How to reduce the time between screams in skyrim. Skyrim (Skyrim)

This mod was created to change and improve the screams in Skyrim game. Shout changes will be described as follows: The name of the shout, the number of the power word, the change added to the shout.
Installation: Drop the file from the PSFull folder to the Data folder and run the file in the launcher. (If you use the ThunderChild mod, then throw the file from the PSLite folder; throw only one from files!)
Removal: Remove all artifacts from inventory, wait until the scream cooldown ends, save. Delete mod. Log into the game and save again.
Requirement: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn
Now about the screams themselves:

Skyrim screams

- Ruthless Force

1 word > Damage 25 pts per second for 2 seconds.
2nd word > Damage 20 pts. per second for 3 seconds. Disarm up to level 10.
3rd word > Damage 30 pts. per second for 2 seconds. Disarm up to level 20.

-Fire/Frost breath

These shouts are already very powerful, so they have a slightly reduced cooldown and slightly increased damage.


1 word > Increased time in incorporeal form to 10 seconds. Stamina regenerates 50% faster.
2nd word > Increased time spent in incorporeal form to 15 seconds. Stamina/Magic regenerates 75% faster.
3rd word > Increased time spent in incorporeal form to 23 seconds. Stamina/Magic/Health regenerates 100% faster.

-Kin Harmony

1 word > Increased range. Steals 20 damage from beasts. magic for 30 sec. Paralyzes beasts for 5 seconds.
2 word > Increased range. Steals 40 damage from beasts. magic for 30 sec. Paralyzes beasts for 10 seconds.
3rd word > Increased range. Steals 60 damage from beasts. magic for 30 sec. Paralyzes beasts for 20 seconds.
_=Paralysis is applied only in the radius in which you can see the auras of animals=_

-Beast Friendship/Storm Call

Increased range.


1 word > Deals 10 damage. add. dragon damage over 2 sec.
2nd word > Deals 20 damage. add. dragon damage over 2 sec.
3rd word > Deals 40 damage. add. dragon damage over 2 sec.

-Slow down time

1 word > Slightly increased movement speed.
2nd word > Increased movement speed.
3rd word > Greatly increased movement speed.

- Fright

1 word > Frightens creatures up to level 12 for 30 seconds. Deals =10= / -5- damage. damage =Stamina= / -Magic- within 10 sec.
2nd word > Frightens creatures up to level 25 for 30 seconds. Deals =20= / -10- damage. damage =Stamina= / -Magic- within 10 sec.
3rd word > Frightens creatures up to level 40 for 30 seconds. Deals =50= / -25- damage. damage =Stamina= / -Magic- for 8 sec.


1 word > Disarms a target below level 10.
2nd word > Disarms a target below level 30.
3rd word > Disarms a target below level 45.

- Death sentence

1 word > Reduce target's health by 1. within 30 sec. Damages enemy armor by 30. within a minute.
2nd word > Reduces the target's health by 3. within 30 sec. Damages enemy armor by 60. within a minute.
3rd word > Reduces target's health by 5. within 30 sec. Damages enemy armor by 100. within a minute.

-Swift dash

1 word > Instantly restores 50 health. reserve of strength.
2nd word > Instantly restores 100 health. reserve of strength.
3rd word > Instantly restores 150 health. reserve of strength.

-Aura Whisper

1 word > Increased range. Grants invisibility for 5 seconds
2 word > Increased range. Grants invisibility for 10 seconds
3rd word > Increased range. Grants invisibility for 20 seconds
_=Now it's really a whisper, no one will hear you pronouncing his words of power... Of course, if you stand some distance (about 20-30 steps) from anyone=_

-Elemental Rage

1 word > Increases Health/Stamina by 30. within 10 sec.
2nd word > Increases Health/Stamina by 60. within 15 sec.
3rd word > Increases Health/Stamina by 90. within 20 sec.

Shouts of Dawnguard

-Soul Rip

1 word > Grants the ability to capture a soul for 5 seconds.
2nd word > Gives you the ability to capture the soul for 7 seconds. Deals 100 damage. damage
3rd word > Gives you the ability to capture the soul for 10 seconds. Deals 300 damage. damage

-Sucking J.E.

