Who are the insects Pleshakov abstract. Insects

Summary of the lesson in grade 1 on the world around us on the topic "Who are insects"

Paulauskis Nadezhda Viktorovna, primary school teacher, MBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after. A. S. Pushkin, Trubchevsk
Material Description: I offer you a lesson summary for grade 1 students on the topic "Who are insects." This material will be useful for primary school teachers who work on the teaching materials "School of Russia".

Lesson topic: Who are insects

A.A. Pleshakov. The world. 1 class. Textbook for educational institutions. 1 hour A.A. Pleshakov. The world around. Grade 1: workbook No. 1. A.A. Pleshakov. Atlas - determinant "From the earth to the sky." Soundtrack "Sounds of the Meadow", subject pictures: birch, beetle, squirrel, sunflower, butterfly, fish. Cards with the names "Animals", "Plants", "emoticons" for each child.

Planned results:

learn to compare body parts of various insects, recognize insects in a drawing, identify them using a guide atlas, give examples of insects; will have the opportunity to learn to understand the learning task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it; compose and tell fairy tales from drawings; work in pairs, using the information provided to gain new knowledge.
regulatory- master the ability to accept and maintain goals and objectives learning activities to look for means of its implementation;
cognitive- to master ways of solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature; master the logical actions of comparison, analysis, classification by features;
communicative- to form a willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events.
formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world, a respectful attitude to a different opinion; acceptance and development of the social role of the student, the development of motives for learning activities and the personal meaning of learning.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment

The teacher checks the readiness of students for the lesson, creates an emotional mood
The cheerful bell rang
We are ready to start the lesson.
Let's listen and discuss.
And help each other.

II. Knowledge update

The teacher creates an emotional mood with the help of a phonogram, provides primary perception and understanding of a new topic with the help of riddles, attaches a drawing depicting an insect on the board.
(phonogram "Sounds of the Meadow" sounds)
Teacher: - Put your head on the table, close your eyes and imagine that it's summer. The bright sun shines. And we ended up on a green lawn. It was here that the Ant Question asked us. This is where his friends live
- But who are they? To find out, let's solve the riddles
1. A violinist lives in the meadow,
Wears a tailcoat and walks galloping (grasshopper)
2. Moved by the flower
All four petals
I wanted to rip it off
He fluttered and flew away (butterfly)
3. I'm smaller than a bee
And my name is ... (wasp)
4. Flies - buzzes,
Sit down - silent (bumblebee)
5. Flies, squeaks,
Legs long drags,
The case will not miss:
Sit down and bite (mosquito)
6. Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion (dragonfly)
7. Flying all day
Everyone gets bored;
The night will come
Then stop (fly)

III. Statement of the learning task

Teacher: - Who can now name the friends of the Ant Questioner? (Children's answers: bees, butterflies, bumblebees, beetles, grasshoppers, dragonflies.)
Teacher: - At this time, the meadow is very fun. How many bees rush around flowering grasses. Smells like honey. Butterflies fly over the flowers, bumblebees and beetles hum. And grasshoppers chirp in the grass. Look carefully at these illustrations and say in one word, who is it?
- Guys, did you guess who we are going to talk about today at the lesson? (Children's answers.)
Teacher: - But today we have not just a lesson, but a scientific session. You are all little scientists, and you have to make some important discoveries for yourself.

IV. Discovery of new knowledge

The teacher includes students in the discussion of problematic issues, in working with information presented in the form of a picture, and provides the necessary mutual assistance in cooperation.
Teacher: Look at the blackboard. (Pictures depicting a birch, a beetle, a squirrel, a sunflower, a butterfly, a fish are attached to the board.) Unfortunately, someone mixed up all the pictures. Let's figure out together where the animals are and where the plants are. (Children divide the pictures into 2 groups).
Teacher: - Beetle and butterfly - who is this? Where did you take them? What was the first discovery we made? (Children's answers: insects are also animals.)
The teacher organizes a practical research work for the study distinctive features insects.
Teacher: - Now we will do research work.
Work with textbook illustrations.
The teacher asks questions.
How many legs do insects have?
What parts of the body did you see?
- Look what is on the insect's head?
- Antennae, eyes are the sense organs of insects.
- Look what is attached to the chest?
- Legs and wings are organs of locomotion.
- Another part of insects is the abdomen. It contains internal organs.
What is the second discovery we have made?
(Children's answers: insects have six legs, have a head, chest, abdomen, wings.)
Teacher: - Carefully examine the abdomen of insects. What did you notice on it? (Children's answers: it has stripes on it)
Teacher: - These are notches. Who guessed why these animals were called insects? Here we have made the third discovery.
Teacher: - Listen to the poem and say what kind of work insects do in nature.
Prepared student reads a poem
The flower prepares honey all night
A sweet bee is waiting for a visit.
Take it, they say, but as a friend
Do me a favor:
flour pollen
Pass it on to your neighbor...
The bee carries it, and behold
The flower has withered, but the fruit is ripening.
(Fourth discovery: insects in nature perform an important job - pollination of plants)
Teacher: - Which of the insects are dangerous to humans? (Children's answers: flies, mosquitoes.)
Teacher: - It would be nice if flies and mosquitoes disappeared completely! We'd have less trouble! Is this true? (Children's answers: no. Flies and mosquitoes are food for birds, which means that with the disappearance of these insects, some species of birds will also disappear.)
Teacher: What conclusion do we make? (Answers of children: in nature there is nothing superfluous.)
Teacher: Everything is important in nature. All of its components are interconnected. The disappearance of one of them immediately leads to the disappearance of another component dependent on it.

