Do-it-yourself foam frog. Garden figures and crafts from polyurethane foam

Sculptures for the garden polyurethane foam. "A FOX"
To make figurines you will need:
Mounting foam
Foam gun.
Foam cleaner. (needed to flush the gun, and to clean hands)
Cotton gloves, more than one pair.
For the manufacture of this figurine, I used an ordinary empty kefir bottle.
1 Pour sand into the bottle (for gravity, so that the figure is not blown away by the wind). Foam the entire surface of the bottle. Attention! It is necessary to foam gradually, layer by layer, giving time to dry each layer. The foam dries in about 10-15 minutes.

2, 3 For the manufacture of paws, tail, I used a tube with a threaded wire. Stick the tail (the whole figure rests on it), paws (tubes), set the desired bend, foam the joints. Neck: Insert tube from under toilet paper, foam. dry

4 Foam paws, tail.
5 To make the head, you can insert something round, foam it. Ears: Cut out of thick cardboard, soft plastic. Insert the ears into place, foam, dry. Mustache: Cut a thick fishing line, paint over with black paint from a balloon, insert. The eyes are rubber balls painted with the same paint.
paint the foam sculptures with oil paint, varnish on top (if the figurine is not painted with white paint, since the varnish gives yellowness).

Foam sculpture for the garden! "KOLOBOK"
For the basis of the kolobok I took Christmas tree toy, you can use a plastic ball, something round. Foam the ball, with gradual drying layer by layer.

The handles are made from a tube with threaded wire. Set a bend, foam. The scarf is also foam. "Ears" on a scarf: Cut out leaves from cardboard, cut in, foam. With a sharp knife cut eyes, mouth

Inside the legs, ordinary wooden blocks, foam, setting the desired shape.

Paint over with oil paint, can be varnished.


It is not at all necessary to spend money on the purchase of ready-made garden figures to decorate the site. original crafts from polyurethane foam will become a worthy element landscape design. The main thing is to show imagination and a little perseverance.

Polyurethane foam properties

The scope of application of polyurethane foam is quite extensive. Now it has spread to the landscape design of the site. Do-it-yourself garden figures made from polyurethane foam are no worse than specimens made on an industrial scale, and often surpass crafts made from tires or plastic containers in terms of decorativeness.

The special properties of mounting foam allow you to create crafts complex shape. Ease in processing does creative occupation available to weak female or children's hands. In the process of forming a garden figure with your own hands, it will not be difficult to remove an extra fragment or add a missing detail. With proper decoration, the craft looks very presentable and does not show signs of recycled raw materials, as is the case with plastic containers.

Attention! Garden figurines made of polyurethane foam are resistant to precipitation, but require UV protection.

An obstacle to creating crafts with a complex configuration may be a lack of experience with three-dimensional figures. Creating something new from scratch, focusing only on a flat image, is a problem for some. Therefore, it is initially recommended to practice on simple garden figures. A mushroom, turtle or ladybug will be a great start for the manifestation of the sculptor's abilities.

Depending on the amount of mounting foam involved in the manufacture of crafts, it may take a long time for it to dry completely. The process usually takes a week. You should be prepared that the mounting foam in the process of forming a garden figure can pollute the surrounding area, so it is recommended to organize work in an open area.

Colorful examples of do-it-yourself polyurethane foam figures are shown in the photo:

improvised materials

The list of improvised materials varies depending on the garden figure chosen for the manufacture, but the unchanged set consists of the following items:

  • Mounting foam. It is better to replace an ordinary spray can with a tube with a gun, which is much more convenient to work with.
  • Stationery knife for trimming excess elements.
  • Latex gloves to protect hands. Fabric products will quickly become unusable.
  • Sandpaper for sanding the surface.
  • Brush with paints intended for outdoor use.

To create a frame, crafts usually use plastic containers and cans, hard wire, boards, hoses and double-sided tape. If the foam gets on the skin during operation, a special cleaner or kerosene will help get rid of contaminants.

