What kind of soil is needed for astilba. Astilba flower - planting and care in the open field, the best varieties and methods of reproduction

Astilbe is one of the most popular summer garden plants. Its prevalence is explained by lush long flowering and resistance to high humidity soil. Large sprawling bushes always look very impressive.

Astilbe is a herbaceous plant native to East Asian countries and North America. The genus contains approximately 40 species, which are subdivided into at least 400 varieties.

Plant height is 15-200 cm depending on the variety. The inflorescences are quite long: from 10 to 60 cm. Flowers can have different shades: white, purple, pink and red. Flowering is observed from June to August.

In fact, this is a rhizomatous plant, in which the ground part dies off at the beginning of winter. Astilbe leaves are simple, long-petiolate or serrated reddish or dark green. The rhizome is dense or loose. Every year, several buds appear on the plant, and its lower part dies off. Astilbe is growing fast. So, in a year its height increases by 4 cm, so with the onset of winter it is necessary to add a little soil.


Growing astilba does not cause any trouble. Plants are planted from May to June in the northern part of the site. It must be remembered that bushes don't need a lot of light. A diffused shadow is best. Thanks to the creation of such conditions, it will be possible to achieve stable long-term flowering, although the Gloria variety and others with white flowers feel good in the sun. Of course, in this case, flowering will be shorter, but much more intense. Early and late varieties grow well in sun and shade. The ideal option for all varieties, the proximity of water, such as a pool or fountain, is considered.

Almost any soil is suitable for astilba. To bloom for a long time, it is better to give preference to a place with a high level of groundwater, since long drought bushes do not tolerate. The top layer of soil should contain a lot of phosphorus and potassium. Loamy soil with an acidity of 5.5-6.5 is also suitable.

Many gardeners choose astilba for their plots. Growing a plant requires preliminary preparation. So, before planting, it is important to dig up the site, remove weeds and rhizomes from other plants. Next, the soil is fertilized with compost, rotted peat or rotted manure. Approximately 2 buckets of fertilizer will be required per 1 m². Then it is necessary to dig holes 20 cm deep at a distance of 30 cm. Pour 1 tablespoon of mineral fertilizer and 0.5 cups of ash into each. Here it is necessary to carefully place the root of the plant. All plants should mulch with peat or humus. A layer of 3-5 cm will be enough. Thanks to mulching, it will be possible to avoid overheating and maintain the friability and moisture of the soil.


Specialists highlight 3 ways to propagate a plant:

  • The division of the bush. This is the most familiar and common way. So, you need to carefully dig up the bush and remove all the leaves. Then cutting into several divisions is performed, each of which should have 3-5 buds. The dead rhizome must be removed. All plants are planted in the ground. At the same time, there should be a distance of 30 cm between them. Division is recommended in early spring. Thanks to this early reproduction, the first flowers will appear in the fall.
  • Reproduction by the kidneys. This is the most fast way. With the beginning of spring, when the shoots begin to grow, they should be carefully cut along with part of the rhizome. The sections themselves are sprinkled with coal powder or ash. The shoots are placed in a container with peat and gravel in a ratio of 3: 1, and then covered with a film. Astilba can be planted in the fall or wait until next spring.
  • Reproduction by seeds. This method is not suitable for the propagation of varietal plants, since they are unable to maintain the traits of the variety. However, you can grow astilba by purchasing quality seeds. They are sown in moist soil, without deepening into the ground. To accelerate growth, stratification is preliminarily carried out. So, the seeds are removed to a cold place where the temperature does not exceed +4º C, and after 20 days the container with planting material is transferred to a warm, lit room, where temperature regime maintained at 18-20º C. In the spring, the plant can be planted in open ground in a darkened area.


Astilba care is quite simple. The plant loves water, so it is very regular abundant watering is important. Even if the soil is slightly dry, this can adversely affect the decorative properties. For example, the inflorescences will become smaller, and the leaves will begin to wither.

It must be remembered that to severe frosts astilba is adaptable, but spring temperature drops can be detrimental. Therefore, the bushes need to be covered with any natural material in several layers, and between individual plants it is worth mulching the soil using pine needles.

To preserve the beauty of the astilbe, fertilizer should be applied. Peat or compost is suitable for dry soil, and complex additives for wet soil. Immediately after flowering, you need to make a phosphorus-potassium composition. Fertilizing with nitrogen is carried out after frost. May-June is ideal. It is best to give preference to urea with the addition of potassium or ammonium nitrate. Approximately 2 tablespoons of fertilizer will be required for 10 liters of water. Under the bush you need to pour about 0.5 liters of the finished solution. Potassium chloride is undesirable to make.

Some gardeners prefer to use an infusion of weeds, namely dandelions. Other specialists choose AVA fertilizer. It is applied three times a year, 1 teaspoon around the roots. It must be remembered that nitrogen is not present in this fertilizer, therefore, at the beginning of spring, the soil must be watered with Gumi solution or buoy fertilizer.

One bush lives about 5 years. After that, the plant needs a transplant. If desired, do not dig out the bush, but separate part of it, process the cut, and then fill the vacated space with soil.

