Clothesline stretch. How to install a clothesline on the balcony? Tensioning the rope Tension knot



Every aquarium owner has tried to clean the pebbles from annoying green, diatom, blue-green and other algae with a brush. The process is quite long and painstaking. It will be much easier to use the well-known "Whiteness". Dilute warm (even hot) water with whiteness in a ratio of 10:1.

Then we leave the stones in this liquid for 1-2 hours. You will be surprised at the result. Your decorations will be completely cleaned of all contaminants. If initially there is a lot of plaque, it is recommended to pre-clean the pebbles a little with a sponge or toothbrush.

Important, after such a procedure, a good washing of the decor under running water. This should be done until the smell of chlorine is gone (more than an hour).

The method described above is very effective, even sandstone will become “like new” as a result. But it is not suitable for all types of scenery. For example, white spots may appear on dark stones. Also, with the help of whiteness, you can not clean driftwood, clay and silicone products. They are usually cleaned under running water with a stiff brush.

Cleaning with soda

For heavy soiling, you can also use soda. To do this, you need to apply in any convenient way (best with a toothbrush) soda on a wet decor so that it is as if “covered with porridge”. Leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. To remove the remaining plaque, you can lightly walk with a brush.

Sometimes, due to these cleaning methods, a certain amount of algae still remains on the scenery. You shouldn't worry about this. After the decor has been loaded back into the aquarium over the next few days, the green coating will surely fall off by itself.

Hydrogen peroxide cleaning

One of the safest ways to clean your decorations is to soak them in a hydrogen peroxide solution. 100 ml of 30% peroxide is diluted with 100 liters of water. It is necessary to place the items to be cleaned there and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse well under warm water.

Embossed background

Unfortunately, it will be quite problematic to soak a large decoration with a relief background. Therefore, to clean algae, you should use a regular dishwashing brush with soft enough bristles so as not to damage the decoration. For faster cleaning, you can use salt or soda.

Be sure to rinse well afterwards. It should be noted that in 5 minutes it is not possible to clean out the entire plaque, you need to be patient and do everything with high quality.

Also for this purpose, you can get catfish such as Ancistrus, Sturis or Otocinclus, which will promptly clean up the scenery from algae, preventing them from growing.

Prevention of algae in the aquarium

Of course, it is much easier to prevent the occurrence of a problem than to deal with the consequences. To do this, you need to follow a few very simple rules:

➤ The aquarium should be illuminated no more than 12 hours a day, and it is desirable to avoid direct sunlight

➤ Only lamps specifically designed for the aquarium should be purchased.

➤ The filter must be cleaned regularly

➤ Carry out regular water changes (10-25% depending on the volume of the aquarium).

Self-assembled stones must first be boiled in water. Then rinse under running water with a brush.

➤ All decorations, before immersion in the aquarium, can be processed special tool , which will protect them from the appearance of algae for a sufficiently long time (approximately 2 years)

Washing and cleaning a new - purchased aquarium

Planned cleaning and washing of the aquarium

Washing and cleaning the aquarium in emergency situations - after illness and treatment of fish

Weekly washing and cleaning of the aquarium

When cleaning the aquarium weekly, the following procedure should be strictly observed:

1. Equipment is taken out: filter, aeration, thermostat. Everything is washed, put aside.

2. If necessary, care and cutting of plants is carried out.

3. The walls of the aquarium are cleaned. Sponge or special scrapers glass cleaners.

4. If necessary, the soil is siphoned. It is not necessary to clean the soil weekly, especially if there are live plants in the aquarium.

5. Only after that the water is replaced: the old water is drained and freshly settled water is added.

6. The cleaned equipment is installed back.

Do not forget to wipe the inside of the aquarium lid and lamps at least once a month.

After all the manipulations, the aquarium is wiped with a dry cloth, stains can be removed with a window cleaner.

Observing the above simple rules, the process of washing the aquarium will not be difficult and tedious, and the result will be as effective as possible.

Useful video on how to clean and wash the aquarium

How to clean an aquarium:: Large or small aquarium is easier to clean:: Household:: Other

Turbid water and walls of the aquarium covered with greenish mucus are a very unsightly sight that has a negative effect on the fish living in it. The water must always be clean, for this you should learn how to properly and timely clean the aquarium.

