How to choose high-quality plastic windows and not overpay: professional advice How to choose plastic windows - professional advice and subtleties Tips for choosing pvc windows VKontakte comments

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 17 minutes

Plastic windows are on the crest of popularity. They are comfortable, high-tech, attractive. But the abundance of models with different characteristics confuses an ignorant buyer. To choose plastic windows, you need to pay attention to every detail of the design - profile, double-glazed windows, sealant and fittings - and listen to the opinion of experts.

How to choose the right profile

Speaking about the profile, they often draw an analogy with the skeleton of a window. This complex structure made of plastic and metal has several cavities - chambers - separated by airtight partitions. Their number affects the strength of the window, the ability to retain heat. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used for the manufacture of window profiles.

Reasons for using this type of plastic:

  • ability to withstand adverse conditions;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • cheapness;
  • environmental Safety;
  • preservation of consumer properties for a period of at least 50 years;
  • reliable sound insulation.

The usual color of PVC is white, but there are multi-colored profiles, as well as laminated ones for different types of wood.

After examining the plastic, you can determine how well the window frame will serve. Qualitative PVC - absolutely smooth, monolithic, homogeneous material. The presence of spots, graininess eloquently indicates a fake.

Profile classes

The quality of windows is determined by the thickness of the outer part of the contour and internal partitions. According to this indicator, profiles are divided into 3 classes:

  • Profile A is ideal for residential buildings: the thickness of its external walls starts from 2.8 mm, internal - from 2.5 mm.
  • Profile B - suitable for heated and unheated rooms. It has a thickness of outer walls from 2.5 mm, internal - from 2 mm, windows from it are less adapted to loads.
  • Profile C - called object, used in rooms without heating. These windows often do not have opening sashes. The wall thickness is not standardized, but usually it is less than that of other types of profiles.

Metal inserts play an important role - they increase the strength of the structure. Therefore, such windows are sometimes called metal-plastic.

air chambers

  • The three-chamber profile is the most commonly used. Suitable for regions with a temperate climate, where the temperature in winter does not fall below 30 ° C. Standard width - 5.8 cm.
  • Four- and five-chamber profiles are more expensive and weigh more. Their installation is justified only in cold regions, where they will keep the heat indoors even in the most severe frosts. They are also chosen for windows that face a busy road, due to their higher sound insulation.
  • Single and double chamber products are popular due to their low price. But it makes sense to install windows from such a profile only in the south of Russia, where there are no cold winters.

This is interesting! The thermal conductivity of a profile with 7–8 chambers is lower than for products with a smaller number of chambers: numerous baffles negate the insulating properties of the air in the chambers. And a wide profile with a small number of chambers will retain heat better than a narrow multi-chamber one.

External chambers, thanks to special holes, also serve as condensate drains. They do not affect the quality of thermal insulation, they do not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the structure. On the contrary, the absence of technological holes indicates a low quality: such a window will last less than the standard period.

IN Lately Window structures are becoming widespread, in the chambers of which the air is replaced by foamed heat insulators. They retain heat even better, but the price becomes significantly higher.

Frost resistance

Another profile parameter is frost resistance. It should not change its properties at low temperatures. A frost-resistant profile that is suitable for the domestic climate should be marked "M". The degree of resistance to adverse conditions can also be seen in the passport.

Profile width

For standard windows, the profile width (installation depth) ranges from 50–80 mm. When it does not exceed 60 mm, the number of cameras in the frame is usually 3, and at 70 mm - 4-5. Large thickness allows the use of more durable fittings, additional soundproofing and insulation contours, thick double-glazed windows.

Read about which windows are better, plastic or wooden.

Informative video about the secrets of choosing a PVC profile:

Expert tip: for the middle lane, a 3-chamber profile is more than enough. It makes no sense to overpay for multi-chamber products that are positioned as warmer: you will not notice the difference. It is better to choose a class A profile, class C in residential premises is unacceptable. And you should always remember that the quality of the assembly and installation of the window is more important than the profile parameters.

We deal with double-glazed windows: the type and number of glasses, marking, distance frame

A double-glazed window compared to traditional window glass is a complex design. This is a block of glass, hermetically bonded to each other. The space between two sheets of glass is called the chamber. It should not be confused with those included in the profile.

What determines the heat and sound insulation of a double-glazed window

The ability to retain heat and keep out noise depends on:

  • From the thickness of the double-glazed window. For a house, an apartment, a double-glazed window with a thickness of 32–44 mm is suitable.
  • From the number of cameras. Usually a double-glazed window consists of 3 glasses and 2 chambers between them. For harsh climates or homes located in areas with increased level noise is produced by three- and four-chamber packages. Single-chamber are suitable for arranging balconies, loggias, arbors.
  • From the width of each double-glazed chamber. The larger it is, the better the insulation characteristics. However, after 24 mm, an increase in thickness no longer improves the positive properties of the product.
  • From filling the chambers. An inert gas pumped between the panes reduces heat loss, protects against noise and ultraviolet radiation. Argon retains 50% more heat compared to air, krypton - 2 times more than argon.
  • from glass thickness. If you put 5 or 6 mm outer glass instead of the standard 4 mm glass in a window facing a busy street, sound insulation will increase, but only slightly. Glasses of different thickness will not resonate with each other.
  • From the type of glass. It makes sense to choose a more expensive material, but with additional useful properties. Reflecting infrared rays, low-emission glass keeps the house warm in winter and cool in summer.