Combination with plants

Astilba looks very good in mixed flower beds located in a darkened area. The best neighbors hosts count. In sunny areas, bushes are often combined with daylilies. If you choose varieties with different flowering periods, then you can create a flower garden which will please the eye for a very long time.

Astilba goes well with flowers that love shade. For example, these are bergenia, hellebore and podophyllum. You can also plant lilies of the valley, irises, Goryanka, late tulips in the neighborhood.

Main varieties

The number of hybrid varieties of astilba has about 200 copies. The most popular include:

  • Astilba rentsa. Powerful bushes reach a height of 100 cm. They have a pyramidal shape, dark green leaves and white, red, pink or lilac inflorescences. Flowering is observed during the month: from July to August.
  • astilbe chinensis. The height of the bush reaches 1 m. A distinctive feature is the presence of large leaves at the root. The inflorescences are quite dense, and small flowers have a pronounced lilac hue. There are also white and pink flowers.
  • Astilbe japonica. These are low plants with compact openwork leaves. Inflorescences are white or pink. They bloom quite early. Moreover, even after flowering, such a bush will decorate the site.
  • Astilba simplefolia. Low plants are distinguished by their spectacular flowers. It must be remembered that they do not tolerate high temperatures and dry air.

Almost all varieties of astilba are not afraid of pests and diseases. So, in the course of numerous studies, not a single insect or disease was found that would significantly damage the plant. Thanks to this, the care and cultivation of the bush is greatly simplified.

If there is an unfilled area in your garden, whether it is a flower bed, a place on an alpine hill or under a tree, or maybe just an empty container, plant an astilbe there and you will not regret it at all. Now we'll tell you why.

It looks like astilba in the garden.

Astilbe flower - description and plant varieties

Astilba came to Russia from East Asia or Japan and adapted to our climate so much that she learned to endure severe frosts in winter and high temperatures summer. The only thing that this plant could not refuse was the presence of moisture in the same amount as in its natural habitat (shady forest or stream bank).

Astilbe is a herbaceous perennial that forms a powerful, beautiful, sometimes multi-colored curtain that dies off in the winter and grows again in the spring from rhizomes.

The height of the plant is different - from 15 cm to 2 m. The basal leaves have a beautiful carved shape and are red-green or dark green in color.

The inflorescences are located on a high stem, have a fluffy texture and various shapes: a rhombus, a panicle, a pyramid or lowered, drooping branches.

inflorescence rhombus

panicle inflorescence

inflorescence pyramid

Flowering in all varieties of astilba lasts about 1 month, but at different times:

  • early flowering bloom in June,
  • mid-flowering - in July,
  • late - in August.

Previously, these flowers were only white, pink-lilac or purple. Now there is such a variety of colors and shades in the assortment that it is simply impossible not to be interested in astilba and you should definitely grow it in the open field, especially since it is easy and pleasant to do.

Ease and pleasantness lies in the fact that the plant reproduces well, rarely gets sick and is almost not affected by pests.

Where is the best place to plant astilba?

When choosing a place to plant astilba, you need to consider three factors:

    1. The plant is able to live in one place up to 15 - 20 years.
    2. It is growing rapidly.
    3. In sunny places, the flowering period is shorter.

In regions with a cool climate and frequent rains, astilba can be planted on open areas and alpine slides.

In hot places, it is necessary to divert penumbra to astilbe plantings. This is especially important for medium-flowering specimens, since their flowering period coincides with the highest temperatures.

Astilba that blooms in June-July and August-September can be planted in the sun, as peak temperatures will not be able to affect the duration of flowering of these species. But in this case, you will have to pay special attention to its watering.

Astiba plantings along the edge of an artificial reservoir look extraordinarily beautiful! In addition, plants will love the proximity of water.

In any place, it is necessary to prepare fertile light soil and ensure sufficient watering and mulching.

Planting time depends on the chosen method of reproduction.

How to grow astilba at home

Breeding astilba is quite easy. It reproduces best vegetatively:

  • dividing an adult bush into parts,
  • renewal kidneys.

Growing astilba from seeds is also possible, but it has one caveat that should be discussed separately. The problem is that specimens grown from collected seeds do not retain the qualities of mother plants. Experience shows that the following changes are possible:

  • color difference, most often a pale pink color,
  • loss of decorativeness (splendor) of the brush,
  • shortening of the flowering period.

You should not completely abandon this method of growing astilba, but for this you need to use only breeding seed material.

Growing astilba from seeds

Sowing seeds

You can sow seeds both for seedlings and immediately into the ground, the main thing to remember is that the seed material needs to be stratified.

  • If the method of sowing in the ground is chosen, then it is better to do it in the fall. To do this, fence the prepared area with boards or flexible borders, distribute the seeds over the surface of the soil, lightly sprinkle with earth and cover with covering material. During the winter, the process of stratification will take place, and the seeds will give friendly shoots.
  • In an apartment, stratification of seeds will take 3 weeks. At this time, seeds mixed with peat or sand and moistened are placed in a refrigerator at a temperature not higher than +4 - +6 degrees. Then, in early - mid-March, they are sown in containers for germination in warmth and light. Seedlings appear in 2-3 weeks.

seedling care

When 2 - 3 true leaves appear, the seedlings need to be picked in separate cups. Astilbe care at this time is very simple - timely watering and protection from direct sunlight.

