How is the exam in the Russian language. How was the exam in the Russian language

Graduation will begin soon, after which graduates will finally be able to relax and gain strength before entering. And on June 20, the results of the next test became known, this time in the Russian language.

The Russian language, as well as Mathematics, are compulsory subjects, all the rest are chosen by the students themselves. However, the results in both subjects are already known and it is not difficult to verify them. Yes, and the results for most of the items are also known, only 5 items make us nervous. Results in Social Studies will be announced on June 24, biology and foreign language June 29, and physics with literature on June 30.

Note that the exams have become more difficult. In addition, this year the minimum threshold has been raised. For admission, it is desirable to score 36 points, and the minimum we talked about is 24 points. In total, schoolchildren were given 26 tasks and three and a half hours to solve them.

They check the work for a long time. Everything from the fact that the verification takes place immediately at the local level, and then at the federal level. And graduates who receive high scores are also checked additionally. Therefore, if you were checked longer than others, then this is a good sign. During the check, they look not only at the solution of tasks, but also at the recordings from video cameras, if there were comments from observers.

In general, if Russian is your native language, then passing the test for the minimum number of points will not be difficult. According to statistics, only 0.4% of students could not reach the mark of 24. But there is always the opportunity to retake. Separate reserve days are allocated for retake, as well as the time in September, which is generally not very convenient, because the introductory campaign takes place in the last month of summer. Specifically, the Russian language can be retaken on June 26 or September 4.

The reason for retaking may be: failure to pass the exam, cancellation of the result, an unfinished test due to poor health, as well as failure to appear for testing for a documented good reason (the list of reasons is on the USE website).

Where to see your results on the exam

There are several options for how you can find out the results of your test. The first and most interesting is just to go to the school where you wrote this exam. Second, it is trivial to look at certain Internet resources. Specifically, on regional websites, city hall websites, the State Services portal or on the official information portal of the Unified State Examination.

The easiest way to see the results is through the official website

To do this, you just need to go to the site itself -, then select the tab "For USE participants", then "Check USE results».

In addition, the site is full useful information and convenient functionality for applicants and exam takers. For example, you can appeal the results of the exam or see the points required for admission to the university.

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The Russian language is one of the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination. Without a positive exam result, a graduate simply will not receive a certificate of secondary education. What is the current version of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language? What should be taken into account when preparing?

Everything USE assignments in Russian, they assume a good knowledge of the school curriculum, do not go beyond it. Nevertheless, the tasks are structured in such a way that they test the most diverse knowledge of students and their ability to work with text.

Control and measuring materials (KIM) in the Russian language consist of two parts. The first part includes 24 tasks with a short answer or with a choice of correct answers. The second part involves writing an essay-reasoning on the text read.

First part

Let's take a closer look at the tasks of the first part. The examination paper opens with a short scientific style text. The first task at the initial stages of preparation often causes difficulty for schoolchildren. It requires finding sentences that contain main information text. What can be advised? It is necessary to find in the text the key, most important in terms of content, words. And then find answers in which all these words will be present.

Task number 4

Task number 4 also causes difficulties, because it tests the knowledge of orthoepic norms, in other words, the ability to stress words. But some words in everyday life are often mispronounced, we get used to their incorrect pronunciation. In fact, these words have to be memorized again in preparation for the exam.

Task number 7

Task number 7 is very "expensive". If performed correctly, it can earn you as many as five primary points. But it is also very complex, because it includes a huge number of grammatical rules. Here is the ability to use participial and participle phrases, and the ability to choose the right form of a word for certain prepositions, and the ability to build simple and complex sentences. And not just to build the correct construction yourself, but to find errors in already proposed sentences, among which there are absolutely correct ones from a grammatical point of view. Preparation for this task must begin in advance, then it becomes clear which constructions can be erroneous.

Tasks #8-14

Tasks from the eighth to the fourteenth check the knowledge of spelling, the rules for writing words, starting with vowels in the root of the word and ending with the continuous-separate spelling of words of various parts of speech. Traditionally, the greatest difficulty is the spelling not with different parts of speech (task 12), spelling n, nn (task 14), as well as continuous separate spellings(task 13). In task 13, there are words that may be partial homonyms, that is, they are pronounced the same way, but they are written differently. So these rules should also be taken into account.