Advice! The garden figure, made using polyurethane foam, has a low weight, therefore, at the formation stage, measures are taken to make it heavier. Plastic containers can be partially filled with sand or small pebbles. A wire protruding from the paws of animals will help fix the craft on the ground.

General algorithm

Preliminary acquaintance with the instructions for the use of mounting foam will reduce the likelihood of undesirable situations. Crafts should be done outdoors at positive temperatures. If work is carried out indoors, it is worth taking care of high-quality ventilation. The polyethylene film will prevent surface contamination, the polyurethane foam does not stick to it.

Shake the can before use, keep the cap down during use. Otherwise, the gas will come out, and the material will not be completely used up. The initial strength of the mounting foam is gaining within an hour, and finally dries out in 10 hours. It all depends on the applied layer.

It is not recommended to apply a large amount of material in one approach, the liquid substance can fall off. It is optimal to build work on the formation of a garden figure as follows:

  • arrange the frame of the craft horizontally;
  • apply a small layer of mounting foam;
  • give the material time to dry;
  • turn the craft over and repeat the steps.

When the foam dries up again, the voids and missing fragments are filled in accordance with the selected outlines of the garden figure. Excess fragments are removed with a sharp clerical knife. To achieve a smooth surface of the craft, it is sanded with sandpaper fixed on a bar.

Advice! Putty is able to protect the garden figure from rapid destruction under the influence of sunlight. This technique will provide additional leveling of the surface.

After the composition has completely solidified, they proceed to the stage of decoration. Usually it consists in painting the figure from polyurethane foam. Acrylic-based paints are best suited for work, which are applied in 2 layers. Buttons, cords, wire for a mustache, pieces of glass to create a mosaic act as an additional decor tool.

Characteristic crafts from polyurethane foam for the garden

Studying a wide range of garden objects made using polyurethane foam, we can conditionally distinguish two groups of crafts. In one case, the surface of the figures is even, in the other, it is bumpy and often imitates the skin of an animal.

Leveled areas are often additionally covered with putty. It creates protective layer from UV rays. With rough garden figures, this technique is not practiced.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the identity of the animal skin immediately after applying the mounting foam; this will require additional manipulations. But the result of hard work is always impressive. The only exception may be a lamb, whose curls are so similar to a bumpy surface obtained from a liquid building substance. Vivid examples of do-it-yourself polyurethane foam crafts show photos:

Representatives of the animal world - the most popular solution for the formation of garden figures. Less commonly, objects of inanimate origin are created - all kinds of flowerpots, shoes and other items, mainly intended as decorative flower stands.

simple crafts

If there is no experience in creating crafts at all or it is not enough, it is better to start the experiment with a light garden figure, for example, a mushroom, which is based on plastic bottle. To the materials at hand listed earlier, you will need to add a primer and you can begin to be creative.

Main stages:

  • A plastic bottle, which acts as a leg, is filled with sand or pebbles to give the mushroom stability.
  • Mounting foam is distributed in a thin layer, the process takes place in several stages. A thickening is formed in the lower part.
  • The hat of garden crafts is cut out of foam. It is not worth striving for a perfect circle, slight asymmetry is quite acceptable.
  • From the mounting foam applied to the foam, you should try to form a cone-shaped figure or a hemisphere.
  • A strong wire is used to connect the two parts of the garden figure. Gluing the parts will help to strengthen the fixation.
  • Trimming unnecessary protruding parts is carried out carefully so as not to damage the assembled craft.

Comment! The porosity of the mounting foam is the reason for the absorption of moisture, so it is recommended to treat the garden figure with a primer.

