How to make an elephant from a 5 liter bottle. Products from plastic bottles (pigs, frogs)

Svetlana Chernaya

The children were delighted, from the new "tenant" on site!

To make a big elephant you need.

1) Four bottles 1.5 liters (for legs)

2)1 bottle 10 liters(for the body).

3)1 bottle 5 liter(for ears).

4) Stationery knife, scissors, glue, and an old hose from a trunk vacuum cleaner.

5) Paint enamel, gray, brush.

6) A set for creativity "eyes".

We take the largest bottle(10 liters, on it we carefully make 4 small cuts cross, cross and parallel to each other (for legs) insert into each hole bottles 1.5 liters. The elephant is already standing. Necessarily, for stability, we fill each bottle sand or fine gravel.

From above on the sides we make cuts for the ears. Cut out the ears bottles 5 liters, insert.

in the neck bottles we insert a piece of hose, we get a trunk. We paint.

Glue the eyes (can be drawn).

That's all the elephant is ready.

The same is true for small elephant, only taken smaller bottles. Instead of bottles 1.5 liters 0.5 liters - small legs, and on the torso bottle 5 liters.

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Empty plastic bottles don't have to be thrown away . They can be put to good use. For example, do all sorts of plastic bottle products.

And just below you will find information (a master class with a photo) on how to quickly and easily make a beautiful pig out of this popular material for making various DIY crafts. . Plastic piglets can fit perfectly into the landscaping of your garden or vegetable garden, as well as decorate flower beds.

To make piglets and other crafts, you only need your unlimited imagination and the required number of plastic bottles , which is always available at home, as well as some tools and materials.

Plastic bottles different sizes and forms can be used both in everyday life and in nature. Here are some ways to use them:

large plastic bottles can make a wonderful palm tree for your garden ;
table lamp or candlestick;
thermal insulation wall, greenhouse, house;
container for liquids and cereals;
plastic scoop for bulk materials and products;
if you cut off part of the bottle, it can become a mug, plate, food container, vase or serve as a universal container;
a raft of a huge number of bottles;

life jacket or circle;
horn if cut off the bottom plastic bottle and glue the handle;
hot water heater;
waterer or sprinkler, if holes are made in the bottle. Such a sprinkler is very convenient for use in nature when barbecue is grilled;
if you pour pebbles into a small plastic bottle . It can be hung on a rope stretched along the perimeter in a protected area;
electrical insulator;
trap for crayfish, small fish and rodents;
plastic can be used if it became necessary to spend the night on cold soil;
incredible use - you can boil water on a fire in it;
plastic shoes to protect the feet from large containers;
a pot for seedlings or flowers, if you cut the neck;
fishing net float;
purification and disinfection of water in plastic bottles;
translucent windows;
as a target that does not leave fragments - for firing arrows, stones and other means of destruction;
small dumbbells if the bottles are filled with small nuts, bolts or wet sand;
a rolling pin for dough, if you pour water into a bottle;
washstand in country or camping conditions;
goggles or face shield from insects, flying particles and dust;
thermos - insert plastic bottles of different capacities into one another, and lay matter, newspapers or polystyrene between them;
small greenhouses for rooting various plants, as well as to maintain good moisture for seedlings;
a container for storing matches, which is water resistant, as well as for transferring dry fuel;
feeder for animals and birds;
watering can, if you cut the bottom of a plastic bottle;
oiler if you insert a small tube into the bottle cap. It will become an assistant to cope with refueling containers that are in hard-to-reach places, such as transmission elements or gearboxes;
homemade silencer for weapons;
toys and crafts for children different ages.

Be sure to remember that when creating all kinds of compositions from plastic bottles , all cuts and edges must be melted. Use such a good property of plastic, which, when heated, can become susceptible to deformation. Thus it is possible to do beautiful flowers different forms.

Very popular now in personal plots are plastic bottle pigs, which can be made quite quickly and easily, as well as plastic flowers of various sizes and shapes for the garden.

