We create spring mood. Spring interior and decor that awakens the mood

Is spring already here for you? Are you already in the mood for spring? Have you already chosen for the first spring shopping?

That's all I mean, that in the spring and gifts should be spring. Just right for this mood. And we - the ones who make this blog for you - know where to get them!

The first thing we need is bright yellow glasses!

Where to buy: (look for a list of retail stores on the website)

According to scientists, up to 90% of information a person perceives with the help of the organs of vision. What we see can affect not only our mood, but also our well-being. Maybe that is why there are so many sad faces and colds in autumn and early spring?

We will not give dullness a single chance! Close your eyes, put glasses on your nose, open your eyes. Voila! In the blink of an eye, everything around you became cheerful like a newly hatched chicken! (By the way, if you also squeak with pleasure a couple of times, it will not be worse). Yellow color transforms everything around - and now you already feel a surge of strength and a smile that stubbornly creeps onto your face.

Congratulations - the first step is taken!

Now let's do the second one - go outside.

There are a lot of interesting and unpredictable things waiting for us on the street. For example, puddles. As you know, the depth of a puddle is inversely proportional to the height of the shoes in which you climbed into this puddle. Therefore, in order for sidewalk seas and fringe lakes to turn into puddles, we need the right shoes.

A couple of years ago, in rubber boots, only children were taken to the garden and went for mushrooms. Now the picture has changed dramatically. Multicolored like a summer meadow and cheerful like a flock of parrots, rubber boots have firmly taken their place in the wardrobe.

Where could I buy:
Price: 2900 rubles

The brightest will suit us. Such that passers-by, looking at you, would smile, and the children would shout “I want the same!” And do not forget about the length - the higher, the more puddles you will submit to! Bright striped boots just right! You look into the puddle under your feet - and there is a rainbow! At least look for her tail and take a pot of gold for yourself.

If a child is walking with you or you yourself are not far from this enthusiastic age - especially for him (or you, if your foot size allows) super-duper boots. It looks nothing special: blue, pink or green. However, one should not rush to conclusions. With a slight movement of the hand with a special felt-tip pen clamped in it, the boots turn into an absolute exclusive. You can paint even before a walk, charging with vivacity and good mood, even during, creating your own map or diary on your boots.

Where could I buy: funkyrain.ru
Price: 1600 rubles

So, our eyes are cheerful and sunny, our legs are in beauty and comfort, it's time to think about the sky above our heads.

During a walk, it is from the sky that you can expect all sorts of surprises and whims. The latter must be prepared especially carefully. Rain coming at the wrong time can easily drive you back under the roof. And there is tea, a blanket, and again “hello, blues” - it won’t work!

We will hide from the rain without leaving the street! The first assistant to us in this is an umbrella! Umbrellas are different, and everyone is free to choose a design based on their own preferences. After all, what matters is what's inside!

And inside we will have an orange orange mood. A double-sided umbrella is just a godsend for greedy people: all the juiciest goes only to you, well, to those whom you invite under your umbrella!

Where could I buy: footbolka.ru
Price: 789 rubles

Another no less unpleasant spring surprise is the wind. Although he smells of spring and calls for him somewhere into the distance. However, this wind can greatly spoil your spring days, bringing a sore throat on its wings. In this case, a scarf becomes an important accessory!

The most spring scarf that I managed to find - the colors of spring and flowers! With such a scarf, even the gloomiest day will become a little happier.

Where to buy: livemaster.ru
Price: 500 rubles

And finally - stock up on good friends who are ready to share with you all the joys of a spring walk. IN last resort- a player with your favorite, always cheerful and positive music.

Good spring to you!


In spring, every day pleases us with new changes in nature. The days are getting longer and warmer from the bright rays of the sun. The chirping of birds is more diverse and more fun. Living nature awakens and brings into our everyday life a feeling of something bright and joyful, a feeling of new life and a desire to start life from scratch.

With the onset of spring warmth, many people want to bring a spring mood into their home - a lot of fresh air and a lot of bright light that reflects warmth and tenderness. How to give the rooms a cheerful spring mood? Very simple! Let's observe nature, she herself will tell you what shades to add or change in the interior.

First of all, we will analyze the existing clutter and throw away everything unnecessary and old. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the windows, then a large portion of the spring rays of the sun will penetrate the room. Thoroughly wipe all surfaces, from furniture to the floor. The rooms became visibly lighter, fresh spring air blew in. It's time to transform our rooms, give them a spring look. Spring is the awakening of nature, so for the interior we select rich colors of fresh grass, pure shades of the sky and clouds, bright spots of primrose flowers and, of course, do not forget about the yellow, warm shades of the sun's rays. Not everyone has the means to completely change the interior, it will be enough to rearrange the furniture and the room will take on a new, unrecognizable look.

Choose a floral pattern for the wall. Select suitable wall and think about how the drawing should be. It is desirable to select the motif of the drawing, taking into account the style and purpose of the room. If you are good at artistic skills, then you can apply the drawing on the wall yourself. A simpler option is a sticker of wallpaper or applications. In any case, you will breathe into the interior a feeling of something new.

