Building block calculator. How to calculate the number of foam blocks per house: calculations and solutions to construction problems How many foam blocks will go to a house 6x8

Today we will see how many cubes of a foam block are needed to build a house of 6 by 6 meters. Since the geometric dimensions of the blocks differ for each manufacturer, it is wrong to count the number of blocks that are required at home.

Let's make a reservation right away that we will give numbers for one-storey house... If you need to calculate the volume and number of foam blocks for two-storey house, then multiply all digits by 2.

Let's take the most common floor height - 280 centimeters. At this height, the rooms in the house will not be too low or too high.

The height of the floor is considered from the subfloor to the rough ceiling, since each owner chooses the decorative finish himself. And the thickness of materials for decorative finishing floor and ceiling can vary greatly.

How many cubes of foam blocks do you need to build a 6 by 6 house

How will it end? That's right, it will end with the collapse of a thin 20-centimeter wall under load from the roof or during a strong wind.

Today, the construction of houses from foam concrete is gaining everything high speed... And this is not surprising, because this material has such parameters that cannot but attract buyers. There are several opinions on how to correctly calculate the cost of building a house from foam blocks.

We will dwell on this issue in this article.

Why foam block

First of all, let us remind you: do not confuse foam concrete with aerated concrete. In one of the articles on our site, the fundamental differences between the two materials are discussed in detail. It should be noted that the price for foam concrete is more favorable.

What he really is

A foam block is a small "bar" made by mixing concrete mix with special foaming components. It is the foam that forms cavities in the concrete, which reduce its weight and increase the heat-insulating parameters.

Its standard size is 200 * 300 * 600 mm. For clarity, look at the photo below, and imagine how much time you can save on laying foam blocks.

Houses made of this material cost significantly less than houses of the same size made of bricks or, for example, timber. And if you are not lazy and build everything with your own hands, then the savings will surpass even the most daring expectations.

With an attractive price, foam block houses or cottages are in no way inferior in their parameters to stone or wooden ones. An attractive feature of the material can also be called its environmental friendliness.

Material pluses

  1. During production, additives that negatively affect human health are not used, which makes it possible to build children's or health-improving complexes from it. With such a construction, considerable attention is paid to sound insulation - and foam concrete has no equal in it.
  2. The structure of the material itself is favorable for further processing ... With the help of simple tools, you can give the block any shape you want.
  3. The porous structure does not impede gas exchange and the house "breathes" no worse than a wooden one.
  4. From the previous point, it logically follows the fact that such a house is not characterized by excessive moisture and dampness.... With foam concrete you will forget about mold and drips.
  5. Not only the size, but also the masonry principle will help save time and mortar... After all, the gap between the blocks should not exceed 3 mm.
  6. Both exterior and interior decoration will also not deliver you unnecessary hassle, because the layer of plaster does not have to be thick at all.
  7. Foam concrete has excellent fire resistance... At high temperature the material does not crumble or crack, protects the fittings from heating. In the event of force majeure, such a house will not let you down.

Cons of material

There are few of them, but they are still present:

  • Low weight with high volume, of course, leads to a loss of strength. For this reason, the foam block has not received and will not receive widespread distribution in multi-storey construction. Although, because you are building private house, and this is unlikely to be a problem, because cottages are rarely higher than 3 floors.
  • The need to monitor the correctness of the masonry. If the layer of the solution exceeds 3-4 mm, then you risk losing both heat and sound insulating properties.

Let's move on to the main question

So, our main task is to calculate the cost of building a house from foam blocks. It cannot be done separately from clarifying the stages of construction. After all, only after analyzing the whole process in parts, you can take into account every detail.


The calculation of the foam block for building a house should be carried out based on the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe walls. Foam blocks are sold in cubic meters and, to find out the amount you need, simply multiply the thickness of the block by the area of ​​the walls.

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A complete calculation of the cost of building a house from foam blocks is as follows:

  • We will stipulate right away that our sample has a width of 8 m, a length of 10 m and a height of 3 m. The main and external walls are taken into account.
  • the cost of the roof, foundation and other works can be calculated using separate calculators on our website.
  • so, we calculate the perimeter of the building: 10 * 2 + 7.4 * 2 = 34.8 m (round up to 35). A reasonable question arises: how much is 7.4 meters, and not 8? The answer is simple: you have folded 2 walls of 10 meters each, and from eight you need to subtract the width of the block, that is, 30 cm.
  • now we find out the area of ​​the walls: 35 * 3 = 105 sq. Everything is clear here: the perimeter multiplied by the height.
  • Subtract the area of ​​windows and doors from the resulting area. This is purely individual for each project, so for convenience, let's assume that they occupy 10 sq. M. Remains 95 sq.m.
  • We find out the area of ​​the foam block: 0.6 * 0.2 = 0.12 sq. It turns out that for 1 sq. accounts for 1 / 0.12 = 8.3 foam block.
  • So, we finish the calculation: 95 * 8.3 = 788.5 blocks are needed for the outer walls.
  • It would seem that the calculation of materials for building a house from foam blocks is over, but no! We left out the main wall.
  • Its length in our sample will be 9.4 meters. We multiply by the height - we get an area of ​​28.2 sq. Again, let's say that the windows and doors will occupy 5 sq. We get 23.2 sq. 23.2 * 8.3 = 192.5 blocks.
  • We add up the numbers obtained: 788.5 + 192.5 = 981 blocks are needed for such a building.

So, the calculation of building a house from foam blocks showed that we need 981 blocks. There are 27.7 blocks in one cubic meter. With a simple calculation we find out that we need 35 cubic meters.

