good pressure of water in the water supply system.

What is a pumping station?

An important element for the normal functioning of any pumping station is pressure. Before you find out what are the reasons that affect the pressure, it is worthwhile to figure out what elements the apparatus consists of:

  • Pump.
  • Hydraulic accumulator.
  • Pressure switch.
  • Pressure gauge.

Pump station pressure regulation

The pressure switch in units with pumps is considered the main part of its normal functioning, then each owner of the unit should know how the setting is carried out:

  • Ensure the pump is in working condition and pump water up to the mark of three atmospheres.
  • Switch off the device.
  • Remove the cover, and slowly turn the nut until the element turns on. If you make movements in the direction of the hands of the clock, you can increase the air pressure, against the course - reduce.
  • Open the tap and reduce the liquid readings to 1.7 atmospheres.
  • Shut off the faucet.
  • Remove the relay cover and turn the nut until the contacts actuate.

What pressure should be in the pumping station in the pear?

The hydraulic accumulator of the unit with the pump contains such an element as a rubber container, which is also commonly called a pear. There must be air between the walls of the tank and the tank itself. The more water there is in the pear, the stronger the air will be compressed and, accordingly, its pressure will be greater. Conversely, if the pressure drops, then the volume of water in the rubber container has decreased. So what should be the value of the optimal pressure for such a unit? In most cases, manufacturers declare a pressure of 1.5 atmospheres. By purchasing pumping station, it is necessary to check the pressure level with a manometer.

Do not forget that different pressure gauges have different errors. Therefore, it is best to use a certified automobile pressure gauge with minimal scale graduations on it.

What pressure should be in the expansion tank of the pumping station?

The pressure in the receiver must not exceed the upper limit of the liquid pressure level. Otherwise, the receiver will cease to fulfill its direct duty, namely, to fill with water and soften water hammer. The recommended pressure level for the expansion tank is 1.7 atmospheres.

Some malfunctions of the unit can lead to the fact that, as a result, the pumping station does not turn on when the pressure drops. The reasons for the pressure drop in the water supply may be:

  1. The pump is not powerful enough or its parts are worn out.
  2. Water is leaking from the connections or there is a pipe rupture.
  3. The mains voltage drops.
  4. The suction pipe draws in air.

The main purpose of such units is to supply liquid from various sources with great depth, to create and maintain constant pressure indicators. However, during the operation of the devices, various problems occur. It also happens that the unit cannot build up the required pressure and turns off. The reasons for this may be:

  • Pump running dry. This happens due to the fall of the water column below the water intake level.
  • An increase in the resistance of the pipeline, which occurs if the length of the line does not match the diameter.
  • Leaky connections, resulting in air leakage. With this problem, it is worth checking all connections and, if necessary, providing each of them with a sealant.
  • The coarse filter is clogged. After cleaning the filter, you can try to apply pressure to the pumping station.
  • Malfunction of the pressure switch. Adjusting the relay will help solve the problem.

Having found the cause of the malfunction of the pumping station, you can begin to eliminate it.

Why does the pressure in the pumping station not rise?

When the pressure gauge of the pumping station shows low pressure, and it does not rise, this process is also called airing. The reasons for this problem may be:

  • If this is not a submersible pump, then the cause may be hiding in the suction tube, through which unwanted air can be sucked. Installing a "dry run" sensor will help to cope with the problem.
  • The supply line is not tight at all, there is no density at the joints. It is necessary to check all joints and ensure that they are completely sealed.
  • When filled, air remains in the pumping unit. Here you can not do without distillation, filling the pump from above under pressure.

The pumping station does not hold pressure and constantly turns on

Due to some malfunctions, the pressure in the unit sometimes drops, and the station itself may turn on periodically. The reason may be:

  • The rupture of the rubber container in the accumulator, as a result of which the tank is completely filled with water, even where there should be air. It is this element that regulates the constancy of the pressure of the station. You can find the problem by pressing down on the liquid injection fitting. If the liquid begins to seep, then the problem is in the rubber container. Here it is better to immediately resort to replacing the membrane.
  • There is no air pressure in the accumulator. The solution to the problem is to pump air into the chamber using a conventional air pump.
  • Broken relay. In the case when the fitting is without smudges, then the problem is with the relay. If the settings do not help, you will have to resort to replacing the device.

