How to captivate a girl. How to Attract a Girl Almost Effortlessly

To impress a pen pal you need to stick to certain rules avoid common mistakes. So you can quickly achieve the main goal of communication.

Decide on the purpose of communication

It makes no sense to move on to communicating with a girl if you have no idea what you want to get as a result.

The tactics of behavior are different in each case and depend on the goals: whether it is the acquisition of experience in communicating with the opposite sex, or just a way to spend free time (have fun). Or targeted communication for a further invitation to a date with the possibility of a relationship.

The goal must always be kept in mind reach by the shortest path.

Suppose you wanted to ask a girl out on a date, but got so carried away with Internet communication that you forgot your goal. As a result, you wasted an extra month texting a girl, and when you finally invited her it was too late - she had already started dating someone else.

Positive will help a girl to like

Be energetic, emotional in moderation, cheerful and friendly. A couple of jokes never hurt.

During communication it is forbidden:

  • whine cry for life.
  • Take offense. Translate insults and curiosities in communication as a joke.
  • To gossip. It is necessary to exclude any “womanly” qualities when communicating.
  • Talk about disadvantages their former girlfriends. The girl will immediately realize: “Yeah, he speaks badly about the former, in the future he will speak like that about me.”

But you can talk about generous deeds towards an ex-girlfriend.

Express your opinion, but not in a harsh, but in a well-founded, supported by facts, but not by evaluative categories, form. Do it softer if it concerns the girl, her weaknesses, offends her. But don't be inquisitive either.

Post more good photos

Work on your account and online profile. Surround him with an aura of success, mystery and intrigue. Post photos that will show you from the best side. Girls appreciate it.

  • in the family;
  • at a concert, performance;
  • go in for sports (snowboarding, cycling, football);

Make sure that the girl does not take you for an egocentric, concerned only with herself and her own reputation.

Not worth it upload photos like this:

  • against the background of expensive cars;
  • selfie at breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • with cigarettes, alcohol;
  • drunk.

Be an individual, have hobbies, interests and read books. Develop, grow as a person.

A girl is unlikely to like a guy who does not know how to connect two words into one sentence. But, your erudition can "hook" her.

Do you want to learn a lot more interesting how to learn how to write "catchy" messages, how to conduct an interesting online correspondence with a girl? Don't know how to propose a date to her? Then we highly recommend reading new free book by Yegor Sheremetyev"Secrets of successful VKontakte dating." Our reading impressions and download link can be found in.

How to diversify correspondence with media files

Women love variety. If you can surprise a girl, you will definitely attract her attention.

The sent song will begin to associate the girl with you. And when she hears a song somewhere, she will remember you.

Interesting pictures, videos, films, articles - all this can diversify your communication and make it really interesting.

What to Avoid When Communicating

Coarseness. Many people make the mistake of believing that rudeness is a sign of confidence, but this is a false stereotype.

A girl does not like it when a guy allows himself to behave aggressively, familiarly with her and use obscene expressions in speech. In reality, a guy with this behavior is more like a gopnik than an alpha male.

Obsession. If a girl does not want to communicate, there is no point in insisting.

No need to "extort" the girl for information, "crawl into the soul." Such emotional abuse will scare the girl away. Let the girl keep her personal space.

Spelling mistakes. Don't make mistakes in writing. Your literacy is an indicator of intelligence.

At the same time, the girl should not point out mistakes - tediousness does not attract anyone.

You can check your messages for errors using the service.

Templates. Everyone is fed up with the standard type of expression “Hi, how are you? What are you doing?". Better start developing a topic of conversation based on her hobbies, interests. For example: "Hello! I noticed that you like [actor name]. And soon a film with him will be released on the screens of cinemas, let's go?

Boasting. No need to talk about your coolness - the girl will become disgusted. Talk less, work more.

Abundance of emoticons. Smilies should be in place. A large number of smiles in each sentence makes you think about the adequacy of the guy.

Detailed step by step guide If you see that the girl has lost interest, leave the network. Only losers are constantly sticking out in the network. A successful, self-confident person values ​​his time. He will not waste it on sluggish chatter on the Internet.

Sometimes you can abruptly cut off communication without waiting for her answer. This will create a little intrigue.

Call the girl by her first name more often. All people are sensitive to the mention of their name. Proven by psychologists. By actively using this, you can attract attention and gain confidence.

Dimension. Send her messages at about the same pace as she sends you. If you are too lively to correspond, you will show excessive interest in communicating with her.