The cost of 1 cubic meter is about 3000 rubles. As you can see, a house of a given size will cost a very modest amount. Of course, this is just the frame of the building, but you must admit that the same brick would cost 2-3 times more.

It should be noted that this instruction is approximate and accurate calculation is possible only with a thorough knowledge of the project.

Construction progress

  • the first step is to build a foundation for a house made of foam blocks. Since the foam block is light, there is no need to spend money on expensive monolithic foundation... An excellent replacement for it can be a tape one, on which much less crushed stone, sand, concrete is spent, and even reinforcement is taken of a smaller diameter.

  • after the base has gained the required strength, it is time for laying. They begin by laying roofing material between the basement and the first row as waterproofing.
  • the corner blocks are laid first. Moreover, special attention is paid to the corner, which according to the plan will become the highest. The angle is leveled and proceed to the next.
  • then a cord is pulled over the corners and the space between them is filled. If the whole block does not fit in one of the rows, then the excess part is cut off from it and the resulting piece is installed in the gap.
  • each next row is installed according to the same principle: from the corners. Verticals and horizontals are checked according to the level and the cord.

Remove any irregularities immediately with a plane.

  • To prevent the walls from cracking during shrinkage, the masonry must be reinforced. Reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm is laid in pre-cut grooves 4 by 4 cm in size, which, after installation, are filled with glue or mortar.
  • Electrical wiring is also laid in grooves according to the same principle, however, the laying scheme depends on the specific project.

  • Particular attention is paid to door and window openings. All cut grooves are overlaid metal corner flush.

Another small tip: to cut blocks, you need to use a special hacksaw for foam concrete with large teeth.
With proper cutting, you will avoid crumbling of the material.

Let's summarize

As you can see, calculating the construction of a house from foam blocks cannot be called a very complicated process. But this in no way diminishes its importance in planning work.

To get even more insight into the process of erecting a foam block building, pay attention to the video in this article. Until next time on the pages of our site.

It is not for nothing that these products are widely used in individual construction. Not only residential buildings are erected from it, but also various outbuildings - garages (see details), sheds, baths. The popularity is largely due to the fact that all the work can be done without resorting to the services of professional craftsmen. But regardless personal experience, each "private trader" is inevitably faced with the problem of how to calculate the number of foam blocks.

Even at the planning stage and preparation for construction, you have to carefully calculate all the necessary costs, including the purchase of this material. At the end of the article, you can find a calculator for foam blocks, but you still need to know the technique yourself. At least in order to check the correctness of the calculations obtained, and, consequently, the preparation of an estimate, if this work was carried out by a representative of the company that will conduct the construction under the Agreement.

Even if you use the "service", it may not take into account some of the features of the house under construction. Most calculators do not take into account the number and parameters of door and window openings and focus on "solid" walls.

When calculating, you need to rely on the project. Even if it is not there (for example, for a garage), then the dimensions of the future structure are taken as a basis.

Initial data

  • The total length of the exterior walls of the house and the height of the masonry.
  • Interior partitions (the aggregate of their sizes minus the dimensions of the doors).
  • Wall thickness. For external and internal, these data are different.
  • The volume of rejected products. This is often not taken into account, although in the process of delivery to the construction site, some foam blocks become unusable. The marriage rate depends on many factors (road conditions, remoteness), but some statistics are available. Check this question with specialists.
  • Plus - a small margin (usually 5%), since sometimes, depending on the configuration of the place of laying, you will have to cut and add separate parts of the products.

All foam blocks are of the same length (if not prepared by special order). They differ in height (small range) and thickness. To calculate how many foam blocks are needed for a house, it is necessary to divide all partitions, walls, and so on into groups in which products of the same dimensions appear.

In each, the total surface area is calculated (total length x height). Now let's calculate the parameters of all openings. The difference in values ​​is the area of ​​the foam concrete masonry. Knowing the length and width of 1 block, it is easy to determine the required number of products of given dimensions. If the laying is carried out in 2 layers (blocks of small thickness), then the obtained data is required "x 2".

Guided by this information, it will not be difficult to calculate the required number of foam blocks, regardless of how the products are being installed.

Online calculator for calculating foam blocks

When choosing a suitable material for building a house, the final cost of the materials required for the construction of the building plays an important role. The calculator presented on the site can be completed at home in a couple of seconds.

In order to calculate the materials and approximate cost construction, it is required to enter the initial data of the future object into special forms, select the required indicators from the drop-down menu and start the calculation process.

This article discusses in detail the main characteristics of a house, which are taken into account when assessing the cost of building a house. Thus, the interactive calculator is used to calculate the quantity and parameters for the construction of wall structures for residential and non-residential premises.

When calculating, it is possible to take into account gables, window and door openings. The calculator provides information on the required amount of basic materials such as sand-cement mortar, masonry mesh and their cost.

The values ​​required by the calculator are not always familiar to an inexperienced builder, to fill this gap, and this article is intended. Below is a description of the main materials used in construction and their characteristics.

Foam concrete: basic information

Aerated concrete blocks are a type of cellular aerated concrete, which, in addition to water, contains cement, sand and a foaming agent. The foaming agent is a key component of the concrete mix for porous blocks, because it gives the material air pores and becomes light and breathable.

The structure of such concrete is called cellular because it contains a large number of closed air pores evenly distributed throughout the volume of the material.