Planting seedlings in the ground

It usually takes 2 to 3 months between sowing astilba and planting it in open ground. The best time landings - the onset of stable warm temperatures. The plant is not capricious, takes root well and grows quickly. Flowering occurs at 2 - 3 years of life.

astilba seedlings


Planting astilba in the ground with rhizomes

Most often, astilbe is grown from rhizomes. Moreover, their sale begins long before the start of the planting season and ends quickly, as the plant is very popular. How to store pre-purchased rhizomes?

  • If the rhizome is still sleeping, then you can store it in the refrigerator and plant it in open ground as soon as possible.
  • If a sprout has already appeared, then you need to place it in a container with earth and put it in a bright but cool place.
  • Sometimes such specimens still form flower stalks in containers. You can leave them, as astilba is a strong plant and is able to endure both transplanting and flowering at the same time.

Awakened astilba rhizome

Rhizomes acquired or stored in winter must be well inspected before planting, dry or damaged parts removed. If the rhizome was very dry, then you need to wrap it in a napkin soaked in epin for 6 hours.

The planting hole is prepared taking into account the size of the rhizome, i.e. for each individually: the main thing is that the roots are evenly distributed, the depth is sufficient, and the growth point is above the ground.

The soil should be fertile and light. One handful of bone meal and ash, 25 - 30 g of mineral fertilizers, humus are poured into the bottom of the pit, everything is mixed, poured with water. After that, the rhizome is placed there, buried and mulched with a layer of peat at least 3–5 cm thick.

Planting rhizomes in the ground

The distance between plants depends on their variety and purpose of planting. For example, when creating a border from tall astilbe, a distance of 50 cm is maintained, but in any case, it should not be less than 30 cm.

How to care for astilba in spring and summer

As mentioned above, the leaves and stems of astilba die off for the winter, and grow back in the spring. In order for the plant to quickly gain green mass, it is necessary to feed it with mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content in the spring.

During flowering, astilbe needs phosphorus top dressing so that the brushes are lush and bloom for as long as possible. And closer to autumn, it's time to apply potash fertilizers to help the rhizomes prepare for wintering.

The main care for astilbe in the warm period is regular watering, as the plant does not tolerate a lack of moisture. On particularly hot days, it is advisable to water even 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Periodic mulching will help not only retain moisture, but also protect against weeds, and also create a warm shelter for rhizomes before winter. Before mulching, the soil must be loosened, then scatter a layer of mulch and loosen again. This procedure is best repeated three times per season.

Mulching with pebbles

Mulching with wood chips

Astilba has one feature - it seems to rise from the ground due to vertical growth. Because of this, young roots and buds are too close to the surface, so they can overheat or dry out. In this situation, it is necessary backfilling of fertile soil. In the spring, you also need to check the landings and add backfill where it is required.

Astilba transplant.

In the open ground, astilbes multiply very quickly and have to be divided and replanted periodically. Some varieties require this procedure every 3 to 4 years, but most - once every five years.

If the transplant is scheduled for spring, then you need to wait for stable heat and the possibility of providing frequent watering. At any other time, even during the flowering period, transplants are successful, the main thing is to ensure abundant watering for two weeks after that.

Late-flowering astilbes, transplanted in March, bloom in due time for them - in August - early September. So you can safely take on the transplant and be sure of success!

3 ways to propagate astilba

There are three ways to propagate astilba:

  • seeds
  • The division of the rhizome
  • Kidney renewal

1 way. Reproduction by seeds

As we have already discussed, not the most The best way. The collected seeds are not suitable for sowing, as they do not retain maternal qualities. Good breeding stock can only be obtained from the most reliable suppliers.

The process of growing astilba from seeds is long and laborious, because seeds require stratification, seedlings - diving and care at home, as well as enhanced watering after planting in open ground, etc.

In addition, the plant blooms only in the third year. But the higher the reward!

Reproduction by seeds.

2 way. The division of the bush

This is a favorite method among gardeners, as it always gives good results. The best time for this is early spring, but subject to sufficient moisture and heat.

Astilba can be divided even during flowering. The acquisition of delenki with flowering brushes allows you to see all the features of the future bush, to determine the period of its flowering. The survival rate of such plants is good with proper care (abundant watering, loosening, mulching).

The division procedure is as follows:

  1. The mother bush is carefully dug up.
  2. The rhizome is cut into pieces 3-5 cm long with 2-3 buds.
  3. Sections are sprinkled with wood ash and dried.
  4. Planting pits or furrows are prepared, fertile soil, fertilizers are introduced, everything is watered.
  5. Delenki are placed at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other (depending on the variety up to 50 cm)
  6. They are buried so that the growth buds are above the surface.
  7. Mulch with a layer of 3 - 5 cm.
  8. Further care for astilbe consists in abundant watering, fertilizing according to the periods of plant development, mulching and loosening.
  9. Astilbes, obtained by dividing the bush in the spring, may bloom in the fall.