A girl can be interested in her hobbies, appearance, cultural manners, scientific achievements, demonstrating material wealth (cars, recreation, gadgets).
Your own material source will raise you as a potential candidate in the eyes of a girl.

Before writing to the lady, filter your page in in social networks, remove:

  • All obscene statements;
  • Subscriptions to dating sites;
  • Photos with other girls;
  • Photos with alcohol and cigarettes;
  • All hints of humiliation of the honor and dignity of lovely ladies;
  • Clear the column of personal information from the interests "Drink beer with friends."
  • Cheerful photographs;
  • Photos from sports;
  • Subscribe to Business Publications:
  • Capture the presence of the car;
  • Promote family values ​​(publicly thank your parents for their contribution to your upbringing).

The peak of the tenderness of the girl will be your family photos with your mother or grandmother.

By creating an account of a respectable and honest young man, proceed to the charm of the girl you like. Pay attention to whether the young lady is burdened with relationships. Joint photos with another guy will confirm their love story. Don't knock on the doorstep of a busy young lady, write another.

What to write Vkontakte

An unobtrusive reception, a feasible and shy guy - "like". A heart at the bottom of a photo or post. It stands for "I like it". A reciprocal like means an interest or the fact that a girl has viewed your profile. When you receive a response signal, write “Hi”, add a compliment or praise.

How to start communication

Do not start communication with the notorious phrase “Hi, let's get acquainted”, it sounds trivial and hackneyed, and Madame's self-esteem instantly takes off. Even if no one paid attention to her for six months. It is worth pausing, building up intrigue, so you can be interested in correspondence in contact. The best way- to say hello, adding a compliment. Write to her: "Hi, you're cute", point to the appearance of the girl:

  • pretty;
  • Attractive;
  • Darling;
  • Charming;
  • Charming.
  • Gorgeous;

Correspondence with a VKontakte girl can be started with the following words:

  1. “Hi, I saw you recently, I would like to chat,” the phrase is relevant for people with a common place to study, work, and relax.
  2. “Hi, the stars told me that I would meet a stunning girl, and it seems that I found her” if you don’t know madam, but you want to start a conversation.
  3. “Hi, I see you love too.? (indicate the specific musical style, hobby, hobby that the girl is engaged in). Option for like-minded people.
  4. “Assalamu alaikum beautiful” - if the girl is a Muslim.
  5. "Peace to your home madam, I see you and I will find mutual language"- For clear girls. Students will understand you law schools and colleges, in these institutions slang phrases are actively used.
  6. “Hello, you just struck me with beauty, pay attention to me” - Standard, often used tackle, quite acceptable.

Compliments are a kind of delight for the ears, tune in to the positive. As a result, the beautiful half of humanity is getting wet, the susceptibility to further communication is growing before our eyes. Don't point to positive features character (kind, affectionate, sociable, cheerful), without having a personal acquaintance with the lady.

How to behave

Watch your language. If girls frankly stick out their body parts (belly, chest, legs, buttocks). It is fashionable to have a big ass, combined with a thin waist. If you notice that this person has photos, with an angle to the fifth point, feel free to praise her. Do not focus on the chest, it sounds vulgar and ambiguous, the goal is to interest her, and not scare her away. Don't text her "Wow! Great chest."

Facilitates courtship - praise. Add that her proportions are standard, rare and she is a unique person. In addition to the body, the guys for the most part do not notice small details, breathtaking eye color or a chic smile. Focus on the details, it's insanely nice to hear these compliments. Preview the profile of a young person on a social network, the presence of similar interests brings people together, write to her about it: “Hi, I accidentally went to your page, you have an amazing musical taste.” She's enchanted, and you've got a pen pal interested. The next step is to look at how to get her attention.

How to get a girl's attention

To attract the attention of a pen pal, a friend request from a guy allows. After writing to her, go to action. Ladies mostly pay attention to:

  • Unusual appearance;
  • Non-standard hobbies or activities;
  • Wallet full of banknotes;
  • sports figure;
  • Talent;
  • Mind and creativity;
  • Popularity.

Unusual appearance comes from nature (freckles, rare skin tone, incision and eye color). Lacking a natural zest, it is created artificially: dyed hair, piercings, tattoos. Together with the inflated torso, it looks bombed.

Indicate hobbies in the profile, for clarity, take a couple of photos. Don't invent things that don't exist. One photo from gym will be clearer than a monotonous text about growing biceps muscles.

