The benefits of yoga for weight loss for beginners at home, a training program for a beautiful figure. Asanas for weight loss: a set of basic poses with pictures, who are yoga and how to lose weight

The article "Yoga for Weight Loss" will talk about how yoga makes the process of losing weight the most effective, in contrast to the use of dietary remedies alone, and what exercises should be included in the daily schedule.

Does yoga help to lose weight

Readers who want to lose weight ask if yoga helps to lose weight. They, obviously, have heard reviews somewhere about the benefits of yoga for weight loss, but they still don’t know exactly what decision to come to and what choice to make - in favor of yoga or any other practice. Therefore, after reading this article, you can arm yourself with the knowledge gained and decide whether yoga is right for you as a means of improving your figure.

The popularity of this complex lies in the fact that it is simple and can be mastered even at the initial stages of yoga, but this does not reduce its value. This is a dynamic set of exercises made up of basic asanas, in many of which the main element is tilts, backbends and extensions. It is this kind of asanas that are especially effective in burning the subcutaneous body fat, train muscles and stretch the spine.

It would seem, where does the spinal column - the basis of the musculoskeletal system. And yet, the state of your body and posture in general depends on it. Without a correct and beautiful posture, there can be no beautiful figure. In itself, a toned body, stretching upward, with a royally raised head, visually looks slimmer, a proud posture also affects psychological condition, so you will automatically raise your self-esteem, and it plays an important role in losing weight.

Many people eat more than they need, because they "jam" internal dissatisfaction with themselves, the situation in life. Feeling better psychologically, realizing your self-worth, you will understand that food is not the consolation that you used to resort to to get rid of stress. Food has its own function - to provide the body with energy and, to a certain extent, to make you feel the enjoyment of the taste of food. But in order to enjoy food, it is not necessary to consume it in large quantities. A small portion of tasty and healthy food can bring much more satisfaction and benefit to the body than its consumption in large volumes.

Yoga for weight loss for beginners: yoga exercises for weight loss

Beginners can perform the following types of asanas:

  • standing,
  • sitting,
  • lying down
  • slopes,
  • deflections.

Of the above asanas, the most effective will be those in which there are inclinations and deflections. Since the asanas themselves are static postures, while holding them, the internal organs are massaged, blood circulation and its flow to the part of the body that is focused on in a particular asana is enhanced. Due to the fact that at the initial stage the asana is held for at least 30 seconds (this is an approximate length of time during which 6 cycles of inhalation and exhalation can be done), a healthy load on the internal organs increases, blood flow increases, thus purification occurs. from accumulated toxins in the form of excess body fat and flushing out toxins that prevent proper functioning internal systems organism.

The list below will present asanas that are available even for beginners, and for those who have already practiced yoga, it will be useful to include them in their daily complex in order to prevent congestion in certain parts of the body, as well as to most effectively dissolve the subcutaneous fat., or The locust pose also has a great effect on the abdominal muscles, strengthens the back.

  • Paripurna Navasana, Boat Pose; this asana also focuses on training the abdominal muscles and hips.
  • halasana, although it belongs to inverted poses, it is very useful for stimulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system, especially for the thyroid gland.
  • Here is just a sample list of poses for you to understand the principle. It must be remembered that when performing asanas, the rule of compensation must be observed, that is, if you made a tilt, then it should be followed by a deflection: the principle of the pendulum is from one side to the other. If you leaned to one side, then you need to do the same to the other.

    Performing any yoga asana, you stimulate the work of the deep muscles of the body, which in itself has a positive effect on the general condition and makes the body more toned. Many yoga complexes are warming, and due to the additional production of internal heat, excess deposits are burned, so choosing an asana is quite simple. You can choose almost any pose where the part of the body that you want to work out and strengthen is included in the work. Fortunately, there are enough asanas in yoga for everyone to find what they need for themselves.

    We wish you an effective practice of yoga asanas and pranayama!

    Everyone knows that yoga brings great benefits to the body. It is important that with the help of yoga exercises you can always be slim and mobile. To bring your body into a natural shape, weight loss asanas are perfect.

    On their own, a complex of asanas for weight loss can be made up by those who already have some experience in yoga.

    There must be a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson, it is given 5-10 minutes. After that, asanas are made in different positions. It is important to know that morning yoga is the most effective.

