Move the plastic window to the winter position. Down with the cold in the apartment, or how to switch plastic windows to winter mode

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Winter and summer mode in plastic windows: switching methods, malfunctions and their elimination

The topic of this article is the winter-summer mode in plastic windows. Together with the reader, we will understand why this function of window fittings is necessary, what problems may arise when using it, and how to eliminate these problems. So, let's go.

What it is

Summer and winter mode on plastic windows they differ in the pressing force of the sash and, accordingly, the maximum gap between the opening sash and the frame:

  • In winter mode, the sash is pressed closer to the frame;
  • In summer, the gap is a couple of millimeters larger.

The clamping force is changed in the simplest and most obvious way - by turning the eccentric rollers responsible for fixing the sash in the closed position.

Why is it needed

Remember physics? There is such a term - thermal expansion. It describes the behavior of almost any material when heated: the linear dimensions of an object made from it change upwards.

Window profiles are no exception.

When cooled, accordingly, the size of the object decreases. For those materials that are used in the manufacture of modern windows, the coefficient of thermal expansion takes the following values:

A little, right? However, when heated, say, by 60 degrees, a modest five to six hundredths of a millimeter per meter will turn into 3 - 3.6 mm.

Thermal expansion is simple and clear.

In terms of the standard thickness of the metal-plastic profile (60 mm), the expansion when heated from winter -30 to summer +30 degrees will be about two tenths of a millimeter.

This seemingly small difference may well mean the presence or absence of a cold draft around the perimeter of the sash - a draft that will lead not only to quite understandable discomfort, but also to unreasonably large heat losses. For which, for a moment, you pay.

Let the surprised reader say, but what about elastic rubber? Doesn't it compensate for a slight change in the size of the sash?

Of course it compensates. However, rubber tends to lose elasticity over time. A permanently compressed rubber profile will take on the shape and dimensions of the gap between the frame and the sash in a few years.

Since the size of the gap changes following seasonal fluctuations in street temperature, after a couple of years in winter it will start to seep through the window. Simply because the sealant, pressed by the profile that has expanded in the summer heat, will no longer completely cover the gap in winter. However, it is worth increasing the gap between the profiles for the warm season - and the problem will be completely removed.

How to regulate

When installing fittings, its pressure rollers are usually in a neutral position.

How to transfer plastic windows to winter mode with the onset of cold weather? You just need to turn all the rollers by 90 degrees - so that the largest of the radii of the oval roller is directed towards the sash.

The mark on the roller in winter mode is directed towards the house, in summer mode - towards the street.

How to do it? The instruction depends on the type of fittings. There are two options:

  1. The roller can be rotated by hand, without tools. To do this, just pull it along the axis in the direction from the sash and turn it into the desired position;
  2. The roller turns with some effort with a hex key.

A set of hex keys suitable for adjusting windows can be found at any bike or car shop.

How to switch windows to winter mode if the hexagon is not at hand?

  • A flat screwdriver, inserting it into the groove of the roller;

Not all sets of fittings have a groove for a screwdriver.

  • Pliers. Under their sponges, you need to put a dense fabric folded several times or thin rubber (for example, a piece of an old bicycle tube) so as not to jam the surface of the roller.

How to transfer plastic windows to summer mode with the onset of heat? In the same way, only for the summer the roller turns with a long radius in the direction from the sash.

A special case

How to switch windows to summer mode if their sashes are equipped with only central lock, without pinch rollers?

The pressing force of the sash can be changed by adjusting the counterpart of the lock. To do this, it is supplied with a pair of adjusting screws with hexagon heads located above and below the movable bar.

Alas, the benefits of such an adjustment will be rather doubtful. Deformation of the profile over time will inevitably lead to the appearance of cracks at the top and bottom of the sash. A window without pressure rollers will never close completely hermetically.

Problems and Solutions

What problems can arise when switching the seasonal mode of windows?

  • Roller won't turn.

You may be trying to rotate the roller without pulling it out of the latch slot. Try lifting the roller and turning it 90 degrees.

If this is not the problem, lubricate the roller with WD-40 grease. The price of a small (100 ml) aerosol can of this lubricant is about 150 rubles. Thanks to the kerosene contained in WD-40, the lubricant is able to penetrate into any thread in a few minutes and allow it to move out of place.