Money. Yes, ladies like guys with unlimited wallets. Put an equal sign between money and girls. Photos from resorts, expensive cars, gadgets will indicate material wealth. Create the illusion of a beautiful life with the help of photos, her interest will skyrocket.

A beautiful body, inflated muscles win-win stand out against the background of seedy candidates. Having a toned figure, women will pay attention to you. Guys, dare to take the first step

What talent do you need to have to get a girl's attention? Anyone. A sonorous voice, acting talent, developed hand motor skills will be a plus.

Analytical warehouse mind perfectly comparable to business, smart guy with the money, a real find.

Popularity is expressed in a significant number of friends. A prominent personality, causing wild delight with his appearance in any company, impresses the young ladies.

The lady has the right to refuse the president too, calm down, women have not ended on her.

The refusal is expressed in following form:

  1. I do not meet and do not communicate.
  2. There is a guy.
  3. Ignoring.
  4. Blacklisting.

How to strike up a conversation

Women's psychology is such that you can attract the attention of the interlocutor by starting to ask her questions, be interested in her hobbies and life. Paying attention to a particular person, you automatically focus her eyes on you. A woman is pleased to realize that she has attracted attention. Find out her:

  1. Place of study / work.
  2. Hobbies.
  3. Attitude to interesting activities, events.
  4. Plans for the future.
  5. Travel or vacation (planned or happened).

If during the conversation a conversation started, ask about her political views, pets, attitude to the situation in the country, or discuss the price of gasoline. But the next step.

Text her: "I found your page by accident, you're cute." The answer basically expresses gratitude. Take courage and ask her a banal but informative question “Do you want to talk?” If the answer is yes, I can congratulate you, you have interested the lady, attracted her attention. A negative answer is a categorical unwillingness to get acquainted.

What to ask a girl

When texting, ask the young lady about her studies, work, hobbies, plans for the future, find out about her travels. Take the initiative, show interest.


Ask the girl questions:

  1. Where are you studying?
  2. What course?
  3. Is it difficult to study?
  4. Are you studying budget or commerce?
  5. Do you like your chosen specialty?
  6. What form of education do you have?
  7. Do you like the learning process?
  8. How do you communicate with the team?
  9. Are you planning to go to graduate school?
  10. Where are you thinking of working after graduation?
  11. How do you get to the university (college)?
  12. How long to go?
  13. You must be very tired?

The logical order of questions is preserved, do not clutter up the dialogue with a bunch of questions, choose 2 - 3 you like. Ask, drop the shyness.


An extensive topic for conversation. It is relevant everywhere, everyone discusses the work, do not shy away from it, ask a couple of professional questions.

List of working questions:

  1. Where do you want to work?
  2. Have you thought about starting your own business?
  3. What do you want to do next?
  4. Where do you work?
  5. How much pay?
  6. Would you like to make money from your hobby?
  7. Do you have hobbies that generate income?
  8. What would you choose, to work at an unloved enterprise with high wages, or to do what you love, but for a penny?

Pay attention to the girl's answer, here you will find out how important money is to her.


What makes a person interesting is what he loves to do. Having learned about a hobby, it is realistic to draw up an approximate description, to identify the dominant character traits.

Ask her a few of the following questions:

  1. Do you have a favorite activity?
  2. What do you do in your free time?
  3. It would be interesting to hear about your hobby
  4. How do you feel about sports?
  5. Which is better, physical activity or creative activity?
  6. What music do you listen to?

Travel or vacation

Traveling is useful and necessary, for the sake of new sensations, emotions, interesting stories. Touch on this topic, it is fresh and relevant.

Choose a couple of questions "an avid traveler":

  1. Have you been abroad?
  2. How many countries have you visited?
  3. Where did you like it the most?
  4. What Russian cities have you been to?
  5. What can you say about (city you visited)
  6. What do you prefer, active or passive rest?
  7. How do you feel about outdoor recreation?
  8. Did you like the sea sunset?
  9. Have you ever flown on an airplane?
  10. What is your longest flight?
  11. Where did you like it the most?
  12. Where would you like to go?

Choose, improvise, ask questions to the girl.

Plans for the future

Interested in a girl by correspondence and having a further relationship with her are two different things. A young man should evaluate the real prospects for further communication with a beauty.

Questions of a vague future:

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  2. Would you like to move to another country?
  3. What position excites you the most?
  4. Are you planning to move to another city?

What to write to get interested

We have already figured out how to attract the attention of a girl, what to ask her. The interest of a nice woman is half the work done. The young man, collecting information about her, subsequently tells about himself.

