Capital repairs of a dwelling in an apartment building. Overhaul of an apartment building: what does it include? Who should pay them

Many Russians are still interested in pressing issues related to the overhaul of houses. After all, they conscientiously and timely make payments and want to quickly see the result. How to find out when the house will be overhauled, and what is included in this seemingly mythical service? Consider these and other important questions that will help you understand what is happening.

The essence of the problem

For many residents apartment buildings 2012 was truly a turning point. They were suddenly forced to pay large monthly sums for major repairs for some reason. Theoretically, the idea is very good. But time passes, and holes in the roofs, cracks in the walls, outdated communications are not eliminated, and nothing is done at all. In what "foreseeable" future can we expect changes? When public utilities begin to act and have already made at least some repair work to specific addresses of houses?

The need for overhaul

Before the collapse of the USSR, there was no concept of private property. Therefore, the responsibility for modernizing the communications of houses lay with the state, which itself determined the sequence, timing and quality of service.

Everything has changed today. Most of the apartments became private property after privatization. Only a tiny fraction of the housing stock remained under the control of local authorities. Now the well-being of buildings is partly dependent on the citizens themselves. That is why people began to be interested in the issues of capital repairs.

And many are outraged by the compulsion to make contributions. Then they wonder if it's worth paying for a home renovation that hasn't been done yet? The unequivocal answer is yes. Sooner or later, tenants will be forced to make a payment. Otherwise, the owner will not be able to receive subsidies for public Utilities and even manage your property.


Since the people themselves sponsor the repair work, it means that they have every right to receive reliable information. Many begin to pry answers from utility management companies and other local organizations. But often they themselves know little, so they just shrug their shoulders.

Then how do you know when the house will be overhauled? First of all, it is worth referring to Article 168 of the Housing Code, which was amended in December 2012. It says that the work will be determined by the local authorities. Therefore, the schedule is drawn up in the district or city administration.

overhaul schedule

In general, overhaul is a complex event that is carried out once every three to five years. These terms are optimal, but can be changed on an individual basis. It is quite logical that between these works there is a need for small corrections. They will be carried out during scheduled repairs.

For new buildings, a slightly different frequency is set. Their tenants, according to the list of houses for overhaul, will see changes once every seven years. Of course, this fact causes a lot of discontent. Nobody wants to pay in advance for something that has not yet been done and it is not known when it will be done. In addition, sometimes even in new buildings problems with the roof and communications pop up almost immediately, especially if the developers were unscrupulous.

In any case, you shouldn't worry. Everything cash, which were accumulated for major repairs, are stored in a special bank account. In the event of a critical situation that requires immediate intervention, necessary work will be completed ahead of schedule.

The order of formation of priority lists

The schedule for the overhaul of houses is compiled by the local authorities. They determine the lists and the order of priority for the work to be carried out. These data are formed on the basis of information provided by managing organizations and HOAs to state bodies. Numerous building codes are analyzed, and then the question is decided whether a particular building needs major repairs or not.

The following indicators are taken into account.

  • Year of commencement of operation of the property.
  • Building area.
  • Structural deterioration.
  • The scale and scope of work required.
  • Has there been a major overhaul? If yes, in what year.
  • Are there debts from the owners for overhaul.

There are other factors that are individual for each individual building. All these data are analyzed, and the authorities make a decision on the lists of houses for overhaul.

How can I find out the repair date?

There are several ways to get accurate information on lists and deadlines.

1. Contact the representatives of the management company. They are required to communicate such things to residents by posting news on their website (if any) or posting announcements. If the organization does not do this, you can independently come to the management company for information. She must send a request to the district or city administration, to which a response with important data will come in a few days.

2. Personally go to the city council or other local government. Already on the spot you can specify the date of the planned work. You can also do this by writing a paper or email.

There are also more convenient way how to find out when a house overhaul will be. This is an online service.

Online date check

For the convenience of citizens, the Russian authorities guessed to create a public resource where you can, sitting at computer desk, see all the information about the house of interest and its overhaul. Moreover, the information is available not only to the residents of a particular building, but also to any interested or simply curious person. That is, the portal is completely open.