V. Textbook work

Teacher: - Look at the picture in the textbook and tell me who is extra in the picture? (Children's answers: spider.) Why? (Children's answers: he has eight legs.)
Teacher: - What will we conclude. (Children's answers: then the spider is not an insect.)

VI. Physical education "Airplane"

Teacher: - We have made many discoveries, and now it's time to rest.
We put our hands apart: (Hands to the sides.)
An airplane appeared. ("They flew" like airplanes.)
Wing back and forth, (Tilts left, right.)
Do one, do two. (Turns left, right.)
One and two, one and two! (We clap our hands.)
Hold your hands to the sides, (Hands to the sides.)
Look at each other. (Turns left, right.)
One and two, one and two! (Squats.)
Hands down (Hands down)
And everyone sit down! (Sit down.)

VII. Primary fastening

1. Work according to the textbook
Teacher: - How many shoes did Ant bring to Butterfly? Why?
The teacher explains the task, exercises control.
Teacher: - Who knows what this insect is called? (the teacher shows a bo-gomol). Where can we find out? The identification atlas "From Earth to Heaven" will help us to find out exactly the name of this insect. Find this insect in the atlas - determinant. Read. What can you tell about it? Why is it an insect? Prove it.

VIII. Independent work

The teacher formulates the task, creates an emotional mood, and exercises individual control over the task.
Students complete task 2 in the workbook.

IX. Inclusion in the knowledge system

The teacher formulates the task, creates an emotional mood, exercises individual control.
Students perform creative task in the textbook (come up with fabulous stories from the drawings).

X. Reflection. Lesson summary

The teacher is talking
What discoveries did you make in class?
How should insects be treated?
- Did you enjoy being scientists and making discoveries for yourself and others?
- Do you know that there is a science that studies the life of insects? It's called entomology.
- When you grow big, you can become real scientists-entomologists.
- Well, now evaluate your work. You have emoticons on the table.
- If it was interesting, it was easy in the lesson, you figured everything out - raise the green smiley.
- If sometimes there were difficulties, doubts, did not quite like the work - raise the yellow smiley.
- If you did not understand the topic, it was not very interesting - raise the red smiley.

Class: 1

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for the formation in children of ideas about the distinctive features of the structure of insects and show their diversity and beauty.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational:
    • create conditions for the formation of children's ideas about the concept of "insect";
    • create conditions for the formation of the ability to see, compare, generalize and draw conclusions;
  • Developing:
    • develop cognitive interest in the world around us by attracting entertaining material, creating problem situations;
    • develop logical thinking, imagination, perception, speech;
  • Educational:
    • educate interest in the world around;
    • promote the education of respect for nature, readiness to follow the norms of environmental behavior;
    • cultivate the ability to listen to others.

Expected results.

As a result of the lesson, students will be able to:

Subject educational results:

  • compare body parts of different insects;
  • recognize insects in riddles, from drawings;
  • give examples of insects;
  • use the sign of insects to determine whether an animal belongs to a given group;
  • write a continuation of a fairy tale;
  • work in pairs and groups, using the information provided to obtain new knowledge;

Meta-subject educational results:

  • regulatory:
    • accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, seek means of its implementation;
    • carry out self-examination;
    • answer final questions and evaluate your achievements in the lesson;
  • cognitive:
    • to master ways of solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature;
    • master the logical actions of comparison, analysis, classification by features;
    • put forward hypotheses and justify them;
  • communicative:
    • listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue;
    • recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events;
  • personal:
    • accept and learn social role student;
    • understand the motive of educational activity and the personal meaning of learning;
    • be respectful of other opinions.