Advice from Mr. Build. Sometimes it makes no sense to spend money on extra glass: you can put single-chamber double-glazed windows on the external block of the balcony, and it will protect you from noise and cold indoor unit. For comparison: full glazing of a 3-room apartment with three-chamber double-glazed windows will cost 75,000 rubles, and if you put single-chamber packages on the balcony, the total cost will drop to 71,250 rubles.

Glass types

To obtain low-emissivity glass, a thin metal film is deposited onto it.

  • K-coating - a film of tin, reduces heat loss by 25% in a single-chamber double-glazed window.
  • I-coating (i) - a layer of rare earth metals, retains more than 30% of heat. It is installed only from the side of the room, the coating is turned inside the chamber, since it is unstable to mechanical damage. Often labeled E-low.

Due to such glasses, a single-chamber double-glazed window approaches the thermal insulation properties of a two-chamber one and can even exceed them.

If you listen to the recommendations of experts in the field of energy saving, then the best choice in terms of heat conservation, there will be a double-glazed window filled with an inert gas and having one glass with a special coating. Thermal packages will help save on heating in winter and on electricity due to less frequent use of air conditioning in summer.

Consider an example. Ordinary double-glazed windows for a private house cost the owner 150,000 rubles. In winter, you have to pay 8,000 rubles for heating. per month, and in the summer, due to the operation of the air conditioner, you need to pay 600 rubles more for electricity. per month. If the owner of the house had installed thermal packages, he would have paid 180,000 rubles for them. But at the same time, heating costs would decrease to 4,800 rubles. per month, and for air conditioning - up to 420 rubles. It turns out that thermal packages pay off in two years, and then they bring benefits.

It is practically impossible to break glass laminated with triplex. Glasses reinforced with special metal or polymer meshes have the same quality.


  • Energy-saving i-glass was invented quite by accident. Japanese scientists have been doing research into the development of protective equipment against radiation and found that some metals deposited on glass reflect heat. At first, this technology was used in space development, and now it is also used in the manufacture of double-glazed windows.
  • Scientists still have not been able to explain one amazing phenomenon. After 39 years of operation of a plastic window, the outer wall of the profile becomes thinner by 0.75 mm. Not a single version explaining this fact has yet been recognized as sufficiently reliable.
  • Laminated triplex glass was also created by chance. The famous French scientist Edward Benidictus dropped a glass flask on the floor. It cracked, but did not shatter into pieces. And the reason for this was a mixture of cellulose nitrate, which solidified on the walls of a burst flask and created a layer that prevented the glass from disintegrating.

Insulating glass labeling, tables

The structure of a double-glazed window can be understood by the marking, which indicates the thickness of the glass, the width of the chambers, and the type of coating. For example, the designation 4-12Ar-4-12 Ar-4I stands for:

  • double glazing;
  • glass thickness - 4 mm;
  • the distance between them is 12 mm;
  • inner glass I-type;
  • the chambers are filled with argon.

The following tables will help you choose the ratio of the parameters of double-glazed windows.

The frame between the glasses sets the distance between them, which ranges from 6 to 24 mm. They make frames from aluminum, steel, plastic. Stainless steel or plastic spacers conduct heat to a lesser extent and do not allow the formation of a cold bridge, therefore they are considered the best option.

The second function of the frame is moisture absorption. It has an absorbent inside that absorbs liquid, preventing windows from fogging up in winter, and there is a perforation on the surface.

Rules for choosing double-glazed windows

To choose reliable double-glazed windows, you need:

  1. Make sure that there is a marking with the manufacturer's logo, date of issue and information about the components. Her absence is a cause for serious suspicion.
  2. Inspect glass for chips and cracks.
  3. Check the quality of the seal. There should be no traces of liquid sealant along the bar that regulates the distance between the panes. The outer layer of the product should look even and neat. Sagging, cracks indicate the unreliable quality of the package.
  4. Using a tape measure, determine the accuracy of the geometry. The difference in measurements along the diagonals (more than 3 mm) proves that the parameters of the double-glazed window do not meet the standards. The thickness of the package, which is measured with a caliper, cannot differ from the declared one by more than 1 mm.
  5. Measure the offset of the glass planes with a square. A deviation greater than 1 mm indicates non-compliance with the standards.
  6. Determine the transparency of the glasses, the presence of water and steam in the chamber.

Decorative and functional elements

To give the window a more sophisticated look, so-called shims are used (see photo).

They can vary in color, thickness, be located between the glasses or on top of them.

A convenient addition to the window design can be built-in blinds. It is located directly in the double-glazed window chamber, and is controlled from the outside. But such a system has a serious drawback - the impossibility of maintenance and repair.

Read about choosing blinds for plastic windows.

It is much more profitable to order all additional fittings and accessories at once: this way you will not have to pay for their delivery and installation, which will cost from 1,300 rubles.

Which double-glazed window is warmer?

