Amosova pasta is a delicious mixture for enhancing immunity and maintaining the health of the whole body. A step-by-step recipe for making amosov paste from dried fruits for heart health (7 steps with a photo) Paste from nuts, honey and dried fruits

Amosova pasta is a delicious medicine that has become popular among the people. A famous doctor, who himself lived for almost 90 years, recommended a mixture of dried fruits, nuts, lemon and honey rich in vitamins to all people - both sick and healthy.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov created this recipe, relying on his vast knowledge of the health of the heart and blood vessels. To put the patient on his feet from any state, he considered the main point of his work. The fruit and nut mixture according to his recipe helps, first of all, to activate the body's ability to recover from surgery or a serious illness.

Amosov's pasta contains only useful natural ingredients. Each individually has considerable nutritional and vitamin value. And all together they have a powerful healing effect on all human systems and organs.

How to cook Amosov pasta yourself

You will need:

  • 500 g dried apricots;
  • 500 g of raisins (in equal proportions of dark and white);
  • 500 g figs;
  • 500 g seedless prunes;
  • 500 ml of honey;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 500 g of walnuts.

From such a quantity of ingredients, you will get an impressive portion of the mixture, which will be enough for you for a long time for the whole family.

How to cook and take

  1. Before cooking, pour dried fruits overnight with water to soften and remove dust residues.
  2. Then dry from water and twist in a meat grinder.
  3. Wash the lemon and grind with the peel.
  4. Chop the walnut kernels in a food processor or mince.
  5. Mix the ingredients with each other and honey. Fold into a glass jar. Store under a nylon lid in the refrigerator.

Consume before meals daily - 2-3 times a tablespoon. You can drink it with plain water or weak cold tea.

The benefits of Amosov paste for the cardiovascular system

Magnesium, potassium and antioxidants found in raisins and dried apricots strengthen the heart muscle. Walnuts contain a lot of omega acids, which support the elasticity and cleanliness of blood vessels. In addition, nuts are high in magnesium, which is responsible for normal functioning. nervous system... And B vitamins protect brain cells from damage.

Figs are also rich in potassium and magnesium. The fruit does not allow blood pressure to rise and thins the blood well. Lemon is good for the immune system, and when combined with honey, it resists brain aging and atherosclerosis.

The combination of these ingredients, compiled by Amosov, is an indispensable remedy not only for the heart, but also for people whose activities are associated with high mental and physical stress.

It is worth noting the beneficial effect of the mixture on the intestines. Dried fruits are known for their mild laxative effects. They perfectly regulate digestion and stool if there were disruptions caused by inaccuracies in nutrition or illness.

Be sure to make yourself this magic remedy! Share useful information with family and friends! And you will be healthy!

With the onset winter period the human body suffers from a lack of vitamins, as a result, the level of protection decreases. Failure of immunity provokes the development of various viral and infectious diseases, including the flu. To improve health, you do not need to run to the pharmacy for expensive drugs. To cope with the lack of vitamins in the body will help "Amosov paste", named after the academician who developed it.

The benefits of Amosov paste

It was developed by him specifically for people with weakened immunity who have undergone serious illnesses and operations. A mixture of honey and dried fruits is suitable for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

It is not difficult to make, it is much healthier than fruit and does not contain ingredients that cannot be found.

Pasta ingredients

To make a vitamin paste, you need:

  • half a lemon;
  • 100 grams of dried apricots;
  • 100 grams of figs;
  • 100 grams of dark raisins;
  • 100 gr prunes;
  • 100 grams of honey;
  • half a glass of nuts.

How to prepare, store and apply Amosov paste

  1. Before preparing the mixture, it is necessary to soak all dried fruits overnight in cold water... This is necessary in order to remove plaque and various chemical substances, which are often used to ensure that dried fruits are stored for a long time and do not spoil.
  2. In the morning, the water must be drained, and the dried fruits must be rinsed.
  3. Spread out on a towel to dry.
  4. Grind dried dried fruits and mix with honey.