The division of the bush.

3 way. Kidney renewal

This is how astilba is propagated in early spring when the first shoots appear. To do this, you should not dig out the rhizome, but you just need to dress sharp knife kidney with root. Several buds can be taken from one mother bush, but not more than a third.

The cut point must be treated with ash and astilbe should be planted for rooting in a greenhouse. The soil should be light, fertile, with a film cover on top. Here, young plants will remain until autumn or next spring.

As a rule, rooting takes place without complications.. You can plant in open ground in autumn or early spring, and soon you should expect the flowering of a young bush.

Reproduction by renewal buds

Astilba in garden design

Astilba is indispensable in garden design. She is always decorative.

  • in the spring, the first delicate carved leaves unfold,
  • in summer, inflorescences open, and the wind shakes soft fluffy panicles,
  • in autumn, inflorescences are replaced by no less beautiful boxes with seeds,
  • after flowering, the curtain works for itself and becomes simply luxurious.

However, in order for it to always look well-groomed, you need to remove dead stems in time.

Astilba pruning in early spring

There are many options for using astilbe in landscaping.

This flower is especially beautiful, since here is its native environment, and it has the opportunity to unfold in all its charm.

From tall astilbs, you can make and divide the site into zones. They are beautiful both in single plantings and in groups. The best compositions are obtained with the same beautiful plants that prefer partial shade, like bergenia, hosta, geyher, fern, etc.

In regions with a cool climate, it is good to plant astilba in a flower bed along with tulips, bluebells, irises, etc. Here, our flower will also feel great on an alpine hill, surrounded by saxifrages and survivors.

Undersized astilbes are planted in containers along with geraniums and petunias, used in outdoor flowerpots, planted next to garden figurines and made into borders.

astilba border

The flowering period of various varieties of astilba lasts from June to September, so you can safely create a long blooming flower bed only from the collection of these beautiful plants and from them to collect a bouquet of dried flowers for the winter.

Diseases and pests

Astilba is one of the few plants that almost never gets sick. Most pests are indifferent to it. But there are still some that attack this flower, for example, pennitsa.

It is also called a slobbering pennitsa, since the insect finds a secluded place for itself in the axils of astilbe leaves, secretes foamy contents and lays larvae there. Soon the leaves begin to wrinkle, turn yellow and dry out. If you do not take action, the plant may wither.

Drooling penny.

It is easy to spot the penis, as its nest looks like foaming juice or a clot of saliva. If such lesions are single, then it is better to destroy the nests manually. If the situation is out of control, then you need to use insecticides:

  • kinmix,
  • actellik,
  • akarin and others.

Occasionally, but still there is a defeat of astilbe by a strawberry nematode. You can try to compete for the plant by spending 2 - 3 sprayings with an interval of 3 - 5 days

  • mercaptophos,
  • heterophosome,
  • phosphamtide.

Signs of nematode damage

But most often they get rid of such a plant.

Preparing for the winter

Astilbes perfectly tolerate our harsh winters. Preparation for wintering consists in applying potash fertilizers and mulching the soil around the plant. Leaves should not be cut. They will create additional shelter for the rhizomes. You can even not remove the flower stalks if they look decorative. In winter, this will be an additional decoration for your garden and a reminder that spring will certainly come.

And along with spring, there will also be worries about filling your site with interesting, beautiful and easy-to-care plants. It is this flower that is the astilbe.

Invite her into your garden and you will never regret it!

Continuation of the topic:

Astilbe is easy to care for, but it has its own whims. This plant is very water loving. When she is constantly thirsty, she will not be happy and healthy, especially in the sun. Without moisture, the stems and tips of the leaves begin to dry. The best place for the development of astilbe - it is partial shade, near water bodies, in places of high humidity. There, astilbe feels great, grows and develops wonderfully. But the rhizome grows every year and comes out of the ground up 3-5 cm. They struggle with this pouring of soil to the rhizome or dividing and transplanting the plant.

Although the astilba has adapted to the frosts of Russia, it is afraid of spring icing. Since it germinates very early in the spring, every year its leaves are subjected to frostbite. You can come to terms with this. After this storm, the leaves will grow back, although flowering may come later and be less lush. And you can cover the bushes in several layers with non-woven material. If possible, for the winter, astilbe planting should be insulated with such material as spruce branches.

Location in the garden

Astilba loves semi-shady, moist places, develops well in open areas, if constantly moistened and mulched with peat or leaf humus, it does not grow well in dry areas. In cold winters without snow, old bushes freeze and die. Without dividing and transplanting, they can be placed in one place for no more than 4-5 years, or even 3 years with a large growth. Astilbe is propagated by dividing bushes that have one or more faded stems that have replacement buds at the base and a segment of the root. The pieces of roots that remain after cutting are also suitable for propagation: new shoots will develop from their dormant buds. The old root hardens and is divided with great difficulty. Separation can be carried out in the spring or at the end of August. It can also be propagated by seeds. They are sown in February or March in some room, the ground is not covered, the soil is moistened with a spray gun; after 2-3 weeks, small shoots will appear.
The main care for astilba is as follows: weeding, loosening, abundant watering, which does not allow the top layer of the earth to dry out, as young roots develop in it, it is also necessary to remove faded inflorescences.