This table shows how the level of thermal insulation of a double-glazed window increases with an increase in the number of glasses and the thickness of the chambers:

Double glazing formula Reduced heat transfer resistance coefficient, m 2 × ° С / W

Please note: in terms of heat saving, a single double-glazed window with I-glass is superior to a conventional two-chamber one.

Double-glazed windows for residential premises: minimum and optimal parameters, price comparison

The formula of a double-glazed window suitable for an apartment or house located in middle lane Russia:

  • Minimum parameters: double-glazed window 4-10-4-10-4. This is a generally accepted standard with good sound and heat insulation characteristics.

Tip: if you live in a quiet area, it will be more profitable to order a single-chamber double-glazed window with I-glass. It is not as good in terms of sound insulation, but retains heat significantly better than the standard two-chamber version (see table below).

  • Optimal parameters: double-glazed window 4-16Ar-4-14Ar-I4. It has all the necessary additions: wide chambers of different thicknesses for better noise protection, argon filling, energy-saving glass.

Expert Tip: Seal life can be extended by regularly (twice a year in the off-season) cleaning and lubricating with silicone oil or glycerin.

What accessories to choose?

Fittings for heavy, constantly opening and closing windows must be durable and reliable. Otherwise, the handles will break, and the doors will sag and seize. The brands Winkhaus, Siegenia Aubi, Roto, G-U, Maco have earned the trust. For the manufacture of fittings, high-grade steel with an anti-corrosion coating is used. Polymers are allowed only for plugs, decorative covers.

The best fittings are those that can withstand 50-60 thousand cycles and have a 10-year warranty. The cycle is 4 actions: opening for ventilation, closing, swing opening with subsequent closing.

When buying, you should choose adjustable fittings that will allow you to open the sash as far as you need, and special stoppers will prevent involuntary slamming. Owners of private houses, apartments on the ground floor, cottages prefer windows with anti-burglary devices that will prevent intruders from entering. Optionally, accessories are supplemented with details that provide:

  • slot ventilation;
  • turn restriction;
  • functioning of the microlift:
  • sash tilt in several positions;
  • child access restriction and other functions.

Expert Tip: Only choose hardware with the features you need. Make sure that the extras you pay a lot of money for (high-quality European fittings are expensive) are really what you need. For example, anti-burglary devices are unlikely to be useful on upper floors.

Choose the way to open

Window designs differ on this basis:

  • Deaf - are placed in rooms that do not need ventilation, or are combined with opening doors.
  • Rotary - allow the doors to open in one direction.
  • Tilt and turn - have two ways of opening: they turn inside the room, and can also recline, which is important when the apartment has Small child or the window sill is full of flowers. This is a rational option for a kitchen that requires regular air exchange. With a combination of folding and swivel mechanisms, it is convenient to ventilate the room at any time of the year.
  • Expert tip: In a wide window, there is no need to make all the sashes open. The price of such a window will be unreasonably high. Usually one moving element is sufficient.

    Consider an example of balcony glazing. A tilt-and-turn door costs 12,500 rubles, a tilt-and-turn door costs 11,200 rubles, a pivot window costs 10,750 rubles, and a blind window costs 5,900 rubles. If the inner window and two outer ones are swivel, and two more outer ones are tilt-and-turn, you will have to pay 67,150 rubles for everything. And if you make the inner window and three outer ones deaf, and only one outer one - tilt-and-turn, full balcony glazing will cost much less - only 44,900 rubles.

    Which manufacturer of plastic windows is better?

    Competition and strict control in the window market forced out frank marriage. But experts unanimously lean towards large manufacturers. They have equipment that is not available to smaller companies, so the products are of higher quality. Specialists have learned to cope with unwanted linear expansion of PVC, low coefficient of elasticity, improve resistance to temperature changes. Additives and stabilizers for these purposes are strictly controlled and do not harm health.

    Which firm to choose?

    List the best manufacturers window profile based on ratings and reviews.


    Leads in the number of sales, in all ratings in the top three. Technical base allowed the company to finally stop the production of low-grade products, only class A profiles are produced. Window models are diverse, durable, known for their reliable sound and heat insulation, tightness, and are equipped with a rubber seal that is not afraid of frost. Disadvantage - expensive.


    The company uses environmentally friendly plastic, the windows are durable, with good noise and heat insulation, cope with temperature fluctuations in the range from -50 to +50 ° C, do not fog up. Disadvantages: high price, over time, the plastic develops a yellowish tint.


    Products are distinguished by environmental friendliness, a wide range, durability, sound and heat insulation that meets the requirements of the time, and frost resistance. Disadvantages: reduced leaf height, higher cost than other brands.

    We recommend that you pay attention to Rehau windows from the BLITZ New profile with an installation depth of 60 mm. This is an energy-saving, affordable and high-quality solution. Three-chamber profile, with the possibility of installing double-glazed windows up to 32 mm. Retains 30 times more heat than wooden Soviet frames. Noise reduction up to 40 Rw dB and great looks.

    High-strength sealed profiles for all climatic conditions from perfectly white plastic. All bearing walls are made according to RAL class A, the declared service life is up to 45 years. The company's factories are located in Germany, Poland and Belarus.


