International Student Scientific Bulletin. International Student Scientific Bulletin Research methods and organization


This article discusses the issues that determine the lifestyle of NEFU TI (f) students in terms of their self-assessment. Based on the psychological test R.R. Kashanov, it was revealed that the majority of students have a positive attitude towards camping trips, adhere to healthy eating, take vitamins, understand the importance of movement, have a good physical condition. At the same time, a negative role in maintaining health can be noted - students do not walk much in the fresh air, do not get enough sleep, have overload in their studies, prefer maximum comfort, rather than playing sports. The results of the study showed that only 17.8% of students lead a healthy lifestyle in practice. The majority of students (68.8%) follow a healthy lifestyle, but have some deviations from the rules, which can lead to a deterioration in their health. 13.4% are at risk, and therefore, they are advised to pay attention to their physical condition.


university students



1. Bolotin A.E., Mironova O.V., Lukina S.A., Yarchikovskaya L.V. Informative and organizational aspects formation of healthy lifestyle skills among university students // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury. - 2016. - No. 6. - P. 18–20.

2. Dobrotvorskaya S.G. Organizational and methodological conditions for students' orientation towards a healthy lifestyle // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury. - 2016. - No. 9. - P. 28–30.

3. Lisitsyn Yu.P. The main question of medicine. Lifestyle. Public health. Sanology / Yu.P. Lisitsyn / Act speech of VNIIMI. - M., 1987. - S. 7-14.

4. Student's lifestyle, its connection with health / Biofile. Scientific and informational journal [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

Lifestyle is a system of relationships between a person and himself and factors external environment. Considering the concept of “lifestyle” as a relationship between a person and himself, it should be noted that this is a complex set of actions and experiences, the presence of good habits that strengthen the natural resource of health, the absence of bad habits that destroy it. Thus, a way of life is a way of experiencing life situations, and living conditions are the activities of people in a certain habitat, in which one can single out the ecological situation, educational qualification, psychological situation in a mini- and macro-environment, life and home improvement. It follows that lifestyle directly affects human health, and living conditions, as it were, indirectly affect it.

A healthy lifestyle can be described as an active activity of people, aimed primarily at maintaining and improving their own health. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that a person’s lifestyle does not develop on its own depending on the circumstances, but is formed throughout a person’s life purposefully and constantly.

Speaking about the peculiarities of the lifestyle of students, it is worth noting first of all that the student age is characterized by work on the formation of one's personality, the development of a style of behavior. This is the time for young people to search for answers to various moral, aesthetic, scientific, general cultural, political and other questions. The formation of a personality, one's "I" goes from the external appearance to what determines the core, the core of the personality - to its character and worldview.

Student age is characterized by some disharmony, when the desires and aspirations of young people develop faster and earlier than the will and strength of character.

At student age, self-knowledge, assessment of one's lifestyle is important, because. this can be a lever for the formation of a healthy lifestyle aimed at preventing and strengthening the health of students through lifestyle changes, health improvement using hygiene knowledge, in the fight against bad habits, physical inactivity and overcoming adverse aspects associated with life situations.

It is important to form young people's attitudes towards maintaining health, to activate their personality, to teach them the techniques of self-control and self-control.

A high level of competence regarding a healthy lifestyle is achieved only by those who have developed stable motives for health-saving behavior, such as the conviction of the need to improve their own health, the desire for systematic exercises. exercise and etc. .

The purpose of the study is to study the lifestyle of NEFU TI (f) students in terms of their self-assessment. Tasks: 1. Determine which lifestyle factors of students are positive. 2. To identify what negatively affects the maintenance of students' health. 3. Assess the lifestyle of students.

