Retaking the exam dates. Is it possible to retake the exam if you are not satisfied with the result

Mini USE is not planned. It is planned to test and conduct diagnostic work (similar to control work), which are carried out to assess the individual achievements of students - All-Russian test work. They will be carried out by the schools themselves, but using uniform options for the whole country, developed at the federal level. The data obtained will be used to monitor the learning outcomes of the GEF primary school.

The decision that school graduates must write a final essay was made in pursuance of subparagraph 9 of paragraph 1 of the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2013 No. Pr-3086 on the implementation of the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2013.
It is due to the fact that the school should educate the individual. The introduction of the final essay as a form of admission to the state final certification motivates schoolchildren to study the Russian language and literature, as well as to develop the ability to correctly formulate and express their own thoughts.
At the same time, extremely “soft” conditions for conducting and evaluating the final essay are provided:

  • participants write it in their own school;
  • in his reasoning, it is enough for the participant to rely on one independently chosen work.
  • the essay is evaluated according to the “pass” - “fail” system (for the final test, you need to write an essay yourself (at least 250 words), get positive results according to criterion No. 1 “Relevance to the topic” and criterion No. 2 “Argumentation. Attraction of literary material”, and also according to at least one of the other three criteria: "Composition and logic of reasoning", "Quality of written speech", "Literacy");
  • participants have the right to retake the essay twice within the time frame provided for by the essay schedule (February 7 and May 16, 2018).
When compiling essay topics, narrowly defined formulations are not used and reliance is placed on the following principles: feasibility, clarity and accuracy of the problem statement. Topics will allow the graduate to choose the literary material on which he will rely in his reasoning.
  1. Can a student with disabilities write an essay instead of a presentation?

To obtain admission to the GIA, persons with disabilities have the right to write both an essay and a presentation.
The time allotted for writing the final essay for such persons is increased by 1.5 hours.

  1. Good afternoon. My son is in his 4th year of college after 9th grade. Interested in:
    1) where to apply for the final essay?
    2) where should a college student write a final essay (as admission to the exam)?

Students of secondary vocational education participate in the final essay at will (to use its results when entering universities).
To participate in the final essay (statement), it is necessary to submit an application and a certificate from the educational organization in which the student of secondary vocational education is being trained, confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education, no later than two weeks before the start of the final essay (statement) at the registration sites determined by the OIV. These persons independently choose the term for writing the final essay from among those established by the schedule for the final essay (statement).
The chosen date of participation in the final essay must be indicated in the application, which is submitted to the registration places determined and published on the official website of the JIV.
An essay for such a category of persons is carried out in places determined by the OIV.

  1. Will the university take into account my results of the final essay (statement)?

In accordance with paragraph 44 of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs higher education- Bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs, master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147, when applying for undergraduate studies, specialist's programs, the university can award points for individual achievement for the grade set by the university based on the results of checking the final essay, which is condition for admission to the GIA.
When applying for undergraduate and specialty programs, an applicant can be awarded no more than 10 points in total for individual achievements. The list of individual achievements taken into account when applying for undergraduate studies, specialist's programs in case of equality of the sum of competitive points, as well as individual achievements taken into account when admitting to study in master's programs, is established by the organization independently. The list of individual achievements taken into account and the procedure for their accounting are established by the organization in accordance with paragraphs 43 - 46 of the Procedure and are indicated in the admission rules approved by the organization independently.

  1. Does a graduate of previous years without a 11th grade certificate need to submit a final essay for admission to the Unified State Exam-2017?

The final essay (statement) as a condition for admission to the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education is mandatory for graduates of 11 classes.
Persons admitted to the GIA in previous years, but who did not pass the GIA or received unsatisfactory results at the GIA in more than one compulsory academic subject, or who repeatedly received an unsatisfactory result in one of these subjects at the GIA in an additional period (hereinafter referred to as persons with a certificate of study ) participate in the final essay at will, in order to use its results when entering a university.
Registration of persons with a certificate of education to participate at their request in the final essay is carried out in organizations engaged in educational activities, in which these persons are restored for the period necessary to pass the GIA. When submitting an application, such persons present a certificate of training according to the model independently established by the organization carrying out educational activities.

  1. What else does the result of the final essay affect, besides admitting graduates to the Unified State Examination?

The results of the final essay (statement) are taken into account when accepting applicants at the discretion of the university. The procedure for accounting for the results obtained by the applicant for the final essay is indicated in the admission rules. In the case of taking into account the results of the essay, the applicant can add up to 10 additional points to the existing USE scores.

  1. Is it true that if 11th graders do not write an essay in December, there will be no more retakes? How about the national schools in the regions? Even when I entered the university in the 90s, graduates from the national republics did not write an essay, but a presentation or even a dictation. Why to graduates national schools general requirement? Please review and give them a chance to retake the essay in February and May!

Students who have received an unsatisfactory result (“failure”) in the final essay (statement) may be re-admitted to participate in the final essay (statement), but no more than twice and only within the time limits established by the schedule for the final essay (statement).

  1. I do not agree with the result of the composition obtained at school. I think that the school did not objectively evaluate my essay, can I file an appeal for disagreement with the result of the essay?

According to clause 14 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), the authorities executive power subjects of the Russian Federation, carrying out public administration in the field of education (hereinafter - OIV), determine the procedure for conducting, as well as the procedure and terms for checking the final essay (statement) on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation.
Filing an appeal about disagreement with the results of the final essay (statement) is not provided for by the Procedure.
In accordance with the Recommendations on the organization and conduct of the final essay (statement) for the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, in order to prevent a conflict of interest and ensure an objective assessment of the final essay (statement) by students upon receipt of a repeated unsatisfactory result (“ fail") for the final essay (statement) is given the right to submit a written application for verification of the final essay (statement) submitted by them by a commission of another educational organization or a commission formed by the OIV at the regional or municipal levels.
The procedure for submitting such an application and the organization of re-checking the final essay (statement) of the specified category of students is determined by the OIV.

  1. I would like to know if there is a list of works voiced on the approved topics of the composition. If yes, where can I watch it?

Scroll literary works, recommended for use in preparing for writing the final essay, is missing. The participant of the final essay must build a reasoning, involving at least one work of domestic or world literature for argumentation, choosing his own way of using literary material; at the same time, it can show a different level of comprehension of a literary text: from elements of semantic analysis (for example, themes, problems, plot, characters, etc.) to a comprehensive analysis of the work in the unity of form and content and its interpretation in the aspect of the chosen topic.

  1. Is it possible to somehow prepare for writing an essay on your own at home?

You can prepare for the final essay, including with the help of the Guidelines for preparing for the final essay (statement), published on the official

  1. Good afternoon. My daughter is in the 10th grade and would like to write an essay this academic year for admission to the exam. Tell me how can this be done?

In accordance with clause 9.1 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, the final essay (statement) as a condition for admission to the GIA is carried out for students of XI (XII) classes. Thus, participation in the final essay when passing the GIA in individual academic subjects at the end of grade 10 is not provided.

    1. This year I could not pass the exam in mathematics at the profile level. Will there be a transfer?

    In accordance with paragraph 7 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014, registration No. 31205), with subsequent changes (hereinafter - Order) since 2015, the USE in mathematics, which is a compulsory subject, is held at two levels: basic and specialized.
    The condition for issuing a certificate of secondary general education is the successful passing of the Unified State Examination in compulsory subjects - the Russian language and mathematics at the basic or profile level.
    Due to the fact that students have the right to choose one of the USE levels in mathematics at will or both levels at the same time, Rosobrnadzor reports the following.

    Graduates of previous years who received an unsatisfactory result in mathematics at the profile level will be able to participate again in the specified exam only next year.

    1. This year, the eldest daughter plans to take mathematics at both the basic and profile levels for the Unified State Examination. If she passes the basic level, but does not write core mathematics, when will she be able to retake it? It also depends on how you get into college.

    If a student chooses to pass both levels of the USE in mathematics and receives an unsatisfactory result in one of the selected levels, then he is not allowed to retake the USE in the subject "Mathematics" in the current year, because. has a satisfactory result in this subject.

    1. My son did not pass the exam in social studies this year. Will there be a transfer?

    Retaking elective subjects in case of an unsatisfactory result is possible only next year.

    1. This school year, our children are taking the exam and the exam. I would like to know what innovations await them next summer? Will there be surveillance cameras and how many? Since children are afraid even of the word "video cameras".

    For 2018, no cardinal changes are planned in the procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination, GIA-9 and the final essay.
    The current situation in the world is such that the video surveillance system has become an integral part of society. For example, video surveillance in stores.
    The introduction of a video surveillance system during the GIA, including equipping the PES with stationary or portable metal detectors, is necessary to achieve maximum openness, objectivity and transparency of the GIA, to prevent and promptly identify violations at all stages of exams.

    1. Will students be able to take both levels of mathematics in the USE-2018?

    Students have the right to choose one of the USE levels in mathematics, or both levels at the same time.
    We pay attention to the following:
    If a student has chosen to pass both levels of the USE in mathematics and received an unsatisfactory result in one of the selected levels, then he is not allowed to retake the USE in the subject "Mathematics" in the current year, as he has a satisfactory result in this subject.
    If a student has chosen to pass both levels of the Unified State Examination in mathematics and received unsatisfactory results in both levels, he has the right to retake the Unified State Examination in mathematics once, independently choosing mathematics at the basic level or mathematics at the specialized level.
    If the student has chosen to pass only one level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics and received an unsatisfactory result, he also has the right to retake this subject, independently choosing mathematics at the basic level or mathematics at the profile level.

    1. Are they going to add another main (mandatory) subject for passing the USE-2018, in addition to the Russian language and mathematics?