One of the reasons why the pump turns on more often than it should and does not provide a smooth supply of water is incorrect adjustment of the pressure switch and setting the parameters of the accumulator. These are two different operations on different devices. And although the tank of the water storage device itself does not have a relay or built-in automatic devices, the pressure in the air pocket of the tank indirectly affects the operation of the entire water supply system.

What and how to adjust in a system with a pump and a hydraulic accumulator

To organize the normal operation of pumping equipment, it is necessary to set three main parameters:

  • Adjust the air pressure in the air space of the accumulator;
  • Fix the level at which the control relay starts the water pump;
  • The limiting level of water pressure at which, using the relay command, the pumping unit is turned off.

Important! All three parameters will need to be adjusted several times, adjusting a more comfortable level of pressure in the water supply and the water flow on the accumulator to the characteristics for your home.

Regulate the pressure in the accumulator

The water storage device is very simple in design. Inside the steel tank is a rubber membrane, which occupies approximately 2/3 of the volume of the accumulator. The rest of the space is occupied by the air chamber. With the help of excess air pressure in the chamber and the elastic forces of the stretching rubber membrane, water is squeezed out as needed into the plumbing system. There is nothing special to adjust and regulate, except for the pressure in the air compartment of the accumulator.

From the factory, the device comes with a preset air pressure of 1.5 atm. Before buying a device, you should make sure that the factory pressure is available. Usually this indicates the serviceability of the nipple and the integrity of the rubber sheath inside the cylinder, we proceed to adjust the accumulator for water supply systems.

First, a hydraulic accumulator is installed in the system and the pump is started to determine the working pressure parameters in the system. They try to regulate the air pressure in the air pocket of the accumulator by 10-13% below the turn-on pressure of the pumping station. Simply put, it is necessary to adjust to 0.6 - 0.9 atm. below the water pressure at which the engine starts. We check the adjusted level with a pressure gauge for an hour to make sure there are no air leaks.

The air pressure in the accumulator cavity must be adjusted when the water pressure is turned off, just turn off the tap. The value must be checked and adjusted at least once a quarter.

How the pressure switch for the accumulator is adjusted

The relay or automatic pressure control for water supply to the water supply system looks like a small black plastic box with two fittings made of body material and one metal fitting with an external or female ¼ inch pipe thread, as in the photo. With the help of a fitting, the relay is connected to a five-pin fitting fixed on the inlet pipe of the accumulator.

In other cases, the relay can be installed together with a pressure gauge directly on the body of a surface pump or pumping station.

Through plastic tides, wires from the pump winding are brought into the housing. If you unscrew the screw in the upper part with a conventional screwdriver, the cover can be removed, after which two parts of the device become available - a pair of vertical springs on a metal base plate, with which you can adjust the operating parameters of the water pressure, and a contact group to which the wound wiring is connected from the pump. The yellow-green “ground” wire is connected to the metal lower contacts, and the blue and brown wires of the pump motor winding in pairs are connected to the upper pads.

The springs are different sizes. A large spring is seated on the axle and secured with a nut, by turning which you can adjust the degree of compression of the elastic spring element. Here, arrows are applied on the plate to help you orient yourself correctly and rotate the nut to adjust the relay threshold.

Important! Despite the large number of turns on the central stud that holds the spring to the plate, the relay and membrane are quite sensitive even to a small turn of the nut that regulates the actuation level. In some cases, to adjust and change the response threshold by about 1 atm. water pressure, it is enough to turn the nut only ¾ turn.

Therefore, it is necessary to work with nuts carefully, and do not rush to adjust and knock down the factory settings.

Next to the large spring there is a small one, about 4 times smaller. By design, it is completely identical to the large spring, but, unlike the first, a small spring is needed to adjust the difference between the pump start pressure and the maximum water pressure at which the pump turns off.

Under the metal plate is a membrane that contains pressurized water from a water pipe system or a hydraulic accumulator. Due to the water pressure in the membrane, the plate overcomes the resistance of the springs and closes and opens the group of contacts.