Master class with practical photos making a piglet craft for the garden from a used plastic bottle in the form of a decorative flower bed:

take a five-liter bottle from ordinary water;
cut neatly with scissors an oval or square at your discretion. The resulting bottle with a hole will serve as the body of the future piglet, and we will make future ears from the square;
draw and cut out the ear pattern first from paper. The shape of the ear can be chosen any at your discretion;
now it is necessary to cut out two ears from which the decorative flowerbed-pig itself will be made, that is, from plastic;
then, carefully, so as not to cut yourself, make cuts with a knife in the places where, in your opinion, the ears should be located;
try on first, and then insert the carved ears of piglets from plastic bottles;
in the case of spray-painted ears, they can be left in place. If you paint the craft of your piglet from a plastic bottle with a brush, then the body and ears are covered with paint separately, and then, after drying, the ears are inserted into the place of your choice in the body;
you can immediately paint with pink paint, but it is possible and quite suitable option mixing white and red paint;
after painting the pig, let the paint dry thoroughly;
now draw a piglet and eyes of your pig, and you can also draw flirty tassels on the ears;
at the final stage, earth must be filled inside the body, and then beautiful flowers should be planted.
mini-flower bed from a plastic bottle ready. Even at first glance, you can’t understand what such beauty can be made of. For complete reliability, you can even attach paws to the piglet.

Another master class detailed photos for the manufacture of a plastic pig-bed:

for manufacturing, you will need one one and a half liter bottle and one five-liter bottle, small and large scissors, white enamel used for plastic, table and stationery knives, brush, marker, glue, ruler and pieces of self-adhesive vinyl oracal tape;
pre-cut paper stencils of the drawn parts of the piglet - tail, ears and eyes;
cut off the handle of a large plastic bottle and cut a rectangle 12 by 15 centimeters in size from the side;
for the piglet's ears, cut off the central part of the brown plastic bottle. Pay attention to the fact that they have a characteristic curve for the ears. This will not prevent the plastic pig from looking more natural;
paper stencils are now used to make the tail, eyes and ears. The central part of the brown plastic bottle will go to two ears, and the tail must be cut out of the rest in a circle. The eyes are made from three layers of oracal tape - black, white and green with small triangles cut out;
a marker is useful to mark lines for holes;
heat the knife and make two holes for the ears and one for the tail;
make small incisions in the lower parts of the tail and ears, and bend them like antennae;
insert the tail and ears into the holes made in this way. Antennae now bend from the inside;
paint the prepared workpiece in two layers in pink color. Let each layer dry thoroughly;
remove from ready eyes protective film and glue from the nose at the same distance;
cut out small circles from the oracal and decorate the patch.
The piglet is ready for use in the garden. You can put such a decorative flower bed at home, on the balcony. If such a piglet will serve as a planter in the garden, it is necessary to fill the bottom with 1/4 expanded clay for absorption excess moisture. Now add fertile land and plant your favorite flowers in it.


Used plastic bottles can solve a lot of problems . From them you can make very interesting and various crafts. The very creative process of making products from plastic bottles can bring a huge amount of positive emotions to the author. Especially, plastic bottles and you don't have to look too hard. They can be found in every home in sufficient quantities. Given that they can be of various capacities, shapes and colors, all kinds of crafts can be made from them.

DIY from plastic bottles it is quite easy to make decorations for the interior of the backyard and garden, beautiful flowers, interesting toys, various animals, various fixtures, furniture.

Plastic bottles are excellent source material, and most importantly affordable, for unlimited imagination to create all kinds of crafts of any complexity, for every taste and any direction. With certain skills that are recommended to be obtained with the help of a master class, plastic bottles can be turned into a malleable material and feel like real sculptors and creative people.

Plastic is perfectly cut, painted and stitched. It is durable enough, and with it your crafts will be long time please your eye. Perhaps the only drawback of plastic bottles is their lightness. So, a sudden wind can easily scatter them throughout the garden. But this is also not a problem - pour inside the made plastic crafts earth or sand, thereby strengthening and weighting the design of the product.

A plastic bottle allows you to embody the most different ideas in life, for example, with my own hands make different figurines. An example would be plastic bottle frog.

To create cute figurines frogs will hold a master class. Everyone knows that frogs are able to attract money to the house and bring good luck.

