What kind of heating radiator to buy in an apartment. Which heating batteries are best for an apartment

When installing or restoring a heating system, radiators most often need to be replaced. Some have already worn out so much that they simply cannot continue to work, others are simply tired. In any case, the question arises: "Which heating radiators are better?". After all, I want them to be beautiful and effective. The appearance of heating devices is certainly important, but the choice of heating radiators must begin with the selection according to technical specifications your heating system. After all, first of all, it is a part of engineering systems, and the working pressure, the maximum temperature of the coolant or its composition is much more important than shape and color. And then, having decided on the type of suitable batteries, you can also select a model from the point of view of aesthetics, but again you will have to keep in mind one more technical parameter - the thermal power of the radiator section or the whole battery. So, this is not an easy task - the choice of heating radiators.

Choosing a heating radiator is not an easy task.

The choice of heating radiators today is huge. There are six large groups that differ in structure and/or material:

  1. cast iron;
  2. steel (tubular and panel)
  3. aluminum (cast and extrusion);
  4. bimetallic (full and partial bimetal);
  5. convectors (floor, wall, floor);
  6. baseboard heating.

Radiators are different both in appearance and in characteristics, but they have not yet come up with an ideal and universal heating device. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and it is possible to say exactly which heating radiators are better only in relation to each specific case. In order for you to make an informed choice, you need to be aware of the pros and cons of each group.

Cast iron batteries

The oldest of heating appliances. They are distinguished by high reliability, long service life, calmly tolerate overheating of the coolant (up to + 135 ° C), normally respond to water hammer. Everything because of that that have thick walls. But the large thickness of the metal is not only pluses, there are also minuses. The first is a large mass. Not all modern Construction Materials can support the weight of cast iron. Let today they are far from being as heavy as in the days of the USSR, but still much more massive than all the others. A large mass is also a difficulty in transportation and installation. Firstly, powerful hooks are required, and secondly, it is desirable to mount them together - the mass of a radiator for 6-7 sections is 60-80 kg. But that's not all. A large mass of metal means high heat capacity and significant inertia. On the one hand, this is a minus - until the batteries warm up, it will be cold in the room, but on the other - a plus, because they will cool down for a long time. There is one more minus in high inertia - cast-iron batteries are inefficient in systems with thermostats. All this together leads to the fact that cast-iron heating radiators are not installed very often today.

But they have their own scope - high-rise high-rise buildings. If the number of storeys is higher than 16, high pressure is created in such systems, which only cast iron and some types of bimetallic radiators (full bimetal) are able to withstand. Their properties are also optimal in heating systems of private houses and cottages with conventional solid fuel boilers without automation. These boilers have a cyclic principle of operation, then heating the coolant to a boiling point or even higher, then cooling down. Cast iron normally reacts to high temperatures, and also smooths out temperature differences due to inertia.

Until recently, cast-iron heating radiators had an unattractive appearance - the well-known and long-bored "accordion". Today there are models that look like aluminum or bimetallic - with smooth front edges, painted with powder enamel (most often white). There are many designer models, mostly on legs, decorated with cast ornaments. This option is generally available only in cast iron, all the rest have basically a more strict, ascetic design.


Aluminum heating radiators are not made of pure aluminum, but of an alloy based on it. This metal was not chosen by chance, as it has one of the highest heat transfer coefficients - 4-4.5 times better than cast iron and 5 times better than steel.

Therefore, aluminum radiators are distinguished by high power (180-190 W per section), at least a high heating rate and low inertia. They work very effectively in tandem with thermostats, allow you to maintain a stable temperature with an accuracy of one degree. The advantages of aluminum radiators include their low weight (one section weighs 1.5-2 kilograms), which facilitates delivery and installation. Another positive moment- the shape is designed in such a way that it has a large cross section of the channels for the coolant (slightly smaller than that of cast-iron "accordions"). This is good, since there is a low probability that these channels will become clogged and the radiator will stop heating.

Now about the disadvantages of aluminum radiators. They are related to the properties of aluminum. As you know, it is a reactive metal. It actively interacts with most of the chemical table, and reacts especially violently with copper. And in modern systems heating copper parts are common. Such a neighborhood threatens the rapid exit of the copper parts of the system and system, as well as increased gas formation. They learned how to deal with gases - they put automatic gas vents (valves) in the systems, and they save copper by not putting it close to aluminum appliances. The process, of course, still goes on, but not with such intensity.

The chemical activity of aluminum is also manifested in the demands on the quality of the coolant. Not in the sense of its contamination, but in the sense of its acidity. Aluminum radiators work normally in systems with a coolant acidity not higher than 7 (Ph 7).

The softness of aluminum is not very good for the operation of the heating system. In the alloy, from which heating radiators are made, there are additives that increase its rigidity, but, anyway, they do not work in high pressure networks. Typical working pressure is 8-16 atm depending on the type and manufacturer.

Based on the foregoing, an area looms where aluminum radiators will be the best. These are individual heating systems with boilers controlled by automation. They also feel good in apartments, but only in low-rise buildings (up to 10 floors), in which a coolant with Ph 7-8 circulates.

Bimetal radiators

To correct the shortcomings of aluminum radiators, bimetallic radiators were invented. Stainless steel tubes are soldered inside the aluminum jacket. Stainless steel is known to be chemically neutral and very durable. This solves two problems. But the cost of bimetallic radiators becomes much higher - the manufacturing technology is more complicated, and the thermal power becomes a little lower. On average, the heat transfer of one section of bimetallic radiators standard size is 170-180 watts. Another plus is the higher working pressure with which these heaters can work. On average, it is 20-30 atm, which is more than enough even for high-rise buildings.

At the same time, another problem is added - the cross section of the channels for the coolant in bimetallic radiators is much smaller than in aluminum ones. Therefore, it is advisable to install filters in front of the radiator. There are not so many cons, as you can see, but there are nuances. There are simply two types of bimetallic radiators: full and partial bimetal. For a full bimetal, all collectors (channels through which the coolant moves) are made of stainless steel. If you decide which bimetal heating radiators are better, then this is exactly the full bimetal. Partially bimetallic stainless steel radiators have only vertical collectors, and horizontal collectors are made of aluminum. That is, for such products, the chemical activity is slightly lower, but still at a fairly high level and the working pressure is much lower.