Materials and methods of research

We conducted a psychological test according to the method of R.R. Kashanova Express-assessment of lifestyle. The survey involved students of 1-3 courses of TI (f) NEFU, aged 18-21 years. The total number of respondents was 90 people. Students were asked to answer 11 questions, in each of which it was necessary to choose one of the three answer options with which the survey participant most agrees. Each answer option was evaluated by the number of points, depending on how the chosen option affects well-being. The results of the answers were summed up in points for each student and compared with the following author's scores:

Over 80 points. Excellent! You have excellent health, a healthy body, and most importantly, you are not only a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, but also lead it in practice.

From 50 to 80 points. There is nothing wrong with your well-being, but it happens that you are irritated or tired, constantly working with overload. You should not postpone until next year (month, week, day) the beginning of the transition to the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Less than 50 points. You are too overwhelmed, do not monitor your health. Every day you need to pay at least a little attention to your physical health.

In this regard, we combined students into three groups with an assessment of lifestyle: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory".

Research results and discussion

The test results are presented in the table.

After analyzing the answer options in each question, we identified which of the factors are positive in the lifestyle of most students. Answers to questions No. 1A, 2B, 4B, 6B, 7B, 8B, 10B indicate the correct attitude of students to the components of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, the majority of students - 61.1% will do their best to catch up with the bus that has come to the stop earlier than the participant himself, and do not intend to wait for the next bus. 67.7% will gladly go on a hike in the company of people they like and are more prepared, and will not refer to the tediousness of the event. Half of the respondents have a positive attitude towards hiking with the whole family. 48.8%, almost half of the students believe that it is necessary to move a lot to maintain good health. 56.6% prefer to take vitamins regularly rather than medicines. 68.8% of students prefer to eat boiled meat with vegetable salad rather than smoked meats and sweets, i.е. trying to eat a healthy diet. When asked about the change in the weather, the majority - 44.4% of the students noted that "they do not know and do not notice that the weather has changed", and therefore, we can talk about their good physical condition.

I would like to draw attention to what plays a negative role in maintaining health. So, only 13.4% of students walk in the fresh air if they are tired. Most - 70% prefer to go to bed and do not feel like doing interesting things (51.1%), which indicates irritability and fatigue from training loads. During the holidays, the priority for students is to have all the amenities (58.8% of answers), and not the opportunity to play sports (only 16.6%). The problem of sleep was also identified, as indicated by the majority of students' answers about lack of sleep - 41.2% noted the statement "you are so used to it that you no longer pay attention."

As a result, we received the following summary data on the lifestyle of students: only 17.8% of the total number of respondents scored more than 80 points and received a mark of "excellent", 68.8% scored points in the range from 50 to 80 and received a mark of good, and 13 .4% scored less than 50 points, which corresponds to the rating "satisfactory".

It can be seen from the answers that 2/3 of the students are in good health, but they should immediately move on to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, because. factors such as irritability, fatigue, overwork, malnutrition can worsen health. Approximately the same number of respondents have an "excellent" and "satisfactory" assessment of lifestyle. Students with a "satisfactory" grade do not monitor their health, and therefore, they need to move on to the practical actions of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Students with an "excellent" lifestyle assessment are supporters of a healthy lifestyle, lead it in practice, and therefore, they received a second grade of "excellent".

Assessment of the lifestyle of TI (f) NEFU students

Answer options

Response score

Data received, in %

1. What will you do if you see that the bus has time to arrive at the stop before you?

A - do your best to catch up with him

B - skip it, there will be a next one

B - speed up your step a little - maybe he will wait for you

2. Will you go camping in the company of people who are much better prepared than you?

A - no, you don't go camping at all

B - yes, if you like them a little

B - reluctant because it can be tiring

3. If you have a harder day than usual, do you lose the desire to do something that promises to be interesting in the evening?

A doesn't disappear at all.

B - the desire disappears, but you hope that you will feel better, and therefore do not give up your plan

B - yes, because you can only enjoy your rest

4. What is your opinion about hiking with the whole family?

A - you like it when others do it

B - would you like to join them

B - you need to try once, how you will feel in such a trip.