Ways to get your pen pal interested:

  • Tell her about your virtues;
  • Show your skills and abilities;
  • Captivate with a sense of humor;
  • Having an athletic physique, she will be interested in you herself;
  • Tell about your achievements.

Showing your best side, you increase your chances. Tell us about your achievements, sports awards, career successes, titles and any merits.

Skills and abilities. Any acquired skill is of interest. Showcase your skills with video or photos. The ability to show tricks will impress the beauty for a long time, and she will want to continue communication.

A sense of humor is valued throughout life. The ability to joke funny is worth its weight in gold. Humor causes a smile, laughter, fun, saves from adversity, cheers up. A good sense of humor seeks the location and interest of the girl.

Having a beautiful, toned body, confirmed by photos on social networks, girls will become interested in you. Athletic body is half the success. They pay attention to handsome guys, agree to get acquainted.

Remember, simplicity and sincerity are your trump cards. Paphos, excessive self-confidence, boastfulness will play a negative role. Simple, kind and sympathetic young people are more sympathetic than pretentious alphas.

How to keep the conversation going

Express your thoughts openly, ask questions, be an active participant in the conversation. Talk to the young lady, answer her questions. Activate miner mode.

Keep up the conversation wisely:

  • Listen to the interlocutor, along the way asking questions;
  • Answer with polysyllabic phrases;
  • Get to the heart of the conversation;
  • Throw original themes;
  • Give cases from life;
  • Joke, activate the charm;
  • Tell us about your own personality and hobbies;
  • Use the principle of simplicity and openness;
  • Do not brag about love affairs.

By mutually expressing thoughts, a man and a woman understand whether they are interesting to each other. If a stream of uninteresting information is pouring into your ears, think about stopping the correspondence. Having found a common topic for conversation, but embarrassed to be misunderstood, hint about embarrassment to the girl. Restraint does not cause aggression or misunderstanding, but rather a kind of favor. Don't be afraid to be confident and bold. Relationships with the opposite sex will bind you all your life.

The essence of maintaining a conversation is an interest in your interlocutor, and throwing up topics for conversation if the past has exhausted itself.

How to intrigue a girl

Charisma, self-esteem, confidence and easy courage in communication will intrigue your madam. Here are a couple more ways to surprise a friend:

  • Find out her phone number without asking the girl;
  • Punch her place of residence (leave a note or a flower at the door);
  • “Accidentally” cross paths with her on the street;
  • Persuade her friends for a planned meeting;
  • Create a photo collage with her photos;

In specific ways, you will make the girl nervous. Intrigue bordering on insanity. Use advice in hopeless situations. There is a high risk of being branded as a stalker. Carefully, unobtrusively, use one of the methods. The least shocking will be ideas with photos and a call from an unknown number. Don't overdo it with intrigue.

Guys! Collect all your courage, add coolness and go win women's hearts! Throw out bad habits, go in for sports, promote your ideas and there will be no end to the beauties.

Since school, I have been haunted by the question: how to interest a girl? And why does someone manage to do it easily and naturally, and some go and chew snot with their terrible wives until old age. At the same time, some ladies like shy, thoughtful, cute guys, but mostly in the process of longer and closer communication, because from the first minutes they fail to arouse the girl’s interest.

Everything in this life can be learned! And in order to understand how to attract a woman, you need to understand the fundamental principles of communication with the opposite sex.

TOP 9 male qualities that attract girls

These traits will always be relevant, regardless of whether you meet a girl or go on a date, make friends or just chat. Since ancient times, ladies have been paying attention to real men!

  • positive attitude

Who needs you sad? When you approach girls, always smile! You have to radiate positive, because women hate boredom and boring boys, boredom makes them think, and that's bad!

Imagine that you are talking with a friend: make fun of her, joke, tease, joke - she is your best friend at this moment. Just do not overdo it, so as not to offend the girl.

How to get a girl interested in a conversation in 45 seconds

You also need to be able to talk to the ladies! To do this, there are several tricks that will help make the interlocutor interested in you.

  • evoke emotion

Any, except for indifference - this is the worst thing when a girl does not feel anything towards you: make her laugh, if it didn’t work out, make her angry! You definitely need an emotional connection, you need to achieve it by any means.

  • Humor

It has long been known that when a girl laughs, she stops thinking. Make her laugh as much as possible: learn funny jokes, practice telling funny stories from life. If a girl laughs at your jokes, there are chances!