Foam concrete is one of the most popular materials for building construction. With its help, the main work is carried out:

  • block erection of external walls,
  • block construction of internal walls and ceilings,
  • use as a heat-insulating material,
  • application for the purpose of soundproofing from external noise.

In order to use the calculator, you need some information. In particular, the calculator is capable of calculating foam blocks for a house in the presence of the following input data:

  • block dimensions: length, height, width
  • material density (D)
  • perimeter of the building (length of all walls)
  • wall height in corners
  • wall thickness
  • layer thickness of the masonry mixture
  • the frequency of laying the masonry mesh
  • the cost of the foam block per piece

Dimensions of foam concrete

The dimensions of foam concrete blocks depend on the approved project and the wishes of the customer. When choosing the required size, it is taken into account what type of wall will be erected with their help: a monolithic, internal partition.

Depending on the potential loads on the wall, the required density and functions of the wall, the size of the foam block is determined. Length in this matter is a secondary indicator, but width is the main one. It is the thickness of the wall that affects the building's ability to withstand loads and perform heat and sound insulation functions.

The standard size of foam concrete blocks is 200x300x600 mm (thickness x height x length). Blocks of this size are used for exterior walls. Foam concrete with a wall thickness of 100 mm is selected for the construction of internal walls and is called a semi-block.

The block length of 600 mm is regulated by GOST 21520-89. In most cases, foam concrete is produced in this length.

Density of material

The strength of foam concrete depends on its density. The density of the material is presented in several groups:

  • D300-D500
  • D600-D1000
  • D1000-D1200

The D300-D500 group belongs to the category of heat-insulating materials and is used for walls already erected from other materials.

The D600-D1000 group belongs to the category of thermal insulation and construction materials. This means that these concretes can be used to insulate the walls of buildings, as well as to build wall structures from them for single and two-story houses, as well as for the construction of walls inside the house.

D1000-D1200 concretes are used for the construction of external walls of houses with one to four storeys. Such materials are the most durable and resistant to mechanical stress.

The quality of the foam concrete has a huge impact on the monumentality of the final building. Due to its low cost and great popularity, it is produced by enterprises - large and small, artisanal.

Because of the desire to save money, the composition of the concrete mixture includes components hazardous to human health, chooses cheap low-quality components and changes the composition of the concrete. The result is a material that is unstable to mechanical stress, unsuitable for supporting structures, even with the D1200 marking.

Building perimeter

To find out the perimeter of the future building, you need to use the diagram of the future project. When calculating, you need to know the perimeter of the outer walls and the inner ones.

The outer perimeter is obtained by adding the lengths of all the outer walls of the building.

The inner perimeter is made up of the length of the walls that divide the house into rooms or participate in other interior solutions.

During construction, it is possible to use the same concrete for indoor and outdoor construction, but this significantly increases the cost of the project. Therefore, for the outer walls, foam concrete with the D600-D1200 marking is usually used, and for the internal walls - blocks and half-blocks of the D300-D600 brand.

Wall height

This parameter is determined strictly by the values ​​that are provided for by the house project. Builders recommend purchasing foam concrete with a 10% margin, since material breaks during transportation and processing.

Wall thickness

When calculating the thickness of the house, you should again refer to the project, these data are usually laid down at the design stage. It should be borne in mind here that the thickness indicator is taken taking into account the thickness of the masonry joint.

Thickness of the masonry mixture

During construction, horizontal seams and butt joints made from standard-use mortars usually have a thickness of no more than 15 mm, but not less than 6 mm. It should be borne in mind that a seam with a thickness of over 20 mm greatly reduces the sound insulating qualities of foam concrete.

Frequency of use of masonry mesh

The amount of masonry mesh is measured in meters. It is used to further strengthen the layer of foam blocks, increasing the monolithic qualities of the house and the overall strength of the structure. The frequency depends on the type of the future house, the complexity of its design and the type of foam blocks.

Foam block cost

The cost of a foam block depends on its thickness and density, as well as on what materials were used in its production. On average, the price of a foam block of standard sizes is from 80 rubles per piece.

Thus, in order to calculate the foam blocks at home, the calculator must take into account all of the above data. Without them, it is impossible to determine the amount of materials and the final cost of the project. Most of the data can be obtained from the design of the future building.

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  2. Foam blocks are a well-known and well-known building material used for the construction of wall structures. The material is a fairly lightweight concrete with a porous structure. Part...

  3. Twenty years ago it was impossible to find a private bathhouse built with materials other than wood. However, with the appearance on the market of such material as foam concrete, baths and ...

- this is a question that needs to be resolved for another preparatory stage construction. There are several methods to accomplish this task:

use special software;

resort to using an online calculator;

ask a question to a specialist or to a more experienced friend;

do everything on your own.

This article will tell you how to correctly calculate the number of foam blocks for your home yourself.

What is taken into account when calculating foam blocks for building a house?

Attention! In order to correctly calculate the construction of a house from foam blocks, you need to determine in advance the dimensions of all walls, both external and internal, and also take into account the dimensions of the foam block itself. The first step is to calculate the required amount of material around the perimeter of the structure, and then calculate the required number of blocks that are necessary for the construction of internal walls.

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How to calculate the required amount of material in one row along the perimeter of the building?

Suppose you have a structure with four walls. The length of one wall is 10 m, and its height is 3 m. First you need to find the number of foam blocks in one row along the perimeter. To do this, you need to calculate the total length of the four walls, in this case it is 40 m. The found value must be divided by the length of one block. Let's say in this particular case materials with dimensions of 0.2 mx 0.3 mx 0.5 m (height, width, length) are used. You just need to divide 40 by 0.5. As a result, the number 80 is obtained. It displays the required amount of building materials for the construction of the first row of a structure with a wall length of 10 m.