    Twisting postures

    The best asanas in yoga for weight loss are twisting poses (Bharadvajasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Sage Pose, etc.). They activate the digestive system, cleanse the liver and kidneys. When the intestines function well, there is a fight against fatty deposits and support for the whole body.

    standing poses

    To perform standing asanas, you need to master the balance of the body. They build strength in the muscles. To lose weight, the Chair, Eagle, Tree, Warrior, Crescent, Triangle exercises are perfect. Thus, the Chair pose strengthens the spine, legs and hips. Asana Warrior stretches the muscles of the shoulders, upper back, abdomen. Crescent and Triangle reinforce lower limbs, strengthen the spine, activates the digestive system.

    Inverted asanas

    These exercises stimulate the abdominal region and thyroid glands. Great for relieving tension in the back. For yoga practitioners in order to lose weight, it is necessary to include a shoulder stand and the Plow exercise in the asana complex. Try to hold these positions for 60 seconds.

    Positions with a smooth deflection of the back (Fish, Bridge) are perfect.

    forward bends

    Do them in a sitting or standing position. In this aspect, the Downward Dog, Uttansana, Upavishtha Konasana, Prasarita Padottanasana poses are perfect. They bring the hamstrings to work, strengthen the calves, make the digestive organs work, remove stress and tension.

    Relaxing poses

    All yoga classes end with relaxation. It lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. This allows you to calm down the body, relieve anxiety, tension, which as a result will affect weight loss. For relaxation, you can use Shavasana, Balasana or the Child's pose.

    It is very effective to set aside a few minutes a day for meditation to calm the mind, completely relax the body.

    Below is a set of yoga for weight loss.

    Complex of asanas for harmony

    The proposed set of yoga exercises for weight loss is chosen so that the asanas harmoniously affect the body. For better understanding, the exercises are shown in pictures.

    Tadasana or Mountain Pose

    Exercise is recommended to be done in between exercises or as a separate asana to align your posture. To perform Tadasana, you need to raise the upper limbs through the sides, pull the body up.

    While holding the pose, focus on the main muscles of the body. Nose breathing.

    Uttanasana (tilt to the feet)

    Uttanasana is one of the main asanas in yoga. It calms the mind, body, stretches the muscles in the thigh area.

    To do Uttanasana you need:

    • Stand up straight, legs apart, relax your arms.
    • Inhale and slowly lean forward. When it is difficult to keep your knees straight, you can bend slightly.
    • Lower your arms, touching the floor or clasp your shins with them.
    • Hold for 30 seconds.
    • Taking a long breath, rise.

    Cobra Pose

    Bhujangasana or Cobra pose strengthens the spine, buttocks, and stretches the shoulders.

    The exercise is performed from a position lying on the stomach, face down. Rise up, leaning on the forearms of the hands, keep the elbows near the chest. Inhale while straightening your arms. Try to pull the upper body higher. Stay in the asana for 30 seconds. Exhale as you return to the starting position.

    It is impossible to perform the asana for pregnant women and with spinal injuries.

    Downward facing dog

    Exercise perfectly develops the muscles of the thighs, calves, strengthens the upper limbs. Eases painful menopause.

    Starting position Downward facing dog, standing on all fours, arms and legs shoulder-width apart. On the exhale, slowly raise the buttocks up, straightening the lower limbs. Hold the pose for one to three minutes and return to the starting position.

    Virabhrdrasana will perfectly stretch the thigh muscles and reduce back pain. It is necessary to stand up straight, bring your right leg forward, lunging at a distance of about one meter. Bend your knee to form a 90 degree angle. After that, simultaneously raise straightened arms up. Stay in the asana for five breathing cycles and repeat the same, but with the left leg.

    To perform Uttihta Trikonasana, you must:

    1. Put your feet at a distance of 90-120 cm from one another, turn the left 90 degrees outward, and the right one only 45 degrees inward. Raise your arms to the sides with palms facing down.
    2. On exhalation, the head turns to the left, leaning towards the left leg. Trunk parallel to the floor.
    3. The left hand reaches the foot, and the right hand is directed straight up.
    4. Breathing is even.
    5. After several breathing cycles, return to the starting position.