The plant is very moisture-loving. To get long and lush inflorescences, astilba should be watered abundantly in August-September, and for the splendor of inflorescences, you need to mulch the soil in May.
Astilbe does not tolerate drought very well. The soil without nutrients, the open sun, along with the lack of watering, will surely destroy the plant. To avoid this, it is necessary to water the astilba 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
In addition to watering, the plant needs fertile soil, dense planting and mulching. Astilbe does not tolerate overheating of the upper part of the roots, mulching in this case reduces temperature and moisture loss, and helps maintain soil looseness.

Fertilizers and top dressings

This plant needs a sufficient amount of phosphorus and potassium in the soil.
In the same place, astilba can be grown for 5-6 years, but with proper care the plant can grow without a transplant in one area for up to 20 years, although the inflorescences will still become smaller. To save decorative look plants need annual top dressing - in the spring, after regrowth, fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen are recommended, and then after flowering or in the autumn, fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus are needed - 20-25 g active substance for one plant. After feeding, carefully loosen the soil and then mulch.

astilba flower serves as a wonderful decoration for parks and gardens, it is placed in separate groups on the tops of trees and shrubs, on borders, mixborders, lawns. Used as a cut material for bouquets and flower arrangements.

For the purpose of distillation, astilbe roots are harvested from autumn and stored in pots or prikope in a cold, non-freezing place until early December, then transferred to a cool place (10-12 C), then to a greenhouse, watered abundantly and often, sprinkled with warm water, I also use warm baths (25 C).

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grassy perennial astilba, which is distinguished by its decorative effect, the duration of lush flowering, shade tolerance, is valued by flower growers. Astilba garden plant planting and care in the open field does not require special rules, but the competent execution of simple rules will allow you to decorate a shady garden for the whole season.

plant botany

Native spaces for astilba are broad-leaved forests of Japan, America, and eastern regions of Asia. In the wild nature of Russia, two types of astilba can be found in the Far East.

Astilba is a perennial plant with an adventitious root system that grows unusually - vertically upwards. The stem part grows over several years, becomes thickened and covered with a large number of roots.

During the season, the astilba flower is decorative with its wonderful inflorescences with transitions from pink to white. With the onset of cold weather, the upper part of the herbaceous plant dies off.

In the selection of astilba, there are varieties of medium height and tall, reaching a level of two meters.

Astilbe blooms in early summer, decorating the landscapes of parks, gardens and squares. The flowering of curly inflorescences of the flower lasts about a month.

Features of growing astilba

astilba unpretentious plant, attracts gardeners with its features of growth in open ground:

  • Astilba is the queen of the shady garden. It blooms luxuriously in the shade of large trees. Bright sunlight shortens the duration of flowering, bright panicles of inflorescences become faded, fading in the sun;
  • This plant prefers soils that are moist and rich in humus. In dry areas, the bushes lose their decorative effect;
  • The rhizome grows unusually, rising about 4-5 cm above the soil surface, it becomes bare. An important condition for growing a healthy, strong bush is hilling the plant at the end of the season;

Gardeners who are unfamiliar with the nuances of growing astilba get a heavily frozen plant that is not capable of full flowering.

Plantings of astilba can grow in one place without a transplant for more than 15 years. A prerequisite for maintaining the decorativeness of the bush is annual top dressing, moistening the soil around the bushes, hilling. The following top dressing of old bushes is necessary:

  • For spring dressings, fertilizers are used, which include nitrogen, hilling with humus is sufficient for a grown rhizome;
  • During the period of bud formation, the bushes are fed with fertilizers, which are based on potassium, for example, by watering with a solution of potassium nitrate (dilute 2 tablespoons of fertilizer in 10 liters of water). About 500 ml of prepared fertilizer is applied under each bush;
  • Faded plants are fertilized with phosphorus compounds. For each adult bush, about 20 g of superphosphate will be required.

Fertilizers can be applied in liquid form or granules, mixing them with the soil around the bush. Top dressing should be completed by mulching.

Astilba propagation methods

Powerful root system astilba is a source of new seedlings. This is the easiest way to get the desired type and variety of flower. The most convenient time for dividing the bush is early spring.

The rhizome must be dug up, shake off the ground and divide the rhizome so that the separated part has a root at least 5 cm long, adventitious roots and 3-4 growth buds. The procedure is performed using a sharp knife.

Important. From the excavated astilbe rhizome, intended for division, it is necessary to remove dead and rotten parts of it. Planting material must be sufficiently moist. Instances with elongated, deformed sprouts should not be used for propagation. Such a plant will be sick for a long time, take root poorly, a young plant will lose its decorative effect.