    No. In 2018, as in previous years, there will be only two compulsory subjects: mathematics and Russian.

    1. Is it planned to separate the basic math exam as compulsory and the core math exam as an elective?

    No, it's not planned.

    1. Can students (graduates) in organizations of secondary education take part in the USE-2018 vocational education?

    They can. To participate in the USE, it is necessary to submit an application indicating the subject (list of subjects) for which they plan to take the USE in the current year at the places of registration for the USE established by the regional education authorities. When submitting an application, students in educational programs of secondary vocational education must provide a certificate from the educational organization on the completion of training.

    1. Is the USE expected to be held in 2018 before the main exam dates? If yes, who is eligible to participate in early exams?

    The draft USE Schedule, in addition to the main stage, also provides for an early period for passing the USE. The early stage of the USE in 2018 is focused mainly on the participation of graduates of previous years.
    Graduates of the current year for early delivery of the exam must have the admission of the pedagogical council. Such admission is granted if the student has no academic debt, including for the final essay (statement), and has completed the curriculum in full.

    1. Will there be changes in the minimum threshold scores for USE subjects in 2018?

    There will be no changes in the minimum scores for 2018 compared to the previous year. The minimum threshold for admission to universities, established by Rosobrnadzor, is the following scores in compulsory subjects: 36 points in the Russian language and 27 points in mathematics at the profile level. The rest of the minimum scores can be found at the disposal of Rosobrnadzor.

    1. From what sources can you find out the latest and most relevant information on the exam?

    All relevant information about the Unified State Examination is posted on the official website of Rosobrnadzor and the portal of the unified state exam website.

    1. Will the USE in the Russian language be divided into basic and specialized levels?

    There are no plans to separate the USE into basic and specialized levels. Because, firstly, the Russian language is the state language of the Russian Federation. Secondly, at this stage, two thresholds for the minimum scores for this subject have been approved: for graduation from school and admission to universities, which is 24 points and 36 points, respectively.

    1. How can I appeal the decision of the appeal commission when passing the exam?

    If you have any questions about the activities of the conflict commission, you should contact the education authority in your region. Actions or inactions of the regional education authority may be appealed in court.

    1. Why was the test part removed from the exams in history and social studies?

    These measures are dictated by the time and demands of society in order to exclude the element of chance when assessing the knowledge of graduates. The issue of avoiding the so-called "guessers" has been repeatedly raised by experts and the public.

    1. Will there be a computer exam?

    This possibility is being considered by Rosobrnadzor. In past years, testing of the examination procedure in informatics and information and communication technologies in computer form was carried out. The technology for passing the exam on a computer has been worked out, but to introduce this procedure, it is necessary to take into account all the technical and methodological aspects different regions, check the readiness of equipment, technology, personnel, as well as assess the ability of the education system to apply new computer technologies in a regular mode. Therefore, the transition to the computer form of passing the exam in computer science is possible in 3-4 years.

    1. What documents do you need to provide for passing the exam if you received education at a school in another state?

    According to paragraph 11 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 03, 2014, registration No. 31205), (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), persons who have received secondary general education in foreign educational organizations, they also have the right to take the exam, including if they have valid results USE past years.
    Such USE participants choose only those subjects that they need to enter universities to participate in the exams. When applying for participation in the Unified State Examination, they present the original of a foreign document on education with a duly certified translation from a foreign language.

    1. Who should have the notification that the USE participant receives? Should I submit it somewhere?

    Since 2016, USE participants in PES are prohibited from carrying a notice of registration for exams, it must be left in a place for storing personal belongings of exam participants or given to an escort from the school.

    1. What to do if the exams in the right subjects, according to the general schedule, are taken on the same day?

    If the dates for exams in different subjects coincide, the schedules for conducting the GIA, including in the form of the Unified State Examination, provide for additional terms, which allows exam participants to take one of the selected exams on another day. To do this, when applying for participation in the Unified State Examination, we recommend that you indicate in this application the date of participation in the Unified State Examination in the selected subjects in accordance with the schedule.

    1. If I complete the USE assignment before the scheduled time, can I turn in the work and leave?

    USE participants who completed the examination work ahead of schedule can hand it over to the organizers and leave the PES without waiting for the end of the examination work.

    1. What are the special conditions for passing the state final certification for persons with disabilities (HIA), disabled children and people with disabilities?

    Regulatory legal documents and methodological recommendations of Rosobrnadzor, regulating the procedure for conducting GIA-9 and GIA-11, provide for the creation of special conditions for persons with disabilities, children with disabilities and the disabled (hereinafter referred to as USE participants with disabilities):

    • An increase in the duration of the exam (by 1.5 hours and during the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​by 30 minutes.
    • The choice (combination) of the form of conducting the GIA (USE and (or) GVE-11, OGE and (or) GVE-9).
    • Provision of a separate audience in the PES ("special seating").
    • Unhindered access of participants to the audience (toilets and other premises; the presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators, wide passages inside the room between pieces of furniture and free wheelchair access to the workplace, the presence of special chairs and other devices, in the absence of elevators audience for participants, the GIA should be located on the ground floor).
    • If necessary, the possibility of participating in the GIA at home.
    • Catering and breaks for necessary medical procedures.
    Use of the necessary technical means in the process of passing the exam:
    For the deaf and hard of hearing:
    auditoriums are equipped with sound-amplifying equipment for both collective and individual use;
    if necessary, an assistant sign language interpreter is involved;
    are provided in the required quantity with the rules for filling out the GIA forms.
    For persons with a violation of the musculoskeletal system: written examination work is performed on a computer with specialized software.
    Visually impaired USE participants with disabilities:
    examination materials are copied in an enlarged size (up to A3 format), in the exam rooms, magnifying devices (magnifier) ​​and individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux are provided,
    Blind GIA participants:
    examination materials are drawn up in Braille or in the form of an electronic document accessible using a computer;
    written examination work is done in Braille or on a computer;
    a sufficient number of special accessories are provided for formatting answers in braille dotted font (braille device and stylus, braille typewriter, special drawing tools) and a computer.
    In addition, the audiences are equipped with video surveillance equipment without the possibility of broadcasting to the Internet (offline).
    1. What document is issued to persons (students) who have not passed the state final certification or who have received unsatisfactory results at the state final certification?

    Persons (students) who have not passed the state final attestation or received unsatisfactory results at the state final attestation, as well as persons (students) who have mastered part of the educational program and (or) expelled from the educational organization, are issued a certificate of study or of the period of study. A sample certificate of study or period of study is established by the educational organization independently.

    1. Who can be an assistant for persons with disabilities in the exam?

    In accordance with the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 03, 2014, registration No. 31205) (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), assistants are present during the exam, providing students, graduates of previous years with disabilities, students, graduates of previous years, children with disabilities and people with disabilities, as well as those who studied for health reasons at home, in educational organizations, including sanatoriums and resorts, in which the necessary medical, rehabilitation and recreational activities for those in need of long-term treatment, the necessary technical assistance taking into account their individual capabilities, helping them to take workplace, move around, read the task.
    When conducting a unified state exam (USE) in a subject, the assistants do not include specialists in this subject. It is not allowed to involve as assistants teaching staff who are teachers of students taking an exam in this PES (with the exception of PES organized in hard-to-reach and remote areas, in organizations engaged in educational activities outside the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign institutions, as well as in institutions of criminal executive system). There are no other restrictions on the appointment of assistants for the specified participants of the GIA-11.

    1. What to do if a participant missed the exam due to illness?

    A graduate who missed the exam due to illness submits a medical certificate to the school (other participants in the exam - to the organization where he registered for participation in the exam). The school promptly transmits information to the state examination commission so that it can assign the graduate another day for passing the exam, provided for by the unified schedule.

    1. What should I do if in the notification for the Unified State Examination the child has errors in filling in the last name, first name, patronymic, passport data?

    If this was discovered before the exam, then to correct the data, you must contact the institution that issued the notification. If this was discovered during the exam, then the USE participant must correctly indicate the data in the registration form. In addition, the responsible organizer in the audience records the identified inconsistencies in the Record of Correction of Personal Data of the GIA participants in the audience. This statement is sent for processing to the regional information processing center to make adjustments to the regional and federal databases.

    1. How is the oral exam conducted English language? How many points, perhaps, to score for the written part and how much for the oral part?

    According to the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, “when conducting the USE in foreign languages, at the request of the USE participant, the Speaking section is included in the exam, the oral answers to the tasks of which are recorded on audio media.
    To complete the tasks of the "Speaking" section, audiences equipped with digital audio recording facilities are used. Technicians or organizers set up digital audio recording tools to record high-quality oral responses.
    USE participants are invited to the audience to receive the task of the oral part of the KIM and the subsequent recording of oral answers to the tasks of the KIM. In the classroom, the USE participant approaches the digital audio recording device and, at the command of the organizer, gives a loud and legible oral answer to the KIM tasks. The organizer gives the student, graduate of previous years to listen to the recording of his answer and make sure that it was produced without technical failures.
    The maximum score that can be obtained on the exam in a foreign language (for both parts - both written and oral) is 100 points. If the USE participant chooses only the written part, then he will receive 80 points for it. The oral part, respectively, can be estimated at 20 points.

    1. Is it possible in the check. service?

    The provision of this information is determined by the decision of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education. If such a decision is made, then you will see links to the images of the forms on the "Exam Results" page of the service

    1. Is it possible to get acquainted with the results of the USE in 2015 in the service?

    In the service, you can get acquainted with the preliminary results of the USE only for the current year. For the results of the Unified State Examination of previous years, you must contact the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation that carries out state administration in the field of education in which you passed the Unified State Examination.