    Window different types attractive, inexpensive. Durable, adapted to the Russian weather. Disadvantages: no quality management certificate, rather weak fittings, a chemical smell emanates from the sealant.

    LG Chem

    The combination of decent heat and noise insulation characteristics and professional design. Glossy plastic, reasonable quality-price ratio. A relative disadvantage is the recent entry into the market of the central part of the country, which affects its popularity.


    The windows have a deformation-resistant design, designer finds and a large selection of reliable and hermetic models attract buyers. Disadvantages: heavy profile, built-in blinds break after several years of operation.

    Russian windows

    Russian plastic windows are cheaper than foreign ones. But this does not mean low quality. Usually domestic manufacturers use German technology. The cost is more affordable due to cheap energy resources and labor. This should also be remembered when choosing.

    For example, the Russian company Kaleva works according to a full cycle scheme: from the moment of designing a window to installation in place. This is an infrequent case. For more than 20 years, the Panorama company from St. Petersburg has been operating on the plastic window market. Its PVC profiles are distinguished by quality, the right balance of rigidity, reliable insulation, aesthetic appearance.

    What profile for plastic windows did you choose?

Today, an increasing number of people are replacing old wooden windows with new ones to improve the climate in their apartments. The construction market offers a choice of windows made of modern materials. You can choose windows from materials such as aluminum, stainless steel or plastic. Plastic windows are the most popular, as it is a durable, strong and relatively inexpensive material.

A high-quality plastic window has a presentable appearance, perfect fittings and a large selection of frame designs.

Plastic windows (double-glazed windows) are produced from polyvinyl chloride with the addition of stabilizers and other elements. All these components give the window increased strength and wear resistance, various colors and resistance to weather influences.

The main components of the design

Plastic windows consist of the following parts:

  • housing made of plastic;
  • frames;
  • double-glazed window;
  • accessories;
  • glazing beads;
  • mosquito net.

Today, many companies work either with a specific brand of PVC windows, or with different manufacturers. In order not to be mistaken, there are tips for choosing plastic windows.

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You should give preference to the company that not only installs plastic windows, but also their direct production. If this is not possible, then you should pay attention to the period of operation of such a company, it should be at least 5 years. Some vendors specialize in a particular manufacturer, while others may offer a selection of windows from different manufacturers.

Usually firms that value their customers issue a guarantee for their products. The warranty period can be 3-5 years and depends on the quality of the product from which the structure is made.

A high-quality plastic window should retain heat well, reduce noise levels, close tightly and be durable.

It is obligatory to conclude an agreement with the installer company. It should be read carefully to avoid further misunderstandings. Some points should be paid special attention, for example:

  • Is the dismantling of the old window included in the installation cost;
  • who is responsible for the removal of household waste arising after dismantling;
  • at whose expense the delivery will be carried out;
  • is the cost of components (mosquito net, slopes, window sill) included in the final installation cost or is it paid separately.

Most sellers include these items in the installation cost. The customer also undertakes to fulfill certain conditions: free access to the window opening and the availability of a power source.

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Choosing a PVC profile: some nuances

The durability of the window and its appearance depend on the correctly selected window profile. Today, the domestic market is saturated with goods of Russian and Turkish production. However, higher quality products are made in Germany: their profiles not only win in the whiteness of the color, but also outperform many other manufacturers in terms of technical parameters. They are the most durable, withstand temperature fluctuations from -40°С to +40°С and strong gusts of wind.

When choosing a window profile, importance is also given to the reinforcing profile.

It is installed in the middle of the PVC profile and is responsible for the strength of the window and its resistance to stress. Its thickness must be at least 1.5 mm, this can be checked on a sample cut, which must be provided by window sales managers.

The material from which the reinforcing profile is made must be galvanized steel. Otherwise, if ferrous metal is used, the profile begins to rust, which causes reddish streaks to appear on the drains.

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The choice of plastic windows: double-glazed windows and highlights

This part of the window is the base. For a comfortable stay in a double-glazed window, there must be 3 cameras, at least 2. This significantly increases sound insulation and heat loss. On the other hand, the less glass in a double-glazed window, the greater its light transmission.

There is also the possibility to purchase double-glazed windows with glass, where outside there is a mirror coating, and inside is energy-saving glass. Such a choice will be justified, provided that the window faces the sunny side, then the room will additionally warm up from the sun's rays.

And what about the choice of accessories? This part of the window structure is also important, you should not save on this item when buying. Most window manufacturers use German-made fittings in their designs. Russian manufacturers are not currently engaged in its production.

If you are afraid for the safety of your home or live on the extreme floors, then you should take a closer look at anti-burglary fittings. Such a kit may include an anti-vandal film or a double-glazed window with triplex. But the cost of such windows is an order of magnitude higher than conventional ones, and the possible repair or replacement of cracked glass can cost a tidy sum. Therefore, in some situations it will be rational to install an ordinary iron grate on the window.

Families with small children should also think about protection. Especially for such cases, locks or handles with a key have been developed that will reliably protect a curious child from falling out of the window.

Before direct installation, you should take care of preparing the room. It is understood that the furniture and walls will suffer from dirt and dust, therefore, first of all, you should free up the space next to the window opening. It would also be useful to close the furniture with a film and remove valuable items (TV) from the room.