  • Change themes

You have to show how versatile you are - to do this, jump from one topic to another. I saw some attribute in her - talk about it, remembered what you did 5 minutes ago - tell her.

Often guys make the mistake of remembering their ex-girlfriend, although in the right context, mentioning her will play into the hands, but try not to mention the ex when you meet.

  • speak

You need to talk more than her! As soon as she starts to tell you for a long time - do not be afraid to interrupt her, ask additional questions and answer them yourself, ask about personal things. You have to lead the conversation so that the lady is interested! Manage the conversation, don't become the listener!

  • Wish

A must for communication! Flirt with her everywhere and always, otherwise, if she continues to have a relationship with you, then only as a friend and don't count on more! Therefore, show your desire - it's natural!

  • originality

You are not like everyone else! A girl should understand this from the first seconds, because we are always interested in people who are not like our acquaintances. Ask her stupid questions, ask her what she had for breakfast, talk about everyday things like it's the best thing in the world, argue with her knowing that you will lose. After all, who else would do that?

  • compliments to yourself

It's nice to hear praise and compliments from others, but imagine how much beautiful girl gets them a day. Therefore, a move towards non-ordinary - praise yourself, you make all the compliments to yourself, you can also do it, but much less.

  • Intrigue

Women are very curious creatures, so try to intrigue her. It is important that this hooks her, because an uninteresting intriguer will not lead to a result. And in order to hook a girl - find out her hobbies.

All of the above, although they are tips and quite good, but without your own practice it is impossible to succeed! Here are some tips for you to learn how to attract girls and not be afraid to get rejected.


Arrange competitions with your friends on the number of collected numbers per hour. In my case, it was an obligation to get acquainted and take a phone number from 20 girls in an evening, otherwise I'm left to sleep on a bench.

I didn’t know how to please girls at that time, I didn’t know psychological tricks, but I got my 20 numbers, since it was summer and we were relaxing at the sea, so we saw some girls a few more times.


In the process of getting to know each other and trying to please you, you have tactics - these are your behaviors and manners that lead you to the result. With what girls and under what circumstances did you have sympathy?

Try to repeat all the steps and in a greater degree of approaches you will succeed in the same way! This is elementary statistics and a fairly simple idea - it worked out with one, you will be interested in another.

Hello guys! Panfer is in touch with you again. An expert in the field of intersexual and your faithful subject. Go!
In this article, we will consider not only how to interest a girl and what question to ask her, but also what to tell and how to behave and look.

The interest of the girl belongs to the second point complete scheme seduction, the item immediately following the acquaintance, is the main point that distinguishes and distinguishes you from other men. I suppose it also happened to you that when you tried to get acquainted, you did not meet the due enthusiasm in the eyes of the girl.

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As George Carlin joked - 95% of people are gray mass, and I think there is more truth than jokes. The ability to interest a girl and present yourself correctly determines how communication will develop further. If you immediately charmed her, then like clockwork and she will forgive you all the mistakes. To the topic I will give one of my favorite sayings, even though it is from a cartoon:

Style true
Decent behavior
Judgments are objective

How to get a girl interested in dating

First, you need to prepare properly. Think about your appearance, your appearance creates in the head of the interlocutor the first impression of you and what you do.

Approximately like this)

First rule appearance- grooming, cleanliness of clothes and shoes. You should not go to dating places in a tracksuit (the exception is stylized, designer tracksuits). This is certainly not a sentence, but a tracksuit is needed for training. Perfect, of course, ironed White shirt, pants and jacket.

But a casual suit, both a sweater and a T-shirt, will do. If only not gift-advertising. Shoes must be clean and this is important! Not well-groomed shoes - not well-groomed body, underwear. There are many unpleasant parallels that a girl will flash in her brain. You don't need it.

Breath odor is just as important when you're sitting across from each other. Well, you understand. Do not overdo it with perfume, but do not forget about it at all, as well as about deodorant.

Always take care of yourself

Well-groomed hands and nails, I will not go into details about the reasons and the degree of importance, just trust and do not miss this item, please.

The second is communication.

How to get a girl interested in texting

Be friendly, write correctly and beautifully, do not use banal words and questions. Any ordinary question can be asked in a more colorful way and in the form of an open question, this greatly facilitates the construction of a dialogue.

Also, girls love guys who know what they want, so every correspondence should lead to a specific goal, for example, to interest her or an appointment. Also, my advice is better to call and talk confidently than to correspond a lot. This is more in line with the male image and eliminates the girl’s time for reflection, thereby allowing you to achieve your goals with pressure.