Forms of study: frontal, individual, work in pairs, work in groups.

Equipment: textbook "The world around" (A.A. Pleshakov); multimedia projector; Presentation for the lesson "What are insects?" (POWER POINT environment); "TRAFFIC LIGHT" to evaluate their achievements; costume Ant Question; yellow, red and green chips to complete the test; images of insects for guessing riddles that are scattered on the walls of the classroom; cards "Who is not an insect?"; collections of insects; chamomile and butterflies for reflection.


I. Self-determination for activity (organizational moment)

Target: contribute to the psychological mood of students for the lesson.

The lesson begins by reading the following lines of poetry:

Teacher. Guys! Ready for the lesson?
Children. Yes!
Teacher. I hope for you, my friends.
We are a good friendly class -
Everything will work out for us!
Sit down please girls.
Sit down please boys.

II. Actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial action

Target: check the knowledge of children on the material covered by testing (choosing the correct answer from several).

- In the last lesson, we learned a lot of new and interesting things with you. What was the topic of the previous lesson? ("What are needles?")

- I propose to test your knowledge with the help of the test. Listen carefully to the questions, and post the answers using the colored circles.

1. How to correctly name a leaf of a coniferous tree?

a) thorn;
b) a needle;
c) needle. ( Presentation . slide 2)

2. Which of the coniferous trees sheds leaves for the winter?

a) pine;
b) larch;
c) cedar. (Slide 3)

3. Which tree is not coniferous?

a) larch;
b) bird cherry;
c) spruce. (Slide 4)

4. Which tree is not deciduous?

a) cedar;
b) birch;
c) aspen. (Slide 5)

5. This is a tall coniferous tree. It has long sharp needles.

a) pine;
b) larch;
c) spruce. (Slide 6)

Let's check your results.

(Test evaluation criteria:
no errors - yellow traffic light;
1-2 errors - green traffic light;
3 errors or more - red traffic light.)(Slide 7)

- Well done, who did not make a single mistake. And what can you advise to those who still made a mistake?

III. Statement of the educational task (identification of the place and cause of the difficulty).

Target: formation of motivation to search for a solution to the problem (task).

- Put your head on the table, close your eyes and imagine that it's summer. The bright sun shines. And we ended up on a green lawn. Our friends live here, get to know them. (The recording of the sounds of bees in the meadow turns on.)(Slide 8)

- Who is this?
What is the name of these animals in one word? (Insects.)
What kind of animals do we call insects? By what signs do you determine that this is an insect?
- State the purpose of the lesson. (Learn which animals we call insects.)
– In the lessons of the world around us, the heroes of the textbook help us to study the world. Check out one of them:

Working from morning to night
Builds a very tall house.
Anthill - warm house,
Millions of rooms in it.
Who is building? Tell me quickly!
This is a tiny... (ant.)(Slide 9)

- Meet Question Ant. (The Question Ant enters the class and says:
- Guys, I met the Wise Turtle on the way, and she told me that I was an insect. And who are these insects?

“Let’s help Questioner figure this out.” Sit down with us Ant, be careful, the guys and I will try to help you.

IV. Fizminutka "Bees"

(One of the hands is on the table, leaning on the elbow, the fingers are spread out (image of a Christmas tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (image of a beehive). The “beehive” is pressed against the “Christmas tree”).

Small house on the tree
(Children look into the "hive").
Home for bees, but where are the bees?
Gotta knock on the house
(They clench their fists, knock each other with them.)
One, two, three, four, five.
I knock, I knock on the tree,
(Bang fists against each other, alternating hands)
Where, where are these bees?
They suddenly began to fly:
(Shrug their arms, spread their fingers and move them (the bees fly))
One, two, three, four, five! )

IV. Discovery of new knowledge about insects. Research

Target: create conditions for independent search for signs of insects.

1) Determination of signs of insects.

- Look carefully at the slide and name the animals that are depicted on it. (Bee, dragonfly, ant.)(Slide 10)

What are the same parts of all these animals? ( Signs are considered as children define them. As signs are identified, signs with the inscription of the sign are placed on the board.)
- So, insects are those animals that have wings, antennae, three parts of the body, 6 legs. Only insects have such signs. Let's test our hypotheses. We need to highlight the most main feature by which the insect can be identified.

2) Examination of the first hypothesis: "Insects are those who have wings."