A good excursion on the topic of the pressure switch device and its adjustment organs can be obtained from the video:

How to adjust the water pressure switch

Adjusting the water pressure switch type RP-5 is quite simple. Most often, it is necessary to adjust the relay in two cases - at the stage of commissioning the water supply system and after repair, modification or changes to the operation of the water supply system and the hydraulic accumulator. In any case, before you start adjusting, follow a few mandatory procedures:

  1. Warn the residents of the house that during the time you are adjusting the pressure switch, it is impossible to use taps, a toilet, a shower, in general, all elements of the water supply system;
  2. Turn off all taps and check the integrity of the connection and the absence of water leakage, especially on newly installed or repaired appliances, pay special attention to drain tank toilet. If it remains in operation or leaks, it will be difficult to properly adjust the relay in the system;
  3. Check operating pressure air in the accumulator, if it is unstable or below the norm, it must be adjusted to the factory norm;

Advice! When adjusting, you will need a wrench to turn the nuts, a tap to relieve the water pressure in the system and a control pressure gauge that can be used to monitor the water pressure in the water supply.

To adjust the pressure switch thresholds, perform the following procedures:

Breakdowns and problems in the operation of the relay

The positive aspects of the characteristics of the relay include its simplicity and reliability. If there is no air in the system, and the response thresholds are correctly adjusted, such a device usually lasts a very long time.

Like any contact device, the relay must be periodically serviced - check the operation of the mechanical "rocker", adjust and clean the contacts. But sometimes the relay starts to operate unevenly, at different on-off thresholds. It happens that the relay simply does not turn off at the upper or lower threshold. If you gently tap the piece of wood on the case, the device will work.

Do not rush to adjust the thresholds or throw the device into a landfill. Most likely, the cause was sand and debris accumulated in the membrane space. To correct the situation, you will need:

  • Unscrew the four bolts on the bottom of the relay housing, the metal plate with the inlet fitting and remove the steel cover;
  • Carefully rinse the rubber membrane and the cavity under it from sand and accumulated dirt;
  • Install all elements in place and tighten the mount;
  • Adjust the thresholds and check the normal operation of the relay to turn off the motor.

Even a person unfamiliar with the relay device can easily remove, clean and adjust the device, as in the video:

In addition to the contacts and the membrane, it is possible to lubricate the “rocker” hinge with grease, a similar procedure can be performed no more than once a year.


It is relatively easy to adjust the thresholds for the relay if the water supply system is in good condition and does not poison the water on the connections or on the toilet bowl. Considering the fact that it is necessary to maintain and clean the water supply system from sand and salt quite often, it makes sense to understand the question of how to adjust the relay, and then independently test the device as necessary.

For a stable supply of water with the required pressure values, it is not enough just to buy a pumping station. The equipment still needs to be set up, launched and properly operated. Admit it, not all of us are familiar with the intricacies of customization. And the prospect of spoiling devices with incorrect actions is not very attractive, do you agree?

You will learn about the causes of pressure drops and learn how to eliminate them. Graphic and photo applications will explain how to properly configure pumping equipment.

A ready-made pumping station equipped with the manufacturer is a mechanism for forced water supply. The way it works is extremely simple.

The pump pumps water into an elastic container located inside a hydraulic accumulator, also called a hydraulic tank. When filled with water, it expands and presses on that part of the tank that is filled with air or gas. The pressure, reaching a certain level, causes the pump to turn off.

During the intake of water, the pressure in the system drops, and in certain moment, when the values ​​​​set by the owner are reached, the pump starts working again. The relay is responsible for turning the device off and on, the pressure level is controlled using a pressure gauge.

Violations in the operation of a household pumping station can cause breakdowns of plumbing equipment

The article we recommend will acquaint you with the principle of operation, varieties and proven installation schemes in more detail.

Causes of hardware problems

The statistics of malfunctions in the operation of domestic pumping stations says that most often problems arise due to a violation of the integrity of the membrane, pipeline, water or air leakage, and also due to various contaminants in the system.

The need to intervene in its work may arise due to many reasons:

  • Sand and various substances dissolved in water can cause corrosion, lead to malfunctions and reduce equipment performance. To prevent clogging of the device, it is necessary to use filters that purify the water.
  • The decrease in air pressure in the station causes frequent operation of the pump and its premature wear. It is recommended to measure the air pressure from time to time and adjust it if necessary.
  • The lack of tightness of the joints of the suction pipeline is the reason that the engine runs without turning off, but cannot pump liquid.
  • Improper adjustment of the pressure of the pumping station can also cause inconvenience and even breakdowns in the system.