Now heating systems for which bimetallic radiators are the best. These are high-rise buildings with any type of coolant (including very acidic or alkaline). In individual heating systems, their properties will be unclaimed, so you should not overpay.

Steel radiators - panel and tubular

There are two different types of steel radiators, with different characteristics and very different looks. These are tubular and panel. Some are made from steel pipes, others from steel sheets. Both of them have a relatively low price, which is what attracts them. But steel in heating systems does not “live” for a very long time, so these are also the most short-lived heating devices. Of course, there are exceptions - some manufacturers of pipes or sheets cover protective layer, due to which the warranty period of operation is estimated at a decade or even more. But the price of such steel radiators is also far from small.

These are tubular radiators. They can be both high and narrow, and low and wide.

Of the other characteristics - a small thermal inertia, exactingness to the coolant. Moreover, both in acidity and in the presence of foreign particles. Panel models are especially demanding - thin channels are formed in them through which the coolant moves. They are even thinner than bimetallic ones, so inlet filters are strictly required. If we talk about the acidity of the coolant, then the highest rate at which steel radiators work is Ph8. Working pressure - about 10-16 atm.

With power, the spread is very large. The design of both panel and tubular radiators is such that they can be of different sizes. Serially produced panel radiators are from 30 cm to 90 cm high, from 40 cm to 3 m long. There are special models that are elongated in height. Their maximum height is 2.7 meters (on special order they can do even higher, only there will be problems with transportation).

The variation in the size of tubular radiators is even greater. They can be from 19 cm to 3 m high, from 10 cm (two sections) to 3 meters wide, from 6 cm to 21 cm deep. The power of these radiators depends not only on the number of sections, but also on the number of columns (pipes in one row). Columns can be from two to six. Two or three columns can be hung on the wall, wider ones are often placed on the floor. Unlike all others, the sections of tubular radiators are one-piece, that is, they cannot be grown or reduced. They are welded together. On the one hand, there are fewer leaks, but on the other, less mobility. But this is compensated by their high plasticity - tubular steel radiators can be curvilinear - at least install them around the columns or wrap large containers with plants (there is a minimum bending radius). There are, by the way, models in the form of benches or tables.


V Lately floor-to-ceiling glazing is becoming more and more popular. Really beautiful, but what about the heating .... question. You can put low radiators on legs, but then all the chic is smeared. That's when floor convectors are used. Under them, a niche is made in the floor and the device itself is installed on the floor, closing it with a grate. In order to increase heat transfer at the same time (necessary for a period of cold weather), fans are built inside. The solution is aesthetic, but such systems cost decently. There is another nuance - fans, even the quietest ones, are noisy. This noise does not annoy someone, it bothers someone very much. In any case, there are more and less noisy models.

Floor convector - output for heating floor-to-ceiling French windows and glass doors

So, if you need to heat a floor-to-ceiling French window, the best way is a convector built into the floor.

Baseboard heating

In shape, skirting heating resembles old-style plate radiators - these are two pipes with a large number of thin plates. The difference is that these pipes are thin, usually copper, and have such a small height and width that they are hidden behind a high plinth of a special shape (open at the top). Due to the high heat transfer coefficient of copper, the power of these small radiators is high, it is gained due to the length - even around the entire perimeter of the room.

In addition to invisibility, baseboard heating has another plus - most of the heat is transferred not by convection, but in the infrared range - from heated walls. A stream of warm air rises along the walls, warming them up. When the walls heat up, they begin to radiate heat, which our body perceives as more comfortable. Cons of this system

The disadvantages of baseboard heating are the exactingness of the coolant and the thermal regime (it is impossible to overheat), low operating pressure (up to 10 atm). All this suggests that such systems can only work in individual heating, and with boilers controlled by automation.

Which heating radiators are best for an apartment and a house

Now let's systematize all the information a little from a different point of view - which batteries are better to choose for an apartment, and which ones for a private house or cottage. First, let's talk about what can be put in apartments. To choose everything correctly, you first need to visit the housing maintenance office or talk to plumbers. You need to find out what pressure is in your heating system and what is the acidity of the coolant and its working temperature(at least according to the documents). It would be nice to know what jumps in temperature and pressure are. Armed with these figures, you will need to choose a specific model from those types of radiators that are suitable for your situation.

Now about what kind of heating radiators are best for an apartment. Here are your options:

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that when choosing a specific model, you must definitely look at the technical parameters. Only in this case the radiators will work long time no repair or replacement.

Now about which radiators are best for a private house and cottage. These systems have a small volume, differ in that in them you control the state of the coolant yourself, you can adjust the acidity, clean the filters. So the selection by acidity in this situation is irrelevant. What needs to be considered is the type of boiler. If there is a solid fuel boiler in the system and there is no heat accumulator in it, which smoothed out temperature fluctuations, cast-iron batteries would be the best choice. They will withstand overheating, and their thermal inertia will smooth out temperature fluctuations.

In all other cases optimal choice— aluminum radiators. They have low inertia, quickly respond to temperature changes. They heat up in just minutes, and a tangible flow of heat comes from them. True, they cool down just as quickly, so that during an emergency stop, the house will be cold quickly.

Steel radiators will also be good. This is an economical option, but even during normal operation they do not last long - a short service life. For aesthetes, the option with plinth or convector (built into the floor) heating is suitable. Both systems work great with any automated boiler.

And centralized heating systems have fundamental differences that are taken into account when choosing equipment. Working mode autonomous heating private house allows you to choose radiators based on the maximum heat transfer coefficient, materials with the best characteristics, high quality and optimal price. The operating conditions of the heating equipment of apartments differ sharply - here reliability and resistance to loads are in the foreground. Let's figure out which heating radiators are better to install in an apartment, where and how to buy them, and what users say in reviews about this equipment.

There are two fundamentally different types of housing heating: centralized (open) and autonomous (closed). In the first case, steam or hot water from the boiler house or CHP through pipes it enters the apartments of multi-storey buildings. The second option is a separate heating system for a private house or cottage, including its own boiler, heat supply pipelines, radiators and pumps.

When determining which heating batteries are best for an apartment, we proceed from the operating conditions of radiators in such systems:

  1. temperature from 100°С;
  2. pressure up to 10 atm;
  3. sudden pressure surges and hydraulic shocks when flushing systems and re-starting.

When choosing a radiator, the consumer must know the load limits for the model in question.