Calculating the number of rows

This mathematical operation is even simpler than the previous one. To execute it, you need to divide the value of the wall height by the value of the block height. As mentioned above, in this case, the height of the wall is 3 m, and the height of the block is 0.2 m. The quotient of this division is 15, which means that 15 rows of the foam block must be laid out to obtain a structure with a height of 3 m.

After calculating the amount of material in a row and the number of rows, you only need to multiply these two values. Multiply 80 by 15, it turns out 1200. This amount of material is needed to build a house according to the specified parameters. Now the question of how to calculate foam blocks for a house, you will no longer have.

It should be remembered that the building also has door and window openings, and therefore the final number of foam blocks will be slightly less than the numbers obtained after calculating.

Attention! If the building has some architectural difficulties, then you need to measure its parts separately, and then summarize the data.

How to choose the right foam block?

In order to minimize material loss during cutting and use, it is necessary to make the right choice of the block. How to calculate foam blocks for a house, of course, is a difficult question, but it is not inferior in importance to the issue of the selection of building materials.

During the purchase, you should adhere to the following rules:

You need to carefully check the geometry of the blocks. A high-quality foam block should have an even structure and not have depressions. To check the material, it is enough to build a small structure of two or three blocks - it should be stable. The flat surface of the block allows you to save mortar during construction.

It is necessary to check the material for cracks. If there are any, then the foam block is of poor quality. Perhaps, during its manufacture, the drying technology was not followed. It is not worth purchasing such products, since some blocks will crumble even during transportation.

Pay attention to the color of the products. It should be gray with some deviations towards light or dark tones. If the color does not correspond to the one indicated earlier, then the characteristics of the product have been changed, or maybe the seller even gives out gas blocks for foam blocks.

Before making a purchase, you need to know the density of the material. Foam blocks used for private construction must have a density of 700 to 1000 kg / m³.

It is also worth looking at the chipped foam block. V quality material the bubbles are spherical rather than elliptical.

The hardness of the material is another important indicator. To check it, you just need to rub two fragments of the foam block against each other. If the blocks crumble, it means that the manufacturer decided to save money and did not comply with the required ratio of raw materials in the manufacture.

How to build a reliable building from a foam block?

To avoid the occurrence various problems with a structure made of this material, you need not only to make the correct calculation of building a house from foam blocks, but also to know some of the nuances of its construction.

It is not necessary to insulate the building from the inside. It is necessary to make external insulation. If given condition will not be respected, water vapor will condense inside the walls, as a result of which the structure will become unusable faster.

It is also necessary to waterproof the foundation before using foam blocks. This measure will prevent water from entering the base of the structure, increasing its service life.

Don't be in a hurry. For a working day, it is enough to lay out 4-5 rows of blocks. In this case, it is better not to recycle.

Every two rows of the foam block should be reinforced. This operation is necessary to protect the building from cracking.

It is better to use glue rather than mortar. So you can not only save time, but also create a thinner and more aesthetic seam, as well as save on insulation.

The cost of foam blocks

The cost of building a foam block house directly depends on the cost of building materials. The price for a foam block is formed taking into account the following factors:



manufacturing company.

On average, one foam block will cost 130 rubles, and one m³ of this material will cost up to 3000 rubles. To lay one m³ of blocks, you will need about 25 kg of glue, which costs 200-300 rubles.

Everyone dreams of their own house, many, having overcome all obstacles, are close to making the dream come true, having decided on the place of construction, the plan of the future house, the materials that will be needed for construction and decoration, and even having prepared a cat, whose soft paw, by tradition, will have to be the first to step into a new home. There is little left to do, to find out how to calculate how many foam blocks selected for the construction of the house are needed, what dimensions will be optimal and, finally, to build everything.

Before starting to count, it is necessary to determine the initial calculation parameters and tolerances, that is, an accurate construction plan with all dimensions, number and type of doors and windows is required. Possible losses for damage to foam blocks during transportation, construction, as well as possible rejects should be foreseen.

It is necessary to decide in advance how the house will be sheathed later, and what kind of heat-insulating material (if it is planned to use it) is supposed to be used.

In the calculations, the climatic conditions of the area should also be taken into account, for which it is advisable to calculate what thickness of the walls and, accordingly, the size of the foam blocks will be needed to ensure the safety of heat inside the house, fulfill the requirements of the relevant SNiP, and ensure comfortable living.

Calculating wall thickness

You can often find advice that foam blocks of the popular size of 200x300x600 mm, combined with additional thermal insulation, are enough for the vast majority of regions of Russia. You can take this on faith, but given that we are building for ourselves, and then living in the house ourselves, it is not difficult, or perhaps necessary, to check this recommendation.

For the construction of walls in private low-rise construction, it is required to use foam blocks with a density of 600-800 kg / m3, their thermal conductivity coefficients:

  • D600 - 0.14 W / (m * ºC)
  • D700 - 0.18 W / (m * ºC)
  • D800 - 0.21 W / (m * ºC)

In the case of facing with a brick, we take into account its thermal conductivity - 0.56 W / (m * ºC). According to the requirements of SNiP, the heat transfer resistance of the outer wall must be at least 3.5 ° C * m2 / W. Now you can calculate the thickness of the foam concrete wall, which will provide the required characteristics, according to the formula R = d / λ, where R is 3.5 (from SNiP), d is the wall thickness, λ is the total thermal conductivity of materials.