Why do you think insects have wings?
Insects use wings mainly for flight. Most insects have four wings, but some orders have only a pair of wings (mosquitoes, flies).
Everyone knows that many insects can make sounds: some buzz, others creak, whistle and even sing ... Many insects are able to "talk" with their wings, vibrating them at different frequencies. For instance:
- butterfly swallowtail makes 5-6 strokes per second;
- the cockchafer buzzes, making 45-50 wing beats per second;
- ladybugs in flight flap their wings up to 100 times per second;
– bees work their wings even more actively – up to 450 strokes per second. Mosquitoes are rightfully considered record holders for "pattering wings" - 500-600, and for some - up to 1000 strokes per second. At this frequency, the emitted sound becomes unpleasant for our ear.
Remember how we are annoyed by the nocturnal itching of a flying mosquito.
But are insects the only ones with wings?
- So, this sign cannot be considered the main one. (Slide 11)

3) The study of the second hypothesis: "Insects are those who have antennae."

- What are your guesses, why do insects need antennae?
The antennae of an insect are the sense organs with which it perceives smells and distinguishes between tastes. The longer the antennae, the more sensitive they are. Some insects feel the surrounding objects with their antennae, as we do with our fingers.
Do only insects have antennae?
- So, this sign cannot be considered the main one. (Slide 12)

4) The study of the third hypothesis: "Insects are those whose body consists of three parts: the head, chest and abdomen."

"The body is made up of parts: head, chest, abdomen."

“But is it only in insects that the body is divided into such parts?” In crustaceans and arachnids, the head and thorax are interconnected, and there is also an abdomen. (Slide 13)

5) Study of the fourth hypothesis: "Insects are those who have three pairs of legs."

– U different types Insect paws serve a variety of purposes. For instance:
- the bees have special baskets on their forelimbs, in which they put pollen;
- the water beetle has a kind of oars on its hind legs, special hairs have grown on them, with which the insect makes rowing movements;
- praying mantises use their front paws for hunting, pinching their prey with them;
- Grasshoppers and fleas make powerful jumps to escape from the enemy.

Are there any other animals with three pairs of legs? So this is the main feature of insects?
- So how do insects differ from other groups of animals? (The presence of three pairs of legs.)(Slide 14)

V. Primary fastening. Game "Recognize the insect"

Target: check the assimilation by students of the acquired knowledge about the representatives of the group of insects.

- Now let's check how you know the representatives of the insect group and play the game "Know the insect." Pay attention to the main sign of insects, is it respected?

(Children standing up listen to the riddle, guess it and show the image of this insect in the class.)(Annex 1 )

He circles the room.
Evil squeaks, itches, buzzes.
He sat quietly on my forehead.
I slap him with a swing!
He dodged the fight.
Getting ready to attack again.
Turns the night into a nightmare
This little one …(Mosquito)(Slide 15)

– Who was in Usinsk? Have you seen the monument to the mosquito there? On October 12, 2012, the mosquito became the hero of the monument, as it is the most common living organism that lives in the northern tundra.

In the meadows and on the edge,
In the midst of green grass
Disguised skillfully
Long-haired cheerful!
his chirping,
Often cuts ears
He doesn't trust anyone
Do you want no? And listen!
Legs are long at the shoulders
Well! Learned? He... (Grasshopper)(Slide 16)

Who is a little light already in flight
From flower to flower
Covered in pollen, all day at work
And it buzzes for sure!
Who gives us fragrant honey:
May, lime, radiant,
So that you don't get a cold?
Who hurts? (Bee)(Slide 17)

That cow doesn't moo
No horns, hooves, tail,
Doesn't give us milk
Lives under the leaves.
Red cloak with black dots
wears a beetle. Plants - the guardian.
Deftly fights with harmful aphids
this... (ladybug)(Slide 18)

Everyone gets bored of her
And flies through the rooms
It rises and frolics again,
She does not sit comfortably.
Everything flies and buzzes
Sitting on the window glass
gilded belly,
Guessed? This - ... (Fly)(Slide 19)

I watch the flight
I need a helicopter.
Who are you? Well, wait.
long ponytail blue
Wings, as if in a cobweb,
Very thin ice cubes.
And huge eyes.
Who is this? (Dragonfly)(Slide 20)

- So, do all the insects presented in the riddles have 6 legs?

VI. Independent work in pairs with verification according to the standard

Target: organize the performance of the task in pairs using new knowledge about insects, their verification according to the STANDARD.

- And now I invite you to test your knowledge on this topic in pairs. You must find on the cards animals that are not insects and cross them out. (Children do the task.)(Annex 2 )
Let's check the result of your work. (Pairs express their point of view, and then check their work against the standard.)(Slide 21)

VII. Independent work in groups.

Target: organize independent performance of tasks using new knowledge about insects.