    Ardha Matsyendrsana or King Pisces Half Pose

    This exercise stretches the spine and strengthens the muscles adjacent to the spine. The exercise is performed like this:

    1. Starting position sitting, move the right leg behind the left and put the foot, bringing it closer to the pelvis. Press the left elbow to outside right thigh, lean back on right hand.
    2. Turn your head to the right, looking into the distance.
    3. Helping with the left hand, turn the lower back more.
    4. At the position of maximum stretching of the muscles, make several respiratory cycles and go to the starting position.
    5. Repeat on the other side.

    Salamba Sirshasana or headstand

    Salamba Shirshasana will perfectly deepen the respiratory rate and open the energy of the spine, chest, diaphragm, strengthen abdominal muscles, slow down the heartbeat, lower blood pressure.

    To enter Salamba Shirshasana, you need to do the following:

    • Lay down the rug and kneel beside it.
    • Bend over, placing your forearms in the middle of the mat. Elbows shoulder width apart.
    • Connect and twist the fingers of the hands, forming a bowl with the palms. Keep interlocked fingers throughout the asana.
    • Put the crown of the head on the mat so that the bowl of the palms covers the back of the head.
    • Bring your knees closer to your head.
    • While inhaling, lift your bent knees off the floor and raise your legs with a slight jerk. Lift your feet at the same time.
    • Hold the bent legs behind the back, pressing the heels to the buttocks.
    • When a feeling of confidence appears, straighten your legs slowly.
    • The body is perpendicular to the surface.

    Shavasana or relaxation pose

    This asana completes a set of exercises for weight loss. It promotes relaxation of the whole body.

    It is necessary to lie down, spread the lower limbs at a comfortable distance, arms lie comfortably along the body, palms up. Relax, eyes closed.

    Concentrate on your own breathing. Try to inhale and exhale. We invite you to watch the video "Yoga for weight loss in 30 minutes."

    How to find your weight loss position

    Yoga is a system of Indian asanas that support human health and physical fitness. Only in the harmony of soul and body can the desired result be achieved.

    For the effectiveness of the selection of exercises for weight loss, it is important to consider the following points:

    • To quickly acquire the desired shape, you need the intensity of training.
    • If there are health problems, choose easier asanas.
    • With strength training, you can both lose weight and increase muscle volume. This must be taken into account by women who want to become slimmer.
    • When there are stretching asanas, you can not worry about increasing muscle mass.
    • After class, there should not be any pain, the only exception can be krepatura.
    • Feeling other pains indicates mistakes in performing the asana.

    Possibilities of yoga for weight loss

    Doing yoga for weight loss:

    • The body receives physical activity to help burn excess calories.
    • Improves metabolism.
    • A person gets used to eating right without much effort, there is simply no desire to eat junk food.
    • By systematically practicing yoga, a person masters the skill correct breathing not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life. The body is enriched with oxygen.

    The complexes are selected so that all muscle groups are activated. So, the buttocks will become elastic in a few months.

    This is important because the gluteal muscles are difficult to influence. Regular exercises will remove fat in problem areas, muscles will gain relief, joint mobility and flexibility will improve.

    In Indian culture, taking care of the body is given a lot of attention. Yoga is a whole science of the body, which has no analogues in other cultures and strengthens a person both spiritually and physically. This is not just physical education, these are deeply thought-out exercises that allow you to achieve the ideal as quickly and efficiently as possible. Yoga for weight loss of the abdomen, strengthening muscles and relieving stress is now popular all over the world.

    A separate plus is that for yoga you do not need to go to the gym or buy equipment for the home. Take a rug that will soften the hardness of the floor a little, choose a place and start.

    Can you lose weight with yoga?

    The people who long time do yoga, stand out from the crowd. They are slim, fit and especially fresh. It is enough to practice regularly for several weeks to start receiving compliments from others. Yoga makes all organs of the human body work better, starting not only weight loss, but also improving well-being:

    • Normalizes blood pressure and heart function;
    • Sleep improves;
    • Accelerates metabolism;
    • Increases the efficiency of the brain;
    • Decreased appetite;
    • The tendency to edema disappears;
    • Muscles are strengthened;
    • There is energy and vitality.


    Hatha yoga requires concentration, stamina and strength. Here, the loads are not at all the same as those of athletes or wrestlers, but they are there, and not small ones. Therefore, such activities also have contraindications:

    • Serious diseases of the nervous system;
    • The period of exacerbation of any diseases of internal organs;
    • Pneumonia;
    • Tuberculosis;
    • Heart diseases;
    • Any stage of cancer;
    • Injuries to the spine or joints.