  • In the winter position, the window continues to see through.

Looks like the window seal has served its purpose.

You can purchase a new seal at any company that sells and deals with plastic windows. after-sales service. To replace it you need:

  1. Pull out the old seal from the grooves of the sash and frame;

  1. Cut it in the corners with a clerical knife. In the corners, the seal is welded to the profile;
  2. Insert a new seal around the perimeter and frame and press it into the groove until it stops with your hands or with a blunt steel spatula.

There is one subtlety in replacing the seal. The absolute tightness of windows is not always useful: it often leads to the fact that the room completely ceases to be ventilated. To ensure the flow of air, frames are often equipped with inlet valves, but there is a simpler solution.

If you cut a couple of pieces of seal (bottom on the frame and top on the sash), you will ensure a constant limited supply of fresh air at no additional cost.

Modern plastic windows very well keep heat in the room and do not allow cold air to penetrate into the room. All this is achieved thanks to the tight connection of the sash with the frame, which can be adjusted on some frames. Basically, adjusting the density of the connection consists in transferring the windows to summer and winter modes. Adjustment of plastic windows for winter and summer is carried out with the help of eccentrics, otherwise they are called trunnions. These trunnions in the form of columns are located around the entire perimeter of the sash. The pins are round or oval in shape with a hole for some tool. The trunnions have a hole in the form of a hexagon for a hex key, in the form of an asterisk for a screwdriver with a tip in the form of an asterisk, in the form of a groove for a screwdriver with a flat tip.

Adjustment of plastic windows independently for the winter is carried out using trunnions

Some trunnions cannot switch winter and summer modes of plastic windows, since such trunnions do not have a hole for the tool and it does not rotate. Adjusting plastic windows for winter and summer is very easy, but some manage to translate incorrectly and as a result break fittings that only a specialist can then replace. It’s just that the transfer of plastic windows to winter mode should be done carefully and not hastily, and when closing the sash, she doesn’t need to clap. In winter, windows are adjusted for winter only if you feel that cold air is passing between the sash and the frame. If you have done everything in this way, the transfer of windows to winter mode, then when the heat comes, you need to switch to the summer mode of windows. This must be done, because when we switch the windows to winter mode, the sashes press the window seal harder and as a result it will wear out faster and will have to be changed.

PVC window adjustment winter summer

If you still adjust the windows for winter and summer, you will do it yourself, then you need to do the following. Open the sash and find all the trunnions on it, they are located not only on the sides but also on the top and bottom of the sash.

How to switch windows to winter mode

Usually, where there are trunnions on the sash, then reverse clamps are located on the frame in that place and you can use them to find out where and how many trunnions you have. The number of trunnions directly depends on the size of the sash, the larger the sash, the more trunnions are on it. With a wide window sill, plastic windows, adjusting the trunnions located at the bottom of the sash for the winter will be problematic due to the difficulty of reaching them. Depending on the type of hole in the trunnion, take a hexagon, screwdriver or pliers and turn each trunnion 90 degrees in the right direction. Some trunnions need to be clamped with your fingers and, lifting it, turn it 90 degrees and then releasing it, control it so that it drops. The trunnions have three modes: winter, summer and neutral window adjustment.

How to adjust plastic windows for the winter

When using pins to adjust plastic windows for the winter, you need to turn them so that their thick side with a mark looks towards the room.

How to adjust windows for winter and summer

When installing the trunnions on the sash in the summer mode of plastic windows, you need to turn them so that their thick side with a mark looks out onto the street.

How to transfer plastic windows to winter mode and to medium

When setting the trunnions on the sash to neutral mode, you need to turn them so that their thick side with the mark looks up or down. The trunnions can be rotated in one direction endlessly, but they must be stopped in the correct position, guided by the mark on the trunnion or by the thickness of its walls. After turning all the pins, you need to carefully close the window and turn the handle to the Closed position, while the handle should move harder than before.
You can check the density of pressing the sash to the frame as follows, take White list A4 format and closing the sash, place the sheet between the frame and the sash. After closing the window, try to pull out the sheet and it should be pulled out with difficulty; when pulling out, make sure that the pressure rubber does not come out. This way you can check the sash from different sides.
In some sashes that have a folding mechanism, one pin is hidden under this mechanism, and in order to get to it, you need to make some manipulations with the doors.