- I suggest you become scientists and identify the essential features of the animals that you have in your collections. They all belong to the same group.
(On the desks of each group of the insect collection.)
- Look carefully at the collections, determine what unites these animals in one group.
– Begin your answer with the words: “We have explored ….”

VIII. Creative work "The role of insects in nature and human life"

Target: to develop the ability to logically complete a fairy tale, the ability to comprehend what is perceived and correctly complete a thought in order to cultivate a caring attitude towards insects.

“And now we will try to compose a fairy tale together. I will start and you will continue. Listen carefully, try to understand what it is about?

Fairy tale "Animal Dispute"

All the animals gathered in a circle and began to argue who is the most important and who needs to be removed from the insects.
The bear says "" There are a lot of insects on Earth, there are more of them than all animals together. Let's leave only useful insects, otherwise these mosquitoes and flies only bite and carry infections, and wasps rob bees, steal my honey. Let's just leave the bees and butterflies."
And the frogs and birds answer: “These are mosquitoes and flies, wasps interfere, but if there are none, then we will die. After all, it is our food. We feed on these insects."
Then the animals decided ...

- Continue the story. What did the animals decide?

Conclusion:"Insects are all needed."

How should a person treat insects?
- And now, guys, I will show the conventional signs, and can you guess what they mean? (The teacher shows conventional signs: “Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects”, “Do not destroy insects”, “Do not ruin anthills”)(Slide 22)

IX. Reflection of learning activities in the classroom.

Target: to help students develop the capacity for introspection.

- You have done research and found out what kind of animals we call insects. Determined the main feature by which you can identify the insect.
- Ant, do you understand why they call you an insect?
– Tell us about your life.

(Ant Questioner reads a poem)

Ants live in families.
How many of them, oh-oh-oh!
The house in the forest stands among the trees.
From dry grass, needles,
Small branches and earth.
Everything they could bring.
This fabulous mound
Settled in a pine forest.
Ants, there are soldiers.
Very brave guys.
The house is bravely defended,
And the enemies are not allowed.
There are hard workers.
They get tired, poor things.
They work all day
About your housing in care.
Entrances-exits are digging,
Rubbish is removed from the nest.
Food is brought in reserve
They hide supplies for the winter.
The female will lay eggs
Neatly folded into nests.
Take the kids out of them
Red, lively ants.
Ants in the forest are useful -
Save from diseases.
They eat harmful midges
That trees protect.
So that in summer and spring
The forest rustled with its foliage.
Autumn is a wonderful time.
Get it together, kids
In the forest for berries, mushrooms,
Avoid bushes and bumps.
Don't break the anthill.
Protect from trouble.

Thanks Ant!

- I suggest you evaluate your work in the lesson with the help of multi-colored butterflies:

YELLOW BUTTERFLY - coped with all the tasks in the lesson, I know the main sign of insects.
BLUE BUTTERFLY - not all tasks were clear in the lesson, but I know the main sign of insects.
RED BUTTERFLY - I need help, I did not understand anything in the lesson. (Slide 23)

- I suggest you plant your butterflies on a chamomile and comment on your choice. (Children comment on the choice of the color of the butterfly and attach it to the flower.)

- You are great! It was my pleasure to work with you. I saw smart, interested children!

Used literature and materials INTERNET:

  1. N.N. Chernoivanova. The world. Grade 1: the system of lessons according to the textbook by A.A. Pleshakov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015

At the head is mouth - sense organ. There is antennae, some animals have proboscis. The eyes have a special structure: insects are short-sighted, but they perfectly see movement, color. Limbs are located on the chest insects have 6 legs. At the same time, the paws serve not only for movement. Some use them to collect pollen, others for hunting and jumping, and some for swimming or sensing sounds. The abdomen contains internal organs.. There is everything to ensure the life of the body. One of the distinguishing features is the presence wings. Most members of this class can fly.

With the exception of the seas, insects are found almost everywhere: in swamps, meadows, forests, mountains, and even in human habitation. Their diversity is great, but they are distributed unevenly around the world.

Scientists divide insects according to the method of reproduction into 2 groups:

1. when a larva appears from the egg, resembling an already adult insect (Fig. 2);

2. The larva turns into a pupa and then turns into an adult (Fig. 3).


Rice. 2. The first method of reproduction ()

Rice. 3. The second method of reproduction ()

Found in nature herbivorous insects. They feed on plants, pollen and plant sap. These insects include. They are lovers of disguise. It is difficult to notice the Stick insect among the trees and foliage. When danger threatens, he can easily lose his leg, a new one will still grow (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Stick ()

They feed on plant sap. Their males are the loudest singers among insects. The chirping sounds like the whistle of a locomotive. There are very large cicadas (Fig. 5).