With the help of this online service, it is very easy to determine the order of overhaul by only one address of the house. It is enough to visit the website "Housing and Utilities Reform" and enter the section " Overhaul". And you don't even need to register for this. A window will appear with a search string in which you should enter the number, address of the house and region of residence. In most cases, the system itself issues hints. The request is processed in some milliseconds, and reliable information appears.

Seeing an MKD card in front of you, you should understand that it consists of several pages. One contains information about upcoming and planned work, indicating years and designs. Another tab is a passport, which contains all the data about a particular property. Including the amount of the contribution, the last year of the overhaul of the house, how much money was collected and spent, and other interesting information is indicated there.

What to do if there is no information about the house on the site?

If you are not looking for an included house on the Housing and Public Utilities Reform portal, you should first use the advanced search function. In most cases, it solves the problem. If this did not help, then most likely the management company simply did not submit documents for inclusion in the project. Although she is obliged to do this, since she is engaged in housekeeping.

It is important to know where to complain if such a violation is found. You can apply to the housing inspection, the prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnadzor and even to the court. The choice will depend on individual circumstances. In each case, there is its own sample application, which can be obtained by contacting a particular structure. The parent organization will oblige the management company to submit all information about the overhaul of residential buildings that have not yet been posted on the public portal.


The legislation states that overhaul cannot be carried out earlier than the period specified in the schedule. However, there are times when a building needs “emergency assistance”, and then an exception is possible. Residents should collect signatures and contact the management company with an official letter. After that, experts immediately go to the site and conduct an assessment. If the fears are confirmed, then the representatives of the Criminal Code will offer the local authorities to make changes to the work schedule.

Also, repair activities can take place ahead of schedule if they have enough money that is stored in the account of the house. You can apply for a loan at any bank if you wish. Again, you need to hold a meeting of tenants and, with the consent of everyone, write an application to change the schedule.

In both cases, the decision will still remain with the authorities. They may not approve of the postponement. For example, they may refuse if work is already planned in other buildings of the city in the requested period.

What is beyond repair?

The overhaul program is designed in such a way that tenants cannot always count on modernization, even if they regularly pay receipts. This applies to the following cases.

  • The land on which the building is located is owned by the federal or local authorities.
  • The house is emergency, unsafe and subject to demolition.
  • Debts for major repairs have been accumulated on the property. That is, some tenants simply do not pay receipts (utilities are not included here).

Activities within the framework of the overhaul

The law has long established a detailed list of works that relate to major repairs. They are quite visual and trivial, and they can be observed in any residential building. The collected money is spent on the following things.

  • Roof, basement, foundation repair.
  • Replacement engineering systems: sewerage, water supply, gas pipeline, power supply.
  • Repair of the cabin and elevator shaft, if they are recognized as unsuitable for operation.
  • Improvement of the facade of the building.

At the regional level, this list can be supplemented by the following services that are included in the overhaul of the house:

  • Equipping with common house meters and other devices that increase energy efficiency.
  • Creation of a ventilated roof with exits to it.
  • Building wall insulation.

The list can be added

The above lists are not considered closed, each citizen has the right to supplement them with other services. In addition, residents can independently decide on spending finances if the general meeting decides to form a special account. These are the following types of work:

  • and budgeting for future repairs.
  • Energy audit of the property.
  • Technical certification and inventory of the house.
  • Carrying out supervision of the work performed.

In addition, the program allows residents to increase the minimum contribution rate to cover funding for any additional community property upgrades.


Several parties are involved in the process of modernizing multi-apartment housing. But the main link is still the citizens themselves. Therefore, they simply must be aware of how to find out when the house will be overhauled and what work it includes. Do not wait for the initiative from the management company. It is better to take everything into your own hands and, if necessary, even contact higher authorities to receive quality services.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Overhaul of Apartment Buildings", owners are required to independently pay for the overhaul of the entire building. And the regional authorities should without fail Ensure that all assigned work is completed on time.

This law also provides for the types of repair work and a list of premises in apartment building in which they are to be carried out.

Major house renovation- this is the replacement or restoration of house structures or their elements. That is, as part of the overhaul, those areas of operation that are obsolete or may cause the destruction of the building should be reconstructed or replaced with new ones.