    1. Good afternoon. My daughter is in the 10th grade and would like to pass the exam in Russian this academic year and write an essay for admission to the exam. Tell me how can this be done? What documents are required and where? Thanks.

    According to paragraph 9 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) to the State Academic Examination, including in the form of the Unified State Examination, in academic subjects, the development of which was completed earlier , students of grades X-XI (XII) who have annual marks not lower than satisfactory in all subjects of the curriculum for the penultimate year of study (grade 10) are allowed.
    Thus, in order to pass the exam in the subject "Russian language" at the end of the 10th grade of your daughter, you must:

    • before February 1, 2017, submit an application for participation in the Unified State Examination in the specified subject to the educational organization in which your daughter is studying educational programs of secondary general education;

    • complete studies in the 10th grade, having received annual marks not lower than satisfactory in all subjects of the curriculum;

    • complete the mastery of the program for the course of the secondary school (grades 10-11) in the subject "Russian language" on an individual basis curriculum until the end of the school year.
    Subject to the above conditions, the pedagogical council of the educational organization, in which the student is mastering the educational programs of secondary general education, decides on his admission to the State Academic Examination in the form of the Unified State Examination in the subject "Russian Language" at the end of the 10th grade.
    In addition, we inform you that in accordance with clause 9.1 of the Procedure, the final essay (statement) as a condition for admission to the GIA is carried out for students of XI (XII) classes. Thus, participation in the final essay when passing the GIA in individual academic subjects at the end of grade 10 is not provided.
    1. Hello. After 9th grade, my daughter entered college this year. In one year, the college provides a two-year general education program, but the college does not have the right to issue a general education certificate. How can we pass the exam and get a certificate of general education?

    Your daughter needs to pass an external GIA in any organization that carries out educational activities according to an educational program of secondary general education that has state accreditation (clause 10 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, ( hereinafter - Order).
    She will be admitted to the GIA, subject to receiving marks not lower than satisfactory at the intermediate certification and receiving a “credit” for the final essay (statement). As the results of intermediate certification, she can be credited with the results of mastering academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practice, additional educational programs in other organizations (clause 7 of part 1 of article 34 of the Federal Law "On Education").
    An application indicating the list of subjects for which the USE participant plans to take the USE must be submitted before February 1, 2017 (inclusive) to an organization that carries out educational activities under a state-accredited educational program of secondary general education. To obtain a certificate of secondary general education, it is necessary to pass two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics (basic or profile level). Your daughter will take the rest of the subjects on a voluntary basis at her own request.
    To participate in the final essay, she must submit an application no later than two weeks before the start of the final essay to the organization that carries out educational activities, in which she will be enrolled to pass the GIA. The final essay is held on the first Wednesday of December, the first Wednesday of February and the first working Wednesday of May.

    1. Information appeared on the Internet that in 2018 it is planned to introduce the third mandatory exam in the Unified State Examination. It's true?

    Mastering the state-accredited basic educational programs of secondary general education ends with the mandatory state final certification of graduates in the Russian language and mathematics. Satisfactory results of the state final certification (hereinafter referred to as GIA) in Russian language and mathematics are the basis for issuing a certificate of secondary general education to graduates.
    Examinations in other academic subjects: literature, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, social studies, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French and Spanish), computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as in the native language from among languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation in their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation (for students in educational programs of basic general education who studied their native language and native literature and chose an exam in their native language and (or) native literature for passing the GIA) - students take on a voluntary basis of their choice for admission to universities.
    Expansion of the list of compulsory subjects for passing the exam in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 "On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 7, 2012, registration No. 24480) is planned by the time of the complete transition of the high school to the new federal state educational standards of general education. This transition will be fully completed by 2022.
    Thus, a foreign language will become mandatory for passing the exam, in addition to Russian and mathematics, in 2022.

    1. Do graduates of 11 classes who have not scored minimum scores on the exam in mathematics at the profile level, choose the basic level when retaking the exam?

    Yes, there is such a right. Participants who receive an unsatisfactory result on the Unified State Examination in mathematics have the right to change the level they have previously chosen in order to retake mathematics in the Unified State Examination in reserve terms.

    1. If the child does not go to university this year, next year Does he need to take the exam again?

    This is not necessary if the points obtained suit him, and he does not plan to change the specialty for which he initially chose the subjects, since the results of the USE are valid for four years following the year of obtaining such results. But if there are concerns that the points received will not be enough for admission, it is better to retake the necessary subjects in order to try to improve the result.

    1. What compulsory subjects and in what year will be additionally included for passing the exam?

    Now 11th grade graduates take two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics. From 2022, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is planned to introduce a third compulsory subject - a foreign language.

    1. Are the results of the exam of previous years canceled during the retake?

    No, the results of the exam will not be canceled during the retake. When entering a university, you can choose the best result from the existing ones.

    1. What to do if parents are collecting money for paper and cartridges for printing exam materials? It is legal?

    Charging fees from students for passing the state final certification is not allowed (Article 8 of the Law on Education). Accordingly, this is illegal. If such facts take place, it is necessary to contact the regional body exercising control and supervision in the field of education.

    1. How many USE points do graduates of the 11th grade need to score to receive a certificate with honors in 2019?

    According to the new procedure, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education in December 2018, you need to score at least 70 points in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and in mathematics at the profile level. If the graduate chose the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the basic level, then it is necessary to pass the exam with an “excellent” mark.

    1. Is it true that those who will be removed from the exam this year for cheat sheets and other violations will now be able to retake the exams only after two years, and not after a year?

    No, if the exam participant violated the Procedure, for example, used mobile phone when passing physics, and his result in physics was canceled, then he will be able to re-participate in the exam in this subject in 2020. That is, in a year.

    1. If a child falls ill during the exam, what steps should be taken so that he can pass the exam?

    It is necessary to submit to the State Examination Commission (SEC) an application for re-admission to take the exam along with a document confirming the validity of the reason for not attending the exam, the SEC will consider the application and the submitted document, and then set a day for re-participation in the exam this year in reserve terms. If the participant is being treated in a hospital, but is able to take the exam, the examination point can be organized in a medical institution.

    1. What happens if the USE participant forgot his passport? Will he be allowed to take the exam?

    Admission of examination participants to the examination point (EPS) is carried out if they have identification documents, and if they are on the distribution lists in this PES. Graduates of the current year, if they do not have identification documents, are admitted to the PES after confirmation of their identity by the accompanying person from the school. To do this, the accompanying person fills out a certain form, which will be issued at the PES. After that, the graduate will be admitted to the examination point. As for graduates of previous years, if they do not have identity documents, they are not allowed in the PES.

    1. Does the school have the right to insist that a graduate of the 9th grade take exams in specific subjects (from among elective subjects)?

    No, it doesn't. A ninth-grader takes 4 compulsory subjects for obtaining a certificate: Russian language and mathematics, as well as two elective subjects that he chooses himself.

    1. Will a foreign language be included in the number of compulsory subjects for 9th grade graduates to take?

    No. GIA-9 participants take exams in 4 academic subjects, one of which can be foreign language like an elective exam.

    1. Who and how checks the answers to the USE assignments?

    Checking the answers to tasks with a short answer is carried out automatically, but then the experts must review all the uncredited answers and decide which of them can be evaluated positively.

    The performance of tasks with a detailed answer is checked by experts who are part of the subject commission of the region for the corresponding academic subject. Experts undergo special training and only after passing this training are allowed to check examination papers.

    Each work is checked by two experts independently of each other. After that, each expert puts his points for each task checked by him. If there is a significant discrepancy between the scores of two experts, then a third expert is invited, his scores will be considered final.

    1. Does the complexity of the examination materials of the early and main stages of the exam differ?

    KIM options for all periods of the USE are collected on the basis of one model: they are identical in the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. The distribution of KIM options for use in a given period of the exam is carried out automatically, so there are no “special” options for a certain period of the USE or a specific region.

    1. Starting this year, graduates of grade 11 can choose to take only basic or specialized mathematics for delivery. Can a 10th grade student take the USE in basic mathematics, and in the 11th grade - specialized mathematics?

    No. The graduate chooses one level of mathematics, which he plans to take as part of the state final certification.

    Thus, if a student receives a satisfactory USE result in mathematics (basic or profile level) in the 10th grade, he will be deprived of the right to re-participate in the USE in this subject in the 11th grade in order to increase the points received, because. already has a result in the subject "mathematics".

    1. Will the list of allowed and prohibited subjects in the exam change in 2019?

    This list has not changed in 2019. Additional equipment that is allowed to be used on the exam:

    • in mathematics - a ruler;
    • in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator;
    • in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator;
    • in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator.
    1. How to cancel a previously announced exam and when should it be done?

    Submission of an application for refusal to participate in the Unified State Examination in certain academic subjects is not provided for by the procedure for conducting the state final certification. You can simply not show up for the exam.

    1. Can participants with disabilities choose 3 exams for GIA-9 (Russian, mathematics and one of their choice)?

    No. The procedure provides that such participants in the exams pass the GIA-9 either in 4 academic subjects, or in 2 compulsory academic subjects.

    1. If in our school, instead of chemistry, physics and biology, the subject is natural science (there are no chemistry, physics and biology as separate subjects), can my child take the exam in chemistry and biology?

    Maybe. The procedure defines a list of subjects that can be taken by choice, regardless of whether they studied or not. Elective subjects are taken to provide their results when entering universities.

    1. If I took the same subject two years in a row, with a lower score this year, can I use the result from last year?

    Yes. When applying to a university, you indicate the result you want.