The seat must be prepared for each plant individually:

  • The area allotted for planting astilba is dug up on a spade bayonet;
  • Fertilize the soil with bone meal and complex fertilizers at the rate of 30 g of top dressing and two handfuls of flour per 1 sq.m of beds;
  • Adding peat, humus, compost to the soil completes the design of the seat;
  • Under each bush, plants dig a hole, the volume of which should correspond to the size of the rhizome and be freely located in it;
  • At the bottom of the hole, place bone meal, mineral fertilizer, ash, hydrogel added along with fertilizers will provide the necessary soil moisture.
  • The plant should be planted so that the growth point is above the soil surface, a strong deepening of the bush is excluded;
  • After planting, the soil around the bush is compacted, this procedure is necessary to remove the void of the rhizome;
  • A new planting, and stilbs should be additionally watered and mulched, covering the soil under the plant with crushed bark or peat crumbs. The mulching layer should be at least 2 cm. This way you can maintain the necessary soil moisture, protect the roots of the planting material from drying out.

A culture grown from a separated part of the rhizome will retain all the characteristics of the species and variety, and will make it possible to obtain a plant of the desired selection.

Important. The rhizomes of the plant grow in a vertical upward direction. At the same time, its lower part gradually dies off, which eventually deprives the root of nutrition. Hilling the bush will prevent this process. Timely watering is a prerequisite for growing astilba.

Perennial seed propagation is mainly used by breeders, since there is a high probability of cross-pollination during the flowering period. Varietal characteristics in this case, as a rule, are not reproduced:

  • Inflorescences have a changed color;
  • The brushes may have a sparse structure;
  • General appearance plants are less decorative;
  • The timing of flowering is changing downward.

To grow astilbe from seeds, only high quality seeds from reputable companies should be used.

In order for a seedling grown from seed to form a strong, well-developed root structure, it should not be transplanted for the first five years.

Fundamental rules seed propagation astilbes are as follows:

  • Cold treatment of seeds for three weeks, followed by airing and drying in warm bright room. This procedure improves seed germination;
  • Prepare containers for planting seeds by filling them with a nutrient mixture consisting of three parts of peat and one part of sand;
  • For the convenience of sowing small astilba seeds, they are mixed with sand;
  • Distribute the unprepared surface of the soil mixture in an even layer;
  • Moisten the seeds using a spray bottle. Watering from the sprayer should be continued for a month until the seeds germinate;
  • With the advent of the first leaf, the seedlings dive, carefully pulling each seedling out of the soil mixture. Pinching the spine, remove one-third of the length;
  • Plant seedlings in another container, the soil in which should be moistened, which will ensure easier seed survival;
  • Astilba seedlings are planted in open ground in a year, as the seedlings grow very slowly;
  • Flowering occurs only in the third year.

The third method of propagation of astilba is carried out by separating the kidney from the mother bush. To do this, it is necessary to rake the soil from the base of the bush, freeing the kidney, which is cut out with a part of the rhizome. No more than 2-3 buds can be cut from one bush.

When planting astilba in open ground, a kidney with a root is given the opportunity to take root in a greenhouse. To do this, a soil mixture of peat and sand is distributed over the surface of the soil and the prepared parts are planted in holes. Next, the seedlings are watered and planted in open ground in the spring of next year. In the same year, astilbe plantings will please with their flowering.

In the second year of a plant's life, it should be fed with solutions of organic and mineral fertilizers. Young plantings with the onset of cold weather should be covered.

Important. Astilba is a real decoration of the garden, if a shady, moist area that is comfortable for it is chosen for planting. Early or late varieties of astilba can be planted in sunny areas. Astilba, blooming in July, feels comfortable in the rarefied shade of the garden; in sunny areas, the plant drastically reduces the time and splendor of flowering.

Astilba care rules

So that astilbe plantings do not get sick, are not attacked by pests, you need to pay attention to them, provide proper care, taking into account the characteristics of the plant:

  • It is necessary to ensure timely watering of the bushes of a plant that has a peculiar growth of the root system. Young roots formed on vertically growing stems need nutrition and watering, so the top layer of soil under the bush must be provided with moisture and top dressing.

On hot, dry summer days, the plant should be watered early in the morning and in the evening with the obligatory root mulching of plantings. Young plants may dry out due to lack of moisture;

  • The astilba flower is responsive to regular feeding. They provide long-term lush bloom. Astilba cultivation technology provides for top dressing at least twice a year. The first top dressing is carried out in early spring with the appearance of new shoots with a complex fertilizer containing nitrogen;

The next mandatory top dressing is autumn. For this procedure, fertilizer solutions containing phosphorus and potassium are used. Watering is carried out carefully, avoiding getting the solution on the stems of the plant. After top dressing, the soil around the bushes needs to be loosened and sprinkled with mulch.

  • In late autumn, the grassy aerial part of the bush is pruned. Cut the stems at ground level;

Pruning of inflorescences after flowering is allowed. New leaves will grow in their place.

  • Proper preparation of planting astilba flowers for wintering will allow you to get healthy bushes in the spring. The astilba plant during the growing season forms roots above the soil surface. So that the roots do not freeze out in frosts, mulching of the bushes should be carried out, the gaps between the bushes should be covered with spruce branches and sawdust. Put spruce branches on top of the bushes to ensure snow retention over plants in winter.