Store the resulting paste in the refrigerator, you can also close it under the lid and store in a cold cellar. The mixture may not spoil for up to two months, but if possible, it is better to cook one jar each time. Take one tablespoon three times a day daily.


Regularly consuming Amosov's paste, you will protect the body not only from colds, the ingredients of the mixture contribute to the overall health of the body, as well as to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Help your body cope with winter colds and spring vitamin deficiency, be healthy!

  • raisins: 200 gr;
  • dried apricots: 200 gr;
  • figs: 200 gr;
  • prunes: 200 gr;
  • walnut kernels): 200 gr;
  • lemon (medium size): 1pc;
  • honey: 200 gr.
  • Preparation time: 09:00
  • Cooking time: 00:30
  • Complexity: easy


Unique properties of products

Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov, a world-famous academician, cardiac surgeon said that "doctors treat diseases, but health must be obtained by yourself." He developed a system for maintaining health and activity.

This system included three important components: proper nutrition, an active lifestyle with reasonable physical activity and self-confidence. Following these principles, the academician lived for 89 years, having an excellent memory and high working capacity.

Nikolai Amosov advised eating more vegetables and fruits, limiting yourself in eating meat and using natural vitamin supplements. Food products cannot provide the body for the full functioning of organs, synthetic ones cannot be constantly taken, so the doctor suggested replacing them with a useful and easy-to-manufacture analogue that has no contraindications. This tool is called Amosov's paste. He especially urged patients to use the paste in the postoperative period, with depletion of the body, as well as all people to maintain tone. This remedy does not lead to an excess of minerals and vitamins, only normalizes their level.

The mixture contains only natural products, so it has practically no contraindications, it can be used at any age.

Ingredients of the composition are dried fruits, nuts, honey and lemon. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of these products, as they contain a large amount nutrients:

  1. Raisins - after drying the grapes, the amount of nutrients in the raisins becomes greater. The product has been proven to be beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, it improves liver function, it is used for colds... Raisins contain potassium, phosphorus, vitamins C, B, E, carbohydrates, a certain amount of proteins. There are amino acids, micro- and macroelements. High-calorie product, up to 300 Kcal.

  1. Dried apricots are dried apricots. Contains carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, vitamins A, E, C, B. Supports normal hormonal and cholesterol levels, it is used to prevent heart disease, as a diuretic, and for anemia. It is enough to consume 3-4 pieces of fruits per day, the calorie content of the product is 275 kilocalories.
  2. Fig - improves peristalsis, removes toxins, lowers cholesterol, improves vascular health. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber, organic acids, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, groups B, E, PP.
  3. Prunes - used to prevent constipation, oncological diseases... Has antiseptic properties, improves the functioning of brain cells and vision. Contains proteins, carbohydrates, some amount fatty acids, vitamins.
  4. Walnuts - used as an effective diuretic, normalize blood pressure, have a positive effect on male potency, are used in the prevention of oncology. Contains alkaloids, tannins, steroids, mineral salts, trace elements, saturated fatty acids.

  1. Lemon - improves immunity, helps in the treatment of rheumatism, tuberculosis, is a prophylactic agent for malignant neoplasms, strokes and heart attacks, normalizes blood pressure. Contains saturated fats, trace elements, vitamins, fiber. Good antiseptic containing a small amount of calories.
  2. Honey - restores blood vessel cells, protects against infections and viruses, is an antioxidant. Cleans the body of heavy metals. The amount of vitamins is not always the same, it depends on the type of honey. Contains vitamins, folic and ascorbic acids, trace elements.

How to use

Take before meals several times a day, spoon. For children, a teaspoon is enough, after 10 years - a dessert. Dr. Amosov did not recommend diluting the paste hot water... Thermal honey loses its properties, so it is better to drink this miracle remedy with tea. Long-term use - from one month to six months. Take a break, then repeat the technique. In summer and early autumn, when there are many fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs, you can refrain from eating pasta if a person is not in postoperative period or after an illness.