Frog from plastic bottles (master class):

take two plastic bottles with a capacity of two liters, one liter plastic bottle, wire and paint;

cut off two bottoms from large plastic bottles and insert them into each other;

cut legs from one plastic bottle for the future frog princess and attach them to the body with an awl and wire;

then cut off the bottom of a liter plastic frog bottle. Cut out a beautiful crown with rays;

the cut crown must be immediately attached with a neck using an awl and wire;

at the end of the manufacturing process, it is necessary to paint and paint the craft in order to completely confuse everyone what this funny princess is made of. This is best done with acrylic paints. They fit perfectly on plastic. You can also use spray paint. The body of a plastic frog is painted, of course, green, and the crown is golden or yellowish. Draw carefully the last details - eyes, mouth, and so on. Try to give plasticity to what the frog princess is made of, a cheerful and smiling mood.

Such plastic crafts look best on stones, and not in the grass, with which the frog princess will simply merge and get lost. The ideal option it would be to put it near a small pond or in another conspicuous place.

Another way to make a plastic frog:

take two bottles of two liters and one half-liter bottle;

prepare a small coil of copper wire;

you will need yellow and green plastic paint in order to give a beautiful shade to the frog. It is better to use spray paint;

to create a cute frog face, buy a thin brush and acrylic paints black and yellow;

at the first stage, a frog body is created. To do this, cut off the bottom of two-liter bottles. The width of the workpiece for one will be five centimeters, and for the other - four centimeters;
first you need to draw a line with a marker to make an even cut;

now be careful - on the remaining bottle you need to draw two frog legs (find a stencil on the Internet if you can’t do it yourself), paint over the resulting details with green paint and let it dry well;

Now we need to form the body of the frog. A large blank will become the body, and a smaller one will become the head. Pierce a large workpiece with an awl from the sides and attach the paws with a wire. Firmly insert one part into the other;

draw a beautiful muzzle for the frog princess. Please your children by showing your creative abilities and adding more fabulousness to the character;

the small bottle will serve as the crown and the cork will be the base. Paint the carved crown yellow and try to wire it to the head.
The frog princess is now ready to take pride of place in your favorite garden.

Such a figure can be made to others, more simple method. In this case, it will serve not only as a garden decoration, but also serve as a small functional box in which spare keys or other important little things can be stored.

To create such a craft you need to take two green bottles so that they do not have to be painted later. Also prepare an awl, tape, thread, zipper and felt-tip pens.

Due to the fact that we will need the lower parts of the bottles, we will wrap them at the required height with tape. Let's make a cut along the upper border of the adhesive tape. As you understand, here the tape acts as a line drawn by a marker.

Now you need to pierce both blanks with an awl through the adhesive tape. This is necessary in order to subsequently sew a zipper to the plastic. Remove the tape, attach the zipper closed to the two halves and fix with tape. We sew a zipper. Try to make the stitches even, beautiful and neat. Then remove the fasteners. In front of you is a beautiful zippered box. But so far, she doesn't look like a frog at all.

Now it's up to your imagination and creativity. They must turn the craft into a real frog. The muzzle is quite simply drawn using waterproof markers. Bulging eyes can be made from old traffic jams, pre-painted in green

The finished plastic frog princess will be a great decoration in your garden and will delight visitors with its unusual look.


How fast and easy make a hedgehog out of plastic bottles for a cottage or garden plot? If desired, the personal plot can be decorated with interesting, original flower beds and products from plastic bottles.

Making a hedgehog from plastic bottles is quite easy. It is necessary to cut off the top of the bottle so that it looks like a ladle, in which the neck with a lid will serve as a handle. You need to find a bottle that is the most suitable in shape. You need to focus on the main thing - the muzzle of a hedgehog. It would be ideal if it was a little elongated.

Paint is also needed. The best option will be acrylic paint. It is very suitable for plastic and goes well with it. When painting crafts, there is one important secret. Plastic bottle must be perfectly clean. Therefore, rinse it thoroughly with warm water, remove all labels and dry thoroughly. Otherwise, if the plastic bottle remains dirty, the paint will immediately begin to peel off along with the existing dirt and the hedgehog will turn out to be untidy.