To protect the floor, use a film or packing cardboard. It should be remembered that any installation work accompanied by noise, so in order to avoid conflicts, it is better to warn neighbors in advance. 50% of the thermal insulation properties of the structure depend on the correct installation of the window structure.

  • Date: 21-04-2015
  • Views: 184
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  • Rating: 15

How to choose high-quality plastic windows? This question interests everyone who is thinking about buying and installing them. At the moment, hundreds of organizations provide their services in this area, but it can be difficult to choose something suitable and of really high quality from the numerous options.

The main principles of choice

The current plastic windows are a complex system, which includes several elements. However, among them it is impossible to name those that are the main ones, and those that are secondary in purpose.

The main mistake of choosing people is focusing on a particular brand. It is clear that most advertised brands attract with their popularity, but they can greatly disappoint the buyer, since the appearance does not always reflect the content.

The first thing the buyer must decide is the purpose of the windows, the need for their purchase and installation. In addition, you should understand some of the nuances that relate to the device of this product. Technical parameters are completely dependent on operating conditions, therefore, when choosing windows, three factors should be taken into account.

The first factor is the temperature regime of the room in which the products will be installed. This also applies to the climatic conditions outside the building. Subsequent factors include the level of noise and the corresponding load, the requirements for safety. Therefore, such moments as the location of the windows towards a quiet courtyard or a busy street, the floor on which the apartment is located, the room for which plastic windows are required, all this together is of considerable importance when choosing.

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How to choose a profile?

The main element from which the profile for plastic windows is made is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It is on the quality of this material that the service life of the entire structure, appearance and characteristics depend, since the profile is considered the basis of this product. You should choose only the product that has been certified, meets current quality standards.

When choosing a company, it should be taken into account that today's market is literally divided into different groups. You can find inexpensive brands or brands that occupy an intermediate position. Many Russian companies are engaged in the production of their own windows and may well compete with European manufacturers. However, they use raw materials and equipment from European countries.

Profiles from Western Europe constitute a high price segment, their manufacture is carried out only outside of Russia. Most experts are convinced that there is no significant difference between the products of different companies, but they advise to beware of economy class products, that is, the lowest in cost.

In addition, they claim that the important indicator is the characteristics of the product, and not the brand and its popularity. It is on the characteristics that you should pay more attention.

The profile also performs a supporting function, which emphasizes its importance. Window statistics are affected by profile dimensions, length and width. For massive sashes and frames, a third sealing circuit, anti-burglary elements, a wide double-glazed window and a larger number of air chambers are designed. It is worth noting that the larger the profile width, the better it is, but purchasing such a product will be a costly affair.

The durability and strength of the profile is influenced by the thickness of the outer walls. If you follow the requirements of GOST, then middle-class windows should have a thickness of at least 3 mm. It is worth noting that there is a light version for economy class, in which the thickness is reduced to 2.5 mm.

For sound and heat insulation, air chambers play an important role, at the same time acting as stiffeners. A large number of chambers indicates that these qualities are at the proper level and the higher their number, the better the performance of sound and heat insulation. For unheated rooms and premises or for a temperate climate, three-chamber windows 58-60 mm wide are quite suitable. For most regions of Russia, it is recommended to purchase five-chamber windows with a width of 70 mm.

You should also pay attention to the reinforcing insert that will be used in production. It is used to give the necessary rigidity to the structure and stabilize the shape and linear dimensions, which can change under the influence of external factors such as weather conditions. The insert is inserted into the main chamber of the profile. It is made of galvanized steel, the thickness of the sheet will be 1-2 mm.

Thus, when choosing a window profile, you need to pay attention to several points. The number of chambers, profile dimensions, including wall thickness, height and width, characteristics of the reinforcing insert and its presence deserve special attention.

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The choice of double-glazed windows

The need for high-quality double-glazed windows is that it is a protection against extraneous noise and allows you to provide the necessary thermal insulation. In addition, double-glazed windows are multifunctional, and since they make up most of the window, their role increases significantly.

The main factors on which the choice of this element depends are represented by the level of noise exposure, climate characteristics, and safety requirements. These include such an aspect as the appearance of the product, but this is already at the choice of the buyer.

The choice of double-glazed windows is represented by a variety of designs, among which there are single-chamber and double-chamber, heat-saving and so-called safe double-glazed windows. In addition, there are also sun protection products.

The single-chamber design is represented by two glasses, between which there is free space. Depending on the thickness of the glasses and the dimensions of the distance frame, their thickness ranges from 24 to 26 mm. Such designs, which do not have technologies for saving heat, are suitable for warm climates and unheated rooms with good ventilation. Otherwise, they will often fog up.

A double-glazed window has high rates of sound and heat insulation. The total layer thickness is 32 mm, so they are well suited for central Russia. This type of double-glazed window is represented by a three-glass construction, which improves the performance of the window.

Glasses can be located at different distances, depending on the model and manufacturer. IN different models this distance can be 6 or 16 mm. This makes it possible to resist noise impact with different efficiency and improve thermal insulation properties. As for insulation, some manufacturers resort to technical tricks, increasing the thickness of the outer glass from 4 to 5-6 mm. This step allows you to improve the insulation performance in the specified category.