By slightly changing the ingredients, you can get an excellent remedy for hypertension:

Take in equal proportions prunes, dried apricots, walnuts, rose hips and hawthorns, raisins and lemon with zest - grind all products in a food processor or meat grinder. Pour honey over this mixture. Stir well and take before meals, once a day.

In spring, when the body is weakened, in rainy autumn or cold winter, the remedy will strengthen the body and cheer up.

The advantage of Amosov's pasta is that it is natural, tastes good, does not contain preservatives, it can be used even by children (from the age of three),

When to use with caution:

  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • with urolithiasis;
  • with gastritis and ulcers;
  • pregnant women

The use of the paste should be limited to people who have an allergic reaction to the components, but even if there is no allergy, the dose of the drug should not be increased.

Very good as a natural vitamin supplement and for strengthening the heart muscle "Pasta Amosov".
Academician Amosov recommended a strengthening mixture to postoperative patients so that the body would recover faster. She is for healthy people very healthy, tasty and nutritious.

Here is her recipe: take 300 g each

dried apricots,
pitted prunes,
walnuts and
1 lemon with peel.

Pour boiling water over dried fruits, steam, rinse well.
Scroll the steamed dried fruits through a meat grinder. Add 300 g of honey.
For 1 kg of the mixture, I add 1 lemon with a peel (wash the lemon well), peeled.
Mix everything and put in jars.
This mixture is just a storehouse of trace elements and vitamins.

Keep refrigerated.

Accept 1 st. spoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Can be 3 times a day before meals if the body is weakened.

All components of this recipe are particularly effective against arrhythmias, and against atherosclerosis.
Dried apricots, raisins, walnuts - there are a lot of potassium ions. Potassium is necessary for the heart to work rhythmically, so that arrhythmias, in principle, do not appear.

Other components contain a lot of vitamin C. It is well known that this vitamin has anti-atherosclerotic effects.

It is very good during diets, it is an excellent substitute for breakfast and dinner. (checked on myself).

The modern rhythm of life does not allow everyone to think about the state of their health until the time comes when the immune system needs urgent help. The human body requires constant attention, regular intake essential vitamins, microelements and macronutrients. Amosova paste for immunity will help to raise immune forces, provide the body necessary minimum useful components and improve health.

Academician Amosov

The famous cardiac surgeon and medical scientist Nikolai Amosov has developed a way to prolong his health and normal functioning until old age. The technique he developed was explored from his own experience.

The created way of maintaining health is based on three factors:

  • Moderate physical exercise, depending on the state of their health, age and strength;
  • Self-confidence, willpower training;
  • Proper nutrition, no overeating.

Nikolai Mikhailovich proved the method of healing in practice, based on his health, and quite realistically prolonged his life.


One of the sub-points of the method is to support vitality and improve health through the use of useful mixtures of natural raw materials enriched with vitamins and minerals. Such a mixture is a paste developed by an academician specifically for the restoration of the body in the postoperative period.

All constituent components are useful not only for patients of the cardio-surgical department, but also for people striving to lead a healthy lifestyle, to restore, strengthen and increase their immunity.

This paste is rich in vitamin and mineral components, antioxidants, enzymes, organic and plant acids, lipids. It is based on:

  • Walnut kernels - contains valuable proteins, vegetable fats and fiber, the right carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Nuts help to improve the functioning of the brain, heart, gastrointestinal tract, prevent iron deficiency anemia, increase the body's resistance to negative factors and diseases;
  • Sweet almonds - contains the necessary proteins, fats, the right carbohydrates, folic and other organic acids, vitamins A, B and E groups, minerals, electrolytes, carotene-B, lutein-zeaxanthin, which helps in supporting brain activity, in normalizing cardiovascular vascular system, in strengthening the immune defense, participates in the regulation of blood pressure, strengthens bone tissue, eliminates hunger;
  • Dried apricots - has a large amount of various mineral salts, contains easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, group B, PP, due to which it strengthens the heart system, prevents anemia, anemia, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, improves vision;
  • Seedless raisins are better than dark varieties - thanks to the presence of vitamins A, groups B, C, PP, a group of organic acids, minerals (boron, sodium, magnesium, iron), metabolic processes are improved, vascular channels are cleansed, nerve fibers, heart are strengthened, the activity of organs is normalized respiratory and circulatory systems;
  • Fig, which contains a large amount of dietary fiber, antioxidants, trace elements, plant acids, vitamins A, B, C and minerals, improves the functioning of body systems, has a pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic properties;
  • Pitted prunes contain about 60% sarakha, organic acids, nitrogenous substances, a high concentration of potassium and magnesium, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, as well as beta-carotene, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the brain, heart system, increases tone and performance improves. Recommended for recovering from serious illnesses;
  • Natural honey of any kind (linden, flower, buckwheat), the main component of which is easily digestible carbohydrates, sugars, as well as enzymes, organic acids, vitamins and minerals. Daily use of honey will fill the deficit necessary components and will help the early recovery and strengthening of immunity;
  • Lemon, together with the zest, is rich in vitamins A, group B, D3, P, mineral salts of sulfur, cobalt, as well as pectin, lemon acid, which improves the functioning of digestion, blood circulation, increases immune strength.


The only contraindication is an allergic reaction or intolerance to one of the components.

What does Amosova paste give to health for immunity:

  • Strengthening protective barriers and improving the functioning of mechanisms immune system;
  • Establishing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Restoration and enhancement of metabolism and metabolic processes;
  • Prevention and assistance in the treatment of colds;
  • Provides the prevention of vitamin deficiency;
  • Helps in the restoration of nervous, immune, physical strength human;
  • Improves the functioning and efficiency of the cardiovascular system;
  • Normalizes and increases blood counts, improves its composition;
  • Provides adequate sleep.

Choosing the right components

Amosova paste for immunity, its recipe is not complicated. All constituent components are readily available for purchase in stores. The main thing is that all components are fresh, of high quality, this, especially, concerns the choice of honey.

Natural honey, and not its artificial likeness, is one of the most important ingredients.

Dried fruits should also be chosen wisely:

  • They should not have a musty smell, moldiness and bitterness;
  • Dried apricots should not be light, rather brownish;
  • Prunes should be matte black;
  • Figs are dull light brown in color, with a slight white bloom;
  • Raisins are not light when naturally dried, the darker the grape variety, the darker the resulting dried fruits.

Choosing the right nuts is also something to try. Fresh nuts should not taste bitter, since during long-term storage, their composition undergoes oxidation. Old nuts in their shells prick easily and begin to grow moldy. Peeled nuts are stored from six months to a year. Core of good walnut- ocher yellow.

When choosing fresh almonds, give preference to crumbly, clean, dry, uniform kernels with no musty odor and mildew. Lemon should be chosen with a hard, smooth skin that is shiny and does not have brown blotches.

Cooking method

Amosova paste for immunity is prepared on the basis of an equal proportion of all components. Usually, the weight of the parts is calculated for the number of people to receive for two weeks. When cooked, the mixture should be kept tightly closed. glass containers no more than one month.

We take in equal shares (250 or 500 grams each) raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs, lemon, walnut kernels, honey.

Rinse dried fruits thoroughly in warm boiled water, dry on a paper towel. Peel the nuts from the shells, internal lintels, sort out. Wash the lemon thoroughly and pour over with boiling water, dry.

Grind the prepared raw materials using a meat grinder and fine grid, blender. A variant of preparation is possible in the form of a fine shredding of raw materials. Mix the prepared components thoroughly with honey.

The mixture should be taken half an hour before meals, one tablespoon for adults and one teaspoon for children at least three times a day. You should know that for people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, the paste should be applied half an hour after eating.

The positive side of Amosov's pasta is its ease of preparation and the naturalness of ingredients containing a full amount of substances and elements necessary for health. It is highly effective in supporting the immune system. The mixture has a pleasant mild taste, which is suitable for children who do not like to drink pharmaceutical vitamin preparations.