What is included in the overhaul apartment building:

  1. Facade and foundation works.
  2. Replacement of engineering and technical communications.
  3. Elevator repair.
  4. Roofing and basement works.
  5. Installation of common house meters.
  6. Installation of ventilation systems.
  7. Repair inside the entrance.

Law on the overhaul of apartment buildings

In fact, the new law delimited the duties and responsibilities for the overhaul of apartment buildings between the owners and the regional authorities. At the same time, the regional authorities are given an organizing and controlling function, and the owners are given the collection of funds to pay for repairs.

With the entry into force of the law, all subjects of the federation were obliged to prepare regulatory documentation in the shortest possible time in accordance with the overhaul program.

Each subject of the Russian Federation is obliged:

  1. develop and accept regional list works included in the overhaul of the house, determine and set their deadlines.
  2. Determine a regional operator (a fund in which capital repairs will be accumulated and from which funds will be used).
  3. Adopt documents establishing the procedure for work, the minimum amount of contributions, appoint a body to control the performance of work and spending money.

In turn, the owners apartment property hold a meeting at which they establish where the money transferred by them for major repairs will be stored.

According to the law, the owners can choose the bank to which they entrust their funds or transfer them to the fund of the regional operator.

If the owners cannot independently determine the form of keeping money, then this decision is made by the municipal authority for them.

Who pays?

Before the law came into force, repair work on the structures of apartment buildings was paid for from the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund. Now this fund is responsible only for the resettlement of tenants from the dilapidated and emergency fund.

The payment for the overhaul is assigned to the owners of square meters in apartment buildings. Payment for overhaul is a mandatory item in the monthly payment for housing and communal services, its amount is determined individually in each region.

Tenants are exempted from contributions to overhaul:

  1. emergency houses.
  2. Domov, land plot under which it is customary to withdraw in favor of the state.
  3. The apartments are in municipal ownership.

The amount of the monthly contribution for the overhaul of an apartment building is calculated based on the average income in the region. On average in the country it is 6-7 rubles. per square meter of property. Contributions may differ in different categories of housing located in the same region.

Residents who are not owners, that is, they live in non-privatized apartments under a social tenancy agreement, do not have the right to participate in organizational meetings, namely, they cannot make proposals for major repairs and vote.

Another important detail, if some of the owners of an apartment building do not systematically pay contributions for major repairs, this does not relieve them of responsibility. In no case can the missing amount be taken from the funds of respectable residents, but can be recovered in court according to the law.

When is it done?

In order for the house to be overhauled, it is first necessary to decide what type of work is needed and what was the reason for the overhaul.

In some cases, it may turn out that the building needs Maintenance, and not capital, which significantly changes the timing of its implementation and funding:

  1. Resident initiative. To carry out a major overhaul of the house at the initiative of the tenants, you need to convene a meeting of owners. During the meeting, determine what kind of work needs to be done in the house and vote. If more than 2/3 of the owners vote for the overhaul, then a protocol is drawn up with detailed requirements for the proposed work. The protocol is transferred to the Management Company, which will coordinate it with the housing inspection. The last instance appoints terms of repair and makes calculation of its cost. If the housing inspection does not agree with the need for a major overhaul or agrees to a limited type of work, an independent examination can be ordered to confirm the validity of the overhaul. Examination is done for a fee.
  2. Emergency situation. It may happen that no major repairs were planned in the house, but their need arose due to an accident. An accident in the understanding of the Management Company is a breakthrough of water supply, sewerage or heating pipes with fluid leaking out. Work to eliminate the causes of the accident and replace broken pipelines is carried out at the expense of capital repairs in the shortest possible time. That is, if a riser with a hot or cold water, it should be replaced immediately, and not repaired by applying numerous clamps.
  3. Scheduled repairs. Scheduled or current repairs are a separate line of household expenses. The line "current repairs" is indicated in the bills for housing and communal services, and residents pay their money on it. Therefore, the current repair does not belong to the capital one and is carried out according to the plan, depending on the wear of the structures or elements of the building. Scheduled repairs include such works as cleaning pipes, replacing staples, stairs, railings, doors, broken glass, maintenance of building fittings, and cosmetic repairs.