This is an example of a rather not very successful photo for VK) Although, it all depends on what kind of audience you are looking for))

To interest a girl in VK, you will need suitable photographs, preferably professional ones. Photos reflect your lifestyle, your physical attractiveness (after meeting you, you may not be remembered at all), who you work for, whether you live interestingly, according to them, the girl chooses the tone with which she will communicate with you. This applies to all social networks and instant messengers where your photo series takes place.

Often asked what question to ask a girl to interest her. It's simple, ask everything about her, this is their favorite topic of conversation. If you talk to her about herself and she will talk for the most part, then in the end you will know that you are the best conversationalist.

In general, the correctness of this statement lies behind the question, who needs whom more? Are you for her, or is she for you? If she needs you more, then she will listen to your nonsense with her mouth open. And in order to cause such a reaction, you need to look good and behave like a man, I mean non-verbal.

To interest a girl on the Internet is a useful skill, but it is much more useful for self-development to behave and be able to interest a girl in a real conversation face to face.

Examples correct photo(with friends in the company, with famous people, in interesting places)

Only with live communication, skill quickly grows, maximum pumping and assimilation of new experience, and most importantly, calibration develops, this is your gift for foreseeing behavior, the upcoming line of conversation, and the interlocutor's response to your words.

How to get a girl interested in live chat

Have you heard of dominance? This is such a cute trait inherent in men. Have you heard that women love powerful men? And also gallant. Confidence and good manners are a great combination.

A smile often solves

Another first rule of making a good first impression, among other first rules, is to have a smile on your face. Women consider a man's smile charming, it speaks of the inner strength to cope with the hardships of life, reliability, confidence and disposition to communicate.

Understand that a woman is worried just like you, hides her insecurities just like you, doesn’t know where to start, and in general is the same living person as you are. And it is likely that she is lonely, and she is glad to meet a worthy companion. Decent is the key word. Women and men are looking for one thing, namely each other. But a woman is smarter in this regard and will test you.

The so-called women's checks. She will follow your words, look for lies and show-offs, she is interested in how much you like her, what you are capable of, what to expect from you. By the way, women are physically weaker than us, but much more cunning by nature.

I do not advise lying, the chance is too great that she will figure you out. It is possible to dress stories about yourself in a slightly brighter wrapper, but do not overdo it. Any lie must be based on at least part of the truth.
An example of how you need to communicate vividly to really interest:

In general, you don’t have to be a tough guy, it’s better to be light and cheerful on the rise - this will bring you much more points. Trust me. And so, what to talk about?

As Dale Carnegie said:

The most beloved and interesting person to us is ourselves.

Conclusion: to become the most interesting conversationalist for her, you must talk more about her and be genuinely interested.

And another tip from the same guy: call her by her name more often, our name is the sweetest sound for us. Thanks Dale.

Indeed, the best topic of conversation is her and her hobbies, praise her, be interested in her. Give the opportunity to speak out and feel special against the background of interest in her person. If there is something to admire, do not forget to do it. When the conversation turns to you, tell us briefly about yourself, as befits a man., without boasting, without forgetting to mention your best qualities.

Remember interesting moments from life that characterize you on the good side, perhaps you have met or are familiar with one of the celebrities. This is certainly pop, but fascinating. Remember the moments for which you yourself can respect yourself, do not hesitate to talk about spiritual components, without fear of seeming too soft, but without fanaticism and snot.

You are a man, but you have a heart and no one forbade loving kittens. A little self-irony is a sign of strength, it can be the same story about a kitten, but which you rescued from a tree and fell with it, the kitten ran away safe and sound, and you got really dirty.

Irony is one of the ways to display intelligence, and self-irony is the absence of complexes ...

All stories are positive, with a smile, and to bring a smile. No one is interested in your problems and difficulties, you will not wait for pity, but you will lose respect and you will be called a whiner. Girls are looking for funny guys with an easy attitude to life, with which they will hide from difficulties. Guys, followed by a certain halo of lightness and happiness. Be that guy. And not a cool biker capable only of a pose of cancer and 0% of the content of romance in the blood.

Remember, don't talk bad about yourself! Do you put bad references in your resume when applying for a job? During a conversation, position yourself as you like, take as much space in space as you need, if something interferes on the table, move it away.