The variety of butterflies is simply amazing. Their wings are like magnificent flowers. They pollinate plants by flying from one plant to another. Nectar is obtained with a proboscis.

Herbivorous insects also include aphids, bees, leaf beetles.

Meet predatory insects. They feed on other insects and their larvae. A prominent representative of predators is (Fig. 6). He can lie in wait for his prey for hours, merging with the terrain. Then instantly attacks the victim.

Who doesn't know ladybug? It turns out that she is also a predator, only useful to humans and outwardly pretty. Destroys aphids, spider mites.

And how the flight of amazing creatures fascinates us - dragonflies(Fig. 7)! These helicopter pilots develop pretty decent speed, they can go on a long journey. The predator likes to eat mosquitoes and other insects.

Rice. 7. Dragonfly ()

Among predators there is a swimming beetle, ground beetle.

It should also be considered omnivorous insects. These animals can feed on vegetation as well as other animals and even their blood. For example, a cricket (Fig. 8) eats leaves, but at a meeting it can eat its rival.

Among the omnivorous insects there are bloodsuckers. They feed on the blood of humans and animals. These are mosquitoes, horseflies, midges.

Others chose the corpses of other animals as food for themselves. They lay their eggs there. These include gravedigger beetle(Fig. 9) , carrion beetle(Fig. 10).

Rice. 9. Gravedigger beetle ()

Rice. 10. Corpse-eater ()

There are even insects that do not disdain to eat the remains of human and animal life. This is a dung beetle (Fig. 11) and a scarab.

Rice. 11. Dung beetle ()

Insects that live in families are called social insects. Who among us has not seen at least once bee family or an ant? These insects live in their states, there are their own rules and laws. bee family- this is a well-functioning mechanism, where each individual has his own responsibilities. There is a main queen, drones, worker bees. Each family member knows his place.

Ants- the most famous social insects. Anthills are entire cities in which a real economy is arranged. There is a female, males, worker ants, and also soldiers. Some species of ants keep aphids in their dwellings as dairy cows.

termites also social insects. Their lifestyle is similar. These insects are even confused with ants, although their ancestors are cockroaches.

Bumblebees and wasps are considered social insects.

Among insects there are those that benefit. The man has been breeding for a long time silkworm, it produces silk threads (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Silkworm ()

Also, a person is engaged in breeding domestic bees to collect honey.

Lacquer bug can produce natural resin and paint.

Among insects, there are pollinators of plants that contribute to the reproduction of plants, and hence a good harvest.

Some Insects are beneficial in that they destroy garden and garden pests. This firefighter beetle(Fig. 13), fly- hoverfly(fig. 14), lacewing(Fig. 15).

Rice. 13. Firefighter beetle ()

Rice. 14. Hoverfly fly ()

Rice. 15. Goldeneye ()

There are insects that are involved in the formation of soil. They loosen the earth, helping it to be saturated with oxygen.

Insect orderlies process the remains of animals and plants.

Many of the insects are food for other animals.

There are outright pests in the world of insects . These include mole. Its larvae eat wool, which means they spoil things (Fig. 16).

Many insects damage and destroy crops. This locust(Fig. 17) , Colorado potato beetle(Fig. 18) , leaflet(Fig. 19). Dealing with their invasion is quite difficult.

Rice. 18. Colorado beetle ()

Rice. 19. Leaflet ()

Destroy buildings, spoil furniture grinder beetle(Fig. 20) , barbel beetle(Fig. 21) .

Rice. 20. Grinder beetle ()

Rice. 21. Barbel beetle ()

Interesting Facts from their life.

For example, one of the smallest insects is North American featherwing. In this bug, the body length does not even reach 1 mm.

The longest is tropical stick insect. Can have a body up to 36 cm.

Some night butterflies have a wingspan of 32 cm. They are also record holders.

Or the sea water strider, is perhaps the only insect currently known that lives in the sea (Fig. 27).

Rice. 27. Water bug ()

The largest beetle on the planet - titan beetle from South America (Fig. 28). It can reach the size of a hamster. Body length is up to 22 cm.

Rice. 28. Titan beetle ()

Tiny stinging insects woodlice flap their wings at an incredible rate of 62,760 times per minute.

dragonflies are the fastest flying insects. The speed of their movement can reach 50 km / h.

In the southern United States there is seventeen year old cicada. Its larvae burrow into the soil, where they live and grow. And only after 17 or 13 years they are born.

