What wood are smoking pipes made from? What wood is suitable for making a smoking pipe

Purchased smoking pipes cannot always satisfy all requirements, so it is better to make a unique smoking pipe with your own hands and feel like a real master. This will require the simplest materials, a little patience and imagination - and then you can get an excellent pipe of a unique and inimitable design.

Making a smoking pipe with your own hands

Making a smoking pipe with your own hands using improvised materials is not so difficult, but its cost will be higher than the purchased one. Making will require some tools and materials, knowledge of the tube structure and patience, but even so, the quality of the first copies will be low.

The structure of the tube and the name of all its parts can be easily found on the Internet, as well as the diagram of its structure. If before starting work it turned out that there is no necessary tools, then the manufacture of the mouthpiece and briar will have to be left. You need to take a ready-made block and a standard acrylic mouthpiece, this will greatly facilitate the task. You can order these items in specialized online stores or on classifieds sites. In order for the elements to fit each other by connectors, they must be purchased from the same seller: then you will not need to undermine the parts, adjusting them to fit right size.

In order to make a pipe for smoking, you will need a minimum set of tools:

  • File;
  • Sanding paper of varying degrees of graininess;
  • Set of drills different diameter and length;
  • Vise;
  • Joiner's machine.

A beginner's guide - how to smoke a pipe correctly?

Work with a workpiece

To work with the workpiece, a carpenter's vice is used: they increase the accuracy and quality of work. Clutching the bar in a vise, draw a contour of the future tube with a pencil. The excess is cut off with a hacksaw, but then it will have to be processed with a file. Turning the desired shape, they also use a grinding cloth. This stage is over. Further use drilling machine to make a hole in the tobacco chamber quickly and accurately. To make a hole in the channel, you need several drills with a diameter of 3-4 mm. In addition, it should be of an elongated shape - it will not be easy to find such a drill, you will have to look. Or a long drill is changed by sharpening it to a curved shape. Mortise requires a drill with a diameter of 7-10 mm.

Drills are specially wrapped in soft material. In order not to make the hole larger than necessary, the depth of the holes is measured: the drill, lying at an angle, should not move to the side. The edge of the briar is carefully cut so that the contour is perpendicular to the smoke channel. It is necessary to make axis markings on the sides of the workpiece in order to maintain accuracy. Start drilling at low speeds so as not to damage the workpiece with a heated drill.

Compliance with the calculated depth of the holes is necessary so that when working with a tobacco chamber, you do not make a mistake. The workpiece is removed from the vise, after which the correctness of the recesses is checked. Then a mortise is drilled: it is important to observe the marked axes. If the drill in the channel moves to the side when drilling, you can correct the axis by changing the shape of the tube. When the hole is ready, the edge of the mortise is ground with a file. Having finished with this stage, drill a hole for the tobacco chamber. To do this, use an already prepared curved drill. The workpiece is removed from the vise so that you can verify that the axes are set correctly. After that, they start working again. Drill carefully, observing the desired depth, so that the channel neatly merges with the bottom of the chamber. Drill the remaining depth by hand for greater accuracy.


For manufacturing, you will need an ebonite beam of the required length. More often they use imported material, since its quality is higher than domestic. Having drilled a place for a Teflon pin, they take out the workpiece and check the correctness of the hole made. The required hole depth is clearly observed. Then the mouthpiece is connected to the first workpiece by gluing. To do this, epoxy glue is dripped onto the bottom of the trunnion and, without changing its position on the machine, the trunnion is inserted into the briar. Excess glue is removed before drying.

Now you need to connect the mouthpiece to the briar by drilling a smoke channel in the first one. You need to drill sequentially, gradually increasing the depth. Drills must be of small diameter to reach the end of the channel. Having reached the end of the workpiece, the drill will come out with reverse side. Now the workpiece is removed from the machine. Check the holes made and clean the workpiece from dust.

Mouthpiece bell

After connecting both parts of the tube, it remains to make a mouthpiece bell. This is the part of the tube that is directly held in the mouth, so it must be of the correct diameter and neither too narrow nor too wide. To do this, use a special needle. Carefully insert the needle into the channel and swing the workpiece until a gap of the desired diameter is formed. From this moment on, the blank ceases to be a raw product and takes on the form of a real smoking pipe. To make it look really beautiful, you need to do grinding and polishing.