Cast iron radiators

Resistant to high pressure and water hammer. There are models that can handle heavy loads, but do not meet aesthetic needs. These examples include cast-iron batteries, known to us since Soviet times. good example Modern radiators made of cast iron can be considered batteries in retro style, which fit perfectly into the interior.

The advantages of cast iron radiators include:

  1. operating pressure 6 - 10 atm, peak loads 18 or more atm;
  2. installation with different types pipes;
  3. long service life;
  4. high heat transfer (100 - 200 W);
  5. quick change of size if necessary;
  6. minimal corrosion.

Disadvantages of cast iron radiators:

  1. big weight;
  2. fragility;
  3. slow heating and cooling, inability to control the temperature.

Bimetal radiators

For the production of such batteries, steel and aluminum are used. The inner surface of such radiators, which plays the role of a coolant, is steel.

Advantages of bimetallic radiators:

  1. operating pressure over 35 atm;
  2. corrosion resistance;
  3. fast heating and cooling, no inertia;
  4. modern attractive design;
  5. light weight;
  6. easy set of the required number of sections.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Comparison of the two options does not reveal the superiority of any of them. Cast iron batteries cost 250 - 400 rubles per section in the usual version and 1500 - 6000 rubles in the "retro" version. Prices for bimetallic radiators are 400 - 1500 rubles per section, imported ones are more expensive. Externally, bimetallic batteries look more attractive: they are more compact, more modern, and easy to clean. Based on the cost, we consider bimetallic radiators for an apartment to be more preferable.

In the photo, bimetallic radiators for an apartment

Which heating radiators are better to choose for a private house

Autonomous heating systems for private housing are distinguished by other operating conditions: low pressure and the absence of water hammer in the networks. The choice of radiators in this case is based on maximum heat transfer, price and quality. Any of the existing radiators is suitable for heating a private house. Let's briefly consider the types of such equipment in order to choose which radiators are best for heating a private house.

Tubular and panel radiators made of steel

Such radiators are compact, outwardly attractive.

Advantages of steel radiators:

  1. high efficiency;
  2. corrosion resistance with properly treated water;
  3. long service life;
  4. compactness and light weight;
  5. low price.


  1. not very good design;
  2. the need for periodic flushing;
  3. the need for constant filling to prevent corrosion.

Aluminum radiators

Differ modern design and excellent heat dissipation. Imported models are much more expensive than Russian ones, but we recommend buying them.

Special operating requirements:

  • Careful control of the acidity of the coolant - aluminum quickly corrodes if this condition is not met.
  • Due to the high heat output, uneven distribution of heat in the room is possible. Precise calculations are required before buying radiators.

In general, very good radiators for heating the house. If you follow the rules of operation, they will last for a long time. The price of aluminum radiators is relatively low.

Bimetal radiators

Combined radiators made of steel (inner part) and aluminum fins. Such radiators are treated with a primer against corrosion. They withstand pressure up to 20-35 atm and are unpretentious to the composition of the circulating water.

The main disadvantage is the high cost. There are no water hammers and high pressure with autonomous heating, and the use of expensive radiators is impractical.

Cast iron radiators

The large thermal inertia of these radiators reduces the cost of heating a house. Cast iron batteries are corrosion resistant. At a price they are higher than aluminum and steel, but much lower than bimetallic ones.

The disadvantages of cast iron batteries are fragility and heavy weight.

When choosing which heating batteries are best for a private house, two groups should be considered - steel or aluminum batteries. Aluminum ones are more interesting - they are lighter, more economical and give off more heat.

Pictured are ideal aluminum radiators for a country house

Which bimetallic heating radiators are better

The choice of bimetallic batteries is large - the models are different in design, characteristics, design and cost. Comparing the characteristics different radiators, we will determine which bimetallic heating radiators are better.

Bimetallic and semi-bimetallic radiators

Bimetal radiators have only the upper part made of aluminum. They are made of steel, and then filled with aluminum under pressure. The coolant is in contact with steel. There are models in which the inside is made of copper. Such radiators are used with a coolant to which antifreeze is added.

The interior of semi-bimetallic batteries is made up of two metals: steel and aluminium. Top Models such radiators are manufactured by Sira, Rifar, Gordi. They are not cheap, but the quality is excellent.

Bimetallic radiators sectional and monolithic

Monolithic radiators are distinguished by a solid steel or copper manifold, on which an aluminum “shirt” is put on. This design is called monolithic. Radiators of this type are more reliable than sectional ones, weakness which are the joints between sections. Characteristics of monolithic radiators:

  • service life up to 40 years (2 times longer than sectional ones);
  • working pressure up to 100 bar (3 times more than sectional ones);
  • thermal power per section 100-200 W (equal to sectional).

The cost of monolithic radiators is about 20% higher than sectional ones, and it is impossible to change the dimensions by adding or removing sections. A large selection of models allows you to choose the right radiator.

Manufacturers of bimetallic radiators

Imported radiators are represented on the Russian market by Italian, South Korean, Polish companies.

Italian radiators

Represented by equipment from Sira, Global Style and Radena. The cost is 700 - 1500 rubles per section, the service life is from 20 years. Main characteristics:

  • thermal power of the section 120 - 185 watts;
  • maximum water temperature - 110 ° C;
  • operating pressure up to 35 bar.

South Korean radiators

MARS batteries with a copper core costing from 400 rubles with the following characteristics:

  • thermal power of the section 167 watts;
  • maximum water temperature - 130 ° C;
  • operating pressure up to 20 bar.

Polish radiators

The REGULUS-system equipment with a copper core is well known in Russia.


  • working pressure - 15 bar;
  • the maximum water temperature is 110°C.

Russian radiators

The most famous batteries are manufacturer Rifar costing 500 - 900 rubles per section.


  • thermal power of the section 100 - 200 watts;
  • maximum water temperature - 135 ° C;
  • operating pressure up to 20 bar.

Chinese radiators

Differ in low cost, modest design and low quality. If the budget does not allow you to buy high-quality equipment, then you can get by with a cheap "Chinese". At the same time, one cannot count on high performance, of course.

In my opinion, the RIFAR MONOLIT radiator is considered the best Russian product. Characteristics: thermal power of section 134 - 196 watts; maximum water temperature - 135 ° C; operating pressure up to 100 bar.