    1. Do the terms for issuing USE results depend on the region in which the exam was taken?

    The terms of the centralized inspection at the federal level are the same. After centralized verification and processing at the federal level, the results of the USE are transferred to the SEC of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The SEC approves the results within one working day following the day they are received and transfers them within one working day to educational organizations, which, in turn, familiarize participants in the exam within one working day.

    Thus, the difference in the date of issuance of the results may be, but not more than one day, based on the efficiency of the region's work on the approval of the results and their transfer to schools.

    1. Is it possible to use a copy of the education document instead of the original when registering for the USE?

    Graduates of previous years, when submitting an application, can present the original documents on education or their certified copies.

    1. What to do if passing the exam coincides with passing exams in another country?

    In this case, the USE schedule provides for reserve days. It is necessary to provide information to the state examination commission so that it can assign the graduate another day for passing the exam, provided for by the unified schedule.

    1. What calculator can be used on the exam?

    The use of a non-programmable calculator is allowed, which must provide arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, root extraction) and the calculation of trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tg, ctg, arcsin, arcсos, arctg).

    The calculator should not provide the ability to save in its memory databases of examination tasks and their solutions, as well as any other information, the knowledge of which is directly or indirectly tested during the exam.

    The calculator should not provide the possibility of obtaining information from outside during the exam. The communication capabilities of the calculator must not allow wireless exchange of information with any external sources.

    The use of a calculator on the math exam is not allowed.

    1. Am I eligible to take the exam Spanish if only English was studied at school?

    You have the right to take the exam in a subject that you did not study at school.

    1. Who has the right to apply for participation in the Unified State Examination if the participant himself, for some reason, does not have such an opportunity?

    There are several ways to apply for participation in the exam: in person; parents (legal representatives); by other persons on the basis of a power of attorney (relevant for foreign citizens, military personnel).

    1. Where do I need to go to get a notification for the exam?

    It is necessary to contact the place of registration for passing the exam, as a rule, notifications are issued directly at the school or in regional center information processing.

    1. What documents do I need to submit to register for the USE for college students who want to take the USE but have not yet received a diploma?

    When submitting an application, it is necessary to present a passport and a certificate from the educational organization in which they are studying, confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education or the completion of the development of educational programs of secondary general education in the current academic year.

    1. Where can I find the results of the exam in previous years?

    It is necessary to apply to the RTSOI at the place of registration of the USE with an application for the provision of information on the results of the USE passed in previous years.

      1. In your opinion, what goals should monitoring studies of education quality assessment serve? How and why should the results of regional monitoring be used in educational institutions?

      First of all, the results can and should be used to identify problem areas, develop programs to improve the quality of education, and programs for training specialists in the field of education. They can also be used for an objective assessment of the results obtained at the school level, followed by work on a program for the development of education in the region. After all, if a school shows a poor result in all monitoring, then it needs help!

      1. My child participated in NIKO (5th grade math test). Got results, but would like to see proven work. Can it be done? If so, how?

      It is possible to see the work and scores. The verification took place remotely in electronic form, so it is impossible to see the verification itself. To get acquainted with the work and results of the audit, you can contact Rosobrnadzor or use the contacts on the website.

        1. If the All-Russian test work is carried out by schools on their own, will this not lead to falsification of the results and distortion of the real knowledge of students? After all, low grades of student work will have a bad effect on the image of the school?

        All-Russian verification work (VPR) is diagnostic work which are carried out to assess the individual achievements of schoolchildren, and their integral results can be used to form programs for the development of education systems in municipalities and regions. The direct organizer of the VPR will be the school itself, coordinated by the municipality and the subject of the Russian Federation. At the federal level, the development of uniform versions of verification work is ensured in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, with the further formation of a single bank of tasks. Here, rather, the opposite is true - a negative result will be a sign that the school, honestly diagnosing itself, needs help, in developing measures to overcome the identified difficulties, and forming a development program.

        1. How often will audits be carried out?

        2 times a year (autumn and spring).

        1. Will it be possible to get acquainted with the results of verification work?

        All-Russian test work is carried out by the school. Therefore, the work can be viewed at school.

        1. This academic year, it is planned to conduct All-Russian testing works in grades 4-5 (hereinafter referred to as VPR). Based on the results of the VPR, is it possible to obtain the results of verification work on the subject, municipality? Will it be possible to evaluate the results of the school at the level of the city, region, country?

        Yes, there is such a possibility.

        1. Is the possibility of introducing a final assessment in grades 4, similar to the final exams in grades 9 and 11, being considered?

        No. The school itself determines the form of intermediate certification for students of the 4th grade.

        1. Is it planned to introduce a final certification (mini USE) in grade 4?

Passing the unified state exam is an important step in the life of every graduate. For some, this is a formality that allows you to receive a document on education, and for someone - the opportunity to successfully enter the desired university in the country. But, sometimes fate makes unexpected adjustments in a person’s life. So, in 2017, 3.4% of all USE participants could not overcome the barrier required to obtain a certificate. An even greater number failed to gain the scores required for admission to highly rated universities. What to do if I “flunked” the exam and is a second attempt possible?

Items that can be returned

Now, applicants can once again pass the exam in any chosen subject that is needed for admission to the university, but it will be possible to retake the exam in only one discipline to improve the score. On the other hand, the Ministry of Education gives applicants two more attempts to improve the result, as it did during the “regular” state final certification.

The innovation is due to the realities of life: only 3.4% of graduates fail to score the required number of points for a certificate of secondary education, and 57% of eleventh-graders are dissatisfied with their results in core subjects.

In 2018, it will be possible to retake one of the USE subjects, which was not submitted the first time, twice:

1 retake - in the summer on the reserve days indicated in the USE calendar;

2 retake - in September 2018.

Thus, by increasing the score to the desired one by 1 attempt, you can have time to apply to the university on the main wave. After 2 retakes, it is unlikely to enter the budget. But, this is another chance for those for whom the issue of obtaining a document on education remains open. Although, many universities, in which there is a shortage of applicants for budget places, sometimes conduct an additional set in the autumn months.

The validity of the USE certificate 2018 is 4 years. This means that after passing the exam on the 3rd attempt, the graduate gets a chance to enter the desired university next year according to the exam results already in hand.

Who is eligible to retake

The main conditions included in the re-examination are the following:

  • a good reason for the graduate, due to which he could not appear for the exam at a strictly set time;
  • if he cannot complete the examination test due to a particularly important reason;
  • the results of the exam were rejected by the commission.

What is not grounds for re-conduct:

  • absence from it without a good reason;
  • at the time of the conduct, facts were suppressed that contradicted the rules for conducting the exam.

When students did not come to the exam in additional subjects on their main dates for health reasons, and can confirm this with official documents, then in this case it is allowed to retake compulsory and basic disciplines in the year of graduation.

Such a chance as retaking the exam is a great gift for all applicants in 2018. But, in some cases, graduates may be deprived of this right. You will not be able to use the second attempt if:

The examinee will be removed from the audience for a gross violation of the rules (cheating, using a telephone, a programmable calculator, communicating with neighbors, etc.).

The result of the exam will be canceled due to the fault of the examinee (for example, when the facts of violation of the rules are revealed after watching the archived video).

An unsatisfactory result was obtained in two subjects at once.

In the case of a graduate of previous years gaining a score below the minimum level for the subject.

In case of missing an exam without a valid reason (overslept, forgot, stuck in a traffic jam…)

Documents for retaking the exam

In order to retake the exams, it is necessary to contact the examination committee of the institution that registers for testing in time. The secretariat of the commission issues an application form to applicants, which is drawn up and then sent to the authorized organizers of examinations.

The application indicates the reason why the graduate could not pass the test in the main period, and, if necessary, a document confirming the applicant's right to re-take the test is attached to it. In the future, the graduate receives information about the dates of the retake of exams and is at the exam at the appointed time.

You can find all questions and answers on this topic on the official website

Retaking the exam in 2018 is one rather important and significant moment in the exam for 11th grade graduates. The Unified State Exam itself today is a rather difficult test for students, for which they are already beginning to prepare even in the 9th grade. Indeed, today, according to the results of the Unified State Examination, or, more precisely, based on the points received, an applicant can easily and simply count on a place in any university of his choice. But despite the fact that this exam is a serious test, each student should be prepared for the fact that even an unsatisfactory grade is not the end of the world and there is always the opportunity to retake or improve your result. This is what we will talk about now, since this issue contains a large variety of various nuances and points that you must definitely pay attention to.

How to retake? When is it possible?

Probably, every graduate understands and is well aware of the fact that he can receive a certificate of secondary general education only if he successfully passes all the required academic disciplines. So far, the list of such disciplines includes two subjects - the Russian language and mathematics at a basic or specialized level. In the event that the child, for some reason, could not cope with the exam and the task, then he must be provided with a reserve day to correct this situation. But even this is possible only if the student is unsatisfactory in only one subject, that is, in the Russian language or mathematics. At the same time, each region sets its own terms for this reserve day. So, for example, in the Altai Territory, mathematics this year can only be retaken on June 28, but the Russian language is on June 29.

But on July 1, a retake in all disciplines is possible, but only for those graduates who could not attend the exam for good reasons and there is official confirmation of this, that is, the corresponding document.

Another quite natural and logical question arises - what if the students do not cope with the task even on these reserve days, what to do? In this case, a special commission postpones the second exam to September, and the retake will be carried out in one or more disciplines. At the same time, 9th grade graduates who have more than two unsatisfactory marks in their piggy bank will also be able to retake their exams this month. Well, now let's take a closer look at some disciplines.

Transfer of mathematics.

Mathematics is a discipline that is included in the list of mandatory for passing the exam. According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation that exists today, all eleventh-graders take this subject at the basic or profile level, while each student chooses the profile at his own request and discretion, that is, who needs and needs more. How will the exam be retaken in this discipline?