The master class, as shown in the photo, gives consistent steps in making a hedgehog craft from a plastic bottle. The first step, as you can see in the photo, is to cut out that part of a large plastic bottle that is intended for a decorative flower bed. This is done with a sharp knife or good scissors.

The next step in making a hedgehog is to paint the bottle in a natural color. Do the same with other parts for making a hedgehog. You can paint the cap (cork) crafts black. This will be the nose of the hedgehog. The eyes are usually painted. To do this, you need to make two circles with white paint, and paint over the pupils inside.

The photo shows that hedgehog ears can also be made with your own hands from a plastic bottle . First, cut them out, and then insert them into the slots made with a knife. Ears can also be drawn.

The master class, as shown in the photo, ends with filling the hedgehog flower bed fertile soil. Also use different fertilizers so that the planted plants bloom better. Then the seeds must be sown in the soil lawn grass. After a while, the seeds will germinate, begin to give friendly shoots, these will be the thorns of the hedgehog. Thus, the work on creating a plastic hedgehog flower bed will be completed.

The same principle allows you to make other numerous animal figures. . Fantasize and creativity will gradually drag you into its networks.

Let's talk about another option for making a plastic hedgehog. It can be placed anywhere - on the lawn, in the garden or at home. Hedgehogs made from plastic bottles are not afraid of any weather.

To make a plastic hedgehog you will need:
plastic bottle;
two white plastic bottle caps;
ten pine cones (or more for a bulk bottle) of approximately the same size;
mounting foam or glue "Moment".

The technology for making a hedgehog from plastic bottles always begins with degreasing the bottle. Use a soapy water solution for washing. After thoroughly cleaning the plastic bottle, it must be thoroughly wiped and dried.

Using glue "Moment" or polyurethane foam glue pine cones on a dried and prepared plastic bottle. It is better to start gluing from the central part, which will be the back of the future hedgehog. Each pine cone must be glued separately. Be sure to make sure that it holds tight and start gluing the next one. It happens that you did not see and the pine cone peeled off. Plant it back if adjacent cones are already glued , will be very difficult. Therefore, try to immediately fix them firmly.

After you cover the body of the hedgehog with cones-needles, boldly proceed to create its nose. It can be made from the cap of a plastic bottle. For realism, carefully glue the nose with black plasticine.

For the peephole, you will need prepared two white covers. Carefully glue circles of black plasticine into the center, which will become the pupils of the hedgehog. We glue the eyes to the muzzle of the hedgehog with mounting foam or glue.

The craft is ready. It's time to decorate it. What can be done for this? Of course, it can be leaves, berries, apples or mushrooms on its back. All this is very easy to mold from plasticine . Carefully lay out the molded crafts on the hedgehog's needles. From plasticine, you can also fashion a small hedgehog. For such a fun friend instead of cone needles, ordinary sunflower seeds are suitable.

Here are entertaining crafts for the garden and ready. It's time to install them in your favorite places in the garden.


You can make your own funny elephant from a used plastic bottle. To do this, you need three plastic bottles. If you make such a craft with your own hands, as shown in the photo, then it will turn out to be very cheerful. Main difficulty in the manufacture of do-it-yourself elephant from an ordinary plastic bottle is how to properly make the trunk and ears. You will not regret if you take your family evenings with such an unusual and enjoyable activity.

for crafts plastic elephant indicated in the photo, you will need the following materials:
plastic bottles;
knife for cutting paper;
traffic jams;
raw rice;
colored foam;
thin colored paper;
plastic eyes;
drawing pin;

Technology for making an elephant from plastic bottles:
making the body and legs - it is necessary to cut off with sharp scissors or a knife the lower part of two bottles, ordinary, plastic, 10 centimeters high, from which legs will be obtained. In this part, you need to pour a little cooked rice for stability. Next, attach the legs with adhesive tape to a liter bottle;

To make a trunk, you need 6 corks from ordinary plastic bottles, from which, using a nail and a hammer, make holes in the center of each. Then we string the resulting plugs on a wire bent in the shape of a trunk. It will need to be attached to the body. To do this, a small hole is made in the cap of a liter plastic bottle;

The resulting craft must be covered with thin gray paper, on which glue must first be applied;

Now you need to add additional details to the craft - glue foam gray ears, foam pink fingers, eyes and tusks;

Using a pushpin, you need to make a hole for the tail, and then screw in any rope with a tassel at the end.
The plastic elephant is ready.