Tasks #15-19

Tasks from the fifteenth to the nineteenth checks the ability to put punctuation marks in sentences of various syntactic structures. It is important to understand which sentence is in front of you: simple or complex, whether it contains homogeneous members, appeals, introductory constructions. Of course, knowledge of the rules studied in grades 5-9 is checked.

Tasks No. 20-24: working with text

Then, the writers of the exam are offered a large text of an artistic or journalistic style. Tasks twenty to twenty-four test knowledge about the text as such. How much the student understands the content of the read passage, whether he understands the types of speech and the means of connecting sentences in the text. Task 24 can earn you 4 primary points if done correctly. The task tests knowledge about the means of artistic expression used in the proposed text. Please note that there are hints in the task: it is indicated what kind of means of expression is used: syntactic, lexical, trope (a word in a figurative sense). Of course, this material also needs to be repeated.

Second part

The second part of the examination paper offers to write an essay-reasoning on the read text. We immediately pay attention to the type of speech. Essay-reasoning. That is, your work should have a clear structure: thesis, arguments, conclusion. An essay in Russian is written according to:

  • First, we indicate the problem of the read text. There may be more than one problem in the text. You need to choose one.
  • The second is to comment on the formulated problem. In fact, this is the answer to the question why the author spoke about this. The comment is taken from the text. What the author saw in the life around him, what he heard, remembered, read, what he spoke about this problem.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to determine the position of the author on the problem raised.
  • The fourth is to express your point of view. This will be your thesis. You may or may not agree with the author.
  • Fifth - pick up two arguments in defense of your point of view. Moreover, you will get the highest score for this criterion only if one of the arguments is from fiction, scientific literature or journalism. The second may be from life. You can, of course, give two arguments from life, but you will lose one point. Sixth - you need to draw a conclusion, summing up your thoughts. This is about the way we see that the examination paper is evaluated when checking the work.

Thus, we see that there is nothing in the examination paper that goes beyond the framework of the school curriculum. But the amount of material being tested is quite large. Therefore, you need to start preparing, of course, in advance. It would be nice to completely write the work, identify problem areas and work them out. You will know which questions are difficult for you. If you start studying in advance, for example, from the beginning of the school year, then there is every chance not only to pass the exam, but to pass it very well.

The Unified State Exam in Russian is a mandatory exam that all schoolchildren will have to take, without exception. It is not too difficult, and usually future students pass the test of knowledge in this subject more successfully than in mathematics.

The exam in the Russian language has become a little more difficult to pass, since FIPI has changed the format of answers to individual tasks. This was done so that the students could not just guess by randomly putting ticks and crosses next to the proposed options, but demonstrated a certain level of knowledge by entering their own formulated answers.

How will the knowledge test take place?

The duration of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language has not changed. As in previous years, 3.5 hours were allocated for the test. In 210 minutes, the student needs to complete 26 tasks. They are divided into 2 parts:

  • the first contains 25 questions that require short answers;
  • in the second, there is only one task - to write an essay.

In part 1 of the KIM USE in the Russian language, three types of questions are used. The first category of tasks involves the independent formulation of short answers, the second - the choice correct option of the proposed, the third - the definition of several correct positions from the finished list.

Minimum passing score

The minimum threshold for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language has not changed for several years: for a certificate, you need to score only 24 points, for admission to a university - 36.

We remind you that the highest schools have the right to set their own passing scores (but not lower than those recommended by Rosobrnadzor), so you should look for information of interest on the websites of specific universities.

The USE in Russian consists of two parts and 25 tasks.

First part represents 24 tasks. They can be test, the choice of one or more answers, open type (enter the pass yourself).

The answer to the tasks of part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a number (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers) written without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

The tasks of Part 1 test the assimilation of educational material by graduates at both basic and advanced levels of complexity (tasks 7, 23–24).

Second part - consists of one task - 25. This task involves writing an essay based on the read and analyzed text.

The task of part 2 (task 25 - composition) can be completed by the examinee at any level of complexity (basic, advanced, high).