The absence of a primer layer will lead to the absorption of moisture from the mounting foam by the putty, this process will cause cracking of the surface of the craft. After priming, the garden figure is covered with a layer of putty and left to dry. To make the mushroom smooth, the surface of the garden figure is treated with sandpaper, first with medium grain, then fine. To reduce paint consumption, the puttied surface also needs to be coated with a primer. The color of the craft is chosen at your discretion, whether it will be cute White mushroom or a bright fly agaric, depends on the wishes of the master. Lacquer is able to give the figure additional shine.

Large figures

When simple DIY polyurethane foam figures turn out well enough, the task of creating garden crafts can be complicated and move on to larger objects.


To form a popular landscape design element, you will need:

  • Water tank with a volume of 10 liters, it will serve as the body of a garden figure.
  • A tin can or eggplant for 5 liters will play the role of a muzzle.
  • Wooden planks for legs.
  • Bead or wire will become the basis of the tail of the garden figure.
  • The usual set of tools used in the design of crafts from polyurethane foam.

When everything is prepared, start the creative process:

  • First, two containers are connected to each other; wire or adhesive tape will cope with the task.
  • A glue gun will help to fix the legs on the body of the garden figure.
  • A tail is inserted into a pre-prepared hole.
  • The eggplant is filled with sand to give the craft weight and stability.
  • When the frame of the garden figure is fully prepared, it is gradually covered with mounting foam. Between applying the next layer, take a break of 15-20 minutes.
  • The ears of a garden figure will turn out perfectly from a flexible wire, which, after fixing, is also covered with mounting foam.
  • After drying, unnecessary protruding fragments are cut off with a sharp knife.
  • The application of further layers is identical to the mushroom creation algorithm. First, the craft is primed, then the surface is treated with putty, then cleaned with sandpaper, again primed and painted. The final layer will be a waterproof varnish.

Naturally, between each action, the polyurethane foam crafts are given time to dry the next applied layer.

Symbol of family happiness - stork

The stork looks incredibly cute on the site, the manufacture of which will also require polyurethane foam. The algorithm of actions includes the following steps:

  • A plastic 5-liter container serves as the body of a garden figure.
  • The head of the stork will be on the side of the bottom, the tail will be in place of the neck.
  • The thick wire will serve as the base of the neck, on which the foam head is fixed.
  • At the discretion of the master, the long nose of a garden figure can be made from a small piece of wire or wood chips.
  • Long legs for crafts can be made from electrodes or plastic pipes. Both the material is subsequently buried in the ground, due to which the garden figure made of polyurethane foam becomes stable. Therefore, it is not necessary to fill the eggplant with sand for weighting.
  • You can decorate the wings from pieces of foam. They are screwed to the sides of the craft with wire.
  • To give additional strength to the connection of the head with the body, wrapping with tape will help.
  • When the frame of the garden figure is fully assembled, they begin to cover it with mounting foam.
  • After complete solidification, excess fragments are removed with a clerical knife with a sharp blade.

When the mounting foam is completely dry, proceed to decorating. As a primer for a garden figure, you can take water solution PVA glue, diluted in a ratio of 1: 2. The body and head of the craft are covered with white paint, the tail and edging of the wings are made black, the legs of the stork are painted red. As a tail of a stork, you can use real feathers of a poultry, whether it be a goose or a rooster. When the garden figure is completely ready, the stork's legs are buried from the electrodes into the ground.

Overview of original ideas

The choice of garden figures that you can create with your own hands using polyurethane foam is not limited. Here is a short list original ideas:

  • A small artificial pond or waterfall will be perfectly decorated with a funny frog or turtle. Someone wants to become the owner of a crocodile or monitor lizard - it all depends on preferences.
  • If children are resting on the site, they will like the presence of crafts in the form of a cheerful Sponge Bob.
  • Bright ladybugs always attract attention.
  • Mounting foam will not require grinding if a lamb is chosen as a garden figure.
  • Sometimes a wire that is braided helps to create a frame with a complex configuration. plastic containers and then gradually filled with foam.
  • The craft does not have to be covered with paint. Some masters of working with polyurethane foam offer to create a real mosaic on a garden figure from small pieces of mirrors or tiles.