Astilba pests and diseases

All types and varieties of astilba are resistant to pests and diseases, since an adult plant is able to independently destroy weeds in which pests and pathogens breed. Therefore, astilba is planted and cared for with minimal effort.

However, this plant has pests that require human help to combat:

  • Pennitsa drooling - a sucking insect, sucks the juice from the plant. penny larvae, settling in the axils of the leaves, in dwellings made of lumps of foam, also feed on astilbe juice. Plants damaged by the penny practically do not grow, flower stalks develop poorly. If the saliva has multiplied strongly, you can treat the plant folk remedies, for example, infusion of wormwood;
  • The strawberry nematode is a worm that gnaws through the buds and leaves of astilba, disrupting the movement of the juice. Damaged areas die off, plants are oppressed, their growth and flowering stops. Upon detection of nematode worms; affected plants should be removed immediately and burned, chemicals do not give a good result;
  • Small worms no larger than 2 mm salt on the roots of plants, forming pathological swellings, galls on them. These formations prevent the full functioning of the roots. A plant affected by a nematode must be destroyed. New plantings at this location are not recommended.

Astilbes different colors amazing garden decoration. It looks great in the form of single inclusions in a shady garden, in group plantings, as well as by pools and ponds.

Ease of care is probably one of the main criteria that can make a plant a favorite of gardeners. For example, astilbes grow well in a shady garden, decorating them with unusual inflorescences of different shades. They do not require increased attention to themselves, and if you follow the elementary rules of agricultural technology, you can get lush and sprawling bushes.

The basics of proper fit astilbe

In order for the plant to quickly take root and grow well, you should choose the right place for planting, otherwise, how quickly it grows depends on sufficient moisture and heat.

Selecting a suitable landing site

Despite the need for a large amount of heat, open sunny areas with a maximum of sun should be avoided. Growing astilba in open ground should be done in areas with a sparse shadow, because only in this case it will bloom profusely and for a long time.

The exception is light varieties, which feel great in the open sun, but please with flowers a little less. Under the sun, early and late varieties grow well, and those species that bloom in July should be planted in the shade.

Did you know? Astilbe (Astilbe) is an ornamental perennial that belongs to the saxifrage family. Depending on the variety, the height of the plant ranges from 15 to 200 cm. The leaves are collected in an openwork bush, which can have a bronze, burgundy or dark green color. The flowers also have a variety of shades: from white to purple. They are paniculate inflorescences that grow up to 60 cm in length. They bloom all summer, have a powerful branched rhizome.

Planting astilba can be carried out in any soil, but for best results, you should choose areas where ground water run closer to the soil surface.

How to properly prepare the site

Before planting astilbe in the selected area, it must be dug up, removing the rhizomes of other plants. Then the soil should be fertilized with rotted manure or peat at the rate of 2 buckets of fertilizer per square meter. Make sure the top layer of soil is adequately saturated with potassium and phosphorus. Bone meal (2 handfuls per meter) or complex fertilizers (30 g per meter) are also added to the beds. Try not to plant the plant near trees with a shallow root system. They may have competition for moisture, in which the flower will surely lose.

Landing technology

Planting is carried out in autumn, during the period when the average daily temperature for 2–3 weeks is not lower than 5°C. When choosing the distance between the bushes, focus on the plant variety. So, low varieties are planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and high ones - 50 cm.

Holes up to 30 cm deep are prepared for planting, at the bottom of which fertilizers are laid out and poured with water. Delenki (part of a bush with a rhizome) is placed in a hole and covered with mulch about three centimeters.

Important! It is not recommended to keep the plant without a transplant for more than five years. An astilba transplant is necessary, even if you plan to leave it in its original place. The fact is that in a plant, the rhizome grows upwards, respectively, the kidneys are on the surface of the earth. In winter, this feature can destroy the flower.

Fundamentals of proper plant care

Proper care of the plant is not so difficult, but in order to grow a chic astilbe, you must adhere to the following rules.

Watering: what should it be

In caring for astilba, it is important to provide it with a sufficient amount of moisture, with regular watering. Even a slight delay and short-term drying of the soil leads to the fact that the leaves wither, the inflorescences become smaller, the flowers lose their richness of color, and the plant itself takes on a somewhat sloppy look.

Weeding and loosening the soil

Astilbe perfectly drowns out weeds, as it has very powerful branched rhizomes. But while the plant is young, weeding is simply necessary for it, since it is difficult for fragile flowers to fight weeds. After rain and watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil around the astilbe so that a crust does not appear. However, if it is mulched, then these manipulations are not required.

By the way, thanks to mulching with peat and annual hilling, you can slow down the aging of the bush, because the kidneys will always be underground.

When and how to feed

To preserve the decorativeness of the plant, it is also necessary to feed the astilba. It is carried out every year, but the choice of means for feeding depends on what land the plant was planted in. So, if it was planted in moist soil, it is necessary to use complex additives, and potash and phosphorus fertilizers - after flowering. If the plant was planted in dry land, then take peat or compost.