210 minutes - 3.5 hours are given for work.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination paper

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Job type
1 part24 33 Short answer
part 21 24 Detailed response
Total25 57

Scattering by tasks

Below I will give the "cost" of each task performed.

For the correct completion of each task first part (except tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24) the examiner receives 1 point each. For an incorrect answer or its absence, 0 points are set.

For completing tasks 1 and 15, from 0 to 2 points can be set.

The answer is considered correct if it contains all the numbers from the standard and there are no other numbers.

Task 7 can be assigned from 0 to 5 points.

For each correctly indicated digit corresponding to the number from the list, the examinee receives 1 point (5 points: no errors; 4 points: one mistake was made; 3 points: two mistakes were made; 2 points: two numbers are correctly indicated; 1 point: correctly indicated only one number 0 points: completely wrong answer, i.e. wrong sequence of numbers or none.

Task 24 can be assigned from 0 to 4 points. The answer is considered correct if it contains all the numbers from the standard and there are no other numbers.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive if he correctly completed the task second part , is 24 points.

For the correct completion of all tasks of the examination paper, you can get the maximum 57 primary points .

The Russian language exam is mandatory for all graduates. Admittedly, for those who need to overcome the minimum barrier, it is not difficult. But if you expect to get a high score, then you need to seriously prepare. Expert Elena Buzina, the leader of the popular group for preparing for the exam in Russian, “I Write for a Hundred,” told about how to do this better.

Elena Buzina,

USE expert, candidate of pedagogical sciences,

host of the VKontakte group “I am writing for a hundred”

What do you think is the biggest difficulty of the Russian language exam?

There are no difficulties in the Russian language exam in the USE format, and this is true. If they arise, they are easy to overcome. To do this, you need, firstly, to carefully study the demo version of the test, the specification and the codifier. On the eve of the academic year, all these documents are published on the official website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). After analyzing them, you need to determine which tasks cause you difficulties, and start preparing with this in mind.

The Russian language is the only exam that can serve as a lifesaver for those who enter prestigious universities. To pass more than 90 points, mathematics is very difficult. Physics, chemistry or biology - even more so. And passing the Russian language by more than 90 points is quite within the power of anyone who sets such a goal for themselves.

But, of course, if you plan to get a high score (from 80 and above), then it is unlikely that you will be able to pass the Unified State Examination in Russian without systematic repetition, like any other exam.

What topics do you find to be the most challenging?

The most difficult topics are well known: for three years, since the new USE model in the Russian language appeared, several tasks have been stable “champions” in terms of the lowest percentage of completion.

First of all, this is task No. 14 from the Spelling block, which tests knowledge of the rules for writing one or two "n", and task No. 19 in the Punctuation block. In this task, you need to choose the correct answer by analyzing a complex sentence with different types connections.

Graduates show a consistently low result by completing tasks based on the source text that is offered for work. These are tasks No. 21, No. 22 and No. 23. Their difficulty lies in the fact that the correct answer must be found in the text that the graduate reads for the first time in the exam.

What to do? For the Spelling block, you need to repeat the rule - do not memorize, but learn to work on the basis of an algorithm and perform all actions sequentially in order to find the right answer to the question posed. However, this approach applies to absolutely all block tasks.

To learn how to complete tasks from the Punctuation block, you need to repeat the basic rules that are given in grade 8. It is necessary to repeat the theme “Simple Sentence” very well: to understand the laws of such a sentence, how it can be arranged, how it can be complicated. After that, it will be easy to complete tasks for complex sentences, because in fact these are several simple sentences combined in different ways.

What is the best way to prepare for the exam? Are there any secrets?

Secret one: distribute the tasks of the first part (tasks from No. 1 to No. 24) into thematic blocks. There are several of them: tasks No. 8-14 make up the Spelling block, tasks No. 15-19 - the Punctuation block, tasks No. 4-7 - the Speech Culture block. Tasks No. 1-3 and No. 20-24 are two blocks that test the skills of semantic and speech analysis, including the large text that is given in the test.