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New technologies in the manufacture of double-glazed windows

To reduce losses and heat or save it, energy-saving windows are used. There are designs with a soft or hard coating. The first option is represented by a film applied to the glass itself, and the second type involves the application of a heat-insulating material during the glass production stage. The material transmits light well, but reflects heat in the direction from which it is produced. That is, this technology will not lead to the loss of thermal energy.

In addition to the fact that heat losses are many times reduced, the room heats up less in sunny weather, which is good during hot weather. Another advantage of these windows is that condensation does not appear on the windows, and the material protects home items from the harmful effects of sunlight, leading to furniture burnout.

Another option for energy-saving technologies is filling the window chambers with gas. The gases used have a lower thermal conductivity and transfer heat more slowly than air. This leads to a decrease in heat transfer, as a result of which not only the cooling of the room is reduced, but also the cost of heating the room.

With regard to safety double-glazed windows, these windows have a polymer layer called triplex. With external influences on the surface window glass the fragments do not scatter in different directions, but remain in the specified layer, as a result of which the possibility of getting hurt or injuring yourself is reduced many times.

Thus, the choice of a double-glazed window plays a big role, since not only the quality of the window, but also its characteristics depends on it. As in the case of the profile, you should not give preference only to famous brands, you need to familiarize yourself with all the parameters in detail. This also applies to new technologies used in the manufacture.

Let's talk about how to choose plastic windows correctly. In a modern apartment, all interior details should be carefully thought out, because they are a significant part of your life.

Therefore, the choice of such an important detail of the interior of your home as windows should be approached with particular care, paying attention not only to aesthetics, but also to reliability in operation. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of windows in a modern apartment, because it is through them that sunlight, air, as well as external sound sources enter the room.

How to choose good plastic windows

Let's take a closer look at modern metal-plastic windows and consider the advantages that make them so popular. One of the main advantages is soundproofing. Now the noise of the street will not prevent you from enjoying the comfort and coziness of your home nest.

Having installed metal-plastic windows in your house, you can be sure that even in severe winter the house will be warm, because such windows favorably feature a high level of thermal insulation.

Reliability and durability are no less important characteristics of modern metal-plastic structures. Since the windows are not exposed to the summer sun, rain and frost, in other words, they are not exposed to atmospheric influences, and as a result they do not warp, do not crack, their service life is up to 20 years.

Also, metal-plastic windows are unpretentious in care - you just need to remember to wash them from time to time. detergent. A wide range of shapes, colors, textures and design methods allows you to realize the most unusual design ideas, and simply give the room a cozy and elegant look.

How to choose best windows When choosing between plastic and wooden ones, take the combined ones, because they contain all the advantages and eliminate the disadvantages of these two types.

We made sure that metal-plastic windows are ideal solution for a modern, warm and cozy home. Now let's dive into the details. How to choose good plastic windows, the most common types of window designs are blind, tilt and turn.

Which window profile to choose

So, a blind window is a fixed, non-opening window. In operation, it is more reliable, since it does not have moving parts, but the room still needs to be ventilated, and therefore the combination of a blind window and a window that opens is popular.

Opening windows are divided into rotary and tilt-and-turn. A hinged window is a structure that opens with sashes inward, that is, traditionally.

More complex design is a tilt-and-turn window that opens both inward, horizontally, and vertically (the upper part of the window leans back). This design is more convenient, because you yourself choose how convenient it is to open the window at a particular moment. Which window profile to choose is up to you, of course, but the tilt-and-turn design is the most popular.

Depending on the size of the room, you can choose a single-leaf window (which consists of one window structure), a double-leaf window (it, respectively, consists of two window structures), and a three-leaf window. When installing windows, it is necessary, if possible, to avoid wide sashes, for the reason that they go far into the room and do not allow the use of areas of living space. In addition, the “heavy” sash creates an additional load on the fittings.

How many cameras should there be?

Very important point is the number of window cameras. The more chambers the window includes, the stronger and warmer it will be. Accordingly, if you want to protect yourself from the jokes of a harsh winter, it would be more profitable to choose a three-chamber double-glazed window, consisting of four glasses, between which three air chambers are formed.

The thickness of the glass is 4 mm, the space between the glasses is 10 mm. With simple calculations, we get the thickness of a three-chamber double-glazed window of 48 mm. If you are not afraid of frost, or in winter time the climate pleases with mild weather, you can stop at a one- or two-chamber window. But residents of panel houses need to take note that double-glazed windows do not provide optimal thermal insulation.

The space between the glasses, except for air, is filled with inert gases or their mixtures to improve the heat and sound insulating characteristics of the double-glazed window. The most commonly used are argon and krypton, which are obtained by separation from liquefied atmospheric air.

When choosing a double-glazed window, it is important to remember that the thermal insulation of a window directly depends on the tightness, thickness of the glasses and the distance between them. And tightness, in turn, depends on the quality of the sealant.

Cheap designs use a short-lived silicone sealant, which will cost twice as much to replace, from its original cost.

What should be the glass

In modern windows, instead of ordinary glass, so-called low-emission (energy-saving) glass can be used, with a special coating with a layer of silver atoms.