    If you decide to start yoga, be sure to consult with your doctor and make sure that you do not risk your health.

    Yoga helps to cope with many ailments, but you can practice it only in those periods when there are no exacerbations and the condition is stable.

    Rules for performing yoga for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

    Since yoga is a science, and not just fat burning, it has many rules and nuances. To get the maximum result, they should be followed.

    • Don't overload yourself. Get used to the exercises gradually. Start with a few minutes a day and slowly build up.
    • Always practice on a mat, not on the floor.
    • Set a routine and follow it strictly. Don't skip classes unless your health requires it.
    • Exercise outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
    • Each exercise for training should be repeated 3-4 times.
    • Start your session with a short warm-up to prepare your body.
    • It is best to exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. If this is not possible, let at least 2 hours pass after eating.
    • Do not ask yourself if the result of training is visible, the first 4 weeks. It is there, but it grows slowly and it can only bring down your determination. After 4 weeks, you will not recognize yourself, but for now, be patient.
    • Try to eat right. More fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, less sweets and smoked meats.
    • Drink water. This is an inevitable rule of well-being: at least 1.5 liters of water per day to prevent dehydration.

    Yoga includes a huge number of asanas, each of which has its own purpose. Here are some of them that will help to make the figure slim:

    • Dog posture;
    • Crescent Pose;
    • Rest posture;
    • Camel pose;
    • Boat pose;
    • Half boat;
    • Cobra pose;
    • Warrior Pose;
    • Tilt to the feet

    These are yoga poses for slimming the abdomen and sides, and we will dwell on them in more detail.

    Yoga for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

    Yoga classes are based on the adoption of special postures. Sometimes you need to move in a pose, and sometimes you just need to stay for a while. There are no dynamic movements here. The most important thing is to take postures - asanas - correctly and follow the described rules.

    camel pose

    Ushtrasana is a pose that helps to strengthen the muscles of the torso. With regular practice, it makes the spine plastic and strengthens the respiratory organs. It is often recommended to people prone to colds or with weak lungs.

    Lay out a small rug. Sit on your knees, hands on your hips. From this position, lift the pelvis, continuing to lean on your knees. Arch your back, stretch the top of your head and hands to your heels.

    If you have just started yoga and it is difficult for you, you can put your hands behind your back one at a time. Ideally, they move in parallel.

    Boat pose

    Paripurna Navasana perfectly loads the muscles of the press and legs.

    Sit on the mat with your legs straight in front of you. Tilt your torso back while lifting your legs. Balance in a state where the heels and head are at the same height. The arms should be extended forward.

    Beginners can make it easier by lifting slightly bent legs. However, you need to strive to improve stretching and perform the asana fully.

    Pros perform the exercise, spreading their arms to the sides, increasing the load on the abdominal muscles.

    half boat

    Ardha Navasana is a variation of the previous asana.

    Performing it, you also recline your body from a sitting position and raise your legs, balancing on your buttocks. But in this asana, the hands should be behind the head, which slightly changes the load. The legs rise about forty degrees from the floor.

    Crescent Pose

    Ardha Chandrasana is so named for the shape that the body of the person performing it takes.

    Stand on the mat with your legs wide apart. Raise one hand above your head. After that, touch the floor with your free hand, and lift your leg on the other side.

    For complication, the non-supporting leg is slowly rotated.

    dog pose

    Adho Mukha Svanasana helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs and abs.

    Get on all fours with a straight back. As you exhale, straighten your legs, leaning on your palms and feet.

    Beginners can stop there. Pros perform backbends.

    Then you should properly exit the pose. Move your feet close to your hands and straighten up, inhaling and raising your hands up. Release them and exhale.

    For weight loss, you can drink apple or wine vinegar, which have a burning effect on fats in the human body -.

    cobra pose

    Bhujangasana works on the stabilizing muscles of the torso and abs, affects posture and waist. It makes the spine more plastic and has a beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive system.

    Lie face down on the mat, place your hands on your palms at chest level. The elbows are pressed to the body.

    Gently straighten your arms, bending in your back and keeping your hips on the floor.

    In this position, the stomach should be pulled in, the shoulders should be apart.

    Slowly return to the first position, tensing your buttocks and legs.

    Warrior Pose

    Virabhadrasana specializes in the muscles of the back and waist, and also strengthens the legs. There are two varieties of this asana.