5. What do you do the fastest and most willingly when you get tired?

A - go to sleep

B - drink a cup of strong coffee

B - long walks in the fresh air

6. What is most important for maintaining well-being?

A - you need to eat more

B - you need to move a lot

B - don't overdo it

7. Do you take medication regularly?

A - do not take even during illness

B - no, c last resort- vitamins

Yes, you accept

8. Which of the following dishes do you prefer?

A - pea soup with smoked ham

B - boiled meat with vegetable salad

B - cake with cream or whipped cream

9. What is most important to you when you go on vacation?

A - to have all the amenities

B - to have delicious food

B - to have at least a minimal opportunity to play sports

10. Do you feel the weather change?

A - you feel sick for several days because of this

B - do not know and do not notice that the weather has changed

B - yes, if you are tired

11. What is your general condition if you do not get enough sleep?

A - bad

B - do not sleep one or two times - and everything falls out of hand

B - you are so used to it that you no longer pay attention


Lifestyle self-assessment showed that only 17.8% of students lead a healthy lifestyle in practice. The majority of students (68.8%) have some deviations from maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as indicated by their irritability, fatigue, overload. 13.4% of students are at risk and do not take care of their health. According to the individual lifestyle assessment data obtained, students clearly saw who is at risk, who has some deviations in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, what is worth thinking about and what to change. In this connection, we recommend that young people try to keep easy, but at the same time very important rules a healthy lifestyle in all its elements, and this will help maintain or improve your health.

Assessment of their lifestyle by students is important for self-knowledge and self-control of life situations, the formation of motives for health-saving behavior, which is important for self-organization in everyday activities.

Bibliographic link

Prokopenko L.A., Polkova K.A. SELF-ASSESSMENT OF LIFE STYLE STUDENTS OF TI (F) NEFU // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2016. - No. 11-3. – P. 548-551;
URL: (date of access: 09/18/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History" 1

Having studied the importance of physical fitness and the role of self-esteem for students of the institute, the authors of the article present the results of a study of subjective and objective indicators of the level of physical fitness of students of a technical institute and give them comparative analysis. All scores were considered on a five-point scale. Subjective indicators were determined by self-assessment of the level of physical fitness of students. This revealed mostly average and above average levels. The study of physical fitness was carried out on the basis of tests on five basic physical qualities, developed by the Department of Physical Education. It is shown that students also have average and above average levels of preparedness. It was found that girls have more low level preparedness than boys. When comparing subjective and objective indicators, it is noted that not all students can adequately assess their level of physical fitness.

Institute students

physical fitness

subjective assessment

Objective assessment.

1. Bogdanov O.A., Shelkova L.N., Vasyutina I.P. Comparative dynamics of physical development and physical fitness of first-year students / O.A. Bogdanov, L.N. Shelkova, I.P. Vasyutina //Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2016. - No. 8. - P 35-37.

2. Ilyinich V.I. Physical culture of a student / V.I. Ilyinich // Physical culture of the student: Textbook. – M.: Gardariki, 2000.

3. Stolyar K.E., Vitko S.Yu. Organizational and methodological approaches to the complex assessment of physical fitness of students / K.E. Stolyar, S.Yu. Vitko, R.R. Pikhaev, I.V. Kondrakova // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2016. - No. 9. - P 9-11.

4. Shtikh E.A. Objective and subjective assessment of the level of physical health and physical fitness of female students humanitarian university/ E.A. Shtikh [Electronic resource]. - URL:

5. Yakovleva V.N. Physical education and physical fitness of student youth / V.N. Yakovleva // Science Time. - 2014. - No. 9.


Technological progress, the rapid development of science and the ever-increasing number of new information necessary for a modern specialist, make learning activities student increasingly intense and tense. Accordingly, the importance of physical culture is also increasing as a means of optimizing the mode of life, active recreation, maintaining and improving the efficiency of students throughout the entire period of study, preparing young people for professional activity. One of the important results of the process physical education at the university is the general physical and professional-applied physical fitness of students.