The USE is a relatively new exam system in Russia. It is designed in such a way that you can find out the results only a week or two after the exam. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the result of the Unified State Examination in 2018, the questions of whether it is possible to retake or not should be resolved in an expedited manner.

For those who think they can write better, there is good news. The government has provided reserve days for retaking the exam. You are given 2 attempts to test your knowledge. The first in the summer, the second in the fall.

Many of those who retake the exam do so because they are unable to obtain a high school diploma. This happens when a student scores 2 points in one or more subjects. Therefore, it is important to know the following information:

  1. You cannot retake the exam in two subjects at once. Such an opportunity will be provided only next year.
  2. Graduates of previous years are not allowed to retake the exam.
  3. If there is a shortage of points for the exam, you can choose to retake the exam in the next 2019, for the last 2018.

These rules apply throughout the territory of the Russian Federation without exception.

Items for retake

It is important for students to know that they can retake the exam in 2018 if they are not satisfied with the result in the main subjects. They appointed the Russian language and mathematics. The second item in this case requires more attention.

In the case when both levels were chosen for the exam: profile and basic, and a low score for only one of them, then the retake will be refused.

The commission argues as follows: if one of the exams is passed satisfactorily, then the other does not need to be corrected. Profile specialties are not suitable for retake. Points for them will be available next year.

The USE expiration date is 4 years, so if you need to take several exams for admission to a university, only some can be retaken. At the same time, satisfactory results can be left unchanged.

Good reasons to retake

If you are not satisfied with the result in the 2018 exam, you can retake it. But whether the reason for the retake is valid or not, the examination committee decides. The practice of many years considers the following reasons for retaking weighty:

  • planned operation;
  • disease;
  • deterioration in well-being during the exam;
  • accident;
  • death of a relative;
  • emergency at the venue of the exam.

For each situation, documentary evidence from special services is required. Documents from the ambulance, police and firefighters are taken into account.

Additionally, violations in the examination procedure may be detected. For example, there were not enough forms. In the case of an illiterate organization on the part of an educational institution or other responsible persons, the student must write an application for an appeal right at the venue. At the same time, it is not recommended to leave the walls of the educational institution before the arrival of the inspection commission.

When the authorized persons consider the application, in case of a positive decision, the student will be invited to retake on the reserve day. On the same days, those who missed the exam for a good reason will be allowed to retake.

Does it make sense to retake the exam, if you are not satisfied with the result in 2018, everyone decides for himself. But this is acceptable when the grade for the exam is unsatisfactory. For graduates of the current year, with a shortage of the minimum number of points, a retake will also be open. In the case when there was simply a shortage to the desired level, the retake will be denied.

For example, a university requires a minimum of 240 points, and the budget needs 280 points. The applicant scored 279 and he will be able to retake the exam only next year. Because the minimum number of points for admission is scored, and the student's defect is his own mistake.

Not allowed to take exams

You can retake the exam in 2018 if you are not satisfied with the result, but not all students are allowed to retake. For some, the right to retake the exam will be canceled, as the following violations by the student may be committed:

  • using a mobile phone during the exam;
  • cheating from a cheat sheet;
  • failure to appear at the appointed time for the exam without a good reason.

These rules are so strict that even if a school graduate becomes a student and enters a university, the USE results will not be counted. As a result, he will be expelled from a higher educational institution due to the fact that he entered on false documents.

The detection of these violations occurs either immediately during the exam, or later, when the commission examines the materials from the CCTV cameras.

Documents and deadlines

For a re-examination, you will need to notify the examination committee. After applying to a potential student, a special application form will be issued. A completed and properly executed document will be sent to authorized persons involved in the organization of examinations.

The application must contain information about the reasons that prevented the timely delivery of the exam. Additionally, you must attach a document confirming that the student has the right to retake the exam. After all the formalities, the applicant receives information about the dates and places of the exam.

It is also necessary to provide the original certificate or diploma, which is relevant for graduates of previous years. You need to contact the place of registration if the school did not do this instead of the student.

All the necessary data can be obtained on the website of the Department of Education of the city. The second option would be to call hotline Rosobrnadzor on issues related to the exam 8-495-984-89-19. It works throughout Russia, regardless of the student's region of residence.

Prospects for scoring

The number of points required for admission to a university and obtaining a certificate have a large gap. This is important to consider, since entering a university is a personal choice for everyone. In addition, there are alternatives to post-secondary education:

  • technical College;
  • college;
  • correspondence department of the university.

In them, the USE score is an order of magnitude lower than in full-time studies at the university. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the nuances of admission immediately before passing the certification at the school.

Lack of a high school diploma is a serious shortcoming. A modern employer can be loyal to an applicant without a certificate, but the absence of a certificate can inspire the thought of a turbulent and even criminal period. adolescence. Therefore, it is unreasonable to destroy a diploma issued at school in order to retake the exam in the future. All data about school students are recorded directly in educational institution and the Ministry of Education. Therefore, intentionally losing your diploma and USE results, and trying to restore them with better results, is not a good idea.

It is important to consider that with 1 retake, the student manages to get into the competitive wave of the university. If the retake was the second in a row and took place already in September, then the right to enter in the current year will be lost, but these exams will be counted next spring.

Official information portal
unified state exam

Question answer

    1. Why did you include a final essay? Children do not have time to prepare for the exam.

    Mini USE is not planned. It is planned to test and conduct diagnostic work (similar to control work), which are carried out to assess the individual achievements of students - All-Russian test work. They will be carried out by the schools themselves, but using uniform options for the whole country, developed at the federal level. The data obtained will be used to monitor the learning outcomes of the GEF primary school.

The decision that school graduates must write a final essay was made in pursuance of subparagraph 9 of paragraph 1 of the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2013 No. Pr-3086 on the implementation of the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2013.
It is due to the fact that the school should educate the individual. The introduction of the final essay as a form of admission to the state final certification motivates schoolchildren to study the Russian language and literature, as well as to develop the ability to correctly formulate and express their own thoughts.
At the same time, extremely “soft” conditions for conducting and evaluating the final essay are provided:

  • participants write it in their own school;
  • in his reasoning, it is enough for the participant to rely on one independently chosen work.
  • the essay is evaluated according to the “pass” - “fail” system (for the final test, you need to write an essay yourself (at least 250 words), get positive results according to criterion No. 1 “Relevance to the topic” and criterion No. 2 “Argumentation. Attraction of literary material”, and also according to at least one of the other three criteria: "Composition and logic of reasoning", "Quality of written speech", "Literacy");
  • participants have the right to retake the essay twice within the time frame provided for by the essay schedule (February 7 and May 16, 2018).
When compiling essay topics, narrowly defined formulations are not used and reliance is placed on the following principles: feasibility, clarity and accuracy of the problem statement. Topics will allow the graduate to choose the literary material on which he will rely in his reasoning.
  1. Can a student with disabilities write an essay instead of a presentation?

To obtain admission to the GIA, persons with disabilities have the right to write both an essay and a presentation.
The time allotted for writing the final essay for such persons is increased by 1.5 hours.

  1. Good afternoon. My son is in his 4th year of college after 9th grade. Interested in:
    1) where to apply for the final essay?
    2) where should a college student write a final essay (as admission to the exam)?

Students of secondary vocational education participate in the final essay at will (to use its results when entering universities).
To participate in the final essay (statement), it is necessary to submit an application and a certificate from the educational organization in which the student of secondary vocational education is being trained, confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education, no later than two weeks before the start of the final essay (statement) at the place of registration , determined by the RIV. These persons independently choose the term for writing the final essay from among those established by the schedule for the final essay (statement).
The chosen date of participation in the final essay must be indicated in the application, which is submitted to the registration places determined and published on the official website of the JIV.
An essay for such a category of persons is carried out in places determined by the OIV.

  1. Will the university take into account my results of the final essay (statement)?

In accordance with paragraph 44 of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. an individual achievement for the grade given by the university based on the results of checking the final essay, which is a condition for admission to the GIA.
When applying for undergraduate and specialty programs, an applicant can be awarded no more than 10 points in total for individual achievements. The list of individual achievements taken into account when applying for undergraduate studies, specialist's programs in case of equality of the sum of competitive points, as well as individual achievements taken into account when admitting to study in master's programs, is established by the organization independently. The list of individual achievements taken into account and the procedure for their accounting are established by the organization in accordance with paragraphs 43 - 46 of the Procedure and are indicated in the admission rules approved by the organization independently.

  1. Does a graduate of previous years without a 11th grade certificate need to submit a final essay for admission to the Unified State Exam-2017?

The final essay (statement) as a condition for admission to the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education is mandatory for graduates of 11 classes.
Persons admitted to the GIA in previous years, but who did not pass the GIA or received unsatisfactory results at the GIA in more than one compulsory academic subject, or who repeatedly received an unsatisfactory result in one of these subjects at the GIA in an additional period (hereinafter referred to as persons with a certificate of study ) participate in the final essay at will, in order to use its results when entering a university.
Registration of persons with a certificate of education to participate at their request in the final essay is carried out in organizations engaged in educational activities, in which these persons are restored for the period necessary to pass the GIA. When submitting an application, such persons present a certificate of training according to the model independently established by the organization carrying out educational activities.

  1. What else does the result of the final essay affect, besides admitting graduates to the Unified State Examination?

The results of the final essay (statement) are taken into account when accepting applicants at the discretion of the university. The procedure for accounting for the results obtained by the applicant for the final essay is indicated in the admission rules. In the case of taking into account the results of the essay, the applicant can add up to 10 additional points to the existing USE scores.