1 word > Remove 5 damage from enemies. stamina per second for 30 sec.
2nd word > Deprives enemies of 10 pts. stamina/magic per second for 30 sec.
3rd word > Deprives enemies of 15 pts. stamina / magicka / health per second for 30 sec.
_=Can only be used once a day!=_
Shouts of Dragonborne

-Battle fury

Increased range and duration


1 word > Damage increased to 60. Radius increased to 20. Slightly slow the target for 10 seconds.
2nd word > Damage increased to 80. Radius increased to 35. 10 sec. Slow the target for 10 seconds.
3rd word > Damage increased to 130. Radius increased to 50. 15 sec. Slows the target for 10 seconds.


Amulet of Air: Water Walk + Removes fall damage.
-Ring of Silence: Illusion Skill is 30% stronger You move more quietly. Regen. magic reduced by 50%
-Amulet of the Sun: 10 pts damage to undead that came close to you. +50 pts protection.
-Ring dragon priest: Shout cooldown reduced by 10%. Destruction and Alteration spells are 30% stronger. Magicka increased by 100.

Artifact Locations

Amulet of Air: Black Limit. There is an arch with a centurion next to Alftand's main forklift. Near the arch there is an urn, and in it is an amulet.
-Ring of Silence: Shalidor's Labyrinth. On one of wooden roofs There is an urn with a ring in it.
- Amulet of the Sun: Near wooden fence behind which the fort of the guards of the dawn there are barrels, next to them is an urn, and in it is an amulet.
-Ring of the Dragon Priest: Greywater Grotto. Next to the corpse of a deer, right in the stone, there is a safe, and there is a ring in it.

Welcome to Skyrim, newbies!

Let's start with the basics:

To open the console, press [~] (tilde) and enter the required cheat code. Click . To close the console, press [~] again
Enter the commands exactly as they are written in the text (or enter whatever you like, just don’t write comments later like “why is mine not Paluchitsa?”)
To scroll through the text in the console, if there is a lot of it and it is not displayed all at once, use the keys And .

If instead of letters in the console there are squares:
Find the following file in the game folder: Skyrim\Data\Interface\fontconfig.txt
Open and replace line map "$ConsoleFont" = "Arial" Normal on the map "$ConsoleFont" = "FuturaTCYLigCon" Normal

Note: If after that the file fontconfig.txt does not want to save or offers to save a copy of this file, do the following:
in the properties of this file, see if there is a checkmark "Read only";
if it's worth it, remove it, change the file, save it and check this box back.

Set the English language in the console:
Method 1- set english as default language in OS
Method 2- changing game files
We go to C:\Users\<имя_пользователя>\Documents\My Games\Skyrim and open the file Skyrim.ini. After the lines:

add ( not replace) the next line
Method 3- changing the language of the game in Steam "e

During the game, press the key combination + . Click right key click on your nickname, click "Change the language" and select EN.

Note: for installation in English in the console, you must follow the instructions described in some one of the three methods presented.

IMPORTANT:Before applying the codes, make a "clean" save of the game! Some commands cannot be undone!

So let's get started. Since there are a lot of commands in the game, I will only talk about really useful ones.

PART 1: peace and fighting

Let's start with the best team of all time:

tgm - everyone and the well-known "God Mode".

Perfect for those who need to run somewhere and not die on the way. Mana, stamina and health are not consumed, so run with a possible indefinitely. The only downside to this command is that it only makes you immortal. If you value your companions, avoid difficult fights and deadly traps, or leave your partners somewhere in a quiet cozy place to get drunk on ale, while you yourself drive on Dovahki affairs.

To cancel mode, type the tgm command again

Interesting fact:if, being in this mode, you exceed the maximum carrying capacity, then this will not affect the run in any way (the inscription that the character is overloaded will appear, but no more).

About speed and fast travel:

player.modav carryweight X - increases the character's carrying weight by adding X units (i.e. if the inventory capacity was 250 before the command, you entered, for example player.modav carryweight 200, then the load capacity will become 450). Load capacity increases forever.

player. set av carryweight X Same thing, but not forever. Suitable for those who just want to carry their stuffed shoulder bag to the nearest merchant. After loading a save (any save, even made after applying the command), the inventory capacity will become the same (i.e. correct, not cheating).