The question "How can you breed geese?" - 1 answer

You will need

  • - scraper or sponge;
  • - scissors;
  • - a hose with a funnel;
  • - bucket.


1. Start cleaning the aquarium by cleaning the glass. You can perform this manipulation using a special scraper, sponge, nylon washcloth or a simple razor blade. An excellent effect is obtained by cleaning the walls of the aquarium with a fiberglass kitchen sponge (never use a sponge that was intended for other purposes). It is advisable to turn off all electrical appliances in the aquarium. If the vessel consists of plexiglass, then it is better to use a nylon washcloth or sponge for cleaning, more hard materials leave scratches.

2. When the glasses are clean, remove the yellowed and rotted leaves on the plants with scissors. Plant transplantation is done if necessary. You can not touch the plants that form the bush for four to six months after planting. When carrying out these manipulations, turbidity forms in the water, wait about ten minutes for it to completely settle to the bottom. Carefully clean the leaves of plants with your fingers from suspended particles of organic matter.

3. Now you can safely proceed to clean the soil, for this use a hose with a funnel at the end. By the way, on sale there are a large number of special devices used for these purposes. When saving, you can create it yourself at home. You will need a flexible hose, put a watering can on its end. Lower the end of the hose with a watering can to the bottom, press it to the ground and suck water through the other end (as some drivers do to drain gasoline), direct the stream of water into the prepared bucket. Dirty water will rush there with current. Rearrange the funnel around the plants, removing excess organic matter, drain some of the water.

4. Keep an eye on the volume of drained water during the cleaning procedure, it should not exceed one fifth of the total volume of the aquarium. Make a mark on the side wall of the aquarium. Then top up with fresh water, which is recommended to be defended in advance (the experience of the aquarium club shows that you can pour water directly from the tap). With partial water replacement, the concentration of substances that are not processed by plants and do not decompose decreases. It should also be noted that the fish must receive microelements dissolved in water for normal development, in natural reservoirs they are washed out of the ground rocks, and they can only get into the aquarium with fresh water.

5. Cleaning the aquarium with a partial water change should be done regularly - about once a week. If the volume of the aquarium exceeds two hundred liters - then once every two weeks. Small aquariums with twenty to thirty liters of water will have to be cleaned twice a week.

Almost impossible to create at home artificial reservoir an ideal environment in which the aquarium would not have to be washed and cleaned at all. Of course, snails and some other inhabitants partially cope with the pollution that has appeared, but there comes a moment when one cannot do without the help of the owner. And here it is important to determine the optimal frequency of cleaning the water house.


1. The cleanliness of the aquarium largely depends on its volume, because if your pond is less than 60 liters, then you will have to clean it quite often. At the initial stage, the cause of severe pollution may be the lack of normal microflora in the aquarium, this indicates its improper start. In this case, you can use special preparations that allow you to quickly populate beneficial bacteria in your home pond. If your aquarium is small, then you need to clean it as needed, it all depends on the specific conditions and the well-being of the aquatic inhabitants. Very small aquariums with a volume of 10-15 liters are usually cleaned once a week.

2. Aquarium cleaning involves bleaching decorations, washing artificial plants and, of course, removing plaque from the walls. As for water, regardless of the timing of the general cleaning, part of it must be replaced about once every one to two weeks. If you feel like you have to clean your aquarium too often, try reducing the amount of food. It is possible that the aquarium filter cannot cope with the number of inhabitants and the volume of water, in which case it is worth replacing it or installing an additional one.

3. Please note that the more inhabitants per volume of your aquarium, the more often it has to be cleaned, so it is not recommended to densely populate a home pond. In addition, you risk losing your pets. Not all types of aquarium fish are able to adapt to frequent water changes and cleaning the aquarium. Remember that with the right microflora, no more than one third of the total water volume is usually replaced per month.

4. In general, if the volume of the aquarium is more than 100 liters, then you have to clean it quite rarely. If a large aquarium is equipped with everything necessary equipment, then he needs a general cleaning no more than once a month. Usually this procedure is limited to removing plaque from the walls using a special magnetic sponge. Sometimes during a partial water change, aquarists remove dirt from the bottom using a small hose with a pear on the end, but often the filters and the aquatic inhabitants themselves cope with this problem.

5. If you often have to clean a large aquarium, then this indicates errors in its maintenance. Today there are special services and consultants on issues related to aquariums. By contacting a specialist, you can find out the causes of pollution. Remember that the condition of your fish and plants directly depends on the state of the microflora in the aquarium.


