What can be the size of red brick, as well as its varieties. Standard brick sizes Dimensions of all bricks

There is probably no older and more reliable building material than ordinary red brick. For several hundred years, a brick block made of clay has de facto turned into a material with great potential and possibilities.

In fact, this is the only mineral building block that, like wood, you need to be able to work with your hands, so a brick, no matter what it is made of and what size it is, will remain the number one building material for a very long time.

Types of bricks

To date, there are about a dozen different types of bricks, they differ in the raw materials used and composition, have different strengths and resistance to the external environment, but they all have one rule in common - the size of the brick, adopted by the standard, most closely matches the fingers of an adult's palm. It is difficult to take more with one hand, less - the masonry speed drops sharply.

The most popular types of material used in home and low-rise construction:

  • Ceramic red brick;
  • Clinker blocks;
  • Hyperpressed brick;
  • silicate blocks and bricks;

For your information! Each of them has its own brick size standard, which takes into account production technology, raw materials and the bearing capacity of the material, which is sometimes confused with contact strength.

All listed types of building blocks are used for the construction of masonry on a binder solution. The main feature of this building material is that, without exception, all wall brick blocks are subject to requirements for three main characteristics:

  • Brand of brick, which determines its strength. This allows you to compare and determine the bearing capacity of brick buildings from different materials. The standard strength value for an ordinary brick is in the range of 125-180 units;
  • Frost resistance shows the number of cyclic frosts that a particular ceramic material can withstand before the complete loss of bearing capacity. For middle and northern latitudes, brick blocks with M pz = 35 or more are used;
  • Thermal conductivity is one of the most important characteristics. For an ordinary ceramic brick of standard sizes, without voids, this value is 0.72 W / m∙С.

In addition to the most important indicators, density, water absorption and shape multiplicity are also used to describe the capabilities of the material. The last coefficient determines how many times a particular brick is larger in volume than a standard size stone. This indicator makes it easy, almost immediately, to recalculate how many bricks are in a pallet when buying material or, more practically, when determining the work done by a bricklayer - how many bricks are in a cube.

Red ceramic brick

According to the statistics of companies engaged in the production and sale of brick building materials, 65% of block ceramic materials on the market are red ceramic brick, 13% are silicate blocks, the remaining percentages are clinker and hyperpressed materials.

By regions, such a distribution can fluctuate greatly, since production is strongly tied to the raw material base. Today, a deposit of high-quality brick clay is becoming as rare as, for example, a source of mineral water.

Red brick is available in several versions:

  • Ordinary brick block;
  • Porous and hollow brick;
  • Facing brick.

In addition, brick ceramics are produced in several sizes. A brick of a standard size of 250x120x65 mm is called single, one and a half is produced with a height of 88 mm, but there are also larger blocks. For example, according to GOST 530-2007, lightweight bricks of larger sizes 250x120x138 mm are produced under the name ceramic stone.

For your information! Due to the large number of voids, such a block has a 30% lower thermal conductivity and weight. Accordingly, a wall with a thickness of 640 mm will retain heat as well as a standard brickwork, three bricks thick.

Hollow, enlarged and ordinary ceramic stone

Ordinary bricks have the highest strength, in the range of 200-300 units. they do not have specially made voids, although the proportion of internal pores can reach 8%. The weight of a standard size brick is 4.1 kg. Of all ceramic materials, this one has the highest thermal conductivity - 0.72 W / m ∙ C, therefore it is used only for arranging load-bearing structures and walls.

Hollow bricks are made with special voids, the volume of which can be up to 50%. The weight of a single block is 3.4 kg, but the thermal conductivity is reduced to 0.5 W/m*S. Strength reaches 200 units, so this material can be used for laying residential buildings.

One and two-story buildings are built of brick with a maximum void content of up to 45%, it is easy to distinguish it by the row arrangement of holes. For high-rise buildings, material with 22% of voids is used, they are usually made in the form of squares and are located in the body of the stone in a checkerboard pattern.

Often, red ceramic brick is stereotypically perceived only as an ordinary, very durable and rather cold wall material. In fact this is not true. The industry produces porous brick stones from baked clay of an increased size. For example, a 4.5 NF RAUF ceramic block has dimensions of 250x250x138 mm, weight 7 kg, and thermal conductivity 0.22 W/m*C. One such block replaces four hollow stones.