Bees from plastic bottles look great in the garden or any other interior, giving it a special decorative effect and originality.

Such a hand-made craft, as seen in the photo, will look nice as a decoration in a flower bed, as well as a decor for a flowerpot in room interior. Bees from plastic bottles can be hung on a tree. You get a funny composition consisting of a whole swarm of bees.

Master class on using plastic bottles to make bees:

What a plastic bee can be made of - materials:
plastic bottle from used mustard for the base of the bee. It must be thoroughly washed with good detergent warm water. Be sure to remove existing stickers, labels from it. Wipe and dry;
black paint or black electrical tape;
the middle part of a white plastic bottle;
scissors or sharp knife;

Making craft bees shown in the photo:
First you need to apply the strips on the body of the bee with black tape. Just wrap two or three layers of duct tape around to make an orange and black bee. If there is no tape, you can use black paint. The ideal option would be latex paint. It's great for plastic. Paint very carefully and carefully;

Glue the eyes and nose to the bottom of the bottle. Buttons are just right for their manufacture. Choose larger buttons for the eyes and smaller ones for the nose. Eyes do not have to be made from buttons. To do this, you can use factory blanks sold for the manufacture of dolls and other children's toys;

Make antennae from wire. Master class for making bees from plastic bottles suggests that the size of the bee will be the size of the bottle itself. Therefore, the length of the antennae will depend on this. The longer the bee, the larger the antennae;

Cut off the neck and bottom of a white plastic bottle. Cut its middle part lengthwise. You will get a plastic concave rectangle that needs to be straightened. This can be done with a candle, and then put under the press for a while (usually heavy books can serve as a press). Even if the rectangle isn't perfect, don't be discouraged;

Cut out the wings from a piece of white plastic, making a preliminary sketch with a marker;
then, with an awl heated by a candle, holes are made in the plastic - two small ones above the eyes, one through the bottles in the center, one at a time - from white plastic in the center of the wings;

Insert the antennae of the plastic bee;
put the prepared body on the rod and attach the wings. You can fix the rod on the flower bed, you can flower pot or another location of your choice.

The plastic bee is ready. What it's made of, no one even knows.

Similar animal-themed plastic bottle crafts can't be exhausted. Fantasize about this together with your children . They will also give you new ideas. Engage in joint creativity to decorate your backyard, garden or other interior. This will bring you closer to the children, and the garden will acquire wonderful decorations .

For those who want to decorate their garden or summer cottage with unusual, but at the same time budget figures, we offer several ideas for making such decorations with our own hands.

Particularly popular with fans landscape design enjoy crafts from plastic bottles. Craftsmen make all kinds of figurines of gnomes, piglets, swans, mushrooms and other crafts from recycled materials. Today we offer to make an elephant figurine from plastic bottles. Step by step instructions and simple master classes, accessible and described in detail in the article, will help to make an elephant out of bottles even for a beginner handicraftsman.

Elephant from bottles (simplified version)

To make this craft, you will need the following:

  • one two-liter and two one and a half liter plastic bottles;
  • wire - dense enough to keep its shape;
  • 6-7 caps through holes in the middle of the bottom;
  • thin foam rubber or foamiran of gray and pink colors;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • a pair of plastic eyes;
  • gray acrylic paint and a brush (to give color, you can use not only paint, but also adhesive colored paper (tape) or food foil);
  • sand (groats) as a filler.

Step by step description photo work:

  1. Cut off the top in one and a half liter bottles 1/3 of the entire length.
  2. To make the finished figure more stable and not fall even from a slight breath of wind, pour a little filler into the cut off parts. It can be ordinary dried sand, small pebbles, cereals, etc.
  3. In a two-liter bottle, along one of the sides, make 2 holes, the diameter of which matches the diameter of the cut blanks.
  4. Insert the filler parts into the holes and secure them with a glue gun.
  5. Put plugs on the bent wire and fix with hot glue.
  6. From foam rubber (foamiran), cut out the details of the ears (2 large blanks of gray and 2 small pink flowers), tusks (2 pieces) and nails (4 for each bottle - 8 pieces in total).
  7. Cover the body of the future elephant with gray paint. Such a craft would look good if you use ordinary food foil instead of paint. In this case, you just need to wrap the workpiece with 1-2 layers of foil and press firmly.
  8. Glue eyes, ears, tusks and nails.
  9. Attach a tail from a short piece of wire and a brush made of foam rubber (foamiran) to the back.