    • Virabhadrasana 1. Stand straight on the mat with your feet wide apart. Join your palms above your head. Then bend one knee, without ceasing to lean on this leg. Turn the body in the direction of movement. Stay in this position for a while, then straighten up.
    • Virabhadrasana 2. Stand on the mat with your legs wide apart. One leg is straight, the other is bent at a right angle. Turn your head in the direction of the slope, spread your arms to the sides, parallel to the ground. Stay in this position for a minute, pulling in your stomach and straightening your back.

    In both types, this asana must be performed twice - bending the legs in turn.

    The pros perform Virabhadrasana, leaning on one leg, raising the second to the chest, then take the leg back, and the torso is tilted forward. Hands can be extended to the sides, or pressed to the body. So the muscles work harder, besides, the balance improves.

    Tilt to the feet

    Uttanasana strengthens the muscles of the abs, legs and back.

    Stand on the mat with your feet wide apart. Straighten your back and legs, strain them. Stretch your arms above your head. Bend over, pressing the body to the hips, hug your legs with your hands. Freeze for a while, straighten up.

    Rest Pose

    Shavasana is the perfect asana to end your workout. Lie on your back on a mat and thoughtfully relax every muscle in your body. Lie down like this for a few minutes.

    This set of exercises should be done every day, preferably twice a day. After the first visits, it may seem that this does not affect anything. But after a few weeks of regular training, you will begin to notice how the body is changing. Pleasant music and slow fluid asanas for weight loss will allow you to bring the figure into the desired shape without stress.

    Yoga classes for weight loss are very popular now. But if for some they turn out to be a panacea and turn into a way of life, then for some reason they do not work for others. What are the components of success and what style of yoga to choose to lose weight?

    What is yoga?

    Yoga is an ancient philosophical doctrine that came to us from India, preaching a special system of values ​​aimed at achieving a state of spiritual and mental exaltation. Enlightenment can be achieved through strengthening the body and spirit with the help of mental and physical practices.

    Today, few people go into the philosophical side of the doctrine, many take into service only the system exercise called asanas. Nevertheless, yoga classes help to know the possibilities of your body, to temporarily escape from the worldly bustle and look deep into yourself. Working on his body, breathing, a person trains endurance, concentration, becomes resistant to stress and gradually comes to a change in consciousness and lifestyle.

    Benefits for physical health

    Many diseases are caused by stress. permanent nervous tension can lead to hormonal disruptions, nervous disorders, improper functioning immune system. That is why it is so important to learn how to control yourself, switch your consciousness, tune in a positive way.

    If we talk about the physical aspect of classes, then yoga develops endurance, trains flexibility, stretching, and helps to gain harmony.

    5 reasons to do yoga for weight loss

    People who practice yoga regularly confirm its effectiveness for weight loss. A number of factors contribute to this:

    1. Most asanas are static exercises with a change of position, which involve the utmost tension of all muscles, including deep ones, to maintain body balance.
    2. special breathing technique accelerates metabolic processes in the body by almost 30%. This happens due to the saturation of the body with oxygen, which breaks down the cells of adipose tissue. Food begins to be digested faster, and the feeling of hunger does not arise, but an unprecedented surge of energy is felt.
    3. Yoga teaches you how to deal with stress. Often it is stress that causes the need to “seize” problems.
    4. Yoga classes reduce the level of cortisol - a stress hormone that provokes deposition excess fat, especially in the abdomen, and jumps in blood glucose.
    5. After classes, sleep normalizes, and for weight loss it is important to get enough sleep.

    What results should be expected

    Many are skeptical about yoga as a means of losing weight, citing the fact that an hour-long workout burns an average of one hundred and fifty to two hundred calories, while a similar in duration power training will burn from three hundred to five hundred.

    Yes, the result will not be fast, the first changes can be seen after 2-3 months of regular classes. The readings of the scales at the initial stage will disappoint many. But weight loss will definitely occur, but not as rapidly as many would like. Even if the weight remains in place, the volume of the body will decrease by several centimeters, and the muscles will gain relief. This means that adipose tissue will gradually be replaced by muscle.

    Losing weight is more than just burning calories. The meaning of yoga is to find harmony between consciousness and the physical state of the body. A person becomes more receptive to all the processes taking place inside his body, and gradually comes to the need to change eating habits, reconsider the system of relationships with people and the way of life in general.