In order to transfer plastic windows to winter mode using the upper trunnions, we clamp the handle lock and fold the window

First, we open the sash and find a handle lock on it, which is located at the end near the handle. The blocker usually looks like a sticking out plate. It is necessary to press this blocker and turn the handle to the Reclining position, that is, it should look up. After that, take the upper part of the sash near the hinge and reject it.

How to transfer plastic windows to winter mode if there are trunnions on top

On the folding mechanism, which is located in the area of ​​​​the upper hinge, you will find one pin, using which we also adjust the windows for the winter. Turn it to the desired position and then press the upper edge of the sash, which is located near the upper hinge, and holding the lock, turn the handle to the Open position, that is, the handle should be parallel to the window sill. After that, release the blocker and close the window.


This video shows how to adjust plastic windows winter summer.

With the onset of cold weather, the issue of warming the house becomes more relevant than ever. Windows - this is what needs to be insulated in the first place, and for this, as it turned out, you do not need to reinvent the wheel.

Did you know that there is such a thing as summer and winter regime of plastic windows? If not, then edit "So simple!" tell you this small but very important secret!

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode

This little secret also helps to save a lot on winter period. This is especially true in houses where there is no central heating, or at a time when it is already cold outside, but heat has not yet been given to the houses. Yes and saving money will not be redundant. And this secret is that the seasonal regime in plastic windows can be changed.


Seasonal window mode is an extremely useful thing, because in the summer this option allows you to relieve the pressure between the outer part of the frame and the rubber gasket, which allows air to circulate more freely. But in winter mode, it works exactly the opposite - the pressure increases, heat is stored inside.


All this is good, but first you need to find out if your windows have the ability to change the seasonal mode. To do this, you need to look at the so-called eccentrics, in other words, the bolts on the side of the sash. If they have a hole for a hex key or they are oval, then such windows can be adjusted for seasonal mode.

In general, the trick is extremely simple. You just need to turn the bolt to the right or left by 90 degrees, depending on which mode the windows need to be switched to. Do all this carefully and carefully. First, find all the bolts on the sash, their number may vary depending on the size of the window or who the manufacturer is. You need to translate each eccentric, otherwise you will not get the result.

To change the windowed mode, you will need a suitable tool - a screwdriver or a hex wrench. Pliers may work, but we don't recommend using them as they can damage the delicate adjustment mechanism. It is important to understand one thing here: you do not need to turn the bolt all the way, it simply does not have it. The bolt will scroll constantly, and you need to scroll it exactly 90 degrees, guided by the mark.


If you did everything right, the window handle should move more tightly, because the fittings now press the sash harder. If this did not happen - something went wrong, check if you found and rotated all the bolts.

To test how tight the window is, you'll need a sheet of paper. Press it down with a sash and try to take it out. If the leaf comes out difficult, the window is switched to winter mode. Well done!

This video has a visual instruction on how to switch windows to winter mode.

Plastic windows are a very convenient and practical thing, but they also require maintenance and adjustment. Now you know how to change the seasonal mode of windows, but that's not all. At least once a year, you need to lubricate all the moving parts of the window frame with a small amount of oil. And also check how tight the bolts are. Such a check will take you a couple of hours, but the windows will always be like new.

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Plastic windows save from street noise, provide a comfortable air temperature in an apartment, a private house. However, once installed, they require periodic maintenance. Adjustment of locking mechanisms is needed every off-season - only then double-glazed windows will fulfill their task. Today's article will tell you how to switch windows to winter mode, what it is for when such actions are performed. Along the way, it is worth understanding the features of the locking mechanisms, the device, and some of the nuances of functioning. Photo and video instructions will help us, explaining in detail the algorithm of the actions performed.

Interseasonal adjustment of the locking mechanisms of the window sash is necessary for its proper operation.

What does "summer" and "winter" mode of plastic windows mean?

Immediately make a reservation that with a lack of knowledge and experience, our editors recommend contacting professionals in their field. Well, for those who still want to deal with this issue on their own - a little help.