Differences of the current repair

The main difference between the current repair and the overhaul is the possibility of carrying it out without interrupting the building from operation. That is, if repair work on the DHW pipeline does not require the shutdown of all residents, then the repair is ongoing. The same applies to work on the heating or power supply pipeline.

The current repair of an apartment building is carried out periodically and quite often, in addition, scheduled repairs are less expensive than capital repairs.

It should be remembered that these two types of repairs have different sources of funding. Types of work on current and major repairs are specified in the law and are strictly regulated.

Foundation website

Everything related to the overhaul of apartment buildings and not only can be found on the official website of the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Public Utilities at

This is a convenient site that does not require registration, where you can view information such as:

  1. What applications are made to the fund?
  2. Documents, forms and rules for their completion.
  3. Forms for filling out reports.
  4. List of credit institutions of the country where you can open accounts for the overhaul fund.
  5. Detailed information about materials and technologies modern renovation apartment buildings.
  6. Innovations in documentation.

The site constantly publishes housing and communal services news from all regions of the country. In addition, there is a telephone number of the "Hot Line" where you can get answers to your questions.

The problems associated with the implementation of major repairs and the maintenance of real estate objects are urgent for the government apparatus and managing organizations. The seriousness of the task is due to an increase in the level of responsibility of citizens for the maintenance of houses and the deterioration of housing stock. However, first you need to find out what is included in the overhaul.

The concept of overhaul

Overhaul is the performance of work aimed at eliminating the design flaws in the common property of the owners in an apartment building. Such activities also include the reconstruction or replacement of components in order to improve the overall properties.

It is worth knowing that the capital repair fund and other resources are sources of costs for restoration work.

In addition to capital, the latter is also a set of measures taken to prevent wear and tear of real estate and eliminate minor damage.

Most often, current repairs are planned. Such work is carried out quite often and does not require significant financial costs.

Capital Repair Fund

The overhaul fund consists of several elements. That is, it includes a contribution for major repairs, interest calculated for the use of finance from a specialized account and paid by the owners for failure to fulfill their obligations to transfer payments.

The funds received can be used to solve several problems. For example, to pay for the repair of common property. In addition, the money can be used to repay loans for services already provided or to develop project documentation.

If the building is in disrepair, then the fund's funds are used to demolish or reconstruct the building. At the same time, the owners of real estate deal with this issue.

Contributions for overhaul

Contribution for the overhaul of common property must be paid by the owners every month. The amount of such payment is specified in the relevant legal document. It should be remembered that such a payment must be made after seven calendar days. It can also be started after the publication of a regional program for the implementation of restoration activities. Contribution for major repairs is not paid in the event of the building being in an emergency condition.

The amount of such a contribution depends on the number of floors, the period of operation, the amount of work required and belonging to a particular municipal organization. Also, the owners, based on the results of the general meeting, can increase the entry fee for the overhaul of common property.

In addition, the authorities should regularly review the level of the minimum payment. This study depends on the income level of the population and the prices for restoration work. Calculating the amount of the contribution is quite simple. To do this, multiply total area at the rate specified in the legal act.

List of works

The legislation approved a register of services that are provided at the expense of the existing fund. What is included in the renovation of an apartment building? In accordance with the resolution, house maintenance work includes a technical inspection of the premises and its elements, preparation for the operation of the building at various times of the year, and the provision of additional services. Capital repairs cover the replacement of internal communications, for example, water supply systems, heating systems and more. In addition, this includes checking elevator equipment, roofs, basements and facades.

However, there are some additions. In particular, measures are being taken to insulate the walls, equip the ventilation system and install meters.

Roof repair

Is it possible to save?

The funds to form the fund may come from other sources. Moreover, the money received is spent both on paying existing debts and on financing additional work.

Other sources include cash received for leasing non-residential premises and placement of advertisements. At the same time, the intermediary has the right to make discounts on payments, for example, to pensioners, veterans.

Quality of work

The organization that carries out restoration work is obliged to ensure their quality in accordance with established requirements and rules.

The relevant agreement defines the norms for the implementation of major repairs and safety indicators that construction floors must meet.

Monitoring the progress of the work falls on the shoulders of the regional operator or the partnership of owners. Also government bodies can be part of this process. Such a service undertakes to maintain a list of notices and special accounts, provide necessary information and report on the progress of events.