    Indications and contraindications for classes

    Getting rid of extra pounds, of course, has a positive effect on health. Yoga will help not only to reduce weight, but also to cope with many ailments. These activities will be helpful:

    • with problems with the spine;
    • joints;
    • changes in blood pressure;
    • digestive disorders;
    • diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
    • nervous tension against the background of constant stress, including insomnia and chronic fatigue.

    It is worth giving up classes altogether:

    • with mental disorders;
    • organic lesions of the heart, including defects, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, aortic aneurysm, myocardial dystrophy;
    • blood diseases;
    • craniocerebral injuries;
    • oncological diseases.

    You need to temporarily refrain from doing yoga:

    • when taking drugs in large quantities;
    • exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
    • after operations;
    • abnormally low or high temperature body;
    • taking a course of massage;
    • after a bath or sauna (you can start exercising no earlier than after 8 hours);
    • on a full stomach.

    What types of yoga exist and what to choose for weight loss for beginners?

    The main question that torments beginners who decide to do yoga is which direction to choose? Indeed, there are many styles of yoga, and their choice depends on what goals you want to achieve.

    If the main goal is weight loss, then Bikram yoga and Ashtanga yoga will be the most effective here, although, by and large, all types will help to lose weight in the end.

    • Bikram yoga (also called “hot” yoga) is a type of hatha yoga and consists of 26 dynamic asanas and 2 breathing exercises that need to be performed in a well-heated room with high humidity. Such workouts can burn up to 700 calories per session. The downside is that not all schools can create the necessary conditions Therefore, Bikram Yoga is not practiced everywhere.
    • Ashtanga yoga is a rigorous dynamic practice that allows you to form "dry" muscles. You can burn up to 600 calories in one session. This type of yoga involves the passage of a path consisting of eight steps. Each next level surpasses the previous one in its complexity. Asanas are combined with breathing practice (pranayama) and repetitive movements associated with breathing (vinyasas).
    • Hatha yoga is the initial stage of raja yoga, its purpose is to physically prepare the body for meditation through a set of physical and mental practices that temper the body and spirit. This is a complex of static asanas that allows you to deeply work out all the muscles and speed up the metabolism.
    • Power or power yoga was developed in America in the mid-90s. It is based on Ashtanga yoga exercises, but the asanas are not performed in a strict sequence. Power yoga classes train endurance and give fairly quick results. At the initial stage, static hatha yoga exercises are used, while the muscles of the legs, arms, back and hips are well worked out, and muscle imbalance is leveled. At a more advanced level, when students are already in full control of their bodies, they begin dynamic exercises.
    • Kundalini yoga is a synthesis of static, dynamic, breathing exercises, meditations and mantras. The complex of all these practices allows you to awaken the energy of Kundalini, "dormant" at the base of the spine, and raise it step by step through the energy channels up to the highest sahasrara chakra.

    Do some exercises with the teacher of kundalini yoga Alexey Vladovsky.

    Video: kundalini yoga lesson for weight loss

    • Breathing yoga is a set of special exercises aimed at holding the breath and accumulating carbon dioxide in the body, which helps to relax blood vessels. In relaxed vessels, blood circulation is normalized, which increases the overall tone of the whole organism. Short hypoxia accelerates the synthesis of enzymes that trigger oxidation processes in the body. As a result, metabolism is enhanced and metabolic processes are improved.

    A video lesson from Karina Kharchinskaya will help you learn more about the principles of breathing.

    Video: learning to breathe correctly

    • Finger yoga or mudra is based on the fact that on the palms and fingers there are acupuncture points associated with various organs. Regular exposure to these points helps to cope with stress, improve vision, hearing, speed up metabolism, alleviate many ailments, and also maintain the overall tone of the body.
    • Yoga in hammocks is perfect for people who find it difficult to perform traditional exercises for a number of reasons, such as joint problems or back problems. Such exercises are useful for obese people and women after childbirth. Classes take place in a special hammock, consisting of a canvas, equipped with additional handles and ropes for fastening. Indoors, the device is attached to the ceiling with carbines, and in the summer you can attach it to a tree or outdoor horizontal bar to practice outdoors.