The second secret: in each block, highlight the easiest and most difficult tasks for you personally. Repeat the rules. It is easier to work with any rule if it is given in the form of a diagram, table or algorithm. When you train, you can and should look there as much as necessary in order to remember the rule and the order of its application.

Secret three: fixing. To do this, you can refer to the popular site "I will solve the exam". Having worked out the rule, you must immediately complete at least five, and preferably 15 tasks. Be sure to complete 10-15 tasks of this type in the paper version. You can use the manuals with which your teachers recommend preparing for the exam.

What type of questions is considered the most difficult? What is the best way to train on them? What questions give the most points and is it worth “pressing” on them?

There are four tasks in the Russian language test for which more than one point is given. These are tasks No. 1 and No. 15, for which you can get 2 points. They are defined as "basic level of difficulty", that is, they can be completed by absolutely everyone.

But there are only three tasks that belong to a high level of complexity in the first part of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language: No. 7, No. 23 and No. 24. Task No. 7 and Task No. 24 are the most “expensive”: 5 and 4 points, respectively. And this assessment is quite fair - how many correct answers will be, so many points will be counted. If, for example, in task number 7 you correctly match two sentences, you will get 2 points, and so on.

Task number 24 is a list of means of expression that are used to create figurative speech. In this task, nine terms are given, from which four must be selected and put in the correct place in the review. In order to complete this task, you need a serious study of theory and very good training. But the percentage of its successful completion is much higher than that of task No. 14 (one or two "n" in different parts of speech), although children learn to apply these rules starting from grade 5.

Pay special attention to the fact that in tasks No. 7 and No. 24, the order in which answers are entered on the form is of fundamental importance. If it is violated, it turns out that you made a mistake when performing tasks. This is how you lose points.

It is very important to learn how to read the question correctly. Everything that the task requires is clearly formulated, and if you read carefully, it is very difficult to make a mistake with how to enter the answers on the form. For example, the task: “Which of the following statements are true? Specify the number of answers. The very posing of the question prepares for the fact that you need to choose more than one answer. And here is a fragment of another task: “Write out a word with the meaning (...) from sentence No. 33-34.” Singular in the question says that for the correct answer you need to choose only one word.

When completing task No. 23 (this task is of increased complexity, although it gives only 1 point), you need to be very attentive to the wording and analyze exactly the sentence indicated in the task. Here's how it sounds: “Among the sentences (numbers are indicated below), find one (or those) that (which) is (are) connected (connected) with the previous one using cognate words. Write the number(s) of this (these) sentence(s)." Only the ability and willingness to analyze will allow you to find the right answer to this question.

It is worth paying attention to tasks No. 8-14 in the Spelling block. Here you need to write out the word that meets the condition, and enter it in the answer sheet. The word you choose must be entered correctly on the answer sheet. If a spelling mistake is made in it, the answer will not be counted. The same thing will happen if you enter a word, but forget to enter correct letter in place of the pass indicated in the test.

All of these details and more are covered in the test materials specification in great detail, and it is useful to refer to it.


How should I write an essay-reasoning in order to get the maximum number of points for it?

Task number 25 - essay-reasoning - is very important. You can get a maximum of 24 points for it, which is more than 42% of the total points for the correct completion of the entire test. It must be said right away that today almost all graduates perform this part of the work: even those who have just stepped over the lower threshold receive at least 3-5 points on this task.

The essay is checked by two independent experts based on 12 criteria. They can be conditionally divided into blocks:

  • criteria 1-4 are responsible for the content: for how the text of the essay itself was created, how the problem is formulated, how a comment is given on it, how the author’s position is formulated and his own point of view is argued;
  • criteria 5-6 evaluate the quality, structure and completeness of speech;
  • Criteria 7-10 assess literacy, with Criteria 7 (Estimating Spelling) and 8 (Evaluating Punctuation) a maximum of three points, which is a lot;
  • the so-called "Ethical criterion" and "Actual accuracy" allow you to evaluate the background material with which the graduate worked, and how the text turned out to be correct according to the estimates, with accurate facts.

These criteria are quite clear and transparent. But approaching each of these steps, it is formally impossible to get high scores. In order to earn at least 20 points, it is important to learn how to carefully edit the already written text: work with the draft and check the clean copy. V