Always be confident

No need to shrink into a ball, close with your hands, all these are symbols of your insecurity. You will look like a schoolboy, in line at a brothel. Don't be afraid to take a girl by the hand, it's legal for now. If you are hooked on a personal topic, look into your eyes while waiting for an answer, you will hear the truth more often. In general, look into her eyes more often. It's adorable for girls. It doesn’t matter what color your pupils are, but if your gaze is “on the spot”, then she will say that you have beautiful and bright eyes. You can give her the same compliment.

By the way, if you want to take a good look at her figure or individual parts of the body, then it went only when done modestly. If you do it confidently, then this is perceived as an evaluative look from a confident man. And you will probably notice that she noticed this, and this is not a reason to look away. Read to absorb.

She will start to be embarrassed, maybe she will say something, you just parry it with a compliment to her figure and that's it. Yes, it reveals your vulgar intentions, but that's okay. The main thing is without undue modesty, and everything is in order.

Tilt of the body: When you lean towards her, you show interest, but if there is no reciprocal interest in your person, then you should lean back in your chair. She should see that your attention to her is weakening. This may provoke her to return your interest in her.

We will do the same with the hand, when your hand lies on her hand, this is a kind of closeness, a symbol of the fact that you are drawing closer. If she says something that you don't quite like, you abruptly remove your hand and just slightly, as if by accident, push her hand away. Very little. Take out your phone and take a break to look at the time. She will think that the topic is not to your liking, and most likely will change it.

Arrange a swing, sometimes they greatly save the situation.

Sometimes, in order to return an arrogant (too talkative, impudent, arrogant) girl to the ground, it is enough to be distracted to the side by leaning back. This is a very gallant gesture of disregard for conversation. If it does not work, and the lady does not slow down the horses, then offer the lady chewing gum, let her think that she has bad breath. But this extreme case among the gallant remarks.

How to get an ex girlfriend interested

One old trick came to my mind on this topic and now I’ll tell you about it. Relationships always end for only one reason - one partner has ceased to like the other. Everything else is excuses and excuses. It all comes down to one thing - one stopped liking the other.

The initiator of the breakup is always alone, he suffers less, and the one who was abandoned suffers more. According to the moral state, the initiator of the separation dominates and is confident in himself and his rightness. All attempts of the “abandoned” to fix something cause only disgust in the initiator.

In order to be successful, it is recommended that the thrown out of sight for a while, taking full responsibility for the lost time and how the initiator will spend it. You can disappear for six months. Then you should change a lot, beyond recognition. Outwardly, change the conversational style and demeanor, attitude towards the initiator. In general, stop being predictable and surprise with the novelty of your content.

What do you think, which way is more difficult to interest?

When a student overcomes his fears of getting to know each other and is already going to consciously get to know each other, then a second fear arises FEAR OF NOT INTERESTING THE GIRL.

This is fully justified, as the competition among guys is growing, which means you need to properly interest the girl in order to get her attention.

When my students ask me how to interest a girl or what question to ask a girl to interest her. I explain that this is not a super-template like (YOUR MOTHER GIRL DOES NOT NEED A SON-IN-LAW) after which she will simply die for you.
You need to work hard on yourself.

  • appearance;
  • fashion style;
  • well-groomed and most importantly - clean hair;
  • superficial psychology of communication.

Ideally, look in the mirror and ask yourself, If I were a girl, would I be interested in the man in the mirror? Often the answer is NO.

What does it mean? That's right, work on yourself and improve yourself comprehensively, and not just make approaches and get acquainted with the goal of taking the next number. Then sit at home and think, something the girl does not pick up. Because you are not interested in her man!

Look around, what kind of men are around. One is not combed, the second puts on his old jacket, which is already three years old. All pale, tired and dissatisfied. It’s not difficult, I think, to stand out in this mass, update your wardrobe, make a stylish hairstyle, go to the solarium a couple of times and that’s it, you are a chocolate bar in a beautiful wrapper.

Of course I exaggerated. Everything is not so scary))

Yes, you may have noticed that in my articles I go deeper in order to find a real solution, and not give a superficial one. In our individual trainings, we work completely comprehensively.

How to get a girl interested in dating

Let's analyze live dating, how can you interest a girl? Compliments. Make extraordinary compliments, find something that distinguishes her from the girls around her, for example, she is dressed creatively, her trousers are so short. Or she is without makeup but looks amazing. Focus on it.

For example, if you are wondering what question to ask a girl to get her interested, here are some simple examples:

  1. You have very unusual trousers, what are they called? They sit well on you.
  2. Are you wearing makeup now? Damn, you just can’t tell, you’re cool without makeup, right? So natural and alluring.

As you can see, we do not use template phrases because it doesn't work anymore.