Physical fitness is the result of physical fitness, expressed in a certain level of development of physical qualities, the acquisition of motor skills and abilities necessary for the successful implementation of a particular activity.

The role of students' physical fitness is multifaceted.

Physical fitness not only promotes health and high performance, but also creates the prerequisites for successful professional activity, indirectly manifesting itself in it through such factors as health status, the degree of physical fitness, and adaptation to working conditions.

Assessment of physical fitness - effective method attracting students to classes physical education, the opportunity to explore the level of personal physical fitness, to determine the ways of its development.

Educational programs in physical culture in higher educational institutions a scoring of physical fitness is provided. On the basis of the state educational standard, taking into account regional-territorial, socio-cultural, climatic factors, the departments of physical culture develop an assessment scale for general physical and professionally applied physical training. This form is very convenient, it makes it possible to convert the standards into points and quickly make calculations to control progress according to the point-rating system of assessment.

An important role in the study of personal physical fitness is played by self-esteem, which has a number of functions: comparative knowledge of oneself, prognostic, regulatory. Self-esteem is an internal representation of oneself, one's own potential, one's social role and life positions. Self-esteem can be either overestimated - this is an overestimation of one's own potential, or underestimated - this is an underestimation of one's potential. The student sets himself goals of a certain difficulty, i.e. has a certain level of claims, which must be adequate to his real opportunities. If the level of claims is underestimated, then this can hamper the initiative and activity of the individual in physical improvement. An overestimated level can lead to disappointment in classes, loss of faith in one's own strength.

In many scientific works, one of the key subjects of research is the physical fitness of students. Comparative dynamics of female students' physical readiness is presented in the works of O.A. Bogdanova, L.N. Shelkov and I.P. Vasyutin. Through the efforts of K.E. Stolyar, S.Yu. Vitko outlined organizational and methodological approaches to assessing the physical training of students. Physical education and physical fitness of student youth is presented in the works of Yakovleva V.N. . Shtikh E.A. considers objective and subjective assessments of the level of physical fitness and physical health of female students of a humanitarian university.

As part of our Technical Institute (branch) of the North-Eastern Federal University (TI (f) NEFU), we also decided to conduct a study and find out what assessment students give to their level of physical fitness and determine how this assessment coincides with the objective one.

Purpose of the study - to conduct a comparative analysis of subjective and objective indicators of the level of physical fitness of NEFU TI (f) students.

  1. Determine how students assess their level of physical fitness.
  2. To study objective data on the level of physical fitness of students.
  3. Compare the subjective assessment of students with the results of their standards.

Methodology and organization of the study

In a study for the period 2015-2016. students of 1-3 courses, who are full-time students at the TI (f) of NEFU and are engaged in groups of general physical training, took part. The total number of respondents was 97 people, including 41 boys and 56 girls. The total quantitative composition included students studying both in the humanities and technical specialties, approximately in the same proportions. According to the results of the medical examination, all students were assigned to the main group. The study was carried out in two stages.

At the first stage of the study, we conducted a questionnaire survey among students based on a subjective assessment and aimed at determining the level of physical fitness on a 5-point scale. Students were asked to evaluate their level of physical fitness in points from 1 to 5 (1 - low level, 2 - below average, 3 - average level, 4 - above average, 5 - high level).

At the second stage of the study, on the basis of testing and determining the test results, objective data on the level of physical fitness of students were revealed. The physical fitness of students was assessed by the following control exercises (tests):

  1. Speed ​​test: shuttle run 5 × 10 m (measured in seconds).
  2. Test for speed endurance: shuttle run along the length of the volleyball court 18 m for 40 seconds. (the result is measured in meters).
  3. Flexibility test: forward bend with straight legs, standing on a bench, with arms lowered below the level of the bench (measurement in cm).
  4. Strength test (for boys): pull-ups on a high bar, taking into account the body weight of the subjects (the result was evaluated by the number of times).
  5. Strength test (for girls): lifting the torso from a supine position, legs fixed, hands behind the head (the result was determined by the number of times). The results were evaluated according to a 5-point scale approved in the TI (f) of the NEFU, and was determined, as the arithmetic mean of the selected tests.
  6. Control tests were carried out in the conditions of the sports hall at the intermediate certification of students.