In the process of creating any craft, it is important to allow each applied layer to dry well. This applies not only to mounting foam, but also to primers, putties and paints. If the technology is violated, the garden figure can quickly become unusable.

As can be seen from the presented master classes, the steps for decorating garden figures from polyurethane foam are identical. The main thing is to try to keep the proportions when assembling the frame, the rest is a matter of technology.


How nice to surprise: friends, acquaintances, work colleagues or just neighbors with amazing crafts in your garden .. We will make a Frog from polyurethane foam!. Speaking about the frog, it will be green and smile slightly. As for the location of the frog, it will sit by the pool next to the Swamp, where it belongs.

So, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that any summer resident can make a Frog. Also note that the first attempts to make a frog may not be successful, because working with polyurethane foam requires skill and patience. The fact is that when the mounting foam dries, it deforms slightly and changes its design, so the initially made contour (silhouette) of the frog may differ from your expectations after a few hours, and this is how much the mounting foam dries.

Please note that the mounting foam dries for several hours, so do not rush to proceed to the next step until the foam is completely dry.

Required inventory

  1. Cylinder of polyurethane foam;
  2. Old bucket (Which we will douse with mounting foam);
  3. Green paint, as well as the paint necessary for painting the eyes;
  4. Wire;
  5. Brush or color (for painting).

Step-by-step instructions for making a Frog

The next step is to paint our frog. But note that before painting, it should dry properly in a dry room for at least 2-3 days.

Please note that the frog can be seated either on or near the site. In conclusion, I would like to note that it is best to plant a frog under a canopy, because under the influence of water and wind, the mounting foam can deform, and the paint can begin to peel off.

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Making foam figures is quite simple. Your country cottage area, a garden or vegetable garden will look wonderful thanks to such interesting figures. Before you start, be sure to read the basic rules. In this article we will look at: how to make garden figurines from polyurethane foam with your own hands.

  1. Prepare workplace, cover with oilcloth or newspapers.
  2. Read the foam manufacturer's instructions carefully.
  3. It is impossible to make a figure from polyurethane foam on the street at sub-zero air temperatures.
  4. When working, use rubber gloves, as mounting foam is a toxic material.
  5. The frame of the figurine must be heavy so that it is not blown away by the wind. As a weighting agent, sand, pebbles or earth are used.
  6. Mounting foam completely hardens in 10 hours, it is sticky - so if you are working with it for the first time, purchase acetone or a thinner.
  7. The finished figure must be completely covered with furniture transparent varnish. Thanks to this, the figurine will be resistant to any weather conditions.

You will need: 2 plastic bottles (5-6 liters each), 4 plastic bottles (1.5-2 liters each), plastic bucket (for example: from ice cream), scissors, stationery knife, sand or earth, isolon (linoleum substrate), can mounting foam, adhesive tape, balloon or oil paint, furniture varnish, brush, wire, pieces of linoleum for sheep's ears, superglue.

Master Class

You will need: foam can, plastic liter bottle, bucket, furniture varnish, oilcloth, stationery knife.

Master Class

The polyurethane foam snail is ready!

You will need: old saucepan, iron can, wire, superglue, spray foam, oil paints, furniture varnish, button eyes, scissors.

Master Class

The polyurethane foam frog is ready!

You will need: spray foam, 2 liter plastic bottle, sand, rubber tubes, toilet paper sleeve, scissors, wire, oil paints, furniture varnish, stationery knife.

Master Class

Foam fox is ready!

You will need: spray foam can, plastic pipe for the frame, rubber cord, stick or wire, superglue, oil paints, furniture varnish, stationery knife.

Master Class

The polyurethane foam lizard is ready!

And for the New Year garden plot you can install a snowman. How to make a snowman from polyurethane foam, see this video!

Absolutely any figure can be made from polyurethane foam. The main thing is to think over the frame and design. Fantasize and create masterpieces with your own hands!