    What time of day is best to practice and what is the optimal duration of classes

    Indian yogis begin their practices in the morning at dawn, and it is no coincidence. Morning yoga helps you wake up and recharge your energy for the whole day. It is the morning hours that are considered the best for yoga. Unfortunately, not everyone in the morning has time for full-fledged classes. Do not be upset: to perform morning asanas, 20-30 minutes are enough to increase blood circulation, start metabolism, warm up joints and muscles, and prepare the whole body for the working day.

    Approaching the choice of exercises for a morning workout, especially for beginners, should be reasonable - in the morning there is a higher risk of injury. For the morning complex, unhurried stretching exercises are more suitable, for which you do not need to make great efforts, for example, the pose of a cat or a butterfly. Power and dynamic loads are best left for evening workouts.

    What other exercises to choose for the morning complex, find out from the video.

    Video: a fifteen-minute awakening complex from Katerina Buida

    The optimal duration of a yoga session is from one and a half to two and a half hours, depending on the level of training. The length of the training time should be increased gradually. Be sure to exercise regularly, at least 3-4 times a week. At first, you should not exhaust yourself with daily exercises - the body, especially the unprepared one, needs days of rest.

    Those who cannot fall asleep for a long time, and feel overwhelmed in the morning, should pay attention to a set of exercises before bedtime. To avoid problems with falling asleep, the room must be ventilated the day before, and the last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.

    You can start the complex with the Sirshasana exercise (headstand), but you need preparation for it: lying on your back, you first need to relax as much as possible, then slowly inhale and exhale, imagining how the air comes out of all parts of the body. Now you can go to the wall and stand on your head, trying to hold out in this position for as long as possible, ideally up to 3 minutes.

    The Viparitakarani Mudra exercise, which is reminiscent of the “birch tree” familiar to everyone, is well suited before going to bed: from a lying position on your back, you need to tear your legs off the floor, while your elbows should rest on the floor, and your palms should rest on the lower back. In this position, you should linger for 2 minutes.

    More yoga exercises before bedtime - in the video tutorial by Katerina Buida.

    Video: evening complex "Sweet Dream" from Katerina Buida

    What else you need to know about classes

    Often women are interested in whether it is possible to conduct classes on “critical” days? Yes, menstruation is not a contraindication to yoga. During this period, only strength exercises, from twisting and bending back should also be refrained.

    Clothing for yoga should be made from natural fabrics, loose and comfortable. Yoga shoes are not needed at all - it is better to practice barefoot, in last resort- in socks.

    You need to train on an empty stomach. In the morning - before breakfast, in the afternoon or evening - 3-4 hours after eating. If unbearable hunger torments, shortly before the lesson it is allowed to drink a glass of juice, milk or tea.

    There is no age limit for yoga classes. Children can be taught asanas from the age of 5.

    Yoga for weight loss at home

    It is better to start yoga classes with an instructor. But if there is no time to visit the gym, you can also work out at home with the help of video tutorials from experienced experts. Consider a few simple exercises for beginners, performing which problem areas are well worked out and extra pounds disappear.

    Get rid of fat on the stomach and sides

    Before performing asanas, a warm-up is always necessary. For this purpose, bending forward and to the side, turning the body to the right and left, rotating the hips are suitable. Now you can start static asanas.

    Paripurna navasana

    1. You need to sit straight and stretch your legs in front of you, connecting them together. The body with the legs should form a right angle.
    2. Then the body must be tilted back by 45 degrees, and the outstretched legs should be raised so that the right angle is maintained.
    3. Stretch your arms straight out in front to maintain body balance.
    4. Hold in this position for 10 seconds.

    Repeat the exercise 5 times.


    1. Starting position standing: spread your legs wide and straighten your back.
    2. Pulling the kneecaps up, tighten the muscles of the legs.
    3. Taking a deep breath, simultaneously stretch your arms up and clasp your elbows.
    4. Tilt the body down, trying to reach the legs with the forehead, while the hands should touch the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
    5. Hold this position for a count of ten.
    6. Return to starting position.

    Repeat the exercise 5 times.

    Rdha navasana

    1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.
    2. Cross your fingers and place them on the back of your head.
    3. On the exhale, tilt the body back, and tear off the legs from the floor by 40 degrees.
    4. Hold this position for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.

    Repeat the asana 5 times.


    Relaxation exercise to complete the complex.

    1. Lie on your back, stretch your legs and arms out to the sides.
    2. Relax the muscles of the whole body. Remain in this position for 20 minutes.