Advice. You can check the privacy of windows in a simple way: Bring a lit lighter or match to the window. By the number of reflections of the light in the window, judge the number of cameras: if there are three reflections, then the window is two-chamber, and if four, it is three-chamber.

Also, using a match or a lighter, you can check for the presence of energy-saving glass - it does not cast a red, but a purple glow.

How long a new window will serve you depends on the thickness of the metal reinforcing profile that reinforces the PVC structure, which, in without fail must be galvanized, otherwise after a while corrosion will begin to destroy it.

Often, the cost of double-glazed windows is associated with the absence of galvanized iron. But, as the proverb says, we are not rich enough to buy cheap goods. When answering the question of how to choose the best windows, you need to remember that with savings, you can later spend more on replacement and repair.


A very important addition to the window design is fittings. Having spent money on windows, you should not save on bolts, handles, rotary mechanisms, and other little things, otherwise you will suffer from skewed sashes that constantly jam and stop. Additional expenses will not hit your wallet, but will pay off a hundredfold.

White is considered the traditional color of double-glazed windows, but if there is a desire, the color and texture can be ordered for every taste: both in a different color and “under the tree”. Accessories are additionally purchased: mosquito nets, window sills, protective glasses and etc.

No less important than the quality of the windows themselves is the installation process, on which the quality of their operation largely depends. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to personally control the installation of windows.


When choosing windows, special attention should be paid to the manufacturer. To date, the most famous and reliable manufacturers on our market are Rehau, Salamander, VEKA and others.

Founded in 1948 in the Bavarian city of Rehau, Rehau was the first company to replace conventional materials with polymers. For more than half a century, Rehau has delighted customers with outstanding innovative technologies and high reliability.

The German company Salamander started producing profiles for PVC windows and doors manufacturers in 1973, and today the company is one of the leading European manufacturers of PVC profiles for window structures.

VEKA is also a German company, known in the CIS market for more than ten years. The company's products are distinguished by a wide choice of design forms and a variety of color shades. Of the advantages of the company's window structures, one can confidently name strength, tightness and good ventilation. But Veka windows do not always come out of the battle with fifty-degree frosts with honor.

I hope we answered your question, how to choose plastic windows correctly and not regret your decision. Choose worthy and enjoy the warmth and comfort of the hearth!

Plastic windows have long and firmly entered our lives. The "plastic" market is oversaturated, and newspapers and magazines are full of ads from window and door manufacturers. Firms offer a variety of discounts and bonuses to win customers, and most consumers make their choice in favor of a particular firm based mainly on the profitability of a particular offer. The result of such a strategy is not immediately visible, as a rule, a bunch of problems begin to bloom along with the arrival of cold weather. The windows begin to sweat, frost may appear at the junction of the frame and the sash, and after a few months the drafts return again, despite all assurances that the window is “tight”.

Today we will give some tips on how to choose the right plastic window and what you need to pay attention to first of all, so that later it will not be “excruciatingly painful”.

Profile manufacturer

Despite the fact that many factories for the production of "domestic" plastic profiles for windows have already been launched in Russia, its quality often leaves much to be desired. This is not even connected with technology - it is copied from the world leaders in this field, but in the peculiarities of the Russian mentality and methods of work. Reliance on "maybe" and the desire to save on everything you can (after all, the competition in the market is very high), ultimately affects the end consumers. Therefore, if financially possible, choose proven manufacturers, the same German original REHAU. The quality of this profile speaks for itself - the very first windows made of it, installed in Russia over 10 years ago, still have not lost their quality or appearance.

Profile stiffness - reinforcing elements

Inside each plastic window there is a reinforcing belt made of a metal profile. It is designed to keep the window "in frame" with seasonal temperature fluctuations. Many manufacturers also save on this, not taking into account Russian realities, because in many areas the temperature can range from -30°C in winter to +40°C in summer in the shade. Such extreme conditions steel insert in plastic profile must be in all elements of the window and its thickness must be at least 1.5 mm. Only then the window will not be significantly deformed, which will ensure both a long service life and the absence of drafts.

plastic type

Low-quality profiles are sometimes made of plastic with a matte finish. Be aware that such plastic literally absorbs dirt and it can be very difficult to wipe it off even with the use of special means for the care of plastic windows. And they are also very expensive.

At the same time, glossy plastic, even not the most expensive one, is much less susceptible to dirt and is easy to clean. Yes, and it looks much better.

Double glazing - single or double glazing?

If you live in a noisy area, or just your window overlooks the highway - we advise you not to be stingy and order a double-glazed window. It will come out a little more expensive, but it's worth it - the noise will be damped much more efficiently and the heat loss will be less. Many people understand a double-glazed window as a double-glazed window with two glasses, but this is not so. Such a package has three glasses, between which there are two air chambers. And a package with two glasses creates only one chamber and is called single-chamber.

Please note - for the best noise suppression, the distance between the glasses in a double-glazed window must be different, that is, the metal spacers inside the package must be of different thicknesses. Ideally, the inner glass should be slightly thinner than the outer ones - this will further reduce noise.