To calculate λ, knowing the values ​​for the foam block and brick, we translate all the values ​​into meters, we assume that the masonry will be 120 mm wide, that is, 0.12 m, we get: 0.12 / 0.56 = 0.21 for the thermal conductivity of the brick. Then the final value of the thickness will be: (3.5 - 0.21) * 0.14 = 0.46 m or at least 460 mm. Quite a lot, but if you use a heater, for example, mineral wool 50 mm thick with a thermal conductivity of 0.046, then first we recalculate the value for it: 0.05 / 0.046 = 1.09.

Mineral wool between foam concrete blocks and bricks

The final formula for calculating the wall thickness will now look like this: (3.5 - 0.21 - 1.09) * 0.14 = 0.30 m, that is, the use of insulation material can significantly reduce the thickness of the walls and confirms that the recommendation to use a 200x300x600 mm block is quite fair.

How many foam blocks of brands D700 or D800 are needed to build a house, we calculate in the same way. The higher the density, the more heat loss, but the greater the mechanical strength of the foam blocks. So, excluding the layer of insulation, when using the D800, the calculated thickness will already be 690 mm.

These figures are rather rough and are calculated based on the values ​​for the regions of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In general, they are applicable to almost any region of the country, but given the climatic features of the regions in the north with low winter temperatures, or in the south with a milder climate, it may be necessary to make adjustments, paying more attention to the insulation of the walls and their thickness.

Calculation of the number of foam blocks

Having decided on the size, we will calculate how many foam blocks are needed for a one-story house, for example, 150 sq. m. size 10x15 and height 2.8 m with one internal load-bearing and two non-load-bearing walls. Let's assume that there will be one entrance door 0.9x2 m in size, 4 windows with a size of 1420x1460 mm each, 2 internal doors for a load-bearing wall 0.8x2 m in size.

As we have already determined, for the outer walls we use foam blocks of 200x300x600 mm in size, for the inner load-bearing wall you can use blocks 200 mm thick (you can use the same blocks, but install them on the short side), and for partitions we use blocks of 100x300x600 mm.

So, let's determine how much for a house with an area of ​​150 sq. meters you need foam blocks:

  1. It is necessary to calculate the perimeter of the house: 2 walls of 10 and 2 of 15 meters give 50 in total.
  2. Now you need to calculate the area: multiply 50 m by the height of 2.8 m - we get 140 sq. m.
  3. Add an internal load-bearing wall, reducing its length by the total thickness of the two external walls: 10 m - 0.6 m = 9.4 m, its area is 26.3 sq. m. The total area of ​​five walls is 166.3 square meters. m.
  4. We calculate the area front door- 1.8 sq.m. Window area - 8.3 sq. m, and area interior doors is equal to 3.2 squares.
  5. The total area of ​​the load-bearing walls of the building, including doors and windows, is 153 sq. m.
  6. We calculate the area of ​​foam blocks for external walls: 0.2 m * 0.6 m = 0.12 sq. m.

This does not include the gaps between the mortar or glue blocks. The technology of installing walls from foam blocks is not included in the topic of the article, but, given the accuracy of observing their geometric dimensions, glue should be used instead of the traditional mortar.

The smaller the gaps, the better, since they are good "bridges" for cold penetration into the house, so the thickness of the seams of a few millimeters can be neglected.

It is necessary to purchase foam blocks with a certain margin, taking into account their possible damage during transportation or construction.

We showed an algorithm on how to calculate how many foam blocks are needed for a house planned for construction. We suggest calculating their number for internal walls, partitions or for the second floor on our own, or you can use online calculators. How many foam blocks do you need for a house with an area of ​​100 sq. m., with different sizes and number of windows, doors, interior walls, floors? The calculation is done in the same way, and do not forget that it is better if a few blocks remain than they end before the construction of the walls of the house is completed.

You can calculate the required amount of building materials in a slightly different way. By counting their number in one row along the entire perimeter, then determining the number of rows and multiplying the two values ​​to find the result. The resulting number of blocks can be converted into an area, reduced by the size of windows, doors. The result should be the same.


Several standard sizes of blocks can be found on sale. When performing the calculation, you can focus on their different sizes by increasing the thickness, which will allow you to use a cheaper insulation or even refuse it altogether. After performing several calculations and determining the cost of materials, it will be possible to choose the optimal one both in terms of financial investments and labor costs for construction. We hope that, having received the final figures, the dream of a house will come even closer to realization.

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Building a house begins with drawing up a detailed action plan and a project for the object itself, which indicates the dimensions of the future building and materials for construction. Next, you should make calculations of the required building material for your building, in accordance with what you choose: wood, brick, aerated concrete, foam block or something else. This is done by a contractor if you have not decided to build your house yourself. Then all these questions fall on your shoulders, and you will have to calculate the required volume of building materials, their purchase and delivery.

Today, construction from foam blocks is popular, because the construction is not expensive, but at the same time it is absolutely not inferior in quality to brick or wood. This material has excellent characteristics and is inexpensive.

What are foam blocks?

This is a block of foamed concrete with the addition of water and sand, which is usually produced in a size of 30x40 cm (but it can be of other sizes). Although it is, in fact, concrete, such blocks can stick to the surface of the water and do not sink. In the photo of a foam block house, you can see their appearance.

It happens that a person who is not enlightened in terms of construction confuses aerated concrete and foam concrete. But these are different materials that differ significantly in cost and in quality characteristics... Foam concrete blocks are more moisture resistant, and their price is lower than aerated concrete blocks, and the installation itself is simple and takes a little time.