Pictured is a RIFAR brand radiator

Which aluminum heating radiators are better

Aluminum radiators are produced by Russian and foreign companies in a wide range. Among the main manufacturers:


The best Russian company. Prices are higher than the Russian average - an average of 580 rubles per section. Main characteristics:

  • operating pressure up to 20 atm (maximum 30 atm);
  • maximum coolant temperature 135°С;
  • 10 year warranty, 25 year service life.

Royal Termo, Russia

Joint production with Italians. Available models:

  1. Thermo revolution;
  2. Thermo Dream Liner;
  3. Thermo Indigo.


  • working pressure - up to 20 atm;
  • thermal power 170 - 185 watts.

Radiators are produced using patented technologies.

VitaTerm, Russia

Aluminum alloys with magnesium, lithium and titanium are used for production.


  • thermal power 140 - 184 W;
  • working pressure 16 atm (test 24 atm).

Global, Italy

Well-known Italian manufacturer offers radiators excellent quality and elegant design. A section of such a radiator costs about 400 rubles. One of best offers in the market, given the cost and quality.


Budget option for aluminum radiators. The design is simple, versatile, good quality. The cost of the section is about 300 rubles.

It is not difficult to choose an aluminum radiator - there are many offers in different technical and price categories. If you choose from domestic equipment, then Rifar radiators will be a worthy purchase; from imported ones, we recommend the Italian Global. Of course, the proposals are the most general - when choosing, the buyer should proceed from his own capabilities and needs.

Pictured is a radiator brand Global

Which heating radiators are better - aluminum or bimetallic

Let's start comparing bimetallic and aluminum radiators with the performance and characteristics of the batteries.

1. Aluminum radiators consist of separate sections, which are connected by nipples. Gaskets are installed between the sections. Ribs with inside increase the heat transfer area.

2. Bimetal radiators consist of a steel core and an aluminum body with fins.

Comparative characteristics:

  • In terms of heat dissipation, aluminum is much more preferable - already 10 minutes after turning it on, the room is warm.
  • Aluminum radiators have a lower operating pressure (up to 20 atm) than bimetallic ones (up to 40 atm), i.e. they can only be installed in autonomous heating systems of private houses.
  • Aluminum radiators are more sensitive to the quality of the coolant. With an increase in pH over 8, aluminum batteries will quickly fail.
  • The temperature limit for bimetallic batteries (130°C) is higher than for aluminum batteries (110°C).
  • The service life of bimetallic batteries is 15-20 years, aluminum - 10 years.
  • The cost of bimetallic radiators is 20 - 35% higher than aluminum ones.

When choosing radiators, you need to consider the conditions in which they will have to work. For autonomous heating of a private house, aluminum batteries are more suitable, for an apartment in a high-rise building - bimetallic.

Installation and installation of heating radiators

The high price of installing heating batteries in an apartment or a private house often forces the owners to carry out these works on their own. The cost of heating installation works depends on the total volume, the number of installation elements, the selected connection scheme, the type and model of radiators, etc.

For self-assembly heating radiators you need:

  1. familiarize yourself with the connection methods;
  2. know the connection rules;
  3. correctly calculate and accurately measure the location of the radiators;
  4. have the right tools for installation.

The heating battery is installed in such a way as to ensure maximum heating efficiency. The greatest heat loss through the windows, so the location of the batteries under the windows creates thermal curtain preventing heat from escaping.

The installation of radiators must be carried out strictly at right angles in the horizontal and vertical planes - the wrong location leads to air accumulation and rapid corrosion of the radiator.

Distances that must be ensured during installation for normal heat exchange and circulation of warm air:

  • from the upper grate of the battery to the window sill - 5-10 cm;
  • from the bottom edge of the battery to the floor - 8-12 cm;
  • from the radiator to the wall - 2-5 cm;
  • when installing reflective thermal insulation on a wall, longer hooks should be purchased.

Calculation of the number of radiator sections

When buying radiators, learn how to calculate right amount sections. It is better to assemble the sections in the store when buying batteries. Remember a simple rule: one section goes to heat 2 square meters of area with a ceiling height of 2.7 m. Do rounding up.

To install radiators, you will need tools:

  1. pliers;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. hammer drill;
  4. key for branch pipes;
  5. construction level;
  6. tape measure, pencil.

Battery replacement is done in the following order:

  1. the old battery is dismantled;
  2. marking is made for attaching a new one;
  3. brackets and a canopy of the battery are installed;
  4. assembly kit is assembled;
  5. a valve, a valve for a thermal head and a Mayevsky valve are installed;
  6. heating pipes are connected.

Especially common is the installation of heating radiators with a bottom connection, in which hot water is introduced into the lower part of the battery and output from the bottom of the other side. Such radiators are outwardly more attractive, fit perfectly into the interior and allow you to hide the piping under the floor.

Thermostats for heating radiators

To regulate the heat supply during the heating season, we recommend installing a thermostat on each radiator. Installation of a thermostat on a heating radiator is described in detail on websites on the Internet. More sophisticated programmable thermostats will automatically turn radiators on and off, maintaining the desired temperature. You can install thermostats on each battery with two-pipe heating, which is typical for a private house. With a single-pipe system (in apartments of houses), to install a thermostat, a bypass is installed in front of the radiator - a pipe perpendicular between the supply and the "return". The diameter of the bypass pipe is always smaller than the diameter of the distribution pipes.

If the radiators close the thick curtains to the floor, then the circulation of warm air is disturbed and only the window is heated. The window sill covering the battery from above also interferes with normal air circulation. The efficiency of the heating radiator is reduced by 20%.

Heating radiator connection diagrams

The main schemes for connecting radiators:

1. Lateral one-way connection

Most commonly used and provides maximum heat dissipation. The inlet pipe is connected to the upper branch pipe, the outlet pipe - to the lower one.

2. Bottom connection

It is used if the heating pipes are hidden under the floor or baseboard. Aesthetically the best way. The supply and return pipes from the bottom go vertically to the floor.

3. Diagonal connection

It is done with a large number of sections (more than 12). The inlet pipe is connected to the upper pipe on one side, and the return pipe is discharged from reverse side through the bottom pipe. The Mayevsky crane on radiators serves to remove excess air. Connection is inconvenient because when replacing or repairing a radiator, you need to turn off the entire heating system

4. Parallel connection

The heat carrier with such a connection is supplied through a heat pipe, which is built into the heating system. Withdrawal also occurs. The valves at the inlet and outlet allow you to replace the radiator without shutting down the system as a whole. The disadvantage of this scheme is that at low pressure the radiator warms up weakly.