Did you know that ants never sleep? Butterflies taste food with their hind legs. Crickets have ears on their front legs.

A female cockroach can lay over 2 million eggs in a year. In addition, a cockroach can live for 9 days without a head.

The list of interesting facts from the life of animals can go on and on.

The following lesson will help you get an idea about the topic “Pisces. Signs of fish. On it we will consider animals for which the water element is their home. We learn the features of their structure, habitats and distinctive features of fish.


  1. Samkova V.A., Romanova N.I. The world around 1. - M .: Russian word.
  2. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. The world around 1. - M .: Education.
  3. Gin A.A., Faer S.A., Andrzheevskaya I.Yu. The world around 1. - M .: VITA-PRESS.
  1. Mir-nasekomyh.ru ().
  2. Maaam.ru ().
  3. Micromirok.ru ().


  1. Describe insects. Name the representatives.
  2. Describe the structure of insects.
  3. What interesting facts do you know about insects?
  4. * Prepare a report on the topic: What is the most voracious animal? Wolf, goat, dragonfly. Prove it.

Subject: What are insects?


To form ideas in children about the class of insects, their diversity and significance for nature; highlight their essential and distinctive features;


develop logical thinking (synthesis, analysis, classification, generalization);

Develop communicative qualities of speech;

Equipment: presentation, picture of insects, cards for individual work.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Every day, always, everywhere
In the classroom, in the game.
Feel free to speak clearly
And we sit quietly.
II. Checking homework. What did we talk about in the last lesson? - Who are the fish? - What river fish do you know? - Give examples marine fish - Today at the lesson we will continue our acquaintance with animals. III. New material. - Our Ant invited the wise Turtle to visit his friends. Let's guess who it is?
1. A violinist lives in a meadow, wears a tailcoat and walks galloping (grasshopper)
2. Stands on one leg, stares into the water.
Pokes his beak at random, looking for frogs (heron) in the river

3. Above the pond is a flexible vine,

Hung on her...

4. The housewife flew over the lawn,
Pat over the flower and share the honey (bee)

5. Flies, squeaks, drags long legs,
The case will not miss, sit down and bite (mosquito)

6. The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stirred

It flew up and flew away.

7. Small in stature, but a hard-working and real hunter,
Collects a house from needles, saves a forest from caterpillars (ant)

8. Winter has gone to distant lands, a shaggy buzzed over the meadow: (bumblebee)

Who is out of place here? (heron) Why? (bird) (picture) - And what do you think, what will we talk about today at the lesson? (about insects)
III. Topic message. - As you may have guessed, the topic of our today's lesson is: Who are insects! - But what tasks we will solve today in the lesson, let's read in the textbook on page 32.
These animals live everywhere: on water and under water; on the ground and underground; v thick grass; and in the old stump.
How can we recognize an insect? - Look carefully and tell me who is shown in the picture? - What do you think, who is the insect here? - And to make sure who was right, let's figure out who these insects are? - The main features that only insects have will help us find out.
2) Determination of signs of insects - Guys, look carefully at the blackboard, you high school students have prepared material that will help us highlight the main signs of insects. -Let's call who is drawn here (children call and show) - Look carefully and say what the same parts are in all insects.

As the signs are determined, signs with the inscription of the sign are placed on the board.

1 sign

"6 legs"

Different types of insects have legs for different purposes. For example, bees and bumblebees use their paws to collect pollen in "baskets" on their hind legs. Praying mantises use their front paws to hunt, pinching their prey with them. Grasshoppers and fleas make powerful jumps to escape the enemy, and water bugs use them to swim

So how do insects differ from other groups of animals? (the presence of legs)

Let's take a closer look and count how many legs insects have. (We count together with the children)

So how many legs did we count? (6 legs)

2 sign

But not only this distinguishes insects from other animals. Let's try to name the body parts of insects.

What body parts of the insect do you see? (head, chest, abdomen...)

Signs are displayed.




- what do you see as a feature of the structure of the body of insects? (body divided) So, the body of an insect consists of 3 parts.

3 sign of insects (presence of antennae)

- Let's take a closer look at what insects have on their heads, but other animals don't? (antennae)

Why do you think insects need antennae?

What do night butterflies eat? (nectar).

And how do they find at night desired flower? After all, night flowers are dim. They bloom at dusk, when the color is hard to see. (Smell helps.)

But insects do not have a nose, they catch smells with the help of antennae.

tendrils feature many insects, which helps them to eat (a sign appears on the board).

Antennae are a characteristic feature of many insects.