How many foam blocks do you need at home? How to calculate the required amount?

In order to start building your own cottage, you need to calculate how many parts you need to buy. The sale is carried out on the basis of cubic meters, therefore, you should determine the volume in cubic meters of your house. Usually a contractor does this, but you yourself should know how much material to count on and how much money to allocate for this, so as not to buy it in addition or overpay for extra blocks.

This material is quite easy to saw or split into several parts, which can be successfully used for masonry, which does not require purchasing them with a large stock. And even if several parts split during transportation, they can also be used in construction. But when calculating the order quantity, take into account the factor that you can lose several blocks of material due to their damage.

If you cannot make the calculation yourself, online calculator houses from foam blocks will come to the rescue. You will need to enter all the initial parameters for your building, and the program will give you the result. Although you can completely cope with this on your own - you just need to decide on the thickness of the wall, its height, the size of future windows and doors, and their number.

We calculate the foam block at home

Method one:

  1. We will distribute the walls into groups according to their thickness to make it easier to calculate the required volume of material: internal and external load-bearing, non-load-bearing, etc. This is necessary in order to determine what size of foam blocks will be needed more, because the bearing external and internal walls must be thicker, which requires the purchase of elements of a certain size. Indoor curtain walls can be constructed from smaller material.
  2. We measure the length of all walls completely along the perimeter, as well as by subgroups. Here we calculate the area of ​​future windows and doors in order to subtract it from the total.
  3. We multiply the height of the walls, their length and thickness in order to calculate the foam blocks for the house and find out the total volume of the masonry.
  4. After that, you can calculate the number of foam blocks that you need to purchase. To do this, we divide the volume of the whole house by the volume of a separate block, we get how much material you need to buy. To be more confident that it will be enough, we will increase this number by about 5% (this is a small stock of blocks that can be very damaged during delivery and will require their replacement).

Thus, we carried out calculations with the calculation of the volume of the entire house, or you can use another method.

Method two:

  1. We measure the perimeter of the building. We add the obtained results of the lengths of all sides to each other. For example, 26 m.
  2. The value that we received needs to be divided by the length of one block of material. It turns out the value that determines how many foam blocks will be located along the perimeter of the building in one row. Perimeter 26m: 0.6m (length of the foam block) = 43.3 - the number of blocks in one row.
  3. Next, you need to calculate how many rows there will be in your structure. To do this, you need to divide the height of the wall of your house by the height of the foam block that you are using. For example, 3m height: 0.2m (block height) = 15 rows.
  4. The result obtained from the previous action must be multiplied by the number that determines how many foam blocks are in one row along the perimeter of the building:

15 * 43.3 = 649.5 - the total number of blocks for the entire building.

But this figure indicates the number of foam blocks for the building, excluding doors and windows. And this is a significant change, which can also be calculated for each of the walls and subtracted either at the end or even during the initial calculations of the perimeters and heights of the walls. But do not forget to purchase the material with some margin in case of damage (about 5%).

Here we decide for the construction of a house of 8 by 8 meters. About how much material is required for a house of 6x6 meters and all calculations - see the previous page.

House 8 by 8 - it will turn out a little more on each side, but the area is almost 2 times more than 6 by 6.

How many cubes of foam blocks do you need to build a house 8 by 8

Again, let's calculate the number and volume of the foam block for a one-story house. A wall of 8 meters is about 150 foam blocks in 1 row and, accordingly, 300 blocks in 2 rows, which will be 40 cm and will be the width of the wall 2/3 of the block.

For the terminology associated with this, see the material, where we counted the number of foam blocks per house 6 by 6 meters.

So, we counted the wall, there are four of them in the house. So on all 4 walls, excluding door and window openings we need about 1200 blocks. And this, with a block volume of 0.03 cubic meters, will be about 36 cubic meters per floor.

If we make a house with 2 floors

To build a 2-storey foam block house, you will need, respectively, slightly more than 72 cubic blocks.

Why "a little more"? Because you will be covering the reinforcement belt with foam block between floors, and you will also have a part of the block height for the thickness of the floor.

The thickness of the slab between floors will depend on the material and structure of the slab.

If we make a wall 60 centimeters wide

If you decide in Siberia or the Urals, then in order to comply with the requirements of modern SNiP, it is better to make the wall thickness 60 cm.

Then the wall will meet the thermal resistance requirements for these regions.

And this will be exactly the same “wall thickness of 1 block” - 60 centimeters.

How much will it be in cubes? For a one-story house, this will be 54 cubes of a foam block, for two-story house- about 110 cubic meters of foam block.

We decided to build a house from a foam block, but you don’t know how much you need to purchase it? What factors should you rely on when choosing, and what should you be guided by?

So this article is for you. Let's figure out how much foam block is needed for a house, taking into account the characteristics of the material, the region in which the construction is underway and the type of product.

What you should pay attention to

First of all, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of a certain size of material and the required wall thickness, since without these data it is not possible to find out how many foam blocks are needed for a house.

Product size

Let's consider some with the help of the table, depending on their purpose and find out their standard sizes.

Table 1. How much foam block is needed to build a house: choose the dimensions:

Block type Its size and short description

It is used, as the name implies, when erecting the walls of buildings.

The standard is a length of 60 or 62.5 cm, the width can be 40, 30 or 50 cm, and the height is 20, 25 or 30 cm.

It is used when. Its length is the same as that of the wall, but its width and height are different. The first value can be 25 or 30 cm, and the second - 8, 9, 10, 12, 15 cm.

Its application boils down to the following: it can be a stationary formwork, partition or other structure.

The size range is shown in the photo.

In order to save yourself from the need to veneer the structure from the outside, you can use products that have a facing side when erecting a building. Their dimensions are the same as those of the wall block.

On a note! The dimensions shown in the table are the most common among manufacturers and popular among developers. But this does not mean that other sizes cannot be used. In accordance with the state standard, manufacturers can produce products of other parameters by agreement with the buyer.

Calculating wall thickness

So, since we are going to figure out how much foam block is needed to build a house, we need a future construction. To do this, we need to know exactly some indicators, or rather, their values.

It is worth finding out:

  1. Coefficient of thermal conductivity of the main material used for masonry;
  2. His specific gravity;
  3. Heat transfer resistance coefficient;
  4. What material will be used as insulation;
  5. Its thermal conductivity will also be needed.

Let's pretend that:

  1. Our product will have a specific gravity of 500 kg / m3;
  2. Its thermal conductivity will be about 0.15 W * ms;
  3. When choosing a heater, we will give preference to mineral wool, the thermal conductivity of which will be about 0.05 W * ms;

  1. Heat transfer resistance can be different meaning- it is individual for each separate region. The values ​​are specified in SNiP;
  2. We will take as a basis the average indicator - 3.3.

Let's move on to the calculations:

  • We subtract the same value from the value of the resistance to heat transfer mineral wool, which we will use when insulating the structure: 3.3-0.05 = 3.25;
  • We multiply the thermal conductivity of the blocks and the heat transfer resistance index: 3.25 * 0.15 = 0.4875. Taking into account rounding - 0.49;
  • That is, when erecting a building using a block with a density of D500 and a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.15, the minimum wall thickness will be 49 cm.

Note! If we use a product of higher density, the result may change significantly. Indeed, with an increase in this indicator, thermal efficiency decreases. If more intensive insulation is made, then the wall thickness can be reduced to 40 cm. In this case, you can build a wall in one block 400 mm wide.

Before calculating how many foam blocks you need per house, you need to decide on the type of masonry. The material can be stacked in one, two, one and a half or half blocks. Pay attention to the photo below, which shows some of the possible options.

Choosing a suitable block

Now we need to choose a product depending on its scope of use. Foam concrete has many classifications, but at the moment we are interested in several.

Classification based on scope

Let's apply the table.

Scope of use Suitable material

If you are interested in these areas of application, then pay attention to the material called heat-insulating. It is available both in liquid form and in the form of products.

The specific gravity is low, as is the thermal conductivity. It was these factors that predetermined the appointment.

In this case, purchase structural and thermal insulation material. Its specific gravity will be sufficient for the construction of a building with 1-2 floors, while the heat conservation is at the proper level.

Above, we considered an example of a calculation, assuming that this particular type of product will be applied.

If you want to build a building of more than 2 floors, or if a heavy floor will be used (there are still a lot of examples), then turn your attention to the most durable blocks.

At the same time, keep in mind that their thermal efficiency is much less. This means that you will have to intensively insulate the structure in order to preserve the ability of the walls to hold temperature.

It is interesting! In addition to the types described above, there are even more durable blocks. They are called structurally porous. The demand for them is extremely small, which is why mass production has not been established. However, you can purchase them by making individual order... The specific gravity of this material reaches 2000 kg / m3.

Product geometry

Now, when choosing products, it will be relevant to pay attention to their possible geometry. In this case, we will rely on the data from GOST for cellular concrete.

Category number Comments (1)

Has an almost perfect geometry. In accordance with the requirements, they should not exceed 1-1.5 mm.

Such blocks should be used in the construction of a residential building. Their advantage is that when laying, you can observe the minimum thickness of the masonry joint, which will significantly reduce the number of cold bridges and, as a result, increase the level of heat storage of the walls.

As a result, the developer will save not only on the purchase and installation of insulation, but also on heating the finished building in the cold season.

The deviations for such products are somewhat larger. They can reach 2-3 mm.

Laying can be done both with glue and with mortar. Here it is already necessary to realistically assess the situation and carefully examine the products. If there are a lot of chips, and the size differences are visible to the naked eye, then you should still choose a solution, since the glue consumption will be too large, which will incur unjustified costs.

Deviations can reach 1 cm. Such blocks are not recommended for housing construction at all. But another farm building is quite possible. Laying is carried out exclusively using a cement-sand mortar.

The price of such products is much lower.

We count the required number of blocks

Existing calculation methods

  1. On the Internet, you can find quite a few options for various calculators located on specialized construction sites or the sites of manufacturing companies. To get the result, you will need to enter certain data and the more there are, the more accurate, as a rule, the calculation will be. Usually these are: wall area, masonry height, wall thickness, thermal conductivity of products, and so on.

Minus - The data may differ when using different calculators.

  1. Applications are analogs of calculators. They can be installed on mobile devices or PCs. The calculation is carried out according to the above principle using the data you specified.

The downside is that often such applications are not finalized, so the data may partially or completely do not correspond to reality.

  1. The most reliable method is to use the services of specialized companies or private specialists. The calculation will be as accurate as possible.

The downside is the high cost of the service. Additional costs will be required.

  1. Moderately reliable, and, most importantly, free way- self-calculation. If you do everything right, the result will be correct. The main thing is to find out exactly the initial data and do not make mistakes in the calculations.

Method of self-determination of the number of products

Now we turn directly to the calculations using the example of a structure measuring 10 * 10 meters.

Table 4. How many foam blocks are needed for a 10x10 house:

As we have already said, the size of our future structure will be 10 * 10 meters. We will build on this. Using the example below, you can easily repeat them for any size of the building.

The masonry height will be standard 3.0 meters.

Their location and number are indicated in the plan, which is attached to the project of the house.

  • P = 10 * 2 + 10 * 2 = 40 meters.
  • Area: 40 * 3 = 120 m3.

This is the area of ​​all walls.

Their total area must be subtracted.

Let's assume that we will have 5 windows and 2 doors. The area of ​​one window will be 1.5 m2, and the doors will be 2.1 m2.

  • 1.5 * 5 = 7.5 m2;
  • 2,1*2=4,2;
  • 4.2 + 7.5 = 11.7 m2;
  • 120-11.7 = 108.3 m2.

For the construction of such an area, we need a block.

Suppose that we purchased a product with dimensions 625 * 500 * 300, accuracy category - 1, specific weight - 600 kg m3.

If you lay the product by 500, then this wall thickness will be enough if we are building in the middle region (the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer is 3.4). You can easily verify this by calculating it by analogy (considered above).

  • Area: 0.625 * 0.5 = 0.1875 m2.
  • 108.3 / 0.1875 = 577.6 pieces

  • Volume: 0.625 * 0.5 * 0.3 = 0.09375 m3.
  • 1 \ 0.09375 = 10.6 pcs.
  • 577.6 / 10.6 = 54.49 m3.

Taking into account rounding - 55 m3.

Note! When buying material, keep in mind that some of its quantity may be damaged during transportation or directly during the construction of the building. Therefore, the blocks should be purchased with a margin of about 5%.

What else do you need to purchase before laying and what will be the total cost of the building?

Many are simultaneously concerned about the question of how much it will cost to build a house from foam blocks?

Of course, we will not be able to make precise calculations for the entire structure. Too much information needs to be mastered at the same time. But to find out the approximate cost of building a box is quite possible. We will do this now.

Adhesive and tools

In addition to the block itself, to start work, you will need to purchase an adhesive or raw materials for mixing the solution. It depends on what material you have chosen for the masonry.

To do the work yourself, you will need the following tools:

  1. Construction level;

  1. Rubber mallet;

  1. Construction thread;

  1. Wall chaser (manual or electric);

  1. Foam block hacksaw;

  1. Notched trowel or bucket for applying the mixture;

  1. For solution preparation - concrete mixer;

  1. When kneading glue - container for it;

  1. Mixer.

Approximate calculation of the cost of a box at home

Brief instruction:

  1. Suppose we need to purchase 55 m3 of blocks, which corresponds to our above calculations.
  2. The average market value of a cube is 3400 rubles.
  3. 55 * 3400 = 187,000 rubles.
  4. The consumption of glue, according to manufacturers, with an ideal block geometry will be 1 bag of 25 kg per 1 m3 of masonry. We will realistically assess the situation and assume that 35 kg of glue is required for 1 m3 of masonry.
  5. 55 * 35 = 1925 kg of dry mix.
  6. If you buy bags of 25 kg, then: 1925/25 = 77 bags.
  7. The tools will cost about 20 thousand rubles.
  8. 1 bag of glue costs 170 rubles on average.
  9. 77*170=13090.
  10. 13090+20000+187000=220090.
  11. If you do the work yourself, then no other costs are foreseen.

And the video in this article will tell you briefly about the stages of the work. This information will be useful for any developer whose choice fell on the foam block.

Should I give preference to this material at all?

Are you sure that this material is what you need? Let's take a look at a basic set of pros and cons.


  • High thermal efficiency will make the building really warm. The coefficient is 0.08-0.33 W * ms. The material in question is one of the three leaders in this respect among representatives of lightweight concrete.

  • High indicator of durability and frost resistance. In practice, this has not yet been verified. However, there is also no reason not to trust the manufacturers.

  • Strength and density allow the material to be used in many areas of construction. In the article, we considered the corresponding classification and were fully convinced of this.

  • Environmental friendliness is due to the composition of components that are not capable of causing harm. The foam block contains: water, cement, sand, lime and a foaming agent. There are also additives that are individual for each manufacturer.

  • Fire resistance is substantiated by GOST.

  • Ease of processing. The product can be easily split, sawed, sanded and so on.

  • Large dimensions will speed up the construction process.

  • Low weight - reducing the load on the foundation of the structure.

  • Budget cost.

  • Sound insulation and vapor permeability. Last quality will contribute to the establishment of the most comfortable climate in the building.

  • A large assortment.

  • Biological stability. Fungus and mold are not scary.

  • Possibility of self-production.

  • Simplicity of styling technology.


  • Fragility. Be careful and careful when transporting and carrying out work.
  • Poor tear resistance.
  • The need to purchase special hardware for fixing.
  • The presence of handicraft industries. This fact increases the likelihood of purchasing products of inappropriate quality.
  • Hygroscopicity. Moisture absorption reaches 15%. And, despite the pore structure, which is closed, the value is relatively high.

This means that the developer must approach the cladding of the building as responsibly as possible. It must be performed technically correct. If products are not protected from moisture, they will eventually be destroyed by moisture.

  • Shrinkage. Walls can crack.


We figured out how to calculate how many foam blocks are needed for a house. As it turned out, this is not at all difficult to do. The main thing in the calculations is to take into account the necessary factors affecting the final result. In this case, the result will be as accurate as possible.