  1. When choosing radiators for a private house or an apartment in a high-rise building, one should take into account the operating conditions typical for autonomous or centralized heat supply. For an apartment, cast iron or bimetallic radiators are suitable, for a private house - aluminum or cast iron. Otherwise, you need to be guided by specific conditions: interior requirements, financial capabilities, equipment cost, manufacturer's reliability, etc.
  2. We recommend checking the calculation of the required number of radiator sections for a particular room by receiving the seller's recommendations upon purchase.
  3. During installation, it is necessary to maintain all the necessary distances of the radiator from the floor, walls, etc., as well as the horizontal position of its position in different planes. A thermostat installed on radiators helps to save money - you can turn off unnecessary radiators or set an automatic temperature maintenance mode.

The most familiar and traditional heating devices are radiators, which provide heat transfer from its source to living quarters. In the domestic space, heavy and uncomfortable cast-iron radiators have been used for a long time. Such devices have long been obsolete, so the owners are increasingly paying attention to more modern products with good energy efficiency and small size. How to choose a heating radiator, and will be discussed in this article.

Types of heating radiators

In the modern construction market, you can find many varieties of heating radiators. All modern radiators for an apartment or house have their own characteristics and characteristics: for example, some radiators are suitable only for autonomous heating systems, while others are quite suitable for central heating. The main types of radiators are worth considering in more detail.

Cast iron radiators

Cast iron room heating radiators are familiar and familiar products that can still be found in any apartment. Of course, outdated radiators produced in Soviet times are not of good quality, unlike modern counterparts, which will be discussed further.

Updated models of cast-iron heating radiators are quite compact, have a pleasant appearance and are distinguished by well-finished surfaces. If financial possibilities allow you to choose more expensive products, then you should pay attention to retro-styled radiators that can fit perfectly into a suitable design - the perfect answer to the question of which heating batteries are best for an apartment.

The main advantages of cast iron radiators are the ability to give off accumulated heat for a long time, corrosion resistance and a long service life, which, with proper maintenance, can be decades. Of the shortcomings, it is mainly worth noting the large weight and the associated installation difficulties. In addition, noticeable disadvantages are the long heating of radiators, a large volume of coolant and the brittleness of cast iron, which is why such devices sometimes cannot withstand strong water hammer.

Aluminum radiators

When deciding which heating batteries are better to install in a private house, you should pay attention to aluminum products, which are distinguished by their relatively low cost and a wide variety of external characteristics. If the heating system is full clean water With normal level acidity, then aluminum radiators can work without problems for about 20 years.

Due to the fact that the pressure in autonomous heating is low, the radiators will not be subjected to stress. By filling the system with water without impurities, it is possible to minimize chemical reactions that provoke the release of hydrogen - they accelerate the destruction of the radiator and can cause a fire. Radiator products, among other things, are characterized by a small inertia.

Aluminum radiators are divided into two categories:

  • Extrusion Radiators, consisting of glued and pressed sections (the central part is made by extrusion, and the upper and lower manifolds are cast);
  • Cast radiators, each section of which is molded under pressure, so the finished products are more reliable and durable.

Bimetal radiators

For the arrangement of the heating system in apartment buildings bimetallic radiators are well suited, easily withstanding high pressure and regular water hammer. Structurally, bimetallic radiators for central heating correspond to their name: the outer layer is made of aluminum, and steel or copper pipes are located under it. The result is a robust design with excellent operational characteristics and good visual qualities.

There are two types of bimetallic radiators:

  1. Full bimetal radiators. Inside such devices there is a core without the inclusion of aluminum. For the manufacture of the core, steel or copper is used - materials that are not susceptible to corrosion. Due to the corrugated body, located outside the core, effective heat transfer is ensured.
  2. Semi-metal radiators. The core of this type of radiator is almost entirely made of aluminum - steel is used only to reinforce the vertical channels. The degree of heat transfer due to this design increases, but the strength is significantly reduced. Pseudo-bimetallic radiators are cheaper compared to full-fledged products.

Bimetallic devices are also classified depending on the device sections:

  • Conventional sectional radiators consist of several sections, each of which, if necessary, can be easily replaced or removed;
  • Monolithic radiators, as the name implies, consist of a single element, which significantly increases the ability to withstand high pressure, up to 100 atmospheres.

If local central heating is characterized by constant pressure drops, then monolithic bimetallic devices will be the best answer to the question of which heating radiators are best for an apartment.

Steel heating radiators

good and enough modern version radiators are steel, having a pleasant design, relatively low weight and a high degree of heat transfer.

Steel heaters are divided into two types:

  1. Panel. The design of panel radiators includes metal sheets welded in pairs, in which there are oval recesses for passing the coolant. The number of such panels in one radiator can vary from one to three. To increase heat transfer to inner part panels, convectors are welded - the efficiency eventually increases, but the devices collect more dust during operation. Standard Models without welded ribs, due to their cleanliness, they are well suited for children's and medical institutions.
  2. Tubular. In tubular radiators, the collectors are connected by means of vertically mounted steel pipes. The advantages of such radiators in comparison with panel ones are an increased margin of safety and more interesting design. The disadvantage is the rather high cost. If you do not take into account the price, then when trying to determine which radiators are best for an apartment, steel ones will definitely be one of the most interesting options.

Floor convectors

Another type of heating devices are floor convectors. Such devices are based on a core, represented by a metal tube with fins that increase heat transfer. Thanks to the shell, heated air moves to the upper zone.

It should be noted that convectors withstand high pressure and corrosive effects without any problems. The body of the convector is heated to a temperature not exceeding 43 degrees, and the adjustment of the degree of heating is greatly simplified due to the small inertia of the device.

The disadvantage of this type of heating devices is the uneven heating of the room and, as a result, low economic and thermal efficiency. It is most advisable to use convection appliances in rooms with windows that occupy the entire wall - thanks to the radiator, a heat shield will be created along the entire window, preventing the spread of cold.

How to choose heating radiators

All heaters have several parameters that you need to consider before choosing a heating radiator. Each parameter must be studied separately, and when choosing, take into account their totality.