Separate fertilizers are used for a specific result. For example, to make the leaves and petals juicy, use diluted manure or other organic fertilizers. It is added at the beginning of the sap flow, that is, in the spring. In order for the plant to develop well, mineral fertilizers are applied. It is important to observe the correct concentration: 25–35 g per liter of water. This fertilizer is applied in the fall before wintering. Potassium sulphate or urea with superphosphate will help to increase the flowering period and give splendor to the plant. These mixtures should be added to the beds in the summer.

Seed collection

It is necessary to collect flower seeds in the fall, when the plant has faded (usually in September). Although they are quite small, they are easy to assemble. Faded and dried inflorescences should be cut, wrapped in paper and set aside in a warm place. After two weeks, it is enough to shake the inflorescences, and the seeds will spill out of them themselves. Astilbe seeds are stored in a paper bag.

Did you know? Astilba is ready to bloom in the first year after planting, however, it is advisable not to allowthis, pre-cut flower stalks. The fact is that a fragile plant can die, putting all its strength into the first flowering. In the case of removal of young flowers, all the juices go to the formation of healthy buds, rooting and growth of the rhizome. At the end of the season, the entire bush is cut off under the rhizome, and mulched with peat or soil. This manipulation is carried out every year.

Preparing astilba for winter

Astilba spends wintering without problems. She has perfectly adapted to severe frosts, but temperature drops in the spring can be dangerous for her. So it is better to mulch it, covering it with two layers of natural materials. It can be sawdust, small pebbles, rotten last year's leaves, straw, bark, spruce branches or other materials. Between the bushes, it is worth mulching the soil, for which spruce branches are perfect.

In addition to warming the plant in winter, mulching helps keep the soil loose and moist, and also reduces overheating in summer.

The basics of correct transplantation

You can transplant plants both in early spring and autumn. This is done in the following way. A hole is dug in advance, then a bush is carefully taken out and placed in it. The hole should be large enough so that the roots of the bush can be freely straightened in it. The plant must be covered with earth, watered and mulched. The last manipulation helps to retain precious moisture and prevent the appearance of a crust, which is very undesirable for a young plant.

Important! Astilba plantations do not rejuvenate immediately, but in parts, but they do it regularly. The older the plant, the more difficult it is to divide its rhizomes, but it easily tolerates transplantation and is ready to bloom already for next year after landing. The transplant can be replaced by adding soil over the kidneys after the autumn circumcision.

The combination of astilba with other plants

In terms of "friendship" with other plants, astilba is undemanding - it coexists well with the rest of the "inhabitants" of the garden. So neighbors should be chosen for purely aesthetic reasons. So, the openwork leaves of astilba look great in combination with whole leaves of hellebore, podophyllum or bergenia. Of the flowers, the plant can be combined with kupen, irises, late tulips, Goryanka, lilies of the valley.

As a rule, it is planted on rocky hills, in ridges along lawns, near the banks of reservoirs and semi-shady mixborders.

How to propagate astilba at home

Reproduction of astilba is carried out in one of three ways: seeds, buds or dividing the bush.


With the help of seeds, the plant is propagated exclusively for breeding. It makes no sense to collect seeds of hybrid varieties in your garden, as they quickly degenerate. However, you can purchase high-quality varietal seeds for planting on your site.

To improve seedlings, seed material must be properly prepared for planting. To do this, the seeds are placed for 20 days in a place where the temperature is kept at +/- 4 ° C. Then transferred to a well-lit warm room with a temperature of 18-22°C. Seeds are sown on moist soil, and after the procedure, the soil is not covered. After a couple of weeks, small shoots should appear that can be planted in shaded beds. It is important to constantly observe the irrigation regime.


Astilba cuttings mean its reproduction by the kidneys, which allows you to reproduce the plant much faster than seeds. When the shoots grow back in spring, they are carefully cut off with a part of the rhizome and the cuts are treated with ash. The resulting cuttings are planted in a mixture of gravel and peat (1: 3) and closed transparent material such as plastic wrap. The planting depth should correspond to the size of the root, but so that the kidney is half a centimeter covered with soil. The cutting takes root for about a year. That is, it will be possible to plant it in open ground next spring.

The division of the bush

In most cases, a propagation method such as dividing a bush is used. To do this, in the spring, while the plant has not yet bloomed, or in the fall, after flowering, the leaves are cut, the bush is dug up and divided into so-called divisions. Each of them should include at least one faded stem for 3-5 buds. You can also use unflowered stems, only in this case you should not expect flowering next year. Delenki are planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other, not forgetting to water them regularly.

Astilbe resistance to diseases, how to treat them

The plant is very disease resistant. With proper care, it rarely gets sick, but pests like to settle on it. For example, she is often attacked drooling penny, which begins to occupy the plant from the axils of the leaves. Moreover, the insects themselves do not carry any particular danger, since their larvae do much more harm, which grind off the green part of the plant, leaving it without oxygen and the possibility of further growth. You can only deal with them by manually removing the nests.