Another team for those who like to run fast

player.setav speedmult X - set movement speed X%. Default: 100%. To cancel, save and load the same save. The speed will return to normal.

setgs fJumpHeightMin Х - jump height (100% by default). Enter, for example, setgs fJumpHeightMin 800- and jump over any hill. BUT! Be careful with the numbers - you may not like falling (at 2000 it hurts to land, and if you add the height of some mountain, you can easily kill yourself). I advise you to use it with tgm

Interesting fact: if you jump in place, you will get stuck at the top as if you jumped up a mountain. To go down, go a little in any direction.


coc qasmoke - the command allows you to move to a test location. There are absolutely all the items, spells and devices that, in principle, are in the game. Everything is laid out in chests, but it's still easy to get confused, because. Lots of items in the game. Suitable for those who are looking for a specific thing without knowing the ID.

You can exit this location with the command

coc "city name"- teleports to the named location. Enter the name without quotes, in English, regardless of the version of the game.

List of cities in English : dawnstar, falkreath, markarth, morthal, riften, riverwood, solitude, whiterun, windhelm, winterhold

There are a lot of different locations in the game and it makes no sense to lay out the exact commands for teleporting to each.

If you forgot the exact name of the desired location, then do the following:
- open console
- enter help "part_of_name_in_english" 0 When entering the name of the location, there should not be spaces, and if they are, enter only the first word.
- using the scroll keys, find the following lines (there are many of them):
CELL: "location_name" (location id)(all this can be entered with the coc command)
- now that we know the exact name, we enter coc "location_name"

tcl - allows you to pass through walls. Literally. Up, down, anywhere. If for some reason a very necessary door does not open, this command will help you out. Be careful when traveling in textures. To disable, retype the command in the console.

tmm 1 - opens all map. After the introduction of this command, everything, even the most secret corners of Skyrim, will no longer be secret. Note that there is no undo for this command, so if you don't want to miss out on the fun of exploring game world yourself, don't use this code.

Combat and other tricks for the peaceful and not so peaceful population of Skyrim:

killall - kill everyone in the line of sight. That is, in general, everyone - friends, enemies, animals. Except immortals by default. Suitable for especially bloodthirsty and unprincipled individuals. Scatter your path to glory with corpses! Watch out, companions! Leave your partners somewhere very, very far away, or use mods for immortality (for example:

tdetect - the command "disables" vision (and at the same time logic) for all NPCs. You can safely climb into your pockets in broad daylight, no one will say a word.

tcai - disables and enables artificial intelligence. Everyone stops fighting, although they will still threaten.

player.setcrimegold 0 - Removes the bounty on your head. Have you done things, and now all the guards rush at you without question and thought so that even in prison you can’t sit out? Enter this command - and total sclerosis is guaranteed for all guardians of the law.

stopcombat - stop combat with the specified friendly character. Please note that you need to point to ALL who are attacking you at the moment and enter a command for EVERYONE separately. If at least one NPC attacks you (you did not apply this code to him), then all others will begin to attack.

IMPORTANT: Does NOT work on those who always attack you (monsters, robbers, etc.)

A combination of these 3 commands will help you get out of the battle, for example, with the guards (in case you killed all the jarl's children, and the guard wants only one thing - to present your corpse to the ruler)

However, in my opinion, all this is too complicated. It's easier to write a fail-safe "god mode" in the console and run away/teleport from the battlefield. After that, it remains to enter player.setcrimegold 0, and you can safely return.

player.setav shoutrecoverymult 0- screams without reloading. If you entered this code after using the shout, you will need to wait until it is restored, after which it will be possible to use this shout all the time without waiting for it to be restored.

player.setav invisibility 1 - enable invisibility. After that, neither enemies nor friends will notice you. To disable, enter 0 instead of 1. But keep in mind that if you start running and stomping, then, for example, the owner of the house you climbed into in the middle of the night will call the guards. So even in invisibility behave decently.

Interesting: sometimes you can hear a voice from nowhere (for example, if you made your way into a store at night, then the owner’s voice will persistently persuade you to look at his goods as if you went shopping in the middle of the day). Pay no attention and calmly rob the poor fellow.

Other commands that can make life much easier in harsh Skyrim
(Beware, shameless cheats!)
player.setav attackdamagemult N- increase weapon damage by N times
player.setav leftweaponspeedmult N- increase the attack speed of the weapon in the left hand by N times
player.setav weaponspeedmult N- increase weapon attack speed right hand and two-handed weapons N times
player.setav LeftitemCharge N - charge the weapon in the left hand for N charges
player.setav RightitemCharge N- charge the weapon in the right hand for N charges

Now a little about the fast leveling of the character

Let's start with appearance. After all, you see, appearance is very important, especially in RPGs, where the character, after all, is our alter ego, and playing a crocodile is not very pleasant (unless he is not an Argonian).