Modern plastic windows are regulated by the pressure force of the sashes in three modes:

  • summer- the window sash is pressed weakly. This provides air circulation in the room, realizing the ventilation mode. Wear of sealing rubber bands is minimal;
  • winter mode on plastic windows provides a tight clamp. There is no air circulation, which ensures the preservation of heat in the home. The load on the sealing gum is maximum;
  • standard- the average position of the eccentrics (trunnions). More often, installers leave locking mechanisms in this position. The only difference is that professionals who value their reputation show the owner how to switch double-glazed windows to winter or summer mode, and negligent ones (who, unfortunately, are the majority) do not bother to explain. Standard mode is for the off-season.

For this purpose, you can call the wizard, but it is better to do all the work yourself. If you want to do well - do it yourself

Why switch the modes of plastic windows

It is enough not to switch the “winter-summer” mode on plastic windows for 2-3 years, so that after, even with the right adjustments, it starts to blow from under the windowsill or balcony door. Consider the problems that arise with incorrect settings.

The first is a violation of the microclimate of the room. Excessive humidity contributes to the formation of condensation on frames, double-glazed windows and walls, which leads to mold. "Summer" settings in winter lead to heat loss, there is a need for additional heating. The result is higher gas or electricity bills.

It is better not to touch this node when adjusting if there is no experience in such work.

Important! The use of the winter position of plastic windows in the warm season will lead to rapid wear of the seals. The result is the futility of any subsequent adjustments. The way out is to replace the rubber seals, which are not cheap.

Switching modes of plastic windows: advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages of window adjustment can only occur with incorrect actions. home master. If everything is done correctly, switching modes will only benefit. Let's see in what cases it is justified.

Pins (eccentrics) can be varied, but their settings are identical

Timely switching will extend the life of windows, even if these actions have not been performed for some time. Drafts in winter or dust ingress in summer due to wear of seals are treated by switching fittings to winter mode. Let not for long, but for a year or two the repair will be delayed. Sagging loops are eliminated in the same way. Replacing accessories is already an extreme measure.

Good to know! Incorrectly set modes can cause the window or door to jam separately in the ventilation position or together with the opening.

Determination of the possibility of changing the seasonal regimes of plastic windows

Not all models of plastic windows have the ability to change modes. To understand if it is present on your double-glazed windows, you need to look at the valves. The eccentric located in the middle can be oval or in the center it will have a hole for an asterisk or a hexagon. This indicates the presence of a winter regime on plastic windows. The photos below will help the reader deal with this issue.

The algorithm of actions when adjusting windows with different trunnions is identical, but their position may differ. Let's try to understand in detail the types of eccentrics.

Forms of eccentrics and nuances of mode translation

The oval trunnion after installation is more often located diagonally - this is the standard position, the middle between winter and summer. The horizontal position indicates winter mode, and the vertical position indicates summer mode.

If the stop valve eccentric is round (for a hexagon), then its positions are as follows. Extended towards the street - winter, located in the center - standard, recessed towards the apartment - summer.

The third option is a round hex trunnion that does not move when turning. In this case, there is a risk on it, which indicates the correct position. To make it easier to understand, we offer you to view pictures of how to switch windows to winter mode.

Some eccentrics turn by hand without the aid of a tool
Escentric for a hexagon - pay attention to the risk or marker
The most common eccentrics - the mode is defined as follows - the thicker side from the center inward - winter, on the contrary - summer
This is the standard position. Installed from the factory and rarely changed by installers

How to switch windows to winter mode: preparation of double-glazed windows

Before you put plastic windows on the winter mode, you should preparatory work. The first thing to do is to remove the grease from the locking mechanism assemblies with a rag so that dirt and dust do not get inside when adjusting. After all the work done, the mechanism is lubricated again.

Here is the treatment of the seal with silicone gel, but it is better to use a spray

Very important! The rubber frame seal should be treated before the cold weather. You can do this with a lubricant (based on silicone or glycerin), but it is better to use a silicone spray, which is sold in all hardware and automotive stores.