Items in the interior deserve a separate discussion. In spring, nature is saturated with bright colors, use this tip and add bright spots to the interior. Are you tired of the old dinner table? Just paint it bright yellow, then it will turn from a simple table into a real art object. A picture with floral motifs can change your hallway, and a large picture in the living room will not only decorate, but also change the interior.

Textiles in the interior will also help change the space. Winter heavy curtains are already pretty fed up, we remove them and send them to the laundry, after which we clean them until the next season. To replace them, we select light curtains flying from a weak breath of the breeze. We select fabrics for curtains from silk, cotton, airy organza or taffeta. Drawing can be varied. The color palette is selected from light green and light blue to yellow. It is important to consider which side the windows face in the direction of the cardinal points. If they face the south side, they pick up curtains of bright, saturated colors - yellow, orange. Accordingly, the northern windows are decorated with curtains of more muted shades.

The sofa and chairs can be transformed by throwing a bright blanket over them. And having a second set of covers for upholstered furniture, you can easily give the room a spring look and a joyful mood. Let's add a few sofa cushions and your room will turn into a cozy, warm nest.

Don't ignore carpeting. A variety of carpets pleases with colors and shapes. When choosing carpet for the interior, consider the combination with your furniture or with the textile design of the room.

What is spring mood? Of course, first of all, incredible freshness and lightness.
If you want and do not know how to create a refreshing spring mood, then read this article.
Scientists say that our mood depends on the influence of the planets and circumstances, as well as on the food we eat.

Food for spring mood.
If you want spring freshness and lightness, then eat more fresh and light foods.
Now everyone needs fruits (kiwi, pineapples, oranges, pears). You should also choose light suitable drinks for yourself: low-calorie yogurt, water, coffee, kefir, green tea instead of black.
It is these drinks that will give you lightness. In addition, you need to eat right. If in winter you could afford cutlets, fried potatoes and sandwiches, now you have to switch to salads, buckwheat and rice.

Music for your mood.
Everyone has long known that music has an excellent effect on our mood. That is why, to create a cheerful spring mood in the soul and body, you need to turn on light and fresh music (it can be violin, light classics and birdsong - this will create a spring mood).
And most importantly - it would be necessary to change the picture on the desktop from snow-covered Christmas trees to the sun, snowdrops and flowering trees.

Clothes for spring mood.
It would not hurt to update the wardrobe by adding fresh colors: milky, delicate green, yellow and blue.
If you are an adherent of strict black or brown business, then you should not deviate from the usual colors, otherwise you risk feeling uncomfortable.
Wearing black, you need to make a more refreshing spring makeup: lighter skin, more pink blush, more delicate shadow. So you are guaranteed a spring mood.

Spring atmosphere in the house.
You should start from your room. You can replace the sheets with more pleasant and spring ones (for example, with snowdrops or flowers).
It is necessary to wipe off the multi-month layer of dust after the winter, put more indoor plants, as well as open the curtains and let spring into the room, every morning the spring rays of the sun will remind you more and more about the onset of the most beautiful time of the year on the planet, and you - join as part of this grandiose event,.
Of course, spring mood should be created in the morning. Do not bask in bed for a long time, afraid of the cold at home. Get up quickly and confidently, do exercises, take an invigorating shower and you will feel cheerful, charged and fresh.
Someone will ask "why create this spring mood." To make you feel good, a blush appeared, beriberi did not pull out your hair, your nails did not break, you were in a good mood, etc.
The most main reason- to keep pace with mother nature and keep up with the natural biorhythm, so you let in a powerful and huge charge of spring joy, energy and happiness, which will keep you in good shape for the next year.
I hope you can create a spring mood for yourself and your loved ones, as well as reduce the number of conflicts, stresses and scandals, learn to enjoy and enjoy life.
Love and respect your family and friends and never offend them.

Vera Tanalina | 4.02.2015 | 704

Vera Tanalina 4.02.2015 704

Spring is not far off. We create the appropriate mood and get rid of the winter blues.

Winter is running out. Light pours into every corner of our apartments and lingers in them longer and longer. But for some reason, he is still not very happy: yawning and apathy overcome. Where does such a blues come from half an hour before spring? It's simple: an overdose of darkness and cold, overwork, lack of vitamins affect.

When the mood hits zero and there are no desires, listen to yourself, feel your true aspirations. And start awakening your interest in life!

We write down the amenities

If you have a breakdown, tell yourself: "Fatigue is the transition to a new stage." If you are tired, then you have done everything you can at this stage. Now you need a little rest, which is better to organize according to your desires. And then you can take a step to a new level.

Be a pedant: write down in as much detail as possible all the amenities that occur during the day. They called you affectionately by name - write it down, received a letter from a friend - mark it. And in the evening, read and rejoice. Complete it with a portion of jokes or a comedy series. And be sure to record anything that sparks your curiosity.

Create an "orange mood"

To dispel the darkness of long nights, additional lighting and the addition of white to the interior will help. You can turn on the lamp in the hallway around 5 o'clock in the morning (if you have such an opportunity and desire), so that there is a feeling of the beginning of the day. Or light a lamp next to the bed as a symbol of dawn.