After completing the main stage, the workpiece is carefully cleaned of glue residue and dust. After carefully examining the edges of the workpiece and the shape of the tube, they mark those places that need to be corrected before the start of the final work.


Sanding requires sanding paper. It is best to use a grinding disc. It will provide a quick and smooth sanded surface, while manual sanding will take much longer. If you use a disc, it is inserted into the drilling machine and carefully lubricated with a special polishing paste. This will give the workpiece the desired smoothness and avoid damage during grinding.

Having finished with grinding the outside, you need to grind the internal holes of the tube. To process the smoke channel, thin wooden sticks tightly wrapped in fine sanding paper. Do not use grinding paste in the mouthpiece, as it may remain on the walls of the channel.

Now the pipe is almost finished, and it remains to be painted so that it acquires a finished look. Stains are used to give color to a smoking pipe. They come in several types: water-based, chemical and alcohol. It is best to use alcohol or water stains. Chemical is a mixture of chemical components that will adversely affect both the product and health. After each stage of polishing, a stain is used: in this case, it will be absorbed and make the wood pattern more expressive. To give the mouthpiece and briar different colors, use different stains.

When the painting of the tube is over, it must be allowed to dry. Then they paint over the places that need to be given a specific color or shade. When the tube is completely dry, it is ready for use. After pouring tobacco and lighting up, you can feel the pleasant taste of a unique home-made pipe made at home.

Now many smokers are beginning to think about their health, many are quitting this habit, while others are switching from cigarettes to regular tobacco, which has much less impurities. However, it requires a tube. The distribution network offers a wide selection of them, but really high-quality copies are very expensive. And now we will discuss how to make a smoking pipe yourself.

Material for making a smoking pipe

Craftsmen make smoking pipes from briar. It is a growth at the root of a tree called heather. It is ideal for creating such a specific product. After all, heather grows in the stony soil of the Mediterranean climate, and briar absorbs moisture and minerals, which subsequently give all the necessary qualities to the tree, which is so appreciated by the craftsmen who make smoking pipes from it.

Local tree species to create a smoking pipe

However, this tree does not grow in our area, and if you buy it, it will cost a lot. You can do it yourself, the materials for which are easy to find in local gardens. For the manufacture of the pipe, fruit trees are suitable, which have dense wood: apple, pear, plum. But it is best to choose cherry, its fibers are the densest of the listed breeds, so it will not burn out for a long time. All the rest are also good, but they char a little faster. It is advisable to use the root part for harvesting, but branch or stem material is suitable. Fruit trees when smoked they have an excellent aftertaste. Some people like the taste of cherries, others like apples, it all depends on their own preferences. For this reason, it is also better to make a smoking pipe with your own hands.

Material preparation

Having decided on the type of wood, you also need to learn how to properly dry a suitable workpiece. You cannot cut a live branch or part of a root and immediately make a tube out of it. Sections are painted over or smeared on the material so that moisture cannot quickly evaporate through them. It should gradually come out through the bark, which in no case should be removed immediately. And so the tree must lie before next year- then the fibers will gradually dry out, and there will be no cracks in their structure. And only after this time it will be possible to remove the bark and grind the shape of a smoking pipe.

You can also make a smoking pipe from a dried log. To do this, cut the workpiece from its center. Of course, if it was in a dry place. The extreme places with cracks are cut off, after which there is solid wood that does not have flaws. After that, the bark is removed and the desired size of the workpiece is cut out, but with a margin of five centimeters. Then the tree is set aside for a week, because it must completely dry out, after which microcracks may well appear. If you immediately start carving the shape of a smoking pipe, then the revealed flaws will ruin everything. And in a week, even if small cracks open, they will be on the left stock, and after cutting it there will be an ideal surface for carving.

Manufacturing process

To begin with, a simple angular blank is cut out, resembling a square or rhombus. Its surface must be sanded in order to clearly see the structure of the tree and determine if there are any defects on it. If everything is fine, we mark out the future shape in more detail in order to know where the smoking chamber will be, and where the chubuk is the part where the mouthpiece is attached. It is necessary to outline all the details and holes with a pencil. It is also worth drawing directions to make it easier to maintain angles when drilling.

Making smoking pipes with their own hands, the craftsmen first of all drill a hole for the chamber into which tobacco will be poured. At first, it is worth doing this with a thin drill, and then picking up everything thicker until the hole is the desired diameter. But you should not immediately bring it to the final size, you need to leave an allowance of a few millimeters, then to grind it with sandpaper. After all, the drill leaves uneven surface and it should be smooth.