Showracemenu is a useful, well-loved command. The command opens access to the character creation window, where (as at the beginning of the game) you can choose a new appearance, change the race, gender and name of the character. In early versions of the game, your character level was reset to 1, like all skills. In the version of the game starting from, the level of the character will remain the same, but sometimes there are unpleasant "surprises". Please note that when changing the gender or race of the character, the game may crash. Don't forget to save your game before using this command.

advlevel - raise the level. A fairly useless command, i.e. increases only the numbers next to the inscription "Level". Does not add ability points. Suitable for true hardcore players, because. Enemies become stronger as the player's level increases. So, if you're already a Tamriel veteran, playing only on Master difficulty, but still feeling a lack of difficulty, use advlevel. Enemies will become more powerful, while your level will be only formal. But the enemies also have a level limit, so this command will only be effective up to a certain point.

player.setav Health X - set max. number of lives in X units

player.setav Magicka X - set max. amount of magic in X units

player.setav Stamina X - set max. amount of stamina in X units

psb - get ALL spells, dragon calls and talents that are in the game.

If you only need a few, use the following method:

player.teachword- learn shout (list of all shout IDs below)

Example: player.teachword20e17- learn the first words of the shout "Fire Breath"

To learn the 3rd word of the dragon's cry, you must first learn 1 and 2, otherwise it will not work.

To learn the shout "Ice Form" level 3, you must sequentially enter the following:
player.teachword 602A3- first word
player.teachword 602A4- second
player.teachword 602A5- third

Dragon Shout IDs:
first word / second / third - the name of the shout (enter in the console one ID at a time)

46B89 / 46B8A / 46B8B - Dragon's Call
13E22 / 13E23 / 13E24 - Unrelenting Force
602A3 / 602A4 / 602A5 - Ice mold
6029A / 6029B / 6029C - Thunder Call
20E17 / 20E18 / 20E19 - Fire Breath
48ACA / 48ACB / 48ACC - Time dilation
2F7BB / 2F7BC / 2F7BD - Swift Charge
60291 / 60292 / 60293 - Friendship with animals
3291D / 3291E / 3291F - Elemental Rage
32917 / 32918 / 32919 - Ethereal
5D16C / 5D16D / 5D16E - Frost Breath
602A0 / 602A1 / 602A2 - Voice cast
5FB95 / 5FB96 / 5FB97 - Disarmament
3CD31 / 3DC32 / 3CD33 - Clear Sky
51960 / 51961 / 51962 - Call of Valor
44251 / 44252 / 44253 - Dragonslayer
60297 / 60298 / 60299 - Death sentence
60294 / 60295 / 60296 - Aura Whisper
6029D / 6029E / 6029F - Kin World
3291A / 3291B / 3291C - Fright

Please note that the codes will only add Shouts to the list, but you still have to activate them. And for this you need the souls of dragons.

Go and kill the monsters in a fair fight!

Just kidding. Of course, you can add the required amount using the cheat:

Player.modav dragonsouls N - Get N dragon souls.

Note to those who hear the name Skyrim for the first time:

To activate dragon screams, press - Magic - Shouts - select the cry you want to activate - press [R] - Ok. Now you can use this shout.


player.setav "skill name" N(where N is the skill level, maximum 100) - increases the skill level

Example: player.setav Destruction 75 - the level of the "Destruction" skill will become equal to 75

List of titles in English:

OneHanded - one-handed weapon
TwoHanded - two-handed weapon
Marksman - bows
Block - shield
Smithing - blacksmithing
HeavyArmor - heavy armor
LightArmor - light armor
PickPocket - pickpocketing
Lockpicking - Hacking
Sneak - stealth
Alchemy - alchemy
Speechcraft - eloquence
Alteration - change
Conjuration - sorcery
Destruction - destruction
Illusion - illusion
Restoration - restoration
Enchanting - enchantment

Please note that upgrading a skill with a code will not give you an increase in level and ability points.

If you want to upgrade your character in a few minutes without cheat mods as if you spent hours on the game (that is, as honestly as possible), I offer my own way:

Open the console and enter the commands in sequence
player.additem 005ace4 1000

player.additem 000800e4 3000
Now you have everything you need to create Iron Armor. We go to the nearest forge and rivet this armor until the Blacksmithing skill reaches 100.
We leave the forge and enter in the console
player.setav Smithing 0
This will reset the Blacksmithing skill to 0.
Again we go into the forge and forge armor until the loss of pulse.
Repeat right amount once.