Experts advise turning to orange shades: this is the color of the sun, energy itself. Therefore, orange scarves, hairpins, oranges on the table will be very appropriate.

By the way, about the "live" sun. Get to know him again. As with an unknown person, recognition occurs gradually, so treat the sun. Greet him as if seeing him for the first time. Give him a face, smile. Let it caress you with its rays.

We love spring for breaking grass, opening leaves and tender snowdrops. So interspersing spring landscapes and still lifes into life will be beneficial. And the most wonderful option is fresh flowers. Try to grow snowdrops or tulips in your apartment (having previously learned the theory of how to do it right). Imagine what happiness it will be when they bloom!

Smile every day

Although it is still the end of winter, the spring renewal of life is already felt around: the sun shines a little longer, the birds sing with might and main. And what prevents us from bringing novelty into our life, love, work? For example, update the design of the apartment with unusual bright photos, trinkets, symbols of good mood, energy, love, new furniture (at least a shelf). And smile every new day!

And finally, about the long evenings and nights, which will be like this for another month. Even we can turn them to our advantage. Remember how once in your youth the darkness hid a mystery for us and beckoned with adventures? What did you love then, at sixteen? Maybe dance? So move at home to the music (or you can go to the club!).

Each of us once had hobbies that we are now embarrassed to get out of the “bins” of memory: someone read adventure novels, and someone collected postcards or inserts from chewing gum. I wonder if you could find them? To revise again, to be touched. It will breathe life into you and bring back the sparkle to your eyes.

Happy coming spring! There was very little left of her.


It is winter, frost, and the soul is already asking for warmth and sun.

There are snowdrifts outside the window, and you can’t see the gap, but it’s so nice to realize that the days are getting longer and the still fragile rays of the sun stick to you, reminding you of the approach of spring.

It's time, preparing our depleted body for a hot vitamin summer.

We do not want to meet spring sick, beriberi, lethargic and sleepy people? No, we need a blush, cheerfulness and freshness.

In this article, I would like to talk about how to create spring mood.

Scientists claim that our mood depends not only on the circumstances and the influence of the planets, our mood is also affected by the food we ate.

What is spring mood? First of all, it is incredible lightness and freshness.

If you want and don’t know, then read this article.

Food for spring mood.

Food will help create a spring mood. If you want spring lightness and freshness, then eat more light and fresh foods.

Now you just need fruits, such as kiwi, oranges, pineapples, pears. Also choose suitable light drinks for yourself: water, green tea instead of black and coffee, low-calorie yogurt or kefir.

These drinks will give lightness to your body. In addition, you will have to properly build your diet. That's it, winter has passed, which means goodbye cutlets, fried potatoes and sandwiches, hello salads, rice and buckwheat.

Music for mood.

It's no secret that music has a great effect on mood. So to create spring mood in the soul and body we turn on fresh and light music. Light classics, violin and birdsong - what you need for creating spring mood.

And most importantly, to create a spring mood, change the picture on your desktop from kittens and snowy streets to snowdrops, the sun and flowering trees.

Clothes for spring mood.

It does not interfere with updating your wardrobe by adding fresh colors to it: pleasant green, milky, blue and yellow will help you create a spring mood. Don't forget nice shoes. By the way, if you want to buy women's fashion shoes wholesale, then be sure to visit the website thomasmunz.ru, which offers a wide range of high-quality and stylish shoes at affordable prices.

If you are an adherent of strict black or business brown, then you should not deviate from the usual cozy colors in favor of paints, as you risk feeling uncomfortable.

Wear black if you like it and it suits you, but go for a fresher look for spring. More pink blush, lighter skin, softer shadows and that's it, spring mood You are guaranteed.

Spring atmosphere in the house.

Ah, one more thing before how to get in the spring mood in mind and body, start in your own room. Start by changing the sheets, remove the ones that kept you warm in the cold winter, and lay down nice, spring sheets with a snowdrop pattern, for example.

Wipe away the many months of winter dust, put more indoor plants, less on the shelves - more space, open the curtains and let spring into your room so that the spring rays of the sun every morning remind you more and more that the most beautiful time of the year is coming on the planet, and You are a part of this grand event, get involved.

And of course, create spring mood needed in the morning. Do not bask in bed for a long time, afraid to leave it because of the cold in the apartment. Get up confidently and quickly, do exercises, take an invigorating shower and you will feel energized, cheerful and fresh all day.

And if anyone has a question why create a spring mood", then I answer. This is necessary in order to feel good, so that a blush appears, so that beriberi does not pull out the hair, so that the nails do not break, so that the mood is good and there are a lot of household reasons.

Well, in my opinion, the most compelling reason is to keep up with the natural biorhythm and keep up with mother nature in order to let in that huge and powerful charge of spring energy, joy and happiness that will support your body in in good shape for the next year.

Thank you all for your attention. I hope we can all create for ourselves and our loved ones spring mood, reduce the amount of stress, conflicts and scandals, learn to rejoice and enjoy life.

Love, appreciate, protect, protect, respect your loved ones and never ever call them names even as a joke.