One caveat - due to the greater weight of a double-glazed window, not all fittings are able to withstand the weight of the opening sash for a long time without displacement. Therefore, approach the choice of accessories especially carefully.

Heat reflective glass

A double-glazed window is usually assembled from standard float glass - this is a glass of increased transparency. However, if you care about the energy efficiency of your home, you can choose special energy-saving glass. Sometimes it is also called K-glass or IR-glass. It differs from the usual special coating, which reflects the infrared range of waves, that is, heat. Thus, in winter, the heat from your room will not go outside, and in summer, on the contrary, the heat from the sun's rays will be significantly weakened by the IR coating of the glass.

Of course, such glass is more expensive than usual, but the comfort in a house with such windows is much higher.

Ventilation with plastic windows

Ventilation is one of the main problems faced by the owner of plastic windows. According to the old GOSTs, the influx of fresh air in houses was provided through leaks in window frames and entrance doors. Therefore, you will not find ordinary apartment supply ventilation, there is only an extractor fan - usually in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

The plastic window meets completely different standards. Properly installed and fitted, it provides airtight insulation from the street. And the disadvantages of this are familiar, perhaps, to everyone who has changed their old wooden windows on new plastic - the windows sweat, the air in the house becomes "stale" and stuffy.

There may be several exits. The simplest and most common is the possibility of tilting the sash with gap adjustment - this way you can regulate the flow of fresh air. In addition, there are micro-slit ventilation systems and even special supply valves that cut directly into the window frame. However, all these options are technologically different depending on the manufacturer of the profile and fittings, so this issue needs to be clarified on the spot.

advice from personal experience- do not install a mortise valve type Aereco. It is convenient only in the off-season, in the summer its capabilities are not enough - you have to open the sash for better ventilation, and it is not at all suitable for the Russian winter. Even with intermediate insulating spacers, the valve quickly freezes when lowering outside temperature below -5°C, covered with ice and subsequently abundantly overgrown with mold. If you need constant ventilation - choose a similar system that provides heat recovery, that is, heating the incoming cold air from the street due to the warm air coming out. And remember that if you decide to install a mortise valve - the frame will be hopelessly damaged and you won’t be able to simply remove the valve in the future - the hole will need to be covered with something, insulated and sealed.


Fittings can rightfully be called the most important part of the window, since it is precisely it that constantly holds the sash in the right position, provides a tight fit, no gaps, and even window security features.

Cheap, low-quality fittings on a sash with a double-glazed window are guaranteed problems within six months after installation. Poor fittings cannot withstand the weight of a heavy sash with three glasses, the sash gradually falls to one side and even the ability to adjust, built into the fittings themselves, does not save the situation.

In addition, poor-quality fittings are unable to evenly and tightly press the sash against the window frame. As a result, cracks and good old drafts appear. The only plus in this is the occurrence natural ventilation, but you are unlikely to be very pleased with such a "plus" ...

Don't skimp on the little things

If the need for a window sill is clear to everyone, then many are trying to save money on other “little things”, like ebbs, mosquito nets and high-quality slopes. As practice shows, the savings now turn into additional, much larger costs in the future.

Without drainage, rain will fall into the gap between the window and the wall, destroying the mounting foam (and it absorbs water like a sponge) and wall material (especially in winter). does not seem such a necessity, but exactly until the moment when mosquitoes and midges wake up and you will repeatedly regret that you did not install this grid right away.

quality plastic slopes- severe necessity. Considering that, as a rule, a plastic window is installed with a maximum outward movement, as a result of the dew point shift, constant fogging begins not only of the window itself, but also of the slopes. And where there is moisture, there is mold. Slopes made handicraft, especially with the use of hygroscopic materials such as drywall, planted on mounting foam, "bloom" in the very first winter. And in order to maintain a normal appearance in the future, you will have to impregnate them with an antiseptic a couple of times a year, scrape off the mold that has managed to germinate, putty the affected areas and repaint ...

sealant- Another little thing that should not be overlooked. The standard black seal is rubber-based and tends to "tan" at low temperatures, forming leaks and crevices. Many companies offer a white or transparent elastomer-based seal as an alternative - although it is more expensive, it is much less demanding on temperature regime and has a longer service life. And in any case, do not forget to lubricate the entire seal for the winter either with a special compound recommended by the manufacturer or with silicone oil.

Installation of plastic windows

Many people think that there are no difficulties in installing a plastic window either. Indeed, what is there to drill a few holes in the wall, fasten with screws and then pour everything mounting foam? But the devil is in the details and professional installers know this very well, but they are unlikely to give you all the secrets of their business.

An important point when installing a window is the observance of all the little things. There is a special GOST 30971-2002 "Mounting seams of adjoining window blocks to wall openings", which describes in detail how to properly install a window frame in window hole. The assembly seam should consist of three layers:

  1. external water-proof, but vapor-permeable;
  2. central thermal insulation;
  3. internal vapor barrier.

Most installers do not follow this GOST, trying to save money at this stage, because the installation is included in the price of the window. However, we strongly advise you to find a company in your city that performs installation in strict accordance with this GOST, this will slightly increase your costs, but will provide really quality work. And then your window will stand for many years, delighting you with its appearance and performance!