Type of heating system

The main parameter that most influences the choice of a heating radiator is the heating system, which can be made according to two basic schemes:

Central heating. In the domestic space, single-pipe heating circuits are used, in which radiators are connected in series. When deciding which radiators are better to choose for an apartment, it must be taken into account that the centralized heating system operates under high pressure, and its value is constantly changing over a very wide range. In addition, the coolant poured into the system rarely has a sufficient degree of purity, so all elements of the system are subject to corrosion.

When dealing with a centralized system, you need to know which batteries are best placed in an apartment:

  • Cast iron radiators that can withstand pressure from 6 to 16 bar and are highly resistant to corrosion;
  • Bimetallic radiators for central heating, not subject to corrosion and capable of withstanding pressures from 35 bar (sectional) to 100 bar (monolithic).

Heating system. As a rule, an autonomous heating system has two working circuits, the operating pressure rarely exceeds 3-5 bar, and the water in the system has a neutral acidity level. All this suggests that any radiators are suitable for autonomous heating (except for bimetallic ones, the use of which in this case cannot be called appropriate).

To achieve maximum efficiency of an autonomous system, it is worth using the following types of radiators:

  • Aluminum with excellent heat dissipation;
  • Steel, which are inexpensive and look good;
  • Cast iron - the most familiar and democratic option.

Heat dissipation of different types of radiators

The level of heat transfer of different radiators varies depending on the material used. The exact value of the efficiency of a particular model, which is often used to decide which battery is better to put in an apartment, can only be found in the documentation attached to it.

The average heat transfer value of one section of the radiator is as follows:

  • Cast iron radiators - 100-160 watts;
  • Aluminum radiators - 82-212 watts;
  • Bimetallic radiators - 150-180 watts.

Solid radiators have the following heat transfer indicators:

  • Steel - 1200-1600 watts;
  • Convectors - 130-10000 watts.

Calculation of the size of heating radiators

To know exactly how to choose a heating radiator correctly, you need to accurately understand the following nuances:

  • Type of eyeliner (open or hidden);
  • The method of bringing pipes to the radiator (from above, from the side, from the floor, from the wall, etc.);
  • Diameter of heating pipes;
  • Center distance between pipes.

When deciding which heating batteries are best placed in an apartment, you also need to take into account their location. The fact is that air must be supplied to the radiator - if the device is not blown normally, then its heat transfer will decrease by 10-15%.

The general rules for installing radiators look like this:

  • The distance between the floor and the radiator should be 7-10 cm;
  • From the wall, the radiator should be at a distance of about 3-5 cm;
  • There should be at least 10-15 cm of free space between the window sill and the radiator.

Given these rules, it will not be difficult to decide which heating radiator is better to choose for an apartment.

Buying Batteries

When all the parameters have been studied, and the best heating batteries for the apartment have been selected, all that remains is to purchase them. In the case of an autonomous heating system, there will be no problems at all - you can just go to the store with your own calculations and buy the most suitable appliances.

Before choosing radiators, it is advisable for owners of apartments in multi-storey buildings to go to the local heating network authorities and ask what the operating pressure is in the centralized heating system. It is necessary to select heating radiators for central heating with a small margin of pressure so that the system can withstand its differences, in particular, seasonal ones - centralized heating is tested every year under a pressure increased by 1.5 times.


This article answers in detail the question of which batteries are best to buy for the greatest heating efficiency. It is enough to study all types of heating devices, their parameters and factors influencing the choice. Properly selected radiators will work without the slightest complaint throughout the entire period of operation.

Not only the efficiency of the heating system, but also its durability depends on the choice of suitable batteries. Therefore, this step is very important, and it is given special attention. It should also be taken into account that heating in apartment buildings is most often centralized, which means that the batteries will be subject to various hazards, such as water hammer. Which heating radiators are best for an apartment? This will be told by our detailed review, in which we will look at commercially available radiators and find out which ones are suitable for an apartment installation.

Features of centralized heating systems

Scheme of central heating in apartment buildings.

Heating a multi-storey building requires the construction of a large boiler room, where a powerful gas boiler is installed. From here, pipes of solid thickness are sent to the house, along which the coolant moves. And the higher the multi-storey building, the higher the coolant pressure, since it needs to rise to a great height and pass through hundreds of radiators, overcoming high hydraulic resistance.

As for multi-storey buildings with individual apartment heating, they are much less common. This is how they build houses with a height of 3-5 floors, where it is more profitable to create several autonomous heating systems than to build and maintain a common boiler room - this requires additional funds and additional human resources to maintain boiler equipment. But the pressure in autonomous systems is much lower - the batteries will be in comparative safety.

As you can already understand, the main enemy of heating batteries in apartment buildings with a centralized heating system is high coolant pressure. Due to it, the batteries often begin to flow, or even burst completely, being subjected to the pressure of water. Subsequent repairs result not only in the replacement of the batteries themselves, but also in a full-fledged repair of an apartment (sometimes not one’s own, but a neighbor’s).

It must be remembered that the higher the building, the higher the pressure in the pipes. The highest rate is in modern houses up to 20-26 floors (and above).

Centralized heating systems are fraught with other dangers:

Water hammer instantly increases the pressure in the heating system and not all radiators can withstand it.

  • Water hammer - they occur as a result of pressure drops. If the boiler room employees open the coolant supply too abruptly, or shut it off just as abruptly, then the pipes and heating radiators in the houses will undergo a powerful blow. And many radiators, for example, aluminum ones, may not withstand such an impact and burst, flooding hot water rooms and household items;
  • The low quality of the coolant is another factor that negatively affects not only pipes, but also radiators. It often contains quite active chemical components that spoil the metal. Also, fine mechanical impurities of various origins affect corrosion - they have an equally negative effect on radiators and pipes;
  • Temperature fluctuations - it cannot be said that they have a direct effect on heating equipment, but as the temperature rises, so does the pressure. Therefore, some batteries simply do not withstand and burst, as they are not designed for such temperature loads.

What batteries are better to put in the apartment

We already know what threatens radiators in centralized heating systems. These are high pressure and water hammer - the rest can be neglected (to some extent). How to choose heating radiators for an apartment and what are the requirements for them? Everything is easy and simple here, which will be described below.