Pros: you get a character pumped to the maximum lorno, with all the consequences. Points obtained in this way can be spent on any skill of interest (use the command player.setav "skill name" N)
Minuses: it's still a cheat. But if your conscience really torments you, put all the forged armor into the nearest barrel and go pray for sin at the altar of your beloved god.

player.additem ID N(where ID is the ID of the item , N - quantity) - a great command for getting any item in the right amount

How to find the ID of an item?

Method 2
We put the item whose ID you need to find out in an empty box (barrel, chest, bag) or simply throw it away on a flat empty place. We approach the box as close as possible (it is desirable to switch to the first person view) - open the console - click on the box in which our item lies and enter the inv command.

Attention: if after clicking on the box you see the numbers 00000014, then click again before changing. 00000014 is your GG- Dovahkiin (race: Nord, gender: male), who patiently endured all bullying;

Special thanks to the creators of Photoshop for their invaluable help in creating pictures and a button [~] for the provided console.

And thank you so much for your attention to everyone who has read this far!

According to the plan of the game, Dovakin is able to master the art of dragon speech. If you want to speed up learning, you can use Skyrim shout codes.

All at once!

The simplest option is "psb". Enter this in the console and learn not only that "minds, but also spells, and also get all the talents possible in the game. Quick and easy, however, some of the received screams can lead to bugs or Skyrim crashes.

Selective study:

Individual words of the dragon language can be learned using the code:

player.teachword ID

The number for each word is individual. When studying, be sure to observe the order of words in which they are located in that mind.

If we decide to speed up Dovakin's training using Skyrim codes for screams, then why not resort to the same technique to obtain the necessary dragon souls. It is impossible to activate that \"mind without them, and meetings with winged monsters do not occur so often. The cheat code that we need:

player.modav dragonsouls X

"X" here means the number of dragon souls that Dovakin will receive. It remains to study the necessary minds, activate your favorite of them - and you can go to terrify all the villains of Skyrim.


player.setav shoutrecoverymult 0 - Another useful Skyrim code for shouts. After its introduction, there is no need to wait for a recharge between those minds. If the cheat is activated immediately after uttering a cry, the recharge will occur in the normal mode, but will not appear in the future.

All codes for shouts:

  • 46B89 / 46B8A / 46B8B - Dragon's Call

  • 13E22 / 13E23 / 13E24 - Unrelenting Force

  • 602A3 / 602A4 / 602A5 - Ice mold

  • 6029A / 6029B / 6029C - Thunder Call

  • 20E17 / 20E18 / 20E19 - Fire Breath

  • 48ACA / 48ACB / 48ACC - Time dilation

  • 2F7BB / 2F7BC / 2F7BD - Swift Charge

  • 60291 / 60292 / 60293 - Friendship with animals

  • 3291D / 3291E / 3291F - Elemental Rage

  • 32917 / 32918 / 32919 - Ethereal

  • 5D16C / 5D16D / 5D16E - Frost Breath

  • 602A0 / 602A1 / 602A2 - Voice cast

  • 5FB95 / 5FB96 / 5FB97 - Disarmament

  • 3CD31 / 3DC32 / 3CD33 - Clear Sky

  • 51960 / 51961 / 51962 - Call of Valor

  • 44251 / 44252 / 44253 - Dragonslayer

  • 60297 / 60298 / 60299 - Death sentence

  • 60294 / 60295 / 60296 - Aura Whisper

  • 6029D / 6029E / 6029F - Kin World

  • 3291A / 3291B / 3291C - Fright

Shouts DLC Dawnguard

  • 02008A65 / 02008A64 / 02008A63 - Life Drain

  • 020030D4 / 020030D6 / 020030D7 - Calling Durnevir

  • 02007CB7 / 02007CB8 / 02007CB9 - Soul Rip

  • 0201A162 / 0201A163 / 0201A164 - Call from Soul Cairn

Shouts DLC Dragonborn

  • 040200E4 / 040200E5 / 040200E6 - Battle Fury

  • 040179D9 / 040179DA / 040179DB - Submission of will

  • 040200C2 / 040200C3 / 040200C4 - Cyclone

  • 0401DF93 / 0401DF94 / 0401DF95 - Dragon Incarnation