How and when plastic windows are switched to winter mode

Experts recommend transferring locking mechanisms from summer to winter only in extreme cases when drafts become sensitive. However, this is only suitable for warm climatic zones of Russia. Switching at the beginning of the heating season will be optimal.

A misted double-glazed window or a slight appearance of ice on it from the inside can also indicate the need for adjustment.

Consequences of incorrect adjustment of sashes with double-glazed windows

Helpful information! Before switching windows to winter mode, you should carefully inspect the rubber seal. Perhaps the adjustment of the sash hardware is correct, and the seal is cracked or torn. In this case, you must definitely replace it. For one winter, you can buy cheap seals, but they do not last more than a season.

Other options for adjusting plastic window frames

Having figured out how to switch windows to winter mode with a hexagon, screwdriver or pliers, you can proceed to the rest of the adjustment. Indeed, over time, the frame can lead, and one side will fit more tightly than the other, which is unacceptable. This puts a strain on window fittings and contributes to the appearance of drafts.

Various sash adjustments that you can do yourself

The sash is adjusted vertically and horizontally from the bottom hinge. We remove the protective plastic cover and find a screw with a hexagon hole located on top. Turning the screw clockwise will raise the frame. By turning counterclockwise, we lower the glass unit. In order to move the sash away from the frame or, on the contrary, to set it closer, we use the screw located on the side at the bottom of the hinge.

Important! If all adjustments are made correctly, and the problems of drafts have not disappeared, this indicates wear on the seals, a factory defect in the frame, or improper installation of the sashes. We check the sealing gum, and if they are normal, we file a claim with the installer. That is why it is important to make adjustments in the first year of operation - there remains the possibility of warranty repair, and sometimes replacement.

Transferring plastic windows to winter mode: video and photo instructions

Let's start this section with photo instructions on how to switch windows to winter mode:

Illustration Action to take

Having opened the sash, we find eccentrics on the end part. There are three of them on a standard window. The photo shows the summer position of the trunnion (the marker is located closer to the street side). We need to move it in the opposite direction, towards the apartment.

To work, you need a hexagon that is suitable in size. The most commonly used tool is 4 or 6 mm. But it's better if you have a set of hexagons on hand different sizes(to adjust the sash vertically and horizontally, you need a thin tool).

Having picked up the desired key, we begin to turn the trunnion. The photo shows the moment of setting the “standard” position.

Having turned the eccentric further, we stop in the “winter” position. We perform the same actions with other eccentrics. After that, you can check the fit of the sash to the frame.

But a photo instruction is one thing, and a video for understanding will be more convenient. So it’s worth watching a short, but very informative video on how to switch windows to winter mode:

We hope that after watching the video, the question of how to switch eurowindows to winter mode has ceased to be relevant.

Summing up

Regardless of the design of the plastic window frame, setting up is easy. The main thing is to follow some of the rules that were discussed today. If double-glazed windows are installed recently and are on warranty service, it is best to call the masters from the company that mounted them. This service is provided free of charge. However, do not expect that the settings will be 100% perfect. Get ready for self-finishing. But they will perform the basic adjustments, which will save the home master from unnecessary work.

Subsequently, by adjusting even one sash, you can perform such work completely independently.

If the rubber seals are cracked or torn, they should be replaced.

We hope that the reader found the information in the article for which he came to our resource. If you are interested in other topics on construction or repair, we suggest viewing other articles of our resource. We promise that the reader will find a lot of interesting and useful information. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments below.

And finally, another short video on today's topic:

V Lately most people began to change windows with wooden frames due to their advantages. However, many of them do not even suspect that from time to time additional adjustment of plastic windows may be necessary.

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As a result, even the most expensive and quality windows may lose their appearance not because the installers committed a number of gross violations of the installation technology, but because the owners were ignorant about. To prevent this from happening, the reasons for the deterioration of heat-insulating properties should be identified.

When is additional customization required?

During the operation of plastic windows, there may come times when the sashes no longer fit snugly against the frame and they cease to perform their main functions. Wind can blow into loose connections, dust can fly in from the street, and heat can escape.

Sometimes you need to adjust windows

Sometimes it happens that the open sash cannot be closed due to the offset position relative to the entire frame. And if in the warm period of the year it can be somehow experienced, then when cold weather sets in, the temperature in the rooms decreases and it becomes uncomfortable to be in them. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out self-adjustment.