After that, a smoke channel hole is drilled on the side in the place where the chubuk is planned. This must be done carefully, because making smoking pipes with your own hands is a very precise and time-consuming process. The smoke outlet must be strictly at the bottom of the tobacco chamber. This is very important point, because if you make it a little higher, then the tobacco inside will not burn out completely, which can lead to souring, and this will worsen the taste of the pipe and smoke. This channel can be from 3 to 4 mm. The wider it is, the drier the tube will be. by the way, it is better to equip it with a filter to prevent ash from getting into the middle. In addition, a wide smoke channel makes it easy to clean the pipe with a brush. After the holes are ready and accurately connected, you can start creating the outer shape.

Of course, it is better to make smoking pipes with your own hands on a machine, it will be much easier and faster. But in the absence of such a technique, you can still make a good copy by hand.

Next (when working on the machine) you need to make circles that you can, all other parts are cut out by hand with a well-honed cutter. It is important to make the edge of the motif narrower than the entire width of the shank. This is necessary so that you can put on the mouthpiece, and the two parts were on the same plane. After that, the surface is polished inside and out with sandpaper. First, all the bumps left by the knife are removed with a large one, and then scratches are removed from a flat surface with a small one. However, you can leave the outer parts unfinished - here everything is already done to the taste of the master.

Choice of mouthpiece material

We continue to talk about how to make a smoking pipe, and now we will create a mouthpiece. It can be made of ebonite or acrylic. The first material is softer, but polishing remains on it for a very short time. It is better to choose it for those who hold a pipe in their teeth while smoking. Acrylic is harder and more durable, and therefore it is suitable for holding the product in your hands in the process.

Manufacturing process

You need to take a stick of ebonite or acrylic with a length of 10 to 15 cm. So that when smoking the smoke has time to cool, do-it-yourself smoking pipes are made no shorter than 10 cm. With this in mind, we choose the size of the mouthpiece. A hole is made in it along the entire length with a drill, the diameter of which is 3 mm. Start with the part where there will be a connection with the chubuk. After that, the hole is expanded by half the length to the diameter of the smoke channel. Then this step, which is formed, needs to be smoothed out. To do this, cut a triangular tip on a wire with a diameter of 4 mm. It must be driven to the stop and carefully turned several times.

After that, the channel is ground with a thin wire with sandpaper glued to it. The place where the mouthpiece will be is expanded horizontally to form an oval of 5-6 mm. So the smoke will be easier to be absorbed by the smoker. On the other hand, the hole in the mouthpiece is widened so that it fits snugly on the shank, but without much effort.

Outer Mouthpiece Molding

Mouthpieces are processed, like smoking pipes, with their own hands. You can grind on the machine or use improvised tools. The form is also arbitrary. After that, you need to grind the surface first with fine sandpaper, and then with felt with GOI paste. If you make an ebonite mouthpiece, you can bend it, give it a different shape. To do this, it is heated over gas stove or a candle and then make a bend.

Do-it-yourself wooden smoking pipes can be waxed or etched - this way their surface will look elite, but it will be much more distinct and, of course, this is an excellent protection for the wood surface.

Tube etching

An excellent mordant can be two-chromium potassium pounded in water, and after the reaction with the evolution of gases stops, this indicates that the mixture is ready for wood etching. The more concentrated it is, the richer the color and contrast of the pattern of wood fibers. The tube is immersed in the composition until it becomes the desired tone. You can store this mordant as long as you like in a glass sealed container.


There is a great and easy way. Needs wax. 100 g of it must be finely chopped, then add mastic (12 g), instead of it you can crushed rosin (25 g). The selected mixture is put on fire so that everything becomes liquid. Then they remove it from it and immediately pour 50 g of turpentine - warm. After that, the mixture must be thoroughly stirred and drained into the required container. In it, the composition is stored until it is necessary to use it. Take the mixture, apply it to a woolen or cotton cloth and carefully rub it into the wood.

Smoking pipe cleaning

This should be done when the tube has completely cooled down. It is necessary to carefully disconnect the mouthpiece by unscrewing it clockwise. If you pull it out with remarkable force, you can damage both parts of the tube. The mouthpiece is cleaned with special brushes, starting them from the side of the mouthpiece. It is better to have several of them, for a more convenient process.