Remember that too frequent water changes are stressful for fish and plants, and if you have to change it completely, then there can be no question of stabilizing the microflora in the aquarium.

If you notice a brown fleecy coating on the walls and plants, then this indicates an invasion of brown algae, it is almost useless to clean the aquarium, it is necessary to deal with the cause of the problem.

How to remove black plaque from aquarium plants

black beard

Black plaque on plants may appear as a result of infection with the so-called "black beard". This is a dark brown algae that covers the leaf plates of plants, soil, glass and decorations. Thin threads of a dark shade on plants do not look aesthetically pleasing. Blackbeard can lead to damage to the plant, as a result of which it quickly fades.

Algae is spreading rapidly, and it is difficult to deal with it. Some chemicals and lowering the brightness of the light may give partial results, but do not address the root of the problem. To destroy the beard, you need to include comprehensive measures. The first thing to do is to regularly update the water, from 10 to 25% of the total volume of the aquarium. The water should be free of nitrates and phosphates, before pouring into the aquarium, take measurements with indicators.

The second procedure that will help eliminate black plaque in the aquarium is cleaning the soil from food residues, cleaning dead plant leaves. Next, you should increase the lighting power to 1 W per liter of water, turn on the light for 12 hours. Additional help will be provided by some types of snails and fish, which can clear the aquarium of algae and their waste products.

It is important to control the proportions of feed: if you give the fish more food, then the uneaten residues will dissolve, the level of ammonia in the water will increase. You can plant fast-growing plant species in the soil that absorb nutrients well. The first sign that the algae is dying is a change in its color to faded. Over time, the affected beard will fall off.

For sale is a universal remedy for aquarium black beard - this is JBL Algol. It will destroy the fouling that has formed on the surfaces in a matter of days. It is necessary to bring the drug into the tank according to the instructions.

Additional methods of struggle

It is generally accepted that it is completely impossible to remove a dark coating in the form of a black beard from an aquarium, but there are a number of additional measures that will help reduce its growth. The main thing is not to settle too many fish in a cramped tank. To suppress the beard, you can use the supply of CO2 (carbon dioxide). To avoid infection with this pest, when buying a plant, carefully inspect its stems and leaves. The slightest swaying of hairs and tassels of a black beard when moving or immersed in water signals that it is impossible to buy a plant.

If conservative methods of dealing with black plaque do not help, then serious measures must be taken:

  1. Transfer the fish to another, pre-prepared aquarium.
  2. Pull out all the plants along with the soil.
  3. Rinse the soil thoroughly under water, then boil it or bake it in the oven at a temperature of 300 degrees Celsius.
  4. The aquarium walls must be washed and wiped with cotton wool soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse the glass several times.
  5. Start the aquarium again after inspecting all the plants. Affected parts of the plant can be removed. Or take their uninfected shoots, plant them again in a separate container and grow them.
  6. It is better to plant new and healthy plants in a newly launched aquarium.

See how to get rid of a black beard.

There are so-called "biological" ways to deal with harmful algae.

Aquarium plants everything for beginners with photos and videos

About the benefits of aquarium plants

Care of aquarium plants

How many plants do you need in an aquarium?

It is not possible to overdo it in this matter. I don’t think that someone will plant an aquarium with plants “for the most I can’t”. However, there is a certain limit to the number of plants in an aquarium. They need to be seated so that 2/3 of the free space remains for fish and other inhabitants. In addition, you need to proceed from the number of fish. The more of them, the more plants you can plant. Or in other words, the more CO2 is produced, the more plants can be planted and the more oxygen will be from them.

Types and list of aquarium plants for beginners

hardy aquarium plants

Actually such unpretentious plants there are so many and in fact you can make an endless list, because if you give any plant a minimum of care, then it will survive in any aquarium.
However, the following aquarium plants can be recommended for beginners:


I already spoke about her. It will be a great addition to an aquarium. She is loved by all aquarium inhabitants, she creates a very beautiful view. Its only drawback, like all floating plants, is that it covers the water cover very quickly, preventing light from entering the aquarium. It should be thinned out more often, and especially before the holidays, leaving only a few leaves on the surface.

In fact, not whimsical fast growing up, inexpensive plant.

Normal and classic, thin, fast growing up.