The main reasons for the loss of tightness of windows

During installation, a thorough adjustment of all gaps and the position of the valves for certain operating conditions is carried out. However, each material has different coefficients of thermal expansion and occupies a certain space. During installation, the installers adjusted them as accurately as possible to the dimensions of the opening and the frame in order to ensure them specifications. But when the temperature outside changes, either expansion of the material as a result of warming or contraction during cooling can occur. This is especially true for the sash seal.

The concept of operating modes

In order for the windows to be operated in the cold season, they must be adjusted. It consists in pressing the opening parts against the frame seals as much as possible. This takes into account that the materials are compressed in winter, and when moving to summer they expand. During the transition from a cold to a warm period, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of abrasion of the coating when opening windows and reduce wear on fasteners. That is, you need to reconfigure the winter mode of plastic windows to summer. If the installation was carried out in the summer, then the reverse adjustment is carried out.

The window can be opened in several ways

Is there an adjustment?

In general, high-quality windows do not need seasonal adjustment and therefore can be used for a long time. As for the other cases, if there is technical capabilities it is desirable to carry out their periodic adjustment. However, in most cases, the installers do not say anything about the presence of the adjusting screws and do not give any instructions for their maintenance. But this does not mean that there is no such possibility. Therefore, first you need to inspect the sash from the sides. There should be special holes for hexagons or adjusting caps with a recess in the form of an asterisk or having an oval shape. There should be two on the bottom loop, and one on the top. If they are absent, then it will not work to change the mode and you will have to change the fittings or seal.

Reasons for changing modes

  1. Doors don't open well or don't open at all. This is the result of sagging hinges, or the winter position is set on the adjusting screw.
  2. The wind blows through the seals and blows dust. If this happens in the summer, it may be necessary to replace the rubber seal and adjust the position of the opening parts.
  3. The presence of sagging. Sometimes this can be the cause of wear on the hinges.
  4. The offset of the sash relative to the window in the horizontal direction.
  5. Wrong initial setup.

Change the seal if necessary.

Preliminary preparation

Before making adjustments, the following steps must be taken:

  1. With a damp cloth, clean all joints and connections in the end part of the sashes, as well as from the side of contact with the frame. It is important to prevent dirt from getting on the internal window opening mechanisms and on the hinges.
  2. Use a hard bristled brush to clean the surface of the fittings.
  3. With a dry cloth, wipe not only dirt, but also old used grease from rubbing parts.
  4. Replace seals if they are severely worn.
  5. Lubricate the adjusting screw for setting the winter-summer mode with special silicone grease, as well as the hinges.

Sash adjustment

Before setting the window modes, install it in the correct position so that in case of distortions or sagging, the seal is not damaged. To do this, a pencil with a soft core is taken and the entire perimeter of the sash in the closed position is circled right along the frame. It is not advisable to apply force in this case, so as not to damage the plastic coating. Then the window is opened and the distance from the line to the frame opening around the perimeter is measured with a ruler. A position within 7 ± 1 mm is considered normal. Ideally, it should match on all sides.

It can be cold due to a poor fit of the sash

Changing the position of the sash in height

If deviations in height are observed, then a decorative plastic insert is removed from the hinges and the screws in the lower part are tightened with a hexagon. This procedure is required before setting the winter mode of plastic windows. If the distance on the bottom side of the frame is less than on the top, then it should be slightly raised. Using a suitable screwdriver, unscrew the upper screw by half a turn and check the position of the sash. If it is higher than required, then the screw is tightened by a quarter, and in otherwise- twist. For the top fastening, follow the same steps to ensure that the load is evenly distributed on both hinges. The adjustment is carried out until the sash achieves the desired result.

How to check if the setting is correct?

A properly adjusted window should open and close freely without rubbing sounds. All screws responsible for the vertical position of the sash should be approximately in the same position. Rubberized seals after opening the window should have approximately the same shape and easily return to their original state. If more precise adjustment of plastic windows for the winter is required, then they take an ordinary sheet of paper and lay it between the frame and the sash, after which the shutters are closed and they try to remove the paper. If this succeeds, then the adjustment is incorrect.