Having learned what is included in the overhaul of an apartment building, we can draw some conclusions. For example, the overhaul fund is formed at the expense of finances received from the owners. The frequency of such work depends on the period of operation of the materials. In particular, the service life of a slate roof is thirty years, and a cast-iron pipeline is forty. Contributions to the respective fund are obligatory. Whether to pay for major repairs is decided directly by the owner of the property. However, it should be remembered that non-payment of contributions leads to the calculation of interest and litigation.

Is there a guarantee for overhaul work?

The contractor guarantees the quality of all works, installed equipment, systems, installations, mechanisms, engineering systems, general construction works.

The warranty period starts from the date of acceptance of the work and lasts for five years. The contractor is obliged to proceed with the elimination of defects under the guarantee no later than two days after the receipt of the complaint.

If you don't like the result, who can complain?

For all questions related to the implementation of the regional capital repair program, residents can contact the Capital Repair Fund for Moscow apartment buildings, the Our City portal, hotline Mayor of Moscow, to the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow.

Residents can choose any form of communication that is convenient for them: Internet, telephone, mail.

How is the acceptance of work carried out during the overhaul?

Acceptance of the work performed is carried out by a special commission, which includes without fail: a representative of the Overhaul Fund; Fund technical supervision engineer; contractor's representative; authorized representative of apartment owners; authorized municipal deputy; representative of the management company of the house; if gas supply is being overhauled or elevators are being replaced - representatives of specialized operating organizations.

Who controls the quality of capital repairs in Moscow?

First of all, the Overhaul Fund is in charge of quality control of the work, materials and other parameters: each house is assigned its own technical supervision engineer. Of course, the contracting organization itself is also responsible. The warranty period for works is five years.

If the decoration of the apartment is partially damaged during the overhaul, who is responsible for this, and is the damage compensated somehow?

Responsibility for damage to property during the overhaul lies with the contractor that carries out the work. In this case, compensation for the damage caused is paid either by the contractor himself, or Insurance Company with whom he has a contract.

Do I need to leave the apartment during the overhaul?

Capital repairs of houses are carried out without resettlement of owners. All work in the apartments is carried out in their presence at the time agreed with them in accordance with the rules for carrying out construction work, taking into account the law on silence.

What to do if you do not like the behavior of workers? When should house cleaning be done?

In such situations, you need to contact the technical supervision engineer who controls the implementation of major repairs in a particular house by phone at the information stand. You can also contact the Overhaul Fund by calling the numbers listed on its website, or using the electronic reception. In addition, it is possible to leave a complaint on the Our City portal.

Construction debris must be removed daily after the end of the working day.

Is it possible to not pay for overhaul?Passions worthy of Shakespeare's tragedies are still boiling over overhaul fees, which some consider to be a completely natural phenomenon, while others see it as a fraud. The RIA Real Estate website decided to answer the most pressing question - is it possible to legal basis not pay for a major overhaul?

What works are included in the list of overhauls under federal law, and what is additionally done in Moscow?

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the list of services and works for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building includes:

1) repair of intra-house engineering systems of electricity, heat, gas, water supply, sanitation;

2) repair or replacement of elevators recognized as unsuitable for operation, repair of elevator shafts;

3) roof repair;

4) repair of basements belonging to common property;

5) facade repair;

6) foundation repair.

The list of works and services for the overhaul of houses in Moscow, which are financed from the overhaul funds, formed at the expense of minimum contributions, includes:

1) repair of intra-house engineering power supply systems;

2) repair of intra-house engineering systems of heat supply;

3) repair of intra-house engineering gas supply systems;

4) repair of intra-house engineering water supply systems (hot and cold water supply);

5) repair of intra-house engineering systems of water disposal (sewerage);

6) repair or replacement of elevator equipment recognized as unsuitable for operation, repair of elevator shafts;

7) roof repair;

8) repair of basements belonging to common property in an apartment building;

9) facade repair;

10) replacement of window blocks located in common areas;

11) foundation repair;

12) repair of the internal smoke exhaust system and fire-fighting automation, repair of the fire water pipeline;

13) repair or replacement of the garbage chute;

14) repair or replacement of the internal drain;

15) development and examination of project documentation, including architectural supervision of work on the preservation of cultural heritage sites, identified cultural heritage sites, scientific management of the specified works in the case of work on the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings in the city of Moscow, which are objects of cultural heritage, identified objects of cultural heritage, the implementation of construction control, the assessment of the compliance of elevators with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "Safety of elevators".