It is necessary to clean the chubuk after each smoking process. The brush is started from the side where the mouthpiece was. After everything is cleaned, the brush is left inside the stem until it is time to fill the pipe with tobacco. The cleaning of the product is completed by wiping all its external surfaces. After that, the tube is purged to eliminate any soot or debris that may have remained inside.

For general cleaning of the tube, wax, alcohol, and various other liquids are used, it is carried out as it gets dirty. And only the owner himself knows when simple maintenance is not enough.

Now the pipe is rather an element of decor, it is rarely smoked, because it needs to be looked after. They are now like good wine, which is only savored from time to time. There are also many accessories for this kind of refinement (smoking pipe stands, for example), which can be different forms and sizes.

What is the difference between the most expensive and collectible pipes from the usual

First of all, it is an ideal material - briar. In the most expensive collectibles, the fibers of this wonderful tree are visible, woven randomly, but the master presents them as if they were grown specifically for this smoking pipe. They, like rays that envelop the smoking chamber, turn into a chubuk. Such a piece of art as a collectible smoking pipe, reviews are always enthusiastic not only from knowledgeable people, but also from the townsfolk. After all, a masterpiece always has a special aura and, of course, appearance. And looking at it, you cannot catch yourself thinking that you can change its shape or appearance. This is where the talent of the master lies.

The choice of good wood is the key to a good pipe. Type of wood used for tube manufacturing, greatly affects its shape and strength, as well as the taste of tobacco smoke. Pipe makers identify several types of wood for making modern pipes.


Briar is a shrub of the genus Ericaarborea, distributed throughout the Mediterranean. Briard has a dense wood and therefore has the property of fire resistance. This material, due to its properties, is good choice for making smoking pipes. Wood has absorbent properties, which allows absorbing moisture from the tobacco leaf, while the taste of the smoke is not distorted. A briar pipe will be durable due to its hard wood and will not lose its shape over time. The color of the briar is light brown, but it can be given a number of shades with the help of varnishes and wax.


Morta is one of the unique types of pipe material. This is an oak, whose properties are formed when the tree falls into peat or clay. Due to the inability to rot and decompose ( lack of oxygen), the wood becomes petrified and turns black. Morta is found everywhere and, depending on the original wood, can be of varying quality. Good quality morta is an excellent material for making pipes, this material is readily available and easy to work with. You can leave the morta blank rough, or sand it down for a more finished look. Since the tree is semi-petrified, it heat resistant and durable.

Cherry tree

Cherry wood is commonly used by carvers in pipes because of its deep red and burgundy color. Due to its rigidity, cherry wood is excellent for pipe making, and manufacturers often take this into account when designing the shape of a pipe. When making a cherry tree pipe, the bark can be left untouched, this will give tree view. By removing the bark and polishing the wood, the red veins in the wood can be emphasized.

11 Jan 2013

What are smoking pipes made of?

Many people, thinking about the first purchase, most often imagine a smoking pipe simply as a kind of wood product with a mouthpiece. However, when we come to the store and see a wide range of pipes, we understand that not everything is as simple as we imagined. So what are tubes made of? What are they like?

Clay pipes | Clay Pipes

Clay is perhaps one of the most ancient materials ever used to make pipes for smoking on " big earth". This is not surprising, since clay products are hardened by fire and the combustion temperature of tobacco is unlikely to harm the material of the pipe.

Clay pipes are made to this day and such pipes have their own circle of fans, but these pipes also have a number of significant disadvantages: pipes made of clay, like many products made from it, are quite fragile, moreover, they easily heat up and against such the tube may be burned. Sometimes you can find clay pipes with double walls and a layer of air between them, which greatly reduces the risk of burns.

Also, the disadvantages of smoking pipes made of clay include high humidity smoking and the absence of such a factor as “taste of the pipe”. Nowadays, clay pipes are, in fact, more decorative products than utilitarian ones. They are more common than others in various museums, but in the everyday life of a modern smoker they have given way to pipes made of other materials.

Porcelain tubes | Porcelain Pipes

Porcelain smoking pipes were very popular in Europe until relatively recently. In fact, only the bowls and sometimes part of the shank were porcelain, everything else was a flight of the master's imagination. The tubes could be small and neat, or they could reach a length of half a meter or more. Porcelain pipe bowls are often hand-painted, but modern porcelain pipes mostly belong to the souvenir class.