Research results and discussion

The results of a questionnaire survey among girls and boys, as well as the entire contingent, are presented in Table. one.

Table 1. Subjective assessment of the level of physical fitness of students (in %)

Analyzing the results of the survey for the entire contingent, it can be stated that the majority of students assess the level of physical fitness as "average" - 43.94%, "above average" - 29.57% and "high" - 11.45% of respondents. Moreover, boys mark the levels “above average” and “high” more often than girls. And the levels of "below average" and "low" in general, according to students, are less common. And here it can be noted that more often low levels are assessed by girls than by boys.

Let's consider the results of students' performance of control exercises (tests) and their assessment in points in Table. 2.

Table 2. Objective indicators of the level of physical fitness of students (in %)

The data obtained for the entire contingent of students show that a "low" level of physical fitness has a small number of students - 3.89%. The level "below average" is observed in 11.03% of students. Basically, students have average indicators - it was noted in 55.16% of respondents. And “above average” and “high” grades are found in more students than “below average” and “low” grades. Comparing the indicators of boys and girls, it can be seen that the level of physical fitness of girls is much lower.

Comparison of subjective assessment and objective indicators of physical readiness of students is presented in Table. 3.

Table 3. Comparison of subjective and objective assessments

physical readiness of students (in %)

Fitness Levels

below the average

above the average

Subjective (C)

Objective (O)

C>O by 0.09

FROM<О на11,22

C>O at 8.45

C>O at 2.68

The table shows that when comparing subjective and objective assessments for the entire contingent, the indicators: "low", "below average" and "high" level of physical fitness practically coincide. At the "average" level, we received underestimated data of objective assessments, namely, 11.22% of students inadequately assessed their objective indicators. According to the level of preparedness “above average”, it can be observed that 8.45% of students have a subjective assessment higher than their real indicators.


Studies have shown that students of our institute assess their level of physical fitness mainly as "average" and "above average". Other assessments take place, but for a small number of respondents.

The level of physical fitness of students according to objective indicators is also mainly noted as "average" and "above average". In general, it can be stated that the majority of students cope with the proposed tests developed by the Department of Physical Education of the TI (f) NEFU, which corresponds to the real abilities of students. The lower results of girls compared to boys can be identified as a general trend across the country, which should be paid attention to and work should be done to improve the physical education of girls.

Comparative analysis of subjective and objective assessments of the level of physical fitness of students showed that not all students can objectively assess their physical fitness. Basically, this is expressed in the underestimation of the "average" level and the overestimation of the "above average" level, but the differences are not critical. It can be assumed that students have an overestimation or underestimation of their level of physical fitness due to the inability to adequately assess their strengths, which should correspond to real capabilities. Inadequate self-esteem is possible against the background of a decrease in motivation for physical education and sports.

The rest of the scores are almost the same. Such data is the result of the systematic work of the Department of Physical Education of the Institute, which pays attention to the independent determination of the assessment of the level of physical fitness by students according to the developed scale.

Bibliographic link

Polkova K.A. PHYSICAL FITNESS OF NEFU TI (F) STUDENTS IN SUBJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE INDICATORS // International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2017. - No. 3.;
URL: (date of access: 09/18/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

On October 10, a solemn meeting was held dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Neryungri Technical Institute (branch) of the North-Eastern Federal University.

Director of TI (f) NEFU Sergey Pavlov congratulated his colleagues with a parting word, recalling the names and major milestones in the history of the institute, wished teachers and students new creative successes and further fruitful activities. “Over 20 years of work, our branch has produced more than 3 thousand specialists in 16 areas, covering the technical sectors of our region, as well as socially significant, humanitarian professions,” S. Pavlov stated.