A spruce-like plant. Grows fast. A huge number of small leaves is an excellent protection for all the small inhabitants of the aquarium.

A floating plant similar to small lake lily leaves. Puts down long roots. Grows very fast. Limnobium, and especially its roots, love to eat fish and shrimp.

Wonderful fast growing, floating, bright plant. Gaining weight with growth, it can sink to the bottom and cover entire expanses. It can be tied with a fishing line to a snag, to a pebble, creating a wonderful green island. In addition, she is very fond of, there are aquarium inhabitants.
java moss

A very beautiful plant. The truth does not grow very fast and is more demanding of light. It can easily wrap a snag or something else.
Diseases of aquarium plants
Plants, like fish, can get sick. Like everyone else living plant perish due to incorrect or poor content. But I assure you that if you follow the above recommendations, then your aquarium plants will never get sick.
Without spreading demagoguery. Here are the signs of the disease, causes and treatment of aquarium plants.
THE PLANT LOOKS CUTSOO: the leaves are stunted, thin, the plant stretches up, pale, sheds young leaves! These are all sure signs of a lack of lighting.
- increase daylight hours for plants;
- if there are a lot of plants, thin them out so that one does not interfere with each other;
- Lower the water temperature. The higher the temperature of the aquarium water, the more light the plants need.
PLANT LEAVES ARE COVERED WITH HOLES: uneven edges, curling of the plant, pale puffy appearance, etc. These are signs of a lack of top dressing and fertilizers.
- fertilization under the roots of plants (aforementioned tablets).
- make sure that the soil does not press and does not deform the roots of plants.
LEAVES FALL PREMATURELY: yellowing of the edges of the leaves, slow growth. These are signs of a lack of CO2 - carbon dioxide.
- lower the temperature. At low temperatures, the CO2 content in the aquarium increases.
- Get more fish.
- as an option, turn off the aeration at night, but this will not be very good for the fish.
- build a CO2 plant with your own hands.

And finally, a few words about artificial aquarium plants. Since they are sold, since I buy them, it means that they also have a place to be in our reservoirs. There is no trouble with them at all - you buried a plastic bush and admire it! The benefits of such plants are zero, moreover, harmful algae grow well on them. And over time, the plastic breaks down and becomes brittle! They cost more than living plants. Nevertheless, such plastic aquarium plants, as an element of decor, look very good in a pond.

Video - webinar "All the secrets of growing aquarium plants"
Video starts at 54:43 minutes
and further,

useful video about keeping aquarium plants

Plants are the lungs of the aquarium

During the life of plants in an aquarium, under the influence of light, the well-known photosynthesis is carried out. As a result, plants consume carbon dioxide (CO2) and release oxygen. Thus, in your aquarium there will never be excessively accumulated CO2, which is emitted by fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium, and the aquarium water will naturally be saturated with oxygen.
Some experienced aquarists, with the help of plants, achieve such a biological balance in the aquarium that they no longer need mechanical aeration and water filtration. Just imagine - the aquarium does not buzz, electricity is not consumed - beauty !!! True, in order to do this, you need to gain a lot of experience and know the aquarium hobby thoroughly.

Plants are a well-established aquarium biosystem, the absence of harmful substances in the water, the absence of algae

Plants are an indicator of the state of the aquarium

Everything is simple here! Aquarium plants are the primary indicator of the condition of your aquarium. If the plants "wither", turn yellow and rot - this is a sure sign of the poor condition of the aquarium, and vice versa, lush, beautiful growths - this is a 100% indicator of the excellent state of the aquarium world.

Balconies and loggias are an additional space of a modern apartment, which every owner tries to use with maximum utility and efficiency. These premises traditionally serve the majority of Russians for warehousing and storing all sorts of necessary things that do not have enough space in the apartment. Balconies and loggias are perfect for drying clothes.

What should be the ropes for drying clothes on the balcony

Clothesline for the balcony is the simplest and most affordable device for the convenience of drying clothes. A few years ago, they were tied to primitive nails or screws, they stretched, sagged, it looked unaesthetic and caused irritation. To date, there are many types of clothesline, they are made from various materials, and for the convenience of their attachment, there are many devices.

In terms of quality, all clotheslines for the balcony must have high strength, be wear-resistant and not be stretched. Good, high-quality products in any weather retain their appearance and specifications, they do not crack in the cold, and in the heat they retain their size.

Sheathed steel cable - strong and durable clotheslines

Perfectly suited for the functions of a clothesline is a material such as in a PVC sheath. Manufacturers recommend using it for reliable fastening, the term of which is very long. The cable is quite flexible, and its extensibility is very low. The top coat will protect the metal from rust.

Clothesline on the balcony of this material will serve you for a very long time. There will be no problems with sagging.

Jute - environmentally friendly ropes

If you have a child in your apartment, then the best environmentally friendly devices for drying children's things are natural jute ropes. Jute rope is elegant in appearance, but quite strong. It has a beautiful brown color, the so-called wood color, and fits perfectly into any interior. When wet, jute products do not sag and look perfect.

Plastic and polypropylene rope - a budget option

The clothesline for the balcony, the photo of which you see below, is made of plastic. It is made specifically for drying clothes. For convenience, it is usually equipped with hooks. These ropes are quite strong and inexpensive. Over time, they stretch a little, but without any problems they can be pulled again. Plastic ropes are different colors and successfully fit into any interior design.

Quite cheap and wear-resistant ropes are also made of them. They are also made in a wide range of colors, environmentally friendly, do not electrify and are very convenient to use.

Ordinary twisted rope is not the best option

Traditional twisted rope is usually made from soft yarn. It has long been widely used for drying clothes, but with the release of alternative materials that are superior in quality, this rope has lost its relevance. When wet, its fibers stretch and it sags easily. Twisted rope gets dirty easily. Dust settles on it and penetrates inside. Not only does the twisted rope lose its appearance in a short time, it also leaves a dirty mark on clean linen.

Modern manufacturers offer all kinds of options for clotheslines on the balcony. Weigh the pros and cons and decide on the choice of material. It remains to figure out how to pull the clothesline on the balcony. Before answering this question, you should know that it can be strengthened both inside the balcony and outside.

Outdoor structures for drying clothes: save space

V Lately more and more often balconies and loggias are used as an office, a rest room, winter Garden etc. In this case, drying clothes inside the balcony will be inappropriate, hanging things will interfere with movement. External fasteners will help save space and solve the problem.

In order to pull the ropes outside the balcony or loggia, you need a strong mount. On both sides, with the help of bolts with a diameter of 8-10 mm, metal supports are installed - brackets, to which profiles or corners with holes for tensioning the ropes are attached. This design should be made of thick stainless steel. In the absence of stainless steel, you can take ordinary rolled metal, pre-prime it and paint it to avoid corrosion.

External fastening of clotheslines on a balcony is usually done at right angles to the wall. However, for greater convenience, it would be better to lift them up a little.

Getting Started with the Clothesline

Holes are drilled at a certain distance strictly opposite each other. You should know how to properly stretch the clothesline on the balcony so that it does not sag. When pulling the rope, it does not need to be cut into pieces for each opposite hole. It will be much more convenient to thread the rope with a snake in a spiral, starting from the farthest hole and ending with the closest one. Thus, you will only need to tie two knots.

When pulling the rope, you can use special rollers, clamps, rings - you just need to show a little imagination and effort.

Outdoor structures for drying clothes have their advantages - they save space, when drying things are blown with fresh air, but if the weather is bad outside, if you live on the ground floor or there is a highway outside your window, then the use of outdoor clothes drying becomes impossible.

Internal structures. wall mount

Drying clothes indoors has its advantages, the main of which is that you can dry things at any time of the day, regardless of the weather. You can do this when you are not at home, they will not get dusty or smoky.

The simplest and most common mount is the wall mount. On both sides of the loggia or balcony, identical corners with holes for the rope are attached. Instead of corners, there may be hooks. Choose the height of the fasteners you need, tighten the ropes - and the dryer is ready.

Modern manufacturers offer ready-made prefabricated structures that can be mounted on the wall of a balcony or loggia. Factory dryers are convenient in that you do not need to invent anything on your own, the manufacturers have taken care of everything for you. In addition to the rope itself, the kit contains all the elements for fasteners, bolts, anchors and a detailed guide on how to hang a clothesline on the balcony. A more advanced factory design of a wall dryer is inertial. A coil with a rope wound around it is located inside the dryer, which is attached to any of the walls of the balcony. By pulling out the rope and fixing it on another wall, with a special hook, you can hang clothes. When it dries, the rope is hidden back into place.

Ceiling structure "Liana"

Most good option internal dryers are considered ceiling structure"Liana". It is practical and very convenient, but you will have to tinker with its installation.

The design consists of two fasteners and several plastic or aluminum rungs through which the ropes are threaded. Independently of each other, with the help of a roller mechanism, the crossbars can be lowered down and, after hanging clothes on them, let them go back.

Price different manufacturers such ceiling dryer depends on the quality of the material from which it is made. The strength and load capacity of the structure also affect the cost. However, even the most budget options will serve you for more than one year.

For those who prefer to dry things on a coat hanger, a ceiling-mounted dryer has been developed. If you pull on the bottom element, it expands like an accordion and drops down. There are special holes in the cross rails where hangers are inserted and where clotheslines are stretched.

Balconies or loggias are often sheathed inside with plastic, wood or other material. To fix a ceiling or wall structure, you should first of all prepare a place for it, using an additional profile securely attached to the wall or ceiling with long dowels or self-tapping screws.

The market for drying clothes is expanding every year, designs and models are being improved, but if you approach the issue of making fasteners for clotheslines on the balcony with imagination, then you can design an equally practical and convenient clothes dryer from improvised items with your own hands.

An inexpensive, affordable, easy way to dry laundry after washing is to hang clotheslines on or off the balcony. A more modern alternative is to buy a ceiling-mounted, wall-mounted or fold-out floor dryer. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What is important when choosing ropes? First, strength. They must support the weight of wet laundry. Secondly, minimal stretching, sagging. You can choose from the following options:

  • Metal cable sheathed in PVC. The strongest, most durable product. It is not afraid of moisture, practically does not deform, does not stain linen. The disadvantage is the high price.
  • Plastic cord. Moisture resistant, does not stain clothes, presented in several colors, inexpensive. The disadvantage is that soon after the start of operation, it noticeably sags under the weight of the laundry.
  • Polypropylene rope. Wear-resistant, hard to deform. A good option at a good price.
  • Jute cord. Durable, environmentally friendly, not electrified.
  • Cotton rope. Durable, environmentally friendly, but dark spots often appear on it from moisture. They can leave marks on clothes.

PVC-sheathed steel cable

Polypropylene linen cord

Tip: before choosing a more expensive option, evaluate your needs. Why do you need an expensive metal cable if you wash things in small pieces?

How to pull the ropes from the side of the street

The only way to stretch the clotheslines at the level of the balcony, but beyond the parapet, is to use metal brackets.

It is better to buy a prefabricated kit in the store. It consists of brackets, a rope, rollers for moving it along with linen, and fasteners.

Installing this clothes dryer is easy. Sequence of work:

  • On the sides of the balcony parapet, mark the places for attaching brackets with rollers.
  • Make holes there.
  • Secure the brackets with anchor bolts with a wide washer.
  • Stretch between the rollers and secure the clothesline so that it can be moved along with the clothes.

Instead of a finished kit, you can use trim steel pipes, metal corners. Just make holes in them for the rope.

Drying clothes outdoors is convenient. Under the sun, laundry dries quickly. The balcony is not cluttered with anything, the insolation of the adjacent room does not worsen. However, laundry can be damaged by external influences. These are dust, bird feces, cigarette butts and garbage from the upper floors, and other troubles.

How to fix the ropes on the balcony

A method of drying clothes on the balcony, known for decades, is stuffed on a board and bent nails through which a rope is stretched. An alternative is special hooks. They look more aesthetic and more reliable.

Wall hooks for tightening the rope

Another option is metal brackets with holes. This is truly a thing for several generations, only you need to change the ropes in time.

This is not difficult to do, but it is better to use a single piece, rather than short segments. Tie the rope into a knot not only at the beginning and end, but also on each of the fasteners (nails, hook). This will reduce its sagging under the weight of things, ensure greater reliability of the entire structure.

Knot for securely connecting two ends of a rope

Drying washed things on a glazed balcony is their protection from bad weather, unpleasant odors, neighbors throwing cigarette butts from above, birds flying past. But it is also a busy area, the inconvenience of moving around the balcony. Therefore, it is necessary to prioritize in advance between the convenience of using the room and drying clothes.

The evolution of clotheslines - dryer "Liana"

There is a convenient, easy-to-install design on the household goods market - the Liana dryer. It consists of two functional units. One of them is attached to the wall, the other - to the ceiling. A frame with rods on ropes is mounted on the ceiling. A holder for these cords is fixed on the wall. By moving them, you can raise and lower the drying bars.

Wall-ceiling mount “Liana”

Note! The wall holder must withstand the load of all the drying clothes, otherwise you simply will not be able to fix the bars in the desired position. The fastening of the holder must be reliable.

The advantage of drying vines is the cascading arrangement of rods. This allows you to dry clothes quickly and evenly.

You can do the installation yourself. For this:

  • Mark the location of the brackets on the ceiling.
  • Drill holes in these places using a puncher.
  • Fasten the brackets with self-tapping screws.
  • In a convenient position for use, fix the cord holder on the wall with self-tapping screws.
  • Take one bar. Secure it to the structure by pulling the long cord through the left roller, the long and short cords through the right roller.
  • Put height clamps (caps) on the ends of the cords.

Fixing element for mounting the wall unit

Comes with detailed instructions by installation. Consider her provisions. After installation, check the operation of each boom.

How to choose a clothes dryer

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Room area. The smaller the balcony, the less bulky the product should be. Mobile, sliding structures will help out.
  • Interior Design. If your balcony is a well-appointed room in a certain style, then the appearance of the dryer should match it. On sale you can find original stylized products. For example, processed wooden bars hanging on chains.
  • The quality of the walls, ceilings. If there are significant defects, they may not withstand the weight of the structure with wet things. Do not choose wall models if the top of the end walls is made of plastic.
  • Manufacturer. Well-known brands produce high-quality and safe products: Leifheit, Melicone, Gimi, Foppapedretti.
  • Permissible load on ropes, rods, cables. Some of them can withstand only 5 kg, while others - all 30 kg.
  • The material from which the dryer is made. It determines its durability, safety, absence of marks on the drying linen.
  • Installation method: floor, wall, ceiling.
  • Extension, folding structure.

Folding wall model

What are clothes dryers made of?

Clothes dryers are made of steel, plastic, aluminum, rarely - wood. For rods, cables use the same materials. Sometimes thick nylon threads or synthetic ropes are pulled instead.

Plastic structures are easy to maintain, fit into almost any modern interior, are not exposed to corrosion, are available at the price. But with regular exposure high temperatures or direct sunlight, they may become deformed. The strength index is low.

Plastic work unit body

Aluminum dryers are brittle and prone to warping. May oxidize, leave stains on linen. Of the advantages - low price, lightness.

Aluminum tube construction - not an everyday option

The most durable are stainless steel models. Withstand heavy weight, leave linen clean. The polymer coating is not afraid of moisture, which means it does not oxidize.

Please note! A polymer coating and a layer of paint are two different things. The paint quickly cracks, breaks off.

Wood products are rare. Despite impregnations and top protective layers, wood remains wood. Sensitive to moisture, from the impact of which it is deformed, loses its attractiveness. However, if only the body is made of wood (not the rods!), It will last more than one year.

Floor construction with wooden frame Foppapedretti Stendipiu

Additional functions - from illumination to disinfection

In modern devices for drying clothes, additional functions are provided for the most convenient use.

  • Backlight. It is located above the strings and is usually represented by bright LED lamps. Illuminate the workspace in the dark, making it easier to hang clothes.
  • Wind drying. Embedded powerful fans blown on wet clothes for a predetermined time.
  • Disinfection with built-in ultraviolet lamp.
  • Heating rods with an electric cable.
  • Remote control. The remote control can set the operating time of individual mechanisms, lower and raise the beams for linen.

Multifunction dryer model

“Smart” dryers are mainly produced by Japanese companies, such as SensPa. Their Chinese counterparts are not far behind, presenting on the market such worthy examples as Alcona models.

The price of automatic devices with the functionality discussed above ranges from 23-46 thousand rubles.

Much more affordable standard options with the function of heating rods. The price starts from 2.5 thousand rubles. They are easy to install, connect to the mains. Heating can be smoothly regulated in the temperature range specified by the manufacturer. Electricity costs will increase slightly.

Electric dryer Sharndy

Types of devices for drying clothes

Depending on the working mechanism and method of attachment, several types of dryers are distinguished. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Sliding and folding models

If a private house has a spacious balcony where a stationary dryer can fit without problems, the question of its working mechanism is not worth it. The area of ​​similar premises in typical high-rise buildings is modest. Therefore, close attention when buying dryers is paid to their dimensions and the possibility of folding.

One of the most compact options is sliding. It can be a closed stationary block with strings that are wound inside on rollers. It is attached to one wall, and the reciprocal bar with hooks - to the opposite.

When you need to dry clothes, the strings are pulled out in the manner of a construction tape measure and fixed. Their tension can be adjusted manually (lever) or automatically.

Retractable string option

Advantages of sliding models:

  • Compact.
  • Thanks to the fastening to the walls, they do not occupy the usable floor space.
  • Do not interfere with moving around the balcony when you are not drying clothes.
  • Affordable.

Disadvantages: fragility of the plastic block, sagging strings, can not withstand more than 8 kg of laundry.

Sliding also include products with a stationary block and rods folded in the manner of accordion bellows. To bring them into working condition, they need to be pulled towards you. They are strong, but short, so they are suitable for small balconies and small families.

Top shelf and hooks for additional storage and drying space

Folding models are floor, wall, rarely - ceiling. Usually they have the form of guides with strings or rods. When not in use, they are compact - folded or simply fixed on the wall. If necessary, they are laid out or thrown back.

Folding floor dryer

Ceiling mount

Mounting the dryer to the ceiling is convenient for small or complex balconies. If it is possible to adjust the height, when not in use, they do not occupy a usable area and are almost invisible. Control can be automatic (remote control) or mechanical. In the second case, the dryer is equipped with a lever or a chain that performs its function, like on blinds.

Ceiling mount option

All multifunctional models are fixed directly to the ceiling for more efficient operation of fans and UV lamps.

Wall systems

Most sliding and folding dryers are attached to the walls. This is appropriate if the balcony floor is occupied by furniture or other items. Evaluate the possibility of drilling walls in advance. In the houses of the old housing stock, they can crumble literally at hand.

Wall-mounted clothes dryers are presented:

  • Blocks with strings or ropes stretched between them.
  • Blocks with retractable bars.
  • Bars with hangers.
  • Folding, stationary nets on brackets.
  • Brackets with fastenings for hangers.
  • Platforms with hooks.

Compact folding dryer

The greatest weight is maintained by stationary structures on steel brackets.

Floor dryers

Floor dryers are convenient for spacious balconies. Their advantages are as follows:

  • Withstand heavy loads.
  • Stable, safe.
  • They allow efficient use of vertical space (products in the form of racks).
  • They do not require fastening to the walls and, accordingly, damage to their fine finish, the use of special tools.

The lineup is impressive.

A variant familiar to many is a “clamshell” with strings. Its main part can be supplemented with folding or retractable side elements. Models with heated strings are usually made on the basis of these particular dryers.

For all its merits, this design is unstable.

Racks with horizontal or inclined "shelves". For greater functionality and ease of use, manufacturers equip them with additional hooks, hangers, wheels.

Tiered design on wheels with hanger holders

Tall dryers with a solid wooden frame, more like a cabinet. Height can reach 180 cm.

Peter-Panni Foppapedretti for a large family

The original solution is a floor appliance with fans and a cover. The principle of its operation is simple: you hang the linen, close it with a cover, turn it on. The device is powered by electricity. Hot air circulated by fans dries clothes many times faster than in natural conditions.

Simplified version of the drying cabinet

Ideas for making a dryer with your own hands

Fans of crafting from improvised materials can make a dryer on their own.

A hacksaw, an electric drill with a set of drills and wooden blanks give a lot of possibilities. Example: a compact dryer that swings away from the wall and is secured with chains. The working part consists of only two side and several cross bars. Crossbars can be replaced with a thick synthetic rope. Just make sure it's secure.

The ceiling version has a similar design.

The wood must be sanded and impregnated with an antiseptic composition.

For a compact product, you need a minimum of materials

Take a look around, maybe your future dryer is nearby, and you didn’t even think about it! Its function can be taken over by one of the sides of the crib or part of the "Swedish" wall.

A simple solution is to make a bar for drying clothes on hangers. The material can be metal pipes and fittings. Eco-style lovers can use a thick tree branch as a barbell.

Useful video on the topic

Homemade construction outside the balcony

Mastering the “simple bayonet” knot for pulling a clothesline

Reliable homemade dryer plastic pipe

Installation of the Floris ceiling dryer