Foam tubes | Meerschaum Pipes

Smoking pipes made of foam (meerschaum, German - sea foam) appeared around the first third of the 18th century. The largest deposits of this mineral (sepiolite) are located in Turkey and off the coast of Africa. There are also deposits of sepiolite in Feodosia. Foam from different regions differs in density, but in general it is a porous and light mineral of almost white color. Foam absorbs moisture well and is a heat-resistant material. This, and the low thermal conductivity of sepiolite, has made this mineral popular for making pipes. The pliability of the foam during processing allows you to make pipes of the most unimaginable shapes, decorated with figures and patterns, striking in the number of details.

At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, Tanzanian foam (Africa) was popular as a material for making pipes. The mineral mined in this region had sufficient porosity, and at the same time its strength made it possible not to “tremble over the pipes”. But due to the constant political instability of this region, which led to interruptions in the supply of the mineral, the producers were forced to abandon the purchase of sepiolite in Africa. Then foam from Turkey entered the scene. It is noticeably softer than Tanzanian and pipes made from it are more fragile, but today sepiolite pipes are quite popular among smokers.

There are several types of foam on the market that are used to make pipes, and two of them are worth talking about separately - these are block foam and pressed foam. In the first case, the pipe is cut from a single piece (block) of the mineral. In the second, the foam crumb is pressed, pouring a sticky substance. Pressed foam tubes are much cheaper, but their quality is much inferior to tubes made from a solid block.

Corn tubes | CornCob Pipes

Corn pipes owe their birth to a Dutch artisan who moved to America for permanent residence. He settled in a small village on the Missouri coast, thanks to which the pipes received the name "Missouri Meershaum". Initially, this name was a proper name that was and continues to be worn by a company that produces corn pipes, but gradually they began to call everything corn pipes in a row “Missouri foam”, making this a household name.

The tubes are literally made from corn cobs, which are dried for a long time and from which the grains are beaten. A tobacco chamber is drilled in the middle of the cob, a shank with a mouthpiece is inserted and the pipe is ready. Corn pipes are essentially a disposable smoking tool, but their low cost and unconventional appearance make them quite popular among smokers.

You can read more about corn pipes in one of the issues of our magazine.

Calabash, pumpkin pipes | Calabash

Initially, kalabashi were made (and continue to be made) really from a pumpkin, which was given the necessary shape during cultivation. The cavity inside the dried pumpkin plays the role of a large air chamber in which the smoke cools. The tobacco itself smolders in the chamber, which is made of meerschaum or porcelain.

The original calabash are rather large tubes with a U-shape and a characteristic "mushroom hat" from the insert. Sometimes, instead of a pumpkin, a tree of various species is used with briar or foam inserts. Also, “miniature copies”, devoid of air chambers, of the original calabash are cut from foam or briar, repeating the general shape of the calabash. In terms of construction, such pipes may have little in common with gourd pipes, but the characteristic lines of the contour have given the name to one of the forms of smoking pipes.

In the picture on the left you see just one of these pipes: the magnificent work of the Danish master Tom Eltang - a pipe made of briar in the shape of a calabash.

Falcon Pipes

Dubbed the Falcon, smoking pipes are hybrid pipes with a metal base with interchangeable foam or briar bowls that screw into the base. These pipes do not stand out in anything special and are, in general, the next and passed stage in the evolution of smoking pipes.

I deliberately included Falcon tubes in an article describing the materials used to make tubes, and not in a section on tube shapes. The use of metal in the construction does not allow me to omit the mention of these tubes in this article.

Briar pipes

Briarome(bruyere, briar, etc.) is called a spherical dense growth at the base of a heather bush, turning into roots. The main regions supplying pipe briar are Corsica, Algeria, Italy and Greece. Distinctive features briar is its relative heat resistance. However, new briar pipes must be smoked - in the process of smoking a pipe, a thin carbon layer forms on the walls of the tobacco chamber - carbon deposits - giving additional protection tobacco chamber, as well as collecting excess moisture formed during smoking. A well-dried briar is fairly light, allowing the pipe to be held in the mouth without much effort. Unless, of course, it is not the size of a house.