As a result, you should get such a wonderful baby elephant. The figurine will decorate not only garden plot but also makes a great toy for kids.

Baby elephant for the garden

The second option for making an elephant figurine for decoration suburban area also does not present any particular difficulty in the manufacturing process and is available financially.

The work will require the following materials and tools:

  • 2 large plastic bottles with a volume of 6 liters;
  • 4 two-liter bottles;
  • half a meter of hose or corrugated pipe small diameter;
  • 60 cm thick enough (elastic) wire;
  • acrylic paint or spray paint (the color can be any, depending on how you want to paint the elephant);
  • large sharp scissors;
  • hot glue (for plastic);
  • sand to weight the figure.

The course of work is quite simple and relatively fast:

  1. Cut off the tops of two-liter bottles and fill them with sand.
  2. In a large bottle, make 4 holes for the elephant's legs and insert sand pieces. Fix the joints of the parts with hot glue.
  3. Bend the wire in the shape of a long trunk, put a hose (corrugated pipe) on it and glue it to the neck of a large bottle.
  4. Cut out 2 pieces of ears from the second large bottle and glue them to the elephant's body with hot glue.
  5. Cover the glued figure with paint. Make sure that the body is painted evenly, without light spots. If light spots appear after drying, re-coat the surface with paint.
  6. With a marker or a thin brush, draw the eyes and mouth, paint the hooves on the legs.
  7. An elephant's trunk can be decorated with a homemade flower from a yogurt bottle, and a funny crest can be glued on top of the head.

Large Models

Depending on the purpose and area where the plastic figure of an elephant will be located, you can make a craft large sizes. To do this, you need a huge amount of plastic bottles, hot glue (adhesive tape) and, of course, creative inspiration.

An elephant of gigantic size can become a decoration for parks and playgrounds. This statue can also be used as a photo zone.

From household waste it is now very fashionable to create masterpieces of sculptural creativity: garden figurines of an elephant, a dog, a turtle, a hedgehog, a pig. The elephant, made by yourself from a plastic bottle, rightfully takes the first place in this list. Thus, you can decorate your yard and even glorify your city. For example, in Arkhangelsk, a statue of a giant elephant, 12.5 m high, is made from plastic bottles, 2 teams of welders worked on creating a frame in two shifts. The sculpture is quite resistant to wind loads and the creators of this miracle want to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

Learning to make a do-it-yourself elephant from a plastic bottle

To create a baby elephant, you need the following materials:

  • acrylic paint
  • Sand
  • Copper wire
  • 2 plastic 5 liter bottles
  • 4 bottles of 0.5 liters
  • packing tape
  • Bicycle camera

The manufacturing process will take a little time and it will be great if children are involved in this creative process.

  • 4 bottles must be half filled with sand, these are the legs of an elephant, and they must be stable.
  • A 5 liter bottle is needed to make the body, first you need to mark the holes for the legs, for the ears, for the tail, and then carefully cut it out.
  • Second big bottle for the ears, two sides should be cut out of it and inserted into the prepared holes.
  • Assembly: fasten the trunk from a bicycle tire or from the spout of a garden watering can, tail from packing tape, legs with copper wire, then the sculpture will be durable.
  • Paint the elephant, it won't take long, acrylic paints dry quickly.
  • The eyes and mouth can also be drawn with contrasting colors and the elephant is ready!

From plastic bottles, you can very easily make wonderful planters. Put a plastic bottle on its side and cut out a rectangle of the sidewall, pour in some earth, plant flowers and you can place a planter, for example, between the branches of a tree.

Planter - cat.

Cut large eggplants in half, not forgetting to cut out the ears, paint, draw a muzzle and the pot is ready. Make a couple, now it remains to plant flowers in them and arrange them beautifully.

Air pots.