  1. Is it true that if 11th graders do not write an essay in December, there will be no more retakes? How about the national schools in the regions? Even when I entered the university in the 90s, graduates from the national republics did not write an essay, but a presentation or even a dictation. Why is there a general requirement for graduates of national schools? Please review and give them a chance to retake the essay in February and May!

Students who have received an unsatisfactory result (“failure”) in the final essay (statement) may be re-admitted to participate in the final essay (statement), but no more than twice and only within the time limits established by the schedule for the final essay (statement).

  1. I do not agree with the result of the composition obtained at school. I think that the school did not objectively evaluate my essay, can I file an appeal for disagreement with the result of the essay?

According to clause 14 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field education (hereinafter - OIV), determine the procedure for conducting, as well as the procedure and terms for checking the final essay (statement) on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation.
Filing an appeal about disagreement with the results of the final essay (statement) is not provided for by the Procedure.
In accordance with the Recommendations on the organization and conduct of the final essay (statement) for the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, in order to prevent a conflict of interest and ensure an objective assessment of the final essay (statement) by students upon receipt of a repeated unsatisfactory result (“ fail") for the final essay (statement) is given the right to submit a written application for verification of the final essay (statement) submitted by them by a commission of another educational organization or a commission formed by the OIV at the regional or municipal levels.
The procedure for submitting such an application and the organization of re-checking the final essay (statement) of the specified category of students is determined by the OIV.

  1. I would like to know if there is a list of works voiced on the approved topics of the composition. If yes, where can I watch it?

There is no list of literary works recommended for use in preparing for writing the final essay. The participant of the final essay must build a reasoning, involving at least one work of domestic or world literature for argumentation, choosing his own way of using literary material; at the same time, it can show a different level of comprehension of a literary text: from elements of semantic analysis (for example, themes, problems, plot, characters, etc.) to a comprehensive analysis of the work in the unity of form and content and its interpretation in the aspect of the chosen topic.

  1. Is it possible to somehow prepare for writing an essay on your own at home?

You can prepare for the final essay, including with the help of the Guidelines for preparing for the final essay (statement), published on the official

  1. Good afternoon. My daughter is in the 10th grade and would like to write an essay this academic year for admission to the exam. Tell me how can this be done?

In accordance with clause 9.1 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, the final essay (statement) as a condition for admission to the GIA is carried out for students of XI (XII) classes. Thus, participation in the final essay when passing the GIA in individual academic subjects at the end of grade 10 is not provided.

    1. This year I could not pass the exam in mathematics at the profile level. Will there be a transfer?

    In accordance with paragraph 7 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014, registration No. 31205), with subsequent changes (hereinafter - Order) since 2015, the USE in mathematics, which is a compulsory subject, is held at two levels: basic and specialized.
    The condition for issuing a certificate of secondary general education is the successful passing of the Unified State Examination in compulsory subjects - the Russian language and mathematics at the basic or profile level.
    Due to the fact that students have the right to choose one of the USE levels in mathematics at will or both levels at the same time, Rosobrnadzor reports the following.

    Graduates of previous years who received an unsatisfactory result in mathematics at the profile level will be able to participate again in the specified exam only next year.

    1. This year, the eldest daughter plans to take mathematics at both the basic and profile levels for the Unified State Examination. If she passes the basic level, but does not write core mathematics, when will she be able to retake it? It also depends on how you get into college.

    If a student chooses to pass both levels of the USE in mathematics and receives an unsatisfactory result in one of the selected levels, then he is not allowed to retake the USE in the subject "Mathematics" in the current year, because. has a satisfactory result in this subject.

    1. My son did not pass the exam in social studies this year. Will there be a transfer?

    Retaking elective subjects in case of an unsatisfactory result is possible only next year.

    1. This school year, our children are taking the exam and the exam. I would like to know what innovations await them next summer? Will there be surveillance cameras and how many? Since children are afraid even of the word "video cameras".

    For 2018, no cardinal changes are planned in the procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination, GIA-9 and the final essay.
    The current situation in the world is such that the video surveillance system has become an integral part of society. For example, video surveillance in stores.
    The introduction of a video surveillance system during the GIA, including equipping the PES with stationary or portable metal detectors, is necessary to achieve maximum openness, objectivity and transparency of the GIA, to prevent and promptly identify violations at all stages of exams.

    1. Will students be able to take both levels of mathematics in the USE-2018?

    Students have the right to choose one of the USE levels in mathematics, or both levels at the same time.
    We pay attention to the following:
    If a student has chosen to pass both levels of the USE in mathematics and received an unsatisfactory result in one of the selected levels, then he is not allowed to retake the USE in the subject "Mathematics" in the current year, as he has a satisfactory result in this subject.
    If a student has chosen to pass both levels of the Unified State Examination in mathematics and received unsatisfactory results in both levels, he has the right to retake the Unified State Examination in mathematics once, independently choosing mathematics at the basic level or mathematics at the specialized level.
    If the student has chosen to pass only one level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics and received an unsatisfactory result, he also has the right to retake this subject, independently choosing mathematics at the basic level or mathematics at the profile level.

    1. Are they going to add another main (mandatory) subject for passing the USE-2018, in addition to the Russian language and mathematics?

    No. In 2018, as in previous years, there will be only two compulsory subjects: mathematics and Russian.

    1. Is it planned to separate the basic math exam as compulsory and the core math exam as an elective?

    No, it's not planned.

    1. Can students (graduates) in organizations of secondary vocational education take part in the USE-2018?

    They can. To participate in the USE, it is necessary to submit an application indicating the subject (list of subjects) for which they plan to take the USE in the current year at the places of registration for the USE established by the regional education authorities. When submitting an application, students in educational programs of secondary vocational education must provide a certificate from the educational organization on the completion of training.

    1. Is the USE expected to be held in 2018 before the main exam dates? If yes, who is eligible to participate in early exams?

    The draft USE Schedule, in addition to the main stage, also provides for an early period for passing the USE. The early stage of the USE in 2018 is focused mainly on the participation of graduates of previous years.
    Graduates of the current year for early delivery of the exam must have the admission of the pedagogical council. Such admission is granted if the student has no academic debt, including for the final essay (statement), and has completed the curriculum in full.

    1. Will there be changes in the minimum threshold scores for USE subjects in 2018?

    There will be no changes in the minimum scores for 2018 compared to the previous year. The minimum threshold for admission to universities, established by Rosobrnadzor, is the following scores in compulsory subjects: 36 points in the Russian language and 27 points in mathematics at the profile level. The rest of the minimum scores can be found at the disposal of Rosobrnadzor.

    1. From what sources can you find out the latest and most relevant information on the exam?

    All relevant information about the exam is posted on the official website of Rosobrnadzor and the portal of the unified state exam site.

    1. Will the USE in the Russian language be divided into basic and specialized levels?

    There are no plans to separate the USE into basic and specialized levels. Because, firstly, the Russian language is the state language of the Russian Federation. Secondly, at this stage, two thresholds for the minimum scores for this subject have been approved: for graduation from school and admission to universities, which is 24 points and 36 points, respectively.

    1. How can I appeal the decision of the appeal commission when passing the exam?

    If you have any questions about the activities of the conflict commission, you should contact the education authority in your region. Actions or inactions of the regional education authority may be appealed in court.

    1. Why was the test part removed from the exams in history and social studies?

    These measures are dictated by the time and demands of society in order to exclude the element of chance when assessing the knowledge of graduates. The issue of avoiding the so-called "guessers" has been repeatedly raised by experts and the public.

    1. Will there be a computer exam?

    This possibility is being considered by Rosobrnadzor. In past years, testing of the examination procedure in informatics and information and communication technologies in computer form was carried out. The technology for passing the exam on a computer has been worked out, but to introduce this procedure, it is necessary to take into account all the technical and methodological aspects of different regions, check the readiness of equipment, technology, personnel, and also assess the ability of the education system to apply new computer technologies in a regular mode. Therefore, the transition to the computer form of passing the exam in computer science is possible in 3-4 years.

    1. What documents do you need to provide for passing the exam if you received education at a school in another state?

    According to paragraph 11 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 03, 2014, registration No. 31205), (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), persons who have received secondary general education in foreign educational organizations, they also have the right to take the USE, including if they have valid USE results from previous years.
    Such USE participants choose only those subjects that they need to enter universities to participate in the exams. When applying for participation in the Unified State Examination, they present the original of a foreign document on education with a duly certified translation from a foreign language.

    1. Who should have the notification that the USE participant receives? Should I submit it somewhere?

    Since 2016, USE participants in PES are prohibited from carrying a notice of registration for exams, it must be left in a place for storing personal belongings of exam participants or given to an escort from the school.

    1. What to do if the exams in the right subjects, according to the general schedule, are taken on the same day?

    If the dates for exams in different subjects coincide, the schedules for conducting the GIA, including in the form of the Unified State Examination, provide for additional terms, which allows exam participants to take one of the selected exams on another day. To do this, when applying for participation in the Unified State Examination, we recommend that you indicate in this application the date of participation in the Unified State Examination in the selected subjects in accordance with the schedule.

    1. If I complete the USE assignment before the scheduled time, can I turn in the work and leave?

    USE participants who completed the examination work ahead of schedule can hand it over to the organizers and leave the PES without waiting for the end of the examination work.

    1. What are the special conditions for passing the state final certification for persons with disabilities (HIA), disabled children and people with disabilities?