Resistant to high pressure and water hammer

The best heating batteries for an apartment are those that can withstand high pressure. The higher the house, the higher the maximum possible pressure in the battery should be. You also need to remember about possible water hammer, so this figure is doubled. Considering that the pressure in the heating systems of high-rise buildings reaches 15-16 atmospheres, then the batteries must withstand a maximum pressure of up to 32 atmospheres.

Corrosion resistance

Many models of radiators are subject to corrosion. Especially dangerous is electrical corrosion, which can occur at the junction of different metals.

Not clean water flows in the pipes of heating systems. There are also quite aggressive components used to clean pipes and radiators from corrosion. Together with rust and scale, aggressive components eat through the metal. And if the same cast iron can still boast of resistance, then aluminum under such influence is subject to destruction. Mechanical impurities do require the use of thick-walled metal that is resistant to mechanical stress.

Design and brand

Which heating batteries are better for an apartment, and which ones are better for a house? In private houses, we are free to use any heating batteries, since there we are independently responsible for the absence of water hammer and for the quality of the coolant. Therefore, there we often use fairly cheap radiators, from which great endurance is not required (especially if an open-type heating system is installed in the house).

Concerning apartment buildings, then here you need to pay attention to the most durable batteries from leading brands. For example, it can be heating radiators from Kermi, Global or Fondital. best quality has products from German manufacturers, but here you need to be prepared for high costs. But such radiators can be used in heating batteries any type - they are the most reliable and hardy.

As for Chinese batteries, there is always a chance of running into trouble. For example, some manufacturers frankly "hack" by reducing the thickness of the metal. As a result, the batteries are thin and flimsy. Therefore, it is best to rely on European brands.

Modern models of antique cast iron radiators.

Battery design is of the utmost importance. Recently, thin panel and sectional radiators have become the most popular. They have an attractive appearance and good efficiency - manufacturers are doing everything possible to combine high build quality, excellent design and high heat dissipation. An interesting fact is that cast iron batteries have begun to appear on the market again, but now they have a rather interesting retro design.

It is cast iron batteries that can withstand almost any trouble that heating systems can create. But this comes at the cost of bulkiness and low efficiency.

High heat dissipation

Since we are talking about efficiency, when choosing radiators, you need to pay attention to heat dissipation. The higher this parameter, the warmer it will be in your apartment at the same coolant temperature. Some models of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators have a heat output of up to 200 W and more per section. For old cast-iron batteries, this figure is about one and a half times higher, but they are more reliable and durable.

Which radiators to choose for heating an apartment

Which heating radiators are better to choose for your apartment? The choice of consumers are cast-iron radiators, steel, aluminum and bimetallic. Let's try to figure out how they differ from each other and which ones are best suited for an apartment installation.

Cast iron radiators

These are the oldest radiators on the market for heating equipment. They differ in solid dimensions, as they are made of thick cast iron. Such radiators withstand pressure drops, withstand water hammer and high temperatures. They are also able to work with aggressive coolant. Everything would be fine, but they are characterized by low heat dissipation, which makes them somewhat unsuitable for use in cold regions.

Their disadvantages also include:

  • Inconvenience in installation - high weight affects;
  • Not too attractive external data;
  • Not suitable for use in high-rise buildings (above 5-9 floors).

Otherwise, these are good radiators, hardy and strong. Recently, quite modern models have appeared on the market that have acceptable dimensions and a decent appearance. And they can be mounted in low-rise buildings, where they will serve for many years.

Steel radiators

Looking at modern steel panel radiators, you immediately begin to understand that they obviously cannot withstand a lot of pressure. And this is true, because thin metal is used here, which is not distinguished by expressive durability. Steel radiators can be useful for heating small private houses or summer cottages, but they are not suitable for use in high-rise buildings.

The only exceptions are some models of steel radiators, through which relatively thick pipes pass - their endurance is somewhat higher. Often they are called tubular radiators. Today they are found in some houses with a height of 9-16 floors.

Steel radiators are characterized by high heat dissipation and heat the premises well. They are also very light and easy to install. The undoubted advantage is the small internal volume. But all these advantages become useless if you need to install these radiators in an apartment - they will still serve in low-rise buildings (the use of tubular models is required), but in high-rise buildings they will not withstand high pressure.

Aluminum radiators

Modern aluminum radiators are characterized by low weight and high heat dissipation. Yes, aluminum itself is a fairly strong metal. Radiators made of it are ready to withstand the high pressure of the coolant, but there is no resistance to water hammer here. No less negative is the lack of resistance to the effects of the coolant - aggressive impurities literally corrode such radiators, leading to ruptures and leaks.

The appearance of aluminum radiators captivates with its splendor - they are compact and neat, they are easy and pleasant to install, but the lack of resistance to water hammer and corrosion spoils everything. But they can be an excellent solution for private households.

Sometimes it is allowed to use aluminum radiators in low-rise buildings, where the coolant pressure is not as high as in high-rise buildings. They are also successfully used in apartments with individual heating.

Bimetal radiators

If you do not know which heating radiators are better to install in an apartment, then we recommend that you turn your attention to bimetallic models. Inside them we will find:

  • Steel base - it withstands pressure up to 50 atmospheres and resists corrosion well;
  • The aluminum body, not in contact with the coolant, provides simply excellent heat dissipation.

Bimetallic radiators are not afraid of water hammer and high pressure, they are easy to mount and dismantle. Also they are not afraid high temperatures and have a low weight, and due to the presence effective protection from corrosion, they boast a long service life. Exactly bimetal radiators and are the best for installation in apartments, be it a small three-story building or a solid 26-story building.

Despite the many advantages, bimetallic batteries have one drawback - this is a high cost. Therefore, the cost of their acquisition will be quite significant.

Which heating radiator is best to choose for an apartment? This question is asked by all citizens who are dissatisfied with the standard heating system in their homes. Moreover, the reasons for dissatisfaction can be both aesthetic - the old battery disfigures the design, and practical - the radiator does not heat as well as we would like. In this article we will try to help you with the choice of an externally attractive and truly warm radiator.