To extend the life of the station, it is recommended to periodically audit. Any adjustment work must begin with disconnecting from the mains and draining the water.

Energy consumption and maximum head should be checked periodically. An increase in energy consumption indicates friction in the pump. If the pressure drops without leaks detected in the system, then the equipment is worn out

Correction of errors in work

Before embarking on a more serious intervention in the operation of the equipment, it is necessary to take the simplest measures - clean the filters, eliminate leaks. If they do not produce results, then proceed to further steps, trying to identify the root cause.

The next thing to do is to adjust the pressure in the accumulator tank and.

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Initially, the pressure switch for pumping stations is configured by the manufacturer for specific on and off indicators. During the operation of the equipment, it may be necessary to correct them. Therefore, any property owner will not be hindered by information on how to adjust the automation at the pumping station.

Purpose of the pressure switch

This device is responsible for the functioning of the pump - for starting and stopping it when a specific pressure is reached in the hydraulic tank of the station. The relay consists of a metal base. In its upper part are located: two regulators in the form of springs different size, contact group and terminal box.

If you familiarize yourself with the design and principles of operation of the device, it becomes clear how to properly set up the pressure switch of the pumping station.

At the bottom of the steel plate there is a fixed cover, and under it are located: a membrane, a metal piston, a quick-release clamping nut designed to be fixed to the adapter located on the pump. If necessary plastic cover mounted on the large regulator can be easily removed with a screwdriver or wrench.

Relays for water supply stations differ in their shape and placement of some parts, but most often, their design is similar to that previously described. Sometimes this part of the station is completed with elements that protect the equipment from “dry” operation and prevent it from overheating, since the temperature of the water medium passing through the device is measured.

The principle of operation of the pumping station pressure switch is as follows:

  1. The membrane, under the pressure of the liquid supplied by the pumping unit, due to the increase in air pressure in one of the compartments, begins to press the piston, which starts the contact group.
  2. This group is mounted on a steel platform equipped with two hinges. In accordance with the position it occupies, the contacts that conduct a voltage of 220 V through themselves to the pump are able to open and close, leading to a stop or start of the equipment.
  3. To balance the pressure of the piston, the regulator spring is activated, which acts on the platform in order to install the contact group. To adjust the compression force of the spring, a specific nut is used.
  4. When residents consume water, this leads to a decrease in its volume in the system, so the air pressure in the storage tank decreases, as a result of which the spring, having overcome the action of the piston, causes the contact group to close, and this in turn starts the equipment.
  5. The air pressure in the tank rises as the volume of water increases. As a result of this process, the piston, regardless of the resistance of the spring, moves the platform with the contacts. They do not open instantly, but only after the platform is shifted by a specific distance, depending on how much another, small spring is compressed. By analogy with a large one, it is located on a stem with a nut. The equipment stops functioning immediately after the contacts are separated.

Thus, in order to correct the starting pressure of the water supply unit, it is necessary to adjust the compression force of the larger spring. The parameter that is adjusted using this part is also called the lower one.

To change the upper pressure in the water supply system, adjustment of the functioning of the smaller spring is required. Due to the compression force of this part, it is possible to set the difference between the start and shutdown pressures of the unit.

Adjustment of the pressure switch for the pumping station may be required if the factory settings go wrong or they do not suit the owner. By default, these parameters are 1.5-1.8 bar at startup and 2.5-3 bar at shutdown. Before starting the adjustment process, the storage tank should be prepared for this.

Drive preparation

The sealed tank, which must be prepared before adjusting the pressure switch at the pumping station, is also called a hydraulic accumulator, storage tank or hydraulic tank. It consists of two compartments, in one of them, outwardly similar to a rubber pear, water accumulates.

Another chamber into which a certain volume of air is pumped is the space between the surface of the tank and the walls of the bulb. Since water accumulates in it, it is connected to a water supply structure. To pump air into the second part, you can use a car pump.

The compression of a pear filled with liquid occurs due to the presence of air, due to which a certain amount of pressure is maintained in the pipes. After turning on the water tap, it ensures the movement of water through the pipes under pressure without the help of a pump.