By cutting small plastic bottles diagonally, you can get airy planters and hang them on multi-colored cords in the most unexpected places in your garden.

Bird feeders.

In winter, it is worth making bird feeders out of plastic bottles. To do this, take a 1.5 liter bottle, make three small slits closer to the base, and pull the sidewalls over the slit inward, pressing on the plastic with a hot spoon heated over a fire. There should be a slight concavity. Titmouse will sit on the lower edge of the slot, so it is necessary to protect their paws from cuts with electrical tape or adhesive tape. Now it remains only to pour the seeds, close the lid and hang it outside the window.

In summer, bird feeders are also very necessary, look at the photo below, how easy it is to feed your feathered friends.


For active recreation, you can make a whole bowling alley. It is enough to take 5 - 9 identical liter bottles, pour some sand for stability, color it as your heart desires, find an ordinary ball, and the game has begun! Compete who will get the most victory points.

Box of pencils.

It is convenient to store pencils and pens in plastic bottles laid horizontally with a cut-out top wall.

We make a poodle dog named Malvina

And, finally, a do-it-yourself plastic dog is the pinnacle of sculptural creativity.

This work is more difficult than the previous ones, but it can be done.

  • We need five-liter bottles of 3 pieces, one needs to be made into a cylinder, it will connect the two halves of the body and set the length, approximately 55 cm.
  • For the other two bottles, cut off the neck and connect to the cylinder on both sides.
  • Fasten the parts with copper wire or self-tapping screws.
  • Make holes for the legs and prepare two front legs from the wire, stretch the wire inside the bottle.
  • In the same way, make the hind legs and cover with floor insulation material, then wrap with tape.
  • Make a neck from a two-liter bottle, attach the head to the body with self-tapping screws.
  • The tail is the top of the bottle, cut at a slight angle to make it easier to connect to the body.
  • To make wool, you will need to cut white bottles into strips, cut each strip not completely, burn it on fire so that the wool curls.
  • Fasten the strips with screws, starting from the legs, then from the tail to the head, then the muzzle, tail and do not forget to make ears and attach them to the head with long screws.
  • Eyes, nose cut out of plastic, paint and glue to the muzzle.

It turned out to be an extraordinary beauty, a poodle named Malvina!

Now in our world you can buy everything. But buying will never bring such pleasure as a thing of your own making. Not every family has an elephant made from ordinary plastic containers at home.

Today we will learn how to make an elephant out of plastic bottles with our own hands.

Children should be involved in the creative process: firstly, such a cheerful elephant will definitely be a novelty, and secondly, they will have a keen interest. In this way, children can be taught to manual labor, develop their attention, teach them to work together with someone.


Plastic bottles, glue, scissors, wire, colored paper, foil, raw cereals (rice is best), corks, adhesive tape, foam rubber.

How to make an elephant out of plastic bottles: a master class

First you need a torso (a regular bottle, the so-called base). Two other bottles will serve as the legs of the elephant: you need to cut off the top of each of them with scissors (you choose the length of the legs yourself). Pour rice or any other cereal into the legs and attach them to the base of the elephant with tape.

Next, proceed to the trunk. Take right amount plugs and using a hammer and a nail, make holes in each of them. Bend the wire in the form of a trunk, string corks on it. Screw the last cork to the neck of the base.

Make ears and tail, tusks, eyes and fingers out of foam rubber. For the manufacture of ears, use foam rubber in two colors: gray and pink.

Make the tusks beige or white.

Pink color is suitable for fingers. The tail can be made without foam rubber: take a wire, wrap it with gray paper, make a hole in the back of the base and attach the tail to it.

To make a beautiful elephant, you can take ready-made (plastic) eyes, or you can make them from white and black foam rubber. If necessary, draw eyelashes on the elephant. It can be decorated with flowers and sequins.

Attach the details to the elephant with glue or tape. Paste the elephant itself with gray paper or foil.

Now you understand how you can make a beautiful and funny children's toy with your own hands from ordinary plastic bottles. It's very simple. Children can play with such an elephant, it can simply be an interior decoration, it can be presented as a gift.

Video tutorials for making crafts

Fly agaric from plastic bottles:

Beautiful swan:

Palm from plastic bottles: