Small studio apartments with a bed under the ceiling. Bed under the ceiling: a functional design in your interior

V small apartments It is very important to use the free space of the room wisely. With such savings, it is difficult to maintain the functionality and practicality of the room without worsening its appearance. One useful solution for small rooms is to use a bed under the ceiling.

As a rule, such a bed can be single or double, both adults and children can sleep perfectly on it. Under it is usually an armchair, a table, a sofa or even various shelves.

Varieties of loft beds

Beds under the ceiling are divided into several types and differ in their functionality:

We assemble a loft bed with our own hands

If you refused to buy and decided to create a bed under the ceiling yourself, then for this you need to know the stages of such work and some rules. To begin with, of course, you will need to create a drawing of the planned bed. You can also use the sketch and already in the course of work to eliminate obvious design flaws.

For beds under the ceiling there are different types fasteners. For example, standard 4 supports can be used, or two racks. In the second case, opposite corners will need to be attached to the wall. V narrow rooms the bed can be fixed between the walls. In addition, there is also the option of simultaneously mounting to the ceiling and wall.

Drawing and dimensions

To correctly calculate the amount of materials required, it is necessary to draw a plan for the future bed.

For example, in this case, the dimensions will be as follows:

  • Width - 153 cm;
  • Length - 213 cm;
  • The distance from the floor to the bed frame is 167 cm;
  • Height - 214 cm;
  • Mattress width - 140 cm;
  • Mattress length - 200 cm.

The dimensions should match the mattress used, but you can also make it to order. Keep in mind that the mattress should be 5 cm below the frame and 1 cm less.

The drawing of the bed looks like this:

Necessary materials


Quantity, pcs.

Drawing number

2140 x 60 x 60

2200 x 100 x 20

2010 x 100 x 20

1500 x 100 x 20

1410 x 100 x 20

560 x 100 x 20

1410 x 50 x 10

Clear acrylic lacquer

Furniture dowels

Fastener accessories

Accessories for creating a bed

The following list of fittings and materials may not be accurate, as it is different for each case. Everything will depend on the purchased design.

Required Tools

  • square
  • Pencil
  • furniture key
  • Roulette
  • Screwdriver
  • screwdriver
  • Sandpaper
  • Level
  • Sponge and brush for applying stain and varnish
  • Electric jigsaw or hacksaw
  • Drills for wood in various sizes

Making a loft bed with your own hands

After preparing all necessary tools and materials, you can proceed to create the bed of your dreams.

Advice! Horizontal crossbars instead of bars can be birch window sills.

Corner beam fixing

Advice! To give the ceiling of the bed beautiful view, you can pull a light fabric on it with the help of hooks. Holes for hooks are most often made in the form of metal rivets with holes.

On this independent creation beds under the ceiling is considered complete. The result obtained is no worse than store models. Now you can start arranging the bed, make it cozy and pleasant for sleeping.

August 5, 2018
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If you don't know how to arrange all necessary furniture indoors, you have to contact unusual ideas, one of which is a bed under the ceiling. This option is good because sleeping place located high and the space below it can be used for any purpose. In fact, you use the space under the ceiling, which is difficult to adapt to something else, and thereby solve the problem of lack of space.

Design features

Since this solution is significantly different from traditional beds, it has a lot of characteristic features. We will deal with them so that you understand the topic well and understand all the aspects that must be considered when choosing a design and implementing a project.

Modern models

If disassemble design features, there are several main varieties used today:

  • Mobile systems. This prefabricated structures, which are called BedUp, which means “bed up”, it is clear from the name that the structure rises to the ceiling during the daytime, and falls down at night. The advantage of such options is that you do not need to do anything yourself - a ready-made kit is purchased, and the disadvantage is that the cost will be several times higher than that of simple designs.

  • Structures on metal or wooden supports. This type is distinguished by the fact that it is located on supports and does not move up and down, one side can be attached to the wall if it is reliable and can withstand the load. The supports are selected in such a way that they can withstand high loads without problems, often a metal frame is welded for strength, which bears all the main load.

  • Suspended platforms. This solution is only suitable for structures with solid interfloor ceilings, most often such systems are used in former industrial buildings, in which the ceiling is located on a metal channel, to which you can easily attach by bolting or welding. The designs look unusual and are often complemented by steps made of wood or metal, which can be different sizes and forms.

Main types of structures

Now consider the options for models that are most popular today:

Illustration Description

Attic structures. Great solution for country houses and attic floors. Usually, even at the construction stage, a partition is made of several bars, which is then sheathed and equipped with a comfortable sleeping place.

Systems combined with a dressing room. The solution is suitable for rooms with high ceilings. A full-fledged closet or dressing room is made in the lower part, and the top is reserved for a comfortable place to relax, if the length allows, then you can equip and working area as shown in the photo.

Lifting beds. In the people they are also called French systems, and scientifically this design is called BedUp.

A convenient solution, characterized by the fact that the bed simply rises to the ceiling or hides in a niche during the day and lowers at night. The design is much more complicated than the previous ones; only specialists can install it, which further increases the cost of the project.

Bunk structures. If you need two beds, then one is done as usual, and the second is located above it. It could be like standard model bunk bed, and a design made for a specific room.

If the ceilings are low, then it is easier to buy a ready-made version, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to do something more solid.

Loft bed. This is another option finished product, in which a sleeping place is equipped on top, and a comfortable working area or a relaxation area is located below. A good solution that takes up little space and is inexpensive.

Structures on supports. This variety is distinguished by the fact that the bed is located on four wooden or metal supports. Its main plus is mobility, because the bed can be rearranged around the room, it is not fixed to the walls and floor, but is fixed with self-tapping screws or dowels to ensure immobility.

Suspended structures. They are attached to the walls and ceiling, so they cannot be moved to another place. The main plus is convenience, because there are no supports below that interfere with movement, and the stairs can be quickly removed. Most often, these beds are a powerful frame made of metal corner, rigidly attached to the ceiling and walls.

Versions with supports on one side and wall mounting on the other. A good and fairly simple solution, which has two supports, which are most often made of wood.

Some aspects of installation

In order for the design to be safe and reliable, it is worth remembering a few important recommendations:

  • It is better to entrust the installation of complex systems to specialists. This is especially true for lifting systems, in which the mechanism is rather complicated, and its installation requires certain qualifications and experience. If you are not confident in your skills and abilities, then more simple solutions it is advisable to entrust professionals to be sure that everything is done efficiently and reliably.

  • The choice of design depends on the characteristics of the room. First of all, the strength of the walls and ceiling is assessed if the structure is attached to them. If reliability raises questions, then the structure should be strengthened, this is done by adding additional beams or supports. If you decide that you will use a bed near the ceiling, then you can strengthen the desired places in advance.
  • Wood is the most convenient material to process. If you are going to assemble the structure yourself, then it is better to choose wood. But if you have welding machine, and you know how to handle it, you can also use metal, from which the frames are especially strong and durable.

  • If you have no experience working with wood or metal, then the easiest way is to choose ready-made designs.. It can be like loft beds or bunk structures, and more universal models with cabinets and storage compartments underneath. An excellent solution is the manufacture of custom-made furniture for the size of the room.

Bed for children's room

If you choose the option of a bed under the ceiling for a nursery, then you should remember a few recommendations:

  • The younger the child, the higher the safety requirements. It is best to choose models not with vertical, but with inclined stairs, it is desirable that the design be equipped with railings. As for the execution, it is desirable that there are no protruding corners and potentially traumatic elements.

  • You can equip a real play area. Make a bed in the form of a house or any other design, in this case the child gets his own space, even if he has to live in the same room with his parents, which is very important.

  • Can allocate sleeping space dark color . This allows you to achieve an interesting effect in the interior and improves the child’s sleep, because dark walls have more light ones to relax.

  • If the room has a niche, then you can place the bed there. This will simplify installation, and below you can equip a comfortable workspace. Such solutions are great for rooms with solid walls, this will greatly simplify installation.

Advantages and disadvantages of sleeping places under the ceiling

Let's start with the advantages:

Illustration Description

The space under the bed is fully utilized. Moreover, under the bed it is very convenient to equip a work area or dressing room, as the design has suitable sizes. At the same time, you do not experience any discomfort, since you can move to your full height and there is enough space to accommodate everything you need for work or leisure.

Interiors with such beds look unusual. Any guest will appreciate your innovative thinking, because such solutions are extremely rare, especially in our country. And if you realize an interesting idea, then the bed will become the main highlight of the interior.

Design can be placed anywhere. The choice of location depends on the configuration of the room and the features of the structure; it is especially convenient to place such beds in niches, above doorways, and also in the corners of the room. But you can come up with your own solution, because there are no hard limits and restrictions.

Lifting versions are very easy to raise and lower. There is no need to make an effort, everything is done due to the electric drive, which works quickly and reliably.

Such solutions also have disadvantages:

  • Difficulty of installation. To make a bed, you need to put in a lot of effort if you do everything yourself.
  • Fairly high cost. Materials will be expensive, especially if you do everything with high quality and do not save on them.
  • The design can clutter up the space. Since the beds are massive, they make the room visually smaller.

Do it yourself - a brief description of the process

Because detailed description requires a separate article, we will briefly analyze the main stages:

  • First of all, it is worth preparatory work . To do this, the location of the structure is determined, measurements are taken to determine the optimal dimensions. Based on this information, it is detailed drawing with a detailed description.
  • Gathering the right tool. The following devices are used: a screwdriver with a set of nozzles, a drill or a hammer drill, a jigsaw or hand saw, carpenter's square, tape measure, building level, sandpaper for grinding, brush for coloring.

  • Assembly begins with cutting blanks. Then a supporting frame is placed on which the base of the bed is attached, it can be a solid or rack version. Then fences and stairs are put up. Lastly, all structural elements are painted, it is better to do this in several layers.

To make the bed under the ceiling comfortable and organically fit into the interior, you need to take into account a number of factors:

  • The height of the ceiling should be more than 2.5 meters, this will allow you to profitably use the space on the lower level. For psychological comfort, the distance from the bed to the ceiling is recommended to be at least 70 cm.
  • For safety, the bed under the ceiling is protected by railings with a height of 30 cm or more.
  • Good ventilation is desirable in the room to avoid lack of oxygen in the upper tier.
  • Before installing the product, it is necessary to check the strength of concrete floors or ceiling beams.

Pros and cons

A bed under the ceiling may be a necessity in one-room apartment or a design idea to decorate a spacious room.

Varieties of designs

Beds can be rigidly fixed at the desired height or slide up on wall rails.

  • Stationary. The stationary model is attached to the ceiling, to the wall or based on a steel or wooden base. For reliability, two types of fastening are usually combined.
  • Movable. The movable bed rises along the wall due to the mechanism of separating counterweights, which is controlled from the remote control.

Types of beds under the ceiling

  • Suspended. The hanging bed is attached directly to the ceiling with steel cables, ropes or chains. This type of fastening creates the illusion of floating in the air, in order to maintain an atmosphere of lightness, the space under the bed can be left free.

  • . The upper sleeping tier of a vertical furniture complex is called an attic. For children and teenagers, the attic is made in the form of a house, a ship, an airplane.

  • The BedUp rises like an elevator. In the daytime she plays the part upholstered furniture, and in the evening - a full bed. The backlight built into the base of the transformer will replace the overhead lighting in the living room. Despite the high cost, models with a lifting mechanism are in demand among owners of studio apartments.

Photo in the interior of the rooms

When placing furniture at a height, the purpose of the room does not matter. To save precious square meters, a bed under the ceiling can be installed not only in the bedroom, but also in the attic, on front door in the hallway and even above the dining area.


A bed raised to the ceiling frees up space below for a work or play area. V square room over 25 sq. meters can be made spacious corner mezzanine, on which not only a mattress can fit, but also a bedside table, a table lamp or flower pots.

For a married couple, a double French bed with a width of 180 cm or more is suitable. The design of the hanging model is more restrained compared to the floor version, but the soft headboard with carriage tie remains unchanged.

Kitchen-living room

V small apartment or in the country, the bed can be installed directly above the kitchen area. To make the bed aesthetic and secluded, the bed is decorated with a canopy or slatted panels. Such a sleeping place is possible only in a kitchen with silent ventilation, because the heat from the stove, extraneous smells and sounds can interfere with enjoying the rest.

Children's room

In a small nursery it is problematic to place a place to sleep, desk, a play area, especially if the room is shared between several children. In this case, for teenagers, you can organize an upper bed, and place the younger ones on the lower tier. As a rule, children enthusiastically perceive the idea of ​​​​sleeping at a height.

In a single children's bed, it is combined with other furniture, depending on the desire and age of the child. Adults need to take care of a reliable fence and comfortable stairs with wide steps.

Examples of beds in various styles

When choosing a bed under the ceiling, the overall style of the house is taken into account.

  • Bed on metal frame with a clear glass railing, ideal for styles such as loft and industrial.
  • Hi-tech is also "friendly" with modern materials, shiny chrome parts and unusual shapes furniture will create a futuristic interior.
  • bed frame made of natural wood, varnished or painted in discreet natural colors will be in place in an eco-friendly interior.
  • The abundance of decor in small rooms creates a feeling of clutter and tightness. Simple lines and neutral colors are characteristic of minimalism, which "unloads" modern man from the bustle of the city. A bed of laconic form with monochrome textiles will harmoniously fit into a calm interior.

Interior designers are introducing more and more bold ideas to turn the home of a modern person into an oasis of coziness, comfort and harmony. Along the way, stereotypes are ruthlessly broken, giving way to functional originality. The latest fashionable novelty was a bed under the ceiling - a mechanized bed that changes position like an elevator. This solution looks quite interesting, so a bedroom with such an item cannot be called boring. A non-standard bed can be entered both in a nursery and in an adult's room with a modern vision of the situation.

The choice in favor of a bed under the ceiling, the photo is suggested below, can be made both to save space and to bring a "zest" to stylish interior. The first goal is usually pursued in a small room. When using a hanging bed due to lack of space, the following points should be considered:

  1. Resident growth. The distance from the floor to the bed should be sufficient so that you can walk under it without bending over. In order to be able to sit freely on the hanging bed, it is recommended to indent at least a meter for adults and about 80 cm for children;
  2. Visual reduction of the room. Yes, a bed under the ceiling frees up the necessary square meters, but inevitably clutters small space. If this circumstance does not frighten, you can safely install an unusual bed;
  3. A bed under the ceiling can make a tiny room complete, because under it you can equip an office and a relaxation area. Thanks to her, in a room with dimensions of 2 by 2.5 m, you can work, do your favorite hobby and sleep. With the skillful placement of furniture, the room will acquire a cozy intimacy.

If a bed under the ceiling is a whim and is installed in a huge room as a decoration, then you need to take into account the following:

  1. A huge non-standard bed can divide the space in two, create the illusion of a second floor. It looks especially impressive in a spacious room with high ceilings;
  2. Auxiliary ceiling lighting above the bed unloads the space. The lamps under the bed give it a certain mystery;
  3. The metal lift bed looks like it was created for bedrooms decorated in loft, techno or high-tech style. Ceiling beds are also welcome in modern and Japanese-themed rooms. Here are appropriate wooden structures with metal inserts. For a classic and rustic style, you can install a loft bed, and hanging beds made of bamboo, wood or fabrics will fit into eco and ethno styles.

Modern models

The bed under the ceiling can be mobile (sliding along the guide rails) and fixed, fixed at a certain height. If the former work with the help of a mechanism of separating counterweights and are controlled by a push-button panel, then the latter require a ladder to climb.

According to the type of construction, such beds are divided into:

  • Bunk;
  • Suspended;
  • "Attics";
  • French.

Sleeping places in two tiers are especially common in children's rooms. For adults, there are elegant bunk specimens with a solid staircase. They are good for classic interiors. They do not even have a hint of the playful character inherent in children's beds.

Suspended beds do not have legs and seem to hover under the ceiling. They give the room an atmosphere of airiness and lightness. To save it, you need to leave the space below it empty. If that's not an option, you can force the space with decorative storage boxes or miniature furniture.

The attic bed often comes with vertically arranged support cabinets and built-in tables. This furniture complex can serve as a sleeping place, a recreation area, a dressing room and an office. The "attic" is usually not high (1.8 m) and can even be placed in the "Khrushchev".

Babies under 6 years of age are contraindicated in the "attic" and the top bed of a bunk bed. Going down the stairs attached to them can be traumatic.

If the bunk has no sides or they are unreliable, then in a dream the child may fall from a height of two meters. In addition, it is difficult for parents to reach their child, which becomes a problem during his illness. The French bed is for a married couple. Ideally, it has a high headboard, carved elements and a canopy. Its ceiling version has a simplified look, but retains all its inherent charm and exquisite comfort. It rests on suspension mechanisms attached to the ceiling. The design can be lowered and raised to the stop.

Installation Features

Nothing should threaten a sleeping person, therefore the most important requirement for a bed under the ceiling is its safety. She should be firmly attached to her supports. Therefore, to install a ceiling bed, it is recommended to contact highly qualified furniture makers.

There are several options for mounting the bed:

  1. Mounting on high legs is the easiest way. Two cabinets looking at each other can also act as a support. Such designs look very stylish. Both options require a firmly fixed comfortable ladder;
  2. According to the mezzanine principle - placing a bed between two opposite walls is appropriate in narrow rooms;
  3. In the corner - while the bed is attached to two walls and the ceiling, which ensures maximum reliability. It is better to fasten a wide double place that way;
  4. To the ceiling - metal anchors are introduced into it, and chains, ropes or steel cables are hung on them. This is how the hanging bed is fixed. This type of installation is often combined, additionally attaching the bed to the wall.

Before fixing the bed to the ceiling or wall, it is necessary to check the concrete floors for strength. This can be done with an electronic device. The hammer in it presses the ball into the concrete. Electronics reads the quality of the material by rebounding the ball back. The results appear on the screen.

In the form of a mezzanine

To the ceiling

high legs

Stair options

The staircase should be in harmony not only with the bed itself, but also with the interior of the room as a whole. The main classification divides bedside ladders into fixed and attached ones. The second, to be safe, must be stable and have a wide base. There is different types stair structures:

  1. Vertical - this ladder is placed on the side of the bed or at the end. It is completely flat, without any protrusions. Going up and down it, especially in the dark, can be traumatic. Between flat and round steps, you should choose the first ones, since it is easy to slip on round ones;
  2. Marching - here boards serve as steps. They are attached to the bowstrings of the structure at an acute angle, parallel to the floor. The marching structure is suitable for kids, because it is almost impossible to stumble on it;
  3. "Chest of drawers" - there are drawers in the flat steps of such a ladder. They can move forward or sideways. Staircase with lockers - a godsend for a small room;
  4. "Rack" - in this case, the steps are protruding parts open shelves, which can be used by going to the side. To save appearance the edges of such a rack must be covered with polyvinyl chloride;
  5. Podium - the design is a staircase, the upper step of which is a platform. From it you can easily climb onto the bed. The lower stage of the structure can also be a podium;
  6. Angular - differs in that it forms a turn. It can be either radial or at an angle of 90 degrees. The smaller it is, the less space such a staircase occupies.

Is it possible to do in a one-room apartment

A bed under the ceiling is famous for its functionality, so it is desirable to have it in a one-room apartment. The following situations will be especially advantageous (in terms of additional space):

  1. If the ceilings are high. A sleeping tier can be erected above a dressing room or pantry, if you take care of the strength of its base. This mini bedroom will look like an open room on the second floor with a staircase leading up to it. To hide from view a place to sleep, you can enclose it with lattice wood paneling. They are not intrusive, breathable and aesthetically zone the space;
  2. There are niches in the walls. Ideally, if the entire ceiling bed enters the vertical niche. But even if only the headboard enters there, it makes sense to use the recess, because there you can hide the base of the structure with guide rails. On them, the bed can leave to the arch of the ceiling. Well, if there are partitions in it that can hide the bed, then in the daytime it will be invisible;
  3. Duplex interior. In a one-room apartment, an artificially erected floor is unlikely to be high, so you can arrange an “attic” bed on it. Much attention should be paid to the railing, which protects against falling in a dream, and the convenience of the stairs;
  4. Square room. In a room where all sides are equal, a corner French bed will fit perfectly. It will clearly delimit the space and provide comfortable housing for both one person and a married couple.

A bed under the ceiling can turn into salvation or a misunderstanding. It all depends on the taste and intelligence of its owner. Before acquiring this capricious piece of furniture, you should think carefully and answer yourself the questions: “Is it really impossible to do without a ceiling bed?”, “Where to install it?”, “Will it help save square meters?”. If the answer is yes, feel free to order a unique product!


The most common problem in small apartments is the lack of space.

Owners of small areas are constantly tormented by the question: how to furnish the room so that there is enough space?

Highly qualified designers have repeatedly tried to resolve this issue. After numerous attempts to resolve the problem, they finally found the answer: it is necessary to install a bed under the ceiling.

All that is required is to find a suitable model, the color of which will fit into the interior of the room.

The advantage of a bed under the ceiling is that it frees up space in the room. For example, with a loft bed installed, you can easily move around the room.

If you do not know how to make a bed under the ceiling, then this article is designed to help you. Usually the bed is set at a height of 180 cm from the floor.

Accordingly, it is necessary to get to the bed by a ladder, which can be installed both in a vertical and in an inclined position.

Important! If the bed will be installed in one of the Russian high-rise buildings, then the best option will be the location of the bed in the corner.

If you install a loft bed against a wall, then for this you will need to lean it on racks to the floor, or use ceiling mounts.

The hanging bed can be used as a sleeping place for both a child and an adult, and can also be single and double.

To build a bed, it is best to use wood species, but in last resort you can resort to metal parts.

Make a bed with your own hands or buy?

Why is it better to make a bed under the ceiling with your own hands, and not buy it ready-made in the store? Firstly, it will save you money, and secondly, you will be able to build a bed that will fully meet your tastes.

Before you start making a piece of furniture, make sure you have the necessary skills well enough.

It is important to decide in advance on the model of the bed. You can look through several special books, which contain examples of beds under the ceilings of the photo, as well as arrange a shopping trip. Having the image of a dream in front of your eyes, you will more confidently cope with the manufacture of a piece of furniture.

Making and installing a wooden bed

To make a standard 195x70 cm wooden bed, use 185 cm high posts. To make a frame, you will need 100x100 mm bars. In addition, you must have special glue, boards, bars and metal fasteners.

Important! The material must be in a dry and processed state, and also contain a small number of knots.

Continue making the hanging bed by connecting the uprights to the tie boards. They also serve as fasteners for the bed. The structure is fixed with spikes, the nests for which should be at least 25 mm. This reliable connection, especially if you use wood glue. From the side of the end, install a ladder.

Important! When installing stairs, it is important not to place the steps close to each other. Do not forget to check the degree of their stability.

After installing the ladder, check how easy it is to climb and descend from it.

Then you can start installing the frame. Be sure to design the crossbars on the sides. They will prevent the child from falling, and the crossbar near the wall will save you wallpaper, which will become completely impossible to get dirty.

To make the bed as strong as possible, construct longitudinal slats. Thanks to them, your bed will be able to withstand any weight.

After installing the bed under the ceiling in a one-room apartment, you will immediately notice how much free space remains. It remains only to use it according to your needs.

Photo bed under the ceiling in the interior