Modern heating batteries for an apartment

Not sure which radiator is best? Then let's iterate over everything possible options.And it will take quite a bit of time, because modern manufacturers are ready to offer us only four types of "apartment" batteries:

  • Steel radiators are the simplest and cheap option heating device. Such a heater is assembled on the basis of a circulation circuit sewn from two sheets of far from the thickest rolled products. The coolant flows along the contour-panel and heats up the ribbed elements fixed on its surface. Moreover, these fins are very thin, so they heat up in a very short time.
  • Aluminum batteries are a more expensive heater. Instead of cheap ferrous metal, non-ferrous metal is used here, which has a higher thermal conductivity. That is, both the circulation circuit (pipe) and the plates (ribs strung on this pipe) are made of expensive aluminum here. But the high price is offset by a very high heat transfer. Such batteries squeeze more energy out of the coolant than other radiators.
  • Cast iron radiators - such a heater is made of cheap ferrous metal, but the technology for manufacturing such radiators cannot be called inexpensive. Cast iron is poured into a mold, getting a section of the future battery. And small-scale foundry production is the most expensive and, in addition, environmentally dirty metalworking technology. However, there are no complaints about the cast-iron sections themselves - they do not harm human health during the operation stage and have an amazingly long service life and enormous thermal inertia. Such a battery cools down more slowly than competitors.
  • Bimetallic batteries - similar heaters appeared relatively recently, when they patented the technology for building a radiator based on a steel or copper tubular circuit and aluminum heating elements (fins). Thanks to this, manufacturers were able to increase the heat transfer of the heating element, simultaneously improving all other characteristics.

Now that you are already familiar with the main types of batteries, you can choose the best option that suits you. How to do it? We will talk about this below in the text.

Steel battery - is it suitable for residents of 9-storey buildings?

When choosing a battery, try to focus not on the advantages, but on the disadvantages of a particular type of radiator. Or rather, on the balance of the pros and cons of each option. And if we look at the varieties of modern apartment heaters from this point of view, then the following picture will open before us. The steel battery is good for its low cost and huge active surface. The circulation circuits-panels sewn from sheet steel give a large radiation area and without ribbed elements. And they are also very light and do not cause difficulties during installation, since the inlet and outlet pipes can be located literally anywhere, and not just at the corners of the structure.

However, outwardly, such batteries look like boxes, which does not decorate the interior. In addition, a steel heater can withstand only 6-10 atmospheres of internal pressure, and such batteries have virtually no corrosion resistance, so they will live in an apartment for no more than 15-20 years. In addition, the steel heater cools down very quickly. Conclusion: a steel radiator is suitable when there is a budget deficit, but even in this case, only residents of 5-storey buildings can buy it. In nine-story dwellings, such a battery will burst at the first pressure surge.

Where is an aluminum radiator useful - an apartment or a private house?

Aluminum batteries are more expensive than steel panel radiators, but they have amazing heat dissipation. Therefore, a large steel panel can be replaced by a smaller aluminum structure. As a result, due to the difference in dimensions, the price of aluminum heaters can approach the cost of cheap ones. steel batteries. In addition, aluminum does not rust on the outside, and the internal pressure in such heating element can be raised to 12 atmospheres.

The dark side of this option is the high sensitivity of aluminum to the chemical composition of the coolant. This metal oxidizes with a jump in acidity, releasing hydrogen. And it also forms a galvanic couple with brass fittings, which also leads to corrosion, which provokes leaks and other troubles. In a word, the capricious nature of such a battery had to be paid for the high heat transfer. Conclusion: an aluminum battery is good where there is confidence in stability chemical composition coolant and pressure in the system. This radiator is useful, rather, in country house, townhouse or cottage. In urban conditions, its use is not justified due to its capricious nature.

When to use a cast iron product - a long-term option

A cast iron battery can look like a work of art. cast patterns and unusual shape sections turn such a radiator into an art object that can fit into any interior style. In addition, such a heater is not afraid of acidity and corrosion. After all, the cast-iron section has very thick walls - a by-product of the foundry production technology, which will withstand 50 years of operation.

Among the disadvantages of this option, the following can be noted: cast-iron sections have high thermal inertia, so they slowly cool down and heat up, such a battery needs a very hot coolant that can warm up massive elements. In addition, the significant weight of such structures makes it necessary to equip a special system for attaching to the wall. Therefore, multi-section radiators are supplied with legs (for floor mounting). Conclusion: cast iron radiator suitable for wealthy people who are going to live in a particular apartment for decades. Moreover, the maximum pressure in a cast-iron battery (10 atmospheres) does not allow placing such an element above the 5th-7th floor.

The best battery in terms of the sum of advantages and disadvantages

Bimetallic radiators can withstand 35 atmospheres, so you do not need to look at the number of storeys in your home. In addition, the non-principal issues in this case include both the quality of the coolant and its temperature. Aluminum fins can work with both warm and hot flow, and steel pipes withstand both high acidity and an abundance of abrasive inclusions trying to scratch the contour from the inside.

Moreover, such a heater is easy to mount in the system, since it does not need either massive wall brackets or special fittings that exclude electrochemical corrosion.

The only drawback of the bimetallic version is the high price, but it also pays off due to a very long service life. Conclusion: such a battery can be placed anywhere - both in a five-story building and in a skyscraper. Yes, it is not cheap, but its advantages cover this disadvantage. Therefore, only a bimetallic radiator can claim the title of "best battery for an apartment".

How to choose a heater by the footage of a room - simple formulas

We have already decided on the optimal type of radiator, so now it remains for us to understand how to choose heating batteries in city ​​apartment by the size of the dwelling. After all, too large or too small a heater will make living conditions in an apartment simply unbearable. From the first you will be stuffy, and from the second - cold. Moreover, the golden mean - this is when the room is warm enough, but not hot - it is determined very simply.

To do this, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • First, determine the footage of the room. To do this, multiply the length and width, measuring the parameters with a tape measure. If you are too lazy to mess with the calculations, find the documents for the apartment and look at the footage of the room there.
  • Next translate square meters(area units) to watts (power units). Use the proportion: 1 m 2 \u003d 100 watts. That is, for a large room of 20 squares, you need 2000 watts (20x100) or 2 kW.
  • After that, you can go to the store and ask the consultant to show you a battery with a thermal power equal to the calculated number of watts.
  • If the battery is recruited from sections, then you need to clarify the heat transfer of one section and divide this value by the desired battery power. As a result, you will get the correct number of sections. That is, if one section emits 200 watts, and we need a 2000 W battery, then to assemble such a radiator, we will have to buy 10 sections (2000/200).

Guided by these simple rules, you can buy a battery without overpaying for extra dimensions and sections.