When you communicate with a girl, she carefully listens to your every phrase and looks for meaning in it, but if you say - you are so cute - you are very beautiful, then she will say that this is another banal tackle or even worse AAA PIKAPER.

Here is a video where I give an example of how to interest a girl in a conversation:

How to get a girl interested in texting

It all starts with a profile, so that the girl just answers you, you need to interest the girl on the Internet. How to do it?

Make your profile stylish, update your photos, and write a few words about yourself…
The avatar should be only you! Often guys make a mistake, and they put a photo on the avatar where they are not alone, but with friends on barbecue or just with a close friend. It is not right!

Sometimes it is also referred to as an avatar or simply ava. However, few people know that initially the word avatar, more precisely avatar, meant "deity", and only then it began to be used to depict a virtual character.

Avatar and communication with a VK girl to interest her, eventually meet and have a great time! So, you like a girl, you write to her, of course he comes to your page in order to understand who you are, how you look, how tall you are and much more. And she sees how there are three prnies standing in an embrace.

If you are not a superstar of the social network, then she closes your page and does not respond to you at all. Therefore, I urge you to take a couple of portrait photos in the studio. This will directly affect your communication with girls online, and they will communicate with you more actively.

There is a great studio where we take cool photos for our students... If you are from Moscow, then write me a PM ( Tim I'm from a blog, tell me the studio you wrote about) I'll send you the address and all contacts.

Here is an example of my avatars:

This is my avatar) Beautiful, right? You can do the same

How to interest a girl in VK

After you have upgraded your profile, taken a couple of normal photos, it's time to move on to the most interesting - write to a girl you like, and then of course the question arises of what to write to a girl in VK to interest her.

Go to her VK profile, look at her photo, her hobbies, what she likes to do and more. In a word - analyze her profile. After, you take and write about the photo, if you notice that she has a lot of photos from the hall, then you start talking about the hall. Questions, comments, everything should be related to the audience.

If you saw that she has a Husky dog, then you just write - oh, cool dog, I love husky, I just love it, but how often do you walk it? Is it difficult to take care of her? She will be pleased to answer you, since she herself loves her dog, people tend to tell what they like.

I came across a page of a girl who is visually cute and pleasant, after that I decided to just write to her.

Aline, how tall are you? good photos
- hello, thanks, 172, I don’t remember) what?
cool, just simple, I'm not a curator in a modeling agency
Visually pleasing girl, I want to get to know you. Are you studying?
- Otherwise, I thought you would promote me)) I'm finishing, I'm already working. And you?


As you can see, it’s easy to get a girl interested in communication… You really need to communicate with pleasure and move away from banal patterns.
The fact that she answers my questions and writes - (and you?). That is, he is mutually interested in you, and this clear sign interest. At a minimum, you didn’t start dating like everyone else, but on a live mode, without bothering.

Positioning yourself in communication, often guys write to girls and they simply do not understand the purpose of the guy writing. There is no clarity and positioning. In my correspondence, you saw me writing (Visually nice girl, I want to get to know you.)

So I declare myself and say that I want to know you! After communication continues, then everything is fine and everything is good. It’s much worse when you come in from very far away and in the process of communication the girl simply doesn’t understand who you are and why you are writing to her, this is just a trouble.

Examples of how to interest a girl by correspondence

I will analyze another small example of how to properly interest a girl in VK.
Once again I came across the VK page and I liked the pictures.
I open it.

- Eyes betray everything
- I'm sorry, what?
Voice about her eyes, saying good things.
“Think about it yourself, we don’t know enough for me to write such a thing.
- It's not logical. You started the conversation by firmly stating that my eyes carry some kind of information. Now I'm wondering which one.

So there is interest because of the phrase (Eyes betray everything)
Such a kind of natural intrigue turned out, after that, she herself climbs into the conversation, and wants to understand what it means, and what is happening with her eyes. Girls love to learn new things about themselves.

Someone is bothering about how to interest an ex-girlfriend, everything is simple for me personally, what's the point of getting her interested? I just post photos of who I talk to and how I spend my time. Just as often in the VK tape I throw out a story where I shoot girls and somehow the former are very interested in all this ...

They write very much later, they want attention and communication. Since you are socially adequate and you have girls and besides her. In no way am I urging you to do something, just think about why you need it?

If you still decide that you need to interest the former, then you know how to do it.

After such photos, your relationship can resume, the girl will understand that you are in demand

If you are from Moscow, then we can meet or write on social networks to analyze and solve your problems with girls.