    Regulatory legal documents and methodological recommendations of Rosobrnadzor, regulating the procedure for conducting GIA-9 and GIA-11, provide for the creation of special conditions for persons with disabilities, children with disabilities and the disabled (hereinafter referred to as USE participants with disabilities):

    • An increase in the duration of the exam (by 1.5 hours and during the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​by 30 minutes.
    • The choice (combination) of the form of conducting the GIA (USE and (or) GVE-11, OGE and (or) GVE-9).
    • Provision of a separate audience in the PES ("special seating").
    • Unhindered access of participants to the audience (toilets and other premises; the presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators, wide passages inside the room between pieces of furniture and free wheelchair access to the workplace, the presence of special chairs and other devices, in the absence of elevators audience for participants, the GIA should be located on the ground floor).
    • If necessary, the possibility of participating in the GIA at home.
    • Catering and breaks for necessary medical procedures.
    Use of the necessary technical means in the process of passing the exam:
    For the deaf and hard of hearing:
    auditoriums are equipped with sound-amplifying equipment for both collective and individual use;
    if necessary, an assistant sign language interpreter is involved;
    are provided in the required quantity with the rules for filling out the GIA forms.
    For persons with a violation of the musculoskeletal system: written examination work is performed on a computer with specialized software.
    Visually impaired USE participants with disabilities:
    examination materials are copied in an enlarged size (up to A3 format), in the exam rooms, magnifying devices (magnifier) ​​and individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux are provided,
    Blind GIA participants:
    examination materials are drawn up in Braille or in the form of an electronic document accessible using a computer;
    written examination work is done in Braille or on a computer;
    a sufficient number of special accessories are provided for formatting answers in braille dotted font (braille device and stylus, braille typewriter, special drawing tools) and a computer.
    In addition, the audiences are equipped with video surveillance equipment without the possibility of broadcasting to the Internet (offline).
    1. What document is issued to persons (students) who have not passed the state final certification or who have received unsatisfactory results at the state final certification?

    Persons (students) who have not passed the state final attestation or received unsatisfactory results at the state final attestation, as well as persons (students) who have mastered part of the educational program and (or) expelled from the educational organization, are issued a certificate of study or of the period of study. A sample certificate of study or period of study is established by the educational organization independently.

    1. Who can be an assistant for persons with disabilities in the exam?

    In accordance with the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 03, 2014, registration No. 31205) (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), assistants are present during the exam, providing students, graduates of previous years with disabilities, students, graduates of previous years, children with disabilities and people with disabilities, as well as those who studied for health reasons at home, in educational organizations, including sanatoriums and resorts, in which the necessary medical, rehabilitation and recreational activities for those in need of long-term treatment, the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual capabilities, helping them to take a workplace, move around, read the task.
    When conducting a unified state exam (USE) in a subject, the assistants do not include specialists in this subject. It is not allowed to involve as assistants teaching staff who are teachers of students taking an exam in this PES (with the exception of PES organized in hard-to-reach and remote areas, in organizations engaged in educational activities outside the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign institutions, as well as in institutions of criminal executive system). There are no other restrictions on the appointment of assistants for the specified participants of the GIA-11.

    1. What to do if a participant missed the exam due to illness?

    A graduate who missed the exam due to illness submits a medical certificate to the school (other participants in the exam - to the organization where he registered for participation in the exam). The school promptly transmits information to the state examination commission so that it can assign the graduate another day for passing the exam, provided for by the unified schedule.

    1. What should I do if in the notification for the Unified State Examination the child has errors in filling in the last name, first name, patronymic, passport data?

    If this was discovered before the exam, then to correct the data, you must contact the institution that issued the notification. If this was discovered during the exam, then the USE participant must correctly indicate the data in the registration form. In addition, the responsible organizer in the audience records the identified inconsistencies in the Record of Correction of Personal Data of the GIA participants in the audience. This statement is sent for processing to the regional information processing center to make adjustments to the regional and federal databases.

    1. How is the oral exam in English conducted? How many points, perhaps, to score for the written part and how much for the oral part?

    According to the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, “when conducting the USE in foreign languages, at the request of the USE participant, the Speaking section is included in the exam, the oral answers to the tasks of which are recorded on audio media.
    To complete the tasks of the "Speaking" section, audiences equipped with digital audio recording facilities are used. Technicians or organizers set up digital audio recording tools to record high-quality oral responses.
    USE participants are invited to the audience to receive the task of the oral part of the KIM and the subsequent recording of oral answers to the tasks of the KIM. In the classroom, the USE participant approaches the digital audio recording device and, at the command of the organizer, gives a loud and legible oral answer to the KIM tasks. The organizer gives the student, graduate of previous years to listen to the recording of his answer and make sure that it was produced without technical failures.
    The maximum score that can be obtained on the exam in a foreign language (for both parts - both written and oral) is 100 points. If the USE participant chooses only the written part, then he will receive 80 points for it. The oral part, respectively, can be estimated at 20 points.

    1. Is it possible in the check. service?

    The provision of this information is determined by the decision of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education. If such a decision is made, then you will see links to the images of the forms on the "Exam Results" page of the service

    1. Is it possible to get acquainted with the results of the USE in 2015 in the service?

    In the service, you can get acquainted with the preliminary results of the USE only for the current year. For the results of the Unified State Examination of previous years, you must contact the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation that carries out state administration in the field of education in which you passed the Unified State Examination.

    1. Good afternoon. My daughter is in the 10th grade and would like to pass the exam in Russian this academic year and write an essay for admission to the exam. Tell me how can this be done? What documents are required and where? Thanks.

    According to paragraph 9 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) to the State Academic Examination, including in the form of the Unified State Examination, in academic subjects, the development of which was completed earlier , students of grades X-XI (XII) who have annual marks not lower than satisfactory in all subjects of the curriculum for the penultimate year of study (grade 10) are allowed.
    Thus, in order to pass the exam in the subject "Russian language" at the end of the 10th grade of your daughter, you must:

    • before February 1, 2017, submit an application for participation in the Unified State Examination in the specified subject to the educational organization in which your daughter is studying educational programs of secondary general education;

    • complete studies in the 10th grade, having received annual marks not lower than satisfactory in all subjects of the curriculum;

    • complete the development of the program for the course of secondary school (grades 10-11) in the subject "Russian language" according to the individual curriculum before the end of the academic year.
    Subject to the above conditions, the pedagogical council of the educational organization, in which the student is mastering the educational programs of secondary general education, decides on his admission to the State Academic Examination in the form of the Unified State Examination in the subject "Russian Language" at the end of the 10th grade.
    In addition, we inform you that in accordance with clause 9.1 of the Procedure, the final essay (statement) as a condition for admission to the GIA is carried out for students of XI (XII) classes. Thus, participation in the final essay when passing the GIA in individual academic subjects at the end of grade 10 is not provided.
    1. Hello. After 9th grade, my daughter entered college this year. In one year, the college provides a two-year general education program, but the college does not have the right to issue a general education certificate. How can we pass the exam and get a certificate of general education?

    Your daughter needs to pass an external GIA in any organization that carries out educational activities according to an educational program of secondary general education that has state accreditation (clause 10 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, ( hereinafter - Order).
    She will be admitted to the GIA, subject to receiving marks not lower than satisfactory at the intermediate certification and receiving a “credit” for the final essay (statement). As the results of intermediate certification, she can be credited with the results of mastering academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practice, additional educational programs in other organizations (clause 7 of part 1 of article 34 of the Federal Law "On Education").
    An application indicating the list of subjects for which the USE participant plans to take the USE must be submitted before February 1, 2017 (inclusive) to an organization that carries out educational activities under a state-accredited educational program of secondary general education. To obtain a certificate of secondary general education, it is necessary to pass two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics (basic or profile level). Your daughter will take the rest of the subjects on a voluntary basis at her own request.
    To participate in the final essay, she must submit an application no later than two weeks before the start of the final essay to the organization that carries out educational activities, in which she will be enrolled to pass the GIA. The final essay is held on the first Wednesday of December, the first Wednesday of February and the first working Wednesday of May.

    1. Information appeared on the Internet that in 2018 it is planned to introduce the third mandatory exam in the Unified State Examination. It's true?

    Mastering the state-accredited basic educational programs of secondary general education ends with the mandatory state final certification of graduates in the Russian language and mathematics. Satisfactory results of the state final certification (hereinafter referred to as GIA) in Russian language and mathematics are the basis for issuing a certificate of secondary general education to graduates.
    Examinations in other academic subjects: literature, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, social studies, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French and Spanish), computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as in the native language from among languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation in their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation (for students in educational programs of basic general education who studied their native language and native literature and chose an exam in their native language and (or) native literature for passing the GIA) - students take on a voluntary basis of their choice for admission to universities.
    Expansion of the list of compulsory subjects for passing the exam in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 "On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 7, 2012, registration No. 24480) is planned by the time of the complete transition of the high school to the new federal state educational standards of general education. This transition will be fully completed by 2022.
    Thus, a foreign language will become mandatory for passing the exam, in addition to Russian and mathematics, in 2022.

    1. Do graduates of grade 11 who have not scored the minimum scores on the USE in mathematics at the profile level have the right to choose the basic level when retaking the exam?

    Yes, there is such a right. Participants who receive an unsatisfactory result on the Unified State Examination in mathematics have the right to change the level they have previously chosen in order to retake mathematics in the Unified State Examination in reserve terms.

    1. If a child does not enter a university this year, does he need to take the exam again next year?

    This is not necessary if the points obtained suit him, and he does not plan to change the specialty for which he initially chose the subjects, since the results of the USE are valid for four years following the year of obtaining such results. But if there are concerns that the points received will not be enough for admission, it is better to retake the necessary subjects in order to try to improve the result.

    1. What compulsory subjects and in what year will be additionally included for passing the exam?

    Now 11th grade graduates take two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics. From 2022, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is planned to introduce a third compulsory subject - a foreign language.