And what do insects eat? (plants, larvae of other insects, pollen)

Look, I have a sponge, a syringe, wire cutters in my hands. What do you think these items have to do with insect nutrition? (similar to how insects eat)

And now let's check your assumptions and determine what relation these objects have to insects. .(The story is accompanied by a show)

The jaws of the grasshopper, with which it bites off the grass, act like wire cutters.

The female mosquito with a proboscis, like a syringe, pierces the skin and sucks out blood

Mouth organs flies soak up liquid like a sponge

This is how insects eat.

4 sign (presence of two pairs of wings)

Consider insects again and answer the question, how else do insects differ from other animals? (6 legs, two pairs, there are antennae, the body structure is different)

What helps them move? (wings)

Animals of which group also have wings? (Birds) How many? (Pair)

How many wings do insects have? (4 wings)

The sign "two pairs of wings" appears

But do all insects have wings? There are those who do not have them (ants, cockroaches and others).

Now list all the signs of animals that belong to the group "insects" (head, chest, abdomen, 6 legs, antennae, 2 pairs of wings)

IV . Fizminutka "Grasshoppers"
We raise our shoulders
Grasshoppers are jumping
1.2 sat down,
We ate grass
Quiet, quiet high
Jumping on toes easily

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

1) Work with the textbook p.32 figure

Let's go back to the picture in the textbook and see, already knowing the main signs of insects, who is the insect here?

Why other animals are not insects

    Whiteboard work

Let's see if all insects have the signs that we have identified? (in several insects we determine these signs at the blackboard, the children come out and show)

    Individual work on cards. Game "What is missing"

Look carefully, you have cards on the tables with an insect drawn on them.

Who can say what is the name of this insect?

Look carefully, your insect is missing some part, identify this part and draw it with a pencil. (Completing a task)

Now give your work to a neighbor and check how you coped with the task. If necessary, correct the neighbor's mistake with a pencil.


We got up, I will now check who is attentive with us, I will name the animals. If it's an insect, then you're showing what it does.

Bee, ant, crucian carp, grasshopper, butterfly, sparrow, dragonfly, cockroach.

Well done, you were very attentive, and now we sit down quietly.

VII. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Whiteboard work

What other insects do you know that live in our area?

Yes, the world of insects in our area is diverse, let's look at the picture on the board and say which insects live in our area.

2) Generalization So, we got acquainted with a new class of animals - the class "Insects". The body of the insect is covered with stripes, as if notched. Therefore, they are called "insects", from the word "notch", "notch".

They are called the masters of the planet Earth. This is the largest group of living organisms on Earth. Insects live alone and in large families. Insects eat differently. Among them are plant lovers and predators, bloodsuckers and eaters of wool and fabric.

Insects have excellent hearing, sight and smell. They can defend themselves, bite, sting, pierce the skin.

Insects include both beneficial and harmful insects.

Name the harmful insects (Colorado potato beetle, mosquitoes, tsetse fly, cabbage butterfly, aphids, moths)

Name beneficial insects. (bees, ants, beetles, butterflies).

What do you know about these insects?

Children's story.


bees - the main pollinators of almost all flowering plants. But they are also the benefits brought by bees in the fight against various harmful insects in the fields, orchards etc. The fact is that by choosing from the flowers all the nectar that harmful insects could eat, the bees deprive the latter of the possibility of existence.

The redhead is considered the leader in the extermination of harmful insects. ant. When they dig underground passages, they loosen the soil, enrich organic fertilizers, mixing the ground and spread the seeds.

ladybugs and their larvae feed on aphids. Dung beetles and their larvae, eating manure, are a kind of orderlies.

Benefit butterflies and that they are food for birds. Among butterflies there are also domesticated forms. These are oak and mulberry silkworms. Which a person uses as a raw material for silk production.

Harm .

colorado potato beetle attacks on the bushes of potatoes and tomatoes, eating the leaves. As a result, fruits are not formed, and bush dies.

Some mosquitoes carry such diseases as: malaria, mosquito fever, amuhi - causative agents of gastrointestinal diseases.

mole, and especially its caterpillars, are the main agricultural pest: it eats apple trees and cabbage. But we are most familiar with the domestic moth, which eats fabric and fur.

But, despite this, all insects are important.

VI. Reflection

Who are these insects?

Let me know if you enjoyed today's lesson. If yes, then draw a smile on our emoticons, if not, then draw a sad face.

VII. Lesson summary

- Let's slap ourselves. What good fellows we are today. We coped with everything. And as a memento of our lesson, you get a sticker with an insect. - Thanks to all. The lesson is over.