A block of 10.8 NF with a size of 380x253x219 mm can replace ten standard red brick stones. With a weight of 14 kg, the material has a thermal conductivity of 0.15 W/m*C.

Unfortunately, both options, due to the high percentage of voids, have a strength of only 35-60 units. and can only be used for one-story construction.

Facing material

Unlike ordinary and hollow bricks, for a facing stone, first of all, a beautiful monophonic pattern is important. front surface and accurate sizing.

Brick can be produced in an ordinary and lightweight version. The strength of the ceramic facing material reaches 125-175 units, which allows it to be used for finishing high-rise buildings. Thermal conductivity ceramic cladding is at the level of 0.2-0.5 W/m∙С.

The cladding block is also available with a painted and textured surface, which means that the color of the front surface can be artificially dyed in standard colors, and sharp edges and corners are rounded.

Part of the facing stone is produced in a shaped design, the most different forms and sizes, for example, in the form of triangles or semicircles.

Hyper-pressed, clinker and silicate material

With all the positive characteristics, the red clay brick block remains not strong enough to finish the basement sections of the walls, the porch group or the facades of the paving of roads. For these purposes, clinker bricks with a strength of 400-500 units are used. and frost resistance of 50-100 units.

The clinker block is obtained by high-temperature firing of special mixtures of limestone, marl and red clay. The thermal conductivity of clinker is 7-8 times higher than that of hollow and two times higher than ordinary material, therefore it is used mainly for exterior decoration of buildings. A very durable and wear-resistant material, it can be used to build both fortresses and mansions with equal success.

What is hyper pressed brick material

The production of hyperpressed material is very similar to technological process formation of stressed concrete. The raw material for hyperbrick is limestone and marl, cleaned and crushed to a state of dust. A plasticizer is added to the mixture - 0.5%, pigment - 2% and high-quality cement - 10%. The mixture is stirred and a mold is filled, after which, under pressure at high temperature, a monolithic homogeneous material is formed, resembling natural stone.

10-15 hours are allotted for vacation and drying of the stone, after another 5-6 days after the end of the shrinkage processes, the brick can be used for construction work. At the break, the luster of a micrograin is visible. When laying hyper-pressed stone, the solution penetrates 2-3 times deeper into the thickness of the material, which ensures very strong adhesion and adhesion.

According to its characteristics, hyperbrick is very similar to facing stone, and high strength in the range of 150-300 units. and a wide range of colors make it an ideal choice for finishing patio and stairway porches.

Hyperpressed stone should not be confused with vibropressed block and tile. The latter is a conventional concrete casting compacted on a vibrating table.

silicate brick

The main components in the production of silicate blocks are sand and lime. The mixture is pressed and steamed in an autoclave at elevated temperature and pressure. The result is a brick of standard 250x120x65 mm or one and a half sizes 250x120x88 mm. The mass of a single stone is 3.3-3.45 kg, which is less than that of an ordinary ceramic stone.

The strength of a high-quality silicate block is 150 units, which allows it to be successfully used for the construction of low-rise and auxiliary buildings. The old Soviet silicate was the main brick for rural construction and the construction of "Khrushchev".

Instead of the old gray tones, the modern silicate block is dyed in warm yellows, browns, reddish pinks and greens.

Today silicate brick The ny block is issued both in ordinary, and hollow option. For example, a lightweight brick with a 30% void volume weighs 2.5 kg with a strength of 140 units. and thermal conductivity of 0.44 W/m∙S. The main advantage of silicate is the low cost of production due to the use of widely used materials. In addition, the silicate mass is perfectly cut, drilled and processed with ordinary metalwork tools, while for cutting ceramic and especially clinker bricks they use circular saws with elbor grain.

The downside is low frost resistance and the ability to collapse under the action of carbon monoxide.


Of all the above types of building material, the porous clay block and hyperpressed are considered the most promising. The ability to give clay walls a porous structure during firing, resembling the walls of a jug or pot, allows you to build houses with an excellent indoor microclimate. The hyper-pressed material is highly technological and environmentally friendly, at low cost it is possible to obtain an almost exact imitation of natural stone in a variety of shapes and sizes of slabs.

In any developing country in the world, various houses and structures are constantly being built. To date, many building materials are known. These are reinforced concrete slabs, concrete, blocks. Brick is of particular importance. It's unique construction material without which it is difficult to imagine everyday life. It has been in use for over a decade. Of particular importance is the size of a solid red brick. There is a huge range of this product on the construction market. There are 2 types of bricks: solid and hollow. Both forms have found application in a particular field of activity.

Due to its features, solid red brick is successfully used in the construction of solid and comfortable low-rise buildings.

With the help of red bricks are built bearing walls, columns, poles. And this is not the whole list of areas of its use. Due to its physical and chemical properties, this building material is the basis for the construction of pipes, stoves or fireplaces. By its size and external characteristics, this stone is diverse. Let us consider in more detail what length, width and height a standard red brick should have.

External characteristics

Any person involved in construction should know the overall dimensions of this stone. Currently, there are standard sizes and non-standard sizes. In the first case, the length of the red brick is 250 mm, the width is 120 mm, and the height (thickness) is 65 mm. Of all the possible sizes, this one is the most convenient. The thing is that during the construction of buildings it is necessary to place the red brick perpendicular to each other. In this case, the alternation of the longitudinal and transverse sides of the stone occurs. If you look closely at the dimensions, it is easy to see that they are almost a multiple of each other twice. This ensures that the material is optimally positioned during construction and reduces the need for sawing.

An interesting fact is that they can be different. Often a one and a half stone is used. It is of great thickness. With the same length and width, the thickness of the stone is 88 mm. In addition, in practice, you can meet a double stone. Its thickness is 138 mm. The sizes may be different, but the 3 varieties listed above are quite common. Non-standard sizes are suitable mainly for decorating houses, roofs, building facades. They are more often used for decorative purposes.

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Solid brick dimensions

The dimensions of a hollow and solid stone do not differ. In the latter case, the dimensions are 250x120x65 mm. Hollow stones, despite their smaller volume, have excellent thermal insulation properties. As for the solid red brick, it is more reliable, as a result of which it is used for the construction of more responsible buildings and structures. These dimensions allow you to lay the red brick without much effort, take it with one hand.

The length, width and height of the material are the main parameters that are taken into account when choosing a product. A red brick completely filled inside can be smooth and corrugated. Corrugated stone is advisable to use in the process of use decorative plaster. In this situation, it will serve for optimal adhesion of the plaster to the work surface.

During construction work, it must be remembered that not only dimensions (length, width and height) are important, but also other quality criteria.

Standard sizes and modifications of hollow bricks.

For hollow bricks, the following characteristics should be taken into account: resistance to low temperatures and sufficient strength.

If we compare an ordinary red brick with a hollow one, then it conducts heat better. This indicates that the structure will need to be insulated. It is important that in some cases a full-bodied material made according to European standards may be required. Its length is 250 mm, the width is only 60 mm, and the thickness is 65 mm. Its main purpose is wall cladding with outer side. Non-standard dimensions of full-bodied stones can be different. In the event that it is required to purchase a restoration stone, then it is made to order, and the dimensions do not have specific standards.

For many decades, people have been using red bricks to build buildings. This building material has a number of advantages, due to which it has gained such popularity. During construction, you must adhere to the norms and check all materials for compliance with standards.

This is done to avoid mistakes during construction and to procure the right materials, tools and techniques. The red brick size standard is described in the "International Standard" (GOST 530-2012), and below will be considered the main points that need to be considered before starting construction.


Ordinary red brick is popular due to the properties that it acquires during manufacture and adopts from the materials taken as a basis. Raw material, of course, has its effect, but the basic properties are the same for all bricks:

  1. Frost resistance is a property that includes several functions at once.
  2. Bricks must withstand low temperatures and high humidity. Getting into extreme conditions, may begin to change its density, which leads to its destruction.

    The short designation for frost resistance is Mrz, and this value is calculated during special tests when the brick is cyclically subjected to changes in humidity and temperature.

    If the Mp value is below 35 points, then the use of such bricks is not recommended on the territory of the Russian Federation.

  3. Strength- another characteristic showing how much pressure 1 square centimeter of brick can withstand.
  4. So for the construction of a small house, it will be enough to use bricks of the M100 brand, and when building a multi-storey building, the M150 brand and higher is selected.

  5. Soundproofing- an important characteristic for urban areas.
  6. In the conditions of hectic city life, it is very important create basic sound insulation with a minimum thickness of the walls of the building. Bricks do an excellent job with this task.

These characteristics determine the capabilities of the building material and give an initial idea. Knowing these features will protect the novice builder from unexpected expenses. Next, several classifications will be given, and, most importantly, the dimensions of the bricks will be considered in detail.


Bricks can be made from different materials, but the options that the market gives us are 90% made from clay and clay mixtures. After firing, the clay takes on orange, red and yellowish colors, hence the name - red brick.

By type of material

Here are the main options by type of material:

There are many configurations of brick dimensions. Any brick has the shape of a parallelepiped and three pairs of faces. The main face - the bed, is located parallel to the base of the masonry, from which it is often called the working face.

The second face is a spoon, located perpendicular to the bed and has an average area of ​​all three faces. The last face is a poke, the smallest area. By changing the lengths of the sides of the faces, one can obtain different dimensions:

For cladding buildings, all dimensions given above are used.

Single brick standard still remains the most popular option. This standard has been used for a long time in many countries around the world.

By shape

This classification compares brick density. There are two types of bricks by density: solid and hollow. Hollow bricks are visually distinguished by a certain number of holes, while solid bricks are monolithic products.

Solid brick (aka "loaf") is characterized by high thermal conductivity and rather low moisture absorption. It is used in the construction of basements, basements and in the construction of various load-bearing elements. Its standard overall dimensions are 250x120x65 mm (see photo above), and its average weight is 2.4 kg.

Hollow bricks cannot be used in the construction of basements, load-bearing structures and other objects for which solid bricks are used.

This is due to the fact that the hollow brick has many holes where water can get, freezing in winter time and destroying the structure of the building material. This option has increased sound insulation, increased thermal insulation and is sold at a lower price, because less raw material is used in the production.

The dimensions of a hollow brick are the same as those of a solid brick - 250x120x65 mm.

By Application

Ordinary brick- this is a universal, "draft version", used for both indoor and outdoor work. It may have minor chips, therefore it has a nondescript appearance.

Facing brick- an ideal, expensive brick, made to extremely high quality standards. It is divided into two categories:

  1. Shape option.
  2. It is presented on the market in the form of a huge range of variations of forms. The shaped option is used when you need to build a masonry unusual shape(with bevels, wavy shape, or an angular version).

  3. Invoice option.
  4. It is used in facing works on the facade of buildings.

Where are different types of bricks used?

All of these points form a variety of functions and configurations, which significantly expands the variability of the offer in the building materials market.

And the experience of the builders has formed a number of "rules" that everyone tries to follow so as not to lose face. For specific types of buildings, it is customary to use specific types of bricks. Therefore, you should focus on the main points:

  1. For the construction of the furnace, it is customary to use ceramic, solid bricks.
  2. For the construction of a foundation, basement or plinth, it is customary to use ceramic, solid bricks. bricks vary depending on the configuration of the foundation: 250x120x65 mm, 138x288x165 mm, 250x120x88 mm.
  3. For the construction of walls, it is customary to use silicate or ceramic, hollow bricks.

These "rules" should be used to avoid destruction.

Absolutely everything about the red brick in this video:

Brick has long been a well-known building material, without which any construction is practically indispensable. Despite the fact that brick blocks have been used since ancient times, the brick size standard was first introduced only in 1927.

Standardization of standard sizes of brick blocks allows you to calculate the volume of brickwork in accordance with the project, the need for building materials, and also determine the weight of the structure.

The key factor in standardizing the dimensions of brick products is the following aspect ratio of 1:1 / 2:4. Such proportions are considered optimal for laying building material with alternating longitudinal and transverse arrangement.

In private construction, single products are in demand, the consumption of building materials per cubic meter masonry is 513 units of products. In accordance with state regulations in force in Russia, the size of a standard single brick in millimeters is:

  • 250 length;
  • 120 width;
  • 65 height.

In addition to single blocks, the construction market offers other types of standard sizes:

  • one and a half;
  • double.

One and a half building material was put into production during the period of industrialization of the country, in order to accelerate the pace of construction. The standard consumption of building materials is 318 products per cubic meter. characteristic feature one and a half block is the increased height of the product, GOST established the following standard brick sizes (in millimeters):

  • length - 250;
  • width -120;
  • height - 88.

A double brick with the same 250 millimeters in length and 120 millimeters in width has a height of 138 millimeters. Given the impressive dimensions, in order to reduce the weight of the product, double blocks are usually made in a hollow form. Double products are widely used in various areas of construction. Building material with increased height is used for the construction of both industrial and civil facilities.

Permissible errors

Building materials are produced in strict accordance with the production technology. Blanks of brick blocks, which are fired in kilns during the production process, are made with an increase in geometric parameters by 8%. As a result of heat treatment, the product is reduced and brought to standard parameters.

GOST allowed a slight deviation of the geometric dimensions finished products, namely, in length not more than 4 millimeters, in width and height not more than 3 millimeters. The standard also allows slight curvature along the spoon (not more than 4 mm) and along the bed (not more than 3 mm).

Types of brick products and their standard sizes

The dimensions of brick products depend not only on the standard size, but also on the type of building material. The main types in demand in the construction of residential buildings and the construction of industrial buildings are:

  • Red brick;
  • silicate;
  • facing.

Red building blocks and their features

Red brick is a universal building material used for the construction of foundations, external enclosing structures and partitions in the house, fences.

Red brick products are made on the basis of clay briquettes, which are pressed by firing. Dimensions and specifications products are regulated by GOST 530-2007 and are (in millimeters):

  • standard format - 250x120x65;
  • thickened format - 250x120x88;
  • double format - 250x120x138.

In addition to the popular standard sizes by GOST, less popular formats are also provided:

  • 0.7 NF with parameters 250x85x65 mm;
  • 1.3 NF with parameters 288x138x65 mm.

Building materials of the "European format" are used for decorative finishes windows and others structural elements facade.

silicate brick

Silicate brick blocks - a building material made on the basis of silicate, designed for the construction of load-bearing external walls, partitions in the house. The modular dimensions of white brick are 250x120x65 and 250x120x88 millimeters.

silicate building blocks produce two types:

  • corpulent;
  • hollow.

The void volumes of the silicate block, as well as the overall dimensions, are adjustable

state standards. Hollow silicate blocks are divided based on the proportion of volume, diameter and number of non-through voids having a cylindrical shape.

The following types of hollow sesquisilicates are distinguished:

  • three hollow - the proportion of voids is 15% of the volume of the product, the diameter of non-through holes is 52 mm;
  • eleven hollow - the share of voids in the total volume is 25%, the diameter is from 27 to 32 mm;
  • fourteen hollow - the proportion of voids varies in the range from 28 to 31%, the diameter can be from 27 to 32 mm.

Facing brick

For facade cladding, front bricks are used in a standard size, which corresponds to the traditional counterpart.

The construction market offers several types of facing products:

  • clinker;
  • ceramic;
  • hyperpressed;
  • silicate.

Clinker building blocks are used for finishing facades, for erecting decorative pillars, decorations. window openings, using this type of material, arched windows are erected. The material is characterized by a dense smooth structure, excellent soundproofing and frost-resistant qualities, resistant to moisture, retains heat well. Clinker is colored and glazed, glossy and matte. Windows and walls of the facade, facing with clinker blocks, retain an attractive appearance for a long time.

Clinker facing

Ceramic facing products are able to withstand up to a hundred changes in natural seasons, the material is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature. Brick for a long time of operation retains its original qualities and appearance.

Ceramic cladding

Hyper-pressed material is made from a lime-cement mixture, by semi-dry hyper-pressing, followed by steam treatment. The material is used for decorative finishing of facades, windows and doors are distinguished with its help. There are several types of facing material:

  • smooth;
  • spoon;
  • figured;
  • angular.

The standard dimensions of smooth and figured hyperpressed bricks are 250x120x65 mm. Standard spoon brick has parameters 250x85x65 mm, corner and narrow spoon brick - 250x60x56 mm.

Hyper-pressed cladding

Silicate facing brick is an environmentally friendly frost-resistant material. Facial silicate brick strikes with variety color solutions, differs from its ceramic counterpart in a uniform tone of color over the entire area of ​​the product. Silicate facade material is not used for facing areas in contact with the ground.

Non-standard dimensions

However, in the segment of facing building materials, you can find products of non-standard dimensions. Products of non-standard size are produced in a non-industrial way, in organic series. Atypical building material is used for restoration work, the introduction of original design ideas, to emphasize the window opening. The dimensions of a non-standard single material for facade decoration can be (in millimeters):

  • 210x100x50;
  • 210x100x60;
  • 240x115x52.

European standards

On the territory of the European Union, there are other standards that do not comply with GOST 530-2007. So, the most popular series in the countries of the European Union are the following series of building material:

  • DF - geometric parameters of the product 240x115x52;
  • 2DF - 240x115x113;
  • WDF - 210x100x65;
  • RF - 240x115x61;
  • NF - 240x115x71;
  • WF - 210x100x50.

If in ancient times only natural stone was used for masonry walls, then with the advent of modern materials our capabilities have expanded significantly, because now piece wall products can be given a variety of characteristics. One of the parameters that we pay attention to when choosing wall elements is the size of the brick. In addition to it, other selection criteria are also important, because a rather large assortment of bricks is on sale.

Types and sizes of traditional wall bricks

To date, you can find the following types of bricks:

  • Standard red brick.
  • White silicate piece material.
  • Clinker wall products.
  • The material obtained in the process of semi-dry hyper-pressing.
  • Firestone.

Each type of brick has its own area of ​​application. If you list the areas of use different types stones, the list will be quite extensive:

  • construction of load-bearing and non-bearing walls and columns of the house;
  • arrangement of the foundation;
  • construction of the basement;
  • cladding of the facade of the building;
  • erection of stairs;
  • basement walls;
  • construction of stoves and fireplaces.

Red brick

The most widely used wall material is red ceramic brick. The stone is made from red clay by firing pressed blanks in a kiln. All of them can be divided into several types according to different criteria. Depending on this, the dimensions of the red brick may differ. So, the following types of stones from red clay are distinguished:

  1. The size of the red brick can be as follows:
    • double;
    • single;
    • one and a half.
  1. Depending on the filling, the following types of red brick standard are found:
    • hollow;
    • full-bodied.
  1. Depending on the purpose of using standard red brick, the following types are distinguished:
    • facial;
    • private;
    • fireclay or oven;
    • clinker.


The dimensions of a standard red brick were determined as early as the beginning of the 19th century. The final approval of these parameters was made in 1927. Thus, the size of a single brick is 250 mm x 120 mm x 65 mm. The design and construction of brick houses is carried out taking into account the multiplicity of all brick structures to these dimensions. But at the same time, the width of the seam is necessarily taken into account - 10 mm.

Important: in turn, a single stone can be hollow and full-bodied. The weight of the latter can reach up to 3.6 kg, and full-bodied elements weigh in the range of 2.3-2.7 kg.

One and a half

Despite this name, the size of a one-and-a-half brick, namely its thickness, is 1.35 times larger than that of its single counterpart (88 mm). Such a stone was invented in the process of industrialization of construction. Thanks to the use of enlarged elements, you can significantly speed up the pace of building walls at home.

There are two types of such products on sale: full-bodied and hollow. The weight of a hollow one-and-a-half facing material can be in the range of 3-3.3 kg, and the mass of its full-bodied counterpart is 4-4.3 kg.


If we take into account the size of an ordinary brick, then the thickness of a double stone is 2.1 times greater (138 mm). The appearance of this element is also associated with the process of intensification of construction production. If we compare the weight of a solid red brick with a double product, then the latter should weigh almost 2 times more (7.2 kg). That is why a double brick, whose dimensions are rather big, is practically not made full-bodied, because it is rather difficult to lay a stone weighing 7.2 kg.

Attention: The weight of hollow double wall material is 4.6-5kg.

Solid and hollow bricks

Full-bodied products practically do not contain voids. The maximum allowable pore volume in such a product should not exceed 13% of the total volume. When compared with a hollow counterpart, the strength of the latter will be much lower. That is why full-bodied products are used mainly for laying load-bearing building structures(walls, columns, foundations).

The total volume of voids in such products is 13-40% of the volume of the product. In this case, voids can be closed or through. They can also vary in shape and be oblong, round. Sometimes the shape of the voids can be specified by the customer individually and differ from the traditional configuration.

As a rule, hollow elements are used for laying lightweight wall structures and partitions. Also, this material can serve as filling the walls in multi-storey frame construction.

Ordinary and facing bricks

The scope of ordinary brick is quite extensive. It is from it that the walls and partitions of buildings and structures are erected. Sometimes an ordinary stone is used to perform the masonry of the facade, but with the subsequent facing of the house.

TO appearance such products are not subject to strict requirements, therefore, small defects in the form of chips and cracks are possible on the surface. However, this should not affect the strength characteristics.

Strict requirements are imposed on the appearance of facing bricks. There should be no chips, cracks or other defects on the surface of the stone. In addition to a flat and smooth surface, the dimensions facing brick must strictly comply with the norms, and the form must be correct.

Facing a house can be done using two types of front elements:

  1. Invoice or decorative rock It is applied at facing of facades, a laying of fences, furnish of interiors. These are products of the correct geometric shape and specified dimensions. The second name of decorative brick is torn stone. The color and texture of the surface of this material can be very different, which greatly expands the decorative possibilities of the material. On the network you can find photos of such products. The size of decorative bricks may also vary. It can be single, one and a half or double. The size of the facing brick standard does not differ from the ordinary product. So, the dimensions of a facing single stone are 250 mm x 120 mm x 65 mm. However, on sale you can also find stones with non-standard sizes, as well as products self made. For example, the dimensions of the yellow facing brick can be 240 (210) mm x 115 (100) mm x 65 (52 or 50) mm.
  2. A shaped stone, unlike a decorative brick, can have a very different configuration. Such elements are used for laying decorative details of facades, columns, arches, pilasters, cornices, arbors, decorating fireplaces and walls in the interior.

Chamotte or oven bricks

Such stones are a refractory material and are used in the construction of facilities that, during their operation, will be exposed to high temperatures. fireclay brick suitable for stoves, for laying fireplaces, for lining chimneys.

Important: production features allow fireclay stones to withstand temperatures up to 1000 ° C. At the same time, the strength characteristics, bearing capacity and other properties of the material do not change.

The standard size of an oven brick is 230 mm x 113 mm x 65 mm. With such dimensions of the product, it is convenient to link it with the standard brickwork, the optimal number of seams is obtained. At the same time, the masonry itself comes out smooth and even.

However, there are other types of fireclay products on sale that differ in physical and technical characteristics, thermal conductivity and size. So, the length of the element can be 600, 575, 460, 350, 250, 230 mm, the width of the stone is 230, 170, 150, 124 or 114 mm, the height of the product is 90, 80, 75, 65, 55, 45 or 40 mm . Such an abundance of sizes is explained by the use of additional elements, for example, a rib wedge, end or fireclay slab, when laying a stove or fireplace.

Red clinker brick

These wall elements are made from special refractory clays. As a result, the stone has higher strength, density, frost resistance compared to its red ceramic counterpart. At the same time, the water absorption of the material becomes noticeably lower, which makes it an ideal product for facade cladding, masonry garden paths, lining of the basement, arrangement of the foundation, masonry drains.

At the same time, red clinker brick can have the following dimensions, which do not change either from the scope of the material or from the fillers used:

  • The dimensions of a single product are 25 cm x 12 cm x 6.5 cm.
  • The one and a half stone has the following dimensions 25 cm x 12 mm x 8.8 cm.
  • Double wall element - 25 cm x 12 cm x 13.8 cm.
  • Also on sale you can find stones of the "euro" category, which can have several sizes.

White silicate brick

For the production of white bricks, silicate (quartz sand) is used, from which its name comes. Externally, the stone has correct form, there are no defects on the surface, so I often use it for laying walls and cladding a house.

However, due to the high hygroscopicity of the material and low heat capacity, the stone is not used for laying the foundation, lining the plinth, making a fireplace, stove or pipes. These products do not differ in dimensions from their ceramic counterpart. So, the size of a white one-and-a-half brick is 25 cm x 12 cm x 8.8 cm. Single products have dimensions of 25 cm x 12 cm x 6.5 cm, and a double stone - 25 cm x 12 cm x 13.8 cm.