In the event that the air pressure in the tank was incorrectly set, ensure that the water supply structure operates in desired mode will be impossible. If you ignore the setting of the relay of the pumping station, too low or too high a value leads to frequent stops or starts of the unit, which negatively affects the duration of its operation.

The fact is that at a reduced value, without a properly performed pressure adjustment of the pumping station, the pear is subjected to strong stretching, as a result of which it quickly becomes unusable.

The storage tank, before adjusting the pressure in the water supply system, is prepared in a certain sequence. Before pumping air into it or before checking the indicators, water should be drained from the pipeline using the bottom tap. The pear in the hydraulic tank then remains empty. Now you can start pumping air and checking the pressure.

When the pressure switch of the pumping station is adjusted for the first time and there is no relevant experience, they act as follows:

  • with a container size of 20 - 25 liters, the value is set in the range of 1.4-1.7 bar;
  • with a tank volume in the range of 50 - 100 liters, the parameter is set at around 1.7-1.9 bar.

Experts do not recommend keeping the pear without water for a long time, because then its walls will stick together or dry out, and it will become unusable. Regularly, at least once a month, check the air pressure in the accumulator. Then, if required, proceed to the adjustment of the relay of the pumping station.

Setting the pressure switch of the pumping station

The adjustment of the unit is started provided that the pressure in the hydraulic tank is set correctly and the filters are absolutely clean.

The technique of how to set up a pumping station pressure switch involves a number of activities in a certain order:

  1. Turn off the pump and drain the liquid from the pipeline by slightly opening the bottom valve in the system. Remove the plastic cover from the relay.
  2. The pumping unit is turned on, which pumps water into the system.
  3. At the moment when the device is turned off, the pressure gauge data should be recorded. In this way, before adjusting the water pressure in the pumping station, they find out the value of the current upper value.
  4. Then slightly open the tap located at the highest point of the water supply structure. If it is single-level, then open the tap, the furthest from the unit. When the pressure value drops to a certain value, the pump will start working again. At the time of starting, you should also record the data on the pressure gauge showing the lower pressure. Subtracting the obtained values, the pressure difference is obtained, to which the relay is set. In addition to fixing the indicators, it is necessary to evaluate the pressure of the water flow by opening the most remote tap in the system.
  5. When it is insufficient, the lower indicator should be increased. Before adjusting the pressure in the pumping station, the device is disconnected from the power supply and pressed onto the nut with a large regulator. If you want to reduce the pressure, then the spring needs to be weakened.
  6. The pressure difference before starting the adjustment is already known after the recorded readings have been subtracted. Optimal values ​​should be within 1.4 atm. If the result is less, then a uniform fluid supply will be ensured, but the equipment will start up more often - this will lead to its rapid wear. When the result is higher than the optimal values, the unit operates in a gentle mode, but the difference between the highest and lowest pressure will become significant. Before adjusting the pressure switch of the pumping station, a nut is used to adjust the parameter on the small spring. To increase the difference between pressures, the compression force is increased. In turn, weakening the spring has the opposite result.
  7. After it was possible to adjust the relay of the pumping station, check its effectiveness. The liquid is drained from the system, and the power supply is connected to the pump and put into operation. The subsequent steps are repeated until the relay settings meet the needs.

Performing the initial adjustment

When the springs are completely loosened on the pressure switch for the pumping station, the setting is made from scratch:

  1. The pump is put into operation and the system is pressurized to a value when the pressure in the valve farthest from it becomes acceptable. Let's say it's 1.5 bar. The unit is turned off.
  2. Then the station is disconnected from the power supply, the cover is removed from the relay and the nut on the large regulator is tightened until a click is heard, indicating that the contacts have closed.
  3. The cover is put in place and the pump is started up, bringing the pressure to 2.9 bar.
  4. The unit is disconnected from the power supply, the cover is opened again and the nut is pressed on the small spring until a click indicates that the contacts have opened. See also: "Correct adjustment of the water pressure switch for the pump - the basic principles of setting".

When setting up the relay, you need to follow the rule explaining what pressure should be in the water pump and in the hydraulic tank. Focus on the difference between them - it will be about 10%. For example, if the pump turn-on indicator is 1.6 bar, then the air pressure in the tank should be 1.4-1.5 bar.