The head of the Neryungri district Andrey Fitisov congratulated the director of TI (f) NEFU Sergey Pavlov, the entire teaching staff, veterans of labor and science on a significant date in the history of the institute, presented Thanksgiving letters and wished further prosperity in the field of education.

“All these years, TI (f) NEFU has been a powerful scientific and educational innovation center of South Yakutia and successfully continues the richest traditions of education that have been formed over the years on the Yakut land and passed down from generation to generation. Here are the leading Scientific research, primarily in mining, and their results are put into practice,” the head of the district noted in his speech.

Their congratulations to the staff of the Technical Institute were addressed by the chairman of the regional Council of Deputies Galina Koshukova, acting. Head of the city of Neryungri Elena Dyachenko.

The choreographic studio "Together" and other students of TI (f) NEFU congratulated their teachers with creative performances.

On October 12, the anniversary celebrations continued at the TsKiD im. A.S. Pushkin. The vice-president of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Dmitry Glushko, representatives of the head university, heads of the branch congratulated the faculty and students on the anniversary different years, social partners. Teachers and students were awarded well-deserved awards and gifts.

The best creative youth teams congratulated the Technical Institute on its anniversary and presented vocal and dance numbers.


The history of the Technical Institute begins in 1981, when the Educational and Consulting Center of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of YSU was opened in Neryungri. At the evening department in the specialty "Industrial and civil construction" 5 graduations took place. As a result, 85 people who completed 6 years of training successfully passed the state exams and defended graduation projects at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology in Yakutsk. Since 1989, extramural education has been organized. Students of the UKP studied for 3 years, and from the 4th year they studied in Yakutsk together with correspondence students of the ITF. There was also distance learning for open-pit mining. In 1991, 268 part-time students studied at the UKP.

Cooperation between the university and the city was enshrined in an agreement dated August 11, 1987, which provided for the joint solution of the tasks of training and retaining personnel directly on the spot. Gradually formed public opinion on the opening on the basis of the UKP branch of YSU. The idea was promptly supported by the Neryungri City Council, which in December 1991 filed a petition to open a branch of YSU and its socio-economic justification to the Ministry of Science, high school and technical policy of Russia and the rector of YSU. The petition of the City Council was officially supported by "Yakutugol" and "Yakutuglestroy", who declared their readiness to contribute to the formation and further development of the future branch of YSU.

December 12, 1991 in the Neryungri city council with the participation of the rector of YSU, Professor V.V. Filippov, organizational, technical, financial and economic aspects of opening a branch of YSU were considered. The city council in a businesslike and prompt manner resolved the issues of building an educational building, designing and building a student dormitory, a canteen and a residential building for the teaching staff.

The Neryungri branch of the Yakut State University was established by the Order of the Government Russian Federation No. 723-r dated April 14, 1992 in agreement with the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

On April 24, 1992, Order No. 116 of the Committee for Higher Education of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation “On the organization in the city of Neryungri of a branch of the Yakutsk state university". President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) M.E. Nikolaev signed a special resolution that determined the volumes and sources of financing for the YSU branch, the construction of its facilities (06/23/95, No. 289).

The order of the rector of YSU No. 54-OD on opening from June 1992 a branch of the university in Neryungri on the basis of the UKP with the transfer of its staff and material and technical base was issued on April 29, 1992. This order determined the enrollment plan for the 1st course in the 1992-93 academic year (100 people for the full-time department, 50 for the correspondence department) in four specialties.

At the first, most difficult stage of the formation of the branch, the duties of the director from July 1992 to August 1993 were performed by S.T. Sofronov.

From August 1993 to May 1997 Associate Professor V.N. Kononov.

From May 1997 to October 2001, the branch was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.V. Samokhin.

From November 2001 to October 2011, the branch was headed by Doctor of Geology and Mathematics, Professor V.M. Nikitin.

From November 2011 to the present, he is the head of the branch, Candidate of Geology and Mathematics. S.S. Pavlov