Places for customization

How to move a window horizontally?

To shift the window in a horizontal direction relative to the frame, tighten the adjusting screw located on the upper or lower hinge. A hole for the hexagon is searched for, and then, by rotating it, the required position of the window is achieved. The displacement can be carried out by only 2-3 mm in both directions. If the sash needs to be moved away from the hinge, then the screw is rotated counterclockwise, and if vice versa, then clockwise. Moreover, the lower adjusting screw is adjusted with the window open, and then, by closing, the correctness of its entry into the frame is checked.

We carry out the change of modes on our own

Switching the window to winter mode is quite simple. To do this, on the side surface we find a pressure roller protruding outward, with a mark on the cap, and rearrange it to the winter position. They are easy to find by turning the handle, as they move along the guides. If the mark is on the side opposite to the seal, then the clamping force is reduced. In summer mode, the mark should look towards the room, and in winter - outward. To change position, you need to pull the roller towards you, turn it, and then drown it back. Similar actions are carried out with all screws with marked marks.

Pin adjustment

How often should you change modes?

In most cases, you should not reconfigure the location of the sashes and change the modes, especially if the window is new and in the cold season the sashes fit snugly against the frame. In all other cases, such work should be carried out no more than once every 6 months. And be sure to transfer them to the summer mode.

Possible consequences of an incorrect setting

All work on reconfiguring the modes of plastic windows must be carried out in accordance with the instructions. Changing the position of all screws in the "winter-summer" modes without information about their purpose can lead to damage to the window opening mechanism, pressure rollers and rubber seal. Also, before adjusting, it is necessary to correctly assess the technical condition of the windows. In case of increased wear of parts, it will not be possible to set up the winter mode, and it is very easy to break the adjusting bolts. When pressing the screws with force, the seal may retain its deformed state and not return to its original position, which will entail its replacement.

Causes of window decompression

  1. Factory defect, which led to the miscalibration of fittings.
  2. Mechanical damage during operation: cracks in the plastic, depressurization of the double-glazed window, destruction of the glazing bead.
  3. Errors during installation: gaps are not hermetically sealed, incorrect location of the window in the opening.
  4. Wear of internal and external parts during operation.

Hinge adjustment

Switching the window to summer mode

The setting of plastic windows for the winter should be changed in time to the summer after the onset of warming. To do this, all screws that have been reconfigured to the winter mode position must be unscrewed to their previous state. However, in case of wear of the seal, it is necessary to ensure a stronger pressing of the sash against the frame. The adjusting nut is unscrewed reverse side so that the mark looks inside the room.

Downsides of changing window modes

Adjusting screws are essentially locking pins that are designed to enhance the sealing of windows. Their constant adjustment is fraught with the loss of the basic properties of the seal and the need to replace it. When opening the window handle, the trunnions move along the guides and the eccentrics go beyond the strikers and provide the profile with pressure to the frame. When tightening the screw for the winter, the maximum force on the seal is provided, and it remains in this state all winter. Moreover, it is additionally affected by low temperatures and increased moisture. During the 2-3 season, he may completely lose his properties. If you do not change the winter-summer mode, then the sealant can last at least twice as long.

You can set up using the key.

Change modes or not?

The answer is unequivocal that specialists should carry out regime change, as they have the appropriate knowledge and skills. But this will require additional costs for calling him twice a year and spending time. In this case, the service life of the seal will be significantly reduced. On the other hand, it is necessary to ensure the preservation of heat during the cold period and extend the life of the windows. A dilemma arises that requires making the right decision both from a financial point of view and ensuring conditions for maximum living comfort. Therefore, there is no single answer to this question, since each person has his own preferences.


Despite the high manufacturability of the manufacturing process of plastic windows, they require manual adjustment of the modes of use. Moreover, this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage, since only in this way can the most convenient parameters for their use be achieved. By changing the winter-summer mode, you can achieve the tightest connection of the sash with the main frame and keep warm in the cold season, and in the summer provide sufficient functionality and reduce wear on parts. Changing the settings in a timely manner will extend the life of the windows.

Winter mode of plastic windows video:

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