For all its density and difficulty in processing, briar, like any wood, is permeated with capillaries, thanks to which the pipe can "breathe" - collect and return the taste of tobacco smoked in it. This feature, which is, in general, only possessed by heather pipes, gave rise to the term "pipe taste", which the pipe acquires as it is smoked. How it will be - good or bad - depends on the quality of the briar, the quality of the pipe, on the degree of smoking of the pipes and, of course, on the nature of the tobacco smoked in it.

Due to its properties, briar is by far the most popular material for the manufacture of smoking pipes. Many smokers consider it the best, which is well deserved, and even the only acceptable material for making smoking pipes.

Post Scriptum

Nowadays, you can find smoking pipes made from a lot more materials than listed in this article: all metal, carbon fiber, pressed shavings and heat-resistant plastic, various types of fruit and not very wood. The electronic filling of many modern (trying to become fashionable) pipes, their hi-tech design, or vice versa, the desire to simplify and reduce the cost of pipe production by all means, has created a large number of "monsters" that are completely devoid of what we love smoking pipes for - their ability to deliver pleasure to the smoker with its taste and the taste of smoked tobacco. If our aspirations are similar to you, then it seems to me that it makes no sense to even pay attention to such “crafts”.

Making a pipe with your own hands is a long and laborious process. This will require material, tools, skills and experiments. As practice shows, even for experienced carpenters, the first copies are far from being the best. best quality. What smoking pipes are made of is a whole science.

A handmade smoking pipe is made of wood. Optimal material- this is a briar, but it is almost impossible to find it in free sale. Briar is extracted from the root of the heather, which grows in the Mediterranean. Therefore, as a rule, cherry or pear wood is taken as the basis - available materials for a smoking pipe.

It is worth saying that making a smoking pipe with your own hands will cost many times more than buying a new one. This is due to the laborious process of sawing out the base, preparing the material, as well as clarifying the internal channels. You will have to spoil more than one blank before you get some semblance of a smoking device.

Many are wondering how to make a foil pipe, a bong from a bottle. It cannot be called a smoking pipe, since plastic and artificial surfaces do not have the effect that wood and briar do.

Technology and production does not allow the use of paper products.

You can focus on pottery, rust, but the slightest crack will render the product unusable.

Ready solutions

Tobacco stores sell original kits that will help you understand how to make a smoking pipe with your own hands in just 5 minutes. These are the so-called hobby blocks. Usually a hobby block is made in the form of a square or rectangular block of wood. A hole has already been drilled inside for the bowl and the smoke channel.

All that remains for the user is to attach the mouthpiece. You can also buy a drip tip on the online space, and according to the sizes that hobby blocks have.

To be honest, the hobby block is just a pipe making toy. It is problematic to make a full-fledged tube out of this. In most cases, such products are considered exclusively as souvenirs.

Equipment preparation

The key tool is band-saw and drilling machine. You can find a machine in a used condition for about 5000-7000 rubles. through online advertisements. These are the simplest models that are easily fixed on the kitchen table.

It is not so easy to find a band saw for making smoking pipes and the device will most likely cost more. However, if tubes are to be manufactured in the long term, such equipment will become indispensable.

The next element of the preparatory kit is a drill. For the smoke channel, models with a diameter of 4 mm are usually selected. You can find such products for machine tools in specialized stores. The best option- a furniture hinge drill with which repairs are made, including a wide range of options, ideal for creating a tube.

If carving is intended, art kits will be required. Carved decoration is a labor-intensive process.

Steps for making a smoking pipe

You can learn how to make a pipe for smoking tobacco according to the following steps:

How to make a mouthpiece?

The optimal choice for the mouthpiece is ebonite. Smoking pipe material can be purchased at hardware stores or in the same specialized tobacco stores. Before you make a bong or pipe, you should buy ebonite in reserve.

A piece of ebonite is vertically installed in a drilling machine. First, a perpendicularly flat surface is created with a drill. Next, holes are made for the trunnion in accordance with the parameters of the chubuk.

The most difficult part is drilling the smoke channel in the mouthpiece. It is important to remember that the hole must be tapered in length. Usually, drills with a diameter of no more than one and a half millimeters are selected, but in any case, exactly the drill is selected that fits under the smoke channel of the chubuk.

To make the hole tapered, the mouthpiece is drilled each time with thinner drills and in several passes. Wooden pipes in this case smoke better.

Some make and make pipes from clay, paper, and other improvised means. But this is a qualitatively different technology, which is problematic to implement without skills. Briar pipe bush and ebonite are the best materials.

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