    We work out the hips and buttocks

    A few simple exercises will help to significantly improve the shape of the legs and tighten the buttocks.

    "Flying Eagle"

    1. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, put your right leg forward, hands on your belt.
    2. Squat low.
    3. Rise sharply, as if pushing the body up, at the same time bend the right knee, bend the arms slightly at the elbows, while bringing the right back and pushing the left forward.
    4. Hold in this position for up to 10 seconds.
    5. Squat low again.

    Repeat the exercise 10 times with a change of legs.

    "Swivel chair"

    1. Sit on the floor, put your legs in front of you, bending at the knees, rest your feet on the floor, place your hands on your belt.
    2. Raise your legs so that together with the body they form an angle of 45 degrees, while spreading your arms to the sides.
    3. Trying to keep the angle between the legs and the body, take both arms to the right, and legs to the left.
    4. Then, without touching the floor with your feet, turn your legs to the right, and hands over your head to the left.

    Run 10 cycles.

    "Winged Legs"

    1. Get on all fours, straighten your back.
    2. Bend the left leg at the knee so that the heel is on the same level with the buttocks.
    3. Straighten your right leg slowly and take it back.
    4. Hold this position for up to 10 seconds.
    5. Return to starting position.
    6. Repeat the same with the change of legs.

    Run 10 cycles.

    Take more exercises for the hips and buttocks from the American fitness trainer Denise Austin, who has taken Ashtanga yoga and Pilates.

    Video: a set of exercises for the hips and buttocks

    Beautiful arms and a healthy back

    Good posture always helps to look young and confident. It is also an indicator of back health. You can find a beautiful posture at any age, and a few simple asanas will help with this.

    child pose

    1. Get on your knees, connecting your big toes, and spread your knees shoulder-width apart.
    2. Tilt the torso, placing it between the knees, while sitting on the heels.
    3. At the same time, the hands are located shoulder-width apart, from the elbows to the palms, they are firmly pressed to the floor and stretch as far as possible.
    4. Forehead touch the floor.
    5. Without lifting the buttocks from the heels, slowly stretch the lateral parts of the body.
    6. Breathing should be even.

    Hold in this position for 1-2 minutes.

    Downward facing dog pose

    1. The previous asana is the starting position.
    2. While inhaling, lift the pelvis up, straighten your knees.
    3. Transfer the weight of the body to the legs, do not tear off the heels from the floor.
    4. Tighten your hips, tighten your kneecaps.
    5. The back and arms should form a single line.
    6. The head and neck should be relaxed.
    7. Breathing should be free.

    Stay in this pose for 1 minute.

    1. Lying on your stomach, stretch straight arms forward, press your forehead to the floor, and connect your legs.
    2. On inspiration, mentally stretch the lower back, pull the buttocks to the heels.
    3. As you exhale, raise your right arm and left leg.
    4. On inspiration, return to the starting position.
    5. Raise while exhaling left hand and right leg.
    6. Return to starting position again

    Repeat cycle 3 times.

    Now you can rest for a minute, and then complicate the task.

    Repeat the exercise 3 times.

    Learn more back exercises from Katerina Buida.

    Video: fifteen-minute back strengthening complex

    A universal yoga complex from American trainer Jillian Michaels will help to work out all muscle groups at home.

    Video: a set of exercises for all muscle groups

    Principles of nutrition combined with exercise

    Regular yoga practice can gradually lead to a change in eating habits. Yes, all yogis are vegetarians, but this does not mean that you should immediately adopt vegetarianism. Yoga teaches you to feel your body, and over time, you will want to eliminate obviously unhealthy foods from your diet. If you are not yet ready to radically change your eating behavior, then the use of certain foods should be limited and minimized.

    Yoga is considered harmful:

    1. Any meat - it has a lot of toxic substances that contribute to premature aging and cause aggression.
    2. Any animal fats, including dairy products - they cause atherosclerosis.
    3. Any narcotic substances, including alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, opium, hashish, marijuana and other drugs.
    4. Any sweets, except for honey and candied fruits.
    5. Any flour products, especially from yeast dough- they have a detrimental effect on the intestines.

    In yoga, it is considered correct when:

    • 60% of the diet consists of natural raw food: fruits, vegetables, greens, nuts;
    • 40% is food that has undergone heat treatment.

    By following this ratio, you can create a healthy menu for every day to your liking.