If a person does not pay contributions, and major repairs in his house have begun, then it turns out that he will receive everything for free?

Since all apartment owners are required to participate in the cost of maintaining the house, no one can get a major overhaul for free. And, in accordance with the law, all the same standard measures are applied to non-payers of overhaul contributions as to other debtors.

First, the Capital Repair Fund sends a notification to non-payers about the need to repay the debt. As a rule, most of the owners pay off the debt at this stage. Otherwise, the foundation sues: individuals to the judicial district of the justice of the peace, depending on the territorial principle, to the legal ones - to the Metropolitan Arbitration Court.

Can it happen that there is not enough money for all the necessary work? What to do then?

If the owners pay contributions to the "common pool", then no matter how much they managed to collect by the time the repair begins, it will be carried out. This happens at the expense of funds accumulated by the owners of apartments in other houses.

Owners of housing in a renovated house reimburse the amount spent with subsequent contributions to the overhaul. This system allows you to put in order the most worn-out housing stock, without waiting for the owners to collect the required amount.

How much does a major overhaul cost on average? square meter Houses?

There is no fixed cost of overhaul: the cost of work will be determined based on the design and estimate documentation, which is developed individually for each house. At the same time, all projects undergo state expertise.

Is it possible to speed up the overhaul of the house?

In order for the overhaul to be carried out ahead of schedule, the owners must collect contributions for it on a special account of their home, and not on a single city capital repair fund. To carry out the work, it is necessary that the necessary amount has been collected on the account.

In Moscow, there is a service "Get information from the Capital Repair Fund", where you can find all the necessary information about the repair in electronic form. In particular, information on the amount of accruals and payments of contributions for all premises in the house, including non-residential and departmental ones.

As far as I understand: the current repair is the repair of common property in an apartment building ..... in accordance with the established regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, a major overhaul is the repair of common property in an apartment building in order to restore its resource or replace structural elements.
1. The main thing that is not clear in all this, where is the border between major and current repairs?
(for example, the plaster in the entrance has collapsed in places, or a pipe has burst, etc.)
2. How or on the basis of what the amount of monthly payments for current and major repairs is formed.
1.3. Repair classification
The system of repairs of apartment buildings provides for regulated repairs and repair and reconstruction transformations at certain intervals (see Fig. 1.1).
excerpt from fig. 1.1:
Overhaul - repair of a building with the replacement, if necessary, of structural elements and systems of engineering equipment and with the elimination of functional (moral) wear and tear by modernizing them.

Reconstruction of a building - a set of works and organizational and technical measures with the elimination of physical and functional (moral) wear and tear and changes in technical and economic indicators in order to improve living conditions, quality of service and increase the volume of services.

Overhaul periods and approximate volumes of repairs and repair and reconstruction for the purpose of long-term planning are recommended to be taken in accordance with VSN 58-88 (p), and for medium-term and short-term planning, they are specified on the basis of the technical condition, architectural and planning and design features apartment buildings.

Capital repairs of buildings- replacement or restoration individual parts or whole structures(with the exception of the complete replacement of the main structures, the term of which determines the service life of the apartment building as a whole) and engineering and technical equipment of buildings due to their physical wear and tear, as well as the elimination, if necessary, of the consequences of the functional (moral) deterioration of structures and the performance of work to increase the level of internal improvement, i.e. modernization of buildings. During the overhaul, the physical (partially) and functional (partially or completely) depreciation of buildings is eliminated.

Overhaul involves the replacement of one, several or all systems of engineering equipment, as well as bringing all the structural elements of the house into good condition.

Overhaul is divided into complex overhaul and selective overhaul.

a) Comprehensive overhaul is a repair with the replacement of structural elements and engineering equipment and their modernization. It includes work covering the entire building as a whole or its individual sections, in which their physical and functional wear is compensated.
b) Selective overhaul is a repair with full or partial replacement of individual structural elements of buildings and structures or equipment, aimed at full compensation for their physical and partially functional wear.