    1. Are the results of the exam of previous years canceled during the retake?

    No, the results of the exam will not be canceled during the retake. When entering a university, you can choose the best result from the existing ones.

    1. What to do if parents are collecting money for paper and cartridges for printing exam materials? It is legal?

    Charging fees from students for passing the state final certification is not allowed (Article 8 of the Law on Education). Accordingly, this is illegal. If such facts take place, it is necessary to contact the regional body exercising control and supervision in the field of education.

    1. How many USE points do graduates of the 11th grade need to score to receive a certificate with honors in 2019?

    According to the new procedure, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education in December 2018, you need to score at least 70 points in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and in mathematics at the profile level. If the graduate chose the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the basic level, then it is necessary to pass the exam with an “excellent” mark.

    1. Is it true that those who will be removed from the exam this year for cheat sheets and other violations will now be able to retake the exams only after two years, and not after a year?

    No, if an exam participant violated the Procedure, for example, used a mobile phone when passing physics, and his result in physics was canceled, then he will be able to re-participate in the exam in this subject in 2020. That is, in a year.

    1. If a child falls ill during the exam, what steps should be taken so that he can pass the exam?

    It is necessary to submit to the State Examination Commission (SEC) an application for re-admission to take the exam along with a document confirming the validity of the reason for not attending the exam, the SEC will consider the application and the submitted document, and then set a day for re-participation in the exam this year in reserve terms. If the participant is being treated in a hospital, but is able to take the exam, the examination point can be organized in a medical institution.

    1. What happens if the USE participant forgot his passport? Will he be allowed to take the exam?

    Admission of examination participants to the examination point (EPS) is carried out if they have identification documents, and if they are on the distribution lists in this PES. Graduates of the current year, if they do not have identification documents, are admitted to the PES after confirmation of their identity by the accompanying person from the school. To do this, the accompanying person fills out a certain form, which will be issued at the PES. After that, the graduate will be admitted to the examination point. As for graduates of previous years, if they do not have identity documents, they are not allowed in the PES.

    1. Does the school have the right to insist that a graduate of the 9th grade take exams in specific subjects (from among elective subjects)?

    No, it doesn't. A ninth-grader takes 4 compulsory subjects for obtaining a certificate: Russian language and mathematics, as well as two elective subjects that he chooses himself.

    1. Will a foreign language be included in the number of compulsory subjects for 9th grade graduates to take?

    No. GIA-9 participants take exams in 4 academic subjects, one of which can be a foreign language as an exam of choice.

    1. Who and how checks the answers to the USE assignments?

    Checking the answers to tasks with a short answer is carried out automatically, but then the experts must review all the uncredited answers and decide which of them can be evaluated positively.

    The performance of tasks with a detailed answer is checked by experts who are part of the subject commission of the region for the corresponding academic subject. Experts undergo special training and only after passing this training are allowed to check examination papers.

    Each work is checked by two experts independently of each other. After that, each expert puts his points for each task checked by him. If there is a significant discrepancy between the scores of two experts, then a third expert is invited, his scores will be considered final.

    1. Does the complexity of the examination materials of the early and main stages of the exam differ?

    KIM options for all periods of the USE are collected on the basis of one model: they are identical in the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. The distribution of KIM options for use in a given period of the exam is carried out automatically, so there are no “special” options for a certain period of the USE or a specific region.

    1. Starting this year, graduates of grade 11 can choose to take only basic or specialized mathematics for delivery. Can a 10th grade student take the USE in basic mathematics, and in the 11th grade - specialized mathematics?

    No. The graduate chooses one level of mathematics, which he plans to take as part of the state final certification.

    Thus, if a student receives a satisfactory USE result in mathematics (basic or profile level) in the 10th grade, he will be deprived of the right to re-participate in the USE in this subject in the 11th grade in order to increase the points received, because. already has a result in the subject "mathematics".

    1. Will the list of allowed and prohibited subjects in the exam change in 2019?

    This list has not changed in 2019. Additional equipment that is allowed to be used on the exam:

    • in mathematics - a ruler;
    • in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator;
    • in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator;
    • in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator.
    1. How to cancel a previously announced exam and when should it be done?

    Submission of an application for refusal to participate in the Unified State Examination in certain academic subjects is not provided for by the procedure for conducting the state final certification. You can simply not show up for the exam.

    1. Can participants with disabilities choose 3 exams for GIA-9 (Russian, mathematics and one of their choice)?

    No. The procedure provides that such participants in the exams pass the GIA-9 either in 4 academic subjects, or in 2 compulsory academic subjects.

    1. If in our school, instead of chemistry, physics and biology, the subject is natural science (there are no chemistry, physics and biology as separate subjects), can my child take the exam in chemistry and biology?

    Maybe. The procedure defines a list of subjects that can be taken by choice, regardless of whether they studied or not. Elective subjects are taken to provide their results when entering universities.

    1. If I took the same subject two years in a row, with a lower score this year, can I use the result from last year?

    Yes. When applying to a university, you indicate the result you want.

    1. Do the terms for issuing USE results depend on the region in which the exam was taken?

    The terms of the centralized inspection at the federal level are the same. After centralized verification and processing at the federal level, the results of the USE are transferred to the SEC of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The SEC approves the results within one working day following the day they are received and transfers them within one working day to educational organizations, which, in turn, familiarize participants in the exam within one working day.

    Thus, the difference in the date of issuance of the results may be, but not more than one day, based on the efficiency of the region's work on the approval of the results and their transfer to schools.

    1. Is it possible to use a copy of the education document instead of the original when registering for the USE?

    Graduates of previous years, when submitting an application, can present the original documents on education or their certified copies.

    1. What to do if passing the exam coincides with passing exams in another country?

    In this case, the USE schedule provides for reserve days. It is necessary to provide information to the state examination commission so that it can assign the graduate another day for passing the exam, provided for by the unified schedule.

    1. What calculator can be used on the exam?

    The use of a non-programmable calculator is allowed, which must provide arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, root extraction) and the calculation of trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tg, ctg, arcsin, arcсos, arctg).

    The calculator should not provide the ability to save in its memory databases of examination tasks and their solutions, as well as any other information, the knowledge of which is directly or indirectly tested during the exam.

    The calculator should not provide the possibility of obtaining information from outside during the exam. The communication capabilities of the calculator must not allow wireless exchange of information with any external sources.

    The use of a calculator on the math exam is not allowed.

    1. Do I have the right to take the exam in Spanish if only English was studied at school?

    You have the right to take the exam in a subject that you did not study at school.

    1. Who has the right to apply for participation in the Unified State Examination if the participant himself, for some reason, does not have such an opportunity?

    There are several ways to apply for participation in the exam: in person; parents (legal representatives); by other persons on the basis of a power of attorney (relevant for foreign citizens, military personnel).

    1. Where do I need to go to get a notification for the exam?

    You must contact the place of registration for passing the exam, as a rule, notifications are issued directly at the school or at the regional information processing center.

    1. What documents do I need to submit to register for the USE for college students who want to take the USE but have not yet received a diploma?

    When submitting an application, it is necessary to present a passport and a certificate from the educational organization in which they are studying, confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education or the completion of the development of educational programs of secondary general education in the current academic year.

    1. Where can I find the results of the exam in previous years?

    It is necessary to apply to the RTSOI at the place of registration of the USE with an application for the provision of information on the results of the USE passed in previous years.

      1. In your opinion, what goals should monitoring studies of education quality assessment serve? How and why should the results of regional monitoring be used in educational institutions?

      First of all, the results can and should be used to identify problem areas, develop programs to improve the quality of education, and programs for training specialists in the field of education. They can also be used for an objective assessment of the results obtained at the school level, followed by work on a program for the development of education in the region. After all, if a school shows a poor result in all monitoring, then it needs help!

      1. My child participated in NIKO (5th grade math test). Got results, but would like to see proven work. Can it be done? If so, how?

      It is possible to see the work and scores. The verification took place remotely in electronic form, so it is impossible to see the verification itself. To get acquainted with the work and results of the audit, you can contact Rosobrnadzor or use the contacts on the website.

        1. If the All-Russian test work is carried out by schools on their own, will this not lead to falsification of the results and distortion of the real knowledge of students? After all, low grades of student work will have a bad effect on the image of the school?

        The All-Russian Testing Works (VPR) are diagnostic works that are carried out to assess the individual achievements of schoolchildren, and their integral results can be used to form programs for the development of education systems in municipalities and regions. The direct organizer of the VPR will be the school itself, coordinated by the municipality and the subject of the Russian Federation. At the federal level, the development of uniform versions of verification work is ensured in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, with the further formation of a single bank of tasks. Here, rather, the opposite is true - a negative result will be a sign that the school, honestly diagnosing itself, needs help, in developing measures to overcome the identified difficulties, and forming a development program.

        1. How often will audits be carried out?

        2 times a year (autumn and spring).

        1. Will it be possible to get acquainted with the results of verification work?

        All-Russian test work is carried out by the school. Therefore, the work can be viewed at school.

        1. This academic year, it is planned to conduct All-Russian testing works in grades 4-5 (hereinafter referred to as VPR). Based on the results of the VPR, is it possible to obtain the results of verification work on the subject, municipality? Will it be possible to evaluate the results of the school at the level of the city, region, country?

        Yes, there is such a possibility.

        1. Is the possibility of introducing a final assessment in grades 4, similar to the final exams in grades 9 and 11, being considered?

        No. The school itself determines the form of intermediate certification for students of the 4th grade.

        1. Is it planned to introduce a final certification (mini USE) in grade 4?