Attribution to the type of overhaul depends on the technical condition of the buildings assigned for repair, as well as the quality of their planning and the degree of internal improvement.

For example, work to replace a cold water or hot water riser can be recognized as related to major repairs. Or rather, a selective overhaul. Although there is another opinion (see below).

A comprehensive overhaul in relation to Federal Law No. 185-FZ provides for the performance of all types of work provided for in Article 15 (with the exception of the repair of basements and elevators in those buildings where they are not available).
When carrying out repairs, materials should be used that ensure the standard service life of structures and systems being repaired. The composition of the types and subtypes of work must be such that after the overhaul the apartment building fully meets all operational requirements (for more details, see Section 2). Selective overhaul in relation to Federal Law No. 185-FZ is assigned to certain types works provided for in Article 15.
Selective overhaul is carried out based on the technical condition of individual structures and engineering systems by their complete or partial replacement.

2.1.9. The list of works performed during the overhaul of the housing stock is given in Appendix 9 to. Annex 3 to the list of structural elements, engineering systems and equipment and the approximate terms of their operation before the overhaul. The list covers the entire variety of multi-apartment buildings in terms of design characteristics and engineering arrangement, built and operated at the time of the release of this regulatory document, and, therefore, applicable for the purposes of these guidelines within the framework established by Part 3, Article 15 of Federal Law No. 185-FZ.

2. For major repairs - on the basis of an estimate for the work. The estimated amount is divided by the total area of ​​​​residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building (excluding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcommon areas) and by the number of months during which, based on the decision made by the owners, the cost of work will be paid.

The second option for paying for major repairs is in the amount of. This is simple and straightforward, but does not take into account the individual characteristics of each case. In addition, this federal standard was not originally intended to be included in payments. was designed for use in intergovernmental relations.

In any case, the decision on the amount of payment for current and major repairs is made at the general meeting of the owners of the premises of the MKD (and if in the house of the HOA, then the decision is made in the manner prescribed by the charter of the partnership).

3. Additional information on the issue

On the issue of attributing work to current or major repairs, there is another opinion based on the recommended Appendix No. 7 to.
I quote:

List of works related to the current repair
12. Water supply and sewerage, hot water supply
Installation, replacement and restoration of working capacity individual elements and parts of elements of internal water supply and sewerage systems, hot water supply, including pumping units in residential buildings.
In this way, work on the replacement of cold water and hot water risers can be recognized as related to current repairs. There is jurisprudence.

Those. the key question that gives rise to discrepancies is what to count "system" and "element" in this context. An unambiguous answer to it in regulations not found yet.

4. Types of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ

Article 15
Part 3. The types of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings in accordance with this Federal Law include:
1) repair of intra-house engineering systems of electricity, heat, gas, water supply, sanitation;
(clause 1 as amended by the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 N 441-FZ)
2) repair or replacement of elevator equipment recognized as unsuitable for operation, if necessary, repair of elevator shafts;
3) repair of roofs;
4) repair of basements belonging to common property in multi-apartment buildings;
5) insulation and repair of facades;
6) installation of collective (common house) metering devices for resource consumption and control units (thermal energy, hot and cold water, electrical energy, gas);
(clause 6 was introduced by the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 N 441-FZ)
7) repair of foundations of apartment buildings.
(clause 7 was introduced by the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 N 441-FZ, as amended by the Federal Law of December 25, 2012 N 270-FZ)

Look, and if the overhaul has already been spent with budget money, then what to do in this case? let's say they did a thorough overhaul, then created an HOA, will it still send part of the money from the tariff rate somewhere? or how. Dmitriy.

The same work cannot be accounted for under two articles - both as a major overhaul at the expense of budgetary funds, and as current repairs on behalf of the HOA. Either one or the other.
Collecting payment for housing, the HOA spends it on the current operational needs of the house and the formation of a repair fund.
But if the condition for overhaul at the expense of budgetary funds was the payment by members of the HOA of a certain share of the overhaul fee (as is happening now under 185-FZ), then the HOA will collect a targeted fee for overhaul and send the collected funds where to go.